/* Header autogenerated by Brandon Falk's PDB Dumper * * Invocation: C:\projects\pdbdump_2\pdbdump.exe L:\symbolarchive\win8_spB_x64\windows.globalization.fontgroups.pdb\4A84797E15ED434BA3567FBA879359841\windows.globalization.fontgroups.pdb */ enum WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE { WinNullSid = 0, WinWorldSid = 1, WinLocalSid = 2, WinCreatorOwnerSid = 3, WinCreatorGroupSid = 4, WinCreatorOwnerServerSid = 5, WinCreatorGroupServerSid = 6, WinNtAuthoritySid = 7, WinDialupSid = 8, WinNetworkSid = 9, WinBatchSid = 10, WinInteractiveSid = 11, WinServiceSid = 12, WinAnonymousSid = 13, WinProxySid = 14, WinEnterpriseControllersSid = 15, WinSelfSid = 16, WinAuthenticatedUserSid = 17, WinRestrictedCodeSid = 18, WinTerminalServerSid = 19, WinRemoteLogonIdSid = 20, WinLogonIdsSid = 21, WinLocalSystemSid = 22, WinLocalServiceSid = 23, WinNetworkServiceSid = 24, WinBuiltinDomainSid = 25, WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid = 26, WinBuiltinUsersSid = 27, WinBuiltinGuestsSid = 28, WinBuiltinPowerUsersSid = 29, WinBuiltinAccountOperatorsSid = 30, WinBuiltinSystemOperatorsSid = 31, WinBuiltinPrintOperatorsSid = 32, WinBuiltinBackupOperatorsSid = 33, WinBuiltinReplicatorSid = 34, WinBuiltinPreWindows2000CompatibleAccessSid = 35, WinBuiltinRemoteDesktopUsersSid = 36, WinBuiltinNetworkConfigurationOperatorsSid = 37, WinAccountAdministratorSid = 38, WinAccountGuestSid = 39, WinAccountKrbtgtSid = 40, WinAccountDomainAdminsSid = 41, WinAccountDomainUsersSid = 42, WinAccountDomainGuestsSid = 43, WinAccountComputersSid = 44, WinAccountControllersSid = 45, WinAccountCertAdminsSid = 46, WinAccountSchemaAdminsSid = 47, WinAccountEnterpriseAdminsSid = 48, WinAccountPolicyAdminsSid = 49, WinAccountRasAndIasServersSid = 50, WinNTLMAuthenticationSid = 51, WinDigestAuthenticationSid = 52, WinSChannelAuthenticationSid = 53, WinThisOrganizationSid = 54, WinOtherOrganizationSid = 55, WinBuiltinIncomingForestTrustBuildersSid = 56, WinBuiltinPerfMonitoringUsersSid = 57, WinBuiltinPerfLoggingUsersSid = 58, WinBuiltinAuthorizationAccessSid = 59, WinBuiltinTerminalServerLicenseServersSid = 60, WinBuiltinDCOMUsersSid = 61, WinBuiltinIUsersSid = 62, WinIUserSid = 63, WinBuiltinCryptoOperatorsSid = 64, WinUntrustedLabelSid = 65, WinLowLabelSid = 66, WinMediumLabelSid = 67, WinHighLabelSid = 68, WinSystemLabelSid = 69, WinWriteRestrictedCodeSid = 70, WinCreatorOwnerRightsSid = 71, WinCacheablePrincipalsGroupSid = 72, WinNonCacheablePrincipalsGroupSid = 73, WinEnterpriseReadonlyControllersSid = 74, WinAccountReadonlyControllersSid = 75, WinBuiltinEventLogReadersGroup = 76, WinNewEnterpriseReadonlyControllersSid = 77, WinBuiltinCertSvcDComAccessGroup = 78, WinMediumPlusLabelSid = 79, WinLocalLogonSid = 80, WinConsoleLogonSid = 81, WinThisOrganizationCertificateSid = 82, WinApplicationPackageAuthoritySid = 83, WinBuiltinAnyPackageSid = 84, WinCapabilityInternetClientSid = 85, WinCapabilityInternetClientServerSid = 86, WinCapabilityPrivateNetworkClientServerSid = 87, WinCapabilityPicturesLibrarySid = 88, WinCapabilityVideosLibrarySid = 89, WinCapabilityMusicLibrarySid = 90, WinCapabilityDocumentsLibrarySid = 91, WinCapabilitySharedUserCertificatesSid = 92, WinCapabilityDefaultWindowsCredentialsSid = 93, WinCapabilityRemovableStorageSid = 94, WinBuiltinRDSRemoteAccessServersSid = 95, WinBuiltinRDSEndpointServersSid = 96, WinBuiltinRDSManagementServersSid = 97, WinUserModeDriversSid = 98, WinBuiltinHyperVAdminsSid = 99 }; enum POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL { SystemPowerPolicyAc = 0, SystemPowerPolicyDc = 1, VerifySystemPolicyAc = 2, VerifySystemPolicyDc = 3, SystemPowerCapabilities = 4, SystemBatteryState = 5, SystemPowerStateHandler = 6, ProcessorStateHandler = 7, SystemPowerPolicyCurrent = 8, AdministratorPowerPolicy = 9, SystemReserveHiberFile = 10, ProcessorInformation = 11, SystemPowerInformation = 12, ProcessorStateHandler2 = 13, LastWakeTime = 14, LastSleepTime = 15, SystemExecutionState = 16, SystemPowerStateNotifyHandler = 17, ProcessorPowerPolicyAc = 18, ProcessorPowerPolicyDc = 19, VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyAc = 20, VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyDc = 21, ProcessorPowerPolicyCurrent = 22, SystemPowerStateLogging = 23, SystemPowerLoggingEntry = 24, SetPowerSettingValue = 25, NotifyUserPowerSetting = 26, PowerInformationLevelUnused0 = 27, SystemMonitorHiberBootPowerOff = 28, SystemVideoState = 29, TraceApplicationPowerMessage = 30, TraceApplicationPowerMessageEnd = 31, ProcessorPerfStates = 32, ProcessorIdleStates = 33, ProcessorCap = 34, SystemWakeSource = 35, SystemHiberFileInformation = 36, TraceServicePowerMessage = 37, ProcessorLoad = 38, PowerShutdownNotification = 39, MonitorCapabilities = 40, SessionPowerInit = 41, SessionDisplayState = 42, PowerRequestCreate = 43, PowerRequestAction = 44, GetPowerRequestList = 45, ProcessorInformationEx = 46, NotifyUserModeLegacyPowerEvent = 47, GroupPark = 48, ProcessorIdleDomains = 49, WakeTimerList = 50, SystemHiberFileSize = 51, ProcessorIdleStatesHv = 52, ProcessorPerfStatesHv = 53, ProcessorPerfCapHv = 54, ProcessorSetIdle = 55, LogicalProcessorIdling = 56, UserPresence = 57, PowerSettingNotificationName = 58, GetPowerSettingValue = 59, IdleResiliency = 60, SessionRITState = 61, SessionConnectNotification = 62, SessionPowerCleanup = 63, SessionLockState = 64, SystemHiberbootState = 65, PlatformInformation = 66, PdcInvocation = 67, MonitorInvocation = 68, FirmwareTableInformationRegistered = 69, SetShutdownSelectedTime = 70, PowerInformationLevelMaximum = 71 }; enum _styleFontStretch { styleFontStretchNotSet = 0, styleFontStretchWider = 1, styleFontStretchNarrower = 2, styleFontStretchUltraCondensed = 3, styleFontStretchExtraCondensed = 4, styleFontStretchCondensed = 5, styleFontStretchSemiCondensed = 6, styleFontStretchNormal = 7, styleFontStretchSemiExpanded = 8, styleFontStretchExpanded = 9, styleFontStretchExtraExpanded = 10, styleFontStretchUltraExpanded = 11, /* styleFontStretch_Max = Unavail */ }; /* enum Gdiplus::EmfPlusRecordType { WmfRecordTypeSetBkColor = Unavail }; */ enum OLE_TRISTATE { triUnchecked = 0, triChecked = 1, triGray = 2 }; enum _textpathMethodtype { TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_ALIGN = 1, TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_STRETCH = 2, /* textpathMethodtype_Max = Unavail */ }; enum DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER { DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED = 0, DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER_PROGRESSIVE = 1, DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER_UPPER_FIELD_FIRST = 2, DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER_LOWER_FIELD_FIRST = 3 }; enum _stylePointerEvents { stylePointerEventsNotSet = 0, stylePointerEventsVisiblePainted = 1, stylePointerEventsVisibleFill = 2, stylePointerEventsVisibleStroke = 3, stylePointerEventsVisible = 4, stylePointerEventsPainted = 5, stylePointerEventsFill = 6, stylePointerEventsStroke = 7, stylePointerEventsAll = 8, stylePointerEventsNone = 9, /* stylePointerEvents_Max = Unavail */ }; enum DXGI_MODE_SCALING { DXGI_MODE_SCALING_UNSPECIFIED = 0, DXGI_MODE_SCALING_CENTERED = 1, DXGI_MODE_SCALING_STRETCHED = 2 }; enum _textpathSpacingtype { TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_AUTO = 1, TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_EXACT = 2, /* textpathSpacingtype_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagSFBS_FLAGS { SFBS_FLAGS_ROUND_TO_NEAREST_DISPLAYED_DIGIT = 1, SFBS_FLAGS_TRUNCATE_UNDISPLAYED_DECIMAL_DIGITS = 2 }; enum DXGI_MODE_ROTATION { DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_UNSPECIFIED = 0, DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_IDENTITY = 1, DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE90 = 2, DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE180 = 3, DXGI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE270 = 4 }; enum _styleEnableBackground { styleEnableBackgroundNotSet = 0, styleEnableBackgroundAccumulate = 1, styleEnableBackgroundNew = 2, styleEnableBackgroundInherit = 3, /* styleEnableBackground_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _RPC_NOTIFICATIONS { RpcNotificationCallNone = 0, RpcNotificationClientDisconnect = 1, RpcNotificationCallCancel = 2 }; enum _styleStrokeLinecap { styleStrokeLinecapNotSet = 0, styleStrokeLinecapButt = 1, styleStrokeLinecapRound = 2, styleStrokeLinecapSquare = 3, /* styleStrokeLinecap_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _TRANSACTION_OUTCOME { TransactionOutcomeUndetermined = 1, TransactionOutcomeCommitted = 2, TransactionOutcomeAborted = 3 }; enum tagACTIVATEFLAGS { ACTIVATE_WINDOWLESS = 1 }; enum _TRANSACTION_STATE { TransactionStateNormal = 1, TransactionStateIndoubt = 2, TransactionStateCommittedNotify = 3 }; enum _styleStrokeLinejoin { styleStrokeLinejoinNotSet = 0, styleStrokeLinejoinMiter = 1, styleStrokeLinejoinRound = 2, styleStrokeLinejoinBevel = 3, /* styleStrokeLinejoin_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _ELEMENT_CORNER { ELEMENT_CORNER_NONE = 0, ELEMENT_CORNER_TOP = 1, ELEMENT_CORNER_LEFT = 2, ELEMENT_CORNER_BOTTOM = 3, ELEMENT_CORNER_RIGHT = 4, ELEMENT_CORNER_TOPLEFT = 5, ELEMENT_CORNER_TOPRIGHT = 6, ELEMENT_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT = 7, ELEMENT_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT = 8, /* ELEMENT_CORNER_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagMKSYS { MKSYS_NONE = 0, MKSYS_GENERICCOMPOSITE = 1, MKSYS_FILEMONIKER = 2, MKSYS_ANTIMONIKER = 3, MKSYS_ITEMMONIKER = 4, MKSYS_POINTERMONIKER = 5, MKSYS_CLASSMONIKER = 7, MKSYS_OBJREFMONIKER = 8, MKSYS_SESSIONMONIKER = 9, MKSYS_LUAMONIKER = 10 }; enum _styleTextAnchor { styleTextAnchorNotSet = 0, styleTextAnchorStart = 1, styleTextAnchorMiddle = 2, styleTextAnchorEnd = 3, /* styleTextAnchor_Max = Unavail */ }; enum IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE { IMPORT_OBJECT_CODE = 0, IMPORT_OBJECT_DATA = 1, IMPORT_OBJECT_CONST = 2 }; enum tagOLEDCFLAGS { OLEDC_NODRAW = 1, OLEDC_PAINTBKGND = 2, OLEDC_OFFSCREEN = 4 }; enum _styleAttrType { styleAttrTypeString = 0, styleAttrTypeColor = 1, styleAttrTypeUrl = 2, styleAttrTypeInteger = 3, styleAttrTypeNumber = 4, styleAttrTypeLength = 5, styleAttrTypePx = 6, styleAttrTypeEm = 7, styleAttrTypeEx = 8, styleAttrTypeIn = 9, styleAttrTypeCm = 10, styleAttrTypeMm = 11, styleAttrTypePt = 12, styleAttrTypePc = 13, styleAttrTypeRem = 14, styleAttrTypeCh = 15, styleAttrTypeVh = 16, styleAttrTypeVw = 17, styleAttrTypeVm = 18, styleAttrTypePercentage = 19, styleAttrTypeAngle = 20, styleAttrTypeDeg = 21, styleAttrTypeRad = 22, styleAttrTypeGrad = 23, styleAttrTypeTime = 24, styleAttrTypeS = 25, styleAttrTypeMs = 26, /* styleAttrType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _SECUREURLHOSTVALIDATE_FLAGS { SUHV_PROMPTBEFORENO = 1, SUHV_SILENTYES = 2, SUHV_UNSECURESOURCE = 4, /* SECUREURLHOSTVALIDATE_FLAGS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE { IMPORT_OBJECT_ORDINAL = 0, IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME = 1, IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_NO_PREFIX = 2, IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_UNDECORATE = 3 }; /* enum tagMKREDUCE { MKRREDUCE_ONE = Unavail }; */ enum RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE { PROTOCOL_NOT_LOADED = 1, PROTOCOL_LOADED = 2, PROTOCOL_ADDRESS_CHANGE = 3 }; enum ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines { COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY = 1, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED = 2, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_IL_LIBRARY = 4, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_STRONGNAMESIGNED = 8, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT = 16, /* COMIMAGE_FLAGS_TRACKDEBUGDATA = Unavail */ }; enum _POINTER_GRAVITY { POINTER_GRAVITY_Left = 0, POINTER_GRAVITY_Right = 1, /* POINTER_GRAVITY_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagURLZONE { URLZONE_INVALID = -1, URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MIN = 0, URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0, URLZONE_INTRANET = 1, URLZONE_TRUSTED = 2, URLZONE_INTERNET = 3, URLZONE_UNTRUSTED = 4, URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MAX = 999, URLZONE_USER_MIN = 1000, URLZONE_USER_MAX = 10000 }; enum _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY { ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin = 0, ELEM_ADJ_AfterBegin = 1, ELEM_ADJ_BeforeEnd = 2, ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd = 3, /* ELEMENT_ADJACENCY_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE { CONTEXT_TYPE_None = 0, CONTEXT_TYPE_Text = 1, CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope = 2, CONTEXT_TYPE_ExitScope = 3, CONTEXT_TYPE_NoScope = 4, /* MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE_Max = Unavail */ }; enum POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { UserNotPresent = 0, UserPresent = 1, UserUnknown = 255 }; enum tagURLTEMPLATE { URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM = 0, /* URLTEMPLATE_PREDEFINED_MIN = Unavail */ }; enum _FINDTEXT_FLAGS { FINDTEXT_BACKWARDS = 1, FINDTEXT_WHOLEWORD = 2, FINDTEXT_MATCHCASE = 4, /* FINDTEXT_RAW = Unavail */ }; enum _styleInitialColor { styleInitialColorNoInitial = 0, styleInitialColorColorProperty = 1, styleInitialColorTransparent = 2, styleInitialColorInvert = 3, /* styleInitialColor_Max = Unavail */ }; enum ATL::_CTIMESPANFORMATSTEP { _CTFS_NONE = 0, _CTFS_FORMAT = 1, _CTFS_NZ = 2 }; enum __MIDL_IInternetZoneManager_0001 { MAX_ZONE_PATH = 260, MAX_ZONE_DESCRIPTION = 200 }; enum _styleInitialString { styleInitialStringNoInitial = 0, styleInitialStringNone = 1, styleInitialStringAuto = 2, styleInitialStringNormal = 3, /* styleInitialString_Max = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IInternetZoneManager_0002 { ZAFLAGS_CUSTOM_EDIT = 1, ZAFLAGS_ADD_SITES = 2, ZAFLAGS_REQUIRE_VERIFICATION = 4, ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_PROXY_OVERRIDE = 8, ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_INTRANET_SITES = 16, ZAFLAGS_NO_UI = 32, ZAFLAGS_SUPPORTS_VERIFICATION = 64, ZAFLAGS_UNC_AS_INTRANET = 128, ZAFLAGS_DETECT_INTRANET = 256, /* ZAFLAGS_USE_LOCKED_ZONES = Unavail */ }; enum _MOVEUNIT_ACTION { MOVEUNIT_PREVCHAR = 0, MOVEUNIT_NEXTCHAR = 1, MOVEUNIT_PREVCLUSTERBEGIN = 2, MOVEUNIT_NEXTCLUSTERBEGIN = 3, MOVEUNIT_PREVCLUSTEREND = 4, MOVEUNIT_NEXTCLUSTEREND = 5, MOVEUNIT_PREVWORDBEGIN = 6, MOVEUNIT_NEXTWORDBEGIN = 7, MOVEUNIT_PREVWORDEND = 8, MOVEUNIT_NEXTWORDEND = 9, MOVEUNIT_PREVPROOFWORD = 10, MOVEUNIT_NEXTPROOFWORD = 11, MOVEUNIT_NEXTURLBEGIN = 12, MOVEUNIT_PREVURLBEGIN = 13, MOVEUNIT_NEXTURLEND = 14, MOVEUNIT_PREVURLEND = 15, MOVEUNIT_PREVSENTENCE = 16, MOVEUNIT_NEXTSENTENCE = 17, MOVEUNIT_PREVBLOCK = 18, MOVEUNIT_NEXTBLOCK = 19, /* MOVEUNIT_ACTION_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlDesignMode { htmlDesignModeInherit = -1, htmlDesignModeOn = -1, htmlDesignModeOff = 0, /* htmlDesignMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleTransformOriginX { styleTransformOriginXNotSet = 0, styleTransformOriginXLeft = 1, styleTransformOriginXCenter = 2, styleTransformOriginXRight = 3, /* styleTransformOriginX_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlZOrder { htmlZOrderFront = 0, htmlZOrderBack = 1, /* htmlZOrder_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagVIEWSTATUS { VIEWSTATUS_OPAQUE = 1, VIEWSTATUS_SOLIDBKGND = 2, VIEWSTATUS_DVASPECTOPAQUE = 4, VIEWSTATUS_DVASPECTTRANSPARENT = 8, VIEWSTATUS_SURFACE = 16, VIEWSTATUS_3DSURFACE = 32 }; enum _styleTransformOriginY { styleTransformOriginYNotSet = 0, styleTransformOriginYTop = 1, styleTransformOriginYCenter = 2, styleTransformOriginYBottom = 3, /* styleTransformOriginY_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _WSACOMPLETIONTYPE { NSP_NOTIFY_IMMEDIATELY = 0, NSP_NOTIFY_HWND = 1, NSP_NOTIFY_EVENT = 2, NSP_NOTIFY_PORT = 3, NSP_NOTIFY_APC = 4 }; enum _htmlClear { htmlClearNotSet = 0, htmlClearAll = 1, htmlClearLeft = 2, htmlClearRight = 3, htmlClearBoth = 4, htmlClearNone = 5, /* htmlClear_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagHITRESULT { HITRESULT_OUTSIDE = 0, HITRESULT_TRANSPARENT = 1, HITRESULT_CLOSE = 2, HITRESULT_HIT = 3 }; enum _stylePerspectiveOriginX { stylePerspectiveOriginXNotSet = 0, stylePerspectiveOriginXLeft = 1, stylePerspectiveOriginXCenter = 2, stylePerspectiveOriginXRight = 3, /* stylePerspectiveOriginX_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _PARSE_FLAGS { PARSE_ABSOLUTIFYIE40URLS = 1, PARSE_DISABLEVML = 2, /* PARSE_FLAGS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlControlAlign { htmlControlAlignNotSet = 0, htmlControlAlignLeft = 1, htmlControlAlignCenter = 2, htmlControlAlignRight = 3, htmlControlAlignTextTop = 4, htmlControlAlignAbsMiddle = 5, htmlControlAlignBaseline = 6, htmlControlAlignAbsBottom = 7, htmlControlAlignBottom = 8, htmlControlAlignMiddle = 9, htmlControlAlignTop = 10, /* htmlControlAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagDVASPECT2 { DVASPECT_OPAQUE = 16, DVASPECT_TRANSPARENT = 32 }; enum _stylePerspectiveOriginY { stylePerspectiveOriginYNotSet = 0, stylePerspectiveOriginYTop = 1, stylePerspectiveOriginYCenter = 2, stylePerspectiveOriginYBottom = 3, /* stylePerspectiveOriginY_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _ELEMENT_TAG_ID { TAGID_NULL = 0, TAGID_UNKNOWN = 1, TAGID_A = 2, TAGID_ACRONYM = 3, TAGID_ADDRESS = 4, TAGID_APPLET = 5, TAGID_AREA = 6, TAGID_B = 7, TAGID_BASE = 8, TAGID_BASEFONT = 9, TAGID_BDO = 10, TAGID_BGSOUND = 11, TAGID_BIG = 12, TAGID_BLINK = 13, TAGID_BLOCKQUOTE = 14, TAGID_BODY = 15, TAGID_BR = 16, TAGID_BUTTON = 17, TAGID_CAPTION = 18, TAGID_CENTER = 19, TAGID_CITE = 20, TAGID_CODE = 21, TAGID_COL = 22, TAGID_COLGROUP = 23, TAGID_COMMENT = 24, TAGID_COMMENT_RAW = 25, TAGID_DD = 26, TAGID_DEL = 27, TAGID_DFN = 28, TAGID_DIR = 29, TAGID_DIV = 30, TAGID_DL = 31, TAGID_DT = 32, TAGID_EM = 33, TAGID_EMBED = 34, TAGID_FIELDSET = 35, TAGID_FONT = 36, TAGID_FORM = 37, TAGID_FRAME = 38, TAGID_FRAMESET = 39, TAGID_GENERIC = 40, TAGID_H1 = 41, TAGID_H2 = 42, TAGID_H3 = 43, TAGID_H4 = 44, TAGID_H5 = 45, TAGID_H6 = 46, TAGID_HEAD = 47, TAGID_HR = 48, TAGID_HTML = 49, TAGID_I = 50, TAGID_IFRAME = 51, TAGID_IMG = 52, TAGID_INPUT = 53, TAGID_INS = 54, TAGID_KBD = 55, TAGID_LABEL = 56, TAGID_LEGEND = 57, TAGID_LI = 58, TAGID_LINK = 59, TAGID_LISTING = 60, TAGID_MAP = 61, TAGID_MARQUEE = 62, TAGID_MENU = 63, TAGID_META = 64, TAGID_NEXTID = 65, TAGID_NOBR = 66, TAGID_NOEMBED = 67, TAGID_NOFRAMES = 68, TAGID_NOSCRIPT = 69, TAGID_OBJECT = 70, TAGID_OL = 71, TAGID_OPTION = 72, TAGID_P = 73, TAGID_PARAM = 74, TAGID_PLAINTEXT = 75, TAGID_PRE = 76, TAGID_Q = 77, TAGID_RP = 78, TAGID_RT = 79, TAGID_RUBY = 80, TAGID_S = 81, TAGID_SAMP = 82, TAGID_SCRIPT = 83, TAGID_SELECT = 84, TAGID_SMALL = 85, TAGID_SPAN = 86, TAGID_STRIKE = 87, TAGID_STRONG = 88, TAGID_STYLE = 89, TAGID_SUB = 90, TAGID_SUP = 91, TAGID_TABLE = 92, TAGID_TBODY = 93, TAGID_TC = 94, TAGID_TD = 95, TAGID_TEXTAREA = 96, TAGID_TFOOT = 97, TAGID_TH = 98, TAGID_THEAD = 99, TAGID_TITLE = 100, TAGID_TR = 101, TAGID_TT = 102, TAGID_U = 103, TAGID_UL = 104, TAGID_VAR = 105, TAGID_WBR = 106, TAGID_XMP = 107, TAGID_ROOT = 108, TAGID_OPTGROUP = 109, TAGID_ABBR = 110, TAGID_SVG_A = 111, TAGID_SVG_ALTGLYPH = 112, TAGID_SVG_ALTGLYPHDEF = 113, TAGID_SVG_ALTGLYPHITEM = 114, TAGID_SVG_ANIMATE = 115, TAGID_SVG_ANIMATECOLOR = 116, TAGID_SVG_ANIMATEMOTION = 117, TAGID_SVG_ANIMATETRANSFORM = 118, TAGID_SVG_CIRCLE = 119, TAGID_SVG_CLIPPATH = 120, TAGID_SVG_COLOR_PROFILE = 121, TAGID_SVG_CURSOR = 122, TAGID_SVG_DEFINITION_SRC = 123, TAGID_SVG_DEFS = 124, TAGID_SVG_DESC = 125, TAGID_SVG_ELLIPSE = 126, TAGID_SVG_FEBLEND = 127, TAGID_SVG_FECOLORMATRIX = 128, TAGID_SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER = 129, TAGID_SVG_FECOMPOSITE = 130, TAGID_SVG_FECONVOLVEMATRIX = 131, TAGID_SVG_FEDIFFUSELIGHTING = 132, TAGID_SVG_FEDISPLACEMENTMAP = 133, TAGID_SVG_FEDISTANTLIGHT = 134, TAGID_SVG_FEFLOOD = 135, TAGID_SVG_FEFUNCA = 136, TAGID_SVG_FEFUNCB = 137, TAGID_SVG_FEFUNCG = 138, TAGID_SVG_FEFUNCR = 139, TAGID_SVG_FEGAUSSIANBLUR = 140, TAGID_SVG_FEIMAGE = 141, TAGID_SVG_FEMERGE = 142, TAGID_SVG_FEMERGENODE = 143, TAGID_SVG_FEMORPHOLOGY = 144, TAGID_SVG_FEOFFSET = 145, TAGID_SVG_FEPOINTLIGHT = 146, TAGID_SVG_FESPECULARLIGHTING = 147, TAGID_SVG_FESPOTLIGHT = 148, TAGID_SVG_FETILE = 149, TAGID_SVG_FETURBULENCE = 150, TAGID_SVG_FILTER = 151, TAGID_SVG_FONT = 152, TAGID_SVG_FONT_FACE = 153, TAGID_SVG_FONT_FACE_FORMAT = 154, TAGID_SVG_FONT_FACE_NAME = 155, TAGID_SVG_FONT_FACE_SRC = 156, TAGID_SVG_FONT_FACE_URI = 157, TAGID_SVG_FOREIGNOBJECT = 158, TAGID_SVG_G = 159, TAGID_SVG_GLYPH = 160, TAGID_SVG_GLYPHREF = 161, TAGID_SVG_HKERN = 162, TAGID_SVG_IMAGE = 163, TAGID_SVG_LINE = 164, TAGID_SVG_LINEARGRADIENT = 165, TAGID_SVG_MARKER = 166, TAGID_SVG_MASK = 167, TAGID_SVG_METADATA = 168, TAGID_SVG_MISSING_GLYPH = 169, TAGID_SVG_MPATH = 170, TAGID_SVG_PATH = 171, TAGID_SVG_PATTERN = 172, TAGID_SVG_POLYGON = 173, TAGID_SVG_POLYLINE = 174, TAGID_SVG_RADIALGRADIENT = 175, TAGID_SVG_RECT = 176, TAGID_SVG_SCRIPT = 177, TAGID_SVG_SET = 178, TAGID_SVG_STOP = 179, TAGID_SVG_STYLE = 180, TAGID_SVG_SVG = 181, TAGID_SVG_SWITCH = 182, TAGID_SVG_SYMBOL = 183, TAGID_SVG_TEXT = 184, TAGID_SVG_TEXTPATH = 185, TAGID_SVG_TITLE = 186, TAGID_SVG_TREF = 187, TAGID_SVG_TSPAN = 188, TAGID_SVG_USE = 189, TAGID_SVG_VIEW = 190, TAGID_SVG_VKERN = 191, TAGID_AUDIO = 192, TAGID_SOURCE = 193, TAGID_VIDEO = 194, TAGID_CANVAS = 195, TAGID_DOCTYPE = 196, TAGID_KEYGEN = 197, TAGID_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION = 198, TAGID_ARTICLE = 199, TAGID_ASIDE = 200, TAGID_FIGCAPTION = 201, TAGID_FIGURE = 202, TAGID_FOOTER = 203, TAGID_HEADER = 204, TAGID_HGROUP = 205, TAGID_MARK = 206, TAGID_NAV = 207, TAGID_SECTION = 208, TAGID_PROGRESS = 209, TAGID_MATHML_ANNOTATION_XML = 210, TAGID_MATHML_MATH = 211, TAGID_MATHML_MI = 212, TAGID_MATHML_MN = 213, TAGID_MATHML_MO = 214, TAGID_MATHML_MS = 215, TAGID_MATHML_MTEXT = 216, TAGID_DATALIST = 217, TAGID_TRACK = 218, TAGID_ISINDEX = 219, TAGID_COUNT = 220, TAGID_LAST_PREDEFINED = 10000, /* ELEMENT_TAG_ID_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _URLZONEREG { URLZONEREG_DEFAULT = 0, URLZONEREG_HKLM = 1, URLZONEREG_HKCU = 2 }; enum _styleTransformStyle { styleTransformStyleFlat = 0, styleTransformStylePreserve3D = 1, styleTransformStyleNotSet = 2, /* styleTransformStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum STUB_PHASE { STUB_UNMARSHAL = 0, STUB_CALL_SERVER = 1, STUB_MARSHAL = 2, STUB_CALL_SERVER_NO_HRESULT = 3 }; enum _htmlBlockAlign { htmlBlockAlignNotSet = 0, htmlBlockAlignLeft = 1, htmlBlockAlignCenter = 2, htmlBlockAlignRight = 3, htmlBlockAlignJustify = 4, /* htmlBlockAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagExtentMode { DVEXTENT_CONTENT = 0, DVEXTENT_INTEGRAL = 1 }; enum _styleBackfaceVisibility { styleBackfaceVisibilityVisible = 0, styleBackfaceVisibilityHidden = 1, styleBackfaceVisibilityNotSet = 2, /* styleBackfaceVisibility_Max = Unavail */ }; /* enum { ASSOCF_INIT_NOREMAPCLSID = 1, ASSOCF_INIT_BYEXENAME = 2, ASSOCF_OPEN_BYEXENAME = 2, ASSOCF_INIT_DEFAULTTOSTAR = 4, ASSOCF_INIT_DEFAULTTOFOLDER = 8, ASSOCF_NOUSERSETTINGS = 16, ASSOCF_NOTRUNCATE = 32, ASSOCF_VERIFY = 64, ASSOCF_REMAPRUNDLL = 128, ASSOCF_NOFIXUPS = 256, ASSOCF_IGNOREBASECLASS = 512, ASSOCF_INIT_IGNOREUNKNOWN = 1024 }; */ enum PROXY_PHASE { PROXY_CALCSIZE = 0, PROXY_GETBUFFER = 1, PROXY_MARSHAL = 2, PROXY_SENDRECEIVE = 3, PROXY_UNMARSHAL = 4 }; enum tagAspectInfoFlag { DVASPECTINFOFLAG_CANOPTIMIZE = 1 }; enum _styleTextSizeAdjust { styleTextSizeAdjustNone = 0, styleTextSizeAdjustAuto = 1, /* styleTextSizeAdjust_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlReadyState { htmlReadyStateuninitialized = 0, htmlReadyStateloading = 1, htmlReadyStateloaded = 2, htmlReadyStateinteractive = 3, htmlReadyStatecomplete = 4, /* htmlReadyState_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { PMCCounter = 0, MaxHardwareCounterType = 1 }; enum _SC_ACTION_TYPE { SC_ACTION_NONE = 0, SC_ACTION_RESTART = 1, SC_ACTION_REBOOT = 2, SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND = 3 }; enum _styleColorInterpolationFilters { styleColorInterpolationFiltersAuto = 0, styleColorInterpolationFiltersSRgb = 1, styleColorInterpolationFiltersLinearRgb = 2, styleColorInterpolationFiltersNotSet = 3, /* styleColorInterpolationFilters_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY { ProcessDEPPolicy = 0, ProcessASLRPolicy = 1, ProcessStackCheckPolicy = 2, ProcessStrictHandleCheckPolicy = 3, ProcessSystemCallDisablePolicy = 4, MaxProcessMitigationPolicy = 5 }; enum _htmlLoop { htmlLoopLoopInfinite = -1, /* htmlLoop_Max = Unavail */ }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_OTHER = -1, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_HD15 = 0, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SVIDEO = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_COMPOSITE_VIDEO = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_COMPONENT_VIDEO = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DVI = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_HDMI = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_LVDS = 6, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_D_JPN = 8, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SDI = 9, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DISPLAYPORT_EXTERNAL = 10, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DISPLAYPORT_EMBEDDED = 11, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_UDI_EXTERNAL = 12, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_UDI_EMBEDDED = 13, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SDTVDONGLE = 14, = 32771 }; enum ASSOCSTR { ASSOCSTR_COMMAND = 1, ASSOCSTR_EXECUTABLE = 2, ASSOCSTR_FRIENDLYDOCNAME = 3, ASSOCSTR_FRIENDLYAPPNAME = 4, ASSOCSTR_NOOPEN = 5, ASSOCSTR_SHELLNEWVALUE = 6, ASSOCSTR_DDECOMMAND = 7, ASSOCSTR_DDEIFEXEC = 8, ASSOCSTR_DDEAPPLICATION = 9, ASSOCSTR_DDETOPIC = 10, ASSOCSTR_INFOTIP = 11, ASSOCSTR_QUICKTIP = 12, ASSOCSTR_TILEINFO = 13, ASSOCSTR_CONTENTTYPE = 14, ASSOCSTR_DEFAULTICON = 15, ASSOCSTR_SHELLEXTENSION = 16, ASSOCSTR_DROPTARGET = 17, ASSOCSTR_DELEGATEEXECUTE = 18, ASSOCSTR_MAX = 19 }; enum tagCOWAIT_FLAGS { COWAIT_WAITALL = 1, COWAIT_ALERTABLE = 2, COWAIT_INPUTAVAILABLE = 4, COWAIT_DISPATCH_CALLS = 8, COWAIT_DISPATCH_WINDOW_MESSAGES = 16, REAL_COWAIT_ENABLECALLREENTRANCY = 8, COWAIT_ENABLEWINDOWMESSAGES = 16, COWAIT_ENABLECALLREENTRANCY = 24 }; enum _styleHyphens { styleHyphensNone = 0, styleHyphensManual = 1, styleHyphensAuto = 2, styleHyphensNotSet = 3, /* styleHyphens_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _mediaType { mediaTypeNotSet = 0, mediaTypeAll = 511, mediaTypeAural = 1, mediaTypeBraille = 2, mediaTypeEmbossed = 4, mediaTypeHandheld = 8, mediaTypePrint = 16, mediaTypeProjection = 32, mediaTypeScreen = 64, mediaTypeTty = 128, mediaTypeTv = 256, /* mediaType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleHyphenateLimitLines { styleHyphenateLimitLinesNoLimit = 0, /* styleHyphenateLimitLines_Max = Unavail */ }; enum SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { PoAc = 0, PoDc = 1, PoHot = 2, PoConditionMaximum = 3 }; enum CWMO_FLAGS { CWMO_DISPATCH_CALLS = 1, CWMO_DISPATCH_WINDOW_MESSAGES = 2, REAL_CWMO_ENABLE_CALL_REENTRANCY = 1, CWMO_ENABLE_WINDOW_MESSAGES = 2, CWMO_ENABLE_CALL_REENTRANCY = 3 }; enum _styleMsAnimationPlayState { styleMsAnimationPlayStateRunning = 0, styleMsAnimationPlayStatePaused = 1, styleMsAnimationPlayStateNotSet = 2, /* styleMsAnimationPlayState_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _DomConstructor { DomConstructorObject = 0, DomConstructorAttr = 1, DomConstructorBehaviorUrnsCollection = 2, DomConstructorBookmarkCollection = 3, DomConstructorCompatibleInfo = 4, DomConstructorCompatibleInfoCollection = 5, DomConstructorControlRangeCollection = 6, DomConstructorCSSCurrentStyleDeclaration = 7, DomConstructorCSSRuleList = 8, DomConstructorCSSRuleStyleDeclaration = 9, DomConstructorCSSStyleDeclaration = 10, DomConstructorCSSStyleRule = 11, DomConstructorCSSStyleSheet = 12, DomConstructorDataTransfer = 13, DomConstructorDOMImplementation = 14, DomConstructorElement = 15, DomConstructorEvent = 16, DomConstructorHistory = 17, DomConstructorHTCElementBehaviorDefaults = 18, DomConstructorHTMLAnchorElement = 19, DomConstructorHTMLAreaElement = 20, DomConstructorHTMLAreasCollection = 21, DomConstructorHTMLBaseElement = 22, DomConstructorHTMLBaseFontElement = 23, DomConstructorHTMLBGSoundElement = 24, DomConstructorHTMLBlockElement = 25, DomConstructorHTMLBodyElement = 26, DomConstructorHTMLBRElement = 27, DomConstructorHTMLButtonElement = 28, DomConstructorHTMLCollection = 29, DomConstructorHTMLCommentElement = 30, DomConstructorHTMLDDElement = 31, DomConstructorHTMLDivElement = 32, DomConstructorHTMLDocument = 33, DomConstructorHTMLDListElement = 34, DomConstructorHTMLDTElement = 35, DomConstructorHTMLEmbedElement = 36, DomConstructorHTMLFieldSetElement = 37, DomConstructorHTMLFontElement = 38, DomConstructorHTMLFormElement = 39, DomConstructorHTMLFrameElement = 40, DomConstructorHTMLFrameSetElement = 41, DomConstructorHTMLGenericElement = 42, DomConstructorHTMLHeadElement = 43, DomConstructorHTMLHeadingElement = 44, DomConstructorHTMLHRElement = 45, DomConstructorHTMLHtmlElement = 46, DomConstructorHTMLIFrameElement = 47, DomConstructorHTMLImageElement = 48, DomConstructorHTMLInputElement = 49, DomConstructorHTMLIsIndexElement = 50, DomConstructorHTMLLabelElement = 51, DomConstructorHTMLLegendElement = 52, DomConstructorHTMLLIElement = 53, DomConstructorHTMLLinkElement = 54, DomConstructorHTMLMapElement = 55, DomConstructorHTMLMarqueeElement = 56, DomConstructorHTMLMetaElement = 57, DomConstructorHTMLModelessDialog = 58, DomConstructorHTMLNamespaceInfo = 59, DomConstructorHTMLNamespaceInfoCollection = 60, DomConstructorHTMLNextIdElement = 61, DomConstructorHTMLNoShowElement = 62, DomConstructorHTMLObjectElement = 63, DomConstructorHTMLOListElement = 64, DomConstructorHTMLOptionElement = 65, DomConstructorHTMLParagraphElement = 66, DomConstructorHTMLParamElement = 67, DomConstructorHTMLPhraseElement = 68, DomConstructorHTMLPluginsCollection = 69, DomConstructorHTMLPopup = 70, DomConstructorHTMLScriptElement = 71, DomConstructorHTMLSelectElement = 72, DomConstructorHTMLSpanElement = 73, DomConstructorHTMLStyleElement = 74, DomConstructorHTMLTableCaptionElement = 75, DomConstructorHTMLTableCellElement = 76, DomConstructorHTMLTableColElement = 77, DomConstructorHTMLTableElement = 78, DomConstructorHTMLTableRowElement = 79, DomConstructorHTMLTableSectionElement = 80, DomConstructorHTMLTextAreaElement = 81, DomConstructorHTMLTextElement = 82, DomConstructorHTMLTitleElement = 83, DomConstructorHTMLUListElement = 84, DomConstructorHTMLUnknownElement = 85, DomConstructorImage = 86, DomConstructorLocation = 87, DomConstructorNamedNodeMap = 88, DomConstructorNavigator = 89, DomConstructorNodeList = 90, DomConstructorOption = 91, DomConstructorScreen = 92, DomConstructorSelection = 93, DomConstructorStaticNodeList = 94, DomConstructorStorage = 95, DomConstructorStyleSheetList = 96, DomConstructorStyleSheetPage = 97, DomConstructorStyleSheetPageList = 98, DomConstructorText = 99, DomConstructorTextRange = 100, DomConstructorTextRangeCollection = 101, DomConstructorTextRectangle = 102, DomConstructorTextRectangleList = 103, DomConstructorWindow = 104, DomConstructorXDomainRequest = 105, DomConstructorXMLHttpRequest = 106, DomConstructorMax = 107, /* DomConstructor_Max = Unavail */ }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING { DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_UNSPECIFIED = 0, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_PROGRESSIVE = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_INTERLACED = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_INTERLACED_UPPERFIELDFIRST = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_INTERLACED_LOWERFIELDFIRST = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum _styleMsAnimationDirection { styleMsAnimationDirectionNormal = 0, styleMsAnimationDirectionAlternate = 1, styleMsAnimationDirectionNotSet = 2, /* styleMsAnimationDirection_Max = Unavail */ }; enum ASSOCKEY { ASSOCKEY_SHELLEXECCLASS = 1, ASSOCKEY_APP = 2, ASSOCKEY_CLASS = 3, ASSOCKEY_BASECLASS = 4, ASSOCKEY_MAX = 5 }; enum _styleMsAnimationFillMode { styleMsAnimationFillModeNone = 0, styleMsAnimationFillModeForwards = 1, styleMsAnimationFillModeBackwards = 2, styleMsAnimationFillModeBoth = 3, styleMsAnimationFillModeNotSet = 4, /* styleMsAnimationFillMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum ASSOCDATA { ASSOCDATA_MSIDESCRIPTOR = 1, ASSOCDATA_NOACTIVATEHANDLER = 2, ASSOCDATA_QUERYCLASSSTORE = 3, ASSOCDATA_HASPERUSERASSOC = 4, ASSOCDATA_EDITFLAGS = 5, ASSOCDATA_VALUE = 6, ASSOCDATA_MAX = 7 }; enum _styleMsHighContrastAdjust { styleMsHighContrastAdjustNotSet = 0, styleMsHighContrastAdjustAuto = 1, styleMsHighContrastAdjustNone = 2, /* styleMsHighContrastAdjust_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS { ThreadMemoryPriority = 0, ThreadInformationClassMax = 1 }; enum ASSOCENUM { ASSOCENUM_NONE = 0 }; enum _PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { ProcessMemoryPriority = 0, ProcessInformationClassMax = 1 }; enum _TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { TransactionBasicInformation = 0, TransactionPropertiesInformation = 1, TransactionEnlistmentInformation = 2, TransactionSuperiorEnlistmentInformation = 3, TransactionBindInformation = 4, TransactionDTCPrivateInformation = 5 }; enum tagCOINIT { COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED = 2, COINIT_MULTITHREADED = 0, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE = 4, COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY = 8 }; enum _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { TransactionManagerBasicInformation = 0, TransactionManagerLogInformation = 1, TransactionManagerLogPathInformation = 2, TransactionManagerRecoveryInformation = 4, TransactionManagerOnlineProbeInformation = 3, TransactionManagerOldestTransactionInformation = 5 }; enum tagEOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES { EOAC_NONE = 0, EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH = 1, EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING = 32, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING = 64, EOAC_ANY_AUTHORITY = 128, EOAC_MAKE_FULLSIC = 256, EOAC_DEFAULT = 2048, EOAC_SECURE_REFS = 2, EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL = 4, EOAC_APPID = 8, EOAC_DYNAMIC = 16, EOAC_REQUIRE_FULLSIC = 512, EOAC_AUTO_IMPERSONATE = 1024, EOAC_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL = 8192, EOAC_DISABLE_AAA = 4096 }; enum _styleTextLineThroughStyle { styleTextLineThroughStyleUndefined = 0, styleTextLineThroughStyleSingle = 1, styleTextLineThroughStyleDouble = 2, /* styleTextLineThroughStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _WSAEcomparator { COMP_EQUAL = 0, COMP_NOTLESS = 1 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING { DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_IDENTITY = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_CENTERED = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_STRETCHED = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_ASPECTRATIOCENTEREDMAX = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_CUSTOM = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_PREFERRED = 128, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum _POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { PlatformRoleUnspecified = 0, PlatformRoleDesktop = 1, PlatformRoleMobile = 2, PlatformRoleWorkstation = 3, PlatformRoleEnterpriseServer = 4, PlatformRoleSOHOServer = 5, PlatformRoleAppliancePC = 6, PlatformRolePerformanceServer = 7, PlatformRoleSlate = 8, PlatformRoleMaximum = 9 }; enum _styleTextUnderlineStyle { styleTextUnderlineStyleUndefined = 0, styleTextUnderlineStyleSingle = 1, styleTextUnderlineStyleDouble = 2, styleTextUnderlineStyleWords = 3, styleTextUnderlineStyleDotted = 4, styleTextUnderlineStyleThick = 5, styleTextUnderlineStyleDash = 6, styleTextUnderlineStyleDotDash = 7, styleTextUnderlineStyleDotDotDash = 8, styleTextUnderlineStyleWave = 9, styleTextUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting = 10, styleTextUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting = 11, styleTextUnderlineStyleThickDash = 12, /* styleTextUnderlineStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { ResourceManagerBasicInformation = 0, ResourceManagerCompletionInformation = 1 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION { DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_IDENTITY = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_ROTATE90 = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_ROTATE180 = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_ROTATE270 = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum tagDESCKIND { DESCKIND_NONE = 0, DESCKIND_FUNCDESC = 1, DESCKIND_VARDESC = 2, DESCKIND_TYPECOMP = 3, DESCKIND_IMPLICITAPPOBJ = 4, DESCKIND_MAX = 5 }; enum _COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE { COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_NONE = 0, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_CHUNK_STARTED = 1, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_CHUNK_FINISHED = 2, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_STREAM_STARTED = 3, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_STREAM_FINISHED = 4, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_POLL_CONTINUE = 5, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_ERROR = 6, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_MAX = 7 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE { DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE_SOURCE = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE_TARGET = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT { DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_8BPP = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_16BPP = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_24BPP = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_32BPP = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_NONGDI = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum _styleTextEffect { styleTextEffectNone = 0, styleTextEffectEmboss = 1, styleTextEffectEngrave = 2, styleTextEffectOutline = 3, /* styleTextEffect_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION { COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_CONTINUE = 0, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_CANCEL = 1, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_STOP = 2, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_QUIET = 3, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_PAUSE = 4 }; enum _styleDefaultTextSelection { styleDefaultTextSelectionFalse = 0, styleDefaultTextSelectionTrue = 1, /* styleDefaultTextSelection_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagDOCHOSTUITYPE { DOCHOSTUITYPE_BROWSE = 0, DOCHOSTUITYPE_AUTHOR = 1 }; enum _ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { EnlistmentBasicInformation = 0, EnlistmentRecoveryInformation = 1, EnlistmentCrmInformation = 2 }; enum tagREGCLS { REGCLS_SINGLEUSE = 0, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE = 1, REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE = 2, REGCLS_SUSPENDED = 4, REGCLS_SURROGATE = 8 }; enum _styleTextDecoration { styleTextDecorationNone = 0, styleTextDecorationUnderline = 1, styleTextDecorationOverline = 2, styleTextDecorationLineThrough = 3, styleTextDecorationBlink = 4, /* styleTextDecoration_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE { COPYFILE2_PHASE_NONE = 0, COPYFILE2_PHASE_PREPARE_SOURCE = 1, COPYFILE2_PHASE_PREPARE_DEST = 2, COPYFILE2_PHASE_READ_SOURCE = 3, COPYFILE2_PHASE_WRITE_DESTINATION = 4, COPYFILE2_PHASE_SERVER_COPY = 5, COPYFILE2_PHASE_NAMEGRAFT_COPY = 6, COPYFILE2_PHASE_MAX = 7 }; enum tagDOCHOSTUIDBLCLK { DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK_DEFAULT = 0, DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK_SHOWPROPERTIES = 1, DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK_SHOWCODE = 2 }; enum tagDOCHOSTUIFLAG { DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DIALOG = 1, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DISABLE_HELP_MENU = 2, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_NO3DBORDER = 4, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_SCROLL_NO = 8, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DISABLE_SCRIPT_INACTIVE = 16, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_OPENNEWWIN = 32, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DISABLE_OFFSCREEN = 64, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_FLAT_SCROLLBAR = 128, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DIV_BLOCKDEFAULT = 256, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_ACTIVATE_CLIENTHIT_ONLY = 512, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_OVERRIDEBEHAVIORFACTORY = 1024, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_CODEPAGELINKEDFONTS = 2048, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_URL_ENCODING_DISABLE_UTF8 = 4096, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_URL_ENCODING_ENABLE_UTF8 = 8192, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_ENABLE_FORMS_AUTOCOMPLETE = 16384, /* DOCHOSTUIFLAG_ENABLE_INPLACE_NAVIGATION = Unavail */ }; enum tagCOINITBASE { COINITBASE_MULTITHREADED = 0 }; enum _textDecoration { textDecorationNone = 0, textDecorationUnderline = 1, textDecorationOverline = 2, textDecorationLineThrough = 3, textDecorationBlink = 4, /* textDecoration_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagDOCHOSTUIDBLCLKDispatch { docHostUIDblClkDEFAULT = 0, docHostUIDblClkSHOWPROPERTIES = 1, docHostUIDblClkSHOWCODE = 2 }; enum tagDISCARDCACHE { DISCARDCACHE_SAVEIFDIRTY = 0, DISCARDCACHE_NOSAVE = 1 }; enum tagDocHostUIFlagDispatch { docHostUIFlagDIALOG = 1, docHostUIFlagDISABLE_HELP_MENU = 2, docHostUIFlagNO3DBORDER = 4, docHostUIFlagSCROLL_NO = 8, docHostUIFlagDISABLE_SCRIPT_INACTIVE = 16, docHostUIFlagOPENNEWWIN = 32, docHostUIFlagDISABLE_OFFSCREEN = 64, docHostUIFlagFLAT_SCROLLBAR = 128, docHostUIFlagDIV_BLOCKDEFAULT = 256, docHostUIFlagACTIVATE_CLIENTHIT_ONLY = 512 }; enum _htmlListType { htmlListTypeNotSet = 0, htmlListTypeLargeAlpha = 1, htmlListTypeSmallAlpha = 2, htmlListTypeLargeRoman = 3, htmlListTypeSmallRoman = 4, htmlListTypeNumbers = 5, htmlListTypeDisc = 6, htmlListTypeCircle = 7, htmlListTypeSquare = 8, /* htmlListType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _KTMOBJECT_TYPE { KTMOBJECT_TRANSACTION = 0, KTMOBJECT_TRANSACTION_MANAGER = 1, KTMOBJECT_RESOURCE_MANAGER = 2, KTMOBJECT_ENLISTMENT = 3, KTMOBJECT_INVALID = 4 }; enum tagPOINTER_DEVICE_TYPE { POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_INTEGRATED_PEN = 1, POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_PEN = 2, POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH = 3, POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_MAX = -1 }; enum tagApplicationType { ServerApplication = 0, LibraryApplication = 1 }; enum _htmlMethod { htmlMethodNotSet = 0, htmlMethodGet = 1, htmlMethodPost = 2, /* htmlMethod_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagShutdownType { IdleShutdown = 0, ForcedShutdown = 1 }; enum _htmlWrap { htmlWrapOff = 1, htmlWrapSoft = 2, htmlWrapHard = 3, /* htmlWrap_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleTextTransform { styleTextTransformNotSet = 0, styleTextTransformCapitalize = 1, styleTextTransformLowercase = 2, styleTextTransformUppercase = 3, styleTextTransformNone = 4, /* styleTextTransform_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlDir { htmlDirNotSet = 0, htmlDirLeftToRight = 1, htmlDirRightToLeft = 2, /* htmlDir_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::StringFormatFlags { StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft = 1, StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical = 2, StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox = 4, StringFormatFlagsDisplayFormatControl = 32, StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback = 1024, StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces = 2048, StringFormatFlagsNoWrap = 4096, StringFormatFlagsLineLimit = 8192, StringFormatFlagsNoClip = 16384, = 32771 }; enum tagMEMCTX { MEMCTX_TASK = 1, MEMCTX_SHARED = 2, MEMCTX_MACSYSTEM = 3, MEMCTX_UNKNOWN = -1, MEMCTX_SAME = -1 }; enum _styleDataRepeat { styleDataRepeatNone = 0, styleDataRepeatInner = 1, /* styleDataRepeat_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlEditable { htmlEditableInherit = 0, htmlEditableTrue = 1, htmlEditableFalse = 2, /* htmlEditable_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagCLSCTX { CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 1, CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER = 2, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER = 4, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER16 = 8, CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER = 16, CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER16 = 32, CLSCTX_RESERVED1 = 64, CLSCTX_RESERVED2 = 128, CLSCTX_RESERVED3 = 256, CLSCTX_RESERVED4 = 512, CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 1024, CLSCTX_RESERVED5 = 2048, CLSCTX_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL = 4096, CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 8192, CLSCTX_NO_FAILURE_LOG = 16384, = 32770 }; enum tagPOINTERINACTIVE { POINTERINACTIVE_ACTIVATEONENTRY = 1, POINTERINACTIVE_DEACTIVATEONLEAVE = 2, POINTERINACTIVE_ACTIVATEONDRAG = 4 }; enum _styleOverflow { styleOverflowNotSet = 0, styleOverflowAuto = 1, styleOverflowHidden = 2, styleOverflowVisible = 3, styleOverflowScroll = 4, /* styleOverflow_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY { TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_HIGH = 0, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 1, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_LOW = 2, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_INVALID = 3, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_COUNT = 3 }; enum Gdiplus::StringTrimming { StringTrimmingNone = 0, StringTrimmingCharacter = 1, StringTrimmingWord = 2, StringTrimmingEllipsisCharacter = 3, StringTrimmingEllipsisWord = 4, StringTrimmingEllipsisPath = 5 }; enum _TASKDIALOG_FLAGS { TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS = 1, TDF_USE_HICON_MAIN = 2, TDF_USE_HICON_FOOTER = 4, TDF_ALLOW_DIALOG_CANCELLATION = 8, TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS = 16, TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS_NO_ICON = 32, TDF_EXPAND_FOOTER_AREA = 64, TDF_EXPANDED_BY_DEFAULT = 128, TDF_VERIFICATION_FLAG_CHECKED = 256, TDF_SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR = 512, TDF_SHOW_MARQUEE_PROGRESS_BAR = 1024, TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER = 2048, TDF_POSITION_RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW = 4096, TDF_RTL_LAYOUT = 8192, TDF_NO_DEFAULT_RADIO_BUTTON = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _htmlInput { htmlInputNotSet = 0, htmlInputButton = 1, htmlInputCheckbox = 2, htmlInputFile = 3, htmlInputHidden = 4, htmlInputImage = 5, htmlInputPassword = 6, htmlInputRadio = 7, htmlInputReset = 8, htmlInputSelectOne = 9, htmlInputSelectMultiple = 10, htmlInputSubmit = 11, htmlInputText = 12, htmlInputTextarea = 13, htmlInputRichtext = 14, htmlInputRange = 15, htmlInputUrl = 16, htmlInputEmail = 17, htmlInputNumber = 18, htmlInputTel = 19, htmlInputSearch = 20, /* htmlInput_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagRPCOPT_PROPERTIES { COMBND_RPCTIMEOUT = 1, COMBND_SERVER_LOCALITY = 2 }; enum tagRPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES { SERVER_LOCALITY_PROCESS_LOCAL = 0, SERVER_LOCALITY_MACHINE_LOCAL = 1, SERVER_LOCALITY_REMOTE = 2 }; enum tagPOINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE { POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_TIP = 1, POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_ERASER = 2, POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_MAX = -1 }; enum _styleMsOverflowStyle { styleMsOverflowStyleNotSet = 0, styleMsOverflowStyleAuto = 1, styleMsOverflowStyleNone = 2, styleMsOverflowStyleScrollbar = 3, styleMsOverflowStyleMsAutoHidingScrollbar = 4, /* styleMsOverflowStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::StringDigitSubstitute { StringDigitSubstituteUser = 0, StringDigitSubstituteNone = 1, StringDigitSubstituteNational = 2, StringDigitSubstituteTraditional = 3 }; enum Gdiplus::HotkeyPrefix { HotkeyPrefixNone = 0, HotkeyPrefixShow = 1, HotkeyPrefixHide = 2 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID { DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_INTERNAL = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_CLONE = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_EXTEND = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_EXTERNAL = 8, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum _styleTableLayout { styleTableLayoutNotSet = 0, styleTableLayoutAuto = 1, styleTableLayoutFixed = 2, /* styleTableLayout_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagDVASPECT { DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1, DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL = 2, DVASPECT_ICON = 4, DVASPECT_DOCPRINT = 8 }; enum Gdiplus::StringAlignment { StringAlignmentNear = 0, StringAlignmentCenter = 1, StringAlignmentFar = 2 }; enum _TASKDIALOG_MESSAGES { TDM_NAVIGATE_PAGE = 1125, TDM_CLICK_BUTTON = 1126, TDM_SET_MARQUEE_PROGRESS_BAR = 1127, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_STATE = 1128, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_RANGE = 1129, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_POS = 1130, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_MARQUEE = 1131, TDM_SET_ELEMENT_TEXT = 1132, TDM_CLICK_RADIO_BUTTON = 1134, TDM_ENABLE_BUTTON = 1135, TDM_ENABLE_RADIO_BUTTON = 1136, TDM_CLICK_VERIFICATION = 1137, TDM_UPDATE_ELEMENT_TEXT = 1138, TDM_SET_BUTTON_ELEVATION_REQUIRED_STATE = 1139, TDM_UPDATE_ICON = 1140 }; enum tagUASFLAGS { UAS_NORMAL = 0, UAS_BLOCKED = 1, UAS_NOPARENTENABLE = 2, UAS_MASK = 3 }; enum Gdiplus::DriverStringOptions { DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup = 1, DriverStringOptionsVertical = 2, DriverStringOptionsRealizedAdvance = 4, DriverStringOptionsLimitSubpixel = 8 }; enum _styleBorderCollapse { styleBorderCollapseNotSet = 0, styleBorderCollapseSeparate = 1, styleBorderCollapseCollapse = 2, /* styleBorderCollapse_Max = Unavail */ }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SOURCE_NAME = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_TARGET_NAME = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_TARGET_PREFERRED_MODE = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_ADAPTER_NAME = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_SET_TARGET_PERSISTENCE = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum tagSTGC { STGC_DEFAULT = 0, STGC_OVERWRITE = 1, STGC_ONLYIFCURRENT = 2, STGC_DANGEROUSLYCOMMITMERELYTODISKCACHE = 4, STGC_CONSOLIDATE = 8 }; enum tagMSHLFLAGS { MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL = 0, MSHLFLAGS_TABLESTRONG = 1, MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK = 2, MSHLFLAGS_NOPING = 4, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED1 = 8, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED2 = 16, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED3 = 32, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED4 = 64 }; enum _htmlSpellCheck { htmlSpellCheckNotSet = 0, htmlSpellCheckTrue = 1, htmlSpellCheckFalse = 2, htmlSpellCheckDefault = 3, /* htmlSpellCheck_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::FlushIntention { FlushIntentionFlush = 0, FlushIntentionSync = 1 }; enum tagREADYSTATE { READYSTATE_UNINITIALIZED = 0, READYSTATE_LOADING = 1, READYSTATE_LOADED = 2, READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE = 3, READYSTATE_COMPLETE = 4 }; enum _styleCaptionSide { styleCaptionSideNotSet = 0, styleCaptionSideTop = 1, styleCaptionSideBottom = 2, styleCaptionSideLeft = 3, styleCaptionSideRight = 4, /* styleCaptionSide_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::EncoderParameterValueType { EncoderParameterValueTypeByte = 1, EncoderParameterValueTypeASCII = 2, EncoderParameterValueTypeShort = 3, EncoderParameterValueTypeLong = 4, EncoderParameterValueTypeRational = 5, EncoderParameterValueTypeLongRange = 6, EncoderParameterValueTypeUndefined = 7, EncoderParameterValueTypeRationalRange = 8 }; enum tagSTGMOVE { STGMOVE_MOVE = 0, STGMOVE_COPY = 1, STGMOVE_SHALLOWCOPY = 2 }; enum _WSAESETSERVICEOP { RNRSERVICE_REGISTER = 0, RNRSERVICE_DEREGISTER = 1, RNRSERVICE_DELETE = 2 }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES { COMGLB_EXCEPTION_HANDLING = 1, COMGLB_APPID = 2, COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING = 3, COMGLB_RO_SETTINGS = 4 }; enum _htmlEncoding { htmlEncodingURL = 0, htmlEncodingMultipart = 1, htmlEncodingText = 2, /* htmlEncoding_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagSTATFLAG { STATFLAG_DEFAULT = 0, STATFLAG_NONAME = 1, STATFLAG_NOOPEN = 2 }; enum tagMSHCTX { MSHCTX_LOCAL = 0, MSHCTX_NOSHAREDMEM = 1, MSHCTX_DIFFERENTMACHINE = 2, MSHCTX_INPROC = 3, MSHCTX_CROSSCTX = 4 }; enum _styleEmptyCells { styleEmptyCellsNotSet = 0, styleEmptyCellsShow = 1, styleEmptyCellsHide = 2, /* styleEmptyCells_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES { COMGLB_EXCEPTION_HANDLE = 0, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE_FATAL = 1, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE = 1, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE_ANY = 2 }; enum _TASKDIALOG_NOTIFICATIONS { TDN_CREATED = 0, TDN_NAVIGATED = 1, TDN_BUTTON_CLICKED = 2, TDN_HYPERLINK_CLICKED = 3, TDN_TIMER = 4, TDN_DESTROYED = 5, TDN_RADIO_BUTTON_CLICKED = 6, TDN_DIALOG_CONSTRUCTED = 7, TDN_VERIFICATION_CLICKED = 8, TDN_HELP = 9, TDN_EXPANDO_BUTTON_CLICKED = 10 }; enum Gdiplus::EncoderValue { EncoderValueColorTypeCMYK = 0, EncoderValueColorTypeYCCK = 1, EncoderValueCompressionLZW = 2, EncoderValueCompressionCCITT3 = 3, EncoderValueCompressionCCITT4 = 4, EncoderValueCompressionRle = 5, EncoderValueCompressionNone = 6, EncoderValueScanMethodInterlaced = 7, EncoderValueScanMethodNonInterlaced = 8, EncoderValueVersionGif87 = 9, EncoderValueVersionGif89 = 10, EncoderValueRenderProgressive = 11, EncoderValueRenderNonProgressive = 12, EncoderValueTransformRotate90 = 13, EncoderValueTransformRotate180 = 14, EncoderValueTransformRotate270 = 15, EncoderValueTransformFlipHorizontal = 16, EncoderValueTransformFlipVertical = 17, EncoderValueMultiFrame = 18, EncoderValueLastFrame = 19, EncoderValueFlush = 20, EncoderValueFrameDimensionTime = 21, EncoderValueFrameDimensionResolution = 22, EncoderValueFrameDimensionPage = 23 }; enum __MIDL_IMonikerProp_0001 { MIMETYPEPROP = 0, USE_SRC_URL = 1, CLASSIDPROP = 2, TRUSTEDDOWNLOADPROP = 3, POPUPLEVELPROP = 4 }; enum _htmlAdjacency { htmlAdjacencyBeforeBegin = 1, htmlAdjacencyAfterBegin = 2, htmlAdjacencyBeforeEnd = 3, htmlAdjacencyAfterEnd = 4, /* htmlAdjacency_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::ImageCodecFlags { ImageCodecFlagsEncoder = 1, ImageCodecFlagsDecoder = 2, ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap = 4, ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector = 8, ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode = 16, ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode = 32, /* ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin = Unavail */ }; enum _styleFontStyle { styleFontStyleNotSet = 0, styleFontStyleItalic = 1, styleFontStyleOblique = 2, styleFontStyleNormal = 3, /* styleFontStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES { COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING_DEFAULT_POOL = 0, COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING_PRIVATE_POOL = 1 }; enum _htmlTabIndex { = 32769 }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS { COMGLB_STA_MODALLOOP_REMOVE_TOUCH_MESSAGES = 1, COMGLB_STA_MODALLOOP_SHARED_QUEUE_REMOVE_INPUT_MESSAGES = 2, COMGLB_STA_MODALLOOP_SHARED_QUEUE_DONOT_REMOVE_INPUT_MESSAGES = 4 }; enum _styleFontVariant { styleFontVariantNotSet = 0, styleFontVariantSmallCaps = 1, styleFontVariantNormal = 2, /* styleFontVariant_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlComponent { htmlComponentClient = 0, htmlComponentSbLeft = 1, htmlComponentSbPageLeft = 2, htmlComponentSbHThumb = 3, htmlComponentSbPageRight = 4, htmlComponentSbRight = 5, htmlComponentSbUp = 6, htmlComponentSbPageUp = 7, htmlComponentSbVThumb = 8, htmlComponentSbPageDown = 9, htmlComponentSbDown = 10, htmlComponentSbLeft2 = 11, htmlComponentSbPageLeft2 = 12, htmlComponentSbRight2 = 13, htmlComponentSbPageRight2 = 14, htmlComponentSbUp2 = 15, htmlComponentSbPageUp2 = 16, htmlComponentSbDown2 = 17, htmlComponentSbPageDown2 = 18, htmlComponentSbTop = 19, htmlComponentSbBottom = 20, htmlComponentOutside = 21, htmlComponentGHTopLeft = 22, htmlComponentGHLeft = 23, htmlComponentGHTop = 24, htmlComponentGHBottomLeft = 25, htmlComponentGHTopRight = 26, htmlComponentGHBottom = 27, htmlComponentGHRight = 28, htmlComponentGHBottomRight = 29, /* htmlComponent_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::ImageLockMode { ImageLockModeRead = 1, ImageLockModeWrite = 2, ImageLockModeUserInputBuf = 4 }; enum _styleBackgroundRepeat { styleBackgroundRepeatRepeat = 0, styleBackgroundRepeatRepeatX = 1, styleBackgroundRepeatRepeatY = 2, styleBackgroundRepeatNoRepeat = 3, styleBackgroundRepeatNotSet = 4, /* styleBackgroundRepeat_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagDOMNodeType { NODE_INVALID = 0, NODE_ELEMENT = 1, NODE_ATTRIBUTE = 2, NODE_TEXT = 3, NODE_CDATA_SECTION = 4, NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 5, NODE_ENTITY = 6, NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 7, NODE_COMMENT = 8, NODE_DOCUMENT = 9, NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 10, NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11, NODE_NOTATION = 12 }; enum _SELECTION_TYPE { SELECTION_TYPE_None = 0, SELECTION_TYPE_Caret = 1, SELECTION_TYPE_Text = 2, SELECTION_TYPE_Control = 3, /* SELECTION_TYPE_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagOLEGETMONIKER { OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE = 1, OLEGETMONIKER_FORCEASSIGN = 2, OLEGETMONIKER_UNASSIGN = 3, OLEGETMONIKER_TEMPFORUSER = 4 }; enum _TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS { TDE_CONTENT = 0, TDE_EXPANDED_INFORMATION = 1, TDE_FOOTER = 2, TDE_MAIN_INSTRUCTION = 3 }; enum _styleBackgroundAttachment { styleBackgroundAttachmentFixed = 0, styleBackgroundAttachmentScroll = 1, styleBackgroundAttachmentNotSet = 2, /* styleBackgroundAttachment_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _SC_STATUS_TYPE { SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO = 0 }; enum Gdiplus::EmfToWmfBitsFlags { EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault = 0, EmfToWmfBitsFlagsEmbedEmf = 1, EmfToWmfBitsFlagsIncludePlaceable = 2, EmfToWmfBitsFlagsNoXORClip = 4 }; enum tagOLEWHICHMK { OLEWHICHMK_CONTAINER = 1, OLEWHICHMK_OBJREL = 2, OLEWHICHMK_OBJFULL = 3 }; enum _SAVE_SEGMENTS_FLAGS { SAVE_SEGMENTS_NoIE4SelectionCompat = 1, /* SAVE_SEGMENTS_FLAGS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _SC_ENUM_TYPE { SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO = 0 }; enum _TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS { TDIE_ICON_MAIN = 0, TDIE_ICON_FOOTER = 1 }; enum Gdiplus::GpTestControlEnum { TestControlForceBilinear = 0, TestControlNoICM = 1, TestControlGetBuildNumber = 2 }; enum Gdiplus::ImageFlags { ImageFlagsNone = 0, ImageFlagsScalable = 1, ImageFlagsHasAlpha = 2, ImageFlagsHasTranslucent = 4, ImageFlagsPartiallyScalable = 8, ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB = 16, ImageFlagsColorSpaceCMYK = 32, ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY = 64, ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCBCR = 128, ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCCK = 256, ImageFlagsHasRealDPI = 4096, ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize = 8192, /* ImageFlagsReadOnly = Unavail */ }; enum _styleBackgroundAttachment3 { styleBackgroundAttachment3Fixed = 0, styleBackgroundAttachment3Scroll = 1, styleBackgroundAttachment3Local = 2, styleBackgroundAttachment3NotSet = 3, /* styleBackgroundAttachment3_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _CARET_DIRECTION { CARET_DIRECTION_INDETERMINATE = 0, CARET_DIRECTION_SAME = 1, CARET_DIRECTION_BACKWARD = 2, CARET_DIRECTION_FORWARD = 3, /* CARET_DIRECTION_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagUSERCLASSTYPE { USERCLASSTYPE_FULL = 1, USERCLASSTYPE_SHORT = 2, USERCLASSTYPE_APPNAME = 3 }; enum tagXMLEMEM_TYPE { XMLELEMTYPE_ELEMENT = 0, XMLELEMTYPE_TEXT = 1, XMLELEMTYPE_COMMENT = 2, XMLELEMTYPE_DOCUMENT = 3, XMLELEMTYPE_DTD = 4, XMLELEMTYPE_PI = 5, XMLELEMTYPE_OTHER = 6 }; enum _TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS { TDCBF_OK_BUTTON = 1, TDCBF_YES_BUTTON = 2, TDCBF_NO_BUTTON = 4, TDCBF_CANCEL_BUTTON = 8, TDCBF_RETRY_BUTTON = 16, TDCBF_CLOSE_BUTTON = 32 }; enum tagBINDSTRING { BINDSTRING_HEADERS = 1, BINDSTRING_ACCEPT_MIMES = 2, BINDSTRING_EXTRA_URL = 3, BINDSTRING_LANGUAGE = 4, BINDSTRING_USERNAME = 5, BINDSTRING_PASSWORD = 6, BINDSTRING_UA_PIXELS = 7, BINDSTRING_UA_COLOR = 8, BINDSTRING_OS = 9, BINDSTRING_USER_AGENT = 10, BINDSTRING_ACCEPT_ENCODINGS = 11, BINDSTRING_POST_COOKIE = 12, BINDSTRING_POST_DATA_MIME = 13, BINDSTRING_URL = 14, BINDSTRING_IID = 15, BINDSTRING_FLAG_BIND_TO_OBJECT = 16, BINDSTRING_PTR_BIND_CONTEXT = 17, BINDSTRING_XDR_ORIGIN = 18, BINDSTRING_DOWNLOADPATH = 19, BINDSTRING_ROOTDOC_URL = 20, BINDSTRING_INITIAL_FILENAME = 21 }; enum tagOLEMISC { OLEMISC_RECOMPOSEONRESIZE = 1, OLEMISC_ONLYICONIC = 2, OLEMISC_INSERTNOTREPLACE = 4, OLEMISC_STATIC = 8, OLEMISC_CANTLINKINSIDE = 16, OLEMISC_CANLINKBYOLE1 = 32, OLEMISC_ISLINKOBJECT = 64, OLEMISC_INSIDEOUT = 128, OLEMISC_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE = 256, OLEMISC_RENDERINGISDEVICEINDEPENDENT = 512, OLEMISC_INVISIBLEATRUNTIME = 1024, OLEMISC_ALWAYSRUN = 2048, OLEMISC_ACTSLIKEBUTTON = 4096, OLEMISC_ACTSLIKELABEL = 8192, OLEMISC_NOUIACTIVATE = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _styleBackgroundClip { styleBackgroundClipBorderBox = 0, styleBackgroundClipPaddingBox = 1, styleBackgroundClipContentBox = 2, styleBackgroundClipNotSet = 3, /* styleBackgroundClip_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _LINE_DIRECTION { LINE_DIRECTION_RightToLeft = 1, LINE_DIRECTION_LeftToRight = 2, /* LINE_DIRECTION_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HT_OPTIONS { HT_OPT_AllowAfterEOL = 1, /* HT_OPTIONS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleBackgroundOrigin { styleBackgroundOriginBorderBox = 0, styleBackgroundOriginPaddingBox = 1, styleBackgroundOriginContentBox = 2, styleBackgroundOriginNotSet = 3, /* styleBackgroundOrigin_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::RotateFlipType { RotateNoneFlipNone = 0, Rotate90FlipNone = 1, Rotate180FlipNone = 2, Rotate270FlipNone = 3, RotateNoneFlipX = 4, Rotate90FlipX = 5, Rotate180FlipX = 6, Rotate270FlipX = 7, RotateNoneFlipY = 6, Rotate90FlipY = 7, Rotate180FlipY = 4, Rotate270FlipY = 5, RotateNoneFlipXY = 2, Rotate90FlipXY = 3, Rotate180FlipXY = 0, Rotate270FlipXY = 1 }; enum _htmlApplyLocation { htmlApplyLocationInside = 0, htmlApplyLocationOutside = 1, /* htmlApplyLocation_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HT_RESULTS { HT_RESULTS_Glyph = 1, /* HT_RESULTS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlGlyphMode { htmlGlyphModeNone = 0, htmlGlyphModeBegin = 1, htmlGlyphModeEnd = 2, htmlGlyphModeBoth = 3, /* htmlGlyphMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT { DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_PreviousLine = 1, DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_NextLine = 2, DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_CurrentLineStart = 3, DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_CurrentLineEnd = 4, DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_TopOfWindow = 5, DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_BottomOfWindow = 6, /* DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleVerticalAlign { styleVerticalAlignAuto = 0, styleVerticalAlignBaseline = 1, styleVerticalAlignSub = 2, styleVerticalAlignSuper = 3, styleVerticalAlignTop = 4, styleVerticalAlignTextTop = 5, styleVerticalAlignMiddle = 6, styleVerticalAlignBottom = 7, styleVerticalAlignTextBottom = 8, styleVerticalAlignInherit = 9, styleVerticalAlignNotSet = 10, /* styleVerticalAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE { USER_MARSHAL_CB_BUFFER_SIZE = 0, USER_MARSHAL_CB_MARSHALL = 1, USER_MARSHAL_CB_UNMARSHALL = 2, USER_MARSHAL_CB_FREE = 3 }; enum Gdiplus::Status { Ok = 0, GenericError = 1, InvalidParameter = 2, OutOfMemory = 3, ObjectBusy = 4, InsufficientBuffer = 5, NotImplemented = 6, Win32Error = 7, WrongState = 8, Aborted = 9, FileNotFound = 10, ValueOverflow = 11, AccessDenied = 12, UnknownImageFormat = 13, FontFamilyNotFound = 14, FontStyleNotFound = 15, NotTrueTypeFont = 16, UnsupportedGdiplusVersion = 17, GdiplusNotInitialized = 18, PropertyNotFound = 19, PropertyNotSupported = 20 }; enum tagPROPBAG2_TYPE { PROPBAG2_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0, PROPBAG2_TYPE_DATA = 1, PROPBAG2_TYPE_URL = 2, PROPBAG2_TYPE_OBJECT = 3, PROPBAG2_TYPE_STREAM = 4, PROPBAG2_TYPE_STORAGE = 5, PROPBAG2_TYPE_MONIKER = 6 }; enum IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE { IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE_TOKEN_DEF = 1 }; enum _ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS { AclRevisionInformation = 1, AclSizeInformation = 2 }; enum _htmlDraggable { htmlDraggableAuto = 0, htmlDraggableTrue = 1, htmlDraggableFalse = 2, /* htmlDraggable_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _DISPLAY_GRAVITY { DISPLAY_GRAVITY_PreviousLine = 1, DISPLAY_GRAVITY_NextLine = 2, /* DISPLAY_GRAVITY_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagOLECLOSE { OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY = 0, OLECLOSE_NOSAVE = 1, OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE = 2 }; enum RpcProxyPerfCounters { RpcCurrentUniqueUser = 1, RpcBackEndConnectionAttempts = 2, RpcBackEndConnectionFailed = 3, RpcRequestsPerSecond = 4, RpcIncomingConnections = 5, RpcIncomingBandwidth = 6, RpcOutgoingBandwidth = 7, RpcAttemptedLbsDecisions = 8, RpcFailedLbsDecisions = 9, RpcAttemptedLbsMessages = 10, RpcFailedLbsMessages = 11, RpcLastCounter = 12 }; enum _DISPLAY_BREAK { DISPLAY_BREAK_None = 0, DISPLAY_BREAK_Block = 1, DISPLAY_BREAK_Break = 2, /* DISPLAY_BREAK_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleFontWeight { styleFontWeightNotSet = 0, styleFontWeight100 = 1, styleFontWeight200 = 2, styleFontWeight300 = 3, styleFontWeight400 = 4, styleFontWeight500 = 5, styleFontWeight600 = 6, styleFontWeight700 = 7, styleFontWeight800 = 8, styleFontWeight900 = 9, styleFontWeightNormal = 10, styleFontWeightBold = 11, styleFontWeightBolder = 12, styleFontWeightLighter = 13, /* styleFontWeight_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _COORD_SYSTEM { COORD_SYSTEM_GLOBAL = 0, COORD_SYSTEM_PARENT = 1, COORD_SYSTEM_CONTAINER = 2, COORD_SYSTEM_CONTENT = 3, COORD_SYSTEM_FRAME = 4, /* COORD_SYSTEM_Max = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0001 { BINDVERB_GET = 0, BINDVERB_POST = 1, BINDVERB_PUT = 2, BINDVERB_CUSTOM = 3, BINDVERB_RESERVED1 = 4 }; enum _htmlUnit { htmlUnitCharacter = 1, htmlUnitWord = 2, htmlUnitSentence = 3, htmlUnitTextEdit = 6, /* htmlUnit_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _DEV_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_LEVEL { DCML_INFORMATIONAL = 0, DCML_WARNING = 1, DCML_ERROR = 2, /* DEV_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_LEVEL_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleFontSize { styleFontSizeXXSmall = 0, styleFontSizeXSmall = 1, styleFontSizeSmall = 2, styleFontSizeMedium = 3, styleFontSizeLarge = 4, styleFontSizeXLarge = 5, styleFontSizeXXLarge = 6, styleFontSizeSmaller = 7, styleFontSizeLarger = 8, /* styleFontSize_Max = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0002 { BINDINFOF_URLENCODESTGMEDDATA = 1, BINDINFOF_URLENCODEDEXTRAINFO = 2 }; enum _htmlEndPoints { htmlEndPointsStartToStart = 1, htmlEndPointsStartToEnd = 2, htmlEndPointsEndToStart = 3, htmlEndPointsEndToEnd = 4, /* htmlEndPoints_Max = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0003 { BINDF_ASYNCHRONOUS = 1, BINDF_ASYNCSTORAGE = 2, BINDF_NOPROGRESSIVERENDERING = 4, BINDF_OFFLINEOPERATION = 8, BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION = 16, BINDF_NOWRITECACHE = 32, BINDF_NEEDFILE = 64, BINDF_PULLDATA = 128, BINDF_IGNORESECURITYPROBLEM = 256, BINDF_RESYNCHRONIZE = 512, BINDF_HYPERLINK = 1024, BINDF_NO_UI = 2048, BINDF_SILENTOPERATION = 4096, BINDF_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE = 8192, BINDF_GETCLASSOBJECT = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _HTML_PAINTER { HTMLPAINTER_OPAQUE = 1, HTMLPAINTER_TRANSPARENT = 2, HTMLPAINTER_ALPHA = 4, HTMLPAINTER_COMPLEX = 8, HTMLPAINTER_OVERLAY = 16, HTMLPAINTER_HITTEST = 32, HTMLPAINTER_SURFACE = 256, HTMLPAINTER_3DSURFACE = 512, HTMLPAINTER_NOBAND = 1024, HTMLPAINTER_NODC = 4096, HTMLPAINTER_NOPHYSICALCLIP = 8192, HTMLPAINTER_NOSAVEDC = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE { ToleranceLow = 1, ToleranceMedium = 2, ToleranceHigh = 3 }; /* enum _htmlDirection { htmlDirectionForward = Unavail }; */ enum _tagPI_FLAGS { PI_PARSE_URL = 1, PI_FILTER_MODE = 2, PI_FORCE_ASYNC = 4, PI_USE_WORKERTHREAD = 8, PI_MIMEVERIFICATION = 16, PI_CLSIDLOOKUP = 32, PI_DATAPROGRESS = 64, PI_SYNCHRONOUS = 128, PI_APARTMENTTHREADED = 256, PI_CLASSINSTALL = 512, PI_PASSONBINDCTX = 8192, = 32770 }; enum _styleZIndex {  = 32771 }; enum _IDL_CS_CONVERT { IDL_CS_NO_CONVERT = 0, IDL_CS_IN_PLACE_CONVERT = 1, IDL_CS_NEW_BUFFER_CONVERT = 2 }; enum _JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL { ToleranceIntervalShort = 1, ToleranceIntervalMedium = 2, ToleranceIntervalLong = 3 }; enum _styleWidowsOrphans {  = 32771 }; enum _RTL_UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS { UmsThreadInvalidInfoClass = 0, UmsThreadUserContext = 1, UmsThreadPriority = 2, UmsThreadAffinity = 3, UmsThreadTeb = 4, UmsThreadIsSuspended = 5, UmsThreadIsTerminated = 6, UmsThreadMaxInfoClass = 7 }; enum _htmlStart { htmlStartfileopen = 0, htmlStartmouseover = 1, /* htmlStart_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::ColorMatrixFlags { ColorMatrixFlagsDefault = 0, ColorMatrixFlagsSkipGrays = 1, ColorMatrixFlagsAltGray = 2 }; enum _styleAuto { styleAutoAuto = 0, /* styleAuto_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagSF_TYPE { SF_ERROR = 10, SF_I1 = 16, SF_I2 = 2, SF_I4 = 3, SF_I8 = 20, SF_BSTR = 8, SF_UNKNOWN = 13, SF_DISPATCH = 9, SF_VARIANT = 12, SF_RECORD = 36, €SF_HAVEIID = 32770 }; enum _DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE { DEPPolicyAlwaysOff = 0, DEPPolicyAlwaysOn = 1, DEPPolicyOptIn = 2, DEPPolicyOptOut = 3, DEPTotalPolicyCount = 4 }; enum Gdiplus::ColorAdjustType { ColorAdjustTypeDefault = 0, ColorAdjustTypeBitmap = 1, ColorAdjustTypeBrush = 2, ColorAdjustTypePen = 3, ColorAdjustTypeText = 4, ColorAdjustTypeCount = 5, ColorAdjustTypeAny = 6 }; enum _styleNone { styleNoneNone = 0, /* styleNone_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HTML_PAINT_ZORDER { HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_NONE = 0, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_REPLACE_ALL = 1, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_REPLACE_CONTENT = 2, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_REPLACE_BACKGROUND = 3, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_BELOW_CONTENT = 4, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_BELOW_FLOW = 5, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_ABOVE_FLOW = 6, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_ABOVE_CONTENT = 7, HTMLPAINT_ZORDER_WINDOW_TOP = 8, /* HTML_PAINT_ZORDER_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON { UmsSchedulerStartup = 0, UmsSchedulerThreadBlocked = 1, UmsSchedulerThreadYield = 2 }; enum _bodyScroll { bodyScrollyes = 1, bodyScrollno = 2, bodyScrollauto = 4, bodyScrolldefault = 3, /* bodyScroll_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleNormal { styleNormalNormal = 0, /* styleNormal_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _STREAM_INFO_LEVELS { FindStreamInfoStandard = 0, FindStreamInfoMaxInfoLevel = 1 }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0004 { URL_ENCODING_NONE = 0, /* URL_ENCODING_ENABLE_UTF8 = Unavail */ }; enum _styleBorderWidth { styleBorderWidthThin = 0, styleBorderWidthMedium = 1, styleBorderWidthThick = 2, /* styleBorderWidth_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagINPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE { IMDT_UNAVAILABLE = 0, IMDT_KEYBOARD = 1, IMDT_MOUSE = 2, IMDT_TOUCH = 4, IMDT_PEN = 8 }; enum SHGLOBALCOUNTER { GLOBALCOUNTER_SEARCHMANAGER = 0, GLOBALCOUNTER_SEARCHOPTIONS = 1, GLOBALCOUNTER_FOLDERSETTINGSCHANGE = 2, GLOBALCOUNTER_RATINGS = 3, GLOBALCOUNTER_APPROVEDSITES = 4, GLOBALCOUNTER_RESTRICTIONS = 5, GLOBALCOUNTER_SHELLSETTINGSCHANGED = 6, GLOBALCOUNTER_SYSTEMPIDLCHANGE = 7, GLOBALCOUNTER_OVERLAYMANAGER = 8, GLOBALCOUNTER_QUERYASSOCIATIONS = 9, GLOBALCOUNTER_IESESSIONS = 10, GLOBALCOUNTER_IEONLY_SESSIONS = 11, GLOBALCOUNTER_APPLICATION_DESTINATIONS = 12, __UNUSED_RECYCLE_WAS_GLOBALCOUNTER_CSCSYNCINPROGRESS = 13, GLOBALCOUNTER_BITBUCKETNUMDELETERS = 14, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_SHARES = 15, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_A = 16, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_B = 17, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_C = 18, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_D = 19, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_E = 20, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_F = 21, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_G = 22, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_H = 23, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_I = 24, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_J = 25, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_K = 26, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_L = 27, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_M = 28, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_N = 29, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_O = 30, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_P = 31, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_Q = 32, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_R = 33, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_S = 34, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_T = 35, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_U = 36, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_V = 37, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_W = 38, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_X = 39, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_Y = 40, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_DRIVE_Z = 41, __UNUSED_RECYCLE_WAS_GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEDIRTYCOUNT_SERVERDRIVE = 42, __UNUSED_RECYCLE_WAS_GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEGLOBALDIRTYCOUNT = 43, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEBINENUM = 44, GLOBALCOUNTER_RECYCLEBINCORRUPTED = 45, GLOBALCOUNTER_RATINGS_STATECOUNTER = 46, GLOBALCOUNTER_PRIVATE_PROFILE_CACHE = 47, GLOBALCOUNTER_INTERNETTOOLBAR_LAYOUT = 48, GLOBALCOUNTER_FOLDERDEFINITION_CACHE = 49, GLOBALCOUNTER_COMMONPLACES_LIST_CACHE = 50, GLOBALCOUNTER_PRIVATE_PROFILE_CACHE_MACHINEWIDE = 51, GLOBALCOUNTER_ASSOCCHANGED = 52, GLOBALCOUNTER_APP_ITEMS_STATE_STORE_CACHE = 53, GLOBALCOUNTER_IMMERSIVE_SCALE_CACHE = 54, GLOBALCOUNTER_SETTINGSYNC_ENABLED = 55, GLOBALCOUNTER_MAXIMUMVALUE = 56 }; enum _HTML_PAINT_DRAW_FLAGS { HTMLPAINT_DRAW_UPDATEREGION = 1, HTMLPAINT_DRAW_USE_XFORM = 2, /* HTML_PAINT_DRAW_FLAGS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _stylePosition { stylePositionNotSet = 0, stylePositionstatic = 1, stylePositionrelative = 2, stylePositionabsolute = 3, stylePositionfixed = 4, stylePositionMsPage = 5, /* stylePosition_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagINPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID { IMO_UNAVAILABLE = 0, IMO_HARDWARE = 1, IMO_INJECTED = 2, IMO_SYSTEM = 4 }; enum _HTML_PAINT_EVENT_FLAGS { HTMLPAINT_EVENT_TARGET = 1, HTMLPAINT_EVENT_SETCURSOR = 2, /* HTML_PAINT_EVENT_FLAGS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { AuditEventObjectAccess = 0, AuditEventDirectoryServiceAccess = 1 }; enum _styleBorderStyle { styleBorderStyleNotSet = 0, styleBorderStyleDotted = 1, styleBorderStyleDashed = 2, styleBorderStyleSolid = 3, styleBorderStyleDouble = 4, styleBorderStyleGroove = 5, styleBorderStyleRidge = 6, styleBorderStyleInset = 7, styleBorderStyleOutset = 8, styleBorderStyleWindowInset = 9, styleBorderStyleNone = 10, styleBorderStyleHidden = 11, /* styleBorderStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HTML_PAINT_DRAW_INFO_FLAGS { HTMLPAINT_DRAWINFO_VIEWPORT = 1, HTMLPAINT_DRAWINFO_UPDATEREGION = 2, HTMLPAINT_DRAWINFO_XFORM = 4, /* HTML_PAINT_DRAW_INFO_FLAGS_Max = Unavail */ }; enum CommandStateChangeConstants { CSC_UPDATECOMMANDS = -1, CSC_NAVIGATEFORWARD = 1, CSC_NAVIGATEBACK = 2 }; enum tagOLERENDER { OLERENDER_NONE = 0, OLERENDER_DRAW = 1, OLERENDER_FORMAT = 2, OLERENDER_ASIS = 3 }; enum SecureLockIconConstants { secureLockIconUnsecure = 0, secureLockIconMixed = 1, secureLockIconSecureUnknownBits = 2, secureLockIconSecure40Bit = 3, secureLockIconSecure56Bit = 4, secureLockIconSecureFortezza = 5, secureLockIconSecure128Bit = 6 }; enum _htmlSelectType { htmlSelectTypeSelectOne = 1, htmlSelectTypeSelectMultiple = 2, /* htmlSelectType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagAR_STATE { AR_ENABLED = 0, AR_DISABLED = 1, AR_SUPPRESSED = 2, AR_REMOTESESSION = 4, AR_MULTIMON = 8, AR_NOSENSOR = 16, AR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 32 }; enum _htmlSelectExFlag { htmlSelectExFlagNone = 0, htmlSelectExFlagHideSelectionInDesign = 1, /* htmlSelectExFlag_Max = Unavail */ }; enum NewProcessCauseConstants { ProtectedModeRedirect = 1 }; enum _styleOutlineStyle { styleOutlineStyleNotSet = 0, styleOutlineStyleDotted = 1, styleOutlineStyleDashed = 2, styleOutlineStyleSolid = 3, styleOutlineStyleDouble = 4, styleOutlineStyleGroove = 5, styleOutlineStyleRidge = 6, styleOutlineStyleInset = 7, styleOutlineStyleOutset = 8, styleOutlineStyleWindowInset = 9, styleOutlineStyleNone = 10, /* styleOutlineStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _ACCESS_REASON_TYPE { AccessReasonNone = 0, /* AccessReasonAllowedAce = Unavail */ }; enum ShellWindowTypeConstants { SWC_EXPLORER = 0, SWC_BROWSER = 1, SWC_3RDPARTY = 2, SWC_CALLBACK = 4, SWC_DESKTOP = 8 }; enum tagDCOM_CALL_STATE { DCOM_NONE = 0, DCOM_CALL_COMPLETE = 1, DCOM_CALL_CANCELED = 2 }; enum _htmlSelection { htmlSelectionNone = 0, htmlSelectionText = 1, htmlSelectionControl = 2, htmlSelectionTable = 3, /* htmlSelection_Max = Unavail */ }; enum ShellWindowFindWindowOptions { SWFO_NEEDDISPATCH = 1, SWFO_INCLUDEPENDING = 2, SWFO_COOKIEPASSED = 4 }; enum tagQACONTAINERFLAGS { QACONTAINER_SHOWHATCHING = 1, QACONTAINER_SHOWGRABHANDLES = 2, QACONTAINER_USERMODE = 4, QACONTAINER_DISPLAYASDEFAULT = 8, QACONTAINER_UIDEAD = 16, QACONTAINER_AUTOCLIP = 32, QACONTAINER_MESSAGEREFLECT = 64, QACONTAINER_SUPPORTSMNEMONICS = 128 }; enum tagADVF { ADVF_NODATA = 1, ADVF_PRIMEFIRST = 2, ADVF_ONLYONCE = 4, ADVF_DATAONSTOP = 64, ADVFCACHE_NOHANDLER = 8, ADVFCACHE_FORCEBUILTIN = 16, ADVFCACHE_ONSAVE = 32 }; enum BrowserNavConstants { navOpenInNewWindow = 1, navNoHistory = 2, navNoReadFromCache = 4, navNoWriteToCache = 8, navAllowAutosearch = 16, navBrowserBar = 32, navHyperlink = 64, navEnforceRestricted = 128, navNewWindowsManaged = 256, navUntrustedForDownload = 512, navTrustedForActiveX = 1024, navOpenInNewTab = 2048, navOpenInBackgroundTab = 4096, navKeepWordWheelText = 8192, navVirtualTab = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS { JobObjectBasicAccountingInformation = 1, JobObjectBasicLimitInformation = 2, JobObjectBasicProcessIdList = 3, JobObjectBasicUIRestrictions = 4, JobObjectSecurityLimitInformation = 5, JobObjectEndOfJobTimeInformation = 6, JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation = 7, JobObjectBasicAndIoAccountingInformation = 8, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation = 9, JobObjectJobSetInformation = 10, JobObjectGroupInformation = 11, JobObjectNotificationLimitInformation = 12, JobObjectLimitViolationInformation = 13, JobObjectGroupInformationEx = 14, JobObjectCpuRateControlInformation = 15, JobObjectCompletionFilter = 16, JobObjectCompletionCounter = 17, JobObjectReserved1Information = 18, JobObjectReserved2Information = 19, JobObjectReserved3Information = 20, JobObjectReserved4Information = 21, JobObjectReserved5Information = 22, JobObjectReserved6Information = 23, JobObjectReserved7Information = 24, MaxJobObjectInfoClass = 25 }; enum _styleStyleFloat { styleStyleFloatNotSet = 0, styleStyleFloatLeft = 1, styleStyleFloatRight = 2, styleStyleFloatNone = 3, styleStyleFloatMsPositioned = 4, /* styleStyleFloat_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlMarqueeBehavior { htmlMarqueeBehaviorscroll = 1, htmlMarqueeBehaviorslide = 2, htmlMarqueeBehavioralternate = 3, /* htmlMarqueeBehavior_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleDisplay { styleDisplayNotSet = 0, styleDisplayBlock = 1, styleDisplayInline = 2, styleDisplayListItem = 3, styleDisplayNone = 4, styleDisplayTableHeaderGroup = 5, styleDisplayTableFooterGroup = 6, styleDisplayInlineBlock = 7, styleDisplayTable = 8, styleDisplayInlineTable = 9, styleDisplayTableRow = 10, styleDisplayTableRowGroup = 11, styleDisplayTableColumn = 12, styleDisplayTableColumnGroup = 13, styleDisplayTableCell = 14, styleDisplayTableCaption = 15, styleDisplayRunIn = 16, styleDisplayRuby = 17, styleDisplayRubyBase = 18, styleDisplayRubyText = 19, styleDisplayRubyBaseContainer = 20, styleDisplayRubyTextContainer = 21, styleDisplayMsBox = 22, styleDisplayMsInlineBox = 23, styleDisplayMsGrid = 24, styleDisplayMsInlineGrid = 25, /* styleDisplay_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlMarqueeDirection { htmlMarqueeDirectionleft = 1, htmlMarqueeDirectionright = 3, htmlMarqueeDirectionup = 5, htmlMarqueeDirectiondown = 7, /* htmlMarqueeDirection_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagREGKIND { REGKIND_DEFAULT = 0, REGKIND_REGISTER = 1, REGKIND_NONE = 2 }; enum tagGUIDKIND { GUIDKIND_DEFAULT_SOURCE_DISP_IID = 1 }; enum _HTMLDlgFlag { HTMLDlgFlagNo = 0, HTMLDlgFlagOff = 0, HTMLDlgFlag0 = 0, HTMLDlgFlagYes = 1, HTMLDlgFlagOn = 1, HTMLDlgFlag1 = 1, HTMLDlgFlagNotSet = -1, /* HTMLDlgFlag_Max = Unavail */ }; enum RefreshConstants { REFRESH_NORMAL = 0, REFRESH_IFEXPIRED = 1, REFRESH_COMPLETELY = 3 }; enum tagOLEUPDATE { OLEUPDATE_ALWAYS = 1, OLEUPDATE_ONCALL = 3 }; enum _HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS { HeapCompatibilityInformation = 0, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption = 1 }; enum _HTMLDlgBorder { HTMLDlgBorderThin = 0, /* HTMLDlgBorderThick = Unavail */ }; enum _FIRMWARE_TYPE { FirmwareTypeUnknown = 0, FirmwareTypeBios = 1, FirmwareTypeUefi = 2, FirmwareTypeMax = 3 }; enum tagOLELINKBIND { OLELINKBIND_EVENIFCLASSDIFF = 1 }; enum _HTMLDlgEdge { HTMLDlgEdgeSunken = 0, HTMLDlgEdgeRaised = 16, /* HTMLDlgEdge_Max = Unavail */ }; /* enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0005 { BINDINFO_OPTIONS_WININETFLAG = Unavail }; */ enum _htmlPersistState { htmlPersistStateNormal = 0, htmlPersistStateFavorite = 1, htmlPersistStateHistory = 2, htmlPersistStateSnapshot = 3, htmlPersistStateUserData = 4, /* htmlPersistState_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { RelationProcessorCore = 0, RelationNumaNode = 1, RelationCache = 2, RelationProcessorPackage = 3, RelationGroup = 4, ÿÿRelationAll = 32770 }; enum _HTMLDlgCenter { HTMLDlgCenterNo = 0, HTMLDlgCenterOff = 0, HTMLDlgCenter0 = 0, HTMLDlgCenterYes = 1, HTMLDlgCenterOn = 1, HTMLDlgCenter1 = 1, HTMLDlgCenterParent = 1, HTMLDlgCenterDesktop = 2, /* HTMLDlgCenter_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagORIENTATION_PREFERENCE { ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_NONE = 0, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_LANDSCAPE = 1, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_PORTRAIT = 2, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_LANDSCAPE_FLIPPED = 4, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_PORTRAIT_FLIPPED = 8 }; enum _styleVisibility { styleVisibilityNotSet = 0, styleVisibilityInherit = 1, styleVisibilityVisible = 2, styleVisibilityHidden = 3, styleVisibilityCollapse = 4, /* styleVisibility_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS { ActivationContextBasicInformation = 1, ActivationContextDetailedInformation = 2, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext = 3, FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContext = 4, RunlevelInformationInActivationContext = 5, CompatibilityInformationInActivationContext = 6, ActivationContextManifestResourceName = 7, MaxActivationContextInfoClass = 8, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContxt = 3, FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContxt = 4 }; enum _COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT { ComputerNameNetBIOS = 0, ComputerNameDnsHostname = 1, ComputerNameDnsDomain = 2, ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified = 3, ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS = 4, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname = 5, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain = 6, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified = 7, ComputerNameMax = 8 }; enum _htmlDropEffect { htmlDropEffectCopy = 0, htmlDropEffectLink = 1, htmlDropEffectMove = 2, htmlDropEffectNone = 3, /* htmlDropEffect_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE { CacheUnified = 0, CacheInstruction = 1, CacheData = 2, CacheTrace = 3 }; enum _styleListStyleType { styleListStyleTypeNotSet = 0, styleListStyleTypeDisc = 1, styleListStyleTypeCircle = 2, styleListStyleTypeSquare = 3, styleListStyleTypeDecimal = 4, styleListStyleTypeLowerRoman = 5, styleListStyleTypeUpperRoman = 6, styleListStyleTypeLowerAlpha = 7, styleListStyleTypeUpperAlpha = 8, styleListStyleTypeNone = 9, styleListStyleTypeDecimalLeadingZero = 10, styleListStyleTypeGeorgian = 11, styleListStyleTypeArmenian = 12, styleListStyleTypeUpperLatin = 13, styleListStyleTypeLowerLatin = 14, styleListStyleTypeUpperGreek = 15, styleListStyleTypeLowerGreek = 16, /* styleListStyleType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlEffectAllowed { htmlEffectAllowedCopy = 0, htmlEffectAllowedLink = 1, htmlEffectAllowedMove = 2, htmlEffectAllowedCopyLink = 3, htmlEffectAllowedCopyMove = 4, htmlEffectAllowedLinkMove = 5, htmlEffectAllowedAll = 6, htmlEffectAllowedNone = 7, htmlEffectAllowedUninitialized = 8, /* htmlEffectAllowed_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HTMLAppFlag { HTMLAppFlagNo = 0, HTMLAppFlagOff = 0, HTMLAppFlag0 = 0, HTMLAppFlagYes = 1, HTMLAppFlagOn = 1, HTMLAppFlag1 = 1, /* HTMLAppFlag_Max = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0006 { BSCF_FIRSTDATANOTIFICATION = 1, BSCF_INTERMEDIATEDATANOTIFICATION = 2, BSCF_LASTDATANOTIFICATION = 4, BSCF_DATAFULLYAVAILABLE = 8, BSCF_AVAILABLEDATASIZEUNKNOWN = 16, BSCF_SKIPDRAINDATAFORFILEURLS = 32, BSCF_64BITLENGTHDOWNLOAD = 64 }; enum tagBINDSTATUS { BINDSTATUS_FINDINGRESOURCE = 1, BINDSTATUS_CONNECTING = 2, BINDSTATUS_REDIRECTING = 3, BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADDATA = 4, BINDSTATUS_DOWNLOADINGDATA = 5, BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADDATA = 6, BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADCOMPONENTS = 7, BINDSTATUS_INSTALLINGCOMPONENTS = 8, BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADCOMPONENTS = 9, BINDSTATUS_USINGCACHEDCOPY = 10, BINDSTATUS_SENDINGREQUEST = 11, BINDSTATUS_CLASSIDAVAILABLE = 12, BINDSTATUS_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE = 13, BINDSTATUS_CACHEFILENAMEAVAILABLE = 14, BINDSTATUS_BEGINSYNCOPERATION = 15, BINDSTATUS_ENDSYNCOPERATION = 16, BINDSTATUS_BEGINUPLOADDATA = 17, BINDSTATUS_UPLOADINGDATA = 18, BINDSTATUS_ENDUPLOADDATA = 19, BINDSTATUS_PROTOCOLCLASSID = 20, BINDSTATUS_ENCODING = 21, BINDSTATUS_VERIFIEDMIMETYPEAVAILABLE = 22, BINDSTATUS_CLASSINSTALLLOCATION = 23, BINDSTATUS_DECODING = 24, BINDSTATUS_LOADINGMIMEHANDLER = 25, BINDSTATUS_CONTENTDISPOSITIONATTACH = 26, BINDSTATUS_FILTERREPORTMIMETYPE = 27, BINDSTATUS_CLSIDCANINSTANTIATE = 28, BINDSTATUS_IUNKNOWNAVAILABLE = 29, BINDSTATUS_DIRECTBIND = 30, BINDSTATUS_RAWMIMETYPE = 31, BINDSTATUS_PROXYDETECTING = 32, BINDSTATUS_ACCEPTRANGES = 33, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_SENT = 34, BINDSTATUS_COMPACT_POLICY_RECEIVED = 35, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_SUPPRESSED = 36, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 37, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT = 38, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_REJECT = 39, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_PROMPT = 40, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_LEASH = 41, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_DOWNGRADE = 42, BINDSTATUS_POLICY_HREF = 43, BINDSTATUS_P3P_HEADER = 44, BINDSTATUS_SESSION_COOKIE_RECEIVED = 45, BINDSTATUS_PERSISTENT_COOKIE_RECEIVED = 46, BINDSTATUS_SESSION_COOKIES_ALLOWED = 47, BINDSTATUS_CACHECONTROL = 48, BINDSTATUS_CONTENTDISPOSITIONFILENAME = 49, BINDSTATUS_MIMETEXTPLAINMISMATCH = 50, BINDSTATUS_PUBLISHERAVAILABLE = 51, BINDSTATUS_DISPLAYNAMEAVAILABLE = 52, BINDSTATUS_SSLUX_NAVBLOCKED = 53, BINDSTATUS_SERVER_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE = 54, BINDSTATUS_SNIFFED_CLASSIDAVAILABLE = 55, BINDSTATUS_64BIT_PROGRESS = 56, BINDSTATUS_LAST = 56, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_0 = 57, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_1 = 58, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_2 = 59, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_3 = 60, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_4 = 61, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_5 = 62, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_6 = 63, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_7 = 64, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_8 = 65, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_9 = 66, BINDSTATUS_LAST_PRIVATE = 66 }; enum _HTMLMinimizeFlag { HTMLMinimizeFlagNo = 0, /* HTMLMinimizeFlagYes = Unavail */ }; enum tagCTRLINFO { CTRLINFO_EATS_RETURN = 1, CTRLINFO_EATS_ESCAPE = 2 }; enum _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL { SecurityAnonymous = 0, SecurityIdentification = 1, SecurityImpersonation = 2, SecurityDelegation = 3 }; enum tagPOINTER_INPUT_TYPE { PT_POINTER = 1, PT_TOUCH = 2, PT_PEN = 3, PT_MOUSE = 4 }; enum tagTYMED { TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1, TYMED_FILE = 2, TYMED_ISTREAM = 4, TYMED_ISTORAGE = 8, TYMED_GDI = 16, TYMED_MFPICT = 32, TYMED_ENHMF = 64, TYMED_NULL = 0 }; enum _HTMLMaximizeFlag { HTMLMaximizeFlagNo = 0, /* HTMLMaximizeFlagYes = Unavail */ }; enum tagBINDSPEED { BINDSPEED_INDEFINITE = 1, BINDSPEED_MODERATE = 2, BINDSPEED_IMMEDIATE = 3 }; enum _styleListStylePosition { styleListStylePositionNotSet = 0, styleListStylePositionInside = 1, styleListStylePositionOutSide = 2, /* styleListStylePosition_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HTMLCaptionFlag { HTMLCaptionFlagNo = 0, /* HTMLCaptionFlagYes = Unavail */ }; enum _TOKEN_TYPE { TokenPrimary = 1, TokenImpersonation = 2 }; enum _htmlCompatMode { htmlCompatModeBackCompat = 0, htmlCompatModeCSS1Compat = 1, /* htmlCompatMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagOLECONTF { OLECONTF_EMBEDDINGS = 1, OLECONTF_LINKS = 2, OLECONTF_OTHERS = 4, OLECONTF_ONLYUSER = 8, OLECONTF_ONLYIFRUNNING = 16 }; enum _styleWhiteSpace { styleWhiteSpaceNotSet = 0, styleWhiteSpaceNormal = 1, styleWhiteSpacePre = 2, styleWhiteSpaceNowrap = 3, styleWhiteSpacePreline = 4, styleWhiteSpacePrewrap = 5, /* styleWhiteSpace_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE { TokenElevationTypeDefault = 1, TokenElevationTypeFull = 2, TokenElevationTypeLimited = 3 }; enum _HTMLSysMenuFlag { HTMLSysMenuFlagNo = 0, /* HTMLSysMenuFlagYes = Unavail */ }; enum _BoolValue { True = 1, False = 0, /* BoolValue_Max = Unavail */ }; /* enum { CTF_INSIST = 1, CTF_THREAD_REF = 2, CTF_PROCESS_REF = 4, CTF_COINIT_STA = 8, CTF_COINIT = 8, CTF_FREELIBANDEXIT = 16, CTF_REF_COUNTED = 32, CTF_WAIT_ALLOWCOM = 64, CTF_UNUSED = 128, CTF_INHERITWOW64 = 256, CTF_WAIT_NO_REENTRANCY = 512, CTF_KEYBOARD_LOCALE = 1024, CTF_OLEINITIALIZE = 2048, CTF_COINIT_MTA = 4096, CTF_NOADDREFLIB = 8192 }; */ enum _HTMLBorder { HTMLBorderNone = 0, /* HTMLBorderThick = Unavail */ }; enum tagSYSKIND { SYS_WIN16 = 0, SYS_WIN32 = 1, SYS_MAC = 2, SYS_WIN64 = 3 }; enum _TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS { TokenUser = 1, TokenGroups = 2, TokenPrivileges = 3, TokenOwner = 4, TokenPrimaryGroup = 5, TokenDefaultDacl = 6, TokenSource = 7, TokenType = 8, TokenImpersonationLevel = 9, TokenStatistics = 10, TokenRestrictedSids = 11, TokenSessionId = 12, TokenGroupsAndPrivileges = 13, TokenSessionReference = 14, TokenSandBoxInert = 15, TokenAuditPolicy = 16, TokenOrigin = 17, TokenElevationType = 18, TokenLinkedToken = 19, TokenElevation = 20, TokenHasRestrictions = 21, TokenAccessInformation = 22, TokenVirtualizationAllowed = 23, TokenVirtualizationEnabled = 24, TokenIntegrityLevel = 25, TokenUIAccess = 26, TokenMandatoryPolicy = 27, TokenLogonSid = 28, TokenIsAppContainer = 29, TokenCapabilities = 30, TokenAppContainerSid = 31, TokenAppContainerNumber = 32, TokenUserClaimAttributes = 33, TokenDeviceClaimAttributes = 34, TokenRestrictedUserClaimAttributes = 35, TokenRestrictedDeviceClaimAttributes = 36, TokenDeviceGroups = 37, TokenRestrictedDeviceGroups = 38, TokenSecurityAttributes = 39, TokenIsRestricted = 40, MaxTokenInfoClass = 41 }; enum _stylePageBreak { stylePageBreakNotSet = 0, stylePageBreakAuto = 1, stylePageBreakAlways = 2, stylePageBreakLeft = 3, stylePageBreakRight = 4, stylePageBreakAvoid = 5, /* stylePageBreak_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagLIBFLAGS { LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 1, LIBFLAG_FCONTROL = 2, LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN = 4, LIBFLAG_FHASDISKIMAGE = 8 }; enum _htmlCaptionAlign { htmlCaptionAlignNotSet = 0, htmlCaptionAlignLeft = 1, htmlCaptionAlignCenter = 2, htmlCaptionAlignRight = 3, htmlCaptionAlignJustify = 4, htmlCaptionAlignTop = 5, htmlCaptionAlignBottom = 6, /* htmlCaptionAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HTMLBorderStyle { HTMLBorderStyleNormal = 0, HTMLBorderStyleRaised = 256, HTMLBorderStyleSunken = 512, HTMLBorderStylecombined = 768, /* HTMLBorderStyleStatic = Unavail */ }; enum _tagOIBDG_FLAGS { OIBDG_APARTMENTTHREADED = 256, OIBDG_DATAONLY = 4096 }; enum _stylePageBreakInside { stylePageBreakInsideNotSet = 0, stylePageBreakInsideAuto = 1, stylePageBreakInsideAvoid = 2, /* stylePageBreakInside_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _HTMLWindowState { HTMLWindowStateNormal = 1, HTMLWindowStateMaximize = 3, HTMLWindowStateMinimize = 6, /* HTMLWindowState_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlCaptionVAlign { htmlCaptionVAlignNotSet = 0, htmlCaptionVAlignTop = 1, htmlCaptionVAlignBottom = 2, /* htmlCaptionVAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagXFORMCOORDS { XFORMCOORDS_POSITION = 1, XFORMCOORDS_SIZE = 2, XFORMCOORDS_HIMETRICTOCONTAINER = 4, XFORMCOORDS_CONTAINERTOHIMETRIC = 8, XFORMCOORDS_EVENTCOMPAT = 16 }; enum _styleCursor { styleCursorAuto = 0, styleCursorCrosshair = 1, styleCursorDefault = 2, styleCursorHand = 3, styleCursorMove = 4, styleCursorE_resize = 5, styleCursorNe_resize = 6, styleCursorNw_resize = 7, styleCursorN_resize = 8, styleCursorSe_resize = 9, styleCursorSw_resize = 10, styleCursorS_resize = 11, styleCursorW_resize = 12, styleCursorText = 13, styleCursorWait = 14, styleCursorHelp = 15, styleCursorPointer = 16, styleCursorProgress = 17, styleCursorNot_allowed = 18, styleCursorNo_drop = 19, styleCursorVertical_text = 20, styleCursorall_scroll = 21, styleCursorcol_resize = 22, styleCursorrow_resize = 23, styleCursorNone = 24, styleCursorContext_menu = 25, styleCursorEw_resize = 26, styleCursorNs_resize = 27, styleCursorNesw_resize = 28, styleCursorNwse_resize = 29, styleCursorCell = 30, styleCursorCopy = 31, styleCursorAlias = 32, styleCursorcustom = 33, styleCursorNotSet = 34, /* styleCursor_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _BEHAVIOR_EVENT { BEHAVIOREVENT_FIRST = 0, BEHAVIOREVENT_CONTENTREADY = 0, BEHAVIOREVENT_DOCUMENTREADY = 1, BEHAVIOREVENT_APPLYSTYLE = 2, BEHAVIOREVENT_DOCUMENTCONTEXTCHANGE = 3, BEHAVIOREVENT_CONTENTSAVE = 4, BEHAVIOREVENT_LAST = 4, /* BEHAVIOR_EVENT_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlFrame { htmlFrameNotSet = 0, htmlFramevoid = 1, htmlFrameabove = 2, htmlFramebelow = 3, htmlFramehsides = 4, htmlFramelhs = 5, htmlFramerhs = 6, htmlFramevsides = 7, htmlFramebox = 8, htmlFrameborder = 9, /* htmlFrame_Max = Unavail */ }; enum URL_SCHEME { URL_SCHEME_INVALID = -1, URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN = 0, URL_SCHEME_FTP = 1, URL_SCHEME_HTTP = 2, URL_SCHEME_GOPHER = 3, URL_SCHEME_MAILTO = 4, URL_SCHEME_NEWS = 5, URL_SCHEME_NNTP = 6, URL_SCHEME_TELNET = 7, URL_SCHEME_WAIS = 8, URL_SCHEME_FILE = 9, URL_SCHEME_MK = 10, URL_SCHEME_HTTPS = 11, URL_SCHEME_SHELL = 12, URL_SCHEME_SNEWS = 13, URL_SCHEME_LOCAL = 14, URL_SCHEME_JAVASCRIPT = 15, URL_SCHEME_VBSCRIPT = 16, URL_SCHEME_ABOUT = 17, URL_SCHEME_RES = 18, URL_SCHEME_MSSHELLROOTED = 19, URL_SCHEME_MSSHELLIDLIST = 20, URL_SCHEME_MSHELP = 21, URL_SCHEME_MSSHELLDEVICE = 22, URL_SCHEME_WILDCARD = 23, URL_SCHEME_SEARCH_MS = 24, URL_SCHEME_SEARCH = 25, URL_SCHEME_KNOWNFOLDER = 26, URL_SCHEME_MAXVALUE = 27 }; enum ATL::ATLTRACESTATUS { ATLTRACESTATUS_INHERIT = 0, ATLTRACESTATUS_ENABLED = 1, ATLTRACESTATUS_DISABLED = 2 }; enum ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL { ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED = 0, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_AS_INVOKER = 1, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_HIGHEST_AVAILABLE = 2, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_REQUIRE_ADMIN = 3, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_NUMBERS = 4 }; enum _BEHAVIOR_EVENT_FLAGS { BEHAVIOREVENTFLAGS_BUBBLE = 1, BEHAVIOREVENTFLAGS_STANDARDADDITIVE = 2, /* 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Unavail */ }; enum IPPROTO { IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0, IPPROTO_ICMP = 1, IPPROTO_IGMP = 2, IPPROTO_GGP = 3, IPPROTO_IPV4 = 4, IPPROTO_ST = 5, IPPROTO_TCP = 6, IPPROTO_CBT = 7, IPPROTO_EGP = 8, IPPROTO_IGP = 9, IPPROTO_PUP = 12, IPPROTO_UDP = 17, IPPROTO_IDP = 22, IPPROTO_RDP = 27, IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41, IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43, IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44, IPPROTO_ESP = 50, IPPROTO_AH = 51, IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58, IPPROTO_NONE = 59, IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60, IPPROTO_ND = 77, IPPROTO_ICLFXBM = 78, IPPROTO_PIM = 103, IPPROTO_PGM = 113, IPPROTO_L2TP = 115, IPPROTO_SCTP = 132, IPPROTO_RAW = 255, IPPROTO_MAX = 256, IPPROTO_RESERVED_RAW = 257, IPPROTO_RESERVED_IPSEC = 258, IPPROTO_RESERVED_IPSECOFFLOAD = 259, IPPROTO_RESERVED_WNV = 260, IPPROTO_RESERVED_MAX = 261 }; enum _htmlCellAlign { htmlCellAlignNotSet = 0, htmlCellAlignLeft = 1, htmlCellAlignCenter = 2, htmlCellAlignRight = 3, htmlCellAlignMiddle = 2, /* htmlCellAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE { ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE_OS = 1, ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE_MITIGATION = 2 }; enum XLAT_SIDE { XLAT_SERVER = 1, XLAT_CLIENT = 2 }; enum _BEHAVIOR_RELATION { BEHAVIOR_FIRSTRELATION = 0, BEHAVIOR_SAMEELEMENT = 0, BEHAVIOR_PARENT = 1, BEHAVIOR_CHILD = 2, BEHAVIOR_SIBLING = 3, BEHAVIOR_LASTRELATION = 3, /* BEHAVIOR_RELATION_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _htmlCellVAlign { htmlCellVAlignNotSet = 0, htmlCellVAlignTop = 1, htmlCellVAlignMiddle = 2, htmlCellVAlignBottom = 3, htmlCellVAlignBaseline = 4, htmlCellVAlignCenter = 2, /* htmlCellVAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleDir { styleDirNotSet = 0, styleDirLeftToRight = 1, styleDirRightToLeft = 2, styleDirInherit = 3, /* styleDir_Max = Unavail */ }; enum URL_PART { URL_PART_NONE = 0, URL_PART_SCHEME = 1, URL_PART_HOSTNAME = 2, URL_PART_USERNAME = 3, URL_PART_PASSWORD = 4, URL_PART_PORT = 5, URL_PART_QUERY = 6 }; enum _styleBidi { styleBidiNotSet = 0, styleBidiNormal = 1, styleBidiEmbed = 2, styleBidiOverride = 3, styleBidiInherit = 4, /* styleBidi_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _BEHAVIOR_LAYOUT_INFO { BEHAVIORLAYOUTINFO_FULLDELEGATION = 1, BEHAVIORLAYOUTINFO_MODIFYNATURAL = 2, BEHAVIORLAYOUTINFO_MAPSIZE = 4, /* BEHAVIOR_LAYOUT_INFO_Max = Unavail */ }; enum URLIS { URLIS_URL = 0, URLIS_OPAQUE = 1, URLIS_NOHISTORY = 2, URLIS_FILEURL = 3, URLIS_APPLIABLE = 4, URLIS_DIRECTORY = 5, URLIS_HASQUERY = 6 }; enum _BEHAVIOR_LAYOUT_MODE { BEHAVIORLAYOUTMODE_NATURAL = 1, BEHAVIORLAYOUTMODE_MINWIDTH = 2, BEHAVIORLAYOUTMODE_MAXWIDTH = 4, BEHAVIORLAYOUTMODE_MEDIA_RESOLUTION = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _styleImeMode { styleImeModeAuto = 0, styleImeModeActive = 1, styleImeModeInactive = 2, styleImeModeDisabled = 3, styleImeModeNotSet = 4, /* styleImeMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _frameScrolling { frameScrollingyes = 1, frameScrollingno = 2, frameScrollingauto = 4, /* frameScrolling_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _ELEMENTDESCRIPTOR_FLAGS { ELEMENTDESCRIPTORFLAGS_LITERAL = 1, 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4, VT_R8 = 5, VT_CY = 6, VT_DATE = 7, VT_BSTR = 8, VT_DISPATCH = 9, VT_ERROR = 10, VT_BOOL = 11, VT_VARIANT = 12, VT_UNKNOWN = 13, VT_DECIMAL = 14, VT_I1 = 16, VT_UI1 = 17, VT_UI2 = 18, VT_UI4 = 19, VT_I8 = 20, VT_UI8 = 21, VT_INT = 22, VT_UINT = 23, VT_VOID = 24, VT_HRESULT = 25, VT_PTR = 26, VT_SAFEARRAY = 27, VT_CARRAY = 28, VT_USERDEFINED = 29, VT_LPSTR = 30, VT_LPWSTR = 31, VT_RECORD = 36, VT_INT_PTR = 37, VT_UINT_PTR = 38, VT_FILETIME = 64, VT_BLOB = 65, VT_STREAM = 66, VT_STORAGE = 67, VT_STREAMED_OBJECT = 68, VT_STORED_OBJECT = 69, VT_BLOB_OBJECT = 70, VT_CF = 71, VT_CLSID = 72, VT_VERSIONED_STREAM = 73, VT_BSTR_BLOB = 4095, VT_VECTOR = 4096, VT_ARRAY = 8192, VT_BYREF = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _VIEW_OBJECT_ALPHA_MODE { VIEW_OBJECT_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE = 0, VIEW_OBJECT_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED = 1, /* VIEW_OBJECT_ALPHA_MODE_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleRubyPosition { styleRubyPositionNotSet = 0, styleRubyPositionAbove = 1, styleRubyPositionInline = 2, /* styleRubyPosition_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _tagPARSEACTION { PARSE_CANONICALIZE = 1, PARSE_FRIENDLY = 2, PARSE_SECURITY_URL = 3, PARSE_ROOTDOCUMENT = 4, PARSE_DOCUMENT = 5, PARSE_ANCHOR = 6, PARSE_ENCODE_IS_UNESCAPE = 7, PARSE_DECODE_IS_ESCAPE = 8, PARSE_PATH_FROM_URL = 9, PARSE_URL_FROM_PATH = 10, PARSE_MIME = 11, PARSE_SERVER = 12, PARSE_SCHEMA = 13, PARSE_SITE = 14, PARSE_DOMAIN = 15, PARSE_LOCATION = 16, PARSE_SECURITY_DOMAIN = 17, PARSE_ESCAPE = 18, PARSE_UNESCAPE = 19 }; enum _VIEW_OBJECT_COMPOSITION_MODE { VIEW_OBJECT_COMPOSITION_MODE_LEGACY = 0, VIEW_OBJECT_COMPOSITION_MODE_SURFACEPRESENTER = 1, /* VIEW_OBJECT_COMPOSITION_MODE_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleRubyOverhang { styleRubyOverhangNotSet = 0, styleRubyOverhangAuto = 1, styleRubyOverhangWhitespace = 2, styleRubyOverhangNone = 3, /* styleRubyOverhang_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleLayoutGridChar { styleLayoutGridCharNotSet = 0, styleLayoutGridCharAuto = 1, styleLayoutGridCharNone = 2, /* styleLayoutGridChar_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagTYPEKIND { TKIND_ENUM = 0, TKIND_RECORD = 1, TKIND_MODULE = 2, TKIND_INTERFACE = 3, TKIND_DISPATCH = 4, TKIND_COCLASS = 5, TKIND_ALIAS = 6, TKIND_UNION = 7, TKIND_MAX = 8 }; enum _styleLayoutGridLine { styleLayoutGridLineNotSet = 0, styleLayoutGridLineAuto = 1, styleLayoutGridLineNone = 2, /* styleLayoutGridLine_Max = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallbackEx_0001 { BINDF2_DISABLEBASICOVERHTTP = 1, BINDF2_DISABLEAUTOCOOKIEHANDLING = 2, BINDF2_READ_DATA_GREATER_THAN_4GB = 4, BINDF2_DISABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT_XSECURITYID = 8, BINDF2_SETDOWNLOADMODE = 32, BINDF2_DISABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT_CACHING = 64, /* BINDF2_RESERVED_E = Unavail */ }; enum tagPROPPAGESTATUS { PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY = 1, PROPPAGESTATUS_VALIDATE = 2, PROPPAGESTATUS_CLEAN = 4 }; enum _tagPSUACTION { PSU_DEFAULT = 1, PSU_SECURITY_URL_ONLY = 2 }; enum _styleLayoutGridMode { styleLayoutGridModeNotSet = 0, styleLayoutGridModeChar = 1, styleLayoutGridModeLine = 2, styleLayoutGridModeBoth = 3, styleLayoutGridModeNone = 4, /* styleLayoutGridMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _tagQUERYOPTION { QUERY_EXPIRATION_DATE = 1, QUERY_TIME_OF_LAST_CHANGE = 2, QUERY_CONTENT_ENCODING = 3, QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE = 4, QUERY_REFRESH = 5, QUERY_RECOMBINE = 6, QUERY_CAN_NAVIGATE = 7, QUERY_USES_NETWORK = 8, QUERY_IS_CACHED = 9, QUERY_IS_INSTALLEDENTRY = 10, QUERY_IS_CACHED_OR_MAPPED = 11, QUERY_USES_CACHE = 12, QUERY_IS_SECURE = 13, QUERY_IS_SAFE = 14, QUERY_USES_HISTORYFOLDER = 15, QUERY_IS_CACHED_AND_USABLE_OFFLINE = 16 }; enum _APTTYPEQUALIFIER { APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NONE = 0, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_IMPLICIT_MTA = 1, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_MTA = 2, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_STA = 3, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_IMPLICIT_MTA = 4, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_MAINSTA = 5, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_APPLICATION_STA = 6 }; enum _styleLayoutGridType { styleLayoutGridTypeNotSet = 0, styleLayoutGridTypeLoose = 1, styleLayoutGridTypeStrict = 2, styleLayoutGridTypeFixed = 3, /* styleLayoutGridType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { LowMemoryResourceNotification = 0, HighMemoryResourceNotification = 1, PendingBadMemoryNotification = 2 }; enum _svgAngleType { SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 1, SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG = 2, SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD = 3, SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD = 4, /* svgAngleType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _APTTYPE { APTTYPE_CURRENT = -1, APTTYPE_STA = 0, APTTYPE_MTA = 1, APTTYPE_NA = 2, APTTYPE_MAINSTA = 3 }; enum _styleLineBreak { styleLineBreakNotSet = 0, styleLineBreakNormal = 1, styleLineBreakStrict = 2, /* styleLineBreak_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleWordBreak { styleWordBreakNotSet = 0, styleWordBreakNormal = 1, styleWordBreakBreakAll = 2, styleWordBreakKeepAll = 3, /* styleWordBreak_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _THDTYPE { THDTYPE_BLOCKMESSAGES = 0, THDTYPE_PROCESSMESSAGES = 1 }; enum SYSNLS_FUNCTION { COMPARE_STRING = 1 }; enum _styleWordWrap { styleWordWrapNotSet = 0, styleWordWrapOff = 1, styleWordWrapOn = 2, /* styleWordWrap_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { RpcNotificationTypeNone = 0, RpcNotificationTypeEvent = 1, RpcNotificationTypeApc = 2, RpcNotificationTypeIoc = 3, RpcNotificationTypeHwnd = 4, RpcNotificationTypeCallback = 5 }; enum tagEXTCONN { EXTCONN_STRONG = 1, EXTCONN_WEAK = 2, EXTCONN_CALLABLE = 4 }; enum _svgFocusable { svgFocusableNotSet = 0, svgFocusableAuto = 1, svgFocusableTrue = 2, svgFocusableFalse = 3, /* svgFocusable_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleTextJustify { styleTextJustifyNotSet = 0, styleTextJustifyInterWord = 1, styleTextJustifyNewspaper = 2, styleTextJustifyDistribute = 3, styleTextJustifyDistributeAllLines = 4, styleTextJustifyInterIdeograph = 5, styleTextJustifyInterCluster = 6, styleTextJustifyKashida = 7, styleTextJustifyAuto = 8, /* styleTextJustify_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::FillMode { FillModeAlternate = 0, FillModeWinding = 1 }; enum _RPC_ASYNC_EVENT { RpcCallComplete = 0, RpcSendComplete = 1, RpcReceiveComplete = 2, RpcClientDisconnect = 3, RpcClientCancel = 4 }; enum Gdiplus::QualityMode { QualityModeInvalid = -1, QualityModeDefault = 0, QualityModeLow = 1, QualityModeHigh = 2 }; enum _svgLengthType { SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER = 1, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE = 2, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS = 3, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS = 4, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX = 5, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM = 6, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM = 7, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN = 8, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT = 9, SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC = 10, /* svgLengthType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::CompositingMode { CompositingModeSourceOver = 0, CompositingModeSourceCopy = 1 }; enum tagFEEDBACK_TYPE { FEEDBACK_TOUCH_CONTACTVISUALIZATION = 1, FEEDBACK_PEN_BARRELVISUALIZATION = 2, FEEDBACK_PEN_TAP = 3, FEEDBACK_PEN_DOUBLETAP = 4, FEEDBACK_PEN_PRESSANDHOLD = 5, FEEDBACK_PEN_RIGHTTAP = 6, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_TAP = 7, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_DOUBLETAP = 8, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_PRESSANDHOLD = 9, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_RIGHTTAP = 10, FEEDBACK_GESTURE_PRESSANDTAP = 11, FEEDBACK_MAX = -1 }; enum _styleTextAlignLast { styleTextAlignLastNotSet = 0, styleTextAlignLastLeft = 1, styleTextAlignLastCenter = 2, styleTextAlignLastRight = 3, styleTextAlignLastJustify = 4, styleTextAlignLastAuto = 5, /* styleTextAlignLast_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::CompositingQuality { CompositingQualityInvalid = -1, CompositingQualityDefault = 0, CompositingQualityHighSpeed = 1, CompositingQualityHighQuality = 2, CompositingQualityGammaCorrected = 3, CompositingQualityAssumeLinear = 4 }; enum Gdiplus::Unit { UnitWorld = 0, UnitDisplay = 1, UnitPixel = 2, UnitPoint = 3, UnitInch = 4, UnitDocument = 5, UnitMillimeter = 6 }; enum __MIDL_IPrint_0001 { PRINTFLAG_MAYBOTHERUSER = 1, PRINTFLAG_PROMPTUSER = 2, PRINTFLAG_USERMAYCHANGEPRINTER = 4, PRINTFLAG_RECOMPOSETODEVICE = 8, PRINTFLAG_DONTACTUALLYPRINT = 16, PRINTFLAG_FORCEPROPERTIES = 32, PRINTFLAG_PRINTTOFILE = 64 }; enum _styleTextJustifyTrim { styleTextJustifyTrimNotSet = 0, styleTextJustifyTrimNone = 1, styleTextJustifyTrimPunctuation = 2, styleTextJustifyTrimPunctAndKana = 3, /* styleTextJustifyTrim_Max = Unavail */ }; enum 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= 9, GEO_TIMEZONES = 10, GEO_OFFICIALLANGUAGES = 11, GEO_ISO_UN_NUMBER = 12, GEO_PARENT = 13 }; enum __MIDL_IAuthenticateEx_0001 { AUTHENTICATEF_PROXY = 1, AUTHENTICATEF_BASIC = 2, AUTHENTICATEF_HTTP = 4 }; enum _styleAccelerator { styleAcceleratorFalse = 0, styleAcceleratorTrue = 1, /* styleAccelerator_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgPathSegType { PATHSEG_UNKNOWN = 0, PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH = 1, PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS = 2, PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL = 3, PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS = 4, PATHSEG_LINETO_REL = 5, PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS = 6, PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL = 7, PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS = 8, PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL = 9, PATHSEG_ARC_ABS = 10, PATHSEG_ARC_REL = 11, PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS = 12, PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL = 13, PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS = 14, PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL = 15, PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS = 16, PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL = 17, PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS = 18, PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL = 19, /* svgPathSegType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::MetafileFrameUnit { MetafileFrameUnitPixel = 2, MetafileFrameUnitPoint = 3, MetafileFrameUnitInch = 4, MetafileFrameUnitDocument = 5, MetafileFrameUnitMillimeter = 6, MetafileFrameUnitGdi = 7 }; enum tagCHANGEKIND { CHANGEKIND_ADDMEMBER = 0, CHANGEKIND_DELETEMEMBER = 1, CHANGEKIND_SETNAMES = 2, CHANGEKIND_SETDOCUMENTATION = 3, CHANGEKIND_GENERAL = 4, CHANGEKIND_INVALIDATE = 5, CHANGEKIND_CHANGEFAILED = 6, CHANGEKIND_MAX = 7 }; enum _styleLayoutFlow { styleLayoutFlowHorizontal = 0, styleLayoutFlowVerticalIdeographic = 1, styleLayoutFlowNotSet = 2, /* styleLayoutFlow_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::CoordinateSpace { CoordinateSpaceWorld = 0, CoordinateSpacePage = 1, CoordinateSpaceDevice = 2 }; enum _styleBlockProgression { styleBlockProgressionTb = 0, styleBlockProgressionRl = 1, styleBlockProgressionBt = 2, styleBlockProgressionLr = 3, styleBlockProgressionNotSet = 4, /* styleBlockProgression_Max = Unavail */ }; enum SYSGEOCLASS { GEOCLASS_NATION = 16, GEOCLASS_REGION = 14, GEOCLASS_ALL = 0 }; enum Gdiplus::WrapMode { WrapModeTile = 0, WrapModeTileFlipX = 1, WrapModeTileFlipY = 2, WrapModeTileFlipXY = 3, WrapModeClamp = 4 }; enum _NORM_FORM { NormalizationOther = 0, NormalizationC = 1, NormalizationD = 2, NormalizationKC = 5, NormalizationKD = 6 }; enum _CM_SERVICE_NODE_TYPE { DriverType = 1, FileSystemType = 2, Win32ServiceOwnProcess = 16, Win32ServiceShareProcess = 32, AdapterType = 4, RecognizerType = 8 }; enum Gdiplus::HatchStyle { HatchStyleHorizontal = 0, HatchStyleVertical = 1, HatchStyleForwardDiagonal = 2, HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal = 3, HatchStyleCross = 4, HatchStyleDiagonalCross = 5, HatchStyle05Percent = 6, HatchStyle10Percent = 7, HatchStyle20Percent = 8, HatchStyle25Percent = 9, HatchStyle30Percent = 10, HatchStyle40Percent = 11, HatchStyle50Percent = 12, HatchStyle60Percent = 13, HatchStyle70Percent = 14, HatchStyle75Percent = 15, HatchStyle80Percent = 16, HatchStyle90Percent = 17, HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal = 18, HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal = 19, HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal = 20, HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal = 21, HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal = 22, HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal = 23, HatchStyleLightVertical = 24, HatchStyleLightHorizontal = 25, HatchStyleNarrowVertical = 26, HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal = 27, HatchStyleDarkVertical = 28, HatchStyleDarkHorizontal = 29, HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal = 30, HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal = 31, HatchStyleDashedHorizontal = 32, HatchStyleDashedVertical = 33, HatchStyleSmallConfetti = 34, HatchStyleLargeConfetti = 35, HatchStyleZigZag = 36, HatchStyleWave = 37, HatchStyleDiagonalBrick = 38, HatchStyleHorizontalBrick = 39, HatchStyleWeave = 40, HatchStylePlaid = 41, HatchStyleDivot = 42, HatchStyleDottedGrid = 43, HatchStyleDottedDiamond = 44, HatchStyleShingle = 45, HatchStyleTrellis = 46, HatchStyleSphere = 47, HatchStyleSmallGrid = 48, HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard = 49, HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard = 50, HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond = 51, HatchStyleSolidDiamond = 52, HatchStyleTotal = 53, HatchStyleLargeGrid = 4, HatchStyleMin = 0, HatchStyleMax = 52 }; enum _styleWritingMode { styleWritingModeLrtb = 0, styleWritingModeTbrl = 1, styleWritingModeRltb = 2, styleWritingModeBtrl = 3, styleWritingModeNotSet = 4, styleWritingModeTblr = 5, styleWritingModeBtlr = 6, styleWritingModeLrbt = 7, styleWritingModeRlbt = 8, styleWritingModeLr = 9, styleWritingModeRl = 10, styleWritingModeTb = 11, /* styleWritingMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _CM_SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE { BootLoad = 0, SystemLoad = 1, AutoLoad = 2, DemandLoad = 3, DisableLoad = 4 }; enum _RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE { RPCHTTP_RS_REDIRECT = 1, RPCHTTP_RS_ACCESS_1 = 2, RPCHTTP_RS_SESSION = 3, RPCHTTP_RS_ACCESS_2 = 4, RPCHTTP_RS_INTERFACE = 5 }; enum _CM_ERROR_CONTROL_TYPE { IgnoreError = 0, NormalError = 1, SevereError = 2, CriticalError = 3 }; enum _styleBool { styleBoolFalse = 0, styleBoolTrue = 1, /* styleBool_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleTextUnderlinePosition { styleTextUnderlinePositionBelow = 0, styleTextUnderlinePositionAbove = 1, styleTextUnderlinePositionAuto = 2, styleTextUnderlinePositionNotSet = 3, /* styleTextUnderlinePosition_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleTextOverflow { styleTextOverflowClip = 0, styleTextOverflowEllipsis = 1, styleTextOverflowNotSet = 2, /* styleTextOverflow_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgTransformType { SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX = 1, SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE = 2, SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE = 3, SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE = 4, SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX = 5, SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY = 6, /* svgTransformType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleInterpolation { styleInterpolationNotSet = 0, styleInterpolationNN = 1, styleInterpolationBCH = 2, /* styleInterpolation_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleBoxSizing { styleBoxSizingNotSet = 0, styleBoxSizingContentBox = 1, styleBoxSizingBorderBox = 2, /* styleBoxSizing_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleBoxAlign { styleBoxAlignAfter = 0, styleBoxAlignBefore = 1, styleBoxAlignBaseline = 2, styleBoxAlignMiddle = 3, styleBoxAlignStretch = 4, styleBoxAlignNotSet = 5, /* styleBoxAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum OLECMDF { OLECMDF_SUPPORTED = 1, OLECMDF_ENABLED = 2, OLECMDF_LATCHED = 4, OLECMDF_NINCHED = 8, OLECMDF_INVISIBLE = 16, OLECMDF_DEFHIDEONCTXTMENU = 32 }; enum tagExtendedErrorParamTypes { eeptAnsiString = 1, eeptUnicodeString = 2, eeptLongVal = 3, eeptShortVal = 4, eeptPointerVal = 5, eeptNone = 6, eeptBinary = 7 }; enum _tagINTERNETFEATURELIST { FEATURE_OBJECT_CACHING = 0, FEATURE_ZONE_ELEVATION = 1, FEATURE_MIME_HANDLING = 2, FEATURE_MIME_SNIFFING = 3, FEATURE_WINDOW_RESTRICTIONS = 4, FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENT = 5, FEATURE_BEHAVIORS = 6, FEATURE_DISABLE_MK_PROTOCOL = 7, FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN = 8, FEATURE_SECURITYBAND = 9, FEATURE_RESTRICT_ACTIVEXINSTALL = 10, FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URL = 11, FEATURE_RESTRICT_FILEDOWNLOAD = 12, FEATURE_ADDON_MANAGEMENT = 13, FEATURE_PROTOCOL_LOCKDOWN = 14, FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLE = 15, FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECT = 16, FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECK = 17, FEATURE_GET_URL_DOM_FILEPATH_UNENCODED = 18, FEATURE_TABBED_BROWSING = 19, FEATURE_SSLUX = 20, FEATURE_DISABLE_NAVIGATION_SOUNDS = 21, FEATURE_DISABLE_LEGACY_COMPRESSION = 22, FEATURE_FORCE_ADDR_AND_STATUS = 23, FEATURE_XMLHTTP = 24, FEATURE_DISABLE_TELNET_PROTOCOL = 25, FEATURE_FEEDS = 26, FEATURE_BLOCK_INPUT_PROMPTS = 27, FEATURE_ENTRY_COUNT = 28 }; enum _styleBoxDirection { styleBoxDirectionNormal = 0, styleBoxDirectionReverse = 1, styleBoxDirectionNotSet = 2, /* styleBoxDirection_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _FILE_ID_TYPE { FileIdType = 0, ObjectIdType = 1, MaximumFileIdType = 2 }; enum Gdiplus::DashStyle { DashStyleSolid = 0, DashStyleDash = 1, DashStyleDot = 2, DashStyleDashDot = 3, DashStyleDashDotDot = 4, DashStyleCustom = 5 }; enum _svgPreserveAspectRatioAlignType { SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_NONE = 1, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMIN = 2, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMIN = 3, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMIN = 4, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMID = 5, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMID = 6, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMID = 7, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMAX = 8, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMAX = 9, SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMAX = 10, /* svgPreserveAspectRatioAlignType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagCALLCONV { CC_FASTCALL = 0, CC_CDECL = 1, CC_MSCPASCAL = 2, CC_PASCAL = 2, CC_MACPASCAL = 3, CC_STDCALL = 4, CC_FPFASTCALL = 5, CC_SYSCALL = 6, CC_MPWCDECL = 7, CC_MPWPASCAL = 8, CC_MAX = 9 }; enum _styleBoxLineProgression { styleBoxLineProgressionNormal = 0, styleBoxLineProgressionReverse = 1, styleBoxLineProgressionNotSet = 2, /* styleBoxLineProgression_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::DashCap { DashCapFlat = 0, DashCapRound = 2, DashCapTriangle = 3 }; enum _styleBoxLines { styleBoxLinesSingle = 0, styleBoxLinesMultiple = 1, styleBoxLinesNotSet = 2, /* styleBoxLines_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::DebugEventLevel { DebugEventLevelFatal = 0, 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MandatoryLevelCount = 6 }; enum tagSTRRET_TYPE { STRRET_WSTR = 0, STRRET_OFFSET = 1, STRRET_CSTR = 2 }; enum OLECMDTEXTF { OLECMDTEXTF_NONE = 0, OLECMDTEXTF_NAME = 1, OLECMDTEXTF_STATUS = 2 }; enum tagINVOKEKIND { INVOKE_FUNC = 1, INVOKE_PROPERTYGET = 2, INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT = 4, INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF = 8 }; enum _styleBoxPack { styleBoxPackCenter = 0, styleBoxPackEnd = 1, styleBoxPackJustify = 2, styleBoxPackStart = 3, styleBoxPackNotSet = 4, /* styleBoxPack_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::CustomLineCapType { CustomLineCapTypeDefault = 0, CustomLineCapTypeAdjustableArrow = 1 }; enum OLECMDEXECOPT { OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT = 0, OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER = 1, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER = 2, OLECMDEXECOPT_SHOWHELP = 3 }; enum _svgUnitTypes { SVG_UNITTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_UNITTYPE_USERSPACEONUSE = 1, SVG_UNITTYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX = 2, /* svgUnitTypes_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION { ExceptionContinueExecution = 0, ExceptionContinueSearch = 1, ExceptionNestedException = 2, ExceptionCollidedUnwind = 3 }; enum Gdiplus::LineJoin { LineJoinMiter = 0, LineJoinBevel = 1, LineJoinRound = 2, LineJoinMiterClipped = 3 }; enum OLECMDID { OLECMDID_OPEN = 1, OLECMDID_NEW = 2, OLECMDID_SAVE = 3, OLECMDID_SAVEAS = 4, OLECMDID_SAVECOPYAS = 5, OLECMDID_PRINT = 6, OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW = 7, OLECMDID_PAGESETUP = 8, OLECMDID_SPELL = 9, OLECMDID_PROPERTIES = 10, OLECMDID_CUT = 11, OLECMDID_COPY = 12, OLECMDID_PASTE = 13, OLECMDID_PASTESPECIAL = 14, OLECMDID_UNDO = 15, OLECMDID_REDO = 16, OLECMDID_SELECTALL = 17, OLECMDID_CLEARSELECTION = 18, OLECMDID_ZOOM = 19, OLECMDID_GETZOOMRANGE = 20, OLECMDID_UPDATECOMMANDS = 21, OLECMDID_REFRESH = 22, OLECMDID_STOP = 23, OLECMDID_HIDETOOLBARS = 24, OLECMDID_SETPROGRESSMAX = 25, OLECMDID_SETPROGRESSPOS = 26, OLECMDID_SETPROGRESSTEXT = 27, OLECMDID_SETTITLE = 28, OLECMDID_SETDOWNLOADSTATE = 29, OLECMDID_STOPDOWNLOAD = 30, OLECMDID_ONTOOLBARACTIVATED = 31, OLECMDID_FIND = 32, OLECMDID_DELETE = 33, OLECMDID_HTTPEQUIV = 34, OLECMDID_HTTPEQUIV_DONE = 35, OLECMDID_ENABLE_INTERACTION = 36, OLECMDID_ONUNLOAD = 37, OLECMDID_PROPERTYBAG2 = 38, OLECMDID_PREREFRESH = 39, OLECMDID_SHOWSCRIPTERROR = 40, OLECMDID_SHOWMESSAGE = 41, OLECMDID_SHOWFIND = 42, OLECMDID_SHOWPAGESETUP = 43, OLECMDID_SHOWPRINT = 44, OLECMDID_CLOSE = 45, OLECMDID_ALLOWUILESSSAVEAS = 46, OLECMDID_DONTDOWNLOADCSS = 47, OLECMDID_UPDATEPAGESTATUS = 48, OLECMDID_PRINT2 = 49, OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW2 = 50, OLECMDID_SETPRINTTEMPLATE = 51, OLECMDID_GETPRINTTEMPLATE = 52, OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONBLOCKED = 55, OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONUIQUERY = 56, OLECMDID_FOCUSVIEWCONTROLS = 57, OLECMDID_FOCUSVIEWCONTROLSQUERY = 58, OLECMDID_SHOWPAGEACTIONMENU = 59, OLECMDID_ADDTRAVELENTRY = 60, OLECMDID_UPDATETRAVELENTRY = 61, OLECMDID_UPDATEBACKFORWARDSTATE = 62, OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOM = 63, OLECMDID_OPTICAL_GETZOOMRANGE = 64, OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATECHANGED = 65, OLECMDID_ACTIVEXINSTALLSCOPE = 66, OLECMDID_UPDATETRAVELENTRY_DATARECOVERY = 67, OLECMDID_SHOWTASKDLG = 68, OLECMDID_POPSTATEEVENT = 69, OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE = 70, OLECMDID_LAYOUT_VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 71, OLECMDID_VISUAL_VIEWPORT_EXCLUDE_BOTTOM = 72 }; enum Gdiplus::PathPointType { PathPointTypeStart = 0, PathPointTypeLine = 1, PathPointTypeBezier = 3, PathPointTypePathTypeMask = 7, PathPointTypeDashMode = 16, PathPointTypePathMarker = 32, PathPointTypeCloseSubpath = 128, PathPointTypeBezier3 = 3 }; enum _svgSpreadMethod { SVG_SPREADMETHOD_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD = 1, SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT = 2, SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT = 3, /* svgSpreadMethod_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleColumnFill { styleColumnFillAuto = 0, styleColumnFillBalance = 1, styleColumnFillNotSet = 2, /* styleColumnFill_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleColumnSpan { styleColumnSpanOne = 0, styleColumnSpanAll = 1, styleColumnSpanNotSet = 2, /* styleColumnSpan_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::WarpMode { WarpModePerspective = 0, WarpModeBilinear = 1 }; enum __MIDL_ICodeInstall_0001 { CIP_DISK_FULL = 0, CIP_ACCESS_DENIED = 1, CIP_NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS = 2, CIP_OLDER_VERSION_EXISTS = 3, CIP_NAME_CONFLICT = 4, CIP_TRUST_VERIFICATION_COMPONENT_MISSING = 5, CIP_EXE_SELF_REGISTERATION_TIMEOUT = 6, CIP_UNSAFE_TO_ABORT = 7, CIP_NEED_REBOOT = 8, CIP_NEED_REBOOT_UI_PERMISSION = 9 }; enum _svgFeblendMode { SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_NORMAL = 1, SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = 2, SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_SCREEN = 3, SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_DARKEN = 4, SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 5, /* svgFeblendMode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::LinearGradientMode { LinearGradientModeHorizontal = 0, LinearGradientModeVertical = 1, LinearGradientModeForwardDiagonal = 2, LinearGradientModeBackwardDiagonal = 3 }; enum _styleBreak { styleBreakNotSet = 0, styleBreakAuto = 1, styleBreakAlways = 2, styleBreakAvoid = 3, styleBreakLeft = 4, styleBreakRight = 5, styleBreakPage = 6, styleBreakColumn = 7, styleBreakAvoidPage = 8, styleBreakAvoidColumn = 9, /* styleBreak_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::CombineMode { CombineModeReplace = 0, CombineModeIntersect = 1, CombineModeUnion = 2, CombineModeXor = 3, CombineModeExclude = 4, CombineModeComplement = 5 }; enum DXGI_FORMAT { DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS = 1, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT = 2, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT = 3, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT = 4, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS = 5, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT = 6, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT = 7, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT = 8, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS = 9, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT = 10, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM = 11, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT = 12, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM = 13, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT = 14, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS = 15, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT = 16, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT = 17, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT = 18, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS = 19, DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT = 20, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS = 21, DXGI_FORMAT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT = 22, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS = 23, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM = 24, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT = 25, DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT = 26, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS = 27, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM = 28, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB = 29, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT = 30, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM = 31, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT = 32, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_TYPELESS = 33, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT = 34, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM = 35, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT = 36, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM = 37, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT = 38, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS = 39, DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT = 40, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT = 41, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT = 42, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT = 43, DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS = 44, DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT = 45, DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS = 46, DXGI_FORMAT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT = 47, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_TYPELESS = 48, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM = 49, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT = 50, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM = 51, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT = 52, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_TYPELESS = 53, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT = 54, DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM = 55, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM = 56, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT = 57, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SNORM = 58, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT = 59, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_TYPELESS = 60, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM = 61, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT = 62, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SNORM = 63, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SINT = 64, DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM = 65, DXGI_FORMAT_R1_UNORM = 66, DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP = 67, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM = 68, DXGI_FORMAT_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM = 69, DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS = 70, DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM = 71, DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB = 72, DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS = 73, DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM = 74, DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB = 75, DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS = 76, DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM = 77, DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB = 78, DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS = 79, DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM = 80, DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM = 81, DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS = 82, DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM = 83, DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM = 84, DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM = 85, DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM = 86, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM = 87, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM = 88, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM = 89, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS = 90, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB = 91, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS = 92, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB = 93, DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS = 94, DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16 = 95, DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16 = 96, DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS = 97, DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM = 98, DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB = 99, DXGI_FORMAT_AYUV = 100, DXGI_FORMAT_Y410 = 101, DXGI_FORMAT_Y416 = 102, DXGI_FORMAT_NV12 = 103, DXGI_FORMAT_P010 = 104, DXGI_FORMAT_P016 = 105, DXGI_FORMAT_420_OPAQUE = 106, DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2 = 107, DXGI_FORMAT_Y210 = 108, DXGI_FORMAT_Y216 = 109, DXGI_FORMAT_NV11 = 110, DXGI_FORMAT_AI44 = 111, DXGI_FORMAT_IA44 = 112, DXGI_FORMAT_P8 = 113, DXGI_FORMAT_A8P8 = 114, DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM = 115, DXGI_FORMAT_FORCE_UINT = -1 }; enum tagVARKIND { VAR_PERINSTANCE = 0, VAR_STATIC = 1, VAR_CONST = 2, VAR_DISPATCH = 3 }; enum _svgFecolormatrixType { SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_MATRIX = 1, SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_SATURATE = 2, SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_HUEROTATE = 3, SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_LUMINANCETOALPHA = 4, /* svgFecolormatrixType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::ImageType { ImageTypeUnknown = 0, ImageTypeBitmap = 1, ImageTypeMetafile = 2 }; enum tagPERCEIVED { PERCEIVED_TYPE_FIRST = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_CUSTOM = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_FOLDER = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, PERCEIVED_TYPE_TEXT = 1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_IMAGE = 2, PERCEIVED_TYPE_AUDIO = 3, PERCEIVED_TYPE_VIDEO = 4, PERCEIVED_TYPE_COMPRESSED = 5, PERCEIVED_TYPE_DOCUMENT = 6, PERCEIVED_TYPE_SYSTEM = 7, PERCEIVED_TYPE_APPLICATION = 8, PERCEIVED_TYPE_GAMEMEDIA = 9, PERCEIVED_TYPE_CONTACTS = 10, PERCEIVED_TYPE_LAST = 10 }; enum _styleBreakInside { styleBreakInsideNotSet = 0, styleBreakInsideAuto = 1, styleBreakInsideAvoid = 2, styleBreakInsideAvoidPage = 3, styleBreakInsideAvoidColumn = 4, /* styleBreakInside_Max = Unavail */ }; enum 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Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN = 3, Uri_PROPERTY_EXTENSION = 4, Uri_PROPERTY_FRAGMENT = 5, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST = 6, Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD = 7, Uri_PROPERTY_PATH = 8, Uri_PROPERTY_PATH_AND_QUERY = 9, Uri_PROPERTY_QUERY = 10, Uri_PROPERTY_RAW_URI = 11, Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME_NAME = 12, Uri_PROPERTY_USER_INFO = 13, Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME = 14, Uri_PROPERTY_STRING_LAST = 14, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST_TYPE = 15, Uri_PROPERTY_DWORD_START = 15, Uri_PROPERTY_PORT = 16, Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME = 17, Uri_PROPERTY_ZONE = 18, Uri_PROPERTY_DWORD_LAST = 18 }; enum Gdiplus::PenAlignment { PenAlignmentCenter = 0, PenAlignmentInset = 1 }; enum Gdiplus::PaletteFlags { PaletteFlagsHasAlpha = 1, PaletteFlagsGrayScale = 2, PaletteFlagsHalftone = 4 }; enum _styleMsContentZooming { styleMsContentZoomingNotSet = 0, styleMsContentZoomingNone = 1, styleMsContentZoomingZoom = 2, /* styleMsContentZooming_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgFecompositeOperator { SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OVER = 1, SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_IN = 2, SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OUT = 3, SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ATOP = 4, SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_XOR = 5, SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ARITHMETIC = 6, /* svgFecompositeOperator_Max = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::BrushType { BrushTypeSolidColor = 0, BrushTypeHatchFill = 1, BrushTypeTextureFill = 2, BrushTypePathGradient = 3, BrushTypeLinearGradient = 4 }; enum _styleMsContentZoomSnapType { styleMsContentZoomSnapTypeNotSet = 0, styleMsContentZoomSnapTypeNone = 1, styleMsContentZoomSnapTypeMandatory = 2, styleMsContentZoomSnapTypeProximity = 3, /* styleMsContentZoomSnapType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagDATADIR { DATADIR_GET = 1, DATADIR_SET = 2 }; enum Gdiplus::PenType { PenTypeSolidColor = 0, PenTypeHatchFill = 1, PenTypeTextureFill = 2, PenTypePathGradient = 3, PenTypeLinearGradient = 4, PenTypeUnknown = -1 }; enum tagTYPEFLAGS { TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT = 1, TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE = 2, TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED = 4, TYPEFLAG_FPREDECLID = 8, TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN = 16, TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL = 32, TYPEFLAG_FDUAL = 64, TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE = 128, TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION = 256, TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 512, TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE = 1024, TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE = 2048, TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE = 4096, TYPEFLAG_FREVERSEBIND = 8192, TYPEFLAG_FPROXY = 16384 }; enum tagBIND_FLAGS { BIND_MAYBOTHERUSER = 1, BIND_JUSTTESTEXISTENCE = 2 }; enum _svgEdgemode { SVG_EDGEMODE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_EDGEMODE_DUPLICATE = 1, SVG_EDGEMODE_WRAP = 2, SVG_EDGEMODE_NONE = 3, /* svgEdgemode_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleMsScrollRails { styleMsScrollRailsNotSet = 0, styleMsScrollRailsNone = 1, styleMsScrollRailsRailed = 2, /* styleMsScrollRails_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagPictureAttributes { PICTURE_SCALABLE = 1, PICTURE_TRANSPARENT = 2 }; enum Gdiplus::MatrixOrder { MatrixOrderPrepend = 0, MatrixOrderAppend = 1 }; enum Gdiplus::ColorMode { ColorModeARGB32 = 0, ColorModeARGB64 = 1 }; enum __MIDL_IInternetSecurityManager_0001 { PUAF_DEFAULT = 0, PUAF_NOUI = 1, PUAF_ISFILE = 2, PUAF_WARN_IF_DENIED = 4, PUAF_FORCEUI_FOREGROUND = 8, PUAF_CHECK_TIFS = 16, PUAF_DONTCHECKBOXINDIALOG = 32, PUAF_TRUSTED = 64, PUAF_ACCEPT_WILDCARD_SCHEME = 128, PUAF_ENFORCERESTRICTED = 256, PUAF_NOSAVEDFILECHECK = 512, PUAF_REQUIRESAVEDFILECHECK = 1024, PUAF_DONT_USE_CACHE = 4096, PUAF_RESERVED1 = 8192, PUAF_RESERVED2 = 16384, /* PUAF_LMZ_UNLOCKED = Unavail */ }; enum tagSTGTY { STGTY_STORAGE = 1, STGTY_STREAM = 2, STGTY_LOCKBYTES = 3, STGTY_PROPERTY = 4 }; enum Gdiplus::ColorChannelFlags { ColorChannelFlagsC = 0, ColorChannelFlagsM = 1, ColorChannelFlagsY = 2, ColorChannelFlagsK = 3, ColorChannelFlagsLast = 4 }; enum Gdiplus::GenericFontFamily { GenericFontFamilySerif = 0, GenericFontFamilySansSerif = 1, GenericFontFamilyMonospace = 2 }; enum _styleMsContentZoomChaining { styleMsContentZoomChainingNotSet = 0, styleMsContentZoomChainingNone = 1, styleMsContentZoomChainingChained = 2, /* styleMsContentZoomChaining_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgPreserveAlpha { SVG_PRESERVEALPHA_FALSE = 0, SVG_PRESERVEALPHA_TRUE = 1, /* svgPreserveAlpha_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagSHCOLSTATE { SHCOLSTATE_DEFAULT = 0, SHCOLSTATE_TYPE_STR = 1, SHCOLSTATE_TYPE_INT = 2, SHCOLSTATE_TYPE_DATE = 3, SHCOLSTATE_TYPEMASK = 15, SHCOLSTATE_ONBYDEFAULT = 16, SHCOLSTATE_SLOW = 32, SHCOLSTATE_EXTENDED = 64, SHCOLSTATE_SECONDARYUI = 128, SHCOLSTATE_HIDDEN = 256, SHCOLSTATE_PREFER_VARCMP = 512, SHCOLSTATE_PREFER_FMTCMP = 1024, SHCOLSTATE_NOSORTBYFOLDERNESS = 2048, /* SHCOLSTATE_VIEWONLY = Unavail */ }; enum Gdiplus::FontStyle { FontStyleRegular = 0, FontStyleBold = 1, FontStyleItalic = 2, FontStyleBoldItalic = 3, FontStyleUnderline = 4, FontStyleStrikeout = 8 }; enum tagSTREAM_SEEK { STREAM_SEEK_SET = 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR = 1, STREAM_SEEK_END = 2 }; enum __MIDL_IUri_0002 { Uri_HOST_UNKNOWN = 0, Uri_HOST_DNS = 1, Uri_HOST_IPV4 = 2, Uri_HOST_IPV6 = 3, Uri_HOST_IDN = 4 }; enum tagFUNCFLAGS { FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 1, FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE = 2, FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE = 4, FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT = 8, FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND = 16, FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND = 32, FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN = 64, FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR = 128, FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM = 256, FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT = 512, FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE = 1024, FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE = 2048, FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND = 4096 }; enum _styleMsZoomAnimation { styleMsZoomAnimationNotSet = 0, styleMsZoomAnimationNone = 1, styleMsZoomAnimationDefault = 2, /* styleMsZoomAnimation_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgChannel { SVG_CHANNEL_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_CHANNEL_R = 1, SVG_CHANNEL_G = 2, SVG_CHANNEL_B = 3, SVG_CHANNEL_A = 4, /* svgChannel_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagLOCKTYPE { LOCK_WRITE = 1, LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = 2, LOCK_ONLYONCE = 4 }; enum Gdiplus::SmoothingMode { SmoothingModeInvalid = -1, SmoothingModeDefault = 0, SmoothingModeHighSpeed = 1, SmoothingModeHighQuality = 2, SmoothingModeNone = 3, SmoothingModeAntiAlias = 4 }; enum IGNOREMIME { IGNOREMIME_PROMPT = 1, IGNOREMIME_TEXT = 2 }; enum _SC_EVENT_TYPE { SC_EVENT_DATABASE_CHANGE = 0, SC_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE = 1, SC_EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE = 2 }; enum _styleMsScrollSnapType { styleMsScrollSnapTypeNotSet = 0, styleMsScrollSnapTypeNone = 1, styleMsScrollSnapTypeMandatory = 2, styleMsScrollSnapTypeProximity = 3, /* styleMsScrollSnapType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _TAPE_DRIVE_PROBLEM_TYPE { TapeDriveProblemNone = 0, TapeDriveReadWriteWarning = 1, TapeDriveReadWriteError = 2, TapeDriveReadWarning = 3, TapeDriveWriteWarning = 4, TapeDriveReadError = 5, TapeDriveWriteError = 6, TapeDriveHardwareError = 7, TapeDriveUnsupportedMedia = 8, TapeDriveScsiConnectionError = 9, TapeDriveTimetoClean = 10, TapeDriveCleanDriveNow = 11, TapeDriveMediaLifeExpired = 12, TapeDriveSnappedTape = 13 }; enum WPCSETTING { WPCSETTING_LOGGING_ENABLED = 1, WPCSETTING_FILEDOWNLOAD_BLOCKED = 2 }; enum ATL::CComEnumFlags { AtlFlagNoCopy = 0, AtlFlagTakeOwnership = 2, AtlFlagCopy = 3 }; enum Gdiplus::PixelOffsetMode { PixelOffsetModeInvalid = -1, PixelOffsetModeDefault = 0, PixelOffsetModeHighSpeed = 1, PixelOffsetModeHighQuality = 2, PixelOffsetModeNone = 3, PixelOffsetModeHalf = 4 }; enum _styleMsScrollStyle { styleMsScrollStyleNotSet = 0, styleMsScrollStyleAuto = 1, styleMsScrollStyleNone = 2, styleMsScrollStyleVisible = 3, /* styleMsScrollStyle_Max = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IInternetSecurityManager_0002 { PUAFOUT_DEFAULT = 0, PUAFOUT_ISLOCKZONEPOLICY = 1 }; enum AnnoScope { ANNO_THIS = 0, ANNO_CONTAINER = 1 }; enum tagVARFLAGS { VARFLAG_FREADONLY = 1, VARFLAG_FSOURCE = 2, VARFLAG_FBINDABLE = 4, VARFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT = 8, VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND = 16, VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND = 32, VARFLAG_FHIDDEN = 64, VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 128, VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM = 256, VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT = 512, VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE = 1024, VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE = 2048, VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND = 4096 }; enum __MIDL_IInternetSecurityManager_0003 { SZM_CREATE = 0, SZM_DELETE = 1 }; enum Gdiplus::TextRenderingHint { TextRenderingHintSystemDefault = 0, TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit = 1, TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel = 2, TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit = 3, TextRenderingHintAntiAlias = 4, TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit = 5 }; enum tagRpcLocalAddressFormat { rlafInvalid = 0, rlafIPv4 = 1, rlafIPv6 = 2 }; enum FILEITEM_CREATION_FLAGS { FICF_DEFAULT = 0, FICF_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED_IF_CONTAINER = 1, FICF_ALLOW_NAMESPACE_JUNCTION = 2, FICF_ADVANCED_SHAPES_ALLOWED = 4, FICF_FILTER_ON_MANIFESTED_TYPES = 8, FICF_FILTER_ON_MANIFESTED_KINDS = 16, FICF_INHERITED_FLAGS_MASK = 28, FICF_DONT_CHECK_PATH_FOR_EXISTENCE = 32 }; enum _svgMorphologyOperator { SVG_MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_ERODE = 1, SVG_MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_DILATE = 2, /* svgMorphologyOperator_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleGridColumn { styleGridColumnNotSet = 0, /* styleGridColumn_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleGridColumnAlign { styleGridColumnAlignCenter = 0, styleGridColumnAlignEnd = 1, styleGridColumnAlignStart = 2, styleGridColumnAlignStretch = 3, styleGridColumnAlignNotSet = 4, /* styleGridColumnAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS { FindExInfoStandard = 0, FindExInfoBasic = 1, FindExInfoMaxInfoLevel = 2 }; enum Gdiplus::MetafileType { MetafileTypeInvalid = 0, MetafileTypeWmf = 1, MetafileTypeWmfPlaceable = 2, MetafileTypeEmf = 3, MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly = 4, MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual = 5 }; enum tagOLEVERBATTRIB { OLEVERBATTRIB_NEVERDIRTIES = 1, OLEVERBATTRIB_ONCONTAINERMENU = 2 }; enum _FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS { FindExSearchNameMatch = 0, FindExSearchLimitToDirectories = 1, FindExSearchLimitToDevices = 2, FindExSearchMaxSearchOp = 3 }; enum OLECMDID_REFRESHFLAG { OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_NORMAL = 0, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_IFEXPIRED = 1, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_CONTINUE = 2, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_COMPLETELY = 3, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_NO_CACHE = 4, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_RELOAD = 5, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_LEVELMASK = 255, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_CLEARUSERINPUT = 4096, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_PROMPTIFOFFLINE = 8192, OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_THROUGHSCRIPT = 16384, = 32770 }; enum Gdiplus::EmfType { EmfTypeEmfOnly = 3, EmfTypeEmfPlusOnly = 4, EmfTypeEmfPlusDual = 5 }; enum _svgTurbulenceType { SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_FACTALNOISE = 1, SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_TURBULENCE = 2, /* svgTurbulenceType_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagCOMSD { SD_LAUNCHPERMISSIONS = 0, SD_ACCESSPERMISSIONS = 1, SD_LAUNCHRESTRICTIONS = 2, SD_ACCESSRESTRICTIONS = 3 }; enum _styleGridColumnSpan { styleGridColumnSpanNotSet = 0, /* styleGridColumnSpan_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS { GetFileExInfoStandard = 0, GetFileExMaxInfoLevel = 1 }; enum Gdiplus::ObjectType { ObjectTypeInvalid = 0, ObjectTypeBrush = 1, ObjectTypePen = 2, ObjectTypePath = 3, ObjectTypeRegion = 4, ObjectTypeImage = 5, ObjectTypeFont = 6, ObjectTypeStringFormat = 7, ObjectTypeImageAttributes = 8, ObjectTypeCustomLineCap = 9, ObjectTypeMax = 9, ObjectTypeMin = 1 }; enum _styleGridLayer {  = 32771 }; enum _svgStitchtype { SVG_STITCHTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_STITCHTYPE_STITCH = 1, SVG_STITCHTYPE_NOSTITCH = 2, /* svgStitchtype_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { FileBasicInfo = 0, FileStandardInfo = 1, FileNameInfo = 2, FileRenameInfo = 3, FileDispositionInfo = 4, FileAllocationInfo = 5, FileEndOfFileInfo = 6, FileStreamInfo = 7, FileCompressionInfo = 8, FileAttributeTagInfo = 9, FileIdBothDirectoryInfo = 10, FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo = 11, FileIoPriorityHintInfo = 12, FileRemoteProtocolInfo = 13, FileFullDirectoryInfo = 14, FileFullDirectoryRestartInfo = 15, FileStorageInfo = 16, FileAlignmentInfo = 17, MaximumFileInfoByHandleClass = 18 }; enum _SYSTEM_POWER_STATE { PowerSystemUnspecified = 0, PowerSystemWorking = 1, PowerSystemSleeping1 = 2, PowerSystemSleeping2 = 3, PowerSystemSleeping3 = 4, PowerSystemHibernate = 5, PowerSystemShutdown = 6, PowerSystemMaximum = 7 }; enum _styleGridRow { styleGridRowNotSet = 0, /* styleGridRow_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleGridRowAlign { styleGridRowAlignCenter = 0, styleGridRowAlignEnd = 1, styleGridRowAlignStart = 2, styleGridRowAlignStretch = 3, styleGridRowAlignNotSet = 4, /* styleGridRowAlign_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgMarkerUnits { SVG_MARKERUNITS_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_MARKERUNITS_USERSPACEONUSE = 1, SVG_MARKERUNITS_STROKEWIDTH = 2, /* svgMarkerUnits_Max = Unavail */ }; enum POWER_ACTION { PowerActionNone = 0, PowerActionReserved = 1, PowerActionSleep = 2, PowerActionHibernate = 3, PowerActionShutdown = 4, PowerActionShutdownReset = 5, PowerActionShutdownOff = 6, PowerActionWarmEject = 7 }; enum _styleGridRowSpan { styleGridRowSpanNotSet = 0, /* styleGridRowSpan_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgMarkerOrient { SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_UNKNOWN = 0, SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_AUTO = 1, SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_ANGLE = 2, /* svgMarkerOrient_Max = Unavail */ }; enum OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONFLAG { OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_FILEDOWNLOAD = 1, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_ACTIVEXINSTALL = 2, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_ACTIVEXTRUSTFAIL = 4, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_ACTIVEXUSERDISABLE = 8, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_ACTIVEXDISALLOW = 16, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_ACTIVEXUNSAFE = 32, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_POPUPWINDOW = 64, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_LOCALMACHINE = 128, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_MIMETEXTPLAIN = 256, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_SCRIPTNAVIGATE = 512, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_SCRIPTNAVIGATE_ACTIVEXINSTALL = 512, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_PROTLOCKDOWNLOCALMACHINE = 1024, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_PROTLOCKDOWNTRUSTED = 2048, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_PROTLOCKDOWNINTRANET = 4096, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_PROTLOCKDOWNINTERNET = 8192, OLECMDIDF_PAGEACTION_PROTLOCKDOWNRESTRICTED = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _styleFlowWrap { styleFlowWrapNotSet = 0, styleFlowWrapWrap = 1, styleFlowWrapNone = 2, /* styleFlowWrap_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _svgMarkerOrientAttribute { svgMarkerOrientAttributeAuto = 0, /* svgMarkerOrientAttribute_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleAlignmentBaseline { styleAlignmentBaselineNotSet = 0, styleAlignmentBaselineAfterEdge = 1, styleAlignmentBaselineAlphabetic = 2, styleAlignmentBaselineAuto = 3, styleAlignmentBaselineBaseline = 4, styleAlignmentBaselineBeforeEdge = 5, styleAlignmentBaselineCentral = 6, styleAlignmentBaselineHanging = 7, styleAlignmentBaselineMathematical = 8, styleAlignmentBaselineMiddle = 9, styleAlignmentBaselineTextAfterEdge = 10, styleAlignmentBaselineTextBeforeEdge = 11, styleAlignmentBaselineIdeographic = 12, /* styleAlignmentBaseline_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _DEVICE_POWER_STATE { PowerDeviceUnspecified = 0, PowerDeviceD0 = 1, PowerDeviceD1 = 2, PowerDeviceD2 = 3, PowerDeviceD3 = 4, PowerDeviceMaximum = 5 }; enum _htmlMediaNetworkState { htmlMediaNetworkStateEmpty = 0, htmlMediaNetworkStateIdle = 1, htmlMediaNetworkStateLoading = 2, htmlMediaNetworkStateNoSource = 3, /* htmlMediaNetworkState_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _SE_LEARNING_MODE_DATA_TYPE { SeLearningModeInvalidType = 0, SeLearningModeSettings = 1, SeLearningModeMax = 2 }; enum SHREGDEL_FLAGS { SHREGDEL_DEFAULT = 0, SHREGDEL_HKCU = 1, SHREGDEL_HKLM = 16, SHREGDEL_BOTH = 17 }; enum _MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE { PowerMonitorOff = 0, PowerMonitorOn = 1, PowerMonitorDim = 2 }; enum PIPE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { PipeAttribute = 0, PipeConnectionAttribute = 1, PipeHandleAttribute = 2 }; enum tagRpcCallType { rctInvalid = 0, rctNormal = 1, rctTraining = 2, rctGuaranteed = 3 }; enum _htmlMediaReadyState { htmlMediaReadyStateHaveNothing = 0, htmlMediaReadyStateHaveMetadata = 1, htmlMediaReadyStateHaveCurrentData = 2, htmlMediaReadyStateHaveFutureData = 3, htmlMediaReadyStateHaveEnoughData = 4, /* htmlMediaReadyState_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagCALLTYPE { CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL = 1, CALLTYPE_NESTED = 2, CALLTYPE_ASYNC = 3, CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL_CALLPENDING = 4, CALLTYPE_ASYNC_CALLPENDING = 5 }; enum SHREGENUM_FLAGS { SHREGENUM_DEFAULT = 0, SHREGENUM_HKCU = 1, SHREGENUM_HKLM = 16, SHREGENUM_BOTH = 17 }; enum _USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE { PowerUserPresent = 0, PowerUserNotPresent = 1, PowerUserInactive = 2, PowerUserMaximum = 3, PowerUserInvalid = 3 }; enum _SID_NAME_USE { SidTypeUser = 1, SidTypeGroup = 2, SidTypeDomain = 3, SidTypeAlias = 4, SidTypeWellKnownGroup = 5, SidTypeDeletedAccount = 6, SidTypeInvalid = 7, SidTypeUnknown = 8, SidTypeComputer = 9, SidTypeLabel = 10 }; enum PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE { PIDMSI_STATUS_NORMAL = 0, PIDMSI_STATUS_NEW = 1, PIDMSI_STATUS_PRELIM = 2, PIDMSI_STATUS_DRAFT = 3, PIDMSI_STATUS_INPROGRESS = 4, PIDMSI_STATUS_EDIT = 5, PIDMSI_STATUS_REVIEW = 6, PIDMSI_STATUS_PROOF = 7, PIDMSI_STATUS_FINAL = 8, PIDMSI_STATUS_OTHER = 32767 }; enum tagRpcCallClientLocality { rcclInvalid = 0, rcclLocal = 1, rcclRemote = 2, rcclClientUnknownLocality = 3 }; enum _styleBaselineShift { styleBaselineShiftBaseline = 0, styleBaselineShiftSub = 1, styleBaselineShiftSuper = 2, /* styleBaselineShift_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagSERVERCALL { SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED = 0, SERVERCALL_REJECTED = 1, SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER = 2 }; enum _htmlMediaErr { htmlMediaErrAborted = 0, htmlMediaErrNetwork = 1, htmlMediaErrDecode = 2, htmlMediaErrSrcNotSupported = 3, /* htmlMediaErr_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _styleClipRule { styleClipRuleNotSet = 0, styleClipRuleNonZero = 1, styleClipRuleEvenOdd = 2, /* styleClipRule_Max = Unavail */ }; enum tagPENDINGTYPE { PENDINGTYPE_TOPLEVEL = 1, PENDINGTYPE_NESTED = 2 }; enum LATENCY_TIME { LT_DONT_CARE = 0, LT_LOWEST_LATENCY = 1 }; enum tagPENDINGMSG { PENDINGMSG_CANCELCALL = 0, PENDINGMSG_WAITNOPROCESS = 1, PENDINGMSG_WAITDEFPROCESS = 2 }; enum OLECMDID_BROWSERSTATEFLAG { OLECMDIDF_BROWSERSTATE_EXTENSIONSOFF = 1, OLECMDIDF_BROWSERSTATE_IESECURITY = 2, OLECMDIDF_BROWSERSTATE_PROTECTEDMODE_OFF = 4, OLECMDIDF_BROWSERSTATE_RESET = 8 }; enum _styleDominantBaseline { styleDominantBaselineNotSet = 0, styleDominantBaselineAlphabetic = 1, styleDominantBaselineAuto = 2, styleDominantBaselineCentral = 3, styleDominantBaselineHanging = 4, styleDominantBaselineIdeographic = 5, styleDominantBaselineMathematical = 6, styleDominantBaselineMiddle = 7, styleDominantBaselineNoChange = 8, styleDominantBaselineResetSize = 9, styleDominantBaselineTextAfterEdge = 10, styleDominantBaselineTextBeforeEdge = 11, styleDominantBaselineUseScript = 12, /* styleDominantBaseline_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _POWER_REQUEST_TYPE { PowerRequestDisplayRequired = 0, PowerRequestSystemRequired = 1, PowerRequestAwayModeRequired = 2, PowerRequestExecutionRequired = 3 }; enum OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOMFLAG { OLECMDIDF_OPTICAL_ZOOM_NOPERSIST = 1, OLECMDIDF_OPTICAL_ZOOM_NOLAYOUT = 16 }; enum PAGEACTION_UI { PAGEACTION_UI_DEFAULT = 0, PAGEACTION_UI_MODAL = 1, PAGEACTION_UI_MODELESS = 2, PAGEACTION_UI_SILENT = 3 }; enum tagSTDMSHLFLAGS { SMEXF_SERVER = 1, SMEXF_HANDLER = 2 }; enum OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATE_FLAG { OLECMDIDF_WINDOWSTATE_USERVISIBLE = 1, OLECMDIDF_WINDOWSTATE_ENABLED = 2, /* OLECMDIDF_WINDOWSTATE_USERVISIBLE_VALID = Unavail */ }; enum _styleFillRule { styleFillRuleNotSet = 0, styleFillRuleNonZero = 1, styleFillRuleEvenOdd = 2, /* styleFillRule_Max = Unavail */ }; enum _lengthAdjust { LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN = 0, LENGTHADJUST_SPACING = 1, LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS = 2, /* lengthAdjust_Max = Unavail */ }; enum OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE_FLAG { OLECMDIDF_VIEWPORTMODE_FIXED_LAYOUT_WIDTH = 1, OLECMDIDF_VIEWPORTMODE_EXCLUDE_VISUAL_BOTTOM = 2, /* OLECMDIDF_VIEWPORTMODE_FIXED_LAYOUT_WIDTH_VALID = Unavail */ }; struct tagEMRTRANSPARENTBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long cxDest; /* +0x0020 */ long cyDest; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0028 */ long xSrc; /* +0x002c */ long ySrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0034 aa 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x0060 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0064 */ long cySrc; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct _SERVICE_PRESHUTDOWN_INFO { unsigned long dwPreshutdownTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagIDLDESC { unsigned long long dwReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wIDLFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TAPE_SET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char ECC; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Compression; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char DataPadding; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ReportSetmarks; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long EOTWarningZoneSize; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagCBTACTIVATESTRUCT { unsigned char fMouse[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hWndActive[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NETRESOURCEW { unsigned long dwScope; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDisplayType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char lpLocalName[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRemoteName[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpComment[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpProvider[8]; /* +0x0028 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySetA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszServiceInstanceName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpServiceClassId[8]; /* +0x0010 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpVersion[8]; /* +0x0018 be 14 00 00 */ char *lpszComment; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[8]; /* +0x0030 bc 14 00 00 */ char *lpszContext; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[8]; /* +0x0048 c0 14 00 00 */ char *lpszQueryString; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[8]; /* +0x0060 c2 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char lpBlob[8]; /* +0x0070 c4 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DWORD_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char alData[4]; /* +0x0004 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemHGLOBAL { long fNullHGlobal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0008 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwICC; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGA { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStartType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwErrorControl; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpBinaryPathName; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpLoadOrderGroup; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwTagId; /* +0x0020 */ char *lpDependencies; /* +0x0028 */ char *lpServiceStartName; /* +0x0030 */ char *lpDisplayName; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOEXA { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpszIdentifier; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ProviderSpecific[16]; /* +0x0028 c3 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVGROUPMETRICS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Left[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Top[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Right[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Bottom[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long crLeft; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long crTop; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long crRight; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long crBottom; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long crHeader; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long crFooter; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY { void *lpData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cbOverhead; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char iRegionIndex; /* +0x000d */ unsigned short wFlags; /* +0x000e */ /* unsigned char Block[0]; +0x0010 23 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Region[24]; /* +0x0010 24 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long dwCommittedSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwUnCommittedSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpFirstBlock; /* +0x0008 */ void *lpLastBlock; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { void *hMem; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwReserved[16]; /* +0x0008 29 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagMETHODDATA { unsigned char szName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ppdata[8]; /* +0x0008 31 15 00 00 */ long dispid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char iMeth[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cc[4]; /* +0x0018 32 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cArgs[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short wFlags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short vtReturn; /* +0x0022 */ }; struct tagNMBCDROPDOWN { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcButton[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _GUID { unsigned long Data1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Data2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Data3; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Data4[8]; /* +0x0008 5a 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES { void *Sid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long AllocationBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long __alignment1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long RegionSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Protect; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long __alignment2; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _SHELLDETAILS { unsigned char fmt[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxChar[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char str[272]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVBKIMAGEA { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hbm[8]; /* +0x0008 67 15 00 00 */ char *pszImage; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cchImageMax[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char xOffsetPercent[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char yOffsetPercent[8]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemHMETAFILEPICT { long mm; /* +0x0000 */ long xExt; /* +0x0004 */ long yExt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0010 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SE_ACCESS_REPLY { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ResultListCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long *GrantedAccess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *AccessStatus; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char AccessReason[8]; /* +0x0018 c2 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Privileges[8]; /* +0x0020 c5 15 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_PERFSTATE_EVENT { unsigned long State; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Latency; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Speed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Processor; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY { unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DynamicThrottle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Spare[3]; /* +0x0005 ca 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisableCStates[0]; +0x0008 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0008 cc 15 00 00 */ unsigned long PolicyCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Policy[60]; /* +0x0010 ce 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagTOGGLEKEYS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES { void *RefIdToPointer; /* +0x0000 */ void *PointerToRefId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NextRefId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char XlatSide[4]; /* +0x0014 d5 15 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD { unsigned long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExceptionRecord[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 15 00 00 */ void *ExceptionAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[120]; /* +0x0020 dd 15 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_MODE { unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pixelFormat[4]; /* +0x0008 e2 15 00 00 */ unsigned char position[8]; /* +0x000c e3 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 fb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderTitle[8]; /* +0x0048 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderSubTitle[8]; /* +0x0050 ee 15 00 00 */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0058 */ /* unsigned char hbmHeader[0]; +0x0060 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszbmHeader[8]; /* +0x0060 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMHDR { unsigned char hwndFrom[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long idFrom; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char code[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _currencyfmtA { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ char *lpDecimalSep; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpThousandSep; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PositiveOrder[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ char *lpCurrencySymbol; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE__ { unsigned char unused[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_QUERY_INDEX { unsigned long ulAssemblyIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulFileIndexInAssembly; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagRAWHID { unsigned long dwSizeHid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bRawData[4]; /* +0x0008 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _COMMCONFIG { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char dcb[28]; /* +0x0008 66 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwProviderSubType; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwProviderOffset; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwProviderSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char wcProviderData[4]; /* +0x0030 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihFont; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char elfw[320]; /* +0x000c 6c 16 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfoW { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long ai_addrlen; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ai_canonname[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addr[8]; /* +0x0020 97 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[8]; /* +0x0028 70 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1_A { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char NullSession[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMROFFSETCLIPRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 e3 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagSCROLLINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMin[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMax[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nPage[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nPos[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nTrackPos[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagREGISTERWORDW { unsigned char lpReading[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpWord[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char LocalHint; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char GlobalHint; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char Search; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Once; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned long long LowAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long HighAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Entry[192]; /* +0x0018 e3 16 00 00 */ }; struct _KCRM_MARSHAL_HEADER { unsigned long VersionMajor; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VersionMinor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumProtocols; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Unused; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagPOLYTEXTA { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char n[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpstr[8]; /* +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uiFlags[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcl[20]; /* +0x001c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pdx[8]; /* +0x0030 74 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagREBARINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char himl[8]; /* +0x0008 f3 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagREGISTERWORDA { char *lpReading; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpWord; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMREBARCHEVRON { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uBand[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char rc[16]; /* +0x0028 38 15 00 00 */ long long lParamNM; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct tagMINMAXINFO { unsigned char ptReserved[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxSize[8]; /* +0x0008 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxPosition[8]; /* +0x0010 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMinTrackSize[8]; /* +0x0018 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxTrackSize[8]; /* +0x0020 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW { unsigned char lpServiceName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpServiceProc[8]; /* +0x0008 4a 17 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_END_OF_JOB_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long EndOfJobTimeAction; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagDEBUGHOOKINFO { unsigned long idThread; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long idThreadInstaller; /* +0x0004 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long wParam; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char code[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVHITTESTINFO { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iGroup[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFileFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwSecurityQosFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char lpSecurityAttributes[8]; /* +0x0010 aa 17 00 00 */ void *hTemplateFile; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagRGBTRIPLE { unsigned char rgbtBlue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbtGreen; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char rgbtRed; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _TOKEN_CONTROL { unsigned char TokenId[8]; /* +0x0000 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0008 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char ModifiedId[8]; /* +0x0010 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char TokenSource[16]; /* +0x0018 d0 17 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long AttributeCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagABORTPATH { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOMBOBOXEXITEMW { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ long long iItem; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSelectedImage[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iOverlay[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iIndent[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagCREATESTRUCTA { void *lpCreateParams; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hMenu[8]; /* +0x0010 e5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndParent[8]; /* +0x0018 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long style; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char lpszName[8]; /* +0x0038 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClass[8]; /* +0x0040 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExStyle; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _s__CatchableTypeArray { unsigned char nCatchableTypes[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char arrayOfCatchableTypes[0]; +0x0004 1c 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagCONTROLINFO { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hAccel[8]; /* +0x0008 22 18 00 00 */ unsigned short cAccel; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagNMTVGETINFOTIPW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[8]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0028 26 18 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _RECTL { long left; /* +0x0000 */ long top; /* +0x0004 */ long right; /* +0x0008 */ long bottom; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagCABSTR { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 6f 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNW { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char nVirtKey[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFormat[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0028 6e 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagMULTIKEYHELPW { unsigned long mkSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char mkKeylist[2]; /* +0x0004 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char szKeyphrase[2]; /* +0x0006 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemHENHMETAFILE { unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0004 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TIME_DYNAMIC_ZONE_INFORMATION { long Bias; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StandardName[64]; /* +0x0004 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardDate[16]; /* +0x0044 6e 18 00 00 */ long StandardBias; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char DaylightName[64]; /* +0x0058 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DaylightDate[16]; /* +0x0098 6e 18 00 00 */ long DaylightBias; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char TimeZoneKeyName[256]; /* +0x00ac b1 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled; /* +0x01ac */ }; struct tagEMRFRAMERGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char szlStroke[8]; /* +0x0020 b9 17 00 00 */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x0028 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_BRECORD { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aRecord[8]; /* +0x0008 bc 18 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENTS_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfEnlistments; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EnlistmentPair[32]; /* +0x0004 d2 18 00 00 */ }; struct _CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO { void *hFile; /* +0x0000 */ void *hProcess; /* +0x0008 */ void *hThread; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpBaseOfImage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwDebugInfoFileOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long nDebugInfoSize; /* +0x0024 */ void *lpThreadLocalBase; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpStartAddress[8]; /* +0x0030 d7 18 00 00 */ void *lpImageName; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short fUnicode; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _SMALL_RECT { short Left; /* +0x0000 */ short Top; /* +0x0002 */ short Right; /* +0x0004 */ short Bottom; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _ACE_HEADER { unsigned char AceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AceFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AceSize; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYPOLYLINE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nPolys; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cptl; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char aPolyCounts[4]; /* +0x0020 c7 14 00 00 */ unsigned char aptl[8]; /* +0x0024 e4 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagUSEROBJECTFLAGS { unsigned char fInherit[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fReserved[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct fd_set { unsigned char fd_count[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fd_array[512]; /* +0x0008 e9 18 00 00 */ }; struct _wfinddata64i32_t { unsigned char attrib[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ long long time_create; /* +0x0008 */ long long time_access; /* +0x0010 */ long long time_write; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long size; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char name[524]; /* +0x0024 ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMOBJECTNOTIFY { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char piid[8]; /* +0x0020 f0 18 00 00 */ void *pObject; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char hResult[4]; /* +0x0030 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _NON_PAGED_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned short Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Characteristics; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long ImageBase; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagNMLVGETINFOTIPA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _userHENHMETAFILE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHENHMETAFILE::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0006 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 4b 19 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE { unsigned char pfnBufferSize[8]; /* +0x0000 76 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnMarshall[8]; /* +0x0008 79 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUnmarshall[8]; /* +0x0010 79 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[8]; /* +0x0018 7c 19 00 00 */ }; struct _tagpropertykey { unsigned char fmtid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long pid; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagPROPBAG2 { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short cfType; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long dwHint; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pstrName[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0018 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_JOBSET_INFORMATION { unsigned long MemberLevel; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_INFO { unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0000 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char modeInfoIdx[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char statusFlags[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUT { unsigned char header[48]; /* +0x0000 c5 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMPGHOTITEM { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char idOld[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char idNew[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct CM_Power_Data_s { unsigned long PD_Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PD_MostRecentPowerState[4]; /* +0x0004 de 19 00 00 */ unsigned long PD_Capabilities; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PD_D1Latency; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PD_D2Latency; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PD_D3Latency; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char PD_PowerStateMapping[28]; /* +0x0018 df 19 00 00 */ unsigned char PD_DeepestSystemWake[4]; /* +0x0034 e0 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagANIMATIONINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMinAnimate[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _VIDEOPARAMETERS { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCommand; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwTVStandard; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwAvailableModes; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwAvailableTVStandard; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFlickerFilter; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwOverScanX; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwOverScanY; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwMaxUnscaledX; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwMaxUnscaledY; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwPositionX; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwPositionY; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwBrightness; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwContrast; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwCPType; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwCPCommand; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dwCPStandard; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long dwCPKey; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long bCP_APSTriggerBits; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char bOEMCopyProtection[256]; /* +0x0064 f6 19 00 00 */ }; struct _GROUP_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned short MaximumGroupCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ActiveGroupCount; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x0004 f9 19 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupInfo[48]; /* +0x0018 fb 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagBITMAPCOREINFO { unsigned char bmciHeader[12]; /* +0x0000 fe 19 00 00 */ unsigned char bmciColors[4]; /* +0x000c 00 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR { unsigned short nSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short nVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char iPixelType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cColorBits; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char cRedBits; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char cRedShift; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char cGreenBits; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char cGreenShift; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char cBlueBits; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char cBlueShift; /* +0x000f */ unsigned char cAlphaBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cAlphaShift; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char cAccumBits; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char cAccumRedBits; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char cAccumGreenBits; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char cAccumBlueBits; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char cAccumAlphaBits; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char cDepthBits; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char cStencilBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cAuxBuffers; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char iLayerType; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x001b */ unsigned long dwLayerMask; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwVisibleMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwDamageMask; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagEMRFILLPATH { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ }; struct _HTML_PAINT_XFORM { unsigned char eM11[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eM12[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eM21[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eM22[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eDx[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eDy[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FLOAT128 { long long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long long HighPart; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _LDT_ENTRY { unsigned short LimitLow; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short BaseLow; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagEMRFILLRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x0020 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_NOTIFY_2A { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnNotifyCallback[8]; /* +0x0008 38 1a 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNotificationStatus; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x001c 39 1a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNotificationTriggered; /* +0x0040 */ char *pszServiceNames; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION32 { unsigned long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AllocationBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RegionSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Protect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagTEXTMETRICA { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char tmLastChar; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char tmBreakChar; /* +0x002f */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0031 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0033 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _RDR_CALLOUT_STATE { long LastError; /* +0x0000 */ void *LastEEInfo; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char LastCalledStage[8]; /* +0x0010 61 1a 00 00 */ unsigned short *ServerName; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *ServerPort; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short *RemoteUser; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short *AuthType; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ResourceTypePresent; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char SessionIdPresent; /* +0x0039 */ unsigned char InterfacePresent; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char ResourceType[16]; /* +0x003c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SessionId[16]; /* +0x004c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Interface[20]; /* +0x005c 62 1a 00 00 */ void *CertContext; /* +0x0070 */ }; struct tagNMCUSTOMDRAWINFO { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDrawStage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char hdc[8]; /* +0x0020 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char rc[16]; /* +0x0028 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwItemSpec; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char uItemState[8]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ long long lItemlParam; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _POINTL { long x; /* +0x0000 */ long y; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OFSTRUCT { unsigned char cBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fFixedDisk; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short nErrCode; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved2; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char szPathName[128]; /* +0x0008 7d 1a 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_RATIONAL { unsigned char Numerator[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Denominator[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _MAT2 { unsigned char eM11[4]; /* +0x0000 82 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char eM12[4]; /* +0x0004 82 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char eM21[4]; /* +0x0008 82 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char eM22[4]; /* +0x000c 82 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRNAMEDESCAPE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char iEscape[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbDriver[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbEscData[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char EscData[4]; /* +0x0014 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL { unsigned char Label[16]; /* +0x0000 e9 1a 00 00 */ }; struct _OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO { char *lpDebugStringData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short fUnicode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short nDebugStringLength; /* +0x000a */ }; struct tagFUNCDESC { long memid; /* +0x0000 */ long *lprgscode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lprgelemdescParam[8]; /* +0x0010 05 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char funckind[4]; /* +0x0018 06 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char invkind[4]; /* +0x001c 07 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char callconv[4]; /* +0x0020 32 15 00 00 */ short cParams; /* +0x0024 */ short cParamsOpt; /* +0x0026 */ short oVft; /* +0x0028 */ short cScodes; /* +0x002a */ unsigned char elemdescFunc[32]; /* +0x0030 04 1b 00 00 */ unsigned short wFuncFlags; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOA { char *lpUniversalName; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _WORD_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char asData[4]; /* +0x0004 27 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 { unsigned short Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long ImageBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SectionAlignment; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long FileAlignment; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x002a */ unsigned short MajorImageVersion; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short MinorImageVersion; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short MajorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short MinorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned long Win32VersionValue; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfHeaders; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short Subsystem; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x0046 */ unsigned long long SizeOfStackReserve; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long SizeOfStackCommit; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long SizeOfHeapReserve; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long SizeOfHeapCommit; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long NumberOfRvaAndSizes; /* +0x006c */ unsigned char DataDirectory[128]; /* +0x0070 4d 1b 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETVIEWPORTEXTEX { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char szlExtent[8]; /* +0x0008 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct tagTRACKMOUSEEVENT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndTrack[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHoverTime; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagCOMBOBOXINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcItem[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcButton[16]; /* +0x0014 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned long stateButton; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char hwndCombo[8]; /* +0x0028 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[8]; /* +0x0030 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndList[8]; /* +0x0038 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_A:: { unsigned char HttpCredentials[8]; /* +0x0000 5b 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _NMTBCUSTOMDRAW { unsigned char nmcd[80]; /* +0x0000 5e 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrMonoDither[8]; /* +0x0050 60 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrLines[8]; /* +0x0058 60 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char hpenLines[8]; /* +0x0060 62 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long clrText; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long clrMark; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long clrTextHighlight; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long clrBtnFace; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long clrBtnHighlight; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long clrHighlightHotTrack; /* +0x007c */ unsigned char rcText[16]; /* +0x0080 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char nStringBkMode[4]; /* +0x0090 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nHLStringBkMode[4]; /* +0x0094 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iListGap[8]; /* +0x0098 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVolumeSerialNumber; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long nNumberOfLinks; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long nFileIndexHigh; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long nFileIndexLow; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagCACLSID { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 bc 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMREBARSPLITTER { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcSizing[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENTLOGRECORD { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TimeGenerated; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long TimeWritten; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EventID; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short EventType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short NumStrings; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short EventCategory; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short ReservedFlags; /* +0x001e */ unsigned long ClosingRecordNumber; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long StringOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long UserSidLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long UserSidOffset; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct tagSTYLESTRUCT { unsigned long styleOld; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long styleNew; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _cpinfoexA { unsigned char MaxCharSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0004 99 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadByte[12]; /* +0x0006 9a 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicodeDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0012 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePage[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePageName[260]; /* +0x0018 9b 1b 00 00 */ }; struct tagCADBL { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 41 06 00 00 */ }; struct _tagSOFTDISTINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwAdState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szTitle[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char szAbstract[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char szHREF[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInstalledVersionMS; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwInstalledVersionLS; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwUpdateVersionMS; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwUpdateVersionLS; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwAdvertisedVersionMS; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwAdvertisedVersionLS; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct tagTCITEMHEADERA { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpReserved1[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpReserved2[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMLVFINDITEMA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iStart[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lvfi[40]; /* +0x0020 f9 1b 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRMODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char xform[24]; /* +0x0008 aa 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct SChannelHookCallInfo { unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char uCausality[16]; /* +0x0014 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwServerPid; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long iMethod; /* +0x0028 */ void *pObject; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagEXTLOGFONTA { unsigned char elfLogFont[60]; /* +0x0000 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[64]; /* +0x003c 34 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[32]; /* +0x007c 35 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long elfVersion; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long elfStyleSize; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long elfMatch; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long elfReserved; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char elfVendorId[4]; /* +0x00ac 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long elfCulture; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned char elfPanose[12]; /* +0x00b4 37 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _tagPROTOCOLDATA { unsigned long grfFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0004 */ void *pData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagPAGESET { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fOddPages[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fEvenPages[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long cPageRange; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgPages[8]; /* +0x0010 8a 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _ICONINFOEXW { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fIcon[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long xHotspot; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long yHotspot; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char hbmMask[8]; /* +0x0010 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmColor[8]; /* +0x0018 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned short wResID; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char szModName[520]; /* +0x0022 ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szResName[526]; /* +0x022a ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr { unsigned short sa_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char sa_data[14]; /* +0x0002 93 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTREEVIEWA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char action[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemOld[56]; /* +0x0020 96 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char itemNew[56]; /* +0x0058 96 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char ptDrag[8]; /* +0x0090 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct localeinfo_struct { unsigned char locinfo[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char mbcinfo[8]; /* +0x0008 aa 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _XSAVE_AREA_HEADER { unsigned long long Mask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved[56]; /* +0x0008 ad 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATECOLORSPACEW { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihCS; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lcs[588]; /* +0x000c b0 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0258 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x025c */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0260 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _currencyfmtW { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDecimalSep[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpThousandSep[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PositiveOrder[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCurrencySymbol[8]; /* +0x0028 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFOW { unsigned char pmszRequiredPrivileges[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagBIND_OPTS { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long grfFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long grfMode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwTickCountDeadline; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_SUPERIOR_ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char SuperiorEnlistmentPair[32]; /* +0x0000 d1 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRLINETO { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptl[8]; /* +0x0008 e3 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM { unsigned long dwDataType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct QOS_OBJECT_HDR { unsigned long ObjectType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ObjectLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY { /* unsigned char NameOffset[0]; +0x0000 35 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NameIsString[0]; +0x0000 36 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long Name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OffsetToData; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char OffsetToDirectory[0]; +0x0004 35 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char DataIsDirectory[4]; /* +0x0004 36 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRROUNDRECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBox[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned char szlCorner[8]; /* +0x0018 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2_A { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char NullSession[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelModeCaller[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long IsClientLocal; /* +0x003c */ void *ClientPID; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long CallStatus; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char CallType[4]; /* +0x004c 40 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char CallLocalAddress[8]; /* +0x0050 42 1d 00 00 */ unsigned short OpNum; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char InterfaceUuid[20]; /* +0x005c bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_WINLOGON { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Console; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Locked; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileHeader[20]; /* +0x0004 9d 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char OptionalHeader[240]; /* +0x0018 9e 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO { void *lpBaseOfDll; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYLINE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cptl; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char aptl[8]; /* +0x001c e4 18 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETHEADERW_V2 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndParent[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszCaption[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char nPages[8]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char nStartPage[0]; +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pStartPage[8]; /* +0x0030 6d 18 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppsp[0]; +0x0038 af 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char phpage[8]; /* +0x0038 b2 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0040 b5 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hbmWatermark[0]; +0x0048 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszbmWatermark[8]; /* +0x0048 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char hplWatermark[8]; /* +0x0050 b7 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hbmHeader[0]; +0x0058 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszbmHeader[8]; /* +0x0058 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL { unsigned long nLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nInitialChars; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCtrlWakeupMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwControlKeyState; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_A { unsigned char TransportCredentials[8]; /* +0x0000 bd 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagLVDISPINFOW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[88]; /* +0x0018 c0 1d 00 00 */ }; struct SET_POWER_SETTING_VALUE { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PowerCondition[4]; /* +0x0014 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RIP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagCWPRETSTRUCT { long long lResult; /* +0x0000 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long wParam; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char message[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0020 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned long vkCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long scanCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagTRBTHUMBPOSCHANGING { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPos; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char nReason[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TASKDIALOG_BUTTON { unsigned char nButtonID[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszButtonText[8]; /* +0x0004 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagREBARBANDINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fStyle[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long clrFore; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long clrBack; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpText; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cch[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndChild[8]; /* +0x0028 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cxMinChild[4]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyMinChild[4]; /* +0x0034 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[8]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmBack[8]; /* +0x0040 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x0048 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyChild[4]; /* +0x004c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyMaxChild[4]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyIntegral[4]; /* +0x0054 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxIdeal[8]; /* +0x0058 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char cxHeader[4]; /* +0x0068 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcChevronLocation[16]; /* +0x006c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uChevronState[4]; /* +0x007c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TT_HITTESTINFOA { unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0008 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ti[72]; /* +0x0010 49 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _NETINFOSTRUCT { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProviderVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwCharacteristics; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long dwHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wNetType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwPrinters; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwDrives; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO { unsigned char TransferSyntax[24]; /* +0x0000 62 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[8]; /* +0x0018 57 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcString[8]; /* +0x0020 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char FmtStringOffset[8]; /* +0x0028 5b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeString[8]; /* +0x0030 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char aUserMarshalQuadruple[8]; /* +0x0038 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long long pReserved1; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long pReserved2; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 7d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ObjectType[16]; /* +0x000c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InheritedObjectType[16]; /* +0x001c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SidStart; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _OVERLAPPED_ENTRY { unsigned long long lpCompletionKey; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpOverlapped[8]; /* +0x0008 91 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long long Internal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesTransferred; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagEMRSELECTPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NDR_USER_MARSHAL_INFO_LEVEL1 { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[8]; /* +0x0010 9d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[8]; /* +0x0018 38 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char pRpcChannelBuffer[8]; /* +0x0020 9f 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[40]; /* +0x0028 a0 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _GDI_OBJECT { unsigned long ObjectType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CONTEXT { unsigned long long P1Home; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long P2Home; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long P3Home; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long P4Home; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long P5Home; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long P6Home; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ContextFlags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long MxCsr; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short SegCs; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short SegDs; /* +0x003a */ unsigned short SegEs; /* +0x003c */ unsigned short SegFs; /* +0x003e */ unsigned short SegGs; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short SegSs; /* +0x0042 */ unsigned long EFlags; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long long Dr0; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long Dr1; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long Dr2; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long Dr3; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long Dr6; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long Dr7; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long Rax; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long Rcx; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long Rdx; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long long Rbx; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long long Rsp; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long long Rbp; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long long Rsi; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long long Rdi; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long long R8; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long long R9; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long long R10; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long long R11; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long long R12; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned long long R13; /* +0x00e0 */ unsigned long long R14; /* +0x00e8 */ unsigned long long R15; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned long long Rip; /* +0x00f8 */ /* unsigned char FltSave[0]; +0x0100 a6 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Header[32]; /* +0x0100 a8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Legacy[128]; /* +0x0120 a9 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm0[16]; /* +0x01a0 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm1[16]; /* +0x01b0 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm2[16]; /* +0x01c0 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm3[16]; /* +0x01d0 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm4[16]; /* +0x01e0 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm5[16]; /* +0x01f0 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm6[16]; /* +0x0200 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm7[16]; /* +0x0210 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm8[16]; /* +0x0220 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm9[16]; /* +0x0230 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm10[16]; /* +0x0240 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm11[16]; /* +0x0250 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm12[16]; /* +0x0260 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm13[16]; /* +0x0270 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm14[16]; /* +0x0280 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm15[112]; /* +0x0290 a7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char VectorRegister[416]; /* +0x0300 aa 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long long VectorControl; /* +0x04a0 */ unsigned long long DebugControl; /* +0x04a8 */ unsigned long long LastBranchToRip; /* +0x04b0 */ unsigned long long LastBranchFromRip; /* +0x04b8 */ unsigned long long LastExceptionToRip; /* +0x04c0 */ unsigned long long LastExceptionFromRip; /* +0x04c8 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_LIMIT_VIOLATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long LimitFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ViolationLimitFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long IoReadBytes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long IoReadBytesLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long IoWriteBytes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long IoWriteBytesLimit; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTime[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long JobMemory; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long JobMemoryLimit; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char RateControlTolerance[4]; /* +0x0048 ad 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char RateControlToleranceLimit[4]; /* +0x004c ae 1e 00 00 */ }; struct hostent { char *h_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char h_aliases[8]; /* +0x0008 b1 1e 00 00 */ short h_addrtype; /* +0x0010 */ short h_length; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char h_addr_list[8]; /* +0x0018 b1 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V3_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_V1 { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ComTimeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CallTimeout; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagCAUB { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pElems; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _OLESTREAMVTBL { unsigned char Get[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Put[8]; /* +0x0008 df 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMRBAUTOSIZE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char fChanged[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcTarget[16]; /* +0x001c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcActual[20]; /* +0x002c 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVCOLUMNW { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fmt[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iOrder[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxMin[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxDefault[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxIdeal[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagMCGRIDINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPart; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char iCalendar[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iRow[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCol[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bSelected[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stStart[16]; /* +0x001c 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char stEnd[16]; /* +0x002c 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char rc[20]; /* +0x003c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszName[8]; /* +0x0050 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long long cchName; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _WOW64_CONTEXT { unsigned long ContextFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Dr0; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Dr1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Dr2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Dr3; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Dr6; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Dr7; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char FloatSave[112]; /* +0x001c f4 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long SegGs; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long SegFs; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long SegEs; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long SegDs; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long Edi; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long Esi; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long Ebx; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long Edx; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long Ecx; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long Eax; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long Ebp; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long Eip; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long SegCs; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long EFlags; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long Esp; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long SegSs; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned char ExtendedRegisters[512]; /* +0x00cc f5 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY_INFO { unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DemoteLimit; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PromoteLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char DemotePercent; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PromotePercent; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char Spare[2]; /* +0x000e 99 1b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AllowDemotion[0]; +0x0010 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AllowPromotion[0]; +0x0010 f8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0010 f9 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagDRAWTEXTPARAMS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTabLength[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iLeftMargin[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iRightMargin[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uiLengthDrawn[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTOOLBARW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tbButton[32]; /* +0x0020 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char cchText[8]; /* +0x0040 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0048 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char rcButton[16]; /* +0x0050 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_PROCESSOR_AFFINITY { unsigned char Processor[4]; /* +0x0000 08 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short NumaNodeId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _HARDWARE_COUNTER_DATA { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 19 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Value; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long nLength; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bInheritHandle[8]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANSClassInfoA { char *lpszName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwValueType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwValueSize; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpValue; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC { void *RpcInterfaceInformation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[8]; /* +0x0008 9d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[136]; /* +0x0010 38 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVSORTCB { unsigned char hParent[8]; /* +0x0000 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnCompare[8]; /* +0x0008 48 1f 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved[21]; /* +0x0001 75 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short GroupCount; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char GroupMask[16]; /* +0x0018 77 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT { unsigned char gmfBlackBoxX[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfBlackBoxY[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfptGlyphOrigin[8]; /* +0x0008 7a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfCellIncX[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfCellIncY[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_ADDRESS { unsigned char lpSockaddr[8]; /* +0x0000 97 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iSockaddrLength[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RUNTIME_FUNCTION { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long UnwindData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_ALARM_CALLBACK_ACE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 7d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SidStart; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL { unsigned char DefaultDacl[8]; /* +0x0000 94 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagFONTSIGNATURE { unsigned char fsUsb[16]; /* +0x0000 99 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char fsCsb[8]; /* +0x0010 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMHDDISPINFOW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _s__RTTICompleteObjectLocator2 { unsigned long signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long offset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cdOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pTypeDescriptor[8]; /* +0x000c a3 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pClassDescriptor[8]; /* +0x0014 a6 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pSelf[8]; /* +0x001c a9 1f 00 00 */ }; struct SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL { unsigned char Enable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Spare[3]; /* +0x0001 ca 15 00 00 */ unsigned long BatteryLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PowerPolicy[12]; /* +0x0008 ac 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char MinSystemState[4]; /* +0x0014 e0 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTXA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpSource[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned short wProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wLangId; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyDirectory[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpResourceName[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpApplicationName[8]; /* +0x0028 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hModule[8]; /* +0x0030 ed 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOA { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpszIdentifier; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO { unsigned char fDelayedAutostart[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagOBJECTDESCRIPTOR { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDrawAspect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char sizel[8]; /* +0x0018 b9 17 00 00 */ unsigned char pointl[8]; /* +0x0020 e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFullUserTypeName; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwSrcOfCopy; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_INFO { unsigned long dwOemId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwPageSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpMinimumApplicationAddress; /* +0x0008 */ void *lpMaximumApplicationAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long dwActiveProcessorMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProcessors; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwProcessorType; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwAllocationGranularity; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short wProcessorLevel; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short wProcessorRevision; /* +0x002e */ }; struct tagQACONTROL { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMiscStatus; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwViewStatus; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwEventCookie; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPropNotifyCookie; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPointerActivationPolicy; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct val_context { unsigned char valuelen[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ void *value_context; /* +0x0008 */ void *val_buff_ptr; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CSADDR_INFO { unsigned char LocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0000 1b 20 00 00 */ unsigned char RemoteAddr[16]; /* +0x0010 1b 20 00 00 */ unsigned char iSocketType[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySet2W { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszServiceInstanceName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpVersion[8]; /* +0x0010 be 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszComment[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[8]; /* +0x0028 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszContext[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[8]; /* +0x0040 c0 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszQueryString[8]; /* +0x0048 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[8]; /* +0x0058 c2 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char lpBlob[8]; /* +0x0068 c4 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CLIENT_CALL_RETURN { void *Pointer; /* +0x0000 */ long long Simple; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagCACY { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 23 20 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETHEADERW_V1 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndParent[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszCaption[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char nPages[8]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char nStartPage[0]; +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pStartPage[8]; /* +0x0030 6d 18 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppsp[0]; +0x0038 af 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char phpage[8]; /* +0x0038 b2 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0040 b5 1d 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr_storage { unsigned short ss_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char __ss_pad1[6]; /* +0x0002 3f 20 00 00 */ long long __ss_align; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char __ss_pad2[112]; /* +0x0010 40 20 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned char Relationship[4]; /* +0x0000 63 20 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Processor[0]; +0x0008 64 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NumaNode[0]; +0x0008 65 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cache[0]; +0x0008 66 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Group[72]; /* +0x0008 67 20 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr_storage_xp { short ss_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char __ss_pad1[6]; /* +0x0002 3f 20 00 00 */ long long __ss_align; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char __ss_pad2[112]; /* +0x0010 40 20 00 00 */ }; struct LIST_ENTRY32 { unsigned long Flink; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Blink; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _XSAVE_FORMAT { unsigned short ControlWord; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StatusWord; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char TagWord; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short ErrorOpcode; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ErrorOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ErrorSelector; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Reserved2; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short DataSelector; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short Reserved3; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long MxCsr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MxCsr_Mask; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char FloatRegisters[128]; /* +0x0020 a9 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char XmmRegisters[256]; /* +0x00a0 ba 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved4[96]; /* +0x01a0 bb 20 00 00 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLESTATE_INFO { unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DemotePercent; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PromotePercent; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char Spare[2]; /* +0x0006 99 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_FUNCTION_ENTRY64 { unsigned long long StartingAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndingAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long EndOfPrologue; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long UnwindInfoAddress; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned long dwExitCode; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSA { char *lpServiceName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpDisplayName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ServiceStatusProcess[40]; /* +0x0010 39 1a 00 00 */ }; struct _GENERIC_BINDING_ROUTINE_PAIR { unsigned char pfnBind[8]; /* +0x0000 c9 20 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUnbind[8]; /* +0x0008 cc 20 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_CUSTOM_SYSTEM_STATE_CHANGE_DATA_ITEM:: { unsigned char CustomStateId[8]; /* +0x0000 d4 20 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_CUSTOM_SYSTEM_STATE_CHANGE_DATA_ITEM:::: { unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0004 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCurrentState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwControlsAccepted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwWin32ExitCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwServiceSpecificExitCode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCheckPoint; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwWaitHint; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwProcessId; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SERVICE_USERMODEREBOOT_INFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long eLowestRunLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long eHighestRunLevel; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYA { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFormat[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char szMax[8]; /* +0x0020 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct _QUOTA_LIMITS { unsigned long long PagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NonPagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MinimumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MaximumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long PagefileLimit; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char TimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagSERIALKEYSW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpszActivePort[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszPort[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char iBaudRate[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iPortState[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iActive[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_LINKED_TOKEN { void *LinkedToken; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _NUMA_NODE_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned long NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x0004 f9 19 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupMask[16]; /* +0x0018 76 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAMSG { unsigned char name[8]; /* +0x0000 97 15 00 00 */ unsigned char namelen[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpBuffers[8]; /* +0x0010 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned long dwBufferCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Control[16]; /* +0x0020 6a 21 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct DXGI_GAMMA_CONTROL { unsigned char Scale[12]; /* +0x0000 7f 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Offset[12]; /* +0x000c 7f 21 00 00 */ unsigned char GammaCurve[12300]; /* +0x0018 80 21 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ASSEMBLY_DETAILED_INFORMATION { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulEncodedAssemblyIdentityLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulManifestPathType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulManifestPathLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char liManifestLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ulPolicyPathType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulPolicyPathLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char liPolicyLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ulMetadataSatelliteRosterIndex; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulManifestVersionMajor; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ulManifestVersionMinor; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ulPolicyVersionMajor; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ulPolicyVersionMinor; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyDirectoryNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char lpAssemblyEncodedAssemblyIdentity[8]; /* +0x0040 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyManifestPath[8]; /* +0x0048 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyPolicyPath[8]; /* +0x0050 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyDirectoryName[8]; /* +0x0058 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long ulFileCount; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct tagTouchPredictionParameters { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwLatency[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwSampleTime[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseHWTimeStamp[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FLAGGED_BYTE_BLOB { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char abData[4]; /* +0x0008 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETHEADERA_V1 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndParent[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszCaption[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char nPages[8]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char nStartPage[0]; +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pStartPage[8]; /* +0x0030 ee 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppsp[0]; +0x0038 8f 21 00 00 */ unsigned char phpage[8]; /* +0x0038 b2 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0040 b5 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagDROPSTRUCT { unsigned char hwndSource[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndSink[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned long wFmt; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long dwData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ptDrop[8]; /* +0x0020 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwControlData; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _TOKEN_GROUPS_AND_PRIVILEGES { unsigned long SidCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SidLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Sids[8]; /* +0x0008 af 21 00 00 */ unsigned long RestrictedSidCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long RestrictedSidLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char RestrictedSids[8]; /* +0x0018 af 21 00 00 */ unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PrivilegeLength; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Privileges[8]; /* +0x0028 e7 16 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0030 cf 17 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFO { unsigned long AlignmentRequirement; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagMSLLHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned long mouseData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagMDICREATESTRUCTA { unsigned char szClass[8]; /* +0x0000 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char szTitle[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ void *hOwner; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long style; /* +0x0028 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_W:: { unsigned char HttpCredentials[8]; /* +0x0000 be 21 00 00 */ }; struct tagEXTLOGPEN { unsigned long elpPenStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long elpWidth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char elpBrushStyle[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long elpColor; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long elpHatch; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long elpNumEntries; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char elpStyleEntry[4]; /* +0x001c c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _OUTLINETEXTMETRICA { unsigned char otmSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmTextMetrics[56]; /* +0x0004 c8 21 00 00 */ unsigned char otmFiller; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char otmPanoseNumber[11]; /* +0x003d 37 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsSelection[4]; /* +0x0048 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsType[4]; /* +0x004c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRise[4]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRun[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmItalicAngle[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmEMSquare[4]; /* +0x005c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmAscent[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmDescent[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmLineGap[4]; /* +0x0068 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCapEmHeight[4]; /* +0x006c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsXHeight[4]; /* +0x0070 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmrcFontBox[16]; /* +0x0074 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacAscent[4]; /* +0x0084 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacDescent[4]; /* +0x0088 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacLineGap[4]; /* +0x008c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmusMinimumPPEM[4]; /* +0x0090 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptSize[8]; /* +0x0094 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x009c 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptSize[8]; /* +0x00a4 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x00ac 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutSize[4]; /* +0x00b4 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutPosition[4]; /* +0x00b8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscoreSize[4]; /* +0x00bc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscorePosition[8]; /* +0x00c0 74 00 00 00 */ char *otmpFamilyName; /* +0x00c8 */ char *otmpFaceName; /* +0x00d0 */ char *otmpStyleName; /* +0x00d8 */ char *otmpFullName; /* +0x00e0 */ }; struct _userCLIPFORMAT { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RASTERIZER_STATUS { short nSize; /* +0x0000 */ short wFlags; /* +0x0002 */ short nLanguageID; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEW_V3 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 03 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderTitle[8]; /* +0x0048 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderSubTitle[8]; /* +0x0050 6d 18 00 00 */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct tagNMTTDISPINFOW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszText[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char szText[160]; /* +0x0020 16 22 00 00 */ unsigned char hinst[8]; /* +0x00c0 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uFlags[8]; /* +0x00c8 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x00d0 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYTEXTOUTA { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iGraphicsMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char exScale[4]; /* +0x001c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eyScale[4]; /* +0x0020 40 00 00 00 */ long cStrings; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char aemrtext[40]; /* +0x0028 2f 22 00 00 */ }; struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK { unsigned long LowId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long OffsetToEntries; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { unsigned long biSize; /* +0x0000 */ long biWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long biHeight; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short biPlanes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short biBitCount; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long biCompression; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long biSizeImage; /* +0x0014 */ long biXPelsPerMeter; /* +0x0018 */ long biYPelsPerMeter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long biClrUsed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long biClrImportant; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _DLLVERSIONINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformID; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagNMTBSAVE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long *pData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long *pCurrent; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cbData[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cButtons[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tbButton[32]; /* +0x0038 f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSTRETCHDIBITS { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long xSrc; /* +0x0020 */ long ySrc; /* +0x0024 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0028 */ long cySrc; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0044 */ long cxDest; /* +0x0048 */ long cyDest; /* +0x004c */ }; struct __GENERIC_BINDING_INFO { void *pObj; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Size[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnBind[8]; /* +0x0010 c9 20 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUnbind[8]; /* +0x0018 cc 20 00 00 */ }; struct _ITEMIDLIST { unsigned char mkid[3]; /* +0x0000 86 22 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE { unsigned short nLength; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char achString[0]; +0x0002 41 23 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_WIN_MODULE70 { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char m_csWindowCreate[40]; /* +0x0008 dd 23 00 00 */ unsigned char m_pCreateWndList[8]; /* +0x0030 df 23 00 00 */ unsigned char m_rgWindowClassAtoms[16]; /* +0x0038 e0 23 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::ATLTRACEPROCESSINFO { unsigned char szName[128]; /* +0x0000 12 24 00 00 */ unsigned char szPath[520]; /* +0x0080 ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned long dwId; /* +0x0288 */ unsigned char settings[16]; /* +0x028c 13 24 00 00 */ unsigned char nModules[4]; /* +0x029c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CSimpleMap { unsigned char m_aKey[8]; /* +0x0000 b1 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char m_aVal[8]; /* +0x0008 6f 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_nSize[8]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_COM_MODULE70 { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char m_hInstTypeLib[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_ppAutoObjMapFirst[8]; /* +0x0010 70 24 00 00 */ unsigned char m_ppAutoObjMapLast[8]; /* +0x0018 70 24 00 00 */ unsigned char m_csObjMap[40]; /* +0x0020 dd 23 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_FUNC_INFO { unsigned char cc[4]; /* +0x0000 32 15 00 00 */ unsigned short vtReturn; /* +0x0004 */ short nParams; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char pVarTypes[16]; /* +0x0008 8f 24 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::ATL_PROPMAP_ENTRY { unsigned char szDesc[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ long dispid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pclsidPropPage[8]; /* +0x0010 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char piidDispatch[8]; /* +0x0018 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOffsetData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwSizeData; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct ATL::ATLTRACECATEGORYINFO { unsigned char szName[128]; /* +0x0000 12 24 00 00 */ unsigned char settings[8]; /* +0x0080 9e 25 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwCategory; /* +0x0088 */ }; enum ATL::CComEnumImpl >::FlagBits { BitCopy = 1, BitOwn = 2 }; enum ATL::COleDateTime::DateTimeStatus { error = -1, valid = 0, invalid = 1, null = 2 }; struct ATL::ATLTRACESETTINGS { unsigned char nLevel[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eStatus[4]; /* +0x0004 ba 27 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::ATLTRACEMODULEINFO { unsigned char szName[128]; /* +0x0000 12 24 00 00 */ unsigned char szPath[520]; /* +0x0080 ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned char settings[8]; /* +0x0288 9e 25 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwModule; /* +0x0290 */ unsigned char nCategories[8]; /* +0x0298 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY { unsigned char szKey[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szData[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_BASE_MODULE70 { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char m_hInst[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_hInstResource[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_bNT5orWin98[4]; /* +0x0018 30 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAtlBuildVer; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char pguidVer[8]; /* +0x0020 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char m_csResource[40]; /* +0x0028 dd 23 00 00 */ unsigned char m_rgResourceInstance[16]; /* +0x0050 ae 28 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_MODULE70 { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ long m_nLockCnt; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char m_pTermFuncs[8]; /* +0x0008 6a 29 00 00 */ unsigned char m_csStaticDataInitAndTypeInfo[40]; /* +0x0010 dd 23 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_CREATORDATA { unsigned char pFunc[8]; /* +0x0000 b3 29 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_AtlCreateWndData { void *m_pThis; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long m_dwThreadID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char m_pNext[8]; /* +0x0010 df 23 00 00 */ }; enum ATL::CImage::DIBOrientation { DIBOR_DEFAULT = 0, DIBOR_TOPDOWN = 1, DIBOR_BOTTOMUP = 2 }; struct ATL::_ATL_WNDCLASSINFOA { unsigned char m_wc[80]; /* +0x0000 2e 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char m_lpszOrigName[8]; /* +0x0050 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pWndProc[8]; /* +0x0058 f6 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_lpszCursorID[8]; /* +0x0060 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_bSystemCursor[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned short m_atom; /* +0x006c */ unsigned char m_szAutoName[74]; /* +0x006e e0 2a 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_CATMAP_ENTRY { unsigned char iType[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pcatid[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 18 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::ATL_PROPVALMAP_ENTRY { long dispid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char val[24]; /* +0x0008 0a 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szDesc[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CStringData { unsigned char pStringMgr[8]; /* +0x0000 9e 24 00 00 */ unsigned char nDataLength[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nAllocLength[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ long nRefs; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_TERMFUNC_ELEM { unsigned char pFunc[8]; /* +0x0000 95 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long long dw; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pNext[8]; /* +0x0010 6a 29 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_SAFE_ALLOCA_IMPL::CAtlSafeAllocBufferManager::CAtlSafeAllocBufferNode { unsigned char m_pNext[8]; /* +0x0000 01 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char _pad[8]; /* +0x0008 5a 15 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_CONNMAP_ENTRY { unsigned long long dwOffset; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct ATL::_AtlAptCreateObjData { unsigned char pfnCreateInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 b3 29 00 00 */ unsigned char piid[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 18 00 00 */ void *hEvent; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pStream[8]; /* +0x0018 34 19 00 00 */ unsigned char hRes[8]; /* +0x0020 08 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_WNDCLASSINFOW { unsigned char m_wc[80]; /* +0x0000 b7 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char m_lpszOrigName[8]; /* +0x0050 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pWndProc[8]; /* +0x0058 f6 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_lpszCursorID[8]; /* +0x0060 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char m_bSystemCursor[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned short m_atom; /* +0x006c */ unsigned char m_szAutoName[138]; /* +0x006e e1 2e 00 00 */ }; enum ATL::COleDateTimeSpan::DateTimeSpanStatus { valid = 0, invalid = 1, null = 2 }; struct ATL::CRegParser::CParseBuffer { unsigned char nPos[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nSize[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ char *p; /* +0x0008 */ }; enum ATL::_DialogSplitHelper:: { ATL_WM_OCC_LOADFROMSTREAM = 886, ATL_WM_OCC_LOADFROMSTORAGE = 887, ATL_WM_OCC_INITNEW = 888, ATL_WM_OCC_LOADFROMSTREAM_EX = 890, ATL_WM_OCC_LOADFROMSTORAGE_EX = 891,  = 32771 }; struct ATL::_DialogSplitHelper::DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX { unsigned long helpID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long exStyle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long style; /* +0x0008 */ short x; /* +0x000c */ short y; /* +0x000e */ short cx; /* +0x0010 */ short cy; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long id; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct ATL::_DialogSplitHelper::DLGTEMPLATEEX { unsigned short dlgVer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short signature; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long helpID; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long exStyle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long style; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short cDlgItems; /* +0x0010 */ short x; /* +0x0012 */ short y; /* +0x0014 */ short cx; /* +0x0016 */ short cy; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct ATL::_DialogSplitHelper::DLGINITSTRUCT { unsigned short nIDC; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short message; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct ATL::CComBSTR { unsigned char m_str[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_CHAINDATA { unsigned long long dwOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pFunc[8]; /* +0x0008 fa 31 00 00 */ }; enum ATL::CWindowImplRoot:: { WINSTATE_DESTROYED = 1 }; struct ATL::_ATL_CACHEDATA { unsigned long dwOffsetVar; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pFunc[8]; /* +0x0008 b3 29 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY30 { unsigned char pclsid[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUpdateRegistry[8]; /* +0x0008 55 36 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnGetClassObject[8]; /* +0x0010 b3 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCreateInstance[8]; /* +0x0018 b3 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pCF[8]; /* +0x0020 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRegister; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pfnGetObjectDescription[8]; /* +0x0030 56 36 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnGetCategoryMap[16]; /* +0x0038 58 36 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CComTypeInfoHolder { unsigned char m_pguid[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char m_plibid[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned short m_wMajor; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short m_wMinor; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char m_pInfo[8]; /* +0x0018 fe 26 00 00 */ long m_dwRef; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct ATL::CComTypeInfoHolder::stringdispid { unsigned char bstr[8]; /* +0x0000 7d 31 00 00 */ unsigned char nLen[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ long id; /* +0x000c */ }; struct ATL::ATLTRACEPROCESSSETTINGS { unsigned char nLevel[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bEnabled[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bFuncAndCategoryNames[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bFileNameAndLineNo[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_INTMAP_ENTRY { unsigned char piid[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned long long dw; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pFunc[8]; /* +0x0010 22 38 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CWndProcThunk { unsigned char cd[24]; /* +0x0000 de 23 00 00 */ unsigned char thunk[8]; /* +0x0018 50 38 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_stdcallthunk { unsigned short RcxMov; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long RcxImm; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short RaxMov; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long long RaxImm; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short RaxJmp; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct ATL::_AtlStringThunks { unsigned char pfnCompareStringW[8]; /* +0x0000 a3 25 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnGetStringTypeExW[8]; /* +0x0008 a8 33 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnlstrcmpiW[8]; /* +0x0010 99 38 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCharLowerW[8]; /* +0x0018 89 37 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCharUpperW[8]; /* +0x0020 89 37 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnGetEnvironmentVariableW[8]; /* +0x0028 3e 38 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CDynamicStdCallThunk { unsigned char pThunk[8]; /* +0x0000 01 39 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CDynamicChain::ATL_CHAIN_ENTRY { unsigned long m_dwChainID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char m_pObject[8]; /* +0x0008 79 3a 00 00 */ unsigned long m_dwMsgMapID; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TRIVERTEX { long x; /* +0x0000 */ long y; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Red; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Green; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short Blue; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Alpha; /* +0x000e */ }; struct tagNMTOOLTIPSCREATED { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndToolTips[8]; /* +0x0018 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ void *AllocationBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long RegionSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Protect; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME_FLAGS { /* unsigned char friendlyNameFromEdid[0]; +0x0000 dd 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char friendlyNameForced[0]; +0x0000 de 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char edidIdsValid[0]; +0x0000 df 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char reserved[0]; +0x0000 e0 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char value[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _OUTLINETEXTMETRICW { unsigned char otmSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmTextMetrics[60]; /* +0x0004 e3 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char otmFiller; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char otmPanoseNumber[11]; /* +0x0041 37 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsSelection[4]; /* +0x004c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsType[4]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRise[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRun[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmItalicAngle[4]; /* +0x005c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmEMSquare[4]; /* +0x0060 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmAscent[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmDescent[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmLineGap[4]; /* +0x006c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCapEmHeight[4]; /* +0x0070 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsXHeight[4]; /* +0x0074 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmrcFontBox[16]; /* +0x0078 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacAscent[4]; /* +0x0088 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacDescent[4]; /* +0x008c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacLineGap[4]; /* +0x0090 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmusMinimumPPEM[4]; /* +0x0094 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptSize[8]; /* +0x0098 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x00a0 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptSize[8]; /* +0x00a8 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x00b0 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutSize[4]; /* +0x00b8 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutPosition[4]; /* +0x00bc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscoreSize[4]; /* +0x00c0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscorePosition[4]; /* +0x00c4 74 00 00 00 */ char *otmpFamilyName; /* +0x00c8 */ char *otmpFaceName; /* +0x00d0 */ char *otmpStyleName; /* +0x00d8 */ char *otmpFullName; /* +0x00e0 */ }; struct tagRAWKEYBOARD { unsigned short MakeCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short VKey; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Message[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ExtraInformation; /* +0x000c */ }; struct sockaddr_in { unsigned short sin_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short sin_port; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char sin_addr[4]; /* +0x0004 f0 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char sin_zero[8]; /* +0x0008 e8 3a 00 00 */ }; struct _DOCINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDocName[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszOutput[8]; /* +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDatatype[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned long fwType; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagEMRSELECTCLIPPATH { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct MENUITEMTEMPLATEHEADER { unsigned short versionNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short offset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagTCHITTESTINFO { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagICEXYZTRIPLE { unsigned char ciexyzRed[12]; /* +0x0000 fd 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char ciexyzGreen[12]; /* +0x000c fd 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char ciexyzBlue[12]; /* +0x0018 fd 3a 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_SECURITY_V1_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *ServerPrincName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthnLevel; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AuthnSvc; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char AuthIdentity[8]; /* +0x0018 02 3b 00 00 */ unsigned char SecurityQos[8]; /* +0x0020 04 3b 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVFOOTERITEM { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SOURCE { unsigned char SourceName[8]; /* +0x0000 e8 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char SourceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0008 cf 17 00 00 */ }; struct _BLENDFUNCTION { unsigned char BlendOp; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BlendFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char SourceConstantAlpha; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char AlphaFormat; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _SERVICE_RUNLEVEL_INFO { unsigned long eLowestRunLevel; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RPC_PROTSEQ_VECTORW { unsigned char Count[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Protseq[8]; /* +0x0008 25 3b 00 00 */ }; struct _HTML_PAINT_DRAW_INFO { unsigned char rcViewport[16]; /* +0x0000 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hrgnUpdate[8]; /* +0x0010 42 15 00 00 */ unsigned char xform[24]; /* +0x0018 62 3b 00 00 */ }; struct tagGESTURECONFIG { unsigned long dwID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwWant; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwBlock; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMREBARCHILDSIZE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uBand[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcChild[16]; /* +0x0020 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcBand[16]; /* +0x0030 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_BIND_INFORMATION { void *TmHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagENUMTEXTMETRICA { unsigned char etmNewTextMetricEx[96]; /* +0x0000 b4 3b 00 00 */ unsigned char etmAxesList[392]; /* +0x0060 b5 3b 00 00 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_FILE_DETAILED_INFORMATION { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulFilenameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulPathLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpFileName[8]; /* +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpFilePath[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_SRWLOCK { void *Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SERVICE_NOTIFY_2W { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnNotifyCallback[8]; /* +0x0008 38 1a 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNotificationStatus; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x001c 39 1a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNotificationTriggered; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char pszServiceNames[8]; /* +0x0048 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOEXW { unsigned char StartupInfo[104]; /* +0x0000 d9 3b 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAttributeList[8]; /* +0x0068 db 3b 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMR { unsigned long iType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nSize; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long offBmi; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbBmi; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long offBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cbBits; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagRemSTGMEDIUM { unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwHandleType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long pData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long pUnkForRelease; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0014 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _KTMOBJECT_CURSOR { unsigned char LastQuery[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ObjectIdCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ObjectIds[16]; /* +0x0014 f4 3b 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTS { short x; /* +0x0000 */ short y; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagINPUT { unsigned long type; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char mi[0]; +0x0008 f9 3b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ki[0]; +0x0008 fa 3b 00 00 */ unsigned char hi[32]; /* +0x0008 fb 3b 00 00 */ }; struct tagLICINFO { long cbLicInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fRuntimeKeyAvail[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fLicVerified[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMMOUSE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwItemSpec; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long dwItemData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0028 49 15 00 00 */ long long dwHitInfo; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _KCRM_PROTOCOL_BLOB { unsigned char ProtocolId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StaticInfoLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TransactionIdInfoLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Unused1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Unused2; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagPOINTFX { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 82 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 82 1a 00 00 */ }; struct _COMMPROP { unsigned short wPacketLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wPacketVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwServiceMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwMaxTxQueue; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwMaxRxQueue; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwMaxBaud; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwProvSubType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwProvCapabilities; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwSettableParams; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwSettableBaud; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short wSettableData; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short wSettableStopParity; /* +0x002a */ unsigned long dwCurrentTxQueue; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwCurrentRxQueue; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwProvSpec1; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwProvSpec2; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char wcProvChar[4]; /* +0x003c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _WIN32_MEMORY_RANGE_ENTRY { void *VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NumberOfBytes; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagPAINTSTRUCT { unsigned char hdc[8]; /* +0x0000 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char fErase[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcPaint[16]; /* +0x000c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char fRestore[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fIncUpdate[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[36]; /* +0x0024 35 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _DISCDLGSTRUCTA { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ char *lpLocalName; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpRemoteName; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _DCB { unsigned long DCBlength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BaudRate; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char fBinary[0]; +0x0008 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fParity[0]; +0x0008 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fOutxCtsFlow[0]; +0x0008 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fOutxDsrFlow[0]; +0x0008 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDtrControl[0]; +0x0008 c4 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDsrSensitivity[0]; +0x0008 f0 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fTXContinueOnXoff[0]; +0x0008 f1 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fOutX[0]; +0x0008 c5 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fInX[0]; +0x0008 c6 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fErrorChar[0]; +0x0008 c7 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fNull[0]; +0x0008 c8 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fRtsControl[0]; +0x0008 c9 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fAbortOnError[0]; +0x0008 ca 3c 00 00 */ unsigned char fDummy2[4]; /* +0x0008 cb 3c 00 00 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short XonLim; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short XoffLim; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ByteSize; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char Parity; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char StopBits; /* +0x0014 */ char XonChar; /* +0x0015 */ char XoffChar; /* +0x0016 */ char ErrorChar; /* +0x0017 */ char EofChar; /* +0x0018 */ char EvtChar; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x001a */ }; struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char Next[8]; /* +0x0000 d3 3c 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXCLUDECLIPRECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclClip[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETDIBITSTODEVICE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long xSrc; /* +0x0020 */ long ySrc; /* +0x0024 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0028 */ long cySrc; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long iStartScan; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long cScans; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct tagLVINSERTGROUPSORTED { unsigned char pfnGroupCompare[8]; /* +0x0000 e2 3c 00 00 */ void *pvData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lvGroup[152]; /* +0x0010 e3 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V3_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagEXCEPINFO { unsigned short wCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bstrSource[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char bstrDescription[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char bstrHelpFile[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHelpContext; /* +0x0020 */ void *pvReserved; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pfnDeferredFillIn[8]; /* +0x0030 08 3d 00 00 */ long scode; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAW { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwReserved0; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char cFileName[520]; /* +0x002c ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned char cAlternateFileName[28]; /* +0x0234 0b 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOEXW { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpszIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ProviderSpecific[16]; /* +0x0028 c3 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMLVCUSTOMDRAW { unsigned char nmcd[80]; /* +0x0000 5e 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long clrText; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long clrTextBk; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemType; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long clrFace; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char iIconEffect[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iIconPhase[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iPartId[4]; /* +0x006c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iStateId[4]; /* +0x0070 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcText[16]; /* +0x0074 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uAlign[4]; /* +0x0084 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVITEMEXW { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0008 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSelectedImage[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cChildren[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char iIntegral[4]; /* +0x0038 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uStateEx[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0040 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char iExpandedImage[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iReserved[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOEXA { unsigned char StartupInfo[104]; /* +0x0000 80 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAttributeList[8]; /* +0x0068 db 3b 00 00 */ }; struct _GRADIENT_TRIANGLE { unsigned long Vertex1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Vertex2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Vertex3; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MODEMSETTINGS { unsigned long dwActualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRequiredSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwCallSetupFailTimer; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwInactivityTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerVolume; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwPreferredModemOptions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwNegotiatedModemOptions; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwNegotiatedDCERate; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char abVariablePortion[4]; /* +0x002c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILETIME { unsigned long dwLowDateTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwHighDateTime; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CACHE_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned char Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Associativity; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short LineSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long CacheSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0008 5b 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x000c f9 19 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupMask[16]; /* +0x0020 76 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 03 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderTitle[8]; /* +0x0048 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderSubTitle[8]; /* +0x0050 6d 18 00 00 */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0058 */ /* unsigned char hbmHeader[0]; +0x0060 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszbmHeader[8]; /* +0x0060 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR_CS_SIZE_CONVERT_ROUTINES { unsigned char pfnNetSize[8]; /* +0x0000 81 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnToNetCs[8]; /* +0x0008 84 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnLocalSize[8]; /* +0x0010 81 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFromNetCs[8]; /* +0x0018 87 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ROM_HEADERS { unsigned char FileHeader[20]; /* +0x0000 9d 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char OptionalHeader[56]; /* +0x0014 a7 3d 00 00 */ }; struct tagSCROLLBARINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcScrollBar[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char dxyLineButton[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char xyThumbTop[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char xyThumbBottom[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char reserved[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgstate[24]; /* +0x0024 aa 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS { /* unsigned char FloatingContext[0]; +0x0000 c1 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm0[8]; /* +0x0000 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm1[8]; /* +0x0008 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm2[8]; /* +0x0010 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm3[8]; /* +0x0018 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm4[8]; /* +0x0020 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm5[8]; /* +0x0028 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm6[8]; /* +0x0030 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm7[8]; /* +0x0038 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm8[8]; /* +0x0040 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm9[8]; /* +0x0048 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm10[8]; /* +0x0050 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm11[8]; /* +0x0058 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm12[8]; /* +0x0060 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm13[8]; /* +0x0068 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm14[8]; /* +0x0070 c0 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm15[8]; /* +0x0078 c0 3d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IntegerContext[0]; +0x0080 c2 3d 00 00 */ unsigned long long *Rax; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long *Rcx; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long long *Rdx; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long long *Rbx; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long long *Rsp; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long long *Rbp; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long long *Rsi; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long long *Rdi; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long long *R8; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long long *R9; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long long *R10; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long long *R11; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned long long *R12; /* +0x00e0 */ unsigned long long *R13; /* +0x00e8 */ unsigned long long *R14; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned long long *R15; /* +0x00f8 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AddressOfRawData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PointerToRawData; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *NetworkAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *StringEndpoint; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_A:: { unsigned char *Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagPARSEDURLA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszProtocol[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cchProtocol[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSuffix[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cchSuffix[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nScheme[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::PropertyItem { unsigned long id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short type; /* +0x0008 */ void *value; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct Gdiplus::ENHMETAHEADER3 { unsigned long iType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclFrame[16]; /* +0x0018 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dSignature; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long nVersion; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long nBytes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long nRecords; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short nHandles; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short sReserved; /* +0x003a */ unsigned long nDescription; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long offDescription; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long nPalEntries; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char szlDevice[8]; /* +0x0048 b9 17 00 00 */ unsigned char szlMillimeters[8]; /* +0x0050 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::WmfPlaceableFileHeader { unsigned char Key[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ short Hmf; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char BoundingBox[8]; /* +0x0006 a7 3e 00 00 */ short Inch; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ short Checksum; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct Gdiplus::MetafileHeader { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 6b 3f 00 00 */ unsigned char Size[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char EmfPlusFlags[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DpiX[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DpiY[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char X[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Y[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Width[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Height[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WmfHeader[0]; +0x0028 27 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char EmfHeader[88]; /* +0x0028 6c 3f 00 00 */ unsigned char EmfPlusHeaderSize[4]; /* +0x0080 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LogicalDpiX[4]; /* +0x0084 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LogicalDpiY[4]; /* +0x0088 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupOutput { unsigned char NotificationHook[8]; /* +0x0000 7f 41 00 00 */ unsigned char NotificationUnhook[8]; /* +0x0008 95 2c 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::ColorPalette { unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Entries[4]; /* +0x0008 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput { unsigned char GdiplusVersion[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DebugEventCallback[8]; /* +0x0008 8d 42 00 00 */ unsigned char SuppressBackgroundThread[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char SuppressExternalCodecs[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::ColorMap { unsigned char oldColor[4]; /* +0x0000 31 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char newColor[4]; /* +0x0004 31 3e 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo { unsigned char Clsid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FormatID[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CodecName[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DllName[8]; /* +0x0028 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char FormatDescription[8]; /* +0x0030 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char FilenameExtension[8]; /* +0x0038 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char MimeType[8]; /* +0x0040 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long SigCount; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long SigSize; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char SigPattern[8]; /* +0x0058 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char SigMask[8]; /* +0x0060 59 1e 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::ColorMatrix { unsigned char m[100]; /* +0x0000 a9 42 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::EncoderParameters { unsigned char Count[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Parameter[32]; /* +0x0008 40 43 00 00 */ }; struct Gdiplus::BitmapData { unsigned char Width[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Height[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Stride[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PixelFormat[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ void *Scan0; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0018 */ }; enum Gdiplus::Color:: { ÿøðÿAliceBlue = 32771, ×ëúÿAntiqueWhite = 32771, ÿÿ = 32771 }; enum Gdiplus::Color:: { AlphaShift = 24, RedShift = 16, GreenShift = 8, BlueShift = 0 }; enum Gdiplus::Color:: { = 32771 }; struct Gdiplus::EncoderParameter { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfValues; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0014 */ void *Value; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TOKEN_USER { unsigned char User[16]; /* +0x0000 e9 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagVARDESC { long memid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpstrSchema[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long oInst; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lpvarValue[8]; /* +0x0010 0b 18 00 00 */ unsigned char elemdescVar[32]; /* +0x0018 04 1b 00 00 */ unsigned short wVarFlags; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char varkind[4]; /* +0x003c c9 44 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEW_V2 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 03 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderTitle[8]; /* +0x0048 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderSubTitle[8]; /* +0x0050 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRANGLEARC { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlCenter[8]; /* +0x0008 e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned long nRadius; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char eStartAngle[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eSweepAngle[4]; /* +0x0018 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _DPASTREAMINFO { unsigned char iPos[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ void *pvItem; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagEMRSETARCDIRECTION { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iArcDirection; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct addrinfoexA { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long ai_addrlen; /* +0x0010 */ char *ai_canonname; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ai_addr[8]; /* +0x0020 97 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ai_bloblen; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ai_provider[8]; /* +0x0038 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[8]; /* +0x0040 cc 21 00 00 */ }; struct _TAPE_SET_POSITION { unsigned long Method; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Partition; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Offset[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Immediate; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CONNECTDLGSTRUCTA { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpConnRes[8]; /* +0x0010 b9 3b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwDevNum; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _POWER_USER_PRESENCE { unsigned char UserPresence[4]; /* +0x0000 89 45 00 00 */ }; struct _BLOB { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pBlobData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _HTML_PAINTER_INFO { long lFlags; /* +0x0000 */ long lZOrder; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char iidDrawObject[16]; /* +0x0008 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rcExpand[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[152]; /* +0x0000 db 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFirstChance; /* +0x0098 */ }; struct tagCOLORSCHEME { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long clrBtnHighlight; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long clrBtnShadow; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagDRAGLISTINFO { unsigned char uNotification[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hWnd[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptCursor[8]; /* +0x0010 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICEXA { unsigned char ntmTm[72]; /* +0x0000 da 45 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmFontSig[24]; /* +0x0048 db 45 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA { unsigned long dwServiceFlags1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags3; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags4; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwProviderFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ProviderId[16]; /* +0x0014 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCatalogEntryId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ProtocolChain[32]; /* +0x0028 e4 45 00 00 */ unsigned char iVersion[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iAddressFamily[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMaxSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMinSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSocketType[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x005c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocolMaxOffset[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iNetworkByteOrder[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSecurityScheme[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMessageSize; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dwProviderReserved; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned char szProtocol[256]; /* +0x0074 e5 45 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagACCEL { unsigned char fVirt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short key; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short cmd; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SERVICE_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFOA { char *pmszRequiredPrivileges; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagLOGFONTW { long lfHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long lfWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long lfEscapement; /* +0x0008 */ long lfOrientation; /* +0x000c */ long lfWeight; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lfItalic; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lfUnderline; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char lfStrikeOut; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char lfCharSet; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char lfOutPrecision; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lfClipPrecision; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char lfQuality; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char lfPitchAndFamily; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char lfFaceName[64]; /* +0x001c b0 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRARC { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBox[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlStart[8]; /* +0x0018 e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlEnd[8]; /* +0x0020 e3 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOPYDATASTRUCT { unsigned long long dwData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0008 */ void *lpData; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagMINIMIZEDMETRICS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iWidth[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHorzGap[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iVertGap[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iArrange[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagINPUT_MESSAGE_SOURCE { unsigned char deviceType[4]; /* +0x0000 51 46 00 00 */ unsigned char originId[4]; /* +0x0004 52 46 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ALPHA_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ExceptionHandler; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long HandlerData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PrologEndAddress; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RESOURCEMANAGER_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char ResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DescriptionLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Description[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagHELPWININFOA { unsigned char wStructSize[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dx[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dy[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wMax[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgchMember[4]; /* +0x0018 6d 46 00 00 */ }; struct _COMPATIBILITY_CONTEXT_ELEMENT { unsigned char Id[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0010 70 46 00 00 */ }; struct tagARRAYDESC { unsigned char tdescElem[16]; /* +0x0000 a7 46 00 00 */ unsigned short cDims; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgbounds[12]; /* +0x0014 a9 46 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileHeader[20]; /* +0x0004 9d 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char OptionalHeader[224]; /* +0x0018 f9 3a 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXDVA { unsigned char elfEnumLogfontEx[188]; /* +0x0000 ae 46 00 00 */ unsigned char elfDesignVector[72]; /* +0x00bc af 46 00 00 */ }; struct tagTEXTMETRICW { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar[2]; /* +0x002c 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmLastChar[2]; /* +0x002e 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0030 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmBreakChar[2]; /* +0x0032 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0035 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0037 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOW { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[256]; /* +0x0014 b1 18 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_SUMMARY { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long cbAllocated; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long cbCommitted; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long cbReserved; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long cbMaxReserve; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _COMM_FAULT_OFFSETS { short CommOffset; /* +0x0000 */ short FaultOffset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _D3DCOLORVALUE { unsigned char r[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char g[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char b[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char a[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTITLEBARINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcTitleBar[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rgstate[24]; /* +0x0014 aa 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_IF_ID { unsigned char Uuid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned short VersMajor; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short VersMinor; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _userHMETAFILE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagAXISINFOW { long axMinValue; /* +0x0000 */ long axMaxValue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axAxisName[32]; /* +0x0008 a5 47 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemFORMATETC { unsigned long cfFormat; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ptd; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwAspect; /* +0x0008 */ long lindex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RB_HITTESTINFO { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iBand[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTA { unsigned char elfLogFont[60]; /* +0x0000 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[64]; /* +0x003c 34 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[32]; /* +0x007c 35 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char wHitTestCode[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagLVFINDINFOW { unsigned char flags[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char psz[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0018 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char vkDirection[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVTILEINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cColumns[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char puColumns[8]; /* +0x0010 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char piColFmt[8]; /* +0x0018 74 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagMOUSEKEYS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iMaxSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iTimeToMaxSpeed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iCtrlSpeed; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PSHNOTIFY { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagNMTBRESTORE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long *pData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long *pCurrent; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cbData[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cButtons[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbBytesPerRecord[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tbButton[32]; /* +0x0038 f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_POLICY { unsigned char Length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long EndpointFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NICFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_SECURITY_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned long SecurityLimitFlags; /* +0x0000 */ void *JobToken; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SidsToDisable[8]; /* +0x0010 35 48 00 00 */ unsigned char PrivilegesToDelete[8]; /* +0x0018 37 48 00 00 */ unsigned char RestrictedSids[8]; /* +0x0020 35 48 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL_INFORMATION { unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CpuRate; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Weight; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagAXISINFOA { long axMinValue; /* +0x0000 */ long axMaxValue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axAxisName[16]; /* +0x0008 bb 10 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_CE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long FuncStart; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char PrologLen[0]; +0x0004 46 48 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FuncLen[0]; +0x0004 47 48 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ThirtyTwoBit[0]; +0x0004 48 48 00 00 */ unsigned char ExceptionFlag[4]; /* +0x0004 36 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagSERIALKEYSA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszActivePort; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpszPort; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char iBaudRate[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iPortState[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iActive[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR_CS_ROUTINES { unsigned char pSizeConvertRoutines[8]; /* +0x0000 63 48 00 00 */ unsigned char pTagGettingRoutines[8]; /* +0x0008 67 48 00 00 */ }; struct tagCY { unsigned long Lo; /* +0x0000 */ long Hi; /* +0x0004 */ long long int64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagTVDISPINFOW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[56]; /* +0x0018 72 48 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_HAVEIID { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char apUnknown[8]; /* +0x0008 28 19 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct ANON_OBJECT_HEADER { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClassID[16]; /* +0x000c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char CriticalSection[8]; /* +0x0008 4c 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessLocksList[16]; /* +0x0010 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndexHigh; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short SpareWORD; /* +0x002e */ }; struct _BYTE_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char abData[4]; /* +0x0004 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTESCAPE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char iEscape[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbEscData[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char EscData[4]; /* +0x0010 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEVENTMSG { unsigned char message[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char paramL[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char paramH[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0010 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY { unsigned char Value[6]; /* +0x0000 0c 49 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW { unsigned long dwServiceFlags1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags3; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags4; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwProviderFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ProviderId[16]; /* +0x0014 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCatalogEntryId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ProtocolChain[32]; /* +0x0028 e4 45 00 00 */ unsigned char iVersion[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iAddressFamily[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMaxSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMinSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSocketType[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x005c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocolMaxOffset[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iNetworkByteOrder[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSecurityScheme[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMessageSize; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dwProviderReserved; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned char szProtocol[512]; /* +0x0074 0f 49 00 00 */ }; struct _CACHE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Associativity; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short LineSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0008 5b 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_VXD_HEADER { unsigned short e32_magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char e32_border; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char e32_worder; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long e32_level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short e32_cpu; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short e32_os; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long e32_ver; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long e32_mflags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long e32_mpages; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long e32_startobj; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long e32_eip; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long e32_stackobj; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long e32_esp; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long e32_pagesize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long e32_lastpagesize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long e32_fixupsize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long e32_fixupsum; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long e32_ldrsize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long e32_ldrsum; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long e32_objtab; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long e32_objcnt; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long e32_objmap; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long e32_itermap; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long e32_rsrctab; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long e32_rsrccnt; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long e32_restab; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long e32_enttab; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long e32_dirtab; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long e32_dircnt; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long e32_fpagetab; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long e32_frectab; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long e32_impmod; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long e32_impmodcnt; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long e32_impproc; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long e32_pagesum; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long e32_datapage; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long e32_preload; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long e32_nrestab; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long e32_cbnrestab; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long e32_nressum; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long e32_autodata; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long e32_debuginfo; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long e32_debuglen; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long e32_instpreload; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long e32_instdemand; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long e32_heapsize; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char e32_res3[12]; /* +0x00ac 9a 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long e32_winresoff; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long e32_winreslen; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned short e32_devid; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned short e32_ddkver; /* +0x00c2 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC:: { /* unsigned char pAutoHandle[0]; +0x0000 47 16 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pPrimitiveHandle[0]; +0x0000 47 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pGenericBindingInfo[8]; /* +0x0000 63 49 00 00 */ }; struct tagDEC { unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char scale; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char sign; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short signscale; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Hi32; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Lo32; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Mid32; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long Lo64; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char VirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfo { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long ai_addrlen; /* +0x0010 */ char *ai_canonname; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ai_addr[8]; /* +0x0020 97 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[8]; /* +0x0028 7b 49 00 00 */ }; struct tagPROPPAGEINFO { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char size[8]; /* +0x0010 b9 17 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDocString[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHelpFile[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHelpContext; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_STORAGE_INFO { unsigned long LogicalBytesPerSector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PhysicalBytesPerSectorForPerformance; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ByteOffsetForSectorAlignment; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ByteOffsetForPartitionAlignment; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _NM_UPDOWN { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iPos[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iDelta[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTCITEMA { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStateMask; /* +0x0008 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _RTL_BARRIER { unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved3[16]; /* +0x0008 e9 49 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved4; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved5; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOEXA { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[128]; /* +0x0014 7d 1a 00 00 */ unsigned short wServicePackMajor; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned short wServicePackMinor; /* +0x0096 */ unsigned short wSuiteMask; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned char wProductType; /* +0x009a */ unsigned char wReserved; /* +0x009b */ }; struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER { unsigned short Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long BaseOfData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ImageBase; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SectionAlignment; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long FileAlignment; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x002a */ unsigned short MajorImageVersion; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short MinorImageVersion; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short MajorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short MinorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned long Win32VersionValue; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfHeaders; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short Subsystem; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x0046 */ unsigned long SizeOfStackReserve; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long SizeOfStackCommit; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long SizeOfHeapReserve; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long SizeOfHeapCommit; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long NumberOfRvaAndSizes; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char DataDirectory[128]; /* +0x0060 4d 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_COFF_SYMBOLS_HEADER { unsigned long NumberOfSymbols; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LvaToFirstSymbol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LvaToFirstLinenumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long RvaToFirstByteOfCode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long RvaToLastByteOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long RvaToFirstByteOfData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long RvaToLastByteOfData; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagLVITEMINDEX { unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iGroup[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYLINE16 { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cpts; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char apts[4]; /* +0x001c 50 4a 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYDRAW { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cptl; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char aptl[8]; /* +0x001c e4 18 00 00 */ unsigned char abTypes[4]; /* +0x0024 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMENUBARINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcBar[20]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hMenu[8]; /* +0x0018 e5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndMenu[8]; /* +0x0020 b6 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fBarFocused[0]; +0x0028 5b 4a 00 00 */ unsigned char fFocused[8]; /* +0x0028 5c 4a 00 00 */ }; struct _BYTE_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_DEVICE_INFO { unsigned long displayOrientation; /* +0x0000 */ void *device; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pointerDeviceType[8]; /* +0x0010 6f 4a 00 00 */ unsigned char monitor[8]; /* +0x0018 f8 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long startingCursorId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short maxActiveContacts; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char productString[1042]; /* +0x0026 70 4a 00 00 */ }; struct _WSABUF { unsigned long len; /* +0x0000 */ char *buf; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMBCHOTITEM { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_STATE_ACCOUNTING_EX { unsigned long long TotalTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IdleTransitions; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FailedTransitions; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long InvalidBucketIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MinTimeUs; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxTimeUs; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char IdleTimeBuckets[384]; /* +0x0020 86 4a 00 00 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOA { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpReserved; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpDesktop; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpTitle; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwX; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwY; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwXSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwYSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwXCountChars; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwYCountChars; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwFillAttribute; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x003c */ unsigned short wShowWindow; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short cbReserved2; /* +0x0042 */ unsigned char *lpReserved2; /* +0x0048 */ void *hStdInput; /* +0x0050 */ void *hStdOutput; /* +0x0058 */ void *hStdError; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct tagCOLORCORRECTPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPalette; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long nFirstEntry; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long nPalEntries; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long nReserved; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DISPLAY_DEVICEA { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceName[32]; /* +0x0004 d2 4a 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceString[128]; /* +0x0024 7d 1a 00 00 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned char DeviceID[128]; /* +0x00a8 7d 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceKey[128]; /* +0x0128 7d 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMHDDISPINFOA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagENHMETARECORD { unsigned long iType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dParm[4]; /* +0x0008 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _remoteMETAFILEPICT { long mm; /* +0x0000 */ long xExt; /* +0x0004 */ long yExt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hMF[8]; /* +0x0010 e6 4a 00 00 */ }; struct _tagPROTOCOL_ARGUMENT { unsigned char szMethod[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szTargetUrl[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO { unsigned char CompressedFileSize[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned short CompressionFormat; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CompressionUnitShift; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char ChunkShift; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Reserved[3]; /* +0x000d ca 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ long xNum; /* +0x0008 */ long xDenom; /* +0x000c */ long yNum; /* +0x0010 */ long yDenom; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *NetworkAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *StringEndpoint; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagEMRELLIPSE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBox[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RATE_QUOTA_LIMIT { unsigned long RateData; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RatePercent[0]; +0x0000 28 4b 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved0[4]; /* +0x0000 29 4b 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION { unsigned long long ProcessorMask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Relationship[8]; /* +0x0008 63 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessorCore[0]; +0x0010 2c 4b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NumaNode[0]; +0x0010 2d 4b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cache[0]; +0x0010 2e 4b 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0010 e9 49 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagENHMETAHEADER { unsigned long iType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclFrame[16]; /* +0x0018 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dSignature; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long nVersion; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long nBytes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long nRecords; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short nHandles; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short sReserved; /* +0x003a */ unsigned long nDescription; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long offDescription; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long nPalEntries; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char szlDevice[8]; /* +0x0048 b9 17 00 00 */ unsigned char szlMillimeters[8]; /* +0x0050 b9 17 00 00 */ unsigned long cbPixelFormat; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offPixelFormat; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long bOpenGL; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char szlMicrometers[8]; /* +0x0064 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TRIGGER { unsigned long dwTriggerType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAction; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pTriggerSubtype[8]; /* +0x0008 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cDataItems; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pDataItems[8]; /* +0x0018 3a 4b 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAUL { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *pElems; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TAPE_WMI_OPERATIONS { unsigned long Method; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataBufferSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *DataBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagLVKEYDOWN { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned short wVKey; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x001a 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagRAWMOUSE { unsigned short usFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulButtons; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short usButtonFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short usButtonData; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ulRawButtons; /* +0x0008 */ long lLastX; /* +0x000c */ long lLastY; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulExtraInformation; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagGESTUREINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[8]; /* +0x0010 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptsLocation[4]; /* +0x0018 4f 4a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInstanceID; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwSequenceID; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ullArguments; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char cbExtraArgs[8]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySet2A { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszServiceInstanceName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpVersion[8]; /* +0x0010 be 14 00 00 */ char *lpszComment; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[8]; /* +0x0028 bc 14 00 00 */ char *lpszContext; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[8]; /* +0x0040 c0 14 00 00 */ char *lpszQueryString; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[8]; /* +0x0058 c2 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char lpBlob[8]; /* +0x0068 c4 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATA { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFormat[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0020 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDisplay[8]; /* +0x0030 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char szDisplay[64]; /* +0x0038 68 4b 00 00 */ }; struct _M128A { unsigned long long Low; /* +0x0000 */ long long High; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SE_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOW { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpszIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_MESSAGE { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataRepresentation; /* +0x0008 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char BufferLength[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcNum[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferSyntax[8]; /* +0x0020 cc 4b 00 00 */ void *RpcInterfaceInformation; /* +0x0028 */ void *ReservedForRuntime; /* +0x0030 */ void *ManagerEpv; /* +0x0038 */ void *ImportContext; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long RpcFlags; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct tagBSTRBLOB { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SLIST_ENTRY { unsigned char Next[16]; /* +0x0000 d2 4b 00 00 */ }; struct tagDVTARGETDEVICE { unsigned long tdSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short tdDriverNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short tdDeviceNameOffset; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short tdPortNameOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short tdExtDevmodeOffset; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char tdData[4]; /* +0x000c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMOUSEMOVEPOINT { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagCAH { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 dd 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagHIGHCONTRASTA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszDefaultScheme; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JIT_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwThreadID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReserved0; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long lpExceptionAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long lpExceptionRecord; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long lpContextRecord; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO { unsigned char PriorityHint[4]; /* +0x0000 bc 4c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOCHOSTUIINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDoubleClick; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pchHostCss[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pchHostNS[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETICMPROFILE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0014 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATW { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFormat[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0020 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDisplay[8]; /* +0x0030 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szDisplay[128]; /* +0x0038 12 24 00 00 */ }; struct _ABC { unsigned char abcA[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcB[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcC[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_NUMBER { unsigned short Group; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Number; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_PERF_STATE { unsigned long Frequency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Power; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PercentFrequency; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char IncreaseLevel; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char DecreaseLevel; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x000b */ unsigned long IncreaseTime; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DecreaseTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long Control; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long Status; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long HitCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long Reserved3; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARRAY_UNION { unsigned long sfType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARRAY_UNION::__MIDL_IOleAutomationTypes_0001 { /* unsigned char BstrStr[0]; +0x0000 48 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UnknownStr[0]; +0x0000 49 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DispatchStr[0]; +0x0000 4a 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VariantStr[0]; +0x0000 4b 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RecordStr[0]; +0x0000 4c 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HaveIidStr[0]; +0x0000 4d 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ByteStr[0]; +0x0000 4e 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WordStr[0]; +0x0000 4f 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LongStr[0]; +0x0000 50 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char HyperStr[32]; /* +0x0000 51 4d 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_MARSHAL_ARGUMENT { unsigned long MarshalCookie; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct WSAData { unsigned short wVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wHighVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short iMaxSockets; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short iMaxUdpDg; /* +0x0006 */ char *lpVendorInfo; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szDescription[257]; /* +0x0010 69 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char szSystemStatus[135]; /* +0x0111 6a 4d 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_PREFERRED_MODE { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 6d 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char targetMode[48]; /* +0x0020 6e 4d 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_TOUCH_INFO { unsigned char pointerInfo[88]; /* +0x0000 71 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char touchFlags[4]; /* +0x0058 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char touchMask[4]; /* +0x005c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcContact[16]; /* +0x0060 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcContactRaw[16]; /* +0x0070 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char orientation[4]; /* +0x0080 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pressure[4]; /* +0x0084 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagACCESSTIMEOUT { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iTimeOutMSec; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001 { unsigned long tyspec; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001::__MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0005 { /* unsigned char clsid[0]; +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFileExt[0]; +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pMimeType[0]; +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pProgId[0]; +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pFileName[32]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001::__MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0005:: { unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PolicyId[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001::__MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0005:: { unsigned char pPackageName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char PolicyId[16]; /* +0x0008 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _userFLAG_STGMEDIUM { long ContextFlags; /* +0x0000 */ long fPassOwnership; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Stgmed[8]; /* +0x0008 53 4a 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARRAY { unsigned short cDims; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short fFeatures; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long cbElements; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cLocks; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char uArrayStructs[40]; /* +0x0010 8f 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char rgsabound[8]; /* +0x0038 a9 46 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTOOLBARA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tbButton[32]; /* +0x0020 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char cchText[8]; /* +0x0040 74 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char rcButton[16]; /* +0x0050 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTVASYNCDRAW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pimldp[8]; /* +0x0018 d1 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char hr[8]; /* +0x0020 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0028 26 18 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwRetFlags; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char iRetImageIndex[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct threadlocaleinfostruct { unsigned char refcount[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_codepage[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_collate_cp[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_handle[24]; /* +0x000c aa 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_id[316]; /* +0x0024 e0 4d 00 00 */ }; struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Text[2]; /* +0x0004 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagHIGHCONTRASTW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpszDefaultScheme[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOLYTEXTW { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char n[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpstr[8]; /* +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char uiFlags[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcl[20]; /* +0x001c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pdx[8]; /* +0x0030 74 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO { unsigned long dwAuthnSvc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthzSvc; /* +0x0004 */ void *pAuthInfo; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct PPM_PERFSTATE_DOMAIN_EVENT { unsigned long State; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Latency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Speed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_SAVEPOINT_ARGUMENT { unsigned long SavepointId; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagGESTURENOTIFYSTRUCT { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptsLocation[4]; /* +0x0010 4f 4a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInstanceID; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _LONGDOUBLE { unsigned char x[8]; /* +0x0000 41 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVINSERTSTRUCTW { unsigned char hParent[8]; /* +0x0000 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char hInsertAfter[8]; /* +0x0008 26 18 00 00 */ /* unsigned char itemex[0]; +0x0010 64 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char item[80]; /* +0x0010 72 48 00 00 */ }; struct tagTCITEMHEADERW { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpReserved1[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpReserved2[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE { unsigned char AcOnLine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BatteryPresent; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Charging; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Discharging; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char Spare1[4]; /* +0x0004 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long MaxCapacity; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RemainingCapacity; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Rate; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EstimatedTime; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DefaultAlert1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DefaultAlert2; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagSTYLEBUFW { unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDescription[64]; /* +0x0004 b0 18 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32:: { unsigned long ForwarderString; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Function; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Ordinal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AddressOfData; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _XMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE { unsigned char pfnTranslateToXmit[8]; /* +0x0000 98 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnTranslateFromXmit[8]; /* +0x0008 98 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFreeXmit[8]; /* +0x0010 98 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFreeInst[8]; /* +0x0018 98 4e 00 00 */ }; struct _nlsversioninfo { unsigned long dwNLSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNLSVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDefinedVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwEffectiveId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char guidCustomVersion[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V5_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_PROPERTIES_INFORMATION { unsigned long IsolationLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IsolationFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Timeout[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Outcome; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DescriptionLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Description[8]; /* +0x0018 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagMETAFILEPICT { long mm; /* +0x0000 */ long xExt; /* +0x0004 */ long yExt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hMF[8]; /* +0x0010 71 3e 00 00 */ }; struct _stat64 { unsigned char st_dev[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short st_ino; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short st_mode; /* +0x0006 */ short st_nlink; /* +0x0008 */ short st_uid; /* +0x000a */ short st_gid; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char st_rdev[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ long long st_size; /* +0x0018 */ long long st_atime; /* +0x0020 */ long long st_mtime; /* +0x0028 */ long long st_ctime; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char bSetFocus[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_STANDARD_INFO { unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfLinks; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char DeletePending; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Directory; /* +0x0015 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_VARIANT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aVariant[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 4e 00 00 */ }; struct tagHELPWININFOW { unsigned char wStructSize[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dx[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dy[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wMax[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgchMember[4]; /* +0x0018 43 37 00 00 */ }; struct tagCANDIDATEFORM { unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ptCurrentPos[8]; /* +0x0008 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcArea[16]; /* +0x0010 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST { unsigned char iAddressCount[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[16]; /* +0x0008 4c 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _HYPER_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ long long *pData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagMULTIKEYHELPA { unsigned long mkSize; /* +0x0000 */ char mkKeylist; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szKeyphrase[3]; /* +0x0005 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct tagBinaryParam { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ short Size; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMLVGETINFOTIPW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct TBREPLACEBITMAP { unsigned char hInstOld[8]; /* +0x0000 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long nIDOld; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hInstNew[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long nIDNew; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char nButtons[8]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_RECOVERY_INFORMATION { unsigned long long LastRecoveredLsn; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagAUDIODESCRIPTION { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Enabled[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Locale; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char mouse[0]; +0x0008 b3 4f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char keyboard[0]; +0x0008 b4 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char hid[24]; /* +0x0008 b5 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _HD_ITEMA { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxy[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hbm[8]; /* +0x0010 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fmt[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iOrder[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char type[8]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ void *pvFilter; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char state[8]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _ImageArchitectureEntry { unsigned long FixupInstRVA; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NewInst; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct IMPORT_OBJECT_HEADER { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Ordinal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short Hint; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char Type[0]; +0x0012 de 4f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NameType[0]; +0x0012 df 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[2]; /* +0x0012 e0 4f 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAUI { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pElems; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WSAServiceClassInfoA { unsigned char lpServiceClassId[8]; /* +0x0000 bc 14 00 00 */ char *lpszServiceClassName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lpClassInfos[8]; /* +0x0018 1c 50 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGPALETTE { unsigned short palVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short palNumEntries; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char palPalEntry[4]; /* +0x0004 21 50 00 00 */ }; struct tagCBT_CREATEWNDW { unsigned char lpcs[8]; /* +0x0000 49 50 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndInsertAfter[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMOUSEINPUT { long dx; /* +0x0000 */ long dy; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long mouseData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagSTGMEDIUM { unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hBitmap[0]; +0x0008 67 15 00 00 */ void *hMetaFilePict; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char hEnhMetaFile[0]; +0x0008 6d 3e 00 00 */ void *hGlobal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char lpszFileName[0]; +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pstm[0]; +0x0008 34 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pstg[8]; /* +0x0008 1d 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnkForRelease[8]; /* +0x0010 27 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETWORLDTRANSFORM { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char xform[24]; /* +0x0008 aa 14 00 00 */ }; struct _stat { unsigned char st_dev[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short st_ino; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short st_mode; /* +0x0006 */ short st_nlink; /* +0x0008 */ short st_uid; /* +0x000a */ short st_gid; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char st_rdev[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ long st_size; /* +0x0014 */ long long st_atime; /* +0x0018 */ long long st_mtime; /* +0x0020 */ long long st_ctime; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _PERFORMANCE_DATA { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HwCountersCount; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long ContextSwitchCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long WaitReasonBitMap; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CycleTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long RetryCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char HwCounters[256]; /* +0x0020 fb 50 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMUILANG { unsigned long NumOfEnumUILang; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfEnumUIBuffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *pEnumUIBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct FLASHWINFO { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char uCount[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTimeout; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagICONMETRICSA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHorzSpacing[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iVertSpacing[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTitleWrap[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfFont[60]; /* +0x0010 33 1a 00 00 */ }; struct _HD_TEXTFILTERW { unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_BASIC_INFORMATION { void *hActCtx; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwSize[4]; /* +0x0004 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char dwCursorPosition[4]; /* +0x0008 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short wAttributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char srWindow[8]; /* +0x000e 59 51 00 00 */ unsigned char dwMaximumWindowSize[4]; /* +0x0016 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short wPopupAttributes; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char bFullscreenSupported[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ColorTable[64]; /* +0x0020 5a 51 00 00 */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSW { unsigned char lpServiceName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDisplayName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[32]; /* +0x0010 5d 51 00 00 */ }; struct tagPARAMDESC { unsigned char pparamdescex[8]; /* +0x0000 61 51 00 00 */ unsigned short wParamFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagCAFILETIME { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 3d 21 00 00 */ }; struct _devicemodeA { unsigned char dmDeviceName[32]; /* +0x0000 35 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short dmSpecVersion; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short dmDriverVersion; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned short dmSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short dmDriverExtra; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned long dmFields; /* +0x0028 */ short dmOrientation; /* +0x002c */ short dmPaperSize; /* +0x002e */ short dmPaperLength; /* +0x0030 */ short dmPaperWidth; /* +0x0032 */ short dmScale; /* +0x0034 */ short dmCopies; /* +0x0036 */ short dmDefaultSource; /* +0x0038 */ short dmPrintQuality; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char dmPosition[8]; /* +0x002c e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dmDisplayOrientation; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFixedOutput; /* +0x0038 */ short dmColor; /* +0x003c */ short dmDuplex; /* +0x003e */ short dmYResolution; /* +0x0040 */ short dmTTOption; /* +0x0042 */ short dmCollate; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char dmFormName[32]; /* +0x0046 35 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short dmLogPixels; /* +0x0066 */ unsigned long dmBitsPerPel; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long dmPelsWidth; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dmPelsHeight; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFlags; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long dmNup; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFrequency; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dmICMMethod; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long dmICMIntent; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long dmMediaType; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long dmDitherType; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long dmReserved1; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long dmReserved2; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long dmPanningWidth; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long dmPanningHeight; /* +0x0098 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nFont; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dwFontSize[4]; /* +0x0008 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char FontFamily[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char FontWeight[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char FaceName[64]; /* +0x0014 b0 18 00 00 */ }; struct value_entW { unsigned char ve_valuename[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long ve_valuelen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ve_valueptr; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ve_type; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagPARAMDESCEX { unsigned long cBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char varDefaultValue[24]; /* +0x0008 0a 18 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER { unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NumberOfSections; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PointerToSymbolTable; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfSymbols; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short SizeOfOptionalHeader; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short Characteristics; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _PACKEDEVENTINFO { unsigned long ulSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulNumEventsForLogFile; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ulOffsets[0]; +0x0008 8a 51 00 00 */ }; struct sockproto { unsigned short sp_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short sp_protocol; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_RIT_STATE { unsigned char Active; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LastInputTime; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagMULTI_QI { unsigned char pIID[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pItf[8]; /* +0x0008 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned char hr[8]; /* +0x0010 08 00 00 00 */ }; struct _XSTATE_FEATURE { unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSEXW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char style[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[8]; /* +0x0008 f6 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0018 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[8]; /* +0x0020 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[8]; /* +0x0028 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[8]; /* +0x0030 60 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[8]; /* +0x0038 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[8]; /* +0x0040 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char hIconSm[8]; /* +0x0048 f3 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagMENUITEMINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hSubMenu[8]; /* +0x0018 e5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[8]; /* +0x0020 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[8]; /* +0x0028 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwItemData; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char dwTypeData[8]; /* +0x0038 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cch[8]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[8]; /* +0x0048 67 15 00 00 */ }; struct _s__RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor { unsigned long signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long attributes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long numBaseClasses; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pBaseClassArray[8]; /* +0x000c ce 51 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_SYSTEM_CALL_DISABLE_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char DisallowWin32kSystemCalls[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 cc 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagGCP_RESULTSA { unsigned long lStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpOutString; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpOrder[8]; /* +0x0010 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDx[8]; /* +0x0018 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCaretPos[8]; /* +0x0020 74 06 00 00 */ char *lpClass; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpGlyphs[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char nGlyphs[4]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMaxFit[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVDISPINFOA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[56]; /* +0x0018 96 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagMETARECORD { unsigned long rdSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short rdFunction; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rdParm[2]; /* +0x0006 27 1b 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_ERROR_ENUM_HANDLE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ void *CurrentPos; /* +0x0008 */ void *Head; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_PROPAGATE_ARGUMENT { unsigned long PropagationCookie; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0014 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSEXA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char style[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[8]; /* +0x0008 f6 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0018 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[8]; /* +0x0020 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[8]; /* +0x0028 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[8]; /* +0x0030 60 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[8]; /* +0x0038 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[8]; /* +0x0040 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hIconSm[8]; /* +0x0048 f3 15 00 00 */ }; struct _UUID_VECTOR { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Uuid[8]; /* +0x0008 07 52 00 00 */ }; struct tagDISPPARAMS { unsigned char rgvarg[8]; /* +0x0000 0b 18 00 00 */ long *rgdispidNamedArgs; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cArgs[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cNamedArgs[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _heapinfo { unsigned char _pentry[8]; /* +0x0000 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned long long _size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char _useflag[8]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRTEXT { unsigned char ptlReference[8]; /* +0x0000 e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned long nChars; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offString; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long fOptions; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rcl[16]; /* +0x0014 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long offDx; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagHARDWAREINPUT { unsigned long uMsg; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wParamL; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wParamH; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct tagWINDOWINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcWindow[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcClient[16]; /* +0x0014 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwExStyle; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwWindowStatus; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char cxWindowBorders[4]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyWindowBorders[4]; /* +0x0034 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short atomWindowType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short wCreatorVersion; /* +0x003a */ }; struct _COMDLG_FILTERSPEC { unsigned char pszName[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSpec[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct _SCONTEXT_QUEUE { unsigned long NumberOfObjects; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ArrayOfObjects[8]; /* +0x0008 48 52 00 00 */ }; struct tagWINDOWPLACEMENT { unsigned char length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char showCmd[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMinPosition[8]; /* +0x000c 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxPosition[8]; /* +0x0014 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcNormalPosition[16]; /* +0x001c 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V3_A { void *TransportCredentials; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0020 */ void *ProxyCredentials; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned char PerProcessUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long LimitFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MinimumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long MaximumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ActiveProcessLimit; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long Affinity; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long PriorityClass; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SchedulingClass; /* +0x003c */ }; struct tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO { unsigned long dwSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStrucVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFileVersionMS; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFileVersionLS; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwProductVersionMS; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwProductVersionLS; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwFileFlagsMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwFileFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwFileOS; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwFileType; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwFileSubtype; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFileDateMS; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwFileDateLS; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD32 { unsigned long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ExceptionRecord; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExceptionAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[60]; /* +0x0014 d2 52 00 00 */ }; struct DLGTEMPLATE { unsigned long style; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwExtendedStyle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short cdit; /* +0x0008 */ short x; /* +0x000a */ short y; /* +0x000c */ short cx; /* +0x000e */ short cy; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagMENUITEMINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hSubMenu[8]; /* +0x0018 e5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[8]; /* +0x0020 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[8]; /* +0x0028 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwItemData; /* +0x0030 */ char *dwTypeData; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char cch[8]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[8]; /* +0x0048 67 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagSAFEARRAY { unsigned short cDims; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short fFeatures; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long cbElements; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cLocks; /* +0x0008 */ void *pvData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgsabound[8]; /* +0x0018 a9 46 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTCREATEPEN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offBmi; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbBmi; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long offBits; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long cbBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char elp[28]; /* +0x001c ac 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RELOCATION { unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RelocCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SymbolTableIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagWTSSESSION_NOTIFICATION { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSessionId; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _s__RTTIBaseClassDescriptor2 { unsigned char pTypeDescriptor[8]; /* +0x0000 a3 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long numContainedBases; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char where[12]; /* +0x000c 0b 53 00 00 */ unsigned long attributes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char pClassDescriptor[8]; /* +0x001c a6 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYW { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFormat[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szMax[8]; /* +0x0020 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSW { unsigned long fIsLocked; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpLockOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLockDuration; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MODEMDEVCAPS { unsigned long dwActualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRequiredSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwModemProviderVersion; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwModemManufacturerOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwModemManufacturerSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwModemModelOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwModemModelSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwModemVersionOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwModemVersionSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwDialOptions; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwCallSetupFailTimer; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwInactivityTimeout; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerVolume; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerMode; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwModemOptions; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwMaxDTERate; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwMaxDCERate; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char abVariablePortion[4]; /* +0x004c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagPROPVARIANT { unsigned short vt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wReserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x0006 */ char cVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bVal; /* +0x0008 */ short iVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short uiVal; /* +0x0008 */ long lVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char intVal[0]; +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hVal[0]; +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uhVal[0]; +0x0008 39 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char dblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ short boolVal; /* +0x0008 */ long scode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char cyVal[0]; +0x0008 22 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char date[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char filetime[0]; +0x0008 7d 1b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puuid[0]; +0x0008 bc 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pclipdata[0]; +0x0008 3b 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrVal[0]; +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrblobVal[0]; +0x0008 3c 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char blob[0]; +0x0008 c3 14 00 00 */ char *pszVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pwszVal[0]; +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char punkVal[0]; +0x0008 27 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdispVal[0]; +0x0008 6e 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pStream[0]; +0x0008 34 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pStorage[0]; +0x0008 1d 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pVersionedStream[0]; +0x0008 3e 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char parray[0]; +0x0008 c4 1a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cac[0]; +0x0008 3f 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caub[0]; +0x0008 40 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cai[0]; +0x0008 41 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caui[0]; +0x0008 42 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cal[0]; +0x0008 43 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caul[0]; +0x0008 44 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cah[0]; +0x0008 45 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cauh[0]; +0x0008 46 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caflt[0]; +0x0008 47 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cadbl[0]; +0x0008 48 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabool[0]; +0x0008 49 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cascode[0]; +0x0008 4a 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cacy[0]; +0x0008 4b 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cadate[0]; +0x0008 4c 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cafiletime[0]; +0x0008 4d 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cauuid[0]; +0x0008 4e 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caclipdata[0]; +0x0008 4f 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabstr[0]; +0x0008 50 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabstrblob[0]; +0x0008 51 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char calpstr[0]; +0x0008 52 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char calpwstr[0]; +0x0008 53 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char capropvar[0]; +0x0008 54 53 00 00 */ char *pcVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pbVal; /* +0x0008 */ short *piVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *puiVal; /* +0x0008 */ long *plVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *pulVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pintVal[0]; +0x0008 74 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pfltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 06 00 00 */ short *pboolVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pdecVal[0]; +0x0008 86 3c 00 00 */ long *pscode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pcyVal[0]; +0x0008 23 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdate[0]; +0x0008 41 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pbstrVal[0]; +0x0008 6f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppunkVal[0]; +0x0008 28 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppdispVal[0]; +0x0008 6f 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pparray[0]; +0x0008 b9 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pvarVal[-8]; +0x0008 e9 22 00 00 */ unsigned char decVal[24]; /* +0x0000 85 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char dwMousePosition[4]; /* +0x0000 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwButtonState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwControlKeyState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwEventFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char Flink[8]; /* +0x0000 7f 53 00 00 */ unsigned char Blink[8]; /* +0x0008 7f 53 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE { unsigned char RpcMsg[8]; /* +0x0000 90 53 00 00 */ unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *BufferStart; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *BufferEnd; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *BufferMark; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long MemorySize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char *Memory; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char IsClient; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char Pad; /* +0x0039 */ unsigned short uFlags2; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char ReuseBuffer[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pAllocAllNodesContext[8]; /* +0x0040 92 53 00 00 */ unsigned char pPointerQueueState[8]; /* +0x0048 94 53 00 00 */ unsigned char IgnoreEmbeddedPointers[8]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char *PointerBufferMark; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char CorrDespIncrement; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char uFlags; /* +0x0061 */ unsigned short UniquePtrCount; /* +0x0062 */ unsigned long long MaxCount; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long ActualCount; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[8]; /* +0x0078 9d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[8]; /* +0x0080 38 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char *StackTop; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char *pPresentedType; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned char *pTransmitType; /* +0x0098 */ void *SavedHandle; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned char StubDesc[8]; /* +0x00a8 97 53 00 00 */ unsigned char FullPtrXlatTables[8]; /* +0x00b0 99 53 00 00 */ unsigned long FullPtrRefId; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long PointerLength; /* +0x00bc */ /* unsigned char fInDontFree[0]; +0x00c0 5b 4a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDontCallFreeInst[0]; +0x00c0 5c 4a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fInOnlyParam[0]; +0x00c0 9a 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasReturn[0]; +0x00c0 9b 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasExtensions[0]; +0x00c0 9c 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasNewCorrDesc[0]; +0x00c0 9d 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fIsIn[0]; +0x00c0 9e 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fIsOut[0]; +0x00c0 9f 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fIsOicf[0]; +0x00c0 a0 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fBufferValid[0]; +0x00c0 a1 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasMemoryValidateCallback[0]; +0x00c0 a2 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fInFree[0]; +0x00c0 a3 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fNeedMCCP[0]; +0x00c0 a4 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fUnused[0]; +0x00c0 a5 53 00 00 */ unsigned char fUnused2[4]; /* +0x00c0 a6 53 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDestContext; /* +0x00c4 */ void *pvDestContext; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned char SavedContextHandles[8]; /* +0x00d0 48 52 00 00 */ long ParamNumber; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned char pRpcChannelBuffer[8]; /* +0x00e0 9f 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pArrayInfo[8]; /* +0x00e8 a8 53 00 00 */ unsigned long *SizePtrCountArray; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned long *SizePtrOffsetArray; /* +0x00f8 */ unsigned long *SizePtrLengthArray; /* +0x0100 */ void *pArgQueue; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long dwStubPhase; /* +0x0110 */ void *LowStackMark; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned char pAsyncMsg[8]; /* +0x0120 aa 53 00 00 */ unsigned char pCorrInfo[8]; /* +0x0128 eb 17 00 00 */ unsigned char *pCorrMemory; /* +0x0130 */ void *pMemoryList; /* +0x0138 */ long long pCSInfo; /* +0x0140 */ unsigned char *ConformanceMark; /* +0x0148 */ unsigned char *VarianceMark; /* +0x0150 */ long long Unused; /* +0x0158 */ unsigned char pContext[8]; /* +0x0160 ac 53 00 00 */ void *ContextHandleHash; /* +0x0168 */ void *pUserMarshalList; /* +0x0170 */ long long Reserved51_3; /* +0x0178 */ long long Reserved51_4; /* +0x0180 */ long long Reserved51_5; /* +0x0188 */ }; struct tagTVITEMCHANGE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uChanged[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0020 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char uStateNew[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uStateOld[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _CONNECTDLGSTRUCTW { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpConnRes[8]; /* +0x0010 e7 52 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwDevNum; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagEMRINVERTRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x001c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE { unsigned long dwAuthnSvc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthzSvc; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pPrincipalName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char hr[8]; /* +0x0010 08 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER { unsigned short Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Characteristics; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ImageBase; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfSections; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ExportedNamesSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long DebugDirectorySize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long SectionAlignment; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0028 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID1[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long itemData1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char itemID2[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long itemData2; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwLocaleId; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY { unsigned char logicalMin[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char logicalMax[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char physicalMin[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char physicalMax[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char unit[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char unitExponent[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short usagePageId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short usageId; /* +0x001a */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSA { char *lpServiceName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpDisplayName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[32]; /* +0x0010 5d 51 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMESTRINGA { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszUserString[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0020 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOA { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[128]; /* +0x0014 7d 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRRESTOREDC { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ long iRelative; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagGUITHREADINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndActive[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndFocus[8]; /* +0x0010 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndCapture[8]; /* +0x0018 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndMenuOwner[8]; /* +0x0020 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndMoveSize[8]; /* +0x0028 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndCaret[8]; /* +0x0030 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rcCaret[16]; /* +0x0038 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1 { unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1:: { long long *pInt64; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long *pUint64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char ppString[0]; +0x0000 6f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFqbn[0]; +0x0000 fe 20 00 00 */ unsigned char pOctetString[8]; /* +0x0000 e3 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _UMS_CREATE_THREAD_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long UmsVersion; /* +0x0000 */ void *UmsContext; /* +0x0008 */ void *UmsCompletionList; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _cpinfoexW { unsigned char MaxCharSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0004 99 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadByte[12]; /* +0x0006 9a 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicodeDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0012 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePage[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePageName[520]; /* +0x0018 ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_NOTIFY_1 { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnNotifyCallback[8]; /* +0x0008 38 1a 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNotificationStatus; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x001c 39 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAPROPVARIANT { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 e9 22 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEMTIME { unsigned short wYear; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wMonth; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wDayOfWeek; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wDay; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short wHour; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wMinute; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short wSecond; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wMilliseconds; /* +0x000e */ }; struct tagNMREBAR { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char uBand[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fStyle[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tagLVITEMA { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char iIndent[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iGroupId[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cColumns[8]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char puColumns[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char piColFmt[8]; /* +0x0048 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned char iGroup[8]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagKEYBDINPUT { unsigned short wVk; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wScan; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagCURSORINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hCursor[8]; /* +0x0008 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptScreenPos[8]; /* +0x0010 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct value_entA { char *ve_valuename; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ve_valuelen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ve_valueptr; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ve_type; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_RECOVERY_ARGUMENT { unsigned char EnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_CALL_LOCAL_ADDRESS_V1 { unsigned char Version[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char AddressFormat[4]; /* +0x0014 69 55 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXDVW { unsigned char elfEnumLogfontEx[348]; /* +0x0000 7a 55 00 00 */ unsigned char elfDesignVector[72]; /* +0x015c af 46 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextRecord[8]; /* +0x0008 96 18 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicLimitInformation[64]; /* +0x0000 25 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char IoInfo[48]; /* +0x0040 9e 55 00 00 */ unsigned long long ProcessMemoryLimit; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long JobMemoryLimit; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long PeakProcessMemoryUsed; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long PeakJobMemoryUsed; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct _FILE_BASIC_INFO { unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_TM_ONLINE_ARGUMENT { unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagNMLVFINDITEMW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iStart[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lvfi[40]; /* +0x0020 e0 55 00 00 */ }; struct tagTOUCHINPUT { long x; /* +0x0000 */ long y; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSource; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwID; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwTime; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long cxContact; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long cyContact; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _COORD { short X; /* +0x0000 */ short Y; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _tagBINDINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szExtraInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char stgmedData[24]; /* +0x0010 da 34 00 00 */ unsigned long grfBindInfoF; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwBindVerb; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char szCustomVerb[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long cbstgmedData; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwOptionsFlags; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwCodePage; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char securityAttributes[24]; /* +0x0048 a9 17 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0060 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[8]; /* +0x0070 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0078 */ }; struct _WOW64_FLOATING_SAVE_AREA { unsigned long ControlWord; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StatusWord; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TagWord; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ErrorOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ErrorSelector; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DataSelector; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RegisterArea[80]; /* +0x001c 21 56 00 00 */ unsigned long Cr0NpxState; /* +0x006c */ }; struct _MEMORYSTATUS { unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMemoryLoad; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long dwTotalPhys; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long dwAvailPhys; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long dwTotalPageFile; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long dwAvailPageFile; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long dwTotalVirtual; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long dwAvailVirtual; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagTITLEBARINFOEX { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcTitleBar[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rgstate[24]; /* +0x0014 aa 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char rgrect[96]; /* +0x002c 28 56 00 00 */ }; struct tagCLEANLOCALSTORAGE { unsigned char pInterface[8]; /* +0x0000 27 19 00 00 */ void *pStorage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION { void *TokenAppContainer; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagTTPOLYGONHEADER { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfxStart[8]; /* +0x0008 fd 46 00 00 */ }; struct tagMSGBOXPARAMSA { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszText[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszCaption[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpszIcon[8]; /* +0x0030 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwContextHelpId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char lpfnMsgBoxCallback[8]; /* +0x0040 37 56 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLanguageId; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _SERVICE_CONTROL_STATUS_REASON_PARAMSA { unsigned long dwReason; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszComment; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[40]; /* +0x0010 39 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagAXESLISTW { unsigned long axlReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long axlNumAxes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axlAxisInfo[640]; /* +0x0008 5a 56 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTTCUSTOMDRAW { unsigned char nmcd[80]; /* +0x0000 5e 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char uDrawFlags[8]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ARCHIVE_MEMBER_HEADER { unsigned char Name[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char Date[12]; /* +0x0010 9a 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char UserID[6]; /* +0x001c 0c 49 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupID[6]; /* +0x0022 0c 49 00 00 */ unsigned char Mode[8]; /* +0x0028 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Size[10]; /* +0x0030 95 56 00 00 */ unsigned char EndHeader[2]; /* +0x003a 99 1b 00 00 */ }; struct tagTYPEDESC { /* unsigned char lptdesc[0]; +0x0000 e2 56 00 00 */ /* unsigned char lpadesc[0]; +0x0000 e4 56 00 00 */ unsigned long hreftype; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSA { unsigned long dwResetPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpRebootMsg; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpCommand; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cActions; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpsaActions[8]; /* +0x0020 13 57 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStartType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwErrorControl; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpBinaryPathName[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpLoadOrderGroup[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTagId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpDependencies[8]; /* +0x0028 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpServiceStartName[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDisplayName[8]; /* +0x0038 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_PREFERRED_NODE_INFO { unsigned short usPreferredNode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fDelete; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long Name; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Base; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfFunctions; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfNames; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AddressOfFunctions; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long AddressOfNames; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AddressOfNameOrdinals; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagENUMTEXTMETRICW { unsigned char etmNewTextMetricEx[100]; /* +0x0000 68 57 00 00 */ unsigned char etmAxesList[648]; /* +0x0064 cb 4e 00 00 */ }; struct tagCLIPDATA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ long ulClipFmt; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pClipData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulDataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulLength; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpSectionGlobalData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulSectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0020 */ void *lpSectionBase; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulSectionTotalLength; /* +0x0030 */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char AssemblyMetadata[40]; /* +0x0048 6e 57 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVFINDINFOA { unsigned char flags[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char psz[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0018 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char vkDirection[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTBADDBITMAP { unsigned char hInst[8]; /* +0x0000 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long nID; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_GROUP_INFO { unsigned char MaximumProcessorCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ActiveProcessorCount; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Reserved[38]; /* +0x0002 90 57 00 00 */ unsigned long long ActiveProcessorMask; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tagEMREXTTEXTOUTA { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iGraphicsMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char exScale[4]; /* +0x001c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eyScale[4]; /* +0x0020 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char emrtext[40]; /* +0x0024 2e 22 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPLGBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned char aptlDest[24]; /* +0x0018 95 57 00 00 */ long xSrc; /* +0x0030 */ long ySrc; /* +0x0034 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0038 */ long cySrc; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0040 aa 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x006c */ long xMask; /* +0x0070 */ long yMask; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long iUsageMask; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long offBmiMask; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long cbBmiMask; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long offBitsMask; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long cbBitsMask; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct tagNMTBGETINFOTIPA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO { void *hFile; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpBaseOfDll; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDebugInfoFileOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long nDebugInfoSize; /* +0x0014 */ void *lpImageName; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short fUnicode; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _tagAUTHENTICATEINFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ACL { unsigned char AclRevision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sbz1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AclSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short AceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Sbz2; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32 { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsClear; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsSet; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LockPrefixTable; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MaximumAllocationSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long VirtualMemoryThreshold; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ProcessHeapFlags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ProcessAffinityMask; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short CSDVersion; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned long EditList; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SecurityCookie; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SEHandlerTable; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long SEHandlerCount; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long UnwindInfoAddress; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagCIEXYZ { long ciexyzX; /* +0x0000 */ long ciexyzY; /* +0x0004 */ long ciexyzZ; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagBINDPTR { /* unsigned char lpfuncdesc[0]; +0x0000 d8 32 00 00 */ /* unsigned char lpvardesc[0]; +0x0000 cb 33 00 00 */ unsigned char lptcomp[8]; /* +0x0000 d5 4e 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_CYCLE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long long CycleTime; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagRGBQUAD { unsigned char rgbBlue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbGreen; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char rgbRed; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char rgbReserved; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct BSMINFO { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hdesk[8]; /* +0x0008 43 58 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0010 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char luid[8]; /* +0x0018 cf 17 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_EE_INFO_PARAM { unsigned char ParameterType[24]; /* +0x0000 46 58 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_EE_INFO_PARAM:: { char *AnsiString; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char UnicodeString[0]; +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ long LVal; /* +0x0000 */ short SVal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long PVal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BVal[16]; /* +0x0000 4a 58 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2_W { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char NullSession[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelModeCaller[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char IsClientLocal[4]; /* +0x003c 4d 58 00 00 */ void *ClientPID; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long CallStatus; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char CallType[4]; /* +0x004c 40 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char CallLocalAddress[8]; /* +0x0050 42 1d 00 00 */ unsigned short OpNum; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char InterfaceUuid[20]; /* +0x005c bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVGROUP { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeader[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchHeader[8]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFooter[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchFooter[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iGroupId[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uAlign[8]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSubtitle[8]; /* +0x0038 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchSubtitle[8]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTask[8]; /* +0x0048 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTask[8]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDescriptionTop[8]; /* +0x0058 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchDescriptionTop[8]; /* +0x0060 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDescriptionBottom[8]; /* +0x0068 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchDescriptionBottom[4]; /* +0x0070 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTitleImage[4]; /* +0x0074 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iExtendedImage[4]; /* +0x0078 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iFirstItem[4]; /* +0x007c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cItems[8]; /* +0x0080 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSubsetTitle[8]; /* +0x0088 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchSubsetTitle[8]; /* +0x0090 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _UDACCEL { unsigned char nSec[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nInc[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH { unsigned long SidCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SidAttr[8]; /* +0x0008 af 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Hash[256]; /* +0x0010 63 58 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS_FLAG { unsigned char fFailureActionsOnNonCrashFailures[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _div_t { unsigned char quot[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rem[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagStorageLayout { unsigned long LayoutType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwcsElementName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cOffset[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char cBytes[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTBGETINFOTIPW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _LDT_ENTRY:::: { /* unsigned char BaseMid[0]; +0x0000 46 48 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Type[0]; +0x0000 8a 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Dpl[0]; +0x0000 8b 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Pres[0]; +0x0000 8c 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LimitHi[0]; +0x0000 8d 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Sys[0]; +0x0000 8e 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved_0[0]; +0x0000 8f 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Default_Big[0]; +0x0000 90 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Granularity[0]; +0x0000 91 58 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseHi[4]; /* +0x0000 92 58 00 00 */ }; struct _LDT_ENTRY:::: { unsigned char BaseMid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Flags2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char BaseHi; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V2_A { unsigned char TransportCredentials[8]; /* +0x0000 bd 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ProxyCredentials[8]; /* +0x0028 bd 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct tagCAC { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ char *pElems; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOB_SET_ARRAY { void *JobHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MemberLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagDESIGNVECTOR { unsigned long dvReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dvNumAxes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dvValues[64]; /* +0x0008 ad 58 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGPEN { unsigned char lopnStyle[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lopnWidth[8]; /* +0x0004 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned long lopnColor; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char asData[4]; /* +0x0008 27 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Format[0]; +0x0002 b6 58 00 00 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_dimm_0000_0000_0012 { unsigned char hWnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char fOpen[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptStatusWndPos[8]; /* +0x000c 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptSoftKbdPos[8]; /* +0x0014 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned long fdwConversion; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long fdwSentence; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_dimm_0000_0000_0012:: { /* unsigned char A[0]; +0x0000 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char W[92]; /* +0x0000 2a 1a 00 00 */ }; struct _GLYPHMETRICS { unsigned char gmBlackBoxX[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmBlackBoxY[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmptGlyphOrigin[8]; /* +0x0008 49 15 00 00 */ short gmCellIncX; /* +0x0010 */ short gmCellIncY; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct tagAXESLISTA { unsigned long axlReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long axlNumAxes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axlAxisInfo[384]; /* +0x0008 d2 58 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_AND_IO_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicInfo[48]; /* +0x0000 18 59 00 00 */ unsigned char IoInfo[48]; /* +0x0030 9e 55 00 00 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_MOUSE { unsigned long dwId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfButtons; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSampleRate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char fHasHorizontalWheel[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExtStatus; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOEXW { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[256]; /* +0x0014 b1 18 00 00 */ unsigned short wServicePackMajor; /* +0x0114 */ unsigned short wServicePackMinor; /* +0x0116 */ unsigned short wSuiteMask; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned char wProductType; /* +0x011a */ unsigned char wReserved; /* +0x011b */ }; struct _DEBUG_EVENT { unsigned long dwDebugEventCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProcessId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE { unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sbz1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Control; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Owner; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Group; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Sacl; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Dacl; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO { unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_W:: { unsigned short *Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _NDR_EXPR_DESC { unsigned char pOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 5b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pFormatExpr[8]; /* +0x0008 59 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagTYPEATTR { unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long lcid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0014 */ long memidConstructor; /* +0x0018 */ long memidDestructor; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char lpstrSchema[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSizeInstance; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char typekind[4]; /* +0x002c d1 59 00 00 */ unsigned short cFuncs; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short cVars; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned short cImplTypes; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short cbSizeVft; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned short cbAlignment; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short wTypeFlags; /* +0x003a */ unsigned short wMajorVerNum; /* +0x003c */ unsigned short wMinorVerNum; /* +0x003e */ unsigned char tdescAlias[16]; /* +0x0040 a7 46 00 00 */ unsigned char idldescType[16]; /* +0x0050 d2 59 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVGETITEMPARTRECTINFO { unsigned char hti[8]; /* +0x0000 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char prc[8]; /* +0x0008 3e 15 00 00 */ unsigned char partID[8]; /* +0x0010 d5 59 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_STREAM_INFO { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StreamNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char StreamSize[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char StreamAllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char StreamName[8]; /* +0x0018 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagSAFEARRAYBOUND { unsigned long cElements; /* +0x0000 */ long lLbound; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_STATISTICS { unsigned char TokenId[8]; /* +0x0000 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0008 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char ExpirationTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TokenType[4]; /* +0x0018 e0 59 00 00 */ unsigned char ImpersonationLevel[4]; /* +0x001c e1 59 00 00 */ unsigned long DynamicCharged; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long DynamicAvailable; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long GroupCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char ModifiedId[8]; /* +0x0030 cf 17 00 00 */ }; struct tagTOUCH_HIT_TESTING_PROXIMITY_EVALUATION { unsigned short score; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char adjustedPoint[8]; /* +0x0004 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_SECURITY_V1_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *ServerPrincName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthnLevel; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AuthnSvc; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char AuthIdentity[8]; /* +0x0018 bd 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char SecurityQos[8]; /* +0x0020 04 3b 00 00 */ }; struct tagQUERYCONTEXT { unsigned long dwContext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Platform[16]; /* +0x0004 27 5a 00 00 */ unsigned long Locale; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwVersionHi; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwVersionLo; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _PRIVILEGE_SET { unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Control; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Privilege[12]; /* +0x0008 37 5a 00 00 */ }; struct _TAPE_GET_POSITION { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Partition; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Offset[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _HD_TEXTFILTERA { char *pszText; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREOF { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nPalEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offPalEntries; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long nSizeLast; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _stat32i64 { unsigned char st_dev[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short st_ino; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short st_mode; /* +0x0006 */ short st_nlink; /* +0x0008 */ short st_uid; /* +0x000a */ short st_gid; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char st_rdev[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ long long st_size; /* +0x0018 */ long st_atime; /* +0x0020 */ long st_mtime; /* +0x0024 */ long st_ctime; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _tagOLECMD { unsigned long cmdID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cmdf; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagCREATESTRUCTW { void *lpCreateParams; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hMenu[8]; /* +0x0010 e5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndParent[8]; /* +0x0018 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long style; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char lpszName[8]; /* +0x0038 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClass[8]; /* +0x0040 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExStyle; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _wfinddata64_t { unsigned char attrib[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ long long time_create; /* +0x0008 */ long long time_access; /* +0x0010 */ long long time_write; /* +0x0018 */ long long size; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char name[520]; /* +0x0028 ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagPALETTEENTRY { unsigned char peRed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char peGreen; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char peBlue; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char peFlags; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1_W { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char NullSession[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _s__CatchableType { unsigned char properties[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pType[8]; /* +0x0004 a3 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char thisDisplacement[12]; /* +0x000c 0b 53 00 00 */ unsigned char sizeOrOffset[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char copyFunction[8]; /* +0x001c 38 1a 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_ACCOUNTING { unsigned long StateCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalTransitions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ResetCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long StartTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[48]; /* +0x0018 1b 5b 00 00 */ }; struct _UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOW { unsigned char lpUniversalName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGCOLORSPACEW { unsigned long lcsSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long lcsVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long lcsSize; /* +0x0008 */ long lcsCSType; /* +0x000c */ long lcsIntent; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lcsEndpoints[36]; /* +0x0014 97 58 00 00 */ unsigned long lcsGammaRed; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long lcsGammaGreen; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long lcsGammaBlue; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char lcsFilename[520]; /* +0x0044 ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_PEN_INFO { unsigned char pointerInfo[88]; /* +0x0000 71 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char penFlags[4]; /* +0x0058 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char penMask[4]; /* +0x005c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pressure[4]; /* +0x0060 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rotation[4]; /* +0x0064 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tiltX[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tiltY[4]; /* +0x006c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMLVEMPTYMARKUP { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char szMarkup[4172]; /* +0x001c 3d 5b 00 00 */ }; struct _GRADIENT_RECT { unsigned long UpperLeft; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LowerRight; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY { unsigned char MinSleep[4]; /* +0x0000 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxSleep[4]; /* +0x0004 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned long MinVideoTimeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxVideoTimeout; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MinSpindownTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MaxSpindownTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _QOS_SHAPING_RATE { unsigned char ObjectHdr[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 5b 00 00 */ unsigned long ShapingRate; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY { unsigned long OffsetToData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CodePage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _TAPE_ERASE { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Immediate; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RemotableHandle { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _STRRET { unsigned char uType[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pOleStr[0]; +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uOffset[0]; +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cStr[264]; /* +0x0008 9b 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETHEADERA_V2 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndParent[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszCaption[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char nPages[8]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char nStartPage[0]; +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pStartPage[8]; /* +0x0030 ee 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppsp[0]; +0x0038 8f 21 00 00 */ unsigned char phpage[8]; /* +0x0038 b2 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0040 b5 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hbmWatermark[0]; +0x0048 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszbmWatermark[8]; /* +0x0048 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hplWatermark[8]; /* +0x0050 b7 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hbmHeader[0]; +0x0058 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszbmHeader[8]; /* +0x0058 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYPOLYLINE16 { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nPolys; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cpts; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char aPolyCounts[4]; /* +0x0020 c7 14 00 00 */ unsigned char apts[4]; /* +0x0024 50 4a 00 00 */ }; struct _FLAG_STGMEDIUM { long ContextFlags; /* +0x0000 */ long fPassOwnership; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Stgmed[24]; /* +0x0008 da 34 00 00 */ }; struct tagCUSTDATA { unsigned long cCustData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char prgCustData[8]; /* +0x0008 c0 18 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION { unsigned char TotalUserTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TotalKernelTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ThisPeriodTotalUserTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ThisPeriodTotalKernelTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TotalPageFaultCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long TotalProcesses; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ActiveProcesses; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long TotalTerminatedProcesses; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _COMSTAT { /* unsigned char fCtsHold[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDsrHold[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fRlsdHold[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fXoffHold[0]; +0x0000 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fXoffSent[0]; +0x0000 ee 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fEof[0]; +0x0000 ef 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fTxim[0]; +0x0000 f0 34 00 00 */ unsigned char fReserved[4]; /* +0x0000 29 4b 00 00 */ unsigned long cbInQue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbOutQue; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_INFO { unsigned long pointerType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pointerId[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char frameId[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pointerFlags[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ void *sourceDevice; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[8]; /* +0x0018 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptPixelLocation[8]; /* +0x0020 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptHimetricLocation[8]; /* +0x0028 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptPixelLocationRaw[8]; /* +0x0030 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptHimetricLocationRaw[8]; /* +0x0038 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTime; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char historyCount[4]; /* +0x0044 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InputData[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwKeyStates; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long long PerformanceCount; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _LARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _LARGE_INTEGER:: { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOG_INFORMATION { unsigned char LogIdentity[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagCATEGORYINFO { unsigned char catid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long lcid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szDescription[256]; /* +0x0014 b1 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVHITTESTINFO { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0010 26 18 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_STATE_ACCOUNTING { unsigned long IdleTransitions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FailedTransitions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long InvalidBucketIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long TotalTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char IdleTimeBuckets[24]; /* +0x0018 aa 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEA_V1 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 fb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagHW_PROFILE_INFOA { unsigned long dwDockInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szHwProfileGuid[39]; /* +0x0004 61 5c 00 00 */ unsigned char szHwProfileName[81]; /* +0x002b 62 5c 00 00 */ }; struct tagPANOSE { unsigned char bFamilyType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bSerifStyle; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char bWeight; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bProportion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char bContrast; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bStrokeVariation; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bArmStyle; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bLetterform; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char bMidline; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bXHeight; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSW { unsigned char lpServiceName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDisplayName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceStatusProcess[40]; /* +0x0010 39 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagIMEMENUITEMINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[8]; /* +0x0010 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[8]; /* +0x0018 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char szString[84]; /* +0x0024 62 5c 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[8]; /* +0x0078 67 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagKERNINGPAIR { unsigned short wFirst; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wSecond; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char iKernAmount[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOLORMATCHTOTARGET { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAction; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0018 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfoex2A { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long ai_addrlen; /* +0x0010 */ char *ai_canonname; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ai_addr[8]; /* +0x0020 97 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ai_bloblen; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ai_provider[8]; /* +0x0038 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[8]; /* +0x0040 9e 5c 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_version[8]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ char *ai_fqdn; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_UNKNOWN { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char apUnknown[8]; /* +0x0008 28 19 00 00 */ }; struct TBBUTTONINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char idCommand[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fsState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fsStyle; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned short cx; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long long lParam; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchText[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _ULARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ULARGE_INTEGER:: { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEPEN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lopn[16]; /* +0x000c a5 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO { unsigned char pStubDesc[8]; /* +0x0000 97 53 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcFormatString[8]; /* +0x0008 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char FormatStringOffset[8]; /* +0x0010 5b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pTransferSyntax[8]; /* +0x0018 cc 4b 00 00 */ unsigned long long nCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char pSyntaxInfo[8]; /* +0x0028 56 46 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_DEP_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Enable[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisableAtlThunkEmulation[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 f9 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Permanent; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KEY_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char bKeyDown[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned short wRepeatCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wVirtualKeyCode; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short wVirtualScanCode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _KEY_EVENT_RECORD:: { /* unsigned char UnicodeChar[0]; +0x0000 71 00 00 00 */ char AsciiChar; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_A { unsigned char *User; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UserLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *Domain; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DomainLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *Password; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PasswordLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _ICONINFOEXA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fIcon[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long xHotspot; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long yHotspot; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char hbmMask[8]; /* +0x0010 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmColor[8]; /* +0x0018 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned short wResID; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char szModName[260]; /* +0x0022 9b 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char szResName[266]; /* +0x0126 9b 1b 00 00 */ }; struct tagCLIENTCREATESTRUCT { void *hWindowMenu; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char idFirstChild[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char HistoryBufferSize[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NumberOfHistoryBuffers[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _OBJECTID { unsigned char Lineage[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Uniquifier; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsClear; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsSet; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long LockPrefixTable; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long MaximumAllocationSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long VirtualMemoryThreshold; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long ProcessAffinityMask; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long ProcessHeapFlags; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned short CSDVersion; /* +0x004c */ unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x004e */ unsigned long long EditList; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long SecurityCookie; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long SEHandlerTable; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long SEHandlerCount; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct tagEMRSETPIXELV { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlPixel[8]; /* +0x0008 e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned long crColor; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE { unsigned char Length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceId[20]; /* +0x0004 62 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferSyntax[24]; /* +0x0018 62 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[8]; /* +0x0030 57 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpointCount[8]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpoint[8]; /* +0x0040 ff 3b 00 00 */ void *DefaultManagerEpv; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char InterpreterInfo[8]; /* +0x0050 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[8]; /* +0x0058 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _NT_TIB64 { unsigned long long ExceptionList; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long StackBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long StackLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long SubSystemTib; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long FiberData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ArbitraryUserPointer; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long Self; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _UMS_SCHEDULER_STARTUP_INFO { unsigned long UmsVersion; /* +0x0000 */ void *CompletionList; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SchedulerProc[8]; /* +0x0010 1c 5e 00 00 */ void *SchedulerParam; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ABCFLOAT { unsigned char abcfA[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcfB[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcfC[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATECOLORSPACE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihCS; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lcs[328]; /* +0x000c 21 5e 00 00 */ }; struct _numberfmtW { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDecimalSep[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpThousandSep[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTREEVIEWW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char action[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemOld[56]; /* +0x0020 72 48 00 00 */ unsigned char itemNew[56]; /* +0x0058 72 48 00 00 */ unsigned char ptDrag[8]; /* +0x0090 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct _DISPLAY_DEVICEW { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceName[64]; /* +0x0004 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceString[256]; /* +0x0044 b1 18 00 00 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0144 */ unsigned char DeviceID[256]; /* +0x0148 b1 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceKey[256]; /* +0x0248 b1 18 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ALPHA64_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ExceptionHandler; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long HandlerData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long PrologEndAddress; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_TIMEOUTS { unsigned long InputTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DisplayTimeout; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TAPE_GET_MEDIA_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Capacity[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Remaining[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long BlockSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PartitionCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char WriteProtected; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TOKEN_ELEVATION { unsigned long TokenIsElevated; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MEMORY_PRIORITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long MemoryPriority; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct NMCBEENDEDITW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char fChanged[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iNewSelection[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char szText[520]; /* +0x0020 ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned char iWhy[8]; /* +0x0228 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagSTATDATA { unsigned char formatetc[32]; /* +0x0000 b9 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long advf; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char pAdvSink[8]; /* +0x0028 bc 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwConnection; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _userSTGMEDIUM::_STGMEDIUM_UNION { unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userSTGMEDIUM::_STGMEDIUM_UNION::__MIDL_IAdviseSink_0003 { /* unsigned char hMetaFilePict[0]; +0x0000 c2 5e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hHEnhMetaFile[0]; +0x0000 c4 5e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hGdiHandle[0]; +0x0000 c6 5e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hGlobal[0]; +0x0000 49 16 00 00 */ /* unsigned char lpszFileName[0]; +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pstm[0]; +0x0000 4b 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pstg[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 19 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF { unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short OffsetModuleName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUTDEVICELIST { void *hDevice; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_ACCOUNTING_EX { unsigned long StateCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalTransitions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ResetCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long StartTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[416]; /* +0x0018 08 5f 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVTILEVIEWINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char sizeTile[8]; /* +0x000c b9 17 00 00 */ unsigned char cLines[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcLabelMargin[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct PBRANGE { unsigned char iLow[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHigh[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENT_PAIR { unsigned char EnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagDIBSECTION { unsigned char dsBm[32]; /* +0x0000 2b 5f 00 00 */ unsigned char dsBmih[40]; /* +0x0020 2c 5f 00 00 */ unsigned char dsBitfields[16]; /* +0x0048 29 15 00 00 */ void *dshSection; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long dsOffset; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _WOW64_LDT_ENTRY { unsigned short LimitLow; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short BaseLow; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _WIN32_STREAM_ID { unsigned long dwStreamId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStreamAttributes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Size[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStreamNameSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cStreamName[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO { unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReparseTag; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXW { unsigned char elfLogFont[92]; /* +0x0000 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[128]; /* +0x005c 12 24 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[64]; /* +0x00dc b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char elfScript[64]; /* +0x011c b0 18 00 00 */ }; struct _devicemodeW { unsigned char dmDeviceName[64]; /* +0x0000 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned short dmSpecVersion; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short dmDriverVersion; /* +0x0042 */ unsigned short dmSize; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short dmDriverExtra; /* +0x0046 */ unsigned long dmFields; /* +0x0048 */ short dmOrientation; /* +0x004c */ short dmPaperSize; /* +0x004e */ short dmPaperLength; /* +0x0050 */ short dmPaperWidth; /* +0x0052 */ short dmScale; /* +0x0054 */ short dmCopies; /* +0x0056 */ short dmDefaultSource; /* +0x0058 */ short dmPrintQuality; /* +0x005a */ unsigned char dmPosition[8]; /* +0x004c e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dmDisplayOrientation; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFixedOutput; /* +0x0058 */ short dmColor; /* +0x005c */ short dmDuplex; /* +0x005e */ short dmYResolution; /* +0x0060 */ short dmTTOption; /* +0x0062 */ short dmCollate; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned char dmFormName[64]; /* +0x0066 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned short dmLogPixels; /* +0x00a6 */ unsigned long dmBitsPerPel; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long dmPelsWidth; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long dmPelsHeight; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFlags; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long dmNup; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFrequency; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long dmICMMethod; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long dmICMIntent; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long dmMediaType; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long dmDitherType; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long dmReserved1; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned long dmReserved2; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long dmPanningWidth; /* +0x00d4 */ unsigned long dmPanningHeight; /* +0x00d8 */ }; struct _TOKEN_OWNER { void *Owner; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _tagRemBINDINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szExtraInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long grfBindInfoF; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwBindVerb; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char szCustomVerb[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long cbstgmedData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwOptionsFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwCodePage; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char securityAttributes[12]; /* +0x0030 0b 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[20]; /* +0x003c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[8]; /* +0x0050 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _EVENTSFORLOGFILE { unsigned long ulSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szLogicalLogFile[512]; /* +0x0004 0f 49 00 00 */ unsigned long ulNumRecords; /* +0x0204 */ /* unsigned char pEventLogRecords[0]; +0x0208 6a 5f 00 00 */ }; struct _COAUTHINFO { unsigned long dwAuthnSvc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthzSvc; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pwszServerPrincName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAuthnLevel; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwImpersonationLevel; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pAuthIdentityData[8]; /* +0x0018 8a 5f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCapabilities; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagREBARBANDINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fStyle[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long clrFore; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long clrBack; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lpText[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cch[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndChild[8]; /* +0x0028 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cxMinChild[4]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyMinChild[4]; /* +0x0034 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[8]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmBack[8]; /* +0x0040 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x0048 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyChild[4]; /* +0x004c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyMaxChild[4]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyIntegral[4]; /* +0x0054 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxIdeal[8]; /* +0x0058 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char cxHeader[4]; /* +0x0068 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcChevronLocation[16]; /* +0x006c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uChevronState[4]; /* +0x007c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SUPPORTED_OS_INFO { unsigned short OsCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MitigationExist; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char OsList[8]; /* +0x0004 bb 5f 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_START_REASON { unsigned long dwReason; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_STATE { unsigned char Size[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0004 */ long Lock; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ void *StubInfo; /* +0x0010 */ void *UserInfo; /* +0x0018 */ void *RuntimeInfo; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Event[4]; /* +0x0028 e8 15 00 00 */ unsigned char NotificationType[4]; /* +0x002c c0 5f 00 00 */ unsigned char u[32]; /* +0x0030 c1 5f 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[32]; /* +0x0050 c2 5f 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_ORIGIN { unsigned char OriginatingLogonSession[8]; /* +0x0000 cf 17 00 00 */ }; struct tagLC_ID { unsigned short wLanguage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wCountry; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wCodePage; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagLAYERPLANEDESCRIPTOR { unsigned short nSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short nVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char iPixelType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cColorBits; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char cRedBits; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char cRedShift; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char cGreenBits; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char cGreenShift; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char cBlueBits; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char cBlueShift; /* +0x000f */ unsigned char cAlphaBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cAlphaShift; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char cAccumBits; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char cAccumRedBits; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char cAccumGreenBits; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char cAccumBlueBits; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char cAccumAlphaBits; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char cDepthBits; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char cStencilBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cAuxBuffers; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char iLayerPlane; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x001b */ unsigned long crTransparent; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagPOINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_INFO { unsigned char cursorId[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cursor[4]; /* +0x0004 2b 60 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bVisible[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr_dl { unsigned short sdl_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char sdl_data[8]; /* +0x0002 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned char sdl_zero[4]; /* +0x000a 36 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOW { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpReserved[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDesktop[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpTitle[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwX; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwY; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwXSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwYSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwXCountChars; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwYCountChars; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwFillAttribute; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x003c */ unsigned short wShowWindow; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short cbReserved2; /* +0x0042 */ unsigned char *lpReserved2; /* +0x0048 */ void *hStdInput; /* +0x0050 */ void *hStdOutput; /* +0x0058 */ void *hStdError; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { unsigned short e_magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short e_cblp; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short e_cp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short e_crlc; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short e_cparhdr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short e_minalloc; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short e_maxalloc; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short e_ss; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short e_sp; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short e_csum; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short e_ip; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short e_cs; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned short e_lfarlc; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short e_ovno; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char e_res[8]; /* +0x001c bb 5f 00 00 */ unsigned short e_oemid; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short e_oeminfo; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned char e_res2[20]; /* +0x0028 58 60 00 00 */ long e_lfanew; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO { unsigned char DeleteFileA; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagBITMAPCOREHEADER { unsigned long bcSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short bcWidth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short bcHeight; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short bcPlanes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short bcBitCount; /* +0x000a */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SET_TARGET_PERSISTENCE { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 6d 4d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bootPersistenceOn[0]; +0x0014 dd 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char reserved[0]; +0x0014 5f 60 00 00 */ unsigned char value[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_STATUS { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCurrentState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwControlsAccepted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwWin32ExitCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwServiceSpecificExitCode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCheckPoint; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwWaitHint; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagCAI { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ short *pElems; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SHORT_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagMSAAMENUINFO { unsigned long dwMSAASignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cchWText; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pszWText[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMLVODSTATECHANGE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iFrom[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTo[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uNewState[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uOldState[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSELECTOBJECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihObject; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _userHGLOBAL { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHGLOBAL::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0003 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 63 57 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulRootManifestPathType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ulRootManifestPathChars; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulRootConfigurationPathType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ulRootConfigurationPathChars; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulAppDirPathType; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ulAppDirPathChars; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpRootManifestPath[8]; /* +0x0028 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRootConfigurationPath[8]; /* +0x0030 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAppDirPath[8]; /* +0x0038 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagLASTINPUTINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTime; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagHELPINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iContextType[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCtrlId[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ void *hItemHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long dwContextId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char MousePos[8]; /* +0x0020 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_2600 { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulDataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulLength; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpSectionGlobalData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulSectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0020 */ void *lpSectionBase; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulSectionTotalLength; /* +0x0030 */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct tagUPDATELAYEREDWINDOWINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hdcDst[8]; /* +0x0008 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char pptDst[8]; /* +0x0010 6f 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char psize[8]; /* +0x0018 16 61 00 00 */ unsigned char hdcSrc[8]; /* +0x0020 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char pptSrc[8]; /* +0x0028 6f 2a 00 00 */ unsigned long crKey; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pblend[8]; /* +0x0038 19 61 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char prcDirty[8]; /* +0x0048 29 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC { unsigned long DataType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Unicode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Reserved[3]; /* +0x0009 ca 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x000c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETCOLORADJUSTMENT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ColorAdjustment[24]; /* +0x0008 7f 61 00 00 */ }; struct _FPO_DATA { unsigned long ulOffStart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbProcSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cdwLocals; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short cdwParams; /* +0x000c */ /* unsigned char cbProlog[0]; +0x000e a6 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cbRegs[0]; +0x000e a7 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasSEH[0]; +0x000e a8 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fUseBP[0]; +0x000e a9 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char reserved[0]; +0x000e aa 61 00 00 */ unsigned char cbFrame[2]; /* +0x000e ab 61 00 00 */ }; struct tagNONCLIENTMETRICSW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollWidth[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollHeight[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfCaptionFont[92]; /* +0x0018 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0074 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0078 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfSmCaptionFont[92]; /* +0x007c 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuWidth[4]; /* +0x00d8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuHeight[4]; /* +0x00dc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMenuFont[92]; /* +0x00e0 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char lfStatusFont[92]; /* +0x013c 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMessageFont[92]; /* +0x0198 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char iPaddedBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x01f4 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO { unsigned char dwSize[4]; /* +0x0000 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char dwCursorPosition[4]; /* +0x0004 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short wAttributes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char srWindow[8]; /* +0x000a 59 51 00 00 */ unsigned char dwMaximumWindowSize[4]; /* +0x0012 91 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagCSPLATFORM { unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVersionHi; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwVersionLo; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwProcessorArch; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONA { char *lpDescription; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DXGI_MODE_DESC { unsigned char Width[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Height[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RefreshRate[8]; /* +0x0008 fa 61 00 00 */ unsigned char Format[4]; /* +0x0010 fe 60 00 00 */ unsigned char ScanlineOrdering[4]; /* +0x0014 fb 61 00 00 */ unsigned char Scaling[4]; /* +0x0018 fc 61 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYDRAW16 { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cpts; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char apts[4]; /* +0x001c 50 4a 00 00 */ unsigned char abTypes[4]; /* +0x0020 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAVersion { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ecHow[4]; /* +0x0004 43 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _LONG_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *pData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_NOTIFICATION_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned long long IoReadBytesLimit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long IoWriteBytesLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long JobMemoryLimit; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RateControlTolerance[4]; /* +0x0020 ad 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char RateControlToleranceInterval[4]; /* +0x0024 ae 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long LimitFlags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W { unsigned short *User; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UserLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *Domain; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DomainLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *Password; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PasswordLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct ARRAY_INFO { long Dimension; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *BufferConformanceMark; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *BufferVarianceMark; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *MaxCountArray; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long *OffsetArray; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long *ActualCountArray; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _NDR_USER_MARSHAL_INFO { unsigned long InformationLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Level1[80]; /* +0x0008 1f 62 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETVIEWPORTORGEX { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlOrigin[8]; /* +0x0008 e3 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WOW64_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long Selector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Descriptor[8]; /* +0x0004 47 62 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYA { char *lpServiceName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpServiceProc[8]; /* +0x0008 d7 58 00 00 */ }; struct _TBBUTTON { unsigned char iBitmap[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char idCommand[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fsState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char fsStyle; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char bReserved[6]; /* +0x000a 0c 49 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwData; /* +0x0010 */ long long iString; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXA { unsigned char elfLogFont[60]; /* +0x0000 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[64]; /* +0x003c 34 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[32]; /* +0x007c 35 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char elfScript[32]; /* +0x009c 35 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_PROTSEQ_VECTORA { unsigned char Count[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Protseq[8]; /* +0x0008 50 62 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVCOLUMNA { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fmt[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iOrder[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxMin[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxDefault[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxIdeal[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_OLDEST_INFORMATION { unsigned char OldestTransactionGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMETAHEADER { unsigned short mtType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short mtHeaderSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short mtVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long mtSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short mtNoObjects; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long mtMaxRecord; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short mtNoParameters; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _REMOTE_NAME_INFOA { char *lpUniversalName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpConnectionName; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpRemainingPath; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagFILTERKEYS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iWaitMSec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iDelayMSec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iRepeatMSec; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iBounceMSec; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagEMRSETTEXTCOLOR { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crColor; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMESTRINGW { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszUserString[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0020 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _DOCINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDocName[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszOutput[8]; /* +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDatatype[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long fwType; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagSTATPROPSTG { unsigned char lpwstrName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long propid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION { unsigned char DebugInfo[8]; /* +0x0000 3b 49 00 00 */ long LockCount; /* +0x0008 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x000c */ void *OwningThread; /* +0x0010 */ void *LockSemaphore; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SpinCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct in_addr:::: { unsigned short s_w1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short s_w2; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct in_addr:::: { unsigned char s_b1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char s_b2; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char s_b3; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char s_b4; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct tagPAGERANGE { long nFromPage; /* +0x0000 */ long nToPage; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSA { unsigned char style[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[8]; /* +0x0008 f6 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0018 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[8]; /* +0x0020 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[8]; /* +0x0028 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[8]; /* +0x0030 60 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[8]; /* +0x0038 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[8]; /* +0x0040 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct _XSTATE_CONTEXT { unsigned long long Mask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Area[8]; /* +0x0010 dd 63 00 00 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[8]; /* +0x0010 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long itemData; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RPC_C_OPT_COOKIE_AUTH_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagIMECHARPOSITION { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCharPos; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0008 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cLineHeight[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcDocument[16]; /* +0x0014 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _s__ThrowInfo { unsigned char attributes[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pmfnUnwind[8]; /* +0x0004 38 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char pForwardCompat[8]; /* +0x000c 14 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char pCatchableTypeArray[8]; /* +0x0014 1b 64 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOGPATH_INFORMATION { unsigned long LogPathLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char LogPath[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMHEADERW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iButton[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pitem[8]; /* +0x0020 21 64 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVITEMEXA { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0008 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSelectedImage[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cChildren[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char iIntegral[4]; /* +0x0038 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uStateEx[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0040 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char iExpandedImage[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iReserved[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char TransactionId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Outcome; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagMENUGETOBJECTINFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char uPos[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hmenu[8]; /* +0x0008 e5 17 00 00 */ void *riid; /* +0x0010 */ void *pvObj; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSW { unsigned char style[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[8]; /* +0x0008 f6 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0018 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[8]; /* +0x0020 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[8]; /* +0x0028 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[8]; /* +0x0030 60 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[8]; /* +0x0038 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[8]; /* +0x0040 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ComputerName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long ProcessID; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICW { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar[2]; /* +0x002c 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmLastChar[2]; /* +0x002e 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0030 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmBreakChar[2]; /* +0x0032 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0035 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0037 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ntmFlags; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char ntmSizeEM[4]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmCellHeight[4]; /* +0x0044 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmAvgWidth[4]; /* +0x0048 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_2DREGION { unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRMASKBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long cxDest; /* +0x0020 */ long cyDest; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0028 */ long xSrc; /* +0x002c */ long ySrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0034 aa 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x0060 */ long xMask; /* +0x0064 */ long yMask; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long iUsageMask; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long offBmiMask; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long cbBmiMask; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long offBitsMask; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long cbBitsMask; /* +0x007c */ }; struct _SERVICE_CONTROL_STATUS_REASON_PARAMSW { unsigned long dwReason; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszComment[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[40]; /* +0x0010 39 1a 00 00 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_PERFSTATE_POLICY { unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MaxThrottle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinThrottle; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char BusyAdjThreshold; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Spare; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char Flags[1]; /* +0x0007 d7 64 00 00 */ unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long IncreaseTime; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DecreaseTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long IncreasePercent; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DecreasePercent; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned long crc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 10 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0008 */ short Number; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Selection; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x000f */ short HighNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[2]; /* +0x0012 99 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned char Name[20]; /* +0x0000 f9 19 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned long WeakDefaultSymIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long WeakSearchType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[12]; /* +0x0008 9a 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_SID_INFO { unsigned long dwServiceSidType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagEMRPIXELFORMAT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pfd[40]; /* +0x0008 c6 4b 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMLVCACHEHINT { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iFrom[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTo[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _complex { unsigned char x[8]; /* +0x0000 41 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[8]; /* +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ }; struct _REASON_CONTEXT { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _REASON_CONTEXT:::: { unsigned char LocalizedReasonModule[8]; /* +0x0000 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned long LocalizedReasonId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ReasonStringCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ReasonStrings[8]; /* +0x0010 6f 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagTLIBATTR { unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long lcid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char syskind[4]; /* +0x0014 af 65 00 00 */ unsigned short wMajorVerNum; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short wMinorVerNum; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short wLibFlags; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagSOUNDSENTRYA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectMSec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectColorBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectMSec; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectColor; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long iWindowsEffect; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectMSec; /* +0x0024 */ char *lpszWindowsEffectDLL; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectOrdinal; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _numberfmtA { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ char *lpDecimalSep; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpThousandSep; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TIMECHANGE_INFO { unsigned char liNewTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char liOldTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagINTERFACEDATA { unsigned char pmethdata[8]; /* +0x0000 ed 17 00 00 */ unsigned char cMembers[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagPICTDESC { unsigned char cbSizeofstruct[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char picType[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bmp[0]; +0x0008 30 66 00 00 */ /* unsigned char wmf[0]; +0x0008 31 66 00 00 */ /* unsigned char icon[0]; +0x0008 32 66 00 00 */ unsigned char emf[16]; /* +0x0008 33 66 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char himl[8]; /* +0x0008 f3 16 00 00 */ unsigned char i[8]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hdcDst[8]; /* +0x0018 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char xBitmap[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char yBitmap[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long rgbBk; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long rgbFg; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char fStyle[4]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long fState; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long Frame; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long crEffect; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _ICONINFO { unsigned char fIcon[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long xHotspot; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long yHotspot; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hbmMask[8]; /* +0x0010 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmColor[8]; /* +0x0018 67 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SE_ACCESS_REQUEST { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SeSecurityDescriptor[8]; /* +0x0008 4f 66 00 00 */ unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PreviouslyGrantedAccess; /* +0x0014 */ void *PrincipalSelfSid; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char GenericMapping[8]; /* +0x0020 29 52 00 00 */ unsigned long ObjectTypeListCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char ObjectTypeList[8]; /* +0x0030 51 66 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN { unsigned char ChainLen[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ChainEntries[28]; /* +0x0004 54 66 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO:: { /* unsigned char SystemTime[0]; +0x0000 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char FileTime[16]; /* +0x0000 7d 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_INFORMATION { void *hProcess; /* +0x0000 */ void *hThread; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwProcessId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwThreadId; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _exception { unsigned char type[8]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ char *name; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char arg1[8]; /* +0x0010 41 00 00 00 */ unsigned char arg2[8]; /* +0x0018 41 00 00 00 */ unsigned char retval[8]; /* +0x0020 41 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagWINDOWPOS { unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndInsertAfter[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNONCLIENTMETRICSA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollWidth[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollHeight[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfCaptionFont[60]; /* +0x0018 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfSmCaptionFont[60]; /* +0x005c 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuWidth[4]; /* +0x0098 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuHeight[4]; /* +0x009c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMenuFont[60]; /* +0x00a0 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char lfStatusFont[60]; /* +0x00dc 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMessageFont[60]; /* +0x0118 33 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char iPaddedBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x0154 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagGLYPHSET { unsigned long cbThis; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long flAccel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cGlyphsSupported; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cRanges; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ranges[4]; /* +0x0010 c5 66 00 00 */ }; struct _KCRM_TRANSACTION_BLOB { unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long IsolationLevel; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long IsolationFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Description[128]; /* +0x002c 12 24 00 00 */ }; struct _cpinfo { unsigned char MaxCharSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0004 99 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadByte[14]; /* +0x0006 9a 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _XSTATE_CONFIGURATION { unsigned long long EnabledFeatures; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char OptimizedSave[4]; /* +0x000c cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Features[512]; /* +0x0010 e4 66 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_CONNECT { unsigned char Connected; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Console; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _FILE_NAME_INFO { unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ char *lpszText; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char szText[80]; /* +0x0020 62 5c 00 00 */ unsigned char hinst[8]; /* +0x0070 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uFlags[8]; /* +0x0078 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0080 */ }; struct threadlocaleinfostruct:: { char *locale; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wlocale[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char refcount[8]; /* +0x0010 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned char wrefcount[8]; /* +0x0018 74 06 00 00 */ }; struct _OPERATION_START_PARAMETERS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OperationId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMTVGETINFOTIPA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[8]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0028 26 18 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _TASKDIALOGCONFIG { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndParent[8]; /* +0x0004 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x000c ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char dwFlags[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwCommonButtons[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszWindowTitle[8]; /* +0x001c 6d 18 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hMainIcon[0]; +0x0024 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszMainIcon[8]; /* +0x0024 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszMainInstruction[8]; /* +0x002c 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszContent[8]; /* +0x0034 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char cButtons[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pButtons[8]; /* +0x0040 58 67 00 00 */ unsigned char nDefaultButton[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cRadioButtons[4]; /* +0x004c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pRadioButtons[8]; /* +0x0050 58 67 00 00 */ unsigned char nDefaultRadioButton[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszVerificationText[8]; /* +0x005c 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszExpandedInformation[8]; /* +0x0064 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszExpandedControlText[8]; /* +0x006c 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszCollapsedControlText[8]; /* +0x0074 6d 18 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hFooterIcon[0]; +0x007c f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFooterIcon[8]; /* +0x007c 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFooter[8]; /* +0x0084 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pfCallback[8]; /* +0x008c 5b 67 00 00 */ long long lpCallbackData; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned char cxWidth[4]; /* +0x009c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETMITERLIMIT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char eMiterLimit[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct netent { char *n_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char n_aliases[8]; /* +0x0008 b1 1e 00 00 */ short n_addrtype; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long n_net; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SLIST_HEADER { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Region; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagLOGBRUSH32 { unsigned char lbStyle[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long lbColor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long lbHatch; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagVARIANT { unsigned short vt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wReserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x0006 */ long long llVal; /* +0x0008 */ long lVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bVal; /* +0x0008 */ short iVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char fltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char dblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ short boolVal; /* +0x0008 */ long scode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char cyVal[0]; +0x0008 22 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char date[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrVal[0]; +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char punkVal[0]; +0x0008 27 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdispVal[0]; +0x0008 6e 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char parray[0]; +0x0008 c4 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbVal; /* +0x0008 */ short *piVal; /* +0x0008 */ long *plVal; /* +0x0008 */ long long *pllVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pfltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 06 00 00 */ short *pboolVal; /* +0x0008 */ long *pscode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pcyVal[0]; +0x0008 23 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdate[0]; +0x0008 41 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pbstrVal[0]; +0x0008 6f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppunkVal[0]; +0x0008 28 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppdispVal[0]; +0x0008 6f 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pparray[0]; +0x0008 b9 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pvarVal[0]; +0x0008 0b 18 00 00 */ void *byref; /* +0x0008 */ char cVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short uiVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char intVal[0]; +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdecVal[0]; +0x0008 86 3c 00 00 */ char *pcVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *puiVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *pulVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long *pullVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pintVal[0]; +0x0008 74 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 06 00 00 */ void *pvRecord; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pRecInfo[-16]; +0x0010 de 67 00 00 */ unsigned char decVal[24]; /* +0x0000 85 3c 00 00 */ }; struct tagOCPFIPARAMS { unsigned long cbStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hWndOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszCaption[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long cObjects; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lplpUnk[8]; /* +0x0028 28 19 00 00 */ unsigned long cPages; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char lpPages[8]; /* +0x0038 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned long lcid; /* +0x0040 */ long dispidInitialProperty; /* +0x0044 */ }; enum __vc_attributes::pointer_defaultAttribute::type_e { ptr = 0, ref = 1, unique = 2 }; enum __vc_attributes::threadingAttribute::threading_e { apartment = 1, single = 2, free = 3, neutral = 4, both = 5 }; enum __vc_attributes::event_receiverAttribute::type_e { native = 0, com = 1, managed = 2 }; enum __vc_attributes::aggregatableAttribute::type_e { never = 0, allowed = 1, always = 2 }; enum __vc_attributes::event_sourceAttribute::optimize_e { speed = 0, size = 1 }; enum __vc_attributes::moduleAttribute::type_e { dll = 1, exe = 2, service = 3, unspecified = 4, EXE = 2, SERVICE = 3 }; enum __vc_attributes::helper_attributes::usageAttribute::usage_e { eAnyUsage = 0, eCoClassUsage = 1, eCOMInterfaceUsage = 2, eInterfaceUsage = 6, eMemberUsage = 8, eMethodUsage = 16, eInterfaceMethodUsage = 32, eInterfaceMemberUsage = 64, eCoClassMemberUsage = 128, eCoClassMethodUsage = 256, eGlobalMethodUsage = 768, eGlobalDataUsage = 1024, eClassUsage = 2048, eInterfaceParameterUsage = 4096, eMethodParameterUsage = 12288, eIDLModuleUsage = 16384, = 32770 }; enum __vc_attributes::helper_attributes::v1_alttypeAttribute::type_e { eBoolean = 0, eInteger = 1, eFloat = 2, eDouble = 3 }; struct tagEMRGDICOMMENT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x000c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMENUINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long fMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cyMax[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBack[8]; /* +0x0010 60 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwContextHelpID; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long dwMenuData; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct DLGITEMTEMPLATE { unsigned long style; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwExtendedStyle; /* +0x0004 */ short x; /* +0x0008 */ short y; /* +0x000a */ short cx; /* +0x000c */ short cy; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short id; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ char ShortNameLength; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char ShortName[26]; /* +0x0046 89 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0060 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0068 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagRECONVERTSTRING { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStrLen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwStrOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwCompStrLen; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCompStrOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwTargetStrLen; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwTargetStrOffset; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDelay; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwOptDataSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_VERSION { unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagALTTABINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char cItems[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cColumns[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cRows[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iColFocus[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iRowFocus[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyItem[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptStart[8]; /* +0x0020 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct _userHBITMAP { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHBITMAP::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0007 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 c7 6b 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagTBSAVEPARAMSA { unsigned char hkr[8]; /* +0x0000 8f 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSubKey[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszValueName[8]; /* +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfoexW { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long ai_addrlen; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ai_canonname[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addr[8]; /* +0x0020 97 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ai_bloblen; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ai_provider[8]; /* +0x0038 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[8]; /* +0x0040 68 4d 00 00 */ }; struct _TAPE_CREATE_PARTITION { unsigned long Method; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAA { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwReserved0; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char cFileName[260]; /* +0x002c 9b 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char cAlternateFileName[16]; /* +0x0130 93 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETCOLORSPACE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihCS; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NETRESOURCEA { unsigned long dwScope; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDisplayType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUsage; /* +0x000c */ char *lpLocalName; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpRemoteName; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpComment; /* +0x0020 */ char *lpProvider; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct PPM_IDLESTATE_EVENT { unsigned long NewState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OldState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY { unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PowerButton[12]; /* +0x0004 ac 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char SleepButton[12]; /* +0x0010 ac 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char LidClose[12]; /* +0x001c ac 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char LidOpenWake[4]; /* +0x0028 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char Idle[12]; /* +0x0030 ac 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long IdleTimeout; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char IdleSensitivity; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char DynamicThrottle; /* +0x0041 */ unsigned char Spare2[2]; /* +0x0042 99 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char MinSleep[4]; /* +0x0044 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxSleep[4]; /* +0x0048 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ReducedLatencySleep[4]; /* +0x004c e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned long WinLogonFlags; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long Spare3; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long DozeS4Timeout; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long BroadcastCapacityResolution; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char DischargePolicy[96]; /* +0x0060 a6 6c 00 00 */ unsigned long VideoTimeout; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned char VideoDimDisplay; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned char VideoReserved[12]; /* +0x00c8 29 15 00 00 */ unsigned long SpindownTimeout; /* +0x00d4 */ unsigned char OptimizeForPower; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned char FanThrottleTolerance; /* +0x00d9 */ unsigned char ForcedThrottle; /* +0x00da */ unsigned char MinThrottle; /* +0x00db */ unsigned char OverThrottled[12]; /* +0x00dc ac 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_LIST_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfTransactions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TransactionInformation[16]; /* +0x0004 a9 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_BSTR { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aBstr[8]; /* +0x0008 ae 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3 { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Pool[8]; /* +0x0008 c9 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroup[8]; /* +0x0010 ca 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroupCancelCallback[8]; /* +0x0018 cc 6c 00 00 */ void *RaceDll; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[8]; /* +0x0028 ce 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char FinalizationCallback[24]; /* +0x0030 d1 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_STACKCHECK_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Permanent[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 cc 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOUNDSENTRYW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectMSec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectColorBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectMSec; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectColor; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long iWindowsEffect; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectMSec; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char lpszWindowsEffectDLL[8]; /* +0x0028 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectOrdinal; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _OLESTREAM { unsigned char lpstbl[8]; /* +0x0000 eb 6c 00 00 */ }; struct TBMETRICS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char cxPad[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyPad[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxBarPad[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyBarPad[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxButtonSpacing[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyButtonSpacing[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNA { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char nVirtKey[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFormat[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0028 6e 18 00 00 */ }; struct DXGI_RGB { unsigned char Red[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Green[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Blue[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long StartingAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndingAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long EndOfPrologue; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagMEASUREITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemWidth[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemHeight[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long itemData; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RPC_PROTSEQ_ENDPOINT { unsigned char *RpcProtocolSequence; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *Endpoint; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNMCUSTOMSPLITRECTINFO { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcClient[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcButton[16]; /* +0x0028 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcSplit[16]; /* +0x0038 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMSELCHANGE { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char stSelStart[16]; /* +0x0018 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char stSelEnd[16]; /* +0x0028 6e 18 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_THERMALCHANGE_EVENT { unsigned long ThermalConstraint; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTW { unsigned char elfLogFont[92]; /* +0x0000 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[128]; /* +0x005c 12 24 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[64]; /* +0x00dc b0 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVITEMW { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0008 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSelectedImage[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cChildren[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagCAL { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ long *pElems; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO { void *hThread; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpThreadLocalBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpStartAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 d7 18 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_RENAME_INFO { unsigned char ReplaceIfExists; /* +0x0000 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_SIGNAL_INFO { unsigned long long pixelRate; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hSyncFreq[8]; /* +0x0008 0b 6e 00 00 */ unsigned char vSyncFreq[8]; /* +0x0010 0b 6e 00 00 */ unsigned char activeSize[8]; /* +0x0018 0c 6e 00 00 */ unsigned char totalSize[8]; /* +0x0020 0c 6e 00 00 */ unsigned char videoStandard[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char scanLineOrdering[4]; /* +0x002c 0d 6e 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMKEY { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char nVKey[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uFlags[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER { unsigned char Name[40]; /* +0x0000 5a 15 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER:: { unsigned long PhysicalAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagBITMAP { long bmType; /* +0x0000 */ long bmWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long bmHeight; /* +0x0008 */ long bmWidthBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bmPlanes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short bmBitsPixel; /* +0x0012 */ void *bmBits; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_FONT_INFO { unsigned long nFont; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwFontSize[4]; /* +0x0004 91 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagSTGOPTIONS { unsigned short usVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long ulSectorSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pwcsTemplateFile[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct _DISCDLGSTRUCTW { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpLocalName[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRemoteName[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagNMVIEWCHANGE { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOldView; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwNewView; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagLOCALESIGNATURE { unsigned char lsUsb[16]; /* +0x0000 99 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char lsCsbDefault[8]; /* +0x0010 9a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char lsCsbSupported[8]; /* +0x0018 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagVersionedStream { unsigned char guidVersion[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pStream[8]; /* +0x0010 34 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTVCUSTOMDRAW { unsigned char nmcd[80]; /* +0x0000 5e 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long clrText; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long clrTextBk; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char iLevel[8]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_PROCESS_ID_LIST { unsigned long NumberOfAssignedProcesses; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessIdsInList; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ProcessIdList[8]; /* +0x0008 28 6f 00 00 */ }; struct _flowspec { unsigned long TokenRate; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TokenBucketSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PeakBandwidth; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Latency; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DelayVariation; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ServiceType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxSduSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MinimumPolicedSize; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _REMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long nLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long lpSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bInheritHandle[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE { unsigned long long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMITEMACTIVATE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uNewState[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uOldState[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uChanged[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptAction[12]; /* +0x002c 49 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char uKeyFlags[8]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySetW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszServiceInstanceName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpServiceClassId[8]; /* +0x0010 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpVersion[8]; /* +0x0018 be 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszComment[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[8]; /* +0x0030 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszContext[8]; /* +0x0038 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[8]; /* +0x0048 c0 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszQueryString[8]; /* +0x0050 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[8]; /* +0x0060 c2 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char lpBlob[8]; /* +0x0070 c4 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICA { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char tmLastChar; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char tmBreakChar; /* +0x002f */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0031 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0033 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ntmFlags; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char ntmSizeEM[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmCellHeight[4]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmAvgWidth[4]; /* +0x0044 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagSTYLEBUFA { unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDescription[32]; /* +0x0004 d2 4a 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ARM_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UnwindData; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Flag[0]; +0x0004 b1 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FunctionLength[0]; +0x0004 b2 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ret[0]; +0x0004 8b 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char H[0]; +0x0004 8c 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reg[0]; +0x0004 b3 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char R[0]; +0x0004 b4 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char L[0]; +0x0004 8e 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char C[0]; +0x0004 8f 58 00 00 */ unsigned char StackAdjust[4]; /* +0x0004 b5 6f 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAUH { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 59 59 00 00 */ }; struct NUMPARSE { unsigned char cDig[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOutFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cchUsed[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nBaseShift[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nPwr10[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagSIZE { long cx; /* +0x0000 */ long cy; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct LVINSERTMARK { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagTOUCH_HIT_TESTING_INPUT { unsigned char pointerId[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char point[8]; /* +0x0004 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char boundingBox[16]; /* +0x000c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char nonOccludedBoundingBox[16]; /* +0x001c 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char orientation[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVINSERTSTRUCTA { unsigned char hParent[8]; /* +0x0000 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char hInsertAfter[8]; /* +0x0008 26 18 00 00 */ /* unsigned char itemex[0]; +0x0010 05 53 00 00 */ unsigned char item[80]; /* +0x0010 96 1c 00 00 */ }; struct DXGI_GAMMA_CONTROL_CAPABILITIES { unsigned char ScaleAndOffsetSupported[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxConvertedValue[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MinConvertedValue[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NumGammaControlPoints[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ControlPointPositions[4100]; /* +0x0010 43 71 00 00 */ }; struct POWERBROADCAST_SETTING { unsigned char PowerSetting[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0014 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _tagPROTOCOLFILTERDATA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pProtocolSink[8]; /* +0x0008 76 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char pProtocol[8]; /* +0x0010 8d 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[8]; /* +0x0018 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFilterFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { unsigned short bfType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long bfSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short bfReserved1; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short bfReserved2; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long bfOffBits; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW { unsigned char lpDescription[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct SCOPE_ID { /* unsigned char Zone[0]; +0x0000 61 71 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Level[0]; +0x0000 62 71 00 00 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _ldiv_t { long quot; /* +0x0000 */ long rem; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct BUTTON_IMAGELIST { unsigned char himl[8]; /* +0x0000 f3 16 00 00 */ unsigned char margin[16]; /* +0x0008 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uAlign[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WGLSWAP { unsigned char hdc[8]; /* +0x0000 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char uiFlags[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FIXED { unsigned short fract; /* +0x0000 */ short value; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _iobuf { char *_ptr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char _cnt[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ char *_base; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char _flag[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _file[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _charbuf[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _bufsiz[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ char *_tmpfname; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _COLORMAP { unsigned long from; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long to; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagTBSAVEPARAMSW { unsigned char hkr[8]; /* +0x0000 8f 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSubKey[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszValueName[8]; /* +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ }; struct _PSINJECTDATA { unsigned long DataBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short InjectionPoint; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short PageNumber; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _RGNDATA { unsigned char rdh[32]; /* +0x0000 3f 72 00 00 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0020 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszLoggedUrlName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char StartTime[16]; /* +0x0010 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char EndTime[16]; /* +0x0020 6e 18 00 00 */ char *lpszExtendedInfo; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _tagOLECMDTEXT { unsigned long cmdtextf; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cwActual; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cwBuf; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgwz[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER { unsigned char type[4]; /* +0x0000 93 72 00 00 */ unsigned char size[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0008 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTFLOODFILL { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlStart[8]; /* +0x0008 e3 15 00 00 */ unsigned long crColor; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagLITEM { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iLink[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char szID[96]; /* +0x0010 c1 72 00 00 */ unsigned char szUrl[4168]; /* +0x0070 3d 5b 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENTLOG_FULL_INFORMATION { unsigned long dwFull; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagTVDISPINFOEXA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[80]; /* +0x0018 05 53 00 00 */ }; struct _XSAVE_AREA { unsigned char LegacyState[512]; /* +0x0000 a6 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Header[64]; /* +0x0200 5a 71 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGFONTA { long lfHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long lfWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long lfEscapement; /* +0x0008 */ long lfOrientation; /* +0x000c */ long lfWeight; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lfItalic; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lfUnderline; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char lfStrikeOut; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char lfCharSet; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char lfOutPrecision; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lfClipPrecision; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char lfQuality; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char lfPitchAndFamily; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char lfFaceName[32]; /* +0x001c d2 4a 00 00 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUTDEVICE { unsigned short usUsagePage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short usUsage; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagCONNECTDATA { unsigned char pUnk[8]; /* +0x0000 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCookie; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct QITAB { unsigned char piid[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char dwOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TTGETTITLE { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char uTitleBitmap[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cch[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sbz1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Control; /* +0x0002 */ void *Owner; /* +0x0008 */ void *Group; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Sacl[8]; /* +0x0018 94 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Dacl[8]; /* +0x0020 94 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA { unsigned char StreamSize[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char cStreamName[592]; /* +0x0008 ee 73 00 00 */ }; struct tagPARAMDATA { unsigned char szName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _HD_HITTESTINFO { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMHDFILTERBTNCLICK { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rc[20]; /* +0x001c 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0044 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVBKIMAGEW { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hbm[8]; /* +0x0008 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszImage[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchImageMax[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char xOffsetPercent[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char yOffsetPercent[8]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDATETIMECHANGE { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char st[20]; /* +0x001c 6e 18 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_PLATFORM_INFORMATION { unsigned char Role[4]; /* +0x0000 ff 61 00 00 */ unsigned char AoAc; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NameString[2]; /* +0x0002 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _USER_MARSHAL_CB { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pStubMsg[8]; /* +0x0008 2b 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pReserve[8]; /* +0x0010 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CBType[4]; /* +0x001c 1d 74 00 00 */ unsigned char pFormat[8]; /* +0x0020 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pTypeFormat[8]; /* +0x0028 59 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_STRICT_HANDLE_CHECK_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RaiseExceptionOnInvalidHandleReference[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HandleExceptionsPermanentlyEnabled[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 f9 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagTTPOLYCURVE { unsigned short wType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short cpfx; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char apfx[8]; /* +0x0004 4d 74 00 00 */ }; struct tagTCITEMW { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStateMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _TP_POOL_STACK_INFORMATION { unsigned long long StackReserve; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long StackCommit; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V4_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagTOOLINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uFlags[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long uId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rect[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hinst[8]; /* +0x0028 ed 15 00 00 */ char *lpszText; /* +0x0030 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0038 */ void *lpReserved; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _NT_TIB32 { unsigned long ExceptionList; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StackBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long StackLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SubSystemTib; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FiberData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ArbitraryUserPointer; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Self; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TAPE_PREPARE { unsigned long Operation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Immediate; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RESOURCEMANAGER_COMPLETION_INFORMATION { void *IoCompletionPortHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long CompletionKey; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IMAGEINFO { unsigned char hbmImage[8]; /* +0x0000 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmMask[8]; /* +0x0008 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Unused1[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Unused2[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcImage[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagLHITTESTINFO { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[4280]; /* +0x0008 41 75 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long ElementCount; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Elements[0]; +0x0004 44 75 00 00 */ }; struct NMTBDISPINFOW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char idCommand[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char iImage[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchText[8]; /* +0x0038 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEXTLOGFONTW { unsigned char elfLogFont[92]; /* +0x0000 2a 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[128]; /* +0x005c 12 24 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[64]; /* +0x00dc b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned long elfVersion; /* +0x011c */ unsigned long elfStyleSize; /* +0x0120 */ unsigned long elfMatch; /* +0x0124 */ unsigned long elfReserved; /* +0x0128 */ unsigned char elfVendorId[4]; /* +0x012c 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long elfCulture; /* +0x0130 */ unsigned char elfPanose[12]; /* +0x0134 37 1c 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DEVICE_NAME { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 6d 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char viewGdiDeviceName[64]; /* +0x0014 b0 18 00 00 */ }; struct _QualityOfService { unsigned char SendingFlowspec[32]; /* +0x0000 0e 67 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceivingFlowspec[32]; /* +0x0020 0e 67 00 00 */ unsigned char ProviderSpecific[16]; /* +0x0040 6a 21 00 00 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_dimm_0000_0000_0014 { unsigned long dwPrivateDataSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long fdwProperty; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long fdwConversionCaps; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long fdwSentenceCaps; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long fdwUICaps; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long fdwSCSCaps; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long fdwSelectCaps; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lgpl[8]; /* +0x000c 7b 65 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEBRUSHINDIRECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lb[12]; /* +0x000c c8 1d 00 00 */ }; struct TBBUTTONINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char idCommand[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fsState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fsStyle; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned short cx; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long long lParam; /* +0x0018 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cchText[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_UI_RESTRICTIONS { unsigned long UIRestrictionsClass; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct pvalueA { char *pv_valuename; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pv_valuelen[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ void *pv_value_context; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long pv_type; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SECURITY_CAPABILITIES { void *AppContainerSid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Capabilities[8]; /* +0x0008 af 21 00 00 */ unsigned long CapabilityCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION { void *TransactionKey; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TransactionNotification; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TmVirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ArgumentLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagBITMAPINFO { unsigned char bmiHeader[40]; /* +0x0000 2c 5f 00 00 */ unsigned char bmiColors[4]; /* +0x0028 5d 76 00 00 */ }; struct _COMMTIMEOUTS { unsigned long ReadIntervalTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned long ReparseTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ReparseDataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char ReparseGuid[20]; /* +0x0008 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER:: { unsigned char DataBuffer[1]; /* +0x0000 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TOKEN_DEF { unsigned char bAuxType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned long SymbolTableIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[12]; /* +0x0006 9a 1b 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGCOLORSPACEA { unsigned long lcsSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long lcsVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long lcsSize; /* +0x0008 */ long lcsCSType; /* +0x000c */ long lcsIntent; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lcsEndpoints[36]; /* +0x0014 97 58 00 00 */ unsigned long lcsGammaRed; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long lcsGammaGreen; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long lcsGammaBlue; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char lcsFilename[260]; /* +0x0044 9b 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP { void *PrimaryGroup; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_DISPATCH { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char apDispatch[8]; /* +0x0008 6f 17 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ImpersonationLevel[4]; /* +0x0004 e1 59 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextTrackingMode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char EffectiveOnly; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct tagPELARRAY { long paXCount; /* +0x0000 */ long paYCount; /* +0x0004 */ long paXExt; /* +0x0008 */ long paYExt; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char paRGBs; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagNMIPADDRESS { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iField[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iValue[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned long crc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[14]; /* +0x0004 84 77 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0008 */ short Number; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Selection; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x000f */ short HighNumber; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned char Name[18]; /* +0x0000 89 77 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned long TagIndex; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:::::: { unsigned char Dimension[8]; /* +0x0000 bb 5f 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:::::: { unsigned long PointerToLinenumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PointerToNextFunction; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:::::: { unsigned short Linenumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagCURSORSHAPE { unsigned char xHotSpot[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char yHotSpot[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWidth[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Planes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char BitsPixel; /* +0x0015 */ }; struct tagI_RpcProxyCallbackInterface { unsigned char IsValidMachineFn[8]; /* +0x0000 a3 5c 00 00 */ unsigned char GetClientAddressFn[8]; /* +0x0008 cf 6d 00 00 */ unsigned char GetConnectionTimeoutFn[8]; /* +0x0010 df 46 00 00 */ unsigned char PerformCalloutFn[8]; /* +0x0018 94 49 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeCalloutStateFn[8]; /* +0x0020 1d 59 00 00 */ unsigned char GetClientSessionAndResourceUUIDFn[8]; /* +0x0028 bf 77 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxyFilterIfFn[8]; /* +0x0030 c2 77 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProxyUpdatePerfCounterFn[8]; /* +0x0038 6f 58 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProxyUpdatePerfCounterBackendServerFn[8]; /* +0x0040 06 5b 00 00 */ }; struct _tagStartParam { unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pIBindCtx[8]; /* +0x0010 c3 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char pItf[8]; /* +0x0018 27 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagExtentInfo { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwExtentMode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char sizelProposed[8]; /* +0x0008 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct tagHW_PROFILE_INFOW { unsigned long dwDockInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szHwProfileGuid[78]; /* +0x0004 d9 77 00 00 */ unsigned char szHwProfileName[162]; /* +0x0052 16 22 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMREBARAUTOBREAK { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uBand[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char uMsg[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fStyleCurrent[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fAutoBreak[8]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NameString[2]; /* +0x0002 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct tagICONMETRICSW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHorzSpacing[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iVertSpacing[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTitleWrap[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfFont[92]; /* +0x0010 2a 1a 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTF { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO { unsigned long cTriggers; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pTriggers[8]; /* +0x0008 69 21 00 00 */ unsigned char *pReserved; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _tagCODEBASEHOLD { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDistUnit[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char szCodeBase[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersionMS; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwVersionLS; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _REMOTE_NAME_INFOW { unsigned char lpUniversalName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpConnectionName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRemainingPath[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OCTET_STRING_VALUE { void *pValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLESTATE_POLICY { unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEA_V3 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 fb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderTitle[8]; /* +0x0048 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderSubTitle[8]; /* +0x0050 ee 15 00 00 */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE { unsigned char DispatchTableCount[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[8]; /* +0x0008 37 79 00 00 */ long long Reserved; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct NMCBEDRAGBEGINA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItemid[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char szText[260]; /* +0x001c 9b 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER { unsigned char SyntaxGUID[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SyntaxVersion[4]; /* +0x0010 2a 54 00 00 */ }; struct _TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char ECC; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Compression; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char DataPadding; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ReportSetmarks; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long DefaultBlockSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaximumBlockSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MinimumBlockSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MaximumPartitionCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long FeaturesLow; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long FeaturesHigh; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EOTWarningZoneSize; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagRAWINPUTHEADER { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *hDevice; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long wParam; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct NMPGSCROLL { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned short fwKeys; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char rcParent[16]; /* +0x001a 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iDir[4]; /* +0x002a 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iXpos[4]; /* +0x002e 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iYpos[4]; /* +0x0032 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScroll[4]; /* +0x0036 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2 { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClassID[16]; /* +0x000c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MetaDataSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MetaDataOffset; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _COSERVERINFO { unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwszName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pAuthInfo[8]; /* +0x0010 cf 7a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_PERF_STATES { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurrentState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxPerfState; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MinPerfState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LowestPerfState; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ThermalConstraint; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char BusyAdjThreshold; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char PolicyType; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x001f */ unsigned long TimerInterval; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long TargetProcessors; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PStateHandler; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long PStateContext; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long TStateHandler; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long TStateContext; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long FeedbackHandler; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char State[64]; /* +0x0050 e8 7a 00 00 */ }; struct RPC_IF_ID_VECTOR { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char IfId[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 7a 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE { unsigned char Length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceId[20]; /* +0x0004 62 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferSyntax[24]; /* +0x0018 62 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[8]; /* +0x0030 57 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpointCount[8]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpoint[8]; /* +0x0040 ff 3b 00 00 */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char InterpreterInfo[8]; /* +0x0050 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[8]; /* +0x0058 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _GENERIC_MAPPING { unsigned long GenericRead; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long GenericWrite; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long GenericExecute; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long GenericAll; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagSTATSTG { unsigned char pwcsName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long type; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0010 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char mtime[8]; /* +0x0018 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ctime[8]; /* +0x0020 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char atime[8]; /* +0x0028 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long grfMode; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long grfLocksSupported; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0038 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long grfStateBits; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long reserved; /* +0x004c */ }; struct COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCopyFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfCancel[8]; /* +0x0008 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pProgressRoutine[8]; /* +0x0010 8e 53 00 00 */ void *pvCallbackContext; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CrtMemState { unsigned char pBlockHeader[8]; /* +0x0000 44 7b 00 00 */ unsigned char lCounts[40]; /* +0x0008 a0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char lSizes[40]; /* +0x0030 a0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long long lHighWaterCount; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long lTotalCount; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES { unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Privileges[12]; /* +0x0004 37 5a 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPCOLEMESSAGE { void *reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dataRepresentation; /* +0x0008 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbBuffer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long iMethod; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char reserved2[40]; /* +0x0020 9a 7b 00 00 */ unsigned long rpcFlags; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _HD_LAYOUT { unsigned char prc[8]; /* +0x0000 3e 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pwpos[8]; /* +0x0008 39 57 00 00 */ }; struct provider_info { unsigned char pi_R0_1val[8]; /* +0x0000 40 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pi_R0_allvals[8]; /* +0x0008 40 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pi_R3_1val[8]; /* +0x0010 40 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pi_R3_allvals[8]; /* +0x0018 40 16 00 00 */ unsigned long pi_flags; /* +0x0020 */ void *pi_key_context; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC { unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Quality[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_LEGACY_PERFSTATE { unsigned long Frequency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PercentFrequency; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct SHELLHOOKINFO { unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rc[16]; /* +0x0008 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V4_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagBUTTON_SPLITINFO { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char himlGlyph[8]; /* +0x0008 f3 16 00 00 */ unsigned char uSplitStyle[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char size[12]; /* +0x0014 b9 17 00 00 */ }; struct _GROUP_AFFINITY { unsigned long long Mask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Group; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Reserved[6]; /* +0x000a 5f 7c 00 00 */ }; struct BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE { unsigned long Granularity; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capacity; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO { unsigned char sourceInfo[20]; /* +0x0000 67 7c 00 00 */ unsigned char targetInfo[48]; /* +0x0014 68 7c 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0044 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwSelectionAnchor[4]; /* +0x0004 91 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char srSelection[8]; /* +0x0008 59 51 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORYSTATUSEX { unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMemoryLoad; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long ullTotalPhys; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullAvailPhys; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullTotalPageFile; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ullAvailPageFile; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ullTotalVirtual; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ullAvailVirtual; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ullAvailExtendedVirtual; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct tagCHARSETINFO { unsigned char ciCharset[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ciACP[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fs[24]; /* +0x0008 db 45 00 00 */ }; struct tagPROPSPEC { unsigned long ulKind; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long propid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpwstr[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRGLSBOUNDEDRECORD { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANETWORKEVENTS { long lNetworkEvents; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char iErrorCode[40]; /* +0x0004 a7 7d 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_OS2_HEADER { unsigned short ne_magic; /* +0x0000 */ char ne_ver; /* +0x0002 */ char ne_rev; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short ne_enttab; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ne_cbenttab; /* +0x0006 */ long ne_crc; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ne_flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short ne_autodata; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short ne_heap; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short ne_stack; /* +0x0012 */ long ne_csip; /* +0x0014 */ long ne_sssp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short ne_cseg; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short ne_cmod; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short ne_cbnrestab; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short ne_segtab; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned short ne_rsrctab; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short ne_restab; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned short ne_modtab; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short ne_imptab; /* +0x002a */ long ne_nrestab; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short ne_cmovent; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short ne_align; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned short ne_cres; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char ne_exetyp; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned char ne_flagsothers; /* +0x0037 */ unsigned short ne_pretthunks; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short ne_psegrefbytes; /* +0x003a */ unsigned short ne_swaparea; /* +0x003c */ unsigned short ne_expver; /* +0x003e */ }; struct tagIMEMENUITEMINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[8]; /* +0x0010 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[8]; /* +0x0018 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char szString[164]; /* +0x0024 16 22 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[8]; /* +0x00c8 67 15 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_RUN_LEVEL_INFORMATION { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RunLevel[4]; /* +0x0004 c8 7d 00 00 */ unsigned long UiAccess; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO { unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0000 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char modeInfoIdx[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char outputTechnology[4]; /* +0x0010 cb 7d 00 00 */ unsigned char rotation[4]; /* +0x0014 cc 7d 00 00 */ unsigned char scaling[4]; /* +0x0018 cd 7d 00 00 */ unsigned char refreshRate[8]; /* +0x001c 0b 6e 00 00 */ unsigned char scanLineOrdering[4]; /* +0x0024 0d 6e 00 00 */ unsigned char targetAvailable[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char statusFlags[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_ASSEMBLY_METADATA { void *lpInformation; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpSectionBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulSectionLength; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpSectionGlobalDataBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulSectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagHANDLETABLE { unsigned char objectHandle[8]; /* +0x0000 f4 7d 00 00 */ }; struct _NT_TIB { unsigned char ExceptionList[8]; /* +0x0000 0b 7e 00 00 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0008 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x0010 */ void *SubSystemTib; /* +0x0018 */ void *FiberData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0020 */ void *ArbitraryUserPointer; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Self[8]; /* +0x0030 58 51 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64 { unsigned long long StartAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long AddressOfIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long AddressOfCallBacks; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SizeOfZeroFill; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagMDICREATESTRUCTW { unsigned char szClass[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szTitle[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ void *hOwner; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long style; /* +0x0028 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _DRAWPATRECT { unsigned char ptPosition[8]; /* +0x0000 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptSize[8]; /* +0x0008 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned short wStyle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wPattern; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO { unsigned char infoType[4]; /* +0x0000 5d 7e 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0008 cf 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char targetMode[0]; +0x0010 6e 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char sourceMode[48]; /* +0x0010 5e 7e 00 00 */ }; struct NMCOMBOBOXEXW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ceItem[56]; /* +0x0018 81 7e 00 00 */ }; struct _tagEDITBALLOONTIP { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char ttiIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRBITBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long cxDest; /* +0x0020 */ long cyDest; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0028 */ long xSrc; /* +0x002c */ long ySrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0034 aa 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct tagOleMenuGroupWidths { unsigned char width[24]; /* +0x0000 96 7e 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAFLT { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 40 06 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSW { unsigned long dwResetPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpRebootMsg[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCommand[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long cActions; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpsaActions[8]; /* +0x0020 13 57 00 00 */ }; struct tagMDINEXTMENU { unsigned char hmenuIn[8]; /* +0x0000 e5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char hmenuNext[8]; /* +0x0008 e5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndNext[8]; /* +0x0010 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRT_FLOAT { unsigned char f[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct UDATE { unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0000 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned short wDayOfYear; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _APPLICATIONLAUNCH_SETTING_VALUE { unsigned char ActivationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ButtonInstanceID; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _userCLIPFORMAT::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0001 { unsigned long dwValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwszName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _userHMETAFILEPICT { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHMETAFILEPICT::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0005 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 55 7f 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagCALPSTR { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 b1 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V5_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _wfinddata32_t { unsigned char attrib[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ long time_create; /* +0x0004 */ long time_access; /* +0x0008 */ long time_write; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long size; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char name[520]; /* +0x0014 ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct _LDOUBLE { unsigned char ld[10]; /* +0x0000 95 56 00 00 */ }; struct _MALLOC_FREE_STRUCT { unsigned char pfnAllocate[8]; /* +0x0000 9d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[8]; /* +0x0008 38 1a 00 00 */ }; struct _tagDATAINFO { unsigned long ulTotalSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulavrPacketSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulConnectSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulProcessorSpeed; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V2_W { unsigned char TransportCredentials[8]; /* +0x0000 02 3b 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ProxyCredentials[8]; /* +0x0028 02 3b 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct CONFIRMSAFETY { unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[8]; /* +0x0010 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Action; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagAspectInfo { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ENLISTMENT_CRM_INFORMATION { unsigned char CrmTransactionManagerId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CrmResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CrmEnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0020 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD64 { unsigned long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long ExceptionRecord; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ExceptionAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long __unusedAlignment; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[120]; /* +0x0020 dd 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRRESIZEPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cEntries; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagNMLINK { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[4280]; /* +0x0018 41 75 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_PERF_STATES_EX { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurrentState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxPerfState; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MinPerfState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LowestPerfState; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ThermalConstraint; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char BusyAdjThreshold; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char PolicyType; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x001f */ unsigned long TimerInterval; /* +0x0020 */ void *TargetProcessors; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PStateHandler; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long PStateContext; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long TStateHandler; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long TStateContext; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long FeedbackHandler; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char State[64]; /* +0x0050 e8 7a 00 00 */ }; struct tagCBT_CREATEWNDA { unsigned char lpcs[8]; /* +0x0000 ec 62 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndInsertAfter[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char Luid[8]; /* +0x0000 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SID { unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SubAuthorityCount; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char IdentifierAuthority[6]; /* +0x0002 8c 16 00 00 */ unsigned char SubAuthority[4]; /* +0x0008 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST { unsigned short Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sbz; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ObjectType[8]; /* +0x0008 bc 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagDATETIMEPICKERINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcCheck[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned long stateCheck; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char rcButton[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned long stateButton; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char hwndEdit[8]; /* +0x0030 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndUD[8]; /* +0x0038 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndDropDown[8]; /* +0x0040 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { long Bias; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StandardName[64]; /* +0x0004 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardDate[16]; /* +0x0044 6e 18 00 00 */ long StandardBias; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char DaylightName[64]; /* +0x0058 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DaylightDate[16]; /* +0x0098 6e 18 00 00 */ long DaylightBias; /* +0x00a8 */ }; struct _POWER_MONITOR_INVOCATION { unsigned char On; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Console; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct tagNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS { unsigned char rgrc[48]; /* +0x0000 27 81 00 00 */ unsigned char lppos[8]; /* +0x0030 39 57 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_ASLR_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char EnableStackRandomization[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EnableForceRelocateImages[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EnableHighEntropy[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisallowStrippedImages[0]; +0x0000 ed 34 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 37 81 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_DESCRIPTOR:: { unsigned long AllAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RvaBased[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedAttributes[4]; /* +0x0000 cc 15 00 00 */ }; struct TBINSERTMARK { unsigned char iButton[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSA { unsigned long fIsLocked; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpLockOwner; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwLockDuration; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagEMRGRADIENTFILL { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 a9 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nVer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long nTri; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ulMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Ver[16]; /* +0x0024 7d 81 00 00 */ }; struct tagTPMPARAMS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcExclude[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagQACONTAINER { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pClientSite[8]; /* +0x0008 ef 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char pAdviseSink[8]; /* +0x0010 d4 81 00 00 */ unsigned char pPropertyNotifySink[8]; /* +0x0018 df 55 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnkEventSink[8]; /* +0x0020 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAmbientFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long colorFore; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long colorBack; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pFont[8]; /* +0x0038 a2 7c 00 00 */ unsigned char pUndoMgr[8]; /* +0x0040 3c 47 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAppearance; /* +0x0048 */ long lcid; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char hpal[8]; /* +0x0050 b7 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pBindHost[8]; /* +0x0058 e9 52 00 00 */ unsigned char pOleControlSite[8]; /* +0x0060 dd 7c 00 00 */ unsigned char pServiceProvider[8]; /* +0x0068 8f 28 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOMBOBOXEXITEMA { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ long long iItem; /* +0x0008 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSelectedImage[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iOverlay[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iIndent[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagFORMATETC { unsigned short cfFormat; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ptd[8]; /* +0x0008 55 63 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAspect; /* +0x0010 */ long lindex; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ENLISTMENT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char EnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TransactionId[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0020 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagPARSEDURLW { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszProtocol[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char cchProtocol[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSuffix[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char cchSuffix[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nScheme[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ROM_OPTIONAL_HEADER { unsigned short Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long BaseOfData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BaseOfBss; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long GprMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char CprMask[16]; /* +0x0024 99 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 72 83 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPadding; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned char CopyPhase[4]; /* +0x0000 7e 83 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hrFailure[4]; /* +0x0008 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char uliChunkNumber[8]; /* +0x0010 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0018 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0020 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0028 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0030 39 53 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0018 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0020 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0028 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0030 39 53 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0018 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0020 39 53 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char uliChunkNumber[8]; /* +0x0018 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliChunkSize[8]; /* +0x0020 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0028 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0030 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0038 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0040 39 53 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char uliChunkNumber[8]; /* +0x0018 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliChunkSize[8]; /* +0x0020 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0028 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0030 39 53 00 00 */ }; struct _INPUT_RECORD { unsigned short EventType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_W { unsigned char TransportCredentials[8]; /* +0x0000 02 3b 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION { unsigned long AceCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AclBytesInUse; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AclBytesFree; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TAPE_WRITE_MARKS { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Immediate; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32 { unsigned long StartAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AddressOfIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AddressOfCallBacks; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfZeroFill; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT { void *CompletionKey; /* +0x0000 */ void *CompletionPort; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagELEMDESC { unsigned char tdesc[16]; /* +0x0000 a7 46 00 00 */ /* unsigned char idldesc[0]; +0x0010 d2 59 00 00 */ unsigned char paramdesc[16]; /* +0x0010 ff 83 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short OffsetModuleName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _TOKEN_DEVICE_CLAIMS { void *DeviceClaims; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct pvalueW { unsigned char pv_valuename[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pv_valuelen[8]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ void *pv_value_context; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long pv_type; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ACCESS_REASONS { unsigned char Data[128]; /* +0x0000 8e 84 00 00 */ }; struct cmsghdr { unsigned long long cmsg_len; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char cmsg_level[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cmsg_type[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tm { unsigned char tm_sec[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_min[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_hour[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_mday[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_mon[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_year[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_wday[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_yday[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_isdst[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct linger { unsigned short l_onoff; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short l_linger; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _INPUT_RECORD:: { /* unsigned char KeyEvent[0]; +0x0000 9b 85 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MouseEvent[0]; +0x0000 4b 5b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WindowBufferSizeEvent[0]; +0x0000 9c 85 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MenuEvent[0]; +0x0000 e3 62 00 00 */ unsigned char FocusEvent[16]; /* +0x0000 db 7f 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_LINENUMBER:: { unsigned long SymbolTableIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY { unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagNMLISTVIEW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uNewState[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uOldState[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uChanged[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptAction[12]; /* +0x002c 49 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _PSFEATURE_CUSTPAPER { long lOrientation; /* +0x0000 */ long lWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long lHeight; /* +0x0008 */ long lWidthOffset; /* +0x000c */ long lHeightOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagCUSTDATAITEM { unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char varValue[24]; /* +0x0010 0a 18 00 00 */ }; struct _RGNDATAHEADER { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long iType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long nCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long nRgnSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rcBound[16]; /* +0x0010 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMLVSCROLL { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char dx[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dy[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRFORMAT { unsigned long dSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offData; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagTOOLINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uFlags[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long uId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rect[16]; /* +0x0018 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hinst[8]; /* +0x0028 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszText[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0038 */ void *lpReserved; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct tagLOGBRUSH { unsigned char lbStyle[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long lbColor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long lbHatch; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _xml_error { unsigned char _nLine[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _pchBuf[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char _cchBuf[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _ich[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _pszFound[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char _pszExpected[8]; /* +0x0020 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long _reserved1; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long _reserved2; /* +0x002c */ }; struct tagLVSETINFOTIP { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RemotableHandle::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0009 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ long hRemote; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _OVERLAPPED { unsigned long long Internal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long InternalHigh; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long OffsetHigh; /* +0x0014 */ void *Pointer; /* +0x0010 */ void *hEvent; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_HID { unsigned long dwVendorId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProductId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwVersionNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short usUsagePage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short usUsage; /* +0x000e */ }; struct tagOIFI { unsigned char cb[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMDIApp[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndFrame[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char haccel[8]; /* +0x0010 22 18 00 00 */ unsigned char cAccelEntries[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _QOS_SD_MODE { unsigned char ObjectHdr[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 5b 00 00 */ unsigned long ShapeDiscardMode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagTVDISPINFOEXW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[80]; /* +0x0018 64 4e 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETMAPPERFLAGS { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS { unsigned char ACLineStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BatteryFlag; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char BatteryLifePercent; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long BatteryLifeTime; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BatteryFullLifeTime; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_MODE { unsigned char targetVideoSignalInfo[48]; /* +0x0000 d5 87 00 00 */ }; struct _FILEMUIINFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFileType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pChecksum[16]; /* +0x000c bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char pServiceChecksum[16]; /* +0x001c bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLanguageNameOffset; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMainSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMainOffset; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwTypeNameMainOffset; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMUISize; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMUIOffset; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwTypeNameMUIOffset; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char abBuffer[8]; /* +0x0048 5a 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMTVSTATEIMAGECHANGING { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hti[8]; /* +0x0018 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char iOldStateImageIndex[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iNewStateImageIndex[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_COUNTERS { unsigned long long ReadOperationCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long WriteOperationCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long OtherOperationCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ReadTransferCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long WriteTransferCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long OtherTransferCount; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_KEYBOARD { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSubType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwKeyboardMode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfFunctionKeys; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwNumberOfIndicators; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfKeysTotal; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _userHPALETTE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHPALETTE::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0008 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 7c 65 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userBITMAP { long bmType; /* +0x0000 */ long bmWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long bmHeight; /* +0x0008 */ long bmWidthBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bmPlanes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short bmBitsPixel; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pBuffer[4]; /* +0x0018 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVFOOTERINFO { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cItems[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClassID[16]; /* +0x000c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MetaDataSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MetaDataOffset; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NumberOfSections; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long PointerToSymbolTable; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long NumberOfSymbols; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _WSANSClassInfoW { unsigned char lpszName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwValueType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwValueSize; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpValue; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct RPC_CLIENT_INFORMATION1 { unsigned char *UserName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *ComputerName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Privilege; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AuthFlags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SE_IMPERSONATION_STATE { void *Token; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CopyOnOpen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char EffectiveOnly; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char Level[4]; /* +0x000c e1 59 00 00 */ }; struct tagDRAWITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemAction[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemState[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[8]; /* +0x0018 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hDC[8]; /* +0x0020 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char rcItem[16]; /* +0x0028 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long itemData; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _TypeDescriptor { unsigned char pVFTable[8]; /* +0x0000 5d 1e 00 00 */ void *spare; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char name[0]; +0x0010 70 89 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST { unsigned long cAuthInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aAuthInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 0e 4e 00 00 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICEXW { unsigned char ntmTm[76]; /* +0x0000 f1 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmFontSig[24]; /* +0x004c db 45 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_INFO:: { unsigned char hWnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Msg[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_INFO:: { void *hIOPort; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesTransferred; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long dwCompletionKey; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lpOverlapped[8]; /* +0x0018 91 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_INFO:: { unsigned char NotificationRoutine[8]; /* +0x0000 eb 15 00 00 */ void *hThread; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _HD_ITEMW { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxy[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char hbm[8]; /* +0x0010 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fmt[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iOrder[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char type[8]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ void *pvFilter; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char state[8]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TT_HITTESTINFOW { unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0008 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ti[72]; /* +0x0010 52 48 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1 { unsigned long Name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1:: { /* unsigned char pInt64[0]; +0x0000 c7 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pUint64[0]; +0x0000 c7 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppString[0]; +0x0000 c7 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFqbn[0]; +0x0000 c7 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pOctetString[4]; /* +0x0000 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVDISPINFO { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char item[88]; /* +0x0018 be 5a 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTXW { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpSource[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned short wProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wLangId; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyDirectory[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpResourceName[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpApplicationName[8]; /* +0x0028 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char hModule[8]; /* +0x0030 ed 15 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_ADAPTER_NAME { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 6d 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char adapterDevicePath[256]; /* +0x0014 b1 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagGCP_RESULTSW { unsigned long lStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpOutString[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpOrder[8]; /* +0x0010 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDx[8]; /* +0x0018 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCaretPos[8]; /* +0x0020 74 06 00 00 */ char *lpClass; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpGlyphs[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char nGlyphs[4]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMaxFit[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_IDLE_RESILIENCY { unsigned long CoalescingTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IdleResiliencyPeriod; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _QUOTA_LIMITS_EX { unsigned long long PagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NonPagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MinimumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MaximumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long PagefileLimit; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char TimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long WorkingSetLimit; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long Reserved3; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long Reserved4; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char CpuRateLimit[4]; /* +0x0054 ff 6f 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME { unsigned short Hint; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[2]; /* +0x0002 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTSELECTCLIPRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x0010 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION { unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfBlock; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct RPC_STATS_VECTOR { unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Stats[4]; /* +0x0004 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagLVITEMW { unsigned char mask[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszText[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char iIndent[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iGroupId[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cColumns[8]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char puColumns[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char piColFmt[8]; /* +0x0048 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned char iGroup[8]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO { unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct tagSERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgb[4]; /* +0x0004 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SLIST_HEADER:: { /* unsigned char Depth[0]; +0x0000 59 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char Sequence[8]; /* +0x0000 5a 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeaderType[0]; +0x0008 5b 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0008 5c 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char NextEntry[8]; /* +0x0008 5d 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _SLIST_HEADER:: { /* unsigned char Depth[0]; +0x0000 59 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Sequence[0]; +0x0000 60 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char NextEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 61 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeaderType[0]; +0x0008 5b 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Init[0]; +0x0008 62 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0008 63 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char Region[8]; /* +0x0008 64 8b 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETPALETTEENTRIES { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 a8 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iStart; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cEntries; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char aPalEntries[4]; /* +0x0014 21 50 00 00 */ }; struct SERVICE_TRIGGER_CUSTOM_STATE_ID { unsigned char Data[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SYMBOL:: { unsigned char ShortName[8]; /* +0x0000 5a 15 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SYMBOL:::: { unsigned long Short; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Long; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3:: { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3:::: { /* unsigned char LongFunction[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Persistent[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Private[4]; /* +0x0000 f9 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagMSGBOXPARAMSW { unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[8]; /* +0x0008 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 ed 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszText[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszCaption[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpszIcon[8]; /* +0x0030 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long long dwContextHelpId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char lpfnMsgBoxCallback[8]; /* +0x0040 37 56 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLanguageId; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD { unsigned char dwSize[4]; /* +0x0000 91 1c 00 00 */ }; struct NOTIFY_USER_POWER_SETTING { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_IDLE_STATE { unsigned long Latency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Power; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PromotePercent; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char DemotePercent; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char StateType; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x000f */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Context; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long IdleHandler; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x001c */ }; struct PPM_WMI_IDLE_STATES { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TargetState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OldState; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long TargetProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[32]; /* +0x0018 bf 8c 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_IDLE_STATES_EX { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TargetState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OldState; /* +0x000c */ void *TargetProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[32]; /* +0x0018 bf 8c 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_STATE_BUCKET_EX { unsigned long long TotalTimeUs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MinTimeUs; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxTimeUs; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct PPM_THERMAL_POLICY_EVENT { unsigned char Mode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct POWER_ACTION_POLICY { unsigned char Action[4]; /* +0x0000 a4 61 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long EventCode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLESTATE_POLICY:: { unsigned short AsWORD; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char AllowScaling[0]; +0x0000 ca 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Disabled[0]; +0x0000 cb 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[2]; /* +0x0000 cc 8c 00 00 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_PERFSTATE_POLICY:::: { unsigned char AsBYTE; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char NoDomainAccounting[0]; +0x0000 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IncreasePolicy[0]; +0x0000 d0 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DecreasePolicy[0]; +0x0000 d1 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0000 d2 8c 00 00 */ }; struct SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES { unsigned char PowerButtonPresent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SleepButtonPresent; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char LidPresent; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char SystemS1; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char SystemS2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SystemS3; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char SystemS4; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char SystemS5; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char HiberFilePresent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FullWake; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char VideoDimPresent; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char ApmPresent; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char UpsPresent; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ThermalControl; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char ProcessorThrottle; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char ProcessorMinThrottle; /* +0x000f */ unsigned char ProcessorMaxThrottle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FastSystemS4; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char Hiberboot; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char WakeAlarmPresent; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char AoAc; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DiskSpinDown; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char spare3[8]; /* +0x0016 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemBatteriesPresent; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char BatteriesAreShortTerm; /* +0x001f */ unsigned char BatteryScale[24]; /* +0x0020 d5 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char AcOnLineWake[4]; /* +0x0038 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char SoftLidWake[4]; /* +0x003c e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char RtcWake[4]; /* +0x0040 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MinDeviceWakeState[4]; /* +0x0044 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultLowLatencyWake[4]; /* +0x0048 e0 19 00 00 */ }; struct BITMAPV4HEADER { unsigned long bV4Size; /* +0x0000 */ long bV4Width; /* +0x0004 */ long bV4Height; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short bV4Planes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bV4BitCount; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long bV4V4Compression; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long bV4SizeImage; /* +0x0014 */ long bV4XPelsPerMeter; /* +0x0018 */ long bV4YPelsPerMeter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long bV4ClrUsed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long bV4ClrImportant; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long bV4RedMask; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long bV4GreenMask; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long bV4BlueMask; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long bV4AlphaMask; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long bV4CSType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char bV4Endpoints[36]; /* +0x003c 97 58 00 00 */ unsigned long bV4GammaRed; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long bV4GammaGreen; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long bV4GammaBlue; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct BITMAPV5HEADER { unsigned long bV5Size; /* +0x0000 */ long bV5Width; /* +0x0004 */ long bV5Height; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short bV5Planes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bV5BitCount; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long bV5Compression; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long bV5SizeImage; /* +0x0014 */ long bV5XPelsPerMeter; /* +0x0018 */ long bV5YPelsPerMeter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long bV5ClrUsed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long bV5ClrImportant; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long bV5RedMask; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long bV5GreenMask; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long bV5BlueMask; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long bV5AlphaMask; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long bV5CSType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char bV5Endpoints[36]; /* +0x003c 97 58 00 00 */ unsigned long bV5GammaRed; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long bV5GammaGreen; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long bV5GammaBlue; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long bV5Intent; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long bV5ProfileData; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long bV5ProfileSize; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long bV5Reserved; /* +0x0078 */ }; struct MENUITEMTEMPLATE { unsigned short mtOption; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short mtID; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char mtString[2]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct RPC_IMPORT_CONTEXT_P { void *LookupContext; /* +0x0000 */ void *ProposedHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Bindings[8]; /* +0x0010 e1 8c 00 00 */ }; struct { unsigned char pad[16]; /* +0x0000 e4 8c 00 00 */ void *userContext; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _LDBL12 { unsigned char ld12[12]; /* +0x0000 9a 1b 00 00 */ }; struct NMTBDISPINFOA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char idCommand[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char iImage[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char cchText[8]; /* +0x0038 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct NMCOMBOBOXEXA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ceItem[56]; /* +0x0018 06 50 00 00 */ }; struct NMCBEDRAGBEGINW { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItemid[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char szText[524]; /* +0x001c ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct NMCBEENDEDITA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char fChanged[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iNewSelection[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char szText[260]; /* +0x0020 9b 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char iWhy[4]; /* +0x0124 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct MCHITTESTINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0004 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uHit[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0010 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char rc[16]; /* +0x0020 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iOffset[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iRow[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCol[4]; /* +0x0038 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct NMPGCALCSIZE { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlag; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char iWidth[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHeight[8]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SC_ACTION { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 11 8d 00 00 */ unsigned long Delay; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY { unsigned long Policy; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _wireBRECORD { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pRecInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 de 67 00 00 */ unsigned char *pRecord; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagCABSTRBLOB { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 1c 66 00 00 */ }; struct tagWCRANGE { unsigned char wcLow[2]; /* +0x0000 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned short cGlyphs; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _WSAServiceClassInfoW { unsigned char lpServiceClassId[8]; /* +0x0000 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszServiceClassName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lpClassInfos[8]; /* +0x0018 12 4c 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMDAYSTATE { unsigned char nmhdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char stStart[16]; /* +0x0018 6e 18 00 00 */ unsigned char cDayState[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long *prgDayState; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagSTATPROPSETSTG { unsigned char fmtid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long grfFlags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char mtime[8]; /* +0x0024 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ctime[8]; /* +0x002c 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char atime[8]; /* +0x0034 7d 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOSVersion; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _ZONEATTRIBUTES { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDisplayName[520]; /* +0x0004 ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned char szDescription[400]; /* +0x020c 54 8e 00 00 */ unsigned char szIconPath[520]; /* +0x039c ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTemplateMinLevel; /* +0x05a4 */ unsigned long dwTemplateRecommended; /* +0x05a8 */ unsigned long dwTemplateCurrentLevel; /* +0x05ac */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x05b0 */ }; struct timeval { long tv_sec; /* +0x0000 */ long tv_usec; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct protoent { char *p_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char p_aliases[8]; /* +0x0008 b1 1e 00 00 */ short p_proto; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TAPE_SET_MEDIA_PARAMETERS { unsigned long BlockSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagINTERFACEINFO { unsigned char pUnk[8]; /* +0x0000 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0008 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wMethod; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagNMHEADERA { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iButton[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pitem[8]; /* +0x0020 2f 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION { unsigned char Type[32]; /* +0x0000 4d 17 00 00 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char lpOverlapped[8]; /* +0x0000 91 1e 00 00 */ void *hPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Key; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char lpOverlapped[8]; /* +0x0000 91 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnCompletionProc[8]; /* +0x0008 67 71 00 00 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char lpOverlapped[8]; /* +0x0000 91 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char hWnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char uMsg[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long context; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagFONTDESC { unsigned char cbSizeofstruct[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpstrName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char cySize[8]; /* +0x0010 22 20 00 00 */ short sWeight; /* +0x0018 */ short sCharset; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char fItalic[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fUnderline[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fStrikethrough[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagTVITEMA { unsigned char mask[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hItem[8]; /* +0x0008 26 18 00 00 */ unsigned char state[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char stateMask[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ char *pszText; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cchTextMax[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iImage[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSelectedImage[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cChildren[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA { unsigned long NumberOfBlocks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Blocks[12]; /* +0x0004 df 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_GROUPS { unsigned long GroupCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Groups[16]; /* +0x0008 f9 46 00 00 */ }; struct _UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long long ImageBase; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FunctionEntry[8]; /* +0x0008 f7 3a 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY { unsigned char PerUserPolicy[29]; /* +0x0000 b9 90 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemSNB { unsigned long ulCntStr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulCntChar; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgString[4]; /* +0x0008 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct FILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0004 b0 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FileId[0]; +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0008 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagCACLIPDATA { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[8]; /* +0x0008 3b 53 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOLORADJUSTMENT { unsigned short caSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short caFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short caIlluminantIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short caRedGamma; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short caGreenGamma; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short caBlueGamma; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short caReferenceBlack; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short caReferenceWhite; /* +0x000e */ short caContrast; /* +0x0010 */ short caBrightness; /* +0x0012 */ short caColorfulness; /* +0x0014 */ short caRedGreenTint; /* +0x0016 */ }; struct _stat32 { unsigned char st_dev[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short st_ino; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short st_mode; /* +0x0006 */ short st_nlink; /* +0x0008 */ short st_uid; /* +0x000a */ short st_gid; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char st_rdev[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ long st_size; /* +0x0014 */ long st_atime; /* +0x0018 */ long st_mtime; /* +0x001c */ long st_ctime; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagNMCHAR { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ch[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemPrev; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwItemNext; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _MENU_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char dwCommandId[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _DEBUG_EVENT:: { /* unsigned char Exception[0]; +0x0000 8d 5c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CreateThread[0]; +0x0000 1f 8e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CreateProcessInfo[0]; +0x0000 09 7c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExitThread[0]; +0x0000 84 48 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExitProcess[0]; +0x0000 b1 7a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LoadDll[0]; +0x0000 93 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UnloadDll[0]; +0x0000 5f 92 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DebugString[0]; +0x0000 0c 71 00 00 */ unsigned char RipInfo[160]; /* +0x0000 fb 81 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFO { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Protocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ProtocolMajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ProtocolMinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short ProtocolRevision; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64:: { unsigned long long ForwarderString; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Function; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Ordinal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long AddressOfData; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEW_V1 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 03 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMCUSTOMTEXT { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hDC[8]; /* +0x0018 66 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char lpString[8]; /* +0x0020 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char nCount[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRect[8]; /* +0x0030 3e 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uFormat[4]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fLink[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_USER_CLAIMS { void *UserClaims; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _AFPROTOCOLS { unsigned char iAddressFamily[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned char ShortName[8]; /* +0x0000 5a 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagPICTDESC:::: { unsigned char hemf[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 3e 00 00 */ }; struct tagPICTDESC:::: { unsigned char hicon[8]; /* +0x0000 f3 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagPICTDESC:::: { unsigned char hmeta[8]; /* +0x0000 71 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char xExt[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char yExt[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagPICTDESC:::: { unsigned char hbitmap[8]; /* +0x0000 67 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hpal[8]; /* +0x0008 b7 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short NumberOfNamedEntries; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short NumberOfIdEntries; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _s__RTTIBaseClassArray { unsigned char arrayOfBaseClassDescriptors[4]; /* +0x0000 cb 93 00 00 */ }; struct _PROPSHEETPAGEA_V2 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 ed 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pszTemplate[0]; +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pResource[8]; /* +0x0010 f1 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hIcon[0]; +0x0018 f3 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszIcon[8]; /* +0x0018 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszTitle[8]; /* +0x0020 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnDlgProc[8]; /* +0x0028 f6 15 00 00 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pfnCallback[8]; /* +0x0038 fb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcRefParent[8]; /* +0x0040 75 06 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderTitle[8]; /* +0x0048 ee 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeaderSubTitle[8]; /* +0x0050 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct _GDI_NONREMOTE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _GDI_NONREMOTE::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0002 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hRemote[8]; /* +0x0000 3e 94 00 00 */ }; struct tagCWPSTRUCT { long long lParam; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long wParam; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char message[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0018 b6 14 00 00 */ }; struct LIST_ENTRY64 { unsigned long long Flink; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Blink; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagEXTLOGPEN32 { unsigned long elpPenStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long elpWidth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char elpBrushStyle[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long elpColor; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long elpHatch; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long elpNumEntries; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char elpStyleEntry[4]; /* +0x0018 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagOLEVERB { long lVerb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszVerbName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long fuFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long grfAttribs; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SHITEMID { unsigned short cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char abID[1]; /* +0x0002 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ImageArchitectureHeader { /* unsigned char AmaskValue[0]; +0x0000 dd 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char AmaskShift[4]; /* +0x0000 6f 95 00 00 */ unsigned long FirstEntryRVA; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagNMLVLINK { unsigned char hdr[24]; /* +0x0000 37 15 00 00 */ unsigned char link[4280]; /* +0x0018 41 75 00 00 */ unsigned char iItem[4]; /* +0x10d0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSubItem[4]; /* +0x10d4 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFO:: { unsigned char Reserved[64]; /* +0x0000 5a 51 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFO:: { unsigned char Reserved[32]; /* +0x0000 d5 95 00 00 */ }; struct pollfd { unsigned long long fd; /* +0x0000 */ short events; /* +0x0008 */ short revents; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_VECTOR { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BindingH[8]; /* +0x0008 f4 7d 00 00 */ }; struct IMAGE_COR20_HEADER { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MajorRuntimeVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MinorRuntimeVersion; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char MetaData[8]; /* +0x0008 4c 1b 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EntryPointToken; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long EntryPointRVA; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Resources[8]; /* +0x0018 4c 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char StrongNameSignature[8]; /* +0x0020 4c 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char CodeManagerTable[8]; /* +0x0028 4c 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char VTableFixups[8]; /* +0x0030 4c 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ExportAddressTableJumps[8]; /* +0x0038 4c 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ManagedNativeHeader[8]; /* +0x0040 4c 1b 00 00 */ }; struct servent { char *s_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char s_aliases[8]; /* +0x0008 b1 1e 00 00 */ char *s_proto; /* +0x0010 */ short s_port; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned char SidHash[8]; /* +0x0000 47 71 00 00 */ unsigned char RestrictedSidHash[8]; /* +0x0008 47 71 00 00 */ unsigned char Privileges[8]; /* +0x0010 37 48 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0018 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char TokenType[4]; /* +0x0020 e0 59 00 00 */ unsigned char ImpersonationLevel[4]; /* +0x0024 e1 59 00 00 */ unsigned char MandatoryPolicy[4]; /* +0x0028 28 65 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long AppContainerNumber; /* +0x0030 */ void *PackageSid; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char CapabilitiesHash[8]; /* +0x0040 47 71 00 00 */ }; struct tagMSG { unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char message[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long wParam; /* +0x0010 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char pt[12]; /* +0x0024 49 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagCANDIDATELIST { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwSelection; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPageStart; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPageSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char dwOffset[4]; /* +0x0018 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION { unsigned long AclRevision; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OriginalFirstThunk; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ForwarderChain; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Name; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FirstThunk; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _wfinddata32i64_t { unsigned char attrib[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ long time_create; /* +0x0004 */ long time_access; /* +0x0008 */ long time_write; /* +0x000c */ long long size; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char name[520]; /* +0x0018 ec 18 00 00 */ }; struct _PMD { unsigned char mdisp[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pdisp[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char vdisp[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V3_W { void *TransportCredentials; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0020 */ void *ProxyCredentials; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct tagHARDWAREHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned char hwnd[8]; /* +0x0000 b6 14 00 00 */ unsigned char message[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long wParam; /* +0x0010 */ long long lParam; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PSFEATURE_OUTPUT { unsigned char bPageIndependent[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bSetPageDevice[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _DLLVERSIONINFO2 { unsigned char info1[20]; /* +0x0000 f1 73 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long ullVersion; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 6d 4d 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0014 c3 9b 00 00 */ unsigned char outputTechnology[4]; /* +0x0018 cb 7d 00 00 */ unsigned short edidManufactureId; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short edidProductCodeId; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char connectorInstance[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char monitorFriendlyDeviceName[128]; /* +0x0024 12 24 00 00 */ unsigned char monitorDevicePath[256]; /* +0x00a4 b1 18 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION:: { unsigned char pAttributeV1[8]; /* +0x0000 34 45 00 00 */ }; struct _wireVARIANT { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long rpcReserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short wReserved2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x000e */ long long llVal; /* +0x0010 */ long lVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bVal; /* +0x0010 */ short iVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char fltVal[0]; +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char dblVal[0]; +0x0010 41 00 00 00 */ short boolVal; /* +0x0010 */ long scode; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char cyVal[0]; +0x0010 22 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char date[0]; +0x0010 41 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrVal[0]; +0x0010 0e 3b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char punkVal[0]; +0x0010 27 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdispVal[0]; +0x0010 6e 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char parray[0]; +0x0010 30 99 00 00 */ /* unsigned char brecVal[0]; +0x0010 bb 18 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbVal; /* +0x0010 */ short *piVal; /* +0x0010 */ long *plVal; /* +0x0010 */ long long *pllVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char pfltVal[0]; +0x0010 40 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdblVal[0]; +0x0010 41 06 00 00 */ short *pboolVal; /* +0x0010 */ long *pscode; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char pcyVal[0]; +0x0010 23 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdate[0]; +0x0010 41 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pbstrVal[0]; +0x0010 ae 6c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppunkVal[0]; +0x0010 28 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppdispVal[0]; +0x0010 6f 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pparray[0]; +0x0010 65 9c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pvarVal[0]; +0x0010 ed 4e 00 00 */ char cVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short uiVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char intVal[0]; +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uintVal[0]; +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char decVal[0]; +0x0010 85 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdecVal[0]; +0x0010 86 3c 00 00 */ char *pcVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *puiVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *pulVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long *pullVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char pintVal[0]; +0x0010 74 06 00 00 */ unsigned char puintVal[16]; /* +0x0010 75 06 00 00 */ }; struct _GDI_OBJECT::__MIDL_IAdviseSink_0002 { /* unsigned char hBitmap[0]; +0x0000 bb 56 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hPalette[0]; +0x0000 4f 48 00 00 */ unsigned char hGeneric[8]; /* +0x0000 49 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagMONITORINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcMonitor[16]; /* +0x0004 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcWork[16]; /* +0x0014 38 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagCOMPOSITIONFORM { unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ptCurrentPos[8]; /* +0x0004 49 15 00 00 */ unsigned char rcArea[16]; /* +0x000c 38 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUT:: { /* unsigned char mouse[0]; +0x0000 2e 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char keyboard[0]; +0x0000 e2 45 00 00 */ unsigned char hid[24]; /* +0x0000 33 7d 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfoex2W { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long ai_addrlen; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ai_canonname[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addr[8]; /* +0x0020 97 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ai_bloblen; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ai_provider[8]; /* +0x0038 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[8]; /* +0x0040 31 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_version[8]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_fqdn[8]; /* +0x0050 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_SERVER_INFO_ { unsigned char pStubDesc[8]; /* +0x0000 97 53 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[8]; /* +0x0008 2c 9f 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcString[8]; /* +0x0010 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char FmtStringOffset[8]; /* +0x0018 5b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ThunkTable[8]; /* +0x0020 2f 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pTransferSyntax[8]; /* +0x0028 cc 4b 00 00 */ unsigned long long nCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pSyntaxInfo[8]; /* +0x0038 56 46 00 00 */ }; enum h { LLI_ygw = 8030, LLI_yha = 8031, LLI_yhd = 8032, LLI_yhl = 8033, LLI_yia = 8034, LLI_yif = 8035, LLI_yig = 8036, LLI_yih = 8037, LLI_yii = 8038, LLI_yij = 8039, LLI_yik = 8040, LLI_yil = 8041, LLI_yim = 8042, LLI_yin = 8043, LLI_yip = 8044, LLI_yiq = 8045, LLI_yir = 8046, LLI_yis = 8047, LLI_yit = 8048, LLI_yiu = 8049, LLI_yiv = 8050, LLI_yix = 8051, LLI_yiy = 8052, LLI_yiz = 8053, LLI_yka = 8054, LLI_ykg = 8055, LLI_yki = 8056, LLI_ykk = 8057, LLI_ykl = 8058, LLI_ykm = 8059, LLI_yko = 8060, LLI_ykr = 8061, LLI_ykt = 8062, LLI_yky = 8063, LLI_yla = 8064, LLI_ylb = 8065, LLI_yle = 8066, LLI_ylg = 8067, LLI_yli = 8068, LLI_yll = 8069, LLI_ylm = 8070, LLI_yln = 8071, LLI_ylo = 8072, LLI_ylr = 8073, LLI_ylu = 8074, LLI_yly = 8075, LLI_yma = 8076, LLI_ymb = 8077, LLI_ymc = 8078, LLI_ymd = 8079, LLI_yme = 8080, LLI_ymg = 8081, LLI_ymh = 8082, LLI_ymi = 8083, LLI_ymk = 8084, LLI_yml = 8085, LLI_ymm = 8086, LLI_ymn = 8087, LLI_ymo = 8088, LLI_ymp = 8089, LLI_ymq = 8090, LLI_ymr = 8091, LLI_yms = 8092, LLI_ymt = 8093, LLI_ymx = 8094, LLI_ymz = 8095, LLI_yna = 8096, LLI_ynd = 8097, LLI_yne = 8098, LLI_yng = 8099, LLI_ynh = 8100, LLI_ynk = 8101, LLI_ynl = 8102, LLI_ynn = 8103, LLI_yno = 8104, LLI_yns = 8105, LLI_ynu = 8106, LLI_yob = 8107, LLI_yog = 8108, LLI_yoi = 8109, LLI_yok = 8110, LLI_yol = 8111, LLI_yom = 8112, LLI_yon = 8113, LLI_yos = 8114, LLI_yox = 8115, LLI_yoy = 8116, LLI_ypa = 8117, LLI_ypb = 8118, LLI_ypg = 8119, LLI_yph = 8120, LLI_ypk = 8121, LLI_ypm = 8122, LLI_ypn = 8123, LLI_ypo = 8124, LLI_ypp = 8125, LLI_ypz = 8126, LLI_yra = 8127, LLI_yrb = 8128, LLI_yre = 8129, LLI_yri = 8130, LLI_yrk = 8131, LLI_yrl = 8132, LLI_yrn = 8133, LLI_yrs = 8134, LLI_yrw = 8135, LLI_ysc = 8136, LLI_ysd = 8137, LLI_ysl = 8138, LLI_ysn = 8139, LLI_yso = 8140, LLI_ysp = 8141, LLI_ysr = 8142, LLI_yss = 8143, LLI_ysy = 8144, LLI_yta = 8145, LLI_ytl = 8146, LLI_ytp = 8147, LLI_ytw = 8148, LLI_yua = 8149, LLI_yub = 8150, LLI_yuc = 8151, LLI_yud = 8152, LLI_yue = 8153, LLI_yuf = 8154, LLI_yug = 8155, LLI_yui = 8156, LLI_yuj = 8157, LLI_yuk = 8158, LLI_yul = 8159, LLI_yum = 8160, LLI_yun = 8161, LLI_yup = 8162, LLI_yuq = 8163, LLI_yur = 8164, LLI_yut = 8165, LLI_yuu = 8166, LLI_yuw = 8167, LLI_yux = 8168, LLI_yuy = 8169, LLI_yuz = 8170, LLI_yva = 8171, LLI_yvt = 8172, LLI_ywa = 8173, LLI_ywl = 8174, LLI_ywn = 8175, LLI_ywq = 8176, LLI_ywr = 8177, LLI_ywt = 8178, LLI_ywu = 8179, LLI_yww = 8180, LLI_yyu = 8181, LLI_yyz = 8182, LLI_yzg = 8183, LLI_yzk = 8184, LLI_zaa = 8185, LLI_zab = 8186, LLI_zac = 8187, LLI_zad = 8188, LLI_zae = 8189, LLI_zaf = 8190, LLI_zag = 8191, LLI_zah = 8192, LLI_zai = 8193, LLI_zaj = 8194, LLI_zak = 8195, LLI_zal = 8196, LLI_zam = 8197, LLI_zao = 8198, LLI_zap = 8199, LLI_zaq = 8200, LLI_zar = 8201, LLI_zas = 8202, LLI_zat = 8203, LLI_zau = 8204, LLI_zav = 8205, LLI_zaw = 8206, LLI_zax = 8207, LLI_zay = 8208, LLI_zaz = 8209, LLI_zbc = 8210, LLI_zbe = 8211, LLI_zbl = 8212, LLI_zbt = 8213, LLI_zbw = 8214, LLI_zca = 8215, LLI_zch = 8216, LLI_zdj = 8217, LLI_zea = 8218, LLI_zeg = 8219, LLI_zeh = 8220, LLI_zen = 8221, LLI_zga = 8222, LLI_zgb = 8223, LLI_zgm = 8224, LLI_zgn = 8225, LLI_zgr = 8226, LLI_zhb = 8227, LLI_zhd = 8228, LLI_zhi = 8229, LLI_zhn = 8230, LLI_zhw = 8231, LLI_zhx = 8232, LLI_zia = 8233, LLI_zib = 8234, LLI_zik = 8235, LLI_zim = 8236, LLI_zin = 8237, LLI_zir = 8238, LLI_ziw = 8239, LLI_ziz = 8240, LLI_zka = 8241, LLI_zkb = 8242, LLI_zkg = 8243, LLI_zkh = 8244, LLI_zkk = 8245, LLI_zko = 8246, LLI_zkp = 8247, LLI_zkr = 8248, LLI_zkt = 8249, LLI_zku = 8250, LLI_zkv = 8251, LLI_zkz = 8252, LLI_zle = 8253, LLI_zlj = 8254, LLI_zlm = 8255, LLI_zln = 8256, LLI_zlq = 8257, LLI_zls = 8258, LLI_zlw = 8259, LLI_zma = 8260, LLI_zmb = 8261, LLI_zmc = 8262, LLI_zmd = 8263, LLI_zme = 8264, LLI_zmf = 8265, LLI_zmg = 8266, LLI_zmh = 8267, LLI_zmi = 8268, LLI_zmj = 8269, LLI_zmk = 8270, LLI_zml = 8271, LLI_zmm = 8272, LLI_zmn = 8273, LLI_zmo = 8274, LLI_zmp = 8275, LLI_zmq = 8276, LLI_zmr = 8277, LLI_zms = 8278, LLI_zmt = 8279, LLI_zmu = 8280, LLI_zmv = 8281, LLI_zmw = 8282, LLI_zmx = 8283, LLI_zmy = 8284, LLI_zmz = 8285, LLI_zna = 8286, LLI_znd = 8287, LLI_zne = 8288, LLI_zng = 8289, LLI_znk = 8290, LLI_zns = 8291, LLI_zoc = 8292, LLI_zoh = 8293, LLI_zom = 8294, LLI_zoo = 8295, LLI_zoq = 8296, LLI_zor = 8297, LLI_zos = 8298, LLI_zpa = 8299, LLI_zpb = 8300, LLI_zpc = 8301, LLI_zpd = 8302, LLI_zpe = 8303, LLI_zpf = 8304, LLI_zpg = 8305, LLI_zph = 8306, LLI_zpi = 8307, LLI_zpj = 8308, LLI_zpk = 8309, LLI_zpl = 8310, LLI_zpm = 8311, LLI_zpn = 8312, LLI_zpo = 8313, LLI_zpp = 8314, LLI_zpq = 8315, LLI_zpr = 8316, LLI_zps = 8317, LLI_zpt = 8318, LLI_zpu = 8319, LLI_zpv = 8320, LLI_zpw = 8321, LLI_zpx = 8322, LLI_zpy = 8323, LLI_zpz = 8324, LLI_zqe = 8325, LLI_zra = 8326, LLI_zrg = 8327, LLI_zrn = 8328, LLI_zro = 8329, LLI_zrp = 8330, LLI_zrs = 8331, LLI_zsa = 8332, LLI_zsk = 8333, LLI_zsl = 8334, LLI_zsm = 8335, LLI_zsr = 8336, LLI_zsu = 8337, LLI_zte = 8338, LLI_ztg = 8339, LLI_ztl = 8340, LLI_ztm = 8341, LLI_ztn = 8342, LLI_ztp = 8343, LLI_ztq = 8344, LLI_zts = 8345, LLI_ztt = 8346, LLI_ztu = 8347, LLI_ztx = 8348, LLI_zty = 8349, LLI_zua = 8350, LLI_zuh = 8351, LLI_zum = 8352, LLI_zun = 8353, LLI_zuy = 8354, LLI_zwa = 8355, LLI_zxx = 8356, LLI_zyb = 8357, LLI_zyg = 8358, LLI_zyj = 8359, LLI_zyn = 8360, LLI_zyp = 8361, LLI_zza = 8362, LLI_zzj = 8363 }; enum KNOWN { LLI_meh = 4015, LLI_mei = 4016, LLI_mej = 4017, LLI_mek = 4018, LLI_mel = 4019, LLI_mem = 4020, LLI_men = 4021, LLI_meo = 4022, LLI_mep = 4023, LLI_meq = 4024, LLI_mer = 4025, LLI_mes = 4026, LLI_met = 4027, LLI_meu = 4028, LLI_mev = 4029, LLI_mew = 4030, LLI_mey = 4031, LLI_mez = 4032, LLI_mfa = 4033, LLI_mfb = 4034, LLI_mfc = 4035, LLI_mfd = 4036, LLI_mfe = 4037, LLI_mff = 4038, LLI_mfg = 4039, LLI_mfh = 4040, LLI_mfi = 4041, LLI_mfj = 4042, LLI_mfk = 4043, LLI_mfl = 4044, LLI_mfm = 4045, LLI_mfn = 4046, LLI_mfo = 4047, LLI_mfp = 4048, LLI_mfq = 4049, LLI_mfr = 4050, LLI_mfs = 4051, LLI_mft = 4052, LLI_mfu = 4053, LLI_mfv = 4054, LLI_mfw = 4055, LLI_mfx = 4056, LLI_mfy = 4057, LLI_mfz = 4058, LLI_mga = 4059, LLI_mgb = 4060, LLI_mgc = 4061, LLI_mgd = 4062, LLI_mge = 4063, LLI_mgf = 4064, LLI_mgg = 4065, LLI_mgh = 4066, LLI_mgi = 4067, LLI_mgj = 4068, LLI_mgk = 4069, LLI_mgl = 4070, LLI_mgm = 4071, LLI_mgn = 4072, LLI_mgo = 4073, LLI_mgp = 4074, LLI_mgq = 4075, LLI_mgr = 4076, LLI_mgs = 4077, LLI_mgt = 4078, LLI_mgu = 4079, LLI_mgv = 4080, LLI_mgw = 4081, LLI_mgx = 4082, LLI_mgy = 4083, LLI_mgz = 4084, LLI_mha = 4085, LLI_mhb = 4086, LLI_mhc = 4087, LLI_mhd = 4088, LLI_mhe = 4089, LLI_mhf = 4090, LLI_mhg = 4091, LLI_mhh = 4092, LLI_mhi = 4093, LLI_mhj = 4094, LLI_mhk = 4095, LLI_mhl = 4096, LLI_mhm = 4097, LLI_mhn = 4098, LLI_mho = 4099, LLI_mhp = 4100, LLI_mhq = 4101, LLI_mhr = 4102, LLI_mhs = 4103, LLI_mht = 4104, LLI_mhu = 4105, LLI_mhw = 4106, LLI_mhx = 4107, LLI_mhy = 4108, LLI_mhz = 4109, LLI_mia = 4110, LLI_mib = 4111, LLI_mic = 4112, LLI_mid = 4113, LLI_mie = 4114, LLI_mif = 4115, LLI_mig = 4116, LLI_mih = 4117, LLI_mii = 4118, LLI_mij = 4119, LLI_mik = 4120, LLI_mil = 4121, LLI_mim = 4122, LLI_min = 4123, LLI_mio = 4124, LLI_mip = 4125, LLI_miq = 4126, LLI_mir = 4127, LLI_mis = 4128, LLI_mit = 4129, LLI_miu = 4130, LLI_miw = 4131, LLI_mix = 4132, LLI_miy = 4133, LLI_miz = 4134, LLI_mja = 4135, LLI_mjc = 4136, LLI_mjd = 4137, LLI_mje = 4138, LLI_mjg = 4139, LLI_mjh = 4140, LLI_mji = 4141, LLI_mjj = 4142, LLI_mjk = 4143, LLI_mjl = 4144, LLI_mjm = 4145, LLI_mjn = 4146, LLI_mjo = 4147, LLI_mjp = 4148, LLI_mjq = 4149, LLI_mjr = 4150, LLI_mjs = 4151, LLI_mjt = 4152, LLI_mju = 4153, LLI_mjv = 4154, LLI_mjw = 4155, LLI_mjx = 4156, LLI_mjy = 4157, LLI_mjz = 4158, LLI_mka = 4159, LLI_mkb = 4160, LLI_mkc = 4161, LLI_mke = 4162, LLI_mkf = 4163, LLI_mkg = 4164, LLI_mkh = 4165, LLI_mki = 4166, LLI_mkj = 4167, LLI_mkk = 4168, LLI_mkl = 4169, LLI_mkm = 4170, LLI_mkn = 4171, LLI_mko = 4172, LLI_mkp = 4173, LLI_mkq = 4174, LLI_mkr = 4175, LLI_mks = 4176, LLI_mkt = 4177, LLI_mku = 4178, LLI_mkv = 4179, LLI_mkw = 4180, LLI_mkx = 4181, LLI_mky = 4182, LLI_mkz = 4183, LLI_mla = 4184, LLI_mlb = 4185, LLI_mlc = 4186, LLI_mld = 4187, LLI_mle = 4188, LLI_mlf = 4189, LLI_mlh = 4190, LLI_mli = 4191, LLI_mlj = 4192, LLI_mlk = 4193, LLI_mll = 4194, LLI_mlm = 4195, LLI_mln = 4196, LLI_mlo = 4197, LLI_mlp = 4198, LLI_mlq = 4199, LLI_mlr = 4200, LLI_mls = 4201, LLI_mlu = 4202, LLI_mlv = 4203, LLI_mlw = 4204, LLI_mlx = 4205, LLI_mlz = 4206, LLI_mma = 4207, LLI_mmb = 4208, LLI_mmc = 4209, LLI_mmd = 4210, LLI_mme = 4211, LLI_mmf = 4212, LLI_mmg = 4213, LLI_mmh = 4214, LLI_mmi = 4215, LLI_mmj = 4216, LLI_mmk = 4217, LLI_mml = 4218, LLI_mmm = 4219, LLI_mmn = 4220, LLI_mmo = 4221, LLI_mmp = 4222, LLI_mmq = 4223, LLI_mmr = 4224, LLI_mmt = 4225, LLI_mmu = 4226, LLI_mmv = 4227, LLI_mmw = 4228, LLI_mmx = 4229, LLI_mmy = 4230, LLI_mmz = 4231, LLI_mna = 4232, LLI_mnb = 4233, LLI_mnc = 4234, LLI_mnd = 4235, LLI_mne = 4236, LLI_mnf = 4237, LLI_mng = 4238, LLI_mnh = 4239, LLI_mni = 4240, LLI_mnj = 4241, LLI_mnk = 4242, LLI_mnl = 4243, LLI_mnm = 4244, LLI_mnn = 4245, LLI_mno = 4246, LLI_mnp = 4247, LLI_mnq = 4248, LLI_mnr = 4249, LLI_mns = 4250, LLI_mnt = 4251, LLI_mnu = 4252, LLI_mnv = 4253, LLI_mnw = 4254, LLI_mnx = 4255, LLI_mny = 4256, LLI_mnz = 4257, LLI_moa = 4258, LLI_moc = 4259, LLI_mod = 4260, LLI_moe = 4261, LLI_mof = 4262, LLI_mog = 4263, LLI_moh = 4264, LLI_moi = 4265, LLI_moj = 4266, LLI_mok = 4267, LLI_mom = 4268, LLI_moo = 4269, LLI_mop = 4270, LLI_moq = 4271, LLI_mor = 4272, LLI_mos = 4273, LLI_mot = 4274, LLI_mou = 4275, LLI_mov = 4276, LLI_mow = 4277, LLI_mox = 4278, LLI_moy = 4279, LLI_moz = 4280, LLI_mpa = 4281, LLI_mpb = 4282, LLI_mpc = 4283, LLI_mpd = 4284, LLI_mpe = 4285, LLI_mpg = 4286, LLI_mph = 4287, LLI_mpi = 4288, LLI_mpj = 4289, LLI_mpk = 4290, LLI_mpl = 4291, LLI_mpm = 4292, LLI_mpn = 4293, LLI_mpo = 4294, LLI_mpp = 4295, LLI_mpq = 4296, LLI_mpr = 4297, LLI_mps = 4298, LLI_mpt = 4299, LLI_mpu = 4300, LLI_mpv = 4301, LLI_mpw = 4302, LLI_mpx = 4303, LLI_mpy = 4304, LLI_mpz = 4305, LLI_mqa = 4306, LLI_mqb = 4307, LLI_mqc = 4308, LLI_mqe = 4309, LLI_mqf = 4310, LLI_mqg = 4311, LLI_mqh = 4312, LLI_mqi = 4313, LLI_mqj = 4314, LLI_mqk = 4315, LLI_mql = 4316, LLI_mqm = 4317, LLI_mqn = 4318, LLI_mqo = 4319, LLI_mqp = 4320, LLI_mqq = 4321, LLI_mqr = 4322, LLI_mqs = 4323, LLI_mqt = 4324, LLI_mqu = 4325, LLI_mqv = 4326, LLI_mqw = 4327, LLI_mqx = 4328, LLI_mqy = 4329, LLI_mqz = 4330, LLI_mra = 4331, LLI_mrb = 4332, LLI_mrc = 4333, LLI_mrd = 4334, LLI_mre = 4335, LLI_mrf = 4336, LLI_mrg = 4337, LLI_mrh = 4338, LLI_mrj = 4339, LLI_mrk = 4340, LLI_mrl = 4341, LLI_mrm = 4342, LLI_mrn = 4343, LLI_mro = 4344, LLI_mrp = 4345, LLI_mrq = 4346, LLI_mrr = 4347, LLI_mrs = 4348, LLI_mrt = 4349, LLI_mru = 4350, LLI_mrv = 4351, LLI_mrw = 4352, LLI_mrx = 4353, LLI_mry = 4354, LLI_mrz = 4355, LLI_msb = 4356, LLI_msc = 4357, LLI_msd = 4358, LLI_mse = 4359, LLI_msf = 4360, LLI_msg = 4361, LLI_msh = 4362, LLI_msi = 4363, LLI_msj = 4364, LLI_msk = 4365, LLI_msl = 4366, LLI_msm = 4367, LLI_msn = 4368, LLI_mso = 4369, LLI_msp = 4370, LLI_msq = 4371, LLI_msr = 4372, LLI_mss = 4373, LLI_mst = 4374, LLI_msu = 4375, LLI_msv = 4376, LLI_msw = 4377, LLI_msx = 4378, LLI_msy = 4379, LLI_msz = 4380, LLI_mta = 4381, LLI_mtb = 4382, LLI_mtc = 4383, LLI_mtd = 4384, LLI_mte = 4385, LLI_mtf = 4386, LLI_mtg = 4387, LLI_mth = 4388, LLI_mti = 4389, LLI_mtj = 4390, LLI_mtk = 4391, LLI_mtl = 4392, LLI_mtm = 4393, LLI_mtn = 4394, LLI_mto = 4395, LLI_mtp = 4396, LLI_mtq = 4397, LLI_mtr = 4398, LLI_mts = 4399, LLI_mtt = 4400, LLI_mtu = 4401, LLI_mtv = 4402, LLI_mtw = 4403, LLI_mtx = 4404, LLI_mty = 4405, LLI_mua = 4406, LLI_mub = 4407, LLI_muc = 4408, LLI_mud = 4409, LLI_mue = 4410, LLI_mug = 4411, LLI_muh = 4412, LLI_mui = 4413, LLI_muj = 4414, LLI_muk = 4415, LLI_mul = 4416, LLI_mum = 4417, LLI_mun = 4418, LLI_muo = 4419, LLI_mup = 4420, LLI_muq = 4421, LLI_mur = 4422, LLI_mus = 4423, LLI_mut = 4424, LLI_muu = 4425, LLI_muv = 4426, LLI_mux = 4427, LLI_muy = 4428, LLI_muz = 4429, LLI_mva = 4430, LLI_mvb = 4431, LLI_mvd = 4432, LLI_mve = 4433, LLI_mvf = 4434, LLI_mvg = 4435, LLI_mvh = 4436, LLI_mvi = 4437, LLI_mvk = 4438, LLI_mvl = 4439, LLI_mvm = 4440, LLI_mvn = 4441, LLI_mvo = 4442, LLI_mvp = 4443, LLI_mvq = 4444, LLI_mvr = 4445, LLI_mvs = 4446, LLI_mvt = 4447, LLI_mvu = 4448, LLI_mvv = 4449, LLI_mvw = 4450, LLI_mvx = 4451, LLI_mvy = 4452, LLI_mvz = 4453, LLI_mwa = 4454, LLI_mwb = 4455, LLI_mwc = 4456, LLI_mwd = 4457, LLI_mwe = 4458, LLI_mwf = 4459, LLI_mwg = 4460, LLI_mwh = 4461, LLI_mwi = 4462, LLI_mwj = 4463, LLI_mwk = 4464, LLI_mwl = 4465, LLI_mwm = 4466, LLI_mwn = 4467, LLI_mwo = 4468, LLI_mwp = 4469, LLI_mwq = 4470, LLI_mwr = 4471, LLI_mws = 4472, LLI_mwt = 4473, LLI_mwu = 4474, LLI_mwv = 4475, LLI_mww = 4476, LLI_mwx = 4477, LLI_mwy = 4478, LLI_mwz = 4479, LLI_mxa = 4480, LLI_mxb = 4481, LLI_mxc = 4482, LLI_mxd = 4483, LLI_mxe = 4484, LLI_mxf = 4485, LLI_mxg = 4486, LLI_mxh = 4487, LLI_mxi = 4488, LLI_mxj = 4489, LLI_mxk = 4490, LLI_mxl = 4491, LLI_mxm = 4492, LLI_mxn = 4493, LLI_mxo = 4494, LLI_mxp = 4495, LLI_mxq = 4496, LLI_mxr = 4497, LLI_mxs = 4498, LLI_mxt = 4499, LLI_mxu = 4500, LLI_mxv = 4501, LLI_mxw = 4502, LLI_mxx = 4503, LLI_mxy = 4504, LLI_mxz = 4505, LLI_myb = 4506, LLI_myc = 4507, LLI_myd = 4508, LLI_mye = 4509, LLI_myf = 4510, LLI_myg = 4511, LLI_myh = 4512, LLI_myi = 4513, LLI_myj = 4514, LLI_myk = 4515, LLI_myl = 4516, LLI_mym = 4517, LLI_myn = 4518, LLI_myo = 4519, LLI_myp = 4520, LLI_myq = 4521, LLI_myr = 4522, LLI_mys = 4523, LLI_myt = 4524, LLI_myu = 4525, LLI_myv = 4526, LLI_myw = 4527, LLI_myx = 4528, LLI_myy = 4529, LLI_myz = 4530, LLI_mza = 4531, LLI_mzb = 4532, LLI_mzc = 4533, LLI_mzd = 4534, LLI_mze = 4535, LLI_mzg = 4536, LLI_mzh = 4537, LLI_mzi = 4538, LLI_mzj = 4539, LLI_mzk = 4540, LLI_mzl = 4541, LLI_mzm = 4542, LLI_mzn = 4543, LLI_mzo = 4544, LLI_mzp = 4545, LLI_mzq = 4546, LLI_mzr = 4547, LLI_mzs = 4548, LLI_mzt = 4549, LLI_mzu = 4550, LLI_mzv = 4551, LLI_mzw = 4552, LLI_mzx = 4553, LLI_mzy = 4554, LLI_mzz = 4555, LLI_naa = 4556, LLI_nab = 4557, LLI_nac = 4558, LLI_nad = 4559, LLI_nae = 4560, LLI_naf = 4561, LLI_nag = 4562, LLI_nah = 4563, LLI_nai = 4564, LLI_naj = 4565, LLI_nak = 4566, LLI_nal = 4567, LLI_nam = 4568, LLI_nan = 4569, LLI_nao = 4570, LLI_nap = 4571, LLI_naq = 4572, LLI_nar = 4573, LLI_nas = 4574, LLI_nat = 4575, LLI_naw = 4576, LLI_nax = 4577, LLI_nay = 4578, LLI_naz = 4579, LLI_nba = 4580, LLI_nbb = 4581, LLI_nbc = 4582, LLI_nbd = 4583, LLI_nbe = 4584, LLI_nbf = 4585, LLI_nbg = 4586, LLI_nbh = 4587, LLI_nbi = 4588, LLI_nbj = 4589, LLI_nbk = 4590, LLI_nbm = 4591, LLI_nbn = 4592, LLI_nbo = 4593, LLI_nbp = 4594, LLI_nbq = 4595, LLI_nbr = 4596, LLI_nbs = 4597, LLI_nbt = 4598, LLI_nbu = 4599, LLI_nbv = 4600, LLI_nbw = 4601, LLI_nbx = 4602, LLI_nby = 4603, LLI_nca = 4604, LLI_ncb = 4605, LLI_ncc = 4606, LLI_ncd = 4607, LLI_nce = 4608, LLI_ncf = 4609, LLI_ncg = 4610, LLI_nch = 4611, LLI_nci = 4612, LLI_ncj = 4613, LLI_nck = 4614, LLI_ncl = 4615, LLI_ncm = 4616, LLI_ncn = 4617, LLI_nco = 4618, LLI_ncp = 4619, LLI_ncr = 4620, LLI_ncs = 4621, LLI_nct = 4622, LLI_ncu = 4623, LLI_ncx = 4624, LLI_ncz = 4625, LLI_nda = 4626, LLI_ndb = 4627, LLI_ndc = 4628, LLI_ndd = 4629, LLI_ndf = 4630, LLI_ndg = 4631, LLI_ndh = 4632, LLI_ndi = 4633, LLI_ndj = 4634, LLI_ndk = 4635, LLI_ndl = 4636, LLI_ndm = 4637, LLI_ndn = 4638, LLI_ndp = 4639, LLI_ndq = 4640, LLI_ndr = 4641, LLI_nds = 4642, LLI_ndt = 4643, LLI_ndu = 4644, LLI_ndv = 4645, LLI_ndw = 4646, LLI_ndx = 4647, LLI_ndy = 4648, LLI_ndz = 4649, LLI_nea = 4650, LLI_neb = 4651, LLI_nec = 4652, LLI_ned = 4653, LLI_nee = 4654, LLI_nef = 4655, LLI_neg = 4656, LLI_neh = 4657, LLI_nei = 4658, LLI_nej = 4659, LLI_nek = 4660, LLI_nem = 4661, LLI_nen = 4662, LLI_neo = 4663, LLI_neq = 4664, LLI_ner = 4665, LLI_nes = 4666, LLI_net = 4667, LLI_nev = 4668, LLI_new = 4669, LLI_nex = 4670, LLI_ney = 4671, LLI_nez = 4672, LLI_nfa = 4673, LLI_nfd = 4674, LLI_nfl = 4675, LLI_nfr = 4676, LLI_nfu = 4677, LLI_nga = 4678, LLI_ngb = 4679, LLI_ngc = 4680, LLI_ngd = 4681, LLI_nge = 4682, LLI_ngf = 4683, LLI_ngg = 4684, LLI_ngh = 4685, LLI_ngi = 4686, LLI_ngj = 4687, LLI_ngk = 4688, LLI_ngl = 4689, LLI_ngm = 4690, LLI_ngn = 4691, LLI_ngo = 4692, LLI_ngp = 4693, LLI_ngq = 4694, LLI_ngr = 4695, LLI_ngs = 4696, LLI_ngt = 4697, LLI_ngu = 4698, LLI_ngv = 4699, LLI_ngw = 4700, LLI_ngx = 4701, LLI_ngy = 4702, LLI_ngz = 4703, LLI_nha = 4704, LLI_nhb = 4705, LLI_nhc = 4706, LLI_nhd = 4707, LLI_nhe = 4708, LLI_nhf = 4709, LLI_nhg = 4710, LLI_nhh = 4711, LLI_nhi = 4712, LLI_nhk = 4713, LLI_nhm = 4714, LLI_nhn = 4715, LLI_nho = 4716, LLI_nhp = 4717, LLI_nhq = 4718, LLI_nhr = 4719, LLI_nht = 4720, LLI_nhu = 4721, LLI_nhv = 4722, LLI_nhw = 4723, LLI_nhx = 4724, LLI_nhy = 4725, LLI_nhz = 4726, LLI_nia = 4727, LLI_nib = 4728, LLI_nic = 4729, LLI_nid = 4730, LLI_nie = 4731, LLI_nif = 4732, LLI_nig = 4733, LLI_nih = 4734, LLI_nii = 4735, LLI_nij = 4736, LLI_nik = 4737, LLI_nil = 4738, LLI_nim = 4739, LLI_nin = 4740, LLI_nio = 4741, LLI_niq = 4742, LLI_nir = 4743, LLI_nis = 4744, LLI_nit = 4745, LLI_niu = 4746, LLI_niv = 4747, LLI_niw = 4748, LLI_nix = 4749, LLI_niy = 4750, LLI_niz = 4751, LLI_nja = 4752, LLI_njb = 4753, LLI_njd = 4754, LLI_njh = 4755, LLI_nji = 4756, LLI_njj = 4757, LLI_njl = 4758, LLI_njm = 4759, LLI_njn = 4760, LLI_njo = 4761, LLI_njr = 4762, LLI_njs = 4763, LLI_njt = 4764, LLI_nju = 4765, LLI_njx = 4766, LLI_njy = 4767, LLI_nka = 4768, LLI_nkb = 4769, LLI_nkc = 4770, LLI_nkd = 4771, LLI_nke = 4772, LLI_nkf = 4773, LLI_nkg = 4774, LLI_nkh = 4775, LLI_nki = 4776, LLI_nkj = 4777, LLI_nkk = 4778, LLI_nkm = 4779, LLI_nkn = 4780, LLI_nko = 4781, LLI_nkp = 4782, LLI_nkq = 4783, LLI_nkr = 4784, LLI_nks = 4785, LLI_nkt = 4786, LLI_nku = 4787, LLI_nkv = 4788, LLI_nkw = 4789, LLI_nkx = 4790, LLI_nkz = 4791, LLI_nla = 4792, LLI_nlc = 4793, LLI_nle = 4794, LLI_nlg = 4795, LLI_nli = 4796, LLI_nlj = 4797, LLI_nlk = 4798, LLI_nll = 4799, LLI_nln = 4800, LLI_nlo = 4801, LLI_nlr = 4802, LLI_nlu = 4803, LLI_nlv = 4804, LLI_nlx = 4805, LLI_nly = 4806, LLI_nlz = 4807, LLI_nma = 4808, LLI_nmb = 4809, LLI_nmc = 4810, LLI_nmd = 4811, LLI_nme = 4812, LLI_nmf = 4813, LLI_nmg = 4814, LLI_nmh = 4815, LLI_nmi = 4816, LLI_nmj = 4817, LLI_nmk = 4818, LLI_nml = 4819, LLI_nmm = 4820, LLI_nmn = 4821, LLI_nmo = 4822, LLI_nmp = 4823, LLI_nmq = 4824, LLI_nmr = 4825, LLI_nms = 4826, LLI_nmt = 4827, LLI_nmu = 4828, LLI_nmv = 4829, LLI_nmw = 4830, LLI_nmx = 4831, LLI_nmy = 4832, LLI_nmz = 4833, LLI_nna = 4834, LLI_nnb = 4835, LLI_nnc = 4836, LLI_nnd = 4837, LLI_nne = 4838, LLI_nnf = 4839, LLI_nng = 4840, LLI_nnh = 4841, LLI_nni = 4842, LLI_nnj = 4843, LLI_nnk = 4844, LLI_nnl = 4845, LLI_nnm = 4846, LLI_nnn = 4847, LLI_nnp = 4848, LLI_nnq = 4849, LLI_nnr = 4850, LLI_nns = 4851, LLI_nnt = 4852, LLI_nnu = 4853, LLI_nnv = 4854, LLI_nnw = 4855, LLI_nnx = 4856, LLI_nny = 4857, LLI_nnz = 4858, LLI_noa = 4859, LLI_noc = 4860, LLI_nod = 4861, LLI_noe = 4862, LLI_nof = 4863, LLI_nog = 4864, LLI_noh = 4865, LLI_noi = 4866, LLI_noj = 4867, LLI_nok = 4868, LLI_nom = 4869, LLI_non = 4870, LLI_noo = 4871, LLI_nop = 4872, LLI_noq = 4873, LLI_nos = 4874, LLI_not = 4875, LLI_nou = 4876, LLI_nov = 4877, LLI_now = 4878, LLI_noy = 4879, LLI_noz = 4880, LLI_npa = 4881, LLI_npb = 4882, LLI_nph = 4883, LLI_npl = 4884, LLI_npn = 4885, LLI_npo = 4886, LLI_nps = 4887, LLI_npu = 4888, LLI_npy = 4889, LLI_nqg = 4890, LLI_nqk = 4891, LLI_nqm = 4892, LLI_nqn = 4893, LLI_nqo = 4894, LLI_nra = 4895, LLI_nrb = 4896, LLI_nrc = 4897, LLI_nre = 4898, LLI_nrg = 4899, LLI_nri = 4900, LLI_nrl = 4901, LLI_nrm = 4902, LLI_nrn = 4903, LLI_nrp = 4904, LLI_nrr = 4905, LLI_nrt = 4906, LLI_nrx = 4907, LLI_nrz = 4908, LLI_nsa = 4909, LLI_nsc = 4910, LLI_nsd = 4911, LLI_nse = 4912, LLI_nsg = 4913, LLI_nsh = 4914, LLI_nsi = 4915, LLI_nsk = 4916, LLI_nsl = 4917, LLI_nsm = 4918, LLI_nsn = 4919, LLI_nso = 4920, LLI_nsp = 4921, LLI_nsq = 4922, LLI_nsr = 4923, LLI_nss = 4924, LLI_nst = 4925, LLI_nsu = 4926, LLI_nsv = 4927, LLI_nsw = 4928, LLI_nsx = 4929, LLI_nsy = 4930, LLI_nsz = 4931, LLI_nte = 4932, LLI_nti = 4933, LLI_ntj = 4934, LLI_ntk = 4935, LLI_ntm = 4936, LLI_nto = 4937, LLI_ntp = 4938, LLI_ntr = 4939, LLI_nts = 4940, LLI_ntu = 4941, LLI_ntw = 4942, LLI_nty = 4943, LLI_ntz = 4944, LLI_nua = 4945, LLI_nub = 4946, LLI_nuc = 4947, LLI_nud = 4948, LLI_nue = 4949, LLI_nuf = 4950, LLI_nug = 4951, LLI_nuh = 4952, LLI_nui = 4953, LLI_nuj = 4954, LLI_nul = 4955, LLI_num = 4956, LLI_nun = 4957, LLI_nuo = 4958, LLI_nup = 4959, LLI_nuq = 4960, LLI_nur = 4961, LLI_nus = 4962, LLI_nut = 4963, LLI_nuu = 4964, LLI_nuv = 4965, LLI_nuw = 4966, LLI_nux = 4967, LLI_nuy = 4968, LLI_nuz = 4969, LLI_nvh = 4970, LLI_nvm = 4971, LLI_nwa = 4972, LLI_nwb = 4973, LLI_nwc = 4974, LLI_nwe = 4975, LLI_nwi = 4976, LLI_nwm = 4977, LLI_nwr = 4978, LLI_nwx = 4979, LLI_nwy = 4980, LLI_nxa = 4981, LLI_nxd = 4982, LLI_nxe = 4983, LLI_nxg = 4984, LLI_nxi = 4985, LLI_nxl = 4986, LLI_nxm = 4987, LLI_nxn = 4988, LLI_nxr = 4989, LLI_nxu = 4990, LLI_nxx = 4991, LLI_nyb = 4992, LLI_nyc = 4993, LLI_nyd = 4994, LLI_nye = 4995, LLI_nyf = 4996, LLI_nyg = 4997, LLI_nyh = 4998, LLI_nyi = 4999, LLI_nyj = 5000, LLI_nyk = 5001, LLI_nyl = 5002, LLI_nym = 5003, LLI_nyn = 5004, LLI_nyo = 5005, LLI_nyp = 5006, LLI_nyq = 5007, LLI_nyr = 5008, LLI_nys = 5009, LLI_nyt = 5010, LLI_nyu = 5011, LLI_nyv = 5012, LLI_nyw = 5013, LLI_nyx = 5014, LLI_nyy = 5015, LLI_nza = 5016, LLI_nzb = 5017, LLI_nzi = 5018, LLI_nzk = 5019, LLI_nzm = 5020, LLI_nzs = 5021, LLI_nzu = 5022, LLI_nzy = 5023, LLI_nzz = 5024, LLI_oaa = 5025, LLI_oac = 5026, LLI_oar = 5027, LLI_oav = 5028, LLI_obi = 5029, LLI_obk = 5030, LLI_obl = 5031, LLI_obm = 5032, LLI_obo = 5033, LLI_obr = 5034, LLI_obt = 5035, LLI_obu = 5036, LLI_oca = 5037, LLI_och = 5038, LLI_oco = 5039, LLI_ocu = 5040, LLI_oda = 5041, LLI_odk = 5042, LLI_odt = 5043, LLI_odu = 5044, LLI_ofo = 5045, LLI_ofs = 5046, LLI_ofu = 5047, LLI_ogb = 5048, LLI_ogc = 5049, LLI_oge = 5050, LLI_ogg = 5051, LLI_ogo = 5052, LLI_ogu = 5053, LLI_oht = 5054, LLI_ohu = 5055, LLI_oia = 5056, LLI_oin = 5057, LLI_ojb = 5058, LLI_ojc = 5059, LLI_ojg = 5060, LLI_ojp = 5061, LLI_ojs = 5062, LLI_ojv = 5063, LLI_ojw = 5064, LLI_oka = 5065, LLI_okb = 5066, LLI_okd = 5067, LLI_oke = 5068, LLI_okh = 5069, LLI_oki = 5070, LLI_okj = 5071, LLI_okk = 5072, LLI_okl = 5073, LLI_okm = 5074, LLI_okn = 5075, LLI_oko = 5076, LLI_okr = 5077, LLI_oks = 5078, LLI_oku = 5079, LLI_okv = 5080, LLI_okx = 5081, LLI_ola = 5082, LLI_old = 5083, LLI_ole = 5084, LLI_olm = 5085, LLI_olo = 5086, LLI_olr = 5087, LLI_oma = 5088, LLI_omb = 5089, LLI_omc = 5090, LLI_ome = 5091, LLI_omg = 5092, LLI_omi = 5093, LLI_omk = 5094, LLI_oml = 5095, LLI_omn = 5096, LLI_omo = 5097, LLI_omp = 5098, LLI_omq = 5099, LLI_omr = 5100, LLI_omt = 5101, LLI_omu = 5102, LLI_omv = 5103, LLI_omw = 5104, LLI_omx = 5105, LLI_ona = 5106, LLI_onb = 5107, LLI_one = 5108, LLI_ong = 5109, LLI_oni = 5110, LLI_onj = 5111, LLI_onk = 5112, LLI_onn = 5113, LLI_ono = 5114, LLI_onp = 5115, LLI_onr = 5116, LLI_ons = 5117, LLI_ont = 5118, LLI_onu = 5119, LLI_onw = 5120, LLI_onx = 5121, LLI_ood = 5122, LLI_oog = 5123, LLI_oon = 5124, LLI_oor = 5125, LLI_oos = 5126, LLI_opa = 5127, LLI_opk = 5128, LLI_opm = 5129, LLI_opo = 5130, LLI_opt = 5131, LLI_opy = 5132, LLI_ora = 5133, LLI_orc = 5134, LLI_ore = 5135, LLI_org = 5136, LLI_orh = 5137, LLI_orn = 5138, LLI_oro = 5139, LLI_orr = 5140, LLI_ors = 5141, LLI_ort = 5142, LLI_oru = 5143, LLI_orv = 5144, LLI_orw = 5145, LLI_orx = 5146, LLI_orz = 5147, LLI_osa = 5148, LLI_osc = 5149, LLI_osi = 5150, LLI_oso = 5151, LLI_osp = 5152, LLI_ost = 5153, LLI_osu = 5154, LLI_osx = 5155, LLI_ota = 5156, LLI_otb = 5157, LLI_otd = 5158, LLI_ote = 5159, LLI_oti = 5160, LLI_otk = 5161, LLI_otl = 5162, LLI_otm = 5163, LLI_otn = 5164, LLI_oto = 5165, LLI_otq = 5166, LLI_otr = 5167, LLI_ots = 5168, LLI_ott = 5169, LLI_otu = 5170, LLI_otw = 5171, LLI_otx = 5172, LLI_oty = 5173, LLI_otz = 5174, LLI_oua = 5175, LLI_oub = 5176, LLI_oue = 5177, LLI_oui = 5178, LLI_oum = 5179, LLI_oun = 5180, LLI_owi = 5181, LLI_owl = 5182, LLI_oyb = 5183, LLI_oyd = 5184, LLI_oym = 5185, LLI_oyy = 5186, LLI_ozm = 5187, LLI_paa = 5188, LLI_pab = 5189, LLI_pac = 5190, LLI_pad = 5191, LLI_pae = 5192, LLI_paf = 5193, LLI_pag = 5194, LLI_pah = 5195, LLI_pai = 5196, LLI_pak = 5197, LLI_pal = 5198, LLI_pam = 5199, LLI_pao = 5200, LLI_pap = 5201, LLI_paq = 5202, LLI_par = 5203, LLI_pas = 5204, LLI_pat = 5205, LLI_pau = 5206, LLI_pav = 5207, LLI_paw = 5208, LLI_pax = 5209, LLI_pay = 5210, LLI_paz = 5211, LLI_pbb = 5212, LLI_pbc = 5213, LLI_pbe = 5214, LLI_pbf = 5215, LLI_pbg = 5216, LLI_pbh = 5217, LLI_pbi = 5218, LLI_pbl = 5219, LLI_pbn = 5220, LLI_pbo = 5221, LLI_pbp = 5222, LLI_pbr = 5223, LLI_pbs = 5224, LLI_pbt = 5225, LLI_pbu = 5226, LLI_pbv = 5227, LLI_pby = 5228, LLI_pbz = 5229, LLI_pca = 5230, LLI_pcb = 5231, LLI_pcc = 5232, LLI_pcd = 5233, LLI_pce = 5234, LLI_pcf = 5235, LLI_pcg = 5236, LLI_pch = 5237, LLI_pci = 5238, LLI_pcj = 5239, LLI_pck = 5240, LLI_pcl = 5241, LLI_pcm = 5242, LLI_pcn = 5243, LLI_pcp = 5244, LLI_pcr = 5245, LLI_pcw = 5246, LLI_pda = 5247, LLI_pdc = 5248, LLI_pdi = 5249, LLI_pdn = 5250, LLI_pdo = 5251, LLI_pdt = 5252, LLI_pdu = 5253, LLI_pea = 5254, LLI_peb = 5255, LLI_ped = 5256, LLI_pee = 5257, LLI_pef = 5258, LLI_peg = 5259, LLI_peh = 5260, LLI_pei = 5261, LLI_pej = 5262, LLI_pek = 5263, LLI_pel = 5264, LLI_pem = 5265, LLI_peo = 5266, LLI_pep = 5267, LLI_peq = 5268, LLI_pes = 5269, LLI_pev = 5270, LLI_pex = 5271, LLI_pey = 5272, LLI_pez = 5273, LLI_pfa = 5274, LLI_pfe = 5275, LLI_pfl = 5276, LLI_pga = 5277, LLI_pgg = 5278, LLI_pgi = 5279, LLI_pgk = 5280, LLI_pgn = 5281, LLI_pgs = 5282, LLI_pgu = 5283, LLI_pgy = 5284, LLI_pha = 5285, LLI_phd = 5286, LLI_phg = 5287, LLI_phh = 5288, LLI_phi = 5289, LLI_phk = 5290, LLI_phl = 5291, LLI_phm = 5292, LLI_phn = 5293, LLI_pho = 5294, LLI_phq = 5295, LLI_phr = 5296, LLI_pht = 5297, LLI_phu = 5298, LLI_phv = 5299, LLI_phw = 5300, LLI_pia = 5301, LLI_pib = 5302, LLI_pic = 5303, LLI_pid = 5304, LLI_pie = 5305, LLI_pif = 5306, LLI_pig = 5307, LLI_pih = 5308, LLI_pii = 5309, LLI_pij = 5310, LLI_pil = 5311, LLI_pim = 5312, LLI_pin = 5313, LLI_pio = 5314, LLI_pip = 5315, LLI_pir = 5316, LLI_pis = 5317, LLI_pit = 5318, LLI_piu = 5319, LLI_piv = 5320, LLI_piw = 5321, LLI_pix = 5322, LLI_piy = 5323, LLI_piz = 5324, LLI_pjt = 5325, LLI_pka = 5326, LLI_pkb = 5327, LLI_pkc = 5328, LLI_pkg = 5329, LLI_pkh = 5330, LLI_pkn = 5331, LLI_pko = 5332, LLI_pkp = 5333, LLI_pkr = 5334, LLI_pks = 5335, LLI_pkt = 5336, LLI_pku = 5337, LLI_pla = 5338, LLI_plb = 5339, LLI_plc = 5340, LLI_pld = 5341, LLI_ple = 5342, LLI_plf = 5343, LLI_plg = 5344, LLI_plh = 5345, LLI_plj = 5346, LLI_plk = 5347, LLI_pll = 5348, LLI_pln = 5349, LLI_plo = 5350, LLI_plp = 5351, LLI_plq = 5352, LLI_plr = 5353, LLI_pls = 5354, LLI_plt = 5355, LLI_plu = 5356, LLI_plv = 5357, LLI_plw = 5358, LLI_ply = 5359, LLI_plz = 5360, LLI_pma = 5361, LLI_pmb = 5362, LLI_pmc = 5363, LLI_pme = 5364, LLI_pmf = 5365, LLI_pmh = 5366, LLI_pmi = 5367, LLI_pmj = 5368, LLI_pmk = 5369, LLI_pml = 5370, LLI_pmm = 5371, LLI_pmn = 5372, LLI_pmo = 5373, LLI_pmq = 5374, LLI_pmr = 5375, LLI_pms = 5376, LLI_pmt = 5377, LLI_pmu = 5378, LLI_pmw = 5379, LLI_pmx = 5380, LLI_pmy = 5381, LLI_pmz = 5382, LLI_pna = 5383, LLI_pnb = 5384, LLI_pnc = 5385, LLI_pne = 5386, LLI_png = 5387, LLI_pnh = 5388, LLI_pni = 5389, LLI_pnm = 5390, LLI_pnn = 5391, LLI_pno = 5392, LLI_pnp = 5393, LLI_pnq = 5394, LLI_pnr = 5395, LLI_pns = 5396, LLI_pnt = 5397, LLI_pnu = 5398, LLI_pnv = 5399, LLI_pnw = 5400, LLI_pnx = 5401, LLI_pny = 5402, LLI_pnz = 5403, LLI_poc = 5404, LLI_pod = 5405, LLI_poe = 5406, LLI_pof = 5407, LLI_pog = 5408, LLI_poh = 5409, LLI_poi = 5410, LLI_pok = 5411, LLI_pom = 5412, LLI_pon = 5413, LLI_poo = 5414, LLI_pop = 5415, LLI_poq = 5416, LLI_pos = 5417, LLI_pot = 5418, LLI_pov = 5419, LLI_pow = 5420, LLI_pox = 5421, LLI_poy = 5422, LLI_poz = 5423, LLI_ppa = 5424, LLI_ppe = 5425, LLI_ppi = 5426, LLI_ppk = 5427, LLI_ppl = 5428, LLI_ppm = 5429, LLI_ppn = 5430, LLI_ppo = 5431, LLI_ppp = 5432, LLI_ppq = 5433, LLI_ppr = 5434, LLI_pps = 5435, LLI_ppt = 5436, LLI_ppu = 5437, LLI_pqa = 5438, LLI_pqe = 5439, LLI_pqm = 5440, LLI_pqw = 5441, LLI_pra = 5442, LLI_prb = 5443, LLI_prc = 5444, LLI_prd = 5445, LLI_pre = 5446, LLI_prf = 5447, LLI_prg = 5448, LLI_prh = 5449, LLI_pri = 5450, LLI_prk = 5451, LLI_prl = 5452, LLI_prm = 5453, LLI_prn = 5454, LLI_pro = 5455, LLI_prp = 5456, LLI_prq = 5457, LLI_prr = 5458, LLI_prs = 5459, LLI_prt = 5460, LLI_pru = 5461, LLI_prw = 5462, LLI_prx = 5463, LLI_pry = 5464, LLI_prz = 5465, LLI_psa = 5466, LLI_psc = 5467, LLI_psd = 5468, LLI_pse = 5469, LLI_psg = 5470, LLI_psh = 5471, LLI_psi = 5472, LLI_psl = 5473, LLI_psm = 5474, LLI_psn = 5475, LLI_pso = 5476, LLI_psp = 5477, LLI_psq = 5478, LLI_psr = 5479, LLI_pss = 5480, LLI_pst = 5481, LLI_psu = 5482, LLI_psw = 5483, LLI_psy = 5484, LLI_pta = 5485, LLI_pth = 5486, LLI_pti = 5487, LLI_ptn = 5488, LLI_pto = 5489, LLI_ptp = 5490, LLI_ptr = 5491, LLI_ptt = 5492, LLI_ptu = 5493, LLI_ptv = 5494, LLI_ptw = 5495, LLI_pty = 5496, LLI_pua = 5497, LLI_pub = 5498, LLI_puc = 5499, LLI_pud = 5500, LLI_pue = 5501, LLI_puf = 5502, LLI_pug = 5503, LLI_pui = 5504, LLI_puj = 5505, LLI_puk = 5506, LLI_pum = 5507, LLI_puo = 5508, LLI_pup = 5509, LLI_puq = 5510, LLI_pur = 5511, LLI_put = 5512, LLI_puu = 5513, LLI_puw = 5514, LLI_pux = 5515, LLI_puy = 5516, LLI_puz = 5517, LLI_pwa = 5518, LLI_pwb = 5519, LLI_pwg = 5520, LLI_pwm = 5521, LLI_pwn = 5522, LLI_pwo = 5523, LLI_pwr = 5524, LLI_pww = 5525, LLI_pxm = 5526, LLI_pye = 5527, LLI_pym = 5528, LLI_pyn = 5529, LLI_pys = 5530, LLI_pyu = 5531, LLI_pyx = 5532, LLI_pyy = 5533, LLI_pzn = 5534, LLI_qaa = 5535, LLI_qab = 5536, LLI_qac = 5537, LLI_qad = 5538, LLI_qae = 5539, LLI_qaf = 5540, LLI_qag = 5541, LLI_qah = 5542, LLI_qai = 5543, LLI_qaj = 5544, LLI_qak = 5545, LLI_qal = 5546, LLI_qam = 5547, LLI_qan = 5548, LLI_qao = 5549, LLI_qap = 5550, LLI_qaq = 5551, LLI_qar = 5552, LLI_qas = 5553, LLI_qat = 5554, LLI_qau = 5555, LLI_qav = 5556, LLI_qaw = 5557, LLI_qax = 5558, LLI_qay = 5559, LLI_qaz = 5560, LLI_qba = 5561, LLI_qbb = 5562, LLI_qbc = 5563, LLI_qbd = 5564, LLI_qbe = 5565, LLI_qbf = 5566, LLI_qbg = 5567, LLI_qbh = 5568, LLI_qbi = 5569, LLI_qbj = 5570, LLI_qbk = 5571, LLI_qbl = 5572, LLI_qbm = 5573, LLI_qbn = 5574, LLI_qbo = 5575, LLI_qbp = 5576, LLI_qbq = 5577, LLI_qbr = 5578, LLI_qbs = 5579, LLI_qbt = 5580, LLI_qbu = 5581, LLI_qbv = 5582, LLI_qbw = 5583, LLI_qbx = 5584, LLI_qby = 5585, LLI_qbz = 5586, LLI_qca = 5587, LLI_qcb = 5588, LLI_qcc = 5589, LLI_qcd = 5590, LLI_qce = 5591, LLI_qcf = 5592, LLI_qcg = 5593, LLI_qch = 5594, LLI_qci = 5595, LLI_qcj = 5596, LLI_qck = 5597, LLI_qcl = 5598, LLI_qcm = 5599, LLI_qcn = 5600, LLI_qco = 5601, LLI_qcp = 5602, LLI_qcq = 5603, LLI_qcr = 5604, LLI_qcs = 5605, LLI_qct = 5606, LLI_qcu = 5607, LLI_qcv = 5608, LLI_qcw = 5609, LLI_qcx = 5610, LLI_qcy = 5611, LLI_qcz = 5612, LLI_qda = 5613, LLI_qdb = 5614, LLI_qdc = 5615, LLI_qdd = 5616, LLI_qde = 5617, LLI_qdf = 5618, LLI_qdg = 5619, LLI_qdh = 5620, LLI_qdi = 5621, LLI_qdj = 5622, LLI_qdk = 5623, LLI_qdl = 5624, LLI_qdm = 5625, LLI_qdn = 5626, LLI_qdo = 5627, LLI_qdp = 5628, LLI_qdq = 5629, LLI_qdr = 5630, LLI_qds = 5631, LLI_qdt = 5632, LLI_qdu = 5633, LLI_qdv = 5634, LLI_qdw = 5635, LLI_qdx = 5636, LLI_qdy = 5637, LLI_qdz = 5638, LLI_qea = 5639, LLI_qeb = 5640, LLI_qec = 5641, LLI_qed = 5642, LLI_qee = 5643, LLI_qef = 5644, LLI_qeg = 5645, LLI_qeh = 5646, LLI_qei = 5647, LLI_qej = 5648, LLI_qek = 5649, LLI_qel = 5650, LLI_qem = 5651, LLI_qen = 5652, LLI_qeo = 5653, LLI_qep = 5654, LLI_qeq = 5655, LLI_qer = 5656, LLI_qes = 5657, LLI_qet = 5658, LLI_qeu = 5659, LLI_qev = 5660, LLI_qew = 5661, LLI_qex = 5662, LLI_qey = 5663, LLI_qez = 5664, LLI_qfa = 5665, LLI_qfb = 5666, LLI_qfc = 5667, LLI_qfd = 5668, LLI_qfe = 5669, LLI_qff = 5670, LLI_qfg = 5671, LLI_qfh = 5672, LLI_qfi = 5673, LLI_qfj = 5674, LLI_qfk = 5675, LLI_qfl = 5676, LLI_qfm = 5677, LLI_qfn = 5678, LLI_qfo = 5679, LLI_qfp = 5680, LLI_qfq = 5681, LLI_qfr = 5682, LLI_qfs = 5683, LLI_qft = 5684, LLI_qfu = 5685, LLI_qfv = 5686, LLI_qfw = 5687, LLI_qfx = 5688, LLI_qfy = 5689, LLI_qfz = 5690, LLI_qga = 5691, LLI_qgb = 5692, LLI_qgc = 5693, LLI_qgd = 5694, LLI_qge = 5695, LLI_qgf = 5696, LLI_qgg = 5697, LLI_qgh = 5698, LLI_qgi = 5699, LLI_qgj = 5700, LLI_qgk = 5701, LLI_qgl = 5702, LLI_qgm = 5703, LLI_qgn = 5704, LLI_qgo = 5705, LLI_qgp = 5706, LLI_qgq = 5707, LLI_qgr = 5708, LLI_qgs = 5709, LLI_qgt = 5710, LLI_qgu = 5711, LLI_qgv = 5712, LLI_qgw = 5713, LLI_qgx = 5714, LLI_qgy = 5715, LLI_qgz = 5716, LLI_qha = 5717, LLI_qhb = 5718, LLI_qhc = 5719, LLI_qhd = 5720, LLI_qhe = 5721, LLI_qhf = 5722, LLI_qhg = 5723, LLI_qhh = 5724, LLI_qhi = 5725, LLI_qhj = 5726, LLI_qhk = 5727, LLI_qhl = 5728, LLI_qhm = 5729, LLI_qhn = 5730, LLI_qho = 5731, LLI_qhp = 5732, LLI_qhq = 5733, LLI_qhr = 5734, LLI_qhs = 5735, LLI_qht = 5736, LLI_qhu = 5737, LLI_qhv = 5738, LLI_qhw = 5739, LLI_qhx = 5740, LLI_qhy = 5741, LLI_qhz = 5742, LLI_qia = 5743, LLI_qib = 5744, LLI_qic = 5745, LLI_qid = 5746, LLI_qie = 5747, LLI_qif = 5748, LLI_qig = 5749, LLI_qih = 5750, LLI_qii = 5751, LLI_qij = 5752, LLI_qik = 5753, LLI_qil = 5754, LLI_qim = 5755, LLI_qin = 5756, LLI_qio = 5757, LLI_qip = 5758, LLI_qiq = 5759, LLI_qir = 5760, LLI_qis = 5761, LLI_qit = 5762, LLI_qiu = 5763, LLI_qiv = 5764, LLI_qiw = 5765, LLI_qix = 5766, LLI_qiy = 5767, LLI_qiz = 5768, LLI_qja = 5769, LLI_qjb = 5770, LLI_qjc = 5771, LLI_qjd = 5772, LLI_qje = 5773, LLI_qjf = 5774, LLI_qjg = 5775, LLI_qjh = 5776, LLI_qji = 5777, LLI_qjj = 5778, LLI_qjk = 5779, LLI_qjl = 5780, LLI_qjm = 5781, LLI_qjn = 5782, LLI_qjo = 5783, LLI_qjp = 5784, LLI_qjq = 5785, LLI_qjr = 5786, LLI_qjs = 5787, LLI_qjt = 5788, LLI_qju = 5789, LLI_qjv = 5790, LLI_qjw = 5791, LLI_qjx = 5792, LLI_qjy = 5793, LLI_qjz = 5794, LLI_qka = 5795, LLI_qkb = 5796, LLI_qkc = 5797, LLI_qkd = 5798, LLI_qke = 5799, LLI_qkf = 5800, LLI_qkg = 5801, LLI_qkh = 5802, LLI_qki = 5803, LLI_qkj = 5804, LLI_qkk = 5805, LLI_qkl = 5806, LLI_qkm = 5807, LLI_qkn = 5808, LLI_qko = 5809, LLI_qkp = 5810, LLI_qkq = 5811, LLI_qkr = 5812, LLI_qks = 5813, LLI_qkt = 5814, LLI_qku = 5815, LLI_qkv = 5816, LLI_qkw = 5817, LLI_qkx = 5818, LLI_qky = 5819, LLI_qkz = 5820, LLI_qla = 5821, LLI_qlb = 5822, LLI_qlc = 5823, LLI_qld = 5824, LLI_qle = 5825, LLI_qlf = 5826, LLI_qlg = 5827, LLI_qlh = 5828, LLI_qli = 5829, LLI_qlj = 5830, LLI_qlk = 5831, LLI_qll = 5832, LLI_qlm = 5833, LLI_qln = 5834, LLI_qlo = 5835, LLI_qlp = 5836, LLI_qlq = 5837, LLI_qlr = 5838, LLI_qls = 5839, LLI_qlt = 5840, LLI_qlu = 5841, LLI_qlv = 5842, LLI_qlw = 5843, LLI_qlx = 5844, LLI_qly = 5845, LLI_qlz = 5846, LLI_qma = 5847, LLI_qmb = 5848, LLI_qmc = 5849, LLI_qmd = 5850, LLI_qme = 5851, LLI_qmf = 5852, LLI_qmg = 5853, LLI_qmh = 5854, LLI_qmi = 5855, LLI_qmj = 5856, LLI_qmk = 5857, LLI_qml = 5858, LLI_qmm = 5859, LLI_qmn = 5860, LLI_qmo = 5861, LLI_qmp = 5862, LLI_qmq = 5863, LLI_qmr = 5864, LLI_qms = 5865, LLI_qmt = 5866, LLI_qmu = 5867, LLI_qmv = 5868, LLI_qmw = 5869, LLI_qmx = 5870, LLI_qmy = 5871, LLI_qmz = 5872, LLI_qna = 5873, LLI_qnb = 5874, LLI_qnc = 5875, LLI_qnd = 5876, LLI_qne = 5877, LLI_qnf = 5878, LLI_qng = 5879, LLI_qnh = 5880, LLI_qni = 5881, LLI_qnj = 5882, LLI_qnk = 5883, LLI_qnl = 5884, LLI_qnm = 5885, LLI_qnn = 5886, LLI_qno = 5887, LLI_qnp = 5888, LLI_qnq = 5889, LLI_qnr = 5890, LLI_qns = 5891, LLI_qnt = 5892, LLI_qnu = 5893, LLI_qnv = 5894, LLI_qnw = 5895, LLI_qnx = 5896, LLI_qny = 5897, LLI_qnz = 5898, LLI_qoa = 5899, LLI_qob = 5900, LLI_qoc = 5901, LLI_qod = 5902, LLI_qoe = 5903, LLI_qof = 5904, LLI_qog = 5905, LLI_qoh = 5906, LLI_qoi = 5907, LLI_qoj = 5908, LLI_qok = 5909, LLI_qol = 5910, LLI_qom = 5911, LLI_qon = 5912, LLI_qoo = 5913, LLI_qop = 5914, LLI_qoq = 5915, LLI_qor = 5916, LLI_qos = 5917, LLI_qot = 5918, LLI_qou = 5919, LLI_qov = 5920, LLI_qow = 5921, LLI_qox = 5922, LLI_qoy = 5923, LLI_qoz = 5924, LLI_qpa = 5925, LLI_qpb = 5926, LLI_qpc = 5927, LLI_qpd = 5928, LLI_qpe = 5929, LLI_qpf = 5930, LLI_qpg = 5931, LLI_qph = 5932, LLI_qpi = 5933, LLI_qpj = 5934, LLI_qpk = 5935, LLI_qpl = 5936, LLI_qpm = 5937, LLI_qpn = 5938, LLI_qpo = 5939, LLI_qpp = 5940, LLI_qpq = 5941, LLI_qpr = 5942, LLI_qps = 5943, LLI_qpt = 5944, LLI_qpu = 5945, LLI_qpv = 5946, LLI_qpw = 5947, LLI_qpx = 5948, LLI_qpy = 5949, LLI_qpz = 5950, LLI_qqa = 5951, LLI_qqb = 5952, LLI_qqc = 5953, LLI_qqd = 5954, LLI_qqe = 5955, LLI_qqf = 5956, LLI_qqg = 5957, LLI_qqh = 5958, LLI_qqi = 5959, LLI_qqj = 5960, LLI_qqk = 5961, LLI_qql = 5962, LLI_qqm = 5963, LLI_qqn = 5964, LLI_qqo = 5965, LLI_qqp = 5966, LLI_qqq = 5967, LLI_qqr = 5968, LLI_qqs = 5969, LLI_qqt = 5970, LLI_qqu = 5971, LLI_qqv = 5972, LLI_qqw = 5973, LLI_qqx = 5974, LLI_qqy = 5975, LLI_qqz = 5976, LLI_qra = 5977, LLI_qrb = 5978, LLI_qrc = 5979, LLI_qrd = 5980, LLI_qre = 5981, LLI_qrf = 5982, LLI_qrg = 5983, LLI_qrh = 5984, LLI_qri = 5985, LLI_qrj = 5986, LLI_qrk = 5987, LLI_qrl = 5988, LLI_qrm = 5989, LLI_qrn = 5990, LLI_qro = 5991, LLI_qrp = 5992, LLI_qrq = 5993, LLI_qrr = 5994, LLI_qrs = 5995, LLI_qrt = 5996, LLI_qru = 5997, LLI_qrv = 5998, LLI_qrw = 5999, LLI_qrx = 6000, LLI_qry = 6001, LLI_qrz = 6002, LLI_qsa = 6003, LLI_qsb = 6004, LLI_qsc = 6005, LLI_qsd = 6006, LLI_qse = 6007, LLI_qsf = 6008, LLI_qsg = 6009, LLI_qsh = 6010, LLI_qsi = 6011, LLI_qsj = 6012, LLI_qsk = 6013, LLI_qsl = 6014, LLI_qsm = 6015, LLI_qsn = 6016, LLI_qso = 6017, LLI_qsp = 6018, LLI_qsq = 6019, LLI_qsr = 6020, LLI_qss = 6021, LLI_qst = 6022, LLI_qsu = 6023, LLI_qsv = 6024, LLI_qsw = 6025, LLI_qsx = 6026, LLI_qsy = 6027, LLI_qsz = 6028, LLI_qta = 6029, LLI_qtb = 6030, LLI_qtc = 6031, LLI_qtd = 6032, LLI_qte = 6033, LLI_qtf = 6034, LLI_qtg = 6035, LLI_qth = 6036, LLI_qti = 6037, LLI_qtj = 6038, LLI_qtk = 6039, LLI_qtl = 6040, LLI_qtm = 6041, LLI_qtn = 6042, LLI_qto = 6043, LLI_qtp = 6044, LLI_qtq = 6045, LLI_qtr = 6046, LLI_qts = 6047, LLI_qtt = 6048, LLI_qtu = 6049, LLI_qtv = 6050, LLI_qtw = 6051, LLI_qtx = 6052, LLI_qty = 6053, LLI_qtz = 6054, LLI_qua = 6055, LLI_qub = 6056, LLI_quc = 6057, LLI_qud = 6058, LLI_quf = 6059, LLI_qug = 6060, LLI_quh = 6061, LLI_qui = 6062, LLI_quk = 6063, LLI_qul = 6064, LLI_qum = 6065, LLI_qun = 6066, LLI_qup = 6067, LLI_quq = 6068, LLI_qur = 6069, LLI_qus = 6070, LLI_quv = 6071, LLI_quw = 6072, LLI_qux = 6073, LLI_quy = 6074, LLI_quz = 6075, LLI_qva = 6076, LLI_qvc = 6077, LLI_qve = 6078, LLI_qvh = 6079, LLI_qvi = 6080, LLI_qvj = 6081, LLI_qvl = 6082, LLI_qvm = 6083, LLI_qvn = 6084, LLI_qvo = 6085, LLI_qvp = 6086, LLI_qvs = 6087, LLI_qvw = 6088, LLI_qvy = 6089, LLI_qvz = 6090, LLI_qwa = 6091, LLI_qwc = 6092, LLI_qwe = 6093, LLI_qwh = 6094, LLI_qwm = 6095, LLI_qws = 6096, LLI_qwt = 6097, LLI_qxa = 6098, LLI_qxc = 6099, LLI_qxh = 6100, LLI_qxl = 6101, LLI_qxn = 6102, LLI_qxo = 6103, LLI_qxp = 6104, LLI_qxq = 6105, LLI_qxr = 6106, LLI_qxs = 6107, LLI_qxt = 6108, LLI_qxu = 6109, LLI_qxw = 6110, LLI_qya = 6111, LLI_qyp = 6112, LLI_raa = 6113, LLI_rab = 6114, LLI_rac = 6115, LLI_rad = 6116, LLI_raf = 6117, LLI_rag = 6118, LLI_rah = 6119, LLI_rai = 6120, LLI_raj = 6121, LLI_rak = 6122, LLI_ral = 6123, LLI_ram = 6124, LLI_ran = 6125, LLI_rao = 6126, LLI_rap = 6127, LLI_raq = 6128, LLI_rar = 6129, LLI_ras = 6130, LLI_rat = 6131, LLI_rau = 6132, LLI_rav = 6133, LLI_raw = 6134, LLI_rax = 6135, LLI_ray = 6136, LLI_raz = 6137, LLI_rbb = 6138, LLI_rbk = 6139, LLI_rbl = 6140, LLI_rcf = 6141, LLI_rdb = 6142, LLI_rea = 6143, LLI_reb = 6144, LLI_ree = 6145, LLI_reg = 6146, LLI_rei = 6147, LLI_rej = 6148, LLI_rel = 6149, LLI_rem = 6150, LLI_ren = 6151, LLI_rer = 6152, LLI_res = 6153, LLI_ret = 6154, LLI_rey = 6155, LLI_rga = 6156, LLI_rge = 6157, LLI_rgk = 6158, LLI_rgn = 6159, LLI_rgr = 6160, LLI_rgs = 6161, LLI_rgu = 6162, LLI_rhg = 6163, LLI_rhp = 6164, LLI_ria = 6165, LLI_rie = 6166, LLI_rif = 6167, LLI_ril = 6168, LLI_rim = 6169, LLI_rin = 6170, LLI_rir = 6171, LLI_rit = 6172, LLI_riu = 6173, LLI_rjg = 6174, LLI_rji = 6175, LLI_rjs = 6176, LLI_rka = 6177, LLI_rkb = 6178, LLI_rkh = 6179, LLI_rki = 6180, LLI_rkm = 6181, LLI_rkt = 6182, LLI_rma = 6183, LLI_rmb = 6184, LLI_rmc = 6185, LLI_rmd = 6186, LLI_rme = 6187, LLI_rmf = 6188, LLI_rmg = 6189, LLI_rmh = 6190, LLI_rmi = 6191, LLI_rmk = 6192, LLI_rml = 6193, LLI_rmm = 6194, LLI_rmn = 6195, LLI_rmo = 6196, LLI_rmp = 6197, LLI_rmq = 6198, LLI_rmr = 6199, LLI_rms = 6200, LLI_rmt = 6201, LLI_rmu = 6202, LLI_rmv = 6203, LLI_rmw = 6204, LLI_rmx = 6205, LLI_rmy = 6206, LLI_rmz = 6207, LLI_rna = 6208, LLI_rnd = 6209, LLI_rng = 6210, LLI_rnl = 6211, LLI_rnn = 6212, LLI_rnp = 6213, LLI_rnw = 6214, LLI_roa = 6215, LLI_rob = 6216, LLI_roc = 6217, LLI_rod = 6218, LLI_roe = 6219, LLI_rof = 6220, LLI_rog = 6221, LLI_rol = 6222, LLI_rom = 6223, LLI_roo = 6224, LLI_rop = 6225, LLI_ror = 6226, LLI_rou = 6227, LLI_row = 6228, LLI_rpn = 6229, LLI_rpt = 6230, LLI_rri = 6231, LLI_rro = 6232, LLI_rsb = 6233, LLI_rsi = 6234, LLI_rsl = 6235, LLI_rth = 6236, LLI_rtm = 6237, LLI_rtw = 6238, LLI_rub = 6239, LLI_ruc = 6240, LLI_rue = 6241, LLI_ruf = 6242, LLI_rug = 6243, LLI_ruh = 6244, LLI_rui = 6245, LLI_ruk = 6246, LLI_ruo = 6247, LLI_rup = 6248, LLI_ruq = 6249, LLI_rut = 6250, LLI_ruu = 6251, LLI_ruy = 6252, LLI_ruz = 6253, LLI_rwa = 6254, LLI_rwk = 6255, LLI_rwm = 6256, LLI_rwo = 6257, LLI_rwr = 6258, LLI_ryn = 6259, LLI_rys = 6260, LLI_ryu = 6261, LLI_saa = 6262, LLI_sab = 6263, LLI_sac = 6264, LLI_sad = 6265, LLI_sae = 6266, LLI_saf = 6267, LLI_sah = 6268, LLI_sai = 6269, LLI_saj = 6270, LLI_sak = 6271, LLI_sal = 6272, LLI_sam = 6273, LLI_sao = 6274, LLI_sap = 6275, LLI_saq = 6276, LLI_sar = 6277, LLI_sas = 6278, LLI_sat = 6279, LLI_sau = 6280, LLI_sav = 6281, LLI_saw = 6282, LLI_sax = 6283, LLI_say = 6284, LLI_saz = 6285, LLI_sba = 6286, LLI_sbb = 6287, LLI_sbc = 6288, LLI_sbd = 6289, LLI_sbe = 6290, LLI_sbf = 6291, LLI_sbg = 6292, LLI_sbh = 6293, LLI_sbi = 6294, LLI_sbj = 6295, LLI_sbk = 6296, LLI_sbl = 6297, LLI_sbm = 6298, LLI_sbn = 6299, LLI_sbo = 6300, LLI_sbp = 6301, LLI_sbq = 6302, LLI_sbr = 6303, LLI_sbs = 6304, LLI_sbt = 6305, LLI_sbu = 6306, LLI_sbv = 6307, LLI_sbw = 6308, LLI_sbx = 6309, LLI_sby = 6310, LLI_sbz = 6311, LLI_sca = 6312, LLI_scb = 6313, LLI_sce = 6314, LLI_scf = 6315, LLI_scg = 6316, LLI_sch = 6317, LLI_sci = 6318, LLI_sck = 6319, LLI_scl = 6320, LLI_scn = 6321, LLI_sco = 6322, LLI_scp = 6323, LLI_scq = 6324, LLI_scs = 6325, LLI_scu = 6326, LLI_scv = 6327, LLI_scw = 6328, LLI_scx = 6329, LLI_sda = 6330, LLI_sdb = 6331, LLI_sdc = 6332, LLI_sde = 6333, LLI_sdf = 6334, LLI_sdg = 6335, LLI_sdh = 6336, LLI_sdj = 6337, LLI_sdk = 6338, LLI_sdl = 6339, LLI_sdm = 6340, LLI_sdn = 6341, LLI_sdo = 6342, LLI_sdp = 6343, LLI_sdr = 6344, LLI_sds = 6345, LLI_sdt = 6346, LLI_sdu = 6347, LLI_sdv = 6348, LLI_sdx = 6349, LLI_sdz = 6350, LLI_sea = 6351, LLI_seb = 6352, LLI_sec = 6353, LLI_sed = 6354, LLI_see = 6355, LLI_sef = 6356, LLI_seg = 6357, LLI_seh = 6358, LLI_sei = 6359, LLI_sej = 6360, LLI_sek = 6361, LLI_sel = 6362, LLI_sem = 6363, LLI_sen = 6364, LLI_seo = 6365, LLI_sep = 6366, LLI_seq = 6367, LLI_ser = 6368, LLI_ses = 6369, LLI_set = 6370, LLI_seu = 6371, LLI_sev = 6372, LLI_sew = 6373, LLI_sey = 6374, LLI_sez = 6375, LLI_sfb = 6376, LLI_sfm = 6377, LLI_sfs = 6378, LLI_sfw = 6379, LLI_sga = 6380, LLI_sgb = 6381, LLI_sgc = 6382, LLI_sgd = 6383, LLI_sge = 6384, LLI_sgg = 6385, LLI_sgh = 6386, LLI_sgi = 6387, LLI_sgk = 6388, LLI_sgl = 6389, LLI_sgm = 6390, LLI_sgn = 6391, LLI_sgo = 6392, LLI_sgp = 6393, LLI_sgr = 6394, LLI_sgs = 6395, LLI_sgt = 6396, LLI_sgu = 6397, LLI_sgw = 6398, LLI_sgx = 6399, LLI_sgy = 6400, LLI_sgz = 6401, LLI_sha = 6402, LLI_shb = 6403, LLI_shc = 6404, LLI_shd = 6405, LLI_she = 6406, LLI_shg = 6407, LLI_shh = 6408, LLI_shi = 6409, LLI_shj = 6410, LLI_shk = 6411, LLI_shl = 6412, LLI_shm = 6413, LLI_shn = 6414, LLI_sho = 6415, LLI_shp = 6416, LLI_shq = 6417, LLI_shr = 6418, LLI_shs = 6419, LLI_sht = 6420, LLI_shu = 6421, LLI_shv = 6422, LLI_shw = 6423, LLI_shx = 6424, LLI_shy = 6425, LLI_shz = 6426, LLI_sia = 6427, LLI_sib = 6428, LLI_sid = 6429, LLI_sie = 6430, LLI_sif = 6431, LLI_sig = 6432, LLI_sih = 6433, LLI_sii = 6434, LLI_sij = 6435, LLI_sik = 6436, LLI_sil = 6437, LLI_sim = 6438, LLI_sio = 6439, LLI_sip = 6440, LLI_siq = 6441, LLI_sir = 6442, LLI_sis = 6443, LLI_sit = 6444, LLI_siu = 6445, LLI_siv = 6446, LLI_siw = 6447, LLI_six = 6448, LLI_siy = 6449, LLI_siz = 6450, LLI_sja = 6451, LLI_sjb = 6452, LLI_sjd = 6453, LLI_sje = 6454, LLI_sjg = 6455, LLI_sjk = 6456, LLI_sjl = 6457, LLI_sjm = 6458, LLI_sjn = 6459, LLI_sjo = 6460, LLI_sjp = 6461, LLI_sjr = 6462, LLI_sjs = 6463, LLI_sjt = 6464, LLI_sju = 6465, LLI_sjw = 6466, LLI_ska = 6467, LLI_skb = 6468, LLI_skc = 6469, LLI_skd = 6470, LLI_ske = 6471, LLI_skf = 6472, LLI_skg = 6473, LLI_skh = 6474, LLI_ski = 6475, LLI_skj = 6476, LLI_skk = 6477, LLI_skm = 6478, LLI_skn = 6479, LLI_sko = 6480, LLI_skp = 6481, LLI_skq = 6482, LLI_skr = 6483, LLI_sks = 6484, LLI_skt = 6485, LLI_sku = 6486, LLI_skv = 6487, LLI_skw = 6488, LLI_skx = 6489, LLI_sky = 6490, LLI_skz = 6491, LLI_sla = 6492, LLI_slc = 6493, LLI_sld = 6494, LLI_sle = 6495, LLI_slf = 6496, LLI_slg = 6497, LLI_slh = 6498, LLI_sli = 6499, LLI_slj = 6500, LLI_sll = 6501, LLI_slm = 6502, LLI_sln = 6503, LLI_slp = 6504, LLI_slq = 6505, LLI_slr = 6506, LLI_sls = 6507, LLI_slt = 6508, LLI_slu = 6509, LLI_slw = 6510, LLI_slx = 6511, LLI_sly = 6512, LLI_slz = 6513, LLI_sma = 6514, LLI_smb = 6515, LLI_smc = 6516, LLI_smd = 6517, LLI_smf = 6518, LLI_smg = 6519, LLI_smh = 6520, LLI_smi = 6521, LLI_smj = 6522, LLI_smk = 6523, LLI_sml = 6524, LLI_smm = 6525, LLI_smn = 6526, LLI_smp = 6527, LLI_smq = 6528, LLI_smr = 6529, LLI_sms = 6530, LLI_smt = 6531, LLI_smu = 6532, LLI_smv = 6533, LLI_smw = 6534, LLI_smx = 6535, LLI_smy = 6536, LLI_smz = 6537, LLI_snb = 6538, LLI_snc = 6539, LLI_sne = 6540, LLI_snf = 6541, LLI_sng = 6542, LLI_snh = 6543, LLI_sni = 6544, LLI_snj = 6545, LLI_snk = 6546, LLI_snl = 6547, LLI_snm = 6548, LLI_snn = 6549, LLI_sno = 6550, LLI_snp = 6551, LLI_snq = 6552, LLI_snr = 6553, LLI_sns = 6554, LLI_snu = 6555, LLI_snv = 6556, LLI_snw = 6557, LLI_snx = 6558, LLI_sny = 6559, LLI_snz = 6560, LLI_soa = 6561, LLI_sob = 6562, LLI_soc = 6563, LLI_sod = 6564, LLI_soe = 6565, LLI_sog = 6566, LLI_soh = 6567, LLI_soi = 6568, LLI_soj = 6569, LLI_sok = 6570, LLI_sol = 6571, LLI_son = 6572, LLI_soo = 6573, LLI_sop = 6574, LLI_soq = 6575, LLI_sor = 6576, LLI_sos = 6577, LLI_sou = 6578, LLI_sov = 6579, LLI_sow = 6580, LLI_sox = 6581, LLI_soy = 6582, LLI_soz = 6583, LLI_spb = 6584, LLI_spc = 6585, LLI_spd = 6586, LLI_spe = 6587, LLI_spg = 6588, LLI_spi = 6589, LLI_spk = 6590, LLI_spl = 6591, LLI_spm = 6592, LLI_spo = 6593, LLI_spp = 6594, LLI_spq = 6595, LLI_spr = 6596, LLI_sps = 6597, LLI_spt = 6598, LLI_spu = 6599, LLI_spx = 6600, LLI_spy = 6601, LLI_sqa = 6602, LLI_sqh = 6603, LLI_sqj = 6604, LLI_sqm = 6605, LLI_sqn = 6606, LLI_sqo = 6607, LLI_sqq = 6608, LLI_sqr = 6609, LLI_sqs = 6610, LLI_sqt = 6611, LLI_squ = 6612, LLI_sra = 6613, LLI_srb = 6614, LLI_src = 6615, LLI_sre = 6616, LLI_srf = 6617, LLI_srg = 6618, LLI_srh = 6619, LLI_sri = 6620, LLI_srk = 6621, LLI_srl = 6622, LLI_srm = 6623, LLI_srn = 6624, LLI_sro = 6625, LLI_srq = 6626, LLI_srr = 6627, LLI_srs = 6628, LLI_srt = 6629, LLI_sru = 6630, LLI_srv = 6631, LLI_srw = 6632, LLI_srx = 6633, LLI_sry = 6634, LLI_srz = 6635, LLI_ssa = 6636, LLI_ssb = 6637, LLI_ssc = 6638, LLI_ssd = 6639, LLI_sse = 6640, LLI_ssf = 6641, LLI_ssg = 6642, LLI_ssh = 6643, LLI_ssi = 6644, LLI_ssj = 6645, LLI_ssk = 6646, LLI_ssl = 6647, LLI_ssm = 6648, LLI_ssn = 6649, LLI_sso = 6650, LLI_ssp = 6651, LLI_ssq = 6652, LLI_ssr = 6653, LLI_sss = 6654, LLI_sst = 6655, LLI_ssu = 6656, LLI_ssv = 6657, LLI_ssx = 6658, LLI_ssy = 6659, LLI_ssz = 6660, LLI_sta = 6661, LLI_stb = 6662, LLI_std = 6663, LLI_ste = 6664, LLI_stf = 6665, LLI_stg = 6666, LLI_sth = 6667, LLI_sti = 6668, LLI_stj = 6669, LLI_stk = 6670, LLI_stl = 6671, LLI_stm = 6672, LLI_stn = 6673, LLI_sto = 6674, LLI_stp = 6675, LLI_stq = 6676, LLI_str = 6677, LLI_sts = 6678, LLI_stt = 6679, LLI_stu = 6680, LLI_stv = 6681, LLI_stw = 6682, LLI_sua = 6683, LLI_sub = 6684, LLI_suc = 6685, LLI_sue = 6686, LLI_sug = 6687, LLI_sui = 6688, LLI_suj = 6689, LLI_suk = 6690, LLI_sul = 6691, LLI_sum = 6692, LLI_suq = 6693, LLI_sur = 6694, LLI_sus = 6695, LLI_sut = 6696, LLI_suv = 6697, LLI_suw = 6698, LLI_sux = 6699, LLI_suy = 6700, LLI_suz = 6701, LLI_sva = 6702, LLI_svb = 6703, LLI_svc = 6704, LLI_sve = 6705, LLI_svk = 6706, LLI_svr = 6707, LLI_svs = 6708, LLI_svx = 6709, LLI_swb = 6710, LLI_swc = 6711, LLI_swf = 6712, LLI_swg = 6713, LLI_swh = 6714, LLI_swi = 6715, LLI_swj = 6716, LLI_swk = 6717, LLI_swl = 6718, LLI_swm = 6719, LLI_swn = 6720, LLI_swo = 6721, LLI_swp = 6722, LLI_swq = 6723, LLI_swr = 6724, LLI_sws = 6725, LLI_swt = 6726, LLI_swu = 6727, LLI_swv = 6728, LLI_sww = 6729, LLI_swx = 6730, LLI_swy = 6731, LLI_sxb = 6732, LLI_sxc = 6733, LLI_sxe = 6734, LLI_sxg = 6735, LLI_sxk = 6736, LLI_sxl = 6737, LLI_sxm = 6738, LLI_sxn = 6739, LLI_sxo = 6740, LLI_sxr = 6741, LLI_sxs = 6742, LLI_sxu = 6743, LLI_sxw = 6744, LLI_sya = 6745, LLI_syb = 6746, LLI_syc = 6747, LLI_syd = 6748, LLI_syi = 6749, LLI_syk = 6750, LLI_syl = 6751, LLI_sym = 6752, LLI_syn = 6753, LLI_syo = 6754, LLI_syr = 6755, LLI_sys = 6756, LLI_syw = 6757, LLI_syy = 6758, LLI_sza = 6759, LLI_szb = 6760, LLI_szc = 6761, LLI_szd = 6762, LLI_sze = 6763, LLI_szg = 6764, LLI_szl = 6765, LLI_szn = 6766, LLI_szp = 6767, LLI_szv = 6768, LLI_szw = 6769, LLI_taa = 6770, LLI_tab = 6771, LLI_tac = 6772, LLI_tad = 6773, LLI_tae = 6774, LLI_taf = 6775, LLI_tag = 6776, LLI_tai = 6777, LLI_taj = 6778, LLI_tak = 6779, LLI_tal = 6780, LLI_tan = 6781, LLI_tao = 6782, LLI_tap = 6783, LLI_taq = 6784, LLI_tar = 6785, LLI_tas = 6786, LLI_tau = 6787, LLI_tav = 6788, LLI_taw = 6789, LLI_tax = 6790, LLI_tay = 6791, LLI_taz = 6792, LLI_tba = 6793, LLI_tbb = 6794, LLI_tbc = 6795, LLI_tbd = 6796, LLI_tbe = 6797, LLI_tbf = 6798, LLI_tbg = 6799, LLI_tbh = 6800, LLI_tbi = 6801, LLI_tbj = 6802, LLI_tbk = 6803, LLI_tbl = 6804, LLI_tbm = 6805, LLI_tbn = 6806, LLI_tbo = 6807, LLI_tbp = 6808, LLI_tbq = 6809, LLI_tbr = 6810, LLI_tbs = 6811, LLI_tbt = 6812, LLI_tbu = 6813, LLI_tbv = 6814, LLI_tbw = 6815, LLI_tbx = 6816, LLI_tby = 6817, LLI_tbz = 6818, LLI_tca = 6819, LLI_tcb = 6820, LLI_tcc = 6821, LLI_tcd = 6822, LLI_tce = 6823, LLI_tcf = 6824, LLI_tcg = 6825, LLI_tch = 6826, LLI_tci = 6827, LLI_tck = 6828, LLI_tcl = 6829, LLI_tcm = 6830, LLI_tcn = 6831, LLI_tco = 6832, LLI_tcp = 6833, LLI_tcq = 6834, LLI_tcs = 6835, LLI_tct = 6836, LLI_tcu = 6837, LLI_tcw = 6838, LLI_tcx = 6839, LLI_tcy = 6840, LLI_tcz = 6841, LLI_tda = 6842, LLI_tdb = 6843, LLI_tdc = 6844, LLI_tdd = 6845, LLI_tde = 6846, LLI_tdf = 6847, LLI_tdg = 6848, LLI_tdh = 6849, LLI_tdi = 6850, LLI_tdj = 6851, LLI_tdk = 6852, LLI_tdl = 6853, LLI_tdn = 6854, LLI_tdo = 6855, LLI_tdq = 6856, LLI_tdr = 6857, LLI_tds = 6858, LLI_tdt = 6859, LLI_tdu = 6860, LLI_tdv = 6861, LLI_tdx = 6862, LLI_tdy = 6863, LLI_tea = 6864, LLI_teb = 6865, LLI_tec = 6866, LLI_ted = 6867, LLI_tee = 6868, LLI_tef = 6869, LLI_teg = 6870, LLI_teh = 6871, LLI_tei = 6872, LLI_tek = 6873, LLI_tem = 6874, LLI_ten = 6875, LLI_teo = 6876, LLI_tep = 6877, LLI_teq = 6878, LLI_ter = 6879, LLI_tes = 6880, LLI_tet = 6881, LLI_teu = 6882, LLI_tev = 6883, LLI_tew = 6884, LLI_tex = 6885, LLI_tey = 6886, LLI_tfi = 6887, LLI_tfn = 6888, LLI_tfo = 6889, LLI_tfr = 6890, LLI_tft = 6891, LLI_tga = 6892, LLI_tgb = 6893, LLI_tgc = 6894, LLI_tgd = 6895, LLI_tge = 6896, LLI_tgf = 6897, LLI_tgg = 6898, LLI_tgh = 6899, LLI_tgi = 6900, LLI_tgn = 6901, LLI_tgo = 6902, LLI_tgp = 6903, LLI_tgq = 6904, LLI_tgr = 6905, LLI_tgs = 6906, LLI_tgt = 6907, LLI_tgu = 6908, LLI_tgv = 6909, LLI_tgw = 6910, LLI_tgx = 6911, LLI_tgy = 6912, LLI_thc = 6913, LLI_thd = 6914, LLI_the = 6915, LLI_thf = 6916, LLI_thh = 6917, LLI_thi = 6918, LLI_thk = 6919, LLI_thl = 6920, LLI_thm = 6921, LLI_thn = 6922, LLI_thp = 6923, LLI_thq = 6924, LLI_thr = 6925, LLI_ths = 6926, LLI_tht = 6927, LLI_thu = 6928, LLI_thv = 6929, LLI_thw = 6930, LLI_thx = 6931, LLI_thy = 6932, LLI_thz = 6933, LLI_tia = 6934, LLI_tic = 6935, LLI_tid = 6936, LLI_tie = 6937, LLI_tif = 6938, LLI_tig = 6939, LLI_tih = 6940, LLI_tii = 6941, LLI_tij = 6942, LLI_tik = 6943, LLI_til = 6944, LLI_tim = 6945, LLI_tin = 6946, LLI_tio = 6947, LLI_tip = 6948, LLI_tiq = 6949, LLI_tis = 6950, LLI_tit = 6951, LLI_tiu = 6952, LLI_tiv = 6953, LLI_tiw = 6954, LLI_tix = 6955, LLI_tiy = 6956, LLI_tiz = 6957, LLI_tja = 6958, LLI_tjg = 6959, LLI_tji = 6960, LLI_tjm = 6961, LLI_tjn = 6962, LLI_tjo = 6963, LLI_tjs = 6964, LLI_tju = 6965, LLI_tka = 6966, LLI_tkb = 6967, LLI_tkd = 6968, LLI_tke = 6969, LLI_tkf = 6970, LLI_tkk = 6971, LLI_tkl = 6972, LLI_tkm = 6973, LLI_tkn = 6974, LLI_tkp = 6975, LLI_tkq = 6976, LLI_tkr = 6977, LLI_tks = 6978, LLI_tkt = 6979, LLI_tku = 6980, LLI_tkw = 6981, LLI_tkx = 6982, LLI_tkz = 6983, LLI_tla = 6984, LLI_tlb = 6985, LLI_tlc = 6986, LLI_tld = 6987, LLI_tlf = 6988, LLI_tlg = 6989, LLI_tlh = 6990, LLI_tli = 6991, LLI_tlj = 6992, LLI_tlk = 6993, LLI_tll = 6994, LLI_tlm = 6995, LLI_tln = 6996, LLI_tlo = 6997, LLI_tlp = 6998, LLI_tlq = 6999, LLI_tlr = 7000, LLI_tls = 7001, LLI_tlt = 7002, LLI_tlu = 7003, LLI_tlv = 7004, LLI_tlw = 7005, LLI_tlx = 7006, LLI_tly = 7007, LLI_tma = 7008, LLI_tmb = 7009, LLI_tmc = 7010, LLI_tmd = 7011, LLI_tme = 7012, LLI_tmf = 7013, LLI_tmg = 7014, LLI_tmh = 7015, LLI_tmi = 7016, LLI_tmj = 7017, LLI_tmk = 7018, LLI_tml = 7019, LLI_tmm = 7020, LLI_tmn = 7021, LLI_tmo = 7022, LLI_tmp = 7023, LLI_tmq = 7024, LLI_tmr = 7025, LLI_tms = 7026, LLI_tmt = 7027, LLI_tmu = 7028, LLI_tmv = 7029, LLI_tmw = 7030, LLI_tmy = 7031, LLI_tmz = 7032, LLI_tna = 7033, LLI_tnb = 7034, LLI_tnc = 7035, LLI_tnd = 7036, LLI_tne = 7037, LLI_tnf = 7038, LLI_tng = 7039, LLI_tnh = 7040, LLI_tni = 7041, LLI_tnk = 7042, LLI_tnl = 7043, LLI_tnm = 7044, LLI_tnn = 7045, LLI_tno = 7046, LLI_tnp = 7047, LLI_tnq = 7048, LLI_tnr = 7049, LLI_tns = 7050, LLI_tnt = 7051, LLI_tnu = 7052, LLI_tnv = 7053, LLI_tnw = 7054, LLI_tnx = 7055, LLI_tny = 7056, LLI_tnz = 7057, LLI_tob = 7058, LLI_toc = 7059, LLI_tod = 7060, LLI_toe = 7061, LLI_tof = 7062, LLI_tog = 7063, LLI_toh = 7064, LLI_toi = 7065, LLI_toj = 7066, LLI_tol = 7067, LLI_tom = 7068, LLI_too = 7069, LLI_top = 7070, LLI_toq = 7071, LLI_tor = 7072, LLI_tos = 7073, LLI_tou = 7074, LLI_tov = 7075, LLI_tow = 7076, LLI_tox = 7077, LLI_toy = 7078, LLI_toz = 7079, LLI_tpa = 7080, LLI_tpc = 7081, LLI_tpe = 7082, LLI_tpf = 7083, LLI_tpg = 7084, LLI_tpi = 7085, LLI_tpj = 7086, LLI_tpk = 7087, LLI_tpl = 7088, LLI_tpm = 7089, LLI_tpn = 7090, LLI_tpo = 7091, LLI_tpp = 7092, LLI_tpq = 7093, LLI_tpr = 7094, LLI_tpt = 7095, LLI_tpu = 7096, LLI_tpv = 7097, LLI_tpw = 7098, LLI_tpx = 7099, LLI_tpy = 7100, LLI_tpz = 7101, LLI_tqb = 7102, LLI_tql = 7103, LLI_tqm = 7104, LLI_tqn = 7105, LLI_tqo = 7106, LLI_tqp = 7107, LLI_tqq = 7108, LLI_tqr = 7109, LLI_tqt = 7110, LLI_tqu = 7111, LLI_tqw = 7112, LLI_tra = 7113, LLI_trb = 7114, LLI_trc = 7115, LLI_trd = 7116, LLI_tre = 7117, LLI_trf = 7118, LLI_trg = 7119, LLI_trh = 7120, LLI_tri = 7121, LLI_trj = 7122, LLI_trk = 7123, LLI_trl = 7124, LLI_trm = 7125, LLI_trn = 7126, LLI_tro = 7127, LLI_trp = 7128, LLI_trq = 7129, LLI_trr = 7130, LLI_trs = 7131, LLI_trt = 7132, LLI_tru = 7133, LLI_trv = 7134, LLI_trw = 7135, LLI_trx = 7136, LLI_try = 7137, LLI_trz = 7138, LLI_tsa = 7139, LLI_tsb = 7140, LLI_tsc = 7141, LLI_tsd = 7142, LLI_tse = 7143, LLI_tsf = 7144, LLI_tsg = 7145, LLI_tsh = 7146, LLI_tsi = 7147, LLI_tsj = 7148, LLI_tsk = 7149, LLI_tsl = 7150, LLI_tsm = 7151, LLI_tsp = 7152, LLI_tsq = 7153, LLI_tsr = 7154, LLI_tss = 7155, LLI_tsu = 7156, LLI_tsv = 7157, LLI_tsw = 7158, LLI_tsx = 7159, LLI_tsy = 7160, LLI_tsz = 7161, LLI_tta = 7162, LLI_ttb = 7163, LLI_ttc = 7164, LLI_ttd = 7165, LLI_tte = 7166, LLI_ttf = 7167, LLI_ttg = 7168, LLI_tth = 7169, LLI_tti = 7170, LLI_ttj = 7171, LLI_ttk = 7172, LLI_ttl = 7173, LLI_ttm = 7174, LLI_ttn = 7175, LLI_tto = 7176, LLI_ttp = 7177, LLI_ttq = 7178, LLI_ttr = 7179, LLI_tts = 7180, LLI_ttt = 7181, LLI_ttu = 7182, LLI_ttv = 7183, LLI_ttw = 7184, LLI_tty = 7185, LLI_ttz = 7186, LLI_tua = 7187, LLI_tub = 7188, LLI_tuc = 7189, LLI_tud = 7190, LLI_tue = 7191, LLI_tuf = 7192, LLI_tug = 7193, LLI_tuh = 7194, LLI_tui = 7195, LLI_tuj = 7196, LLI_tul = 7197, LLI_tum = 7198, LLI_tun = 7199, LLI_tuo = 7200, LLI_tup = 7201, LLI_tuq = 7202, LLI_tus = 7203, LLI_tut = 7204, LLI_tuu = 7205, LLI_tuv = 7206, LLI_tuw = 7207, LLI_tux = 7208, LLI_tuy = 7209, LLI_tuz = 7210, LLI_tva = 7211, LLI_tvd = 7212, LLI_tve = 7213, LLI_tvk = 7214, LLI_tvl = 7215, LLI_tvm = 7216, LLI_tvn = 7217, LLI_tvo = 7218, LLI_tvs = 7219, LLI_tvt = 7220, LLI_tvw = 7221, LLI_tvy = 7222, LLI_twa = 7223, LLI_twb = 7224, LLI_twc = 7225, LLI_twd = 7226, LLI_twe = 7227, LLI_twf = 7228, LLI_twg = 7229, LLI_twh = 7230, LLI_twl = 7231, LLI_twm = 7232, LLI_twn = 7233, LLI_two = 7234, LLI_twp = 7235, LLI_twq = 7236, LLI_twr = 7237, LLI_twt = 7238, LLI_twu = 7239, LLI_tww = 7240, LLI_twx = 7241, LLI_twy = 7242, LLI_txa = 7243, LLI_txb = 7244, LLI_txc = 7245, LLI_txe = 7246, LLI_txg = 7247, LLI_txh = 7248, LLI_txi = 7249, LLI_txm = 7250, LLI_txn = 7251, LLI_txo = 7252, LLI_txq = 7253, LLI_txr = 7254, LLI_txs = 7255, LLI_txt = 7256, LLI_txu = 7257, LLI_txx = 7258, LLI_txy = 7259, LLI_tya = 7260, LLI_tye = 7261, LLI_tyh = 7262, LLI_tyi = 7263, LLI_tyj = 7264, LLI_tyl = 7265, LLI_tyn = 7266, LLI_typ = 7267, LLI_tyr = 7268, LLI_tys = 7269, LLI_tyt = 7270, LLI_tyu = 7271, LLI_tyv = 7272, LLI_tyx = 7273, LLI_tyz = 7274, LLI_tza = 7275, LLI_tzh = 7276, LLI_tzj = 7277, LLI_tzm = 7278, LLI_tzn = 7279, LLI_tzo = 7280, LLI_tzx = 7281, LLI_uam = 7282, LLI_uan = 7283, LLI_uar = 7284, LLI_uba = 7285, LLI_ubi = 7286, LLI_ubl = 7287, LLI_ubr = 7288, LLI_ubu = 7289, LLI_uby = 7290, LLI_uda = 7291, LLI_ude = 7292, LLI_udg = 7293, LLI_udi = 7294, LLI_udj = 7295, LLI_udl = 7296, LLI_udm = 7297, LLI_udu = 7298, LLI_ues = 7299, LLI_ufi = 7300, LLI_uga = 7301, LLI_ugb = 7302, LLI_uge = 7303, LLI_ugn = 7304, LLI_ugo = 7305, LLI_ugy = 7306, LLI_uha = 7307, LLI_uhn = 7308, LLI_uis = 7309, LLI_uiv = 7310, LLI_uji = 7311, LLI_uka = 7312, LLI_ukg = 7313, LLI_ukh = 7314, LLI_ukl = 7315, LLI_ukp = 7316, LLI_ukq = 7317, LLI_uks = 7318, LLI_uku = 7319, LLI_ukw = 7320, LLI_ula = 7321, LLI_ulb = 7322, LLI_ulc = 7323, LLI_ulf = 7324, LLI_uli = 7325, LLI_ulk = 7326, LLI_ull = 7327, LLI_ulm = 7328, LLI_uln = 7329, LLI_ulu = 7330, LLI_ulw = 7331, LLI_uma = 7332, LLI_umb = 7333, LLI_umc = 7334, LLI_umd = 7335, LLI_umg = 7336, LLI_umi = 7337, LLI_umm = 7338, LLI_umn = 7339, LLI_umo = 7340, LLI_ump = 7341, LLI_umr = 7342, LLI_ums = 7343, LLI_umu = 7344, LLI_una = 7345, LLI_und = 7346, LLI_une = 7347, LLI_ung = 7348, LLI_unk = 7349, LLI_unm = 7350, LLI_unp = 7351, LLI_unr = 7352, LLI_unx = 7353, LLI_unz = 7354, LLI_uok = 7355, LLI_upi = 7356, LLI_upv = 7357, LLI_ura = 7358, LLI_urb = 7359, LLI_urc = 7360, LLI_ure = 7361, LLI_urf = 7362, LLI_urg = 7363, LLI_urh = 7364, LLI_uri = 7365, LLI_urj = 7366, LLI_urk = 7367, LLI_url = 7368, LLI_urm = 7369, LLI_urn = 7370, LLI_uro = 7371, LLI_urp = 7372, LLI_urr = 7373, LLI_urt = 7374, LLI_uru = 7375, LLI_urv = 7376, LLI_urw = 7377, LLI_urx = 7378, LLI_ury = 7379, LLI_urz = 7380, LLI_usa = 7381, LLI_ush = 7382, LLI_usi = 7383, LLI_usk = 7384, LLI_usp = 7385, LLI_usu = 7386, LLI_uta = 7387, LLI_ute = 7388, LLI_utp = 7389, LLI_utr = 7390, LLI_utu = 7391, LLI_uum = 7392, LLI_uun = 7393, LLI_uur = 7394, LLI_uuu = 7395, LLI_uve = 7396, LLI_uvh = 7397, LLI_uvl = 7398, LLI_uwa = 7399, LLI_uya = 7400, LLI_uzn = 7401, LLI_uzs = 7402, LLI_vaa = 7403, LLI_vae = 7404, LLI_vaf = 7405, LLI_vag = 7406, LLI_vah = 7407, LLI_vai = 7408, LLI_vaj = 7409, LLI_val = 7410, LLI_vam = 7411, LLI_van = 7412, LLI_vao = 7413, LLI_vap = 7414, LLI_var = 7415, LLI_vas = 7416, LLI_vau = 7417, LLI_vav = 7418, LLI_vay = 7419, LLI_vbb = 7420, LLI_vbk = 7421, LLI_vec = 7422, LLI_ved = 7423, LLI_vel = 7424, LLI_vem = 7425, LLI_veo = 7426, LLI_vep = 7427, LLI_ver = 7428, LLI_vgr = 7429, LLI_vgt = 7430, LLI_vic = 7431, LLI_vid = 7432, LLI_vif = 7433, LLI_vig = 7434, LLI_vil = 7435, LLI_vin = 7436, LLI_vis = 7437, LLI_vit = 7438, LLI_viv = 7439, LLI_vka = 7440, LLI_vki = 7441, LLI_vkj = 7442, LLI_vkk = 7443, LLI_vkl = 7444, LLI_vkm = 7445, LLI_vko = 7446, LLI_vkp = 7447, LLI_vkt = 7448, LLI_vku = 7449, LLI_vlp = 7450, LLI_vls = 7451, LLI_vma = 7452, LLI_vmb = 7453, LLI_vmc = 7454, LLI_vmd = 7455, LLI_vme = 7456, LLI_vmf = 7457, LLI_vmg = 7458, LLI_vmh = 7459, LLI_vmi = 7460, LLI_vmj = 7461, LLI_vmk = 7462, LLI_vml = 7463, LLI_vmm = 7464, LLI_vmp = 7465, LLI_vmq = 7466, LLI_vmr = 7467, LLI_vms = 7468, LLI_vmu = 7469, LLI_vmv = 7470, LLI_vmw = 7471, LLI_vmx = 7472, LLI_vmy = 7473, LLI_vmz = 7474, LLI_vnk = 7475, LLI_vnm = 7476, LLI_vnp = 7477, LLI_vor = 7478, LLI_vot = 7479, LLI_vra = 7480, LLI_vro = 7481, LLI_vrs = 7482, LLI_vrt = 7483, LLI_vsi = 7484, LLI_vsl = 7485, LLI_vsv = 7486, LLI_vto = 7487, LLI_vum = 7488, LLI_vun = 7489, LLI_vut = 7490, LLI_vwa = 7491, LLI_waa = 7492, LLI_wab = 7493, LLI_wac = 7494, LLI_wad = 7495, LLI_wae = 7496, LLI_waf = 7497, LLI_wag = 7498, LLI_wah = 7499, LLI_wai = 7500, LLI_waj = 7501, LLI_wak = 7502, LLI_wal = 7503, LLI_wam = 7504, LLI_wan = 7505, LLI_wao = 7506, LLI_wap = 7507, LLI_waq = 7508, LLI_war = 7509, LLI_was = 7510, LLI_wat = 7511, LLI_wau = 7512, LLI_wav = 7513, LLI_waw = 7514, LLI_wax = 7515, LLI_way = 7516, LLI_waz = 7517, LLI_wba = 7518, LLI_wbb = 7519, LLI_wbe = 7520, LLI_wbf = 7521, LLI_wbh = 7522, LLI_wbi = 7523, LLI_wbj = 7524, LLI_wbk = 7525, LLI_wbl = 7526, LLI_wbm = 7527, LLI_wbp = 7528, LLI_wbq = 7529, LLI_wbr = 7530, LLI_wbt = 7531, LLI_wbv = 7532, LLI_wbw = 7533, LLI_wca = 7534, LLI_wci = 7535, LLI_wdd = 7536, LLI_wdg = 7537, LLI_wdj = 7538, LLI_wdu = 7539, LLI_wea = 7540, LLI_wec = 7541, LLI_wed = 7542, LLI_weh = 7543, LLI_wei = 7544, LLI_wem = 7545, LLI_wen = 7546, LLI_weo = 7547, LLI_wep = 7548, LLI_wer = 7549, LLI_wes = 7550, LLI_wet = 7551, LLI_weu = 7552, LLI_wew = 7553, LLI_wfg = 7554, LLI_wga = 7555, LLI_wgb = 7556, LLI_wgg = 7557, LLI_wgi = 7558, LLI_wgo = 7559, LLI_wgw = 7560, LLI_wgy = 7561, LLI_wha = 7562, LLI_whg = 7563, LLI_whk = 7564, LLI_whu = 7565, LLI_wib = 7566, LLI_wic = 7567, LLI_wie = 7568, LLI_wif = 7569, LLI_wig = 7570, LLI_wih = 7571, LLI_wii = 7572, LLI_wij = 7573, LLI_wik = 7574, LLI_wil = 7575, LLI_wim = 7576, LLI_win = 7577, LLI_wir = 7578, LLI_wit = 7579, LLI_wiu = 7580, LLI_wiv = 7581, LLI_wiw = 7582, LLI_wiy = 7583, LLI_wja = 7584, LLI_wji = 7585, LLI_wka = 7586, LLI_wkb = 7587, LLI_wkd = 7588, LLI_wkl = 7589, LLI_wku = 7590, LLI_wkw = 7591, LLI_wla = 7592, LLI_wlc = 7593, LLI_wle = 7594, LLI_wlg = 7595, LLI_wli = 7596, LLI_wlk = 7597, LLI_wll = 7598, LLI_wlm = 7599, LLI_wlo = 7600, LLI_wlr = 7601, LLI_wls = 7602, LLI_wlu = 7603, LLI_wlv = 7604, LLI_wlw = 7605, LLI_wlx = 7606, LLI_wly = 7607, LLI_wma = 7608, LLI_wmb = 7609, LLI_wmc = 7610, LLI_wmd = 7611, LLI_wme = 7612, LLI_wmh = 7613, LLI_wmi = 7614, LLI_wmm = 7615, LLI_wmn = 7616, LLI_wmo = 7617, LLI_wms = 7618, LLI_wmt = 7619, LLI_wmw = 7620, LLI_wmx = 7621, LLI_wnb = 7622, LLI_wnc = 7623, LLI_wnd = 7624, LLI_wne = 7625, LLI_wng = 7626, LLI_wni = 7627, LLI_wnk = 7628, LLI_wnm = 7629, LLI_wno = 7630, LLI_wnp = 7631, LLI_wnu = 7632, LLI_woa = 7633, LLI_wob = 7634, LLI_woc = 7635, LLI_wod = 7636, LLI_woe = 7637, LLI_wof = 7638, LLI_wog = 7639, LLI_woi = 7640, LLI_wok = 7641, LLI_wom = 7642, LLI_won = 7643, LLI_woo = 7644, LLI_wor = 7645, LLI_wos = 7646, LLI_wow = 7647, LLI_woy = 7648, LLI_wpc = 7649, LLI_wra = 7650, LLI_wrb = 7651, LLI_wrd = 7652, LLI_wrg = 7653, LLI_wrh = 7654, LLI_wri = 7655, LLI_wrl = 7656, LLI_wrm = 7657, LLI_wrn = 7658, LLI_wrp = 7659, LLI_wrr = 7660, LLI_wrs = 7661, LLI_wru = 7662, LLI_wrv = 7663, LLI_wrw = 7664, LLI_wrx = 7665, LLI_wry = 7666, LLI_wrz = 7667, LLI_wsa = 7668, LLI_wsi = 7669, LLI_wsk = 7670, LLI_wsr = 7671, LLI_wss = 7672, LLI_wsu = 7673, LLI_wsv = 7674, LLI_wtf = 7675, LLI_wti = 7676, LLI_wtk = 7677, LLI_wtm = 7678, LLI_wtw = 7679, LLI_wua = 7680, LLI_wub = 7681, LLI_wud = 7682, LLI_wuh = 7683, LLI_wul = 7684, LLI_wum = 7685, LLI_wun = 7686, LLI_wur = 7687, LLI_wut = 7688, LLI_wuu = 7689, LLI_wuv = 7690, LLI_wux = 7691, LLI_wuy = 7692, LLI_wwa = 7693, LLI_wwo = 7694, LLI_wwr = 7695, LLI_www = 7696, LLI_wxa = 7697, LLI_wya = 7698, LLI_wyb = 7699, LLI_wym = 7700, LLI_wyr = 7701, LLI_wyy = 7702, LLI_xaa = 7703, LLI_xab = 7704, LLI_xac = 7705, LLI_xad = 7706, LLI_xae = 7707, LLI_xag = 7708, LLI_xai = 7709, LLI_xal = 7710, LLI_xam = 7711, LLI_xan = 7712, LLI_xao = 7713, LLI_xap = 7714, LLI_xaq = 7715, LLI_xar = 7716, LLI_xas = 7717, LLI_xat = 7718, LLI_xau = 7719, LLI_xav = 7720, LLI_xaw = 7721, LLI_xay = 7722, LLI_xba = 7723, LLI_xbb = 7724, LLI_xbc = 7725, LLI_xbi = 7726, LLI_xbm = 7727, LLI_xbn = 7728, LLI_xbo = 7729, LLI_xbr = 7730, LLI_xbw = 7731, LLI_xbx = 7732, LLI_xcb = 7733, LLI_xcc = 7734, LLI_xce = 7735, LLI_xcg = 7736, LLI_xch = 7737, LLI_xcl = 7738, LLI_xcm = 7739, LLI_xcn = 7740, LLI_xco = 7741, LLI_xcr = 7742, LLI_xct = 7743, LLI_xcu = 7744, LLI_xcv = 7745, LLI_xcw = 7746, LLI_xcy = 7747, LLI_xdc = 7748, LLI_xdm = 7749, LLI_xdy = 7750, LLI_xeb = 7751, LLI_xed = 7752, LLI_xeg = 7753, LLI_xel = 7754, LLI_xem = 7755, LLI_xep = 7756, LLI_xer = 7757, LLI_xes = 7758, LLI_xet = 7759, LLI_xeu = 7760, LLI_xfa = 7761, LLI_xga = 7762, LLI_xgf = 7763, LLI_xgl = 7764, LLI_xgn = 7765, LLI_xgr = 7766, LLI_xha = 7767, LLI_xhc = 7768, LLI_xhd = 7769, LLI_xhe = 7770, LLI_xhr = 7771, LLI_xht = 7772, LLI_xhu = 7773, LLI_xhv = 7774, LLI_xia = 7775, LLI_xib = 7776, LLI_xii = 7777, LLI_xil = 7778, LLI_xin = 7779, LLI_xip = 7780, LLI_xir = 7781, LLI_xiv = 7782, LLI_xiy = 7783, LLI_xka = 7784, LLI_xkb = 7785, LLI_xkc = 7786, LLI_xkd = 7787, LLI_xke = 7788, LLI_xkf = 7789, LLI_xkg = 7790, LLI_xkh = 7791, LLI_xki = 7792, LLI_xkj = 7793, LLI_xkk = 7794, LLI_xkl = 7795, LLI_xkn = 7796, LLI_xko = 7797, LLI_xkp = 7798, LLI_xkq = 7799, LLI_xkr = 7800, LLI_xks = 7801, LLI_xkt = 7802, LLI_xku = 7803, LLI_xkv = 7804, LLI_xkw = 7805, LLI_xkx = 7806, LLI_xky = 7807, LLI_xkz = 7808, LLI_xla = 7809, LLI_xlb = 7810, LLI_xlc = 7811, LLI_xld = 7812, LLI_xle = 7813, LLI_xlg = 7814, LLI_xli = 7815, LLI_xln = 7816, LLI_xlo = 7817, LLI_xlp = 7818, LLI_xls = 7819, LLI_xlu = 7820, LLI_xly = 7821, LLI_xma = 7822, LLI_xmb = 7823, LLI_xmc = 7824, LLI_xmd = 7825, LLI_xme = 7826, LLI_xmf = 7827, LLI_xmg = 7828, LLI_xmh = 7829, LLI_xmj = 7830, LLI_xmk = 7831, LLI_xml = 7832, LLI_xmm = 7833, LLI_xmn = 7834, LLI_xmo = 7835, LLI_xmp = 7836, LLI_xmq = 7837, LLI_xmr = 7838, LLI_xms = 7839, LLI_xmt = 7840, LLI_xmu = 7841, LLI_xmv = 7842, LLI_xmw = 7843, LLI_xmx = 7844, LLI_xmy = 7845, LLI_xmz = 7846, LLI_xna = 7847, LLI_xnb = 7848, LLI_xnd = 7849, LLI_xng = 7850, LLI_xnh = 7851, LLI_xnn = 7852, LLI_xno = 7853, LLI_xnr = 7854, LLI_xns = 7855, LLI_xnt = 7856, LLI_xoc = 7857, LLI_xod = 7858, LLI_xog = 7859, LLI_xoi = 7860, LLI_xok = 7861, LLI_xom = 7862, LLI_xon = 7863, LLI_xoo = 7864, LLI_xop = 7865, LLI_xor = 7866, LLI_xow = 7867, LLI_xpc = 7868, LLI_xpe = 7869, LLI_xpg = 7870, LLI_xpi = 7871, LLI_xpk = 7872, LLI_xpm = 7873, LLI_xpn = 7874, LLI_xpo = 7875, LLI_xpp = 7876, LLI_xpq = 7877, LLI_xpr = 7878, LLI_xps = 7879, LLI_xpu = 7880, LLI_xpy = 7881, LLI_xqa = 7882, LLI_xqt = 7883, LLI_xra = 7884, LLI_xrb = 7885, LLI_xre = 7886, LLI_xri = 7887, LLI_xrm = 7888, LLI_xrn = 7889, LLI_xrr = 7890, LLI_xrt = 7891, LLI_xru = 7892, LLI_xrw = 7893, LLI_xsa = 7894, LLI_xsb = 7895, LLI_xsc = 7896, LLI_xsd = 7897, LLI_xse = 7898, LLI_xsh = 7899, LLI_xsi = 7900, LLI_xsj = 7901, LLI_xsl = 7902, LLI_xsm = 7903, LLI_xsn = 7904, LLI_xso = 7905, LLI_xsp = 7906, LLI_xsq = 7907, LLI_xsr = 7908, LLI_xss = 7909, LLI_xsu = 7910, LLI_xsv = 7911, LLI_xsy = 7912, LLI_xta = 7913, LLI_xtb = 7914, LLI_xtc = 7915, LLI_xtd = 7916, LLI_xte = 7917, LLI_xtg = 7918, LLI_xti = 7919, LLI_xtj = 7920, LLI_xtl = 7921, LLI_xtm = 7922, LLI_xtn = 7923, LLI_xto = 7924, LLI_xtp = 7925, LLI_xtq = 7926, LLI_xtr = 7927, LLI_xts = 7928, LLI_xtt = 7929, LLI_xtu = 7930, LLI_xtw = 7931, LLI_xty = 7932, LLI_xtz = 7933, LLI_xua = 7934, LLI_xub = 7935, LLI_xug = 7936, LLI_xuj = 7937, LLI_xum = 7938, LLI_xuo = 7939, LLI_xup = 7940, LLI_xur = 7941, LLI_xut = 7942, LLI_xuu = 7943, LLI_xve = 7944, LLI_xvi = 7945, LLI_xvn = 7946, LLI_xvo = 7947, LLI_xvs = 7948, LLI_xwa = 7949, LLI_xwc = 7950, LLI_xwe = 7951, LLI_xwg = 7952, LLI_xwl = 7953, LLI_xwo = 7954, LLI_xwr = 7955, LLI_xxb = 7956, LLI_xxk = 7957, LLI_xxr = 7958, LLI_xxt = 7959, LLI_xyl = 7960, LLI_xzh = 7961, LLI_xzm = 7962, LLI_xzp = 7963, LLI_yaa = 7964, LLI_yab = 7965, LLI_yac = 7966, LLI_yad = 7967, LLI_yae = 7968, LLI_yaf = 7969, LLI_yag = 7970, LLI_yah = 7971, LLI_yai = 7972, LLI_yaj = 7973, LLI_yak = 7974, LLI_yal = 7975, LLI_yam = 7976, LLI_yan = 7977, LLI_yao = 7978, LLI_yap = 7979, LLI_yaq = 7980, LLI_yar = 7981, LLI_yas = 7982, LLI_yat = 7983, LLI_yau = 7984, LLI_yav = 7985, LLI_yaw = 7986, LLI_yax = 7987, LLI_yay = 7988, LLI_yaz = 7989, LLI_yba = 7990, LLI_ybb = 7991, LLI_ybd = 7992, LLI_ybe = 7993, LLI_ybh = 7994, LLI_ybi = 7995, LLI_ybj = 7996, LLI_ybk = 7997, LLI_ybl = 7998, LLI_ybm = 7999, LLI_ybn = 8000, LLI_ybo = 8001, LLI_ybx = 8002, LLI_yby = 8003, LLI_ych = 8004, LLI_ycl = 8005, LLI_ycn = 8006, LLI_ycp = 8007, LLI_ydd = 8008, LLI_yde = 8009, LLI_ydg = 8010, LLI_ydk = 8011, LLI_yds = 8012, LLI_yea = 8013, LLI_yec = 8014, LLI_yee = 8015, LLI_yei = 8016, LLI_yej = 8017, LLI_yel = 8018, LLI_yen = 8019, LLI_yer = 8020, LLI_yes = 8021, LLI_yet = 8022, LLI_yeu = 8023, LLI_yev = 8024, LLI_yey = 8025, LLI_ygl = 8026, LLI_ygm = 8027, LLI_ygp = 8028, LLI_ygr = 8029 }; enum LANGUAGES_LANGUAGE_ID { LLI_UNKNOWN = 0, LLI_aa = 1, LLI_ab = 2, LLI_ae = 3, LLI_af = 4, LLI_ak = 5, LLI_am = 6, LLI_an = 7, LLI_ar = 8, LLI_as = 9, LLI_av = 10, LLI_ay = 11, LLI_az = 12, LLI_ba = 13, LLI_be = 14, LLI_bg = 15, LLI_bh = 16, LLI_bi = 17, LLI_bm = 18, LLI_bn = 19, LLI_bo = 20, LLI_br = 21, LLI_bs = 22, LLI_ca = 23, LLI_ce = 24, LLI_ch = 25, LLI_co = 26, LLI_cr = 27, LLI_cs = 28, LLI_cu = 29, LLI_cv = 30, LLI_cy = 31, LLI_da = 32, LLI_de = 33, LLI_dv = 34, LLI_dz = 35, LLI_ee = 36, LLI_el = 37, LLI_en = 38, LLI_eo = 39, LLI_es = 40, LLI_et = 41, LLI_eu = 42, LLI_fa = 43, LLI_ff = 44, LLI_fi = 45, LLI_fj = 46, LLI_fo = 47, LLI_fr = 48, LLI_fy = 49, LLI_ga = 50, LLI_gd = 51, LLI_gl = 52, LLI_gn = 53, LLI_gu = 54, LLI_gv = 55, LLI_ha = 56, LLI_he = 57, LLI_hi = 58, LLI_ho = 59, LLI_hr = 60, LLI_ht = 61, LLI_hu = 62, LLI_hy = 63, LLI_hz = 64, LLI_ia = 65, LLI_id = 66, LLI_ie = 67, LLI_ig = 68, LLI_ii = 69, LLI_ik = 70, LLI_in = 71, LLI_io = 72, LLI_is = 73, LLI_it = 74, LLI_iu = 75, LLI_iw = 76, LLI_ja = 77, LLI_ji = 78, LLI_jv = 79, LLI_jw = 80, LLI_ka = 81, LLI_kg = 82, LLI_ki = 83, LLI_kj = 84, LLI_kk = 85, LLI_kl = 86, LLI_km = 87, LLI_kn = 88, LLI_ko = 89, LLI_kr = 90, LLI_ks = 91, LLI_ku = 92, LLI_kv = 93, LLI_kw = 94, LLI_ky = 95, LLI_la = 96, LLI_lb = 97, LLI_lg = 98, LLI_li = 99, LLI_ln = 100, LLI_lo = 101, LLI_lt = 102, LLI_lu = 103, LLI_lv = 104, LLI_mg = 105, LLI_mh = 106, LLI_mi = 107, LLI_mk = 108, LLI_ml = 109, LLI_mn = 110, LLI_mo = 111, LLI_mr = 112, LLI_ms = 113, LLI_mt = 114, LLI_my = 115, LLI_na = 116, LLI_nb = 117, LLI_nd = 118, LLI_ne = 119, LLI_ng = 120, LLI_nl = 121, LLI_nn = 122, LLI_no = 123, LLI_nr = 124, LLI_nv = 125, LLI_ny = 126, LLI_oc = 127, LLI_oj = 128, LLI_om = 129, LLI_or = 130, LLI_os = 131, LLI_pa = 132, LLI_pi = 133, LLI_pl = 134, LLI_ps = 135, LLI_pt = 136, LLI_qu = 137, LLI_rm = 138, LLI_rn = 139, LLI_ro = 140, LLI_ru = 141, LLI_rw = 142, LLI_sa = 143, LLI_sc = 144, LLI_sd = 145, LLI_se = 146, LLI_sg = 147, LLI_sh = 148, LLI_si = 149, LLI_sk = 150, LLI_sl = 151, LLI_sm = 152, LLI_sn = 153, LLI_so = 154, LLI_sq = 155, LLI_sr = 156, LLI_ss = 157, LLI_st = 158, LLI_su = 159, LLI_sv = 160, LLI_sw = 161, LLI_ta = 162, LLI_te = 163, LLI_tg = 164, LLI_th = 165, LLI_ti = 166, LLI_tk = 167, LLI_tl = 168, LLI_tn = 169, LLI_to = 170, LLI_tr = 171, LLI_ts = 172, LLI_tt = 173, LLI_tw = 174, LLI_ty = 175, LLI_ug = 176, LLI_uk = 177, LLI_ur = 178, LLI_uz = 179, LLI_ve = 180, LLI_vi = 181, LLI_vo = 182, LLI_wa = 183, LLI_wo = 184, LLI_xh = 185, LLI_yi = 186, LLI_yo = 187, LLI_za = 188, LLI_zh = 189, LLI_zu = 190, LLI_aaa = 191, LLI_aab = 192, LLI_aac = 193, LLI_aad = 194, LLI_aae = 195, LLI_aaf = 196, LLI_aag = 197, LLI_aah = 198, LLI_aai = 199, LLI_aak = 200, LLI_aal = 201, LLI_aam = 202, LLI_aan = 203, LLI_aao = 204, LLI_aap = 205, LLI_aaq = 206, LLI_aas = 207, LLI_aat = 208, LLI_aau = 209, LLI_aav = 210, LLI_aaw = 211, LLI_aax = 212, LLI_aaz = 213, LLI_aba = 214, LLI_abb = 215, LLI_abc = 216, LLI_abd = 217, LLI_abe = 218, LLI_abf = 219, LLI_abg = 220, LLI_abh = 221, LLI_abi = 222, LLI_abj = 223, LLI_abl = 224, LLI_abm = 225, LLI_abn = 226, LLI_abo = 227, LLI_abp = 228, LLI_abq = 229, LLI_abr = 230, LLI_abs = 231, LLI_abt = 232, LLI_abu = 233, LLI_abv = 234, LLI_abw = 235, LLI_abx = 236, LLI_aby = 237, LLI_abz = 238, LLI_aca = 239, LLI_acb = 240, LLI_acd = 241, LLI_ace = 242, LLI_acf = 243, LLI_ach = 244, LLI_aci = 245, LLI_ack = 246, LLI_acl = 247, LLI_acm = 248, LLI_acn = 249, LLI_acp = 250, LLI_acq = 251, LLI_acr = 252, LLI_acs = 253, LLI_act = 254, LLI_acu = 255, LLI_acv = 256, LLI_acw = 257, LLI_acx = 258, LLI_acy = 259, LLI_acz = 260, LLI_ada = 261, LLI_adb = 262, LLI_add = 263, LLI_ade = 264, LLI_adf = 265, LLI_adg = 266, LLI_adh = 267, LLI_adi = 268, LLI_adj = 269, LLI_adl = 270, LLI_adn = 271, LLI_ado = 272, LLI_adp = 273, LLI_adq = 274, LLI_adr = 275, LLI_ads = 276, LLI_adt = 277, LLI_adu = 278, LLI_adw = 279, LLI_adx = 280, LLI_ady = 281, LLI_adz = 282, LLI_aea = 283, LLI_aeb = 284, LLI_aec = 285, LLI_aed = 286, LLI_aee = 287, LLI_aek = 288, LLI_ael = 289, LLI_aem = 290, LLI_aen = 291, LLI_aeq = 292, LLI_aer = 293, LLI_aes = 294, LLI_aeu = 295, LLI_aew = 296, LLI_aey = 297, LLI_aez = 298, LLI_afa = 299, LLI_afb = 300, LLI_afd = 301, LLI_afe = 302, LLI_afg = 303, LLI_afh = 304, LLI_afi = 305, LLI_afk = 306, LLI_afn = 307, LLI_afo = 308, LLI_afp = 309, LLI_afs = 310, LLI_aft = 311, LLI_afu = 312, LLI_afz = 313, LLI_aga = 314, LLI_agb = 315, LLI_agc = 316, LLI_agd = 317, LLI_age = 318, LLI_agf = 319, LLI_agg = 320, LLI_agh = 321, LLI_agi = 322, LLI_agj = 323, LLI_agk = 324, LLI_agl = 325, LLI_agm = 326, LLI_agn = 327, LLI_ago = 328, LLI_agp = 329, LLI_agq = 330, LLI_agr = 331, LLI_ags = 332, LLI_agt = 333, LLI_agu = 334, LLI_agv = 335, LLI_agw = 336, LLI_agx = 337, LLI_agy = 338, LLI_agz = 339, LLI_aha = 340, LLI_ahb = 341, LLI_ahg = 342, LLI_ahh = 343, LLI_ahi = 344, LLI_ahk = 345, LLI_ahl = 346, LLI_ahm = 347, LLI_ahn = 348, LLI_aho = 349, LLI_ahp = 350, LLI_ahr = 351, LLI_ahs = 352, LLI_aht = 353, LLI_aia = 354, LLI_aib = 355, LLI_aic = 356, LLI_aid = 357, LLI_aie = 358, LLI_aif = 359, LLI_aig = 360, LLI_aih = 361, LLI_aii = 362, LLI_aij = 363, LLI_aik = 364, LLI_ail = 365, LLI_aim = 366, LLI_ain = 367, LLI_aio = 368, LLI_aip = 369, LLI_aiq = 370, LLI_air = 371, LLI_ais = 372, LLI_ait = 373, LLI_aiw = 374, LLI_aix = 375, LLI_aiy = 376, LLI_aja = 377, LLI_ajg = 378, LLI_aji = 379, LLI_ajp = 380, LLI_ajt = 381, LLI_aju = 382, LLI_ajw = 383, LLI_ajz = 384, LLI_akb = 385, LLI_akc = 386, LLI_akd = 387, LLI_ake = 388, LLI_akf = 389, LLI_akg = 390, LLI_akh = 391, LLI_aki = 392, LLI_akj = 393, LLI_akk = 394, LLI_akl = 395, LLI_akm = 396, LLI_ako = 397, LLI_akp = 398, LLI_akq = 399, LLI_akr = 400, LLI_aks = 401, LLI_akt = 402, LLI_aku = 403, LLI_akv = 404, LLI_akw = 405, LLI_akx = 406, LLI_aky = 407, LLI_akz = 408, LLI_ala = 409, LLI_alc = 410, LLI_ald = 411, LLI_ale = 412, LLI_alf = 413, LLI_alg = 414, LLI_alh = 415, LLI_ali = 416, LLI_alj = 417, LLI_alk = 418, LLI_all = 419, LLI_alm = 420, LLI_aln = 421, LLI_alo = 422, LLI_alp = 423, LLI_alq = 424, LLI_alr = 425, LLI_als = 426, LLI_alt = 427, LLI_alu = 428, LLI_alv = 429, LLI_alw = 430, LLI_alx = 431, LLI_aly = 432, LLI_alz = 433, LLI_ama = 434, LLI_amb = 435, LLI_amc = 436, LLI_ame = 437, LLI_amf = 438, LLI_amg = 439, LLI_ami = 440, LLI_amj = 441, LLI_amk = 442, LLI_aml = 443, LLI_amm = 444, LLI_amn = 445, LLI_amo = 446, LLI_amp = 447, LLI_amq = 448, LLI_amr = 449, LLI_ams = 450, LLI_amt = 451, LLI_amu = 452, LLI_amv = 453, LLI_amw = 454, LLI_amx = 455, LLI_amy = 456, LLI_amz = 457, LLI_ana = 458, LLI_anb = 459, LLI_anc = 460, LLI_and = 461, LLI_ane = 462, LLI_anf = 463, LLI_ang = 464, LLI_anh = 465, LLI_ani = 466, LLI_anj = 467, LLI_ank = 468, LLI_anl = 469, LLI_anm = 470, LLI_ann = 471, LLI_ano = 472, LLI_anp = 473, LLI_anq = 474, LLI_anr = 475, LLI_ans = 476, LLI_ant = 477, LLI_anu = 478, LLI_anv = 479, LLI_anw = 480, LLI_anx = 481, LLI_any = 482, LLI_anz = 483, LLI_aoa = 484, LLI_aob = 485, LLI_aoc = 486, LLI_aod = 487, LLI_aoe = 488, LLI_aof = 489, LLI_aog = 490, LLI_aoh = 491, LLI_aoi = 492, LLI_aoj = 493, LLI_aok = 494, LLI_aol = 495, LLI_aom = 496, LLI_aon = 497, LLI_aor = 498, LLI_aos = 499, LLI_aot = 500, LLI_aox = 501, LLI_aoz = 502, LLI_apa = 503, LLI_apb = 504, LLI_apc = 505, LLI_apd = 506, LLI_ape = 507, LLI_apf = 508, LLI_apg = 509, LLI_aph = 510, LLI_api = 511, LLI_apj = 512, LLI_apk = 513, LLI_apl = 514, LLI_apm = 515, LLI_apn = 516, LLI_apo = 517, LLI_app = 518, LLI_apq = 519, LLI_apr = 520, LLI_aps = 521, LLI_apt = 522, LLI_apu = 523, LLI_apv = 524, LLI_apw = 525, LLI_apx = 526, LLI_apy = 527, LLI_apz = 528, LLI_aqa = 529, LLI_aqc = 530, LLI_aqg = 531, LLI_aql = 532, LLI_aqm = 533, LLI_aqn = 534, LLI_aqp = 535, LLI_aqr = 536, LLI_aqz = 537, LLI_arb = 538, LLI_arc = 539, LLI_ard = 540, LLI_are = 541, LLI_arh = 542, LLI_ari = 543, LLI_arj = 544, LLI_ark = 545, LLI_arl = 546, LLI_arn = 547, LLI_aro = 548, LLI_arp = 549, LLI_arq = 550, LLI_arr = 551, LLI_ars = 552, LLI_art = 553, LLI_aru = 554, LLI_arv = 555, LLI_arw = 556, LLI_arx = 557, LLI_ary = 558, LLI_arz = 559, LLI_asa = 560, LLI_asb = 561, LLI_asc = 562, LLI_asd = 563, LLI_ase = 564, LLI_asf = 565, LLI_asg = 566, LLI_ash = 567, LLI_asi = 568, LLI_asj = 569, LLI_ask = 570, LLI_asl = 571, LLI_asn = 572, LLI_aso = 573, LLI_asp = 574, LLI_asq = 575, LLI_asr = 576, LLI_ass = 577, LLI_ast = 578, LLI_asu = 579, LLI_asv = 580, LLI_asw = 581, LLI_asx = 582, LLI_asy = 583, LLI_asz = 584, LLI_ata = 585, LLI_atb = 586, LLI_atc = 587, LLI_atd = 588, LLI_ate = 589, LLI_atg = 590, LLI_ath = 591, LLI_ati = 592, LLI_atj = 593, LLI_atk = 594, LLI_atl = 595, LLI_atm = 596, LLI_atn = 597, LLI_ato = 598, LLI_atp = 599, LLI_atq = 600, LLI_atr = 601, LLI_ats = 602, LLI_att = 603, LLI_atu = 604, LLI_atv = 605, LLI_atw = 606, LLI_atx = 607, LLI_aty = 608, LLI_atz = 609, LLI_aua = 610, LLI_aub = 611, LLI_auc = 612, LLI_aud = 613, LLI_aue = 614, LLI_auf = 615, LLI_aug = 616, LLI_auh = 617, LLI_aui = 618, LLI_auj = 619, LLI_auk = 620, LLI_aul = 621, LLI_aum = 622, LLI_aun = 623, LLI_auo = 624, LLI_aup = 625, LLI_auq = 626, LLI_aur = 627, LLI_aus = 628, LLI_aut = 629, LLI_auu = 630, LLI_auw = 631, LLI_aux = 632, LLI_auy = 633, LLI_auz = 634, LLI_avb = 635, LLI_avd = 636, LLI_avi = 637, LLI_avk = 638, LLI_avl = 639, LLI_avn = 640, LLI_avo = 641, LLI_avs = 642, LLI_avt = 643, LLI_avu = 644, LLI_avv = 645, LLI_awa = 646, LLI_awb = 647, LLI_awc = 648, LLI_awd = 649, LLI_awe = 650, LLI_awh = 651, LLI_awi = 652, LLI_awk = 653, LLI_awm = 654, LLI_awn = 655, LLI_awo = 656, LLI_awr = 657, LLI_aws = 658, LLI_awt = 659, LLI_awu = 660, LLI_awv = 661, LLI_aww = 662, LLI_awx = 663, LLI_awy = 664, LLI_axb = 665, LLI_axg = 666, LLI_axk = 667, LLI_axm = 668, LLI_axx = 669, LLI_aya = 670, LLI_ayb = 671, LLI_ayc = 672, LLI_ayd = 673, LLI_aye = 674, LLI_ayg = 675, LLI_ayh = 676, LLI_ayi = 677, LLI_ayk = 678, LLI_ayl = 679, LLI_ayn = 680, LLI_ayo = 681, LLI_ayp = 682, LLI_ayq = 683, LLI_ayr = 684, LLI_ays = 685, LLI_ayt = 686, LLI_ayu = 687, LLI_ayx = 688, LLI_ayy = 689, LLI_ayz = 690, LLI_aza = 691, LLI_azb = 692, LLI_azc = 693, LLI_azg = 694, LLI_azj = 695, LLI_azm = 696, LLI_azo = 697, LLI_azt = 698, LLI_azz = 699, LLI_baa = 700, LLI_bab = 701, LLI_bac = 702, LLI_bad = 703, LLI_bae = 704, LLI_baf = 705, LLI_bag = 706, LLI_bah = 707, LLI_bai = 708, LLI_baj = 709, LLI_bal = 710, LLI_ban = 711, LLI_bao = 712, LLI_bap = 713, LLI_bar = 714, LLI_bas = 715, LLI_bat = 716, LLI_bau = 717, LLI_bav = 718, LLI_baw = 719, LLI_bax = 720, LLI_bay = 721, LLI_baz = 722, LLI_bba = 723, LLI_bbb = 724, LLI_bbc = 725, LLI_bbd = 726, LLI_bbe = 727, LLI_bbf = 728, LLI_bbg = 729, LLI_bbh = 730, LLI_bbi = 731, LLI_bbj = 732, LLI_bbk = 733, LLI_bbl = 734, LLI_bbm = 735, LLI_bbn = 736, LLI_bbo = 737, LLI_bbp = 738, LLI_bbq = 739, LLI_bbr = 740, LLI_bbs = 741, LLI_bbt = 742, LLI_bbu = 743, LLI_bbv = 744, LLI_bbw = 745, LLI_bbx = 746, LLI_bby = 747, LLI_bbz = 748, LLI_bca = 749, LLI_bcb = 750, LLI_bcc = 751, LLI_bcd = 752, LLI_bce = 753, LLI_bcf = 754, LLI_bcg = 755, LLI_bch = 756, LLI_bci = 757, LLI_bcj = 758, LLI_bck = 759, LLI_bcl = 760, LLI_bcm = 761, LLI_bcn = 762, LLI_bco = 763, LLI_bcp = 764, LLI_bcq = 765, LLI_bcr = 766, LLI_bcs = 767, LLI_bct = 768, LLI_bcu = 769, LLI_bcv = 770, LLI_bcw = 771, LLI_bcy = 772, LLI_bcz = 773, LLI_bda = 774, LLI_bdb = 775, LLI_bdc = 776, LLI_bdd = 777, LLI_bde = 778, LLI_bdf = 779, LLI_bdg = 780, LLI_bdh = 781, LLI_bdi = 782, LLI_bdj = 783, LLI_bdk = 784, LLI_bdl = 785, LLI_bdm = 786, LLI_bdn = 787, LLI_bdo = 788, LLI_bdp = 789, LLI_bdq = 790, LLI_bdr = 791, LLI_bds = 792, LLI_bdt = 793, LLI_bdu = 794, LLI_bdv = 795, LLI_bdw = 796, LLI_bdx = 797, LLI_bdy = 798, LLI_bdz = 799, LLI_bea = 800, LLI_beb = 801, LLI_bec = 802, LLI_bed = 803, LLI_bee = 804, LLI_bef = 805, LLI_beg = 806, LLI_beh = 807, LLI_bei = 808, LLI_bej = 809, LLI_bek = 810, LLI_bem = 811, LLI_beo = 812, LLI_bep = 813, LLI_beq = 814, LLI_ber = 815, LLI_bes = 816, LLI_bet = 817, LLI_beu = 818, LLI_bev = 819, LLI_bew = 820, LLI_bex = 821, LLI_bey = 822, LLI_bez = 823, LLI_bfa = 824, LLI_bfb = 825, LLI_bfc = 826, LLI_bfd = 827, LLI_bfe = 828, LLI_bff = 829, LLI_bfg = 830, LLI_bfh = 831, LLI_bfi = 832, LLI_bfj = 833, LLI_bfk = 834, LLI_bfl = 835, LLI_bfm = 836, LLI_bfn = 837, LLI_bfo = 838, LLI_bfp = 839, LLI_bfq = 840, LLI_bfr = 841, LLI_bfs = 842, LLI_bft = 843, LLI_bfu = 844, LLI_bfw = 845, LLI_bfx = 846, LLI_bfy = 847, LLI_bfz = 848, LLI_bga = 849, LLI_bgb = 850, LLI_bgc = 851, LLI_bgd = 852, LLI_bge = 853, LLI_bgf = 854, LLI_bgg = 855, LLI_bgi = 856, LLI_bgj = 857, LLI_bgk = 858, LLI_bgl = 859, LLI_bgm = 860, LLI_bgn = 861, LLI_bgo = 862, LLI_bgp = 863, LLI_bgq = 864, LLI_bgr = 865, LLI_bgs = 866, LLI_bgt = 867, LLI_bgu = 868, LLI_bgv = 869, LLI_bgw = 870, LLI_bgx = 871, LLI_bgy = 872, LLI_bgz = 873, LLI_bha = 874, LLI_bhb = 875, LLI_bhc = 876, LLI_bhd = 877, LLI_bhe = 878, LLI_bhf = 879, LLI_bhg = 880, LLI_bhh = 881, LLI_bhi = 882, LLI_bhj = 883, LLI_bhk = 884, LLI_bhl = 885, LLI_bhm = 886, LLI_bhn = 887, LLI_bho = 888, LLI_bhp = 889, LLI_bhq = 890, LLI_bhr = 891, LLI_bhs = 892, LLI_bht = 893, LLI_bhu = 894, LLI_bhv = 895, LLI_bhw = 896, LLI_bhx = 897, LLI_bhy = 898, LLI_bhz = 899, LLI_bia = 900, LLI_bib = 901, LLI_bic = 902, LLI_bid = 903, LLI_bie = 904, LLI_bif = 905, LLI_big = 906, LLI_bij = 907, LLI_bik = 908, LLI_bil = 909, LLI_bim = 910, LLI_bin = 911, LLI_bio = 912, LLI_bip = 913, LLI_biq = 914, LLI_bir = 915, LLI_bit = 916, LLI_biu = 917, LLI_biv = 918, LLI_biw = 919, LLI_bix = 920, LLI_biy = 921, LLI_biz = 922, LLI_bja = 923, LLI_bjb = 924, LLI_bjc = 925, LLI_bjd = 926, LLI_bje = 927, LLI_bjf = 928, LLI_bjg = 929, LLI_bjh = 930, LLI_bji = 931, LLI_bjj = 932, LLI_bjk = 933, LLI_bjl = 934, LLI_bjm = 935, LLI_bjn = 936, LLI_bjo = 937, LLI_bjq = 938, LLI_bjr = 939, LLI_bjs = 940, LLI_bjt = 941, LLI_bju = 942, LLI_bjv = 943, LLI_bjw = 944, LLI_bjx = 945, LLI_bjy = 946, LLI_bjz = 947, LLI_bka = 948, LLI_bkb = 949, LLI_bkc = 950, LLI_bkd = 951, LLI_bkf = 952, LLI_bkg = 953, LLI_bkh = 954, LLI_bki = 955, LLI_bkj = 956, LLI_bkk = 957, LLI_bkl = 958, LLI_bkm = 959, LLI_bkn = 960, LLI_bko = 961, LLI_bkp = 962, LLI_bkq = 963, LLI_bkr = 964, LLI_bks = 965, LLI_bkt = 966, LLI_bku = 967, LLI_bkv = 968, LLI_bkw = 969, LLI_bkx = 970, LLI_bky = 971, LLI_bkz = 972, LLI_bla = 973, LLI_blb = 974, LLI_blc = 975, LLI_bld = 976, LLI_ble = 977, LLI_blf = 978, LLI_blg = 979, LLI_blh = 980, LLI_bli = 981, LLI_blj = 982, LLI_blk = 983, LLI_bll = 984, LLI_blm = 985, LLI_bln = 986, LLI_blo = 987, LLI_blp = 988, LLI_blq = 989, LLI_blr = 990, LLI_bls = 991, LLI_blt = 992, LLI_blv = 993, LLI_blw = 994, LLI_blx = 995, LLI_bly = 996, LLI_blz = 997, LLI_bma = 998, LLI_bmb = 999, LLI_bmc = 1000, LLI_bmd = 1001, LLI_bme = 1002, LLI_bmf = 1003, LLI_bmg = 1004, LLI_bmh = 1005, LLI_bmi = 1006, LLI_bmj = 1007, LLI_bmk = 1008, LLI_bml = 1009, LLI_bmm = 1010, LLI_bmn = 1011, LLI_bmo = 1012, LLI_bmp = 1013, LLI_bmq = 1014, LLI_bmr = 1015, LLI_bms = 1016, LLI_bmt = 1017, LLI_bmu = 1018, LLI_bmv = 1019, LLI_bmw = 1020, LLI_bmx = 1021, LLI_bmy = 1022, LLI_bmz = 1023, LLI_bna = 1024, LLI_bnb = 1025, LLI_bnc = 1026, LLI_bnd = 1027, LLI_bne = 1028, LLI_bnf = 1029, LLI_bng = 1030, LLI_bni = 1031, LLI_bnj = 1032, LLI_bnk = 1033, LLI_bnl = 1034, LLI_bnm = 1035, LLI_bnn = 1036, LLI_bno = 1037, LLI_bnp = 1038, LLI_bnq = 1039, LLI_bnr = 1040, LLI_bns = 1041, LLI_bnt = 1042, LLI_bnu = 1043, LLI_bnv = 1044, LLI_bnw = 1045, LLI_bnx = 1046, LLI_bny = 1047, LLI_bnz = 1048, LLI_boa = 1049, LLI_bob = 1050, LLI_boe = 1051, LLI_bof = 1052, LLI_bog = 1053, LLI_boh = 1054, LLI_boi = 1055, LLI_boj = 1056, LLI_bok = 1057, LLI_bol = 1058, LLI_bom = 1059, LLI_bon = 1060, LLI_boo = 1061, LLI_bop = 1062, LLI_boq = 1063, LLI_bor = 1064, LLI_bot = 1065, LLI_bou = 1066, LLI_bov = 1067, LLI_bow = 1068, LLI_box = 1069, LLI_boy = 1070, LLI_boz = 1071, LLI_bpa = 1072, LLI_bpb = 1073, LLI_bpd = 1074, LLI_bpg = 1075, LLI_bph = 1076, LLI_bpi = 1077, LLI_bpj = 1078, LLI_bpk = 1079, LLI_bpl = 1080, LLI_bpm = 1081, LLI_bpn = 1082, LLI_bpo = 1083, LLI_bpp = 1084, LLI_bpq = 1085, LLI_bpr = 1086, LLI_bps = 1087, LLI_bpt = 1088, LLI_bpu = 1089, LLI_bpv = 1090, LLI_bpw = 1091, LLI_bpx = 1092, LLI_bpy = 1093, LLI_bpz = 1094, LLI_bqa = 1095, LLI_bqb = 1096, LLI_bqc = 1097, LLI_bqd = 1098, LLI_bqf = 1099, LLI_bqg = 1100, LLI_bqh = 1101, LLI_bqi = 1102, LLI_bqj = 1103, LLI_bqk = 1104, LLI_bql = 1105, LLI_bqm = 1106, LLI_bqn = 1107, LLI_bqo = 1108, LLI_bqp = 1109, LLI_bqq = 1110, LLI_bqr = 1111, LLI_bqs = 1112, LLI_bqt = 1113, LLI_bqu = 1114, LLI_bqv = 1115, LLI_bqw = 1116, LLI_bqx = 1117, LLI_bqy = 1118, LLI_bqz = 1119, LLI_bra = 1120, LLI_brb = 1121, LLI_brc = 1122, LLI_brd = 1123, LLI_brf = 1124, LLI_brg = 1125, LLI_brh = 1126, LLI_bri = 1127, LLI_brj = 1128, LLI_brk = 1129, LLI_brl = 1130, LLI_brm = 1131, LLI_brn = 1132, LLI_bro = 1133, LLI_brp = 1134, LLI_brq = 1135, LLI_brr = 1136, LLI_brs = 1137, LLI_brt = 1138, LLI_bru = 1139, LLI_brv = 1140, LLI_brw = 1141, LLI_brx = 1142, LLI_bry = 1143, LLI_brz = 1144, LLI_bsa = 1145, LLI_bsb = 1146, LLI_bsc = 1147, LLI_bse = 1148, LLI_bsf = 1149, LLI_bsg = 1150, LLI_bsh = 1151, LLI_bsi = 1152, LLI_bsj = 1153, LLI_bsk = 1154, LLI_bsl = 1155, LLI_bsm = 1156, LLI_bsn = 1157, LLI_bso = 1158, LLI_bsp = 1159, LLI_bsq = 1160, LLI_bsr = 1161, LLI_bss = 1162, LLI_bst = 1163, LLI_bsu = 1164, LLI_bsv = 1165, LLI_bsw = 1166, LLI_bsx = 1167, LLI_bsy = 1168, LLI_bta = 1169, LLI_btb = 1170, LLI_btc = 1171, LLI_btd = 1172, LLI_bte = 1173, LLI_btf = 1174, LLI_btg = 1175, LLI_bth = 1176, LLI_bti = 1177, LLI_btj = 1178, LLI_btk = 1179, LLI_btl = 1180, LLI_btm = 1181, LLI_btn = 1182, LLI_bto = 1183, LLI_btp = 1184, LLI_btq = 1185, LLI_btr = 1186, LLI_bts = 1187, LLI_btt = 1188, LLI_btu = 1189, LLI_btv = 1190, LLI_btw = 1191, LLI_btx = 1192, LLI_bty = 1193, LLI_btz = 1194, LLI_bua = 1195, LLI_bub = 1196, LLI_buc = 1197, LLI_bud = 1198, LLI_bue = 1199, LLI_buf = 1200, LLI_bug = 1201, LLI_buh = 1202, LLI_bui = 1203, LLI_buj = 1204, LLI_buk = 1205, LLI_bum = 1206, LLI_bun = 1207, LLI_buo = 1208, LLI_bup = 1209, LLI_buq = 1210, LLI_bus = 1211, LLI_but = 1212, LLI_buu = 1213, LLI_buv = 1214, LLI_buw = 1215, LLI_bux = 1216, LLI_buy = 1217, LLI_buz = 1218, LLI_bva = 1219, LLI_bvb = 1220, LLI_bvc = 1221, LLI_bvd = 1222, LLI_bve = 1223, LLI_bvf = 1224, LLI_bvg = 1225, LLI_bvh = 1226, LLI_bvi = 1227, LLI_bvj = 1228, LLI_bvk = 1229, LLI_bvl = 1230, LLI_bvm = 1231, LLI_bvn = 1232, LLI_bvo = 1233, LLI_bvq = 1234, LLI_bvr = 1235, LLI_bvt = 1236, LLI_bvu = 1237, LLI_bvv = 1238, LLI_bvw = 1239, LLI_bvx = 1240, LLI_bvy = 1241, LLI_bvz = 1242, LLI_bwa = 1243, LLI_bwb = 1244, LLI_bwc = 1245, LLI_bwd = 1246, LLI_bwe = 1247, LLI_bwf = 1248, LLI_bwg = 1249, LLI_bwh = 1250, LLI_bwi = 1251, LLI_bwj = 1252, LLI_bwk = 1253, LLI_bwl = 1254, LLI_bwm = 1255, LLI_bwn = 1256, LLI_bwo = 1257, LLI_bwp = 1258, LLI_bwq = 1259, LLI_bwr = 1260, LLI_bws = 1261, LLI_bwt = 1262, LLI_bwu = 1263, LLI_bww = 1264, LLI_bwx = 1265, LLI_bwy = 1266, LLI_bwz = 1267, LLI_bxa = 1268, LLI_bxb = 1269, LLI_bxc = 1270, LLI_bxd = 1271, LLI_bxe = 1272, LLI_bxf = 1273, LLI_bxg = 1274, LLI_bxh = 1275, LLI_bxi = 1276, LLI_bxj = 1277, LLI_bxk = 1278, LLI_bxl = 1279, LLI_bxm = 1280, LLI_bxn = 1281, LLI_bxo = 1282, LLI_bxp = 1283, LLI_bxq = 1284, LLI_bxr = 1285, LLI_bxs = 1286, LLI_bxu = 1287, LLI_bxv = 1288, LLI_bxw = 1289, LLI_bxx = 1290, LLI_bxz = 1291, LLI_bya = 1292, LLI_byb = 1293, LLI_byc = 1294, LLI_byd = 1295, LLI_bye = 1296, LLI_byf = 1297, LLI_byg = 1298, LLI_byh = 1299, LLI_byi = 1300, LLI_byj = 1301, LLI_byk = 1302, LLI_byl = 1303, LLI_bym = 1304, LLI_byn = 1305, LLI_byo = 1306, LLI_byp = 1307, LLI_byq = 1308, LLI_byr = 1309, LLI_bys = 1310, LLI_byt = 1311, LLI_byv = 1312, LLI_byw = 1313, LLI_byx = 1314, LLI_byy = 1315, LLI_byz = 1316, LLI_bza = 1317, LLI_bzb = 1318, LLI_bzd = 1319, LLI_bze = 1320, LLI_bzf = 1321, LLI_bzg = 1322, LLI_bzh = 1323, LLI_bzi = 1324, LLI_bzj = 1325, LLI_bzk = 1326, LLI_bzl = 1327, LLI_bzm = 1328, LLI_bzn = 1329, LLI_bzo = 1330, LLI_bzp = 1331, LLI_bzq = 1332, LLI_bzr = 1333, LLI_bzs = 1334, LLI_bzt = 1335, LLI_bzu = 1336, LLI_bzv = 1337, LLI_bzw = 1338, LLI_bzx = 1339, LLI_bzy = 1340, LLI_bzz = 1341, LLI_caa = 1342, LLI_cab = 1343, LLI_cac = 1344, LLI_cad = 1345, LLI_cae = 1346, LLI_caf = 1347, LLI_cag = 1348, LLI_cah = 1349, LLI_cai = 1350, LLI_caj = 1351, LLI_cak = 1352, LLI_cal = 1353, LLI_cam = 1354, LLI_can = 1355, LLI_cao = 1356, LLI_cap = 1357, LLI_caq = 1358, LLI_car = 1359, LLI_cas = 1360, LLI_cau = 1361, LLI_cav = 1362, LLI_caw = 1363, LLI_cax = 1364, LLI_cay = 1365, LLI_caz = 1366, LLI_cba = 1367, LLI_cbb = 1368, LLI_cbc = 1369, LLI_cbd = 1370, LLI_cbe = 1371, LLI_cbg = 1372, LLI_cbh = 1373, LLI_cbi = 1374, LLI_cbj = 1375, LLI_cbk = 1376, LLI_cbl = 1377, LLI_cbn = 1378, LLI_cbo = 1379, LLI_cbr = 1380, LLI_cbs = 1381, LLI_cbt = 1382, LLI_cbu = 1383, LLI_cbv = 1384, LLI_cbw = 1385, LLI_cby = 1386, LLI_cca = 1387, LLI_ccc = 1388, LLI_ccd = 1389, LLI_cce = 1390, LLI_ccg = 1391, LLI_cch = 1392, LLI_ccj = 1393, LLI_ccl = 1394, LLI_ccm = 1395, LLI_ccn = 1396, LLI_cco = 1397, LLI_ccp = 1398, LLI_ccq = 1399, LLI_ccr = 1400, LLI_ccs = 1401, LLI_cda = 1402, LLI_cdc = 1403, LLI_cdd = 1404, LLI_cde = 1405, LLI_cdf = 1406, LLI_cdg = 1407, LLI_cdh = 1408, LLI_cdi = 1409, LLI_cdj = 1410, LLI_cdm = 1411, LLI_cdn = 1412, LLI_cdo = 1413, LLI_cdr = 1414, LLI_cds = 1415, LLI_cdy = 1416, LLI_cdz = 1417, LLI_cea = 1418, LLI_ceb = 1419, LLI_ceg = 1420, LLI_cel = 1421, LLI_cen = 1422, LLI_cet = 1423, LLI_cfa = 1424, LLI_cfd = 1425, LLI_cfg = 1426, LLI_cfm = 1427, LLI_cga = 1428, LLI_cgc = 1429, LLI_cgg = 1430, LLI_cgk = 1431, LLI_chb = 1432, LLI_chc = 1433, LLI_chd = 1434, LLI_chf = 1435, LLI_chg = 1436, LLI_chh = 1437, LLI_chj = 1438, LLI_chk = 1439, LLI_chl = 1440, LLI_chm = 1441, LLI_chn = 1442, LLI_cho = 1443, LLI_chp = 1444, LLI_chq = 1445, LLI_chr = 1446, LLI_cht = 1447, LLI_chw = 1448, LLI_chx = 1449, LLI_chy = 1450, LLI_chz = 1451, LLI_cia = 1452, LLI_cib = 1453, LLI_cic = 1454, LLI_cid = 1455, LLI_cie = 1456, LLI_cih = 1457, LLI_cik = 1458, LLI_cim = 1459, LLI_cin = 1460, LLI_cip = 1461, LLI_cir = 1462, LLI_ciw = 1463, LLI_ciy = 1464, LLI_cja = 1465, LLI_cje = 1466, LLI_cjh = 1467, LLI_cji = 1468, LLI_cjk = 1469, LLI_cjm = 1470, LLI_cjn = 1471, LLI_cjo = 1472, LLI_cjp = 1473, LLI_cjr = 1474, LLI_cjs = 1475, LLI_cjv = 1476, LLI_cjy = 1477, LLI_cka = 1478, LLI_ckb = 1479, LLI_ckh = 1480, LLI_ckl = 1481, LLI_cko = 1482, LLI_ckq = 1483, LLI_ckr = 1484, LLI_cks = 1485, LLI_ckt = 1486, LLI_cku = 1487, LLI_ckv = 1488, LLI_ckx = 1489, LLI_cky = 1490, LLI_ckz = 1491, LLI_cla = 1492, LLI_clc = 1493, LLI_cld = 1494, LLI_cle = 1495, LLI_clh = 1496, LLI_cli = 1497, LLI_clk = 1498, LLI_cll = 1499, LLI_clm = 1500, LLI_clo = 1501, LLI_clu = 1502, LLI_clw = 1503, LLI_cly = 1504, LLI_cma = 1505, LLI_cmc = 1506, LLI_cme = 1507, LLI_cmg = 1508, LLI_cmi = 1509, LLI_cmk = 1510, LLI_cml = 1511, LLI_cmm = 1512, LLI_cmn = 1513, LLI_cmo = 1514, LLI_cmr = 1515, LLI_cms = 1516, LLI_cmt = 1517, LLI_cna = 1518, LLI_cnb = 1519, LLI_cnc = 1520, LLI_cng = 1521, LLI_cnh = 1522, LLI_cni = 1523, LLI_cnk = 1524, LLI_cnl = 1525, LLI_cno = 1526, LLI_cns = 1527, LLI_cnt = 1528, LLI_cnu = 1529, LLI_cnw = 1530, LLI_cnx = 1531, LLI_coa = 1532, LLI_cob = 1533, LLI_coc = 1534, LLI_cod = 1535, LLI_coe = 1536, LLI_cof = 1537, LLI_cog = 1538, LLI_coh = 1539, LLI_coj = 1540, LLI_cok = 1541, LLI_col = 1542, LLI_com = 1543, LLI_con = 1544, LLI_coo = 1545, LLI_cop = 1546, LLI_coq = 1547, LLI_cot = 1548, LLI_cou = 1549, LLI_cov = 1550, LLI_cow = 1551, LLI_cox = 1552, LLI_coy = 1553, LLI_coz = 1554, LLI_cpa = 1555, LLI_cpb = 1556, LLI_cpc = 1557, LLI_cpe = 1558, LLI_cpf = 1559, LLI_cpg = 1560, LLI_cpi = 1561, LLI_cpn = 1562, LLI_cpp = 1563, LLI_cps = 1564, LLI_cpu = 1565, LLI_cpx = 1566, LLI_cpy = 1567, LLI_cqd = 1568, LLI_cqu = 1569, LLI_cra = 1570, LLI_crb = 1571, LLI_crc = 1572, LLI_crd = 1573, LLI_crf = 1574, LLI_crg = 1575, LLI_crh = 1576, LLI_cri = 1577, LLI_crj = 1578, LLI_crk = 1579, LLI_crl = 1580, LLI_crm = 1581, LLI_crn = 1582, LLI_cro = 1583, LLI_crp = 1584, LLI_crq = 1585, LLI_crr = 1586, LLI_crs = 1587, LLI_crt = 1588, LLI_crv = 1589, LLI_crw = 1590, LLI_crx = 1591, LLI_cry = 1592, LLI_crz = 1593, LLI_csa = 1594, LLI_csb = 1595, LLI_csc = 1596, LLI_csd = 1597, LLI_cse = 1598, LLI_csf = 1599, LLI_csg = 1600, LLI_csh = 1601, LLI_csi = 1602, LLI_csk = 1603, LLI_csl = 1604, LLI_csm = 1605, LLI_csn = 1606, LLI_cso = 1607, LLI_csq = 1608, LLI_csr = 1609, LLI_css = 1610, LLI_cst = 1611, LLI_csu = 1612, LLI_csw = 1613, LLI_csy = 1614, LLI_csz = 1615, LLI_cta = 1616, LLI_ctc = 1617, LLI_ctd = 1618, LLI_cte = 1619, LLI_ctg = 1620, LLI_ctl = 1621, LLI_ctm = 1622, LLI_ctn = 1623, LLI_cto = 1624, LLI_ctp = 1625, LLI_cts = 1626, LLI_ctt = 1627, LLI_ctu = 1628, LLI_ctz = 1629, LLI_cua = 1630, LLI_cub = 1631, LLI_cuc = 1632, LLI_cug = 1633, LLI_cuh = 1634, LLI_cui = 1635, LLI_cuj = 1636, LLI_cuk = 1637, LLI_cul = 1638, LLI_cum = 1639, LLI_cuo = 1640, LLI_cup = 1641, LLI_cuq = 1642, LLI_cur = 1643, LLI_cus = 1644, LLI_cut = 1645, LLI_cuu = 1646, LLI_cuv = 1647, LLI_cuw = 1648, LLI_cux = 1649, LLI_cvg = 1650, LLI_cvn = 1651, LLI_cwa = 1652, LLI_cwb = 1653, LLI_cwd = 1654, LLI_cwe = 1655, LLI_cwg = 1656, LLI_cwt = 1657, LLI_cya = 1658, LLI_cyb = 1659, LLI_cyo = 1660, LLI_czh = 1661, LLI_czk = 1662, LLI_czn = 1663, LLI_czo = 1664, LLI_czt = 1665, LLI_daa = 1666, LLI_dac = 1667, LLI_dad = 1668, LLI_dae = 1669, LLI_daf = 1670, LLI_dag = 1671, LLI_dah = 1672, LLI_dai = 1673, LLI_daj = 1674, LLI_dak = 1675, LLI_dal = 1676, LLI_dam = 1677, LLI_dao = 1678, LLI_dap = 1679, LLI_daq = 1680, LLI_dar = 1681, LLI_das = 1682, LLI_dau = 1683, LLI_dav = 1684, LLI_daw = 1685, LLI_dax = 1686, LLI_day = 1687, LLI_daz = 1688, LLI_dba = 1689, LLI_dbb = 1690, LLI_dbd = 1691, LLI_dbe = 1692, LLI_dbf = 1693, LLI_dbg = 1694, LLI_dbi = 1695, LLI_dbj = 1696, LLI_dbl = 1697, LLI_dbm = 1698, LLI_dbn = 1699, LLI_dbo = 1700, LLI_dbp = 1701, LLI_dbq = 1702, LLI_dbr = 1703, LLI_dbu = 1704, LLI_dbv = 1705, LLI_dby = 1706, LLI_dcc = 1707, LLI_dcr = 1708, LLI_ddd = 1709, LLI_dde = 1710, LLI_ddg = 1711, LLI_ddi = 1712, LLI_ddj = 1713, LLI_ddn = 1714, LLI_ddo = 1715, LLI_dds = 1716, LLI_ddw = 1717, LLI_dec = 1718, LLI_ded = 1719, LLI_dee = 1720, LLI_def = 1721, LLI_deg = 1722, LLI_deh = 1723, LLI_dei = 1724, LLI_dek = 1725, LLI_del = 1726, LLI_dem = 1727, LLI_den = 1728, LLI_dep = 1729, LLI_deq = 1730, LLI_der = 1731, LLI_des = 1732, LLI_dev = 1733, LLI_dez = 1734, LLI_dga = 1735, LLI_dgb = 1736, LLI_dgc = 1737, LLI_dgd = 1738, LLI_dge = 1739, LLI_dgg = 1740, LLI_dgh = 1741, LLI_dgi = 1742, LLI_dgk = 1743, LLI_dgn = 1744, LLI_dgo = 1745, LLI_dgr = 1746, LLI_dgs = 1747, LLI_dgu = 1748, LLI_dgx = 1749, LLI_dgz = 1750, LLI_dha = 1751, LLI_dhd = 1752, LLI_dhg = 1753, LLI_dhi = 1754, LLI_dhl = 1755, LLI_dhm = 1756, LLI_dhn = 1757, LLI_dho = 1758, LLI_dhr = 1759, LLI_dhs = 1760, LLI_dhu = 1761, LLI_dhv = 1762, LLI_dhw = 1763, LLI_dia = 1764, LLI_dib = 1765, LLI_dic = 1766, LLI_did = 1767, LLI_dif = 1768, LLI_dig = 1769, LLI_dih = 1770, LLI_dii = 1771, LLI_dij = 1772, LLI_dik = 1773, LLI_dil = 1774, LLI_dim = 1775, LLI_din = 1776, LLI_dio = 1777, LLI_dip = 1778, LLI_diq = 1779, LLI_dir = 1780, LLI_dis = 1781, LLI_dit = 1782, LLI_diu = 1783, LLI_diw = 1784, LLI_dix = 1785, LLI_diy = 1786, LLI_diz = 1787, LLI_djb = 1788, LLI_djc = 1789, LLI_djd = 1790, LLI_dje = 1791, LLI_djf = 1792, LLI_dji = 1793, LLI_djj = 1794, LLI_djk = 1795, LLI_djl = 1796, LLI_djm = 1797, LLI_djn = 1798, LLI_djo = 1799, LLI_djr = 1800, LLI_dju = 1801, LLI_djw = 1802, LLI_dka = 1803, LLI_dkk = 1804, LLI_dkl = 1805, LLI_dkr = 1806, LLI_dks = 1807, LLI_dkx = 1808, LLI_dlg = 1809, LLI_dlm = 1810, LLI_dln = 1811, LLI_dma = 1812, LLI_dmc = 1813, LLI_dme = 1814, LLI_dmg = 1815, LLI_dmk = 1816, LLI_dml = 1817, LLI_dmm = 1818, LLI_dmn = 1819, LLI_dmo = 1820, LLI_dmr = 1821, LLI_dms = 1822, LLI_dmu = 1823, LLI_dmv = 1824, LLI_dmx = 1825, LLI_dmy = 1826, LLI_dna = 1827, LLI_dnd = 1828, LLI_dne = 1829, LLI_dng = 1830, LLI_dni = 1831, LLI_dnk = 1832, LLI_dnn = 1833, LLI_dnr = 1834, LLI_dnt = 1835, LLI_dnu = 1836, LLI_dnw = 1837, LLI_dny = 1838, LLI_doa = 1839, LLI_dob = 1840, LLI_doc = 1841, LLI_doe = 1842, LLI_dof = 1843, LLI_doh = 1844, LLI_doi = 1845, LLI_dok = 1846, LLI_dol = 1847, LLI_don = 1848, LLI_doo = 1849, LLI_dop = 1850, LLI_doq = 1851, LLI_dor = 1852, LLI_dos = 1853, LLI_dot = 1854, LLI_dov = 1855, LLI_dow = 1856, LLI_dox = 1857, LLI_doy = 1858, LLI_doz = 1859, LLI_dpp = 1860, LLI_dra = 1861, LLI_drb = 1862, LLI_drd = 1863, LLI_dre = 1864, LLI_drg = 1865, LLI_drh = 1866, LLI_dri = 1867, LLI_drl = 1868, LLI_drn = 1869, LLI_dro = 1870, LLI_drq = 1871, LLI_drr = 1872, LLI_drs = 1873, LLI_drt = 1874, LLI_dru = 1875, LLI_drw = 1876, LLI_dry = 1877, LLI_dsb = 1878, LLI_dse = 1879, LLI_dsh = 1880, LLI_dsi = 1881, LLI_dsl = 1882, LLI_dsn = 1883, LLI_dso = 1884, LLI_dsq = 1885, LLI_dta = 1886, LLI_dtb = 1887, LLI_dti = 1888, LLI_dtk = 1889, LLI_dtm = 1890, LLI_dtp = 1891, LLI_dtr = 1892, LLI_dts = 1893, LLI_dtt = 1894, LLI_dtu = 1895, LLI_dua = 1896, LLI_dub = 1897, LLI_duc = 1898, LLI_dud = 1899, LLI_due = 1900, LLI_duf = 1901, LLI_dug = 1902, LLI_duh = 1903, LLI_dui = 1904, LLI_duj = 1905, LLI_duk = 1906, LLI_dul = 1907, LLI_dum = 1908, LLI_dun = 1909, LLI_duo = 1910, LLI_dup = 1911, LLI_duq = 1912, LLI_dur = 1913, LLI_dus = 1914, LLI_duu = 1915, LLI_duv = 1916, LLI_duw = 1917, LLI_dux = 1918, LLI_duy = 1919, LLI_duz = 1920, LLI_dva = 1921, LLI_dwa = 1922, LLI_dwl = 1923, LLI_dwr = 1924, LLI_dws = 1925, LLI_dww = 1926, LLI_dya = 1927, LLI_dyb = 1928, LLI_dyd = 1929, LLI_dyg = 1930, LLI_dyi = 1931, LLI_dym = 1932, LLI_dyn = 1933, LLI_dyo = 1934, LLI_dyu = 1935, LLI_dyy = 1936, LLI_dza = 1937, LLI_dzd = 1938, LLI_dzg = 1939, LLI_dzl = 1940, LLI_dzn = 1941, LLI_ebg = 1942, LLI_ebk = 1943, LLI_ebo = 1944, LLI_ebr = 1945, LLI_ebu = 1946, LLI_ecr = 1947, LLI_ecs = 1948, LLI_ecy = 1949, LLI_eee = 1950, LLI_efa = 1951, LLI_efe = 1952, LLI_efi = 1953, LLI_ega = 1954, LLI_egl = 1955, LLI_ego = 1956, LLI_egx = 1957, LLI_egy = 1958, LLI_ehu = 1959, LLI_eip = 1960, LLI_eit = 1961, LLI_eiv = 1962, LLI_eja = 1963, LLI_eka = 1964, LLI_eke = 1965, LLI_ekg = 1966, LLI_eki = 1967, LLI_ekk = 1968, LLI_ekl = 1969, LLI_ekm = 1970, LLI_eko = 1971, LLI_ekp = 1972, LLI_ekr = 1973, LLI_eky = 1974, LLI_ele = 1975, LLI_elh = 1976, LLI_eli = 1977, LLI_elk = 1978, LLI_elm = 1979, LLI_elo = 1980, LLI_elp = 1981, LLI_elu = 1982, LLI_elx = 1983, LLI_ema = 1984, LLI_emb = 1985, LLI_eme = 1986, LLI_emg = 1987, LLI_emi = 1988, LLI_emk = 1989, LLI_emm = 1990, LLI_emn = 1991, LLI_emo = 1992, LLI_emp = 1993, LLI_ems = 1994, LLI_emu = 1995, LLI_emw = 1996, LLI_emx = 1997, LLI_emy = 1998, LLI_ena = 1999, LLI_enb = 2000, LLI_enc = 2001, LLI_end = 2002, LLI_enf = 2003, LLI_enh = 2004, LLI_enm = 2005, LLI_enn = 2006, LLI_eno = 2007, LLI_enq = 2008, LLI_enr = 2009, LLI_enu = 2010, LLI_env = 2011, LLI_enw = 2012, LLI_eot = 2013, LLI_epi = 2014, LLI_era = 2015, LLI_erg = 2016, LLI_erh = 2017, LLI_eri = 2018, LLI_erk = 2019, LLI_ero = 2020, LLI_err = 2021, LLI_ers = 2022, LLI_ert = 2023, LLI_erw = 2024, LLI_ese = 2025, LLI_esh = 2026, LLI_esi = 2027, LLI_esk = 2028, LLI_esl = 2029, LLI_esm = 2030, LLI_esn = 2031, LLI_eso = 2032, LLI_esq = 2033, LLI_ess = 2034, LLI_esu = 2035, LLI_esx = 2036, LLI_etb = 2037, LLI_etc = 2038, LLI_eth = 2039, LLI_etn = 2040, LLI_eto = 2041, LLI_etr = 2042, LLI_ets = 2043, LLI_ett = 2044, LLI_etu = 2045, LLI_etx = 2046, LLI_etz = 2047, LLI_euq = 2048, LLI_eve = 2049, LLI_evh = 2050, LLI_evn = 2051, LLI_ewo = 2052, LLI_ext = 2053, LLI_eya = 2054, LLI_eyo = 2055, LLI_eze = 2056, LLI_faa = 2057, LLI_fab = 2058, LLI_fad = 2059, LLI_faf = 2060, LLI_fag = 2061, LLI_fah = 2062, LLI_fai = 2063, LLI_faj = 2064, LLI_fak = 2065, LLI_fal = 2066, LLI_fam = 2067, LLI_fan = 2068, LLI_fap = 2069, LLI_far = 2070, LLI_fat = 2071, LLI_fau = 2072, LLI_fax = 2073, LLI_fay = 2074, LLI_faz = 2075, LLI_fbl = 2076, LLI_fcs = 2077, LLI_fer = 2078, LLI_ffi = 2079, LLI_ffm = 2080, LLI_fgr = 2081, LLI_fia = 2082, LLI_fie = 2083, LLI_fil = 2084, LLI_fip = 2085, LLI_fir = 2086, LLI_fit = 2087, LLI_fiu = 2088, LLI_fiw = 2089, LLI_fkv = 2090, LLI_fla = 2091, LLI_flh = 2092, LLI_fli = 2093, LLI_fll = 2094, LLI_fln = 2095, LLI_flr = 2096, LLI_fly = 2097, LLI_fmp = 2098, LLI_fmu = 2099, LLI_fng = 2100, LLI_fni = 2101, LLI_fod = 2102, LLI_foi = 2103, LLI_fom = 2104, LLI_fon = 2105, LLI_for = 2106, LLI_fos = 2107, LLI_fox = 2108, LLI_fpe = 2109, LLI_fqs = 2110, LLI_frc = 2111, LLI_frd = 2112, LLI_frk = 2113, LLI_frm = 2114, LLI_fro = 2115, LLI_frp = 2116, LLI_frq = 2117, LLI_frr = 2118, LLI_frs = 2119, LLI_frt = 2120, LLI_fse = 2121, LLI_fsl = 2122, LLI_fss = 2123, LLI_fub = 2124, LLI_fuc = 2125, LLI_fud = 2126, LLI_fue = 2127, LLI_fuf = 2128, LLI_fuh = 2129, LLI_fui = 2130, LLI_fuj = 2131, LLI_fum = 2132, LLI_fun = 2133, LLI_fuq = 2134, LLI_fur = 2135, LLI_fut = 2136, LLI_fuu = 2137, LLI_fuv = 2138, LLI_fuy = 2139, LLI_fvr = 2140, LLI_fwa = 2141, LLI_fwe = 2142, LLI_gaa = 2143, LLI_gab = 2144, LLI_gac = 2145, LLI_gad = 2146, LLI_gae = 2147, LLI_gaf = 2148, LLI_gag = 2149, LLI_gah = 2150, LLI_gai = 2151, LLI_gaj = 2152, LLI_gak = 2153, LLI_gal = 2154, LLI_gam = 2155, LLI_gan = 2156, LLI_gao = 2157, LLI_gap = 2158, LLI_gaq = 2159, LLI_gar = 2160, LLI_gas = 2161, LLI_gat = 2162, LLI_gau = 2163, LLI_gav = 2164, LLI_gaw = 2165, LLI_gax = 2166, LLI_gay = 2167, LLI_gaz = 2168, LLI_gba = 2169, LLI_gbb = 2170, LLI_gbc = 2171, LLI_gbd = 2172, LLI_gbe = 2173, LLI_gbf = 2174, LLI_gbg = 2175, LLI_gbh = 2176, LLI_gbi = 2177, LLI_gbj = 2178, LLI_gbk = 2179, LLI_gbl = 2180, LLI_gbm = 2181, LLI_gbn = 2182, LLI_gbo = 2183, LLI_gbp = 2184, LLI_gbq = 2185, LLI_gbr = 2186, LLI_gbs = 2187, LLI_gbu = 2188, LLI_gbv = 2189, LLI_gbx = 2190, LLI_gby = 2191, LLI_gbz = 2192, LLI_gcc = 2193, LLI_gcd = 2194, LLI_gce = 2195, LLI_gcf = 2196, LLI_gcl = 2197, LLI_gcn = 2198, LLI_gcr = 2199, LLI_gct = 2200, LLI_gda = 2201, LLI_gdb = 2202, LLI_gdc = 2203, LLI_gdd = 2204, LLI_gde = 2205, LLI_gdf = 2206, LLI_gdg = 2207, LLI_gdh = 2208, LLI_gdi = 2209, LLI_gdj = 2210, LLI_gdk = 2211, LLI_gdl = 2212, LLI_gdm = 2213, LLI_gdn = 2214, LLI_gdo = 2215, LLI_gdq = 2216, LLI_gdr = 2217, LLI_gdu = 2218, LLI_gdx = 2219, LLI_gea = 2220, LLI_geb = 2221, LLI_gec = 2222, LLI_ged = 2223, LLI_geg = 2224, LLI_geh = 2225, LLI_gei = 2226, LLI_gej = 2227, LLI_gek = 2228, LLI_gel = 2229, LLI_gem = 2230, LLI_geq = 2231, LLI_ges = 2232, LLI_gew = 2233, LLI_gex = 2234, LLI_gey = 2235, LLI_gez = 2236, LLI_gfk = 2237, LLI_gft = 2238, LLI_gga = 2239, LLI_ggb = 2240, LLI_ggd = 2241, LLI_gge = 2242, LLI_ggg = 2243, LLI_ggk = 2244, LLI_ggl = 2245, LLI_ggn = 2246, LLI_ggo = 2247, LLI_ggr = 2248, LLI_ggt = 2249, LLI_ggu = 2250, LLI_ggw = 2251, LLI_gha = 2252, LLI_ghc = 2253, LLI_ghe = 2254, LLI_ghh = 2255, LLI_ghk = 2256, LLI_ghl = 2257, LLI_ghn = 2258, LLI_gho = 2259, LLI_ghr = 2260, LLI_ghs = 2261, LLI_ght = 2262, LLI_gia = 2263, LLI_gib = 2264, LLI_gic = 2265, LLI_gid = 2266, LLI_gig = 2267, LLI_gil = 2268, LLI_gim = 2269, LLI_gin = 2270, LLI_gio = 2271, LLI_gip = 2272, LLI_giq = 2273, LLI_gir = 2274, LLI_gis = 2275, LLI_git = 2276, LLI_giw = 2277, LLI_gix = 2278, LLI_giy = 2279, LLI_giz = 2280, LLI_gji = 2281, LLI_gjk = 2282, LLI_gjn = 2283, LLI_gju = 2284, LLI_gka = 2285, LLI_gke = 2286, LLI_gkn = 2287, LLI_gkp = 2288, LLI_glc = 2289, LLI_gld = 2290, LLI_glh = 2291, LLI_gli = 2292, LLI_glj = 2293, LLI_glk = 2294, LLI_glo = 2295, LLI_glr = 2296, LLI_glu = 2297, LLI_glw = 2298, LLI_gly = 2299, LLI_gma = 2300, LLI_gmb = 2301, LLI_gmd = 2302, LLI_gme = 2303, LLI_gmh = 2304, LLI_gml = 2305, LLI_gmm = 2306, LLI_gmn = 2307, LLI_gmq = 2308, LLI_gmu = 2309, LLI_gmv = 2310, LLI_gmw = 2311, LLI_gmx = 2312, LLI_gmy = 2313, LLI_gna = 2314, LLI_gnb = 2315, LLI_gnc = 2316, LLI_gnd = 2317, LLI_gne = 2318, LLI_gng = 2319, LLI_gnh = 2320, LLI_gni = 2321, LLI_gnk = 2322, LLI_gnl = 2323, LLI_gnm = 2324, LLI_gnn = 2325, LLI_gno = 2326, LLI_gnq = 2327, LLI_gnr = 2328, LLI_gnt = 2329, LLI_gnu = 2330, LLI_gnw = 2331, LLI_gnz = 2332, LLI_goa = 2333, LLI_gob = 2334, LLI_goc = 2335, LLI_god = 2336, LLI_goe = 2337, LLI_gof = 2338, LLI_gog = 2339, LLI_goh = 2340, LLI_goi = 2341, LLI_goj = 2342, LLI_gok = 2343, LLI_gol = 2344, LLI_gom = 2345, LLI_gon = 2346, LLI_goo = 2347, LLI_gop = 2348, LLI_goq = 2349, LLI_gor = 2350, LLI_gos = 2351, LLI_got = 2352, LLI_gou = 2353, LLI_gow = 2354, LLI_gox = 2355, LLI_goy = 2356, LLI_goz = 2357, LLI_gpa = 2358, LLI_gpn = 2359, LLI_gqa = 2360, LLI_gqi = 2361, LLI_gqn = 2362, LLI_gqr = 2363, LLI_gra = 2364, LLI_grb = 2365, LLI_grc = 2366, LLI_grd = 2367, LLI_grg = 2368, LLI_grh = 2369, LLI_gri = 2370, LLI_grj = 2371, LLI_grk = 2372, LLI_grm = 2373, LLI_gro = 2374, LLI_grq = 2375, LLI_grr = 2376, LLI_grs = 2377, LLI_grt = 2378, LLI_gru = 2379, LLI_grv = 2380, LLI_grw = 2381, LLI_grx = 2382, LLI_gry = 2383, LLI_grz = 2384, LLI_gse = 2385, LLI_gsg = 2386, LLI_gsl = 2387, LLI_gsm = 2388, LLI_gsn = 2389, LLI_gso = 2390, LLI_gsp = 2391, LLI_gss = 2392, LLI_gsw = 2393, LLI_gta = 2394, LLI_gti = 2395, LLI_gua = 2396, LLI_gub = 2397, LLI_guc = 2398, LLI_gud = 2399, LLI_gue = 2400, LLI_guf = 2401, LLI_gug = 2402, LLI_guh = 2403, LLI_gui = 2404, LLI_guk = 2405, LLI_gul = 2406, LLI_gum = 2407, LLI_gun = 2408, LLI_guo = 2409, LLI_gup = 2410, LLI_guq = 2411, LLI_gur = 2412, LLI_gus = 2413, LLI_gut = 2414, LLI_guu = 2415, LLI_guv = 2416, LLI_guw = 2417, LLI_gux = 2418, LLI_guz = 2419, LLI_gva = 2420, LLI_gvc = 2421, LLI_gve = 2422, LLI_gvf = 2423, LLI_gvj = 2424, LLI_gvl = 2425, LLI_gvm = 2426, LLI_gvn = 2427, LLI_gvo = 2428, LLI_gvp = 2429, LLI_gvr = 2430, LLI_gvs = 2431, LLI_gvy = 2432, LLI_gwa = 2433, LLI_gwb = 2434, LLI_gwc = 2435, LLI_gwd = 2436, LLI_gwe = 2437, LLI_gwf = 2438, LLI_gwg = 2439, LLI_gwi = 2440, LLI_gwj = 2441, LLI_gwn = 2442, LLI_gwr = 2443, LLI_gwt = 2444, LLI_gwu = 2445, LLI_gww = 2446, LLI_gwx = 2447, LLI_gxx = 2448, LLI_gya = 2449, LLI_gyb = 2450, LLI_gyd = 2451, LLI_gye = 2452, LLI_gyf = 2453, LLI_gyg = 2454, LLI_gyi = 2455, LLI_gyl = 2456, LLI_gym = 2457, LLI_gyn = 2458, LLI_gyr = 2459, LLI_gyy = 2460, LLI_gza = 2461, LLI_gzi = 2462, LLI_gzn = 2463, LLI_haa = 2464, LLI_hab = 2465, LLI_hac = 2466, LLI_had = 2467, LLI_hae = 2468, LLI_haf = 2469, LLI_hag = 2470, LLI_hah = 2471, LLI_hai = 2472, LLI_haj = 2473, LLI_hak = 2474, LLI_hal = 2475, LLI_ham = 2476, LLI_han = 2477, LLI_hao = 2478, LLI_hap = 2479, LLI_haq = 2480, LLI_har = 2481, LLI_has = 2482, LLI_hav = 2483, LLI_haw = 2484, LLI_hax = 2485, LLI_hay = 2486, LLI_haz = 2487, LLI_hba = 2488, LLI_hbb = 2489, LLI_hbn = 2490, LLI_hbo = 2491, LLI_hbu = 2492, LLI_hca = 2493, LLI_hch = 2494, LLI_hdn = 2495, LLI_hds = 2496, LLI_hdy = 2497, LLI_hea = 2498, LLI_hed = 2499, LLI_heg = 2500, LLI_heh = 2501, LLI_hei = 2502, LLI_hem = 2503, LLI_hgm = 2504, LLI_hgw = 2505, LLI_hhi = 2506, LLI_hhr = 2507, LLI_hhy = 2508, LLI_hia = 2509, LLI_hib = 2510, LLI_hid = 2511, LLI_hif = 2512, LLI_hig = 2513, LLI_hih = 2514, LLI_hii = 2515, LLI_hij = 2516, LLI_hik = 2517, LLI_hil = 2518, LLI_him = 2519, LLI_hio = 2520, LLI_hir = 2521, LLI_hit = 2522, LLI_hiw = 2523, LLI_hix = 2524, LLI_hji = 2525, LLI_hka = 2526, LLI_hke = 2527, LLI_hkk = 2528, LLI_hks = 2529, LLI_hla = 2530, LLI_hlb = 2531, LLI_hld = 2532, LLI_hle = 2533, LLI_hlt = 2534, LLI_hlu = 2535, LLI_hma = 2536, LLI_hmb = 2537, LLI_hmc = 2538, LLI_hmd = 2539, LLI_hme = 2540, LLI_hmf = 2541, LLI_hmg = 2542, LLI_hmh = 2543, LLI_hmi = 2544, LLI_hmj = 2545, LLI_hmk = 2546, LLI_hml = 2547, LLI_hmm = 2548, LLI_hmn = 2549, LLI_hmp = 2550, LLI_hmq = 2551, LLI_hmr = 2552, LLI_hms = 2553, LLI_hmt = 2554, LLI_hmu = 2555, LLI_hmv = 2556, LLI_hmw = 2557, LLI_hmx = 2558, LLI_hmy = 2559, LLI_hmz = 2560, LLI_hna = 2561, LLI_hnd = 2562, LLI_hne = 2563, LLI_hnh = 2564, LLI_hni = 2565, LLI_hnj = 2566, LLI_hnn = 2567, LLI_hno = 2568, LLI_hns = 2569, LLI_hnu = 2570, LLI_hoa = 2571, LLI_hob = 2572, LLI_hoc = 2573, LLI_hod = 2574, LLI_hoe = 2575, LLI_hoh = 2576, LLI_hoi = 2577, LLI_hoj = 2578, LLI_hok = 2579, LLI_hol = 2580, LLI_hom = 2581, LLI_hoo = 2582, LLI_hop = 2583, LLI_hor = 2584, LLI_hos = 2585, LLI_hot = 2586, LLI_hov = 2587, LLI_how = 2588, LLI_hoy = 2589, LLI_hoz = 2590, LLI_hpo = 2591, LLI_hps = 2592, LLI_hra = 2593, LLI_hre = 2594, LLI_hrk = 2595, LLI_hrm = 2596, LLI_hro = 2597, LLI_hrr = 2598, LLI_hrt = 2599, LLI_hru = 2600, LLI_hrx = 2601, LLI_hrz = 2602, LLI_hsb = 2603, LLI_hsh = 2604, LLI_hsl = 2605, LLI_hsn = 2606, LLI_hss = 2607, LLI_hti = 2608, LLI_hto = 2609, LLI_hts = 2610, LLI_htu = 2611, LLI_htx = 2612, LLI_hub = 2613, LLI_huc = 2614, LLI_hud = 2615, LLI_hue = 2616, LLI_huf = 2617, LLI_hug = 2618, LLI_huh = 2619, LLI_hui = 2620, LLI_huj = 2621, LLI_huk = 2622, LLI_hul = 2623, LLI_hum = 2624, LLI_huo = 2625, LLI_hup = 2626, LLI_huq = 2627, LLI_hur = 2628, LLI_hus = 2629, LLI_hut = 2630, LLI_huu = 2631, LLI_huv = 2632, LLI_huw = 2633, LLI_hux = 2634, LLI_huy = 2635, LLI_huz = 2636, LLI_hvc = 2637, LLI_hve = 2638, LLI_hvk = 2639, LLI_hvn = 2640, LLI_hvv = 2641, LLI_hwa = 2642, LLI_hwc = 2643, LLI_hwo = 2644, LLI_hya = 2645, LLI_hyx = 2646, LLI_iai = 2647, LLI_ian = 2648, LLI_iap = 2649, LLI_iar = 2650, LLI_iba = 2651, LLI_ibb = 2652, LLI_ibd = 2653, LLI_ibe = 2654, LLI_ibg = 2655, LLI_ibi = 2656, LLI_ibl = 2657, LLI_ibm = 2658, LLI_ibn = 2659, LLI_ibr = 2660, LLI_ibu = 2661, LLI_iby = 2662, LLI_ica = 2663, LLI_ich = 2664, LLI_icl = 2665, LLI_icr = 2666, LLI_ida = 2667, LLI_idb = 2668, LLI_idc = 2669, LLI_idd = 2670, LLI_ide = 2671, LLI_idi = 2672, LLI_idr = 2673, LLI_ids = 2674, LLI_idt = 2675, LLI_idu = 2676, LLI_ifa = 2677, LLI_ifb = 2678, LLI_ife = 2679, LLI_iff = 2680, LLI_ifk = 2681, LLI_ifm = 2682, LLI_ifu = 2683, LLI_ify = 2684, LLI_igb = 2685, LLI_ige = 2686, LLI_igg = 2687, LLI_igl = 2688, LLI_igm = 2689, LLI_ign = 2690, LLI_igo = 2691, LLI_igs = 2692, LLI_igw = 2693, LLI_ihb = 2694, LLI_ihi = 2695, LLI_ihp = 2696, LLI_iir = 2697, LLI_ijc = 2698, LLI_ije = 2699, LLI_ijj = 2700, LLI_ijn = 2701, LLI_ijo = 2702, LLI_ijs = 2703, LLI_ike = 2704, LLI_iki = 2705, LLI_ikk = 2706, LLI_ikl = 2707, LLI_iko = 2708, LLI_ikp = 2709, LLI_ikt = 2710, LLI_ikv = 2711, LLI_ikw = 2712, LLI_ikx = 2713, LLI_ikz = 2714, LLI_ila = 2715, LLI_ilb = 2716, LLI_ilg = 2717, LLI_ili = 2718, LLI_ilk = 2719, LLI_ill = 2720, LLI_ilo = 2721, LLI_ils = 2722, LLI_ilu = 2723, LLI_ilv = 2724, LLI_ilw = 2725, LLI_ima = 2726, LLI_ime = 2727, LLI_imi = 2728, LLI_iml = 2729, LLI_imn = 2730, LLI_imo = 2731, LLI_imr = 2732, LLI_ims = 2733, LLI_imy = 2734, LLI_inb = 2735, LLI_inc = 2736, LLI_ine = 2737, LLI_ing = 2738, LLI_inh = 2739, LLI_inj = 2740, LLI_inl = 2741, LLI_inm = 2742, LLI_inn = 2743, LLI_ino = 2744, LLI_inp = 2745, LLI_ins = 2746, LLI_int = 2747, LLI_inz = 2748, LLI_ior = 2749, LLI_iou = 2750, LLI_iow = 2751, LLI_ipi = 2752, LLI_ipo = 2753, LLI_iqu = 2754, LLI_ira = 2755, LLI_ire = 2756, LLI_irh = 2757, LLI_iri = 2758, LLI_irk = 2759, LLI_irn = 2760, LLI_iro = 2761, LLI_irr = 2762, LLI_iru = 2763, LLI_irx = 2764, LLI_iry = 2765, LLI_isa = 2766, LLI_isc = 2767, LLI_isd = 2768, LLI_ise = 2769, LLI_isg = 2770, LLI_ish = 2771, LLI_isi = 2772, LLI_isk = 2773, LLI_ism = 2774, LLI_isn = 2775, LLI_iso = 2776, LLI_isr = 2777, LLI_ist = 2778, LLI_isu = 2779, LLI_itb = 2780, LLI_itc = 2781, LLI_ite = 2782, LLI_iti = 2783, LLI_itk = 2784, LLI_itl = 2785, LLI_itm = 2786, LLI_ito = 2787, LLI_itr = 2788, LLI_its = 2789, LLI_itt = 2790, LLI_itv = 2791, LLI_itw = 2792, LLI_itx = 2793, LLI_ity = 2794, LLI_itz = 2795, LLI_ium = 2796, LLI_ivb = 2797, LLI_ivv = 2798, LLI_iwk = 2799, LLI_iwm = 2800, LLI_iwo = 2801, LLI_iws = 2802, LLI_ixc = 2803, LLI_ixl = 2804, LLI_iya = 2805, LLI_iyo = 2806, LLI_iyx = 2807, LLI_izh = 2808, LLI_izi = 2809, LLI_izr = 2810, LLI_jaa = 2811, LLI_jab = 2812, LLI_jac = 2813, LLI_jad = 2814, LLI_jae = 2815, LLI_jaf = 2816, LLI_jah = 2817, LLI_jaj = 2818, LLI_jak = 2819, LLI_jal = 2820, LLI_jam = 2821, LLI_jao = 2822, LLI_jaq = 2823, LLI_jar = 2824, LLI_jas = 2825, LLI_jat = 2826, LLI_jau = 2827, LLI_jax = 2828, LLI_jay = 2829, LLI_jaz = 2830, LLI_jbe = 2831, LLI_jbj = 2832, LLI_jbn = 2833, LLI_jbo = 2834, LLI_jbr = 2835, LLI_jbt = 2836, LLI_jbu = 2837, LLI_jcs = 2838, LLI_jct = 2839, LLI_jda = 2840, LLI_jdg = 2841, LLI_jdt = 2842, LLI_jeb = 2843, LLI_jee = 2844, LLI_jeg = 2845, LLI_jeh = 2846, LLI_jei = 2847, LLI_jek = 2848, LLI_jel = 2849, LLI_jen = 2850, LLI_jer = 2851, LLI_jet = 2852, LLI_jeu = 2853, LLI_jgb = 2854, LLI_jge = 2855, LLI_jgo = 2856, LLI_jhi = 2857, LLI_jhs = 2858, LLI_jia = 2859, LLI_jib = 2860, LLI_jic = 2861, LLI_jid = 2862, LLI_jie = 2863, LLI_jig = 2864, LLI_jih = 2865, LLI_jii = 2866, LLI_jil = 2867, LLI_jim = 2868, LLI_jio = 2869, LLI_jiq = 2870, LLI_jit = 2871, LLI_jiu = 2872, LLI_jiv = 2873, LLI_jiy = 2874, LLI_jko = 2875, LLI_jku = 2876, LLI_jle = 2877, LLI_jls = 2878, LLI_jma = 2879, LLI_jmb = 2880, LLI_jmc = 2881, LLI_jmd = 2882, LLI_jmi = 2883, LLI_jml = 2884, LLI_jmn = 2885, LLI_jmr = 2886, LLI_jms = 2887, LLI_jmx = 2888, LLI_jna = 2889, LLI_jnd = 2890, LLI_jng = 2891, LLI_jni = 2892, LLI_jnj = 2893, LLI_jnl = 2894, LLI_jns = 2895, LLI_job = 2896, LLI_jod = 2897, LLI_jor = 2898, LLI_jos = 2899, LLI_jow = 2900, LLI_jpa = 2901, LLI_jpr = 2902, LLI_jpx = 2903, LLI_jqr = 2904, LLI_jra = 2905, LLI_jrb = 2906, LLI_jrr = 2907, LLI_jrt = 2908, LLI_jru = 2909, LLI_jsl = 2910, LLI_jua = 2911, LLI_jub = 2912, LLI_juc = 2913, LLI_jud = 2914, LLI_juh = 2915, LLI_juk = 2916, LLI_jul = 2917, LLI_jum = 2918, LLI_jun = 2919, LLI_juo = 2920, LLI_jup = 2921, LLI_jur = 2922, LLI_jus = 2923, LLI_jut = 2924, LLI_juu = 2925, LLI_juw = 2926, LLI_juy = 2927, LLI_jvd = 2928, LLI_jvn = 2929, LLI_jwi = 2930, LLI_jya = 2931, LLI_jye = 2932, LLI_jyy = 2933, LLI_kaa = 2934, LLI_kab = 2935, LLI_kac = 2936, LLI_kad = 2937, LLI_kae = 2938, LLI_kaf = 2939, LLI_kag = 2940, LLI_kah = 2941, LLI_kai = 2942, LLI_kaj = 2943, LLI_kak = 2944, LLI_kam = 2945, LLI_kao = 2946, LLI_kap = 2947, LLI_kaq = 2948, LLI_kar = 2949, LLI_kav = 2950, LLI_kaw = 2951, LLI_kax = 2952, LLI_kay = 2953, LLI_kba = 2954, LLI_kbb = 2955, LLI_kbc = 2956, LLI_kbd = 2957, LLI_kbe = 2958, LLI_kbf = 2959, LLI_kbg = 2960, LLI_kbh = 2961, LLI_kbi = 2962, LLI_kbj = 2963, LLI_kbk = 2964, LLI_kbl = 2965, LLI_kbm = 2966, LLI_kbn = 2967, LLI_kbo = 2968, LLI_kbp = 2969, LLI_kbq = 2970, LLI_kbr = 2971, LLI_kbs = 2972, LLI_kbt = 2973, LLI_kbu = 2974, LLI_kbv = 2975, LLI_kbw = 2976, LLI_kbx = 2977, LLI_kby = 2978, LLI_kbz = 2979, LLI_kca = 2980, LLI_kcb = 2981, LLI_kcc = 2982, LLI_kcd = 2983, LLI_kce = 2984, LLI_kcf = 2985, LLI_kcg = 2986, LLI_kch = 2987, LLI_kci = 2988, LLI_kcj = 2989, LLI_kck = 2990, LLI_kcl = 2991, LLI_kcm = 2992, LLI_kcn = 2993, LLI_kco = 2994, LLI_kcp = 2995, LLI_kcq = 2996, LLI_kcr = 2997, LLI_kcs = 2998, LLI_kct = 2999, LLI_kcu = 3000, LLI_kcv = 3001, LLI_kcw = 3002, LLI_kcx = 3003, LLI_kcy = 3004, LLI_kcz = 3005, LLI_kda = 3006, LLI_kdc = 3007, LLI_kdd = 3008, LLI_kde = 3009, LLI_kdf = 3010, LLI_kdg = 3011, LLI_kdh = 3012, LLI_kdi = 3013, LLI_kdj = 3014, LLI_kdk = 3015, LLI_kdl = 3016, LLI_kdm = 3017, LLI_kdn = 3018, LLI_kdo = 3019, LLI_kdp = 3020, LLI_kdq = 3021, LLI_kdr = 3022, LLI_kdt = 3023, LLI_kdu = 3024, LLI_kdv = 3025, LLI_kdw = 3026, LLI_kdx = 3027, LLI_kdy = 3028, LLI_kdz = 3029, LLI_kea = 3030, LLI_keb = 3031, LLI_kec = 3032, LLI_ked = 3033, LLI_kee = 3034, LLI_kef = 3035, LLI_keg = 3036, LLI_keh = 3037, LLI_kei = 3038, LLI_kej = 3039, LLI_kek = 3040, LLI_kel = 3041, LLI_kem = 3042, LLI_ken = 3043, LLI_keo = 3044, LLI_kep = 3045, LLI_keq = 3046, LLI_ker = 3047, LLI_kes = 3048, LLI_ket = 3049, LLI_keu = 3050, LLI_kev = 3051, LLI_kew = 3052, LLI_kex = 3053, LLI_key = 3054, LLI_kez = 3055, LLI_kfa = 3056, LLI_kfb = 3057, LLI_kfc = 3058, LLI_kfd = 3059, LLI_kfe = 3060, LLI_kff = 3061, LLI_kfg = 3062, LLI_kfh = 3063, LLI_kfi = 3064, LLI_kfj = 3065, LLI_kfk = 3066, LLI_kfl = 3067, LLI_kfm = 3068, LLI_kfn = 3069, LLI_kfo = 3070, LLI_kfp = 3071, LLI_kfq = 3072, LLI_kfr = 3073, LLI_kfs = 3074, LLI_kft = 3075, LLI_kfu = 3076, LLI_kfv = 3077, LLI_kfw = 3078, LLI_kfx = 3079, LLI_kfy = 3080, LLI_kfz = 3081, LLI_kga = 3082, LLI_kgb = 3083, LLI_kgc = 3084, LLI_kgd = 3085, LLI_kge = 3086, LLI_kgf = 3087, LLI_kgg = 3088, LLI_kgh = 3089, LLI_kgi = 3090, LLI_kgj = 3091, LLI_kgk = 3092, LLI_kgl = 3093, LLI_kgm = 3094, LLI_kgn = 3095, LLI_kgo = 3096, LLI_kgp = 3097, LLI_kgq = 3098, LLI_kgr = 3099, LLI_kgs = 3100, LLI_kgt = 3101, LLI_kgu = 3102, LLI_kgv = 3103, LLI_kgw = 3104, LLI_kgx = 3105, LLI_kgy = 3106, LLI_kha = 3107, LLI_khb = 3108, LLI_khc = 3109, LLI_khd = 3110, LLI_khe = 3111, LLI_khf = 3112, LLI_khg = 3113, LLI_khh = 3114, LLI_khi = 3115, LLI_khj = 3116, LLI_khk = 3117, LLI_khl = 3118, LLI_khn = 3119, LLI_kho = 3120, LLI_khp = 3121, LLI_khq = 3122, LLI_khr = 3123, LLI_khs = 3124, LLI_kht = 3125, LLI_khu = 3126, LLI_khv = 3127, LLI_khw = 3128, LLI_khx = 3129, LLI_khy = 3130, LLI_khz = 3131, LLI_kia = 3132, LLI_kib = 3133, LLI_kic = 3134, LLI_kid = 3135, LLI_kie = 3136, LLI_kif = 3137, LLI_kig = 3138, LLI_kih = 3139, LLI_kii = 3140, LLI_kij = 3141, LLI_kil = 3142, LLI_kim = 3143, LLI_kio = 3144, LLI_kip = 3145, LLI_kiq = 3146, LLI_kis = 3147, LLI_kit = 3148, LLI_kiu = 3149, LLI_kiv = 3150, LLI_kiw = 3151, LLI_kix = 3152, LLI_kiy = 3153, LLI_kiz = 3154, LLI_kja = 3155, LLI_kjb = 3156, LLI_kjc = 3157, LLI_kjd = 3158, LLI_kje = 3159, LLI_kjf = 3160, LLI_kjg = 3161, LLI_kjh = 3162, LLI_kji = 3163, LLI_kjj = 3164, LLI_kjk = 3165, LLI_kjl = 3166, LLI_kjm = 3167, LLI_kjn = 3168, LLI_kjo = 3169, LLI_kjp = 3170, LLI_kjq = 3171, LLI_kjr = 3172, LLI_kjs = 3173, LLI_kjt = 3174, LLI_kju = 3175, LLI_kjx = 3176, LLI_kjy = 3177, LLI_kjz = 3178, LLI_kka = 3179, LLI_kkb = 3180, LLI_kkc = 3181, LLI_kkd = 3182, LLI_kke = 3183, LLI_kkf = 3184, LLI_kkg = 3185, LLI_kkh = 3186, LLI_kki = 3187, LLI_kkj = 3188, LLI_kkk = 3189, LLI_kkl = 3190, LLI_kkm = 3191, LLI_kkn = 3192, LLI_kko = 3193, LLI_kkp = 3194, LLI_kkq = 3195, LLI_kkr = 3196, LLI_kks = 3197, LLI_kkt = 3198, LLI_kku = 3199, LLI_kkv = 3200, LLI_kkw = 3201, LLI_kkx = 3202, LLI_kky = 3203, LLI_kkz = 3204, LLI_kla = 3205, LLI_klb = 3206, LLI_klc = 3207, LLI_kld = 3208, LLI_kle = 3209, LLI_klf = 3210, LLI_klg = 3211, LLI_klh = 3212, LLI_kli = 3213, LLI_klj = 3214, LLI_klk = 3215, LLI_kll = 3216, LLI_klm = 3217, LLI_kln = 3218, LLI_klo = 3219, LLI_klp = 3220, LLI_klq = 3221, LLI_klr = 3222, LLI_kls = 3223, LLI_klt = 3224, LLI_klu = 3225, LLI_klv = 3226, LLI_klw = 3227, LLI_klx = 3228, LLI_kly = 3229, LLI_klz = 3230, LLI_kma = 3231, LLI_kmb = 3232, LLI_kmc = 3233, LLI_kmd = 3234, LLI_kme = 3235, LLI_kmf = 3236, LLI_kmg = 3237, LLI_kmh = 3238, LLI_kmi = 3239, LLI_kmj = 3240, LLI_kmk = 3241, LLI_kml = 3242, LLI_kmm = 3243, LLI_kmn = 3244, LLI_kmo = 3245, LLI_kmp = 3246, LLI_kmq = 3247, LLI_kmr = 3248, LLI_kms = 3249, LLI_kmt = 3250, LLI_kmu = 3251, LLI_kmv = 3252, LLI_kmw = 3253, LLI_kmx = 3254, LLI_kmy = 3255, LLI_kmz = 3256, LLI_kna = 3257, LLI_knb = 3258, LLI_knc = 3259, LLI_knd = 3260, LLI_kne = 3261, LLI_knf = 3262, LLI_kng = 3263, LLI_kni = 3264, LLI_knj = 3265, LLI_knk = 3266, LLI_knl = 3267, LLI_knm = 3268, LLI_knn = 3269, LLI_kno = 3270, LLI_knp = 3271, LLI_knq = 3272, LLI_knr = 3273, LLI_kns = 3274, LLI_knt = 3275, LLI_knu = 3276, LLI_knv = 3277, LLI_knw = 3278, LLI_knx = 3279, LLI_kny = 3280, LLI_knz = 3281, LLI_koa = 3282, LLI_koc = 3283, LLI_kod = 3284, LLI_koe = 3285, LLI_kof = 3286, LLI_kog = 3287, LLI_koh = 3288, LLI_koi = 3289, LLI_koj = 3290, LLI_kok = 3291, LLI_kol = 3292, LLI_koo = 3293, LLI_kop = 3294, LLI_koq = 3295, LLI_kos = 3296, LLI_kot = 3297, LLI_kou = 3298, LLI_kov = 3299, LLI_kow = 3300, LLI_kox = 3301, LLI_koy = 3302, LLI_koz = 3303, LLI_kpa = 3304, LLI_kpb = 3305, LLI_kpc = 3306, LLI_kpd = 3307, LLI_kpe = 3308, LLI_kpf = 3309, LLI_kpg = 3310, LLI_kph = 3311, LLI_kpi = 3312, LLI_kpj = 3313, LLI_kpk = 3314, LLI_kpl = 3315, LLI_kpm = 3316, LLI_kpn = 3317, LLI_kpo = 3318, LLI_kpp = 3319, LLI_kpq = 3320, LLI_kpr = 3321, LLI_kps = 3322, LLI_kpt = 3323, LLI_kpu = 3324, LLI_kpv = 3325, LLI_kpw = 3326, LLI_kpx = 3327, LLI_kpy = 3328, LLI_kpz = 3329, LLI_kqa = 3330, LLI_kqb = 3331, LLI_kqc = 3332, LLI_kqd = 3333, LLI_kqe = 3334, LLI_kqf = 3335, LLI_kqg = 3336, LLI_kqh = 3337, LLI_kqi = 3338, LLI_kqj = 3339, LLI_kqk = 3340, LLI_kql = 3341, LLI_kqm = 3342, LLI_kqn = 3343, LLI_kqo = 3344, LLI_kqp = 3345, LLI_kqq = 3346, LLI_kqr = 3347, LLI_kqs = 3348, LLI_kqt = 3349, LLI_kqu = 3350, LLI_kqv = 3351, LLI_kqw = 3352, LLI_kqx = 3353, LLI_kqy = 3354, LLI_kqz = 3355, LLI_kra = 3356, LLI_krb = 3357, LLI_krc = 3358, LLI_krd = 3359, LLI_kre = 3360, LLI_krf = 3361, LLI_krh = 3362, LLI_kri = 3363, LLI_krj = 3364, LLI_krk = 3365, LLI_krl = 3366, LLI_krm = 3367, LLI_krn = 3368, LLI_kro = 3369, LLI_krp = 3370, LLI_krr = 3371, LLI_krs = 3372, LLI_krt = 3373, LLI_kru = 3374, LLI_krv = 3375, LLI_krw = 3376, LLI_krx = 3377, LLI_kry = 3378, LLI_krz = 3379, LLI_ksa = 3380, LLI_ksb = 3381, LLI_ksc = 3382, LLI_ksd = 3383, LLI_kse = 3384, LLI_ksf = 3385, LLI_ksg = 3386, LLI_ksh = 3387, LLI_ksi = 3388, LLI_ksj = 3389, LLI_ksk = 3390, LLI_ksl = 3391, LLI_ksm = 3392, LLI_ksn = 3393, LLI_kso = 3394, LLI_ksp = 3395, LLI_ksq = 3396, LLI_ksr = 3397, LLI_kss = 3398, LLI_kst = 3399, LLI_ksu = 3400, LLI_ksv = 3401, LLI_ksw = 3402, LLI_ksx = 3403, LLI_ksy = 3404, LLI_ksz = 3405, LLI_kta = 3406, LLI_ktb = 3407, LLI_ktc = 3408, LLI_ktd = 3409, LLI_kte = 3410, LLI_ktf = 3411, LLI_ktg = 3412, LLI_kth = 3413, LLI_kti = 3414, LLI_ktj = 3415, LLI_ktk = 3416, LLI_ktl = 3417, LLI_ktm = 3418, LLI_ktn = 3419, LLI_kto = 3420, LLI_ktp = 3421, LLI_ktq = 3422, LLI_ktr = 3423, LLI_kts = 3424, LLI_ktt = 3425, LLI_ktu = 3426, LLI_ktv = 3427, LLI_ktw = 3428, LLI_ktx = 3429, LLI_kty = 3430, LLI_ktz = 3431, LLI_kub = 3432, LLI_kuc = 3433, LLI_kud = 3434, LLI_kue = 3435, LLI_kuf = 3436, LLI_kug = 3437, LLI_kuh = 3438, LLI_kui = 3439, LLI_kuj = 3440, LLI_kuk = 3441, LLI_kul = 3442, LLI_kum = 3443, LLI_kun = 3444, LLI_kuo = 3445, LLI_kup = 3446, LLI_kuq = 3447, LLI_kus = 3448, LLI_kut = 3449, LLI_kuu = 3450, LLI_kuv = 3451, LLI_kuw = 3452, LLI_kux = 3453, LLI_kuy = 3454, LLI_kuz = 3455, LLI_kva = 3456, LLI_kvb = 3457, LLI_kvc = 3458, LLI_kvd = 3459, LLI_kve = 3460, LLI_kvf = 3461, LLI_kvg = 3462, LLI_kvh = 3463, LLI_kvi = 3464, LLI_kvj = 3465, LLI_kvk = 3466, LLI_kvl = 3467, LLI_kvm = 3468, LLI_kvn = 3469, LLI_kvo = 3470, LLI_kvp = 3471, LLI_kvq = 3472, LLI_kvr = 3473, LLI_kvs = 3474, LLI_kvt = 3475, LLI_kvu = 3476, LLI_kvv = 3477, LLI_kvw = 3478, LLI_kvx = 3479, LLI_kvy = 3480, LLI_kvz = 3481, LLI_kwa = 3482, LLI_kwb = 3483, LLI_kwc = 3484, LLI_kwd = 3485, LLI_kwe = 3486, LLI_kwf = 3487, LLI_kwg = 3488, LLI_kwh = 3489, LLI_kwi = 3490, LLI_kwj = 3491, LLI_kwk = 3492, LLI_kwl = 3493, LLI_kwm = 3494, LLI_kwn = 3495, LLI_kwo = 3496, LLI_kwp = 3497, LLI_kwq = 3498, LLI_kwr = 3499, LLI_kws = 3500, LLI_kwt = 3501, LLI_kwu = 3502, LLI_kwv = 3503, LLI_kww = 3504, LLI_kwx = 3505, LLI_kwy = 3506, LLI_kwz = 3507, LLI_kxa = 3508, LLI_kxb = 3509, LLI_kxc = 3510, LLI_kxd = 3511, LLI_kxe = 3512, LLI_kxf = 3513, LLI_kxh = 3514, LLI_kxi = 3515, LLI_kxj = 3516, LLI_kxk = 3517, LLI_kxl = 3518, LLI_kxm = 3519, LLI_kxn = 3520, LLI_kxo = 3521, LLI_kxp = 3522, LLI_kxq = 3523, LLI_kxr = 3524, LLI_kxs = 3525, LLI_kxt = 3526, LLI_kxu = 3527, LLI_kxv = 3528, LLI_kxw = 3529, LLI_kxx = 3530, LLI_kxy = 3531, LLI_kxz = 3532, LLI_kya = 3533, LLI_kyb = 3534, LLI_kyc = 3535, LLI_kyd = 3536, LLI_kye = 3537, LLI_kyf = 3538, LLI_kyg = 3539, LLI_kyh = 3540, LLI_kyi = 3541, LLI_kyj = 3542, LLI_kyk = 3543, LLI_kyl = 3544, LLI_kym = 3545, LLI_kyn = 3546, LLI_kyo = 3547, LLI_kyp = 3548, LLI_kyq = 3549, LLI_kyr = 3550, LLI_kys = 3551, LLI_kyt = 3552, LLI_kyu = 3553, LLI_kyv = 3554, LLI_kyw = 3555, LLI_kyx = 3556, LLI_kyy = 3557, LLI_kyz = 3558, LLI_kza = 3559, LLI_kzb = 3560, LLI_kzc = 3561, LLI_kzd = 3562, LLI_kze = 3563, LLI_kzf = 3564, LLI_kzg = 3565, LLI_kzh = 3566, LLI_kzi = 3567, LLI_kzj = 3568, LLI_kzk = 3569, LLI_kzl = 3570, LLI_kzm = 3571, LLI_kzn = 3572, LLI_kzo = 3573, LLI_kzp = 3574, LLI_kzq = 3575, LLI_kzr = 3576, LLI_kzs = 3577, LLI_kzt = 3578, LLI_kzu = 3579, LLI_kzv = 3580, LLI_kzw = 3581, LLI_kzx = 3582, LLI_kzy = 3583, LLI_kzz = 3584, LLI_laa = 3585, LLI_lab = 3586, LLI_lac = 3587, LLI_lad = 3588, LLI_lae = 3589, LLI_laf = 3590, LLI_lag = 3591, LLI_lah = 3592, LLI_lai = 3593, LLI_laj = 3594, LLI_lak = 3595, LLI_lal = 3596, LLI_lam = 3597, LLI_lan = 3598, LLI_lap = 3599, LLI_laq = 3600, LLI_lar = 3601, LLI_las = 3602, LLI_lau = 3603, LLI_law = 3604, LLI_lax = 3605, LLI_lay = 3606, LLI_laz = 3607, LLI_lba = 3608, LLI_lbb = 3609, LLI_lbc = 3610, LLI_lbe = 3611, LLI_lbf = 3612, LLI_lbg = 3613, LLI_lbi = 3614, LLI_lbj = 3615, LLI_lbk = 3616, LLI_lbl = 3617, LLI_lbm = 3618, LLI_lbn = 3619, LLI_lbo = 3620, LLI_lbq = 3621, LLI_lbr = 3622, LLI_lbs = 3623, LLI_lbt = 3624, LLI_lbu = 3625, LLI_lbv = 3626, LLI_lbw = 3627, LLI_lbx = 3628, LLI_lby = 3629, LLI_lbz = 3630, LLI_lcc = 3631, LLI_lcd = 3632, LLI_lce = 3633, LLI_lcf = 3634, LLI_lch = 3635, LLI_lcl = 3636, LLI_lcm = 3637, LLI_lcp = 3638, LLI_lcq = 3639, LLI_lcs = 3640, LLI_ldb = 3641, LLI_ldd = 3642, LLI_ldg = 3643, LLI_ldh = 3644, LLI_ldi = 3645, LLI_ldj = 3646, LLI_ldk = 3647, LLI_ldl = 3648, LLI_ldm = 3649, LLI_ldn = 3650, LLI_ldo = 3651, LLI_ldp = 3652, LLI_ldq = 3653, LLI_lea = 3654, LLI_leb = 3655, LLI_lec = 3656, LLI_led = 3657, LLI_lee = 3658, LLI_lef = 3659, LLI_leg = 3660, LLI_leh = 3661, LLI_lei = 3662, LLI_lej = 3663, LLI_lek = 3664, LLI_lel = 3665, LLI_lem = 3666, LLI_len = 3667, LLI_leo = 3668, LLI_lep = 3669, LLI_leq = 3670, LLI_ler = 3671, LLI_les = 3672, LLI_let = 3673, LLI_leu = 3674, LLI_lev = 3675, LLI_lew = 3676, LLI_lex = 3677, LLI_ley = 3678, LLI_lez = 3679, LLI_lfa = 3680, LLI_lfn = 3681, LLI_lga = 3682, LLI_lgb = 3683, LLI_lgg = 3684, LLI_lgh = 3685, LLI_lgi = 3686, LLI_lgk = 3687, LLI_lgl = 3688, LLI_lgm = 3689, LLI_lgn = 3690, LLI_lgq = 3691, LLI_lgr = 3692, LLI_lgt = 3693, LLI_lgu = 3694, LLI_lgz = 3695, LLI_lha = 3696, LLI_lhh = 3697, LLI_lhi = 3698, LLI_lhl = 3699, LLI_lhm = 3700, LLI_lhn = 3701, LLI_lhp = 3702, LLI_lhs = 3703, LLI_lht = 3704, LLI_lhu = 3705, LLI_lia = 3706, LLI_lib = 3707, LLI_lic = 3708, LLI_lid = 3709, LLI_lie = 3710, LLI_lif = 3711, LLI_lig = 3712, LLI_lih = 3713, LLI_lii = 3714, LLI_lij = 3715, LLI_lik = 3716, LLI_lil = 3717, LLI_lio = 3718, LLI_lip = 3719, LLI_liq = 3720, LLI_lir = 3721, LLI_lis = 3722, LLI_liu = 3723, LLI_liv = 3724, LLI_liw = 3725, LLI_lix = 3726, LLI_liy = 3727, LLI_liz = 3728, LLI_lje = 3729, LLI_lji = 3730, LLI_ljl = 3731, LLI_ljp = 3732, LLI_lka = 3733, LLI_lkb = 3734, LLI_lkc = 3735, LLI_lkd = 3736, LLI_lke = 3737, LLI_lkh = 3738, LLI_lki = 3739, LLI_lkj = 3740, LLI_lkl = 3741, LLI_lkn = 3742, LLI_lko = 3743, LLI_lkr = 3744, LLI_lks = 3745, LLI_lkt = 3746, LLI_lky = 3747, LLI_lla = 3748, LLI_llb = 3749, LLI_llc = 3750, LLI_lld = 3751, LLI_lle = 3752, LLI_llf = 3753, LLI_llg = 3754, LLI_llh = 3755, LLI_lli = 3756, LLI_llk = 3757, LLI_lll = 3758, LLI_llm = 3759, LLI_lln = 3760, LLI_llo = 3761, LLI_llp = 3762, LLI_llq = 3763, LLI_lls = 3764, LLI_llu = 3765, LLI_llx = 3766, LLI_lma = 3767, LLI_lmb = 3768, LLI_lmc = 3769, LLI_lmd = 3770, LLI_lme = 3771, LLI_lmf = 3772, LLI_lmg = 3773, LLI_lmh = 3774, LLI_lmi = 3775, LLI_lmj = 3776, LLI_lmk = 3777, LLI_lml = 3778, LLI_lmm = 3779, LLI_lmn = 3780, LLI_lmo = 3781, LLI_lmp = 3782, LLI_lmq = 3783, LLI_lmr = 3784, LLI_lmu = 3785, LLI_lmv = 3786, LLI_lmw = 3787, LLI_lmx = 3788, LLI_lmy = 3789, LLI_lmz = 3790, LLI_lna = 3791, LLI_lnb = 3792, LLI_lnd = 3793, LLI_lng = 3794, LLI_lnh = 3795, LLI_lni = 3796, LLI_lnj = 3797, LLI_lnl = 3798, LLI_lnm = 3799, LLI_lnn = 3800, LLI_lno = 3801, LLI_lns = 3802, LLI_lnu = 3803, LLI_lnz = 3804, LLI_loa = 3805, LLI_lob = 3806, LLI_loc = 3807, LLI_loe = 3808, LLI_lof = 3809, LLI_log = 3810, LLI_loh = 3811, LLI_loi = 3812, LLI_loj = 3813, LLI_lok = 3814, LLI_lol = 3815, LLI_lom = 3816, LLI_lon = 3817, LLI_loo = 3818, LLI_lop = 3819, LLI_loq = 3820, LLI_lor = 3821, LLI_los = 3822, LLI_lot = 3823, LLI_lou = 3824, LLI_lov = 3825, LLI_low = 3826, LLI_lox = 3827, LLI_loy = 3828, LLI_loz = 3829, LLI_lpa = 3830, LLI_lpe = 3831, LLI_lpn = 3832, LLI_lpo = 3833, LLI_lpx = 3834, LLI_lra = 3835, LLI_lrc = 3836, LLI_lre = 3837, LLI_lrg = 3838, LLI_lri = 3839, LLI_lrk = 3840, LLI_lrl = 3841, LLI_lrm = 3842, LLI_lrn = 3843, LLI_lro = 3844, LLI_lrr = 3845, LLI_lrt = 3846, LLI_lrv = 3847, LLI_lrz = 3848, LLI_lsa = 3849, LLI_lsd = 3850, LLI_lse = 3851, LLI_lsg = 3852, LLI_lsh = 3853, LLI_lsi = 3854, LLI_lsl = 3855, LLI_lsm = 3856, LLI_lso = 3857, LLI_lsp = 3858, LLI_lsr = 3859, LLI_lss = 3860, LLI_lst = 3861, LLI_lsy = 3862, LLI_ltc = 3863, LLI_ltg = 3864, LLI_lti = 3865, LLI_ltn = 3866, LLI_lto = 3867, LLI_lts = 3868, LLI_ltu = 3869, LLI_lua = 3870, LLI_luc = 3871, LLI_lud = 3872, LLI_lue = 3873, LLI_luf = 3874, LLI_lui = 3875, LLI_luj = 3876, LLI_luk = 3877, LLI_lul = 3878, LLI_lum = 3879, LLI_lun = 3880, LLI_luo = 3881, LLI_lup = 3882, LLI_luq = 3883, LLI_lur = 3884, LLI_lus = 3885, LLI_lut = 3886, LLI_luu = 3887, LLI_luv = 3888, LLI_luw = 3889, LLI_luy = 3890, LLI_luz = 3891, LLI_lva = 3892, LLI_lvk = 3893, LLI_lvs = 3894, LLI_lvu = 3895, LLI_lwa = 3896, LLI_lwe = 3897, LLI_lwg = 3898, LLI_lwh = 3899, LLI_lwl = 3900, LLI_lwm = 3901, LLI_lwo = 3902, LLI_lwt = 3903, LLI_lww = 3904, LLI_lya = 3905, LLI_lyg = 3906, LLI_lyn = 3907, LLI_lzh = 3908, LLI_lzl = 3909, LLI_lzn = 3910, LLI_lzz = 3911, LLI_maa = 3912, LLI_mab = 3913, LLI_mad = 3914, LLI_mae = 3915, LLI_maf = 3916, LLI_mag = 3917, LLI_mai = 3918, LLI_maj = 3919, LLI_mak = 3920, LLI_mam = 3921, LLI_man = 3922, LLI_map = 3923, LLI_maq = 3924, LLI_mas = 3925, LLI_mat = 3926, LLI_mau = 3927, LLI_mav = 3928, LLI_maw = 3929, LLI_max = 3930, LLI_maz = 3931, LLI_mba = 3932, LLI_mbb = 3933, LLI_mbc = 3934, LLI_mbd = 3935, LLI_mbe = 3936, LLI_mbf = 3937, LLI_mbh = 3938, LLI_mbi = 3939, LLI_mbj = 3940, LLI_mbk = 3941, LLI_mbl = 3942, LLI_mbm = 3943, LLI_mbn = 3944, LLI_mbo = 3945, LLI_mbp = 3946, LLI_mbq = 3947, LLI_mbr = 3948, LLI_mbs = 3949, LLI_mbt = 3950, LLI_mbu = 3951, LLI_mbv = 3952, LLI_mbw = 3953, LLI_mbx = 3954, LLI_mby = 3955, LLI_mbz = 3956, LLI_mca = 3957, LLI_mcb = 3958, LLI_mcc = 3959, LLI_mcd = 3960, LLI_mce = 3961, LLI_mcf = 3962, LLI_mcg = 3963, LLI_mch = 3964, LLI_mci = 3965, LLI_mcj = 3966, LLI_mck = 3967, LLI_mcl = 3968, LLI_mcm = 3969, LLI_mcn = 3970, LLI_mco = 3971, LLI_mcp = 3972, LLI_mcq = 3973, LLI_mcr = 3974, LLI_mcs = 3975, LLI_mct = 3976, LLI_mcu = 3977, LLI_mcv = 3978, LLI_mcw = 3979, LLI_mcx = 3980, LLI_mcy = 3981, LLI_mcz = 3982, LLI_mda = 3983, LLI_mdb = 3984, LLI_mdc = 3985, LLI_mdd = 3986, LLI_mde = 3987, LLI_mdf = 3988, LLI_mdg = 3989, LLI_mdh = 3990, LLI_mdi = 3991, LLI_mdj = 3992, LLI_mdk = 3993, LLI_mdl = 3994, LLI_mdm = 3995, LLI_mdn = 3996, LLI_mdp = 3997, LLI_mdq = 3998, LLI_mdr = 3999, LLI_mds = 4000, LLI_mdt = 4001, LLI_mdu = 4002, LLI_mdv = 4003, LLI_mdw = 4004, LLI_mdx = 4005, LLI_mdy = 4006, LLI_mdz = 4007, LLI_mea = 4008, LLI_meb = 4009, LLI_mec = 4010, LLI_med = 4011, LLI_mee = 4012, LLI_mef = 4013, LLI_meg = 4014 }; enum LANGUAGE_REGION_ID { LRI_UNKNOWN = 0, LRI_AA = 1, LRI_AC = 2, LRI_AD = 3, LRI_AE = 4, LRI_AF = 5, LRI_AG = 6, LRI_AI = 7, LRI_AL = 8, LRI_AM = 9, LRI_AN = 10, LRI_AO = 11, LRI_AQ = 12, LRI_AR = 13, LRI_AS = 14, LRI_AT = 15, LRI_AU = 16, LRI_AW = 17, LRI_AX = 18, LRI_AZ = 19, LRI_BA = 20, LRI_BB = 21, LRI_BD = 22, LRI_BE = 23, LRI_BF = 24, LRI_BG = 25, LRI_BH = 26, LRI_BI = 27, LRI_BJ = 28, LRI_BL = 29, LRI_BM = 30, LRI_BN = 31, LRI_BO = 32, LRI_BQ = 33, LRI_BR = 34, LRI_BS = 35, LRI_BT = 36, LRI_BU = 37, LRI_BV = 38, LRI_BW = 39, LRI_BY = 40, LRI_BZ = 41, LRI_CA = 42, LRI_CC = 43, LRI_CD = 44, LRI_CF = 45, LRI_CG = 46, LRI_CH = 47, LRI_CI = 48, LRI_CK = 49, LRI_CL = 50, LRI_CM = 51, LRI_CN = 52, LRI_CO = 53, LRI_CP = 54, LRI_CR = 55, LRI_CS = 56, LRI_CU = 57, LRI_CV = 58, LRI_CW = 59, LRI_CX = 60, LRI_CY = 61, LRI_CZ = 62, LRI_DD = 63, LRI_DE = 64, LRI_DG = 65, LRI_DJ = 66, LRI_DK = 67, LRI_DM = 68, LRI_DO = 69, LRI_DZ = 70, LRI_EA = 71, LRI_EC = 72, LRI_EE = 73, LRI_EG = 74, LRI_EH = 75, LRI_ER = 76, LRI_ES = 77, LRI_ET = 78, LRI_EU = 79, LRI_FI = 80, LRI_FJ = 81, LRI_FK = 82, LRI_FM = 83, LRI_FO = 84, LRI_FR = 85, LRI_FX = 86, LRI_GA = 87, LRI_GB = 88, LRI_GD = 89, LRI_GE = 90, LRI_GF = 91, LRI_GG = 92, LRI_GH = 93, LRI_GI = 94, LRI_GL = 95, LRI_GM = 96, LRI_GN = 97, LRI_GP = 98, LRI_GQ = 99, LRI_GR = 100, LRI_GS = 101, LRI_GT = 102, LRI_GU = 103, LRI_GW = 104, LRI_GY = 105, LRI_HK = 106, LRI_HM = 107, LRI_HN = 108, LRI_HR = 109, LRI_HT = 110, LRI_HU = 111, LRI_IC = 112, LRI_ID = 113, LRI_IE = 114, LRI_IL = 115, LRI_IM = 116, LRI_IN = 117, LRI_IO = 118, LRI_IQ = 119, LRI_IR = 120, LRI_IS = 121, LRI_IT = 122, LRI_JE = 123, LRI_JM = 124, LRI_JO = 125, LRI_JP = 126, LRI_KE = 127, LRI_KG = 128, LRI_KH = 129, LRI_KI = 130, LRI_KM = 131, LRI_KN = 132, LRI_KP = 133, LRI_KR = 134, LRI_KW = 135, LRI_KY = 136, LRI_KZ = 137, LRI_LA = 138, LRI_LB = 139, LRI_LC = 140, LRI_LI = 141, LRI_LK = 142, LRI_LR = 143, LRI_LS = 144, LRI_LT = 145, LRI_LU = 146, LRI_LV = 147, LRI_LY = 148, LRI_MA = 149, LRI_MC = 150, LRI_MD = 151, LRI_ME = 152, LRI_MF = 153, LRI_MG = 154, LRI_MH = 155, LRI_MK = 156, LRI_ML = 157, LRI_MM = 158, LRI_MN = 159, LRI_MO = 160, LRI_MP = 161, LRI_MQ = 162, LRI_MR = 163, LRI_MS = 164, LRI_MT = 165, LRI_MU = 166, LRI_MV = 167, LRI_MW = 168, LRI_MX = 169, LRI_MY = 170, LRI_MZ = 171, LRI_NA = 172, LRI_NC = 173, LRI_NE = 174, LRI_NF = 175, LRI_NG = 176, LRI_NI = 177, LRI_NL = 178, LRI_NO = 179, LRI_NP = 180, LRI_NR = 181, LRI_NT = 182, LRI_NU = 183, LRI_NZ = 184, LRI_OM = 185, LRI_PA = 186, LRI_PE = 187, LRI_PF = 188, LRI_PG = 189, LRI_PH = 190, LRI_PK = 191, LRI_PL = 192, LRI_PM = 193, LRI_PN = 194, LRI_PR = 195, LRI_PS = 196, LRI_PT = 197, LRI_PW = 198, LRI_PY = 199, LRI_QA = 200, LRI_QM = 201, LRI_QN = 202, LRI_QO = 203, LRI_QP = 204, LRI_QQ = 205, LRI_QR = 206, LRI_QS = 207, LRI_QT = 208, LRI_QU = 209, LRI_QV = 210, LRI_QW = 211, LRI_QX = 212, LRI_QY = 213, LRI_QZ = 214, LRI_RE = 215, LRI_RO = 216, LRI_RS = 217, LRI_RU = 218, LRI_RW = 219, LRI_SA = 220, LRI_SB = 221, LRI_SC = 222, LRI_SD = 223, LRI_SE = 224, LRI_SG = 225, LRI_SH = 226, LRI_SI = 227, LRI_SJ = 228, LRI_SK = 229, LRI_SL = 230, LRI_SM = 231, LRI_SN = 232, LRI_SO = 233, LRI_SR = 234, LRI_ST = 235, LRI_SU = 236, LRI_SV = 237, LRI_SX = 238, LRI_SY = 239, LRI_SZ = 240, LRI_TA = 241, LRI_TC = 242, LRI_TD = 243, LRI_TF = 244, LRI_TG = 245, LRI_TH = 246, LRI_TJ = 247, LRI_TK = 248, LRI_TL = 249, LRI_TM = 250, LRI_TN = 251, LRI_TO = 252, LRI_TP = 253, LRI_TR = 254, LRI_TT = 255, LRI_TV = 256, LRI_TW = 257, LRI_TZ = 258, LRI_UA = 259, LRI_UG = 260, LRI_UM = 261, LRI_US = 262, LRI_UY = 263, LRI_UZ = 264, LRI_VA = 265, LRI_VC = 266, LRI_VE = 267, LRI_VG = 268, LRI_VI = 269, LRI_VN = 270, LRI_VU = 271, LRI_WF = 272, LRI_WS = 273, LRI_XA = 274, LRI_XB = 275, LRI_XC = 276, LRI_XD = 277, LRI_XE = 278, LRI_XF = 279, LRI_XG = 280, LRI_XH = 281, LRI_XI = 282, LRI_XJ = 283, LRI_XK = 284, LRI_XL = 285, LRI_XM = 286, LRI_XN = 287, LRI_XO = 288, LRI_XP = 289, LRI_XQ = 290, LRI_XR = 291, LRI_XS = 292, LRI_XT = 293, LRI_XU = 294, LRI_XV = 295, LRI_XW = 296, LRI_XX = 297, LRI_XY = 298, LRI_XZ = 299, LRI_YD = 300, LRI_YE = 301, LRI_YT = 302, LRI_YU = 303, LRI_ZA = 304, LRI_ZM = 305, LRI_ZR = 306, LRI_ZW = 307, LRI_ZZ = 308, LRI_001 = 309, LRI_002 = 310, LRI_003 = 311, LRI_005 = 312, LRI_009 = 313, LRI_011 = 314, LRI_013 = 315, LRI_014 = 316, LRI_015 = 317, LRI_017 = 318, LRI_018 = 319, LRI_019 = 320, LRI_021 = 321, LRI_029 = 322, LRI_030 = 323, LRI_034 = 324, LRI_035 = 325, LRI_039 = 326, LRI_053 = 327, LRI_054 = 328, LRI_057 = 329, LRI_061 = 330, LRI_142 = 331, LRI_143 = 332, LRI_145 = 333, LRI_150 = 334, LRI_151 = 335, LRI_154 = 336, LRI_155 = 337, LRI_419 = 338 }; enum WMIDPREQUESTCODE { WMI_GET_ALL_DATA = 0, WMI_GET_SINGLE_INSTANCE = 1, WMI_SET_SINGLE_INSTANCE = 2, WMI_SET_SINGLE_ITEM = 3, WMI_ENABLE_EVENTS = 4, WMI_DISABLE_EVENTS = 5, WMI_ENABLE_COLLECTION = 6, WMI_DISABLE_COLLECTION = 7, WMI_REGINFO = 8, WMI_EXECUTE_METHOD = 9, WMI_CAPTURE_STATE = 10 }; enum LANGUAGE_VARIANT_ID { LVI_UNKNOWN = 0, LVI_1606nict = 1, LVI_1694acad = 2, LVI_1901 = 3, LVI_1959acad = 4, LVI_1994 = 5, LVI_1996 = 6, LVI_alalc97 = 7, LVI_aluku = 8, LVI_arevela = 9, LVI_arevmda = 10, LVI_baku1926 = 11, LVI_bauddha = 12, LVI_biscayan = 13, LVI_biske = 14, LVI_boont = 15, LVI_fonipa = 16, LVI_fonupa = 17, LVI_fonxsamp = 18, LVI_hepburn = 19, LVI_heploc = 20, LVI_hognorsk = 21, LVI_itihasa = 22, LVI_jauer = 23, LVI_jyutping = 24, LVI_kkcor = 25, LVI_laukika = 26, LVI_lipaw = 27, LVI_luna1918 = 28, LVI_monoton = 29, LVI_ndyuka = 30, LVI_nedis = 31, LVI_njiva = 32, LVI_osojs = 33, LVI_pamaka = 34, LVI_petr1708 = 35, LVI_pinyin = 36, LVI_polyton = 37, LVI_puter = 38, LVI_rozaj = 39, LVI_rumgr = 40, LVI_scotland = 41, LVI_scouse = 42, LVI_solba = 43, LVI_surmiran = 44, LVI_sursilv = 45, LVI_sutsilv = 46, LVI_tarask = 47, LVI_uccor = 48, LVI_ucrcor = 49, LVI_ulster = 50, LVI_vaidika = 51, LVI_valencia = 52, LVI_vallader = 53, LVI_wadegile = 54 }; enum LANGUAGE_SCRIPT_ID { LSI_UNKNOWN = 0, LSI_Afak = 1, LSI_Arab = 2, LSI_Armi = 3, LSI_Armn = 4, LSI_Avst = 5, LSI_Bali = 6, LSI_Bamu = 7, LSI_Bass = 8, LSI_Batk = 9, LSI_Beng = 10, LSI_Blis = 11, LSI_Bopo = 12, LSI_Brah = 13, LSI_Brai = 14, LSI_Bugi = 15, LSI_Buhd = 16, LSI_Cakm = 17, LSI_Cans = 18, LSI_Cari = 19, LSI_Cham = 20, LSI_Cher = 21, LSI_Cirt = 22, LSI_Copt = 23, LSI_Cprt = 24, LSI_Cyrl = 25, LSI_Cyrs = 26, LSI_Deva = 27, LSI_Dsrt = 28, LSI_Dupl = 29, LSI_Egyd = 30, LSI_Egyh = 31, LSI_Egyp = 32, LSI_Elba = 33, LSI_Ethi = 34, LSI_Geok = 35, LSI_Geor = 36, LSI_Glag = 37, LSI_Goth = 38, LSI_Gran = 39, LSI_Grek = 40, LSI_Gujr = 41, LSI_Guru = 42, LSI_Hang = 43, LSI_Hani = 44, LSI_Hano = 45, LSI_Hans = 46, LSI_Hant = 47, LSI_Hebr = 48, LSI_Hira = 49, LSI_Hmng = 50, LSI_Hrkt = 51, LSI_Hung = 52, LSI_Inds = 53, LSI_Ital = 54, LSI_Java = 55, LSI_Jpan = 56, LSI_Jurc = 57, LSI_Kali = 58, LSI_Kana = 59, LSI_Khar = 60, LSI_Khmr = 61, LSI_Knda = 62, LSI_Kore = 63, LSI_Kpel = 64, LSI_Kthi = 65, LSI_Lana = 66, LSI_Laoo = 67, LSI_Latf = 68, LSI_Latg = 69, LSI_Latn = 70, LSI_Lepc = 71, LSI_Limb = 72, LSI_Lina = 73, LSI_Linb = 74, LSI_Lisu = 75, LSI_Loma = 76, LSI_Lyci = 77, LSI_Lydi = 78, LSI_Mand = 79, LSI_Mani = 80, LSI_Maya = 81, LSI_Mend = 82, LSI_Merc = 83, LSI_Mero = 84, LSI_Mlym = 85, LSI_Mong = 86, LSI_Moon = 87, LSI_Mroo = 88, LSI_Mtei = 89, LSI_Mymr = 90, LSI_Narb = 91, LSI_Nbat = 92, LSI_Nkgb = 93, LSI_Nkoo = 94, LSI_Nshu = 95, LSI_Ogam = 96, LSI_Olck = 97, LSI_Orkh = 98, LSI_Orya = 99, LSI_Osma = 100, LSI_Palm = 101, LSI_Perm = 102, LSI_Phag = 103, LSI_Phli = 104, LSI_Phlp = 105, LSI_Phlv = 106, LSI_Phnx = 107, LSI_Plrd = 108, LSI_Prti = 109, LSI_Qaaa = 110, LSI_Qaab = 111, LSI_Qaac = 112, LSI_Qaad = 113, LSI_Qaae = 114, LSI_Qaaf = 115, LSI_Qaag = 116, LSI_Qaah = 117, LSI_Qaai = 118, LSI_Qaaj = 119, LSI_Qaak = 120, LSI_Qaal = 121, LSI_Qaam = 122, LSI_Qaan = 123, LSI_Qaao = 124, LSI_Qaap = 125, LSI_Qaaq = 126, LSI_Qaar = 127, LSI_Qaas = 128, LSI_Qaat = 129, LSI_Qaau = 130, LSI_Qaav = 131, LSI_Qaaw = 132, LSI_Qaax = 133, LSI_Qaay = 134, LSI_Qaaz = 135, LSI_Qaba = 136, LSI_Qabb = 137, LSI_Qabc = 138, LSI_Qabd = 139, LSI_Qabe = 140, LSI_Qabf = 141, LSI_Qabg = 142, LSI_Qabh = 143, LSI_Qabi = 144, LSI_Qabj = 145, LSI_Qabk = 146, LSI_Qabl = 147, LSI_Qabm = 148, LSI_Qabn = 149, LSI_Qabo = 150, LSI_Qabp = 151, LSI_Qabq = 152, LSI_Qabr = 153, LSI_Qabs = 154, LSI_Qabt = 155, LSI_Qabu = 156, LSI_Qabv = 157, LSI_Qabw = 158, LSI_Qabx = 159, LSI_Rjng = 160, LSI_Roro = 161, LSI_Runr = 162, LSI_Samr = 163, LSI_Sara = 164, LSI_Sarb = 165, LSI_Saur = 166, LSI_Sgnw = 167, LSI_Shaw = 168, LSI_Shrd = 169, LSI_Sind = 170, LSI_Sinh = 171, LSI_Sora = 172, LSI_Sund = 173, LSI_Sylo = 174, LSI_Syrc = 175, LSI_Syre = 176, LSI_Syrj = 177, LSI_Syrn = 178, LSI_Tagb = 179, LSI_Takr = 180, LSI_Tale = 181, LSI_Talu = 182, LSI_Taml = 183, LSI_Tang = 184, LSI_Tavt = 185, LSI_Telu = 186, LSI_Teng = 187, LSI_Tfng = 188, LSI_Tglg = 189, LSI_Thaa = 190, LSI_Thai = 191, LSI_Tibt = 192, LSI_Ugar = 193, LSI_Vaii = 194, LSI_Visp = 195, LSI_Wara = 196, LSI_Wole = 197, LSI_Xpeo = 198, LSI_Xsux = 199, LSI_Yiii = 200, LSI_Zinh = 201, LSI_Zmth = 202, LSI_Zsym = 203, LSI_Zxxx = 204, LSI_Zyyy = 205, LSI_Zzzz = 206 }; enum _TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { TraceGuidQueryList = 0, TraceGuidQueryInfo = 1, TraceGuidQueryProcess = 2, TraceStackTracingInfo = 3, TraceSystemTraceEnableFlagsInfo = 4, TraceSampledProfileIntervalInfo = 5, TraceProfileSourceConfigInfo = 6, TraceProfileSourceListInfo = 7, TracePmcEventListInfo = 8, TracePmcCounterListInfo = 9, MaxTraceSetInfoClass = 10 }; /* enum DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG { DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ALTERNATIVE_FRACTIONS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PETITE_CAPITALS_FROM_CAPITALS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SMALL_CAPITALS_FROM_CAPITALS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CONTEXTUAL_ALTERNATES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CASE_SENSITIVE_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_GLYPH_COMPOSITION_DECOMPOSITION = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CONTEXTUAL_LIGATURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CAPITAL_SPACING = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CONTEXTUAL_SWASH = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CURSIVE_POSITIONING = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_DEFAULT = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_DISCRETIONARY_LIGATURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_EXPERT_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_FRACTIONS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_FULL_WIDTH = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HALF_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HALANT_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ALTERNATE_HALF_WIDTH = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HISTORICAL_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HORIZONTAL_KANA_ALTERNATES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HISTORICAL_LIGATURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HALF_WIDTH = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HOJO_KANJI_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS04_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS78_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS83_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS90_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_KERNING = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STANDARD_LIGATURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_LINING_FIGURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_LOCALIZED_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_MARK_POSITIONING = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_MATHEMATICAL_GREEK = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_MARK_TO_MARK_POSITIONING = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ALTERNATE_ANNOTATION_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_NLC_KANJI_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_OLD_STYLE_FIGURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ORDINALS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PROPORTIONAL_ALTERNATE_WIDTH = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PETITE_CAPITALS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PROPORTIONAL_FIGURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PROPORTIONAL_WIDTHS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_QUARTER_WIDTHS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_REQUIRED_LIGATURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_RUBY_NOTATION_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_ALTERNATES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SCIENTIFIC_INFERIORS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SMALL_CAPITALS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SIMPLIFIED_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_1 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_2 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_3 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_4 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_5 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_6 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_7 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_8 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_9 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_10 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_11 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_12 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_13 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_14 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_15 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_16 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_17 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_18 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_19 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_20 = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SUBSCRIPT = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SUPERSCRIPT = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SWASH = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TITLING = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TRADITIONAL_NAME_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TABULAR_FIGURES = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TRADITIONAL_FORMS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_THIRD_WIDTHS = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_UNICASE = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_VERTICAL_WRITING = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_VERTICAL_ALTERNATES_AND_ROTATION = Unavail, DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SLASHED_ZERO = Unavail }; */ enum DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS { DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_NONE = 0, DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_BOLD = 1, DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_OBLIQUE = 2 }; enum TrustLevel { BaseTrust = 0, PartialTrust = 1, FullTrust = 2 }; enum DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE { DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL = 0, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_GDI_CLASSIC = 1, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_GDI_NATURAL = 2 }; enum DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE { DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_CFF = 1, DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_TRUETYPE = 2, DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_TRUETYPE_COLLECTION = 3, DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_TYPE1_PFM = 4, DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_TYPE1_PFB = 5, DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_VECTOR = 6, DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_BITMAP = 7 }; enum DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID { DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_NONE = 0, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = 1, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_VERSION_STRINGS = 2, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_TRADEMARK = 3, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_MANUFACTURER = 4, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_DESIGNER = 5, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_DESIGNER_URL = 6, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_DESCRIPTION = 7, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_FONT_VENDOR_URL = 8, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_LICENSE_DESCRIPTION = 9, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_LICENSE_INFO_URL = 10, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_WIN32_FAMILY_NAMES = 11, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_WIN32_SUBFAMILY_NAMES = 12, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_PREFERRED_FAMILY_NAMES = 13, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_PREFERRED_SUBFAMILY_NAMES = 14, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_SAMPLE_TEXT = 15, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_FULL_NAME = 16, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_POSTSCRIPT_NAME = 17, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_POSTSCRIPT_CID_NAME = 18 }; enum DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY { DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY_NONE = 0, DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY_CHARACTER = 1, DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY_WORD = 2 }; enum DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH { DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_UNDEFINED = 0, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED = 1, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED = 2, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_CONDENSED = 3, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED = 4, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL = 5, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_MEDIUM = 5, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED = 6, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXPANDED = 7, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED = 8, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED = 9 }; enum DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES { DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES_DEFAULT = 0, DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES_NO_VISUAL = 1 }; enum D2D1_ALPHA_MODE { D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0, D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED = 1, D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_STRAIGHT = 2, D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE = 3, D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_FORCE_DWORD = -1 }; enum DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE { DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_DEFAULT = 0, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_ALIASED = 1, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_GDI_CLASSIC = 2, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_GDI_NATURAL = 3, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_NATURAL = 4, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_NATURAL_SYMMETRIC = 5, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_OUTLINE = 6, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_CLEARTYPE_GDI_CLASSIC = 2, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_CLEARTYPE_GDI_NATURAL = 3, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_CLEARTYPE_NATURAL = 4, DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_CLEARTYPE_NATURAL_SYMMETRIC = 5 }; enum DWRITE_FONT_STYLE { DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL = 0, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE = 1, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC = 2 }; enum DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE { DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_CFF = 0, DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_TRUETYPE = 1, DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_TRUETYPE_COLLECTION = 2, DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_TYPE1 = 3, DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_VECTOR = 4, DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_BITMAP = 5, DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 6, DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_RAW_CFF = 7 }; enum DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION { DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0, DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 1 }; enum DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT { DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_THIN = 100, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT = 200, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_ULTRA_LIGHT = 200, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHT = 300, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL = 400, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR = 400, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM = 500, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_DEMI_BOLD = 600, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_SEMI_BOLD = 600, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD = 700, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_EXTRA_BOLD = 800, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_ULTRA_BOLD = 800, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BLACK = 900, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_HEAVY = 900, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_EXTRA_BLACK = 950, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_ULTRA_BLACK = 950 }; enum DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY { DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY_FLAT = 0, DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY_RGB = 1, DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY_BGR = 2 }; enum DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION { DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 0 }; enum DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT { DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT_NEAR = 0, DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT_FAR = 1, DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT_CENTER = 2 }; enum DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEADING = 0, DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TRAILING = 1, DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER = 2, DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFIED = 3 }; enum PREFERRED_FONT_CATEGORY { PFC_UI_TEXT_FONT = 0, PFC_UI_HEADING_FONT = 1, PFC_UI_TITLE_FONT = 2, PFC_UI_CAPTION_FONT = 3, PFC_UI_NOTIFICATIONS_FONT = 4, PFC_TRADITIONAL_DOCUMENT_BODY_FONT = 5, PFC_MODERN_DOCUMENT_BODY_FONT = 6, PFC_DOCUMENT_HEADING_FONT = 7, PFC_FIXED_WIDTH_TEXT_FONT = 8, NUMBER_OF_PREFERRED_FONT_CATEGORIES = 9 }; enum DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD { DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD_FROM_CULTURE = 0, DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD_CONTEXTUAL = 1, DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD_NONE = 2, DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD_NATIONAL = 3, DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD_TRADITIONAL = 4 }; enum _EVENT_INFO_CLASS { EventProviderBinaryTrackInfo = 0, MaxEventInfo = 1 }; enum DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD { DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD_DEFAULT = 0, DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD_UNIFORM = 1 }; enum DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING { DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING_WRAP = 0, DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING_NO_WRAP = 1 }; enum DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE { DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED = 0, DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_ISOLATED = 1 }; enum Windows::Internal::FONT_TABLE_ENTRY_ID { FTE_NO_MATCH = 0, FTE_ANGSANA_NEW_145 = 1, FTE_APARAJITA_125 = 2, FTE_ARIAL_90 = 3, FTE_BATANG = 4, FTE_BATANG_CHE_110 = 5, FTE_BROWALLIA_NEW_141 = 6, FTE_CALIBRI = 7, FTE_CAMBRIA = 8, FTE_CAMBRIA_MATH_95 = 9, FTE_CAMBRIA_MATH = 10, FTE_CAMBRIA_MATH_105 = 11, FTE_CONSOLAS = 12, FTE_COURIER_NEW_92 = 13, FTE_DAUN_PENH_160 = 14, FTE_DOK_CHAMPA_97 = 15, FTE_EBRIMA_90 = 16, FTE_EBRIMA_95 = 17, FTE_EBRIMA = 18, FTE_EBRIMA_BOLD = 19, FTE_ESTRANGELO_EDESSA = 20, FTE_ESTRANGELO_EDESSA_105 = 21, FTE_ESTRANGELO_EDESSA_111 = 22, FTE_EUPHEMIA = 23, FTE_GADUGI_90 = 24, FTE_GADUGI_95 = 25, FTE_GADUGI = 26, FTE_GADUGI_BOLD = 27, FTE_ISKOOLA_POTA_104 = 28, FTE_ISKOOLA_POTA_105 = 29, FTE_ISKOOLA_POTA_112 = 30, FTE_ISKOOLA_POTA_BOLD_112 = 31, FTE_KALINGA_96 = 32, FTE_KALINGA = 33, FTE_KARTIKA_91 = 34, FTE_KARTIKA_95 = 35, FTE_KHMER_UI = 36, FTE_KHMER_UI_BOLD = 37, FTE_Kokila_124 = 38, FTE_LAO_UI = 39, FTE_LAO_UI_BOLD = 40, FTE_LATHA_92 = 41, FTE_LATHA_BOLD_95 = 42, FTE_LEELAWADEE_109 = 43, FTE_LEELAWADEE_BOLD_109 = 44, FTE_MALGUN_GOTHIC_90 = 45, FTE_MALGUN_GOTHIC_96 = 46, FTE_MALGUN_GOTHIC_BOLD_96 = 47, FTE_MEIRYO_90 = 48, FTE_MEIRYO_UI_95 = 49, FTE_MEIRYO_UI_BOLD_95 = 50, FTE_MICROSOFT_HIMALAYA_148 = 51, FTE_MICROSOFT_HIMALAYA_153 = 52, FTE_MICROSOFT_HIMALAYA_158 = 53, FTE_MICROSOFT_JHENG_HEI_90 = 54, FTE_MICROSOFT_JHENG_HEI_UI = 55, FTE_MICROSOFT_JHENG_HEI_UI_BOLD = 56, FTE_MICROSOFT_NEW_TAI_LUE_92 = 57, FTE_MICROSOFT_NEW_TAI_LUE_94 = 58, FTE_MICROSOFT_NEW_TAI_LUE_96 = 59, FTE_MICROSOFT_NEW_TAI_LUE_BOLD_96 = 60, FTE_MICROSOFT_PHAGS_PA_90 = 61, FTE_MICROSOFT_PHAGS_PA_96 = 62, FTE_MICROSOFT_PHAGS_PA = 63, FTE_MICROSOFT_PHAGS_PA_BOLD = 64, FTE_MICROSOFT_TAI_LE_93 = 65, FTE_MICROSOFT_TAI_LE_94 = 66, FTE_MICROSOFT_TAI_LE = 67, FTE_MICROSOFT_TAI_LE_BOLD = 68, FTE_MICROSOFT_YA_HEI_90 = 69, FTE_MICROSOFT_YA_HEI_UI_90 = 70, FTE_MICROSOFT_YA_HEI_UI_BOLD_90 = 71, FTE_MICROSOFT_YI_BAITI = 72, FTE_MING_LI_U = 73, FTE_MING_LI_U_110 = 74, FTE_MONGOLIAN_BAITI_109 = 75, FTE_MONGOLIAN_BAITI_112 = 76, FTE_MONGOLIAN_BAITI_120 = 77, FTE_MOOL_BORAN_160 = 78, FTE_MS_MINCHO = 79, FTE_MS_MINCHO_110 = 80, FTE_MV_BOLI_90 = 81, FTE_MV_BOLI_96 = 82, FTE_MV_BOLI = 83, FTE_MYANMAR_TEXT_86 = 84, FTE_MYANMAR_TEXT_93 = 85, FTE_NIRMALA_UI = 86, FTE_NIRMALA_UI_BOLD = 87, FTE_NSIMSUN_110 = 88, FTE_NYALA_103 = 89, FTE_PLANTAGENET_98 = 90, FTE_RAAVI_95 = 91, FTE_RAAVI = 92, FTE_RAAVI_BOLD = 93, FTE_SAKKAL_MAJALLA_127 = 94, FTE_SEGOE_UI_LIGHT = 95, FTE_SEGOE_UI_SEMILIGHT = 96, FTE_SEGOE_UI_90 = 97, FTE_SEGOE_UI_96 = 98, FTE_SEGOE_UI = 99, FTE_SEGOE_UI_SEMIBOLD = 100, FTE_SEGOE_UI_SYMBOL_90 = 101, FTE_SEGOE_UI_SYMBOL_96 = 102, FTE_SEGOE_UI_SYMBOL = 103, FTE_SHONAR_BANGLAR_124 = 104, FTE_SHRUTI_93 = 105, FTE_SHRUTI_95 = 106, FTE_SIMSUN = 107, FTE_SYLFAEN = 108, FTE_TIMES_NEW_ROMAN = 109, FTE_TUNGA = 110, FTE_TUNGA_105 = 111, FTE_TUNGA_110 = 112, FTE_TUNGA_BOLD = 113, FTE_UTSAAH_122 = 114, FTE_VANI_97 = 115, FTE_VANI = 116, FTE_VIJAYA_118 = 117, FTE_VIJAYA_123 = 118, NUMBER_OF_FONT_ENTRY_IDS = 119, FTE_NOT_DEFINED = 119 }; enum Windows::Internal::BCP47_COMPARISON_ALGORITHM { BCA_BEST_MATCH = 0, BCA_FIRST_MATCH = 1 }; enum Windows::Internal::BCP47_SUBTAG_FLAGS { BSF_LANGUAGE_FIELD = 1, BSF_EXTLANG_FIELD = 2, BSF_SCRIPT_FIELD = 4, BSF_DIALECT_REGION_FIELD = 8, BSF_VARIANT_FIELD = 16, BSF_EXTENSION_FIELD = 32, BSF_PRIVATE_USE_FIELD = 64, BSF_FULL_TAG = 128, BSF_FORCE_SCRIPT_FIELD = 260, BSF_NONE = 0, BSF_LANGUAGE_ABBREVATION = 16384, BSF_COMMON_FORM = 127, BSF_ALL_SUBTAGS = 383, BSF_COMPARISON_FORM = 263, BSF_LANGNAME_FORM = 9 }; enum Windows::Internal::BCP47_SUBTAGS { BS_LANGUAGE_SUBTAG = 0, BS_EXTLANG_SUBTAG = 1, BS_SCRIPT_SUBTAG = 2, BS_DIALECT_REGION_SUBTAG = 3, BS_VARIANT_SUBTAG = 4, BS_EXTENSION_SUBTAG = 5, BS_PRIVATE_USE_SUBTAG = 6, BS_FULL_TAG = 7, BS_SUBTAGS_COUNT = 8 }; enum Windows::Internal::BCP47_SCRIPT_DIRECTIONALITY { LTR = 0, RTL = 1, TTBLTR = 2, TTBRTL = 3 }; enum DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION { DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION_NEUTRAL = 0, DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION_CAN_BREAK = 1, DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION_MAY_NOT_BREAK = 2, DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION_MUST_BREAK = 3 }; enum RO_INIT_TYPE { RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED = 0, RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED = 1 }; enum DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE { DWRITE_TEXTURE_ALIASED_1x1 = 0, DWRITE_TEXTURE_CLEARTYPE_3x1 = 1 }; enum Microsoft::WRL::ModuleType { InProc = 1, OutOfProc = 2, DisableCaching = 4, InProcDisableCaching = 5, OutOfProcDisableCaching = 6 }; enum Microsoft::WRL::FactoryCacheFlags { FactoryCacheDefault = 0, FactoryCacheEnabled = 1, FactoryCacheDisabled = 2 }; enum Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassType { WinRt = 1, ClassicCom = 2, WinRtClassicComMix = 3, InhibitWeakReference = 4, Delegate = 2 }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::CreatorMap { unsigned char factoryCreator[40]; /* +0x0000 2f a2 00 00 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::CreatorMap:: { /* unsigned char clsid[0]; +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char getRuntimeName[8]; /* +0x0000 39 a2 00 00 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::FactoryCache { unsigned char factory[16]; /* +0x0000 27 19 00 00 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::FactoryCache:: { /* unsigned char winrt[0]; +0x0000 f5 a1 00 00 */ unsigned long com; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::BoolStruct { unsigned char Member[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT { unsigned char format[4]; /* +0x0000 fe 60 00 00 */ unsigned char alphaMode[4]; /* +0x0004 7e a3 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_GUID_PROPERTIES { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long GuidType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LoggerId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long EnableLevel; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EnableFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char IsEnable; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _EVENT_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Channel; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Opcode; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short Task; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long long Keyword; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MOF_FIELD { unsigned long long DataPtr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DataType; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE { unsigned char Header[48]; /* +0x0000 ed a3 00 00 */ unsigned long InstanceId; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ParentInstanceId; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char ParentGuid[16]; /* +0x0038 bb 14 00 00 */ void *MofData; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long MofLength; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long ClientContext; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char BufferContext[4]; /* +0x0054 ee a3 00 00 */ }; struct _MCGEN_TRACE_CONTEXT { unsigned long long RegistrationHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Logger; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MatchAnyKeyword; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MatchAllKeyword; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long IsEnabled; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Reserve; /* +0x0029 */ unsigned short EnableBitsCount; /* +0x002a */ unsigned long *EnableBitMask; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char EnableKeyWords[8]; /* +0x0038 f1 a3 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableLevel[8]; /* +0x0040 59 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_FILTER_HEADER { unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved[5]; /* +0x0003 07 a4 00 00 */ unsigned long long InstanceId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NextOffset; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _WNODE_HEADER { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ProviderId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long HistoricalContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Linkage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CountLost; /* +0x0010 */ void *KernelHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0018 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ClientContext; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct WMIREGGUIDW { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long InstanceCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long InstanceNameList; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BaseNameOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long Pdo; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long InstanceInfo; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TRACE_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_INFO { unsigned long NextOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EnableCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Pid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _EVENT_INSTANCE_HEADER { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short FieldTypeFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HeaderType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MarkerFlags; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Class[4]; /* +0x0004 23 a4 00 00 */ unsigned long ThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ProcessId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long RegHandle; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long InstanceId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ParentInstanceId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long KernelTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long UserTime; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long ProcessorTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long EventId; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long ParentRegHandle; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _EVENT_INSTANCE_HEADER:::: { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _ETW_BUFFER_CONTEXT { unsigned char ProcessorNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Alignment; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short ProcessorIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short LoggerId; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct DWRITE_SHAPING_GLYPH_PROPERTIES { /* unsigned char justification[0]; +0x0000 5d a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isClusterStart[0]; +0x0000 5e a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isDiacritic[0]; +0x0000 5f a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isZeroWidthSpace[0]; +0x0000 60 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char reserved[2]; /* +0x0000 61 a4 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION { unsigned char Guid[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ void *RegHandle; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct DWRITE_STRIKETHROUGH { unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char thickness[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char offset[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char readingDirection[4]; /* +0x000c 71 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char flowDirection[8]; /* +0x0010 74 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char localeName[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char measuringMode[8]; /* +0x0020 46 a4 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS { unsigned char leftSideBearing[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char advanceWidth[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rightSideBearing[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char topSideBearing[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char advanceHeight[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bottomSideBearing[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char verticalOriginY[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN { unsigned char fontFace[8]; /* +0x0000 c2 a3 00 00 */ unsigned char fontEmSize[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char glyphCount[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char glyphIndices[8]; /* +0x0010 5b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char glyphAdvances[8]; /* +0x0018 0b 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char glyphOffsets[8]; /* +0x0020 41 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char isSideways[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bidiLevel[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagPROPVARIANT { unsigned short vt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wReserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x0006 */ char cVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bVal; /* +0x0008 */ short iVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short uiVal; /* +0x0008 */ long lVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char intVal[0]; +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hVal[0]; +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uhVal[0]; +0x0008 39 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char dblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ short boolVal; /* +0x0008 */ long scode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char cyVal[0]; +0x0008 22 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char date[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char filetime[0]; +0x0008 7d 1b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puuid[0]; +0x0008 bc 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pclipdata[0]; +0x0008 3b 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrVal[0]; +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrblobVal[0]; +0x0008 3c 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char blob[0]; +0x0008 ac a4 00 00 */ char *pszVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pwszVal[0]; +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char punkVal[0]; +0x0008 27 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdispVal[0]; +0x0008 6e 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pStream[0]; +0x0008 34 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pStorage[0]; +0x0008 1d 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pVersionedStream[0]; +0x0008 3e 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char parray[0]; +0x0008 c4 1a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cac[0]; +0x0008 3f 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caub[0]; +0x0008 40 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cai[0]; +0x0008 41 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caui[0]; +0x0008 42 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cal[0]; +0x0008 43 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caul[0]; +0x0008 44 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cah[0]; +0x0008 45 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cauh[0]; +0x0008 46 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caflt[0]; +0x0008 47 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cadbl[0]; +0x0008 48 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabool[0]; +0x0008 49 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cascode[0]; +0x0008 4a 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cacy[0]; +0x0008 4b 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cadate[0]; +0x0008 4c 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cafiletime[0]; +0x0008 4d 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cauuid[0]; +0x0008 4e 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caclipdata[0]; +0x0008 4f 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabstr[0]; +0x0008 50 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabstrblob[0]; +0x0008 51 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char calpstr[0]; +0x0008 52 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char calpwstr[0]; +0x0008 53 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char capropvar[0]; +0x0008 54 53 00 00 */ char *pcVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pbVal; /* +0x0008 */ short *piVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *puiVal; /* +0x0008 */ long *plVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *pulVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pintVal[0]; +0x0008 74 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pfltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 06 00 00 */ short *pboolVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pdecVal[0]; +0x0008 86 3c 00 00 */ long *pscode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pcyVal[0]; +0x0008 23 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdate[0]; +0x0008 41 06 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pbstrVal[0]; +0x0008 6f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppunkVal[0]; +0x0008 28 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppdispVal[0]; +0x0008 6f 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pparray[0]; +0x0008 b9 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pvarVal[-8]; +0x0008 e9 22 00 00 */ unsigned char decVal[24]; /* +0x0000 85 3c 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_METHOD_ITEM { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceName; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceIndex; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long MethodId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SizeDataBlock; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char VariableData[4]; /* +0x0044 b6 58 00 00 */ }; struct _PROFILE_SOURCE_INFO { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Source; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinInterval; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxInterval; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Description[8]; /* +0x0018 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SETJMP_FLOAT128 { unsigned char Part[16]; /* +0x0000 e9 49 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_PROFILE_INTERVAL { unsigned long Source; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Interval; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct __m128 { /* unsigned char m128_f32[0]; +0x0000 d5 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_u64[0]; +0x0000 e9 49 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i8[0]; +0x0000 d6 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i16[0]; +0x0000 d7 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i32[0]; +0x0000 d8 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i64[0]; +0x0000 d9 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_u8[0]; +0x0000 bb 10 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_u16[0]; +0x0000 8f 24 00 00 */ unsigned char m128_u32[16]; /* +0x0000 da a4 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_EVENT_ITEM { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceName; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceIndex; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeDataBlock; /* +0x003c */ /* unsigned char VariableData[0]; +0x0040 b6 58 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_CLUSTER_METRICS { unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned short length; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char canWrapLineAfter[0]; +0x0006 ca 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isWhitespace[0]; +0x0006 cb 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isNewline[0]; +0x0006 e1 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isSoftHyphen[0]; +0x0006 e2 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isRightToLeft[0]; +0x0006 5e a4 00 00 */ unsigned char padding[2]; /* +0x0006 e0 4f 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_TOO_SMALL { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeNeeded; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES { unsigned char Wnode[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long MinimumBuffers; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long MaximumBuffers; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long FlushTimer; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long EnableFlags; /* +0x0048 */ long AgeLimit; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long NumberOfBuffers; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long FreeBuffers; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long LogBuffersLost; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long RealTimeBuffersLost; /* +0x0064 */ void *LoggerThreadId; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long LogFileNameOffset; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long LoggerNameOffset; /* +0x0074 */ }; struct _TRACE_ENABLE_INFO { unsigned long IsEnabled; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short LoggerId; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long EnableProperty; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long MatchAnyKeyword; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MatchAllKeyword; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char VersionDetail[4]; /* +0x0004 0e a5 00 00 */ unsigned long ProviderVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EndTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x0024 */ /* unsigned char LogInstanceGuid[0]; +0x0028 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StartBuffers; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PointerSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CpuSpeedInMHz; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char LoggerName[8]; /* +0x0038 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char LogFileName[8]; /* +0x0040 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZone[176]; /* +0x0048 ab 83 00 00 */ unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x00f8 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char PerfFreq[8]; /* +0x0100 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char StartTime[8]; /* +0x0108 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ReservedFlags; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long BuffersLost; /* +0x0114 */ }; struct _EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long long Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER:::: { unsigned char MajorVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MinorVersion; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char SubVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char SubMinorVersion; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA { char *LogFileName; /* +0x0000 */ char *LoggerName; /* +0x0008 */ long long CurrentTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BuffersRead; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ProcessTraceMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char CurrentEvent[88]; /* +0x0020 29 a5 00 00 */ unsigned char LogfileHeader[280]; /* +0x0078 2a a5 00 00 */ unsigned char BufferCallback[8]; /* +0x0190 20 a4 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0198 */ unsigned long Filled; /* +0x019c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x01a0 */ /* unsigned char EventCallback[0]; +0x01a8 2e a5 00 00 */ unsigned char EventRecordCallback[8]; /* +0x01a8 32 a5 00 00 */ unsigned long IsKernelTrace; /* +0x01b0 */ void *Context; /* +0x01b8 */ }; struct _FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO { unsigned char DeleteFileW; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct EVENT_INSTANCE_INFO { void *RegHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long InstanceId; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct DWRITE_UNDERLINE { unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char thickness[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char offset[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char runHeight[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char readingDirection[4]; /* +0x0010 71 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char flowDirection[4]; /* +0x0014 74 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char localeName[8]; /* +0x0018 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char measuringMode[8]; /* +0x0020 46 a4 00 00 */ }; struct PREFERRED_FONT { unsigned char fontCategory[4]; /* +0x0000 de a5 00 00 */ unsigned char scriptTag[260]; /* +0x0004 b1 18 00 00 */ unsigned char scalingFactor[8]; /* +0x0108 41 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fontFace[24]; /* +0x0110 df a5 00 00 */ }; struct WMIREGINFOW { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NextWmiRegInfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long RegistryPath; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MofResourceName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long GuidCount; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char WmiRegGuid[0]; +0x0018 e2 a5 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_HEADER { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short FieldTypeFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HeaderType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MarkerFlags; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Class[4]; /* +0x0004 0d a6 00 00 */ unsigned long ThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ProcessId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Guid[0]; +0x0018 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long GuidPtr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long KernelTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long UserTime; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long ProcessorTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ClientContext; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct Windows::Internal::Bcp47SubtagPositionInfo { unsigned char nOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char cchLength; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct Windows::Internal::Bcp47TagSubtagsInfo { unsigned short langId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short scriptId; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short regionId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short variantId; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short extlangTag; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char suppressScript[2]; /* +0x000a 30 00 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Internal::FONT_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char fontFace[24]; /* +0x0000 df a5 00 00 */ unsigned char scalingFactor[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Internal::Bcp47TagInfo { unsigned char pszTag[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char subtagsMap[4]; /* +0x0008 91 a6 00 00 */ unsigned char subtags[16]; /* +0x000c f0 a6 00 00 */ unsigned char subtagsInfo[12]; /* +0x001c 87 a6 00 00 */ unsigned char compactTag[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isWellFormedCheckDone[0]; +0x002c f1 a6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isValidTagCheckDone[0]; +0x002c f2 a6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isWellFormedTag[0]; +0x002c f3 a6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isValidTag[0]; +0x002c f4 a6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isIrregular[0]; +0x002c f5 a6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isPseudoTag[0]; +0x002c f6 a6 00 00 */ unsigned char isPrivateUseTag[4]; /* +0x002c f7 a6 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Internal::RECOMMENDED_FONTS_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char scriptId[4]; /* +0x0000 fa a6 00 00 */ unsigned char recommendedFonts[36]; /* +0x0004 fc a6 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_ALL_DATA { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceCount; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceNameOffsets; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FixedInstanceSize; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char OffsetInstanceDataAndLength[12]; /* +0x003c 02 a7 00 00 */ }; struct _CLASSIC_EVENT_ID { unsigned char EventGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Reserved[7]; /* +0x0011 08 a7 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_ITEM { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceName; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceIndex; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ItemId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SizeDataItem; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char VariableData[4]; /* +0x0044 b6 58 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS { unsigned short script; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char shapes[4]; /* +0x0004 0d a7 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_TYPOGRAPHIC_FEATURES { unsigned char features[8]; /* +0x0000 00 a6 00 00 */ unsigned char featureCount[8]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct __m128i { /* unsigned char m128i_i8[0]; +0x0000 d6 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_i16[0]; +0x0000 d7 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_i32[0]; +0x0000 d8 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_i64[0]; +0x0000 d9 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_u8[0]; +0x0000 bb 10 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_u16[0]; +0x0000 8f 24 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_u32[0]; +0x0000 da a4 00 00 */ unsigned char m128i_u64[16]; /* +0x0000 e9 49 00 00 */ }; struct RegionsTableEntry { unsigned char regionId[4]; /* +0x0000 1b a7 00 00 */ unsigned short M49Code; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short M49CompositeRegion; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct DWRITE_OVERHANG_METRICS { unsigned char left[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char top[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char right[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bottom[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EnableProperty; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SourceId[20]; /* +0x000c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableFilterDesc[8]; /* +0x0020 ea a4 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_EVENT_REFERENCE { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 af a4 00 00 */ unsigned char TargetGuid[16]; /* +0x0030 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TargetDataBlockSize; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TargetInstanceIndex; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char TargetInstanceName[4]; /* +0x0044 41 23 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_FONT_METRICS { unsigned short designUnitsPerEm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ascent; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short descent; /* +0x0004 */ short lineGap; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short capHeight; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short xHeight; /* +0x000a */ short underlinePosition; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short underlineThickness; /* +0x000e */ short strikethroughPosition; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short strikethroughThickness; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER64 { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char VersionDetail[4]; /* +0x0004 26 a7 00 00 */ unsigned long ProviderVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EndTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x0024 */ /* unsigned char LogInstanceGuid[0]; +0x0028 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StartBuffers; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PointerSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CpuSpeedInMHz; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long long LoggerName; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long LogFileName; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char TimeZone[176]; /* +0x0048 ab 83 00 00 */ unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x00f8 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char PerfFreq[8]; /* +0x0100 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char StartTime[8]; /* +0x0108 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ReservedFlags; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long BuffersLost; /* +0x0114 */ }; struct DWRITE_TRIMMING { unsigned char granularity[4]; /* +0x0000 2a a7 00 00 */ unsigned char delimiter[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char delimiterCount[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_GUID_INFO { unsigned long InstanceCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _JUMP_BUFFER { unsigned long long Frame; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Rbx; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Rsp; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long Rbp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long Rsi; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long Rdi; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long R12; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long R13; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long R14; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long R15; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long Rip; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long MxCsr; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned short FpCsr; /* +0x005c */ unsigned short Spare; /* +0x005e */ unsigned char Xmm6[16]; /* +0x0060 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm7[16]; /* +0x0070 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm8[16]; /* +0x0080 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm9[16]; /* +0x0090 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm10[16]; /* +0x00a0 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm11[16]; /* +0x00b0 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm12[16]; /* +0x00c0 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm13[16]; /* +0x00d0 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm14[16]; /* +0x00e0 33 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Xmm15[16]; /* +0x00f0 33 a7 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS { unsigned char left[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char top[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char widthIncludingTrailingWhitespace[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char layoutWidth[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char layoutHeight[4]; /* +0x0018 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char maxBidiReorderingDepth[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lineCount[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_INLINE_OBJECT_METRICS { unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char baseline[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char supportsSideways[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct __m256i { /* unsigned char m256i_i8[0]; +0x0000 d2 4a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_i16[0]; +0x0000 5b a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_i32[0]; +0x0000 5c a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_i64[0]; +0x0000 c2 5f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_u8[0]; +0x0000 35 1c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_u16[0]; +0x0000 5d a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_u32[0]; +0x0000 5e a7 00 00 */ unsigned char m256i_u64[32]; /* +0x0000 5f a7 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_LINE_METRICS { unsigned char length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char trailingWhitespaceLength[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char newlineLength[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char baseline[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char isTrimmed[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE { unsigned char nameTag[4]; /* +0x0000 ad a7 00 00 */ unsigned char parameter[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET { unsigned char advanceOffset[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ascenderOffset[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_LINE_BREAKPOINT { /* unsigned char breakConditionBefore[0]; +0x0000 b7 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char breakConditionAfter[0]; +0x0000 b8 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isWhitespace[0]; +0x0000 b9 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char isSoftHyphen[0]; +0x0000 ba a7 00 00 */ unsigned char padding[1]; /* +0x0000 bb a7 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long long Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ }; struct HSTRING_HEADER:: { void *Reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved2[24]; /* +0x0000 db a7 00 00 */ }; struct __m256d { unsigned char m256d_f64[32]; /* +0x0000 f6 a7 00 00 */ }; struct OFFSETINSTANCEDATAANDLENGTH { unsigned long OffsetInstanceData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LengthInstanceData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE { unsigned char startPosition[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char length[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW { unsigned char LogFileName[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char LoggerName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ long long CurrentTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BuffersRead; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ProcessTraceMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char CurrentEvent[88]; /* +0x0020 29 a5 00 00 */ unsigned char LogfileHeader[280]; /* +0x0078 2a a5 00 00 */ unsigned char BufferCallback[8]; /* +0x0190 0c a4 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0198 */ unsigned long Filled; /* +0x019c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x01a0 */ /* unsigned char EventCallback[0]; +0x01a8 2e a5 00 00 */ unsigned char EventRecordCallback[8]; /* +0x01a8 32 a5 00 00 */ unsigned long IsKernelTrace; /* +0x01b0 */ void *Context; /* +0x01b8 */ }; struct DWRITE_SHAPING_TEXT_PROPERTIES { /* unsigned char isShapedAlone[0]; +0x0000 ca 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char reserved[2]; /* +0x0000 13 a8 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER32 { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char VersionDetail[4]; /* +0x0004 16 a8 00 00 */ unsigned long ProviderVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EndTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x0024 */ /* unsigned char LogInstanceGuid[0]; +0x0028 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StartBuffers; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PointerSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CpuSpeedInMHz; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char LoggerName[4]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LogFileName[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZone[176]; /* +0x0040 ab 83 00 00 */ unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x00f0 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char PerfFreq[8]; /* +0x00f8 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char StartTime[8]; /* +0x0100 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ReservedFlags; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long BuffersLost; /* +0x010c */ }; struct __m128d { unsigned char m128d_f64[16]; /* +0x0000 1a a8 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_MATRIX { unsigned char m11[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char m12[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char m21[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char m22[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dx[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dy[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct FONT_FACE_INFO { unsigned char pszFamilyName[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char faceWeight[4]; /* +0x0008 96 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char faceStyle[4]; /* +0x000c 98 a4 00 00 */ unsigned char faceStretch[8]; /* +0x0010 9a a4 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION { unsigned char localeName[8]; /* +0x0000 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char string[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned char stringLength[8]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char clusterMap[8]; /* +0x0018 5b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char textPosition[8]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct __m64 { unsigned long long m64_u64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char m64_f32[0]; +0x0000 5d a8 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_i8[0]; +0x0000 e8 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_i16[0]; +0x0000 5e a8 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_i32[0]; +0x0000 5f a8 00 00 */ long long m64_i64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char m64_u8[0]; +0x0000 5a 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_u16[0]; +0x0000 bb 5f 00 00 */ unsigned char m64_u32[8]; /* +0x0000 60 a8 00 00 */ }; struct DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS { unsigned char textPosition[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char length[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char left[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char top[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bidiLevel[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char isText[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char isTrimmed[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct __m256 { unsigned char m256_f32[32]; /* +0x0000 cd a8 00 00 */ }; enum _SECTION_INHERIT { ViewShare = 1, ViewUnmap = 2 }; enum _SYSDBG_COMMAND { SysDbgQueryModuleInformation = 0, SysDbgQueryTraceInformation = 1, SysDbgSetTracepoint = 2, SysDbgSetSpecialCall = 3, SysDbgClearSpecialCalls = 4, SysDbgQuerySpecialCalls = 5, SysDbgBreakPoint = 6, SysDbgQueryVersion = 7, SysDbgReadVirtual = 8, SysDbgWriteVirtual = 9, SysDbgReadPhysical = 10, SysDbgWritePhysical = 11, SysDbgReadControlSpace = 12, SysDbgWriteControlSpace = 13, SysDbgReadIoSpace = 14, SysDbgWriteIoSpace = 15, SysDbgReadMsr = 16, SysDbgWriteMsr = 17, SysDbgReadBusData = 18, SysDbgWriteBusData = 19, SysDbgCheckLowMemory = 20, SysDbgEnableKernelDebugger = 21, SysDbgDisableKernelDebugger = 22, SysDbgGetAutoKdEnable = 23, SysDbgSetAutoKdEnable = 24, SysDbgGetPrintBufferSize = 25, SysDbgSetPrintBufferSize = 26, SysDbgGetKdUmExceptionEnable = 27, SysDbgSetKdUmExceptionEnable = 28, SysDbgGetTriageDump = 29, SysDbgGetKdBlockEnable = 30, SysDbgSetKdBlockEnable = 31, SysDbgRegisterForUmBreakInfo = 32, SysDbgGetUmBreakPid = 33, SysDbgClearUmBreakPid = 34, SysDbgGetUmAttachPid = 35, SysDbgClearUmAttachPid = 36 }; enum _SYSTEM_VA_TYPE { SystemVaTypeAll = 0, SystemVaTypeNonPagedPool = 1, SystemVaTypePagedPool = 2, SystemVaTypeSystemCache = 3, SystemVaTypeSystemPtes = 4, SystemVaTypeSessionSpace = 5, SystemVaTypeMax = 6 }; enum _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_LOCATION { MemoryLocationInvalid = 0, MemoryLocationResident = 1, MemoryLocationPagefile = 2, MemoryLocationReserved = 3 }; enum _DMA_SPEED { Compatible = 0, TypeA = 1, TypeB = 2, TypeC = 3, TypeF = 4, MaximumDmaSpeed = 5 }; enum _SE_AUDIT_OPERATION { AuditPrivilegeObject = 0, AuditPrivilegeService = 1, AuditAccessCheck = 2, AuditOpenObject = 3, AuditOpenObjectWithTransaction = 4, AuditCloseObject = 5, AuditDeleteObject = 6, AuditOpenObjectForDelete = 7, AuditOpenObjectForDeleteWithTransaction = 8, AuditCloseNonObject = 9, AuditOpenNonObject = 10, AuditObjectReference = 11, AuditHandleCreation = 12 }; enum _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyBasicInformation = 0, KeyNodeInformation = 1, KeyFullInformation = 2, KeyNameInformation = 3, KeyCachedInformation = 4, KeyFlagsInformation = 5, KeyVirtualizationInformation = 6, KeyHandleTagsInformation = 7, MaxKeyInfoClass = 8 }; enum _FP_IEEE_OPERATION_CODE { FpCodeUnspecified = 0, FpCodeAdd = 1, FpCodeSubtract = 2, FpCodeMultiply = 3, FpCodeDivide = 4, FpCodeSquareRoot = 5, FpCodeRemainder = 6, FpCodeCompare = 7, FpCodeConvert = 8, FpCodeRound = 9, FpCodeTruncate = 10, FpCodeFloor = 11, FpCodeCeil = 12, FpCodeAcos = 13, FpCodeAsin = 14, FpCodeAtan = 15, FpCodeAtan2 = 16, FpCodeCabs = 17, FpCodeCos = 18, FpCodeCosh = 19, FpCodeExp = 20, FpCodeFabs = 21, FpCodeFmod = 22, FpCodeFrexp = 23, FpCodeHypot = 24, FpCodeLdexp = 25, FpCodeLog = 26, FpCodeLog10 = 27, FpCodeModf = 28, FpCodePow = 29, FpCodeSin = 30, FpCodeSinh = 31, FpCodeTan = 32, FpCodeTanh = 33, FpCodeY0 = 34, FpCodeY1 = 35, FpCodeYn = 36 }; enum _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CLASS { PlugPlayControlEnumerateDevice = 0, PlugPlayControlRegisterNewDevice = 1, PlugPlayControlDeregisterDevice = 2, PlugPlayControlInitializeDevice = 3, PlugPlayControlStartDevice = 4, PlugPlayControlUnlockDevice = 5, PlugPlayControlQueryAndRemoveDevice = 6, PlugPlayControlUserResponse = 7, PlugPlayControlGenerateLegacyDevice = 8, PlugPlayControlGetInterfaceDeviceList = 9, PlugPlayControlProperty = 10, PlugPlayControlDeviceClassAssociation = 11, PlugPlayControlGetRelatedDevice = 12, PlugPlayControlGetInterfaceDeviceAlias = 13, PlugPlayControlDeviceStatus = 14, PlugPlayControlGetDeviceDepth = 15, PlugPlayControlQueryDeviceRelations = 16, PlugPlayControlTargetDeviceRelation = 17, PlugPlayControlQueryConflictList = 18, PlugPlayControlRetrieveDock = 19, PlugPlayControlResetDevice = 20, PlugPlayControlHaltDevice = 21, PlugPlayControlGetBlockedDriverList = 22, MaxPlugPlayControl = 23 }; enum _LDR_DDAG_STATE { LdrModulesMerged = -1, LdrModulesInitError = -1, LdrModulesSnapError = -1, LdrModulesUnloaded = -1, LdrModulesUnloading = -1, LdrModulesPlaceHolder = 0, LdrModulesMapping = 1, LdrModulesMapped = 2, LdrModulesWaitingForDependencies = 3, LdrModulesSnapping = 4, LdrModulesSnapped = 5, LdrModulesCondensed = 6, LdrModulesReadyToInit = 7, LdrModulesInitializing = 8, LdrModulesReadyToRun = 9 }; enum _WAIT_TYPE { WaitAll = 0, WaitAny = 1, WaitNotification = 2 }; enum _SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { SystemBasicInformation = 0, SystemProcessorInformation = 1, SystemPerformanceInformation = 2, SystemTimeOfDayInformation = 3, SystemPathInformation = 4, SystemProcessInformation = 5, SystemCallCountInformation = 6, SystemDeviceInformation = 7, SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation = 8, SystemFlagsInformation = 9, SystemCallTimeInformation = 10, SystemModuleInformation = 11, SystemLocksInformation = 12, SystemStackTraceInformation = 13, SystemPagedPoolInformation = 14, SystemNonPagedPoolInformation = 15, SystemHandleInformation = 16, SystemObjectInformation = 17, SystemPageFileInformation = 18, SystemVdmInstemulInformation = 19, SystemVdmBopInformation = 20, SystemFileCacheInformation = 21, SystemPoolTagInformation = 22, SystemInterruptInformation = 23, SystemDpcBehaviorInformation = 24, SystemFullMemoryInformation = 25, SystemLoadGdiDriverInformation = 26, SystemUnloadGdiDriverInformation = 27, SystemTimeAdjustmentInformation = 28, SystemSummaryMemoryInformation = 29, SystemMirrorMemoryInformation = 30, SystemPerformanceTraceInformation = 31, SystemObsolete0 = 32, SystemExceptionInformation = 33, SystemCrashDumpStateInformation = 34, SystemKernelDebuggerInformation = 35, SystemContextSwitchInformation = 36, SystemRegistryQuotaInformation = 37, SystemExtendServiceTableInformation = 38, SystemPrioritySeperation = 39, SystemVerifierAddDriverInformation = 40, SystemVerifierRemoveDriverInformation = 41, SystemProcessorIdleInformation = 42, SystemLegacyDriverInformation = 43, SystemCurrentTimeZoneInformation = 44, SystemLookasideInformation = 45, SystemTimeSlipNotification = 46, SystemSessionCreate = 47, SystemSessionDetach = 48, SystemSessionInformation = 49, SystemRangeStartInformation = 50, SystemVerifierInformation = 51, SystemVerifierThunkExtend = 52, SystemSessionProcessInformation = 53, SystemLoadGdiDriverInSystemSpace = 54, SystemNumaProcessorMap = 55, SystemPrefetcherInformation = 56, SystemExtendedProcessInformation = 57, SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment = 58, SystemComPlusPackage = 59, SystemNumaAvailableMemory = 60, SystemProcessorPowerInformation = 61, SystemEmulationBasicInformation = 62, SystemEmulationProcessorInformation = 63, SystemExtendedHandleInformation = 64, SystemLostDelayedWriteInformation = 65, SystemBigPoolInformation = 66, SystemSessionPoolTagInformation = 67, SystemSessionMappedViewInformation = 68, SystemHotpatchInformation = 69, SystemObjectSecurityMode = 70, SystemWatchdogTimerHandler = 71, SystemWatchdogTimerInformation = 72, SystemLogicalProcessorInformation = 73, SystemWow64SharedInformationObsolete = 74, SystemRegisterFirmwareTableInformationHandler = 75, SystemFirmwareTableInformation = 76, SystemModuleInformationEx = 77, SystemVerifierTriageInformation = 78, SystemSuperfetchInformation = 79, SystemMemoryListInformation = 80, SystemFileCacheInformationEx = 81, SystemThreadPriorityClientIdInformation = 82, SystemProcessorIdleCycleTimeInformation = 83, SystemVerifierCancellationInformation = 84, SystemProcessorPowerInformationEx = 85, SystemRefTraceInformation = 86, SystemSpecialPoolInformation = 87, SystemProcessIdInformation = 88, SystemErrorPortInformation = 89, SystemBootEnvironmentInformation = 90, SystemHypervisorInformation = 91, SystemVerifierInformationEx = 92, SystemTimeZoneInformation = 93, SystemImageFileExecutionOptionsInformation = 94, SystemCoverageInformation = 95, SystemPrefetchPatchInformation = 96, SystemVerifierFaultsInformation = 97, SystemSystemPartitionInformation = 98, SystemSystemDiskInformation = 99, SystemProcessorPerformanceDistribution = 100, SystemNumaProximityNodeInformation = 101, SystemDynamicTimeZoneInformation = 102, SystemCodeIntegrityInformation = 103, SystemProcessorMicrocodeUpdateInformation = 104, SystemProcessorBrandString = 105, SystemVirtualAddressInformation = 106, SystemLogicalProcessorAndGroupInformation = 107, SystemProcessorCycleTimeInformation = 108, SystemStoreInformation = 109, SystemRegistryAppendString = 110, SystemAitSamplingValue = 111, SystemVhdBootInformation = 112, SystemCpuQuotaInformation = 113, SystemNativeBasicInformation = 114, SystemErrorPortTimeouts = 115, SystemLowPriorityIoInformation = 116, SystemBootEntropyInformation = 117, SystemVerifierCountersInformation = 118, SystemPagedPoolInformationEx = 119, SystemSystemPtesInformationEx = 120, SystemNodeDistanceInformation = 121, SystemAcpiAuditInformation = 122, SystemBasicPerformanceInformation = 123, SystemQueryPerformanceCounterInformation = 124, SystemSessionBigPoolInformation = 125, SystemBootGraphicsInformation = 126, SystemScrubPhysicalMemoryInformation = 127, SystemBadPageInformation = 128, SystemProcessorProfileControlArea = 129, SystemCombinePhysicalMemoryInformation = 130, SystemEntropyInterruptTimingCallback = 131, SystemConsoleInformation = 132, SystemPlatformBinaryInformation = 133, SystemThrottleNotificationInformation = 134, SystemHypervisorProcessorCountInformation = 135, SystemDeviceDataInformation = 136, SystemDeviceDataEnumerationInformation = 137, SystemMemoryTopologyInformation = 138, SystemMemoryChannelInformation = 139, SystemBootLogoInformation = 140, MaxSystemInfoClass = 141 }; enum _UNWIND_OP_CODES { UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL = 0, UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE = 1, UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL = 2, UWOP_SET_FPREG = 3, UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL = 4, UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL_FAR = 5, UWOP_EPILOG = 6, UWOP_SPARE_CODE = 7, UWOP_SAVE_XMM128 = 8, UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR = 9, UWOP_PUSH_MACHFRAME = 10 }; enum _DPFLTR_TYPE { DPFLTR_SYSTEM_ID = 0, DPFLTR_SMSS_ID = 1, DPFLTR_SETUP_ID = 2, DPFLTR_NTFS_ID = 3, DPFLTR_FSTUB_ID = 4, DPFLTR_CRASHDUMP_ID = 5, DPFLTR_CDAUDIO_ID = 6, DPFLTR_CDROM_ID = 7, DPFLTR_CLASSPNP_ID = 8, DPFLTR_DISK_ID = 9, DPFLTR_REDBOOK_ID = 10, DPFLTR_STORPROP_ID = 11, DPFLTR_SCSIPORT_ID = 12, DPFLTR_SCSIMINIPORT_ID = 13, DPFLTR_CONFIG_ID = 14, DPFLTR_I8042PRT_ID = 15, DPFLTR_SERMOUSE_ID = 16, DPFLTR_LSERMOUS_ID = 17, DPFLTR_KBDHID_ID = 18, DPFLTR_MOUHID_ID = 19, DPFLTR_KBDCLASS_ID = 20, DPFLTR_MOUCLASS_ID = 21, DPFLTR_TWOTRACK_ID = 22, DPFLTR_WMILIB_ID = 23, DPFLTR_ACPI_ID = 24, DPFLTR_AMLI_ID = 25, DPFLTR_HALIA64_ID = 26, DPFLTR_VIDEO_ID = 27, DPFLTR_SVCHOST_ID = 28, DPFLTR_VIDEOPRT_ID = 29, DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID = 30, DPFLTR_DMSYNTH_ID = 31, DPFLTR_NTOSPNP_ID = 32, DPFLTR_FASTFAT_ID = 33, DPFLTR_SAMSS_ID = 34, DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID = 35, DPFLTR_NETAPI_ID = 36, DPFLTR_SCSERVER_ID = 37, DPFLTR_SCCLIENT_ID = 38, DPFLTR_SERIAL_ID = 39, DPFLTR_SERENUM_ID = 40, DPFLTR_UHCD_ID = 41, DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID = 42, DPFLTR_AUTOCHK_ID = 43, DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID = 44, DPFLTR_UNIMODEM_ID = 45, DPFLTR_SIS_ID = 46, DPFLTR_FLTMGR_ID = 47, DPFLTR_WMICORE_ID = 48, DPFLTR_BURNENG_ID = 49, DPFLTR_IMAPI_ID = 50, DPFLTR_SXS_ID = 51, DPFLTR_FUSION_ID = 52, DPFLTR_IDLETASK_ID = 53, DPFLTR_SOFTPCI_ID = 54, DPFLTR_TAPE_ID = 55, DPFLTR_MCHGR_ID = 56, DPFLTR_IDEP_ID = 57, DPFLTR_PCIIDE_ID = 58, DPFLTR_FLOPPY_ID = 59, DPFLTR_FDC_ID = 60, DPFLTR_TERMSRV_ID = 61, DPFLTR_W32TIME_ID = 62, DPFLTR_PREFETCHER_ID = 63, DPFLTR_RSFILTER_ID = 64, DPFLTR_FCPORT_ID = 65, DPFLTR_PCI_ID = 66, DPFLTR_DMIO_ID = 67, DPFLTR_DMCONFIG_ID = 68, DPFLTR_DMADMIN_ID = 69, DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID = 70, DPFLTR_VSS_ID = 71, DPFLTR_PNPMEM_ID = 72, DPFLTR_PROCESSOR_ID = 73, DPFLTR_DMSERVER_ID = 74, DPFLTR_SR_ID = 75, DPFLTR_INFINIBAND_ID = 76, DPFLTR_IHVDRIVER_ID = 77, DPFLTR_IHVVIDEO_ID = 78, DPFLTR_IHVAUDIO_ID = 79, DPFLTR_IHVNETWORK_ID = 80, DPFLTR_IHVSTREAMING_ID = 81, DPFLTR_IHVBUS_ID = 82, DPFLTR_HPS_ID = 83, DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID = 84, DPFLTR_LDR_ID = 85, DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID = 86, DPFLTR_ISAPNP_ID = 87, DPFLTR_SHPC_ID = 88, DPFLTR_STORPORT_ID = 89, DPFLTR_STORMINIPORT_ID = 90, DPFLTR_PRINTSPOOLER_ID = 91, DPFLTR_VSSDYNDISK_ID = 92, DPFLTR_VERIFIER_ID = 93, DPFLTR_VDS_ID = 94, DPFLTR_VDSBAS_ID = 95, DPFLTR_VDSDYN_ID = 96, DPFLTR_VDSDYNDR_ID = 97, DPFLTR_VDSLDR_ID = 98, DPFLTR_VDSUTIL_ID = 99, DPFLTR_DFRGIFC_ID = 100, DPFLTR_DEFAULT_ID = 101, DPFLTR_MM_ID = 102, DPFLTR_DFSC_ID = 103, DPFLTR_WOW64_ID = 104, DPFLTR_ALPC_ID = 105, DPFLTR_WDI_ID = 106, DPFLTR_PERFLIB_ID = 107, DPFLTR_KTM_ID = 108, DPFLTR_IOSTRESS_ID = 109, DPFLTR_HEAP_ID = 110, DPFLTR_WHEA_ID = 111, DPFLTR_USERGDI_ID = 112, DPFLTR_MMCSS_ID = 113, DPFLTR_TPM_ID = 114, DPFLTR_THREADORDER_ID = 115, DPFLTR_ENVIRON_ID = 116, DPFLTR_EMS_ID = 117, DPFLTR_WDT_ID = 118, DPFLTR_FVEVOL_ID = 119, DPFLTR_NDIS_ID = 120, DPFLTR_NVCTRACE_ID = 121, DPFLTR_LUAFV_ID = 122, DPFLTR_APPCOMPAT_ID = 123, DPFLTR_USBSTOR_ID = 124, DPFLTR_SBP2PORT_ID = 125, DPFLTR_COVERAGE_ID = 126, DPFLTR_CACHEMGR_ID = 127, DPFLTR_MOUNTMGR_ID = 128, DPFLTR_CFR_ID = 129, DPFLTR_TXF_ID = 130, DPFLTR_KSECDD_ID = 131, DPFLTR_FLTREGRESS_ID = 132, DPFLTR_MPIO_ID = 133, DPFLTR_MSDSM_ID = 134, DPFLTR_UDFS_ID = 135, DPFLTR_PSHED_ID = 136, DPFLTR_STORVSP_ID = 137, DPFLTR_LSASS_ID = 138, DPFLTR_SSPICLI_ID = 139, DPFLTR_CNG_ID = 140, DPFLTR_EXFAT_ID = 141, DPFLTR_FILETRACE_ID = 142, DPFLTR_XSAVE_ID = 143, DPFLTR_SE_ID = 144, DPFLTR_DRIVEEXTENDER_ID = 145, DPFLTR_POWER_ID = 146, DPFLTR_CRASHDUMPXHCI_ID = 147, DPFLTR_GPIO_ID = 148, DPFLTR_ENDOFTABLE_ID = 149 }; enum _PORT_INFORMATION_CLASS { PortBasicInformation = 0, PortDumpInformation = 1 }; enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS { ProcessBasicInformation = 0, ProcessQuotaLimits = 1, ProcessIoCounters = 2, ProcessVmCounters = 3, ProcessTimes = 4, ProcessBasePriority = 5, ProcessRaisePriority = 6, ProcessDebugPort = 7, ProcessExceptionPort = 8, ProcessAccessToken = 9, ProcessLdtInformation = 10, ProcessLdtSize = 11, ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode = 12, ProcessIoPortHandlers = 13, ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits = 14, ProcessWorkingSetWatch = 15, ProcessUserModeIOPL = 16, ProcessEnableAlignmentFaultFixup = 17, ProcessPriorityClass = 18, ProcessWx86Information = 19, ProcessHandleCount = 20, ProcessAffinityMask = 21, ProcessPriorityBoost = 22, ProcessDeviceMap = 23, ProcessSessionInformation = 24, ProcessForegroundInformation = 25, ProcessWow64Information = 26, ProcessImageFileName = 27, ProcessLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled = 28, ProcessBreakOnTermination = 29, ProcessDebugObjectHandle = 30, ProcessDebugFlags = 31, ProcessHandleTracing = 32, ProcessIoPriority = 33, ProcessExecuteFlags = 34, ProcessTlsInformation = 35, ProcessCookie = 36, ProcessImageInformation = 37, ProcessCycleTime = 38, ProcessPagePriority = 39, ProcessInstrumentationCallback = 40, ProcessThreadStackAllocation = 41, ProcessWorkingSetWatchEx = 42, ProcessImageFileNameWin32 = 43, ProcessImageFileMapping = 44, ProcessAffinityUpdateMode = 45, ProcessMemoryAllocationMode = 46, ProcessGroupInformation = 47, ProcessTokenVirtualizationEnabled = 48, ProcessConsoleHostProcess = 49, ProcessWindowInformation = 50, ProcessHandleInformation = 51, ProcessMitigationPolicy = 52, ProcessDynamicFunctionTableInformation = 53, ProcessHandleCheckingMode = 54, ProcessKeepAliveCount = 55, ProcessRevokeFileHandles = 56, MaxProcessInfoClass = 57 }; enum _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS { FileDirectoryInformation = 1, FileFullDirectoryInformation = 2, FileBothDirectoryInformation = 3, FileBasicInformation = 4, FileStandardInformation = 5, FileInternalInformation = 6, FileEaInformation = 7, FileAccessInformation = 8, FileNameInformation = 9, FileRenameInformation = 10, FileLinkInformation = 11, FileNamesInformation = 12, FileDispositionInformation = 13, FilePositionInformation = 14, FileFullEaInformation = 15, FileModeInformation = 16, FileAlignmentInformation = 17, FileAllInformation = 18, FileAllocationInformation = 19, FileEndOfFileInformation = 20, FileAlternateNameInformation = 21, FileStreamInformation = 22, FilePipeInformation = 23, FilePipeLocalInformation = 24, FilePipeRemoteInformation = 25, FileMailslotQueryInformation = 26, FileMailslotSetInformation = 27, FileCompressionInformation = 28, FileObjectIdInformation = 29, FileCompletionInformation = 30, FileMoveClusterInformation = 31, FileQuotaInformation = 32, FileReparsePointInformation = 33, FileNetworkOpenInformation = 34, FileAttributeTagInformation = 35, FileTrackingInformation = 36, FileIdBothDirectoryInformation = 37, FileIdFullDirectoryInformation = 38, FileValidDataLengthInformation = 39, FileShortNameInformation = 40, FileIoCompletionNotificationInformation = 41, FileIoStatusBlockRangeInformation = 42, FileIoPriorityHintInformation = 43, FileSfioReserveInformation = 44, FileSfioVolumeInformation = 45, FileHardLinkInformation = 46, FileProcessIdsUsingFileInformation = 47, FileNormalizedNameInformation = 48, FileNetworkPhysicalNameInformation = 49, FileIdGlobalTxDirectoryInformation = 50, FileIsRemoteDeviceInformation = 51, FileAttributeCacheInformation = 52, FileNumaNodeInformation = 53, FileStandardLinkInformation = 54, FileRemoteProtocolInformation = 55, FileRenameInformationBypassAccessCheck = 56, FileLinkInformationBypassAccessCheck = 57, FileIntegrityStreamInformation = 58, FileVolumeNameInformation = 59, FileMaximumInformation = 60 }; enum _PNP_VETO_TYPE { PNP_VetoTypeUnknown = 0, PNP_VetoLegacyDevice = 1, PNP_VetoPendingClose = 2, PNP_VetoWindowsApp = 3, PNP_VetoWindowsService = 4, PNP_VetoOutstandingOpen = 5, PNP_VetoDevice = 6, PNP_VetoDriver = 7, PNP_VetoIllegalDeviceRequest = 8, PNP_VetoInsufficientPower = 9, PNP_VetoNonDisableable = 10, PNP_VetoLegacyDriver = 11, PNP_VetoInsufficientRights = 12 }; enum _HARDERROR_RESPONSE { ResponseReturnToCaller = 0, ResponseNotHandled = 1, ResponseAbort = 2, ResponseCancel = 3, ResponseIgnore = 4, ResponseNo = 5, ResponseOk = 6, ResponseRetry = 7, ResponseYes = 8, ResponseTryAgain = 9, ResponseContinue = 10 }; enum _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION { TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_NONE = 0, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_REPLACE_ALL = 1, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_ADD = 2, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_DELETE = 3, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_REPLACE = 4 }; enum _WATCHDOG_HANDLER_ACTION { WdActionSetTimeoutValue = 0, WdActionQueryTimeoutValue = 1, WdActionResetTimer = 2, WdActionStopTimer = 3, WdActionStartTimer = 4, WdActionSetTriggerAction = 5, WdActionQueryTriggerAction = 6, WdActionQueryState = 7, WdActionSleep = 8, WdActionWake = 9, WdActionMarkHiberPhase = 10 }; enum _KPROFILE_SOURCE { ProfileTime = 0, ProfileAlignmentFixup = 1, ProfileTotalIssues = 2, ProfilePipelineDry = 3, ProfileLoadInstructions = 4, ProfilePipelineFrozen = 5, ProfileBranchInstructions = 6, ProfileTotalNonissues = 7, ProfileDcacheMisses = 8, ProfileIcacheMisses = 9, ProfileCacheMisses = 10, ProfileBranchMispredictions = 11, ProfileStoreInstructions = 12, ProfileFpInstructions = 13, ProfileIntegerInstructions = 14, Profile2Issue = 15, Profile3Issue = 16, Profile4Issue = 17, ProfileSpecialInstructions = 18, ProfileTotalCycles = 19, ProfileIcacheIssues = 20, ProfileDcacheAccesses = 21, ProfileMemoryBarrierCycles = 22, ProfileLoadLinkedIssues = 23, ProfileMaximum = 24 }; enum _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_CATEGORY { HardwareProfileChangeEvent = 0, TargetDeviceChangeEvent = 1, DeviceClassChangeEvent = 2, CustomDeviceEvent = 3, DeviceInstallEvent = 4, DeviceArrivalEvent = 5, VetoEvent = 6, BlockedDriverEvent = 7, InvalidIDEvent = 8, DevicePropertyChangeEvent = 9, DeviceInstanceRemovalEvent = 10, DeviceInstanceStartedEvent = 11, MaxPlugEventCategory = 12 }; enum _WNF_DATA_SCOPE { WnfDataScopeSystem = 0, WnfDataScopeSession = 1, WnfDataScopeUser = 2, WnfDataScopeProcess = 3 }; enum _EVENT_TYPE { NotificationEvent = 0, SynchronizationEvent = 1 }; enum PS_CREATE_STATE { PsCreateInitialState = 0, PsCreateFailOnFileOpen = 1, PsCreateFailOnSectionCreate = 2, PsCreateFailExeFormat = 3, PsCreateFailMachineMismatch = 4, PsCreateFailExeName = 5, PsCreateSuccess = 6, PsCreateMaximumStates = 7 }; enum POWER_STATE_HANDLER_TYPE { PowerStateSleeping1 = 0, PowerStateSleeping2 = 1, PowerStateSleeping3 = 2, PowerStateSleeping4 = 3, PowerStateShutdownOff = 4, PowerStateShutdownReset = 5, PowerStateSleeping4Firmware = 6, PowerStateMaximum = 7 }; enum _FSINFOCLASS { FileFsVolumeInformation = 1, FileFsLabelInformation = 2, FileFsSizeInformation = 3, FileFsDeviceInformation = 4, FileFsAttributeInformation = 5, FileFsControlInformation = 6, FileFsFullSizeInformation = 7, FileFsObjectIdInformation = 8, FileFsDriverPathInformation = 9, FileFsVolumeFlagsInformation = 10, FileFsSectorSizeInformation = 11, FileFsMaximumInformation = 12 }; enum _SUITE_TYPE { SmallBusiness = 0, Enterprise = 1, BackOffice = 2, CommunicationServer = 3, TerminalServer = 4, SmallBusinessRestricted = 5, EmbeddedNT = 6, DataCenter = 7, SingleUserTS = 8, Personal = 9, Blade = 10, EmbeddedRestricted = 11, SecurityAppliance = 12, StorageServer = 13, ComputeServer = 14, WHServer = 15, MaxSuiteType = 16 }; enum RTL_BSD_ITEM_TYPE { RtlBsdItemVersionNumber = 0, RtlBsdItemProductType = 1, RtlBsdItemAabEnabled = 2, RtlBsdItemAabTimeout = 3, RtlBsdItemBootGood = 4, RtlBsdItemBootShutdown = 5, RtlBsdSleepInProgress = 6, RtlBsdPowerTransition = 7, RtlBsdItemBootAttemptCount = 8, RtlBsdItemMax = 9 }; enum _POWER_STATE_TYPE { SystemPowerState = 0, DevicePowerState = 1 }; enum _THREADINFOCLASS { ThreadBasicInformation = 0, ThreadTimes = 1, ThreadPriority = 2, ThreadBasePriority = 3, ThreadAffinityMask = 4, ThreadImpersonationToken = 5, ThreadDescriptorTableEntry = 6, ThreadEnableAlignmentFaultFixup = 7, ThreadEventPair_Reusable = 8, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress = 9, ThreadZeroTlsCell = 10, ThreadPerformanceCount = 11, ThreadAmILastThread = 12, ThreadIdealProcessor = 13, ThreadPriorityBoost = 14, ThreadSetTlsArrayAddress = 15, ThreadIsIoPending = 16, ThreadHideFromDebugger = 17, ThreadBreakOnTermination = 18, ThreadSwitchLegacyState = 19, ThreadIsTerminated = 20, ThreadLastSystemCall = 21, ThreadIoPriority = 22, ThreadCycleTime = 23, ThreadPagePriority = 24, ThreadActualBasePriority = 25, ThreadTebInformation = 26, ThreadCSwitchMon = 27, ThreadCSwitchPmu = 28, ThreadWow64Context = 29, ThreadGroupInformation = 30, ThreadUmsInformation = 31, ThreadCounterProfiling = 32, ThreadIdealProcessorEx = 33, ThreadCpuAccountingInformation = 34, ThreadSwitchStackCheck = 35, MaxThreadInfoClass = 36 }; enum _HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS { HeapCompatibilityInformation = 0, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption = 1, HeapExtendedInformation = 2,  = 32771 }; enum PO_WAKE_SOURCE_TYPE { DeviceWakeSourceType = 0, FixedWakeSourceType = 1, TimerWakeSourceType = 2 }; enum _EXCEPTION_LOG_TYPE { LogExceptionEmpty = 0, LogExceptionDispatch = 1, LogExceptionHandler = 2 }; enum _INTERFACE_TYPE { InterfaceTypeUndefined = -1, Internal = 0, Isa = 1, Eisa = 2, MicroChannel = 3, TurboChannel = 4, PCIBus = 5, VMEBus = 6, NuBus = 7, PCMCIABus = 8, CBus = 9, MPIBus = 10, MPSABus = 11, ProcessorInternal = 12, InternalPowerBus = 13, PNPISABus = 14, PNPBus = 15, Vmcs = 16, ACPIBus = 17, MaximumInterfaceType = 18 }; enum _WOW64_FUNCTION_CODE64 { WOW64_FUNCTION_NOP = 0, WOW64_FUNCTION_QUERY_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO = 1, WOW64_FUNCTION_MAXIMUM = 2 }; enum _IO_SESSION_EVENT { IoSessionEventIgnore = 0, IoSessionEventCreated = 1, IoSessionEventTerminated = 2, IoSessionEventConnected = 3, IoSessionEventDisconnected = 4, IoSessionEventLogon = 5, IoSessionEventLogoff = 6, IoSessionEventMax = 7 }; enum _FP__IEEE_ROUNDING_MODE { FpRoundNearest = 0, FpRoundMinusInfinity = 1, FpRoundPlusInfinity = 2, FpRoundChopped = 3 }; enum _IO_PRIORITY_HINT { IoPriorityVeryLow = 0, IoPriorityLow = 1, IoPriorityNormal = 2, IoPriorityHigh = 3, IoPriorityCritical = 4, MaxIoPriorityTypes = 5 }; enum _COVERAGE_REQUEST_CODES { CoverageAllModules = 0, CoverageSearchByHash = 1, CoverageSearchByName = 2 }; enum _PS_ATTRIBUTE_NUM { PsAttributeParentProcess = 0, PsAttributeDebugObject = 1, PsAttributeToken = 2, PsAttributeClientId = 3, PsAttributeTebAddress = 4, PsAttributeImageName = 5, PsAttributeImageInfo = 6, PsAttributeMemoryReserve = 7, PsAttributePriorityClass = 8, PsAttributeErrorMode = 9, PsAttributeStdHandleInfo = 10, PsAttributeHandleList = 11, PsAttributeGroupAffinity = 12, PsAttributePreferredNode = 13, PsAttributeIdealProcessor = 14, PsAttributeUmsThread = 15, PsAttributeMitigationOptions = 16, PsAttributeSecurityCapabilities = 17, PsAttributeMax = 18 }; enum _JOURNAL_CHANGE_INFORMATION_CLASS { JournalCreateKey = 0, JournalDeleteKey = 1, JournalRenameKey = 2, JournalSetValue = 3, JournalDeleteValue = 4, JournalSetKeySecurity = 5, JournalSetKeyUserFlags = 6, JournalSetLastWriteTime = 7, JournalBeginTransaction = 8, JournalCommitTransaction = 9, JournalAbortTransaction = 10, MaxJournalChangeAction = 11 }; enum _CSV_INTERNAL_CONTROL_OP { CsvInternalControlPrefetchRetrievalPointers = 0, CsvInternalControlQueryRetrievalPointers = 1, CsvInternalControlStartRedirectFile = 2, CsvInternalControlStopRedirectFile = 3, CsvInternalControlQueryRedirectState = 4, CsvInternalControlQueryFileStatistic = 5 }; enum _DEBUG_CONTROL_SPACE_ITEM { DEBUG_CONTROL_SPACE_PCR = 0, DEBUG_CONTROL_SPACE_PRCB = 1, DEBUG_CONTROL_SPACE_KSPECIAL = 2, DEBUG_CONTROL_SPACE_THREAD = 3, DEBUG_CONTROL_SPACE_MAXIMUM = 4 }; enum _FP_IEEE_COMPARE_RESULT { FpCompareEqual = 0, FpCompareGreater = 1, FpCompareLess = 2, FpCompareUnordered = 3 }; enum _WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE { WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_READY = 0, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_CANCELLED = 1, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS = 2, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_SUCCEEDED = 3, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_FAILED = 4, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_REQUIRES_RETRY = 5, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_COMPLETE = 6 }; enum _BUS_DATA_TYPE { ConfigurationSpaceUndefined = -1, Cmos = 0, EisaConfiguration = 1, Pos = 2, CbusConfiguration = 3, PCIConfiguration = 4, VMEConfiguration = 5, NuBusConfiguration = 6, PCMCIAConfiguration = 7, MPIConfiguration = 8, MPSAConfiguration = 9, PNPISAConfiguration = 10, SgiInternalConfiguration = 11, MaximumBusDataType = 12 }; enum _JOURNAL_INFORMATION_CLASS { JournalAbsoluteInformation = 0, JournalClientInformation = 1, MaxJournalInformation = 2 }; enum _ATOM_INFORMATION_CLASS { AtomBasicInformation = 0, AtomTableInformation = 1 }; enum _OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS { ObjectBasicInformation = 0, ObjectNameInformation = 1, ObjectTypeInformation = 2, ObjectTypesInformation = 3, ObjectHandleFlagInformation = 4, ObjectSessionInformation = 5, MaxObjectInfoClass = 6 }; enum _WORKERFACTORYINFOCLASS { WorkerFactoryTimeout = 0, WorkerFactoryRetryTimeout = 1, WorkerFactoryIdleTimeout = 2, WorkerFactoryBindingCount = 3, WorkerFactoryThreadMinimum = 4, WorkerFactoryThreadMaximum = 5, WorkerFactoryPaused = 6, WorkerFactoryBasicInformation = 7, WorkerFactoryAdjustThreadGoal = 8, WorkerFactoryCallbackType = 9, WorkerFactoryStackInformation = 10, MaxWorkerFactoryInfoClass = 11 }; enum _LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE { NtfsLinkTrackingInformation = 0, DfsLinkTrackingInformation = 1 }; enum _WATCHDOG_INFORMATION_CLASS { WdInfoTimeoutValue = 0, WdInfoResetTimer = 1, WdInfoStopTimer = 2, WdInfoStartTimer = 3, WdInfoTriggerAction = 4, WdInfoState = 5 }; enum _WNF_STATE_NAME_LIFETIME { WnfWellKnownStateName = 0, WnfPermanentStateName = 1, WnfPersistentStateName = 2, WnfTemporaryStateName = 3 }; enum _KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyValueBasicInformation = 0, KeyValueFullInformation = 1, KeyValuePartialInformation = 2, KeyValueFullInformationAlign64 = 3, KeyValuePartialInformationAlign64 = 4, MaxKeyValueInfoClass = 5 }; enum _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE { QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE_NONE = 0, QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE_CLUSTERS = 1, QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE_FILEID = 2, QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_NUM_FILTER_TYPES = 3 }; enum _PS_STD_HANDLE_STATE { PsNeverDuplicate = 0, PsRequestDuplicate = 1, PsAlwaysDuplicate = 2, PsMaxStdHandleStates = 3 }; enum _ALPC_PORT_INFORMATION_CLASS { AlpcBasicInformation = 0, AlpcPortInformation = 1, AlpcAssociateCompletionPortInformation = 2, AlpcConnectedSIDInformation = 3, AlpcServerInformation = 4, AlpcMessageZoneInformation = 5, AlpcRegisterCompletionListInformation = 6, AlpcUnregisterCompletionListInformation = 7, AlpcAdjustCompletionListConcurrencyCountInformation = 8, AlpcRegisterCallbackInformation = 9, AlpcCompletionListRundownInformation = 10 }; enum _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION { SystemFirmwareTable_Enumerate = 0, SystemFirmwareTable_Get = 1 }; enum _TP_LOG_LEVEL { TP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0, TP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 1, TP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 2, TP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE_ENTER = 3, TP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE_LEAVE = 4 }; enum _TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT { TableEmptyTree = 0, TableFoundNode = 1, TableInsertAsLeft = 2, TableInsertAsRight = 3 }; enum _PNP_QUERY_RELATION { PnpQueryEjectRelations = 0, PnpQueryRemovalRelations = 1, PnpQueryPowerRelations = 2, PnpQueryBusRelations = 3, PnpQueryTransportRelations = 4, MaxPnpQueryRelations = 5 }; enum _TIMER_TYPE { NotificationTimer = 0, SynchronizationTimer = 1 }; enum _SE_SIGNING_LEVEL { SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_UNCHECKED = 0, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_PROTECTED_PROCESS = 1, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_UNSIGNED = 2, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_AUTHENTICODE = 4, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_DRM_PROTECTED = 5, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_WINDOWS = 6, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_WINDOWS_PROTECTED = 7 }; enum _NT_PRODUCT_TYPE { NtProductWinNt = 1, NtProductLanManNt = 2, NtProductServer = 3 }; enum _ALPC_MESSAGE_INFORMATION_CLASS { AlpcMessageSidInformation = 0, AlpcMessageTokenModifiedIdInformation = 1 }; enum _FP__IEEE_FORMAT { FpFormatFp32 = 0, FpFormatFp64 = 1, FpFormatFp80 = 2, FpFormatFp128 = 3, FpFormatI16 = 4, FpFormatI32 = 5, FpFormatI64 = 6, FpFormatU16 = 7, FpFormatU32 = 8, FpFormatU64 = 9, FpFormatCompare = 10, FpFormatString = 11 }; enum _KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyWriteTimeInformation = 0, KeyWow64FlagsInformation = 1, KeyControlFlagsInformation = 2, KeySetVirtualizationInformation = 3, KeySetDebugInformation = 4, KeySetHandleTagsInformation = 5, MaxKeySetInfoClass = 6 }; enum _IO_SESSION_STATE { IoSessionStateCreated = 1, IoSessionStateInitialized = 2, IoSessionStateConnected = 3, IoSessionStateDisconnected = 4, IoSessionStateDisconnectedLoggedOn = 5, IoSessionStateLoggedOn = 6, IoSessionStateLoggedOff = 7, IoSessionStateTerminated = 8, IoSessionStateMax = 9 }; enum _RTL_RXACT_OPERATION { RtlRXactOperationDelete = 1, RtlRXactOperationSetValue = 2, RtlRXactOperationDelAttribute = 3, RtlRXactOperationSetAttribute = 4 }; enum _RTL_PATH_TYPE { RtlPathTypeUnknown = 0, RtlPathTypeUncAbsolute = 1, RtlPathTypeDriveAbsolute = 2, RtlPathTypeDriveRelative = 3, RtlPathTypeRooted = 4, RtlPathTypeRelative = 5, RtlPathTypeLocalDevice = 6, RtlPathTypeRootLocalDevice = 7 }; enum _SYSTEM_PIXEL_FORMAT { SystemPixelFormatUnknown = 0, SystemPixelFormatR8G8B8 = 1, SystemPixelFormatR8G8B8X8 = 2, SystemPixelFormatB8G8R8 = 3, SystemPixelFormatB8G8R8X8 = 4 }; enum _FUNCTION_TABLE_TYPE { RF_SORTED = 0, RF_UNSORTED = 1, RF_CALLBACK = 2, RF_KERNEL_DYNAMIC = 3 }; enum _IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY { IrqPolicyMachineDefault = 0, IrqPolicyAllCloseProcessors = 1, IrqPolicyOneCloseProcessor = 2, IrqPolicyAllProcessorsInMachine = 3, IrqPolicySpecifiedProcessors = 4, IrqPolicySpreadMessagesAcrossAllProcessors = 5 }; enum _BOOT_ENTROPY_SOURCE_RESULT_CODE { BootEntropySourceStructureUninitialized = 0, BootEntropySourceDisabledByPolicy = 1, BootEntropySourceNotPresent = 2, BootEntropySourceError = 3, BootEntropySourceSuccess = 4 }; enum VERIFIER_MODE { VERIFIER_MODE_UNUSED = 0, VERIFIER_MODE_TRIAGE = 1, VERIFIER_MODE_FIELD = 2, VERIFIER_MODE_LOGO = 3, VERIFIER_MODE_TEST = 4 }; enum _IO_COMPLETION_INFORMATION_CLASS { IoCompletionBasicInformation = 0 }; enum _DMA_WIDTH { Width8Bits = 0, Width16Bits = 1, Width32Bits = 2, Width64Bits = 3, WidthNoWrap = 4, MaximumDmaWidth = 5 }; enum COMPARTMENT_ID { UNSPECIFIED_COMPARTMENT_ID = 0, DEFAULT_COMPARTMENT_ID = 1 }; enum MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE { HAL_MCE_RECORD = 0, HAL_MCA_RECORD = 1 }; enum _MUTANT_INFORMATION_CLASS { MutantBasicInformation = 0, MutantOwnerInformation = 1 }; enum _TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { TimerSetCoalescableTimer = 0, MaxTimerInfoClass = 1 }; enum _THREAD_UMS_INFORMATION_COMMAND { UmsInformationCommandInvalid = 0, UmsInformationCommandAttach = 1, UmsInformationCommandDetach = 2 }; enum _REQUESTER_TYPE { KernelRequester = 0, UserProcessRequester = 1, UserSharedServiceRequester = 2 }; enum _HARDERROR_RESPONSE_OPTION { OptionAbortRetryIgnore = 0, OptionOk = 1, OptionOkCancel = 2, OptionRetryCancel = 3, OptionYesNo = 4, OptionYesNoCancel = 5, OptionShutdownSystem = 6, OptionOkNoWait = 7, OptionCancelTryContinue = 8 }; enum _ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE { StandardDesign = 0, NEC98x86 = 1, EndAlternatives = 2 }; enum std::_Uninitialized { _Noinit = 0 }; enum _WORKER_FACTORY_CALLBACK_CLASS { WorkerFactoryCallbackNormal = 0, WorkerFactoryCallbackLongRunning = 1, WorkerFactoryCallbackIndependent = 2, WorkerFactoryCallbackDetectedUnrecoverableError = 3 }; enum _SYSTEM_MEMORY_LIST_COMMAND { MemoryCaptureAccessedBits = 0, MemoryCaptureAndResetAccessedBits = 1, MemoryEmptyWorkingSets = 2, MemoryFlushModifiedList = 3, MemoryPurgeStandbyList = 4, MemoryPurgeLowPriorityStandbyList = 5, MemoryCommandMax = 6 }; enum _JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS { JobObjectBasicAccountingInformation = 1, JobObjectBasicLimitInformation = 2, JobObjectBasicProcessIdList = 3, JobObjectBasicUIRestrictions = 4, JobObjectSecurityLimitInformation = 5, JobObjectEndOfJobTimeInformation = 6, JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation = 7, JobObjectBasicAndIoAccountingInformation = 8, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation = 9, JobObjectJobSetInformation = 10, JobObjectGroupInformation = 11, JobObjectNotificationLimitInformation = 12, JobObjectLimitViolationInformation = 13, JobObjectGroupInformationEx = 14, JobObjectCpuRateControlInformation = 15, JobObjectCompletionFilter = 16, JobObjectCompletionCounter = 17, JobObjectFreezeInformation = 18, JobObjectExtendedAccountingInformation = 19, JobObjectWakeInformation = 20, JobObjectIdleAwareInformation = 21, JobObjectSchedulingRankBiasInformation = 22, JobObjectTimerVirtualizationInformation = 23, JobObjectCycleTimeNotification = 24, JobObjectReserved1Information = 18, JobObjectReserved2Information = 19, JobObjectReserved3Information = 20, JobObjectReserved4Information = 21, JobObjectReserved5Information = 22, JobObjectReserved6Information = 23, JobObjectReserved7Information = 24, MaxJobObjectInfoClass = 25 }; enum _WNF_STATE_NAME_INFORMATION { WnfInfoStateNameExist = 0, WnfInfoSubscribersPresent = 1, WnfInfoIsQuiescent = 2 }; enum _RTL_STACK_TRACE_DATABASE_CONTROL { BackTraceDatabaseCreate = 0, BackTraceDatabaseDelete = 1, BackTraceDatabaseFlush = 2, BackTraceDatabaseMaxControl = 3 }; enum _SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { SectionBasicInformation = 0, SectionImageInformation = 1, SectionRelocationInformation = 2, MaxSectionInfoClass = 3 }; enum _SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES { ShrinkPrepare = 1, ShrinkCommit = 2, ShrinkAbort = 3 }; enum _PS_WAKE_REASON { PsWakeReasonUser = 0, PsWakeReasonDevice = 1, PsWakeReasonKernel = 2, PsWakeReasonPower = 3, PsMaxWakeReasons = 4 }; enum _MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { MemoryBasicInformation = 0, MemoryWorkingSetInformation = 1, MemoryMappedFilenameInformation = 2, MemoryRegionInformation = 3, MemoryWorkingSetExInformation = 4 }; enum _SHUTDOWN_ACTION { ShutdownNoReboot = 0, ShutdownReboot = 1, ShutdownPowerOff = 2 }; enum _IRQ_PRIORITY { IrqPriorityUndefined = 0, IrqPriorityLow = 1, IrqPriorityNormal = 2, IrqPriorityHigh = 3 }; enum _LEARNING_MODE_LOG_LEVEL { LearningModeLogLevelPassive = 0, LearningModeLogLevelNormalApc = 1, LearningModeLogLevelSpecialApc = 2, LearningModeLogLevelMax = 3 }; enum _TP_TRACE_TYPE { TpTraceThreadPriority = 1, TpTraceThreadAffinity = 2, MaxTpTraceType = 3 }; enum PO_FIXED_WAKE_SOURCE_TYPE { FixedWakeSourcePowerButton = 0, FixedWakeSourceSleepButton = 1, FixedWakeSourceRtc = 2, FixedWakeSourceDozeToHibernate = 3 }; enum _BOOT_ENTROPY_SOURCE_ID { BootEntropySourceNone = 0, BootEntropySourceSeedfile = 1, BootEntropySourceExternal = 2, BootEntropySourceTpm = 3, BootEntropySourceRdrand = 4, BootEntropySourceTime = 5, BootEntropySourceAcpiOem0 = 6, BootEntropySourceUefi = 7, BootMaxEntropySources = 7 }; enum _TIMER_INFORMATION_CLASS { TimerBasicInformation = 0 }; /* enum { LdrpNoDevice = 0, LdrpWebDAV = 1, LdrpRemote = 2, LdrpAnyDevice = -1, LdrpAnyDevice2bit = 3 }; */ enum _RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS { GenericLessThan = 0, GenericGreaterThan = 1, GenericEqual = 2 }; enum _REG_ACTION { KeyAdded = 0, KeyRemoved = 1, KeyModified = 2 }; enum _CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION { CmResourceShareUndetermined = 0, CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive = 1, CmResourceShareDriverExclusive = 2, CmResourceShareShared = 3 }; enum _IRQ_GROUP_POLICY { GroupAffinityAllGroupZero = 0, GroupAffinityDontCare = 1 }; enum _EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { EventBasicInformation = 0 }; enum _MEMORY_RESERVE_TYPE { MemoryReserveUserApc = 0, MemoryReserveIoCompletion = 1, MemoryReserveTypeMax = 2 }; enum _ERROR_SEVERITY_VALUE { ErrorRecoverable = 0, ErrorFatal = 1, ErrorCorrected = 2, ErrorOthers = 3 }; enum _SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_CONFIGURATION_CLASS { SystemCrashDumpDisable = 0, SystemCrashDumpReconfigure = 1, SystemCrashDumpInitializationComplete = 2 }; enum _PROCESS_TLS_INFORMATION_TYPE { ProcessTlsReplaceIndex = 0, ProcessTlsReplaceVector = 1, MaxProcessTlsOperation = 2 }; enum _SEMAPHORE_INFORMATION_CLASS { SemaphoreBasicInformation = 0 }; enum _TP_DEBUG_CLASS { TP_DEBUG_CLASS_POOL = 0 }; struct _CM_DISK_GEOMETRY_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfCylinders; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SectorsPerTrack; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfHeads; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ResourceList[8]; /* +0x0010 d8 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long ResourceListSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ConflictBuffer[8]; /* +0x0020 da a9 00 00 */ unsigned long ConflictBufferSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ long Status; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _FOUR_PART_VERSION { unsigned long long Version64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FOUR_PART_VERSION:: { unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Build; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Minor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Major; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _FOUR_PART_VERSION:: { unsigned long BuildAndRevision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MajorAndMinor; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _UNICODE_STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Buffer[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS { unsigned char Parent[8]; /* +0x0000 ea a9 00 00 */ unsigned char LeftChild[8]; /* +0x0008 ea a9 00 00 */ unsigned char RightChild[8]; /* +0x0010 ea a9 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_INITIATE_REPAIR_OUTPUT_BUFFER { unsigned long long Hint1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Hint2; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Clsn; /* +0x0010 */ long Status; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTROPY_SOURCE_NT_RESULT { unsigned char SourceId[8]; /* +0x0000 f1 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long long Policy; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ResultCode[4]; /* +0x0010 f2 a9 00 00 */ long ResultStatus; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long Time; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EntropyLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char EntropyData[68]; /* +0x0024 34 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _MM_COMBINEDPAGE_IDENTITY { unsigned char PfnIdentity[24]; /* +0x0000 f5 a9 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SharedInitial[0]; +0x0018 5b 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long long ProtoPte; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_IO_COMPLETION_INFORMATION { void *KeyContext; /* +0x0000 */ void *ApcContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char IoStatusBlock[16]; /* +0x0010 fc a9 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION { unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long WaitTime; /* +0x0018 */ void *StartAddress; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0028 ff a9 00 00 */ long Priority; /* +0x0038 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long ThreadState; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long WaitReason; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY32 { unsigned long Next; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _Wx86TIB { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long InitialPc; /* +0x0004 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0008 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x000c */ void *DeallocationStack; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogFlags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long InitialSp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char SimulationCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char InCpuSimulation; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char EmulateInitialPc; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char Initialized; /* +0x001f */ unsigned char ExceptionList[4]; /* +0x0020 08 aa 00 00 */ void *CpuContext; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char InitialExceptionContext[4]; /* +0x0028 09 aa 00 00 */ void *pCallersRIID; /* +0x002c */ void *pCallersUnknown; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ void *SelfRegDllName; /* +0x0038 */ void *SelfRegDllHandle; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AllocatedInfo[24]; /* +0x0010 0f aa 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_CONTEXT { /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 46 48 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TargetSystemState[0]; +0x0000 12 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EffectiveSystemState[0]; +0x0000 13 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CurrentSystemState[0]; +0x0000 8d 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IgnoreHibernationPath[0]; +0x0000 8e 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PseudoTransition[0]; +0x0000 8f 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved2[0]; +0x0000 b5 6f 00 00 */ unsigned long ContextAsUlong; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE_INFORMATION { unsigned char DynamicFunctionTable[8]; /* +0x0000 1b aa 00 00 */ unsigned char Remove; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _UNWIND_INFO { /* unsigned char Version[0]; +0x0000 22 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[1]; /* +0x0000 23 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char SizeOfProlog; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char CountOfCodes; /* +0x0002 */ /* unsigned char FrameRegister[0]; +0x0003 24 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char FrameOffset[1]; /* +0x0003 25 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char UnwindCode[2]; /* +0x0004 27 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULE_INFO { unsigned long ModuleInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IsBinaryLoaded; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ModulePathName[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CoverageSection[4]; /* +0x001c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PREFETCH_PATCH_INFORMATION { unsigned long PrefetchPatchCount; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned char VolumeCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long VolumeSerialNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long VolumeLabelLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char SupportsObjects; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char VolumeLabel[6]; /* +0x0012 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_LIST { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DriverEntry[20]; /* +0x0004 38 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO { unsigned short UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ObjectTypeIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HandleAttributes; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short HandleValue; /* +0x0006 */ void *Object; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESS_FOREGROUND_BACKGROUND { unsigned char Foreground; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_LEV1_ENTRY { unsigned long EntryLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DependencyTypeFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProviderSpecificFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char VirtualStorageType[20]; /* +0x000c 3f aa 00 00 */ }; struct _GENERATE_NAME_CONTEXT { unsigned short Checksum; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ChecksumInserted; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NameLength; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char NameBuffer[16]; /* +0x0004 42 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long ExtensionLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ExtensionBuffer[8]; /* +0x0018 43 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long LastIndexValue; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _HEAP_EXTENDED_INFORMATION { void *Process; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Heap; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Level; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char CallbackRoutine[8]; /* +0x0018 4a aa 00 00 */ void *CallbackContext; /* +0x0020 */ /* unsigned char ProcessHeapInformation[0]; +0x0028 4b aa 00 00 */ unsigned char HeapInformation[48]; /* +0x0028 04 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTRY_LIST { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BootEntry[32]; /* +0x0004 20 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _LUTF8_STRING { unsigned long long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long MaximumLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Option; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char ShareDisposition; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Spare1; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Spare2; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _FILE_MAILSLOT_QUERY_INFORMATION { unsigned long MaximumMessageSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MailslotQuota; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NextMessageSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MessagesAvailable; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ReadTimeout[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _ENCRYPTED_DATA_INFO { unsigned long long StartingFileOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OutputBufferOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BytesWithinFileSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BytesWithinValidDataLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short CompressionFormat; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DataUnitShift; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char ChunkShift; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char EncryptionFormat; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned short NumberOfDataBlocks; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char DataBlockSize[4]; /* +0x001c c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MUILANGUAGES { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short MaxNumLanguages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumLanguages; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short NumInstalledLanguages; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char LangInfos[8]; /* +0x0010 5e aa 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HeapIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LastHeapIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long BaseAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ReserveSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long CommitSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long SegmentCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long LargeUCRMemory; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long UCRLength; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long AllocatedSpace; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long FreeSpace; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long FreeListLength; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long Contention; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long VirtualBlocks; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long CommitRate; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long DecommitRate; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_RELATED_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned char TargetDeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long Relation; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char RelatedDeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long RelatedDeviceInstanceLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _MUILANGINFO { unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short LangId; /* +0x0004 */ short LangNameIndex; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short FallbackTypes; /* +0x0008 */ short NeutralLangSpec; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char FallbackSpecs[8]; /* +0x000c 5e a8 00 00 */ unsigned char AlternateCodePage[8]; /* +0x0014 5e a8 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char Linkage[16]; /* +0x0000 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned long long Signature; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION_INFO { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long BaseVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MiniVersion; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _VARIABLE_NAME { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VendorGuid[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOLTAG_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TagInfo[40]; /* +0x0008 74 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_CONTROL_SPACE { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Processor; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FAT_STATISTICS { unsigned long CreateHits; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SuccessfulCreates; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FailedCreates; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NonCachedReads; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NonCachedReadBytes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonCachedWrites; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NonCachedWriteBytes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NonCachedDiskReads; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long NonCachedDiskWrites; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION_EXTENSION { unsigned char DiskCounters[40]; /* +0x0000 7f aa 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0028 */ /* unsigned char HasStrongId[0]; +0x0028 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Spare[8]; /* +0x0028 cc 15 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_KEY_SECURITY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 82 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long OldSecurityDescriptorLength; /* +0x0028 */ void *OldSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long NewSecurityDescriptorLength; /* +0x0038 */ void *NewSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_VIRTUAL { void *Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _STRING64 { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long long Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _UNWIND_CODE { unsigned char CodeOffset; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char UnwindOp[0]; +0x0001 24 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char OpInfo[1]; /* +0x0001 25 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_LEV2_ENTRY { unsigned long EntryLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DependencyTypeFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProviderSpecificFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char VirtualStorageType[20]; /* +0x000c 3f aa 00 00 */ unsigned long AncestorLevel; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long HostVolumeNameOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long HostVolumeNameSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long DependentVolumeNameOffset; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long DependentVolumeNameSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long RelativePathOffset; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long RelativePathSize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long DependentDeviceNameOffset; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long DependentDeviceNameSize; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _CSV_NAMESPACE_INFO { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DeviceNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char StartingOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long SectorSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_ISSUE { unsigned long long IssueType; /* +0x0000 */ void *Address; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Parameters[16]; /* +0x0010 e9 49 00 00 */ }; struct _CPTABLEINFO { unsigned short CodePage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumCharacterSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short DefaultChar; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short UniDefaultChar; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short TransDefaultChar; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short TransUniDefaultChar; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short DBCSCodePage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char LeadByte[18]; /* +0x000e 9a 1b 00 00 */ unsigned short *MultiByteTable; /* +0x0020 */ void *WideCharTable; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short *DBCSRanges; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short *DBCSOffsets; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LEGACY_DRIVER_INFORMATION { unsigned long VetoType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VetoList[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION { long ExitStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TebBaseAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 a5 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0010 ff a9 00 00 */ unsigned long long AffinityMask; /* +0x0020 */ long Priority; /* +0x0028 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_STARTUP_INFO { unsigned long UmsVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CompletionList[8]; /* +0x0008 a9 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char SchedulerProc[8]; /* +0x0010 1c 5e 00 00 */ void *SchedulerParam; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_MESSAGE_ZONE_INFORMATION { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SCRUB_DATA_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumIos; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ResumeContext[816]; /* +0x0010 b0 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_DRIVER_PATH_INFORMATION { unsigned char DriverInPath; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DriverNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DriverName[4]; /* +0x0008 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _NLSTABLEINFO { unsigned char OemTableInfo[64]; /* +0x0000 b9 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char AnsiTableInfo[64]; /* +0x0040 b9 aa 00 00 */ unsigned short *UpperCaseTable; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned short *LowerCaseTable; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfObjects; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TypeIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long InvalidAttributes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char GenericMapping[16]; /* +0x0014 28 52 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidAccessMask; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PoolType; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char SecurityRequired; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char WaitableObject; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char TypeName[16]; /* +0x0030 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_INTERFACE_ALIAS_DATA { unsigned char SymbolicLinkName[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char AliasClassGuid[8]; /* +0x0010 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AliasSymbolicLinkName[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long AliasSymbolicLinkNameLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_ENTRY { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _FINDFIRSTACTIVATIONCONTEXTSECTION { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExtensionGuid[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned long Id; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Depth; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OutFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SET_PURGE_FAILURE_MODE_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_TRACE_BLOCK { unsigned long Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long UserCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long UserSize; /* +0x0018 */ void *UserContext; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Next[8]; /* +0x0028 ca aa 00 00 */ unsigned char Trace[8]; /* +0x0030 47 16 00 00 */ }; struct _STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ char *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PS_MEMORY_RESERVE { void *ReserveAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ReserveSize; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SET_TIME_ADJUST_INFORMATION { unsigned long TimeAdjustment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Enable; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_ASSIGN_EVENT_BUFFER { void *EventHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long KeyValue; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROTOGON_STATISTICS { unsigned long Unused; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MCA_EXCEPTION { unsigned long VersionNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ExceptionType[4]; /* +0x0004 e7 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ProcessorNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SE_PACKAGE_CAPABILITY_INFO { unsigned long Remaining; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PackageGrantedAccess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CapabilityGrantedAccess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserGroupsRemaining; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PackagesPresent; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char PackageMatch; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char CapabilityMatch; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char LogPermissiveFailure; /* +0x0013 */ }; struct _DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS { unsigned char PristineRoutine[8]; /* +0x0000 f1 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char NewRoutine[8]; /* +0x0008 f1 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_TRIAGE_INFORMATION { unsigned long ActionTaken; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CrashData[40]; /* +0x0008 a0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long VerifierMode; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long VerifierFlags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char VerifierTargets[512]; /* +0x0038 0f 49 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_RENAME_KEY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 82 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyKeyName[16]; /* +0x0028 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_LOCAL_INFORMATION { unsigned long NamedPipeType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NamedPipeConfiguration; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaximumInstances; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CurrentInstances; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long InboundQuota; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ReadDataAvailable; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OutboundQuota; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long WriteQuotaAvailable; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long NamedPipeState; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long NamedPipeEnd; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _MUILANGLIST { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short NumLanguages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MaxNumLanguages; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bUseUseMachineConfigList; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char RegInfo[8]; /* +0x0010 fd aa 00 00 */ unsigned char Languages[8]; /* +0x0018 ff aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long ullMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char uConsoleFlag[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Checksum[20]; /* +0x002c 00 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_KEYED_DATA { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *Data; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0010 */ void *SectionGlobalData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0020 */ void *SectionBase; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SectionTotalLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[8]; /* +0x0038 ce 6c 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char AssemblyMetadata[40]; /* +0x0048 03 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_IDLE_STATE { unsigned char StateType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HardwareLatency; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Power; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long Context; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Handler[8]; /* +0x0018 0c ab 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION { unsigned char HeaderInfo[24]; /* +0x0000 11 ab 00 00 */ void *FileObject; /* +0x0018 */ long NameBufferOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char CustomDataBuffer[4]; /* +0x0024 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[8]; /* +0x0008 17 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char CaseMatch[8]; /* +0x0010 17 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char Links[24]; /* +0x0018 e9 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char Prefix[8]; /* +0x0030 18 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SPECIAL_POOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long PoolTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULE_REQUEST { unsigned char RequestType[24]; /* +0x0000 dc aa 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTIONS { unsigned long SizeStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Option; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char OptionData[4]; /* +0x0008 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UMS_CONTEXT { unsigned char Link[16]; /* +0x0000 d2 3c 00 00 */ unsigned char Context[1232]; /* +0x0010 95 18 00 00 */ void *Teb; /* +0x04e0 */ void *UserContext; /* +0x04e8 */ /* unsigned char ScheduledThread[0]; +0x04f0 28 ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Suspended[0]; +0x04f0 29 ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VolatileContext[0]; +0x04f0 2a ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Terminated[0]; +0x04f0 2b ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DebugActive[0]; +0x04f0 2c ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RunningOnSelfThread[0]; +0x04f0 2d ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DenyRunningOnSelfThread[0]; +0x04f0 2e ab 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[8]; /* +0x04f0 19 a2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char KernelUpdateLock[0]; +0x04f8 30 ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PrimaryClientID[0]; +0x04f8 31 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextLock[8]; /* +0x04f8 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned char PrimaryUmsContext[8]; /* +0x0500 33 ab 00 00 */ unsigned long SwitchCount; /* +0x0508 */ unsigned long KernelYieldCount; /* +0x050c */ unsigned long MixedYieldCount; /* +0x0510 */ unsigned long YieldCount; /* +0x0514 */ }; struct XSAVE_CPU_INFO { unsigned char Processor; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Family; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Model; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Stepping; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short ExtendedModel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExtendedFamily; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long MicrocodeVersion; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Name[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeName[16]; /* +0x0010 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_CLIENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char StartTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordsToProcess; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long RelativeFillLevel; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TP_TASK { unsigned char Callbacks[8]; /* +0x0000 3f ab 00 00 */ unsigned long NumaNode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char IdealProcessor; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ListEntry[16]; /* +0x0010 c0 48 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_BITMAP { unsigned long SizeOfBitMap; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK { unsigned char ActiveFrame[8]; /* +0x0000 4a ab 00 00 */ unsigned char FrameListCache[16]; /* +0x0008 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NextCookieSequenceNumber; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long StackId; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_REPARSE_POINT_INFORMATION { long long FileReference; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_STACK_CONTEXT_ENTRY { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Data; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST_ITERATOR { unsigned char List[8]; /* +0x0000 57 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char NextEntry[8]; /* +0x0008 f9 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveList; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ProbeReads; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char ReturnDataOffset; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char Wow64List; /* +0x0013 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_TIMER { unsigned char Header[8]; /* +0x0000 5a ab 00 00 */ unsigned char Reason[40]; /* +0x0008 5b ab 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PNP_BIOS_INSTALLATION_CHECK { unsigned char Signature[4]; /* +0x0000 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Length; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short ControlField; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Checksum; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long EventFlagAddress; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned short RealModeEntryOffset; /* +0x000d */ unsigned short RealModeEntrySegment; /* +0x000f */ unsigned short ProtectedModeEntryOffset; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned long ProtectedModeCodeBaseAddress; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned long OemDeviceId; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned short RealModeDataBaseAddress; /* +0x001b */ unsigned long ProtectedModeDataBaseAddress; /* +0x001d */ }; struct _PROCESS_TLS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OperationType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ThreadDataCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TlsIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PreviousCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ThreadData[24]; /* +0x0010 61 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_ACPI_AUDIT_INFORMATION { unsigned long RsdpCount; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char SameRsdt[0]; +0x0004 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SlicPresent[0]; +0x0004 f8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char SlicDifferent[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 34 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_SESSION_CONNECT_INFO { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char LocalSession; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_RANGE { unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _REQUEST_OPLOCK_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long RequestedOplockLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_RUN { unsigned long NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChannelNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long BasePage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long PageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_USER_RESPONSE_DATA { unsigned long Response; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VetoType[4]; /* +0x0004 7d ab 00 00 */ unsigned char VetoName[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long VetoNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_ZERO_DATA_INFORMATION { unsigned char FileOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char BeyondFinalZero[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _ENCRYPTION_BUFFER { unsigned long EncryptionOperation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Private[4]; /* +0x0004 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_DISABLE_REASON { unsigned char AffectedState[8]; /* +0x0000 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned long PowerReasonCode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PowerReasonLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_DEPTH_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long DeviceDepth; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1 { unsigned long Name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _XSAVE_POLICY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxSaveAreaLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long FeatureBitmask; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfFeatures; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Features[16]; /* +0x0020 96 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _UNWIND_CODE:: { unsigned char OffsetLow; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char UnwindOp[0]; +0x0001 24 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char OffsetHigh[1]; /* +0x0001 25 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_PERSISTENT_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned long VolumeFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FlagMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SPCALL2_INFORMATION { void *InputData; /* +0x0000 */ void *OutputData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long InputDataSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long OutputDataSize; /* +0x0014 */ long Status; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_CONTROL_INFORMATION { unsigned char FreeSpaceStartFiltering[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeSpaceThreshold[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeSpaceStopFiltering[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultQuotaThreshold[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultQuotaLimit[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileSystemControlFlags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _RTL_UMS_COMPLETION_LIST { unsigned char ThreadListHead[8]; /* +0x0000 d3 3c 00 00 */ void *CompletionEvent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CompletionFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char InternalListHead[8]; /* +0x0018 d2 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PERTHREAD_CURDIR { unsigned char CurrentDirectories[8]; /* +0x0000 e4 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageName[8]; /* +0x0008 18 ab 00 00 */ void *Environment; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SYSTEM_PARTITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char SystemPartition[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_COMPLETION_BASIC_INFORMATION { long Depth; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ void *Process; /* +0x0008 */ void *Thread; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0018 ff a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageInformation[64]; /* +0x0028 c4 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_WATCHDOG_TIMER_INFORMATION { unsigned char WdInfoClass[4]; /* +0x0000 f0 ab 00 00 */ unsigned long DataValue; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char BootIdentifier[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FirmwareType[8]; /* +0x0010 70 6b 00 00 */ unsigned long long BootFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_NOTIFY_HDR { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Event[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SHRINK_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned char ShrinkRequestType[8]; /* +0x0000 fa ab 00 00 */ unsigned long long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ long long NewNumberOfSectors; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _COMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 7d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short CompoundAceType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long SidStart; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _LDR_SERVICE_TAG_RECORD { unsigned char Next[8]; /* +0x0000 03 ac 00 00 */ unsigned long ServiceTag; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_INFORMATION { unsigned long long ReserveSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long CommitSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfHeaps; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long FirstHeapInformationOffset; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PORT_VIEW { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SectionOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ViewSize; /* +0x0018 */ void *ViewBase; /* +0x0020 */ void *ViewRemoteBase; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES32 { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RootDirectory; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ObjectName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SecurityQualityOfService; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE_PAIR { unsigned char Name[200]; /* +0x0000 2b ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Value[12]; /* +0x00c8 2c ac 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_EISA_SLOT_INFORMATION { unsigned char ReturnCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ReturnFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char MajorRevision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorRevision; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short Checksum; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char NumberFunctions; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char FunctionInformation; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned long CompressedId; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_BITMAP_RUN { unsigned long StartingIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfBits; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned long VerifyMode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OptionChanges; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PreviousBucketName[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long IrpCancelTimeoutMsec; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long VerifierExtensionEnabled; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0020 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0010 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_AVL_ENTRY { unsigned char BalancedLinks[32]; /* +0x0000 3b ac 00 00 */ long long UserData; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _MUISTRINGPOOL { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short MaxNumStrings; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumStrings; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short MaxNumCharsInPool; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short NumCharsInPool; /* +0x000a */ short *Strings; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Pool[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ASSEMBLY_DATA { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AssemblyName[8]; /* +0x0008 6d 18 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HashAlgorithm; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PseudoKey; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PS_CPU_QUOTA_QUERY_ENTRY { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Weight; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_MAPPED_VIEW_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ViewFailures; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long NumberOfBytesAvailable; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long NumberOfBytesAvailableContiguous; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_OBJECTID_BUFFER { unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthVolumeId[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthObjectId[16]; /* +0x0020 bb 10 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DomainId[-32]; +0x0030 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtendedInfo[48]; /* +0x0010 4d ac 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION { void *KtmTransaction; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ActionCode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SavepointId; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_REQUEST { unsigned long RequestLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RequestFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ATOM_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned short UsageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Name[2]; /* +0x0006 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SL_APPX_CACHE_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char HashedName[32]; /* +0x0000 35 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long Expiration; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x002c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_WRITE_OUTPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long LengthWritten; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SL_APPX_CACHE { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long DataCheckSum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Descriptors[48]; /* +0x0018 5d ac 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_EXTENDED { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Format; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Frame[24]; /* +0x0010 49 ab 00 00 */ void *Extra1; /* +0x0028 */ void *Extra2; /* +0x0030 */ void *Extra3; /* +0x0038 */ void *Extra4; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _SE_AUDIT_INFO { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AuditType[4]; /* +0x0004 07 97 00 00 */ unsigned char AuditOperation[4]; /* +0x0008 64 ac 00 00 */ unsigned long AuditFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char SubsystemName[16]; /* +0x0010 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectTypeName[16]; /* +0x0020 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectName[16]; /* +0x0030 d6 a9 00 00 */ void *HandleId; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char TransactionId[8]; /* +0x0048 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OperationId[8]; /* +0x0050 6f 7f 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectCreation; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char GenerateOnClose; /* +0x0059 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicInfo[48]; /* +0x0000 18 59 00 00 */ unsigned char IoInfo[48]; /* +0x0030 9e 55 00 00 */ unsigned char DiskIoInfo[40]; /* +0x0060 7f aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char TotalCycleTime[8]; /* +0x0090 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOLTAG { /* unsigned char Tag[0]; +0x0000 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long TagUlong; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PagedAllocs; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PagedFrees; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long PagedUsed; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonPagedAllocs; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NonPagedFrees; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long NonPagedUsed; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _RC_CONFIG { unsigned long dwSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwRCConfigVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFilePathType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwFileType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwSystemAttributes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwUltimateFallbackLocation; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char dwServiceCheckSum[16]; /* +0x001c 99 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char dwChecksum[16]; /* +0x002c 99 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwMUIFileNameOffset; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwMUIFileNameLength; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwMUIFilePathOffset; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwMUIFilePathLength; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwMainResNameTypesOffset; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dwMainResNameTypesLength; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long dwMainResIDTypesOffset; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long dwMainResIDTypesLength; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long dwMUIResNameTypesOffset; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long dwMUIResNameTypesLength; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long dwMUIResIDTypesOffset; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dwMUIResIDTypesLength; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long dwLanguageOffset; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long dwLanguageLength; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dwUltimateFallbackLanguageOffset; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long dwUltimateFallbackLanguageLength; /* +0x0080 */ }; struct _WNF_DELIVERY_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char StateName[8]; /* +0x0000 31 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long ChangeStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DeliveryFlag; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DeliveryState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ReliableRetryDelay; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long BatchRetry; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long StateDataSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long EventMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char TypeId[16]; /* +0x0024 6d ac 00 00 */ unsigned long StateDataOffset; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _PUBLIC_OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PointerCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Reserved[40]; /* +0x0010 72 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_READ_OUTPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long TransferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Token[512]; /* +0x0010 f5 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION { unsigned short ProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ProcessorLevel; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short ProcessorRevision; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MaximumProcessors; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ProcessorFeatureBits; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_ENTRY { void *VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NonPaged[8]; /* +0x0000 5b 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long long SizeInBytes; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char Tag[0]; +0x0010 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long TagUlong; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG64 { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long long CriticalSection; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ProcessLocksList[16]; /* +0x0010 9a 76 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Spare[8]; /* +0x0028 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _DEFERRED_REPAIR_EXTENT { unsigned char VolumeByteOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RepairFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_TOPOLOGY_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NumberOfRuns; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfNodes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfChannels; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Run[32]; /* +0x0010 87 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _KERNEL_USER_TIMES { unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ExitTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _DECRYPTION_STATUS_BUFFER { unsigned char NoEncryptedStreams; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned long long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Handles[40]; /* +0x0010 8f ac 00 00 */ }; struct __PUBLIC_OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TypeName[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[88]; /* +0x0010 92 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_CHANGE_MACHINE_SID_INPUT { unsigned short CurrentMachineSIDOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CurrentMachineSIDLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short NewMachineSIDOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NewMachineSIDLength; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _PS_ATTRIBUTE { unsigned long long Attribute; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Value; /* +0x0010 */ void *ValuePtr; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long *ReturnLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_SFIO_RESERVE_INFORMATION { unsigned long RequestsPerPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Period; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char RetryFailures; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Discardable; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned long RequestSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumOutstandingRequests; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_BLOCK { /* unsigned char Protection[0]; +0x0000 9b ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ShareCount[0]; +0x0000 9c ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 9d ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Node[0]; +0x0000 9e ac 00 00 */ unsigned char VirtualPage[8]; /* +0x0000 9f ac 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_SET_SPARSE_BUFFER { unsigned char SetSparse; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_STATUS_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long Operation; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DeviceStatus; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DeviceProblem; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { unsigned char IdleTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char DpcTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char InterruptTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long InterruptCount; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_IDLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long IdleTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long C1Time; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long C2Time; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long C3Time; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long C1Transitions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long C2Transitions; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long C3Transitions; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Padding; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _FIBER { void *FiberData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ExceptionList[8]; /* +0x0008 0b 7e 00 00 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0010 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x0018 */ void *DeallocationStack; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FiberContext[1232]; /* +0x0030 95 18 00 00 */ unsigned char Wx86Tib[8]; /* +0x0500 b0 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivationContextStackPointer[8]; /* +0x0508 b2 ac 00 00 */ void *FlsData; /* +0x0510 */ unsigned long GuaranteedStackBytes; /* +0x0518 */ unsigned short TebFlags; /* +0x051c */ unsigned short ReservedPad; /* +0x051e */ }; struct _KAFFINITY_EX { unsigned short Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Bitmap[64]; /* +0x0008 ba ac 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_COMPLETION_INFORMATION { void *Port; /* +0x0000 */ void *Key; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _KEY_VIRTUALIZATION_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char VirtualizationCandidate[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualizationEnabled[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualTarget[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualStore[0]; +0x0000 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualSource[0]; +0x0000 ee 34 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 c0 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE { unsigned char QueryRoutine[8]; /* +0x0000 c9 ac 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ void *EntryContext; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DefaultType; /* +0x0020 */ void *DefaultData; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long DefaultLength; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _EISA_MEMORY_TYPE { /* unsigned char ReadWrite[0]; +0x0000 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cached[0]; +0x0000 d1 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 d2 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Type[0]; +0x0000 d1 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 ba a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 d3 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 d4 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_TRACE_ENUMERATE { unsigned char Database[8]; /* +0x0000 d8 ac 00 00 */ unsigned long Index; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Block[8]; /* +0x0010 ca aa 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_OUTPUT { unsigned long NumRangesProccessed; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long AccessFlags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _API_SET_VALUE_ENTRY { unsigned long NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ValueOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DMA_CONFIGURATION_BYTE1 { /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 b7 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TransferSize[0]; +0x0000 b8 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Timing[0]; +0x0000 e9 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved1[1]; /* +0x0000 bb a7 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY32 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0000 4f 92 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0008 4f 92 00 00 */ unsigned char InInitializationOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0010 4f 92 00 00 */ unsigned long DllBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EntryPoint; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0024 06 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x002c 06 ab 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short TlsIndex; /* +0x003a */ /* unsigned char HashLinks[0]; +0x003c 4f 92 00 00 */ unsigned long SectionPointer; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long LoadedImports; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _FILE_QUOTA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SidLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char QuotaUsed[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char QuotaThreshold[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char QuotaLimit[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Sid[16]; /* +0x0028 f8 7e 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_LIST { unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ConflictsCounted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ConflictsListed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long RequiredBufferSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ConflictEntry[40]; /* +0x0018 f5 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_INFORMATION { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Mode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ReserveSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CommitSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long FirstRegionInformationOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long NextHeapInformationOffset; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0000 c0 48 00 00 */ void *ExceptionTable; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ExceptionTableSize; /* +0x0018 */ void *GpValue; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char NonPagedDebugInfo[8]; /* +0x0028 6b 85 00 00 */ void *DllBase; /* +0x0030 */ void *EntryPoint; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FullDllName[16]; /* +0x0048 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[16]; /* +0x0058 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned short __Unused5; /* +0x006e */ void *SectionPointer; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x007c */ void *CoverageSection; /* +0x0080 */ void *LoadedImports; /* +0x0088 */ void *PatchInformation; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long SizeOfImageNotRounded; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x009c */ }; struct _IO_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short DriverNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long DriverNameOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char EntryData[48]; /* +0x0018 11 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_RESOURCE_LIST { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char List[36]; /* +0x0004 17 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_INTERFACE_LIST_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceGuid[8]; /* +0x0010 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceList[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceListSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER_OUTPUT { unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfMatches; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BufferSizeRequired; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _LDR_ENUM_RESOURCE_ENTRY:: { unsigned long long NameOrId; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Name[0]; +0x0000 28 60 00 00 */ unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameIsPresent; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_MICROCODE_UPDATE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Operation; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MUILANGCFGLIST { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short NumLanguages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MaxNumLanguages; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char LanguageConfigs[8]; /* +0x0008 30 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _VM_COUNTERS { unsigned long long PeakVirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long VirtualSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long PeakWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long WorkingSetSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long QuotaPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long PagefileUsage; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _SL_KMEM_CACHE { unsigned long TotalSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SignatureSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Descriptors[20]; /* +0x0014 39 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_EVENT_BUFFER { unsigned long NamedPipeState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EntryType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ByteCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long KeyValue; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberRequests; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION32 { unsigned long TransferAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ZeroBits; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaximumStackSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CommittedStackSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SubSystemType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short SubSystemMinorVersion; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short SubSystemMajorVersion; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long SubSystemVersion; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ImageContainsCode; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char ImageFlags; /* +0x0023 */ /* unsigned char ComPlus[0]; +0x0023 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0023 d1 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0023 40 ad 00 00 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ImageFileSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _RTL_RB_TREE { unsigned char Root[8]; /* +0x0000 46 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char Min[8]; /* +0x0008 46 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE { unsigned long long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_TLS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ void *NewTlsData; /* +0x0008 */ void *OldTlsData; /* +0x0008 */ void *ThreadId; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _THREAD_LAST_SYSCALL_INFORMATION { void *FirstArgument; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short SystemCallNumber; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_LOCK_INFORMATION { void *Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000a */ void *OwningThread; /* +0x0010 */ long LockCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0020 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long NumberOfWaitingShared; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NumberOfWaitingExclusive; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _FP_64 { unsigned char W[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_POINT_INFORMATION { unsigned short ReparseDataLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short UnparsedNameLength; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _SL_KMEM_CACHE_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short DataLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0010 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SECTIONBASICINFO { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AllocationAttributes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char MaximumSize[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_PERFORMANCE_DATA { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ProcessorNumber[4]; /* +0x0004 08 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long HwCountersCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char UpdateCount[8]; /* +0x0010 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned long long WaitReasonBitMap; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long HardwareCounters; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char CycleTime[24]; /* +0x0028 64 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char HwCounters[384]; /* +0x0040 65 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS { unsigned short FileSystemType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long SizeOfCompleteStructure; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long UserFileReads; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserFileReadBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long UserDiskReads; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long UserFileWrites; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long UserFileWriteBytes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long UserDiskWrites; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long MetaDataReads; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MetaDataReadBytes; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MetaDataDiskReads; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long MetaDataWrites; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long MetaDataWriteBytes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long MetaDataDiskWrites; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK { /* unsigned char Valid[0]; +0x0000 5b 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ShareCount[0]; +0x0000 5c 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Win32Protection[0]; +0x0000 6c ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 6d ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Node[0]; +0x0000 6e ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Locked[0]; +0x0000 6f ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LargePage[0]; +0x0000 70 ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Priority[0]; +0x0000 71 ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 72 ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Bad[0]; +0x0000 73 ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedUlong[0]; +0x0000 74 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char Invalid[8]; /* +0x0000 75 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _SCOPE_TABLE { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SCOPE_TABLE:: { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandlerAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long JumpTarget; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long AvailablePages; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long CommittedPages; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CommitLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long PeakCommitment; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _EISA_IRQ_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char ConfigurationByte[1]; /* +0x0000 83 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST { /* unsigned char ControlBits[0]; +0x0000 88 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char CombinedControlBits[8]; /* +0x0000 19 a2 00 00 */ unsigned char Head[32]; /* +0x0008 f8 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char Tail[24]; /* +0x0028 89 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char RemoveCallback[8]; /* +0x0040 4b ad 00 00 */ void *RemoveContext; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char PendingHead[8]; /* +0x0050 f9 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char PendingTailPtr[8]; /* +0x0058 8a ad 00 00 */ unsigned long PendingListIndex; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST:::: { /* unsigned char SwitchSelectorBit0[0]; +0x0000 28 ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ActiveListBit0[0]; +0x0000 29 ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OverflowActiveListBit0[0]; +0x0000 2a ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SwitchSelectorBit1[0]; +0x0000 2b ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ActiveListBit1[0]; +0x0000 2c ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OverflowActiveListBit1[0]; +0x0000 2d ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReaderDidTheSwitch[0]; +0x0000 2e ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 8d ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReaderBusy[0]; +0x0000 8e ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UpdateReady[0]; +0x0000 8f ad 00 00 */ unsigned char OverflowUpdateReady[4]; /* +0x0000 90 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _RTLP_PROCESS_REFLECTION_REFLECTION_INFORMATION { void *ReflectionProcessHandle; /* +0x0000 */ void *ReflectionThreadHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ReflectionClientId[16]; /* +0x0010 ff a9 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_GRAPHICS_INFORMATION { unsigned char FrameBuffer[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Width; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Height; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PixelStride; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Format[8]; /* +0x0018 97 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_IO_SPACE { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char InterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0014 9a ad 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AddressSpace; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _SCRUB_DATA_OUTPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ResumeContext[816]; /* +0x0010 b0 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char Extents[16]; /* +0x0340 9e ad 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long long TotalSize; /* +0x0000 */ void *FirstEntry; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short EntryOverhead; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char PoolTagPresent; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char Spare0; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Entries[16]; /* +0x0018 a2 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfThreads; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char WorkingSetPrivateSize[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long HardFaultCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfThreadsHighWatermark; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long CycleTime; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageName[16]; /* +0x0038 d6 a9 00 00 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x0048 */ void *UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0050 */ void *InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long long UniqueProcessKey; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long PeakVirtualSize; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long VirtualSize; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long PeakWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long long WorkingSetSize; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long long QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long long QuotaPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long long QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long long QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long long PagefileUsage; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long long PrivatePageCount; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned char ReadOperationCount[8]; /* +0x00d0 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char WriteOperationCount[8]; /* +0x00d8 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char OtherOperationCount[8]; /* +0x00e0 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ReadTransferCount[8]; /* +0x00e8 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char WriteTransferCount[8]; /* +0x00f0 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char OtherTransferCount[8]; /* +0x00f8 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_ENTRY { unsigned char ValueName[8]; /* +0x0000 18 ab 00 00 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _REPAIR_COPIES_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SourceCopy; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfRepairCopies; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RepairCopies[4]; /* +0x001c c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PEBS_DS_SAVE_AREA { unsigned long long BtsBufferBase; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long BtsIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long BtsAbsoluteMaximum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BtsInterruptThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long PebsBufferBase; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long PebsIndex; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long PebsAbsoluteMaximum; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long PebsInterruptThreshold; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset0; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset1; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset2; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset3; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Id; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FriendlyNameOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DriverFilePathOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE { unsigned char BalancedRoot[32]; /* +0x0000 3b ac 00 00 */ void *OrderedPointer; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long WhichOrderedElement; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NumberGenericTableElements; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long DepthOfTree; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char RestartKey[8]; /* +0x0038 ba ad 00 00 */ unsigned long DeleteCount; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char CompareRoutine[8]; /* +0x0048 bd ad 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocateRoutine[8]; /* +0x0050 23 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeRoutine[8]; /* +0x0058 c0 ad 00 00 */ void *TableContext; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_ENTRY { unsigned long DeviceInstance; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DeviceFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ResourceType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ResourceStart; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ResourceEnd; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ResourceFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION { unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_INFO { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Offsets[4]; /* +0x0004 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DEBUG_INFORMATION32 { unsigned long SectionHandleClient; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ViewBaseClient; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ViewBaseTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ViewBaseDelta; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long EventPairClient; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EventPairTarget; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TargetProcessId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TargetThreadHandle; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long OffsetFree; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ViewSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long Modules; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ModulesEx; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long BackTraces; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long Heaps; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Locks; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SpecificHeap; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TargetProcessHandle; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long VerifierOptions; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long ProcessHeap; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long CriticalSectionHandle; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long CriticalSectionOwnerThread; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0058 99 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _TP_DIRECT { unsigned char Task[32]; /* +0x0000 86 ad 00 00 */ unsigned long long Lock; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char IoCompletionInformationList[16]; /* +0x0028 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char Callback[8]; /* +0x0038 d5 ad 00 00 */ unsigned long NumaNode; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char IdealProcessor; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION64 { unsigned long long DebugInfo; /* +0x0000 */ long LockCount; /* +0x0008 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long OwningThread; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long LockSemaphore; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SpinCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_FIXED { unsigned char Header[8]; /* +0x0000 5a ab 00 00 */ unsigned char FixedWakeSourceType[4]; /* +0x0008 b7 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PREFETCH_STATS { unsigned long DemandFilePageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DemandFileIOCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TrickleFilePageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TrickleFileIOCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DemandPrivatePageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DemandPrivateIOCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TricklePrivatePageCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TricklePrivateIOCount; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _PEB_LDR_DATA { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Initialized; /* +0x0004 */ void *SsHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char InLoadOrderModuleList[16]; /* +0x0010 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderModuleList[16]; /* +0x0020 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char InInitializationOrderModuleList[16]; /* +0x0030 c0 48 00 00 */ void *EntryInProgress; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char ShutdownInProgress; /* +0x0048 */ void *ShutdownThreadId; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _MUICCENTRY { unsigned char lCultureNameOffset[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulCultureID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ulLanguageType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pNeutralCulture[8]; /* +0x0010 e3 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char lBaseLanguageIndices[32]; /* +0x0018 e4 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char lParentLanguageIndices[16]; /* +0x0038 d8 a4 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_QUERY_SPARING_BUFFER { unsigned long SparingUnitBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SoftwareSparing; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TotalSpareBlocks; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FreeSpareBlocks; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CONSOLE_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DriverLoaded[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Spare[4]; /* +0x0000 cc 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char Flink[24]; /* +0x0000 89 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char Blink[8]; /* +0x0018 f9 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_WORKINGSET_ENTRY { unsigned long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long WorkingSetPageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CommitPageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long PagedPoolPageCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long VirtualSizeInPages; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long PrivateWorkingSetPageCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _TXFS_ROLLFORWARD_REDO_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastVirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long LastRedoLsn; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long HighestRecoveryLsn; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_FULL_SIZE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TotalAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char CallerAvailableAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ActualAvailableAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long SectorsPerAllocationUnit; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_ID_INFORMATION { void *ProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ImageName[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PREFETCH_OPTIONS { /* unsigned char LowerPriority[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualOffsets[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TrickleIOs[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SkipInStorePages[0]; +0x0000 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PrefetchFilesByVa[0]; +0x0000 ee 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Spare[0]; +0x0000 18 ae 00 00 */ unsigned char ScenarioType[4]; /* +0x0000 19 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_MAKE_COMPATIBLE_BUFFER { unsigned char CloseDisc; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CM_MCA_POS_DATA { unsigned short AdapterId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PosData1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char PosData2; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char PosData3; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PosData4; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _FILE_MAILSLOT_SET_INFORMATION { unsigned char ReadTimeout[8]; /* +0x0000 dd 19 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Shift; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TableSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Pivot; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DivisorMask; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NonEmptyBuckets; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NumEnumerators; /* +0x001c */ void *Directory; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_DEVICE_DATA_INFORMATION { unsigned char DeviceId[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char DataName[16]; /* +0x0010 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long DataType; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long DataBufferLength; /* +0x0024 */ void *DataBuffer; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _WAKE_TIMER_INFO { unsigned long long OffsetToNext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DueTime[8]; /* +0x0008 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned long Period; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ReasonContext[40]; /* +0x0018 5b ab 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_IMPORT_CALLBACK_INFO { unsigned char ImportCallbackRoutine[8]; /* +0x0000 36 ae 00 00 */ void *ImportCallbackParameter; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST { unsigned long long TotalLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Attributes[32]; /* +0x0008 3a ae 00 00 */ }; struct _CLIENT_ID { void *UniqueProcess; /* +0x0000 */ void *UniqueThread; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ObjectName[8]; /* +0x0010 18 ab 00 00 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0018 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0020 */ void *SecurityQualityOfService; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _DMA_CONFIGURATION_BYTE0 { /* unsigned char Channel[0]; +0x0000 22 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 4a ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 d3 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 d4 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Policy[4]; /* +0x0000 0a 71 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ASLRPolicy[0]; +0x0004 c4 99 00 00 */ /* unsigned char StackCheckPolicy[0]; +0x0004 69 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char StrictHandleCheckPolicy[0]; +0x0004 d6 96 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemCallDisablePolicy[4]; /* +0x0004 c6 7c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_WATCHDOG_HANDLER_INFORMATION { unsigned char WdHandler[8]; /* +0x0000 54 ae 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION { unsigned long VolumeLabelLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VolumeLabel[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_GLOBAL_CHANGE_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChangeType; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char SdChange[0]; +0x0008 5d ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SdQueryStats[0]; +0x0008 5e ae 00 00 */ unsigned char SdEnumSds[16]; /* +0x0008 5f ae 00 00 */ }; struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE { unsigned char LockQueue[16]; /* +0x0000 f5 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char OldIrql; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_MSR { unsigned long Msr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Data; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_DELETE_VALUE_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 82 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ValueName[16]; /* +0x0028 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long OldValueType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long OldDataLength; /* +0x003c */ void *OldData; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long NewValueType; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long NewDataLength; /* +0x004c */ void *NewData; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_LIST { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Descriptors[32]; /* +0x0008 71 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_RANGE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Protection; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long FirstBlockInformationOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long NextRangeInformationOffset; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0000 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0010 c0 48 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InInitializationOrderLinks[0]; +0x0020 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char InProgressLinks[16]; /* +0x0020 c0 48 00 00 */ void *DllBase; /* +0x0030 */ void *EntryPoint; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FullDllName[16]; /* +0x0048 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[16]; /* +0x0058 d6 a9 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FlagGroup[0]; +0x0068 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0068 */ /* unsigned char PackagedBinary[0]; +0x0068 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MarkedForRemoval[0]; +0x0068 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDll[0]; +0x0068 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LoadNotificationsSent[0]; +0x0068 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TelemetryEntryProcessed[0]; +0x0068 ee 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessStaticImport[0]; +0x0068 ef 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InLegacyLists[0]; +0x0068 f0 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InIndexes[0]; +0x0068 f1 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ShimDll[0]; +0x0068 c5 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InExceptionTable[0]; +0x0068 c6 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags1[0]; +0x0068 78 ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LoadInProgress[0]; +0x0068 79 ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags2[0]; +0x0068 7a ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EntryProcessed[0]; +0x0068 ca 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags3[0]; +0x0068 7b ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontCallForThreads[0]; +0x0068 7c ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessAttachCalled[0]; +0x0068 b4 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessAttachFailed[0]; +0x0068 8e 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CorDeferredValidate[0]; +0x0068 8f 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CorImage[0]; +0x0068 90 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontRelocate[0]; +0x0068 91 58 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CorILOnly[0]; +0x0068 7d ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags5[0]; +0x0068 7e ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Redirected[0]; +0x0068 7f ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags6[0]; +0x0068 80 ae 00 00 */ unsigned char CompatDatabaseProcessed[4]; /* +0x0068 36 1d 00 00 */ unsigned short ObsoleteLoadCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned short TlsIndex; /* +0x006e */ unsigned char HashLinks[16]; /* +0x0070 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned char EntryPointActivationContext[8]; /* +0x0088 ce 6c 00 00 */ void *PatchInformation; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned char DdagNode[8]; /* +0x0098 82 ae 00 00 */ unsigned char NodeModuleLink[16]; /* +0x00a0 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char SnapContext[8]; /* +0x00b0 84 ae 00 00 */ void *SwitchBackContext; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned char BaseAddressIndexNode[24]; /* +0x00c0 45 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char MappingInfoIndexNode[24]; /* +0x00d8 45 ad 00 00 */ unsigned long long OriginalBase; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned char LoadTime[8]; /* +0x00f8 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long BaseNameHashValue; /* +0x0100 */ }; struct _FILE_GET_EA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EaNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char EaName[3]; /* +0x0005 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_OUTPUT { unsigned long FileEntryCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FirstFileOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_IDLE_STATES { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long TargetProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[32]; /* +0x0018 8c ae 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_BACKTRACE_INFORMATION { char *SymbolicBackTrace; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TraceCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Index; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Depth; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char BackTrace[256]; /* +0x0010 94 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_KEEPALIVE_COUNT_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_LOGGING_ENTRY { unsigned long Reason; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long States; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTION_OPTIONS_INFORMATION { unsigned long FlagsToEnable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FlagsToDisable; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_INTEGRITY_STREAM_INFORMATION { unsigned short ChecksumAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ChecksumChunkShift; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DIAGNOSTIC_BUFFER { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CallerType[8]; /* +0x0008 a2 ae 00 00 */ unsigned long long ProcessImageNameOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ProcessId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ServiceTag; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long DeviceDescriptionOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long DevicePathOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ReasonOffset; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DriverName[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long RaiseIrqls; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AcquireSpinLocks; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SynchronizeExecutions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AllocationsAttempted; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long AllocationsSucceeded; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long AllocationsWithNoTag; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long TrimRequests; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long Trims; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long AllocationsFailed; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long AllocationsFailedDeliberately; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Loads; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long Unloads; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long UnTrackedPool; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long PeakPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long long PagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x0078 */ }; struct _CM_SERIAL_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long BaudClock; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION { unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_GET_QUOTA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SidLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Sid[12]; /* +0x0008 f8 7e 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_CLIENT_PROCESS_BUFFER { void *ClientSession; /* +0x0000 */ void *ClientProcess; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_PROCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfBuf; /* +0x0004 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VA_LIST_INFORMATION { unsigned long long VirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long VirtualPeak; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long VirtualLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long AllocationFailures; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_ASSEMBLY_METADATA { unsigned char Information[8]; /* +0x0000 c4 ae 00 00 */ void *SectionBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SectionLength; /* +0x0010 */ void *SectionGlobalDataBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _LDR_DDAG_NODE { unsigned char Modules[16]; /* +0x0000 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceTagList[8]; /* +0x0010 03 ac 00 00 */ unsigned long LoadCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ReferenceCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long DependencyCount; /* +0x0020 */ /* unsigned char Dependencies[0]; +0x0028 77 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char RemovalLink[8]; /* +0x0028 d2 3c 00 00 */ unsigned char IncomingDependencies[8]; /* +0x0030 77 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char State[8]; /* +0x0038 c7 ae 00 00 */ unsigned char CondenseLink[8]; /* +0x0040 d2 3c 00 00 */ unsigned long PreorderNumber; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long LowestLink; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _LPC_CLIENT_DIED_MSG { unsigned char PortMsg[40]; /* +0x0000 3c ad 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _CSV_INTERNAL_CONTROL_PARAM { unsigned char Operation[8]; /* +0x0000 d4 ae 00 00 */ long long Unused; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MCI_ADDR { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long QuadPart; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_MAILSLOT_PEEK_BUFFER { unsigned long ReadDataAvailable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfMessages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MessageLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct $_s__CatchableTypeArray$_extraBytes_16 { unsigned char nCatchableTypes[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char arrayOfCatchableTypes[16]; /* +0x0004 dc ae 00 00 */ }; struct _WNF_PUBLISH_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char StateName[8]; /* +0x0000 31 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeId[8]; /* +0x0008 0b ad 00 00 */ unsigned char StateData[8]; /* +0x0010 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long StateDataLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char WorkingSetInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 e4 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_DEVICE_CONTROL_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CALL_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalCalls; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char TimeOfCalls[8]; /* +0x0008 f3 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE { unsigned char FileAreaOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PATH { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FilePath[4]; /* +0x000c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HYPERVISOR_QUERY_INFORMATION { unsigned char HypervisorConnected; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Spare0[7]; /* +0x0001 08 a7 00 00 */ unsigned long long EnabledAddressSpaceEnlightenments; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _EISA_IRQ_DESCRIPTOR { /* unsigned char Interrupt[0]; +0x0000 24 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 b9 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LevelTriggered[0]; +0x0000 ba a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 d3 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 d4 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_DISTRIBUTION { unsigned long ProcessorCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Offsets[4]; /* +0x0004 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION { void *TransferAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ZeroBits; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MaximumStackSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CommittedStackSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SubSystemType; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short SubSystemMinorVersion; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short SubSystemMajorVersion; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned long SubSystemVersion; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ImageContainsCode; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char ImageFlags; /* +0x0033 */ /* unsigned char ComPlusNativeReady[0]; +0x0033 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ComPlusILOnly[0]; +0x0033 d1 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0033 d2 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageMappedFlat[0]; +0x0033 15 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char BaseBelow4gb[0]; +0x0033 b9 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0033 d2 8c 00 00 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ImageFileSize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS { unsigned long LogFileFullExceptions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OtherExceptions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MftReads; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MftReadBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MftWrites; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MftWriteBytes; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_POOLTAG_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TagInfo[40]; /* +0x0010 74 aa 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_CYCLE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long long AccumulatedCycles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long CurrentCycleCount; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _HEAP_BLOCK_EXTRA_INFORMATION { unsigned char Next; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_AVL_TREE { unsigned char Root[8]; /* +0x0000 46 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _XSAVE_VENDOR { unsigned char VendorId[16]; /* +0x0000 29 15 00 00 */ unsigned char SupportedCpu[40]; /* +0x0010 32 af 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION32 { unsigned long DebugInfo; /* +0x0000 */ long LockCount; /* +0x0004 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OwningThread; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long LockSemaphore; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SpinCount; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _HEAP_REGION_INFORMATION { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ReserveSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CommitSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long FirstRangeInformationOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long NextRegionInformationOffset; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _COUNTER_READING { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 19 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Index; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Start; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Total; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SEMAPHORE_BASIC_INFORMATION { long CurrentCount; /* +0x0000 */ long MaximumCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_FLAGS { /* unsigned char KernelTransition[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 cc 15 00 00 */ unsigned long ul; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SecurityQos[12]; /* +0x0004 a7 86 00 00 */ unsigned long long MaxMessageLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MemoryBandwidth; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long MaxPoolUsage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long MaxSectionSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long MaxViewSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long MaxTotalSectionSize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long DupObjectTypes; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Handles[24]; /* +0x0008 41 af 00 00 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_WRITE_INPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long FileOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CopyLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long TransferOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Token[512]; /* +0x0020 f5 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_MODE { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char TopDown[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 cc 15 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char EaNameLength; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short EaValueLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char EaName[4]; /* +0x0008 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION { unsigned char Buffer[1]; /* +0x0000 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_AREA_INFO { unsigned long BootSectorCount; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _HARDERROR_MSG { unsigned char h[40]; /* +0x0000 3c ad 00 00 */ long Status; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char ErrorTime[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidResponseOptions; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Response; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long NumberOfParameters; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long UnicodeStringParameterMask; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char Parameters[40]; /* +0x0048 a0 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceGuid[8]; /* +0x0010 bc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Reference[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char Register; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char SymLink[8]; /* +0x0030 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long SymLinkLength; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _RTL_BALANCED_NODE { /* unsigned char Children[0]; +0x0000 5c af 00 00 */ unsigned char Left[8]; /* +0x0000 46 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char Right[8]; /* +0x0008 46 ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Red[0]; +0x0010 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Balance[0]; +0x0010 b7 a7 00 00 */ unsigned long long ParentValue; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_CONTEXT { unsigned char ChainHead[8]; /* +0x0000 7f 53 00 00 */ unsigned char PrevLinkage[8]; /* +0x0008 7f 53 00 00 */ unsigned long long Signature; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFORMATION { unsigned char PriorityHint[4]; /* +0x0000 64 af 00 00 */ }; struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long long TransferAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ZeroBits; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MaximumStackSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CommittedStackSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SubSystemType; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short SubSystemMinorVersion; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short SubSystemMajorVersion; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned long SubSystemVersion; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ImageContainsCode; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char ImageFlags; /* +0x0033 */ /* unsigned char ComPlus[0]; +0x0033 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0033 d1 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0033 40 ad 00 00 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ImageFileSize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 72 af 00 00 */ unsigned char VolumeId[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 10 00 00 */ }; struct _REPAIR_DEFERRED_EXTENTS_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Extents[16]; /* +0x0008 9e ad 00 00 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULES { unsigned long ListAndReset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfModules; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ModuleRequestInfo[24]; /* +0x0008 7a af 00 00 */ unsigned char Modules[32]; /* +0x0020 7c af 00 00 */ }; struct _LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER_ENTRY { unsigned long OffsetToNext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Cluster[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0018 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION { unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x000c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE { unsigned long CurrentSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Epoch[4]; /* +0x0008 e8 a1 00 00 */ unsigned char Overflow; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TableEntry[12288]; /* +0x0010 8a af 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_PROFILING_INFORMATION { unsigned long long HardwareCounters; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Enable; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PerformanceData[8]; /* +0x0010 90 af 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_NAME_INFORMATION { unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_HEAPS { unsigned long NumberOfHeaps; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Heaps[88]; /* +0x0008 98 af 00 00 */ }; struct $_TypeDescriptor$_extraBytes_24 { unsigned char pVFTable[8]; /* +0x0000 5d 1e 00 00 */ void *spare; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char name[24]; /* +0x0010 db a7 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_WOW64_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long UserFlags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_ANSI_STRING_BUFFER { unsigned char String[16]; /* +0x0000 1b ab 00 00 */ unsigned char ByteBuffer[48]; /* +0x0010 a3 af 00 00 */ unsigned char MinimumStaticBufferForTerminalNul[8]; /* +0x0040 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REPAIR_DEFERRED_EXTENTS_OUTPUT { unsigned long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ErrorExtentIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ErrorExtent[16]; /* +0x0008 9d ad 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_EX { unsigned char BasicContext[16]; /* +0x0000 f2 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char SourceLocation[8]; /* +0x0010 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES { unsigned char KtmTransaction[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long NumberOfFiles; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BufferSizeRequired; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE_VALUE { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short RequiredSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0008 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _KSYSTEM_TIME { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long High1Time; /* +0x0004 */ long High2Time; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _LOAD_ASDATA_TABLE { void *Module; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FilePath[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0010 */ void *Handle; /* +0x0018 */ long RefCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char EntryPointActivationContext[8]; /* +0x0028 ce 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_CPU_QUOTA_QUERY_INFORMATION { unsigned long SessionCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SessionInformation[8]; /* +0x0004 c5 af 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_MOVE_CLUSTER_INFORMATION { unsigned long ClusterCount; /* +0x0000 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_VALID_DATA_LENGTH_INFORMATION { unsigned char ValidDataLength[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_STACK_TRACE_DATABASE_CREATE { void *CommitBase; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long CommitSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ReserveSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _STRING32 { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0000 9a 76 00 00 */ unsigned long long __Undefined1; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long __Undefined2; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long __Undefined3; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long NonPagedDebugInfo; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long DllBase; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long EntryPoint; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FullDllName[16]; /* +0x0048 d4 af 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[16]; /* +0x0058 d4 af 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned short __Undefined5; /* +0x006e */ unsigned long long __Undefined6; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long __padding1; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long __padding2; /* +0x0084 */ }; struct _FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ char ShortNameLength; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char ShortName[24]; /* +0x0046 89 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[2]; /* +0x005e 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_HITCOUNT { unsigned long Hits; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PercentFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_COUNTERS_INFORMATION { unsigned char Legacy[128]; /* +0x0000 dc af 00 00 */ unsigned long RaiseIrqls; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long AcquireSpinLocks; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long SynchronizeExecutions; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long AllocationsWithNoTag; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long AllocationsFailed; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long AllocationsFailedDeliberately; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long long LockedBytes; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long long PeakLockedBytes; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long long MappedLockedBytes; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long long PeakMappedLockedBytes; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long long MappedIoSpaceBytes; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long long PeakMappedIoSpaceBytes; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long long PagesForMdlBytes; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long long PeakPagesForMdlBytes; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long long ContiguousMemoryBytes; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned long long PeakContiguousMemoryBytes; /* +0x00e0 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_EXTENDED_THREAD_INFORMATION { unsigned char ThreadInfo[80]; /* +0x0000 df af 00 00 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0050 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x0058 */ void *Win32StartAddress; /* +0x0060 */ void *TebBase; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long Reserved3; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long Reserved4; /* +0x0080 */ }; struct _RTL_RELATIVE_NAME_U { unsigned char RelativeName[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ void *ContainingDirectory; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char CurDirRef[8]; /* +0x0018 e3 af 00 00 */ }; struct _FILEOFFSET_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 e6 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Offset[0]; +0x0000 e7 af 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 e8 af 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_AREA_INFO:: { unsigned char Offset[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORY_SCRUB_INFORMATION { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long PagesScrubbed; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CONTEXT_CHUNK { long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_KEY_USER_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 82 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long OldFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NewFlags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HIBERFILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfMcbPairs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Mcb[8]; /* +0x0008 f3 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _GDI_TEB_BATCH { unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long HDC; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Buffer[1240]; /* +0x0010 05 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _CSV_QUERY_REDIRECT_STATE { unsigned long MdsNodeId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DsNodeId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FileRedirected; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_HANDLE_TABLE { unsigned long MaximumNumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfHandleTableEntry; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long UseHeap; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TableSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char FreeHandles[8]; /* +0x0010 12 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char CommittedHandles[8]; /* +0x0018 12 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char UnCommittedHandles[8]; /* +0x0020 12 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxReservedHandles[8]; /* +0x0028 12 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Id; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FriendlyNameOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BootFilePathOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OsOptionsLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char OsOptions[4]; /* +0x001c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DEBUG_INFORMATION { void *SectionHandleClient; /* +0x0000 */ void *ViewBaseClient; /* +0x0008 */ void *ViewBaseTarget; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ViewBaseDelta; /* +0x0018 */ void *EventPairClient; /* +0x0020 */ void *EventPairTarget; /* +0x0028 */ void *TargetProcessId; /* +0x0030 */ void *TargetThreadHandle; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long OffsetFree; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long CommitSize; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long ViewSize; /* +0x0058 */ /* unsigned char Modules[0]; +0x0060 09 ae 00 00 */ unsigned char ModulesEx[8]; /* +0x0060 1e b0 00 00 */ unsigned char BackTraces[8]; /* +0x0068 7a ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Heaps[8]; /* +0x0070 20 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char Locks[8]; /* +0x0078 22 b0 00 00 */ void *SpecificHeap; /* +0x0080 */ void *TargetProcessHandle; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char VerifierOptions[8]; /* +0x0090 24 b0 00 00 */ void *ProcessHeap; /* +0x0098 */ void *CriticalSectionHandle; /* +0x00a0 */ void *CriticalSectionOwnerThread; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char Reserved[32]; /* +0x00b0 25 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_SYSTEM_DLL_INIT_BLOCK { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SystemDllWowRelocation; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long SystemDllNativeRelocation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Wow64SharedInformation[64]; /* +0x0010 5a 51 00 00 */ unsigned long RngData; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long MitigationOptions; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _RTL_RESOURCE { unsigned char CriticalSection[40]; /* +0x0000 bc 2a 00 00 */ void *SharedSemaphore; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char NumberOfWaitingShared[8]; /* +0x0030 e8 a1 00 00 */ void *ExclusiveSemaphore; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char NumberOfWaitingExclusive[4]; /* +0x0040 e8 a1 00 00 */ unsigned char NumberOfActive[4]; /* +0x0044 19 a2 00 00 */ void *ExclusiveOwnerThread; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char DebugInfo[8]; /* +0x0058 3b 49 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_AFFINITY_UPDATE_MODE { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char EnableAutoUpdate[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Permanent[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 f9 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_CHANGE_MACHINE_SID_OUTPUT { unsigned long long NumSDChangedSuccess; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NumSDChangedFail; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long NumSDUnused; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long NumSDTotal; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long NumMftSDChangedSuccess; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long NumMftSDChangedFail; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long NumMftSDTotal; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULE_REQUEST:: { /* unsigned char MD5Hash[0]; +0x0000 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char ModuleName[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TypeName[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long TotalNumberOfObjects; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TotalNumberOfHandles; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TotalPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TotalNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long TotalNamePoolUsage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long TotalHandleTableUsage; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long HighWaterNumberOfObjects; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long HighWaterNumberOfHandles; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long HighWaterPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long HighWaterNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long HighWaterNamePoolUsage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long HighWaterHandleTableUsage; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long InvalidAttributes; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char GenericMapping[16]; /* +0x0044 28 52 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidAccessMask; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char SecurityRequired; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char MaintainHandleCount; /* +0x0059 */ unsigned long PoolType; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long DefaultPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long DefaultNonPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0064 */ }; struct _FSCTL_QUERY_FAT_BPB_BUFFER { unsigned char First0x24BytesOfBootSector[36]; /* +0x0000 42 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _DEVICE_FLAGS { /* unsigned char Failed[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReadOnly[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Removable[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConsoleIn[0]; +0x0000 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConsoleOut[0]; +0x0000 ee 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Input[0]; +0x0000 ef 34 00 00 */ unsigned char Output[4]; /* +0x0000 f0 34 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HandleCountHighWatermark; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER { unsigned short DriveSelect; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxCylinders; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short SectorsPerTrack; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short MaxHeads; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short NumberDrives; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_LEGACY_DEVGEN_DATA { unsigned char ServiceName[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long DeviceInstanceLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _LPC_UNREGISTER_PROCESS_MSG { unsigned char PortMsg[40]; /* +0x0000 3c ad 00 00 */ void *UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _PROCESS_EXCEPTION_PORT { void *ExceptionPortHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _KEY_HANDLE_TAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long HandleTags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_MODULE_BASIC_INFO { void *ImageBase; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION { unsigned char Name[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_KERNEL_DEBUGGER_INFORMATION { unsigned char KernelDebuggerEnabled; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KernelDebuggerNotPresent; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _REG_NOTIFY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Action[4]; /* +0x0004 6e b0 00 00 */ unsigned long KeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Key[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS { unsigned char Foreground; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PriorityClass; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _TXFS_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE_INFO { unsigned char TransactionsActiveAtSnapshot; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _EVENT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char EventType[4]; /* +0x0000 79 b0 00 00 */ long EventState; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_PROFILE_CONTROL_AREA { unsigned char PebsDsSaveArea[96]; /* +0x0000 a6 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR { unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Length; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long TimeStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DosPath[16]; /* +0x0008 1b ab 00 00 */ }; struct _PAGE_PRIORITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long PagePriority; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _POWER_STATE { /* unsigned char SystemState[0]; +0x0000 e0 19 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceState[4]; /* +0x0000 de 19 00 00 */ }; struct _CLIENT_ID64 { unsigned long long UniqueProcess; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long UniqueThread; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_BLOCKED_DRIVER_DATA { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0004 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DISK_COUNTERS { unsigned long long BytesRead; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long BytesWritten; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ReadOperationCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long WriteOperationCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long FlushOperationCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SI_COPYFILE { unsigned long SourceFileNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DestinationFileNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileNameBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_ELEVATION_FLAGS { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char ElevationEnabled[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualizationEnabled[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InstallerDetectEnabled[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedBits[4]; /* +0x0000 a4 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_LOG { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[160]; /* +0x0000 db 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextRecord[1232]; /* +0x00a0 95 18 00 00 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0570 b5 b0 00 00 */ long Disposition; /* +0x0574 */ unsigned long long Thread; /* +0x0578 */ unsigned long long ControlPc; /* +0x0580 */ void *Handler; /* +0x0588 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_CHANNEL_INFORMATION { unsigned long ChannelNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChannelHeatIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long TotalPageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ZeroPageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long FreePageCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long StandbyPageCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PointerCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0018 29 15 00 00 */ unsigned long NameInfoSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long TypeInfoSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SecurityDescriptorSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_SECTION_HEADER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CoverageType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MD5Hash[16]; /* +0x0008 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long CoverageVectorSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long CoverageVectorOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ExtraDataOffset; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _PORT_DATA_ENTRY { void *Base; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO { void *HandleValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long HandleCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long PointerCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ObjectTypeIndex; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long HandleAttributes; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _CM_COMPONENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0000 cd b0 00 00 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Key; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long AffinityMask; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MUIREGISTRYINFO { unsigned char Owned[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InstallLanguageFallback[8]; /* +0x0004 bb 5f 00 00 */ unsigned long Generation; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ProcessGeneration; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Installed[8]; /* +0x0018 d1 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char Strings[8]; /* +0x0020 21 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char MachineConfig[8]; /* +0x0028 d3 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char UserConfig[8]; /* +0x0030 d3 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char MachinePreferred[8]; /* +0x0038 d5 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char UserPreferred[8]; /* +0x0040 d5 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessPreferred[8]; /* +0x0048 d5 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char MergedUser[8]; /* +0x0050 d5 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char MergedMachine[8]; /* +0x0058 d5 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char MergedFallback[8]; /* +0x0060 d5 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char PrevRegInfo[8]; /* +0x0068 fd aa 00 00 */ unsigned long MUI_Locked; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long MUI_SE; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long MUI_NumberAllowed; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned char MUI_AllowedLanguage[8]; /* +0x0080 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char MUI_InstalledSKU[8]; /* +0x0088 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long cbInstalledSKU; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long cbAllowedLanguage; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned char MUI_DisallowedLanguage[8]; /* +0x0098 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long cbDisallowedLanguage; /* +0x00a0 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_BACKTRACES { unsigned long long CommittedMemory; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ReservedMemory; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfBackTraceLookups; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfBackTraces; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char BackTraces[272]; /* +0x0018 d9 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_NAMES_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_EA_INFORMATION { unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE { unsigned char ListEntry[16]; /* +0x0000 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char FunctionTable[8]; /* +0x0010 f7 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long MinimumAddress; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long MaximumAddress; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long BaseAddress; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char Callback[8]; /* +0x0038 e6 62 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char OutOfProcessCallbackDll[8]; /* +0x0048 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0050 f1 b0 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0054 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION_ALIGN64 { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0008 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_INSTALL_DATA { unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Buffer[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_POLICY_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PolicyId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Policy[48]; /* +0x0008 ff b0 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB { unsigned char NtTib[56]; /* +0x0000 57 51 00 00 */ void *EnvironmentPointer; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0040 ff a9 00 00 */ void *ActiveRpcHandle; /* +0x0050 */ void *ThreadLocalStoragePointer; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char ProcessEnvironmentBlock[8]; /* +0x0060 07 b1 00 00 */ unsigned long LastErrorValue; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long CountOfOwnedCriticalSections; /* +0x006c */ void *CsrClientThread; /* +0x0070 */ void *Win32ThreadInfo; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned char User32Reserved[104]; /* +0x0080 08 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char UserReserved[24]; /* +0x00e8 09 b1 00 00 */ void *WOW32Reserved; /* +0x0100 */ unsigned long CurrentLocale; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long FpSoftwareStatusRegister; /* +0x010c */ unsigned char SystemReserved1[432]; /* +0x0110 0a b1 00 00 */ long ExceptionCode; /* +0x02c0 */ unsigned char ActivationContextStackPointer[8]; /* +0x02c8 b2 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBytes[24]; /* +0x02d0 0b b1 00 00 */ unsigned long TxFsContext; /* +0x02e8 */ unsigned char GdiTebBatch[1256]; /* +0x02f0 0c b1 00 00 */ unsigned char RealClientId[16]; /* +0x07d8 ff a9 00 00 */ void *GdiCachedProcessHandle; /* +0x07e8 */ unsigned long GdiClientPID; /* +0x07f0 */ unsigned long GdiClientTID; /* +0x07f4 */ void *GdiThreadLocalInfo; /* +0x07f8 */ unsigned char Win32ClientInfo[496]; /* +0x0800 0d b1 00 00 */ unsigned char glDispatchTable[1864]; /* +0x09f0 0e b1 00 00 */ unsigned char glReserved1[232]; /* +0x1138 0f b1 00 00 */ void *glReserved2; /* +0x1220 */ void *glSectionInfo; /* +0x1228 */ void *glSection; /* +0x1230 */ void *glTable; /* +0x1238 */ void *glCurrentRC; /* +0x1240 */ void *glContext; /* +0x1248 */ unsigned long LastStatusValue; /* +0x1250 */ unsigned char StaticUnicodeString[16]; /* +0x1258 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char StaticUnicodeBuffer[528]; /* +0x1268 10 b1 00 00 */ void *DeallocationStack; /* +0x1478 */ unsigned char TlsSlots[512]; /* +0x1480 11 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char TlsLinks[16]; /* +0x1680 c0 48 00 00 */ void *Vdm; /* +0x1690 */ void *ReservedForNtRpc; /* +0x1698 */ unsigned char DbgSsReserved[16]; /* +0x16a0 e4 8c 00 00 */ unsigned long HardErrorMode; /* +0x16b0 */ unsigned char Instrumentation[88]; /* +0x16b8 12 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x1710 bb 14 00 00 */ void *SubProcessTag; /* +0x1720 */ void *EtwLocalData; /* +0x1728 */ void *EtwTraceData; /* +0x1730 */ void *WinSockData; /* +0x1738 */ unsigned long GdiBatchCount; /* +0x1740 */ /* unsigned char CurrentIdealProcessor[0]; +0x1744 08 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long IdealProcessorValue; /* +0x1744 */ unsigned char ReservedPad0; /* +0x1744 */ unsigned char ReservedPad1; /* +0x1745 */ unsigned char ReservedPad2; /* +0x1746 */ unsigned char IdealProcessor; /* +0x1747 */ unsigned long GuaranteedStackBytes; /* +0x1748 */ void *ReservedForPerf; /* +0x1750 */ void *ReservedForOle; /* +0x1758 */ unsigned long WaitingOnLoaderLock; /* +0x1760 */ void *SavedPriorityState; /* +0x1768 */ unsigned long long ReservedForCodeCoverage; /* +0x1770 */ void *ThreadPoolData; /* +0x1778 */ unsigned char TlsExpansionSlots[8]; /* +0x1780 47 16 00 00 */ void *DeallocationBStore; /* +0x1788 */ void *BStoreLimit; /* +0x1790 */ unsigned long MuiGeneration; /* +0x1798 */ unsigned long IsImpersonating; /* +0x179c */ void *NlsCache; /* +0x17a0 */ void *pShimData; /* +0x17a8 */ unsigned short HeapVirtualAffinity; /* +0x17b0 */ unsigned short LowFragHeapDataSlot; /* +0x17b2 */ void *CurrentTransactionHandle; /* +0x17b8 */ unsigned char ActiveFrame[8]; /* +0x17c0 13 b1 00 00 */ void *FlsData; /* +0x17c8 */ void *PreferredLanguages; /* +0x17d0 */ void *UserPrefLanguages; /* +0x17d8 */ void *MergedPrefLanguages; /* +0x17e0 */ unsigned long MuiImpersonation; /* +0x17e8 */ /* unsigned char CrossTebFlags[0]; +0x17ec 14 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareCrossTebBits[2]; /* +0x17ec 15 b1 00 00 */ unsigned short SameTebFlags; /* +0x17ee */ /* unsigned char SafeThunkCall[0]; +0x17ee ca 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InDebugPrint[0]; +0x17ee cb 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HasFiberData[0]; +0x17ee e1 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SkipThreadAttach[0]; +0x17ee e2 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WerInShipAssertCode[0]; +0x17ee 5e a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RanProcessInit[0]; +0x17ee 5f a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ClonedThread[0]; +0x17ee 60 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SuppressDebugMsg[0]; +0x17ee 16 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisableUserStackWalk[0]; +0x17ee 17 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RtlExceptionAttached[0]; +0x17ee 18 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InitialThread[0]; +0x17ee 19 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SessionAware[0]; +0x17ee a8 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisabledStackCheck[0]; +0x17ee a9 61 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareSameTebBits[2]; /* +0x17ee 1a b1 00 00 */ void *TxnScopeEnterCallback; /* +0x17f0 */ void *TxnScopeExitCallback; /* +0x17f8 */ void *TxnScopeContext; /* +0x1800 */ unsigned long LockCount; /* +0x1808 */ unsigned long SpareUlong0; /* +0x180c */ void *ResourceRetValue; /* +0x1810 */ void *ReservedForWdf; /* +0x1818 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TotalInUse; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PeakUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PageFileName[16]; /* +0x0010 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _WNF_TYPE_ID { unsigned char TypeId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_GET_ROOT { void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long RootIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CancelResolution; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char NoMoreEntries; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char Root[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _REPAIR_COPIES_OUTPUT { unsigned char FileOffsetRestart[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Extents[16]; /* +0x0010 9e ad 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_LFG_RNG_STATE { unsigned char SeedArray[224]; /* +0x0000 25 b1 00 00 */ long Next; /* +0x00e0 */ long NextP; /* +0x00e4 */ }; struct _FILE_LAYOUT_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NextFileOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long FileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long FirstNameOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long FirstStreamOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ExtraInfoOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _CSV_IS_OWNED_BY_CSVFS { unsigned char OwnedByCSVFS; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME { unsigned char Previous[8]; /* +0x0000 4a ab 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[8]; /* +0x0008 ce 6c 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TIME_FIELDS { short Year; /* +0x0000 */ short Month; /* +0x0002 */ short Day; /* +0x0004 */ short Hour; /* +0x0006 */ short Minute; /* +0x0008 */ short Second; /* +0x000a */ short Milliseconds; /* +0x000c */ short Weekday; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _Wx86ThreadState { unsigned long *CallBx86Eip; /* +0x0000 */ void *DeallocationCpu; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char UseKnownWx86Dll; /* +0x0010 */ char OleStubInvoked; /* +0x0011 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_RESOLUTION_SUCCESSFUL { void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RootIndexUsed; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_BACKOFF { unsigned long Delay; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _DEDUP_CHUNK_INFORMATION_HASH32 { unsigned long ChunkFlags; /* +0x0000 */ long long ChunkOffsetInFile; /* +0x0008 */ long long ChunkSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char HashVal[32]; /* +0x0018 35 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_CACHED_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SubKeys; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MaxNameLen; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Values; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxValueNameLen; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaxValueDataLen; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TRACING_ENABLE_EX { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalSlots; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _EISA_PORT_DESCRIPTOR { /* unsigned char NumberPorts[0]; +0x0000 46 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 ba a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 d3 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 d4 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { unsigned char IdleProcessTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char IoReadTransferCount[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char IoWriteTransferCount[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char IoOtherTransferCount[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long IoReadOperationCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long IoWriteOperationCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long IoOtherOperationCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AvailablePages; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long CommittedPages; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CommitLimit; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long PeakCommitment; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CopyOnWriteCount; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TransitionCount; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long CacheTransitionCount; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long DemandZeroCount; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long PageReadCount; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long PageReadIoCount; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long CacheReadCount; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long CacheIoCount; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long DirtyPagesWriteCount; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long DirtyWriteIoCount; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long MappedPagesWriteCount; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long MappedWriteIoCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long PagedPoolPages; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolPages; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long PagedPoolAllocs; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long PagedPoolFrees; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolAllocs; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolFrees; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long FreeSystemPtes; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long ResidentSystemCodePage; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long TotalSystemDriverPages; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long TotalSystemCodePages; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolLookasideHits; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long PagedPoolLookasideHits; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long AvailablePagedPoolPages; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long ResidentSystemCachePage; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long ResidentPagedPoolPage; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long ResidentSystemDriverPage; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long CcFastReadNoWait; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long CcFastReadWait; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long CcFastReadResourceMiss; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long CcFastReadNotPossible; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadNoWait; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadWait; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadResourceMiss; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadNotPossible; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned long CcMapDataNoWait; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long CcMapDataWait; /* +0x00d4 */ unsigned long CcMapDataNoWaitMiss; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned long CcMapDataWaitMiss; /* +0x00dc */ unsigned long CcPinMappedDataCount; /* +0x00e0 */ unsigned long CcPinReadNoWait; /* +0x00e4 */ unsigned long CcPinReadWait; /* +0x00e8 */ unsigned long CcPinReadNoWaitMiss; /* +0x00ec */ unsigned long CcPinReadWaitMiss; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned long CcCopyReadNoWait; /* +0x00f4 */ unsigned long CcCopyReadWait; /* +0x00f8 */ unsigned long CcCopyReadNoWaitMiss; /* +0x00fc */ unsigned long CcCopyReadWaitMiss; /* +0x0100 */ unsigned long CcMdlReadNoWait; /* +0x0104 */ unsigned long CcMdlReadWait; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long CcMdlReadNoWaitMiss; /* +0x010c */ unsigned long CcMdlReadWaitMiss; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long CcReadAheadIos; /* +0x0114 */ unsigned long CcLazyWriteIos; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned long CcLazyWritePages; /* +0x011c */ unsigned long CcDataFlushes; /* +0x0120 */ unsigned long CcDataPages; /* +0x0124 */ unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0128 */ unsigned long FirstLevelTbFills; /* +0x012c */ unsigned long SecondLevelTbFills; /* +0x0130 */ unsigned long SystemCalls; /* +0x0134 */ unsigned long long CcTotalDirtyPages; /* +0x0138 */ unsigned long long CcDirtyPageThreshold; /* +0x0140 */ long long ResidentAvailablePages; /* +0x0148 */ }; struct _RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO { unsigned char BasicInfo[8]; /* +0x0000 4d b1 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short FileNameOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char FullPathName[258]; /* +0x000e f6 19 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_WS_WATCH_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned char BasicInfo[16]; /* +0x0000 48 ae 00 00 */ unsigned long long FaultingThreadId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FP_80 { unsigned char W[12]; /* +0x0000 29 15 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_TOKEN_ATTR { unsigned char TokenId[8]; /* +0x0000 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0008 cf 17 00 00 */ unsigned char ModifiedId[8]; /* +0x0010 cf 17 00 00 */ }; struct _KUSER_SHARED_DATA { unsigned long TickCountLowDeprecated; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TickCountMultiplier; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char InterruptTime[12]; /* +0x0008 5b b1 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemTime[12]; /* +0x0014 5b b1 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZoneBias[12]; /* +0x0020 5b b1 00 00 */ unsigned short ImageNumberLow; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short ImageNumberHigh; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char NtSystemRoot[520]; /* +0x0030 ec 18 00 00 */ unsigned long MaxStackTraceDepth; /* +0x0238 */ unsigned long CryptoExponent; /* +0x023c */ unsigned long TimeZoneId; /* +0x0240 */ unsigned long LargePageMinimum; /* +0x0244 */ unsigned long AitSamplingValue; /* +0x0248 */ unsigned long AppCompatFlag; /* +0x024c */ unsigned long long RNGSeedVersion; /* +0x0250 */ unsigned long GlobalValidationRunlevel; /* +0x0258 */ unsigned char Reserved2[8]; /* +0x025c 9a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char NtProductType[4]; /* +0x0264 5c b1 00 00 */ unsigned char ProductTypeIsValid; /* +0x0268 */ unsigned char Reserved0[1]; /* +0x0269 ca 14 00 00 */ unsigned short NativeProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x026a */ unsigned long NtMajorVersion; /* +0x026c */ unsigned long NtMinorVersion; /* +0x0270 */ unsigned char ProcessorFeatures[64]; /* +0x0274 34 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x02b4 */ unsigned long Reserved3; /* +0x02b8 */ unsigned char TimeSlip[4]; /* +0x02bc e8 a1 00 00 */ unsigned char AlternativeArchitecture[4]; /* +0x02c0 5d b1 00 00 */ unsigned char AltArchitecturePad[4]; /* +0x02c4 c7 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemExpirationDate[8]; /* +0x02c8 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long SuiteMask; /* +0x02d0 */ unsigned char KdDebuggerEnabled; /* +0x02d4 */ unsigned char MitigationPolicies; /* +0x02d5 */ /* unsigned char NXSupportPolicy[0]; +0x02d5 b7 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SEHValidationPolicy[0]; +0x02d5 b8 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CurDirDevicesSkippedForDlls[0]; +0x02d5 e9 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x02d5 bb a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved6[2]; /* +0x02d6 99 1b 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveConsoleId[4]; /* +0x02d8 e8 a1 00 00 */ unsigned char DismountCount[4]; /* +0x02dc e8 a1 00 00 */ unsigned long ComPlusPackage; /* +0x02e0 */ unsigned long LastSystemRITEventTickCount; /* +0x02e4 */ unsigned long NumberOfPhysicalPages; /* +0x02e8 */ unsigned char SafeBootMode; /* +0x02ec */ unsigned char Reserved12[3]; /* +0x02ed ca 15 00 00 */ unsigned long SharedDataFlags; /* +0x02f0 */ /* unsigned char DbgErrorPortPresent[0]; +0x02f0 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgElevationEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgVirtEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgInstallerDetectEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgLkgEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 ee 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgDynProcessorEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 ef 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgConsoleBrokerEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 f0 34 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[4]; /* +0x02f0 29 4b 00 00 */ unsigned char DataFlagsPad[4]; /* +0x02f4 c7 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long TestRetInstruction; /* +0x02f8 */ unsigned long Reserved9; /* +0x0300 */ unsigned long Reserved10; /* +0x0304 */ unsigned char SystemCallPad[24]; /* +0x0308 5e b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TickCount[0]; +0x0320 5b b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TickCountQuad[0]; +0x0320 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedTickCountOverlay[12]; /* +0x0320 29 15 00 00 */ unsigned char TickCountPad[4]; /* +0x032c c7 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Cookie; /* +0x0330 */ unsigned char CookiePad[4]; /* +0x0334 c7 14 00 00 */ long long ConsoleSessionForegroundProcessId; /* +0x0338 */ unsigned char TimeUpdateSequence[8]; /* +0x0340 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned long long LastTimeUpdateQpcValue; /* +0x0348 */ unsigned long long LastInterruptTimeUpdateQpcValue; /* +0x0350 */ unsigned long long QpcTimeIncrement; /* +0x0358 */ unsigned long QpcTimeIncrement32; /* +0x0360 */ unsigned char Reserved8[28]; /* +0x0364 54 66 00 00 */ unsigned char UserModeGlobalLogger[32]; /* +0x0380 5d a7 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageFileExecutionOptions; /* +0x03a0 */ unsigned long LangGenerationCount; /* +0x03a4 */ unsigned char InterruptTimeBias[8]; /* +0x03a8 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned char TscQpcBias[8]; /* +0x03b0 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveProcessorCount[4]; /* +0x03b8 e8 a1 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveGroupCount[1]; /* +0x03bc 5f b1 00 00 */ unsigned char QpcTimeIncrementShift; /* +0x03bd */ unsigned short TscQpcData; /* +0x03be */ unsigned char TscQpcEnabled[1]; /* +0x03be 5f b1 00 00 */ unsigned char TscQpcShift; /* +0x03bf */ unsigned char XState[528]; /* +0x03c0 05 5f 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PREFETCH { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Prefetch[8]; /* +0x0008 28 6f 00 00 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA { /* unsigned char ResolutionBeginning[0]; +0x0000 68 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char GetRoot[0]; +0x0000 69 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ResolutionSuccessful[0]; +0x0000 6a b1 00 00 */ unsigned char ResolutionEnding[64]; /* +0x0000 6b b1 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION { unsigned long AlignmentFixupCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionDispatchCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FloatingEmulationCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ByteWordEmulationCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CM_FLOPPY_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Size[8]; /* +0x0004 e8 3a 00 00 */ unsigned long MaxDensity; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MountDensity; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char StepRateHeadUnloadTime; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char HeadLoadTime; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char MotorOffTime; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char SectorLengthCode; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char SectorPerTrack; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ReadWriteGapLength; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char DataTransferLength; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char FormatGapLength; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char FormatFillCharacter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char HeadSettleTime; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char MotorSettleTime; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char MaximumTrackValue; /* +0x001f */ unsigned char DataTransferRate; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION { unsigned char CurrentFrequency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ThermalLimitFrequency; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char ConstantThrottleFrequency; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char DegradedThrottleFrequency; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char LastBusyFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char LastC3Frequency; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char LastAdjustedBusyFrequency; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char ProcessorMinThrottle; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char ProcessorMaxThrottle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfFrequencies; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PromotionCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DemotionCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ErrorCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long RetryCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long CurrentFrequencyTime; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long CurrentProcessorTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long CurrentProcessorIdleTime; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long LastProcessorTime; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long LastProcessorIdleTime; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _RTL_RXACT_LOG { unsigned long OperationCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LogSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long LogSizeInUse; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Alignment; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _LDR_RESLOADER_RET { void *Module; /* +0x0000 */ void *DataEntry; /* +0x0008 */ void *TargetModule; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION { unsigned char DriverName[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ void *ImageAddress; /* +0x0010 */ void *SectionPointer; /* +0x0018 */ void *EntryPoint; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ExportSectionPointer[8]; /* +0x0028 d1 84 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageLength; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _LEARNING_MODE_OBJECT_INFORMATION { unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 d2 3c 00 00 */ unsigned char LogLevel[8]; /* +0x0008 81 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectType[8]; /* +0x0010 18 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectName[8]; /* +0x0018 18 ab 00 00 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FullObjectName[16]; /* +0x0028 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VHD_BOOT_INFORMATION { unsigned char OsDiskIsVhd; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OsVhdFilePathOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char OsVhdParentVolume[4]; /* +0x0008 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULES { unsigned long NumberOfModules; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Modules[296]; /* +0x0008 90 b1 00 00 */ }; struct _PEB { unsigned char InheritedAddressSpace; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ReadImageFileExecOptions; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char BeingDebugged; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char BitField; /* +0x0003 */ /* unsigned char ImageUsesLargePages[0]; +0x0003 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0003 d1 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsLegacyProcess[0]; +0x0003 d2 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0003 15 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SkipPatchingUser32Forwarders[0]; +0x0003 b9 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[5]; /* +0x0003 d2 8c 00 00 */ void *Mutant; /* +0x0008 */ void *ImageBaseAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Ldr[8]; /* +0x0018 e4 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessParameters[8]; /* +0x0020 69 ae 00 00 */ void *SubSystemData; /* +0x0028 */ void *ProcessHeap; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char FastPebLock[8]; /* +0x0038 4c 3d 00 00 */ void *AtlThunkSListPtr; /* +0x0040 */ void *IFEOKey; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long CrossProcessFlags; /* +0x0050 */ /* unsigned char ProcessInJob[0]; +0x0050 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessInitializing[0]; +0x0050 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingVEH[0]; +0x0050 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingVCH[0]; +0x0050 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingFTH[0]; +0x0050 ee 34 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedBits0[8]; /* +0x0050 c0 ac 00 00 */ void *KernelCallbackTable; /* +0x0058 */ void *UserSharedInfoPtr; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char SystemReserved[4]; /* +0x0060 c7 14 00 00 */ unsigned long AtlThunkSListPtr32; /* +0x0064 */ void *ApiSetMap; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long TlsExpansionCounter; /* +0x0070 */ void *TlsBitmap; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned char TlsBitmapBits[8]; /* +0x0080 9a 1f 00 00 */ void *ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; /* +0x0088 */ void *HotpatchInformation; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned char ReadOnlyStaticServerData[8]; /* +0x0098 47 16 00 00 */ void *AnsiCodePageData; /* +0x00a0 */ void *OemCodePageData; /* +0x00a8 */ void *UnicodeCaseTableData; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long NtGlobalFlag; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned char CriticalSectionTimeout[8]; /* +0x00c0 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long HeapSegmentReserve; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long long HeapSegmentCommit; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long long HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned long long HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x00e0 */ unsigned long NumberOfHeaps; /* +0x00e8 */ unsigned long MaximumNumberOfHeaps; /* +0x00ec */ unsigned char ProcessHeaps[8]; /* +0x00f0 47 16 00 00 */ void *GdiSharedHandleTable; /* +0x00f8 */ void *ProcessStarterHelper; /* +0x0100 */ unsigned long GdiDCAttributeList; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned char LoaderLock[8]; /* +0x0110 4c 3d 00 00 */ unsigned long OSMajorVersion; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned long OSMinorVersion; /* +0x011c */ unsigned short OSBuildNumber; /* +0x0120 */ unsigned short OSCSDVersion; /* +0x0122 */ unsigned long OSPlatformId; /* +0x0124 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystem; /* +0x0128 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystemMajorVersion; /* +0x012c */ unsigned long ImageSubsystemMinorVersion; /* +0x0130 */ unsigned long long ActiveProcessAffinityMask; /* +0x0138 */ unsigned char GdiHandleBuffer[240]; /* +0x0140 c3 af 00 00 */ unsigned char PostProcessInitRoutine[8]; /* +0x0230 da 85 00 00 */ void *TlsExpansionBitmap; /* +0x0238 */ unsigned char TlsExpansionBitmapBits[128]; /* +0x0240 8e 84 00 00 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x02c0 */ unsigned char AppCompatFlags[8]; /* +0x02c8 39 53 00 00 */ unsigned char AppCompatFlagsUser[8]; /* +0x02d0 39 53 00 00 */ void *pShimData; /* +0x02d8 */ void *AppCompatInfo; /* +0x02e0 */ unsigned char CSDVersion[16]; /* +0x02e8 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivationContextData[8]; /* +0x02f8 95 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessAssemblyStorageMap[8]; /* +0x0300 97 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemDefaultActivationContextData[8]; /* +0x0308 95 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemAssemblyStorageMap[8]; /* +0x0310 97 b1 00 00 */ unsigned long long MinimumStackCommit; /* +0x0318 */ unsigned char FlsCallback[8]; /* +0x0320 99 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char FlsListHead[16]; /* +0x0328 c0 48 00 00 */ void *FlsBitmap; /* +0x0338 */ unsigned char FlsBitmapBits[16]; /* +0x0340 99 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long FlsHighIndex; /* +0x0350 */ void *WerRegistrationData; /* +0x0358 */ void *WerShipAssertPtr; /* +0x0360 */ void *pUnused; /* +0x0368 */ void *pImageHeaderHash; /* +0x0370 */ unsigned long TracingFlags; /* +0x0378 */ /* unsigned char HeapTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0378 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CritSecTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0378 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LibLoaderTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0378 ec 34 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareTracingBits[8]; /* +0x0378 a4 b0 00 00 */ unsigned long long CsrServerReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; /* +0x0380 */ }; struct _CALL_FRAME { void *ReturnAddress; /* +0x0000 */ void *Param1Home; /* +0x0008 */ void *Param2Home; /* +0x0010 */ void *Param3Home; /* +0x0018 */ void *Param4Home; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CODEINTEGRITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CodeIntegrityOptions; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESS_ACCESS_TOKEN { void *Token; /* +0x0000 */ void *Thread; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_RESPONSE { unsigned long ResponseLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberEntries; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Lev1Depends[0]; +0x0008 b0 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char Lev2Depends[68]; /* +0x0008 b2 b1 00 00 */ }; struct _LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfClusters; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Cluster[8]; /* +0x0008 f3 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION { unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DpcCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DpcRate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TimeIncrement; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DpcBypassCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ApcBypassCount; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _TXFS_START_RM_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long LogContainerSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMin; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMax; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long LogGrowthIncrement; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long LogAutoShrinkPercentage; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long TmLogPathOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short TmLogPathLength; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short LoggingMode; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned short LogPathLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x002a */ unsigned char LogPath[4]; /* +0x002c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _STREAM_LAYOUT_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NextStreamOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExtentInformationOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long StreamIdentifierLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char StreamIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0028 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _PARSE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cwSavColumn; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long iwSrc; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long iwDst; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long iwDstSpace; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpvArgStart; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_INPUT { unsigned long NumberOfPairs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FilterType[4]; /* +0x0008 c3 b1 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_INPUT:: { /* unsigned char ClusterRanges[0]; +0x0000 c7 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char FileReferenceRanges[16]; /* +0x0000 c8 b1 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_VOLUME_NAME_INFORMATION { unsigned long DeviceNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceName[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _KAFFINITY_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT { unsigned char Affinity[8]; /* +0x0000 50 ae 00 00 */ unsigned long long CurrentMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short CurrentIndex; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long InfoSize; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char CodeInfo[0]; +0x0008 d2 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char KernelInfo[0]; +0x0008 d3 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UserModeInfo[0]; +0x0008 d4 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InjectionInfo[0]; +0x0008 d5 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char AtomicSwap[48]; /* +0x0008 d6 b1 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long long ParentDirectory; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ObjectHandle1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ObjectHandle2; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned short NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short TargetNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short TargetNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long long TargetProcess; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned short NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short TargetNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short TargetNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char PatchingFinished; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned short NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long DescriptorsCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CodeDescriptors[40]; /* +0x0008 e1 b1 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_INFORMATION { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0004 e6 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char ValidFlags[4]; /* +0x0008 e6 b1 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UNICODE_STRING_BUFFER { unsigned char String[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ByteBuffer[48]; /* +0x0010 a3 af 00 00 */ unsigned char MinimumStaticBufferForTerminalNul[8]; /* +0x0040 99 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0040 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LockingTransactionId[16]; /* +0x0048 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TxInfoFlags; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x005c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_FAILURE_DATA { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x0004 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char AdditionalInfo[64]; /* +0x0044 b0 18 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HYPERVISOR_PROCESSOR_COUNT_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfLogicalProcessors; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfCores; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _X86_CALL_FRAME { unsigned long ReturnAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Param1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Param2; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CompatibilityArea; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _UNIQUE_PROCESS_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 e6 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UniqueProcessKey[0]; +0x0000 e7 af 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 e8 af 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_QUERY_DEBUG_INFORMATION_INFO { unsigned long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _XSAVE_VENDORS { unsigned long NumberOfVendors; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Vendor[56]; /* +0x0008 14 b2 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ALL_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicInformation[40]; /* +0x0000 17 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardInformation[24]; /* +0x0028 18 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char InternalInformation[8]; /* +0x0040 19 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char EaInformation[4]; /* +0x0048 4b ac 00 00 */ unsigned char AccessInformation[4]; /* +0x004c f6 ae 00 00 */ unsigned char PositionInformation[8]; /* +0x0050 1a b2 00 00 */ unsigned char ModeInformation[4]; /* +0x0058 ee aa 00 00 */ unsigned char AlignmentInformation[4]; /* +0x005c 29 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char NameInformation[8]; /* +0x0060 1b b2 00 00 */ }; struct _FP_IEEE_RECORD { unsigned char Operand1[24]; /* +0x0000 20 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char Operand2[24]; /* +0x0018 20 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char Result[24]; /* +0x0030 20 b2 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_ROM_BLOCK { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE_VALUES { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfValues; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Attributes[212]; /* +0x0008 2c b2 00 00 */ }; struct _LUNICODE_STRING { unsigned long long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long MaximumLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Buffer[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _WINDOWS_OS_OPTIONS { unsigned char Signature[8]; /* +0x0000 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long OsLoadPathOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char OsLoadOptions[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_ABSOLUTE_INFORMATION { unsigned char StartTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long long NumberOfRecords; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long FillLevel; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_LINKS_INFORMATION { unsigned long BytesNeeded; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EntriesReturned; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Entry[24]; /* +0x0008 3e b2 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_INFORMATION { unsigned long MaxIdlenessAllowed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Idleness; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TimeRemaining; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CoolingMode; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_PARAMETERS { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long SegmentReserve; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long SegmentCommit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long MaximumAllocationSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long VirtualMemoryThreshold; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long InitialCommit; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long InitialReserve; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char CommitRoutine[8]; /* +0x0048 43 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0050 e9 49 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_MODE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Mode; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _LAST_EXCEPTION_LOG { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[160]; /* +0x0000 db 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextRecord[1232]; /* +0x00a0 95 18 00 00 */ unsigned long ControlPc; /* +0x0570 */ unsigned char Disposition[4]; /* +0x0574 94 18 00 00 */ unsigned char HandlerData[24]; /* +0x0578 09 b1 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_RXACT_CONTEXT { void *RootRegistryKey; /* +0x0000 */ void *RXactKey; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char HandlesValid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char RXactLog[8]; /* +0x0018 4b b2 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AllocatedInfo[24]; /* +0x0008 0f aa 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BasicInfo[48]; /* +0x0008 5a b2 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0038 */ /* unsigned char IsProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0038 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsWow64Process[0]; +0x0038 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProcessDeleting[0]; +0x0038 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsCrossSessionCreate[0]; +0x0038 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsFrozen[0]; +0x0038 ee 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsIdleAware[0]; +0x0038 ef 34 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[8]; /* +0x0038 5b b2 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SYSTEM_DISK_INFORMATION { unsigned char SystemDisk[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _PLEX_READ_DATA_REQUEST { unsigned char ByteOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ByteLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PlexNumber; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CALL_COUNT_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfTables; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK:::: { /* unsigned char Valid[0]; +0x0000 5b 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 6d b2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 6d ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 6e b2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PageTable[0]; +0x0000 6f b2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Location[0]; +0x0000 70 b2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved2[0]; +0x0000 71 b2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Bad[0]; +0x0000 73 ad 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedUlong[8]; /* +0x0000 74 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _API_SET_NAMESPACE_ARRAY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Array[12]; /* +0x0008 76 b2 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_QUERY_TIME_ADJUST_INFORMATION { unsigned long TimeAdjustment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeIncrement; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Enable; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS { unsigned long MaximumLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DebugFlags; /* +0x000c */ void *ConsoleHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ConsoleFlags; /* +0x0018 */ void *StandardInput; /* +0x0020 */ void *StandardOutput; /* +0x0028 */ void *StandardError; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char CurrentDirectory[24]; /* +0x0038 7c b2 00 00 */ unsigned char DllPath[16]; /* +0x0050 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ImagePathName[16]; /* +0x0060 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char CommandLine[16]; /* +0x0070 d6 a9 00 00 */ void *Environment; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long StartingX; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long StartingY; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long CountX; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long CountY; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long CountCharsX; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long CountCharsY; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long FillAttribute; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long WindowFlags; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long ShowWindowFlags; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char WindowTitle[16]; /* +0x00b0 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char DesktopInfo[16]; /* +0x00c0 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char ShellInfo[16]; /* +0x00d0 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char RuntimeData[16]; /* +0x00e0 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentDirectores[768]; /* +0x00f0 7d b2 00 00 */ unsigned char EnvironmentSize[8]; /* +0x03f0 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned char EnvironmentVersion[8]; /* +0x03f8 2f ab 00 00 */ unsigned char PackageMoniker[16]; /* +0x0400 d6 a9 00 00 */ void *PackageDependencyData; /* +0x0410 */ unsigned long ProcessGroupId; /* +0x0418 */ }; struct _FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION { void *DestinationFile; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ObjectInformationLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ObjectInformation[4]; /* +0x000c 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _TP_TASK_CALLBACKS { unsigned char ExecuteCallback[8]; /* +0x0000 86 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char Unposted[8]; /* +0x0008 ab ad 00 00 */ }; struct _SE_LEARNING_MODE_USER_OBJECT_DATA { unsigned long Cookie; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ObjectType[8]; /* +0x0008 18 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectName[8]; /* +0x0010 18 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned long ReparseTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ReparseDataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ /* unsigned char SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer[0]; +0x0008 8f b2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MountPointReparseBuffer[0]; +0x0008 90 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char GenericReparseBuffer[16]; /* +0x0008 91 b2 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER:::: { unsigned short SubstituteNameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short SubstituteNameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short PrintNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short PrintNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char PathBuffer[2]; /* +0x0008 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER:::: { unsigned short SubstituteNameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short SubstituteNameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short PrintNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short PrintNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PathBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _HOTPATCH_HOOK_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long long TargetAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long MappedAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CodeOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CodeSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OrigCodeOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ValidationOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ValidationSize; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_INFORMATION { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short EntryOverhead; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long long BytesAllocated; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BytesCommitted; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NumberOfTags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long NumberOfPseudoTags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PseudoTagGranularity; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char Reserved[24]; /* +0x0030 09 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char Tags[8]; /* +0x0048 67 ae 00 00 */ unsigned char Entries[8]; /* +0x0050 9c b2 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_WALK_ENTRY { void *DataAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long DataSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char OverheadBytes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char SegmentIndex; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0012 */ /* unsigned char Block[0]; +0x0018 a3 b2 00 00 */ unsigned char Segment[24]; /* +0x0018 a4 b2 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_WALK_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long CommittedSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UnCommittedSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *FirstEntry; /* +0x0008 */ void *LastEntry; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_WALK_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long long Settable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short TagIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x000c 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _VM_COUNTERS_EX { unsigned long long PeakVirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long VirtualSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long PeakWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long WorkingSetSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long QuotaPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long PagefileUsage; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long PrivateUsage; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _QUAD { long long UseThisFieldToCopy; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DoNotUseThisField[8]; /* +0x0000 41 00 00 00 */ }; struct _VARIABLE_NAME_AND_VALUE { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ValueOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char VendorGuid[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0020 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_REGISTRY_APPEND_STRING_PARAMETERS { void *KeyHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ValueNamePointer[8]; /* +0x0008 18 ab 00 00 */ unsigned long *RequiredLengthPointer; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char *AppendBuffer; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AppendBufferLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char CreateIfDoesntExist; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char TruncateExistingValue; /* +0x0035 */ }; struct _PROCESS_STACK_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned long PreferredNode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved0; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AllocInfo[24]; /* +0x0010 bb b2 00 00 */ }; struct _STREAM_EXTENT_ENTRY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _THREAD_TEB_INFORMATION { void *TebInformation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TebOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BytesToRead; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_WAKE_FILTER { unsigned long HighEdgeFilter; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LowEdgeFilter; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_LAYOUT_NAME_ENTRY { unsigned long NextNameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long ParentFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0018 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _MCA_EXCEPTION:::: { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Type; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MCA_EXCEPTION:::: { unsigned char BankNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved2[7]; /* +0x0001 08 a7 00 00 */ unsigned char Status[8]; /* +0x0008 62 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x0010 da b2 00 00 */ unsigned long long Misc; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK { unsigned char EventGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EventCategory[8]; /* +0x0010 e0 b2 00 00 */ unsigned long *Result; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long TotalSize; /* +0x0024 */ void *DeviceObject; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char DeviceId[2]; /* +0x0000 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char PowerSettingGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char ParentId[2]; /* +0x0000 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char BlockedDriverGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char VetoType[4]; /* +0x0000 7d ab 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceIdVetoNameBuffer[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned long NotificationCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NotificationData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { void *Notification; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { void *NotificationStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceId[8]; /* +0x0008 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char ClassGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SymbolicLinkName[4]; /* +0x0010 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ID_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0048 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0050 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _POOLED_USAGE_AND_LIMITS { unsigned long long PeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long PagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long PagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long PeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long NonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long NonPagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long PagefileUsage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long PagefileLimit; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _CLUSTER_RANGE { unsigned char StartingCluster[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ClusterCount[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_SCSI_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HostIdentifier; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _REPARSE_INDEX_KEY { unsigned long FileReparseTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0004 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _REMOTE_LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_ { void *TargetFileObject; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TargetLinkTrackingInformationLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TargetLinkTrackingInformationBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS { unsigned long long NumberOfTransactions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long BufferSizeRequired; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_BUS_DATA { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char BusDataType[4]; /* +0x0014 1d b3 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SlotNumber; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _PREFIX_TABLE { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[8]; /* +0x0008 8a b1 00 00 */ }; struct _REQUEST_RAW_ENCRYPTED_DATA { long long FileOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_STATE_DISTRIBUTION { unsigned long ProcessorNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StateCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char States[8]; /* +0x0008 27 b3 00 00 */ }; struct _INITIAL_TEB:: { void *OldStackBase; /* +0x0000 */ void *OldStackLimit; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_LOCKS { unsigned long NumberOfLocks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Locks[48]; /* +0x0008 2f b3 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { long Bias; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StandardName[64]; /* +0x0004 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardStart[16]; /* +0x0044 9d b1 00 00 */ long StandardBias; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char DaylightName[64]; /* +0x0058 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DaylightStart[16]; /* +0x0098 9d b1 00 00 */ long DaylightBias; /* +0x00a8 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_CALLBACK_INFORMATION { void *CallbackObject; /* +0x0000 */ void *Context; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FP_32 { unsigned char W[4]; /* +0x0000 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ void *Object; /* +0x0008 */ void *CreatorUniqueProcess; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x001a */ long PointerCount; /* +0x001c */ long HandleCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0028 */ void *ExclusiveProcessId; /* +0x0030 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char NameInfo[16]; /* +0x0040 3c b3 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_SIZE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TotalAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AvailableAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long SectorsPerAllocationUnit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_DEVICE { unsigned char Header[8]; /* +0x0000 5a ab 00 00 */ unsigned char InstancePath[4]; /* +0x0008 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_CONTROL_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MUILANGLISTNODE { unsigned short LanguageType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ short LanguageSpec; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_CLIENT_PROCESS_BUFFER_EX { void *ClientSession; /* +0x0000 */ void *ClientProcess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ClientComputerNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ClientComputerBuffer[38]; /* +0x0012 a5 47 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG32 { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long CriticalSection; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ProcessLocksList[8]; /* +0x0008 4f 92 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Spare[8]; /* +0x0018 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REFERENCE_RANGE { unsigned long long StartingFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndingFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long AttributeCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION:: { unsigned char pAttributeV1[8]; /* +0x0000 7a b3 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_REMOTE_INFORMATION { unsigned char CollectDataTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long MaximumCollectionCount; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ALPC_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SequenceNo; /* +0x0004 */ void *PortContext; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FILE_LEVEL_TRIM { unsigned long Key; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumRanges; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Ranges[16]; /* +0x0008 88 b3 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION { unsigned long RegistryQuotaAllowed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RegistryQuotaUsed; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long PagedPoolSize; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DISPATCHER_CONTEXT { unsigned long long ControlPc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ImageBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FunctionEntry[8]; /* +0x0010 f7 3a 00 00 */ unsigned long long EstablisherFrame; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long TargetIp; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ContextRecord[8]; /* +0x0028 96 18 00 00 */ unsigned char LanguageHandler[8]; /* +0x0030 99 18 00 00 */ void *HandlerData; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char HistoryTable[8]; /* +0x0040 d2 95 00 00 */ unsigned long ScopeIndex; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long Fill0; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _FILE_IS_REMOTE_DEVICE_INFORMATION { unsigned char IsRemote; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION { unsigned long Number; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxMhz; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurrentMhz; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MhzLimit; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MaxIdleState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CurrentIdleState; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _LDR_SECTION_INFO { void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ObjA[8]; /* +0x0010 a1 b3 00 00 */ unsigned long SectionPageProtection; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AllocationAttributes; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY:::: { unsigned char CombinedPage[8]; /* +0x0000 5b 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY:::: { /* unsigned char Image[0]; +0x0000 5b 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char Mismatch[8]; /* +0x0000 62 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY:: { /* unsigned char e1[0]; +0x0000 b0 b3 00 00 */ /* unsigned char e2[0]; +0x0000 b1 b3 00 00 */ /* unsigned char e3[0]; +0x0000 b2 b3 00 00 */ unsigned char e4[8]; /* +0x0000 b3 b3 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ALLOCATED_RANGE_BUFFER { unsigned char FileOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Length[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE32 { unsigned long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x0014 b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[8]; /* +0x0054 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0040 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_READ_INPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TokenTimeToLive; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long FileOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CopyLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_LOGO_INFORMATION { unsigned char Bitmap[1]; /* +0x0000 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION { long ExitStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PebBaseAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 07 b1 00 00 */ unsigned long long AffinityMask; /* +0x0010 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA { /* unsigned char Loaded[0]; +0x0000 18 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char Unloaded[40]; /* +0x0000 da b3 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_NUMA_PROXIMITY_MAP { unsigned long NodeProximityId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NodeNumber; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_KEY_LAST_WRITE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 82 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char OldLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char NewLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PCCARD_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ErrorCode; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long BusData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DeviceId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LegacyBaseAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char IRQMap[16]; /* +0x0010 bb 10 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS { unsigned char Parent[8]; /* +0x0000 ba ad 00 00 */ unsigned char LeftChild[8]; /* +0x0008 ba ad 00 00 */ unsigned char RightChild[8]; /* +0x0010 ba ad 00 00 */ char Balance; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Reserved[7]; /* +0x0019 ca 15 00 00 */ }; struct _COUNTED_REASON_CONTEXT { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ResourceFileName[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned short ResourceReasonId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long StringCount; /* +0x001c */ /* unsigned char ReasonStrings[-24]; +0x0020 18 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char SimpleString[32]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE_ENTRY { /* unsigned char FunctionTable[0]; +0x0000 f7 3a 00 00 */ unsigned char DynamicTable[8]; /* +0x0000 1b aa 00 00 */ void *ImageBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SizeOfTable; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _PROCESS_REVOKE_FILE_HANDLES_INFORMATION { unsigned char TargetDevicePath[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_QUERY_STATS_OUTPUT { unsigned long long SdsStreamSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long SdsAllocationSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long SiiStreamSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long SiiAllocationSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SdhStreamSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long SdhAllocationSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long NumSDTotal; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long NumSDUnused; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x001c b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[12]; /* +0x005c 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ShareDisposition; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Class; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved2; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long IdLowPart; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdHighPart; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Length64; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Length48; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Length40; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Start; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Data[12]; /* +0x0000 29 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Channel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RequestLine; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Channel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Port; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { /* unsigned char Raw[0]; +0x0000 2a b4 00 00 */ unsigned char Translated[16]; /* +0x0000 2b b4 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::::::: { unsigned long Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Vector; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Affinity; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::::::: { unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MessageCount; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Vector; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Affinity; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ATOM_TABLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfAtoms; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Atoms[4]; /* +0x0004 27 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTROPY_NT_RESULT { unsigned long maxEntropySources; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EntropySourceResult[728]; /* +0x0008 3a b4 00 00 */ unsigned char SeedBytesForCng[48]; /* +0x02e0 4d ac 00 00 */ }; struct _EISA_MEMORY_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char ConfigurationByte[1]; /* +0x0000 3d b4 00 00 */ unsigned char DataSize; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AddressLowWord; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char AddressHighByte; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MemorySize; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION64 { long ExitStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Pad1[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long PebBaseAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long AffinityMask; /* +0x0010 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Pad2[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Protocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ProtocolMajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ProtocolMinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short ProtocolRevision; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_SET_DEFECT_MGMT_BUFFER { unsigned char Disable; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TIMER_SET_COALESCABLE_TIMER_INFO { unsigned char DueTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TimerApcRoutine[8]; /* +0x0008 04 af 00 00 */ void *TimerContext; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char WakeContext[8]; /* +0x0018 4b b4 00 00 */ unsigned long Period; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long TolerableDelay; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char *PreviousState; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char FileSystem[9]; /* +0x0000 4e b4 00 00 */ }; struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[8]; /* +0x0008 17 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char LastNextEntry[8]; /* +0x0010 17 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_SESSION_INFORMATION { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CONTEXT_SWITCH_INFORMATION { unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FindAny; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FindLast; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FindIdeal; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long IdleAny; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long IdleCurrent; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long IdleLast; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long IdleIdeal; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long PreemptAny; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PreemptCurrent; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PreemptLast; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SwitchToIdle; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _CONTEXT_EX { unsigned char All[8]; /* +0x0000 69 b3 00 00 */ unsigned char Legacy[8]; /* +0x0008 69 b3 00 00 */ unsigned char XState[8]; /* +0x0010 69 b3 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_DEVICE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfDisks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfFloppies; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfCdRoms; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfTapes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfSerialPorts; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfParallelPorts; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FLS_DATA { unsigned char Entry[16]; /* +0x0000 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char Slots[1024]; /* +0x0010 67 b4 00 00 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_HEADER { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 76 b4 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_RESOLUTION_BEGINNING { unsigned char Data[8]; /* +0x0000 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0008 */ void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Root[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char KnownRoot; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long RootCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char CancelResolution; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _MEMORY_COMBINE_INFORMATION { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long PagesCombined; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long long CommittedSize; /* +0x0000 */ void *FirstBlock; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long long Settable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_THREAD_CID_PRIORITY_INFORMATION { unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0000 ff a9 00 00 */ long Priority; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_CREATE_DELETE_KEY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 82 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long SecurityDescriptorLength; /* +0x0028 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short ClassLength; /* +0x0038 */ void *ClassData; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char SymbolicLink; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _FILE_IOSTATUSBLOCK_RANGE_INFORMATION { unsigned char *IoStatusBlockRange; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _KEY_WRITE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION { long long FileReference; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0008 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthVolumeId[16]; /* +0x0018 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthObjectId[16]; /* +0x0028 bb 10 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DomainId[-32]; +0x0038 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtendedInfo[48]; /* +0x0018 4d ac 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ long long Process; /* +0x0008 */ long long Thread; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0018 ef b0 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageInformation[64]; /* +0x0028 7f b0 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TRACING_QUERY { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalTraces; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char HandleTrace[160]; /* +0x0010 b5 b4 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PROFILE_CONTROL_AREA { unsigned char ProcessorProfileControlArea[8]; /* +0x0000 bc b4 00 00 */ unsigned char Allocate; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_WAKE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NotificationChannel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char WakeCounters[32]; /* +0x0008 5f a7 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_OPEN_SUBKEYS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyArray[24]; /* +0x0008 c4 b4 00 00 */ }; struct _EXTENDED_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INFO { unsigned long ExtendedCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION { void *VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION:: { /* unsigned char VirtualAttributes[0]; +0x0000 d4 b4 00 00 */ unsigned long long Long; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _LDRP_CSLIST { unsigned char Tail[8]; /* +0x0000 d3 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_MODIFY_RM { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMax; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMin; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LogContainerCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long LogGrowthIncrement; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogAutoShrinkPercentage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short LoggingMode; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _ALPC_SECURITY_ATTR { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char QoS[8]; /* +0x0008 a8 86 00 00 */ void *ContextHandle; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_FAULTS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Probability; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxProbability; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PoolTags[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char Applications[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0008 */ void *ViewBase; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ViewSize; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CM_PNP_BIOS_DEVICE_NODE { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Node; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long ProductId; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char DeviceType[3]; /* +0x0007 ca 15 00 00 */ unsigned short DeviceAttributes; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_TARGET_RELATION_DATA { void *UserFileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ long Status; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DeviceInstanceLen; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0010 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char CurrentByteOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_DEVICE_RELATIONS_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char Operation[4]; /* +0x0010 dd b2 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Buffer[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_NUMA_NODE_INFORMATION { unsigned short NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENUMERATOR { unsigned char HashEntry[24]; /* +0x0000 67 b3 00 00 */ unsigned char ChainHead[8]; /* +0x0018 7f 53 00 00 */ unsigned long BucketIndex; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _CSTRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Buffer[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char Set[0]; +0x0000 14 b5 00 00 */ unsigned char Query[40]; /* +0x0000 15 b5 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_WINDOW_INFORMATION { unsigned long WindowFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short WindowTitleLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char WindowTitle[2]; /* +0x0006 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_QUERY_RM_INFORMATION { unsigned long BytesRequired; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long TailLsn; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CurrentLsn; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ArchiveTailLsn; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long LogContainerSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char HighestVirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0028 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long LogContainerCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMax; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMin; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long LogGrowthIncrement; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long LogAutoShrinkPercentage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short LoggingMode; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x004a */ unsigned long RmState; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long long LogCapacity; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long LogFree; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long TopsSize; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long TopsUsed; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long TransactionCount; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long OnePCCount; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long TwoPCCount; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long NumberLogFileFull; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long long OldestTransactionAge; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned char RMName[16]; /* +0x0098 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TmLogPathOffset; /* +0x00a8 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_BACKTRACES_CONTROL { unsigned long ControlCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ControlSize; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ControlData[0]; +0x0008 ca 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DatabaseCreate[24]; /* +0x0008 2a b5 00 00 */ }; struct _CURDIR { unsigned char DosPath[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ void *Handle; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION_EX { /* unsigned char Set[0]; +0x0000 36 b5 00 00 */ unsigned char Query[40]; /* +0x0000 37 b5 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ long long ParentFileId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FP_IEEE_VALUE:: { /* unsigned char RoundingMode[0]; +0x0000 b1 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Inexact[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Underflow[0]; +0x0000 ed 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Overflow[0]; +0x0000 ee 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ZeroDivide[0]; +0x0000 ef 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InvalidOperation[0]; +0x0000 f0 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OperandValid[0]; +0x0000 f1 34 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Format[0]; +0x0000 12 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Precision[0]; +0x0000 13 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Operation[0]; +0x0000 3c b5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Spare[0]; +0x0000 3d b5 00 00 */ unsigned char HardwareException[4]; /* +0x0000 36 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _FP_IEEE_VALUE:: { short I16Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short U16Value; /* +0x0000 */ long I32Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long U32Value; /* +0x0000 */ void *StringValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CompareValue; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Fp32Value[0]; +0x0000 40 b5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char I64Value[0]; +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char U64Value[0]; +0x0000 39 53 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Fp64Value[0]; +0x0000 41 b5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Fp80Value[0]; +0x0000 db ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Fp128Value[16]; /* +0x0000 58 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _XSAVE_FEATURE { unsigned long FeatureId; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Vendors[0]; +0x0008 4d b5 00 00 */ unsigned long long Unused; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long AllocatedAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ValidAttributes; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_PROCESS_IDS_USING_FILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfProcessIdsInList; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ProcessIdList[8]; /* +0x0008 28 6f 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_MONITOR_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short HorizontalScreenSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short VerticalScreenSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short HorizontalResolution; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short VerticalResolution; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short HorizontalDisplayTimeLow; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short HorizontalDisplayTime; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short HorizontalDisplayTimeHigh; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short HorizontalBackPorchLow; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short HorizontalBackPorch; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short HorizontalBackPorchHigh; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned short HorizontalFrontPorchLow; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short HorizontalFrontPorch; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short HorizontalFrontPorchHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short HorizontalSyncLow; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short HorizontalSync; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short HorizontalSyncHigh; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned short VerticalBackPorchLow; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short VerticalBackPorch; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned short VerticalBackPorchHigh; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short VerticalFrontPorchLow; /* +0x002a */ unsigned short VerticalFrontPorch; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short VerticalFrontPorchHigh; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short VerticalSyncLow; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short VerticalSync; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned short VerticalSyncHigh; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _PORT_DATA_INFORMATION { unsigned long CountDataEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DataEntries[16]; /* +0x0008 5e b5 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_HANDLE_ATTR { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ void *Handle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ObjectType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_2600 { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *Data; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0010 */ void *SectionGlobalData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0020 */ void *SectionBase; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SectionTotalLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[8]; /* +0x0038 ce 6c 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _PROCESS_WS_WATCH_INFORMATION { void *FaultingPc; /* +0x0000 */ void *FaultingVa; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_UNLOADED_MODULE_ENTRY { unsigned char NextEntry[16]; /* +0x0000 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[16]; /* +0x0010 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char FullDllName[16]; /* +0x0020 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x0030 */ void *CoverageSection; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _RTLP_PROCESS_REFLECTION_CONTEXT { unsigned long long ReflectionContextSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReflectionFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ReflectionRoutine[8]; /* +0x0010 9c ab 00 00 */ void *ReflectionParameter; /* +0x0018 */ void *ReflectedProcessCreatedEvent; /* +0x0020 */ void *ReflectedProcessHandlesDuplicatedEvent; /* +0x0028 */ void *ReflectionStartEvent; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ReflectionInformation[32]; /* +0x0038 ee ac 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD { unsigned char Next[8]; /* +0x0000 0b 7e 00 00 */ unsigned char Handler[8]; /* +0x0008 99 18 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_FULL_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ClassOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClassLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SubKeys; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxNameLen; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaxClassLen; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Values; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MaxValueNameLen; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MaxValueDataLen; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Class[4]; /* +0x002c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PageSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfPhysicalPages; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long LowestPhysicalPageNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HighestPhysicalPageNumber; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AllocationGranularity; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long MinimumUserModeAddress; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long MaximumUserModeAddress; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ActiveProcessorsAffinityMask; /* +0x0030 */ char NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _FILE_SFIO_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned long MaximumRequestsPerPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MinimumPeriod; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinimumTransferSize; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _HEAP_BLOCK_SETTABLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long Settable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short TagIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY32 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0000 4f 92 00 00 */ unsigned long __Undefined1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long __Undefined2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long __Undefined3; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonPagedDebugInfo; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DllBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EntryPoint; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0024 06 ab 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x002c 06 ab 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short __Undefined5; /* +0x003a */ unsigned long __Undefined6; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS_ENTRY { unsigned char TransactionId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TransactionState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0018 */ long long Reserved3; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_PEEK_BUFFER { unsigned long NamedPipeState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReadDataAvailable; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfMessages; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MessageLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0010 6d 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_STRINGS { unsigned long NullDeviceInstance; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceInstanceStrings[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _MUTANT_OWNER_INFORMATION { unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0000 ff a9 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PREFETCH_EX { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ void *Context; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Prefetch[8]; /* +0x0010 28 6f 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char InterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0000 9a ad 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PartialResourceList[28]; /* +0x0008 b2 b5 00 00 */ }; struct _PORT_MESSAGE:::: { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ short DataInfoOffset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _PORT_MESSAGE:::: { short DataLength; /* +0x0000 */ short TotalLength; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION { unsigned long FileSystemAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ long MaximumComponentNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileSystemNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileSystemName[4]; /* +0x000c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _MUICCHEADER { unsigned char ulMaxStringsSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulSizeStrings[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulMaxNumInstalledCultures[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulNumInstalledCultures[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulMaxNumUnverifiedCultures[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulNumUnverifiedCultures[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VDM_INSTEMUL_INFO { unsigned long SegmentNotPresent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VdmOpcode0F; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long OpcodeESPrefix; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OpcodeCSPrefix; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long OpcodeSSPrefix; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long OpcodeDSPrefix; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OpcodeFSPrefix; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long OpcodeGSPrefix; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long OpcodeOPER32Prefix; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long OpcodeADDR32Prefix; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long OpcodeINSB; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long OpcodeINSW; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTSB; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTSW; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long OpcodePUSHF; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long OpcodePOPF; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long OpcodeINTnn; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long OpcodeINTO; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long OpcodeIRET; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long OpcodeINBimm; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long OpcodeINWimm; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTBimm; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTWimm; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long OpcodeINB; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long OpcodeINW; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTB; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTW; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long OpcodeLOCKPrefix; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long OpcodeREPNEPrefix; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long OpcodeREPPrefix; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long OpcodeHLT; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long OpcodeCLI; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long OpcodeSTI; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long BopCount; /* +0x0084 */ }; struct _PATHNAME_BUFFER { unsigned long PathNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0004 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_SERVER_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char In[0]; +0x0000 d4 b5 00 00 */ unsigned char Out[32]; /* +0x0000 d5 b5 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_SERVER_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned char ThreadBlocked; /* +0x0000 */ void *ConnectedProcessId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ConnectionPortName[16]; /* +0x0010 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_SERVER_INFORMATION:::: { void *ThreadHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_DPC_BEHAVIOR_INFORMATION { unsigned long Spare; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DpcQueueDepth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinimumDpcRate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AdjustDpcThreshold; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long IdealDpcRate; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _EISA_DMA_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char ConfigurationByte0[1]; /* +0x0000 e1 b5 00 00 */ unsigned char ConfigurationByte1[1]; /* +0x0001 e2 b5 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE { unsigned char TableRoot[8]; /* +0x0000 ea a9 00 00 */ unsigned char InsertOrderList[16]; /* +0x0008 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned char OrderedPointer[8]; /* +0x0018 7f 53 00 00 */ unsigned long WhichOrderedElement; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long NumberGenericTableElements; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char CompareRoutine[8]; /* +0x0028 ec b5 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocateRoutine[8]; /* +0x0030 ed b5 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeRoutine[8]; /* +0x0038 b1 b5 00 00 */ void *TableContext; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET { unsigned char MajorFunctionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RetryCount; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short DumpDataSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short NumberOfStrings; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short StringOffset; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short EventCategory; /* +0x0008 */ long ErrorCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long UniqueErrorValue; /* +0x0010 */ long FinalStatus; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long SequenceNumber; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long IoControlCode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char DeviceOffset[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char DumpData[8]; /* +0x0028 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DEDUP_QUERY_FILE_HASHES_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long QueryFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HashAlgorithm; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char RangeOffsetInFile[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char RangeLength[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOOKASIDE_INFORMATION { unsigned short CurrentDepth; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumDepth; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long TotalAllocates; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AllocateMisses; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TotalFrees; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FreeMisses; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _MUTANT_BASIC_INFORMATION { long CurrentCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char OwnedByCaller; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AbandonedState; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_FILECACHE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long CurrentSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long PeakSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MinimumWorkingSet; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long MaximumWorkingSet; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long CurrentSizeIncludingTransitionInPages; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long PeakSizeIncludingTransitionInPages; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long TransitionRePurposeCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _MEMORY_FRAME_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char UseDescription[0]; +0x0000 01 b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ListDescription[0]; +0x0000 02 b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 03 b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Pinned[0]; +0x0000 9d ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 e7 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Priority[0]; +0x0000 04 b6 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 05 b6 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_SET_VIRTUALIZATION_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char VirtualTarget[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualStore[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualSource[0]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 a4 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION { unsigned long DeviceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOL_ENTRY { unsigned char Allocated; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Spare0; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Tag[0]; +0x0008 36 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long TagUlong; /* +0x0008 */ void *ProcessChargedQuota; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char State[8]; /* +0x0008 15 b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InitState[0]; +0x0010 16 b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FailSection[0]; +0x0010 17 b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExeFormat[0]; +0x0010 18 b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExeName[0]; +0x0010 19 b6 00 00 */ unsigned char SuccessState[72]; /* +0x0010 1a b6 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR { void *PortContext; /* +0x0000 */ void *MessageContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MessageId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long CallbackId; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX { void *Object; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long HandleValue; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short ObjectTypeIndex; /* +0x001e */ unsigned long HandleAttributes; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _MUILANGCFGNODE { short LangSpec; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short FallbackTypes; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FallbackSpecs[6]; /* +0x0006 27 b6 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_CANCELLATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long CancelProbability; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CancelThreshold; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CompletionThreshold; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CancellationVerifierDisabled; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AvailableIssues; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Issues[4096]; /* +0x0018 2c b6 00 00 */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS:: { unsigned long Calls; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Clusters; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Hints; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RunsReturned; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long HintsHonored; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HintsClusters; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Cache; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long CacheClusters; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long CacheMiss; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long CacheMissClusters; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS:: { unsigned short Write; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Create; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short SetInfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Flush; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS:: { unsigned short Write; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Create; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short SetInfo; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MEMORY_REGION_INFORMATION { void *AllocationBase; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RegionType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long RegionSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CommitSize; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_NUMA_INFORMATION { unsigned long HighestNodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ActiveProcessorsGroupAffinity[0]; +0x0008 3d b6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AvailableMemory[0]; +0x0008 e9 18 00 00 */ unsigned char Pad[1024]; /* +0x0008 3e b6 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE64 { unsigned long long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x001c b0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[12]; /* +0x005c 9a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_NODE_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ClassOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClassLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0018 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PartialDescriptors[20]; /* +0x0008 49 b6 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_QUERY_AND_REMOVE_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char VetoType[4]; /* +0x0014 7d ab 00 00 */ unsigned char VetoName[8]; /* +0x0018 71 06 00 00 */ unsigned long VetoNameLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_TAG_INFO { unsigned long NumberOfAllocations; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfFrees; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long BytesAllocated; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WNF_UPDATE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char StateName[8]; /* +0x0000 33 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeId[8]; /* +0x0008 ae b1 00 00 */ unsigned char StateData[8]; /* +0x0010 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0018 */ void *ExplicitScope; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SD_QUERY_STATS_INPUT { unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FP_128 { unsigned char W[16]; /* +0x0000 99 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_AND_OPERATION_INFORMATION { unsigned char Attributes[8]; /* +0x0000 d0 b4 00 00 */ unsigned char Operations[8]; /* +0x0008 4f af 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION { unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0000 bb 10 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtendedInfo[48]; /* +0x0010 4d ac 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HANDLER { unsigned long ProviderSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Register; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FirmwareTableHandler[8]; /* +0x0008 d3 aa 00 00 */ void *DriverObject; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION { void *Section; /* +0x0000 */ void *MappedBase; /* +0x0008 */ void *ImageBase; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ImageSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short LoadOrderIndex; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short InitOrderIndex; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short OffsetToFileName; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned char FullPathName[256]; /* +0x0028 f6 19 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_DLL_UNLOADED_NOTIFICATION_DATA { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0008 84 b4 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x0010 84 b4 00 00 */ void *DllBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION_OUT { unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0000 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_BLOCK_INFORMATION { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long DataSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long OverheadSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long NextBlockInformationOffset; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _TP_DEBUG_FREE_INFO { unsigned long FreeListSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_PHYSICAL { unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[8]; /* +0x0008 8a b1 00 00 */ unsigned char Links[24]; /* +0x0010 e9 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char Prefix[8]; /* +0x0028 1c ab 00 00 */ }; struct _PAGEDIR_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 e6 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PageDirectoryBase[0]; +0x0000 e7 af 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 e8 af 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FrameName[8]; /* +0x0008 ee 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_LIST_INFORMATION { unsigned long long ZeroPageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long FreePageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ModifiedPageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ModifiedNoWritePageCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long BadPageCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char PageCountByPriority[64]; /* +0x0028 ba ac 00 00 */ unsigned char RepurposedPagesByPriority[64]; /* +0x0068 ba ac 00 00 */ unsigned long long ModifiedPageCountPageFile; /* +0x00a8 */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES_ENTRY { unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameFlags; /* +0x0008 */ long long FileId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x001c */ long long Reserved3; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0028 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _TIMER_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char RemainingTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TimerState; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _REASON_BUFFER { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ResourceFileNameOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ResourceReasonId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long StringCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long SubstitutionStringsOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SimpleStringOffset; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WORKER_FACTORY_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char Timeout[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char RetryTimeout[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char IdleTimeout[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Paused; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char TimerSet; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char QueuedToExWorker; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char MayCreate; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char CreateInProgress; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char InsertedIntoQueue; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char Shutdown; /* +0x001e */ unsigned long BindingCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ThreadMinimum; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ThreadMaximum; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PendingWorkerCount; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long WaitingWorkerCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long TotalWorkerCount; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ReleaseCount; /* +0x0038 */ long long InfiniteWaitGoal; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char StartRoutine[8]; /* +0x0048 9c ab 00 00 */ void *StartParameter; /* +0x0050 */ void *ProcessId; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long StackReserve; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long StackCommit; /* +0x0068 */ long LastThreadCreationStatus; /* +0x0070 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Previous[8]; /* +0x0008 13 b1 00 00 */ unsigned char Context[8]; /* +0x0010 f4 ad 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length64; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment64; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length48; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment48; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length40; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment40; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Priority; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MinBusNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaxBusNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long RequestLine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Channel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TransferWidth; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long MinimumChannel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumChannel; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long MinimumVector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumVector; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AffinityPolicy[4]; /* +0x0008 90 b5 00 00 */ unsigned char PriorityPolicy[4]; /* +0x000c 50 b1 00 00 */ unsigned long long TargetedProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _XSAVE_SUPPORTED_CPU { unsigned char CpuInfo[32]; /* +0x0000 a2 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CpuErrata[0]; +0x0020 63 ac 00 00 */ unsigned long long Unused; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_PROPERTY_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long PropertyType; /* +0x0010 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _HARDWARE_COUNTER { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 19 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Index; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _REMOTE_PORT_VIEW { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ViewSize; /* +0x0008 */ void *ViewBase; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FSCTL_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION_BUFFER { unsigned short ChecksumAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SECURITY_SEED_AND_LENGTH { unsigned char Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Seed; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { unsigned long OutputFlags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char ProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0000 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AddressSpaceOverride[0]; +0x0000 d1 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DevOverrideEnabled[0]; +0x0000 d2 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ManifestDetected[0]; +0x0000 15 af 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits1[1]; /* +0x0000 25 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits2[1]; /* +0x0001 26 b7 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits3[6]; /* +0x0002 15 b1 00 00 */ void *FileHandle; /* +0x0008 */ void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long UserProcessParametersNative; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long UserProcessParametersWow64; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long CurrentParameterFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long long PebAddressNative; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PebAddressWow64; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ManifestAddress; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ManifestSize; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { void *IFEOKey; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { void *FileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { unsigned long InitFlags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char WriteOutputOnExit[0]; +0x0000 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DetectManifest[0]; +0x0000 d1 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IFEOSkipDebugger[0]; +0x0000 d2 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IFEODoNotPropagateKeyState[0]; +0x0000 15 af 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits1[1]; /* +0x0000 25 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits2[1]; /* +0x0001 26 b7 00 00 */ unsigned char ProhibitedImageCharacteristics[2]; /* +0x0002 15 b1 00 00 */ unsigned long AdditionalFileAccess; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_TAG { unsigned long NumberOfAllocations; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfFrees; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long BytesAllocated; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short TagIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char TagName[52]; /* +0x0014 35 b7 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long ProviderSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Action[4]; /* +0x0004 38 b7 00 00 */ unsigned long TableID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TableBufferLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TableBuffer[4]; /* +0x0010 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_GLOBAL_CHANGE_OUTPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChangeType; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char SdChange[0]; +0x0008 af ad 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SdQueryStats[0]; +0x0008 52 b3 00 00 */ unsigned char SdEnumSds[64]; /* +0x0008 1f b6 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ void *Pointer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Information; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BasicInfo[48]; /* +0x0008 46 b7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Flags[0]; +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0038 dd 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsWow64Process[0]; +0x0038 de 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProcessDeleting[0]; +0x0038 df 3a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsCrossSessionCreate[0]; +0x0038 47 b7 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[8]; /* +0x0038 48 b7 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { unsigned char tzi[172]; /* +0x0000 b6 b3 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZoneKeyName[256]; /* +0x00ac b1 18 00 00 */ unsigned char DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled; /* +0x01ac */ }; struct _THREAD_UMS_INFORMATION { unsigned char Command[8]; /* +0x0000 50 b7 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletionList[8]; /* +0x0008 a9 aa 00 00 */ unsigned char UmsContext[8]; /* +0x0010 33 ab 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_STD_HANDLE_INFO { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char StdHandleState[0]; +0x0000 b1 6f 00 00 */ unsigned char PseudoHandleMask[4]; /* +0x0000 53 b7 00 00 */ unsigned long StdHandleSubsystemType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION { unsigned char IndexNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_BITMAP_EX { unsigned long long SizeOfBitMap; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_RETRIEVE_DOCK_DATA { unsigned long DeviceInstanceLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_ENUM_SDS_ENTRY { unsigned long Hash; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SecurityId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Descriptor[4]; /* +0x0014 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char DeleteFile; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_WAIT_FOR_BUFFER { unsigned char Timeout[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeoutSpecified; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Name[2]; /* +0x000e 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TRACING_ENTRY { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0008 ff a9 00 00 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Stacks[128]; /* +0x0020 7d b7 00 00 */ }; struct _REQUEST_OPLOCK_OUTPUT_BUFFER { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long OriginalOplockLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NewOplockLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AccessMode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short ShareMode; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK32 { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Information; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_STATE_INFORMATION { unsigned char CrashDumpConfigurationClass[4]; /* +0x0000 94 b7 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION { unsigned long ReadMode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CompletionMode; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CM_KEYBOARD_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Subtype; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short KeyboardFlags; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_ERROR_PORT_TIMEOUTS { unsigned long StartTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CommTimeout; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long DriveMap; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DriveType[32]; /* +0x0004 35 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION:::: { void *DirectoryHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_TRANSACTION_BOUNDARY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 82 aa 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TransactionID[16]; /* +0x0018 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EX_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION_REGISTRATION { unsigned char QueryRoutine[8]; /* +0x0000 9e b3 00 00 */ unsigned char SetRoutine[8]; /* +0x0008 ae ac 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_FREEZE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char FreezeOperation[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FilterOperation[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 f9 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Freeze; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved0[3]; /* +0x0005 ca 15 00 00 */ unsigned char WakeFilter[8]; /* +0x0008 cb b2 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_SONIC_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short DataConfigurationRegister; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char EthernetAddress[8]; /* +0x0006 5a 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_ENUM_SDS_INPUT { unsigned long long StartingOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long MaxSDEntriesToReturn; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_SNAPSHOT_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Handles[40]; /* +0x0010 d4 b7 00 00 */ }; struct NTFS_EXTENDED_VOLUME_DATA { unsigned long ByteCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long BytesPerPhysicalSector; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct STARTING_LCN_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char StartingLcn[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct VOLUME_BITMAP_BUFFER { unsigned char StartingLcn[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char BitmapSize[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Buffer[8]; /* +0x0010 ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct STARTING_VCN_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char StartingVcn[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct NTFS_FILE_RECORD_OUTPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char FileReferenceNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long FileRecordLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileRecordBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct FIND_BY_SID_DATA { unsigned long Restart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sid[12]; /* +0x0004 f8 7e 00 00 */ }; struct CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA { unsigned long long MaximumSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long AllocationDelta; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA { long long StartUsn; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReasonMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ReturnOnlyOnClose; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long Timeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BytesToWaitFor; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long UsnJournalID; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct USN_RECORD { unsigned long RecordLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long long FileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ParentFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0010 */ long long Usn; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Reason; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SourceInfo; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long SecurityId; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short FileNameLength; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short FileNameOffset; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x003c 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct USN_JOURNAL_DATA { unsigned long long UsnJournalID; /* +0x0000 */ long long FirstUsn; /* +0x0008 */ long long NextUsn; /* +0x0010 */ long long LowestValidUsn; /* +0x0018 */ long long MaxUsn; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long MaximumSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long AllocationDelta; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct DELETE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA { unsigned long long UsnJournalID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DeleteFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct MARK_HANDLE_INFO { unsigned long UsnSourceInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CopyNumber; /* +0x0000 */ void *VolumeHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long HandleInfo; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct MARK_HANDLE_INFO32 { unsigned long UsnSourceInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CopyNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VolumeHandle[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long HandleInfo; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct BULK_SECURITY_TEST_DATA { unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SecurityIds[4]; /* +0x0004 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct POWER_STATE_NOTIFY_HANDLER { unsigned char Handler[8]; /* +0x0000 fa b7 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLE_TIMES { unsigned long long StartTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0010 99 1f 00 00 */ }; struct RTL_ACE_DATA { unsigned char AceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char InheritFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char AceFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Sid[8]; /* +0x0008 47 16 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_VERIFY_IMAGE_INFO { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CallbackInfo[16]; /* +0x0008 34 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char SectionInfo[32]; /* +0x0018 0a b8 00 00 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE { unsigned long DeviceId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VendorId[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST { unsigned long ListSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char InterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0004 9a ad 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SlotNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0010 29 15 00 00 */ unsigned long AlternativeLists; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char List[40]; /* +0x0020 1b b8 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES64 { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long RootDirectory; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ObjectName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long SecurityQualityOfService; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned short NextOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BaseInfo[296]; /* +0x0008 7c b0 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageChecksum; /* +0x0130 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0134 */ void *DefaultBase; /* +0x0138 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_COMPLETION_LIST_INFORMATION { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ConcurrencyCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AttributeFlags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOW_PRIORITY_IO_INFORMATION { unsigned long LowPriReadOperations; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LowPriWriteOperations; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long KernelBumpedToNormalOperations; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LowPriPagingReadOperations; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long KernelPagingReadsBumpedToNormal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LowPriPagingWriteOperations; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long KernelPagingWritesBumpedToNormal; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BoostedIrpCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long BoostedPagingIrpCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BlanketBoostCount; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _FILE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumFileTypeIDs; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FileTypeID[16]; /* +0x0008 f4 3b 00 00 */ }; struct _MCI_STATS:: { unsigned short McaErrorCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ModelErrorCode; /* +0x0002 */ /* unsigned char OtherInformation[0]; +0x0004 34 b8 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ContextCorrupt[0]; +0x0004 35 b8 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AddressValid[0]; +0x0004 36 b8 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MiscValid[0]; +0x0004 37 b8 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ErrorEnabled[0]; +0x0004 7f ae 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UncorrectedError[0]; +0x0004 38 b8 00 00 */ /* unsigned char StatusOverFlow[0]; +0x0004 48 48 00 00 */ unsigned char Valid[4]; /* +0x0004 36 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_EX { unsigned char BasicFrame[24]; /* +0x0000 df ae 00 00 */ void *ExtensionIdentifier; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1 { unsigned char Name[16]; /* +0x0000 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct MOVE_FILE_RECORD_DATA { void *FileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SourceFileRecord[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TargetFileRecord[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_CPU_QUOTA_SET_INFORMATION { long long SessionHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Weight; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct NTFS_VOLUME_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned char VolumeSerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char NumberSectors[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TotalClusters[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeClusters[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TotalReserved[8]; /* +0x0020 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long BytesPerCluster; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long BytesPerFileRecordSegment; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ClustersPerFileRecordSegment; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char MftValidDataLength[8]; /* +0x0038 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MftStartLcn[8]; /* +0x0040 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Mft2StartLcn[8]; /* +0x0048 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MftZoneStart[8]; /* +0x0050 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char MftZoneEnd[8]; /* +0x0058 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_INFORMATION { unsigned long long PagedPoolCommitPageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NonPagedPoolPageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MdlPageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CommitPageCount; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_RESOLUTION_ENDING { void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _STREAM_EXTENT_ENTRY:: { unsigned char RetrievalPointers[32]; /* +0x0000 41 ae 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_STACK_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long long ReserveSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ZeroBits; /* +0x0008 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE { unsigned char Next[8]; /* +0x0000 7f b8 00 00 */ unsigned char Lock[8]; /* +0x0008 80 b8 00 00 */ }; struct MFT_ENUM_DATA { unsigned long long StartFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0000 */ long long LowUsn; /* +0x0008 */ long long HighUsn; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _OBJECT_TYPES_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfTypes; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MOVE_FILE_DATA32 { unsigned char FileHandle[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char StartingVcn[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char StartingLcn[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ClusterCount; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_REF_TRACE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TraceEnable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TracePermanent; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char TraceProcessName[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char TracePoolTags[16]; /* +0x0018 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_INFORMATION_ITEM { unsigned long Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char ProcessHeapInformation[0]; +0x0010 4b aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapInformation[0]; +0x0010 04 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapRegionInformation[0]; +0x0010 d2 a9 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapRangeInformation[0]; +0x0010 9f b2 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapBlockInformation[0]; +0x0010 ad b5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapPerfInformation[0]; +0x0010 f8 a9 00 00 */ unsigned long long DynamicStart; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _API_SET_NAMESPACE_ENTRY { unsigned long NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_BASIC { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Format; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Frame[24]; /* +0x0010 49 ab 00 00 */ }; struct NTFS_FILE_RECORD_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char FileReferenceNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_TRIAGE_DUMP { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BugCheckCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long BugCheckParam1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long BugCheckParam2; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BugCheckParam3; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long BugCheckParam4; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ProcessHandles; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ThreadHandles; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char Handles[8]; /* +0x0030 47 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PLATFORM_BINARY_INFORMATION { void *HandoffBuffer; /* +0x0000 */ void *CommandLineBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long HandoffBufferSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CommandLineBufferSize; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SD_ENUM_SDS_OUTPUT { unsigned long long NextOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NumSDEntriesReturned; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long NumSDBytesReturned; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char SDEntry[24]; /* +0x0018 ca b8 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION { unsigned long ThisBaseVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LatestVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ThisMiniVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short FirstMiniVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short LatestMiniVersion; /* +0x000c */ }; struct XSAVE_CPU_ERRATA { unsigned long NumberOfErrata; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Errata[32]; /* +0x0008 d9 b8 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOL_INFO_BUFFER { unsigned char DirectoryCount[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char FileCount[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned short FsFormatMajVersion; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short FsFormatMinVersion; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char FsFormatName[28]; /* +0x0014 89 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char FormatTime[8]; /* +0x0030 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char LastUpdateTime[8]; /* +0x0038 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char CopyrightInfo[68]; /* +0x0040 e1 b8 00 00 */ unsigned char AbstractInfo[68]; /* +0x0084 e1 b8 00 00 */ unsigned char FormattingImplementationInfo[68]; /* +0x00c8 e1 b8 00 00 */ unsigned char LastModifyingImplementationInfo[68]; /* +0x010c e1 b8 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NextFree[8]; /* +0x0000 12 b0 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_STANDARD_LINK_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfAccessibleLinks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalNumberOfLinks; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DeletePending; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Directory; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct _BOOT_OPTIONS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CurrentBootEntryId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NextBootEntryId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char HeadlessRedirection[4]; /* +0x0014 67 16 00 00 */ }; struct MOVE_FILE_DATA { void *FileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StartingVcn[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char StartingLcn[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ClusterCount; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _API_SET_VALUE_ARRAY { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Array[16]; /* +0x0004 0f b9 00 00 */ }; struct _COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO { unsigned short CompressionFormatAndEngine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CompressionUnitShift; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ChunkShift; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short NumberOfChunks; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char CompressedChunkSizes[4]; /* +0x0008 c7 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION { unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentTime[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZoneBias[8]; /* +0x0010 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned long TimeZoneId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long BootTimeBias; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long SleepTimeBias; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _CM_EISA_FUNCTION_INFORMATION { unsigned long CompressedId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char IdSlotFlags1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char IdSlotFlags2; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char MinorRevision; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char MajorRevision; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char Selections[26]; /* +0x0008 1a b9 00 00 */ unsigned char FunctionFlags; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char TypeString[80]; /* +0x0023 21 56 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaMemory[63]; /* +0x0073 1b b9 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaIrq[14]; /* +0x00b2 1c b9 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaDma[8]; /* +0x00c0 1d b9 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaPort[60]; /* +0x00c8 1e b9 00 00 */ unsigned char InitializationData[60]; /* +0x0104 1f b9 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_MODULE_QUERY_PARAMETERS { unsigned long QueryFlags; /* +0x0000 */ void *ProcessHandle; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SL_HWID_DEVICE_INFO { unsigned long SizeBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DeviceRemovalPolicy; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char AuthenticationStatus; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Disposition; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned long DeviceNodeLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x000c bb 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c ca 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_BUFFER { unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *StaticBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long StaticSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ReservedForAllocatedSize; /* +0x0020 */ void *ReservedForIMalloc; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct KEY_PID_ARRAY { void *PID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyName[16]; /* +0x0008 d6 a9 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_STACK_CONTEXT { unsigned long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Entry[16]; /* +0x0008 56 b9 00 00 */ }; struct _EISA_PORT_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char Configuration[1]; /* +0x0000 c4 b6 00 00 */ unsigned short PortAddress; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct POWER_STATE_HANDLER { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 e7 a9 00 00 */ unsigned char RtcWake; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Spare[3]; /* +0x0005 ca 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Handler[8]; /* +0x0008 6a b7 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _KEY_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Wow64Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long KeyFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_VIDEO_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long VideoClock; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1:: { long long *pInt64; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long *pUint64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char pString[0]; +0x0000 18 ab 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFqbn[0]; +0x0000 00 b0 00 00 */ unsigned char pOctetString[8]; /* +0x0000 cc b0 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_HANDLE_FLAG_INFORMATION { unsigned char Inherit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ProtectFromClose; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0000 9a 76 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0010 9a 76 00 00 */ unsigned char InInitializationOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0020 9a 76 00 00 */ unsigned long long DllBase; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long EntryPoint; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FullDllName[16]; /* +0x0048 d4 af 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[16]; /* +0x0058 d4 af 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned short TlsIndex; /* +0x006e */ /* unsigned char HashLinks[0]; +0x0070 9a 76 00 00 */ unsigned long long SectionPointer; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long LoadedImports; /* +0x0080 */ }; struct RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER { unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StartingVcn[24]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ }; struct RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER:: { unsigned char NextVcn[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Lcn[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 19 00 00 */ }; enum Windows::Graphics::FontStretch { FontStretch_Default = 0, FontStretch_UltraCondensed = 1, FontStretch_ExtraCondensed = 2, FontStretch_Condensed = 3, FontStretch_SemiCondensed = 4, FontStretch_Normal = 5, FontStretch_SemiExpanded = 6, FontStretch_Expanded = 7, FontStretch_ExtraExpanded = 8, FontStretch_UltraExpanded = 9 }; enum Windows::Graphics::FontStyle { FontStyle_Normal = 0, FontStyle_Italic = 1, FontStyle_Oblique = 2 }; enum Windows::Foundation::PropertyType { PropertyType_Empty = 0, PropertyType_UInt8 = 1, PropertyType_Int16 = 2, PropertyType_UInt16 = 3, PropertyType_Int32 = 4, PropertyType_UInt32 = 5, PropertyType_Int64 = 6, PropertyType_UInt64 = 7, PropertyType_Single = 8, PropertyType_Double = 9, PropertyType_Char16 = 10, PropertyType_Boolean = 11, PropertyType_String = 12, PropertyType_Inspectable = 13, PropertyType_DateTime = 14, PropertyType_TimeSpan = 15, PropertyType_Guid = 16, PropertyType_Point = 17, PropertyType_Size = 18, PropertyType_Rect = 19, PropertyType_OtherType = 20, PropertyType_UInt8Array = 1025, PropertyType_Int16Array = 1026, PropertyType_UInt16Array = 1027, PropertyType_Int32Array = 1028, PropertyType_UInt32Array = 1029, PropertyType_Int64Array = 1030, PropertyType_UInt64Array = 1031, PropertyType_SingleArray = 1032, PropertyType_DoubleArray = 1033, PropertyType_Char16Array = 1034, PropertyType_BooleanArray = 1035, PropertyType_StringArray = 1036, PropertyType_InspectableArray = 1037, PropertyType_DateTimeArray = 1038, PropertyType_TimeSpanArray = 1039, PropertyType_GuidArray = 1040, PropertyType_PointArray = 1041, PropertyType_SizeArray = 1042, PropertyType_RectArray = 1043, PropertyType_OtherTypeArray = 1044 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::ErrorOptions { ErrorOptions_None = 0, ErrorOptions_SuppressExceptions = 1, ErrorOptions_ForceExceptions = 2, ErrorOptions_UseSetErrorInfo = 4, ErrorOptions_SuppressSetErrorInfo = 8 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Collections::is_foundation_struct *>:: { value = 0 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Collections::is_foundation_struct:: { value = 1 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Collections::CollectionChange { Reset = 0, ItemInserted = 1, ItemRemoved = 2, ItemChanged = 3 }; enum Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus { Created = 0, Started = 1, Completed = 2, Canceled = 3, Error = 4 }; struct ATL::CComBSTR { unsigned char m_str[8]; /* +0x0000 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::_ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY30 { unsigned char pclsid[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUpdateRegistry[8]; /* +0x0008 55 36 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnGetClassObject[8]; /* +0x0010 b3 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnCreateInstance[8]; /* +0x0018 b3 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pCF[8]; /* +0x0020 27 19 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRegister; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pfnGetObjectDescription[8]; /* +0x0030 39 a2 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnGetCategoryMap[16]; /* +0x0038 58 36 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CSimpleMap { unsigned char m_aKey[8]; /* +0x0000 6f 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_aVal[8]; /* +0x0008 6f 15 00 00 */ unsigned char m_nSize[8]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATL::CRegParser::CParseBuffer { unsigned char nPos[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nSize[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char p[8]; /* +0x0008 71 06 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::DateTime { long long UniversalTime; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan { long long Duration; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::Point { unsigned char X[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Y[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::Size { unsigned char Width[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Height[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::Rect { unsigned char X[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Y[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Width[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Height[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct EventRegistrationToken { long long value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _NDR64_POINTER_FORMAT { unsigned char FormatCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Pointee[8]; /* +0x0008 5d 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_SERVER_INFO_ { unsigned char pStubDesc[8]; /* +0x0000 97 53 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[8]; /* +0x0008 ed c4 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcString[8]; /* +0x0010 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char FmtStringOffset[8]; /* +0x0018 5b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ThunkTable[8]; /* +0x0020 2f 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pTransferSyntax[8]; /* +0x0028 cc 4b 00 00 */ unsigned long long nCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pSyntaxInfo[8]; /* +0x0038 56 46 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC { void *RpcInterfaceInformation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[8]; /* +0x0008 9d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[8]; /* +0x0010 38 1a 00 00 */ unsigned char IMPLICIT_HANDLE_INFO[8]; /* +0x0018 f0 c4 00 00 */ unsigned char apfnNdrRundownRoutines[8]; /* +0x0020 26 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char aGenericBindingRoutinePairs[8]; /* +0x0028 29 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char apfnExprEval[8]; /* +0x0030 2f 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char aXmitQuintuple[8]; /* +0x0038 32 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pFormatTypes[8]; /* +0x0040 59 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char fCheckBounds[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char pMallocFreeStruct[8]; /* +0x0050 34 1f 00 00 */ long MIDLVersion; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char CommFaultOffsets[8]; /* +0x0060 37 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char aUserMarshalQuadruple[8]; /* +0x0068 3a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char NotifyRoutineTable[8]; /* +0x0070 3d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long long mFlags; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned char CsRoutineTables[8]; /* +0x0080 40 1f 00 00 */ void *ProxyServerInfo; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char pExprInfo[8]; /* +0x0090 43 1f 00 00 */ }; struct __midl_frag75_t { unsigned char frag1[24]; /* +0x0000 f3 c4 00 00 */ unsigned char frag2[16]; /* +0x0018 f4 c4 00 00 */ unsigned char frag3[16]; /* +0x0028 f4 c4 00 00 */ }; struct tagCInterfaceStubVtbl { unsigned char header[32]; /* +0x0000 f7 c4 00 00 */ unsigned char Vtbl[80]; /* +0x0020 f8 c4 00 00 */ }; struct __midl_frag51_t { unsigned char frag1[16]; /* +0x0000 fb c4 00 00 */ unsigned char frag2[16]; /* +0x0010 fc c4 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_CONSTANT_IID_FORMAT { unsigned char FormatCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0004 bb 14 00 00 */ }; struct _windows2Eglobalization2Efontgroups_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[578]; /* +0x0002 09 c5 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_USER_MARSHAL_FORMAT { unsigned char FormatCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short RoutineIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short TransmittedTypeWireAlignment; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MemoryAlignment; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char UserTypeMemorySize[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char TransmittedTypeBufferSize[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char TransmittedType[8]; /* +0x0010 5d 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagProxyFileInfo { unsigned char pProxyVtblList[8]; /* +0x0000 12 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char pStubVtblList[8]; /* +0x0008 15 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char pNamesArray[8]; /* +0x0010 16 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char pDelegatedIIDs[8]; /* +0x0018 17 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char pIIDLookupRtn[8]; /* +0x0020 1a c5 00 00 */ unsigned short TableSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short TableVersion; /* +0x002a */ unsigned char pAsyncIIDLookup[8]; /* +0x0030 17 c5 00 00 */ long long Filler2; /* +0x0038 */ long long Filler3; /* +0x0040 */ long long Filler4; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct __midl_frag47_t { unsigned char frag1[24]; /* +0x0000 f3 c4 00 00 */ unsigned char frag2[16]; /* +0x0018 f4 c4 00 00 */ unsigned char frag3[16]; /* +0x0028 f4 c4 00 00 */ unsigned char frag4[16]; /* +0x0038 f4 c4 00 00 */ }; struct __midl_frag50_t { unsigned char frag1[16]; /* +0x0000 23 c5 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[16]; +0x0000 27 c5 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[56]; +0x0010 28 c5 00 00 }; */ struct _windows2Eglobalization2Efontgroups_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[114]; /* +0x0002 2c c5 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[16]; +0x0000 27 c5 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[120]; +0x0010 34 c5 00 00 }; */ struct __midl_frag52_t { unsigned char frag1[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char frag2[8]; /* +0x0004 3d c5 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[16]; +0x0000 27 c5 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[88]; +0x0010 12 b1 00 00 }; */ struct _NDR64_ARRAY_FLAGS { /* unsigned char HasPointerInfo[0]; +0x0000 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HasElementInfo[0]; +0x0000 d1 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsMultiDimensional[0]; +0x0000 d2 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsArrayofStrings[0]; +0x0000 15 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 b9 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved2[0]; +0x0000 ba a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved3[0]; +0x0000 d3 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved4[1]; /* +0x0000 d4 ac 00 00 */ }; struct IRpcChannelBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[8]; /* +0x0000 50 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[8]; /* +0x0008 52 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[8]; /* +0x0010 52 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char GetBuffer[8]; /* +0x0018 55 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char SendReceive[8]; /* +0x0020 58 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeBuffer[8]; /* +0x0028 5b c5 00 00 */ unsigned char GetDestCtx[8]; /* +0x0030 5e c5 00 00 */ unsigned char IsConnected[8]; /* +0x0038 60 c5 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_STRUCTURE_FLAGS { /* unsigned char HasPointerInfo[0]; +0x0000 cf 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HasMemberInfo[0]; +0x0000 d1 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HasConfArray[0]; +0x0000 d2 ac 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HasOrigPointerInfo[0]; +0x0000 15 af 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HasOrigMemberInfo[0]; +0x0000 b9 a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 ba a7 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved2[0]; +0x0000 d3 ac 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved3[1]; /* +0x0000 d4 ac 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_EXPR_VAR { unsigned char ExprType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VarType; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Offset[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_ARRAY_ELEMENT_INFO { unsigned char ElementMemSize[8]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Element[8]; /* +0x0008 5d 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_CONF_STRUCTURE_HEADER_FORMAT { unsigned char FormatCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Alignment; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Flags[1]; /* +0x0002 69 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserve; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char MemorySize[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ArrayDescription[8]; /* +0x0008 5d 1e 00 00 */ }; struct IUnknownVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[8]; /* +0x0000 70 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[8]; /* +0x0008 72 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[8]; /* +0x0010 72 c5 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_PROC_FORMAT { unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char StackSize[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ConstantClientBufferSize[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ConstantServerBufferSize[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short RpcFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short FloatDoubleMask; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short NumberOfParams; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short ExtensionSize; /* +0x0016 */ }; enum _tagEXPR_TOKEN { FC_EXPR_START = 0, FC_EXPR_ILLEGAL = 0, FC_EXPR_CONST32 = 1, FC_EXPR_CONST64 = 2, FC_EXPR_VAR = 3, FC_EXPR_OPER = 4, FC_EXPR_NOOP = 5, FC_EXPR_END = 6 }; struct _NDR64_CONF_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT { unsigned char FormatCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Alignment; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Flags[1]; /* +0x0002 7c c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char ElementSize[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ConfDescriptor[8]; /* +0x0008 5d 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagCInterfaceProxyVtbl { unsigned char header[16]; /* +0x0000 27 c5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Vtbl[0]; +0x0010 7f c5 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_PARAM_FLAGS { /* unsigned char MustSize[0]; +0x0000 ca 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MustFree[0]; +0x0000 cb 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsPipe[0]; +0x0000 e1 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsIn[0]; +0x0000 e2 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsOut[0]; +0x0000 5e a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsReturn[0]; +0x0000 5f a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsBasetype[0]; +0x0000 60 a4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsByValue[0]; +0x0000 16 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsSimpleRef[0]; +0x0000 17 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsDontCallFreeInst[0]; +0x0000 18 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SaveForAsyncFinish[0]; +0x0000 19 b1 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsPartialIgnore[0]; +0x0000 a8 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsForceAllocate[0]; +0x0000 a9 61 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 82 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char UseCache[2]; /* +0x0000 83 c5 00 00 */ }; struct tagCInterfaceProxyHeader { unsigned char pStublessProxyInfo[8]; /* +0x0000 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char piid[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 18 00 00 */ }; struct tagCInterfaceStubHeader { unsigned char piid[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 18 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 89 c5 00 00 */ unsigned long DispatchTableCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pDispatchTable[8]; /* +0x0018 8a c5 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR64_PARAM_FORMAT { unsigned char Type[8]; /* +0x0000 5d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Attributes[2]; /* +0x0008 8f c5 00 00 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char StackOffset[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct IRpcStubBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[8]; /* +0x0000 94 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[8]; /* +0x0008 97 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[8]; /* +0x0010 97 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Connect[8]; /* +0x0018 9a c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Disconnect[8]; /* +0x0020 9c c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Invoke[8]; /* +0x0028 9f c5 00 00 */ unsigned char IsIIDSupported[8]; /* +0x0030 a2 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char CountRefs[8]; /* +0x0038 97 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char DebugServerQueryInterface[8]; /* +0x0040 a5 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char DebugServerRelease[8]; /* +0x0048 a8 c5 00 00 */ }; struct tagCStdPSFactoryBuffer { unsigned char lpVtbl[8]; /* +0x0000 ad c5 00 00 */ long RefCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pProxyFileList[8]; /* +0x0010 b1 c5 00 00 */ long Filler1; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct IRpcProxyBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[8]; /* +0x0000 b7 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[8]; /* +0x0008 ba c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[8]; /* +0x0010 ba c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Connect[8]; /* +0x0018 bd c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Disconnect[8]; /* +0x0020 bf c5 00 00 */ }; struct IPSFactoryBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[8]; /* +0x0000 c5 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[8]; /* +0x0008 c8 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[8]; /* +0x0010 c8 c5 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateProxy[8]; /* +0x0018 cb c5 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateStub[8]; /* +0x0020 ce c5 00 00 */ }; enum Windows::Internal::BCP47_CLOSENESS_MEASURE { BCM_NO_MATCH = 0, BCM_REGIONS_MATCH = 10, BCM_PRIVATE_SUBTAGS_MATCH = 20, BCM_SCRIPTS_MATCH = 40, BCM_LANGUAGES_MATCH = 50, BCM_LANGUAGES_SCRIPTS_MATCH = 75, BCM_LANGUAGES_SCRIPTS_REGIONS_MATCH = 90, BCM_EXACT_MATCH = 100, BCM_MAXIMUM_SCORE = 100 }; struct Windows::Internal::RegionsTableEntry { unsigned char regionId[4]; /* +0x0000 f2 c5 00 00 */ unsigned short M49Code; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short M49CompositeRegion; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct Windows::Internal::TAGSPAN { unsigned short tagOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short cchTag; /* +0x0002 */ }; enum PARSER_STATE { PS_INIT = 0, PS_EXTLANG = 1, PS_SCRIPT = 2, PS_REGION = 3, PS_VARIANT = 4, PS_EXTENSION = 5, PS_PRIVATE_USE = 6 }; enum PARSER_ACTION_CODE { PAC_INVALID_INPUT = 0, PAC_ALPHA_TO_EXTLANG = 1, PAC_ALPHA_TO_EXTLANG_DIGITS_TO_VARIANT = 2, PAC_ALPHA_TO_SCRIPT = 3, PAC_ALPHA_TO_REGION = 4, PAC_DIGIT_ALPHANUMS_TO_VARIANT = 5, PAC_ALPHA_TO_VARIANT = 6, PAC_DIGITS_TO_VARIANT = 7, PAC_TO_VARIANT = 8, PAC_X_TO_PRIVATE_USE = 9, PAC_TO_EXTENSION = 10, PAC_TO_PRIVATE_USE = 11, PAC_CHECK_IRREGULAR = 12, PAC_CHECK_IF_SGN_TAGS = 13, PAC_CHECK_IF_EN_GB_OED = 14 }; struct _PATCH_BUFFER { unsigned short PointerIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Fill1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short BufferSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Fill2; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Buffer[248]; /* +0x0008 f5 c6 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Flags; +0x0000 unsigned char s[4]; +0x0000 ff c6 00 00 }; */ struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3 { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Pool[8]; /* +0x0008 c9 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroup[8]; /* +0x0010 ca 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroupCancelCallback[8]; /* +0x0018 cc 6c 00 00 */ void *RaceDll; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[8]; /* +0x0028 ce 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char FinalizationCallback[8]; /* +0x0030 d1 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char u[4]; /* +0x0038 01 c7 00 00 */ unsigned char CallbackPriority[4]; /* +0x003c d3 6c 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct CsFrame { unsigned char SavedR10[8]; /* +0x0000 77 00 00 00 */ unsigned char SavedR11[8]; /* +0x0008 77 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char CriticalSection[8]; /* +0x0008 4c 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessLocksList[16]; /* +0x0010 c0 48 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndexHigh; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short SpareUSHORT; /* +0x002e */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD { long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExceptionRecord[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 15 00 00 */ void *ExceptionAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[120]; /* +0x0020 dd 15 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER { unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0000 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Misc[4]; /* +0x0008 10 c7 00 00 */ unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfRawData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PointerToRawData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PointerToRelocations; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long PointerToLinenumbers; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct FT { unsigned long long ft_scalar; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ft_struct[8]; /* +0x0000 7d 1b 00 00 */ }; struct _LARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char u[0]; +0x0000 24 c7 00 00 */ long long QuadPart; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _UNICODE_STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SCOPE_TABLE { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ScopeRecord[16]; /* +0x0004 32 c7 00 00 */ }; struct _ULARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char u[0]; +0x0000 35 c7 00 00 */ unsigned long long QuadPart; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _UNWIND_CODE { unsigned char CodeOffset; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char UnwindOp[0]; +0x0001 24 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OpInfo[-1]; +0x0001 25 aa 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EpilogueCode[0]; +0x0000 3a c7 00 00 */ unsigned short FrameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char EHandler[0]; +0x0000 cb 15 00 00 /* unsigned char UHandler[0]; +0x0000 f8 1e 00 00 unsigned char HasAlignment[4]; +0x0000 ec 34 00 00 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char Bits[0]; +0x0000 3e c7 00 00 long CookieOffset; +0x0000 }; */ struct _GS_HANDLER_DATA { unsigned char u[4]; /* +0x0000 40 c7 00 00 */ long AlignedBaseOffset; /* +0x0004 */ long Alignment; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _s_ThrowInfo { unsigned char attributes[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pmfnUnwind[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pForwardCompat[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pCatchableTypeArray[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct EHExceptionRecord { unsigned long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExceptionRecord[8]; /* +0x0008 dc 15 00 00 */ void *ExceptionAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct EHExceptionRecord::EHParameters { unsigned long magicNumber; /* +0x0000 */ void *pExceptionObject; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pThrowInfo[8]; /* +0x0010 4e c7 00 00 */ void *pThrowImageBase; /* +0x0018 */ }; enum __enative_startup_state { __uninitialized = 0, __initializing = 1, __initialized = 2 };