/* Header autogenerated by Brandon Falk's PDB Dumper * * Invocation: C:\projects\pdbdump_2\pdbdump.exe L:\symbolarchive\win8_spB_x86\windows.networking.pdb\56BFADCE29104AB19FC87019FFFFA6081\windows.networking.pdb */ enum MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { MF_TOPOLOGY_OUTPUT_NODE = 0, MF_TOPOLOGY_SOURCESTREAM_NODE = 1, MF_TOPOLOGY_TRANSFORM_NODE = 2, MF_TOPOLOGY_TEE_NODE = 3, MF_TOPOLOGY_MAX = -1 }; enum tagTYPEFLAGS { TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT = 1, TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE = 2, TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED = 4, TYPEFLAG_FPREDECLID = 8, TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN = 16, TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL = 32, TYPEFLAG_FDUAL = 64, TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE = 128, TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION = 256, TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 512, TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE = 1024, TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE = 2048, TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE = 4096, TYPEFLAG_FREVERSEBIND = 8192, TYPEFLAG_FPROXY = 16384 }; enum _PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_NUM { ProcThreadAttributeParentProcess = 0, ProcThreadAttributeExtendedFlags = 1, ProcThreadAttributeHandleList = 2, ProcThreadAttributeGroupAffinity = 3, ProcThreadAttributePreferredNode = 4, ProcThreadAttributeIdealProcessor = 5, ProcThreadAttributeUmsThread = 6, ProcThreadAttributeMitigationPolicy = 7, ProcThreadAttributePackageFullName = 8, ProcThreadAttributeSecurityCapabilities = 9, ProcThreadAttributeConsoleReference = 10, ProcThreadAttributeMax = 11 }; enum _SYSDBG_COMMAND { SysDbgQueryModuleInformation = 0, SysDbgQueryTraceInformation = 1, SysDbgSetTracepoint = 2, SysDbgSetSpecialCall = 3, SysDbgClearSpecialCalls = 4, SysDbgQuerySpecialCalls = 5, SysDbgBreakPoint = 6, SysDbgQueryVersion = 7, SysDbgReadVirtual = 8, SysDbgWriteVirtual = 9, SysDbgReadPhysical = 10, SysDbgWritePhysical = 11, SysDbgReadControlSpace = 12, SysDbgWriteControlSpace = 13, SysDbgReadIoSpace = 14, SysDbgWriteIoSpace = 15, SysDbgReadMsr = 16, SysDbgWriteMsr = 17, SysDbgReadBusData = 18, SysDbgWriteBusData = 19, SysDbgCheckLowMemory = 20, SysDbgEnableKernelDebugger = 21, SysDbgDisableKernelDebugger = 22, SysDbgGetAutoKdEnable = 23, SysDbgSetAutoKdEnable = 24, SysDbgGetPrintBufferSize = 25, SysDbgSetPrintBufferSize = 26, SysDbgGetKdUmExceptionEnable = 27, SysDbgSetKdUmExceptionEnable = 28, SysDbgGetTriageDump = 29, SysDbgGetKdBlockEnable = 30, SysDbgSetKdBlockEnable = 31, SysDbgRegisterForUmBreakInfo = 32, SysDbgGetUmBreakPid = 33, SysDbgClearUmBreakPid = 34, SysDbgGetUmAttachPid = 35, SysDbgClearUmAttachPid = 36 }; enum POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL { SystemPowerPolicyAc = 0, SystemPowerPolicyDc = 1, VerifySystemPolicyAc = 2, VerifySystemPolicyDc = 3, SystemPowerCapabilities = 4, SystemBatteryState = 5, SystemPowerStateHandler = 6, ProcessorStateHandler = 7, SystemPowerPolicyCurrent = 8, AdministratorPowerPolicy = 9, SystemReserveHiberFile = 10, ProcessorInformation = 11, SystemPowerInformation = 12, ProcessorStateHandler2 = 13, LastWakeTime = 14, LastSleepTime = 15, SystemExecutionState = 16, SystemPowerStateNotifyHandler = 17, ProcessorPowerPolicyAc = 18, ProcessorPowerPolicyDc = 19, VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyAc = 20, VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyDc = 21, ProcessorPowerPolicyCurrent = 22, SystemPowerStateLogging = 23, SystemPowerLoggingEntry = 24, SetPowerSettingValue = 25, NotifyUserPowerSetting = 26, PowerInformationLevelUnused0 = 27, SystemMonitorHiberBootPowerOff = 28, SystemVideoState = 29, TraceApplicationPowerMessage = 30, TraceApplicationPowerMessageEnd = 31, ProcessorPerfStates = 32, ProcessorIdleStates = 33, ProcessorCap = 34, SystemWakeSource = 35, SystemHiberFileInformation = 36, TraceServicePowerMessage = 37, ProcessorLoad = 38, PowerShutdownNotification = 39, MonitorCapabilities = 40, SessionPowerInit = 41, SessionDisplayState = 42, PowerRequestCreate = 43, PowerRequestAction = 44, GetPowerRequestList = 45, ProcessorInformationEx = 46, NotifyUserModeLegacyPowerEvent = 47, GroupPark = 48, ProcessorIdleDomains = 49, WakeTimerList = 50, SystemHiberFileSize = 51, ProcessorIdleStatesHv = 52, ProcessorPerfStatesHv = 53, ProcessorPerfCapHv = 54, ProcessorSetIdle = 55, LogicalProcessorIdling = 56, UserPresence = 57, PowerSettingNotificationName = 58, GetPowerSettingValue = 59, IdleResiliency = 60, SessionRITState = 61, SessionConnectNotification = 62, SessionPowerCleanup = 63, SessionLockState = 64, SystemHiberbootState = 65, PlatformInformation = 66, PdcInvocation = 67, MonitorInvocation = 68, FirmwareTableInformationRegistered = 69, SetShutdownSelectedTime = 70, PowerInformationLevelMaximum = 71 }; enum _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION { TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_NONE = 0, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_REPLACE_ALL = 1, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_ADD = 2, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_DELETE = 3, TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION_REPLACE = 4 }; enum WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE { WinNullSid = 0, WinWorldSid = 1, WinLocalSid = 2, WinCreatorOwnerSid = 3, WinCreatorGroupSid = 4, WinCreatorOwnerServerSid = 5, WinCreatorGroupServerSid = 6, WinNtAuthoritySid = 7, WinDialupSid = 8, WinNetworkSid = 9, WinBatchSid = 10, WinInteractiveSid = 11, WinServiceSid = 12, WinAnonymousSid = 13, WinProxySid = 14, WinEnterpriseControllersSid = 15, WinSelfSid = 16, WinAuthenticatedUserSid = 17, WinRestrictedCodeSid = 18, WinTerminalServerSid = 19, WinRemoteLogonIdSid = 20, WinLogonIdsSid = 21, WinLocalSystemSid = 22, WinLocalServiceSid = 23, WinNetworkServiceSid = 24, WinBuiltinDomainSid = 25, WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid = 26, WinBuiltinUsersSid = 27, WinBuiltinGuestsSid = 28, WinBuiltinPowerUsersSid = 29, WinBuiltinAccountOperatorsSid = 30, WinBuiltinSystemOperatorsSid = 31, WinBuiltinPrintOperatorsSid = 32, WinBuiltinBackupOperatorsSid = 33, WinBuiltinReplicatorSid = 34, WinBuiltinPreWindows2000CompatibleAccessSid = 35, WinBuiltinRemoteDesktopUsersSid = 36, WinBuiltinNetworkConfigurationOperatorsSid = 37, WinAccountAdministratorSid = 38, WinAccountGuestSid = 39, WinAccountKrbtgtSid = 40, WinAccountDomainAdminsSid = 41, WinAccountDomainUsersSid = 42, WinAccountDomainGuestsSid = 43, WinAccountComputersSid = 44, WinAccountControllersSid = 45, WinAccountCertAdminsSid = 46, WinAccountSchemaAdminsSid = 47, WinAccountEnterpriseAdminsSid = 48, WinAccountPolicyAdminsSid = 49, WinAccountRasAndIasServersSid = 50, WinNTLMAuthenticationSid = 51, WinDigestAuthenticationSid = 52, WinSChannelAuthenticationSid = 53, WinThisOrganizationSid = 54, WinOtherOrganizationSid = 55, WinBuiltinIncomingForestTrustBuildersSid = 56, WinBuiltinPerfMonitoringUsersSid = 57, WinBuiltinPerfLoggingUsersSid = 58, WinBuiltinAuthorizationAccessSid = 59, WinBuiltinTerminalServerLicenseServersSid = 60, WinBuiltinDCOMUsersSid = 61, WinBuiltinIUsersSid = 62, WinIUserSid = 63, WinBuiltinCryptoOperatorsSid = 64, WinUntrustedLabelSid = 65, WinLowLabelSid = 66, WinMediumLabelSid = 67, WinHighLabelSid = 68, WinSystemLabelSid = 69, WinWriteRestrictedCodeSid = 70, WinCreatorOwnerRightsSid = 71, WinCacheablePrincipalsGroupSid = 72, WinNonCacheablePrincipalsGroupSid = 73, WinEnterpriseReadonlyControllersSid = 74, WinAccountReadonlyControllersSid = 75, WinBuiltinEventLogReadersGroup = 76, WinNewEnterpriseReadonlyControllersSid = 77, WinBuiltinCertSvcDComAccessGroup = 78, WinMediumPlusLabelSid = 79, WinLocalLogonSid = 80, WinConsoleLogonSid = 81, WinThisOrganizationCertificateSid = 82, WinApplicationPackageAuthoritySid = 83, WinBuiltinAnyPackageSid = 84, WinCapabilityInternetClientSid = 85, WinCapabilityInternetClientServerSid = 86, WinCapabilityPrivateNetworkClientServerSid = 87, WinCapabilityPicturesLibrarySid = 88, WinCapabilityVideosLibrarySid = 89, WinCapabilityMusicLibrarySid = 90, WinCapabilityDocumentsLibrarySid = 91, WinCapabilitySharedUserCertificatesSid = 92, WinCapabilityDefaultWindowsCredentialsSid = 93, WinCapabilityRemovableStorageSid = 94, WinBuiltinRDSRemoteAccessServersSid = 95, WinBuiltinRDSEndpointServersSid = 96, WinBuiltinRDSManagementServersSid = 97, WinUserModeDriversSid = 98, WinBuiltinHyperVAdminsSid = 99 }; enum VARENUM { VT_EMPTY = 0, VT_NULL = 1, VT_I2 = 2, VT_I4 = 3, VT_R4 = 4, VT_R8 = 5, VT_CY = 6, VT_DATE = 7, VT_BSTR = 8, VT_DISPATCH = 9, VT_ERROR = 10, VT_BOOL = 11, VT_VARIANT = 12, VT_UNKNOWN = 13, VT_DECIMAL = 14, VT_I1 = 16, VT_UI1 = 17, VT_UI2 = 18, VT_UI4 = 19, VT_I8 = 20, VT_UI8 = 21, VT_INT = 22, VT_UINT = 23, VT_VOID = 24, VT_HRESULT = 25, VT_PTR = 26, VT_SAFEARRAY = 27, VT_CARRAY = 28, VT_USERDEFINED = 29, VT_LPSTR = 30, VT_LPWSTR = 31, VT_RECORD = 36, VT_INT_PTR = 37, VT_UINT_PTR = 38, VT_FILETIME = 64, VT_BLOB = 65, VT_STREAM = 66, VT_STORAGE = 67, VT_STREAMED_OBJECT = 68, VT_STORED_OBJECT = 69, VT_BLOB_OBJECT = 70, VT_CF = 71, VT_CLSID = 72, VT_VERSIONED_STREAM = 73, VT_BSTR_BLOB = 4095, VT_VECTOR = 4096, VT_ARRAY = 8192, VT_BYREF = 16384, = 32770 }; enum POWER_ACTION { PowerActionNone = 0, PowerActionReserved = 1, PowerActionSleep = 2, PowerActionHibernate = 3, PowerActionShutdown = 4, PowerActionShutdownReset = 5, PowerActionShutdownOff = 6, PowerActionWarmEject = 7 }; enum tagMSHLFLAGS { MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL = 0, MSHLFLAGS_TABLESTRONG = 1, MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK = 2, MSHLFLAGS_NOPING = 4, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED1 = 8, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED2 = 16, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED3 = 32, MSHLFLAGS_RESERVED4 = 64 }; enum _MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_FLAGS { MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_SOFTWARE_ONLY = 0, MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_HARDWARE_ALLOWED = 1 }; enum NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL { RouteProtocolOther = 1, RouteProtocolLocal = 2, RouteProtocolNetMgmt = 3, RouteProtocolIcmp = 4, RouteProtocolEgp = 5, RouteProtocolGgp = 6, RouteProtocolHello = 7, RouteProtocolRip = 8, RouteProtocolIsIs = 9, RouteProtocolEsIs = 10, RouteProtocolCisco = 11, RouteProtocolBbn = 12, RouteProtocolOspf = 13, RouteProtocolBgp = 14, MIB_IPPROTO_OTHER = 1, PROTO_IP_OTHER = 1, MIB_IPPROTO_LOCAL = 2, PROTO_IP_LOCAL = 2, MIB_IPPROTO_NETMGMT = 3, PROTO_IP_NETMGMT = 3, MIB_IPPROTO_ICMP = 4, PROTO_IP_ICMP = 4, MIB_IPPROTO_EGP = 5, PROTO_IP_EGP = 5, MIB_IPPROTO_GGP = 6, PROTO_IP_GGP = 6, MIB_IPPROTO_HELLO = 7, PROTO_IP_HELLO = 7, MIB_IPPROTO_RIP = 8, PROTO_IP_RIP = 8, MIB_IPPROTO_IS_IS = 9, PROTO_IP_IS_IS = 9, MIB_IPPROTO_ES_IS = 10, PROTO_IP_ES_IS = 10, MIB_IPPROTO_CISCO = 11, PROTO_IP_CISCO = 11, MIB_IPPROTO_BBN = 12, PROTO_IP_BBN = 12, MIB_IPPROTO_OSPF = 13, PROTO_IP_OSPF = 13, MIB_IPPROTO_BGP = 14, PROTO_IP_BGP = 14, MIB_IPPROTO_NT_AUTOSTATIC = 10002, PROTO_IP_NT_AUTOSTATIC = 10002, MIB_IPPROTO_NT_STATIC = 10006, PROTO_IP_NT_STATIC = 10006, MIB_IPPROTO_NT_STATIC_NON_DOD = 10007, PROTO_IP_NT_STATIC_NON_DOD = 10007 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfobjects_0000_0012_0001 { MEUnknown = 0, MEError = 1, MEExtendedType = 2, MENonFatalError = 3, MEGenericV1Anchor = 3, MESessionUnknown = 100, MESessionTopologySet = 101, MESessionTopologiesCleared = 102, MESessionStarted = 103, MESessionPaused = 104, MESessionStopped = 105, MESessionClosed = 106, MESessionEnded = 107, MESessionRateChanged = 108, MESessionScrubSampleComplete = 109, MESessionCapabilitiesChanged = 110, MESessionTopologyStatus = 111, MESessionNotifyPresentationTime = 112, MENewPresentation = 113, MELicenseAcquisitionStart = 114, MELicenseAcquisitionCompleted = 115, MEIndividualizationStart = 116, MEIndividualizationCompleted = 117, MEEnablerProgress = 118, MEEnablerCompleted = 119, MEPolicyError = 120, MEPolicyReport = 121, MEBufferingStarted = 122, MEBufferingStopped = 123, MEConnectStart = 124, MEConnectEnd = 125, MEReconnectStart = 126, MEReconnectEnd = 127, MERendererEvent = 128, MESessionStreamSinkFormatChanged = 129, MESessionV1Anchor = 129, MESourceUnknown = 200, MESourceStarted = 201, MEStreamStarted = 202, MESourceSeeked = 203, MEStreamSeeked = 204, MENewStream = 205, MEUpdatedStream = 206, MESourceStopped = 207, MEStreamStopped = 208, MESourcePaused = 209, MEStreamPaused = 210, MEEndOfPresentation = 211, MEEndOfStream = 212, MEMediaSample = 213, MEStreamTick = 214, MEStreamThinMode = 215, MEStreamFormatChanged = 216, MESourceRateChanged = 217, MEEndOfPresentationSegment = 218, MESourceCharacteristicsChanged = 219, MESourceRateChangeRequested = 220, MESourceMetadataChanged = 221, MESequencerSourceTopologyUpdated = 222, MESourceV1Anchor = 222, MESinkUnknown = 300, MEStreamSinkStarted = 301, MEStreamSinkStopped = 302, MEStreamSinkPaused = 303, MEStreamSinkRateChanged = 304, MEStreamSinkRequestSample = 305, MEStreamSinkMarker = 306, MEStreamSinkPrerolled = 307, MEStreamSinkScrubSampleComplete = 308, MEStreamSinkFormatChanged = 309, MEStreamSinkDeviceChanged = 310, MEQualityNotify = 311, MESinkInvalidated = 312, MEAudioSessionNameChanged = 313, MEAudioSessionVolumeChanged = 314, MEAudioSessionDeviceRemoved = 315, MEAudioSessionServerShutdown = 316, MEAudioSessionGroupingParamChanged = 317, MEAudioSessionIconChanged = 318, MEAudioSessionFormatChanged = 319, MEAudioSessionDisconnected = 320, MEAudioSessionExclusiveModeOverride = 321, MESinkV1Anchor = 321, MECaptureAudioSessionVolumeChanged = 322, MECaptureAudioSessionDeviceRemoved = 323, MECaptureAudioSessionFormatChanged = 324, MECaptureAudioSessionDisconnected = 325, MECaptureAudioSessionExclusiveModeOverride = 326, MESinkV2Anchor = 326, METrustUnknown = 400, MEPolicyChanged = 401, MEContentProtectionMessage = 402, MEPolicySet = 403, METrustV1Anchor = 403, MEWMDRMLicenseBackupCompleted = 500, MEWMDRMLicenseBackupProgress = 501, MEWMDRMLicenseRestoreCompleted = 502, MEWMDRMLicenseRestoreProgress = 503, MEWMDRMLicenseAcquisitionCompleted = 506, MEWMDRMIndividualizationCompleted = 508, MEWMDRMIndividualizationProgress = 513, MEWMDRMProximityCompleted = 514, MEWMDRMLicenseStoreCleaned = 515, MEWMDRMRevocationDownloadCompleted = 516, MEWMDRMV1Anchor = 516, METransformUnknown = 600, METransformNeedInput = 601, METransformHaveOutput = 602, METransformDrainComplete = 603, METransformMarker = 604, MEByteStreamCharacteristicsChanged = 700, MEReservedMax = 10000 }; enum _tagQUERYOPTION { QUERY_EXPIRATION_DATE = 1, QUERY_TIME_OF_LAST_CHANGE = 2, QUERY_CONTENT_ENCODING = 3, QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE = 4, QUERY_REFRESH = 5, QUERY_RECOMBINE = 6, QUERY_CAN_NAVIGATE = 7, QUERY_USES_NETWORK = 8, QUERY_IS_CACHED = 9, QUERY_IS_INSTALLEDENTRY = 10, QUERY_IS_CACHED_OR_MAPPED = 11, QUERY_USES_CACHE = 12, QUERY_IS_SECURE = 13, QUERY_IS_SAFE = 14, QUERY_USES_HISTORYFOLDER = 15, QUERY_IS_CACHED_AND_USABLE_OFFLINE = 16 }; enum _COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE { COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_NONE = 0, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_CHUNK_STARTED = 1, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_CHUNK_FINISHED = 2, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_STREAM_STARTED = 3, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_STREAM_FINISHED = 4, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_POLL_CONTINUE = 5, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_ERROR = 6, COPYFILE2_CALLBACK_MAX = 7 }; enum WMIDPREQUESTCODE { WMI_GET_ALL_DATA = 0, WMI_GET_SINGLE_INSTANCE = 1, WMI_SET_SINGLE_INSTANCE = 2, WMI_SET_SINGLE_ITEM = 3, WMI_ENABLE_EVENTS = 4, WMI_DISABLE_EVENTS = 5, WMI_ENABLE_COLLECTION = 6, WMI_DISABLE_COLLECTION = 7, WMI_REGINFO = 8, WMI_EXECUTE_METHOD = 9, WMI_CAPTURE_STATE = 10 }; enum _MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE { MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_DEFAULT = 0, MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_ALWAYS = 1, MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_NEVER = 2 }; enum _NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE { NLA_NETWORK_AD_HOC = 0, NLA_NETWORK_MANAGED = 1, NLA_NETWORK_UNMANAGED = 2, NLA_NETWORK_UNKNOWN = 3 }; enum SYSGEOTYPE { GEO_NATION = 1, GEO_LATITUDE = 2, GEO_LONGITUDE = 3, GEO_ISO2 = 4, GEO_ISO3 = 5, GEO_RFC1766 = 6, GEO_LCID = 7, GEO_FRIENDLYNAME = 8, GEO_OFFICIALNAME = 9, GEO_TIMEZONES = 10, GEO_OFFICIALLANGUAGES = 11, GEO_ISO_UN_NUMBER = 12, GEO_PARENT = 13 }; enum _DPFLTR_TYPE { DPFLTR_SYSTEM_ID = 0, DPFLTR_SMSS_ID = 1, DPFLTR_SETUP_ID = 2, DPFLTR_NTFS_ID = 3, DPFLTR_FSTUB_ID = 4, DPFLTR_CRASHDUMP_ID = 5, DPFLTR_CDAUDIO_ID = 6, DPFLTR_CDROM_ID = 7, DPFLTR_CLASSPNP_ID = 8, DPFLTR_DISK_ID = 9, DPFLTR_REDBOOK_ID = 10, DPFLTR_STORPROP_ID = 11, DPFLTR_SCSIPORT_ID = 12, DPFLTR_SCSIMINIPORT_ID = 13, DPFLTR_CONFIG_ID = 14, DPFLTR_I8042PRT_ID = 15, DPFLTR_SERMOUSE_ID = 16, DPFLTR_LSERMOUS_ID = 17, DPFLTR_KBDHID_ID = 18, DPFLTR_MOUHID_ID = 19, DPFLTR_KBDCLASS_ID = 20, DPFLTR_MOUCLASS_ID = 21, DPFLTR_TWOTRACK_ID = 22, DPFLTR_WMILIB_ID = 23, DPFLTR_ACPI_ID = 24, DPFLTR_AMLI_ID = 25, DPFLTR_HALIA64_ID = 26, DPFLTR_VIDEO_ID = 27, DPFLTR_SVCHOST_ID = 28, DPFLTR_VIDEOPRT_ID = 29, DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID = 30, DPFLTR_DMSYNTH_ID = 31, DPFLTR_NTOSPNP_ID = 32, DPFLTR_FASTFAT_ID = 33, DPFLTR_SAMSS_ID = 34, DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID = 35, DPFLTR_NETAPI_ID = 36, DPFLTR_SCSERVER_ID = 37, DPFLTR_SCCLIENT_ID = 38, DPFLTR_SERIAL_ID = 39, DPFLTR_SERENUM_ID = 40, DPFLTR_UHCD_ID = 41, DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID = 42, DPFLTR_AUTOCHK_ID = 43, DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID = 44, DPFLTR_UNIMODEM_ID = 45, DPFLTR_SIS_ID = 46, DPFLTR_FLTMGR_ID = 47, DPFLTR_WMICORE_ID = 48, DPFLTR_BURNENG_ID = 49, DPFLTR_IMAPI_ID = 50, DPFLTR_SXS_ID = 51, DPFLTR_FUSION_ID = 52, DPFLTR_IDLETASK_ID = 53, DPFLTR_SOFTPCI_ID = 54, DPFLTR_TAPE_ID = 55, DPFLTR_MCHGR_ID = 56, DPFLTR_IDEP_ID = 57, DPFLTR_PCIIDE_ID = 58, DPFLTR_FLOPPY_ID = 59, DPFLTR_FDC_ID = 60, DPFLTR_TERMSRV_ID = 61, DPFLTR_W32TIME_ID = 62, DPFLTR_PREFETCHER_ID = 63, DPFLTR_RSFILTER_ID = 64, DPFLTR_FCPORT_ID = 65, DPFLTR_PCI_ID = 66, DPFLTR_DMIO_ID = 67, DPFLTR_DMCONFIG_ID = 68, DPFLTR_DMADMIN_ID = 69, DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID = 70, DPFLTR_VSS_ID = 71, DPFLTR_PNPMEM_ID = 72, DPFLTR_PROCESSOR_ID = 73, DPFLTR_DMSERVER_ID = 74, DPFLTR_SR_ID = 75, DPFLTR_INFINIBAND_ID = 76, DPFLTR_IHVDRIVER_ID = 77, DPFLTR_IHVVIDEO_ID = 78, DPFLTR_IHVAUDIO_ID = 79, DPFLTR_IHVNETWORK_ID = 80, DPFLTR_IHVSTREAMING_ID = 81, DPFLTR_IHVBUS_ID = 82, DPFLTR_HPS_ID = 83, DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID = 84, DPFLTR_LDR_ID = 85, DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID = 86, DPFLTR_ISAPNP_ID = 87, DPFLTR_SHPC_ID = 88, DPFLTR_STORPORT_ID = 89, DPFLTR_STORMINIPORT_ID = 90, DPFLTR_PRINTSPOOLER_ID = 91, DPFLTR_VSSDYNDISK_ID = 92, DPFLTR_VERIFIER_ID = 93, DPFLTR_VDS_ID = 94, DPFLTR_VDSBAS_ID = 95, DPFLTR_VDSDYN_ID = 96, DPFLTR_VDSDYNDR_ID = 97, DPFLTR_VDSLDR_ID = 98, DPFLTR_VDSUTIL_ID = 99, DPFLTR_DFRGIFC_ID = 100, DPFLTR_DEFAULT_ID = 101, DPFLTR_MM_ID = 102, DPFLTR_DFSC_ID = 103, DPFLTR_WOW64_ID = 104, DPFLTR_ALPC_ID = 105, DPFLTR_WDI_ID = 106, DPFLTR_PERFLIB_ID = 107, DPFLTR_KTM_ID = 108, DPFLTR_IOSTRESS_ID = 109, DPFLTR_HEAP_ID = 110, DPFLTR_WHEA_ID = 111, DPFLTR_USERGDI_ID = 112, DPFLTR_MMCSS_ID = 113, DPFLTR_TPM_ID = 114, DPFLTR_THREADORDER_ID = 115, DPFLTR_ENVIRON_ID = 116, DPFLTR_EMS_ID = 117, DPFLTR_WDT_ID = 118, DPFLTR_FVEVOL_ID = 119, DPFLTR_NDIS_ID = 120, DPFLTR_NVCTRACE_ID = 121, DPFLTR_LUAFV_ID = 122, DPFLTR_APPCOMPAT_ID = 123, DPFLTR_USBSTOR_ID = 124, DPFLTR_SBP2PORT_ID = 125, DPFLTR_COVERAGE_ID = 126, DPFLTR_CACHEMGR_ID = 127, DPFLTR_MOUNTMGR_ID = 128, DPFLTR_CFR_ID = 129, DPFLTR_TXF_ID = 130, DPFLTR_KSECDD_ID = 131, DPFLTR_FLTREGRESS_ID = 132, DPFLTR_MPIO_ID = 133, DPFLTR_MSDSM_ID = 134, DPFLTR_UDFS_ID = 135, DPFLTR_PSHED_ID = 136, DPFLTR_STORVSP_ID = 137, DPFLTR_LSASS_ID = 138, DPFLTR_SSPICLI_ID = 139, DPFLTR_CNG_ID = 140, DPFLTR_EXFAT_ID = 141, DPFLTR_FILETRACE_ID = 142, DPFLTR_XSAVE_ID = 143, DPFLTR_SE_ID = 144, DPFLTR_DRIVEEXTENDER_ID = 145, DPFLTR_POWER_ID = 146, DPFLTR_CRASHDUMPXHCI_ID = 147, DPFLTR_GPIO_ID = 148, DPFLTR_ENDOFTABLE_ID = 149 }; enum _PS_ATTRIBUTE_NUM { PsAttributeParentProcess = 0, PsAttributeDebugObject = 1, PsAttributeToken = 2, PsAttributeClientId = 3, PsAttributeTebAddress = 4, PsAttributeImageName = 5, PsAttributeImageInfo = 6, PsAttributeMemoryReserve = 7, PsAttributePriorityClass = 8, PsAttributeErrorMode = 9, PsAttributeStdHandleInfo = 10, PsAttributeHandleList = 11, PsAttributeGroupAffinity = 12, PsAttributePreferredNode = 13, PsAttributeIdealProcessor = 14, PsAttributeUmsThread = 15, PsAttributeMitigationOptions = 16, PsAttributeSecurityCapabilities = 17, PsAttributeMax = 18 }; enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS { ProcessBasicInformation = 0, ProcessQuotaLimits = 1, ProcessIoCounters = 2, ProcessVmCounters = 3, ProcessTimes = 4, ProcessBasePriority = 5, ProcessRaisePriority = 6, ProcessDebugPort = 7, ProcessExceptionPort = 8, ProcessAccessToken = 9, ProcessLdtInformation = 10, ProcessLdtSize = 11, ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode = 12, ProcessIoPortHandlers = 13, ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits = 14, ProcessWorkingSetWatch = 15, ProcessUserModeIOPL = 16, ProcessEnableAlignmentFaultFixup = 17, ProcessPriorityClass = 18, ProcessWx86Information = 19, ProcessHandleCount = 20, ProcessAffinityMask = 21, ProcessPriorityBoost = 22, ProcessDeviceMap = 23, ProcessSessionInformation = 24, ProcessForegroundInformation = 25, ProcessWow64Information = 26, ProcessImageFileName = 27, ProcessLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled = 28, ProcessBreakOnTermination = 29, ProcessDebugObjectHandle = 30, ProcessDebugFlags = 31, ProcessHandleTracing = 32, ProcessIoPriority = 33, ProcessExecuteFlags = 34, ProcessTlsInformation = 35, ProcessCookie = 36, ProcessImageInformation = 37, ProcessCycleTime = 38, ProcessPagePriority = 39, ProcessInstrumentationCallback = 40, ProcessThreadStackAllocation = 41, ProcessWorkingSetWatchEx = 42, ProcessImageFileNameWin32 = 43, ProcessImageFileMapping = 44, ProcessAffinityUpdateMode = 45, ProcessMemoryAllocationMode = 46, ProcessGroupInformation = 47, ProcessTokenVirtualizationEnabled = 48, ProcessConsoleHostProcess = 49, ProcessWindowInformation = 50, ProcessHandleInformation = 51, ProcessMitigationPolicy = 52, ProcessDynamicFunctionTableInformation = 53, ProcessHandleCheckingMode = 54, ProcessKeepAliveCount = 55, ProcessRevokeFileHandles = 56, MaxProcessInfoClass = 57 }; enum _tagPARSEACTION { PARSE_CANONICALIZE = 1, PARSE_FRIENDLY = 2, PARSE_SECURITY_URL = 3, PARSE_ROOTDOCUMENT = 4, PARSE_DOCUMENT = 5, PARSE_ANCHOR = 6, PARSE_ENCODE_IS_UNESCAPE = 7, PARSE_DECODE_IS_ESCAPE = 8, PARSE_PATH_FROM_URL = 9, PARSE_URL_FROM_PATH = 10, PARSE_MIME = 11, PARSE_SERVER = 12, PARSE_SCHEMA = 13, PARSE_SITE = 14, PARSE_DOMAIN = 15, PARSE_LOCATION = 16, PARSE_SECURITY_DOMAIN = 17, PARSE_ESCAPE = 18, PARSE_UNESCAPE = 19 }; enum _SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { SystemBasicInformation = 0, SystemProcessorInformation = 1, SystemPerformanceInformation = 2, SystemTimeOfDayInformation = 3, SystemPathInformation = 4, SystemProcessInformation = 5, SystemCallCountInformation = 6, SystemDeviceInformation = 7, SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation = 8, SystemFlagsInformation = 9, SystemCallTimeInformation = 10, SystemModuleInformation = 11, SystemLocksInformation = 12, SystemStackTraceInformation = 13, SystemPagedPoolInformation = 14, SystemNonPagedPoolInformation = 15, SystemHandleInformation = 16, SystemObjectInformation = 17, SystemPageFileInformation = 18, SystemVdmInstemulInformation = 19, SystemVdmBopInformation = 20, SystemFileCacheInformation = 21, SystemPoolTagInformation = 22, SystemInterruptInformation = 23, SystemDpcBehaviorInformation = 24, SystemFullMemoryInformation = 25, SystemLoadGdiDriverInformation = 26, SystemUnloadGdiDriverInformation = 27, SystemTimeAdjustmentInformation = 28, SystemSummaryMemoryInformation = 29, SystemMirrorMemoryInformation = 30, SystemPerformanceTraceInformation = 31, SystemObsolete0 = 32, SystemExceptionInformation = 33, SystemCrashDumpStateInformation = 34, SystemKernelDebuggerInformation = 35, SystemContextSwitchInformation = 36, SystemRegistryQuotaInformation = 37, SystemExtendServiceTableInformation = 38, SystemPrioritySeperation = 39, SystemVerifierAddDriverInformation = 40, SystemVerifierRemoveDriverInformation = 41, SystemProcessorIdleInformation = 42, SystemLegacyDriverInformation = 43, SystemCurrentTimeZoneInformation = 44, SystemLookasideInformation = 45, SystemTimeSlipNotification = 46, SystemSessionCreate = 47, SystemSessionDetach = 48, SystemSessionInformation = 49, SystemRangeStartInformation = 50, SystemVerifierInformation = 51, SystemVerifierThunkExtend = 52, SystemSessionProcessInformation = 53, SystemLoadGdiDriverInSystemSpace = 54, SystemNumaProcessorMap = 55, SystemPrefetcherInformation = 56, SystemExtendedProcessInformation = 57, SystemRecommendedSharedDataAlignment = 58, SystemComPlusPackage = 59, SystemNumaAvailableMemory = 60, SystemProcessorPowerInformation = 61, SystemEmulationBasicInformation = 62, SystemEmulationProcessorInformation = 63, SystemExtendedHandleInformation = 64, SystemLostDelayedWriteInformation = 65, SystemBigPoolInformation = 66, SystemSessionPoolTagInformation = 67, SystemSessionMappedViewInformation = 68, SystemHotpatchInformation = 69, SystemObjectSecurityMode = 70, SystemWatchdogTimerHandler = 71, SystemWatchdogTimerInformation = 72, SystemLogicalProcessorInformation = 73, SystemWow64SharedInformationObsolete = 74, SystemRegisterFirmwareTableInformationHandler = 75, SystemFirmwareTableInformation = 76, SystemModuleInformationEx = 77, SystemVerifierTriageInformation = 78, SystemSuperfetchInformation = 79, SystemMemoryListInformation = 80, SystemFileCacheInformationEx = 81, SystemThreadPriorityClientIdInformation = 82, SystemProcessorIdleCycleTimeInformation = 83, SystemVerifierCancellationInformation = 84, SystemProcessorPowerInformationEx = 85, SystemRefTraceInformation = 86, SystemSpecialPoolInformation = 87, SystemProcessIdInformation = 88, SystemErrorPortInformation = 89, SystemBootEnvironmentInformation = 90, SystemHypervisorInformation = 91, SystemVerifierInformationEx = 92, SystemTimeZoneInformation = 93, SystemImageFileExecutionOptionsInformation = 94, SystemCoverageInformation = 95, SystemPrefetchPatchInformation = 96, SystemVerifierFaultsInformation = 97, SystemSystemPartitionInformation = 98, SystemSystemDiskInformation = 99, SystemProcessorPerformanceDistribution = 100, SystemNumaProximityNodeInformation = 101, SystemDynamicTimeZoneInformation = 102, SystemCodeIntegrityInformation = 103, SystemProcessorMicrocodeUpdateInformation = 104, SystemProcessorBrandString = 105, SystemVirtualAddressInformation = 106, SystemLogicalProcessorAndGroupInformation = 107, SystemProcessorCycleTimeInformation = 108, SystemStoreInformation = 109, SystemRegistryAppendString = 110, SystemAitSamplingValue = 111, SystemVhdBootInformation = 112, SystemCpuQuotaInformation = 113, SystemNativeBasicInformation = 114, SystemErrorPortTimeouts = 115, SystemLowPriorityIoInformation = 116, SystemBootEntropyInformation = 117, SystemVerifierCountersInformation = 118, SystemPagedPoolInformationEx = 119, SystemSystemPtesInformationEx = 120, SystemNodeDistanceInformation = 121, SystemAcpiAuditInformation = 122, SystemBasicPerformanceInformation = 123, SystemQueryPerformanceCounterInformation = 124, SystemSessionBigPoolInformation = 125, SystemBootGraphicsInformation = 126, SystemScrubPhysicalMemoryInformation = 127, SystemBadPageInformation = 128, SystemProcessorProfileControlArea = 129, SystemCombinePhysicalMemoryInformation = 130, SystemEntropyInterruptTimingCallback = 131, SystemConsoleInformation = 132, SystemPlatformBinaryInformation = 133, SystemThrottleNotificationInformation = 134, SystemHypervisorProcessorCountInformation = 135, SystemDeviceDataInformation = 136, SystemDeviceDataEnumerationInformation = 137, SystemMemoryTopologyInformation = 138, SystemMemoryChannelInformation = 139, SystemBootLogoInformation = 140, MaxSystemInfoClass = 141 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING { DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_IDENTITY = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_CENTERED = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_STRETCHED = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_ASPECTRATIOCENTEREDMAX = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_CUSTOM = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_PREFERRED = 128, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SOURCE_NAME = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_TARGET_NAME = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_TARGET_PREFERRED_MODE = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_ADAPTER_NAME = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_SET_TARGET_PERSISTENCE = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CLASS { PlugPlayControlEnumerateDevice = 0, PlugPlayControlRegisterNewDevice = 1, PlugPlayControlDeregisterDevice = 2, PlugPlayControlInitializeDevice = 3, PlugPlayControlStartDevice = 4, PlugPlayControlUnlockDevice = 5, PlugPlayControlQueryAndRemoveDevice = 6, PlugPlayControlUserResponse = 7, PlugPlayControlGenerateLegacyDevice = 8, PlugPlayControlGetInterfaceDeviceList = 9, PlugPlayControlProperty = 10, PlugPlayControlDeviceClassAssociation = 11, PlugPlayControlGetRelatedDevice = 12, PlugPlayControlGetInterfaceDeviceAlias = 13, PlugPlayControlDeviceStatus = 14, PlugPlayControlGetDeviceDepth = 15, PlugPlayControlQueryDeviceRelations = 16, PlugPlayControlTargetDeviceRelation = 17, PlugPlayControlQueryConflictList = 18, PlugPlayControlRetrieveDock = 19, PlugPlayControlResetDevice = 20, PlugPlayControlHaltDevice = 21, PlugPlayControlGetBlockedDriverList = 22, MaxPlugPlayControl = 23 }; enum ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines { COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY = 1, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED = 2, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_IL_LIBRARY = 4, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_STRONGNAMESIGNED = 8, COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT = 16, /* COMIMAGE_FLAGS_TRACKDEBUGDATA = Unavail */ }; enum _SYSTEM_VA_TYPE { SystemVaTypeAll = 0, SystemVaTypeNonPagedPool = 1, SystemVaTypePagedPool = 2, SystemVaTypeSystemCache = 3, SystemVaTypeSystemPtes = 4, SystemVaTypeSessionSpace = 5, SystemVaTypeMax = 6 }; enum _INTERFACE_TYPE { InterfaceTypeUndefined = -1, Internal = 0, Isa = 1, Eisa = 2, MicroChannel = 3, TurboChannel = 4, PCIBus = 5, VMEBus = 6, NuBus = 7, PCMCIABus = 8, CBus = 9, MPIBus = 10, MPSABus = 11, ProcessorInternal = 12, InternalPowerBus = 13, PNPISABus = 14, PNPBus = 15, Vmcs = 16, ACPIBus = 17, MaximumInterfaceType = 18 }; enum _KPROFILE_SOURCE { ProfileTime = 0, ProfileAlignmentFixup = 1, ProfileTotalIssues = 2, ProfilePipelineDry = 3, ProfileLoadInstructions = 4, ProfilePipelineFrozen = 5, ProfileBranchInstructions = 6, ProfileTotalNonissues = 7, ProfileDcacheMisses = 8, ProfileIcacheMisses = 9, ProfileCacheMisses = 10, ProfileBranchMispredictions = 11, ProfileStoreInstructions = 12, ProfileFpInstructions = 13, ProfileIntegerInstructions = 14, Profile2Issue = 15, Profile3Issue = 16, Profile4Issue = 17, ProfileSpecialInstructions = 18, ProfileTotalCycles = 19, ProfileIcacheIssues = 20, ProfileDcacheAccesses = 21, ProfileMemoryBarrierCycles = 22, ProfileLoadLinkedIssues = 23, ProfileMaximum = 24 }; enum __MIDL_IInternetSecurityManager_0001 { PUAF_DEFAULT = 0, PUAF_NOUI = 1, PUAF_ISFILE = 2, PUAF_WARN_IF_DENIED = 4, PUAF_FORCEUI_FOREGROUND = 8, PUAF_CHECK_TIFS = 16, PUAF_DONTCHECKBOXINDIALOG = 32, PUAF_TRUSTED = 64, PUAF_ACCEPT_WILDCARD_SCHEME = 128, PUAF_ENFORCERESTRICTED = 256, PUAF_NOSAVEDFILECHECK = 512, PUAF_REQUIRESAVEDFILECHECK = 1024, PUAF_DONT_USE_CACHE = 4096, PUAF_RESERVED1 = 8192, PUAF_RESERVED2 = 16384, /* PUAF_LMZ_UNLOCKED = Unavail */ }; enum PROXY_PHASE { PROXY_CALCSIZE = 0, PROXY_GETBUFFER = 1, PROXY_MARSHAL = 2, PROXY_SENDRECEIVE = 3, PROXY_UNMARSHAL = 4 }; enum _IDL_CS_CONVERT { IDL_CS_NO_CONVERT = 0, IDL_CS_IN_PLACE_CONVERT = 1, IDL_CS_NEW_BUFFER_CONVERT = 2 }; enum _BUS_DATA_TYPE { ConfigurationSpaceUndefined = -1, Cmos = 0, EisaConfiguration = 1, Pos = 2, CbusConfiguration = 3, PCIConfiguration = 4, VMEConfiguration = 5, NuBusConfiguration = 6, PCMCIAConfiguration = 7, MPIConfiguration = 8, MPSAConfiguration = 9, PNPISAConfiguration = 10, SgiInternalConfiguration = 11, MaximumBusDataType = 12 }; enum tagSTGC { STGC_DEFAULT = 0, STGC_OVERWRITE = 1, STGC_ONLYIFCURRENT = 2, STGC_DANGEROUSLYCOMMITMERELYTODISKCACHE = 4, STGC_CONSOLIDATE = 8 }; enum _RTL_PATH_TYPE { RtlPathTypeUnknown = 0, RtlPathTypeUncAbsolute = 1, RtlPathTypeDriveAbsolute = 2, RtlPathTypeDriveRelative = 3, RtlPathTypeRooted = 4, RtlPathTypeRelative = 5, RtlPathTypeLocalDevice = 6, RtlPathTypeRootLocalDevice = 7 }; enum _WORKER_FACTORY_CALLBACK_CLASS { WorkerFactoryCallbackNormal = 0, WorkerFactoryCallbackLongRunning = 1, WorkerFactoryCallbackIndependent = 2, WorkerFactoryCallbackDetectedUnrecoverableError = 3 }; enum SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { PoAc = 0, PoDc = 1, PoHot = 2, PoConditionMaximum = 3 }; enum _TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { TraceGuidQueryList = 0, TraceGuidQueryInfo = 1, TraceGuidQueryProcess = 2, TraceStackTracingInfo = 3, TraceSystemTraceEnableFlagsInfo = 4, TraceSampledProfileIntervalInfo = 5, TraceProfileSourceConfigInfo = 6, TraceProfileSourceListInfo = 7, TracePmcEventListInfo = 8, TracePmcCounterListInfo = 9, MaxTraceSetInfoClass = 10 }; enum RCVALL_VALUE { RCVALL_OFF = 0, RCVALL_ON = 1, RCVALL_SOCKETLEVELONLY = 2, RCVALL_IPLEVEL = 3 }; enum _MFVideoTransferFunction { MFVideoTransFunc_Unknown = 0, MFVideoTransFunc_10 = 1, MFVideoTransFunc_18 = 2, MFVideoTransFunc_20 = 3, MFVideoTransFunc_22 = 4, MFVideoTransFunc_709 = 5, MFVideoTransFunc_240M = 6, MFVideoTransFunc_sRGB = 7, MFVideoTransFunc_28 = 8, MFVideoTransFunc_Log_100 = 9, MFVideoTransFunc_Log_316 = 10, MFVideoTransFunc_709_sym = 11, MFVideoTransFunc_Last = 12, /* MFVideoTransFunc_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum tagTYPEKIND { TKIND_ENUM = 0, TKIND_RECORD = 1, TKIND_MODULE = 2, TKIND_INTERFACE = 3, TKIND_DISPATCH = 4, TKIND_COCLASS = 5, TKIND_ALIAS = 6, TKIND_UNION = 7, TKIND_MAX = 8 }; enum _MUTANT_INFORMATION_CLASS { MutantBasicInformation = 0, MutantOwnerInformation = 1 }; enum tagBINDSTATUS { BINDSTATUS_FINDINGRESOURCE = 1, BINDSTATUS_CONNECTING = 2, BINDSTATUS_REDIRECTING = 3, BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADDATA = 4, BINDSTATUS_DOWNLOADINGDATA = 5, BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADDATA = 6, BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADCOMPONENTS = 7, BINDSTATUS_INSTALLINGCOMPONENTS = 8, BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADCOMPONENTS = 9, BINDSTATUS_USINGCACHEDCOPY = 10, BINDSTATUS_SENDINGREQUEST = 11, BINDSTATUS_CLASSIDAVAILABLE = 12, BINDSTATUS_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE = 13, BINDSTATUS_CACHEFILENAMEAVAILABLE = 14, BINDSTATUS_BEGINSYNCOPERATION = 15, BINDSTATUS_ENDSYNCOPERATION = 16, BINDSTATUS_BEGINUPLOADDATA = 17, BINDSTATUS_UPLOADINGDATA = 18, BINDSTATUS_ENDUPLOADDATA = 19, BINDSTATUS_PROTOCOLCLASSID = 20, BINDSTATUS_ENCODING = 21, BINDSTATUS_VERIFIEDMIMETYPEAVAILABLE = 22, BINDSTATUS_CLASSINSTALLLOCATION = 23, BINDSTATUS_DECODING = 24, BINDSTATUS_LOADINGMIMEHANDLER = 25, BINDSTATUS_CONTENTDISPOSITIONATTACH = 26, BINDSTATUS_FILTERREPORTMIMETYPE = 27, BINDSTATUS_CLSIDCANINSTANTIATE = 28, BINDSTATUS_IUNKNOWNAVAILABLE = 29, BINDSTATUS_DIRECTBIND = 30, BINDSTATUS_RAWMIMETYPE = 31, BINDSTATUS_PROXYDETECTING = 32, BINDSTATUS_ACCEPTRANGES = 33, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_SENT = 34, BINDSTATUS_COMPACT_POLICY_RECEIVED = 35, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_SUPPRESSED = 36, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 37, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT = 38, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_REJECT = 39, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_PROMPT = 40, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_LEASH = 41, BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_DOWNGRADE = 42, BINDSTATUS_POLICY_HREF = 43, BINDSTATUS_P3P_HEADER = 44, BINDSTATUS_SESSION_COOKIE_RECEIVED = 45, BINDSTATUS_PERSISTENT_COOKIE_RECEIVED = 46, BINDSTATUS_SESSION_COOKIES_ALLOWED = 47, BINDSTATUS_CACHECONTROL = 48, BINDSTATUS_CONTENTDISPOSITIONFILENAME = 49, BINDSTATUS_MIMETEXTPLAINMISMATCH = 50, BINDSTATUS_PUBLISHERAVAILABLE = 51, BINDSTATUS_DISPLAYNAMEAVAILABLE = 52, BINDSTATUS_SSLUX_NAVBLOCKED = 53, BINDSTATUS_SERVER_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE = 54, BINDSTATUS_SNIFFED_CLASSIDAVAILABLE = 55, BINDSTATUS_64BIT_PROGRESS = 56, BINDSTATUS_LAST = 56, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_0 = 57, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_1 = 58, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_2 = 59, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_3 = 60, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_4 = 61, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_5 = 62, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_6 = 63, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_7 = 64, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_8 = 65, BINDSTATUS_RESERVED_9 = 66, BINDSTATUS_LAST_PRIVATE = 66 }; enum FORTCMD { FORTCMD_LOGON = 1, FORTCMD_LOGOFF = 2, FORTCMD_CHG_PERSONALITY = 3 }; enum _MFVideoPadFlags { MFVideoPadFlag_PAD_TO_None = 0, MFVideoPadFlag_PAD_TO_4x3 = 1, MFVideoPadFlag_PAD_TO_16x9 = 2 }; enum __MIDL_IUri_0001 { Uri_PROPERTY_ABSOLUTE_URI = 0, Uri_PROPERTY_STRING_START = 0, Uri_PROPERTY_AUTHORITY = 1, Uri_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_URI = 2, Uri_PROPERTY_DOMAIN = 3, Uri_PROPERTY_EXTENSION = 4, Uri_PROPERTY_FRAGMENT = 5, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST = 6, Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD = 7, Uri_PROPERTY_PATH = 8, Uri_PROPERTY_PATH_AND_QUERY = 9, Uri_PROPERTY_QUERY = 10, Uri_PROPERTY_RAW_URI = 11, Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME_NAME = 12, Uri_PROPERTY_USER_INFO = 13, Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME = 14, Uri_PROPERTY_STRING_LAST = 14, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST_TYPE = 15, Uri_PROPERTY_DWORD_START = 15, Uri_PROPERTY_PORT = 16, Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME = 17, Uri_PROPERTY_ZONE = 18, Uri_PROPERTY_DWORD_LAST = 18 }; enum _JOURNAL_CHANGE_INFORMATION_CLASS { JournalCreateKey = 0, JournalDeleteKey = 1, JournalRenameKey = 2, JournalSetValue = 3, JournalDeleteValue = 4, JournalSetKeySecurity = 5, JournalSetKeyUserFlags = 6, JournalSetLastWriteTime = 7, JournalBeginTransaction = 8, JournalCommitTransaction = 9, JournalAbortTransaction = 10, MaxJournalChangeAction = 11 }; enum _TP_TRACE_TYPE { TpTraceThreadPriority = 1, TpTraceThreadAffinity = 2, MaxTpTraceType = 3 }; enum _MFT_ENUM_FLAG { MFT_ENUM_FLAG_SYNCMFT = 1, MFT_ENUM_FLAG_ASYNCMFT = 2, MFT_ENUM_FLAG_HARDWARE = 4, MFT_ENUM_FLAG_FIELDOFUSE = 8, MFT_ENUM_FLAG_LOCALMFT = 16, MFT_ENUM_FLAG_TRANSCODE_ONLY = 32, MFT_ENUM_FLAG_SORTANDFILTER = 64, MFT_ENUM_FLAG_ALL = 63 }; enum tagOLERENDER { OLERENDER_NONE = 0, OLERENDER_DRAW = 1, OLERENDER_FORMAT = 2, OLERENDER_ASIS = 3 }; /* enum tagMKREDUCE { MKRREDUCE_ONE = Unavail }; */ enum POWER_STATE_HANDLER_TYPE { PowerStateSleeping1 = 0, PowerStateSleeping2 = 1, PowerStateSleeping3 = 2, PowerStateSleeping4 = 3, PowerStateShutdownOff = 4, PowerStateShutdownReset = 5, PowerStateSleeping4Firmware = 6, PowerStateMaximum = 7 }; enum _tagINTERNETFEATURELIST { FEATURE_OBJECT_CACHING = 0, FEATURE_ZONE_ELEVATION = 1, FEATURE_MIME_HANDLING = 2, FEATURE_MIME_SNIFFING = 3, FEATURE_WINDOW_RESTRICTIONS = 4, FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENT = 5, FEATURE_BEHAVIORS = 6, FEATURE_DISABLE_MK_PROTOCOL = 7, FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN = 8, FEATURE_SECURITYBAND = 9, FEATURE_RESTRICT_ACTIVEXINSTALL = 10, FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URL = 11, FEATURE_RESTRICT_FILEDOWNLOAD = 12, FEATURE_ADDON_MANAGEMENT = 13, FEATURE_PROTOCOL_LOCKDOWN = 14, FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLE = 15, FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECT = 16, FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECK = 17, FEATURE_GET_URL_DOM_FILEPATH_UNENCODED = 18, FEATURE_TABBED_BROWSING = 19, FEATURE_SSLUX = 20, FEATURE_DISABLE_NAVIGATION_SOUNDS = 21, FEATURE_DISABLE_LEGACY_COMPRESSION = 22, FEATURE_FORCE_ADDR_AND_STATUS = 23, FEATURE_XMLHTTP = 24, FEATURE_DISABLE_TELNET_PROTOCOL = 25, FEATURE_FEEDS = 26, FEATURE_BLOCK_INPUT_PROMPTS = 27, FEATURE_ENTRY_COUNT = 28 }; enum _DMA_WIDTH { Width8Bits = 0, Width16Bits = 1, Width32Bits = 2, Width64Bits = 3, WidthNoWrap = 4, MaximumDmaWidth = 5 }; enum _MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE { MF_DROP_MODE_NONE = 0, MF_DROP_MODE_1 = 1, MF_DROP_MODE_2 = 2, MF_DROP_MODE_3 = 3, MF_DROP_MODE_4 = 4, MF_DROP_MODE_5 = 5, MF_NUM_DROP_MODES = 6 }; enum DXGI_FORMAT { DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS = 1, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT = 2, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT = 3, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT = 4, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS = 5, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT = 6, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT = 7, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT = 8, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS = 9, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT = 10, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM = 11, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT = 12, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM = 13, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT = 14, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS = 15, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT = 16, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT = 17, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT = 18, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS = 19, DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT = 20, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS = 21, DXGI_FORMAT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT = 22, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS = 23, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM = 24, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT = 25, DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT = 26, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS = 27, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM = 28, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB = 29, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT = 30, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM = 31, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT = 32, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_TYPELESS = 33, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT = 34, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM = 35, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT = 36, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM = 37, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT = 38, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS = 39, DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT = 40, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT = 41, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT = 42, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT = 43, DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS = 44, DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT = 45, DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS = 46, DXGI_FORMAT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT = 47, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_TYPELESS = 48, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM = 49, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT = 50, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM = 51, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT = 52, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_TYPELESS = 53, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT = 54, DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM = 55, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM = 56, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT = 57, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SNORM = 58, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT = 59, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_TYPELESS = 60, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM = 61, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT = 62, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SNORM = 63, DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SINT = 64, DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM = 65, DXGI_FORMAT_R1_UNORM = 66, DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP = 67, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM = 68, DXGI_FORMAT_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM = 69, DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS = 70, DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM = 71, DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB = 72, DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS = 73, DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM = 74, DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB = 75, DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS = 76, DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM = 77, DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB = 78, DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS = 79, DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM = 80, DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM = 81, DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS = 82, DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM = 83, DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM = 84, DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM = 85, DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM = 86, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM = 87, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM = 88, DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM = 89, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS = 90, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB = 91, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS = 92, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB = 93, DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS = 94, DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16 = 95, DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16 = 96, DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS = 97, DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM = 98, DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB = 99, DXGI_FORMAT_AYUV = 100, DXGI_FORMAT_Y410 = 101, DXGI_FORMAT_Y416 = 102, DXGI_FORMAT_NV12 = 103, DXGI_FORMAT_P010 = 104, DXGI_FORMAT_P016 = 105, DXGI_FORMAT_420_OPAQUE = 106, DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2 = 107, DXGI_FORMAT_Y210 = 108, DXGI_FORMAT_Y216 = 109, DXGI_FORMAT_NV11 = 110, DXGI_FORMAT_AI44 = 111, DXGI_FORMAT_IA44 = 112, DXGI_FORMAT_P8 = 113, DXGI_FORMAT_A8P8 = 114, DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM = 115, DXGI_FORMAT_FORCE_UINT = -1 }; enum _MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { ROTATION_NONE = 0, ROTATION_NORMAL = 1 }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0006 { BSCF_FIRSTDATANOTIFICATION = 1, BSCF_INTERMEDIATEDATANOTIFICATION = 2, BSCF_LASTDATANOTIFICATION = 4, BSCF_DATAFULLYAVAILABLE = 8, BSCF_AVAILABLEDATASIZEUNKNOWN = 16, BSCF_SKIPDRAINDATAFORFILEURLS = 32, BSCF_64BITLENGTHDOWNLOAD = 64 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT { DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_8BPP = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_16BPP = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_24BPP = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_32BPP = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_NONGDI = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfobjects_0000_0017_0002 { MF_OPENMODE_FAIL_IF_NOT_EXIST = 0, MF_OPENMODE_FAIL_IF_EXIST = 1, MF_OPENMODE_RESET_IF_EXIST = 2, MF_OPENMODE_APPEND_IF_EXIST = 3, MF_OPENMODE_DELETE_IF_EXIST = 4 }; enum tagBINDSTRING { BINDSTRING_HEADERS = 1, BINDSTRING_ACCEPT_MIMES = 2, BINDSTRING_EXTRA_URL = 3, BINDSTRING_LANGUAGE = 4, BINDSTRING_USERNAME = 5, BINDSTRING_PASSWORD = 6, BINDSTRING_UA_PIXELS = 7, BINDSTRING_UA_COLOR = 8, BINDSTRING_OS = 9, BINDSTRING_USER_AGENT = 10, BINDSTRING_ACCEPT_ENCODINGS = 11, BINDSTRING_POST_COOKIE = 12, BINDSTRING_POST_DATA_MIME = 13, BINDSTRING_URL = 14, BINDSTRING_IID = 15, BINDSTRING_FLAG_BIND_TO_OBJECT = 16, BINDSTRING_PTR_BIND_CONTEXT = 17, BINDSTRING_XDR_ORIGIN = 18, BINDSTRING_DOWNLOADPATH = 19, BINDSTRING_ROOTDOC_URL = 20, BINDSTRING_INITIAL_FILENAME = 21 }; enum tagORIENTATION_PREFERENCE { ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_NONE = 0, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_LANDSCAPE = 1, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_PORTRAIT = 2, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_LANDSCAPE_FLIPPED = 4, ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE_PORTRAIT_FLIPPED = 8 }; enum _FP_IEEE_OPERATION_CODE { FpCodeUnspecified = 0, FpCodeAdd = 1, FpCodeSubtract = 2, FpCodeMultiply = 3, FpCodeDivide = 4, FpCodeSquareRoot = 5, FpCodeRemainder = 6, FpCodeCompare = 7, FpCodeConvert = 8, FpCodeRound = 9, FpCodeTruncate = 10, FpCodeFloor = 11, FpCodeCeil = 12, FpCodeAcos = 13, FpCodeAsin = 14, FpCodeAtan = 15, FpCodeAtan2 = 16, FpCodeCabs = 17, FpCodeCos = 18, FpCodeCosh = 19, FpCodeExp = 20, FpCodeFabs = 21, FpCodeFmod = 22, FpCodeFrexp = 23, FpCodeHypot = 24, FpCodeLdexp = 25, FpCodeLog = 26, FpCodeLog10 = 27, FpCodeModf = 28, FpCodePow = 29, FpCodeSin = 30, FpCodeSinh = 31, FpCodeTan = 32, FpCodeTanh = 33, FpCodeY0 = 34, FpCodeY1 = 35, FpCodeYn = 36 }; enum _MFVideo3DSampleFormat { MFSampleExtension_3DVideo_MultiView = 1, MFSampleExtension_3DVideo_Packed = 0 }; enum _DMO_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { DMO_OUTPUT_STREAMF_WHOLE_SAMPLES = 1, DMO_OUTPUT_STREAMF_SINGLE_SAMPLE_PER_BUFFER = 2, DMO_OUTPUT_STREAMF_FIXED_SAMPLE_SIZE = 4, DMO_OUTPUT_STREAMF_DISCARDABLE = 8, DMO_OUTPUT_STREAMF_OPTIONAL = 16 }; enum tagLIBFLAGS { LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 1, LIBFLAG_FCONTROL = 2, LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN = 4, LIBFLAG_FHASDISKIMAGE = 8 }; enum MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY { MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY_USE_ALL_PLUGINS = 0, MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY_USE_APPROVED_PLUGINS = 1, MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY_USE_WEB_PLUGINS = 2 }; enum _RTL_RXACT_OPERATION { RtlRXactOperationDelete = 1, RtlRXactOperationSetValue = 2, RtlRXactOperationDelAttribute = 3, RtlRXactOperationSetAttribute = 4 }; enum _IRQ_PRIORITY { IrqPriorityUndefined = 0, IrqPriorityLow = 1, IrqPriorityNormal = 2, IrqPriorityHigh = 3 }; enum PO_FIXED_WAKE_SOURCE_TYPE { FixedWakeSourcePowerButton = 0, FixedWakeSourceSleepButton = 1, FixedWakeSourceRtc = 2, FixedWakeSourceDozeToHibernate = 3 }; enum _THREADINFOCLASS { ThreadBasicInformation = 0, ThreadTimes = 1, ThreadPriority = 2, ThreadBasePriority = 3, ThreadAffinityMask = 4, ThreadImpersonationToken = 5, ThreadDescriptorTableEntry = 6, ThreadEnableAlignmentFaultFixup = 7, ThreadEventPair_Reusable = 8, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress = 9, ThreadZeroTlsCell = 10, ThreadPerformanceCount = 11, ThreadAmILastThread = 12, ThreadIdealProcessor = 13, ThreadPriorityBoost = 14, ThreadSetTlsArrayAddress = 15, ThreadIsIoPending = 16, ThreadHideFromDebugger = 17, ThreadBreakOnTermination = 18, ThreadSwitchLegacyState = 19, ThreadIsTerminated = 20, ThreadLastSystemCall = 21, ThreadIoPriority = 22, ThreadCycleTime = 23, ThreadPagePriority = 24, ThreadActualBasePriority = 25, ThreadTebInformation = 26, ThreadCSwitchMon = 27, ThreadCSwitchPmu = 28, ThreadWow64Context = 29, ThreadGroupInformation = 30, ThreadUmsInformation = 31, ThreadCounterProfiling = 32, ThreadIdealProcessorEx = 33, ThreadCpuAccountingInformation = 34, ThreadSwitchStackCheck = 35, MaxThreadInfoClass = 36 }; enum _SE_AUDIT_OPERATION { AuditPrivilegeObject = 0, AuditPrivilegeService = 1, AuditAccessCheck = 2, AuditOpenObject = 3, AuditOpenObjectWithTransaction = 4, AuditCloseObject = 5, AuditDeleteObject = 6, AuditOpenObjectForDelete = 7, AuditOpenObjectForDeleteWithTransaction = 8, AuditCloseNonObject = 9, AuditOpenNonObject = 10, AuditObjectReference = 11, AuditHandleCreation = 12 }; enum _TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS { TokenUser = 1, TokenGroups = 2, TokenPrivileges = 3, TokenOwner = 4, TokenPrimaryGroup = 5, TokenDefaultDacl = 6, TokenSource = 7, TokenType = 8, TokenImpersonationLevel = 9, TokenStatistics = 10, TokenRestrictedSids = 11, TokenSessionId = 12, TokenGroupsAndPrivileges = 13, TokenSessionReference = 14, TokenSandBoxInert = 15, TokenAuditPolicy = 16, TokenOrigin = 17, TokenElevationType = 18, TokenLinkedToken = 19, TokenElevation = 20, TokenHasRestrictions = 21, TokenAccessInformation = 22, TokenVirtualizationAllowed = 23, TokenVirtualizationEnabled = 24, TokenIntegrityLevel = 25, TokenUIAccess = 26, TokenMandatoryPolicy = 27, TokenLogonSid = 28, TokenIsAppContainer = 29, TokenCapabilities = 30, TokenAppContainerSid = 31, TokenAppContainerNumber = 32, TokenUserClaimAttributes = 33, TokenDeviceClaimAttributes = 34, TokenRestrictedUserClaimAttributes = 35, TokenRestrictedDeviceClaimAttributes = 36, TokenDeviceGroups = 37, TokenRestrictedDeviceGroups = 38, TokenSecurityAttributes = 39, TokenIsRestricted = 40, MaxTokenInfoClass = 41 }; enum _SUITE_TYPE { SmallBusiness = 0, Enterprise = 1, BackOffice = 2, CommunicationServer = 3, TerminalServer = 4, SmallBusinessRestricted = 5, EmbeddedNT = 6, DataCenter = 7, SingleUserTS = 8, Personal = 9, Blade = 10, EmbeddedRestricted = 11, SecurityAppliance = 12, StorageServer = 13, ComputeServer = 14, WHServer = 15, MaxSuiteType = 16 }; enum _HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BINARY_MESSAGE_TYPE = 0, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BINARY_FRAGMENT_TYPE = 1, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_MESSAGE_TYPE = 2, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_FRAGMENT_TYPE = 3, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_TYPE = 4 }; enum _MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION { PEACTION_NO = 0, PEACTION_PLAY = 1, PEACTION_COPY = 2, PEACTION_EXPORT = 3, PEACTION_EXTRACT = 4, PEACTION_RESERVED1 = 5, PEACTION_RESERVED2 = 6, PEACTION_RESERVED3 = 7, PEACTION_LAST = 7 }; enum PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE { PDAT_DEFAULT = 0, PDAT_FIRST = 1, PDAT_SUM = 2, PDAT_AVERAGE = 3, PDAT_DATERANGE = 4, PDAT_UNION = 5, PDAT_MAX = 6, PDAT_MIN = 7 }; enum PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS { PDFF_DEFAULT = 0, PDFF_PREFIXNAME = 1, PDFF_FILENAME = 2, PDFF_ALWAYSKB = 4, PDFF_RESERVED_RIGHTTOLEFT = 8, PDFF_SHORTTIME = 16, PDFF_LONGTIME = 32, PDFF_HIDETIME = 64, PDFF_SHORTDATE = 128, PDFF_LONGDATE = 256, PDFF_HIDEDATE = 512, PDFF_RELATIVEDATE = 1024, PDFF_USEEDITINVITATION = 2048, PDFF_READONLY = 4096, PDFF_NOAUTOREADINGORDER = 8192 }; enum PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS { PDTF_DEFAULT = 0, PDTF_MULTIPLEVALUES = 1, PDTF_ISINNATE = 2, PDTF_ISGROUP = 4, PDTF_CANGROUPBY = 8, PDTF_CANSTACKBY = 16, PDTF_ISTREEPROPERTY = 32, PDTF_INCLUDEINFULLTEXTQUERY = 64, PDTF_ISVIEWABLE = 128, PDTF_ISQUERYABLE = 256, PDTF_CANBEPURGED = 512, PDTF_SEARCHRAWVALUE = 1024, = 32771 }; enum tagMKSYS { MKSYS_NONE = 0, MKSYS_GENERICCOMPOSITE = 1, MKSYS_FILEMONIKER = 2, MKSYS_ANTIMONIKER = 3, MKSYS_ITEMMONIKER = 4, MKSYS_POINTERMONIKER = 5, MKSYS_CLASSMONIKER = 7, MKSYS_OBJREFMONIKER = 8, MKSYS_SESSIONMONIKER = 9, MKSYS_LUAMONIKER = 10 }; enum _BOOT_ENTROPY_SOURCE_ID { BootEntropySourceNone = 0, BootEntropySourceSeedfile = 1, BootEntropySourceExternal = 2, BootEntropySourceTpm = 3, BootEntropySourceRdrand = 4, BootEntropySourceTime = 5, BootEntropySourceAcpiOem0 = 6, BootEntropySourceUefi = 7, BootMaxEntropySources = 7 }; enum PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS { PDVF_DEFAULT = 0, PDVF_CENTERALIGN = 1, PDVF_RIGHTALIGN = 2, PDVF_BEGINNEWGROUP = 4, PDVF_FILLAREA = 8, PDVF_SORTDESCENDING = 16, PDVF_SHOWONLYIFPRESENT = 32, PDVF_SHOWBYDEFAULT = 64, PDVF_SHOWINPRIMARYLIST = 128, PDVF_SHOWINSECONDARYLIST = 256, PDVF_HIDELABEL = 512, PDVF_HIDDEN = 2048, PDVF_CANWRAP = 4096, PDVF_MASK_ALL = 7167 }; enum _FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { FileBasicInfo = 0, FileStandardInfo = 1, FileNameInfo = 2, FileRenameInfo = 3, FileDispositionInfo = 4, FileAllocationInfo = 5, FileEndOfFileInfo = 6, FileStreamInfo = 7, FileCompressionInfo = 8, FileAttributeTagInfo = 9, FileIdBothDirectoryInfo = 10, FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo = 11, FileIoPriorityHintInfo = 12, FileRemoteProtocolInfo = 13, FileFullDirectoryInfo = 14, FileFullDirectoryRestartInfo = 15, FileStorageInfo = 16, FileAlignmentInfo = 17, MaximumFileInfoByHandleClass = 18 }; enum _WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE { WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_READY = 0, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_CANCELLED = 1, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS = 2, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_SUCCEEDED = 3, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_FAILED = 4, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_REQUIRES_RETRY = 5, WNF_USER_DELIVERY_STATE_COMPLETE = 6 }; enum _TIMER_INFORMATION_CLASS { TimerBasicInformation = 0 }; enum tagMSHCTX { MSHCTX_LOCAL = 0, MSHCTX_NOSHAREDMEM = 1, MSHCTX_DIFFERENTMACHINE = 2, MSHCTX_INPROC = 3, MSHCTX_CROSSCTX = 4 }; enum tagPOINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE { POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_TIP = 1, POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_ERASER = 2, POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE_MAX = -1 }; enum SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION { SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION_NO = 0, SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION_BASIC_LOKI = 1, SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION_SCATTER = 2, SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION_RC4 = 3 }; enum tagCOINIT { COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED = 2, COINIT_MULTITHREADED = 0, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE = 4, COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY = 8 }; enum _PNP_VETO_TYPE { PNP_VetoTypeUnknown = 0, PNP_VetoLegacyDevice = 1, PNP_VetoPendingClose = 2, PNP_VetoWindowsApp = 3, PNP_VetoWindowsService = 4, PNP_VetoOutstandingOpen = 5, PNP_VetoDevice = 6, PNP_VetoDriver = 7, PNP_VetoIllegalDeviceRequest = 8, PNP_VetoInsufficientPower = 9, PNP_VetoNonDisableable = 10, PNP_VetoLegacyDriver = 11, PNP_VetoInsufficientRights = 12 }; enum _OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS { ObjectBasicInformation = 0, ObjectNameInformation = 1, ObjectTypeInformation = 2, ObjectTypesInformation = 3, ObjectHandleFlagInformation = 4, ObjectSessionInformation = 5, MaxObjectInfoClass = 6 }; enum eTlsSignatureAlgorithm { TlsSignatureAlgorithm_Anonymous = 0, TlsSignatureAlgorithm_Rsa = 1, TlsSignatureAlgorithm_Dsa = 2, TlsSignatureAlgorithm_Ecdsa = 3 }; enum MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE { MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_DEFAULT = 0, MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_NONE = 1, MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_FULL = 2 }; enum _IO_SESSION_STATE { IoSessionStateCreated = 1, IoSessionStateInitialized = 2, IoSessionStateConnected = 3, IoSessionStateDisconnected = 4, IoSessionStateDisconnectedLoggedOn = 5, IoSessionStateLoggedOn = 6, IoSessionStateLoggedOff = 7, IoSessionStateTerminated = 8, IoSessionStateMax = 9 }; enum tagURLTEMPLATE { URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM = 0, /* URLTEMPLATE_PREDEFINED_MIN = Unavail */ }; enum _MF_QUALITY_LEVEL { MF_QUALITY_NORMAL = 0, MF_QUALITY_NORMAL_MINUS_1 = 1, MF_QUALITY_NORMAL_MINUS_2 = 2, MF_QUALITY_NORMAL_MINUS_3 = 3, MF_QUALITY_NORMAL_MINUS_4 = 4, MF_QUALITY_NORMAL_MINUS_5 = 5, MF_NUM_QUALITY_LEVELS = 6 }; enum _PNP_QUERY_RELATION { PnpQueryEjectRelations = 0, PnpQueryRemovalRelations = 1, PnpQueryPowerRelations = 2, PnpQueryBusRelations = 3, PnpQueryTransportRelations = 4, MaxPnpQueryRelations = 5 }; enum _JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS { JobObjectBasicAccountingInformation = 1, JobObjectBasicLimitInformation = 2, JobObjectBasicProcessIdList = 3, JobObjectBasicUIRestrictions = 4, JobObjectSecurityLimitInformation = 5, JobObjectEndOfJobTimeInformation = 6, JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation = 7, JobObjectBasicAndIoAccountingInformation = 8, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation = 9, JobObjectJobSetInformation = 10, JobObjectGroupInformation = 11, JobObjectNotificationLimitInformation = 12, JobObjectLimitViolationInformation = 13, JobObjectGroupInformationEx = 14, JobObjectCpuRateControlInformation = 15, JobObjectCompletionFilter = 16, JobObjectCompletionCounter = 17, JobObjectFreezeInformation = 18, JobObjectExtendedAccountingInformation = 19, JobObjectWakeInformation = 20, JobObjectIdleAwareInformation = 21, JobObjectSchedulingRankBiasInformation = 22, JobObjectTimerVirtualizationInformation = 23, JobObjectCycleTimeNotification = 24, JobObjectReserved1Information = 18, JobObjectReserved2Information = 19, JobObjectReserved3Information = 20, JobObjectReserved4Information = 21, JobObjectReserved5Information = 22, JobObjectReserved6Information = 23, JobObjectReserved7Information = 24, MaxJobObjectInfoClass = 25 }; enum _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { DMO_SET_TYPEF_TEST_ONLY = 1, DMO_SET_TYPEF_CLEAR = 2 }; enum _COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT { ComputerNameNetBIOS = 0, ComputerNameDnsHostname = 1, ComputerNameDnsDomain = 2, ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified = 3, ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS = 4, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname = 5, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain = 6, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified = 7, ComputerNameMax = 8 }; enum _IO_SESSION_EVENT { IoSessionEventIgnore = 0, IoSessionEventCreated = 1, IoSessionEventTerminated = 2, IoSessionEventConnected = 3, IoSessionEventDisconnected = 4, IoSessionEventLogon = 5, IoSessionEventLogoff = 6, IoSessionEventMax = 7 }; enum _MFVideoLighting { MFVideoLighting_Unknown = 0, MFVideoLighting_bright = 1, MFVideoLighting_office = 2, MFVideoLighting_dim = 3, MFVideoLighting_dark = 4, MFVideoLighting_Last = 5, /* MFVideoLighting_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum tagPROPBAG2_TYPE { PROPBAG2_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0, PROPBAG2_TYPE_DATA = 1, PROPBAG2_TYPE_URL = 2, PROPBAG2_TYPE_OBJECT = 3, PROPBAG2_TYPE_STREAM = 4, PROPBAG2_TYPE_STORAGE = 5, PROPBAG2_TYPE_MONIKER = 6 }; enum _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS { FileDirectoryInformation = 1, FileFullDirectoryInformation = 2, FileBothDirectoryInformation = 3, FileBasicInformation = 4, FileStandardInformation = 5, FileInternalInformation = 6, FileEaInformation = 7, FileAccessInformation = 8, FileNameInformation = 9, FileRenameInformation = 10, FileLinkInformation = 11, FileNamesInformation = 12, FileDispositionInformation = 13, FilePositionInformation = 14, FileFullEaInformation = 15, FileModeInformation = 16, FileAlignmentInformation = 17, FileAllInformation = 18, FileAllocationInformation = 19, FileEndOfFileInformation = 20, FileAlternateNameInformation = 21, FileStreamInformation = 22, FilePipeInformation = 23, FilePipeLocalInformation = 24, FilePipeRemoteInformation = 25, FileMailslotQueryInformation = 26, FileMailslotSetInformation = 27, FileCompressionInformation = 28, FileObjectIdInformation = 29, FileCompletionInformation = 30, FileMoveClusterInformation = 31, FileQuotaInformation = 32, FileReparsePointInformation = 33, FileNetworkOpenInformation = 34, FileAttributeTagInformation = 35, FileTrackingInformation = 36, FileIdBothDirectoryInformation = 37, FileIdFullDirectoryInformation = 38, FileValidDataLengthInformation = 39, FileShortNameInformation = 40, FileIoCompletionNotificationInformation = 41, FileIoStatusBlockRangeInformation = 42, FileIoPriorityHintInformation = 43, FileSfioReserveInformation = 44, FileSfioVolumeInformation = 45, FileHardLinkInformation = 46, FileProcessIdsUsingFileInformation = 47, FileNormalizedNameInformation = 48, FileNetworkPhysicalNameInformation = 49, FileIdGlobalTxDirectoryInformation = 50, FileIsRemoteDeviceInformation = 51, FileAttributeCacheInformation = 52, FileNumaNodeInformation = 53, FileStandardLinkInformation = 54, FileRemoteProtocolInformation = 55, FileRenameInformationBypassAccessCheck = 56, FileLinkInformationBypassAccessCheck = 57, FileIntegrityStreamInformation = 58, FileVolumeNameInformation = 59, FileMaximumInformation = 60 }; enum _ALPC_PORT_INFORMATION_CLASS { AlpcBasicInformation = 0, AlpcPortInformation = 1, AlpcAssociateCompletionPortInformation = 2, AlpcConnectedSIDInformation = 3, AlpcServerInformation = 4, AlpcMessageZoneInformation = 5, AlpcRegisterCompletionListInformation = 6, AlpcUnregisterCompletionListInformation = 7, AlpcAdjustCompletionListConcurrencyCountInformation = 8, AlpcRegisterCallbackInformation = 9, AlpcCompletionListRundownInformation = 10 }; enum tagVARFLAGS { VARFLAG_FREADONLY = 1, VARFLAG_FSOURCE = 2, VARFLAG_FBINDABLE = 4, VARFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT = 8, VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND = 16, VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND = 32, VARFLAG_FHIDDEN = 64, VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 128, VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM = 256, VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT = 512, VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE = 1024, VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE = 2048, VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND = 4096 }; enum PSC_STATE { PSC_NORMAL = 0, PSC_NOTINSOURCE = 1, PSC_DIRTY = 2, PSC_READONLY = 3 }; enum _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { MFT_INPUT_STREAM_WHOLE_SAMPLES = 1, MFT_INPUT_STREAM_SINGLE_SAMPLE_PER_BUFFER = 2, MFT_INPUT_STREAM_FIXED_SAMPLE_SIZE = 4, MFT_INPUT_STREAM_HOLDS_BUFFERS = 8, MFT_INPUT_STREAM_DOES_NOT_ADDREF = 256, MFT_INPUT_STREAM_REMOVABLE = 512, MFT_INPUT_STREAM_OPTIONAL = 1024, MFT_INPUT_STREAM_PROCESSES_IN_PLACE = 2048 }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0002 { BINDINFOF_URLENCODESTGMEDDATA = 1, BINDINFOF_URLENCODEDEXTRAINFO = 2 }; enum _SC_STATUS_TYPE { SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO = 0 }; enum _FP__IEEE_FORMAT { FpFormatFp32 = 0, FpFormatFp64 = 1, FpFormatFp80 = 2, FpFormatFp128 = 3, FpFormatI16 = 4, FpFormatI32 = 5, FpFormatI64 = 6, FpFormatU16 = 7, FpFormatU32 = 8, FpFormatU64 = 9, FpFormatCompare = 10, FpFormatString = 11 }; enum _LEARNING_MODE_LOG_LEVEL { LearningModeLogLevelPassive = 0, LearningModeLogLevelNormalApc = 1, LearningModeLogLevelSpecialApc = 2, LearningModeLogLevelMax = 3 }; enum tagHITRESULT { HITRESULT_OUTSIDE = 0, HITRESULT_TRANSPARENT = 1, HITRESULT_CLOSE = 2, HITRESULT_HIT = 3 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING { DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_UNSPECIFIED = 0, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_PROGRESSIVE = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_INTERLACED = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_INTERLACED_UPPERFIELDFIRST = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_INTERLACED_LOWERFIELDFIRST = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum tagCONDITION_OPERATION { COP_IMPLICIT = 0, COP_EQUAL = 1, COP_NOTEQUAL = 2, COP_LESSTHAN = 3, COP_GREATERTHAN = 4, COP_LESSTHANOREQUAL = 5, COP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL = 6, COP_VALUE_STARTSWITH = 7, COP_VALUE_ENDSWITH = 8, COP_VALUE_CONTAINS = 9, COP_VALUE_NOTCONTAINS = 10, COP_DOSWILDCARDS = 11, COP_WORD_EQUAL = 12, COP_WORD_STARTSWITH = 13, COP_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC = 14 }; enum tagQACONTAINERFLAGS { QACONTAINER_SHOWHATCHING = 1, QACONTAINER_SHOWGRABHANDLES = 2, QACONTAINER_USERMODE = 4, QACONTAINER_DISPLAYASDEFAULT = 8, QACONTAINER_UIDEAD = 16, QACONTAINER_AUTOCLIP = 32, QACONTAINER_MESSAGEREFLECT = 64, QACONTAINER_SUPPORTSMNEMONICS = 128 }; enum _CM_SERVICE_NODE_TYPE { DriverType = 1, FileSystemType = 2, Win32ServiceOwnProcess = 16, Win32ServiceShareProcess = 32, AdapterType = 4, RecognizerType = 8 }; enum _APTTYPE { APTTYPE_CURRENT = -1, APTTYPE_STA = 0, APTTYPE_MTA = 1, APTTYPE_NA = 2, APTTYPE_MAINSTA = 3 }; enum _CM_SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE { BootLoad = 0, SystemLoad = 1, AutoLoad = 2, DemandLoad = 3, DisableLoad = 4 }; enum _THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS { ThreadMemoryPriority = 0, ThreadInformationClassMax = 1 }; enum _SID_NAME_USE { SidTypeUser = 1, SidTypeGroup = 2, SidTypeDomain = 3, SidTypeAlias = 4, SidTypeWellKnownGroup = 5, SidTypeDeletedAccount = 6, SidTypeInvalid = 7, SidTypeUnknown = 8, SidTypeComputer = 9, SidTypeLabel = 10 }; enum PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS { PDSIF_DEFAULT = 0, PDSIF_ININVERTEDINDEX = 1, PDSIF_ISCOLUMN = 2, PDSIF_ISCOLUMNSPARSE = 4, PDSIF_ALWAYSINCLUDE = 8, PDSIF_USEFORTYPEAHEAD = 16 }; enum tagFUNCFLAGS { FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED = 1, FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE = 2, FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE = 4, FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT = 8, FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND = 16, FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND = 32, FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN = 64, FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR = 128, FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM = 256, FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT = 512, FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE = 1024, FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE = 2048, FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND = 4096 }; enum tagOLEMISC { OLEMISC_RECOMPOSEONRESIZE = 1, OLEMISC_ONLYICONIC = 2, OLEMISC_INSERTNOTREPLACE = 4, OLEMISC_STATIC = 8, OLEMISC_CANTLINKINSIDE = 16, OLEMISC_CANLINKBYOLE1 = 32, OLEMISC_ISLINKOBJECT = 64, OLEMISC_INSIDEOUT = 128, OLEMISC_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE = 256, OLEMISC_RENDERINGISDEVICEINDEPENDENT = 512, OLEMISC_INVISIBLEATRUNTIME = 1024, OLEMISC_ALWAYSRUN = 2048, OLEMISC_ACTSLIKEBUTTON = 4096, OLEMISC_ACTSLIKELABEL = 8192, OLEMISC_NOUIACTIVATE = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _THREAD_UMS_INFORMATION_COMMAND { UmsInformationCommandInvalid = 0, UmsInformationCommandAttach = 1, UmsInformationCommandDetach = 2 }; enum _MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_STATUS_FLAGS { MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_SUCCEEDED = 0, MF_OPTIONAL_NODE_REJECTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 1, MF_OPTIONAL_NODE_REJECTED_PROTECTED_PROCESS = 2 }; enum NL_ADDRESS_TYPE { NlatUnspecified = 0, NlatUnicast = 1, NlatAnycast = 2, NlatMulticast = 3, NlatBroadcast = 4, NlatInvalid = 5 }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES { COMGLB_EXCEPTION_HANDLE = 0, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE_FATAL = 1, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE = 1, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE_ANY = 2 }; enum _MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags { MFVideoSrcContentHintFlag_None = 0, MFVideoSrcContentHintFlag_16x9 = 1, MFVideoSrcContentHintFlag_235_1 = 2 }; enum tagSHCOLSTATE { SHCOLSTATE_DEFAULT = 0, SHCOLSTATE_TYPE_STR = 1, SHCOLSTATE_TYPE_INT = 2, SHCOLSTATE_TYPE_DATE = 3, SHCOLSTATE_TYPEMASK = 15, SHCOLSTATE_ONBYDEFAULT = 16, SHCOLSTATE_SLOW = 32, SHCOLSTATE_EXTENDED = 64, SHCOLSTATE_SECONDARYUI = 128, SHCOLSTATE_HIDDEN = 256, SHCOLSTATE_PREFER_VARCMP = 512, SHCOLSTATE_PREFER_FMTCMP = 1024, SHCOLSTATE_NOSORTBYFOLDERNESS = 2048, /* SHCOLSTATE_VIEWONLY = Unavail */ }; enum tagXMLEMEM_TYPE { XMLELEMTYPE_ELEMENT = 0, XMLELEMTYPE_TEXT = 1, XMLELEMTYPE_COMMENT = 2, XMLELEMTYPE_DOCUMENT = 3, XMLELEMTYPE_DTD = 4, XMLELEMTYPE_PI = 5, XMLELEMTYPE_OTHER = 6 }; enum _MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { MemoryBasicInformation = 0, MemoryWorkingSetInformation = 1, MemoryMappedFilenameInformation = 2, MemoryRegionInformation = 3, MemoryWorkingSetExInformation = 4 }; enum IPPROTO { IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0, IPPROTO_ICMP = 1, IPPROTO_IGMP = 2, IPPROTO_GGP = 3, IPPROTO_IPV4 = 4, IPPROTO_ST = 5, IPPROTO_TCP = 6, IPPROTO_CBT = 7, IPPROTO_EGP = 8, IPPROTO_IGP = 9, IPPROTO_PUP = 12, IPPROTO_UDP = 17, IPPROTO_IDP = 22, IPPROTO_RDP = 27, IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41, IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43, IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44, IPPROTO_ESP = 50, IPPROTO_AH = 51, IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58, IPPROTO_NONE = 59, IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60, IPPROTO_ND = 77, IPPROTO_ICLFXBM = 78, IPPROTO_PIM = 103, IPPROTO_PGM = 113, IPPROTO_L2TP = 115, IPPROTO_SCTP = 132, IPPROTO_RAW = 255, IPPROTO_MAX = 256, IPPROTO_RESERVED_RAW = 257, IPPROTO_RESERVED_IPSEC = 258, IPPROTO_RESERVED_IPSECOFFLOAD = 259, IPPROTO_RESERVED_WNV = 260, IPPROTO_RESERVED_MAX = 261 }; enum _MFVideoDRMFlags { MFVideoDRMFlag_None = 0, MFVideoDRMFlag_AnalogProtected = 1, MFVideoDRMFlag_DigitallyProtected = 2 }; enum _MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE { MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_FLUSH = 0, MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_DRAIN = 1, MFT_MESSAGE_SET_D3D_MANAGER = 2, MFT_MESSAGE_DROP_SAMPLES = 3, MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_TICK = 4, /* MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_BEGIN_STREAMING = Unavail */ }; enum tagDVASPECT2 { DVASPECT_OPAQUE = 16, DVASPECT_TRANSPARENT = 32 }; enum _tagPI_FLAGS { PI_PARSE_URL = 1, PI_FILTER_MODE = 2, PI_FORCE_ASYNC = 4, PI_USE_WORKERTHREAD = 8, PI_MIMEVERIFICATION = 16, PI_CLSIDLOOKUP = 32, PI_DATAPROGRESS = 64, PI_SYNCHRONOUS = 128, PI_APARTMENTTHREADED = 256, PI_CLASSINSTALL = 512, PI_PASSONBINDCTX = 8192, = 32770 }; enum _SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { SectionBasicInformation = 0, SectionImageInformation = 1, SectionRelocationInformation = 2, MaxSectionInfoClass = 3 }; enum IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE { IMPORT_OBJECT_ORDINAL = 0, IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME = 1, IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_NO_PREFIX = 2, IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_UNDECORATE = 3 }; enum XLAT_SIDE { XLAT_SERVER = 1, XLAT_CLIENT = 2 }; enum NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_STATUS { NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_STATUS_POLICY_ERROR = 1, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_STATUS_SYSTEM_ERROR = 2 }; enum _DEVICE_POWER_STATE { PowerDeviceUnspecified = 0, PowerDeviceD0 = 1, PowerDeviceD1 = 2, PowerDeviceD2 = 3, PowerDeviceD3 = 4, PowerDeviceMaximum = 5 }; enum _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { TransactionManagerBasicInformation = 0, TransactionManagerLogInformation = 1, TransactionManagerLogPathInformation = 2, TransactionManagerRecoveryInformation = 4, TransactionManagerOnlineProbeInformation = 3, TransactionManagerOldestTransactionInformation = 5 }; /* enum { LdrpNoDevice = 0, LdrpWebDAV = 1, LdrpRemote = 2, LdrpAnyDevice = -1, LdrpAnyDevice2bit = 3 }; */ enum _NT_PRODUCT_TYPE { NtProductWinNt = 1, NtProductLanManNt = 2, NtProductServer = 3 }; enum _MFCLOCK_STATE { MFCLOCK_STATE_INVALID = 0, MFCLOCK_STATE_RUNNING = 1, MFCLOCK_STATE_STOPPED = 2, MFCLOCK_STATE_PAUSED = 3 }; enum _COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE { COPYFILE2_PHASE_NONE = 0, COPYFILE2_PHASE_PREPARE_SOURCE = 1, COPYFILE2_PHASE_PREPARE_DEST = 2, COPYFILE2_PHASE_READ_SOURCE = 3, COPYFILE2_PHASE_WRITE_DESTINATION = 4, COPYFILE2_PHASE_SERVER_COPY = 5, COPYFILE2_PHASE_NAMEGRAFT_COPY = 6, COPYFILE2_PHASE_MAX = 7 }; enum PKA_FLAGS { PKA_SET = 0, PKA_APPEND = 1, PKA_DELETE = 2 }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0003 { BINDF_ASYNCHRONOUS = 1, BINDF_ASYNCSTORAGE = 2, BINDF_NOPROGRESSIVERENDERING = 4, BINDF_OFFLINEOPERATION = 8, BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION = 16, BINDF_NOWRITECACHE = 32, BINDF_NEEDFILE = 64, BINDF_PULLDATA = 128, BINDF_IGNORESECURITYPROBLEM = 256, BINDF_RESYNCHRONIZE = 512, BINDF_HYPERLINK = 1024, BINDF_NO_UI = 2048, BINDF_SILENTOPERATION = 4096, BINDF_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE = 8192, BINDF_GETCLASSOBJECT = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS { GenericLessThan = 0, GenericGreaterThan = 1, GenericEqual = 2 }; enum tagCOWAIT_FLAGS { COWAIT_WAITALL = 1, COWAIT_ALERTABLE = 2, COWAIT_INPUTAVAILABLE = 4, COWAIT_DISPATCH_CALLS = 8, COWAIT_DISPATCH_WINDOW_MESSAGES = 16, REAL_COWAIT_ENABLECALLREENTRANCY = 8, COWAIT_ENABLEWINDOWMESSAGES = 16, COWAIT_ENABLECALLREENTRANCY = 24 }; enum _AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { AuditEventObjectAccess = 0, AuditEventDirectoryServiceAccess = 1 }; enum tagDOMNodeType { NODE_INVALID = 0, NODE_ELEMENT = 1, NODE_ATTRIBUTE = 2, NODE_TEXT = 3, NODE_CDATA_SECTION = 4, NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 5, NODE_ENTITY = 6, NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 7, NODE_COMMENT = 8, NODE_DOCUMENT = 9, NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 10, NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11, NODE_NOTATION = 12 }; enum _TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { TransactionBasicInformation = 0, TransactionPropertiesInformation = 1, TransactionEnlistmentInformation = 2, TransactionSuperiorEnlistmentInformation = 3, TransactionBindInformation = 4, TransactionDTCPrivateInformation = 5 }; enum _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_CATEGORY { HardwareProfileChangeEvent = 0, TargetDeviceChangeEvent = 1, DeviceClassChangeEvent = 2, CustomDeviceEvent = 3, DeviceInstallEvent = 4, DeviceArrivalEvent = 5, VetoEvent = 6, BlockedDriverEvent = 7, InvalidIDEvent = 8, DevicePropertyChangeEvent = 9, DeviceInstanceRemovalEvent = 10, DeviceInstanceStartedEvent = 11, MaxPlugEventCategory = 12 }; enum NL_DAD_STATE { NldsInvalid = 0, NldsTentative = 1, NldsDuplicate = 2, NldsDeprecated = 3, NldsPreferred = 4, IpDadStateInvalid = 0, IpDadStateTentative = 1, IpDadStateDuplicate = 2, IpDadStateDeprecated = 3, IpDadStatePreferred = 4 }; enum tagCALLCONV { CC_FASTCALL = 0, CC_CDECL = 1, CC_MSCPASCAL = 2, CC_PASCAL = 2, CC_MACPASCAL = 3, CC_STDCALL = 4, CC_FPFASTCALL = 5, CC_SYSCALL = 6, CC_MPWCDECL = 7, CC_MPWPASCAL = 8, CC_MAX = 9 }; enum tagSTATFLAG { STATFLAG_DEFAULT = 0, STATFLAG_NONAME = 1, STATFLAG_NOOPEN = 2 }; enum tagRpcCallType { rctInvalid = 0, rctNormal = 1, rctTraining = 2, rctGuaranteed = 3 }; enum _IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY { IrqPolicyMachineDefault = 0, IrqPolicyAllCloseProcessors = 1, IrqPolicyOneCloseProcessor = 2, IrqPolicyAllProcessorsInMachine = 3, IrqPolicySpecifiedProcessors = 4, IrqPolicySpreadMessagesAcrossAllProcessors = 5 }; enum _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER { LockQueueUnusedSpare0 = 0, LockQueueExpansionLock = 1, LockQueueUnusedSpare2 = 2, LockQueueSystemSpaceLock = 3, LockQueueVacbLock = 4, LockQueueMasterLock = 5, LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock = 6, LockQueueIoCancelLock = 7, LockQueueWorkQueueLock = 8, LockQueueIoVpbLock = 9, LockQueueIoDatabaseLock = 10, LockQueueIoCompletionLock = 11, LockQueueNtfsStructLock = 12, LockQueueAfdWorkQueueLock = 13, LockQueueBcbLock = 14, LockQueueMmNonPagedPoolLock = 15, LockQueueUnusedSpare16 = 16, LockQueueMaximumLock = 17 }; enum _MFVideoChromaSubsampling { MFVideoChromaSubsampling_Unknown = 0, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_ProgressiveChroma = 8, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_Horizontally_Cosited = 4, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_Vertically_Cosited = 2, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_Vertically_AlignedChromaPlanes = 1, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_MPEG2 = 5, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_MPEG1 = 1, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_DV_PAL = 6, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_Cosited = 7, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_Last = 8, /* MFVideoChromaSubsampling_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum _LDR_DDAG_STATE { LdrModulesMerged = -1, LdrModulesInitError = -1, LdrModulesSnapError = -1, LdrModulesUnloaded = -1, LdrModulesUnloading = -1, LdrModulesPlaceHolder = 0, LdrModulesMapping = 1, LdrModulesMapped = 2, LdrModulesWaitingForDependencies = 3, LdrModulesSnapping = 4, LdrModulesSnapped = 5, LdrModulesCondensed = 6, LdrModulesReadyToInit = 7, LdrModulesInitializing = 8, LdrModulesReadyToRun = 9 }; enum NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN { NlsoOther = 0, NlsoManual = 1, NlsoWellKnown = 2, NlsoDhcp = 3, NlsoLinkLayerAddress = 4, NlsoRandom = 5, IpSuffixOriginOther = 0, IpSuffixOriginManual = 1, IpSuffixOriginWellKnown = 2, IpSuffixOriginDhcp = 3, IpSuffixOriginLinkLayerAddress = 4, IpSuffixOriginRandom = 5, IpSuffixOriginUnchanged = 16 }; enum _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS { ActivationContextBasicInformation = 1, ActivationContextDetailedInformation = 2, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContext = 3, FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContext = 4, RunlevelInformationInActivationContext = 5, CompatibilityInformationInActivationContext = 6, ActivationContextManifestResourceName = 7, MaxActivationContextInfoClass = 8, AssemblyDetailedInformationInActivationContxt = 3, FileInformationInAssemblyOfAssemblyInActivationContxt = 4 }; enum __MIDL_ICodeInstall_0001 { CIP_DISK_FULL = 0, CIP_ACCESS_DENIED = 1, CIP_NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS = 2, CIP_OLDER_VERSION_EXISTS = 3, CIP_NAME_CONFLICT = 4, CIP_TRUST_VERIFICATION_COMPONENT_MISSING = 5, CIP_EXE_SELF_REGISTERATION_TIMEOUT = 6, CIP_UNSAFE_TO_ABORT = 7, CIP_NEED_REBOOT = 8, CIP_NEED_REBOOT_UI_PERMISSION = 9 }; /* enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0005 { BINDINFO_OPTIONS_WININETFLAG = Unavail }; */ enum _SYSTEM_MEMORY_LIST_COMMAND { MemoryCaptureAccessedBits = 0, MemoryCaptureAndResetAccessedBits = 1, MemoryEmptyWorkingSets = 2, MemoryFlushModifiedList = 3, MemoryPurgeStandbyList = 4, MemoryPurgeLowPriorityStandbyList = 5, MemoryCommandMax = 6 }; enum tagPERCEIVED { PERCEIVED_TYPE_FIRST = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_CUSTOM = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_FOLDER = -1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, PERCEIVED_TYPE_TEXT = 1, PERCEIVED_TYPE_IMAGE = 2, PERCEIVED_TYPE_AUDIO = 3, PERCEIVED_TYPE_VIDEO = 4, PERCEIVED_TYPE_COMPRESSED = 5, PERCEIVED_TYPE_DOCUMENT = 6, PERCEIVED_TYPE_SYSTEM = 7, PERCEIVED_TYPE_APPLICATION = 8, PERCEIVED_TYPE_GAMEMEDIA = 9, PERCEIVED_TYPE_CONTACTS = 10, PERCEIVED_TYPE_LAST = 10 }; enum _FSINFOCLASS { FileFsVolumeInformation = 1, FileFsLabelInformation = 2, FileFsSizeInformation = 3, FileFsDeviceInformation = 4, FileFsAttributeInformation = 5, FileFsControlInformation = 6, FileFsFullSizeInformation = 7, FileFsObjectIdInformation = 8, FileFsDriverPathInformation = 9, FileFsVolumeFlagsInformation = 10, FileFsSectorSizeInformation = 11, FileFsMaximumInformation = 12 }; enum _PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY { ProcessDEPPolicy = 0, ProcessASLRPolicy = 1, ProcessStackCheckPolicy = 2, ProcessStrictHandleCheckPolicy = 3, ProcessSystemCallDisablePolicy = 4, MaxProcessMitigationPolicy = 5 }; enum SCOPE_LEVEL { ScopeLevelInterface = 1, ScopeLevelLink = 2, ScopeLevelSubnet = 3, ScopeLevelAdmin = 4, ScopeLevelSite = 5, ScopeLevelOrganization = 8, ScopeLevelGlobal = 14, ScopeLevelCount = 16 }; enum _SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS { SecPkgAttrLastClientTokenYes = 0, SecPkgAttrLastClientTokenNo = 1, SecPkgAttrLastClientTokenMaybe = 2 }; enum _MFNominalRange { MFNominalRange_Unknown = 0, MFNominalRange_Normal = 1, MFNominalRange_Wide = 2, MFNominalRange_0_255 = 1, MFNominalRange_16_235 = 2, MFNominalRange_48_208 = 3, MFNominalRange_64_127 = 4, MFNominalRange_Last = 5, /* MFNominalRange_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum tagXFORMCOORDS { XFORMCOORDS_POSITION = 1, XFORMCOORDS_SIZE = 2, XFORMCOORDS_HIMETRICTOCONTAINER = 4, XFORMCOORDS_CONTAINERTOHIMETRIC = 8, XFORMCOORDS_EVENTCOMPAT = 16 }; enum _WATCHDOG_HANDLER_ACTION { WdActionSetTimeoutValue = 0, WdActionQueryTimeoutValue = 1, WdActionResetTimer = 2, WdActionStopTimer = 3, WdActionStartTimer = 4, WdActionSetTriggerAction = 5, WdActionQueryTriggerAction = 6, WdActionQueryState = 7, WdActionSleep = 8, WdActionWake = 9, WdActionMarkHiberPhase = 10 }; enum PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER { PDEF_ALL = 0, PDEF_SYSTEM = 1, PDEF_NONSYSTEM = 2, PDEF_VIEWABLE = 3, PDEF_QUERYABLE = 4, PDEF_INFULLTEXTQUERY = 5, PDEF_COLUMN = 6 }; enum _WORKERFACTORYINFOCLASS { WorkerFactoryTimeout = 0, WorkerFactoryRetryTimeout = 1, WorkerFactoryIdleTimeout = 2, WorkerFactoryBindingCount = 3, WorkerFactoryThreadMinimum = 4, WorkerFactoryThreadMaximum = 5, WorkerFactoryPaused = 6, WorkerFactoryBasicInformation = 7, WorkerFactoryAdjustThreadGoal = 8, WorkerFactoryCallbackType = 9, WorkerFactoryStackInformation = 10, MaxWorkerFactoryInfoClass = 11 }; enum PO_WAKE_SOURCE_TYPE { DeviceWakeSourceType = 0, FixedWakeSourceType = 1, TimerWakeSourceType = 2 }; enum _MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN { msoBegin = 0, msoCurrent = 1 }; enum _RPC_NOTIFICATIONS { RpcNotificationCallNone = 0, RpcNotificationClientDisconnect = 1, RpcNotificationCallCancel = 2 }; enum _SECPKG_CRED_CLASS { SecPkgCredClass_None = 0, SecPkgCredClass_Ephemeral = 10, SecPkgCredClass_PersistedGeneric = 20, SecPkgCredClass_PersistedSpecific = 30, SecPkgCredClass_Explicit = 40 }; enum _DMO_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { DMO_INPUT_STREAMF_WHOLE_SAMPLES = 1, DMO_INPUT_STREAMF_SINGLE_SAMPLE_PER_BUFFER = 2, DMO_INPUT_STREAMF_FIXED_SAMPLE_SIZE = 4, DMO_INPUT_STREAMF_HOLDS_BUFFERS = 8 }; enum tagVARKIND { VAR_PERINSTANCE = 0, VAR_STATIC = 1, VAR_CONST = 2, VAR_DISPATCH = 3 }; enum _DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE { DEPPolicyAlwaysOff = 0, DEPPolicyAlwaysOn = 1, DEPPolicyOptIn = 2, DEPPolicyOptOut = 3, DEPTotalPolicyCount = 4 }; enum _RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TYPE { RIO_EVENT_COMPLETION = 1, RIO_IOCP_COMPLETION = 2 }; enum _MFNetCredentialOptions { MFNET_CREDENTIAL_SAVE = 1, MFNET_CREDENTIAL_DONT_CACHE = 2, MFNET_CREDENTIAL_ALLOW_CLEAR_TEXT = 4 }; enum _MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS { MFSHUTDOWN_INITIATED = 0, MFSHUTDOWN_COMPLETED = 1 }; enum _NL_ROUTE_ORIGIN { NlroManual = 0, NlroWellKnown = 1, NlroDHCP = 2, NlroRouterAdvertisement = 3, Nlro6to4 = 4 }; enum tagEOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES { EOAC_NONE = 0, EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH = 1, EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING = 32, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING = 64, EOAC_ANY_AUTHORITY = 128, EOAC_MAKE_FULLSIC = 256, EOAC_DEFAULT = 2048, EOAC_SECURE_REFS = 2, EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL = 4, EOAC_APPID = 8, EOAC_DYNAMIC = 16, EOAC_REQUIRE_FULLSIC = 512, EOAC_AUTO_IMPERSONATE = 1024, EOAC_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL = 8192, EOAC_DISABLE_AAA = 4096 }; enum _KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyWriteTimeInformation = 0, KeyWow64FlagsInformation = 1, KeyControlFlagsInformation = 2, KeySetVirtualizationInformation = 3, KeySetDebugInformation = 4, KeySetHandleTagsInformation = 5, MaxKeySetInfoClass = 6 }; enum tagPROPPAGESTATUS { PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY = 1, PROPPAGESTATUS_VALIDATE = 2, PROPPAGESTATUS_CLEAN = 4 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_OTHER = -1, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_HD15 = 0, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SVIDEO = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_COMPOSITE_VIDEO = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_COMPONENT_VIDEO = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DVI = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_HDMI = 5, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_LVDS = 6, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_D_JPN = 8, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SDI = 9, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DISPLAYPORT_EXTERNAL = 10, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_DISPLAYPORT_EMBEDDED = 11, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_UDI_EXTERNAL = 12, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_UDI_EMBEDDED = 13, DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_SDTVDONGLE = 14, = 32771 }; enum VERIFIER_MODE { VERIFIER_MODE_UNUSED = 0, VERIFIER_MODE_TRIAGE = 1, VERIFIER_MODE_FIELD = 2, VERIFIER_MODE_LOGO = 3, VERIFIER_MODE_TEST = 4 }; enum _SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES { ShrinkPrepare = 1, ShrinkCommit = 2, ShrinkAbort = 3 }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallbackEx_0001 { BINDF2_DISABLEBASICOVERHTTP = 1, BINDF2_DISABLEAUTOCOOKIEHANDLING = 2, BINDF2_READ_DATA_GREATER_THAN_4GB = 4, BINDF2_DISABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT_XSECURITYID = 8, BINDF2_SETDOWNLOADMODE = 32, BINDF2_DISABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT_CACHING = 64, /* BINDF2_RESERVED_E = Unavail */ }; enum _RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON { UmsSchedulerStartup = 0, UmsSchedulerThreadBlocked = 1, UmsSchedulerThreadYield = 2 }; enum _KTMOBJECT_TYPE { KTMOBJECT_TRANSACTION = 0, KTMOBJECT_TRANSACTION_MANAGER = 1, KTMOBJECT_RESOURCE_MANAGER = 2, KTMOBJECT_ENLISTMENT = 3, KTMOBJECT_INVALID = 4 }; enum eTlsHashAlgorithm { TlsHashAlgorithm_None = 0, TlsHashAlgorithm_Md5 = 1, TlsHashAlgorithm_Sha1 = 2, TlsHashAlgorithm_Sha224 = 3, TlsHashAlgorithm_Sha256 = 4, TlsHashAlgorithm_Sha384 = 5, TlsHashAlgorithm_Sha512 = 6 }; enum _SE_LEARNING_MODE_DATA_TYPE { SeLearningModeInvalidType = 0, SeLearningModeSettings = 1, SeLearningModeMax = 2 }; enum tagSTRRET_TYPE { STRRET_WSTR = 0, STRRET_OFFSET = 1, STRRET_CSTR = 2 }; enum tagPOINTER_DEVICE_TYPE { POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_INTEGRATED_PEN = 1, POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_PEN = 2, POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH = 3, POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_MAX = -1 }; enum _TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT { TableEmptyTree = 0, TableFoundNode = 1, TableInsertAsLeft = 2, TableInsertAsRight = 3 }; enum tagUASFLAGS { UAS_NORMAL = 0, UAS_BLOCKED = 1, UAS_NOPARENTENABLE = 2, UAS_MASK = 3 }; enum _SYSTEM_POWER_STATE { PowerSystemUnspecified = 0, PowerSystemWorking = 1, PowerSystemSleeping1 = 2, PowerSystemSleeping2 = 3, PowerSystemSleeping3 = 4, PowerSystemHibernate = 5, PowerSystemShutdown = 6, PowerSystemMaximum = 7 }; enum _MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS { MFNETSOURCE_RECVPACKETS_ID = 0, MFNETSOURCE_LOSTPACKETS_ID = 1, MFNETSOURCE_RESENDSREQUESTED_ID = 2, MFNETSOURCE_RESENDSRECEIVED_ID = 3, MFNETSOURCE_RECOVEREDBYECCPACKETS_ID = 4, MFNETSOURCE_RECOVEREDBYRTXPACKETS_ID = 5, MFNETSOURCE_OUTPACKETS_ID = 6, MFNETSOURCE_RECVRATE_ID = 7, MFNETSOURCE_AVGBANDWIDTHBPS_ID = 8, MFNETSOURCE_BYTESRECEIVED_ID = 9, MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_ID = 10, MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_ID = 11, MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE_ID = 12, MFNETSOURCE_LINKBANDWIDTH_ID = 13, MFNETSOURCE_CONTENTBITRATE_ID = 14, MFNETSOURCE_SPEEDFACTOR_ID = 15, MFNETSOURCE_BUFFERSIZE_ID = 16, MFNETSOURCE_BUFFERPROGRESS_ID = 17, MFNETSOURCE_LASTBWSWITCHTS_ID = 18, MFNETSOURCE_SEEKRANGESTART_ID = 19, MFNETSOURCE_SEEKRANGEEND_ID = 20, MFNETSOURCE_BUFFERINGCOUNT_ID = 21, MFNETSOURCE_INCORRECTLYSIGNEDPACKETS_ID = 22, MFNETSOURCE_SIGNEDSESSION_ID = 23, MFNETSOURCE_MAXBITRATE_ID = 24, MFNETSOURCE_RECEPTION_QUALITY_ID = 25, MFNETSOURCE_RECOVEREDPACKETS_ID = 26, MFNETSOURCE_VBR_ID = 27, MFNETSOURCE_DOWNLOADPROGRESS_ID = 28, MFNETSOURCE_UNPREDEFINEDPROTOCOLNAME_ID = 29 }; enum PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE { PDRDT_GENERAL = 0, PDRDT_DATE = 1, PDRDT_SIZE = 2, PDRDT_COUNT = 3, PDRDT_REVISION = 4, PDRDT_LENGTH = 5, PDRDT_DURATION = 6, PDRDT_SPEED = 7, PDRDT_RATE = 8, PDRDT_RATING = 9, PDRDT_PRIORITY = 10 }; enum _WNF_STATE_NAME_INFORMATION { WnfInfoStateNameExist = 0, WnfInfoSubscribersPresent = 1, WnfInfoIsQuiescent = 2 }; enum _SHUTDOWN_ACTION { ShutdownNoReboot = 0, ShutdownReboot = 1, ShutdownPowerOff = 2 }; enum tagOLECLOSE { OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY = 0, OLECLOSE_NOSAVE = 1, OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE = 2 }; enum tagExtendedErrorParamTypes { eeptAnsiString = 1, eeptUnicodeString = 2, eeptLongVal = 3, eeptShortVal = 4, eeptPointerVal = 5, eeptNone = 6, eeptBinary = 7 }; enum _MFVideoFlags { MFVideoFlag_PAD_TO_Mask = 3, MFVideoFlag_PAD_TO_None = 0, MFVideoFlag_PAD_TO_4x3 = 1, MFVideoFlag_PAD_TO_16x9 = 2, MFVideoFlag_SrcContentHintMask = 28, MFVideoFlag_SrcContentHintNone = 0, MFVideoFlag_SrcContentHint16x9 = 4, MFVideoFlag_SrcContentHint235_1 = 8, MFVideoFlag_AnalogProtected = 32, MFVideoFlag_DigitallyProtected = 64, MFVideoFlag_ProgressiveContent = 128, MFVideoFlag_FieldRepeatCountMask = 1792, MFVideoFlag_FieldRepeatCountShift = 8, MFVideoFlag_ProgressiveSeqReset = 2048, /* MFVideoFlag_PanScanEnabled = Unavail */ }; enum __MIDL_IInternetZoneManager_0002 { ZAFLAGS_CUSTOM_EDIT = 1, ZAFLAGS_ADD_SITES = 2, ZAFLAGS_REQUIRE_VERIFICATION = 4, ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_PROXY_OVERRIDE = 8, ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_INTRANET_SITES = 16, ZAFLAGS_NO_UI = 32, ZAFLAGS_SUPPORTS_VERIFICATION = 64, ZAFLAGS_UNC_AS_INTRANET = 128, ZAFLAGS_DETECT_INTRANET = 256, /* ZAFLAGS_USE_LOCKED_ZONES = Unavail */ }; enum _MFVideoInterlaceMode { MFVideoInterlace_Unknown = 0, MFVideoInterlace_Progressive = 2, MFVideoInterlace_FieldInterleavedUpperFirst = 3, MFVideoInterlace_FieldInterleavedLowerFirst = 4, MFVideoInterlace_FieldSingleUpper = 5, MFVideoInterlace_FieldSingleLower = 6, MFVideoInterlace_MixedInterlaceOrProgressive = 7, MFVideoInterlace_Last = 8, /* MFVideoInterlace_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum _FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS { FindExSearchNameMatch = 0, FindExSearchLimitToDirectories = 1, FindExSearchLimitToDevices = 2, FindExSearchMaxSearchOp = 3 }; enum _PORT_INFORMATION_CLASS { PortBasicInformation = 0, PortDumpInformation = 1 }; enum tagINPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE { IMDT_UNAVAILABLE = 0, IMDT_KEYBOARD = 1, IMDT_MOUSE = 2, IMDT_TOUCH = 4, IMDT_PEN = 8 }; enum _MFVideo3DFormat { MFVideo3DSampleFormat_BaseView = 0, MFVideo3DSampleFormat_MultiView = 1, MFVideo3DSampleFormat_Packed_LeftRight = 2, MFVideo3DSampleFormat_Packed_TopBottom = 3 }; enum tagOLEDCFLAGS { OLEDC_NODRAW = 1, OLEDC_PAINTBKGND = 2, OLEDC_OFFSCREEN = 4 }; enum tagSYSKIND { SYS_WIN16 = 0, SYS_WIN32 = 1, SYS_MAC = 2, SYS_WIN64 = 3 }; enum _HARDERROR_RESPONSE_OPTION { OptionAbortRetryIgnore = 0, OptionOk = 1, OptionOkCancel = 2, OptionRetryCancel = 3, OptionYesNo = 4, OptionYesNoCancel = 5, OptionShutdownSystem = 6, OptionOkNoWait = 7, OptionCancelTryContinue = 8 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID { DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_INTERNAL = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_CLONE = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_EXTEND = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_EXTERNAL = 8, DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum _PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { ProcessMemoryPriority = 0, ProcessInformationClassMax = 1 }; enum P3PStatus { P3P_Done = 0, P3P_Success = 0, P3P_NoPolicy = 2, P3P_InProgress = 3, P3P_Failed = 4, P3P_NotFound = 5, P3P_FormatErr = 6, P3P_Cancelled = 7, P3P_NotStarted = 8, P3P_XMLError = 9, P3P_Expired = 10, P3P_Error = 255 }; enum tagApplicationType { ServerApplication = 0, LibraryApplication = 1 }; enum __MIDL_IUri_0002 { Uri_HOST_UNKNOWN = 0, Uri_HOST_DNS = 1, Uri_HOST_IPV4 = 2, Uri_HOST_IPV6 = 3, Uri_HOST_IDN = 4 }; enum tagDESCKIND { DESCKIND_NONE = 0, DESCKIND_FUNCDESC = 1, DESCKIND_VARDESC = 2, DESCKIND_TYPECOMP = 3, DESCKIND_IMPLICITAPPOBJ = 4, DESCKIND_MAX = 5 }; enum tagPENDINGTYPE { PENDINGTYPE_TOPLEVEL = 1, PENDINGTYPE_NESTED = 2 }; enum _MANDATORY_LEVEL { MandatoryLevelUntrusted = 0, MandatoryLevelLow = 1, MandatoryLevelMedium = 2, MandatoryLevelHigh = 3, MandatoryLevelSystem = 4, MandatoryLevelSecureProcess = 5, MandatoryLevelCount = 6 }; enum PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE { PDCIT_NONE = 0, PDCIT_ONDISK = 1, PDCIT_INMEMORY = 2, PDCIT_ONDEMAND = 3, PDCIT_ONDISKALL = 4, PDCIT_ONDISKVECTOR = 5 }; enum _SYSTEM_PIXEL_FORMAT { SystemPixelFormatUnknown = 0, SystemPixelFormatR8G8B8 = 1, SystemPixelFormatR8G8B8X8 = 2, SystemPixelFormatB8G8R8 = 3, SystemPixelFormatB8G8R8X8 = 4 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfidl_0000_0026_0001 { MF_LICENSE_URL_UNTRUSTED = 0, MF_LICENSE_URL_TRUSTED = 1, MF_LICENSE_URL_TAMPERED = 2 }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES { COMGLB_EXCEPTION_HANDLING = 1, COMGLB_APPID = 2, COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING = 3, COMGLB_RO_SETTINGS = 4 }; enum __MIDL_IInternetSecurityManager_0002 { PUAFOUT_DEFAULT = 0, PUAFOUT_ISLOCKZONEPOLICY = 1 }; enum _NL_BANDWIDTH_FLAG { NlbwDisabled = 0, NlbwEnabled = 1, NlbwUnchanged = -1 }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0004 { URL_ENCODING_NONE = 0, /* URL_ENCODING_ENABLE_UTF8 = Unavail */ }; enum STUB_PHASE { STUB_UNMARSHAL = 0, STUB_CALL_SERVER = 1, STUB_MARSHAL = 2, STUB_CALL_SERVER_NO_HRESULT = 3 }; enum _MF3DVideoOutputType { MF3DVideoOutputType_BaseView = 0, MF3DVideoOutputType_Stereo = 1 }; enum _MFVideoTransferMatrix { MFVideoTransferMatrix_Unknown = 0, MFVideoTransferMatrix_BT709 = 1, MFVideoTransferMatrix_BT601 = 2, MFVideoTransferMatrix_SMPTE240M = 3, MFVideoTransferMatrix_Last = 4, /* MFVideoTransferMatrix_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum PROPENUMTYPE { PET_DISCRETEVALUE = 0, PET_RANGEDVALUE = 1, PET_DEFAULTVALUE = 2, PET_ENDRANGE = 3 }; enum tagCLSCTX { CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 1, CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER = 2, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER = 4, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER16 = 8, CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER = 16, CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER16 = 32, CLSCTX_RESERVED1 = 64, CLSCTX_RESERVED2 = 128, CLSCTX_RESERVED3 = 256, CLSCTX_RESERVED4 = 512, CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 1024, CLSCTX_RESERVED5 = 2048, CLSCTX_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL = 4096, CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 8192, CLSCTX_NO_FAILURE_LOG = 16384, = 32770 }; enum _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyBasicInformation = 0, KeyNodeInformation = 1, KeyFullInformation = 2, KeyNameInformation = 3, KeyCachedInformation = 4, KeyFlagsInformation = 5, KeyVirtualizationInformation = 6, KeyHandleTagsInformation = 7, MaxKeyInfoClass = 8 }; enum _REG_ACTION { KeyAdded = 0, KeyRemoved = 1, KeyModified = 2 }; enum _BOOT_ENTROPY_SOURCE_RESULT_CODE { BootEntropySourceStructureUninitialized = 0, BootEntropySourceDisabledByPolicy = 1, BootEntropySourceNotPresent = 2, BootEntropySourceError = 3, BootEntropySourceSuccess = 4 }; enum FORTSTAT { FORTSTAT_INSTALLED = 1, FORTSTAT_LOGGEDON = 2 }; enum _MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS { MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_DEFAULT = 0, MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_USE_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTES = 1 }; enum _MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE { MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_OUR_ITEMS = 0, MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_THEIR_ITEMS = 1, MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_ALL_ITEMS = 2, MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_INTERSECTION = 3, MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_SMALLER = 4 }; enum GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS { GPS_DEFAULT = 0, GPS_HANDLERPROPERTIESONLY = 1, GPS_READWRITE = 2, GPS_TEMPORARY = 4, GPS_FASTPROPERTIESONLY = 8, GPS_OPENSLOWITEM = 16, GPS_DELAYCREATION = 32, GPS_BESTEFFORT = 64, GPS_NO_OPLOCK = 128, GPS_MASK_VALID = 255 }; enum IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE { IMPORT_OBJECT_CODE = 0, IMPORT_OBJECT_DATA = 1, IMPORT_OBJECT_CONST = 2 }; enum _CSV_INTERNAL_CONTROL_OP { CsvInternalControlPrefetchRetrievalPointers = 0, CsvInternalControlQueryRetrievalPointers = 1, CsvInternalControlStartRedirectFile = 2, CsvInternalControlStopRedirectFile = 3, CsvInternalControlQueryRedirectState = 4, CsvInternalControlQueryFileStatistic = 5 }; enum _SASL_AUTHZID_STATE { Sasl_AuthZIDForbidden = 0, Sasl_AuthZIDProcessed = 1 }; enum PROPDESC_SORTDESCRIPTION { PDSD_GENERAL = 0, PDSD_A_Z = 1, PDSD_LOWEST_HIGHEST = 2, PDSD_SMALLEST_BIGGEST = 3, PDSD_OLDEST_NEWEST = 4 }; enum tagFUNCKIND { FUNC_VIRTUAL = 0, FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL = 1, FUNC_NONVIRTUAL = 2, FUNC_STATIC = 3, FUNC_DISPATCH = 4 }; enum _TRANSACTION_OUTCOME { TransactionOutcomeUndetermined = 1, TransactionOutcomeCommitted = 2, TransactionOutcomeAborted = 3 }; enum tagADVF { ADVF_NODATA = 1, ADVF_PRIMEFIRST = 2, ADVF_ONLYONCE = 4, ADVF_DATAONSTOP = 64, ADVFCACHE_NOHANDLER = 8, ADVFCACHE_FORCEBUILTIN = 16, ADVFCACHE_ONSAVE = 32 }; enum tagSTGTY { STGTY_STORAGE = 1, STGTY_STREAM = 2, STGTY_LOCKBYTES = 3, STGTY_PROPERTY = 4 }; enum _CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION { CmResourceShareUndetermined = 0, CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive = 1, CmResourceShareDriverExclusive = 2, CmResourceShareShared = 3 }; enum tagShutdownType { IdleShutdown = 0, ForcedShutdown = 1 }; enum tagRpcCallClientLocality { rcclInvalid = 0, rcclLocal = 1, rcclRemote = 2, rcclClientUnknownLocality = 3 }; enum tagDATADIR { DATADIR_GET = 1, DATADIR_SET = 2 }; enum _MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { MFNETSOURCE_UNDEFINED = 0, MFNETSOURCE_HTTP = 1, MFNETSOURCE_RTSP = 2, MFNETSOURCE_FILE = 3, MFNETSOURCE_MULTICAST = 4 }; enum tagPOINTER_INPUT_TYPE { PT_POINTER = 1, PT_TOUCH = 2, PT_PEN = 3, PT_MOUSE = 4 }; enum _COVERAGE_REQUEST_CODES { CoverageAllModules = 0, CoverageSearchByHash = 1, CoverageSearchByName = 2 }; enum _IO_PRIORITY_HINT { IoPriorityVeryLow = 0, IoPriorityLow = 1, IoPriorityNormal = 2, IoPriorityHigh = 3, IoPriorityCritical = 4, MaxIoPriorityTypes = 5 }; enum _APTTYPEQUALIFIER { APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NONE = 0, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_IMPLICIT_MTA = 1, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_MTA = 2, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_STA = 3, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_IMPLICIT_MTA = 4, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_MAINSTA = 5, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_APPLICATION_STA = 6 }; enum _FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS { FindExInfoStandard = 0, FindExInfoBasic = 1, FindExInfoMaxInfoLevel = 2 }; enum tagTYMED { TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1, TYMED_FILE = 2, TYMED_ISTREAM = 4, TYMED_ISTORAGE = 8, TYMED_GDI = 16, TYMED_MFPICT = 32, TYMED_ENHMF = 64, TYMED_NULL = 0 }; enum _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL { SecurityAnonymous = 0, SecurityIdentification = 1, SecurityImpersonation = 2, SecurityDelegation = 3 }; enum _CM_ERROR_CONTROL_TYPE { IgnoreError = 0, NormalError = 1, SevereError = 2, CriticalError = 3 }; enum _TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE { TokenElevationTypeDefault = 1, TokenElevationTypeFull = 2, TokenElevationTypeLimited = 3 }; enum _MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { MFMEDIASOURCE_IS_LIVE = 1, MFMEDIASOURCE_CAN_SEEK = 2, MFMEDIASOURCE_CAN_PAUSE = 4, MFMEDIASOURCE_HAS_SLOW_SEEK = 8, MFMEDIASOURCE_HAS_MULTIPLE_PRESENTATIONS = 16, MFMEDIASOURCE_CAN_SKIPFORWARD = 32, MFMEDIASOURCE_CAN_SKIPBACKWARD = 64 }; enum _HARDERROR_RESPONSE { ResponseReturnToCaller = 0, ResponseNotHandled = 1, ResponseAbort = 2, ResponseCancel = 3, ResponseIgnore = 4, ResponseNo = 5, ResponseOk = 6, ResponseRetry = 7, ResponseYes = 8, ResponseTryAgain = 9, ResponseContinue = 10 }; enum tagUSERCLASSTYPE { USERCLASSTYPE_FULL = 1, USERCLASSTYPE_SHORT = 2, USERCLASSTYPE_APPNAME = 3 }; enum tagSF_TYPE { SF_ERROR = 10, SF_I1 = 16, SF_I2 = 2, SF_I4 = 3, SF_I8 = 20, SF_BSTR = 8, SF_UNKNOWN = 13, SF_DISPATCH = 9, SF_VARIANT = 12, SF_RECORD = 36, €SF_HAVEIID = 32770 }; enum _MFStandardVideoFormat { MFStdVideoFormat_reserved = 0, MFStdVideoFormat_NTSC = 1, MFStdVideoFormat_PAL = 2, MFStdVideoFormat_DVD_NTSC = 3, MFStdVideoFormat_DVD_PAL = 4, MFStdVideoFormat_DV_PAL = 5, MFStdVideoFormat_DV_NTSC = 6, MFStdVideoFormat_ATSC_SD480i = 7, MFStdVideoFormat_ATSC_HD1080i = 8, MFStdVideoFormat_ATSC_HD720p = 9 }; enum tagAR_STATE { AR_ENABLED = 0, AR_DISABLED = 1, AR_SUPPRESSED = 2, AR_REMOTESESSION = 4, AR_MULTIMON = 8, AR_NOSENSOR = 16, AR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 32 }; enum _RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { ResourceManagerBasicInformation = 0, ResourceManagerCompletionInformation = 1 }; enum _DMA_SPEED { Compatible = 0, TypeA = 1, TypeB = 2, TypeC = 3, TypeF = 4, MaximumDmaSpeed = 5 }; enum _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE { QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE_NONE = 0, QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE_CLUSTERS = 1, QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE_FILEID = 2, QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_NUM_FILTER_TYPES = 3 }; enum _TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { TimerSetCoalescableTimer = 0, MaxTimerInfoClass = 1 }; enum _MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { MF_ATTRIBUTE_UINT32 = 19, MF_ATTRIBUTE_UINT64 = 21, MF_ATTRIBUTE_DOUBLE = 5, MF_ATTRIBUTE_GUID = 72, MF_ATTRIBUTE_STRING = 31, MF_ATTRIBUTE_BLOB = 4113, MF_ATTRIBUTE_IUNKNOWN = 13 }; enum tagSTGMOVE { STGMOVE_MOVE = 0, STGMOVE_COPY = 1, STGMOVE_SHALLOWCOPY = 2 }; enum _IRQ_GROUP_POLICY { GroupAffinityAllGroupZero = 0, GroupAffinityDontCare = 1 }; enum INTERNET_SCHEME { INTERNET_SCHEME_PARTIAL = -1, INTERNET_SCHEME_UNKNOWN = -1, INTERNET_SCHEME_DEFAULT = 0, INTERNET_SCHEME_FTP = 1, INTERNET_SCHEME_GOPHER = 2, INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP = 3, INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS = 4, INTERNET_SCHEME_FILE = 5, INTERNET_SCHEME_NEWS = 6, INTERNET_SCHEME_MAILTO = 7, INTERNET_SCHEME_SOCKS = 8, INTERNET_SCHEME_JAVASCRIPT = 9, INTERNET_SCHEME_VBSCRIPT = 10, INTERNET_SCHEME_RES = 11, INTERNET_SCHEME_FIRST = 1, INTERNET_SCHEME_LAST = 11 }; enum _GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS { GetFileExInfoStandard = 0, GetFileExMaxInfoLevel = 1 }; enum RTL_BSD_ITEM_TYPE { RtlBsdItemVersionNumber = 0, RtlBsdItemProductType = 1, RtlBsdItemAabEnabled = 2, RtlBsdItemAabTimeout = 3, RtlBsdItemBootGood = 4, RtlBsdItemBootShutdown = 5, RtlBsdSleepInProgress = 6, RtlBsdPowerTransition = 7, RtlBsdItemBootAttemptCount = 8, RtlBsdItemMax = 9 }; enum tagACTIVATEFLAGS { ACTIVATE_WINDOWLESS = 1 }; enum _PS_WAKE_REASON { PsWakeReasonUser = 0, PsWakeReasonDevice = 1, PsWakeReasonKernel = 2, PsWakeReasonPower = 3, PsMaxWakeReasons = 4 }; enum _HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_SEND_OPERATION = 0, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_RECEIVE_OPERATION = 1, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_OPERATION = 2 }; enum WININET_SYNC_MODE { WININET_SYNC_MODE_NEVER = 0, WININET_SYNC_MODE_ON_EXPIRY = 1, WININET_SYNC_MODE_ONCE_PER_SESSION = 2, WININET_SYNC_MODE_ALWAYS = 3, WININET_SYNC_MODE_AUTOMATIC = 4, WININET_SYNC_MODE_DEFAULT = 4 }; enum PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE { PDCOT_NONE = 0, PDCOT_STRING = 1, PDCOT_SIZE = 2, PDCOT_DATETIME = 3, PDCOT_BOOLEAN = 4, PDCOT_NUMBER = 5 }; enum _FP_IEEE_COMPARE_RESULT { FpCompareEqual = 0, FpCompareGreater = 1, FpCompareLess = 2, FpCompareUnordered = 3 }; enum _tagOIBDG_FLAGS { OIBDG_APARTMENTTHREADED = 256, OIBDG_DATAONLY = 4096 }; enum WPAD_CACHE_DELETE { WPAD_CACHE_DELETE_CURRENT = 0, WPAD_CACHE_DELETE_ALL = 1 }; enum _MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE { MFNETSOURCE_UDP = 0, MFNETSOURCE_TCP = 1 }; enum _TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY { TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_HIGH = 0, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 1, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_LOW = 2, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_INVALID = 3, TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_COUNT = 3 }; enum DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM { DSA_FIPS186_2 = 0, DSA_FIPS186_3 = 1 }; enum tagURLZONE { URLZONE_INVALID = -1, URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MIN = 0, URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0, URLZONE_INTRANET = 1, URLZONE_TRUSTED = 2, URLZONE_INTERNET = 3, URLZONE_UNTRUSTED = 4, URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MAX = 999, URLZONE_USER_MIN = 1000, URLZONE_USER_MAX = 10000 }; enum _SecDelegationType { SecFull = 0, SecService = 1, SecTree = 2, SecDirectory = 3, SecObject = 4 }; enum RpcProxyPerfCounters { RpcCurrentUniqueUser = 1, RpcBackEndConnectionAttempts = 2, RpcBackEndConnectionFailed = 3, RpcRequestsPerSecond = 4, RpcIncomingConnections = 5, RpcIncomingBandwidth = 6, RpcOutgoingBandwidth = 7, RpcAttemptedLbsDecisions = 8, RpcFailedLbsDecisions = 9, RpcAttemptedLbsMessages = 10, RpcFailedLbsMessages = 11, RpcLastCounter = 12 }; enum tagFEEDBACK_TYPE { FEEDBACK_TOUCH_CONTACTVISUALIZATION = 1, FEEDBACK_PEN_BARRELVISUALIZATION = 2, FEEDBACK_PEN_TAP = 3, FEEDBACK_PEN_DOUBLETAP = 4, FEEDBACK_PEN_PRESSANDHOLD = 5, FEEDBACK_PEN_RIGHTTAP = 6, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_TAP = 7, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_DOUBLETAP = 8, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_PRESSANDHOLD = 9, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_RIGHTTAP = 10, FEEDBACK_GESTURE_PRESSANDTAP = 11, FEEDBACK_MAX = -1 }; enum MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_IMMEDIATE = 1, MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_NORESOLUTION = 2, MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_CLEAR_CURRENT = 4 }; enum tagDVASPECT { DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1, DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL = 2, DVASPECT_ICON = 4, DVASPECT_DOCPRINT = 8 }; enum PS_CREATE_STATE { PsCreateInitialState = 0, PsCreateFailOnFileOpen = 1, PsCreateFailOnSectionCreate = 2, PsCreateFailExeFormat = 3, PsCreateFailMachineMismatch = 4, PsCreateFailExeName = 5, PsCreateSuccess = 6, PsCreateMaximumStates = 7 }; enum POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { UserNotPresent = 0, UserPresent = 1, UserUnknown = 255 }; enum _RPC_ASYNC_EVENT { RpcCallComplete = 0, RpcSendComplete = 1, RpcReceiveComplete = 2, RpcClientDisconnect = 3, RpcClientCancel = 4 }; enum _RTL_STACK_TRACE_DATABASE_CONTROL { BackTraceDatabaseCreate = 0, BackTraceDatabaseDelete = 1, BackTraceDatabaseFlush = 2, BackTraceDatabaseMaxControl = 3 }; enum tagTYSPEC { TYSPEC_CLSID = 0, TYSPEC_FILEEXT = 1, TYSPEC_MIMETYPE = 2, TYSPEC_FILENAME = 3, TYSPEC_PROGID = 4, TYSPEC_PACKAGENAME = 5, TYSPEC_OBJECTID = 6 }; enum tagREADYSTATE { READYSTATE_UNINITIALIZED = 0, READYSTATE_LOADING = 1, READYSTATE_LOADED = 2, READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE = 3, READYSTATE_COMPLETE = 4 }; enum NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN { IpPrefixOriginOther = 0, IpPrefixOriginManual = 1, IpPrefixOriginWellKnown = 2, IpPrefixOriginDhcp = 3, IpPrefixOriginRouterAdvertisement = 4, IpPrefixOriginUnchanged = 16 }; enum _MFVideoPrimaries { MFVideoPrimaries_Unknown = 0, MFVideoPrimaries_reserved = 1, MFVideoPrimaries_BT709 = 2, MFVideoPrimaries_BT470_2_SysM = 3, MFVideoPrimaries_BT470_2_SysBG = 4, MFVideoPrimaries_SMPTE170M = 5, MFVideoPrimaries_SMPTE240M = 6, MFVideoPrimaries_EBU3213 = 7, MFVideoPrimaries_SMPTE_C = 8, MFVideoPrimaries_Last = 9, /* MFVideoPrimaries_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum _RTL_UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS { UmsThreadInvalidInfoClass = 0, UmsThreadUserContext = 1, UmsThreadPriority = 2, UmsThreadAffinity = 3, UmsThreadTeb = 4, UmsThreadIsSuspended = 5, UmsThreadIsTerminated = 6, UmsThreadMaxInfoClass = 7 }; enum _POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { PlatformRoleUnspecified = 0, PlatformRoleDesktop = 1, PlatformRoleMobile = 2, PlatformRoleWorkstation = 3, PlatformRoleEnterpriseServer = 4, PlatformRoleSOHOServer = 5, PlatformRoleAppliancePC = 6, PlatformRolePerformanceServer = 7, PlatformRoleSlate = 8, PlatformRoleMaximum = 9 }; enum _ACCESS_REASON_TYPE { AccessReasonNone = 0, /* AccessReasonAllowedAce = Unavail */ }; enum PROPDESC_GROUPING_RANGE { PDGR_DISCRETE = 0, PDGR_ALPHANUMERIC = 1, PDGR_SIZE = 2, PDGR_DYNAMIC = 3, PDGR_DATE = 4, PDGR_PERCENT = 5, PDGR_ENUMERATED = 6 }; enum tagLOCKTYPE { LOCK_WRITE = 1, LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = 2, LOCK_ONLYONCE = 4 }; enum _JOURNAL_INFORMATION_CLASS { JournalAbsoluteInformation = 0, JournalClientInformation = 1, MaxJournalInformation = 2 }; enum PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE { PIDMSI_STATUS_NORMAL = 0, PIDMSI_STATUS_NEW = 1, PIDMSI_STATUS_PRELIM = 2, PIDMSI_STATUS_DRAFT = 3, PIDMSI_STATUS_INPROGRESS = 4, PIDMSI_STATUS_EDIT = 5, PIDMSI_STATUS_REVIEW = 6, PIDMSI_STATUS_PROOF = 7, PIDMSI_STATUS_FINAL = 8, PIDMSI_STATUS_OTHER = 32767 }; enum __MIDL_IMonikerProp_0001 { MIMETYPEPROP = 0, USE_SRC_URL = 1, CLASSIDPROP = 2, TRUSTEDDOWNLOADPROP = 3, POPUPLEVELPROP = 4 }; enum _HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_NONE_CLOSE_STATUS = 0, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_SUCCESS_CLOSE_STATUS = 1000, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_ENDPOINT_TERMINATED_CLOSE_STATUS = 1001, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CLOSE_STATUS = 1002, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_CLOSE_STATUS = 1003, HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE_CLOSE_STATUS = 1004 }; enum tagINVOKEKIND { INVOKE_FUNC = 1, INVOKE_PROPERTYGET = 2, INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT = 4, INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF = 8 }; enum _WNF_STATE_NAME_LIFETIME { WnfWellKnownStateName = 0, WnfPermanentStateName = 1, WnfPersistentStateName = 2, WnfTemporaryStateName = 3 }; enum MF_OBJECT_TYPE { MF_OBJECT_MEDIASOURCE = 0, MF_OBJECT_BYTESTREAM = 1, MF_OBJECT_INVALID = 2 }; enum _USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE { USER_MARSHAL_CB_BUFFER_SIZE = 0, USER_MARSHAL_CB_MARSHALL = 1, USER_MARSHAL_CB_UNMARSHALL = 2, USER_MARSHAL_CB_FREE = 3 }; enum _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_WHOLE_SAMPLES = 1, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_SINGLE_SAMPLE_PER_BUFFER = 2, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_FIXED_SAMPLE_SIZE = 4, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_DISCARDABLE = 8, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_OPTIONAL = 16, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_PROVIDES_SAMPLES = 256, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_CAN_PROVIDE_SAMPLES = 512, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_LAZY_READ = 1024, MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_REMOVABLE = 2048 }; enum _DMO_INPLACE_PROCESS_FLAGS { DMO_INPLACE_NORMAL = 0, DMO_INPLACE_ZERO = 1 }; enum _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { DMO_VOSF_NEEDS_PREVIOUS_SAMPLE = 1 }; enum SYSGEOCLASS { GEOCLASS_NATION = 16, GEOCLASS_REGION = 14, GEOCLASS_ALL = 0 }; enum _WSACOMPLETIONTYPE { NSP_NOTIFY_IMMEDIATELY = 0, NSP_NOTIFY_HWND = 1, NSP_NOTIFY_EVENT = 2, NSP_NOTIFY_PORT = 3, NSP_NOTIFY_APC = 4 }; enum COMPARTMENT_ID { UNSPECIFIED_COMPARTMENT_ID = 0, DEFAULT_COMPARTMENT_ID = 1 }; enum _JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL { ToleranceIntervalShort = 1, ToleranceIntervalMedium = 2, ToleranceIntervalLong = 3 }; enum PROPDESC_DISPLAYTYPE { PDDT_STRING = 0, PDDT_NUMBER = 1, PDDT_BOOLEAN = 2, PDDT_DATETIME = 3, PDDT_ENUMERATED = 4 }; enum _EAllocationType { eAllocationTypeDynamic = 0, eAllocationTypeRT = 1, eAllocationTypePageable = 2, eAllocationTypeIgnore = 3 }; enum _NORM_FORM { NormalizationOther = 0, NormalizationC = 1, NormalizationD = 2, NormalizationKC = 5, NormalizationKD = 6 }; enum tagCOMSD { SD_LAUNCHPERMISSIONS = 0, SD_ACCESSPERMISSIONS = 1, SD_LAUNCHRESTRICTIONS = 2, SD_ACCESSRESTRICTIONS = 3 }; enum tagRpcLocalAddressFormat { rlafInvalid = 0, rlafIPv4 = 1, rlafIPv6 = 2 }; enum _ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE { StandardDesign = 0, NEC98x86 = 1, EndAlternatives = 2 }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES { COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING_DEFAULT_POOL = 0, COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING_PRIVATE_POOL = 1 }; enum _EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { EventBasicInformation = 0 }; enum tagGLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS { COMGLB_STA_MODALLOOP_REMOVE_TOUCH_MESSAGES = 1, COMGLB_STA_MODALLOOP_SHARED_QUEUE_REMOVE_INPUT_MESSAGES = 2, COMGLB_STA_MODALLOOP_SHARED_QUEUE_DONOT_REMOVE_INPUT_MESSAGES = 4 }; enum _PS_STD_HANDLE_STATE { PsNeverDuplicate = 0, PsRequestDuplicate = 1, PsAlwaysDuplicate = 2, PsMaxStdHandleStates = 3 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfobjects_0000_0017_0001 { MF_ACCESSMODE_READ = 1, MF_ACCESSMODE_WRITE = 2, MF_ACCESSMODE_READWRITE = 3 }; enum RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE { PROTOCOL_NOT_LOADED = 1, PROTOCOL_LOADED = 2, PROTOCOL_ADDRESS_CHANGE = 3 }; enum _LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { RelationProcessorCore = 0, RelationNumaNode = 1, RelationCache = 2, RelationProcessorPackage = 3, RelationGroup = 4, ÿÿRelationAll = 32770 }; enum tagCONDITION_TYPE { CT_AND_CONDITION = 0, CT_OR_CONDITION = 1, CT_NOT_CONDITION = 2, CT_LEAF_CONDITION = 3 }; enum _REQUESTER_TYPE { KernelRequester = 0, UserProcessRequester = 1, UserSharedServiceRequester = 2 }; enum _APP_CACHE_STATE { AppCacheStateNoUpdateNeeded = 0, AppCacheStateUpdateNeeded = 1, AppCacheStateUpdateNeededNew = 2, AppCacheStateUpdateNeededMasterOnly = 3 }; enum _TP_LOG_LEVEL { TP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0, TP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 1, TP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 2, TP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE_ENTER = 3, TP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE_LEAVE = 4 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfidl_0000_0001_0001 { MF_RESOLUTION_MEDIASOURCE = 1, MF_RESOLUTION_BYTESTREAM = 2, MF_RESOLUTION_CONTENT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_TO_MATCH_EXTENSION_OR_MIME_TYPE = 16, MF_RESOLUTION_KEEP_BYTE_STREAM_ALIVE_ON_FAIL = 32, MF_RESOLUTION_DISABLE_LOCAL_PLUGINS = 64, /* MF_RESOLUTION_READ = Unavail */ }; enum _MF_CONNECT_METHOD { MF_CONNECT_DIRECT = 0, MF_CONNECT_ALLOW_CONVERTER = 1, MF_CONNECT_ALLOW_DECODER = 3, MF_CONNECT_RESOLVE_INDEPENDENT_OUTPUTTYPES = 4, /* MF_CONNECT_AS_OPTIONAL = Unavail */ }; enum _MFRATE_DIRECTION { MFRATE_FORWARD = 0, MFRATE_REVERSE = 1 }; enum CWMO_FLAGS { CWMO_DISPATCH_CALLS = 1, CWMO_DISPATCH_WINDOW_MESSAGES = 2, REAL_CWMO_ENABLE_CALL_REENTRANCY = 1, CWMO_ENABLE_WINDOW_MESSAGES = 2, CWMO_ENABLE_CALL_REENTRANCY = 3 }; /* enum _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_INCOMPLETE = Unavail }; */ enum tagCHANGEKIND { CHANGEKIND_ADDMEMBER = 0, CHANGEKIND_DELETEMEMBER = 1, CHANGEKIND_SETNAMES = 2, CHANGEKIND_SETDOCUMENTATION = 3, CHANGEKIND_GENERAL = 4, CHANGEKIND_INVALIDATE = 5, CHANGEKIND_CHANGEFAILED = 6, CHANGEKIND_MAX = 7 }; enum __MIDL_IBindStatusCallback_0001 { BINDVERB_GET = 0, BINDVERB_POST = 1, BINDVERB_PUT = 2, BINDVERB_CUSTOM = 3, BINDVERB_RESERVED1 = 4 }; enum _PERSIST_SPROPSTORE_FLAGS { FPSPS_DEFAULT = 0, FPSPS_READONLY = 1 }; enum _PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE { CacheUnified = 0, CacheInstruction = 1, CacheData = 2, CacheTrace = 3 }; enum _MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE { MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_ALWAYS = 0, MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_SEEK = 1, MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_NEVER = 2 }; enum _NLA_INTERNET { NLA_INTERNET_UNKNOWN = 0, NLA_INTERNET_NO = 1, NLA_INTERNET_YES = 2 }; enum _URL_CACHE_LIMIT_TYPE { UrlCacheLimitTypeIE = 0, UrlCacheLimitTypeIETotal = 1, UrlCacheLimitTypeAppContainer = 2, UrlCacheLimitTypeAppContainerTotal = 3, UrlCacheLimitTypeNum = 4 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfobjects_0000_0017_0003 { MF_FILEFLAGS_NONE = 0, MF_FILEFLAGS_NOBUFFERING = 1, MF_FILEFLAGS_ALLOW_WRITE_SHARING = 2 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION { DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_IDENTITY = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_ROTATE90 = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_ROTATE180 = 3, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_ROTATE270 = 4, DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum _MEMORY_RESERVE_TYPE { MemoryReserveUserApc = 0, MemoryReserveIoCompletion = 1, MemoryReserveTypeMax = 2 }; enum _MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS { MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAG_FREQUENCY_10MHZ = 2, MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAG_ALWAYS_RUNNING = 4, MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAG_IS_SYSTEM_CLOCK = 8 }; enum ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE { ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE_OS = 1, ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE_MITIGATION = 2 }; enum _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS { MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS_NEW_STREAMS = 256 }; enum _AVRT_PRIORITY { AVRT_PRIORITY_LOW = -1, AVRT_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 0, AVRT_PRIORITY_HIGH = 1, AVRT_PRIORITY_CRITICAL = 2 }; enum _MFVideoRotationFormat { MFVideoRotationFormat_0 = 0, MFVideoRotationFormat_90 = 90, MFVideoRotationFormat_180 = 180, MFVideoRotationFormat_270 = 270 }; enum tagBINDSPEED { BINDSPEED_INDEFINITE = 1, BINDSPEED_MODERATE = 2, BINDSPEED_IMMEDIATE = 3 }; enum _EVENT_TYPE { NotificationEvent = 0, SynchronizationEvent = 1 }; enum MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { MF_STANDARD_WORKQUEUE = 0, MF_WINDOW_WORKQUEUE = 1, MF_MULTITHREADED_WORKQUEUE = 2 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfidl_0000_0023_0002 { MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PRESENTER_ALLOWFAIL = 1 }; enum _USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE { PowerUserPresent = 0, PowerUserNotPresent = 1, PowerUserInactive = 2, PowerUserMaximum = 3, PowerUserInvalid = 3 }; enum _NL_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BEHAVIOR { LinkLocalAlwaysOff = 0, LinkLocalDelayed = 1, LinkLocalAlwaysOn = 2, LinkLocalUnchanged = -1 }; enum _SOCKET_USAGE_TYPE { SYSTEM_CRITICAL_SOCKET = 1 }; enum InternetCookieState { COOKIE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0, COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT = 1, COOKIE_STATE_PROMPT = 2, COOKIE_STATE_LEASH = 3, COOKIE_STATE_DOWNGRADE = 4, COOKIE_STATE_REJECT = 5, COOKIE_STATE_MAX = 5 }; enum tagSTDMSHLFLAGS { SMEXF_SERVER = 1, SMEXF_HANDLER = 2 }; enum _FILE_ID_TYPE { FileIdType = 0, ObjectIdType = 1, MaximumFileIdType = 2 }; enum tagOLEWHICHMK { OLEWHICHMK_CONTAINER = 1, OLEWHICHMK_OBJREL = 2, OLEWHICHMK_OBJFULL = 3 }; enum _SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL { SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT = 0, SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_IPSEC = 1, SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_IPSEC2 = 2, SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_INVALID = 3 }; enum tagRPCOPT_PROPERTIES { COMBND_RPCTIMEOUT = 1, COMBND_SERVER_LOCALITY = 2 }; enum _EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION { ExceptionContinueExecution = 0, ExceptionContinueSearch = 1, ExceptionNestedException = 2, ExceptionCollidedUnwind = 3 }; enum _MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS { MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAG_JITTER_NEVER_AHEAD = 1 }; enum _NL_ROUTER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR { RouterDiscoveryDisabled = 0, RouterDiscoveryEnabled = 1, RouterDiscoveryDhcp = 2, RouterDiscoveryUnchanged = -1 }; enum RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS { RO_ERROR_REPORTING_NONE = 0, RO_ERROR_REPORTING_SUPPRESSEXCEPTIONS = 1, RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FORCEEXCEPTIONS = 2, RO_ERROR_REPORTING_USESETERRORINFO = 4, RO_ERROR_REPORTING_SUPPRESSSETERRORINFO = 8 }; enum _LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE { NtfsLinkTrackingInformation = 0, DfsLinkTrackingInformation = 1 }; enum _TIMER_TYPE { NotificationTimer = 0, SynchronizationTimer = 1 }; enum tagSTREAM_SEEK { STREAM_SEEK_SET = 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR = 1, STREAM_SEEK_END = 2 }; enum tagCALLTYPE { CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL = 1, CALLTYPE_NESTED = 2, CALLTYPE_ASYNC = 3, CALLTYPE_TOPLEVEL_CALLPENDING = 4, CALLTYPE_ASYNC_CALLPENDING = 5 }; enum _STREAM_INFO_LEVELS { FindStreamInfoStandard = 0, FindStreamInfoMaxInfoLevel = 1 }; enum _APP_CACHE_FINALIZE_STATE { AppCacheFinalizeStateIncomplete = 0, AppCacheFinalizeStateManifestChange = 1, AppCacheFinalizeStateComplete = 2 }; enum _MF_Plugin_Type { MF_Plugin_Type_MFT = 0, MF_Plugin_Type_MediaSource = 1, MF_Plugin_Type_MFT_MatchOutputType = 2, MF_Plugin_Type_Other = -1 }; enum _tagPSUACTION { PSU_DEFAULT = 1, PSU_SECURITY_URL_ONLY = 2 }; enum _SE_SIGNING_LEVEL { SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_UNCHECKED = 0, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_PROTECTED_PROCESS = 1, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_UNSIGNED = 2, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_AUTHENTICODE = 4, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_DRM_PROTECTED = 5, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_WINDOWS = 6, SE_SIGNING_LEVEL_WINDOWS_PROTECTED = 7 }; enum _ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { EnlistmentBasicInformation = 0, EnlistmentRecoveryInformation = 1, EnlistmentCrmInformation = 2 }; enum tagOLEGETMONIKER { OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE = 1, OLEGETMONIKER_FORCEASSIGN = 2, OLEGETMONIKER_UNASSIGN = 3, OLEGETMONIKER_TEMPFORUSER = 4 }; enum _NL_NEIGHBOR_STATE { NlnsUnreachable = 0, NlnsIncomplete = 1, NlnsProbe = 2, NlnsDelay = 3, NlnsStale = 4, NlnsReachable = 5, NlnsPermanent = 6, NlnsMaximum = 7 }; enum TrustLevel { BaseTrust = 0, PartialTrust = 1, FullTrust = 2 }; enum _SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_CONFIGURATION_CLASS { SystemCrashDumpDisable = 0, SystemCrashDumpReconfigure = 1, SystemCrashDumpInitializationComplete = 2 }; enum _PROCESS_TLS_INFORMATION_TYPE { ProcessTlsReplaceIndex = 0, ProcessTlsReplaceVector = 1, MaxProcessTlsOperation = 2 }; enum _MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS { MFNET_PROXYSETTING_NONE = 0, MFNET_PROXYSETTING_MANUAL = 1, MFNET_PROXYSETTING_AUTO = 2, MFNET_PROXYSETTING_BROWSER = 3 }; enum ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL { ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED = 0, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_AS_INVOKER = 1, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_HIGHEST_AVAILABLE = 2, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_REQUIRE_ADMIN = 3, ACTCTX_RUN_LEVEL_NUMBERS = 4 }; enum _HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { PMCCounter = 0, MaxHardwareCounterType = 1 }; enum tagExtentMode { DVEXTENT_CONTENT = 0, DVEXTENT_INTEGRAL = 1 }; enum tagREGKIND { REGKIND_DEFAULT = 0, REGKIND_REGISTER = 1, REGKIND_NONE = 2 }; enum tagOLECONTF { OLECONTF_EMBEDDINGS = 1, OLECONTF_LINKS = 2, OLECONTF_OTHERS = 4, OLECONTF_ONLYUSER = 8, OLECONTF_ONLYIFRUNNING = 16 }; enum _EXCEPTION_LOG_TYPE { LogExceptionEmpty = 0, LogExceptionDispatch = 1, LogExceptionHandler = 2 }; enum _MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { LowMemoryResourceNotification = 0, HighMemoryResourceNotification = 1, PendingBadMemoryNotification = 2 }; enum _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_LOCATION { MemoryLocationInvalid = 0, MemoryLocationResident = 1, MemoryLocationPagefile = 2, MemoryLocationReserved = 3 }; enum tagCTRLINFO { CTRLINFO_EATS_RETURN = 1, CTRLINFO_EATS_ESCAPE = 2 }; enum _EVENT_INFO_CLASS { EventProviderBinaryTrackInfo = 0, MaxEventInfo = 1 }; enum _PRIORITY_HINT { IoPriorityHintVeryLow = 0, IoPriorityHintLow = 1, IoPriorityHintNormal = 2, MaximumIoPriorityHintType = 3 }; enum tagVIEWSTATUS { VIEWSTATUS_OPAQUE = 1, VIEWSTATUS_SOLIDBKGND = 2, VIEWSTATUS_DVASPECTOPAQUE = 4, VIEWSTATUS_DVASPECTTRANSPARENT = 8, VIEWSTATUS_SURFACE = 16, VIEWSTATUS_3DSURFACE = 32 }; enum _HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS { HeapCompatibilityInformation = 0, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption = 1, HeapExtendedInformation = 2,  = 32771 }; enum tagEXTCONN { EXTCONN_STRONG = 1, EXTCONN_WEAK = 2, EXTCONN_CALLABLE = 4 }; enum tagAspectInfoFlag { DVASPECTINFOFLAG_CANOPTIMIZE = 1 }; enum _FP__IEEE_ROUNDING_MODE { FpRoundNearest = 0, FpRoundMinusInfinity = 1, FpRoundPlusInfinity = 2, FpRoundChopped = 3 }; enum tagREGCLS { REGCLS_SINGLEUSE = 0, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE = 1, REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE = 2, REGCLS_SUSPENDED = 4, REGCLS_SURROGATE = 8 }; enum _MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE { MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_DEFAULT = 0, MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_ENDOFSEGMENT = 1, MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TICK = 2, MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_EVENT = 3 }; enum _NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE { NLA_RAW_DATA = 0, NLA_INTERFACE = 1, NLA_802_1X_LOCATION = 2, NLA_CONNECTIVITY = 3, NLA_ICS = 4 }; enum _RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { RpcNotificationTypeNone = 0, RpcNotificationTypeEvent = 1, RpcNotificationTypeApc = 2, RpcNotificationTypeIoc = 3, RpcNotificationTypeHwnd = 4, RpcNotificationTypeCallback = 5 }; enum SYSNLS_FUNCTION { COMPARE_STRING = 1 }; enum IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE { IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE_TOKEN_DEF = 1 }; enum MF_TOPOSTATUS { MF_TOPOSTATUS_INVALID = 0, MF_TOPOSTATUS_READY = 100, MF_TOPOSTATUS_STARTED_SOURCE = 200, MF_TOPOSTATUS_DYNAMIC_CHANGED = 210, MF_TOPOSTATUS_SINK_SWITCHED = 300, MF_TOPOSTATUS_ENDED = 400 }; enum _WNF_DATA_SCOPE { WnfDataScopeSystem = 0, WnfDataScopeSession = 1, WnfDataScopeUser = 2, WnfDataScopeProcess = 3 }; enum tagRPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES { SERVER_LOCALITY_PROCESS_LOCAL = 0, SERVER_LOCALITY_MACHINE_LOCAL = 1, SERVER_LOCALITY_REMOTE = 2 }; enum _SEMAPHORE_INFORMATION_CLASS { SemaphoreBasicInformation = 0 }; enum _POWER_STATE_TYPE { SystemPowerState = 0, DevicePowerState = 1 }; enum _ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS { AclRevisionInformation = 1, AclSizeInformation = 2 }; enum _NL_NETWORK_CATEGORY { NetworkCategoryPublic = 0, NetworkCategoryPrivate = 1, NetworkCategoryDomainAuthenticated = 2, NetworkCategoryUnchanged = -1, NetworkCategoryUnknown = -1 }; enum _MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE { PowerMonitorOff = 0, PowerMonitorOn = 1, PowerMonitorDim = 2 }; enum _RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE { RPCHTTP_RS_REDIRECT = 1, RPCHTTP_RS_ACCESS_1 = 2, RPCHTTP_RS_SESSION = 3, RPCHTTP_RS_ACCESS_2 = 4, RPCHTTP_RS_INTERFACE = 5 }; enum tagBIND_FLAGS { BIND_MAYBOTHERUSER = 1, BIND_JUSTTESTEXISTENCE = 2 }; enum _MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR { MIRROR_NONE = 0, MIRROR_HORIZONTAL = 1, MIRROR_VERTICAL = 2 }; enum _WATCHDOG_INFORMATION_CLASS { WdInfoTimeoutValue = 0, WdInfoResetTimer = 1, WdInfoStopTimer = 2, WdInfoStartTimer = 3, WdInfoTriggerAction = 4, WdInfoState = 5 }; enum _MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE { MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_UNAVAILABLE = 0, MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_ACTIVE_WRITING = 1, MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_ACTIVE_COMPLETE = 2 }; enum _KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyValueBasicInformation = 0, KeyValueFullInformation = 1, KeyValuePartialInformation = 2, KeyValueFullInformationAlign64 = 3, KeyValuePartialInformationAlign64 = 4, MaxKeyValueInfoClass = 5 }; enum DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE { DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE_SOURCE = 1, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE_TARGET = 2, DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = -1 }; enum tagOLEUPDATE { OLEUPDATE_ALWAYS = 1, OLEUPDATE_ONCALL = 3 }; enum _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_SYNCPOINT = 1, DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_TIME = 2, DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_TIMELENGTH = 4, /* DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_INCOMPLETE = Unavail */ }; enum _MF2DBuffer_LockFlags { MF2DBuffer_LockFlags_LockTypeMask = 3, MF2DBuffer_LockFlags_Read = 1, MF2DBuffer_LockFlags_Write = 2, MF2DBuffer_LockFlags_ReadWrite = 3, /* MF2DBuffer_LockFlags_ForceDWORD = Unavail */ }; enum tagGUIDKIND { GUIDKIND_DEFAULT_SOURCE_DISP_IID = 1 }; enum _DMO_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { DMO_INPUT_STATUSF_ACCEPT_DATA = 1 }; enum _SC_ACTION_TYPE { SC_ACTION_NONE = 0, SC_ACTION_RESTART = 1, SC_ACTION_REBOOT = 2, SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND = 3 }; enum tagOLEVERBATTRIB { OLEVERBATTRIB_NEVERDIRTIES = 1, OLEVERBATTRIB_ONCONTAINERMENU = 2 }; enum _TOKEN_TYPE { TokenPrimary = 1, TokenImpersonation = 2 }; enum Windows::Web::Internal::HttpMethod { HttpMethod_Get = 0, HttpMethod_Put = 1, HttpMethod_Post = 2, HttpMethod_Delete = 3 }; enum Windows::Networking::Sockets::Internal::OperationType { OperationType_Undefined = 0, OperationType_Connect = 1, OperationType_Read = 2, OperationType_Write = 3, OperationType_Listen = 4, OperationType_Accept = 5, OperationType_Upgrade = 6 }; enum Windows::Networking::Sockets::SocketProtectionLevel { SocketProtectionLevel_PlainSocket = 0, SocketProtectionLevel_Ssl = 1, SocketProtectionLevel_SslAllowNullEncryption = 2 }; enum Windows::Networking::Connectivity::RoamingStates { RoamingStates_None = 0, RoamingStates_NotRoaming = 1, RoamingStates_Roaming = 2 }; enum Windows::Networking::Connectivity::NetworkCostType { NetworkCostType_Unknown = 0, NetworkCostType_Unrestricted = 1, NetworkCostType_Fixed = 2, NetworkCostType_Variable = 3 }; enum Windows::Networking::Connectivity::NetworkTypes { NetworkTypes_None = 0, NetworkTypes_Internet = 1, NetworkTypes_PrivateNetwork = 2 }; enum Windows::Foundation::PropertyType { PropertyType_Empty = 0, PropertyType_UInt8 = 1, PropertyType_Int16 = 2, PropertyType_UInt16 = 3, PropertyType_Int32 = 4, PropertyType_UInt32 = 5, PropertyType_Int64 = 6, PropertyType_UInt64 = 7, PropertyType_Single = 8, PropertyType_Double = 9, PropertyType_Char16 = 10, PropertyType_Boolean = 11, PropertyType_String = 12, PropertyType_Inspectable = 13, PropertyType_DateTime = 14, PropertyType_TimeSpan = 15, PropertyType_Guid = 16, PropertyType_Point = 17, PropertyType_Size = 18, PropertyType_Rect = 19, PropertyType_OtherType = 20, PropertyType_UInt8Array = 1025, PropertyType_Int16Array = 1026, PropertyType_UInt16Array = 1027, PropertyType_Int32Array = 1028, PropertyType_UInt32Array = 1029, PropertyType_Int64Array = 1030, PropertyType_UInt64Array = 1031, PropertyType_SingleArray = 1032, PropertyType_DoubleArray = 1033, PropertyType_Char16Array = 1034, PropertyType_BooleanArray = 1035, PropertyType_StringArray = 1036, PropertyType_InspectableArray = 1037, PropertyType_DateTimeArray = 1038, PropertyType_TimeSpanArray = 1039, PropertyType_GuidArray = 1040, PropertyType_PointArray = 1041, PropertyType_SizeArray = 1042, PropertyType_RectArray = 1043, PropertyType_OtherTypeArray = 1044 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::ErrorOptions { ErrorOptions_None = 0, ErrorOptions_SuppressExceptions = 1, ErrorOptions_ForceExceptions = 2, ErrorOptions_UseSetErrorInfo = 4, ErrorOptions_SuppressSetErrorInfo = 8 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::RoErrorReportingFlags { None = 0, SuppressExceptions = 1, ForceExceptions = 2, UseSetErrorInfo = 4, SuppressSetErrorInfo = 8 }; enum Windows::Storage::Streams::UnicodeEncoding { UnicodeEncoding_Utf8 = 0, UnicodeEncoding_Utf16LE = 1, UnicodeEncoding_Utf16BE = 2 }; enum Windows::Storage::Streams::ByteOrder { ByteOrder_LittleEndian = 0, ByteOrder_BigEndian = 1 }; enum Windows::Storage::Streams::InputStreamOptions { InputStreamOptions_None = 0, InputStreamOptions_Partial = 1, InputStreamOptions_ReadAhead = 2 }; enum _FIRMWARE_TYPE { FirmwareTypeUnknown = 0, FirmwareTypeBios = 1, FirmwareTypeUefi = 2, FirmwareTypeMax = 3 }; enum ErrorHandlerOptions { ErrorHandlerOptions_None = 0, ErrorHandlerOptions_SkipOriginateError = 1 }; enum tagOLELINKBIND { OLELINKBIND_EVENIFCLASSDIFF = 1 }; enum _POWER_REQUEST_TYPE { PowerRequestDisplayRequired = 0, PowerRequestSystemRequired = 1, PowerRequestAwayModeRequired = 2, PowerRequestExecutionRequired = 3 }; enum __MIDL_IInternetSecurityManager_0003 { SZM_CREATE = 0, SZM_DELETE = 1 }; enum _THDTYPE { THDTYPE_BLOCKMESSAGES = 0, THDTYPE_PROCESSMESSAGES = 1 }; enum HASHALGORITHM_ENUM { DSA_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA1 = 0, DSA_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA256 = 1, DSA_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA512 = 2 }; enum _JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE { ToleranceLow = 1, ToleranceMedium = 2, ToleranceHigh = 3 }; enum _URLZONEREG { URLZONEREG_DEFAULT = 0, URLZONEREG_HKLM = 1, URLZONEREG_HKCU = 2 }; enum _DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_DISCARD_WHEN_NO_BUFFER = 1 }; enum _DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_SYNCPOINT = 1, DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_TIME = 2, DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_TIMELENGTH = 4 }; enum _MFSequencerTopologyFlags { SequencerTopologyFlags_Last = 1 }; enum _WSAEcomparator { COMP_EQUAL = 0, COMP_NOTLESS = 1 }; enum MULTICAST_MODE_TYPE { MCAST_INCLUDE = 0, MCAST_EXCLUDE = 1 }; enum tagDCOM_CALL_STATE { DCOM_NONE = 0, DCOM_CALL_COMPLETE = 1, DCOM_CALL_CANCELED = 2 }; enum _ATOM_INFORMATION_CLASS { AtomBasicInformation = 0, AtomTableInformation = 1 }; enum MFTIMER_FLAGS { MFTIMER_RELATIVE = 1 }; enum MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_CURRENT = 1 }; enum __MIDL_IInternetZoneManager_0001 { MAX_ZONE_PATH = 260, MAX_ZONE_DESCRIPTION = 200 }; enum FILEITEM_CREATION_FLAGS { FICF_DEFAULT = 0, FICF_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED_IF_CONTAINER = 1, FICF_ALLOW_NAMESPACE_JUNCTION = 2, FICF_ADVANCED_SHAPES_ALLOWED = 4, FICF_FILTER_ON_MANIFESTED_TYPES = 8, FICF_FILTER_ON_MANIFESTED_KINDS = 16, FICF_INHERITED_FLAGS_MASK = 28, FICF_DONT_CHECK_PATH_FOR_EXISTENCE = 32 }; enum _WSAESETSERVICEOP { RNRSERVICE_REGISTER = 0, RNRSERVICE_DEREGISTER = 1, RNRSERVICE_DELETE = 2 }; enum _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION { SystemFirmwareTable_Enumerate = 0, SystemFirmwareTable_Get = 1 }; enum PIPE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { PipeAttribute = 0, PipeConnectionAttribute = 1, PipeHandleAttribute = 2 }; enum _WAIT_TYPE { WaitAll = 0, WaitAny = 1, WaitNotification = 2 }; enum RO_INIT_TYPE { RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED = 0, RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED = 1 }; enum tagPENDINGMSG { PENDINGMSG_CANCELCALL = 0, PENDINGMSG_WAITNOPROCESS = 1, PENDINGMSG_WAITDEFPROCESS = 2 }; enum tagPictureAttributes { PICTURE_SCALABLE = 1, PICTURE_TRANSPARENT = 2 }; enum _COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION { COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_CONTINUE = 0, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_CANCEL = 1, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_STOP = 2, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_QUIET = 3, COPYFILE2_PROGRESS_PAUSE = 4 }; enum _TP_DEBUG_CLASS { TP_DEBUG_CLASS_POOL = 0 }; enum _SECTION_INHERIT { ViewShare = 1, ViewUnmap = 2 }; enum _MFNetAuthenticationFlags { MFNET_AUTHENTICATION_PROXY = 1, MFNET_AUTHENTICATION_CLEAR_TEXT = 2, MFNET_AUTHENTICATION_LOGGED_ON_USER = 4 }; enum _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_DISCARD_WHEN_NO_BUFFER = 1, MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_REGENERATE_LAST_OUTPUT = 2 }; enum _MFNetCredentialRequirements { REQUIRE_PROMPT = 1, REQUIRE_SAVE_SELECTED = 2 }; enum __MIDL_IAuthenticateEx_0001 { AUTHENTICATEF_PROXY = 1, AUTHENTICATEF_BASIC = 2, AUTHENTICATEF_HTTP = 4 }; enum tagMEMCTX { MEMCTX_TASK = 1, MEMCTX_SHARED = 2, MEMCTX_MACSYSTEM = 3, MEMCTX_UNKNOWN = -1, MEMCTX_SAME = -1 }; enum _DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_FLAGS { DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_ENABLED = 1 }; enum _SC_EVENT_TYPE { SC_EVENT_DATABASE_CHANGE = 0, SC_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE = 1, SC_EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE = 2 }; enum _WOW64_FUNCTION_CODE64 { WOW64_FUNCTION_NOP = 0, WOW64_FUNCTION_QUERY_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO = 1, WOW64_FUNCTION_MAXIMUM = 2 }; enum _MFT_DRAIN_TYPE { MFT_DRAIN_PRODUCE_TAILS = 0, MFT_DRAIN_NO_TAILS = 1 }; enum _WSA_COMPATIBILITY_BEHAVIOR_ID { WsaBehaviorAll = 0, WsaBehaviorReceiveBuffering = 1, WsaBehaviorAutoTuning = 2 }; enum tagSERVERCALL { SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED = 0, SERVERCALL_REJECTED = 1, SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER = 2 }; enum tagINPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID { IMO_UNAVAILABLE = 0, IMO_HARDWARE = 1, IMO_INJECTED = 2, IMO_SYSTEM = 4 }; enum MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE { MFTOPOLOGY_HWMODE_SOFTWARE_ONLY = 0, MFTOPOLOGY_HWMODE_USE_HARDWARE = 1 }; enum MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS { MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_UNKNOWN_BYREF = 1 }; enum _TRANSACTION_STATE { TransactionStateNormal = 1, TransactionStateIndoubt = 2, TransactionStateCommittedNotify = 3 }; enum tagCOINITBASE { COINITBASE_MULTITHREADED = 0 }; enum _MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_SAMPLE_READY = 1 }; enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfidl_0000_0023_0001 { MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_MIXER_ALLOWFAIL = 1 }; enum tagDISCARDCACHE { DISCARDCACHE_SAVEIFDIRTY = 0, DISCARDCACHE_NOSAVE = 1 }; enum _MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags { MFWaveFormatExConvertFlag_Normal = 0, MFWaveFormatExConvertFlag_ForceExtensible = 1 }; enum _ALPC_MESSAGE_INFORMATION_CLASS { AlpcMessageSidInformation = 0, AlpcMessageTokenModifiedIdInformation = 1 }; enum _IO_COMPLETION_INFORMATION_CLASS { IoCompletionBasicInformation = 0 }; enum _SC_ENUM_TYPE { SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO = 0 }; enum MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE { HAL_MCE_RECORD = 0, HAL_MCA_RECORD = 1 }; enum LATENCY_TIME { LT_DONT_CARE = 0, LT_LOWEST_LATENCY = 1 }; enum _MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { MFT_SET_TYPE_TEST_ONLY = 1 }; enum tagPOINTERINACTIVE { POINTERINACTIVE_ACTIVATEONENTRY = 1, POINTERINACTIVE_DEACTIVATEONLEAVE = 2, POINTERINACTIVE_ACTIVATEONDRAG = 4 }; enum _MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_PLACEHOLDER = -1 }; enum MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS { MFPMPSESSION_UNPROTECTED_PROCESS = 1 }; enum _MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS { MF_QUALITY_CANNOT_KEEP_UP = 1 }; enum _MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { MFT_INPUT_STATUS_ACCEPT_DATA = 1 }; enum Microsoft::WRL::ModuleType { InProc = 1, OutOfProc = 2, DisableCaching = 4, InProcDisableCaching = 5, OutOfProcDisableCaching = 6 }; enum Microsoft::WRL::AsyncResultType { SingleResult = 1, MultipleResults = 2 }; enum Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassType { WinRt = 1, ClassicCom = 2, WinRtClassicComMix = 3, InhibitWeakReference = 4, Delegate = 2 }; enum Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus { Created = 0, Started = 1, Completed = 2, Canceled = 3, Error = 4 }; struct tagEMRTRANSPARENTBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long cxDest; /* +0x0020 */ long cyDest; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0028 */ long xSrc; /* +0x002c */ long ySrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0034 22 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x0060 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0064 */ long cySrc; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct _SERVICE_PRESHUTDOWN_INFO { unsigned long dwPreshutdownTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagIDLDESC { unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wIDLFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct creative_adpcmwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wRevision; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _CM_DISK_GEOMETRY_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfCylinders; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SectorsPerTrack; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfHeads; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ResourceList[4]; /* +0x0008 34 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ResourceListSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ConflictBuffer[4]; /* +0x0010 36 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ConflictBufferSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ long Status; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _FOUR_PART_VERSION { unsigned long long Version64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FOUR_PART_VERSION:: { unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Build; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Minor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Major; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _FOUR_PART_VERSION:: { unsigned long BuildAndRevision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MajorAndMinor; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagCBTACTIVATESTRUCT { unsigned char fMouse[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hWndActive[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NETRESOURCEW { unsigned long dwScope; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDisplayType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char lpLocalName[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRemoteName[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpComment[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpProvider[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _DWORD_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char alData[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemHGLOBAL { long fNullHGlobal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySetW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszServiceInstanceName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpServiceClassId[4]; /* +0x0008 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpVersion[4]; /* +0x000c 50 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszComment[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[4]; /* +0x0018 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszContext[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[4]; /* +0x0024 52 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszQueryString[4]; /* +0x0028 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[4]; /* +0x0030 54 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char lpBlob[4]; /* +0x0038 56 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WSA_COMPATIBILITY_MODE { unsigned char BehaviorId[4]; /* +0x0000 59 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TargetOsVersion; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _UNICODE_STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS { unsigned char Parent[4]; /* +0x0000 63 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LeftChild[4]; /* +0x0004 63 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RightChild[4]; /* +0x0008 63 14 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStartType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwErrorControl; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpBinaryPathName[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpLoadOrderGroup[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTagId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lpDependencies[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpServiceStartName[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDisplayName[4]; /* +0x0020 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOEXA { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpszIdentifier; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ProviderSpecific[8]; /* +0x0020 55 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RSS_SCALABILITY_INFO { unsigned char RssEnabled; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ECC_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PrivateKey[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ char *szCurveOid; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PublicKey[12]; /* +0x0010 6f 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_INITIATE_REPAIR_OUTPUT_BUFFER { unsigned long long Hint1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Hint2; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Clsn; /* +0x0010 */ long Status; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTROPY_SOURCE_NT_RESULT { unsigned char SourceId[8]; /* +0x0000 7a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long Policy; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ResultCode[4]; /* +0x0010 7b 14 00 00 */ long ResultStatus; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long Time; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EntropyLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char EntropyData[68]; /* +0x0024 7c 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MM_COMBINEDPAGE_IDENTITY { unsigned char PfnIdentity[16]; /* +0x0000 7f 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SharedInitial[0]; +0x0010 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ProtoPte; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY { void *lpData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char cbOverhead; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char iRegionIndex; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned short wFlags; /* +0x000a */ /* unsigned char Block[0]; +0x000c 85 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Region[16]; /* +0x000c 86 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long dwCommittedSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwUnCommittedSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpFirstBlock; /* +0x0008 */ void *lpLastBlock; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { void *hMem; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwReserved[12]; /* +0x0004 8b 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMETHODDATA { unsigned char szName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ppdata[4]; /* +0x0004 93 14 00 00 */ long dispid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char iMeth[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cc[4]; /* +0x0010 94 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cArgs[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short wFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short vtReturn; /* +0x001a */ }; struct _CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INFO { unsigned char RecipientId[20]; /* +0x0000 99 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptedKey[8]; /* +0x0014 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Date[8]; /* +0x001c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pOtherAttr[4]; /* +0x0024 9c 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoW { unsigned char sProtocolName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long majorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long minorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _GUID { unsigned long Data1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Data2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Data3; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Data4[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES { void *Sid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_IO_COMPLETION_INFORMATION { void *KeyContext; /* +0x0000 */ void *ApcContext; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char IoStatusBlock[8]; /* +0x0008 a8 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION { unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long WaitTime; /* +0x0018 */ void *StartAddress; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ClientId[8]; /* +0x0020 ac 14 00 00 */ long Priority; /* +0x0028 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ThreadState; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long WaitReason; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long AllocationBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long __alignment1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long RegionSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Protect; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long __alignment2; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _SHELLDETAILS { unsigned char fmt[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxChar[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char str[264]; /* +0x0008 c5 14 00 00 */ }; struct gsm610waveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wSamplesPerBlock; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderW { unsigned char sProviderName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long ProviderInfoLength; /* +0x0004 */ char *ProviderInfo; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY32 { unsigned long Next; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _Wx86TIB { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long InitialPc; /* +0x0004 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0008 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x000c */ void *DeallocationStack; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogFlags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long InitialSp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char SimulationCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char InCpuSimulation; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char EmulateInitialPc; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char Initialized; /* +0x001f */ unsigned char ExceptionList[4]; /* +0x0020 df 14 00 00 */ void *CpuContext; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char InitialExceptionContext[4]; /* +0x0028 e1 14 00 00 */ void *pCallersRIID; /* +0x002c */ void *pCallersUnknown; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ void *SelfRegDllName; /* +0x0038 */ void *SelfRegDllHandle; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AllocatedInfo[12]; /* +0x000c e7 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemHMETAFILEPICT { long mm; /* +0x0000 */ long xExt; /* +0x0004 */ long yExt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0010 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NegoPackageInfo { unsigned long PackageMask; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SE_ACCESS_REPLY { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ResultListCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long *GrantedAccess; /* +0x0008 */ long *AccessStatus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AccessReason[4]; /* +0x0010 09 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Privileges[4]; /* +0x0014 0c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_CONTEXT { /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 0f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TargetSystemState[0]; +0x0000 10 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EffectiveSystemState[0]; +0x0000 11 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CurrentSystemState[0]; +0x0000 12 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IgnoreHibernationPath[0]; +0x0000 13 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PseudoTransition[0]; +0x0000 14 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved2[0]; +0x0000 15 15 00 00 */ unsigned long ContextAsUlong; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY { unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DynamicThrottle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Spare[3]; /* +0x0005 18 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisableCStates[0]; +0x0008 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0008 19 15 00 00 */ unsigned long PolicyCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Policy[60]; /* +0x0010 1b 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagTOGGLEKEYS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES { void *RefIdToPointer; /* +0x0000 */ void *PointerToRefId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NextRefId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char XlatSide[4]; /* +0x000c 26 15 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD { long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExceptionRecord[4]; /* +0x0008 2f 15 00 00 */ void *ExceptionAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[60]; /* +0x0014 30 15 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_MODE { unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pixelFormat[4]; /* +0x0008 35 15 00 00 */ unsigned char position[8]; /* +0x000c 36 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagNMHDR { unsigned char hwndFrom[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char idFrom[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char code[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _currencyfmtW { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDecimalSep[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpThousandSep[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PositiveOrder[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCurrencySymbol[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE__ { unsigned char unused[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pCertContext[4]; /* +0x0004 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char TrustStatus[8]; /* +0x0008 56 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pRevocationInfo[4]; /* +0x0010 58 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pIssuanceUsage[4]; /* +0x0014 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pApplicationUsage[4]; /* +0x0018 5a 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszExtendedErrorInfo[4]; /* +0x001c 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_QUERY_INDEX { unsigned long ulAssemblyIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulFileIndexInAssembly; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PROVIDER_REG { unsigned long cAliases; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpszAliases[4]; /* +0x0004 6c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pUM[4]; /* +0x0008 6e 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pKM[4]; /* +0x000c 6e 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_ECC_SIGNATURE { unsigned char r[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char s[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long cAttr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgAttr[4]; /* +0x0004 74 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OCTET_STRING_VALUE { void *pValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULE_INFO { unsigned long ModuleInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IsBinaryLoaded; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ModulePathName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char CoverageSection[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PREFETCH_PATCH_INFORMATION { unsigned long PrefetchPatchCount; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagRAWHID { unsigned long dwSizeHid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bRawData[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DMOMediaType { unsigned char majortype[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char subtype[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bFixedSizeSamples[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bTemporalCompression[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long lSampleSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char formattype[16]; /* +0x002c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[4]; /* +0x003c 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cbFormat; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char *pbFormat; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _CRYPT_URL_ARRAY { unsigned long cUrl; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgwszUrl[4]; /* +0x0004 6c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned char VolumeCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long VolumeSerialNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long VolumeLabelLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char SupportsObjects; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char VolumeLabel[6]; /* +0x0012 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_LIST { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DriverEntry[20]; /* +0x0004 a0 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO { unsigned short UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ObjectTypeIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HandleAttributes; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short HandleValue; /* +0x0006 */ void *Object; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _COMMCONFIG { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char dcb[28]; /* +0x0008 a7 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwProviderSubType; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwProviderOffset; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwProviderSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char wcProviderData[4]; /* +0x0030 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihFont; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char elfw[320]; /* +0x000c ac 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1_A { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char NullSession[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct wmaudio3waveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wValidBitsPerSample; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long dwChannelMask; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short wEncodeOptions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x0022 */ }; struct addrinfoW { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addrlen[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_canonname[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addr[4]; /* +0x0018 05 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[4]; /* +0x001c b5 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_QC_STATEMENT { char *pszStatementId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StatementInfo[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRL_CONTEXT { unsigned long dwCertEncodingType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbCrlEncoded; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbCrlEncoded; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pCrlInfo[4]; /* +0x000c bb 15 00 00 */ void *hCertStore; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO { unsigned char pwszContainerName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszProvName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwProvType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cProvParam; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgProvParam[4]; /* +0x0014 bf 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PROCESS_FOREGROUND_BACKGROUND { unsigned char Foreground; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_LEV1_ENTRY { unsigned long EntryLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DependencyTypeFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProviderSpecificFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char VirtualStorageType[20]; /* +0x000c c8 15 00 00 */ }; struct _GENERATE_NAME_CONTEXT { unsigned short Checksum; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ChecksumInserted; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NameLength; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char NameBuffer[16]; /* +0x0004 cb 15 00 00 */ unsigned long ExtensionLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ExtensionBuffer[8]; /* +0x0018 cc 15 00 00 */ unsigned long LastIndexValue; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _HEAP_EXTENDED_INFORMATION { void *Process; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Heap; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Level; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CallbackRoutine[4]; /* +0x000c d3 15 00 00 */ void *CallbackContext; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char ProcessHeapInformation[0]; +0x0014 d4 15 00 00 */ unsigned char HeapInformation[24]; /* +0x0014 b3 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMROFFSETCLIPRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 36 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagSCROLLINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMin[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMax[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nPage[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nPos[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nTrackPos[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagREGISTERWORDW { unsigned char lpReading[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpWord[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_KEY_BLOB { unsigned long Magic; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwKeyChoice; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long hKeyEncryptionKey; /* +0x001c */ void *pvKeyEncryptionKey; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char KeyId[8]; /* +0x0020 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Date[8]; /* +0x0028 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pOtherAttr[4]; /* +0x0030 9c 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_SERVER_OCSP_RESPONSE_CONTEXT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbEncodedOcspResponse; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbEncodedOcspResponse; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW { unsigned long dwCacheVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszCachePrefix[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszVolumeLabel[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszVolumeTitle[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTRY_LIST { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BootEntry[32]; /* +0x0004 64 15 00 00 */ }; struct _KCRM_MARSHAL_HEADER { unsigned long VersionMajor; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VersionMinor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumProtocols; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Unused; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagPOLYTEXTA { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char n[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpstr[4]; /* +0x000c 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char uiFlags[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcl[16]; /* +0x0014 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pdx[4]; /* +0x0024 74 04 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_SECURITY_QUERY_INFO_IPSEC2 { unsigned char SecurityProtocol[4]; /* +0x0000 37 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long PeerApplicationAccessTokenHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long PeerMachineAccessTokenHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MmSaId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long QmSaId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char NegotiationWinerr[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char SaLookupContext[20]; /* +0x002c 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _LUTF8_STRING { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Option; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char ShareDisposition; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Spare1; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Spare2; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct tagMINMAXINFO { unsigned char ptReserved[8]; /* +0x0000 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxSize[8]; /* +0x0008 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxPosition[8]; /* +0x0010 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMinTrackSize[8]; /* +0x0018 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxTrackSize[8]; /* +0x0020 4d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW { unsigned char lpServiceName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpServiceProc[4]; /* +0x0004 52 16 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_END_OF_JOB_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long EndOfJobTimeAction; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_MAILSLOT_QUERY_INFORMATION { unsigned long MaximumMessageSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MailslotQuota; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NextMessageSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MessagesAvailable; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ReadTimeout[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ENCRYPTED_DATA_INFO { unsigned long long StartingFileOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OutputBufferOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BytesWithinFileSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BytesWithinValidDataLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short CompressionFormat; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DataUnitShift; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char ChunkShift; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char EncryptionFormat; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned short NumberOfDataBlocks; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char DataBlockSize[4]; /* +0x001c 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MUILANGUAGES { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short MaxNumLanguages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumLanguages; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short NumInstalledLanguages; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char LangInfos[4]; /* +0x000c 7b 16 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HeapIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LastHeapIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BaseAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ReserveSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SegmentCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LargeUCRMemory; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long UCRLength; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long AllocatedSpace; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long FreeSpace; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long FreeListLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long Contention; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long VirtualBlocks; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long CommitRate; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long DecommitRate; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct tagDEBUGHOOKINFO { unsigned long idThread; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long idThreadInstaller; /* +0x0004 */ long lParam; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char wParam[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char code[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_RELATED_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned char TargetDeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Relation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char RelatedDeviceInstance[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long RelatedDeviceInstanceLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MUILANGINFO { unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short LangId; /* +0x0004 */ short LangNameIndex; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short FallbackTypes; /* +0x0008 */ short NeutralLangSpec; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char FallbackSpecs[8]; /* +0x000c a5 16 00 00 */ unsigned char AlternateCodePage[8]; /* +0x0014 a5 16 00 00 */ }; struct _CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFileFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwSecurityQosFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char lpSecurityAttributes[4]; /* +0x0010 a9 16 00 00 */ void *hTemplateFile; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char Linkage[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagRGBTRIPLE { unsigned char rgbtBlue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbtGreen; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char rgbtRed; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszUsageIdentifier[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAcquirePrivateKeyFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cIssuer; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgIssuer[4]; /* +0x0014 cc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFindCallback[4]; /* +0x0018 f9 16 00 00 */ void *pvFindArg; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION_INFO { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long BaseVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MiniVersion; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _VARIABLE_NAME { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VendorGuid[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0014 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOLTAG_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TagInfo[28]; /* +0x0004 01 17 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_CONTROL_SPACE { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Processor; /* +0x0010 */ }; enum Microsoft::WRL::Details::AsyncStatusInternal { _Created = 0, _Started = 1, _Completed = 2, _Cancelled = 3, _Error = 4, _Closed = 5, _Undefined = 6 }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::CreatorMap { unsigned char factoryCreator[20]; /* +0x0000 91 19 00 00 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::CreatorMap:: { /* unsigned char clsid[0]; +0x0000 9a 19 00 00 */ unsigned char getRuntimeName[4]; /* +0x0000 9c 19 00 00 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::FactoryCache { unsigned char factory[8]; /* +0x0000 90 15 00 00 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::FactoryCache:: { /* unsigned char winrt[0]; +0x0000 4f 19 00 00 */ unsigned long com; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct Microsoft::WRL::Details::BoolStruct { unsigned char Member[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; enum Microsoft::WRL::FactoryCacheFlags { FactoryCacheDefault = 0, FactoryCacheEnabled = 1, FactoryCacheDisabled = 2 }; struct _HMAC_Info { unsigned char HashAlgid[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbInnerString; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbInnerString; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pbOuterString; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbOuterString; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TOKEN_CONTROL { unsigned char TokenId[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0008 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char ModifiedId[8]; /* +0x0010 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char TokenSource[16]; /* +0x0018 4c 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long AttributeCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FAT_STATISTICS { unsigned long CreateHits; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SuccessfulCreates; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FailedCreates; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NonCachedReads; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NonCachedReadBytes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonCachedWrites; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NonCachedWriteBytes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NonCachedDiskReads; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long NonCachedDiskWrites; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagREGISTERWORDA { char *lpReading; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpWord; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACCESS_PARAMS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbSignatureOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbSignatureSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbExtensionOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbExtensionSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long cActions; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char rgOutputActions[12]; /* +0x001c 5d 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION_EXTENSION { unsigned char DiskCounters[40]; /* +0x0000 62 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0028 */ /* unsigned char HasStrongId[0]; +0x0028 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Spare[8]; /* +0x0028 19 15 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_KEY_SECURITY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 65 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[8]; /* +0x0018 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long OldSecurityDescriptorLength; /* +0x0020 */ void *OldSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long NewSecurityDescriptorLength; /* +0x0028 */ void *NewSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x002c */ }; struct tagABORTPATH { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned char pBuffer[4]; /* +0x0000 71 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0004 */ long long rtTimestamp; /* +0x0008 */ long long rtTimelength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CRYPT_OID_FUNC_ENTRY { unsigned char pszOID[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 */ void *pvFuncAddr; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_VIRTUAL { void *Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagCREATESTRUCTW { void *lpCreateParams; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0004 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hMenu[4]; /* +0x0008 7d 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndParent[4]; /* +0x000c 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ long style; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpszName[4]; /* +0x0024 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClass[4]; /* +0x0028 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExStyle; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _s__CatchableTypeArray { unsigned char nCatchableTypes[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char arrayOfCatchableTypes[0]; +0x0004 8b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _STRING64 { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long long Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagCONTROLINFO { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hAccel[4]; /* +0x0004 95 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short cAccel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_LEV2_ENTRY { unsigned long EntryLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DependencyTypeFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProviderSpecificFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char VirtualStorageType[20]; /* +0x000c c8 15 00 00 */ unsigned long AncestorLevel; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long HostVolumeNameOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long HostVolumeNameSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long DependentVolumeNameOffset; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long DependentVolumeNameSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long RelativePathOffset; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long RelativePathSize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long DependentDeviceNameOffset; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long DependentDeviceNameSize; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _CSV_NAMESPACE_INFO { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DeviceNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char StartingOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SectorSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_ISSUE { unsigned long IssueType; /* +0x0000 */ void *Address; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Parameters[8]; /* +0x0008 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _CPTABLEINFO { unsigned short CodePage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumCharacterSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short DefaultChar; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short UniDefaultChar; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short TransDefaultChar; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short TransUniDefaultChar; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short DBCSCodePage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char LeadByte[14]; /* +0x000e a3 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short *MultiByteTable; /* +0x001c */ void *WideCharTable; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short *DBCSRanges; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short *DBCSOffsets; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _RECTL { long left; /* +0x0000 */ long top; /* +0x0004 */ long right; /* +0x0008 */ long bottom; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagCABSTR { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 6c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CTL_VERIFY_USAGE_STATUS { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ppCtl[4]; /* +0x000c bc 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCtlEntryIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ppSigner[4]; /* +0x0014 bd 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSignerIndex; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TrustStatus[8]; /* +0x0004 56 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cChain; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgpChain[4]; /* +0x0010 c4 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long cLowerQualityChainContext; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char rgpLowerQualityChainContext[4]; /* +0x0018 c8 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char fHasRevocationFreshnessTime[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRevocationFreshnessTime; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwCreateFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ChainId[16]; /* +0x0028 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LEGACY_DRIVER_INFORMATION { unsigned long VetoType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VetoList[8]; /* +0x0004 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMULTIKEYHELPW { unsigned long mkSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char mkKeylist[2]; /* +0x0004 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char szKeyphrase[2]; /* +0x0006 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemHENHMETAFILE { unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TIME_DYNAMIC_ZONE_INFORMATION { long Bias; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StandardName[64]; /* +0x0004 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardDate[16]; /* +0x0044 e6 1c 00 00 */ long StandardBias; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char DaylightName[64]; /* +0x0058 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char DaylightDate[16]; /* +0x0098 e6 1c 00 00 */ long DaylightBias; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char TimeZoneKeyName[256]; /* +0x00ac e7 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled; /* +0x01ac */ }; struct tagEMRFRAMERGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char szlStroke[8]; /* +0x0020 de 16 00 00 */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x0028 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_BRECORD { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aRecord[4]; /* +0x0004 f2 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_GUID_PROPERTIES { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long GuidType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LoggerId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long EnableLevel; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EnableFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char IsEnable; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENTS_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfEnlistments; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EnlistmentPair[32]; /* +0x0004 07 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO { void *hFile; /* +0x0000 */ void *hProcess; /* +0x0004 */ void *hThread; /* +0x0008 */ void *lpBaseOfImage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwDebugInfoFileOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long nDebugInfoSize; /* +0x0014 */ void *lpThreadLocalBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpStartAddress[4]; /* +0x001c 0b 1d 00 00 */ void *lpImageName; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short fUnicode; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _SMALL_RECT { short Left; /* +0x0000 */ short Top; /* +0x0002 */ short Right; /* +0x0004 */ short Bottom; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER_USER_NOTICE { unsigned char pNoticeReference[4]; /* +0x0000 11 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDisplayText[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_OTHER_LOGOTYPE_INFO { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char LogotypeInfo[8]; /* +0x0004 14 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoA { char *sProtocolName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long majorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long minorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ACE_HEADER { unsigned char AceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AceFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AceSize; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION { long ExitStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TebBaseAddress[4]; /* +0x0004 21 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char ClientId[8]; /* +0x0008 ac 14 00 00 */ unsigned long AffinityMask; /* +0x0010 */ long Priority; /* +0x0014 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_STARTUP_INFO { unsigned long UmsVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CompletionList[4]; /* +0x0004 25 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char SchedulerProc[4]; /* +0x0008 29 1d 00 00 */ void *SchedulerParam; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYPOLYLINE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nPolys; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cptl; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char aPolyCounts[4]; /* +0x0020 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned char aptl[8]; /* +0x0024 2f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagUSEROBJECTFLAGS { unsigned char fInherit[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fReserved[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct fd_set { unsigned char fd_count[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fd_array[256]; /* +0x0004 34 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _NON_PAGED_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned short Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Characteristics; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long ImageBase; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_MESSAGE_ZONE_INFORMATION { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SCRUB_DATA_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumIos; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0008 9e 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char ResumeContext[816]; /* +0x0010 43 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION { char *pszAccessMethod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AccessLocation[12]; /* +0x0004 4a 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_DRIVER_PATH_INFORMATION { unsigned char DriverInPath; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DriverNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DriverName[4]; /* +0x0008 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _userHENHMETAFILE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHENHMETAFILE::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0006 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 59 1d 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CRL_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SignatureAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Issuer[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ThisUpdate[8]; /* +0x0018 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NextUpdate[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cCRLEntry; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char rgCRLEntry[4]; /* +0x002c 6d 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0034 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_CONTEXT { unsigned long cbEncoded; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbEncoded; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pTimeStamp[4]; /* +0x0008 73 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _NLSTABLEINFO { unsigned char OemTableInfo[44]; /* +0x0000 78 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char AnsiTableInfo[44]; /* +0x002c 78 1d 00 00 */ unsigned short *UpperCaseTable; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned short *LowerCaseTable; /* +0x005c */ }; struct _USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE { unsigned char pfnBufferSize[4]; /* +0x0000 7d 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnMarshall[4]; /* +0x0004 80 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUnmarshall[4]; /* +0x0008 80 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x000c 83 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _tagpropertykey { unsigned char fmtid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long pid; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagPROPBAG2 { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short cfType; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long dwHint; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pstrName[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO { unsigned char ToBeSigned[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SignatureAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0008 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Signature[12]; /* +0x0014 6f 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CMC_TAGGED_ATTRIBUTE { unsigned long dwBodyPartID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Attribute[12]; /* +0x0004 73 15 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_JOBSET_INFORMATION { unsigned long MemberLevel; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfObjects; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TypeIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long InvalidAttributes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char GenericMapping[16]; /* +0x0014 a4 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidAccessMask; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PoolType; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char SecurityRequired; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char WaitableObject; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char TypeName[8]; /* +0x0030 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_INTERFACE_ALIAS_DATA { unsigned char SymbolicLinkName[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AliasClassGuid[4]; /* +0x0008 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AliasSymbolicLinkName[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long AliasSymbolicLinkNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_ENTRY { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _FINDFIRSTACTIVATIONCONTEXTSECTION { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExtensionGuid[4]; /* +0x0008 9a 19 00 00 */ unsigned long Id; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Depth; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long OutFlags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_INFO { unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char modeInfoIdx[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char statusFlags[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUT { unsigned char header[40]; /* +0x0000 b0 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SET_PURGE_FAILURE_MODE_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct CM_Power_Data_s { unsigned long PD_Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PD_MostRecentPowerState[4]; /* +0x0004 c1 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long PD_Capabilities; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PD_D1Latency; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PD_D2Latency; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PD_D3Latency; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char PD_PowerStateMapping[28]; /* +0x0018 c2 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char PD_DeepestSystemWake[4]; /* +0x0034 c3 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagANIMATIONINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMinAnimate[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CTL_FIND_SUBJECT_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pUsagePara[4]; /* +0x0004 cd 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSubjectType; /* +0x0008 */ void *pvSubject; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _VIDEOPARAMETERS { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCommand; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwTVStandard; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwAvailableModes; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwAvailableTVStandard; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFlickerFilter; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwOverScanX; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwOverScanY; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwMaxUnscaledX; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwMaxUnscaledY; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwPositionX; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwPositionY; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwBrightness; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwContrast; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwCPType; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwCPCommand; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dwCPStandard; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long dwCPKey; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long bCP_APSTriggerBits; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char bOEMCopyProtection[256]; /* +0x0064 d1 1d 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr_gen { /* unsigned char Address[0]; +0x0000 04 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AddressIn[0]; +0x0000 d4 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char AddressIn6[24]; /* +0x0000 d5 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _OCSP_CERT_ID { unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char IssuerNameHash[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IssuerKeyHash[8]; /* +0x0014 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SerialNumber[8]; /* +0x001c 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _GROUP_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned short MaximumGroupCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ActiveGroupCount; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x0004 dc 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupInfo[44]; /* +0x0018 de 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_TRACE_BLOCK { unsigned long Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long UserSize; /* +0x0010 */ void *UserContext; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0018 e2 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char Trace[4]; /* +0x001c d4 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagBITMAPCOREINFO { unsigned char bmciHeader[12]; /* +0x0000 e5 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char bmciColors[4]; /* +0x000c e7 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR { unsigned short nSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short nVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char iPixelType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cColorBits; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char cRedBits; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char cRedShift; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char cGreenBits; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char cGreenShift; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char cBlueBits; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char cBlueShift; /* +0x000f */ unsigned char cAlphaBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cAlphaShift; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char cAccumBits; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char cAccumRedBits; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char cAccumGreenBits; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char cAccumBlueBits; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char cAccumAlphaBits; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char cDepthBits; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char cStencilBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cAuxBuffers; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char iLayerType; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x001b */ unsigned long dwLayerMask; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwVisibleMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwDamageMask; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagEMRFILLPATH { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FLOAT128 { long long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long long HighPart; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ char *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _LDT_ENTRY { unsigned short LimitLow; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short BaseLow; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagEMRFILLRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x0020 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITIES { unsigned long cCapability; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgCapability[4]; /* +0x0004 11 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_MEMORY_RESERVE { void *ReserveAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReserveSize; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SET_TIME_ADJUST_INFORMATION { unsigned long TimeAdjustment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Enable; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SERVICE_NOTIFY_2A { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnNotifyCallback[4]; /* +0x0004 63 15 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwNotificationStatus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x0010 21 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNotificationTriggered; /* +0x0034 */ char *pszServiceNames; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_ASSIGN_EVENT_BUFFER { void *EventHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long KeyValue; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION32 { unsigned long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AllocationBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RegionSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Protect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagTEXTMETRICA { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char tmLastChar; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char tmBreakChar; /* +0x002f */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0031 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0033 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_SupportedSignatures { unsigned short cSignatureAndHashAlgorithms; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pSignatureAndHashAlgorithms; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RDR_CALLOUT_STATE { long LastError; /* +0x0000 */ void *LastEEInfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char LastCalledStage[4]; /* +0x0008 41 1e 00 00 */ unsigned short *ServerName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short *ServerPort; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *RemoteUser; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short *AuthType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ResourceTypePresent; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char SessionIdPresent; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char InterfacePresent; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char ResourceType[16]; /* +0x0020 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SessionId[16]; /* +0x0030 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Interface[20]; /* +0x0040 42 1e 00 00 */ void *CertContext; /* +0x0054 */ }; struct _POINTL { long x; /* +0x0000 */ long y; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OFSTRUCT { unsigned char cBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fFixedDisk; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short nErrCode; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved2; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char szPathName[128]; /* +0x0008 4b 1e 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_RATIONAL { unsigned char Numerator[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Denominator[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _MAT2 { unsigned char eM11[4]; /* +0x0000 50 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char eM12[4]; /* +0x0004 50 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char eM21[4]; /* +0x0008 50 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char eM22[4]; /* +0x000c 50 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_MappedCredAttr { unsigned long dwAttribute; /* +0x0000 */ void *pvBuffer; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROTOGON_STATISTICS { unsigned long Unused; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MCA_EXCEPTION { unsigned long VersionNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ExceptionType[4]; /* +0x0004 61 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ProcessorNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagEMRNAMEDESCAPE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char iEscape[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbDriver[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbEscData[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char EscData[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL { unsigned char Label[8]; /* +0x0000 77 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO { char *lpDebugStringData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short fUnicode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short nDebugStringLength; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct tagFUNCDESC { long memid; /* +0x0000 */ long *lprgscode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lprgelemdescParam[4]; /* +0x0008 91 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char funckind[4]; /* +0x000c 92 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char invkind[4]; /* +0x0010 93 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char callconv[4]; /* +0x0014 94 14 00 00 */ short cParams; /* +0x0018 */ short cParamsOpt; /* +0x001a */ short oVft; /* +0x001c */ short cScodes; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char elemdescFunc[16]; /* +0x0020 90 1e 00 00 */ unsigned short wFuncFlags; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _SecPkgCredentials_NamesW { unsigned char sUserName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _SE_PACKAGE_CAPABILITY_INFO { unsigned long Remaining; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PackageGrantedAccess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CapabilityGrantedAccess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserGroupsRemaining; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PackagesPresent; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char PackageMatch; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char CapabilityMatch; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char LogPermissiveFailure; /* +0x0013 */ }; struct _UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOW { unsigned char lpUniversalName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _WORD_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char asData[4]; /* +0x0004 a2 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 { unsigned short Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long ImageBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SectionAlignment; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long FileAlignment; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x002a */ unsigned short MajorImageVersion; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short MinorImageVersion; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short MajorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short MinorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned long Win32VersionValue; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfHeaders; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short Subsystem; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x0046 */ unsigned long long SizeOfStackReserve; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long SizeOfStackCommit; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long SizeOfHeapReserve; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long SizeOfHeapCommit; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long NumberOfRvaAndSizes; /* +0x006c */ unsigned char DataDirectory[128]; /* +0x0070 c0 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS { unsigned char PristineRoutine[4]; /* +0x0000 0b 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char NewRoutine[4]; /* +0x0004 0b 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_TRIAGE_INFORMATION { unsigned long ActionTaken; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CrashData[20]; /* +0x0004 c7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long VerifierMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long VerifierFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char VerifierTargets[512]; /* +0x0020 c8 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_RENAME_KEY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 65 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[8]; /* +0x0018 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyKeyName[8]; /* +0x0020 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETVIEWPORTEXTEX { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char szlExtent[8]; /* +0x0008 de 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagTRACKMOUSEEVENT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndTrack[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHoverTime; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagCOMBOBOXINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcItem[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rcButton[16]; /* +0x0014 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned long stateButton; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char hwndCombo[4]; /* +0x0028 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[4]; /* +0x002c 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndList[4]; /* +0x0030 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_A:: { unsigned char HttpCredentials[4]; /* +0x0000 da 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _s__RTTICompleteObjectLocator { unsigned long signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long offset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cdOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pTypeDescriptor[4]; /* +0x000c e0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pClassDescriptor[4]; /* +0x0010 e3 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_LOCAL_INFORMATION { unsigned long NamedPipeType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NamedPipeConfiguration; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaximumInstances; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CurrentInstances; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long InboundQuota; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ReadDataAvailable; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OutboundQuota; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long WriteQuotaAvailable; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long NamedPipeState; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long NamedPipeEnd; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _MUILANGLIST { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short NumLanguages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MaxNumLanguages; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bUseUseMachineConfigList; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char RegInfo[4]; /* +0x000c f0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Languages[8]; /* +0x0010 f2 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long long ullMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char uConsoleFlag[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Checksum[20]; /* +0x0024 f3 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_KEYED_DATA { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *Data; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x000c */ void *SectionGlobalData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0014 */ void *SectionBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SectionTotalLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ActivationContext[4]; /* +0x0020 f7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char AssemblyMetadata[20]; /* +0x002c f8 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVolumeSerialNumber; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long nNumberOfLinks; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long nFileIndexHigh; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long nFileIndexLow; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct tagCACLSID { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 4e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_SELECT_CHAIN_PARA { void *hChainEngine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pTime[4]; /* +0x0004 03 1f 00 00 */ void *hAdditionalStore; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pChainPara[4]; /* +0x000c 05 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_IDLE_STATE { unsigned char StateType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HardwareLatency; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Power; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Context; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Handler[4]; /* +0x0014 0e 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENTLOGRECORD { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TimeGenerated; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long TimeWritten; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EventID; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short EventType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short NumStrings; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short EventCategory; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short ReservedFlags; /* +0x001e */ unsigned long ClosingRecordNumber; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long StringOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long UserSidLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long UserSidOffset; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION { unsigned char HeaderInfo[20]; /* +0x0000 15 1f 00 00 */ void *FileObject; /* +0x0014 */ long NameBufferOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CustomDataBuffer[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[4]; /* +0x0004 1d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char CaseMatch[4]; /* +0x0008 1d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Links[12]; /* +0x000c 62 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Prefix[4]; /* +0x0018 1e 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagSTYLESTRUCT { unsigned long styleOld; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long styleNew; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _cpinfoexW { unsigned char MaxCharSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0004 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadByte[12]; /* +0x0006 a3 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicodeDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0012 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePage[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePageName[520]; /* +0x0018 24 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagCADBL { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 41 04 00 00 */ }; struct _MFOffset { unsigned short fract; /* +0x0000 */ short value; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SPECIAL_POOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long PoolTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULE_REQUEST { unsigned char RequestType[20]; /* +0x0000 2a 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTIONS { unsigned long SizeStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Option; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char OptionData[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _tagSOFTDISTINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwAdState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szTitle[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char szAbstract[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char szHREF[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInstalledVersionMS; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwInstalledVersionLS; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwUpdateVersionMS; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwUpdateVersionLS; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwAdvertisedVersionMS; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwAdvertisedVersionLS; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_DSA_PARAMETER_HEADER { unsigned long cbLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbKeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x000c 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Seed[20]; /* +0x0010 dc 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char q[20]; /* +0x0024 dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_StreamSizes { unsigned long cbHeader; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbTrailer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbMaximumMessage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cBuffers; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbBlockSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_UMS_CONTEXT { unsigned char Link[4]; /* +0x0000 41 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Context[716]; /* +0x0004 e0 14 00 00 */ void *Teb; /* +0x02d0 */ void *UserContext; /* +0x02d4 */ /* unsigned char ScheduledThread[0]; +0x02d8 42 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Suspended[0]; +0x02d8 43 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VolatileContext[0]; +0x02d8 44 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Terminated[0]; +0x02d8 45 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DebugActive[0]; +0x02d8 46 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RunningOnSelfThread[0]; +0x02d8 47 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DenyRunningOnSelfThread[0]; +0x02d8 48 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[8]; /* +0x02d8 07 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char KernelUpdateLock[0]; +0x02e0 4a 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PrimaryClientID[0]; +0x02e0 4b 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextLock[8]; /* +0x02e0 49 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char PrimaryUmsContext[4]; /* +0x02e8 4d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long SwitchCount; /* +0x02ec */ unsigned long KernelYieldCount; /* +0x02f0 */ unsigned long MixedYieldCount; /* +0x02f4 */ unsigned long YieldCount; /* +0x02f8 */ }; struct tagTEXTMETRICW { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar[2]; /* +0x002c 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmLastChar[2]; /* +0x002e 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0030 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmBreakChar[2]; /* +0x0032 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0035 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0037 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct XSAVE_CPU_INFO { unsigned char Processor; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Family; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Model; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Stepping; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short ExtendedModel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExtendedFamily; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long MicrocodeVersion; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_CLIENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char StartTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordsToProcess; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long RelativeFillLevel; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TP_TASK { unsigned char Callbacks[4]; /* +0x0000 5d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long NumaNode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char IdealProcessor; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x000c f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRMODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char xform[24]; /* +0x0008 22 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct SChannelHookCallInfo { unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char uCausality[16]; /* +0x0014 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwServerPid; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long iMethod; /* +0x0028 */ void *pObject; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _RTL_BITMAP { unsigned long SizeOfBitMap; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagEXTLOGFONTA { unsigned char elfLogFont[60]; /* +0x0000 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[64]; /* +0x003c 7c 14 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[32]; /* +0x007c 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long elfVersion; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long elfStyleSize; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long elfMatch; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long elfReserved; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char elfVendorId[4]; /* +0x00ac 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long elfCulture; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned char elfPanose[12]; /* +0x00b4 6e 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _tagPROTOCOLDATA { unsigned long grfFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0004 */ void *pData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK { unsigned char ActiveFrame[4]; /* +0x0000 76 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char FrameListCache[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NextCookieSequenceNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long StackId; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FILE_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0044 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REPARSE_POINT_INFORMATION { long long FileReference; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_STACK_CONTEXT_ENTRY { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Data; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST_ITERATOR { unsigned char List[4]; /* +0x0000 84 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char NextEntry[4]; /* +0x0004 ce 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveList; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ProbeReads; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char ReturnDataOffset; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Wow64List; /* +0x000b */ }; struct _ICONINFOEXW { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fIcon[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long xHotspot; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long yHotspot; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char hbmMask[4]; /* +0x0010 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmColor[4]; /* +0x0014 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short wResID; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char szModName[520]; /* +0x001a 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char szResName[522]; /* +0x0222 24 1f 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr { unsigned short sa_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char sa_data[14]; /* +0x0002 91 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Channel; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Opcode; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short Task; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long long Keyword; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_TIMER { unsigned char Header[8]; /* +0x0000 96 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Reason[24]; /* +0x0008 97 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PNP_BIOS_INSTALLATION_CHECK { unsigned char Signature[4]; /* +0x0000 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Length; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short ControlField; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Checksum; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long EventFlagAddress; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned short RealModeEntryOffset; /* +0x000d */ unsigned short RealModeEntrySegment; /* +0x000f */ unsigned short ProtectedModeEntryOffset; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned long ProtectedModeCodeBaseAddress; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned long OemDeviceId; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned short RealModeDataBaseAddress; /* +0x001b */ unsigned long ProtectedModeDataBaseAddress; /* +0x001d */ }; struct _CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO { unsigned long cAltEntry; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgAltEntry[4]; /* +0x0004 b0 1f 00 00 */ }; struct localeinfo_struct { unsigned char locinfo[4]; /* +0x0000 b4 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char mbcinfo[4]; /* +0x0004 b6 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _XSAVE_AREA_HEADER { unsigned long long Mask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved[56]; /* +0x0008 b9 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_TLS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OperationType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ThreadDataCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TlsIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PreviousCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ThreadData[12]; /* +0x0010 bd 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATECOLORSPACEW { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihCS; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lcs[588]; /* +0x000c c0 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0258 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x025c */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0260 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFOW { unsigned char pmszRequiredPrivileges[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct tagBIND_OPTS { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long grfFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long grfMode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwTickCountDeadline; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO { unsigned char fCA[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fPathLenConstraint[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPathLenConstraint; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_ACPI_AUDIT_INFORMATION { unsigned long RsdpCount; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char SameRsdt[0]; +0x0004 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SlicPresent[0]; +0x0004 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char SlicDifferent[4]; /* +0x0004 29 20 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_SUPERIOR_ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char SuperiorEnlistmentPair[32]; /* +0x0000 06 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRLINETO { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptl[8]; /* +0x0008 36 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM { unsigned long dwDataType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct __MFAYUVSample { unsigned char bCrValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bCbValue; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char bYValue; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bSampleAlpha8; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_EXT_INFO { unsigned long cCommunityLogo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgCommunityLogo[4]; /* +0x0004 37 20 00 00 */ unsigned char pIssuerLogo[4]; /* +0x0008 37 20 00 00 */ unsigned char pSubjectLogo[4]; /* +0x000c 37 20 00 00 */ unsigned long cOtherLogo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgOtherLogo[4]; /* +0x0014 39 20 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_SubjectAttributes { void *AttributeInfo; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SECURITY_FUNCTION_TABLE_A { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EnumerateSecurityPackagesA[4]; /* +0x0004 43 20 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryCredentialsAttributesA[4]; /* +0x0008 46 20 00 00 */ unsigned char AcquireCredentialsHandleA[4]; /* +0x000c 4c 20 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeCredentialsHandle[4]; /* +0x0010 4f 20 00 00 */ void *Reserved2; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char InitializeSecurityContextA[4]; /* +0x0018 52 20 00 00 */ unsigned char AcceptSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x001c 55 20 00 00 */ unsigned char CompleteAuthToken[4]; /* +0x0020 58 20 00 00 */ unsigned char DeleteSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0024 4f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ApplyControlToken[4]; /* +0x0028 58 20 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryContextAttributesA[4]; /* +0x002c 46 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ImpersonateSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0030 4f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char RevertSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0034 4f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char MakeSignature[4]; /* +0x0038 48 16 00 00 */ unsigned char VerifySignature[4]; /* +0x003c 5b 20 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeContextBuffer[4]; /* +0x0040 5d 20 00 00 */ unsigned char QuerySecurityPackageInfoA[4]; /* +0x0044 60 20 00 00 */ void *Reserved3; /* +0x0048 */ void *Reserved4; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char ExportSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0050 65 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ImportSecurityContextA[4]; /* +0x0054 68 20 00 00 */ unsigned char AddCredentialsA[4]; /* +0x0058 6b 20 00 00 */ void *Reserved8; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char QuerySecurityContextToken[4]; /* +0x0060 7b 15 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptMessage[4]; /* +0x0064 48 16 00 00 */ unsigned char DecryptMessage[4]; /* +0x0068 5b 20 00 00 */ unsigned char SetContextAttributesA[4]; /* +0x006c 27 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char SetCredentialsAttributesA[4]; /* +0x0070 27 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeAccountPasswordA[4]; /* +0x0074 6e 20 00 00 */ }; struct _MOF_FIELD { unsigned long long DataPtr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DataType; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY { /* unsigned char NameOffset[0]; +0x0000 73 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NameIsString[0]; +0x0000 74 20 00 00 */ unsigned long Name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OffsetToData; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char OffsetToDirectory[0]; +0x0004 73 20 00 00 */ unsigned char DataIsDirectory[4]; /* +0x0004 74 20 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRROUNDRECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBox[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned char szlCorner[8]; /* +0x0018 de 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2_W { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char NullSession[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelModeCaller[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char IsClientLocal[4]; /* +0x002c 7e 20 00 00 */ void *ClientPID; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CallStatus; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char CallType[4]; /* +0x0038 7f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char CallLocalAddress[4]; /* +0x003c 81 20 00 00 */ unsigned short OpNum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char InterfaceUuid[16]; /* +0x0044 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_AUDIO { unsigned char LogotypeDetails[12]; /* +0x0000 84 20 00 00 */ unsigned char pLogotypeAudioInfo[4]; /* +0x000c 86 20 00 00 */ }; struct _SCH_CRED { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cCreds; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char paSecret[4]; /* +0x0008 d4 14 00 00 */ unsigned char paPublic[4]; /* +0x000c d4 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cMappers; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char aphMappers[4]; /* +0x0014 8b 20 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileHeader[20]; /* +0x0004 8e 20 00 00 */ unsigned char OptionalHeader[224]; /* +0x0018 8f 20 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_WINLOGON { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Console; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Locked; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO { void *lpBaseOfDll; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYLINE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cptl; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char aptl[8]; /* +0x001c 2f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_SESSION_CONNECT_INFO { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char LocalSession; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL { unsigned long nLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nInitialChars; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCtrlWakeupMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwControlKeyState; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_A { unsigned char TransportCredentials[4]; /* +0x0000 c4 20 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CMSG_SIGNER_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Issuer[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SerialNumber[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0014 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char HashEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0020 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptedHash[8]; /* +0x002c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthAttrs[8]; /* +0x0034 c7 20 00 00 */ unsigned char UnauthAttrs[8]; /* +0x003c c7 20 00 00 */ }; struct _RIP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagCWPRETSTRUCT { long lResult; /* +0x0000 */ long lParam; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char wParam[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char message[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0010 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned long vkCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long scanCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_RANGE { unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _REQUEST_OPLOCK_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long RequestedOplockLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct waveformat_tag { unsigned short wFormatTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short nChannels; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long nSamplesPerSec; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long nAvgBytesPerSec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short nBlockAlign; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CRYPT_PROVIDER_REF { unsigned long dwInterface; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszFunction[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pszProvider[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cProperties; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgpProperties[4]; /* +0x0010 53 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pUM[4]; /* +0x0014 55 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pKM[4]; /* +0x0018 55 21 00 00 */ }; struct _PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_RUN { unsigned long NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChannelNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long BasePage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long PageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_USER_RESPONSE_DATA { unsigned long Response; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VetoType[4]; /* +0x0004 5f 21 00 00 */ unsigned char VetoName[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long VetoNameLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _NETINFOSTRUCT { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProviderVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwCharacteristics; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wNetType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwPrinters; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwDrives; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO { unsigned char TransferSyntax[20]; /* +0x0000 42 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[4]; /* +0x0014 65 21 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcString[4]; /* +0x0018 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned char FmtStringOffset[4]; /* +0x001c 69 21 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeString[4]; /* +0x0020 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned char aUserMarshalQuadruple[4]; /* +0x0024 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned long pReserved1; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long pReserved2; /* +0x002c */ }; struct oligsmwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 76 21 00 00 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ObjectType[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InheritedObjectType[16]; /* +0x001c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SidStart; /* +0x002c */ }; struct AutoProxyHelperVtbl { unsigned char IsResolvable[4]; /* +0x0000 43 16 00 00 */ unsigned char GetIPAddress[4]; /* +0x0004 81 21 00 00 */ unsigned char ResolveHostName[4]; /* +0x0008 84 21 00 00 */ unsigned char IsInNet[4]; /* +0x000c 87 21 00 00 */ unsigned char IsResolvableEx[4]; /* +0x0010 43 16 00 00 */ unsigned char GetIPAddressEx[4]; /* +0x0014 81 21 00 00 */ unsigned char ResolveHostNameEx[4]; /* +0x0018 84 21 00 00 */ unsigned char IsInNetEx[4]; /* +0x001c 8a 21 00 00 */ unsigned char SortIpList[4]; /* +0x0020 84 21 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ZERO_DATA_INFORMATION { unsigned char FileOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char BeyondFinalZero[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _OVERLAPPED_ENTRY { unsigned long lpCompletionKey; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpOverlapped[4]; /* +0x0004 95 21 00 00 */ unsigned long Internal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesTransferred; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagEMRSELECTPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NDR_USER_MARSHAL_INFO_LEVEL1 { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[4]; /* +0x0008 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x000c 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pRpcChannelBuffer[4]; /* +0x0010 a2 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x0014 c7 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _GDI_OBJECT { unsigned long ObjectType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PUBKEYVER3 { unsigned long magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long bitlenP; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long bitlenQ; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long bitlenJ; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char DSSSeed[24]; /* +0x0010 a8 21 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_ROAMING_PARA { unsigned char hKey[4]; /* +0x0000 94 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszStoreDirectory[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _CONTEXT { unsigned long ContextFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Dr0; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Dr1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Dr2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Dr3; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Dr6; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Dr7; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char FloatSave[112]; /* +0x001c af 21 00 00 */ unsigned long SegGs; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long SegFs; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long SegEs; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long SegDs; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long Edi; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long Esi; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long Ebx; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long Edx; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long Ecx; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long Eax; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long Ebp; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long Eip; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long SegCs; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long EFlags; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long Esp; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long SegSs; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned char ExtendedRegisters[512]; /* +0x00cc b0 21 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_LIMIT_VIOLATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long LimitFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ViolationLimitFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long IoReadBytes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long IoReadBytesLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long IoWriteBytes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long IoWriteBytesLimit; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTime[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long JobMemory; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long JobMemoryLimit; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char RateControlTolerance[4]; /* +0x0048 b3 21 00 00 */ unsigned char RateControlToleranceLimit[4]; /* +0x004c b4 21 00 00 */ }; struct _ENCRYPTION_BUFFER { unsigned long EncryptionOperation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Private[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_DISABLE_REASON { unsigned char AffectedState[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long PowerReasonCode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PowerReasonLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_DEPTH_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DeviceDepth; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V3_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_V1 { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ComTimeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CallTimeout; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagCAUB { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pElems; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OLESTREAMVTBL { unsigned char Get[4]; /* +0x0000 e6 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Put[4]; /* +0x0004 e9 21 00 00 */ }; struct hostent { char *h_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char h_aliases[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ short h_addrtype; /* +0x0008 */ short h_length; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char h_addr_list[4]; /* +0x000c ec 21 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY_INFO { unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DemoteLimit; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PromoteLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char DemotePercent; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PromotePercent; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char Spare[2]; /* +0x000e 23 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AllowDemotion[0]; +0x0010 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AllowPromotion[0]; +0x0010 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0010 ef 21 00 00 */ }; struct _WOW64_CONTEXT { unsigned long ContextFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Dr0; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Dr1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Dr2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Dr3; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Dr6; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Dr7; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char FloatSave[112]; /* +0x001c f2 21 00 00 */ unsigned long SegGs; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long SegFs; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long SegEs; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long SegDs; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long Edi; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long Esi; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long Ebx; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long Edx; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long Ecx; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long Eax; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long Ebp; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long Eip; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long SegCs; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long EFlags; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long Esp; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long SegSs; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned char ExtendedRegisters[512]; /* +0x00cc b0 21 00 00 */ }; struct tagDRAWTEXTPARAMS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTabLength[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iLeftMargin[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iRightMargin[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char uiLengthDrawn[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _COOKIE_DLG_INFO { unsigned char pszServer[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pic[4]; /* +0x0004 0e 22 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStopWarning; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHeader[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOperation; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1 { unsigned long Name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SOCKET_PROCESSOR_AFFINITY { unsigned char Processor[4]; /* +0x0000 17 22 00 00 */ unsigned short NumaNodeId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _XSAVE_POLICY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxSaveAreaLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long FeatureBitmask; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfFeatures; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Features[16]; /* +0x0020 1d 22 00 00 */ }; struct _HARDWARE_COUNTER_DATA { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 25 22 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Value; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long nLength; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bInheritHandle[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC { void *RpcInterfaceInformation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[4]; /* +0x0004 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[72]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANSClassInfoW { unsigned char lpszName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwValueType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwValueSize; /* +0x000c */ void *lpValue; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_PERSISTENT_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned long VolumeFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FlagMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved[21]; /* +0x0001 56 22 00 00 */ unsigned short GroupCount; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char GroupMask[12]; /* +0x0018 58 22 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PageSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfPhysicalPages; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long LowestPhysicalPageNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HighestPhysicalPageNumber; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AllocationGranularity; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long MinimumUserModeAddress; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long MaximumUserModeAddress; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ActiveProcessorsAffinityMask; /* +0x0030 */ char NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SPCALL2_INFORMATION { void *InputData; /* +0x0000 */ void *OutputData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long InputDataSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OutputDataSize; /* +0x000c */ long Status; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT { unsigned char gmfBlackBoxX[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfBlackBoxY[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfptGlyphOrigin[8]; /* +0x0008 61 22 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfCellIncX[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmfCellIncY[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_ADDRESS { unsigned char lpSockaddr[4]; /* +0x0000 05 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iSockaddrLength[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct in_pktinfo { unsigned char ipi_addr[4]; /* +0x0000 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long ipi_ifindex; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CERT_CONTEXT { unsigned long dwCertEncodingType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbCertEncoded; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbCertEncoded; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pCertInfo[4]; /* +0x000c 6f 22 00 00 */ void *hCertStore; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CERT_LDAP_STORE_OPENED_PARA { void *pvLdapSessionHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwszLdapUrl[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SCHANNEL_CERT_HASH_STORE { unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hProv; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ShaHash[20]; /* +0x000c dc 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszStoreName[256]; /* +0x0020 e7 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_ALARM_CALLBACK_ACE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 76 21 00 00 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SidStart; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL { unsigned char DefaultDacl[4]; /* +0x0000 7b 22 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_CONTROL_INFORMATION { unsigned char FreeSpaceStartFiltering[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeSpaceThreshold[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeSpaceStopFiltering[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultQuotaThreshold[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultQuotaLimit[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileSystemControlFlags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tagFONTSIGNATURE { unsigned char fsUsb[16]; /* +0x0000 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned char fsCsb[8]; /* +0x0010 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct wavefilter_volume_tag { unsigned char wfltr[32]; /* +0x0000 9f 22 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVolume; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct addrinfo { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addrlen[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ char *ai_canonname; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ai_addr[4]; /* +0x0018 05 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[4]; /* +0x001c a3 22 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UMS_COMPLETION_LIST { unsigned char ThreadListHead[4]; /* +0x0000 ab 22 00 00 */ void *CompletionEvent; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CompletionFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char InternalListHead[4]; /* +0x000c 41 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTXA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpSource[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned short wProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wLangId; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char lpAssemblyDirectory[4]; /* +0x0010 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpResourceName[4]; /* +0x0014 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpApplicationName[4]; /* +0x0018 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hModule[4]; /* +0x001c 81 16 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOA { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpszIdentifier; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _SecPkgInfoA { unsigned long fCapabilities; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wRPCID; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long cbMaxToken; /* +0x0008 */ char *Name; /* +0x000c */ char *Comment; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_PERTHREAD_CURDIR { unsigned char CurrentDirectories[4]; /* +0x0000 5e 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageName[4]; /* +0x0004 1e 1f 00 00 */ void *Environment; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO { unsigned char fDelayedAutostart[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagOBJECTDESCRIPTOR { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDrawAspect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char sizel[8]; /* +0x0018 de 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pointl[8]; /* +0x0020 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFullUserTypeName; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwSrcOfCopy; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SYSTEM_PARTITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char SystemPartition[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_INFO { unsigned long dwOemId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwPageSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpMinimumApplicationAddress; /* +0x0008 */ void *lpMaximumApplicationAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwActiveProcessorMask; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProcessors; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwProcessorType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwAllocationGranularity; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short wProcessorLevel; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short wProcessorRevision; /* +0x0022 */ }; struct tagQACONTROL { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMiscStatus; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwViewStatus; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwEventCookie; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPropNotifyCookie; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPointerActivationPolicy; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _EV_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwQualifiers; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwIssuanceUsageIndex; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IO_COMPLETION_BASIC_INFORMATION { long Depth; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ void *Process; /* +0x0004 */ void *Thread; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClientId[8]; /* +0x000c ac 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageInformation[48]; /* +0x0014 02 23 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_SECURITY_QUERY_INFO { unsigned char SecurityProtocol[4]; /* +0x0000 37 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long PeerApplicationAccessTokenHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long PeerMachineAccessTokenHandle; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct NCryptProviderName { unsigned char pszName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pszComment[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_WATCHDOG_TIMER_INFORMATION { unsigned char WdInfoClass[4]; /* +0x0000 1d 23 00 00 */ unsigned long DataValue; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char BootIdentifier[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FirmwareType[8]; /* +0x0010 20 23 00 00 */ unsigned long long BootFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct val_context { unsigned char valuelen[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ void *value_context; /* +0x0004 */ void *val_buff_ptr; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CLIENT_CALL_RETURN { void *Pointer; /* +0x0000 */ long Simple; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagCACY { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 28 23 00 00 */ }; struct _CSADDR_INFO { unsigned char LocalAddr[8]; /* +0x0000 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char RemoteAddr[8]; /* +0x0008 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char iSocketType[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySet2W { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszServiceInstanceName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpVersion[4]; /* +0x0008 50 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszComment[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[4]; /* +0x0014 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszContext[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[4]; /* +0x0020 52 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszQueryString[4]; /* +0x0024 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[4]; /* +0x002c 54 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char lpBlob[4]; /* +0x0034 56 14 00 00 */ }; struct _LARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_NOTIFY_HDR { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Event[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr_storage { unsigned short ss_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char __ss_pad1[6]; /* +0x0002 47 23 00 00 */ long long __ss_align; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char __ss_pad2[112]; /* +0x0010 48 23 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_STORE_PROV_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cStoreProvFunc; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgpvStoreProvFunc[4]; /* +0x0008 d4 14 00 00 */ void *hStoreProv; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwStoreProvFlags; /* +0x0010 */ void *hStoreProvFuncAddr2; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SHRINK_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned char ShrinkRequestType[8]; /* +0x0000 54 23 00 00 */ unsigned long long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ long long NewNumberOfSectors; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned char Relationship[4]; /* +0x0000 59 23 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Processor[0]; +0x0008 5a 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NumaNode[0]; +0x0008 5b 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cache[0]; +0x0008 5c 23 00 00 */ unsigned char Group[68]; /* +0x0008 5d 23 00 00 */ }; struct tagEXBMINFOHEADER { unsigned char bmi[40]; /* +0x0000 73 23 00 00 */ unsigned long biExtDataOffset; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct sockaddr_storage_xp { short ss_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char __ss_pad1[6]; /* +0x0002 47 23 00 00 */ long long __ss_align; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char __ss_pad2[112]; /* +0x0010 48 23 00 00 */ }; struct LIST_ENTRY32 { unsigned long Flink; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Blink; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_FUNCTION_ENTRY64 { unsigned long long StartingAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndingAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long EndOfPrologue; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long UnwindInfoAddress; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned long dwExitCode; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSA { char *lpServiceName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpDisplayName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ServiceStatusProcess[36]; /* +0x0008 21 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _GENERIC_BINDING_ROUTINE_PAIR { unsigned char pfnBind[4]; /* +0x0000 82 23 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUnbind[4]; /* +0x0004 85 23 00 00 */ }; struct _COMPOUND_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 76 21 00 00 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short CompoundAceType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long SidStart; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _LDR_SERVICE_TAG_RECORD { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 8f 23 00 00 */ unsigned long ServiceTag; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HEAP_INFORMATION { unsigned long ReserveSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfHeaps; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FirstHeapInformationOffset; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SERVICE_CUSTOM_SYSTEM_STATE_CHANGE_DATA_ITEM:: { unsigned char CustomStateId[8]; /* +0x0000 9b 23 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_CUSTOM_SYSTEM_STATE_CHANGE_DATA_ITEM:::: { unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCurrentState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwControlsAccepted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwWin32ExitCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwServiceSpecificExitCode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCheckPoint; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwWaitHint; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwProcessId; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_IDLE_CYCLE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long long CycleTime; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SERVICE_USERMODEREBOOT_INFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long eLowestRunLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long eHighestRunLevel; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _QUOTA_LIMITS { unsigned long PagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinimumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaximumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PagefileLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char TimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PORT_VIEW { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SectionOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ViewSize; /* +0x000c */ void *ViewBase; /* +0x0010 */ void *ViewRemoteBase; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagSERIALKEYSW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpszActivePort[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszPort[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char iBaudRate[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iPortState[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iActive[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_BIOMETRIC_EXT_INFO { unsigned long cBiometricData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgBiometricData[4]; /* +0x0004 39 24 00 00 */ }; struct _WININET_PROXY_INFO_LIST { unsigned long dwProxyInfoCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pProxyInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 3d 24 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES32 { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RootDirectory; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ObjectName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SecurityQualityOfService; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _TOKEN_LINKED_TOKEN { void *LinkedToken; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _NUMA_NODE_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned long NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x0004 dc 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupMask[12]; /* +0x0018 57 22 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAMSG { unsigned char name[4]; /* +0x0000 05 15 00 00 */ unsigned char namelen[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpBuffers[4]; /* +0x0008 54 24 00 00 */ unsigned long dwBufferCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Control[8]; /* +0x0010 53 24 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CMS_DH_KEY_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Algid[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ char *pszContentEncObjId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PubInfo[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ void *pReserved; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ASSEMBLY_DETAILED_INFORMATION { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulEncodedAssemblyIdentityLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulManifestPathType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulManifestPathLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char liManifestLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ulPolicyPathType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulPolicyPathLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char liPolicyLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ulMetadataSatelliteRosterIndex; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulManifestVersionMajor; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ulManifestVersionMinor; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ulPolicyVersionMajor; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ulPolicyVersionMinor; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyDirectoryNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char lpAssemblyEncodedAssemblyIdentity[4]; /* +0x0040 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyManifestPath[4]; /* +0x0044 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyPolicyPath[4]; /* +0x0048 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAssemblyDirectoryName[4]; /* +0x004c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long ulFileCount; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct tagTouchPredictionParameters { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwLatency[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwSampleTime[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseHWTimeStamp[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _FLAGGED_BYTE_BLOB { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char abData[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_PEER_TARGET_NAME { unsigned char SecurityProtocol[8]; /* +0x0000 37 16 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerAddress[128]; /* +0x0008 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned long PeerTargetNameStringLen; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char AllStrings[4]; /* +0x008c 7a 24 00 00 */ }; struct _RIO_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_TABLE { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RIOReceive[4]; /* +0x0004 7f 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOReceiveEx[4]; /* +0x0008 ff 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOSend[4]; /* +0x000c 7f 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOSendEx[4]; /* +0x0010 ff 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOCloseCompletionQueue[4]; /* +0x0014 82 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOCreateCompletionQueue[4]; /* +0x0018 87 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOCreateRequestQueue[4]; /* +0x001c 8a 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIODequeueCompletion[4]; /* +0x0020 8f 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIODeregisterBuffer[4]; /* +0x0024 94 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIONotify[4]; /* +0x0028 96 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIORegisterBuffer[4]; /* +0x002c 99 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOResizeCompletionQueue[4]; /* +0x0030 9c 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RIOResizeRequestQueue[4]; /* +0x0034 9f 24 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPTOAPI_BLOB { unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CMC_ADD_EXTENSIONS_INFO { unsigned long dwCmcDataReference; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cCertReference; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long *rgdwCertReference; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0010 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT { void *CompletionKey; /* +0x0000 */ void *CompletionPort; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagDROPSTRUCT { unsigned char hwndSource[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndSink[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned long wFmt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ptDrop[8]; /* +0x0010 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwControlData; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _TOKEN_GROUPS_AND_PRIVILEGES { unsigned long SidCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SidLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Sids[4]; /* +0x0008 b2 24 00 00 */ unsigned long RestrictedSidCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long RestrictedSidLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char RestrictedSids[4]; /* +0x0014 b2 24 00 00 */ unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long PrivilegeLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char Privileges[4]; /* +0x0020 27 16 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0024 4b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE_PAIR { unsigned char Name[200]; /* +0x0000 b7 24 00 00 */ unsigned char Value[12]; /* +0x00c8 b8 24 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_EISA_SLOT_INFORMATION { unsigned char ReturnCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ReturnFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char MajorRevision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorRevision; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short Checksum; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char NumberFunctions; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char FunctionInformation; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned long CompressedId; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_BITMAP_RUN { unsigned long StartingIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfBits; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFO { unsigned long AlignmentRequirement; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagMSLLHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long mouseData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagMDICREATESTRUCTA { unsigned char szClass[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char szTitle[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ void *hOwner; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long style; /* +0x001c */ long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V2_W:: { unsigned char HttpCredentials[4]; /* +0x0000 cd 24 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned long VerifyMode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OptionChanges; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PreviousBucketName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long IrpCancelTimeoutMsec; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long VerifierExtensionEnabled; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0018 8b 14 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0010 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_AVL_ENTRY { unsigned char BalancedLinks[16]; /* +0x0000 e8 24 00 00 */ long long UserData; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagEXTLOGPEN { unsigned long elpPenStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long elpWidth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char elpBrushStyle[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long elpColor; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long elpHatch; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long elpNumEntries; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char elpStyleEntry[4]; /* +0x0018 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_TRUST_STATUS { unsigned long dwErrorStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwInfoStatus; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MUISTRINGPOOL { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short MaxNumStrings; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumStrings; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short MaxNumCharsInPool; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short NumCharsInPool; /* +0x000a */ short *Strings; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Pool[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_ASSEMBLY_DATA { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AssemblyName[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyNameLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long HashAlgorithm; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PseudoKey; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _OUTLINETEXTMETRICA { unsigned char otmSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmTextMetrics[56]; /* +0x0004 f6 24 00 00 */ unsigned char otmFiller; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char otmPanoseNumber[11]; /* +0x003d 6e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsSelection[4]; /* +0x0048 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsType[4]; /* +0x004c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRise[4]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRun[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmItalicAngle[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmEMSquare[4]; /* +0x005c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmAscent[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmDescent[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmLineGap[4]; /* +0x0068 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCapEmHeight[4]; /* +0x006c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsXHeight[4]; /* +0x0070 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmrcFontBox[16]; /* +0x0074 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacAscent[4]; /* +0x0084 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacDescent[4]; /* +0x0088 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacLineGap[4]; /* +0x008c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmusMinimumPPEM[4]; /* +0x0090 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptSize[8]; /* +0x0094 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x009c 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptSize[8]; /* +0x00a4 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x00ac 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutSize[4]; /* +0x00b4 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutPosition[4]; /* +0x00b8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscoreSize[4]; /* +0x00bc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscorePosition[4]; /* +0x00c0 74 00 00 00 */ char *otmpFamilyName; /* +0x00c4 */ char *otmpFaceName; /* +0x00c8 */ char *otmpStyleName; /* +0x00cc */ char *otmpFullName; /* +0x00d0 */ }; struct _userCLIPFORMAT { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PS_CPU_QUOTA_QUERY_ENTRY { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Weight; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_MAPPED_VIEW_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ViewFailures; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfBytesAvailable; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfBytesAvailableContiguous; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CERT_OR_CRL_BLOB { unsigned long dwChoice; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbEncoded; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pbEncoded; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPT_RC2_CBC_PARAMETERS { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fIV[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgbIV[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_OBJECTID_BUFFER { unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthVolumeId[16]; /* +0x0010 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthObjectId[16]; /* +0x0020 13 25 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DomainId[-32]; +0x0030 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtendedInfo[48]; /* +0x0010 14 25 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION { void *KtmTransaction; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ActionCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SavepointId; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_REQUEST { unsigned long RequestLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RequestFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ATOM_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned short UsageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Name[2]; /* +0x0006 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SL_APPX_CACHE_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char HashedName[32]; /* +0x0000 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long long Expiration; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x002c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RASTERIZER_STATUS { short nSize; /* +0x0000 */ short wFlags; /* +0x0002 */ short nLanguageID; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CERT_FORTEZZA_DATA_PROP { unsigned char SerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CertIndex[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CertLabel[36]; /* +0x000c 27 25 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSignerIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwUnauthAttrIndex; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYTEXTOUTA { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iGraphicsMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char exScale[4]; /* +0x001c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eyScale[4]; /* +0x0020 40 00 00 00 */ long cStrings; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char aemrtext[40]; /* +0x0028 2d 25 00 00 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_WRITE_OUTPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long LengthWritten; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SL_APPX_CACHE { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long DataCheckSum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Descriptors[48]; /* +0x0018 3b 25 00 00 */ }; struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK { unsigned long LowId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long OffsetToEntries; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_EXTENDED { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Format; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Frame[12]; /* +0x0008 75 1f 00 00 */ void *Extra1; /* +0x0014 */ void *Extra2; /* +0x0018 */ void *Extra3; /* +0x001c */ void *Extra4; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { unsigned long biSize; /* +0x0000 */ long biWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long biHeight; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short biPlanes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short biBitCount; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long biCompression; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long biSizeImage; /* +0x0014 */ long biXPelsPerMeter; /* +0x0018 */ long biYPelsPerMeter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long biClrUsed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long biClrImportant; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_ECCKEY_BLOB { unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbKey; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ECC_CMS_SHARED_INFO { unsigned char Algorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EntityUInfo[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rgbSuppPubInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _SE_AUDIT_INFO { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AuditType[4]; /* +0x0004 6a 25 00 00 */ unsigned char AuditOperation[4]; /* +0x0008 6b 25 00 00 */ unsigned long AuditFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char SubsystemName[8]; /* +0x0010 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectTypeName[8]; /* +0x0018 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectName[8]; /* +0x0020 32 14 00 00 */ void *HandleId; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char TransactionId[4]; /* +0x002c 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OperationId[4]; /* +0x0030 6c 25 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectCreation; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char GenerateOnClose; /* +0x0035 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicInfo[48]; /* +0x0000 6f 25 00 00 */ unsigned char IoInfo[48]; /* +0x0030 70 25 00 00 */ unsigned char DiskIoInfo[40]; /* +0x0060 62 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char TotalCycleTime[8]; /* +0x0090 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOLTAG { /* unsigned char Tag[0]; +0x0000 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long TagUlong; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PagedAllocs; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PagedFrees; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PagedUsed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NonPagedAllocs; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonPagedFrees; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NonPagedUsed; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RC_CONFIG { unsigned long dwSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwRCConfigVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFilePathType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwFileType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwSystemAttributes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwUltimateFallbackLocation; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char dwServiceCheckSum[16]; /* +0x001c 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned char dwChecksum[16]; /* +0x002c 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwMUIFileNameOffset; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwMUIFileNameLength; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwMUIFilePathOffset; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwMUIFilePathLength; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwMainResNameTypesOffset; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dwMainResNameTypesLength; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long dwMainResIDTypesOffset; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long dwMainResIDTypesLength; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long dwMUIResNameTypesOffset; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long dwMUIResNameTypesLength; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long dwMUIResIDTypesOffset; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dwMUIResIDTypesLength; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long dwLanguageOffset; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long dwLanguageLength; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dwUltimateFallbackLanguageOffset; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long dwUltimateFallbackLanguageLength; /* +0x0080 */ }; struct tagEMRSTRETCHDIBITS { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long xSrc; /* +0x0020 */ long ySrc; /* +0x0024 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0028 */ long cySrc; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0044 */ long cxDest; /* +0x0048 */ long cyDest; /* +0x004c */ }; struct __GENERIC_BINDING_INFO { void *pObj; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Size[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnBind[4]; /* +0x0008 82 23 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnUnbind[4]; /* +0x000c 85 23 00 00 */ }; struct _ITEMIDLIST { unsigned char mkid[3]; /* +0x0000 9d 25 00 00 */ }; struct _WNF_DELIVERY_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char StateName[8]; /* +0x0000 84 15 00 00 */ unsigned long ChangeStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DeliveryFlag; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DeliveryState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ReliableRetryDelay; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long BatchRetry; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long StateDataSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long EventMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char TypeId[16]; /* +0x0024 a0 25 00 00 */ unsigned long StateDataOffset; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _TRIVERTEX { long x; /* +0x0000 */ long y; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Red; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Green; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short Blue; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Alpha; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _PUBLIC_OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PointerCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Reserved[40]; /* +0x0010 f4 25 00 00 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_READ_OUTPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long TransferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Token[512]; /* +0x0010 b0 21 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION { unsigned short ProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ProcessorLevel; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short ProcessorRevision; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MaximumProcessors; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ProcessorFeatureBits; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ void *AllocationBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RegionSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Protect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME_FLAGS { /* unsigned char friendlyNameFromEdid[0]; +0x0000 ff 25 00 00 */ /* unsigned char friendlyNameForced[0]; +0x0000 00 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char edidIdsValid[0]; +0x0000 01 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char reserved[0]; +0x0000 02 26 00 00 */ unsigned char value[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _OUTLINETEXTMETRICW { unsigned char otmSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmTextMetrics[60]; /* +0x0004 05 26 00 00 */ unsigned char otmFiller; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char otmPanoseNumber[11]; /* +0x0041 6e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsSelection[4]; /* +0x004c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmfsType[4]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRise[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCharSlopeRun[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmItalicAngle[4]; /* +0x005c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmEMSquare[4]; /* +0x0060 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmAscent[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmDescent[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmLineGap[4]; /* +0x006c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsCapEmHeight[4]; /* +0x0070 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsXHeight[4]; /* +0x0074 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmrcFontBox[16]; /* +0x0078 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacAscent[4]; /* +0x0088 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacDescent[4]; /* +0x008c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmMacLineGap[4]; /* +0x0090 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmusMinimumPPEM[4]; /* +0x0094 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptSize[8]; /* +0x0098 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSubscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x00a0 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptSize[8]; /* +0x00a8 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmptSuperscriptOffset[8]; /* +0x00b0 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutSize[4]; /* +0x00b8 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsStrikeoutPosition[4]; /* +0x00bc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscoreSize[4]; /* +0x00c0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char otmsUnderscorePosition[4]; /* +0x00c4 74 00 00 00 */ char *otmpFamilyName; /* +0x00c8 */ char *otmpFaceName; /* +0x00cc */ char *otmpStyleName; /* +0x00d0 */ char *otmpFullName; /* +0x00d4 */ }; struct tagRAWKEYBOARD { unsigned short MakeCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short VKey; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Message[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ExtraInformation; /* +0x000c */ }; struct sockaddr_in { unsigned short sin_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short sin_port; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char sin_addr[4]; /* +0x0004 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char sin_zero[8]; /* +0x0008 0b 26 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_ENTRY { void *VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NonPaged[4]; /* +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeInBytes; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Tag[0]; +0x0008 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long TagUlong; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG64 { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long long CriticalSection; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ProcessLocksList[16]; /* +0x0010 1d 26 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Spare[8]; /* +0x0028 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOCINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDocName[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszOutput[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDatatype[4]; /* +0x000c 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long fwType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagEMRSELECTCLIPPATH { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct ipv6_mreq { unsigned char ipv6mr_multiaddr[16]; /* +0x0000 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long ipv6mr_interface; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_INTERFACE_VERSION { unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _CERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER { unsigned char Issuer[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DEFERRED_REPAIR_EXTENT { unsigned char VolumeByteOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RepairFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_TOPOLOGY_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NumberOfRuns; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfNodes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfChannels; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Run[32]; /* +0x0010 33 26 00 00 */ }; struct tagICEXYZTRIPLE { unsigned char ciexyzRed[12]; /* +0x0000 38 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ciexyzGreen[12]; /* +0x000c 38 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ciexyzBlue[12]; /* +0x0018 38 26 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_SECURITY_V1_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *ServerPrincName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthnLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthnSvc; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AuthIdentity[4]; /* +0x0010 3d 26 00 00 */ unsigned char SecurityQos[4]; /* +0x0014 3f 26 00 00 */ }; struct _MFVideoSurfaceInfo { unsigned long Format; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PaletteEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Palette[4]; /* +0x0008 51 26 00 00 */ }; struct _CMC_TAGGED_CONTENT_INFO { unsigned long dwBodyPartID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EncodedContentInfo[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SOURCE { unsigned char SourceName[8]; /* +0x0000 0b 26 00 00 */ unsigned char SourceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0008 4b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _KERNEL_USER_TIMES { unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ExitTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DECRYPTION_STATUS_BUFFER { unsigned char NoEncryptedStreams; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_LocalCredentialInfo { unsigned long cbCertificateChain; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbCertificateChain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cCertificates; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwBits; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Handles[28]; /* +0x0008 7a 26 00 00 */ }; struct _BLENDFUNCTION { unsigned char BlendOp; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BlendFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char SourceConstantAlpha; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char AlphaFormat; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _SERVICE_RUNLEVEL_INFO { unsigned long eLowestRunLevel; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RPC_PROTSEQ_VECTORW { unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Protseq[4]; /* +0x0004 83 26 00 00 */ }; struct _PUBKEY { unsigned long magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long bitlen; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CMSG_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ContentEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0008 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvEncryptionAuxInfo; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long cRecipients; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char rgCmsRecipients[4]; /* +0x001c b4 26 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnAlloc[4]; /* +0x0020 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0024 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwEncryptFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long hContentEncryptKey; /* +0x002c */ void *hCNGContentEncryptKey; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char fCNG[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbCNGContentEncryptKeyObject; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char *pbContentEncryptKey; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long cbContentEncryptKey; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct __PUBLIC_OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TypeName[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[88]; /* +0x0008 b7 26 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_CHANGE_MACHINE_SID_INPUT { unsigned short CurrentMachineSIDOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CurrentMachineSIDLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short NewMachineSIDOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NewMachineSIDLength; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct tagGESTURECONFIG { unsigned long dwID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwWant; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwBlock; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PS_ATTRIBUTE { unsigned long Attribute; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0008 */ void *ValuePtr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *ReturnLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _FILE_SFIO_RESERVE_INFORMATION { unsigned long RequestsPerPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Period; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char RetryFailures; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Discardable; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned long RequestSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumOutstandingRequests; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_BLOCK { /* unsigned char Protection[0]; +0x0000 e6 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ShareCount[0]; +0x0000 e7 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 e8 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Node[0]; +0x0000 e9 26 00 00 */ unsigned char VirtualPage[4]; /* +0x0000 ea 26 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_BIND_INFORMATION { void *TmHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_SET_SPARSE_BUFFER { unsigned char SetSparse; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_STATUS_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Operation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DeviceStatus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DeviceProblem; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct in6_pktinfo { unsigned char ipi6_addr[16]; /* +0x0000 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long ipi6_ifindex; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_VALIDITY { unsigned char NotBefore[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NotAfter[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { unsigned char IdleTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DpcTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InterruptTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long InterruptCount; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_IDLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long IdleTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long C1Time; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long C2Time; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long C3Time; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long C1Transitions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long C2Transitions; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long C3Transitions; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Padding; /* +0x002c */ }; struct tagENUMTEXTMETRICA { unsigned char etmNewTextMetricEx[96]; /* +0x0000 2a 27 00 00 */ unsigned char etmAxesList[392]; /* +0x0060 2b 27 00 00 */ }; struct _ASFFlatSynchronisedLyrics { unsigned char bTimeStampFormat; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bContentType; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned long dwLyricsLen; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACTION { unsigned char Action[4]; /* +0x0000 44 27 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbTicket; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbTicket; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _KEY_TYPE_SUBTYPE { unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Subtype[16]; /* +0x0014 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FIBER { void *FiberData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ExceptionList[4]; /* +0x0004 df 14 00 00 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0008 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x000c */ void *DeallocationStack; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FiberContext[716]; /* +0x0014 e0 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Wx86Tib[4]; /* +0x02e0 4a 27 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivationContextStackPointer[4]; /* +0x02e4 4c 27 00 00 */ void *FlsData; /* +0x02e8 */ unsigned long GuaranteedStackBytes; /* +0x02ec */ unsigned short TebFlags; /* +0x02f0 */ unsigned short ReservedPad; /* +0x02f2 */ }; struct _KAFFINITY_EX { unsigned short Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Bitmap[4]; /* +0x0008 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_FILE_DETAILED_INFORMATION { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulFilenameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulPathLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpFileName[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpFilePath[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_SRWLOCK { /* unsigned char Locked[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Waiting[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Waking[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MultipleShared[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 5b 27 00 00 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ void *Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SERVICE_NOTIFY_2W { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnNotifyCallback[4]; /* +0x0004 63 15 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwNotificationStatus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x0010 21 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNotificationTriggered; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char pszServiceNames[4]; /* +0x0038 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_COMPLETION_INFORMATION { void *Port; /* +0x0000 */ void *Key; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KEY_VIRTUALIZATION_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char VirtualizationCandidate[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualizationEnabled[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualTarget[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualStore[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualSource[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 74 27 00 00 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOEXW { unsigned char StartupInfo[68]; /* +0x0000 fd 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAttributeList[4]; /* +0x0044 78 27 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMR { unsigned long iType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nSize; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long offBmi; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbBmi; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long offBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cbBits; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagRemSTGMEDIUM { unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwHandleType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long pData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long pUnkForRelease; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _KTMOBJECT_CURSOR { unsigned char LastQuery[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ObjectIdCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ObjectIds[16]; /* +0x0014 86 27 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE { unsigned char QueryRoutine[4]; /* +0x0000 8b 27 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ void *EntryContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DefaultType; /* +0x0010 */ void *DefaultData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DefaultLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagPOINTS { short x; /* +0x0000 */ short y; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagINPUT { unsigned long type; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char mi[0]; +0x0004 90 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ki[0]; +0x0004 91 27 00 00 */ unsigned char hi[24]; /* +0x0004 92 27 00 00 */ }; struct tagLICINFO { long cbLicInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fRuntimeKeyAvail[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fLicVerified[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _EISA_MEMORY_TYPE { /* unsigned char ReadWrite[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cached[0]; +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Type[0]; +0x0000 a5 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 a6 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 a7 27 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 a8 27 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_TRACE_ENUMERATE { unsigned char Database[4]; /* +0x0000 ac 27 00 00 */ unsigned long Index; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Block[4]; /* +0x0008 e2 1d 00 00 */ }; struct dolbyac2waveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short nAuxBitsCode; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_OUTPUT { unsigned long NumRangesProccessed; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _KCRM_PROTOCOL_BLOB { unsigned char ProtocolId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StaticInfoLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TransactionIdInfoLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Unused1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Unused2; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _CRYPT_AES_128_KEY_STATE { unsigned char Key[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char IV[16]; /* +0x0010 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptionState[176]; /* +0x0020 c1 27 00 00 */ unsigned char DecryptionState[176]; /* +0x00d0 c1 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Feedback[16]; /* +0x0180 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long AccessFlags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagEXTLOGFONTW { unsigned char elfLogFont[92]; /* +0x0000 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[128]; /* +0x005c cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[64]; /* +0x00dc e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long elfVersion; /* +0x011c */ unsigned long elfStyleSize; /* +0x0120 */ unsigned long elfMatch; /* +0x0124 */ unsigned long elfReserved; /* +0x0128 */ unsigned char elfVendorId[4]; /* +0x012c 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long elfCulture; /* +0x0130 */ unsigned char elfPanose[12]; /* +0x0134 6e 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTFX { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 50 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 50 1e 00 00 */ }; struct ip_mreq_source { unsigned char imr_multiaddr[4]; /* +0x0000 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char imr_sourceaddr[4]; /* +0x0004 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char imr_interface[4]; /* +0x0008 96 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PROV_ENUMALGS_EX { unsigned char aiAlgid[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDefaultLen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinLen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwMaxLen; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwProtocols; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNameLen; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char szName[20]; /* +0x0018 1a 28 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLongNameLen; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char szLongName[40]; /* +0x0030 1b 28 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_X942_DH_PARAMETERS { unsigned char p[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char g[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char q[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char j[8]; /* +0x0018 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pValidationParams[4]; /* +0x0020 1f 28 00 00 */ }; struct _API_SET_VALUE_ENTRY { unsigned long NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ValueOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DMA_CONFIGURATION_BYTE1 { /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 2a 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TransferSize[0]; +0x0000 2b 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Timing[0]; +0x0000 2c 28 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved1[1]; /* +0x0000 2d 28 00 00 */ }; struct _COMMPROP { unsigned short wPacketLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wPacketVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwServiceMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwMaxTxQueue; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwMaxRxQueue; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwMaxBaud; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwProvSubType; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwProvCapabilities; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwSettableParams; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwSettableBaud; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short wSettableData; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short wSettableStopParity; /* +0x002a */ unsigned long dwCurrentTxQueue; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwCurrentRxQueue; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwProvSpec1; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwProvSpec2; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char wcProvChar[4]; /* +0x003c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY32 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0000 3f 28 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0008 3f 28 00 00 */ unsigned char InInitializationOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0010 3f 28 00 00 */ unsigned long DllBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EntryPoint; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0024 08 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x002c 08 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short TlsIndex; /* +0x003a */ /* unsigned char HashLinks[0]; +0x003c 3f 28 00 00 */ unsigned long SectionPointer; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long LoadedImports; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _FILE_QUOTA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SidLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char QuotaUsed[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char QuotaThreshold[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char QuotaLimit[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Sid[16]; /* +0x0028 42 28 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_LIST { unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ConflictsCounted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ConflictsListed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long RequiredBufferSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ConflictEntry[40]; /* +0x0018 46 28 00 00 */ }; struct _WIN32_MEMORY_RANGE_ENTRY { void *VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfBytes; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagPAINTSTRUCT { unsigned char hdc[4]; /* +0x0000 fe 27 00 00 */ unsigned char fErase[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcPaint[16]; /* +0x0008 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char fRestore[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fIncUpdate[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[32]; /* +0x0020 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _DISCDLGSTRUCTA { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ char *lpLocalName; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpRemoteName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _DCB { unsigned long DCBlength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BaudRate; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char fBinary[0]; +0x0008 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fParity[0]; +0x0008 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fOutxCtsFlow[0]; +0x0008 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fOutxDsrFlow[0]; +0x0008 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDtrControl[0]; +0x0008 66 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDsrSensitivity[0]; +0x0008 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fTXContinueOnXoff[0]; +0x0008 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fOutX[0]; +0x0008 e8 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fInX[0]; +0x0008 69 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fErrorChar[0]; +0x0008 6a 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fNull[0]; +0x0008 6b 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fRtsControl[0]; +0x0008 6c 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fAbortOnError[0]; +0x0008 6d 28 00 00 */ unsigned char fDummy2[4]; /* +0x0008 6e 28 00 00 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short XonLim; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short XoffLim; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ByteSize; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char Parity; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char StopBits; /* +0x0014 */ char XonChar; /* +0x0015 */ char XoffChar; /* +0x0016 */ char ErrorChar; /* +0x0017 */ char EofChar; /* +0x0018 */ char EvtChar; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x001a */ }; struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 ab 22 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXCLUDECLIPRECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclClip[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ }; struct WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE { unsigned char Format[40]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ASYNC_RETRIEVAL_COMPLETION { unsigned char pfnCompletion[4]; /* +0x0000 83 28 00 00 */ void *pvCompletion; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagEMRSETDIBITSTODEVICE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long xSrc; /* +0x0020 */ long ySrc; /* +0x0024 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0028 */ long cySrc; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long iStartScan; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long cScans; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _SCHANNEL_ALG { unsigned long dwUse; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Algid[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long cBits; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _HEAP_INFORMATION { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Mode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ReserveSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FirstRegionInformationOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NextHeapInformationOffset; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V3_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagEXCEPINFO { unsigned short wCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bstrSource[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char bstrDescription[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char bstrHelpFile[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHelpContext; /* +0x0010 */ void *pvReserved; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pfnDeferredFillIn[4]; /* +0x0018 ad 28 00 00 */ long scode; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _sockaddr_in6_pair { unsigned char SourceAddress[4]; /* +0x0000 b1 28 00 00 */ unsigned char DestinationAddress[4]; /* +0x0004 b1 28 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_ENCRYPTED_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ContentEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvEncryptionAuxInfo; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _XSAVE_FORMAT { unsigned short ControlWord; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StatusWord; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char TagWord; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short ErrorOpcode; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ErrorOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ErrorSelector; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Reserved2; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short DataSelector; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short Reserved3; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long MxCsr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MxCsr_Mask; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char FloatRegisters[128]; /* +0x0020 b7 28 00 00 */ unsigned char XmmRegisters[128]; /* +0x00a0 b7 28 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved4[220]; /* +0x0120 b8 28 00 00 */ unsigned long Cr0NpxState; /* +0x01fc */ }; struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAW { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwReserved0; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char cFileName[520]; /* +0x002c 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char cAlternateFileName[28]; /* +0x0234 bc 28 00 00 */ }; struct _MFVideoCompressedInfo { long long AvgBitrate; /* +0x0000 */ long long AvgBitErrorRate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxKeyFrameSpacing; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MFTOPONODE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE { unsigned long long NodeId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char guidAttributeKey[16]; /* +0x0008 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char attrType[8]; /* +0x0018 c7 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char u32[0]; +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long u64; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char d[8]; /* +0x0020 41 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOEXW { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpszIdentifier[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ProviderSpecific[8]; /* +0x0020 55 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TCP_INITIAL_RTO_PARAMETERS { unsigned short Rtt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MaxSynRetransmissions; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_OID_LIST { unsigned long dwOIDCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pOIDs[4]; /* +0x0004 d3 28 00 00 */ }; struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ void *ExceptionTable; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExceptionTableSize; /* +0x000c */ void *GpValue; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char NonPagedDebugInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 d9 28 00 00 */ void *DllBase; /* +0x0018 */ void *EntryPoint; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0024 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x002c 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short __Unused5; /* +0x003a */ void *SectionPointer; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x0044 */ void *CoverageSection; /* +0x0048 */ void *LoadedImports; /* +0x004c */ void *PatchInformation; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long SizeOfImageNotRounded; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _WNF_STATE_NAME { unsigned char Data[8]; /* +0x0000 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _GRADIENT_TRIANGLE { unsigned long Vertex1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Vertex2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Vertex3; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MODEMSETTINGS { unsigned long dwActualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRequiredSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwCallSetupFailTimer; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwInactivityTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerVolume; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerMode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwPreferredModemOptions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwNegotiatedModemOptions; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwNegotiatedDCERate; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char abVariablePortion[4]; /* +0x002c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short DriverNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DriverNameOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char EntryData[48]; /* +0x0018 e6 28 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_RESOURCE_LIST { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char List[32]; /* +0x0004 ec 28 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_INTERFACE_LIST_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceGuid[4]; /* +0x0008 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceList[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceListSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FILETIME { unsigned long dwLowDateTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwHighDateTime; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OCSP_BASIC_REVOKED_INFO { unsigned char RevocationDate[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCrlReasonCode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_IssuerListInfoEx { unsigned char aIssuers[4]; /* +0x0000 cc 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cIssuers; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER_OUTPUT { unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfMatches; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BufferSizeRequired; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CACHE_RELATIONSHIP { unsigned char Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Associativity; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short LineSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long CacheSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0008 fd 28 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x000c dc 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupMask[12]; /* +0x0020 57 22 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR_CS_SIZE_CONVERT_ROUTINES { unsigned char pfnNetSize[4]; /* +0x0000 0c 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnToNetCs[4]; /* +0x0004 0f 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnLocalSize[4]; /* +0x0008 0c 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFromNetCs[4]; /* +0x000c 12 29 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_REVOCATION_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pIssuerCert[4]; /* +0x0004 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cCertStore; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgCertStore[4]; /* +0x000c d4 14 00 00 */ void *hCrlStore; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pftTimeToUse[4]; /* +0x0014 03 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_DES_KEY_STATE { unsigned char Key[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IV[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Feedback[8]; /* +0x0010 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hNCryptKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRecipientIndex; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _IMAGE_ROM_HEADERS { unsigned char FileHeader[20]; /* +0x0000 8e 20 00 00 */ unsigned char OptionalHeader[56]; /* +0x0014 2f 29 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_ENUM_RESOURCE_ENTRY:: { unsigned long NameOrId; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Name[0]; +0x0000 37 29 00 00 */ unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameIsPresent; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagSCROLLBARINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcScrollBar[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char dxyLineButton[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char xyThumbTop[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char xyThumbBottom[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char reserved[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgstate[24]; /* +0x0024 3a 29 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AddressOfRawData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PointerToRawData; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_MICROCODE_UPDATE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Operation; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *NetworkAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *StringEndpoint; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_A:: { unsigned char *Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct g723_adpcmwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short cbExtraSize; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short nAuxBlockSize; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Value[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_USER { unsigned char User[8]; /* +0x0000 77 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _MUILANGCFGLIST { unsigned char TotalSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short NumLanguages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MaxNumLanguages; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char LanguageConfigs[4]; /* +0x0008 5b 29 00 00 */ }; struct tagVARDESC { long memid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpstrSchema[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long oInst; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpvarValue[4]; /* +0x0008 e5 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char elemdescVar[16]; /* +0x000c 90 1e 00 00 */ unsigned short wVarFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char varkind[4]; /* +0x0020 62 29 00 00 */ }; struct _RIORESULT { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BytesTransferred; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long SocketContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long RequestContext; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long dwRecipientChoice; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char pKeyTrans[0]; +0x0004 6a 29 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pKeyAgree[0]; +0x0004 98 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pMailList[4]; /* +0x0004 6c 29 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRANGLEARC { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlCenter[8]; /* +0x0008 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned long nRadius; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char eStartAngle[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eSweepAngle[4]; /* +0x0018 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_ACCURACY { unsigned long dwSeconds; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMillis; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMicros; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SecPkgInfoW { unsigned long fCapabilities; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wRPCID; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long cbMaxToken; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char Comment[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE { unsigned char Header[48]; /* +0x0000 87 29 00 00 */ unsigned long InstanceId; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ParentInstanceId; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char ParentGuid[16]; /* +0x0038 4d 14 00 00 */ void *MofData; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long MofLength; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long ClientContext; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char BufferContext[8]; /* +0x0050 88 29 00 00 */ }; struct _VM_COUNTERS { unsigned long PeakVirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PeakWorkingSetSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long WorkingSetSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long QuotaPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PagefileUsage; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SL_KMEM_CACHE { unsigned long TotalSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SignatureSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Descriptors[20]; /* +0x0014 90 29 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETARCDIRECTION { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iArcDirection; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct addrinfoexA { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addrlen[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ char *ai_canonname; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ai_addr[4]; /* +0x0018 05 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ai_bloblen[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_provider[4]; /* +0x0024 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[4]; /* +0x0028 fd 24 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_EVENT_BUFFER { unsigned long NamedPipeState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EntryType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ByteCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long KeyValue; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberRequests; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION32 { unsigned long TransferAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ZeroBits; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaximumStackSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CommittedStackSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SubSystemType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short SubSystemMinorVersion; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short SubSystemMajorVersion; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long SubSystemVersion; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ImageContainsCode; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char ImageFlags; /* +0x0023 */ /* unsigned char ComPlus[0]; +0x0023 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0023 a3 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0023 a1 29 00 00 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ImageFileSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _RTL_RB_TREE { unsigned char Root[4]; /* +0x0000 a7 29 00 00 */ unsigned char Min[4]; /* +0x0004 a7 29 00 00 */ }; struct _CONNECTDLGSTRUCTA { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpConnRes[4]; /* +0x0008 2f 27 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwDevNum; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct group_req { unsigned long gr_interface; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char gr_group[128]; /* +0x0008 79 24 00 00 */ }; struct _CTL_ENTRY { unsigned char SubjectIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cAttribute; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgAttribute[4]; /* +0x000c 74 15 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_SERVER_CONNECTION_STATE { unsigned char lpcwszHostName[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char fProxy[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCounter; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwConnectionLimit; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwAvailableCreates; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwAvailableKeepAlives; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwActiveConnections; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwWaiters; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _POWER_USER_PRESENCE { unsigned char UserPresence[4]; /* +0x0000 cb 29 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE { unsigned long long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_TLS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ void *NewTlsData; /* +0x0004 */ void *OldTlsData; /* +0x0004 */ void *ThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CERT_REQUEST_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Subject[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SubjectPublicKeyInfo[24]; /* +0x000c d6 29 00 00 */ unsigned long cAttribute; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char rgAttribute[4]; /* +0x0028 74 15 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_LAST_SYSCALL_INFORMATION { void *FirstArgument; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short SystemCallNumber; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_LOCK_INFORMATION { void *Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0006 */ void *OwningThread; /* +0x0008 */ long LockCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0014 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NumberOfWaitingShared; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long NumberOfWaitingExclusive; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[80]; /* +0x0000 2e 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFirstChance; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICIES_INFO { unsigned long cPolicyInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgPolicyInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 f8 29 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_CTRL_KEY_TRANS_DECRYPT_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hNCryptKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pKeyTrans[4]; /* +0x000c fc 29 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRecipientIndex; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICEXA { unsigned char ntmTm[72]; /* +0x0000 ff 29 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmFontSig[24]; /* +0x0048 00 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW { unsigned long dwServiceFlags1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags3; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags4; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwProviderFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ProviderId[16]; /* +0x0014 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCatalogEntryId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ProtocolChain[32]; /* +0x0028 26 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char iVersion[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iAddressFamily[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMaxSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMinSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSocketType[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x005c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocolMaxOffset[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iNetworkByteOrder[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSecurityScheme[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMessageSize; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dwProviderReserved; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned char szProtocol[512]; /* +0x0074 c8 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _FP_64 { unsigned char W[8]; /* +0x0000 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_POINT_INFORMATION { unsigned short ReparseDataLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short UnparsedNameLength; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _SL_KMEM_CACHE_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short DataLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0010 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SECTIONBASICINFO { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AllocationAttributes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MaximumSize[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MCGEN_TRACE_CONTEXT { unsigned long long RegistrationHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Logger; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MatchAnyKeyword; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MatchAllKeyword; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long IsEnabled; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Reserve; /* +0x0029 */ unsigned short EnableBitsCount; /* +0x002a */ unsigned long *EnableBitMask; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char EnableKeyWords[4]; /* +0x0030 3a 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableLevel[4]; /* +0x0034 67 21 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_PERFORMANCE_DATA { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ProcessorNumber[4]; /* +0x0004 17 22 00 00 */ unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long HwCountersCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char UpdateCount[8]; /* +0x0010 49 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long long WaitReasonBitMap; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long HardwareCounters; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char CycleTime[24]; /* +0x0028 3d 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char HwCounters[384]; /* +0x0040 3e 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS { unsigned short FileSystemType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long SizeOfCompleteStructure; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long UserFileReads; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserFileReadBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long UserDiskReads; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long UserFileWrites; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long UserFileWriteBytes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long UserDiskWrites; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long MetaDataReads; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MetaDataReadBytes; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MetaDataDiskReads; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long MetaDataWrites; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long MetaDataWriteBytes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long MetaDataDiskWrites; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct tagACCEL { unsigned char fVirt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short key; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short cmd; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszOpenStoreProvider; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOpenEncodingType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwOpenFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char OpenParameters[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwPriority; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _FXSAVE_FORMAT { unsigned short ControlWord; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StatusWord; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short TagWord; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ErrorOpcode; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ErrorOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ErrorSelector; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DataSelector; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MXCsr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MXCsrMask; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char RegisterArea[128]; /* +0x0020 4a 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved3[128]; /* +0x00a0 4a 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved4[192]; /* +0x0120 4b 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK { /* unsigned char Valid[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ShareCount[0]; +0x0000 4e 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Win32Protection[0]; +0x0000 4f 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 50 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Node[0]; +0x0000 51 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Locked[0]; +0x0000 52 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LargePage[0]; +0x0000 53 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Priority[0]; +0x0000 54 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 55 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Bad[0]; +0x0000 74 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Invalid[4]; /* +0x0000 56 2a 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGFONTW { long lfHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long lfWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long lfEscapement; /* +0x0008 */ long lfOrientation; /* +0x000c */ long lfWeight; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lfItalic; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lfUnderline; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char lfStrikeOut; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char lfCharSet; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char lfOutPrecision; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lfClipPrecision; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char lfQuality; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char lfPitchAndFamily; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char lfFaceName[64]; /* +0x001c e5 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRARC { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBox[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlStart[8]; /* +0x0018 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlEnd[8]; /* +0x0020 36 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOPYDATASTRUCT { unsigned long dwData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagMINIMIZEDMETRICS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iWidth[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHorzGap[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iVertGap[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iArrange[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagINPUT_MESSAGE_SOURCE { unsigned char deviceType[4]; /* +0x0000 64 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char originId[4]; /* +0x0004 65 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_KEYGEN_REQUEST_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SubjectPublicKeyInfo[24]; /* +0x0004 d6 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszChallengeString[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ALPHA_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ExceptionHandler; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long HandlerData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PrologEndAddress; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { unsigned long AvailablePages; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CommittedPages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CommitLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PeakCommitment; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _EISA_IRQ_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char ConfigurationByte[1]; /* +0x0000 7a 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _RESOURCEMANAGER_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char ResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DescriptionLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Description[4]; /* +0x0014 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagHELPWININFOA { unsigned char wStructSize[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dx[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dy[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wMax[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgchMember[4]; /* +0x0018 7f 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST { /* unsigned char ControlBits[0]; +0x0000 84 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char CombinedControlBits[4]; /* +0x0000 07 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Head[16]; /* +0x0004 cd 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Tail[12]; /* +0x0014 85 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char RemoveCallback[4]; /* +0x0020 ac 29 00 00 */ void *RemoveContext; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char PendingHead[4]; /* +0x0028 ce 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char PendingTailPtr[4]; /* +0x002c 86 2a 00 00 */ unsigned long PendingListIndex; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST:::: { /* unsigned char SwitchSelectorBit0[0]; +0x0000 42 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ActiveListBit0[0]; +0x0000 43 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OverflowActiveListBit0[0]; +0x0000 44 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SwitchSelectorBit1[0]; +0x0000 45 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ActiveListBit1[0]; +0x0000 46 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OverflowActiveListBit1[0]; +0x0000 47 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReaderDidTheSwitch[0]; +0x0000 48 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 89 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReaderBusy[0]; +0x0000 8a 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UpdateReady[0]; +0x0000 8b 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char OverflowUpdateReady[4]; /* +0x0000 8c 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _RTLP_PROCESS_REFLECTION_REFLECTION_INFORMATION { void *ReflectionProcessHandle; /* +0x0000 */ void *ReflectionThreadHandle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ReflectionClientId[8]; /* +0x0008 ac 14 00 00 */ }; struct _COMPATIBILITY_CONTEXT_ELEMENT { unsigned char Id[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0010 91 2a 00 00 */ }; struct tagARRAYDESC { unsigned char tdescElem[8]; /* +0x0000 c9 2a 00 00 */ unsigned short cDims; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgbounds[8]; /* +0x000c cb 2a 00 00 */ }; struct tagJPEGINFOHEADER { unsigned long JPEGSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long JPEGProcess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long JPEGColorSpaceID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long JPEGBitsPerSample; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long JPEGHSubSampling; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long JPEGVSubSampling; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXDVA { unsigned char elfEnumLogfontEx[188]; /* +0x0000 de 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char elfDesignVector[72]; /* +0x00bc df 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_GRAPHICS_INFORMATION { unsigned char FrameBuffer[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Width; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Height; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PixelStride; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Format[8]; /* +0x0018 fb 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_IO_SPACE { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char InterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0010 fe 2a 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AddressSpace; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SCRUB_DATA_OUTPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ResumeContext[816]; /* +0x0010 43 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char Extents[16]; /* +0x0340 06 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOW { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[256]; /* +0x0014 e7 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long TotalSize; /* +0x0000 */ void *FirstEntry; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short EntryOverhead; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PoolTagPresent; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Spare0; /* +0x000b */ unsigned long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Entries[12]; /* +0x0010 17 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_SUMMARY { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbAllocated; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbCommitted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbMaxReserve; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _COMM_FAULT_OFFSETS { short CommOffset; /* +0x0000 */ short FaultOffset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct __BCRYPT_KEY_LENGTHS_STRUCT { unsigned long dwMinLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMaxLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwIncrement; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PROPERTY_REF { unsigned char pszProperty[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cbValue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pbValue; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwContainer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwQuota; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReserved4; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char fPerUser[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSyncMode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwNumCachePaths; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CachePath[520]; /* +0x001c 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCacheSize; /* +0x0224 */ unsigned char CachePaths[524]; /* +0x001c 2c 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNormalUsage; /* +0x0228 */ unsigned long dwExemptUsage; /* +0x022c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfThreads; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char WorkingSetPrivateSize[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long HardFaultCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfThreadsHighWatermark; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long CycleTime; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char UserTime[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelTime[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageName[8]; /* +0x0038 32 14 00 00 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x0040 */ void *UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0044 */ void *InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long UniqueProcessKey; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long PeakVirtualSize; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long VirtualSize; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long PeakWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long WorkingSetSize; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long QuotaPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long PagefileUsage; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long PrivatePageCount; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned char ReadOperationCount[8]; /* +0x0088 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char WriteOperationCount[8]; /* +0x0090 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OtherOperationCount[8]; /* +0x0098 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ReadTransferCount[8]; /* +0x00a0 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char WriteTransferCount[8]; /* +0x00a8 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OtherTransferCount[8]; /* +0x00b0 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_ENTRY { unsigned char ValueName[4]; /* +0x0000 1e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CRYPT_ENCODE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnAlloc[4]; /* +0x0004 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ }; struct _REPAIR_COPIES_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SourceCopy; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfRepairCopies; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RepairCopies[4]; /* +0x001c 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PEBS_DS_SAVE_AREA { unsigned long long BtsBufferBase; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long BtsIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long BtsAbsoluteMaximum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BtsInterruptThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long PebsBufferBase; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long PebsIndex; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long PebsAbsoluteMaximum; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long PebsInterruptThreshold; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset0; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset1; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset2; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long PebsCounterReset3; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _CERT_TEMPLATE_EXT { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fMinorVersion[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Id; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FriendlyNameOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DriverFilePathOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE { unsigned char BalancedRoot[16]; /* +0x0000 e8 24 00 00 */ void *OrderedPointer; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long WhichOrderedElement; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberGenericTableElements; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DepthOfTree; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char RestartKey[4]; /* +0x0020 73 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long DeleteCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char CompareRoutine[4]; /* +0x0028 76 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocateRoutine[4]; /* +0x002c 5f 24 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeRoutine[4]; /* +0x0030 79 2b 00 00 */ void *TableContext; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct tagTITLEBARINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcTitleBar[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rgstate[24]; /* +0x0014 3a 29 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_IF_ID { unsigned char Uuid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned short VersMajor; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short VersMinor; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_ENTRY { unsigned long DeviceInstance; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DeviceFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ResourceType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ResourceStart; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ResourceEnd; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ResourceFlags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION { unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_INFO { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Offsets[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _userHMETAFILE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct P3PSignal { unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char message[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ void *hEvent; /* +0x0008 */ void *pContext; /* +0x000c */ void *hRequest; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RTL_DEBUG_INFORMATION32 { unsigned long SectionHandleClient; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ViewBaseClient; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ViewBaseTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ViewBaseDelta; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long EventPairClient; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EventPairTarget; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TargetProcessId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TargetThreadHandle; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long OffsetFree; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ViewSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long Modules; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ModulesEx; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long BackTraces; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long Heaps; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Locks; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SpecificHeap; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TargetProcessHandle; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long VerifierOptions; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long ProcessHeap; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long CriticalSectionHandle; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long CriticalSectionOwnerThread; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0058 87 22 00 00 */ }; struct tagAXISINFOW { long axMinValue; /* +0x0000 */ long axMaxValue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axAxisName[32]; /* +0x0008 b2 2b 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemFORMATETC { unsigned long cfFormat; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ptd; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwAspect; /* +0x0008 */ long lindex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _INTERFACE_INFO_EX { unsigned long iiFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char iiAddress[8]; /* +0x0004 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char iiBroadcastAddress[8]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char iiNetmask[8]; /* +0x0014 2d 23 00 00 */ }; struct _TP_DIRECT { unsigned char Task[20]; /* +0x0000 82 2a 00 00 */ unsigned long Lock; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char IoCompletionInformationList[8]; /* +0x0018 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Callback[4]; /* +0x0020 c1 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long NumaNode; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char IdealProcessor; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION64 { unsigned long long DebugInfo; /* +0x0000 */ long LockCount; /* +0x0008 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long OwningThread; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long LockSemaphore; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SpinCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTA { unsigned char elfLogFont[60]; /* +0x0000 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[64]; /* +0x003c 7c 14 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[32]; /* +0x007c 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0000 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char wHitTestCode[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_FIXED { unsigned char Header[8]; /* +0x0000 96 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char FixedWakeSourceType[4]; /* +0x0008 76 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _MFBYTESTREAM_BUFFERING_PARAMS { unsigned long long cbTotalFileSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long cbPlayableDataSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char prgBuckets[4]; /* +0x0010 d9 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long cBuckets; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long qwNetBufferingTime; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long qwExtraBufferingTimeDuringSeek; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long qwPlayDuration; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char dRate[8]; /* +0x0030 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PREFETCH_STATS { unsigned long DemandFilePageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DemandFileIOCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TrickleFilePageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TrickleFileIOCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DemandPrivatePageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DemandPrivateIOCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TricklePrivatePageCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TricklePrivateIOCount; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagMOUSEKEYS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iMaxSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iTimeToMaxSpeed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iCtrlSpeed; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PEB_LDR_DATA { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Initialized; /* +0x0004 */ void *SsHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char InLoadOrderModuleList[8]; /* +0x000c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderModuleList[8]; /* +0x0014 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char InInitializationOrderModuleList[8]; /* +0x001c f0 16 00 00 */ void *EntryInProgress; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ShutdownInProgress; /* +0x0028 */ void *ShutdownThreadId; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _MUICCENTRY { unsigned char lCultureNameOffset[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulCultureID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ulLanguageType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pNeutralCulture[4]; /* +0x000c e9 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char lBaseLanguageIndices[16]; /* +0x0010 ea 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char lParentLanguageIndices[16]; /* +0x0020 eb 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_POLICY { unsigned char Length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long EndpointFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NICFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FILE_QUERY_SPARING_BUFFER { unsigned long SparingUnitBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SoftwareSparing; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TotalSpareBlocks; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FreeSpareBlocks; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CONSOLE_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DriverLoaded[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Spare[4]; /* +0x0000 19 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TRIPLE_LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char Flink[12]; /* +0x0000 85 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char Blink[4]; /* +0x000c ce 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_SECURITY_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned long SecurityLimitFlags; /* +0x0000 */ void *JobToken; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SidsToDisable[4]; /* +0x0008 ff 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char PrivilegesToDelete[4]; /* +0x000c 01 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char RestrictedSids[4]; /* +0x0010 ff 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL_INFORMATION { unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CpuRate; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Weight; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagAXISINFOA { long axMinValue; /* +0x0000 */ long axMaxValue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axAxisName[16]; /* +0x0008 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_CE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long FuncStart; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char PrologLen[0]; +0x0004 0f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FuncLen[0]; +0x0004 11 2c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ThirtyTwoBit[0]; +0x0004 12 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char ExceptionFlag[4]; /* +0x0004 74 20 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_WORKINGSET_ENTRY { unsigned long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long WorkingSetPageCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CommitPageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PagedPoolPageCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long VirtualSizeInPages; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PrivateWorkingSetPageCount; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagSERIALKEYSA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszActivePort; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpszPort; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char iBaudRate[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iPortState[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iActive[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR_CS_ROUTINES { unsigned char pSizeConvertRoutines[4]; /* +0x0000 21 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char pTagGettingRoutines[4]; /* +0x0004 25 2c 00 00 */ }; struct tagCY { unsigned long Lo; /* +0x0000 */ long Hi; /* +0x0004 */ long long int64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _EVENT_FILTER_HEADER { unsigned short Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved[5]; /* +0x0003 33 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long long InstanceId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NextOffset; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_HAVEIID { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char apUnknown[4]; /* +0x0004 89 19 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0008 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_SessionKey { unsigned long SessionKeyLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *SessionKey; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct ANON_OBJECT_HEADER { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClassID[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _TXFS_ROLLFORWARD_REDO_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastVirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long LastRedoLsn; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long HighestRecoveryLsn; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char CriticalSection[4]; /* +0x0004 c6 17 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessLocksList[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndexHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short SpareUSHORT; /* +0x001e */ }; struct _BYTE_BLOB { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char abData[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTESCAPE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char iEscape[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbEscData[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char EscData[4]; /* +0x0010 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEVENTMSG { unsigned char message[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char paramL[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char paramH[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0010 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecHandle { unsigned long dwLower; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwUpper; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _APP_CACHE_GROUP_LIST { unsigned long dwAppCacheGroupCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pAppCacheGroups[4]; /* +0x0004 78 2c 00 00 */ }; struct __NCRYPT_SUPPORTED_LENGTHS { unsigned long dwMinLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMaxLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwIncrement; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDefaultLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY { unsigned char Value[6]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_GROUP_INFOA { unsigned long dwGroupSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwGroupFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwGroupType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDiskUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwDiskQuota; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char dwOwnerStorage[16]; /* +0x0014 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned char szGroupName[120]; /* +0x0024 ac 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _SCH_CRED_SECRET_CAPI { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hProv; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_FULL_SIZE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TotalAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CallerAvailableAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ActualAvailableAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SectorsPerAllocationUnit; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x001c */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfidl_0000_0053_0001 { unsigned long long qwStartOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long qwEndOffset; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_ID_INFORMATION { void *ProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ImageName[8]; /* +0x0004 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PREFETCH_OPTIONS { /* unsigned char LowerPriority[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualOffsets[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TrickleIOs[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SkipInStorePages[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PrefetchFilesByVa[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Spare[0]; +0x0000 e7 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ScenarioType[4]; /* +0x0000 d3 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_MAPPINGS_INFO { unsigned long cPolicyMapping; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgPolicyMapping[4]; /* +0x0004 f8 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_VXD_HEADER { unsigned short e32_magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char e32_border; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char e32_worder; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long e32_level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short e32_cpu; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short e32_os; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long e32_ver; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long e32_mflags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long e32_mpages; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long e32_startobj; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long e32_eip; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long e32_stackobj; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long e32_esp; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long e32_pagesize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long e32_lastpagesize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long e32_fixupsize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long e32_fixupsum; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long e32_ldrsize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long e32_ldrsum; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long e32_objtab; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long e32_objcnt; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long e32_objmap; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long e32_itermap; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long e32_rsrctab; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long e32_rsrccnt; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long e32_restab; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long e32_enttab; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long e32_dirtab; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long e32_dircnt; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long e32_fpagetab; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long e32_frectab; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long e32_impmod; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long e32_impmodcnt; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long e32_impproc; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long e32_pagesum; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long e32_datapage; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long e32_preload; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long e32_nrestab; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long e32_cbnrestab; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long e32_nressum; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long e32_autodata; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long e32_debuginfo; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long e32_debuglen; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long e32_instpreload; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long e32_instdemand; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long e32_heapsize; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char e32_res3[12]; /* +0x00ac a3 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long e32_winresoff; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long e32_winreslen; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned short e32_devid; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned short e32_ddkver; /* +0x00c2 */ }; struct _CACHE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Associativity; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short LineSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0008 fd 28 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC:: { /* unsigned char pAutoHandle[0]; +0x0000 d4 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pPrimitiveHandle[0]; +0x0000 d4 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pGenericBindingInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 06 2d 00 00 */ }; struct tagDEC { unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char scale; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char sign; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short signscale; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Hi32; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Lo32; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Mid32; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long Lo64; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FILE_MAKE_COMPATIBLE_BUFFER { unsigned char CloseDisc; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char VirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagPROPPAGEINFO { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszTitle[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char size[8]; /* +0x0008 de 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDocString[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHelpFile[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHelpContext; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_INFO { unsigned char fRequireExplicitPolicy[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRequireExplicitPolicySkipCerts; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fInhibitPolicyMapping[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInhibitPolicyMappingSkipCerts; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CM_MCA_POS_DATA { unsigned short AdapterId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PosData1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char PosData2; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char PosData3; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PosData4; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_STORAGE_INFO { unsigned long LogicalBytesPerSector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PhysicalBytesPerSectorForPerformance; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ByteOffsetForSectorAlignment; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ByteOffsetForPartitionAlignment; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_MAILSLOT_SET_INFORMATION { unsigned char ReadTimeout[4]; /* +0x0000 bc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Shift; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TableSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Pivot; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DivisorMask; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NonEmptyBuckets; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NumEnumerators; /* +0x001c */ void *Directory; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _DOCINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDocName[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszOutput[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszDatatype[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long fwType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _BCryptBufferDesc { unsigned long ulVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cBuffers; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pBuffers[4]; /* +0x0008 44 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PASSWORD_CREDENTIALSW { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszUsername[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pszPassword[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_DEVICE_DATA_INFORMATION { unsigned char DeviceId[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DataName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DataType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DataBufferLength; /* +0x0014 */ void *DataBuffer; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RTL_BARRIER { unsigned char Barrier[4]; /* +0x0000 07 19 00 00 */ long LeftBarrier; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char WaitEvent[8]; /* +0x0008 55 2d 00 00 */ long TotalProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Spins; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DUMMYRESERVEDSTRUCTNAME[24]; /* +0x0000 56 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_BARRIER:::: { unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved3[8]; /* +0x0008 9e 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved4; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved5; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOEXA { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[128]; /* +0x0014 4b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned short wServicePackMajor; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned short wServicePackMinor; /* +0x0096 */ unsigned short wSuiteMask; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned char wProductType; /* +0x009a */ unsigned char wReserved; /* +0x009b */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_SessionAppData { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbAppData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pbAppData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER { unsigned short Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long BaseOfData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ImageBase; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SectionAlignment; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long FileAlignment; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /* +0x002a */ unsigned short MajorImageVersion; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short MinorImageVersion; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short MajorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short MinorSubsystemVersion; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned long Win32VersionValue; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfHeaders; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short Subsystem; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x0046 */ unsigned long SizeOfStackReserve; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long SizeOfStackCommit; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long SizeOfHeapReserve; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long SizeOfHeapCommit; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long NumberOfRvaAndSizes; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char DataDirectory[128]; /* +0x0060 c0 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_COFF_SYMBOLS_HEADER { unsigned long NumberOfSymbols; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LvaToFirstSymbol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LvaToFirstLinenumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long RvaToFirstByteOfCode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long RvaToLastByteOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long RvaToFirstByteOfData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long RvaToLastByteOfData; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _WAKE_TIMER_INFO { unsigned long OffsetToNext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DueTime[8]; /* +0x0008 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long Period; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ReasonContext[28]; /* +0x0014 97 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYLINE16 { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cpts; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char apts[4]; /* +0x001c 79 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _OCSP_RESPONSE_INFO { unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszObjId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Value[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_IMPORT_CALLBACK_INFO { unsigned char ImportCallbackRoutine[4]; /* +0x0000 98 2d 00 00 */ void *ImportCallbackParameter; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST { unsigned long TotalLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Attributes[16]; /* +0x0004 9c 2d 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYDRAW { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cptl; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char aptl[8]; /* +0x001c 2f 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char abTypes[4]; /* +0x0024 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMENUBARINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcBar[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hMenu[4]; /* +0x0014 7d 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndMenu[4]; /* +0x0018 42 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fBarFocused[0]; +0x001c a5 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char fFocused[4]; /* +0x001c a6 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _BYTE_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CLIENT_ID { void *UniqueProcess; /* +0x0000 */ void *UniqueThread; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_DEVICE_INFO { unsigned long displayOrientation; /* +0x0000 */ void *device; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pointerDeviceType[4]; /* +0x0008 b1 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char monitor[4]; /* +0x000c 52 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long startingCursorId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short maxActiveContacts; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char productString[1042]; /* +0x0016 b2 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _WSABUF { unsigned long len; /* +0x0000 */ char *buf; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOA { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpReserved; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpDesktop; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpTitle; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwX; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwY; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwXSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwYSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwXCountChars; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwYCountChars; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwFillAttribute; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short wShowWindow; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short cbReserved2; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char *lpReserved2; /* +0x0034 */ void *hStdInput; /* +0x0038 */ void *hStdOutput; /* +0x003c */ void *hStdError; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct tagCOLORCORRECTPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPalette; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long nFirstEntry; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long nPalEntries; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long nReserved; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION_CONFIG { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_SessionInfo { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbSessionId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgbSessionId[32]; /* +0x0008 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _SCH_CRED_PUBLIC_CERTCHAIN { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbCertChain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pCertChain; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ObjectName[4]; /* +0x0008 1e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x000c */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0010 */ void *SecurityQualityOfService; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DISPLAY_DEVICEA { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceName[32]; /* +0x0004 d7 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceString[128]; /* +0x0024 4b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned char DeviceID[128]; /* +0x00a8 4b 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceKey[128]; /* +0x0128 4b 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _DMA_CONFIGURATION_BYTE0 { /* unsigned char Channel[0]; +0x0000 df 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 e0 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 a7 27 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 a8 27 00 00 */ }; struct tagENHMETARECORD { unsigned long iType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dParm[4]; /* +0x0008 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _remoteMETAFILEPICT { long mm; /* +0x0000 */ long xExt; /* +0x0004 */ long yExt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hMF[4]; /* +0x000c e8 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _tagPROTOCOL_ARGUMENT { unsigned char szMethod[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char szTargetUrl[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct mpeglayer3waveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wID; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long fdwFlags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short nBlockSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short nFramesPerBlock; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short nCodecDelay; /* +0x001c */ }; struct group_filter { unsigned long gf_interface; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char gf_group[128]; /* +0x0008 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned char gf_fmode[4]; /* +0x0088 f1 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long gf_numsrc; /* +0x008c */ unsigned char gf_slist[128]; /* +0x0090 f2 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_CONTENT_INFO_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cValue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgValue[4]; /* +0x0008 cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Policy[4]; /* +0x0000 f9 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ASLRPolicy[0]; +0x0004 fa 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char StackCheckPolicy[0]; +0x0004 fb 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char StrictHandleCheckPolicy[0]; +0x0004 fc 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemCallDisablePolicy[4]; /* +0x0004 fd 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO { unsigned char CompressedFileSize[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned short CompressionFormat; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CompressionUnitShift; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char ChunkShift; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Reserved[3]; /* +0x000d 18 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ long xNum; /* +0x0008 */ long xDenom; /* +0x000c */ long yNum; /* +0x0010 */ long yDenom; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *NetworkAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short *StringEndpoint; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CRYPT_RSA_SSA_PSS_PARAMETERS { unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char MaskGenAlgorithm[16]; /* +0x000c 0e 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSaltLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwTrailerField; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_INFO { /* unsigned char AuthIdExw[0]; +0x0000 ad 21 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AuthIdExa[0]; +0x0000 11 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AuthId_a[0]; +0x0000 c3 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AuthId_w[0]; +0x0000 3c 26 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthIdEx2[48]; /* +0x0000 12 2e 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRELLIPSE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBox[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRL_FIND_ISSUED_FOR_PARA { unsigned char pSubjectCert[4]; /* +0x0000 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pIssuerCert[4]; /* +0x0004 55 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RATE_QUOTA_LIMIT { unsigned long RateData; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RatePercent[0]; +0x0000 1f 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved0[4]; /* +0x0000 20 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION { unsigned long ProcessorMask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Relationship[4]; /* +0x0004 59 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessorCore[0]; +0x0008 23 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NumaNode[0]; +0x0008 24 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cache[0]; +0x0008 25 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0008 26 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_WATCHDOG_HANDLER_INFORMATION { unsigned char WdHandler[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 2e 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagENHMETAHEADER { unsigned long iType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclFrame[16]; /* +0x0018 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dSignature; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long nVersion; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long nBytes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long nRecords; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short nHandles; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short sReserved; /* +0x003a */ unsigned long nDescription; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long offDescription; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long nPalEntries; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char szlDevice[8]; /* +0x0048 de 16 00 00 */ unsigned char szlMillimeters[8]; /* +0x0050 de 16 00 00 */ unsigned long cbPixelFormat; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offPixelFormat; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long bOpenGL; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char szlMicrometers[8]; /* +0x0064 de 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TRIGGER { unsigned long dwTriggerType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAction; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pTriggerSubtype[4]; /* +0x0008 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cDataItems; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pDataItems[4]; /* +0x0010 37 2e 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAUL { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *pElems; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hNCryptKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pKeyAgree[4]; /* +0x000c 41 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRecipientIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwRecipientEncryptedKeyIndex; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char OriginatorPublicKey[12]; /* +0x0018 6f 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WNODE_HEADER { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ProviderId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long HistoricalContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Linkage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CountLost; /* +0x0010 */ void *KernelHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0018 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ClientContext; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _FILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION { unsigned long VolumeLabelLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VolumeLabel[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_GLOBAL_CHANGE_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChangeType; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char SdChange[0]; +0x0008 4e 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SdQueryStats[0]; +0x0008 4f 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char SdEnumSds[16]; /* +0x0008 50 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE { unsigned char LockQueue[8]; /* +0x0000 36 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char OldIrql; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagRAWMOUSE { unsigned short usFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulButtons; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short usButtonFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short usButtonData; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ulRawButtons; /* +0x0008 */ long lLastX; /* +0x000c */ long lLastY; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulExtraInformation; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagGESTUREINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[4]; /* +0x000c 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptsLocation[4]; /* +0x0010 78 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInstanceID; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwSequenceID; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ullArguments; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cbExtraArgs[8]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySet2A { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszServiceInstanceName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpVersion[4]; /* +0x0008 50 14 00 00 */ char *lpszComment; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[4]; /* +0x0014 4e 14 00 00 */ char *lpszContext; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[4]; /* +0x0020 52 14 00 00 */ char *lpszQueryString; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[4]; /* +0x002c 54 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char lpBlob[4]; /* +0x0034 56 14 00 00 */ }; struct _M128A { unsigned long long Low; /* +0x0000 */ long long High; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_MSR { unsigned long Msr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Data; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_DELETE_VALUE_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 65 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[8]; /* +0x0018 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ValueName[8]; /* +0x0020 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long OldValueType; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long OldDataLength; /* +0x002c */ void *OldData; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long NewValueType; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long NewDataLength; /* +0x0038 */ void *NewData; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_LIST { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Descriptors[32]; /* +0x0008 6e 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_RANGE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Protection; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FirstBlockInformationOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NextRangeInformationOffset; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mfobjects_0000_0008_0003 { unsigned char guidMajorType[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char guidSubtype[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MFT_REGISTRATION_INFO { unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char guidCategory[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char uiFlags[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszName[4]; /* +0x0024 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cInTypes; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pInTypes[4]; /* +0x002c 8e 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long cOutTypes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pOutTypes[4]; /* +0x0034 8e 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA { unsigned long cOID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpszOID[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgCredentials_Cert { unsigned long EncodedCertSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *EncodedCert; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SE_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 16 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InInitializationOrderLinks[0]; +0x0010 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char InProgressLinks[8]; /* +0x0010 f0 16 00 00 */ void *DllBase; /* +0x0018 */ void *EntryPoint; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0024 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x002c 32 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FlagGroup[0]; +0x0034 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ /* unsigned char PackagedBinary[0]; +0x0034 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MarkedForRemoval[0]; +0x0034 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDll[0]; +0x0034 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LoadNotificationsSent[0]; +0x0034 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TelemetryEntryProcessed[0]; +0x0034 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessStaticImport[0]; +0x0034 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InLegacyLists[0]; +0x0034 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InIndexes[0]; +0x0034 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ShimDll[0]; +0x0034 e8 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InExceptionTable[0]; +0x0034 69 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags1[0]; +0x0034 9b 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LoadInProgress[0]; +0x0034 9c 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags2[0]; +0x0034 9d 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EntryProcessed[0]; +0x0034 6d 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags3[0]; +0x0034 9e 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontCallForThreads[0]; +0x0034 9f 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessAttachCalled[0]; +0x0034 a0 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessAttachFailed[0]; +0x0034 13 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CorDeferredValidate[0]; +0x0034 14 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CorImage[0]; +0x0034 52 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontRelocate[0]; +0x0034 53 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CorILOnly[0]; +0x0034 a1 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags5[0]; +0x0034 a2 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Redirected[0]; +0x0034 a3 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedFlags6[0]; +0x0034 a4 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char CompatDatabaseProcessed[4]; /* +0x0034 74 20 00 00 */ unsigned short ObsoleteLoadCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short TlsIndex; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char HashLinks[8]; /* +0x003c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char EntryPointActivationContext[4]; /* +0x0048 f7 1e 00 00 */ void *PatchInformation; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char DdagNode[4]; /* +0x0050 a6 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char NodeModuleLink[8]; /* +0x0054 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char SnapContext[4]; /* +0x005c a8 2e 00 00 */ void *SwitchBackContext; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char BaseAddressIndexNode[12]; /* +0x0064 a6 29 00 00 */ unsigned char MappingInfoIndexNode[12]; /* +0x0070 a6 29 00 00 */ unsigned long OriginalBase; /* +0x007c */ unsigned char LoadTime[8]; /* +0x0080 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long BaseNameHashValue; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct _FILE_GET_EA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EaNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char EaName[3]; /* +0x0005 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_OUTPUT { unsigned long FileEntryCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FirstFileOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_IDLE_STATES { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long TargetProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[24]; /* +0x0014 b1 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_MESSAGE { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataRepresentation; /* +0x0004 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char BufferLength[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcNum[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferSyntax[4]; /* +0x0014 b8 2e 00 00 */ void *RpcInterfaceInformation; /* +0x0018 */ void *ReservedForRuntime; /* +0x001c */ void *ManagerEpv; /* +0x0020 */ void *ImportContext; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long RpcFlags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tagBSTRBLOB { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WSANAMESPACE_INFOW { unsigned char NSProviderId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fActive[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpszIdentifier[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr_in6 { unsigned short sin6_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short sin6_port; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long sin6_flowinfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char sin6_addr[16]; /* +0x0008 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long sin6_scope_id; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char sin6_scope_struct[4]; /* +0x0018 bf 2e 00 00 */ }; struct NCRYPT_ALLOC_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnAlloc[4]; /* +0x0004 38 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_BIT_BLOB { unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cUnusedBits; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_BACKTRACE_INFORMATION { char *SymbolicBackTrace; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TraceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Index; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Depth; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char BackTrace[128]; /* +0x000c cc 2e 00 00 */ }; struct tagDVTARGETDEVICE { unsigned long tdSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short tdDriverNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short tdDeviceNameOffset; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short tdPortNameOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short tdExtDevmodeOffset; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char tdData[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_KEEPALIVE_COUNT_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_LOGGING_ENTRY { unsigned long Reason; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long States; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTION_OPTIONS_INFORMATION { unsigned long FlagsToEnable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FlagsToDisable; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagMOUSEMOVEPOINT { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagCAH { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 bc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO { unsigned char Algorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char PublicKey[12]; /* +0x000c 6f 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_AUDIO_INFO { unsigned long dwFileSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPlayTime; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwChannels; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwSampleRate; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pwszLanguage[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct WMIREGGUIDW { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long InstanceCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long InstanceNameList; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BaseNameOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Pdo; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long InstanceInfo; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FILE_INTEGRITY_STREAM_INFORMATION { unsigned short ChecksumAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ChecksumChunkShift; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DIAGNOSTIC_BUFFER { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CallerType[4]; /* +0x0004 2e 2f 00 00 */ unsigned long ProcessImageNameOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ProcessId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ServiceTag; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DeviceDescriptionOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DevicePathOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ReasonOffset; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DriverName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long RaiseIrqls; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AcquireSpinLocks; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long SynchronizeExecutions; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AllocationsAttempted; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long AllocationsSucceeded; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long AllocationsWithNoTag; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long TrimRequests; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long Trims; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long AllocationsFailed; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long AllocationsFailedDeliberately; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Loads; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long Unloads; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long UnTrackedPool; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long PeakPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long PagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; /* +0x0064 */ }; struct tagHIGHCONTRASTW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpszDefaultScheme[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTIONW { unsigned long dwOption; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CM_SERIAL_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long BaudClock; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _cpinfoexA { unsigned char MaxCharSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0004 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadByte[12]; /* +0x0006 a3 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicodeDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0012 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePage[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePageName[260]; /* +0x0018 46 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS { unsigned long cAccDescr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgAccDescr[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_STRONG_SIGN_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwInfoChoice; /* +0x0004 */ void *pvInfo; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pSerializedInfo[0]; +0x0008 4e 2f 00 00 */ char *pszOID; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MF_TRANSCODE_SINK_INFO { unsigned long dwVideoStreamID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pVideoMediaType[4]; /* +0x0004 08 21 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAudioStreamID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pAudioMediaType[4]; /* +0x000c 08 21 00 00 */ }; struct _JIT_DEBUG_INFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwThreadID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReserved0; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long lpExceptionAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long lpExceptionRecord; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long lpContextRecord; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO { unsigned char PriorityHint[4]; /* +0x0000 60 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION { unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0014 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CRL_DIST_POINT_NAME { unsigned long dwDistPointNameChoice; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FullName[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RecipientPublicKey[12]; /* +0x0004 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RecipientId[20]; /* +0x0010 99 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Date[8]; /* +0x0024 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pOtherAttr[4]; /* +0x002c 9c 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_GET_QUOTA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SidLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Sid[12]; /* +0x0008 42 28 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_CLIENT_PROCESS_BUFFER { void *ClientSession; /* +0x0000 */ void *ClientProcess; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagEMRSETICMPROFILE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_GENERAL_SUBTREE { unsigned char Base[12]; /* +0x0000 4a 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMinimum; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char fMaximum[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMaximum; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CERT_KEY_CONTEXT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hNCryptKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_PROCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfBuf; /* +0x0004 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VA_LIST_INFORMATION { unsigned long VirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualPeak; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long VirtualLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AllocationFailures; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _STREAM_MEDIUM { unsigned char gidMedium[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char unMediumInstance[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _ABC { unsigned char abcA[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcB[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcC[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _HTTPSPolicyCallbackData { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long fdwChecks; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pwszServerName[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_NUMBER { unsigned short Group; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Number; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_ASSEMBLY_METADATA { unsigned char Information[4]; /* +0x0000 d6 2f 00 00 */ void *SectionBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SectionLength; /* +0x0008 */ void *SectionGlobalDataBase; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _BCryptBuffer { unsigned long cbBuffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferType; /* +0x0004 */ void *pvBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPT_GET_TIME_VALID_OBJECT_EXTRA_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char iDeltaCrlIndicator[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pftCacheResync[4]; /* +0x0008 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pLastSyncTime[4]; /* +0x000c 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pMaxAgeTime[4]; /* +0x0010 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pChainPara[4]; /* +0x0014 e0 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char pDeltaCrlIndicator[4]; /* +0x0018 cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_DDAG_NODE { unsigned char Modules[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceTagList[4]; /* +0x0008 8f 23 00 00 */ unsigned long LoadCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DependencyCount; /* +0x0014 */ /* unsigned char Dependencies[0]; +0x0018 47 21 00 00 */ unsigned char RemovalLink[4]; /* +0x0018 41 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char IncomingDependencies[4]; /* +0x001c 47 21 00 00 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0020 e3 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char CondenseLink[4]; /* +0x0024 41 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long PreorderNumber; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long LowestLink; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _LPC_CLIENT_DIED_MSG { unsigned char PortMsg[24]; /* +0x0000 9d 29 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARRAY_UNION { unsigned long sfType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARRAY_UNION::__MIDL_IOleAutomationTypes_0001 { /* unsigned char BstrStr[0]; +0x0000 f4 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UnknownStr[0]; +0x0000 f5 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DispatchStr[0]; +0x0000 f6 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VariantStr[0]; +0x0000 f7 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RecordStr[0]; +0x0000 f8 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HaveIidStr[0]; +0x0000 f9 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ByteStr[0]; +0x0000 fa 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WordStr[0]; +0x0000 fb 2f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LongStr[0]; +0x0000 fc 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char HyperStr[24]; /* +0x0000 fd 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_Lifespan { unsigned char tsStart[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char tsExpiry[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_MARSHAL_ARGUMENT { unsigned long MarshalCookie; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct WSAData { unsigned short wVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wHighVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char szDescription[257]; /* +0x0004 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szSystemStatus[129]; /* +0x0105 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned short iMaxSockets; /* +0x0186 */ unsigned short iMaxUdpDg; /* +0x0188 */ char *lpVendorInfo; /* +0x018c */ }; struct _TRACE_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_INFO { unsigned long NextOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EnableCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Pid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CSV_INTERNAL_CONTROL_PARAM { unsigned char Operation[8]; /* +0x0000 0f 30 00 00 */ long long Unused; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MCI_ADDR { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long QuadPart; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_PREFERRED_MODE { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 14 30 00 00 */ unsigned char width[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char height[8]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char targetMode[48]; /* +0x0020 15 30 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_TOUCH_INFO { unsigned char pointerInfo[80]; /* +0x0000 18 30 00 00 */ unsigned char touchFlags[4]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char touchMask[4]; /* +0x0054 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcContact[16]; /* +0x0058 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rcContactRaw[16]; /* +0x0068 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char orientation[4]; /* +0x0078 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pressure[4]; /* +0x007c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagACCESSTIMEOUT { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iTimeOutMSec; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001 { unsigned long tyspec; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001::__MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0005 { /* unsigned char clsid[0]; +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFileExt[0]; +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pMimeType[0]; +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pProgId[0]; +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pFileName[32]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001::__MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0005:: { unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PolicyId[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0001::__MIDL___MIDL_itf_wtypes_0000_0001_0005:: { unsigned char pPackageName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char PolicyId[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER_NOTICE_REFERENCE { char *pszOrganization; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cNoticeNumbers; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgNoticeNumbers[4]; /* +0x0008 74 04 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_REVOCATION_CRL_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pBaseCrlContext[4]; /* +0x0004 73 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pDeltaCrlContext[4]; /* +0x0008 73 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pCrlEntry[4]; /* +0x000c 6d 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char fDeltaCrlEntry[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ void *pvExtraPolicyPara; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FILE_MAILSLOT_PEEK_BUFFER { unsigned long ReadDataAvailable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfMessages; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MessageLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _userFLAG_STGMEDIUM { long ContextFlags; /* +0x0000 */ long fPassOwnership; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Stgmed[4]; /* +0x0008 7c 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARRAY { unsigned short cDims; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short fFeatures; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long cbElements; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cLocks; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char uArrayStructs[28]; /* +0x000c 4c 30 00 00 */ unsigned char rgsabound[8]; /* +0x0028 cb 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _CMC_TAGGED_REQUEST { unsigned long dwTaggedRequestChoice; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pTaggedCertRequest[4]; /* +0x0004 52 30 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_INSTANCE_HEADER { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short FieldTypeFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HeaderType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MarkerFlags; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Class[4]; /* +0x0004 55 30 00 00 */ unsigned long ThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ProcessId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long RegHandle; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long InstanceId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ParentInstanceId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long KernelTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long UserTime; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long ProcessorTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long EventId; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long ParentRegHandle; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _EVENT_INSTANCE_HEADER:::: { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tWAVEFORMATEX { unsigned short wFormatTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short nChannels; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long nSamplesPerSec; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long nAvgBytesPerSec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short nBlockAlign; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wBitsPerSample; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short cbSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct wavefilter_echo_tag { unsigned char wfltr[32]; /* +0x0000 9f 22 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVolume; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwDelay; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _CMS_KEY_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Algid[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbOID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbOID; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CTL_VERIFY_USAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cCtlStore; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rghCtlStore[4]; /* +0x0010 d4 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cSignerStore; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char rghSignerStore[4]; /* +0x0018 d4 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WININET_PROXY_INFO { unsigned char fProxy[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fBypass[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxyScheme[4]; /* +0x0008 7f 28 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszProxy[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short ProxyPort; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct threadlocaleinfostruct { unsigned char refcount[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_codepage[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_collate_cp[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_handle[24]; /* +0x000c 3a 29 00 00 */ unsigned char lc_id[180]; /* +0x0024 7b 30 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_KEY_TRANS_ENCRYPT_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRecipientIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0008 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptedKey[8]; /* +0x0014 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Text[2]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WNF_PUBLISH_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char StateName[8]; /* +0x0000 84 15 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeId[4]; /* +0x0008 bb 28 00 00 */ unsigned char StateData[4]; /* +0x000c 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned long StateDataLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_GROUP_INFOW { unsigned long dwGroupSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwGroupFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwGroupType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDiskUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwDiskQuota; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char dwOwnerStorage[16]; /* +0x0014 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned char szGroupName[240]; /* +0x0024 92 30 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pLastSyncTime[4]; /* +0x0004 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMaxUrlRetrievalByteCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pPreFetchInfo[4]; /* +0x000c 96 30 00 00 */ unsigned char pFlushInfo[4]; /* +0x0010 98 30 00 00 */ unsigned char ppResponseInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 9b 30 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszCacheFileNamePrefix[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pftCacheResync[4]; /* +0x001c 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char fProxyCacheRetrieval[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHttpStatusCode; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char WorkingSetInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 a0 30 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOLYTEXTW { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char n[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpstr[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char uiFlags[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcl[16]; /* +0x0014 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pdx[4]; /* +0x0024 74 04 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO { unsigned long dwAuthnSvc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthzSvc; /* +0x0004 */ void *pAuthInfo; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_PSS_PADDING_INFO { unsigned char pszAlgId[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSalt; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CRYPT_OID_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszOID[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszName[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwGroupId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwValue; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char Algid[0]; +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ExtraInfo[8]; /* +0x0014 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_DEVICE_CONTROL_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPT_RSAES_OAEP_PARAMETERS { unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char MaskGenAlgorithm[16]; /* +0x000c 0e 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char PSourceAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x001c b6 30 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CALL_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalCalls; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char TimeOfCalls[8]; /* +0x0008 bd 30 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_SAVEPOINT_ARGUMENT { unsigned long SavepointId; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagGESTURENOTIFYSTRUCT { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptsLocation[4]; /* +0x000c 78 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInstanceID; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct heaacwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfInfo[30]; /* +0x0000 0f 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char pbAudioSpecificConfig[1]; /* +0x001e 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE { unsigned char FileAreaOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cPara; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ppPara[4]; /* +0x0008 d4 14 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 f2 30 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PATH { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FilePath[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagSTYLEBUFW { unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDescription[64]; /* +0x0004 e5 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32:: { unsigned long ForwarderString; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Function; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Ordinal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AddressOfData; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HYPERVISOR_QUERY_INFORMATION { unsigned char HypervisorConnected; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Spare0[7]; /* +0x0001 19 31 00 00 */ unsigned long long EnabledAddressSpaceEnlightenments; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _XMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE { unsigned char pfnTranslateToXmit[4]; /* +0x0000 1c 31 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnTranslateFromXmit[4]; /* +0x0004 1c 31 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFreeXmit[4]; /* +0x0008 1c 31 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFreeInst[4]; /* +0x000c 1c 31 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_REVOCATION_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRevocationResult; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pszRevocationOid[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ void *pvOidSpecificInfo; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char fHasFreshnessTime[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFreshnessTime; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pCrlInfo[4]; /* +0x0018 20 31 00 00 */ }; struct _nlsversioninfo { unsigned long dwNLSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNLSVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDefinedVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwEffectiveId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char guidCustomVersion[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V5_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PSOURCE_ALGORITHM { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EncodingParameters[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_PROPERTIES_INFORMATION { unsigned long IsolationLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IsolationFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Timeout[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Outcome; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DescriptionLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Description[8]; /* +0x0018 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagMETAFILEPICT { long mm; /* +0x0000 */ long xExt; /* +0x0004 */ long yExt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hMF[4]; /* +0x000c 3f 31 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_CNG_CONTENT_DECRYPT_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ContentEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnAlloc[4]; /* +0x0010 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0014 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned long hNCryptKey; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *pbContentEncryptKey; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long cbContentEncryptKey; /* +0x0020 */ void *hCNGContentEncryptKey; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char *pbCNGContentEncryptKeyObject; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _EISA_IRQ_DESCRIPTOR { /* unsigned char Interrupt[0]; +0x0000 63 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 64 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LevelTriggered[0]; +0x0000 a6 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 a7 27 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 a8 27 00 00 */ }; struct _FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char bSetFocus[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_HASH_MESSAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x000c 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvHashAuxInfo; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_EapPrfInfo { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbPrfData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pbPrfData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYA { unsigned char CachePath[260]; /* +0x0000 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCacheSize; /* +0x0104 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_DISTRIBUTION { unsigned long ProcessorCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Offsets[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_STANDARD_INFO { unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfLinks; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char DeletePending; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Directory; /* +0x0015 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_VARIANT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aVariant[4]; /* +0x0004 7e 31 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO { unsigned char SubjectType[12]; /* +0x0000 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char fPathLenConstraint[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPathLenConstraint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cSubtreesConstraint; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char rgSubtreesConstraint[4]; /* +0x0018 cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION { void *TransferAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ZeroBits; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaximumStackSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CommittedStackSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SubSystemType; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short SubSystemMinorVersion; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short SubSystemMajorVersion; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long SubSystemVersion; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ImageContainsCode; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char ImageFlags; /* +0x0023 */ /* unsigned char ComPlusNativeReady[0]; +0x0023 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ComPlusILOnly[0]; +0x0023 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0023 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageMappedFlat[0]; +0x0023 85 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char BaseBelow4gb[0]; +0x0023 64 31 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0023 86 31 00 00 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ImageFileSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x002c */ }; struct tagHELPWININFOW { unsigned char wStructSize[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dx[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dy[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wMax[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rgchMember[4]; /* +0x0018 89 31 00 00 */ }; struct tagCANDIDATEFORM { unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ptCurrentPos[8]; /* +0x0008 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rcArea[16]; /* +0x0010 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct _HYPER_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ long long *pData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST { unsigned char iAddressCount[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x0004 a8 31 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_OAEP_PADDING_INFO { unsigned char pszAlgId[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbLabel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbLabel; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS { unsigned long LogFileFullExceptions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OtherExceptions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MftReads; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MftReadBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MftWrites; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MftWriteBytes; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SESSION_POOLTAG_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TagInfo[28]; /* +0x000c 01 17 00 00 */ }; struct tagMULTIKEYHELPA { unsigned long mkSize; /* +0x0000 */ char mkKeylist; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szKeyphrase[3]; /* +0x0005 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct tagBinaryParam { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ short Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OCSP_REQUEST_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pRequestorName[4]; /* +0x0004 b0 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long cRequestEntry; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgRequestEntry[4]; /* +0x000c c7 31 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0014 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_CYCLE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned long long AccumulatedCycles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long CurrentCycleCount; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_RECOVERY_INFORMATION { unsigned long long LastRecoveredLsn; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _HEAP_BLOCK_EXTRA_INFORMATION { unsigned char Next; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagAUDIODESCRIPTION { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Enabled[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Locale; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SOCKADDR_INET { /* unsigned char Ipv4[0]; +0x0000 d4 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv6[0]; +0x0000 b0 28 00 00 */ unsigned short si_family; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SOCKET_SECURITY_SETTINGS { unsigned char SecurityProtocol[4]; /* +0x0000 37 16 00 00 */ unsigned long SecurityFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ETW_BUFFER_CONTEXT { unsigned char ProcessorNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Alignment; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short ProcessorIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short LoggerId; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char mouse[0]; +0x0008 f0 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char keyboard[0]; +0x0008 f1 31 00 00 */ unsigned char hid[24]; /* +0x0008 f2 31 00 00 */ }; struct _CMC_ADD_ATTRIBUTES_INFO { unsigned long dwCmcDataReference; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cCertReference; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long *rgdwCertReference; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cAttribute; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgAttribute[4]; /* +0x0010 74 15 00 00 */ }; struct _ImageArchitectureEntry { unsigned long FixupInstRVA; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NewInst; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct IMPORT_OBJECT_HEADER { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Ordinal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short Hint; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char Type[0]; +0x0012 2c 32 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NameType[0]; +0x0012 2d 32 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[2]; /* +0x0012 2e 32 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_AVL_TREE { unsigned char Root[4]; /* +0x0000 a7 29 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0004 63 15 00 00 */ void *pvFree; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pfnSort[4]; /* +0x000c 56 32 00 00 */ void *pvSort; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _XSAVE_VENDOR { unsigned char VendorId[16]; /* +0x0000 8b 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SupportedCpu[40]; /* +0x0010 59 32 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAUI { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pElems; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CRYPT_TIME_STAMP_REQUEST_INFO { char *pszTimeStampAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszContentType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Content[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cAttribute; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgAttribute[4]; /* +0x0014 74 15 00 00 */ }; struct _FNSAVE_FORMAT { unsigned long ControlWord; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StatusWord; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TagWord; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ErrorOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ErrorSelector; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DataSelector; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RegisterArea[80]; /* +0x001c 60 32 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION32 { unsigned long DebugInfo; /* +0x0000 */ long LockCount; /* +0x0004 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OwningThread; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long LockSemaphore; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SpinCount; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _HEAP_REGION_INFORMATION { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReserveSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FirstRangeInformationOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NextRegionInformationOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _WSAServiceClassInfoW { unsigned char lpServiceClassId[4]; /* +0x0000 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszServiceClassName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpClassInfos[4]; /* +0x000c 5b 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID2_INFO { unsigned char KeyId[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthorityCertIssuer[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthorityCertSerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_INFO { unsigned long dwLogotypeInfoChoice; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char pLogotypeDirectInfo[0]; +0x0004 6c 32 00 00 */ unsigned char pLogotypeIndirectInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 6e 32 00 00 */ }; struct _COUNTER_READING { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 25 22 00 00 */ unsigned long Index; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Start; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Total; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SEMAPHORE_BASIC_INFORMATION { long CurrentCount; /* +0x0000 */ long MaximumCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_FLAGS { /* unsigned char KernelTransition[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 19 15 00 00 */ unsigned long ul; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE { /* unsigned char WakeCount[0]; +0x0000 77 32 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Waking[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ void *Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagLOGPALETTE { unsigned short palVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short palNumEntries; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char palPalEntry[4]; /* +0x0004 7a 32 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_FUNCTION_TABLE_W { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EnumerateSecurityPackagesW[4]; /* +0x0004 bb 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryCredentialsAttributesW[4]; /* +0x0008 46 20 00 00 */ unsigned char AcquireCredentialsHandleW[4]; /* +0x000c 86 32 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeCredentialsHandle[4]; /* +0x0010 4f 20 00 00 */ void *Reserved2; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char InitializeSecurityContextW[4]; /* +0x0018 4d 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char AcceptSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x001c 55 20 00 00 */ unsigned char CompleteAuthToken[4]; /* +0x0020 58 20 00 00 */ unsigned char DeleteSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0024 4f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ApplyControlToken[4]; /* +0x0028 58 20 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryContextAttributesW[4]; /* +0x002c 46 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ImpersonateSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0030 4f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char RevertSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0034 4f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char MakeSignature[4]; /* +0x0038 48 16 00 00 */ unsigned char VerifySignature[4]; /* +0x003c 5b 20 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeContextBuffer[4]; /* +0x0040 5d 20 00 00 */ unsigned char QuerySecurityPackageInfoW[4]; /* +0x0044 89 32 00 00 */ void *Reserved3; /* +0x0048 */ void *Reserved4; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char ExportSecurityContext[4]; /* +0x0050 65 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ImportSecurityContextW[4]; /* +0x0054 8c 32 00 00 */ unsigned char AddCredentialsW[4]; /* +0x0058 8f 32 00 00 */ void *Reserved8; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char QuerySecurityContextToken[4]; /* +0x0060 7b 15 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptMessage[4]; /* +0x0064 48 16 00 00 */ unsigned char DecryptMessage[4]; /* +0x0068 5b 20 00 00 */ unsigned char SetContextAttributesW[4]; /* +0x006c 27 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char SetCredentialsAttributesW[4]; /* +0x0070 27 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeAccountPasswordW[4]; /* +0x0074 2a 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_END_BROWSER_SESSION_DATA { void *lpBuffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwBufferLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SecurityQos[12]; /* +0x0004 94 32 00 00 */ unsigned long MaxMessageLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MemoryBandwidth; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxPoolUsage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaxSectionSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long MaxViewSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MaxTotalSectionSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long DupObjectTypes; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Handles[16]; /* +0x0004 99 32 00 00 */ }; struct tagCBT_CREATEWNDW { unsigned char lpcs[4]; /* +0x0000 9f 32 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndInsertAfter[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMOUSEINPUT { long dx; /* +0x0000 */ long dy; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long mouseData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagSTGMEDIUM { unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hBitmap[0]; +0x0004 8a 1f 00 00 */ void *hMetaFilePict; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char hEnhMetaFile[0]; +0x0004 b5 32 00 00 */ void *hGlobal; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char lpszFileName[0]; +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pstm[0]; +0x0004 0b 17 00 00 */ unsigned char pstg[4]; /* +0x0004 47 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnkForRelease[4]; /* +0x0008 90 15 00 00 */ }; struct _MFVideoArea { unsigned char OffsetX[4]; /* +0x0000 bc 32 00 00 */ unsigned char OffsetY[4]; /* +0x0004 bc 32 00 00 */ unsigned char Area[8]; /* +0x0008 de 16 00 00 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_WRITE_INPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long FileOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CopyLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long TransferOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Token[512]; /* +0x0020 b0 21 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETWORLDTRANSFORM { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char xform[24]; /* +0x0008 22 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MFVideoInfo { unsigned long dwWidth; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwHeight; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PixelAspectRatio[8]; /* +0x0008 f2 32 00 00 */ unsigned char SourceChromaSubsampling[4]; /* +0x0010 f3 32 00 00 */ unsigned char InterlaceMode[4]; /* +0x0014 f4 32 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferFunction[4]; /* +0x0018 f5 32 00 00 */ unsigned char ColorPrimaries[4]; /* +0x001c f6 32 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferMatrix[4]; /* +0x0020 f7 32 00 00 */ unsigned char SourceLighting[4]; /* +0x0024 f8 32 00 00 */ unsigned char FramesPerSecond[8]; /* +0x0028 f2 32 00 00 */ unsigned char NominalRange[4]; /* +0x0030 f9 32 00 00 */ unsigned char GeometricAperture[16]; /* +0x0034 fa 32 00 00 */ unsigned char MinimumDisplayAperture[16]; /* +0x0044 fa 32 00 00 */ unsigned char PanScanAperture[20]; /* +0x0054 fa 32 00 00 */ unsigned long long VideoFlags; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct _CRYPT_HASH_INFO { unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Hash[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_MODE { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char TopDown[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 19 15 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char EaNameLength; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short EaValueLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char EaName[4]; /* +0x0008 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION { unsigned char Buffer[1]; /* +0x0000 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PERFORMANCE_DATA { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HwCountersCount; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long ContextSwitchCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long WaitReasonBitMap; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CycleTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long RetryCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char HwCounters[256]; /* +0x0020 0c 33 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMUILANG { unsigned long NumOfEnumUILang; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfEnumUIBuffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *pEnumUIBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPT_OBJID_TABLE { unsigned long dwAlgId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszObjId[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_AREA_INFO { unsigned long BootSectorCount; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _HARDERROR_MSG { unsigned char h[24]; /* +0x0000 9d 29 00 00 */ long Status; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ErrorTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidResponseOptions; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Response; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long NumberOfParameters; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long UnicodeStringParameterMask; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char Parameters[24]; /* +0x0038 c7 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceGuid[4]; /* +0x0008 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Reference[8]; /* +0x000c 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Register; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char SymLink[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long SymLinkLength; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _RTL_BALANCED_NODE { /* unsigned char Children[0]; +0x0000 32 33 00 00 */ unsigned char Left[4]; /* +0x0000 a7 29 00 00 */ unsigned char Right[4]; /* +0x0004 a7 29 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Red[0]; +0x0008 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Balance[0]; +0x0008 2a 28 00 00 */ unsigned long ParentValue; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagICONMETRICSW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHorzSpacing[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iVertSpacing[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTitleWrap[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfFont[92]; /* +0x0010 06 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_CONTEXT { unsigned char ChainHead[4]; /* +0x0000 4d 33 00 00 */ unsigned char PrevLinkage[4]; /* +0x0004 4d 33 00 00 */ unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_BASIC_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char ActivationContext[0]; +0x0000 f7 1e 00 00 */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO { unsigned char KeyId[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CertIssuer[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CertSerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_PAIR { unsigned char Forward[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Reverse[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoA { unsigned char PackageInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 3f 20 00 00 */ unsigned long NegotiationState; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwSize[4]; /* +0x0004 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char dwCursorPosition[4]; /* +0x0008 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short wAttributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char srWindow[8]; /* +0x000e 61 33 00 00 */ unsigned char dwMaximumWindowSize[4]; /* +0x0016 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short wPopupAttributes; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char bFullscreenSupported[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ColorTable[64]; /* +0x0020 62 33 00 00 */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSW { unsigned char lpServiceName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDisplayName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[28]; /* +0x0008 65 33 00 00 */ }; struct tagPARAMDESC { unsigned char pparamdescex[4]; /* +0x0000 69 33 00 00 */ unsigned short wParamFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_LogoffTime { unsigned char tsLogoffTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFORMATION { unsigned char PriorityHint[4]; /* +0x0000 70 33 00 00 */ }; struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long long TransferAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ZeroBits; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long MaximumStackSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CommittedStackSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SubSystemType; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short SubSystemMinorVersion; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short SubSystemMajorVersion; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned long SubSystemVersion; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ImageContainsCode; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char ImageFlags; /* +0x0033 */ /* unsigned char ComPlus[0]; +0x0033 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0033 a3 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0033 a1 29 00 00 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ImageFileSize; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x003c */ }; struct tagCAFILETIME { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 03 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 7d 33 00 00 */ unsigned char VolumeId[16]; /* +0x0004 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOEXA { unsigned char StartupInfo[68]; /* +0x0000 82 33 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAttributeList[4]; /* +0x0044 78 27 00 00 */ }; struct _devicemodeA { unsigned char dmDeviceName[32]; /* +0x0000 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short dmSpecVersion; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short dmDriverVersion; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned short dmSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short dmDriverExtra; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned long dmFields; /* +0x0028 */ short dmOrientation; /* +0x002c */ short dmPaperSize; /* +0x002e */ short dmPaperLength; /* +0x0030 */ short dmPaperWidth; /* +0x0032 */ short dmScale; /* +0x0034 */ short dmCopies; /* +0x0036 */ short dmDefaultSource; /* +0x0038 */ short dmPrintQuality; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char dmPosition[8]; /* +0x002c 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dmDisplayOrientation; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFixedOutput; /* +0x0038 */ short dmColor; /* +0x003c */ short dmDuplex; /* +0x003e */ short dmYResolution; /* +0x0040 */ short dmTTOption; /* +0x0042 */ short dmCollate; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char dmFormName[32]; /* +0x0046 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short dmLogPixels; /* +0x0066 */ unsigned long dmBitsPerPel; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long dmPelsWidth; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dmPelsHeight; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFlags; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long dmNup; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFrequency; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dmICMMethod; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long dmICMIntent; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long dmMediaType; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long dmDitherType; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long dmReserved1; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long dmReserved2; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long dmPanningWidth; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long dmPanningHeight; /* +0x0098 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nFont; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dwFontSize[4]; /* +0x0008 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char FontFamily[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char FontWeight[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char FaceName[64]; /* +0x0014 e5 1c 00 00 */ }; struct value_entW { unsigned char ve_valuename[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long ve_valuelen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ve_valueptr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ve_type; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagPARAMDESCEX { unsigned long cBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char varDefaultValue[16]; /* +0x0008 e4 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS { unsigned long cFunctions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpszFunctions[4]; /* +0x0004 6c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS_INFO { unsigned long dwSyncDeltaTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cDistPoint; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgDistPoint[4]; /* +0x0008 8f 33 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER { unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NumberOfSections; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PointerToSymbolTable; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfSymbols; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short SizeOfOptionalHeader; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short Characteristics; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _REPAIR_DEFERRED_EXTENTS_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Extents[16]; /* +0x0008 06 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULES { unsigned long ListAndReset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfModules; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ModuleRequestInfo[20]; /* +0x0008 97 33 00 00 */ unsigned char Modules[24]; /* +0x001c 99 33 00 00 */ }; struct _PACKEDEVENTINFO { unsigned long ulSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulNumEventsForLogFile; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ulOffsets[0]; +0x0008 9c 33 00 00 */ }; struct sockproto { unsigned short sp_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short sp_protocol; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER_ENTRY { unsigned long OffsetToNext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Cluster[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0018 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_RIT_STATE { unsigned char Active; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LastInputTime; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION { unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE { unsigned long CurrentSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Epoch[4]; /* +0x0008 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char Overflow; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TableEntry[8192]; /* +0x0010 b2 33 00 00 */ }; struct tagMULTI_QI { unsigned char pIID[4]; /* +0x0000 9a 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pItf[4]; /* +0x0004 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hr[4]; /* +0x0008 08 00 00 00 */ }; struct _XSTATE_FEATURE { unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSEXW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char style[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[4]; /* +0x0008 ce 33 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0014 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[4]; /* +0x0018 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[4]; /* +0x001c 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[4]; /* +0x0020 e4 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[4]; /* +0x0024 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[4]; /* +0x0028 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hIconSm[4]; /* +0x002c 7d 2b 00 00 */ }; struct tagMENUITEMINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hSubMenu[4]; /* +0x0014 7d 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[4]; /* +0x0018 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[4]; /* +0x001c 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char dwTypeData[4]; /* +0x0024 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char cch[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[4]; /* +0x002c 8a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION { unsigned char Guid[4]; /* +0x0000 9a 19 00 00 */ void *RegHandle; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _s__RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor { unsigned long signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long attributes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long numBaseClasses; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pBaseClassArray[4]; /* +0x000c da 33 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_SYSTEM_CALL_DISABLE_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char DisallowWin32kSystemCalls[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 19 15 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_PROFILING_INFORMATION { unsigned long long HardwareCounters; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Enable; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PerformanceData[8]; /* +0x0010 e0 33 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_NAME_INFORMATION { unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_HEAPS { unsigned long NumberOfHeaps; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Heaps[64]; /* +0x0004 e8 33 00 00 */ }; struct tagGCP_RESULTSA { unsigned long lStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpOutString; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpOrder[4]; /* +0x0008 75 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDx[4]; /* +0x000c 74 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCaretPos[4]; /* +0x0010 74 04 00 00 */ char *lpClass; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lpGlyphs[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char nGlyphs[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMaxFit[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_BUFFERSA { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0004 05 34 00 00 */ unsigned char lpcszHeader[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHeadersLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwHeadersTotal; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpvBuffer; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwBufferLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwBufferTotal; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwOffsetLow; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwOffsetHigh; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _KEY_WOW64_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long UserFlags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_ANSI_STRING_BUFFER { unsigned char String[8]; /* +0x0000 2d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ByteBuffer[24]; /* +0x0008 14 34 00 00 */ unsigned char MinimumStaticBufferForTerminalNul[4]; /* +0x0020 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMETARECORD { unsigned long rdSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short rdFunction; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rdParm[2]; /* +0x0006 a2 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_ERROR_ENUM_HANDLE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ void *CurrentPos; /* +0x0004 */ void *Head; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_PROPAGATE_ARGUMENT { unsigned long PropagationCookie; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0014 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSEXA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char style[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[4]; /* +0x0008 ce 33 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0014 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[4]; /* +0x0018 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[4]; /* +0x001c 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[4]; /* +0x0020 e4 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[4]; /* +0x0024 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[4]; /* +0x0028 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hIconSm[4]; /* +0x002c 7d 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _UUID_VECTOR { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Uuid[4]; /* +0x0004 1f 34 00 00 */ }; struct tagDISPPARAMS { unsigned char rgvarg[4]; /* +0x0000 e5 1f 00 00 */ long *rgdispidNamedArgs; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char cArgs[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cNamedArgs[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgAndCertEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cCertStore; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rghCertStore[4]; /* +0x000c d4 14 00 00 */ }; struct _devicemodeW { unsigned char dmDeviceName[64]; /* +0x0000 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short dmSpecVersion; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short dmDriverVersion; /* +0x0042 */ unsigned short dmSize; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short dmDriverExtra; /* +0x0046 */ unsigned long dmFields; /* +0x0048 */ short dmOrientation; /* +0x004c */ short dmPaperSize; /* +0x004e */ short dmPaperLength; /* +0x0050 */ short dmPaperWidth; /* +0x0052 */ short dmScale; /* +0x0054 */ short dmCopies; /* +0x0056 */ short dmDefaultSource; /* +0x0058 */ short dmPrintQuality; /* +0x005a */ unsigned char dmPosition[8]; /* +0x004c 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dmDisplayOrientation; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFixedOutput; /* +0x0058 */ short dmColor; /* +0x005c */ short dmDuplex; /* +0x005e */ short dmYResolution; /* +0x0060 */ short dmTTOption; /* +0x0062 */ short dmCollate; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned char dmFormName[64]; /* +0x0066 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short dmLogPixels; /* +0x00a6 */ unsigned long dmBitsPerPel; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long dmPelsWidth; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long dmPelsHeight; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFlags; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long dmNup; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long dmDisplayFrequency; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long dmICMMethod; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long dmICMIntent; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long dmMediaType; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long dmDitherType; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long dmReserved1; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned long dmReserved2; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long dmPanningWidth; /* +0x00d4 */ unsigned long dmPanningHeight; /* +0x00d8 */ }; struct _REPAIR_DEFERRED_EXTENTS_OUTPUT { unsigned long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ErrorExtentIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ErrorExtent[16]; /* +0x0008 05 2b 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRTEXT { unsigned char ptlReference[8]; /* +0x0000 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned long nChars; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offString; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long fOptions; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rcl[16]; /* +0x0014 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long offDx; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagHARDWAREINPUT { unsigned long uMsg; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wParamL; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wParamH; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct tagWINDOWINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcWindow[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rcClient[16]; /* +0x0014 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwExStyle; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwWindowStatus; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char cxWindowBorders[4]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyWindowBorders[4]; /* +0x0034 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short atomWindowType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short wCreatorVersion; /* +0x003a */ }; struct _COMDLG_FILTERSPEC { unsigned char pszName[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSpec[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _heapinfo { unsigned char _pentry[4]; /* +0x0000 74 04 00 00 */ unsigned char _size[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _useflag[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SCONTEXT_QUEUE { unsigned long NumberOfObjects; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ArrayOfObjects[4]; /* +0x0004 48 34 00 00 */ }; struct tagWINDOWPLACEMENT { unsigned char length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char showCmd[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMinPosition[8]; /* +0x000c 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptMaxPosition[8]; /* +0x0014 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rcNormalPosition[16]; /* +0x001c 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT_EX { unsigned char BasicContext[8]; /* +0x0000 2a 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char SourceLocation[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V3_A { void *TransportCredentials; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0014 */ void *ProxyCredentials; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned char PerProcessUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long LimitFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MinimumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaximumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ActiveProcessLimit; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Affinity; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PriorityClass; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long SchedulingClass; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO { unsigned long dwSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStrucVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFileVersionMS; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFileVersionLS; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwProductVersionMS; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwProductVersionLS; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwFileFlagsMask; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwFileFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwFileOS; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwFileType; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwFileSubtype; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFileDateMS; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwFileDateLS; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgAndCertEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pfnGetSignerCertificate[4]; /* +0x000c c6 34 00 00 */ void *pvGetArg; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD32 { long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ExceptionRecord; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExceptionAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[60]; /* +0x0014 30 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagMENUITEMINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMask[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hSubMenu[4]; /* +0x0014 7d 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[4]; /* +0x0018 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[4]; /* +0x001c 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemData; /* +0x0020 */ char *dwTypeData; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char cch[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[4]; /* +0x002c 8a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagSAFEARRAY { unsigned short cDims; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short fFeatures; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long cbElements; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cLocks; /* +0x0008 */ void *pvData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgsabound[8]; /* +0x0010 cb 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cSigners; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgSigners[4]; /* +0x0008 d9 34 00 00 */ unsigned long cCertEncoded; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgCertEncoded[4]; /* +0x0010 cc 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cCrlEncoded; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char rgCrlEncoded[4]; /* +0x0018 cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTCREATEPEN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offBmi; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbBmi; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long offBits; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long cbBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char elp[28]; /* +0x001c 52 28 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RELOCATION { unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RelocCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SymbolTableIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagWTSSESSION_NOTIFICATION { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSessionId; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOW { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszSourceUrlName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszLocalFileName[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long CacheEntryType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwUseCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwHitRate; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwSizeLow; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char LastModifiedTime[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ExpireTime[8]; /* +0x0028 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0030 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastSyncTime[8]; /* +0x0038 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpHeaderInfo[4]; /* +0x0040 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHeaderInfoSize; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char lpszFileExtension[4]; /* +0x0048 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwExemptDelta; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES { unsigned char KtmTransaction[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long NumberOfFiles; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BufferSizeRequired; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE_VALUE { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short RequiredSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _KSYSTEM_TIME { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long High1Time; /* +0x0004 */ long High2Time; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _LOAD_ASDATA_TABLE { void *Module; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FilePath[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ void *Handle; /* +0x000c */ long RefCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char EntryPointActivationContext[4]; /* +0x0014 f7 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _s__RTTIBaseClassDescriptor2 { unsigned char pTypeDescriptor[4]; /* +0x0000 e0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long numContainedBases; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char where[12]; /* +0x0008 0b 35 00 00 */ unsigned long attributes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pClassDescriptor[4]; /* +0x0018 e3 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_CPU_QUOTA_QUERY_INFORMATION { unsigned long SessionCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SessionInformation[8]; /* +0x0004 0f 35 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_MOVE_CLUSTER_INFORMATION { unsigned long ClusterCount; /* +0x0000 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSW { unsigned long fIsLocked; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpLockOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLockDuration; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPT_KEY_PROV_PARAM { unsigned long dwParam; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _FILE_VALID_DATA_LENGTH_INFORMATION { unsigned char ValidDataLength[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MODEMDEVCAPS { unsigned long dwActualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRequiredSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDevSpecificSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwModemProviderVersion; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwModemManufacturerOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwModemManufacturerSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwModemModelOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwModemModelSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwModemVersionOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwModemVersionSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwDialOptions; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwCallSetupFailTimer; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwInactivityTimeout; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerVolume; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwSpeakerMode; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwModemOptions; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwMaxDTERate; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwMaxDCERate; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char abVariablePortion[4]; /* +0x004c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagPROPVARIANT { unsigned short vt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wReserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x0006 */ char cVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bVal; /* +0x0008 */ short iVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short uiVal; /* +0x0008 */ long lVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char intVal[0]; +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hVal[0]; +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uhVal[0]; +0x0008 71 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char dblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ short boolVal; /* +0x0008 */ long scode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char cyVal[0]; +0x0008 27 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char date[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char filetime[0]; +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puuid[0]; +0x0008 4e 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pclipdata[0]; +0x0008 2f 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrVal[0]; +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrblobVal[0]; +0x0008 30 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char blob[0]; +0x0008 55 14 00 00 */ char *pszVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pwszVal[0]; +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char punkVal[0]; +0x0008 90 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdispVal[0]; +0x0008 31 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pStream[0]; +0x0008 0b 17 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pStorage[0]; +0x0008 47 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pVersionedStream[0]; +0x0008 33 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char parray[0]; +0x0008 35 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cac[0]; +0x0008 36 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caub[0]; +0x0008 37 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cai[0]; +0x0008 38 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caui[0]; +0x0008 39 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cal[0]; +0x0008 3a 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caul[0]; +0x0008 3b 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cah[0]; +0x0008 3c 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cauh[0]; +0x0008 3d 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caflt[0]; +0x0008 3e 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cadbl[0]; +0x0008 3f 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabool[0]; +0x0008 40 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cascode[0]; +0x0008 41 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cacy[0]; +0x0008 42 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cadate[0]; +0x0008 43 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cafiletime[0]; +0x0008 44 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cauuid[0]; +0x0008 45 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char caclipdata[0]; +0x0008 46 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabstr[0]; +0x0008 47 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cabstrblob[0]; +0x0008 48 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char calpstr[0]; +0x0008 49 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char calpwstr[0]; +0x0008 4a 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char capropvar[0]; +0x0008 4b 35 00 00 */ char *pcVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pbVal; /* +0x0008 */ short *piVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *puiVal; /* +0x0008 */ long *plVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *pulVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pintVal[0]; +0x0008 74 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pfltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 04 00 00 */ short *pboolVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pdecVal[0]; +0x0008 39 28 00 00 */ long *pscode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pcyVal[0]; +0x0008 28 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdate[0]; +0x0008 41 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pbstrVal[0]; +0x0008 6c 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppunkVal[0]; +0x0008 89 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppdispVal[0]; +0x0008 4c 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pparray[0]; +0x0008 4d 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pvarVal[-8]; +0x0008 a6 20 00 00 */ unsigned char decVal[16]; /* +0x0000 38 28 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_STACK_TRACE_DATABASE_CREATE { void *CommitBase; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ReserveSize; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char dwMousePosition[4]; /* +0x0000 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwButtonState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwControlKeyState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwEventFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _LIST_ENTRY { unsigned char Flink[4]; /* +0x0000 4d 33 00 00 */ unsigned char Blink[4]; /* +0x0004 4d 33 00 00 */ }; struct _STRING32 { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0000 1d 26 00 00 */ unsigned long long __Undefined1; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long __Undefined2; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long __Undefined3; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long NonPagedDebugInfo; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long DllBase; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long EntryPoint; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FullDllName[16]; /* +0x0048 6e 35 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[16]; /* +0x0058 6e 35 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned short __Undefined5; /* +0x006e */ unsigned long long __Undefined6; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long __padding1; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long __padding2; /* +0x0084 */ }; struct _FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ char ShortNameLength; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char ShortName[24]; /* +0x0046 72 35 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[2]; /* +0x005e 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_HITCOUNT { unsigned long Hits; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PercentFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_COUNTERS_INFORMATION { unsigned char Legacy[104]; /* +0x0000 77 35 00 00 */ unsigned long RaiseIrqls; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long AcquireSpinLocks; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long SynchronizeExecutions; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long AllocationsWithNoTag; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long AllocationsFailed; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long AllocationsFailedDeliberately; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long LockedBytes; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long PeakLockedBytes; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long MappedLockedBytes; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long PeakMappedLockedBytes; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long MappedIoSpaceBytes; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long PeakMappedIoSpaceBytes; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long PagesForMdlBytes; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long PeakPagesForMdlBytes; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long ContiguousMemoryBytes; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long PeakContiguousMemoryBytes; /* +0x00a4 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_EXTENDED_THREAD_INFORMATION { unsigned char ThreadInfo[64]; /* +0x0000 7c 35 00 00 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0040 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x0044 */ void *Win32StartAddress; /* +0x0048 */ void *TebBase; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long Reserved3; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long Reserved4; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _RTL_RELATIVE_NAME_U { unsigned char RelativeName[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ void *ContainingDirectory; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CurDirRef[4]; /* +0x000c 82 35 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE { unsigned char RpcMsg[4]; /* +0x0000 8d 35 00 00 */ unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *BufferStart; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *BufferEnd; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *BufferMark; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MemorySize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *Memory; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char IsClient; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Pad; /* +0x0021 */ unsigned short uFlags2; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char ReuseBuffer[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pAllocAllNodesContext[4]; /* +0x0028 8f 35 00 00 */ unsigned char pPointerQueueState[4]; /* +0x002c 91 35 00 00 */ unsigned char IgnoreEmbeddedPointers[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char *PointerBufferMark; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char CorrDespIncrement; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char uFlags; /* +0x0039 */ unsigned short UniquePtrCount; /* +0x003a */ unsigned long MaxCount; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long ActualCount; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[4]; /* +0x0048 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x004c 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned char *StackTop; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char *pPresentedType; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char *pTransmitType; /* +0x0058 */ void *SavedHandle; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char StubDesc[4]; /* +0x0060 94 35 00 00 */ unsigned char FullPtrXlatTables[4]; /* +0x0064 96 35 00 00 */ unsigned long FullPtrRefId; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long PointerLength; /* +0x006c */ /* unsigned char fInDontFree[0]; +0x0070 a5 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDontCallFreeInst[0]; +0x0070 a6 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fInOnlyParam[0]; +0x0070 97 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasReturn[0]; +0x0070 98 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasExtensions[0]; +0x0070 99 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasNewCorrDesc[0]; +0x0070 9a 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fIsIn[0]; +0x0070 9b 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fIsOut[0]; +0x0070 9c 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fIsOicf[0]; +0x0070 9d 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fBufferValid[0]; +0x0070 9e 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasMemoryValidateCallback[0]; +0x0070 9f 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fInFree[0]; +0x0070 a0 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fNeedMCCP[0]; +0x0070 a1 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fUnused[0]; +0x0070 a2 35 00 00 */ unsigned char fUnused2[4]; /* +0x0070 a3 35 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDestContext; /* +0x0074 */ void *pvDestContext; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned char SavedContextHandles[4]; /* +0x007c 48 34 00 00 */ long ParamNumber; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned char pRpcChannelBuffer[4]; /* +0x0084 a2 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pArrayInfo[4]; /* +0x0088 a5 35 00 00 */ unsigned long *SizePtrCountArray; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long *SizePtrOffsetArray; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long *SizePtrLengthArray; /* +0x0094 */ void *pArgQueue; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long dwStubPhase; /* +0x009c */ void *LowStackMark; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned char pAsyncMsg[4]; /* +0x00a4 a7 35 00 00 */ unsigned char pCorrInfo[4]; /* +0x00a8 83 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char *pCorrMemory; /* +0x00ac */ void *pMemoryList; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned char pCSInfo[4]; /* +0x00b4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char *ConformanceMark; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned char *VarianceMark; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned char Unused[4]; /* +0x00c0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pContext[4]; /* +0x00c4 a9 35 00 00 */ void *ContextHandleHash; /* +0x00c8 */ void *pUserMarshalList; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned char Reserved51_3[4]; /* +0x00d0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved51_4[4]; /* +0x00d4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved51_5[4]; /* +0x00d8 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CONNECTDLGSTRUCTW { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpConnRes[4]; /* +0x0008 e5 34 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwDevNum; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _WSAQuerySetA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszServiceInstanceName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpServiceClassId[4]; /* +0x0008 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpVersion[4]; /* +0x000c 50 14 00 00 */ char *lpszComment; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lpNSProviderId[4]; /* +0x0018 4e 14 00 00 */ char *lpszContext; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwNumberOfProtocols; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpafpProtocols[4]; /* +0x0024 52 14 00 00 */ char *lpszQueryString; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfCsAddrs; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char lpcsaBuffer[4]; /* +0x0030 54 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOutputFlags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char lpBlob[4]; /* +0x0038 56 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REAL_TIME_NOTIFICATION_SETTING_OUTPUT { unsigned char ChannelStatus[4]; /* +0x0000 cb 35 00 00 */ }; struct _FILEOFFSET_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 d3 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Offset[0]; +0x0000 d4 35 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 d5 35 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_REFERENCE { unsigned long cHashedUrl; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgHashedUrl[4]; /* +0x0004 f0 35 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_LastClientTokenStatus { unsigned char LastClientTokenStatus[4]; /* +0x0000 f3 35 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRINVERTRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE { unsigned long dwAuthnSvc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthzSvc; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pPrincipalName[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char hr[4]; /* +0x000c 08 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO { unsigned long dwLogotypeImageInfoChoice; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFileSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwXSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwYSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwLogotypeImageResolutionChoice; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNumBits; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwTableSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pwszLanguage[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _FLOATING_SAVE_AREA { unsigned long ControlWord; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StatusWord; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TagWord; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ErrorOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ErrorSelector; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DataSelector; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RegisterArea[80]; /* +0x001c 60 32 00 00 */ unsigned long Cr0NpxState; /* +0x006c */ }; struct _IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER { unsigned short Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Characteristics; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ImageBase; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfSections; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ExportedNamesSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long DebugDirectorySize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long SectionAlignment; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0028 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_AREA_INFO:: { unsigned char Offset[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORY_SCRUB_INFORMATION { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PagesScrubbed; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID1[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long itemData1; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char itemID2[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long itemData2; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwLocaleId; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagPOINTER_DEVICE_PROPERTY { unsigned char logicalMin[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char logicalMax[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char physicalMin[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char physicalMax[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char unit[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char unitExponent[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short usagePageId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short usageId; /* +0x001a */ }; struct _MFRR_COMPONENTS { unsigned long dwRRInfoVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRRComponents; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pRRComponents[4]; /* +0x0008 27 36 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_METHOD_ITEM { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceName; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceIndex; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long MethodId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SizeDataBlock; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char VariableData[4]; /* +0x0044 2d 36 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszSourceUrlName; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszLocalFileName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CacheEntryType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwUseCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwHitRate; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwSizeLow; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char LastModifiedTime[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ExpireTime[8]; /* +0x0028 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0030 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastSyncTime[8]; /* +0x0038 9a 14 00 00 */ char *lpHeaderInfo; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwHeaderInfoSize; /* +0x0044 */ char *lpszFileExtension; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwExemptDelta; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RequestedUsage[12]; /* +0x0004 39 36 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_PackageInfoW { unsigned char PackageInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 b7 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _CONTEXT_CHUNK { long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_LINK_INFORMATION { unsigned char ReplaceIfExists; /* +0x0000 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_KEY_USER_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 65 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[8]; /* +0x0018 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long OldFlags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long NewFlags; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSA { char *lpServiceName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpDisplayName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[28]; /* +0x0008 65 33 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HIBERFILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfMcbPairs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Mcb[8]; /* +0x0008 bd 30 00 00 */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOA { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[128]; /* +0x0014 4b 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRRESTOREDC { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ long iRelative; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagGUITHREADINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndActive[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndFocus[4]; /* +0x000c 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndCapture[4]; /* +0x0010 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndMenuOwner[4]; /* +0x0014 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndMoveSize[4]; /* +0x0018 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndCaret[4]; /* +0x001c 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rcCaret[16]; /* +0x0020 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct _NL_INTERFACE_OFFLOAD_ROD { /* unsigned char NlChecksumSupported[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NlOptionsSupported[0]; +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TlDatagramChecksumSupported[0]; +0x0000 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TlStreamChecksumSupported[0]; +0x0000 85 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TlStreamOptionsSupported[0]; +0x0000 64 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FastPathCompatible[0]; +0x0000 a6 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TlLargeSendOffloadSupported[0]; +0x0000 a7 27 00 00 */ unsigned char TlGiantSendOffloadSupported[1]; /* +0x0000 a8 27 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_KeyInfoA { char *sSignatureAlgorithmName; /* +0x0000 */ char *sEncryptAlgorithmName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long KeySize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SignatureAlgorithm; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long EncryptAlgorithm; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1 { unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1:: { long long *pInt64; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long *pUint64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char ppString[0]; +0x0000 6c 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFqbn[0]; +0x0000 00 24 00 00 */ unsigned char pOctetString[4]; /* +0x0000 d6 20 00 00 */ }; struct _GDI_TEB_BATCH { unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HDC; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Buffer[1240]; /* +0x0008 a3 36 00 00 */ }; struct _DISPLAY_DEVICEW { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceName[64]; /* +0x0004 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceString[256]; /* +0x0044 e7 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0144 */ unsigned char DeviceID[256]; /* +0x0148 e7 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceKey[256]; /* +0x0248 e7 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _UMS_CREATE_THREAD_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long UmsVersion; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RtlUmsContext[0]; +0x0004 4d 1f 00 00 */ void *UmsContext; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char RtlUmsCompletionList[0]; +0x0008 25 1d 00 00 */ void *UmsCompletionList; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CSV_QUERY_REDIRECT_STATE { unsigned long MdsNodeId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DsNodeId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FileRedirected; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SERVICE_NOTIFY_1 { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnNotifyCallback[4]; /* +0x0004 63 15 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwNotificationStatus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x0010 21 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAPROPVARIANT { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 a6 20 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION { unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReparseTag; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_HANDLE_TABLE { unsigned long MaximumNumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfHandleTableEntry; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long UseHeap; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TableSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char FreeHandles[4]; /* +0x0010 df 36 00 00 */ unsigned char CommittedHandles[4]; /* +0x0014 df 36 00 00 */ unsigned char UnCommittedHandles[4]; /* +0x0018 df 36 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxReservedHandles[4]; /* +0x001c df 36 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEMTIME { unsigned short wYear; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wMonth; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wDayOfWeek; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wDay; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short wHour; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wMinute; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short wSecond; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wMilliseconds; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _FILE_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION { unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagKEYBDINPUT { unsigned short wVk; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wScan; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Id; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FriendlyNameOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BootFilePathOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OsOptionsLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char OsOptions[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DEBUG_INFORMATION { void *SectionHandleClient; /* +0x0000 */ void *ViewBaseClient; /* +0x0004 */ void *ViewBaseTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ViewBaseDelta; /* +0x000c */ void *EventPairClient; /* +0x0010 */ void *EventPairTarget; /* +0x0014 */ void *TargetProcessId; /* +0x0018 */ void *TargetThreadHandle; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long OffsetFree; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ViewSize; /* +0x002c */ /* unsigned char Modules[0]; +0x0030 69 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char ModulesEx[4]; /* +0x0030 fc 36 00 00 */ unsigned char BackTraces[4]; /* +0x0034 fe 25 00 00 */ unsigned char Heaps[4]; /* +0x0038 fe 36 00 00 */ unsigned char Locks[4]; /* +0x003c 00 37 00 00 */ void *SpecificHeap; /* +0x0040 */ void *TargetProcessHandle; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char VerifierOptions[4]; /* +0x0048 02 37 00 00 */ void *ProcessHeap; /* +0x004c */ void *CriticalSectionHandle; /* +0x0050 */ void *CriticalSectionOwnerThread; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0058 03 37 00 00 */ }; struct tagCURSORINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hCursor[4]; /* +0x0008 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char ptScreenPos[8]; /* +0x000c 4d 16 00 00 */ }; struct value_entA { char *ve_valuename; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ve_valuelen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ve_valueptr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ve_type; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_RECOVERY_ARGUMENT { unsigned char EnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_CALL_LOCAL_ADDRESS_V1 { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AddressFormat[4]; /* +0x000c 10 37 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_SYSTEM_DLL_INIT_BLOCK { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SystemDllWowRelocation; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long SystemDllNativeRelocation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Wow64SharedInformation[64]; /* +0x0010 62 33 00 00 */ unsigned long RngData; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long MitigationOptions; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _RTL_RESOURCE { unsigned char CriticalSection[24]; /* +0x0000 c5 17 00 00 */ void *SharedSemaphore; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char NumberOfWaitingShared[4]; /* +0x001c 41 19 00 00 */ void *ExclusiveSemaphore; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char NumberOfWaitingExclusive[4]; /* +0x0024 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char NumberOfActive[4]; /* +0x0028 07 19 00 00 */ void *ExclusiveOwnerThread; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char DebugInfo[4]; /* +0x0034 d7 2c 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXDVW { unsigned char elfEnumLogfontEx[348]; /* +0x0000 22 37 00 00 */ unsigned char elfDesignVector[72]; /* +0x015c df 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_CREDENTIALS { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszCredentialsOid[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ void *pvCredentials; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicLimitInformation[48]; /* +0x0000 fb 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char IoInfo[48]; /* +0x0030 70 25 00 00 */ unsigned long ProcessMemoryLimit; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long JobMemoryLimit; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long PeakProcessMemoryUsed; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long PeakJobMemoryUsed; /* +0x006c */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[4]; /* +0x0000 2f 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextRecord[4]; /* +0x0004 e1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_BASIC_INFO { unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NativeNamesA { char *sClientName; /* +0x0000 */ char *sServerName; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROFILE_SOURCE_INFO { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Source; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinInterval; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxInterval; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Description[8]; /* +0x0018 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_TM_ONLINE_ARGUMENT { unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESS_AFFINITY_UPDATE_MODE { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char EnableAutoUpdate[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Permanent[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 ef 21 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_CHANGE_MACHINE_SID_OUTPUT { unsigned long long NumSDChangedSuccess; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NumSDChangedFail; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long NumSDUnused; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long NumSDTotal; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long NumMftSDChangedSuccess; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long NumMftSDChangedFail; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long NumMftSDTotal; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_MODULE_REQUEST:: { /* unsigned char MD5Hash[0]; +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char ModuleName[16]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TypeName[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TotalNumberOfObjects; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TotalNumberOfHandles; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long TotalPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TotalNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TotalNamePoolUsage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TotalHandleTableUsage; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long HighWaterNumberOfObjects; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long HighWaterNumberOfHandles; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long HighWaterPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long HighWaterNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long HighWaterNamePoolUsage; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long HighWaterHandleTableUsage; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long InvalidAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char GenericMapping[16]; /* +0x003c a4 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidAccessMask; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char SecurityRequired; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char MaintainHandleCount; /* +0x0051 */ unsigned long PoolType; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long DefaultPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long DefaultNonPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x005c */ }; struct _FSCTL_QUERY_FAT_BPB_BUFFER { unsigned char First0x24BytesOfBootSector[36]; /* +0x0000 27 25 00 00 */ }; struct tagTOUCHINPUT { long x; /* +0x0000 */ long y; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSource; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwID; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwTime; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfo; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long cxContact; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long cyContact; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _COORD { short X; /* +0x0000 */ short Y; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _TRACE_PROFILE_INTERVAL { unsigned long Source; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Interval; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DEVICE_FLAGS { /* unsigned char Failed[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReadOnly[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Removable[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConsoleIn[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConsoleOut[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Input[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char Output[4]; /* +0x0000 67 28 00 00 */ }; struct _tagBINDINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szExtraInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char stgmedData[12]; /* +0x0008 74 37 00 00 */ unsigned long grfBindInfoF; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwBindVerb; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char szCustomVerb[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cbstgmedData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwOptionsFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwCodePage; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char securityAttributes[12]; /* +0x0030 a8 16 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x003c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[4]; /* +0x004c 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _CERT_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SignatureAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x000c 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Issuer[8]; /* +0x0018 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NotBefore[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NotAfter[8]; /* +0x0028 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Subject[8]; /* +0x0030 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SubjectPublicKeyInfo[24]; /* +0x0038 d6 29 00 00 */ unsigned char IssuerUniqueId[12]; /* +0x0050 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SubjectUniqueId[12]; /* +0x005c 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x006c 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HandleCountHighWatermark; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER { unsigned short DriveSelect; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxCylinders; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short SectorsPerTrack; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short MaxHeads; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short NumberDrives; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_LEGACY_DEVGEN_DATA { unsigned char ServiceName[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceInstance[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long DeviceInstanceLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MEMORYSTATUS { unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMemoryLoad; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwTotalPhys; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAvailPhys; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwTotalPageFile; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwAvailPageFile; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwTotalVirtual; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwAvailVirtual; /* +0x001c */ }; struct __m128 { /* unsigned char m128_f32[0]; +0x0000 c4 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_u64[0]; +0x0000 26 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i8[0]; +0x0000 c5 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i16[0]; +0x0000 c6 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i32[0]; +0x0000 eb 2b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_i64[0]; +0x0000 c7 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_u8[0]; +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128_u16[0]; +0x0000 c8 37 00 00 */ unsigned char m128_u32[16]; /* +0x0000 c9 37 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_PackageInfoA { unsigned char PackageInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 3f 20 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_EVENT_ITEM { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_NETWORK_PHYSICAL_NAME_INFORMATION { unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagTITLEBARINFOEX { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcTitleBar[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rgstate[24]; /* +0x0014 3a 29 00 00 */ unsigned char rgrect[96]; /* +0x002c d6 37 00 00 */ }; struct tagCLEANLOCALSTORAGE { unsigned char pInterface[4]; /* +0x0000 90 15 00 00 */ void *pStorage; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceName; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceIndex; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeDataBlock; /* +0x003c */ /* unsigned char VariableData[0]; +0x0040 2d 36 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION { void *TokenAppContainer; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _LPC_UNREGISTER_PROCESS_MSG { unsigned char PortMsg[24]; /* +0x0000 9d 29 00 00 */ void *UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagTTPOLYGONHEADER { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfxStart[8]; /* +0x0008 1c 2b 00 00 */ }; struct tagMSGBOXPARAMSW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0008 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszText[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszCaption[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lpszIcon[4]; /* +0x0018 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwContextHelpId; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char lpfnMsgBoxCallback[4]; /* +0x0020 ed 37 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLanguageId; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _SERVICE_CONTROL_STATUS_REASON_PARAMSW { unsigned long dwReason; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszComment[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x0008 21 1e 00 00 */ }; struct tagAXESLISTW { unsigned long axlReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long axlNumAxes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axlAxisInfo[640]; /* +0x0008 0a 38 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA { unsigned long dwTypeOfBiometricDataChoice; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPredefined; /* +0x0004 */ char *pszObjId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HashedUrl[24]; /* +0x0008 ef 35 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ARCHIVE_MEMBER_HEADER { unsigned char Name[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char Date[12]; /* +0x0010 a3 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char UserID[6]; /* +0x001c 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupID[6]; /* +0x0022 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char Mode[8]; /* +0x0028 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Size[10]; /* +0x0030 2a 38 00 00 */ unsigned char EndHeader[2]; /* +0x003a 23 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_EXCEPTION_PORT { void *ExceptionPortHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KEY_HANDLE_TAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long HandleTags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RTL_MODULE_BASIC_INFO { void *ImageBase; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagTYPEDESC { /* unsigned char lptdesc[0]; +0x0000 51 38 00 00 */ /* unsigned char lpadesc[0]; +0x0000 53 38 00 00 */ unsigned long hreftype; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_AUTHENTICATED_CIPHER_MODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwInfoVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pbNonce; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbNonce; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *pbAuthData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbAuthData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char *pbTag; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cbTag; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char *pbMacContext; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long cbMacContext; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long cbAAD; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long cbData; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _CERT_DSS_PARAMETERS { unsigned char p[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char q[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char g[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MFPaletteEntry { /* unsigned char ARGB[0]; +0x0000 5e 38 00 00 */ unsigned char AYCbCr[4]; /* +0x0000 5f 38 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION { unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_KERNEL_DEBUGGER_INFORMATION { unsigned char KernelDebuggerEnabled; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KernelDebuggerNotPresent; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _REG_NOTIFY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Action[4]; /* +0x0004 68 38 00 00 */ unsigned long KeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Key[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSW { unsigned long dwResetPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpRebootMsg[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCommand[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cActions; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char lpsaActions[4]; /* +0x0010 6e 38 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS { unsigned char Foreground; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PriorityClass; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _TXFS_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE_INFO { unsigned char TransactionsActiveAtSnapshot; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _EVENT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char EventType[4]; /* +0x0000 a4 38 00 00 */ long EventState; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DSSSEED { unsigned long counter; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char seed[20]; /* +0x0004 dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_PREFERRED_NODE_INFO { unsigned short usPreferredNode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fDelete; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long Name; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Base; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfFunctions; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfNames; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AddressOfFunctions; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long AddressOfNames; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AddressOfNameOrdinals; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_PROFILE_CONTROL_AREA { unsigned char PebsDsSaveArea[96]; /* +0x0000 5f 22 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMTEXTMETRICW { unsigned char etmNewTextMetricEx[100]; /* +0x0000 be 38 00 00 */ unsigned char etmAxesList[648]; /* +0x0064 21 30 00 00 */ }; struct tagCLIPDATA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ long ulClipFmt; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pClipData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR { unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Length; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long TimeStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DosPath[8]; /* +0x0008 2d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _PAGE_PRIORITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long PagePriority; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulDataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulLength; /* +0x000c */ void *lpSectionGlobalData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulSectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0014 */ void *lpSectionBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulSectionTotalLength; /* +0x001c */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char AssemblyMetadata[20]; /* +0x002c cb 38 00 00 */ }; struct adpcmcoef_tag { short iCoef1; /* +0x0000 */ short iCoef2; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _CRYPT_KEY_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgAndCertEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long hNCryptKey; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0010 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvHashAuxInfo; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char PubKeyAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0020 1f 16 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_STATE { /* unsigned char SystemState[0]; +0x0000 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceState[4]; /* +0x0000 c1 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagICONMETRICSA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iHorzSpacing[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iVertSpacing[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iTitleWrap[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfFont[60]; /* +0x0010 1d 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_GROUP_INFO { unsigned char MaximumProcessorCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ActiveProcessorCount; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Reserved[38]; /* +0x0002 e7 38 00 00 */ unsigned long ActiveProcessorMask; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tagEMREXTTEXTOUTA { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long iGraphicsMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char exScale[4]; /* +0x001c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eyScale[4]; /* +0x0020 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char emrtext[40]; /* +0x0024 2c 25 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPLGBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned char aptlDest[24]; /* +0x0018 ec 38 00 00 */ long xSrc; /* +0x0030 */ long ySrc; /* +0x0034 */ long cxSrc; /* +0x0038 */ long cySrc; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0040 22 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x006c */ long xMask; /* +0x0070 */ long yMask; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long iUsageMask; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long offBmiMask; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long cbBmiMask; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long offBitsMask; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long cbBitsMask; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_MAPPING { char *pszIssuerDomainPolicy; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszSubjectDomainPolicy; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO { void *hFile; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpBaseOfDll; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDebugInfoFileOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long nDebugInfoSize; /* +0x000c */ void *lpImageName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short fUnicode; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _ACL { unsigned char AclRevision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sbz1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AclSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short AceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Sbz2; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long UnwindInfoAddress; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CLIENT_ID64 { unsigned long long UniqueProcess; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long UniqueThread; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagCIEXYZ { long ciexyzX; /* +0x0000 */ long ciexyzY; /* +0x0004 */ long ciexyzZ; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CMSG_HASHED_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0008 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvHashAuxInfo; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_BLOCKED_DRIVER_DATA { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0004 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwOriginatorChoice; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char OriginatorCertId[0]; +0x0008 99 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OriginatorPublicKeyInfo[24]; /* +0x0008 d6 29 00 00 */ unsigned char UserKeyingMaterial[8]; /* +0x0020 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0028 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned long cRecipientEncryptedKeys; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char rgpRecipientEncryptedKeys[4]; /* +0x0038 27 39 00 00 */ }; struct tagBINDPTR { /* unsigned char lpfuncdesc[0]; +0x0000 5e 39 00 00 */ /* unsigned char lpvardesc[0]; +0x0000 60 39 00 00 */ unsigned char lptcomp[4]; /* +0x0000 4d 31 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_EapKeyBlock { unsigned char rgbKeys[128]; /* +0x0000 4a 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char rgbIVs[64]; /* +0x0080 7c 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_TOO_SMALL { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeNeeded; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DISK_COUNTERS { unsigned long long BytesRead; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long BytesWritten; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ReadOperationCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long WriteOperationCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long FlushOperationCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagRGBQUAD { unsigned char rgbBlue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbGreen; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char rgbRed; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char rgbReserved; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct tagRPC_EE_INFO_PARAM { unsigned char ParameterType[16]; /* +0x0000 73 39 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_EE_INFO_PARAM:: { char *AnsiString; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char UnicodeString[0]; +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ long LVal; /* +0x0000 */ short SVal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long PVal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BVal[8]; /* +0x0000 77 39 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_CredentialNameA { unsigned long CredentialType; /* +0x0000 */ char *sCredentialName; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SI_COPYFILE { unsigned long SourceFileNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DestinationFileNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileNameBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH { unsigned long SidCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SidAttr[4]; /* +0x0004 b2 24 00 00 */ unsigned char Hash[128]; /* +0x0008 87 39 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS_FLAG { unsigned char fFailureActionsOnNonCrashFailures[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _div_t { unsigned char quot[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rem[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagStorageLayout { unsigned long LayoutType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwcsElementName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char cOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cBytes[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_ELEVATION_FLAGS { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char ElevationEnabled[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualizationEnabled[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InstallerDetectEnabled[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedBits[4]; /* +0x0000 9e 39 00 00 */ }; struct XWinRT::XPlex { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 b6 39 00 00 */ }; enum XWinRT::ComLock::Kind { Kind_Srw = 0, Kind_StaReentrancy = 1 }; struct XWinRT::detail::ReentrancyGuard<1> { unsigned char _hr[4]; /* +0x0000 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _pGuard[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 27 00 00 */ }; struct XWinRT::FakeStl::_get_align { unsigned char _elt0[4]; /* +0x0000 d9 39 00 00 */ char _elt1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char _elt2[4]; /* +0x0008 d9 39 00 00 */ }; struct XWinRT::FakeStl::_get_align { unsigned char _elt0[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ char _elt1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char _elt2[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct XWinRT::FakeStl::_get_align { short _elt0; /* +0x0000 */ char _elt1; /* +0x0002 */ short _elt2; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct XWinRT::FakeStl::_align_type { /* unsigned char _val[0]; +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _pad[4]; /* +0x0000 8a 3c 00 00 */ }; struct XWinRT::FakeStl::_get_align { long _elt0; /* +0x0000 */ char _elt1; /* +0x0004 */ long _elt2; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct XWinRT::FakeStl::_get_align { unsigned char _elt0[4]; /* +0x0000 0d 3a 00 00 */ char _elt1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char _elt2[4]; /* +0x0008 0d 3a 00 00 */ }; struct XWinRT::FakeStl::_get_align { char _elt0; /* +0x0000 */ char _elt1; /* +0x0001 */ char _elt2; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct XWinRT::IntVersionTag { unsigned char _iVersion[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _LDT_ENTRY:::: { /* unsigned char BaseMid[0]; +0x0000 0f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Type[0]; +0x0000 d8 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Dpl[0]; +0x0000 d9 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Pres[0]; +0x0000 50 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LimitHi[0]; +0x0000 12 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Sys[0]; +0x0000 13 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved_0[0]; +0x0000 14 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Default_Big[0]; +0x0000 52 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Granularity[0]; +0x0000 53 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseHi[4]; /* +0x0000 da 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _LDT_ENTRY:::: { unsigned char BaseMid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Flags2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char BaseHi; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct tagHIGHCONTRASTA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszDefaultScheme; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V2_A { unsigned char TransportCredentials[4]; /* +0x0000 c4 20 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ProxyCredentials[4]; /* +0x0018 c4 20 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagCAC { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ char *pElems; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ASFFlatPicture { unsigned char bPictureType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwDataLen; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN { unsigned long cCerts; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char certs[4]; /* +0x0004 cc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char keyLocatorInfo[28]; /* +0x0008 db 37 00 00 */ }; struct _JOB_SET_ARRAY { void *JobHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MemberLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagDESIGNVECTOR { unsigned long dvReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dvNumAxes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dvValues[64]; /* +0x0008 f5 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ContentEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0008 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvEncryptionAuxInfo; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long cRecipients; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char rgpRecipients[4]; /* +0x001c f9 3c 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGPEN { unsigned char lopnStyle[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lopnWidth[8]; /* +0x0004 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long lopnColor; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char asData[4]; /* +0x0008 a2 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION { unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Format[0]; +0x0002 2d 36 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_BLOB_ARRAY { unsigned long cBlob; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgBlob[4]; /* +0x0004 cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_LOG { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[80]; /* +0x0000 2e 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextRecord[716]; /* +0x0050 e0 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x031c 20 3d 00 00 */ long Disposition; /* +0x0320 */ unsigned long Thread; /* +0x0324 */ unsigned long ControlPc; /* +0x0328 */ void *Handler; /* +0x032c */ }; struct _GLYPHMETRICS { unsigned char gmBlackBoxX[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmBlackBoxY[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char gmptGlyphOrigin[8]; /* +0x0008 4d 16 00 00 */ short gmCellIncX; /* +0x0010 */ short gmCellIncY; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct tagAXESLISTA { unsigned long axlReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long axlNumAxes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char axlAxisInfo[384]; /* +0x0008 26 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_AND_IO_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicInfo[48]; /* +0x0000 6f 25 00 00 */ unsigned char IoInfo[48]; /* +0x0030 70 25 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_CHANNEL_INFORMATION { unsigned long ChannelNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChannelHeatIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long TotalPageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ZeroPageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long FreePageCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long StandbyPageCount; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_MOUSE { unsigned long dwId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfButtons; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSampleRate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char fHasHorizontalWheel[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExtStatus; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PointerCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0018 8b 14 00 00 */ unsigned long NameInfoSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long TypeInfoSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SecurityDescriptorSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_SECTION_HEADER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CoverageType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MD5Hash[16]; /* +0x0008 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long CoverageVectorSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long CoverageVectorOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ExtraDataOffset; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _PORT_DATA_ENTRY { void *Base; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CERT_RDN_ATTR { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwValueType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Value[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _OSVERSIONINFOEXW { unsigned long dwOSVersionInfoSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBuildNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char szCSDVersion[256]; /* +0x0014 e7 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short wServicePackMajor; /* +0x0114 */ unsigned short wServicePackMinor; /* +0x0116 */ unsigned short wSuiteMask; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned char wProductType; /* +0x011a */ unsigned char wReserved; /* +0x011b */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO { void *HandleValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HandleCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PointerCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ObjectTypeIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HandleAttributes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CM_COMPONENT_INFORMATION { unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0000 d1 3d 00 00 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Key; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AffinityMask; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MUIREGISTRYINFO { unsigned char Owned[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InstallLanguageFallback[8]; /* +0x0004 d4 3d 00 00 */ unsigned long Generation; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ProcessGeneration; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Installed[4]; /* +0x0014 d6 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char Strings[4]; /* +0x0018 01 29 00 00 */ unsigned char MachineConfig[4]; /* +0x001c d8 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char UserConfig[4]; /* +0x0020 d8 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char MachinePreferred[4]; /* +0x0024 da 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char UserPreferred[4]; /* +0x0028 da 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessPreferred[4]; /* +0x002c da 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char MergedUser[4]; /* +0x0030 da 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char MergedMachine[4]; /* +0x0034 da 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char MergedFallback[4]; /* +0x0038 da 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char PrevRegInfo[4]; /* +0x003c f0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long MUI_Locked; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long MUI_SE; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long MUI_NumberAllowed; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char MUI_AllowedLanguage[4]; /* +0x004c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char MUI_InstalledSKU[4]; /* +0x0050 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cbInstalledSKU; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long cbAllowedLanguage; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char MUI_DisallowedLanguage[4]; /* +0x005c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cbDisallowedLanguage; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_BACKTRACES { unsigned long CommittedMemory; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReservedMemory; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfBackTraceLookups; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfBackTraces; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char BackTraces[140]; /* +0x0010 de 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _DEBUG_EVENT { unsigned long dwDebugEventCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProcessId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_PRE_FETCH_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwObjectType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ThisUpdateTime[8]; /* +0x0010 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NextUpdateTime[8]; /* +0x0018 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PublishTime[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE { unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sbz1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Control; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Owner; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Group; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Sacl; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Dacl; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_NAMES_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_TEMPLATE_V1_W:: { unsigned short *Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CRYPT_3DES_KEY_STATE { unsigned char Key[24]; /* +0x0000 27 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char IV[8]; /* +0x0018 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Feedback[8]; /* +0x0020 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDR_EXPR_DESC { unsigned char pOffset[4]; /* +0x0000 69 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pFormatExpr[4]; /* +0x0004 67 21 00 00 */ }; struct tagTYPEATTR { unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long lcid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0014 */ long memidConstructor; /* +0x0018 */ long memidDestructor; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char lpstrSchema[4]; /* +0x0020 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSizeInstance; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char typekind[4]; /* +0x0028 36 3e 00 00 */ unsigned short cFuncs; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short cVars; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short cImplTypes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short cbSizeVft; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned short cbAlignment; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short wTypeFlags; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned short wMajorVerNum; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short wMinorVerNum; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char tdescAlias[8]; /* +0x003c c9 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char idldescType[8]; /* +0x0044 37 3e 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReason; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char fHasFreshnessTime[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFreshnessTime; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FILE_STREAM_INFO { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StreamNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char StreamSize[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char StreamAllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char StreamName[8]; /* +0x0018 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagSAFEARRAYBOUND { unsigned long cElements; /* +0x0000 */ long lLbound; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_STATISTICS { unsigned char TokenId[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0008 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char ExpirationTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TokenType[4]; /* +0x0018 47 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char ImpersonationLevel[4]; /* +0x001c 48 3e 00 00 */ unsigned long DynamicCharged; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long DynamicAvailable; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long GroupCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char ModifiedId[8]; /* +0x0030 4b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_EA_INFORMATION { unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES { unsigned char Wnode[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long MinimumBuffers; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long MaximumBuffers; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long FlushTimer; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long EnableFlags; /* +0x0048 */ long AgeLimit; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long NumberOfBuffers; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long FreeBuffers; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long LogBuffersLost; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long RealTimeBuffersLost; /* +0x0064 */ void *LoggerThreadId; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long LogFileNameOffset; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long LoggerNameOffset; /* +0x0070 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION_ALIGN64 { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_INSTALL_DATA { unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct tagTOUCH_HIT_TESTING_PROXIMITY_EVALUATION { unsigned short score; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char adjustedPoint[8]; /* +0x0004 4d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_SECURITY_V1_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *ServerPrincName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthnLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthnSvc; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AuthIdentity[4]; /* +0x0010 c4 20 00 00 */ unsigned char SecurityQos[4]; /* +0x0014 3f 26 00 00 */ }; struct tagQUERYCONTEXT { unsigned long dwContext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Platform[16]; /* +0x0004 7b 3e 00 00 */ unsigned long Locale; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwVersionHi; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwVersionLo; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_POLICY_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PolicyId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Policy[48]; /* +0x0008 92 3e 00 00 */ }; struct _MFNetCredentialManagerGetParam { unsigned char hrOp[4]; /* +0x0000 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fAllowLoggedOnUser[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fClearTextPackage[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszUrl[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszSite[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszRealm[4]; /* +0x0014 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszPackage[4]; /* +0x0018 5c 15 00 00 */ long nRetries; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE { unsigned char LogotypeDetails[12]; /* +0x0000 84 20 00 00 */ unsigned char pLogotypeImageInfo[4]; /* +0x000c 9b 3e 00 00 */ }; struct _PRIVILEGE_SET { unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Control; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Privilege[12]; /* +0x0008 a5 3e 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_VALUE_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_X942_DH_VALIDATION_PARAMS { unsigned char seed[12]; /* +0x0000 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned long pgenCounter; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ long lChainIndex; /* +0x0008 */ long lElementIndex; /* +0x000c */ void *pvExtraPolicyStatus; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_AuthorityA { char *sAuthorityName; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TEB { unsigned char NtTib[28]; /* +0x0000 5d 33 00 00 */ void *EnvironmentPointer; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ClientId[8]; /* +0x0020 ac 14 00 00 */ void *ActiveRpcHandle; /* +0x0028 */ void *ThreadLocalStoragePointer; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char ProcessEnvironmentBlock[4]; /* +0x0030 b6 3e 00 00 */ unsigned long LastErrorValue; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long CountOfOwnedCriticalSections; /* +0x0038 */ void *CsrClientThread; /* +0x003c */ void *Win32ThreadInfo; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char User32Reserved[104]; /* +0x0044 b7 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char UserReserved[20]; /* +0x00ac c7 1e 00 00 */ void *WOW32Reserved; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long CurrentLocale; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long FpSoftwareStatusRegister; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned char SystemReserved1[216]; /* +0x00cc b8 3e 00 00 */ long ExceptionCode; /* +0x01a4 */ unsigned char ActivationContextStackPointer[4]; /* +0x01a8 4c 27 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBytes[36]; /* +0x01ac 27 25 00 00 */ unsigned long TxFsContext; /* +0x01d0 */ unsigned char GdiTebBatch[1248]; /* +0x01d4 b9 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char RealClientId[8]; /* +0x06b4 ac 14 00 00 */ void *GdiCachedProcessHandle; /* +0x06bc */ unsigned long GdiClientPID; /* +0x06c0 */ unsigned long GdiClientTID; /* +0x06c4 */ void *GdiThreadLocalInfo; /* +0x06c8 */ unsigned char Win32ClientInfo[248]; /* +0x06cc ba 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char glDispatchTable[932]; /* +0x07c4 bb 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char glReserved1[116]; /* +0x0b68 bc 3e 00 00 */ void *glReserved2; /* +0x0bdc */ void *glSectionInfo; /* +0x0be0 */ void *glSection; /* +0x0be4 */ void *glTable; /* +0x0be8 */ void *glCurrentRC; /* +0x0bec */ void *glContext; /* +0x0bf0 */ unsigned long LastStatusValue; /* +0x0bf4 */ unsigned char StaticUnicodeString[8]; /* +0x0bf8 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char StaticUnicodeBuffer[524]; /* +0x0c00 bd 3e 00 00 */ void *DeallocationStack; /* +0x0e0c */ unsigned char TlsSlots[256]; /* +0x0e10 be 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char TlsLinks[8]; /* +0x0f10 f0 16 00 00 */ void *Vdm; /* +0x0f18 */ void *ReservedForNtRpc; /* +0x0f1c */ unsigned char DbgSsReserved[8]; /* +0x0f20 55 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long HardErrorMode; /* +0x0f28 */ unsigned char Instrumentation[36]; /* +0x0f2c bf 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x0f50 4d 14 00 00 */ void *SubProcessTag; /* +0x0f60 */ void *EtwLocalData; /* +0x0f64 */ void *EtwTraceData; /* +0x0f68 */ void *WinSockData; /* +0x0f6c */ unsigned long GdiBatchCount; /* +0x0f70 */ /* unsigned char CurrentIdealProcessor[0]; +0x0f74 17 22 00 00 */ unsigned long IdealProcessorValue; /* +0x0f74 */ unsigned char ReservedPad0; /* +0x0f74 */ unsigned char ReservedPad1; /* +0x0f75 */ unsigned char ReservedPad2; /* +0x0f76 */ unsigned char IdealProcessor; /* +0x0f77 */ unsigned long GuaranteedStackBytes; /* +0x0f78 */ void *ReservedForPerf; /* +0x0f7c */ void *ReservedForOle; /* +0x0f80 */ unsigned long WaitingOnLoaderLock; /* +0x0f84 */ void *SavedPriorityState; /* +0x0f88 */ unsigned long ReservedForCodeCoverage; /* +0x0f8c */ void *ThreadPoolData; /* +0x0f90 */ unsigned char TlsExpansionSlots[4]; /* +0x0f94 d4 14 00 00 */ unsigned long MuiGeneration; /* +0x0f98 */ unsigned long IsImpersonating; /* +0x0f9c */ void *NlsCache; /* +0x0fa0 */ void *pShimData; /* +0x0fa4 */ unsigned short HeapVirtualAffinity; /* +0x0fa8 */ unsigned short LowFragHeapDataSlot; /* +0x0faa */ void *CurrentTransactionHandle; /* +0x0fac */ unsigned char ActiveFrame[4]; /* +0x0fb0 c0 3e 00 00 */ void *FlsData; /* +0x0fb4 */ void *PreferredLanguages; /* +0x0fb8 */ void *UserPrefLanguages; /* +0x0fbc */ void *MergedPrefLanguages; /* +0x0fc0 */ unsigned long MuiImpersonation; /* +0x0fc4 */ /* unsigned char CrossTebFlags[0]; +0x0fc8 c1 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareCrossTebBits[2]; /* +0x0fc8 c2 3e 00 00 */ unsigned short SameTebFlags; /* +0x0fca */ /* unsigned char SafeThunkCall[0]; +0x0fca c3 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InDebugPrint[0]; +0x0fca c4 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HasFiberData[0]; +0x0fca c5 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SkipThreadAttach[0]; +0x0fca c6 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WerInShipAssertCode[0]; +0x0fca c7 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RanProcessInit[0]; +0x0fca c8 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ClonedThread[0]; +0x0fca c9 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SuppressDebugMsg[0]; +0x0fca ca 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisableUserStackWalk[0]; +0x0fca cb 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RtlExceptionAttached[0]; +0x0fca cc 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InitialThread[0]; +0x0fca cd 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SessionAware[0]; +0x0fca ce 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisabledStackCheck[0]; +0x0fca cf 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareSameTebBits[2]; /* +0x0fca d0 3e 00 00 */ void *TxnScopeEnterCallback; /* +0x0fcc */ void *TxnScopeExitCallback; /* +0x0fd0 */ void *TxnScopeContext; /* +0x0fd4 */ unsigned long LockCount; /* +0x0fd8 */ unsigned long SpareUlong0; /* +0x0fdc */ void *ResourceRetValue; /* +0x0fe0 */ void *ReservedForWdf; /* +0x0fe4 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TotalInUse; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PeakUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PageFileName[8]; /* +0x0010 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WNF_TYPE_ID { unsigned char TypeId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_GET_ROOT { void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RootIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CancelResolution; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char NoMoreEntries; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char Root[8]; /* +0x000c 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REPAIR_COPIES_OUTPUT { unsigned char FileOffsetRestart[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Extents[16]; /* +0x0010 06 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_LFG_RNG_STATE { unsigned char SeedArray[224]; /* +0x0000 dd 3e 00 00 */ long Next; /* +0x00e0 */ long NextP; /* +0x00e4 */ }; struct tagEMREOF { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nPalEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offPalEntries; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long nSizeLast; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SCHANNEL_CERT_HASH { unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hProv; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ShaHash[20]; /* +0x000c dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_LAYOUT_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NextFileOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long FileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long FirstNameOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long FirstStreamOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ExtraInfoOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION_LISTW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pszConnection[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptionCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwOptionError; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pOptions[4]; /* +0x0010 0b 3f 00 00 */ }; struct _CSV_IS_OWNED_BY_CSVFS { unsigned char OwnedByCSVFS; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagBLOB { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pBlobData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME { unsigned char Previous[4]; /* +0x0000 76 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[4]; /* +0x0004 f7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CTL_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SubjectUsage[8]; /* +0x0004 59 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ListIdentifier[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SequenceNumber[8]; /* +0x0014 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ThisUpdate[8]; /* +0x001c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NextUpdate[8]; /* +0x0024 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SubjectAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x002c 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned long cCTLEntry; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char rgCTLEntry[4]; /* +0x003c aa 3e 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0044 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN { unsigned long dwTokenType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TIME_FIELDS { short Year; /* +0x0000 */ short Month; /* +0x0002 */ short Day; /* +0x0004 */ short Hour; /* +0x0006 */ short Minute; /* +0x0008 */ short Second; /* +0x000a */ short Milliseconds; /* +0x000c */ short Weekday; /* +0x000e */ }; struct tagPALETTEENTRY { unsigned char peRed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char peGreen; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char peBlue; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char peFlags; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V1_W { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char NullSession[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _s__CatchableType { unsigned char properties[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pType[4]; /* +0x0004 e0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char thisDisplacement[12]; /* +0x0008 0b 35 00 00 */ unsigned char sizeOrOffset[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char copyFunction[4]; /* +0x0018 63 15 00 00 */ }; struct _Wx86ThreadState { unsigned long *CallBx86Eip; /* +0x0000 */ void *DeallocationCpu; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char UseKnownWx86Dll; /* +0x0008 */ char OleStubInvoked; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct _SOCKET_SECURITY_SETTINGS_IPSEC { unsigned char SecurityProtocol[4]; /* +0x0000 37 16 00 00 */ unsigned long SecurityFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IpsecFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AuthipMMPolicyKey[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthipQMPolicyKey[16]; /* +0x001c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x002c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long UserNameStringLen; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long DomainNameStringLen; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long PasswordStringLen; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char AllStrings[4]; /* +0x0054 7a 24 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOGCOLORSPACEW { unsigned long lcsSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long lcsVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long lcsSize; /* +0x0008 */ long lcsCSType; /* +0x000c */ long lcsIntent; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lcsEndpoints[36]; /* +0x0014 df 3c 00 00 */ unsigned long lcsGammaRed; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long lcsGammaGreen; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long lcsGammaBlue; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char lcsFilename[520]; /* +0x0044 24 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_PEN_INFO { unsigned char pointerInfo[80]; /* +0x0000 18 30 00 00 */ unsigned char penFlags[4]; /* +0x0050 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char penMask[4]; /* +0x0054 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pressure[4]; /* +0x0058 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rotation[4]; /* +0x005c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tiltX[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tiltY[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RSAPUBKEY { unsigned long magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long bitlen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long pubexp; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRYPT_IMAGE_REF { unsigned char pszImage[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_RESOLUTION_SUCCESSFUL { void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RootIndexUsed; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _GRADIENT_RECT { unsigned long UpperLeft; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LowerRight; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY { unsigned char MinSleep[4]; /* +0x0000 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxSleep[4]; /* +0x0004 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long MinVideoTimeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxVideoTimeout; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MinSpindownTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MaxSpindownTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RTL_BACKOFF { unsigned long Delay; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _QOS_SHAPING_RATE { unsigned char ObjectHdr[8]; /* +0x0000 b5 3f 00 00 */ unsigned long ShapingRate; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY { unsigned long OffsetToData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CodePage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DEDUP_CHUNK_INFORMATION_HASH32 { unsigned long ChunkFlags; /* +0x0000 */ long long ChunkOffsetInFile; /* +0x0008 */ long long ChunkSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char HashVal[32]; /* +0x0018 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_CACHED_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SubKeys; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MaxNameLen; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Values; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxValueNameLen; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaxValueDataLen; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _RemotableHandle { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct ip_msfilter { unsigned char imsf_multiaddr[4]; /* +0x0000 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char imsf_interface[4]; /* +0x0004 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char imsf_fmode[4]; /* +0x0008 f1 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long imsf_numsrc; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char imsf_slist[4]; /* +0x0010 c6 3f 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TRACING_ENABLE_EX { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalSlots; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _EISA_PORT_DESCRIPTOR { /* unsigned char NumberPorts[0]; +0x0000 cd 3f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 a6 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 a7 27 00 00 */ unsigned char MoreEntries[1]; /* +0x0000 a8 27 00 00 */ }; struct _STRRET { unsigned char uType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pOleStr[0]; +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uOffset[0]; +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cStr[260]; /* +0x0004 46 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_AUX_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYPOLYLINE16 { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nPolys; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cpts; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char aPolyCounts[4]; /* +0x0020 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned char apts[4]; /* +0x0024 79 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFOA { char *pmszRequiredPrivileges; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FLAG_STGMEDIUM { long ContextFlags; /* +0x0000 */ long fPassOwnership; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Stgmed[12]; /* +0x0008 74 37 00 00 */ }; struct tagCUSTDATA { unsigned long cCustData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char prgCustData[4]; /* +0x0004 f6 1c 00 00 */ }; struct wavefilter_tag { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFilterTag; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long fdwFilter; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dwReserved[20]; /* +0x000c c7 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION { unsigned char TotalUserTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TotalKernelTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ThisPeriodTotalUserTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ThisPeriodTotalKernelTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TotalPageFaultCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long TotalProcesses; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ActiveProcesses; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long TotalTerminatedProcesses; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { unsigned char IdleProcessTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IoReadTransferCount[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IoWriteTransferCount[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IoOtherTransferCount[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long IoReadOperationCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long IoWriteOperationCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long IoOtherOperationCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AvailablePages; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long CommittedPages; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CommitLimit; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long PeakCommitment; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CopyOnWriteCount; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TransitionCount; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long CacheTransitionCount; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long DemandZeroCount; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long PageReadCount; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long PageReadIoCount; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long CacheReadCount; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long CacheIoCount; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long DirtyPagesWriteCount; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long DirtyWriteIoCount; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long MappedPagesWriteCount; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long MappedWriteIoCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long PagedPoolPages; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolPages; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long PagedPoolAllocs; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long PagedPoolFrees; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolAllocs; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolFrees; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long FreeSystemPtes; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long ResidentSystemCodePage; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long TotalSystemDriverPages; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long TotalSystemCodePages; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolLookasideHits; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long PagedPoolLookasideHits; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long AvailablePagedPoolPages; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long ResidentSystemCachePage; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long ResidentPagedPoolPage; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long ResidentSystemDriverPage; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long CcFastReadNoWait; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long CcFastReadWait; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long CcFastReadResourceMiss; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long CcFastReadNotPossible; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadNoWait; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadWait; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadResourceMiss; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned long CcFastMdlReadNotPossible; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned long CcMapDataNoWait; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned long CcMapDataWait; /* +0x00d4 */ unsigned long CcMapDataNoWaitMiss; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned long CcMapDataWaitMiss; /* +0x00dc */ unsigned long CcPinMappedDataCount; /* +0x00e0 */ unsigned long CcPinReadNoWait; /* +0x00e4 */ unsigned long CcPinReadWait; /* +0x00e8 */ unsigned long CcPinReadNoWaitMiss; /* +0x00ec */ unsigned long CcPinReadWaitMiss; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned long CcCopyReadNoWait; /* +0x00f4 */ unsigned long CcCopyReadWait; /* +0x00f8 */ unsigned long CcCopyReadNoWaitMiss; /* +0x00fc */ unsigned long CcCopyReadWaitMiss; /* +0x0100 */ unsigned long CcMdlReadNoWait; /* +0x0104 */ unsigned long CcMdlReadWait; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long CcMdlReadNoWaitMiss; /* +0x010c */ unsigned long CcMdlReadWaitMiss; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long CcReadAheadIos; /* +0x0114 */ unsigned long CcLazyWriteIos; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned long CcLazyWritePages; /* +0x011c */ unsigned long CcDataFlushes; /* +0x0120 */ unsigned long CcDataPages; /* +0x0124 */ unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0128 */ unsigned long FirstLevelTbFills; /* +0x012c */ unsigned long SecondLevelTbFills; /* +0x0130 */ unsigned long SystemCalls; /* +0x0134 */ unsigned long long CcTotalDirtyPages; /* +0x0138 */ unsigned long long CcDirtyPageThreshold; /* +0x0140 */ long long ResidentAvailablePages; /* +0x0148 */ }; struct _RTL_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO { unsigned char BasicInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 fb 3f 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short FileNameOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FullPathName[258]; /* +0x000a d1 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _COMSTAT { /* unsigned char fCtsHold[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fDsrHold[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fRlsdHold[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fXoffHold[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fXoffSent[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fEof[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fTxim[0]; +0x0000 67 28 00 00 */ unsigned char fReserved[4]; /* +0x0000 20 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long cbInQue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbOutQue; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagPOINTER_INFO { unsigned long pointerType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pointerId[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char frameId[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pointerFlags[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ void *sourceDevice; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[4]; /* +0x0014 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptPixelLocation[8]; /* +0x0018 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptHimetricLocation[8]; /* +0x0020 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptPixelLocationRaw[8]; /* +0x0028 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptHimetricLocationRaw[8]; /* +0x0030 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTime; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char historyCount[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InputData[4]; /* +0x0040 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwKeyStates; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long long PerformanceCount; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _LARGE_INTEGER:: { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESS_WS_WATCH_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned char BasicInfo[8]; /* +0x0000 dd 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long FaultingThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOG_INFORMATION { unsigned char LogIdentity[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned long dwStreamID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pSample[4]; /* +0x0004 0c 21 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pEvents[4]; /* +0x000c 17 3f 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_ENABLE_INFO { unsigned long IsEnabled; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short LoggerId; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long EnableProperty; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long MatchAnyKeyword; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long MatchAllKeyword; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _FP_80 { unsigned char W[12]; /* +0x0000 8b 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_TOKEN_ATTR { unsigned char TokenId[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x0008 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char ModifiedId[8]; /* +0x0010 4b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _KUSER_SHARED_DATA { unsigned long TickCountLowDeprecated; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TickCountMultiplier; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char InterruptTime[12]; /* +0x0008 41 40 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemTime[12]; /* +0x0014 41 40 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZoneBias[12]; /* +0x0020 41 40 00 00 */ unsigned short ImageNumberLow; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short ImageNumberHigh; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char NtSystemRoot[520]; /* +0x0030 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long MaxStackTraceDepth; /* +0x0238 */ unsigned long CryptoExponent; /* +0x023c */ unsigned long TimeZoneId; /* +0x0240 */ unsigned long LargePageMinimum; /* +0x0244 */ unsigned long AitSamplingValue; /* +0x0248 */ unsigned long AppCompatFlag; /* +0x024c */ unsigned long long RNGSeedVersion; /* +0x0250 */ unsigned long GlobalValidationRunlevel; /* +0x0258 */ unsigned char Reserved2[8]; /* +0x025c 9e 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char NtProductType[4]; /* +0x0264 42 40 00 00 */ unsigned char ProductTypeIsValid; /* +0x0268 */ unsigned char Reserved0[1]; /* +0x0269 4a 14 00 00 */ unsigned short NativeProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x026a */ unsigned long NtMajorVersion; /* +0x026c */ unsigned long NtMinorVersion; /* +0x0270 */ unsigned char ProcessorFeatures[64]; /* +0x0274 7c 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x02b4 */ unsigned long Reserved3; /* +0x02b8 */ unsigned char TimeSlip[4]; /* +0x02bc 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char AlternativeArchitecture[4]; /* +0x02c0 43 40 00 00 */ unsigned char AltArchitecturePad[4]; /* +0x02c4 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemExpirationDate[8]; /* +0x02c8 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SuiteMask; /* +0x02d0 */ unsigned char KdDebuggerEnabled; /* +0x02d4 */ unsigned char MitigationPolicies; /* +0x02d5 */ /* unsigned char NXSupportPolicy[0]; +0x02d5 2a 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SEHValidationPolicy[0]; +0x02d5 2b 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CurDirDevicesSkippedForDlls[0]; +0x02d5 2c 28 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x02d5 2d 28 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved6[2]; /* +0x02d6 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveConsoleId[4]; /* +0x02d8 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char DismountCount[4]; /* +0x02dc 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned long ComPlusPackage; /* +0x02e0 */ unsigned long LastSystemRITEventTickCount; /* +0x02e4 */ unsigned long NumberOfPhysicalPages; /* +0x02e8 */ unsigned char SafeBootMode; /* +0x02ec */ unsigned char Reserved12[3]; /* +0x02ed 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned long SharedDataFlags; /* +0x02f0 */ /* unsigned char DbgErrorPortPresent[0]; +0x02f0 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgElevationEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgVirtEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgInstallerDetectEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgLkgEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgDynProcessorEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DbgConsoleBrokerEnabled[0]; +0x02f0 67 28 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[4]; /* +0x02f0 20 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char DataFlagsPad[4]; /* +0x02f4 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long TestRetInstruction; /* +0x02f8 */ unsigned long Reserved9; /* +0x0300 */ unsigned long Reserved10; /* +0x0304 */ unsigned char SystemCallPad[24]; /* +0x0308 44 40 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TickCount[0]; +0x0320 41 40 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TickCountQuad[0]; +0x0320 49 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedTickCountOverlay[12]; /* +0x0320 8b 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TickCountPad[4]; /* +0x032c 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Cookie; /* +0x0330 */ unsigned char CookiePad[4]; /* +0x0334 47 14 00 00 */ long long ConsoleSessionForegroundProcessId; /* +0x0338 */ unsigned char TimeUpdateSequence[8]; /* +0x0340 49 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long long LastTimeUpdateQpcValue; /* +0x0348 */ unsigned long long LastInterruptTimeUpdateQpcValue; /* +0x0350 */ unsigned long long QpcTimeIncrement; /* +0x0358 */ unsigned long QpcTimeIncrement32; /* +0x0360 */ unsigned char Reserved8[28]; /* +0x0364 45 40 00 00 */ unsigned char UserModeGlobalLogger[32]; /* +0x0380 46 40 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageFileExecutionOptions; /* +0x03a0 */ unsigned long LangGenerationCount; /* +0x03a4 */ unsigned char InterruptTimeBias[8]; /* +0x03a8 49 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char TscQpcBias[8]; /* +0x03b0 49 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveProcessorCount[4]; /* +0x03b8 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char ActiveGroupCount[1]; /* +0x03bc 47 40 00 00 */ unsigned char QpcTimeIncrementShift; /* +0x03bd */ unsigned short TscQpcData; /* +0x03be */ unsigned char TscQpcEnabled[1]; /* +0x03be 47 40 00 00 */ unsigned char TscQpcShift; /* +0x03bf */ unsigned char XState[528]; /* +0x03c0 48 40 00 00 */ }; struct _REAL_TIME_NOTIFICATION_SETTING_INPUT { unsigned char TransportSettingId[16]; /* +0x0000 0e 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char BrokerEventGuid[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PREFETCH { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Prefetch[8]; /* +0x0008 5f 40 00 00 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA { /* unsigned char ResolutionBeginning[0]; +0x0000 64 40 00 00 */ /* unsigned char GetRoot[0]; +0x0000 65 40 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ResolutionSuccessful[0]; +0x0000 66 40 00 00 */ unsigned char ResolutionEnding[32]; /* +0x0000 67 40 00 00 */ }; struct tagHW_PROFILE_INFOW { unsigned long dwDockInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szHwProfileGuid[78]; /* +0x0004 6a 40 00 00 */ unsigned char szHwProfileName[162]; /* +0x0052 6b 40 00 00 */ }; struct _MF_LEAKY_BUCKET_PAIR { unsigned long dwBitrate; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long msBufferWindow; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char VersionDetail[4]; /* +0x0004 71 40 00 00 */ unsigned long ProviderVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EndTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x0024 */ /* unsigned char LogInstanceGuid[0]; +0x0028 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StartBuffers; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PointerSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CpuSpeedInMHz; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char LoggerName[4]; /* +0x0038 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char LogFileName[4]; /* +0x003c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZone[176]; /* +0x0040 72 40 00 00 */ unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x00f0 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PerfFreq[8]; /* +0x00f8 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char StartTime[8]; /* +0x0100 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ReservedFlags; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long BuffersLost; /* +0x010c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION { unsigned long AlignmentFixupCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionDispatchCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FloatingEmulationCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ByteWordEmulationCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CM_FLOPPY_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Size[8]; /* +0x0004 0b 26 00 00 */ unsigned long MaxDensity; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MountDensity; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char StepRateHeadUnloadTime; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char HeadLoadTime; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char MotorOffTime; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char SectorLengthCode; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char SectorPerTrack; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ReadWriteGapLength; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char DataTransferLength; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char FormatGapLength; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char FormatFillCharacter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char HeadSettleTime; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char MotorSettleTime; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char MaximumTrackValue; /* +0x001f */ unsigned char DataTransferRate; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct tagPANOSE { unsigned char bFamilyType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bSerifStyle; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char bWeight; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bProportion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char bContrast; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bStrokeVariation; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bArmStyle; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bLetterform; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char bMidline; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bXHeight; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct _ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSW { unsigned char lpServiceName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDisplayName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ServiceStatusProcess[36]; /* +0x0008 21 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION { unsigned char CurrentFrequency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ThermalLimitFrequency; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char ConstantThrottleFrequency; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char DegradedThrottleFrequency; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char LastBusyFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char LastC3Frequency; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char LastAdjustedBusyFrequency; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char ProcessorMinThrottle; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char ProcessorMaxThrottle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfFrequencies; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PromotionCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DemotionCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ErrorCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long RetryCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long CurrentFrequencyTime; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long CurrentProcessorTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long CurrentProcessorIdleTime; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long LastProcessorTime; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long LastProcessorIdleTime; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _RTL_RXACT_LOG { unsigned long OperationCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LogSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long LogSizeInUse; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _LDR_RESLOADER_RET { void *Module; /* +0x0000 */ void *DataEntry; /* +0x0004 */ void *TargetModule; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagIMEMENUITEMINFOA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[4]; /* +0x0010 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[4]; /* +0x0014 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char szString[80]; /* +0x001c 98 40 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[4]; /* +0x006c 8a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION { unsigned char DriverName[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ void *ImageAddress; /* +0x0008 */ void *SectionPointer; /* +0x000c */ void *EntryPoint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ExportSectionPointer[4]; /* +0x0014 a0 40 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagKERNINGPAIR { unsigned short wFirst; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wSecond; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char iKernAmount[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOLORMATCHTOTARGET { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAction; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0018 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_UNKNOWN { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char apUnknown[4]; /* +0x0004 89 19 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfoex2A { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addrlen[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ char *ai_canonname; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ai_addr[4]; /* +0x0018 05 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ai_bloblen[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_provider[4]; /* +0x0024 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[4]; /* +0x0028 b1 40 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_version[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ char *ai_fqdn; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PROVIDERS { unsigned long cProviders; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpszProviders[4]; /* +0x0004 6c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _LEARNING_MODE_OBJECT_INFORMATION { unsigned char ListEntry[4]; /* +0x0000 41 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char LogLevel[4]; /* +0x0004 b6 40 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectType[4]; /* +0x0008 1e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectName[4]; /* +0x000c 1e 1f 00 00 */ void *RootDirectory; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FullObjectName[8]; /* +0x0014 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ULARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _ULARGE_INTEGER:: { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VHD_BOOT_INFORMATION { unsigned char OsDiskIsVhd; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OsVhdFilePathOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char OsVhdParentVolume[4]; /* +0x0008 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pCertInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 6f 22 00 00 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long hNCryptKey; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0010 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvHashAuxInfo; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long cAuthAttr; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char rgAuthAttr[4]; /* +0x0024 74 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cUnauthAttr; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char rgUnauthAttr[4]; /* +0x002c 74 15 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long long Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEPEN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lopn[16]; /* +0x000c 9d 20 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO { unsigned char pStubDesc[4]; /* +0x0000 94 35 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcFormatString[4]; /* +0x0004 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned char FormatStringOffset[4]; /* +0x0008 69 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pTransferSyntax[4]; /* +0x000c b8 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long nCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pSyntaxInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 69 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_DH_PARAMETERS { unsigned char p[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char g[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER:::: { unsigned char MajorVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MinorVersion; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char SubVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char SubMinorVersion; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_DEP_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Enable[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisableAtlThunkEmulation[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 ef 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Permanent; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KEY_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char bKeyDown[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned short wRepeatCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wVirtualKeyCode; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short wVirtualScanCode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _KEY_EVENT_RECORD:: { /* unsigned char UnicodeChar[0]; +0x0000 71 00 00 00 */ char AsciiChar; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA { char *LogFileName; /* +0x0000 */ char *LoggerName; /* +0x0004 */ long long CurrentTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BuffersRead; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ProcessTraceMode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char CurrentEvent[88]; /* +0x0018 11 41 00 00 */ unsigned char LogfileHeader[272]; /* +0x0070 12 41 00 00 */ unsigned char BufferCallback[4]; /* +0x0180 c0 2f 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0184 */ unsigned long Filled; /* +0x0188 */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x018c */ /* unsigned char EventCallback[0]; +0x0190 16 41 00 00 */ unsigned char EventRecordCallback[4]; /* +0x0190 1a 41 00 00 */ unsigned long IsKernelTrace; /* +0x0194 */ void *Context; /* +0x0198 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULES { unsigned long NumberOfModules; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Modules[284]; /* +0x0004 1d 41 00 00 */ }; struct _PEB { unsigned char InheritedAddressSpace; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ReadImageFileExecOptions; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char BeingDebugged; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char BitField; /* +0x0003 */ /* unsigned char ImageUsesLargePages[0]; +0x0003 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0003 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsLegacyProcess[0]; +0x0003 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0003 85 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SkipPatchingUser32Forwarders[0]; +0x0003 64 31 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[1]; /* +0x0003 86 31 00 00 */ void *Mutant; /* +0x0004 */ void *ImageBaseAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Ldr[4]; /* +0x000c 23 28 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessParameters[4]; /* +0x0010 66 2e 00 00 */ void *SubSystemData; /* +0x0014 */ void *ProcessHeap; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char FastPebLock[4]; /* +0x001c c6 17 00 00 */ void *AtlThunkSListPtr; /* +0x0020 */ void *IFEOKey; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long CrossProcessFlags; /* +0x0028 */ /* unsigned char ProcessInJob[0]; +0x0028 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessInitializing[0]; +0x0028 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingVEH[0]; +0x0028 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingVCH[0]; +0x0028 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingFTH[0]; +0x0028 73 27 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedBits0[4]; /* +0x0028 74 27 00 00 */ void *KernelCallbackTable; /* +0x002c */ void *UserSharedInfoPtr; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char SystemReserved[4]; /* +0x0030 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned long AtlThunkSListPtr32; /* +0x0034 */ void *ApiSetMap; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long TlsExpansionCounter; /* +0x003c */ void *TlsBitmap; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char TlsBitmapBits[8]; /* +0x0044 9e 1c 00 00 */ void *ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; /* +0x004c */ void *HotpatchInformation; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char ReadOnlyStaticServerData[4]; /* +0x0054 d4 14 00 00 */ void *AnsiCodePageData; /* +0x0058 */ void *OemCodePageData; /* +0x005c */ void *UnicodeCaseTableData; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long NtGlobalFlag; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char CriticalSectionTimeout[8]; /* +0x0070 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long HeapSegmentReserve; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long HeapSegmentCommit; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long NumberOfHeaps; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long MaximumNumberOfHeaps; /* +0x008c */ unsigned char ProcessHeaps[4]; /* +0x0090 d4 14 00 00 */ void *GdiSharedHandleTable; /* +0x0094 */ void *ProcessStarterHelper; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long GdiDCAttributeList; /* +0x009c */ unsigned char LoaderLock[4]; /* +0x00a0 c6 17 00 00 */ unsigned long OSMajorVersion; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long OSMinorVersion; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned short OSBuildNumber; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned short OSCSDVersion; /* +0x00ae */ unsigned long OSPlatformId; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystem; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystemMajorVersion; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystemMinorVersion; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long ActiveProcessAffinityMask; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned char GdiHandleBuffer[136]; /* +0x00c4 06 35 00 00 */ unsigned char PostProcessInitRoutine[4]; /* +0x014c fe 23 00 00 */ void *TlsExpansionBitmap; /* +0x0150 */ unsigned char TlsExpansionBitmapBits[128]; /* +0x0154 87 39 00 00 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x01d4 */ unsigned char AppCompatFlags[8]; /* +0x01d8 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char AppCompatFlagsUser[8]; /* +0x01e0 71 2d 00 00 */ void *pShimData; /* +0x01e8 */ void *AppCompatInfo; /* +0x01ec */ unsigned char CSDVersion[8]; /* +0x01f0 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivationContextData[4]; /* +0x01f8 22 41 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessAssemblyStorageMap[4]; /* +0x01fc 24 41 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemDefaultActivationContextData[4]; /* +0x0200 22 41 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemAssemblyStorageMap[4]; /* +0x0204 24 41 00 00 */ unsigned long MinimumStackCommit; /* +0x0208 */ unsigned char FlsCallback[4]; /* +0x020c 26 41 00 00 */ unsigned char FlsListHead[8]; /* +0x0210 f0 16 00 00 */ void *FlsBitmap; /* +0x0218 */ unsigned char FlsBitmapBits[16]; /* +0x021c 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned long FlsHighIndex; /* +0x022c */ void *WerRegistrationData; /* +0x0230 */ void *WerShipAssertPtr; /* +0x0234 */ void *pUnused; /* +0x0238 */ void *pImageHeaderHash; /* +0x023c */ unsigned long TracingFlags; /* +0x0240 */ /* unsigned char HeapTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0240 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CritSecTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0240 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LibLoaderTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0240 29 20 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareTracingBits[8]; /* +0x0240 9e 39 00 00 */ unsigned long long CsrServerReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; /* +0x0248 */ }; struct _CALL_FRAME { void *ReturnAddress; /* +0x0000 */ void *Param1; /* +0x0004 */ void *Param2; /* +0x0008 */ void *CompatibilityArea; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _LDT_SIZE { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CODEINTEGRITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CodeIntegrityOptions; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_A { unsigned char *User; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UserLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *Domain; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DomainLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *Password; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PasswordLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PROCESS_ACCESS_TOKEN { void *Token; /* +0x0000 */ void *Thread; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _STORAGE_QUERY_DEPENDENT_VOLUME_RESPONSE { unsigned long ResponseLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberEntries; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Lev1Depends[0]; +0x0008 84 41 00 00 */ unsigned char Lev2Depends[68]; /* +0x0008 86 41 00 00 */ }; struct tagCLIENTCREATESTRUCT { void *hWindowMenu; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char idFirstChild[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char HistoryBufferSize[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NumberOfHistoryBuffers[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CERT_OR_CRL_BUNDLE { unsigned long cItem; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgItem[4]; /* +0x0004 92 41 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECTID { unsigned char Lineage[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Uniquifier; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagEMRSETPIXELV { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlPixel[8]; /* +0x0008 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned long crColor; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE { unsigned char Length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceId[20]; /* +0x0004 42 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferSyntax[20]; /* +0x0018 42 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[4]; /* +0x002c 65 21 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpointCount[4]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpoint[4]; /* +0x0034 96 27 00 00 */ void *DefaultManagerEpv; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char InterpreterInfo[4]; /* +0x003c 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_TABLE { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnGet[4]; /* +0x0004 a8 41 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnRelease[4]; /* +0x0008 0b 37 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFreePassword[4]; /* +0x000c 6f 27 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0010 85 23 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFreeIdentifier[4]; /* +0x0014 65 39 00 00 */ }; struct _NT_TIB64 { unsigned long long ExceptionList; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long StackBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long StackLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long SubSystemTib; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long FiberData; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ArbitraryUserPointer; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long Self; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfClusters; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Cluster[8]; /* +0x0008 bd 30 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION { unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DpcCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DpcRate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TimeIncrement; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DpcBypassCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ApcBypassCount; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _UMS_SCHEDULER_STARTUP_INFO { unsigned long UmsVersion; /* +0x0000 */ void *CompletionList; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SchedulerProc[4]; /* +0x0008 29 1d 00 00 */ void *SchedulerParam; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _ABCFLOAT { unsigned char abcfA[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcfB[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char abcfC[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATECOLORSPACE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihCS; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lcs[328]; /* +0x000c b5 41 00 00 */ }; struct _numberfmtW { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDecimalSep[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpThousandSep[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PKCS8_EXPORT_PARAMS { unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0004 */ char *pszPrivateKeyObjId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pEncryptPrivateKeyFunc[4]; /* +0x000c bc 41 00 00 */ void *pVoidEncryptFunc; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TXFS_START_RM_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long LogContainerSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMin; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMax; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long LogGrowthIncrement; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long LogAutoShrinkPercentage; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long TmLogPathOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short TmLogPathLength; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short LoggingMode; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned short LogPathLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x002a */ unsigned char LogPath[4]; /* +0x002c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _STREAM_LAYOUT_ENTRY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NextStreamOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExtentInformationOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StreamIdentifierLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char StreamIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0028 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PARSE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cwSavColumn; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iwSrc; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iwDst; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iwDstSpace; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpvArgStart; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ALPHA64_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ExceptionHandler; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long HandlerData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long PrologEndAddress; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_INPUT { unsigned long NumberOfPairs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FilterType[4]; /* +0x0008 ca 41 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_INPUT:: { /* unsigned char ClusterRanges[0]; +0x0000 ce 41 00 00 */ unsigned char FileReferenceRanges[16]; /* +0x0000 cf 41 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgCred_ClientCertPolicy { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char guidPolicyId[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCertFlags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwUrlRetrievalTimeout; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char fCheckRevocationFreshnessTime[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRevocationFreshnessTime; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char fOmitUsageCheck[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszSslCtlStoreName[4]; /* +0x0028 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszSslCtlIdentifier[4]; /* +0x002c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_NAME_VALUE { unsigned long dwValueType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Value[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_VOLUME_NAME_INFORMATION { unsigned long DeviceNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceName[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_TIMEOUTS { unsigned long InputTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DisplayTimeout; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KAFFINITY_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT { unsigned char Affinity[4]; /* +0x0000 03 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long CurrentMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short CurrentIndex; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct GOPHER_FIND_DATAW { unsigned char DisplayString[260]; /* +0x0000 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned long GopherType; /* +0x0104 */ unsigned long SizeLow; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long SizeHigh; /* +0x010c */ unsigned char LastModificationTime[8]; /* +0x0110 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Locator[1308]; /* +0x0118 1a 42 00 00 */ }; struct _PROV_ENUMALGS { unsigned char aiAlgid[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwBitLen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwNameLen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szName[20]; /* +0x000c 1a 28 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_ELEVATION { unsigned long TokenIsElevated; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long InfoSize; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char CodeInfo[0]; +0x0008 23 42 00 00 */ /* unsigned char KernelInfo[0]; +0x0008 24 42 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UserModeInfo[0]; +0x0008 25 42 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InjectionInfo[0]; +0x0008 26 42 00 00 */ unsigned char AtomicSwap[48]; /* +0x0008 27 42 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long long ParentDirectory; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ObjectHandle1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ObjectHandle2; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned short NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short TargetNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short TargetNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long long TargetProcess; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned short NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short TargetNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short TargetNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ColdpatchImagePathLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char PatchingFinished; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned short NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_CODE_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long DescriptorsCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CodeDescriptors[40]; /* +0x0008 32 42 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORY_PRIORITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long MemoryPriority; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CRL_ISSUING_DIST_POINT { unsigned char DistPointName[12]; /* +0x0000 47 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char fOnlyContainsUserCerts[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fOnlyContainsCACerts[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char OnlySomeReasonFlags[12]; /* +0x0014 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char fIndirectCRL[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NegoStatus { unsigned long LastStatus; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_INFORMATION { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0004 3d 42 00 00 */ unsigned char ValidFlags[4]; /* +0x0008 3d 42 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UNICODE_STRING_BUFFER { unsigned char String[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ByteBuffer[24]; /* +0x0008 14 34 00 00 */ unsigned char MinimumStaticBufferForTerminalNul[4]; /* +0x0020 23 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagSTATDATA { unsigned char formatetc[20]; /* +0x0000 c7 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long advf; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pAdvSink[4]; /* +0x0018 ca 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwConnection; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _userSTGMEDIUM::_STGMEDIUM_UNION { unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userSTGMEDIUM::_STGMEDIUM_UNION::__MIDL_IAdviseSink_0003 { /* unsigned char hMetaFilePict[0]; +0x0000 4a 42 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hHEnhMetaFile[0]; +0x0000 4c 42 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hGdiHandle[0]; +0x0000 4e 42 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hGlobal[0]; +0x0000 69 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char lpszFileName[0]; +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pstm[0]; +0x0000 59 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pstg[4]; /* +0x0000 59 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0040 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LockingTransactionId[16]; /* +0x0048 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TxInfoFlags; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x005c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF { unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short OffsetModuleName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _LDR_FAILURE_DATA { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x0004 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char AdditionalInfo[64]; /* +0x0044 e5 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HYPERVISOR_PROCESSOR_COUNT_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfLogicalProcessors; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfCores; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUTDEVICELIST { void *hDevice; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _X86_CALL_FRAME { unsigned long ReturnAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Param1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Param2; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CompatibilityArea; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CRYPT_ENROLLMENT_NAME_VALUE_PAIR { unsigned char pwszName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszValue[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 89 42 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENT_PAIR { unsigned char EnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagDIBSECTION { unsigned char dsBm[24]; /* +0x0000 a5 42 00 00 */ unsigned char dsBmih[40]; /* +0x0018 73 23 00 00 */ unsigned char dsBitfields[12]; /* +0x0040 8b 14 00 00 */ void *dshSection; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dsOffset; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _WOW64_LDT_ENTRY { unsigned short LimitLow; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short BaseLow; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _WIN32_STREAM_ID { unsigned long dwStreamId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStreamAttributes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Size[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStreamNameSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cStreamName[4]; /* +0x0014 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXW { unsigned char elfLogFont[92]; /* +0x0000 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[128]; /* +0x005c cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[64]; /* +0x00dc e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char elfScript[64]; /* +0x011c e5 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _CTL_USAGE { unsigned long cUsageIdentifier; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpszUsageIdentifier[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwBitLen; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_OWNER { void *Owner; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _tagRemBINDINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szExtraInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long grfBindInfoF; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBindVerb; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char szCustomVerb[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cbstgmedData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwOptionsFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwCodePage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char securityAttributes[12]; /* +0x0024 f0 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0030 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[4]; /* +0x0040 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _EVENTSFORLOGFILE { unsigned long ulSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szLogicalLogFile[512]; /* +0x0004 c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long ulNumRecords; /* +0x0204 */ /* unsigned char pEventLogRecords[0]; +0x0208 cc 42 00 00 */ }; struct _COAUTHINFO { unsigned long dwAuthnSvc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthzSvc; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pwszServerPrincName[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAuthnLevel; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwImpersonationLevel; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pAuthIdentityData[4]; /* +0x0014 f1 42 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCapabilities; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _UNIQUE_PROCESS_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 d3 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UniqueProcessKey[0]; +0x0000 d4 35 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 d5 35 00 00 */ }; struct _SUPPORTED_OS_INFO { unsigned short OsCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MitigationExist; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char OsList[8]; /* +0x0004 d4 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_START_REASON { unsigned long dwReason; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_STATE { unsigned char Size[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0004 */ long Lock; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ void *StubInfo; /* +0x0010 */ void *UserInfo; /* +0x0014 */ void *RuntimeInfo; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Event[4]; /* +0x001c 3b 15 00 00 */ unsigned char NotificationType[4]; /* +0x0020 fe 42 00 00 */ unsigned char u[16]; /* +0x0024 ff 42 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0034 00 43 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfoexW { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addrlen[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_canonname[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addr[4]; /* +0x0018 05 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ai_bloblen[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_provider[4]; /* +0x0024 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[4]; /* +0x0028 da 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_TIMESTAMPS { unsigned char ftExpires[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastModified[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION_INFO { unsigned long cCertPolicyId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgCertPolicyId[4]; /* +0x0004 11 43 00 00 */ unsigned char RestrictedKeyUsage[12]; /* +0x0008 6f 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_ORIGIN { unsigned char OriginatingLogonSession[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_QUERY_DEBUG_INFORMATION_INFO { unsigned long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SERVICE_CONTROL_STATUS_REASON_PARAMSA { unsigned long dwReason; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszComment; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ServiceStatus[36]; /* +0x0008 21 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _OCSP_BASIC_SIGNED_RESPONSE_INFO { unsigned char ToBeSigned[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SignatureInfo[32]; /* +0x0008 1c 43 00 00 */ }; struct tagLC_ID { unsigned short wLanguage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wCountry; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wCodePage; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagLAYERPLANEDESCRIPTOR { unsigned short nSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short nVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char iPixelType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cColorBits; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char cRedBits; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char cRedShift; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char cGreenBits; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char cGreenShift; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char cBlueBits; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char cBlueShift; /* +0x000f */ unsigned char cAlphaBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char cAlphaShift; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char cAccumBits; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char cAccumRedBits; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char cAccumGreenBits; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char cAccumBlueBits; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char cAccumAlphaBits; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char cDepthBits; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char cStencilBits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char cAuxBuffers; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char iLayerPlane; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x001b */ unsigned long crTransparent; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagPOINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_INFO { unsigned char cursorId[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cursor[4]; /* +0x0004 23 43 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bVisible[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct sockaddr_dl { unsigned short sdl_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char sdl_data[8]; /* +0x0002 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char sdl_zero[4]; /* +0x000a 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _XSAVE_VENDORS { unsigned long NumberOfVendors; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Vendor[56]; /* +0x0008 44 43 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ALL_INFORMATION { unsigned char BasicInformation[40]; /* +0x0000 47 43 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardInformation[24]; /* +0x0028 48 43 00 00 */ unsigned char InternalInformation[8]; /* +0x0040 49 43 00 00 */ unsigned char EaInformation[4]; /* +0x0048 11 25 00 00 */ unsigned char AccessInformation[4]; /* +0x004c d8 30 00 00 */ unsigned char PositionInformation[8]; /* +0x0050 4a 43 00 00 */ unsigned char ModeInformation[4]; /* +0x0058 c3 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char AlignmentInformation[4]; /* +0x005c b5 24 00 00 */ unsigned char NameInformation[8]; /* +0x0060 4b 43 00 00 */ }; struct _STARTUPINFOW { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpReserved[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDesktop[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpTitle[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwX; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwY; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwXSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwYSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwXCountChars; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwYCountChars; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwFillAttribute; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short wShowWindow; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short cbReserved2; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char *lpReserved2; /* +0x0034 */ void *hStdInput; /* +0x0038 */ void *hStdOutput; /* +0x003c */ void *hStdError; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _CRYPT_CSP_PROVIDER { unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwszProviderName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char Signature[12]; /* +0x0008 6f 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSignerIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char blob[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { unsigned short e_magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short e_cblp; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short e_cp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short e_crlc; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short e_cparhdr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short e_minalloc; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short e_maxalloc; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short e_ss; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short e_sp; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short e_csum; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short e_ip; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short e_cs; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned short e_lfarlc; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short e_ovno; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char e_res[8]; /* +0x001c d4 3d 00 00 */ unsigned short e_oemid; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short e_oeminfo; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned char e_res2[20]; /* +0x0028 56 43 00 00 */ long e_lfanew; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO { unsigned char DeleteFileW; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_INFO { unsigned char SubjectAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char SubjectIdentifier[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FP_IEEE_RECORD { unsigned char Operand1[24]; /* +0x0000 5e 43 00 00 */ unsigned char Operand2[24]; /* +0x0018 5e 43 00 00 */ unsigned char Result[24]; /* +0x0030 5e 43 00 00 */ }; struct tagBITMAPCOREHEADER { unsigned long bcSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short bcWidth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short bcHeight; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short bcPlanes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short bcBitCount; /* +0x000a */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SET_TARGET_PERSISTENCE { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 14 30 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bootPersistenceOn[0]; +0x0014 ff 25 00 00 */ /* unsigned char reserved[0]; +0x0014 65 43 00 00 */ unsigned char value[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_STATUS { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCurrentState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwControlsAccepted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwWin32ExitCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwServiceSpecificExitCode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCheckPoint; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwWaitHint; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PRIVKEYVER3 { unsigned long magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long bitlenP; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long bitlenQ; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long bitlenJ; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long bitlenX; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char DSSSeed[24]; /* +0x0014 a8 21 00 00 */ }; struct _CRL_DIST_POINTS_INFO { unsigned long cDistPoint; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgDistPoint[4]; /* +0x0004 6d 43 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_ROM_BLOCK { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CERT_STRONG_SIGN_SERIALIZED_INFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwszCNGSignHashAlgids[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszCNGPubKeyMinBitLengths[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE_VALUES { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfValues; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Attributes[212]; /* +0x0008 7f 43 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAI { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ short *pElems; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _LUNICODE_STRING { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _WINDOWS_OS_OPTIONS { unsigned char Signature[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long OsLoadPathOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char OsLoadOptions[4]; /* +0x0014 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_ABSOLUTE_INFORMATION { unsigned char StartTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long NumberOfRecords; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long FillLevel; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SHORT_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ char ShortNameLength; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char ShortName[26]; /* +0x0046 72 35 00 00 */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0060 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0068 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSELECTOBJECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihObject; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _userHGLOBAL { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHGLOBAL::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0003 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 b7 38 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_LINKS_INFORMATION { unsigned long BytesNeeded; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EntriesReturned; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Entry[24]; /* +0x0008 aa 43 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_INFORMATION { unsigned long MaxIdlenessAllowed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Idleness; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TimeRemaining; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CoolingMode; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_PARAMETERS { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SegmentReserve; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SegmentCommit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MaximumAllocationSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long VirtualMemoryThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long InitialCommit; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long InitialReserve; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char CommitRoutine[4]; /* +0x0024 af 43 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0028 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulRootManifestPathType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ulRootManifestPathChars; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulRootConfigurationPathType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ulRootConfigurationPathChars; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulAppDirPathType; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ulAppDirPathChars; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpRootManifestPath[4]; /* +0x0024 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRootConfigurationPath[4]; /* +0x0028 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpAppDirPath[4]; /* +0x002c 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagLASTINPUTINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTime; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagHELPINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iContextType[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCtrlId[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ void *hItemHandle; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwContextId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char MousePos[8]; /* +0x0014 4d 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_2600 { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulDataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *lpData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulLength; /* +0x000c */ void *lpSectionGlobalData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulSectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0014 */ void *lpSectionBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulSectionTotalLength; /* +0x001c */ void *hActCtx; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ulAssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct mpeg1waveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short fwHeadLayer; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long dwHeadBitrate; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short fwHeadMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short fwHeadModeExt; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short wHeadEmphasis; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short fwHeadFlags; /* +0x001e */ unsigned long dwPTSLow; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwPTSHigh; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _FILE_MODE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Mode; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _LAST_EXCEPTION_LOG { unsigned char ExceptionRecord[80]; /* +0x0000 2e 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextRecord[716]; /* +0x0050 e0 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ControlPc; /* +0x031c */ unsigned char Disposition[4]; /* +0x0320 cb 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char HandlerData[20]; /* +0x0324 c7 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_RXACT_CONTEXT { void *RootRegistryKey; /* +0x0000 */ void *RXactKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HandlesValid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char RXactLog[4]; /* +0x000c d9 43 00 00 */ }; struct tagUPDATELAYEREDWINDOWINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hdcDst[4]; /* +0x0004 fe 27 00 00 */ unsigned char pptDst[4]; /* +0x0008 df 43 00 00 */ unsigned char psize[4]; /* +0x000c e1 43 00 00 */ unsigned char hdcSrc[4]; /* +0x0010 fe 27 00 00 */ unsigned char pptSrc[4]; /* +0x0014 df 43 00 00 */ unsigned long crKey; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char pblend[4]; /* +0x001c e4 43 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char prcDirty[4]; /* +0x0024 d8 27 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_SECURITY_QUERY_TEMPLATE { unsigned char SecurityProtocol[8]; /* +0x0000 37 16 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerAddress[128]; /* +0x0008 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned long PeerTokenAccessMask; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct _CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY { unsigned long dwAltNameChoice; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char pOtherName[0]; +0x0004 ea 43 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pwszRfc822Name[0]; +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pwszDNSName[0]; +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DirectoryName[0]; +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pwszURL[0]; +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IPAddress[0]; +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ char *pszRegisteredID; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct AutoPtr::Entry *,&Delete::Entry *>,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 ee 43 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 19 44 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC { unsigned long DataType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Unicode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Reserved[3]; /* +0x0009 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct URL_COMPONENTSW { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszScheme[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSchemeLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char nScheme[4]; /* +0x000c 7f 28 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszHostName[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHostNameLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short nPort; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lpszUserName[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwUserNameLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpszPassword[4]; /* +0x0024 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPasswordLength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char lpszUrlPath[4]; /* +0x002c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwUrlPathLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char lpszExtraInfo[4]; /* +0x0034 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfoLength; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct tagEMRSETCOLORADJUSTMENT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ColorAdjustment[24]; /* +0x0008 51 44 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_NAME_INFO { unsigned long cRDN; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgRDN[4]; /* +0x0004 4c 23 00 00 */ }; struct _FPO_DATA { unsigned long ulOffStart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbProcSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cdwLocals; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short cdwParams; /* +0x000c */ /* unsigned char cbProlog[0]; +0x000e 56 44 00 00 */ /* unsigned char cbRegs[0]; +0x000e 57 44 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fHasSEH[0]; +0x000e ce 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fUseBP[0]; +0x000e cf 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char reserved[0]; +0x000e 58 44 00 00 */ unsigned char cbFrame[2]; /* +0x000e 59 44 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AllocatedInfo[12]; /* +0x0004 e7 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagNONCLIENTMETRICSW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollWidth[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollHeight[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfCaptionFont[92]; /* +0x0018 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0074 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0078 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfSmCaptionFont[92]; /* +0x007c 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuWidth[4]; /* +0x00d8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuHeight[4]; /* +0x00dc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMenuFont[92]; /* +0x00e0 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char lfStatusFont[92]; /* +0x013c 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMessageFont[92]; /* +0x0198 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char iPaddedBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x01f4 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO { unsigned char dwSize[4]; /* +0x0000 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char dwCursorPosition[4]; /* +0x0004 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short wAttributes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char srWindow[8]; /* +0x000a 61 33 00 00 */ unsigned char dwMaximumWindowSize[4]; /* +0x0012 8d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagCSPLATFORM { unsigned long dwPlatformId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVersionHi; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwVersionLo; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwProcessorArch; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WSAServiceClassInfoA { unsigned char lpServiceClassId[4]; /* +0x0000 4e 14 00 00 */ char *lpszServiceClassName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpClassInfos[4]; /* +0x000c 80 44 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BasicInfo[24]; /* +0x0004 83 44 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ /* unsigned char IsProtectedProcess[0]; +0x001c 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsWow64Process[0]; +0x001c 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProcessDeleting[0]; +0x001c 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsCrossSessionCreate[0]; +0x001c 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsFrozen[0]; +0x001c 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsIdleAware[0]; +0x001c 9a 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[4]; /* +0x001c 84 44 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONA { char *lpDescription; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB { unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0008 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Seed[20]; /* +0x000c dc 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char q[20]; /* +0x0020 dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_SYSTEM_DISK_INFORMATION { unsigned char SystemDisk[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPOLYDRAW16 { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cpts; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char apts[4]; /* +0x001c 79 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char abTypes[4]; /* +0x0020 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _LONG_SIZEDARR { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *pData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WSAVersion { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ecHow[4]; /* +0x0004 e2 28 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_NOTIFICATION_LIMIT_INFORMATION { unsigned long long IoReadBytesLimit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long IoWriteBytesLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PerJobUserTimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long JobMemoryLimit; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RateControlTolerance[4]; /* +0x0020 b3 21 00 00 */ unsigned char RateControlToleranceInterval[4]; /* +0x0024 b4 21 00 00 */ unsigned long LimitFlags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W { unsigned short *User; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UserLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *Domain; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DomainLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short *Password; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PasswordLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _NDR_USER_MARSHAL_INFO { unsigned long InformationLevel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Level1[40]; /* +0x0004 a3 44 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_CertInfo { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbSubjectName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pwszSubjectName[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cbIssuerName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pwszIssuerName[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwKeySize; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagEMRSETVIEWPORTORGEX { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlOrigin[8]; /* +0x0008 36 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WOW64_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long Selector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Descriptor[8]; /* +0x0004 ad 44 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYA { char *lpServiceName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpServiceProc[4]; /* +0x0004 2b 3d 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTEXA { unsigned char elfLogFont[60]; /* +0x0000 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[64]; /* +0x003c 7c 14 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[32]; /* +0x007c 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char elfScript[32]; /* +0x009c 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_PROTSEQ_VECTORA { unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Protseq[4]; /* +0x0004 d5 44 00 00 */ }; struct _PLEX_READ_DATA_REQUEST { unsigned char ByteOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ByteLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PlexNumber; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CALL_COUNT_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfTables; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK:::: { /* unsigned char Valid[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 e3 44 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Shared[0]; +0x0000 50 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 e4 44 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PageTable[0]; +0x0000 14 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Location[0]; +0x0000 e5 44 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved2[0]; +0x0000 e6 44 00 00 */ unsigned char Bad[4]; /* +0x0000 74 20 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_OLDEST_INFORMATION { unsigned char OldestTransactionGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _API_SET_NAMESPACE_ARRAY { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Array[12]; /* +0x0008 01 45 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_QUERY_TIME_ADJUST_INFORMATION { unsigned long TimeAdjustment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeIncrement; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Enable; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagMETAHEADER { unsigned short mtType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short mtHeaderSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short mtVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long mtSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short mtNoObjects; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long mtMaxRecord; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short mtNoParameters; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _REMOTE_NAME_INFOW { unsigned char lpUniversalName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpConnectionName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRemainingPath[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_STREAM_INFO { unsigned long cbContent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnStreamOutput[4]; /* +0x0004 15 45 00 00 */ void *pvArg; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PctPublicKey { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pKey[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS { unsigned long MaximumLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DebugFlags; /* +0x000c */ void *ConsoleHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ConsoleFlags; /* +0x0014 */ void *StandardInput; /* +0x0018 */ void *StandardOutput; /* +0x001c */ void *StandardError; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char CurrentDirectory[12]; /* +0x0024 1a 45 00 00 */ unsigned char DllPath[8]; /* +0x0030 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ImagePathName[8]; /* +0x0038 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CommandLine[8]; /* +0x0040 32 14 00 00 */ void *Environment; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long StartingX; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long StartingY; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long CountX; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long CountY; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long CountCharsX; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long CountCharsY; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long FillAttribute; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long WindowFlags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long ShowWindowFlags; /* +0x006c */ unsigned char WindowTitle[8]; /* +0x0070 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DesktopInfo[8]; /* +0x0078 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ShellInfo[8]; /* +0x0080 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RuntimeData[8]; /* +0x0088 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentDirectores[512]; /* +0x0090 1b 45 00 00 */ unsigned char EnvironmentSize[4]; /* +0x0290 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char EnvironmentVersion[4]; /* +0x0294 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char PackageMoniker[8]; /* +0x0298 32 14 00 00 */ void *PackageDependencyData; /* +0x02a0 */ unsigned long ProcessGroupId; /* +0x02a4 */ }; struct _FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION { void *DestinationFile; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ObjectInformationLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ObjectInformation[4]; /* +0x0008 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _TP_TASK_CALLBACKS { unsigned char ExecuteCallback[4]; /* +0x0000 24 45 00 00 */ unsigned char Unposted[4]; /* +0x0004 39 2b 00 00 */ }; struct tagFILTERKEYS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iWaitMSec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iDelayMSec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iRepeatMSec; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iBounceMSec; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct EVENT_INSTANCE_INFO { void *RegHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long InstanceId; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SE_LEARNING_MODE_USER_OBJECT_DATA { unsigned long Cookie; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ObjectType[4]; /* +0x0004 1e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectName[4]; /* +0x0008 1e 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETTEXTCOLOR { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crColor; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagSTATPROPSTG { unsigned char lpwstrName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long propid; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO { unsigned char KeyId[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IntendedKeyUsage[12]; /* +0x0008 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pPrivateKeyUsagePeriod[4]; /* +0x0014 96 45 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned long ReparseTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ReparseDataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ /* unsigned char SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer[0]; +0x0008 99 45 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MountPointReparseBuffer[0]; +0x0008 9a 45 00 00 */ unsigned char GenericReparseBuffer[16]; /* +0x0008 9b 45 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER:::: { unsigned char DataBuffer[1]; /* +0x0000 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER:::: { unsigned short SubstituteNameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short SubstituteNameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short PrintNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short PrintNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char PathBuffer[2]; /* +0x0008 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER:::: { unsigned short SubstituteNameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short SubstituteNameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short PrintNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short PrintNameLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PathBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _HOTPATCH_HOOK_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long long TargetAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long MappedAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CodeOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CodeSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OrigCodeOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ValidationOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ValidationSize; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct in_addr:::: { unsigned short s_w1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short s_w2; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct in_addr:::: { unsigned char s_b1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char s_b2; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char s_b3; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char s_b4; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION { unsigned char DebugInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 d7 2c 00 00 */ long LockCount; /* +0x0004 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x0008 */ void *OwningThread; /* +0x000c */ void *LockSemaphore; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SpinCount; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_INFORMATION { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short EntryOverhead; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long BytesAllocated; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BytesCommitted; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfTags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NumberOfPseudoTags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long PseudoTagGranularity; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Reserved[20]; /* +0x0024 c7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char Tags[4]; /* +0x0038 5c 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char Entries[4]; /* +0x003c b1 45 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_STORE_PROV_FIND_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgAndCertEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFindFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFindType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pvFindPara[4]; /* +0x0010 6b 21 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_WALK_ENTRY { void *DataAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char OverheadBytes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SegmentIndex; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x000a */ /* unsigned char Block[0]; +0x000c bc 45 00 00 */ unsigned char Segment[16]; /* +0x000c bd 45 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_WALK_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long CommittedSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UnCommittedSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *FirstEntry; /* +0x0008 */ void *LastEntry; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_WALK_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long Settable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short TagIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0008 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSA { unsigned char style[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[4]; /* +0x0004 ce 33 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0010 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[4]; /* +0x0014 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[4]; /* +0x0018 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[4]; /* +0x001c e4 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[4]; /* +0x0020 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[4]; /* +0x0024 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _VM_COUNTERS_EX { unsigned long PeakVirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PeakWorkingSetSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long WorkingSetSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long QuotaPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PagefileUsage; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PrivateUsage; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_ASYNC_RESULT { unsigned char AsyncResult[8]; /* +0x0000 f6 45 00 00 */ unsigned char Operation[4]; /* +0x0008 f7 45 00 00 */ unsigned char BufferType[4]; /* +0x000c f8 45 00 00 */ unsigned long dwBytesTransferred; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _QUAD { long long UseThisFieldToCopy; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DoNotUseThisField[8]; /* +0x0000 41 00 00 00 */ }; struct _XSTATE_CONTEXT { unsigned long long Mask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Area[4]; /* +0x0010 fe 45 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0014 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved3; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _VARIABLE_NAME_AND_VALUE { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ValueOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char VendorGuid[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0020 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_REGISTRY_APPEND_STRING_PARAMETERS { void *KeyHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ValueNamePointer[4]; /* +0x0004 1e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long *RequiredLengthPointer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char *AppendBuffer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AppendBufferLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char CreateIfDoesntExist; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char TruncateExistingValue; /* +0x0021 */ }; struct tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[4]; /* +0x000c 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned long itemData; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_C_OPT_COOKIE_AUTH_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESS_STACK_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned long PreferredNode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved0; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AllocInfo[12]; /* +0x0010 0f 46 00 00 */ }; struct _STREAM_EXTENT_ENTRY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CMSG_KEY_AGREE_KEY_ENCRYPT_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EncryptedKey[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagIMECHARPOSITION { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCharPos; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0008 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char cLineHeight[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcDocument[16]; /* +0x0014 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct _CRL_REVOCATION_INFO { unsigned char pCrlEntry[4]; /* +0x0000 6d 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char pCrlContext[4]; /* +0x0004 73 29 00 00 */ unsigned char pCrlIssuerChain[4]; /* +0x0008 c7 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _URLCACHE_ENTRY_INFO { unsigned char pwszSourceUrlName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszLocalFileName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCacheEntryType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUseCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwHitRate; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwSizeLow; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwSizeHigh; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ftLastModifiedTime[8]; /* +0x001c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftExpireTime[8]; /* +0x0024 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x002c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastSyncTime[8]; /* +0x0034 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbHeaderInfo; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long cbHeaderInfoSize; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _s__ThrowInfo { unsigned char attributes[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pmfnUnwind[4]; /* +0x0004 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pForwardCompat[4]; /* +0x0008 66 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pCatchableTypeArray[4]; /* +0x000c 43 46 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOGPATH_INFORMATION { unsigned long LogPathLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char LogPath[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _INET_PORT_RANGE { unsigned short StartPort; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NumberOfPorts; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _OCSP_SIGNATURE_INFO { unsigned char SignatureAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Signature[12]; /* +0x000c 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cCertEncoded; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char rgCertEncoded[4]; /* +0x001c cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct _THREAD_TEB_INFORMATION { void *TebInformation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TebOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BytesToRead; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_WAKE_FILTER { unsigned long HighEdgeFilter; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LowEdgeFilter; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char TransactionId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long State; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Outcome; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagMENUGETOBJECTINFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char uPos[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hmenu[4]; /* +0x0008 7d 1c 00 00 */ void *riid; /* +0x000c */ void *pvObj; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CERT_RDN { unsigned long cRDNAttr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgRDNAttr[4]; /* +0x0004 2c 29 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNDCLASSW { unsigned char style[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnWndProc[4]; /* +0x0004 ce 33 00 00 */ unsigned char cbClsExtra[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWndExtra[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0010 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hIcon[4]; /* +0x0014 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hCursor[4]; /* +0x0018 7d 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBackground[4]; /* +0x001c e4 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszMenuName[4]; /* +0x0020 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClassName[4]; /* +0x0024 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ComputerName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long ProcessID; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FILE_LAYOUT_NAME_ENTRY { unsigned long NextNameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long ParentFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0018 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _MCA_EXCEPTION:::: { unsigned long long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Type; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MCA_EXCEPTION:::: { unsigned char BankNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved2[7]; /* +0x0001 19 31 00 00 */ unsigned char Status[8]; /* +0x0008 4b 40 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x0010 8e 46 00 00 */ unsigned long long Misc; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICW { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar[2]; /* +0x002c 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmLastChar[2]; /* +0x002e 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0030 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmBreakChar[2]; /* +0x0032 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0035 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0037 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ntmFlags; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char ntmSizeEM[4]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmCellHeight[4]; /* +0x0044 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmAvgWidth[4]; /* +0x0048 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_2DREGION { unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CMC_TAGGED_CERT_REQUEST { unsigned long dwBodyPartID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SignedCertRequest[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRMASKBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long cxDest; /* +0x0020 */ long cyDest; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0028 */ long xSrc; /* +0x002c */ long ySrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0034 22 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x0060 */ long xMask; /* +0x0064 */ long yMask; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long iUsageMask; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long offBmiMask; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long cbBmiMask; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long offBitsMask; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long cbBitsMask; /* +0x007c */ }; struct _CRYPT_RC4_KEY_STATE { unsigned char Key[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char SBox[256]; /* +0x0010 d1 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char i; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned char j; /* +0x0111 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK { unsigned char EventGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EventCategory[4]; /* +0x0010 b7 46 00 00 */ unsigned long *Result; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TotalSize; /* +0x001c */ void *DeviceObject; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char DeviceId[2]; /* +0x0000 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char PowerSettingGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char ParentId[2]; /* +0x0000 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char BlockedDriverGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char VetoType[4]; /* +0x0000 5f 21 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceIdVetoNameBuffer[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned long NotificationCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NotificationData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { void *Notification; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { void *NotificationStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceId[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_EVENT_BLOCK:::: { unsigned char ClassGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SymbolicLinkName[4]; /* +0x0010 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned long crc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[16]; /* +0x0004 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0008 */ short Number; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Selection; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x000f */ short HighNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[2]; /* +0x0012 23 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned char Name[20]; /* +0x0000 dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned long WeakDefaultSymIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long WeakSearchType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[12]; /* +0x0008 a3 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ID_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EaSize; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0048 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0050 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_SMART_CARD_ROOT_INFO { unsigned char rgbCardID[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char luid[8]; /* +0x0010 ce 35 00 00 */ }; struct _POOLED_USAGE_AND_LIMITS { unsigned long PeakPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PeakNonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolUsage; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PeakPagefileUsage; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long PagefileUsage; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long PagefileLimit; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _CLUSTER_RANGE { unsigned char StartingCluster[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ClusterCount[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_SCSI_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HostIdentifier; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SERVICE_SID_INFO { unsigned long dwServiceSidType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _REPARSE_INDEX_KEY { unsigned long FileReparseTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileId[8]; /* +0x0004 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REMOTE_LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_ { void *TargetFileObject; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TargetLinkTrackingInformationLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char TargetLinkTrackingInformationBuffer[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_RUN_ONCE { void *Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRPIXELFORMAT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pfd[40]; /* +0x0008 b4 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS { unsigned long long NumberOfTransactions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long BufferSizeRequired; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_BUS_DATA { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char BusDataType[4]; /* +0x000c 75 47 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SlotNumber; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _REASON_CONTEXT { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _REASON_CONTEXT:::: { unsigned char LocalizedReasonModule[4]; /* +0x0000 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned long LocalizedReasonId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ReasonStringCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ReasonStrings[4]; /* +0x000c 6c 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagCREATESTRUCTA { void *lpCreateParams; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0004 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char hMenu[4]; /* +0x0008 7d 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndParent[4]; /* +0x000c 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ long style; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char lpszName[4]; /* +0x0024 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszClass[4]; /* +0x0028 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExStyle; /* +0x002c */ }; struct tagTLIBATTR { unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long lcid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char syskind[4]; /* +0x0014 c8 47 00 00 */ unsigned short wMajorVerNum; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short wMinorVerNum; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short wLibFlags; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _OCSP_REQUEST_ENTRY { unsigned char CertId[36]; /* +0x0000 14 43 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0028 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long Selector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Descriptor[8]; /* +0x0004 e1 3f 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOUNDSENTRYA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectMSec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectColorBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectMSec; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectColor; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long iWindowsEffect; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectMSec; /* +0x0024 */ char *lpszWindowsEffectDLL; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectOrdinal; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _numberfmtA { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ char *lpDecimalSep; /* +0x000c */ char *lpThousandSep; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _PREFIX_TABLE { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[4]; /* +0x0004 f0 40 00 00 */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *User; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short *Domain; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DomainLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short *Password; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long PasswordLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short *PackageList; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PackageListLength; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _REQUEST_RAW_ENCRYPTED_DATA { long long FileOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_STATE_DISTRIBUTION { unsigned long ProcessorNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StateCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char States[8]; /* +0x0008 0f 48 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TIMECHANGE_INFO { unsigned char liNewTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char liOldTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagINTERFACEDATA { unsigned char pmethdata[4]; /* +0x0000 85 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char cMembers[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN { unsigned long dwTokenType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAlertType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwAlertNumber; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ICONINFO { unsigned char fIcon[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long xHotspot; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long yHotspot; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hbmMask[4]; /* +0x000c 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmColor[4]; /* +0x0010 8a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _SE_ACCESS_REQUEST { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SeSecurityDescriptor[4]; /* +0x0004 3b 48 00 00 */ unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PreviouslyGrantedAccess; /* +0x000c */ void *PrincipalSelfSid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char GenericMapping[4]; /* +0x0014 28 34 00 00 */ unsigned long ObjectTypeListCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ObjectTypeList[4]; /* +0x001c 3d 48 00 00 */ }; struct _INITIAL_TEB:: { void *OldStackBase; /* +0x0000 */ void *OldStackLimit; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_LOCKS { unsigned long NumberOfLocks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Locks[36]; /* +0x0004 43 48 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { long Bias; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StandardName[64]; /* +0x0004 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardStart[16]; /* +0x0044 2a 41 00 00 */ long StandardBias; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char DaylightName[64]; /* +0x0058 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char DaylightStart[16]; /* +0x0098 2a 41 00 00 */ long DaylightBias; /* +0x00a8 */ }; struct tagRPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO:: { /* unsigned char SystemTime[0]; +0x0000 e6 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char FileTime[16]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN { unsigned char ChainLen[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ChainEntries[28]; /* +0x0004 45 40 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPromptFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndApp[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char szPrompt[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SSL_CREDENTIAL_CERTIFICATE { unsigned long cbPrivateKey; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pPrivateKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbCertificate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pCertificate; /* +0x000c */ char *pszPassword; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MFRR_COMPONENT_HASH_INFO { unsigned long ulReason; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgHeaderHash[86]; /* +0x0004 64 48 00 00 */ unsigned char rgPublicKeyHash[86]; /* +0x005a 64 48 00 00 */ unsigned char wszName[520]; /* +0x00b0 24 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_CALLBACK_INFORMATION { void *CallbackObject; /* +0x0000 */ void *Context; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESS_INFORMATION { void *hProcess; /* +0x0000 */ void *hThread; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwProcessId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwThreadId; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _FP_32 { unsigned char W[4]; /* +0x0000 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ void *Object; /* +0x0004 */ void *CreatorUniqueProcess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x000e */ long PointerCount; /* +0x0010 */ long HandleCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PagedPoolCharge; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolCharge; /* +0x001c */ void *ExclusiveProcessId; /* +0x0020 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char NameInfo[8]; /* +0x0028 cd 48 00 00 */ }; struct tagWINDOWPOS { unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndInsertAfter[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagNONCLIENTMETRICSA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollWidth[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iScrollHeight[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfCaptionFont[60]; /* +0x0018 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionWidth[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSmCaptionHeight[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfSmCaptionFont[60]; /* +0x005c 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuWidth[4]; /* +0x0098 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMenuHeight[4]; /* +0x009c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMenuFont[60]; /* +0x00a0 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char lfStatusFont[60]; /* +0x00dc 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char lfMessageFont[60]; /* +0x0118 1d 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char iPaddedBorderWidth[4]; /* +0x0154 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagGLYPHSET { unsigned long cbThis; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long flAccel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cGlyphsSupported; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cRanges; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ranges[4]; /* +0x0010 dc 48 00 00 */ }; struct tagMDICREATESTRUCTW { unsigned char szClass[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char szTitle[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ void *hOwner; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long style; /* +0x001c */ long lParam; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_SIZE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TotalAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AvailableAllocationUnits[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SectorsPerAllocationUnit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_DEVICE { unsigned char Header[8]; /* +0x0000 96 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char InstancePath[4]; /* +0x0008 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_CONTROL_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _KCRM_TRANSACTION_BLOB { unsigned char UOW[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TmIdentity[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long IsolationLevel; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long IsolationFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Description[128]; /* +0x002c cd 27 00 00 */ }; struct _MUILANGLISTNODE { unsigned short LanguageType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ short LanguageSpec; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _cpinfo { unsigned char MaxCharSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultChar[2]; /* +0x0004 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadByte[14]; /* +0x0006 a3 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_SESSION_CONNECT { unsigned char Connected; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Console; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _XSTATE_CONFIGURATION { unsigned long long EnabledFeatures; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char OptimizedSave[4]; /* +0x000c 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Features[512]; /* +0x0010 13 49 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_V2_A { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ServerPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *ServerPrincipalName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClientPrincipalNameBufferLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *ClientPrincipalName; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AuthenticationLevel; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AuthenticationService; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char NullSession[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char KernelModeCaller[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ProtocolSequence; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long IsClientLocal; /* +0x002c */ void *ClientPID; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CallStatus; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char CallType[4]; /* +0x0038 7f 20 00 00 */ unsigned char CallLocalAddress[4]; /* +0x003c 81 20 00 00 */ unsigned short OpNum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char InterfaceUuid[16]; /* +0x0044 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_CLIENT_PROCESS_BUFFER_EX { void *ClientSession; /* +0x0000 */ void *ClientProcess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ClientComputerNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClientComputerBuffer[34]; /* +0x000a b2 2b 00 00 */ }; struct tagIMEMENUITEMINFOW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fType[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fState[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wID[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpChecked[4]; /* +0x0010 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpUnchecked[4]; /* +0x0014 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwItemData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char szString[160]; /* +0x001c 6b 40 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmpItem[4]; /* +0x00bc 8a 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CALLBACK_COOKIE { unsigned char pcwszName[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcwszValue[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcwszDomain[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcwszPath[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ftExpires[8]; /* +0x0010 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct threadlocaleinfostruct:: { char *locale; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wlocale[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char refcount[4]; /* +0x0008 74 04 00 00 */ unsigned char wrefcount[4]; /* +0x000c 74 04 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG32 { unsigned short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long CriticalSection; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ProcessLocksList[8]; /* +0x0008 3f 28 00 00 */ unsigned long EntryCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Spare[8]; /* +0x0018 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _OPERATION_START_PARAMETERS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OperationId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CRL_DIST_POINT { unsigned char DistPointName[12]; /* +0x0000 47 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char ReasonFlags[12]; /* +0x000c 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CRLIssuer[8]; /* +0x0018 6e 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ }; struct WMIREGINFOW { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NextWmiRegInfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long RegistryPath; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MofResourceName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long GuidCount; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char WmiRegGuid[0]; +0x0014 78 49 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REFERENCE_RANGE { unsigned long long StartingFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndingFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagEMRSETMITERLIMIT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char eMiterLimit[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_ClientCertPolicyResult { unsigned char dwPolicyResult[4]; /* +0x0000 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned char guidPolicyId[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_CipherInfo { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProtocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCipherSuite; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBaseCipherSuite; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char szCipherSuite[128]; /* +0x0010 cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned char szCipher[128]; /* +0x0090 cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCipherLen; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long dwCipherBlockLen; /* +0x0114 */ unsigned char szHash[128]; /* +0x0118 cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHashLen; /* +0x0198 */ unsigned char szExchange[128]; /* +0x019c cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMinExchangeLen; /* +0x021c */ unsigned long dwMaxExchangeLen; /* +0x0220 */ unsigned char szCertificate[128]; /* +0x0224 cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned long dwKeyType; /* +0x02a4 */ }; struct netent { char *n_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char n_aliases[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ short n_addrtype; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long n_net; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_DETAILS { unsigned char pwszMimeType[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cHashedUrl; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgHashedUrl[4]; /* +0x0008 f0 35 00 00 */ }; struct _SLIST_HEADER { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 41 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short Depth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Sequence; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct tagLOGBRUSH32 { unsigned char lbStyle[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long lbColor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long lbHatch; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagVARIANT { unsigned short vt; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wReserved2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x0006 */ long long llVal; /* +0x0008 */ long lVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bVal; /* +0x0008 */ short iVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char fltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char dblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ short boolVal; /* +0x0008 */ long scode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char cyVal[0]; +0x0008 27 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char date[0]; +0x0008 41 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrVal[0]; +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char punkVal[0]; +0x0008 90 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdispVal[0]; +0x0008 31 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char parray[0]; +0x0008 35 35 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbVal; /* +0x0008 */ short *piVal; /* +0x0008 */ long *plVal; /* +0x0008 */ long long *pllVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pfltVal[0]; +0x0008 40 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdblVal[0]; +0x0008 41 04 00 00 */ short *pboolVal; /* +0x0008 */ long *pscode; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pcyVal[0]; +0x0008 28 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdate[0]; +0x0008 41 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pbstrVal[0]; +0x0008 6c 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppunkVal[0]; +0x0008 89 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppdispVal[0]; +0x0008 4c 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pparray[0]; +0x0008 4d 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pvarVal[0]; +0x0008 e5 1f 00 00 */ void *byref; /* +0x0008 */ char cVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short uiVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char intVal[0]; +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdecVal[0]; +0x0008 39 28 00 00 */ char *pcVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *puiVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *pulVal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long *pullVal; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pintVal[0]; +0x0008 74 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char puintVal[0]; +0x0008 75 04 00 00 */ void *pvRecord; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char pRecInfo[-12]; +0x000c bb 49 00 00 */ unsigned char decVal[16]; /* +0x0000 38 28 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PKCS8_IMPORT_PARAMS { unsigned char PrivateKey[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pResolvehCryptProvFunc[4]; /* +0x0008 e6 49 00 00 */ void *pVoidResolveFunc; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pDecryptPrivateKeyFunc[4]; /* +0x0010 e9 49 00 00 */ void *pVoidDecryptFunc; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long AttributeCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION:: { unsigned char pAttributeV1[4]; /* +0x0000 f7 49 00 00 */ }; enum __vc_attributes::pointer_defaultAttribute::type_e { ptr = 0, ref = 1, unique = 2 }; enum __vc_attributes::threadingAttribute::threading_e { apartment = 1, single = 2, free = 3, neutral = 4, both = 5 }; enum __vc_attributes::event_receiverAttribute::type_e { native = 0, com = 1, managed = 2 }; enum __vc_attributes::aggregatableAttribute::type_e { never = 0, allowed = 1, always = 2 }; enum __vc_attributes::event_sourceAttribute::optimize_e { speed = 0, size = 1 }; enum __vc_attributes::moduleAttribute::type_e { dll = 1, exe = 2, service = 3, unspecified = 4, EXE = 2, SERVICE = 3 }; enum __vc_attributes::helper_attributes::usageAttribute::usage_e { eAnyUsage = 0, eCoClassUsage = 1, eCOMInterfaceUsage = 2, eInterfaceUsage = 6, eMemberUsage = 8, eMethodUsage = 16, eInterfaceMethodUsage = 32, eInterfaceMemberUsage = 64, eCoClassMemberUsage = 128, eCoClassMethodUsage = 256, eGlobalMethodUsage = 768, eGlobalDataUsage = 1024, eClassUsage = 2048, eInterfaceParameterUsage = 4096, eMethodParameterUsage = 12288, eIDLModuleUsage = 16384, = 32770 }; enum __vc_attributes::helper_attributes::v1_alttypeAttribute::type_e { eBoolean = 0, eInteger = 1, eFloat = 2, eDouble = 3 }; struct _FILE_PIPE_REMOTE_INFORMATION { unsigned char CollectDataTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long MaximumCollectionCount; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagEMRGDICOMMENT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER { unsigned char pszName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwClass; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagMENUINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long fMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cyMax[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hbrBack[4]; /* +0x0010 e4 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwContextHelpID; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwMenuData; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct EventRegistrationToken { long long value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ENCRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ContentEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x000c 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvEncryptionAuxInfo; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwInnerContentType; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo { unsigned long dwProtocol; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aiCipher[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCipherStrength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char aiHash[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHashStrength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char aiExch[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExchStrength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _ALPC_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SequenceNo; /* +0x0004 */ void *PortContext; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO { long long hnsMaxLatency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbMaxLookahead; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbAlignment; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FILE_LEVEL_TRIM { unsigned long Key; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumRanges; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Ranges[16]; /* +0x0008 97 4d 00 00 */ }; struct tagRECONVERTSTRING { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwStrLen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwStrOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwCompStrLen; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCompStrOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwTargetStrLen; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwTargetStrOffset; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _CERT_QC_STATEMENTS_EXT_INFO { unsigned long cStatement; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgStatement[4]; /* +0x0004 38 30 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION { unsigned long RegistryQuotaAllowed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RegistryQuotaUsed; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PagedPoolSize; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDelay; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwOptDataSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagALTTABINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char cItems[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cColumns[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cRows[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iColFocus[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iRowFocus[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cxItem[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cyItem[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptStart[8]; /* +0x0020 4d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_IS_REMOTE_DEVICE_INFORMATION { unsigned char IsRemote; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHBITMAP { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHBITMAP::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0007 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 e2 4d 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _AUTHENTICODE_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRegPolicySettings; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pSignerInfo[4]; /* +0x0008 07 4e 00 00 */ }; struct _NL_PATH_BANDWIDTH_ROD { unsigned long long Bandwidth; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Instability; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char BandwidthPeaked; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSignerIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwSignerType; /* +0x000c */ void *pvSigner; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION { unsigned long Number; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxMhz; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurrentMhz; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MhzLimit; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MaxIdleState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CurrentIdleState; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _INTERNET_BUFFERSW { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0004 21 20 00 00 */ unsigned char lpcszHeader[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwHeadersLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwHeadersTotal; /* +0x0010 */ void *lpvBuffer; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwBufferLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwBufferTotal; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwOffsetLow; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwOffsetHigh; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _LDR_SECTION_INFO { void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ObjA[4]; /* +0x0008 3e 4e 00 00 */ unsigned long SectionPageProtection; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AllocationAttributes; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagEMRSETCOLORSPACE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihCS; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY:::: { unsigned char CombinedPage[4]; /* +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY:::: { /* unsigned char Image[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Mismatch[4]; /* +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ }; struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY:: { /* unsigned char e1[0]; +0x0000 6c 4e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char e2[0]; +0x0000 6d 4e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char e3[0]; +0x0000 6e 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char e4[8]; /* +0x0000 6f 4e 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_ALLOCATED_RANGE_BUFFER { unsigned char FileOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Length[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE32 { unsigned long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x0014 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[8]; /* +0x0054 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY { unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PowerButton[12]; /* +0x0004 fb 28 00 00 */ unsigned char SleepButton[12]; /* +0x0010 fb 28 00 00 */ unsigned char LidClose[12]; /* +0x001c fb 28 00 00 */ unsigned char LidOpenWake[4]; /* +0x0028 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char Idle[12]; /* +0x0030 fb 28 00 00 */ unsigned long IdleTimeout; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char IdleSensitivity; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char DynamicThrottle; /* +0x0041 */ unsigned char Spare2[2]; /* +0x0042 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char MinSleep[4]; /* +0x0044 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxSleep[4]; /* +0x0048 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char ReducedLatencySleep[4]; /* +0x004c c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long WinLogonFlags; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long Spare3; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long DozeS4Timeout; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long BroadcastCapacityResolution; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char DischargePolicy[96]; /* +0x0060 ad 4e 00 00 */ unsigned long VideoTimeout; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned char VideoDimDisplay; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned char VideoReserved[12]; /* +0x00c8 8b 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SpindownTimeout; /* +0x00d4 */ unsigned char OptimizeForPower; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned char FanThrottleTolerance; /* +0x00d9 */ unsigned char ForcedThrottle; /* +0x00da */ unsigned char MinThrottle; /* +0x00db */ unsigned char OverThrottled[12]; /* +0x00dc fb 28 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_LIST_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfTransactions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TransactionInformation[16]; /* +0x0004 b0 4e 00 00 */ }; struct in6_addr:: { /* unsigned char Byte[0]; +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char Word[16]; /* +0x0000 c8 37 00 00 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_BSTR { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aBstr[4]; /* +0x0004 bd 4e 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FileIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CreationTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ChangeTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EndOfFile[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0040 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3 { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Pool[4]; /* +0x0004 36 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroup[4]; /* +0x0008 c6 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroupCancelCallback[4]; /* +0x000c c8 4e 00 00 */ void *RaceDll; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[4]; /* +0x0014 f7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char FinalizationCallback[16]; /* +0x0018 cb 4e 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_EXTENSION { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fCritical[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Value[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_STACKCHECK_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Permanent[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 19 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOUNDSENTRYW { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffect; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectMSec; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iFSTextEffectColorBits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffect; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectMSec; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long iFSGrafEffectColor; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long iWindowsEffect; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectMSec; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char lpszWindowsEffectDLL[4]; /* +0x0028 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long iWindowsEffectOrdinal; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _OLESTREAM { unsigned char lpstbl[4]; /* +0x0000 e0 4e 00 00 */ }; struct _NCRYPT_CIPHER_PADDING_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pbIV; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbIV; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *pbOtherInfo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbOtherInfo; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CRL_ENTRY { unsigned char SerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RevocationDate[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0014 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYW { unsigned char CachePath[520]; /* +0x0000 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCacheSize; /* +0x0208 */ }; struct _WSANSClassInfoA { char *lpszName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNameSpace; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwValueType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwValueSize; /* +0x000c */ void *lpValue; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FSCTL_OFFLOAD_READ_INPUT { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TokenTimeToLive; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long FileOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long CopyLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_LOGO_INFORMATION { unsigned char Bitmap[1]; /* +0x0000 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long StartingAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndingAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long EndOfPrologue; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagMEASUREITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemWidth[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemHeight[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long itemData; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RPC_PROTSEQ_ENDPOINT { unsigned char *RpcProtocolSequence; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *Endpoint; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION { long ExitStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PebBaseAddress[4]; /* +0x0004 b6 3e 00 00 */ unsigned long AffinityMask; /* +0x0008 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_PARA { unsigned char pszTSAPolicyId[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char fRequestCerts[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Nonce[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0014 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagENUMLOGFONTW { unsigned char elfLogFont[92]; /* +0x0000 06 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char elfFullName[128]; /* +0x005c cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned char elfStyle[64]; /* +0x00dc e5 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Parameters[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MFVIDEOFORMAT { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char videoInfo[112]; /* +0x0008 52 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char guidFormat[16]; /* +0x0078 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char compressedInfo[24]; /* +0x0088 53 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char surfaceInfo[16]; /* +0x00a0 54 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _INTERNET_COOKIE { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszName; /* +0x0004 */ char *pszData; /* +0x0008 */ char *pszDomain; /* +0x000c */ char *pszPath; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pftExpires[4]; /* +0x0014 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ char *pszUrl; /* +0x001c */ char *pszP3PPolicy; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA { /* unsigned char Loaded[0]; +0x0000 f6 36 00 00 */ unsigned char Unloaded[20]; /* +0x0000 5f 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char KeyWrapAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0014 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvKeyWrapAuxInfo; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwKeySpec; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwKeyChoice; /* +0x002c */ /* unsigned char pEphemeralAlgorithm[0]; +0x0030 73 26 00 00 */ unsigned char pSenderId[4]; /* +0x0030 77 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char UserKeyingMaterial[8]; /* +0x0034 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cRecipientEncryptedKeys; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char rgpRecipientEncryptedKeys[4]; /* +0x0040 7a 4f 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAL { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ long *pElems; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_NUMA_PROXIMITY_MAP { unsigned long NodeProximityId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NodeNumber; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_SET_KEY_LAST_WRITE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 65 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[8]; /* +0x0018 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OldLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NewLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO { void *hThread; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpThreadLocalBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpStartAddress[4]; /* +0x0008 0b 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagMSGBOXPARAMSA { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hInstance[4]; /* +0x0008 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszText[4]; /* +0x000c 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszCaption[4]; /* +0x0010 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lpszIcon[4]; /* +0x0018 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwContextHelpId; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char lpfnMsgBoxCallback[4]; /* +0x0020 ed 37 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLanguageId; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _CM_PCCARD_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ErrorCode; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long BusData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DeviceId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LegacyBaseAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char IRQMap[16]; /* +0x0010 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS { unsigned char Parent[4]; /* +0x0000 73 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char LeftChild[4]; /* +0x0004 73 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char RightChild[4]; /* +0x0008 73 2b 00 00 */ char Balance; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Reserved[3]; /* +0x000d 18 15 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_SIGNAL_INFO { unsigned long long pixelRate; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hSyncFreq[8]; /* +0x0008 a5 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char vSyncFreq[8]; /* +0x0010 a5 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char activeSize[8]; /* +0x0018 a6 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char totalSize[8]; /* +0x0020 a6 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char videoStandard[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char scanLineOrdering[4]; /* +0x002c a7 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _COUNTED_REASON_CONTEXT { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ResourceFileName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned short ResourceReasonId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long StringCount; /* +0x0014 */ /* unsigned char ReasonStrings[-16]; +0x0018 1e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char SimpleString[20]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE_ENTRY { void *FunctionTable; /* +0x0000 */ void *ImageBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfTable; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER { unsigned char Name[40]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER:: { unsigned long PhysicalAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PROCESS_REVOKE_FILE_HANDLES_INFORMATION { unsigned char TargetDevicePath[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbAlignment; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagBITMAP { long bmType; /* +0x0000 */ long bmWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long bmHeight; /* +0x0008 */ long bmWidthBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bmPlanes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short bmBitsPixel; /* +0x0012 */ void *bmBits; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_FONT_INFO { unsigned long nFont; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwFontSize[4]; /* +0x0004 8d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagSTGOPTIONS { unsigned short usVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long ulSectorSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pwcsTemplateFile[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_X942_OTHER_INFO { char *pszContentEncryptionObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbCounter[4]; /* +0x0004 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char rgbKeyLength[4]; /* +0x0008 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char PubInfo[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NamesA { char *sUserName; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SD_QUERY_STATS_OUTPUT { unsigned long long SdsStreamSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long SdsAllocationSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long SiiStreamSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long SiiAllocationSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SdhStreamSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long SdhAllocationSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long NumSDTotal; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long NumSDUnused; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _DISCDLGSTRUCTW { unsigned long cbStructure; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpLocalName[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpRemoteName[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct truespeechwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wRevision; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short nSamplesPerBlock; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char abReserved[28]; /* +0x0016 0c 50 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTXW { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpSource[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned short wProcessorArchitecture; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wLangId; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char lpAssemblyDirectory[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpResourceName[4]; /* +0x0014 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpApplicationName[4]; /* +0x0018 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char hModule[4]; /* +0x001c 81 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagLOCALESIGNATURE { unsigned char lsUsb[16]; /* +0x0000 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned char lsCsbDefault[8]; /* +0x0010 9e 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char lsCsbSupported[8]; /* +0x0018 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct tagVersionedStream { unsigned char guidVersion[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pStream[4]; /* +0x0010 0b 17 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_PROCESS_ID_LIST { unsigned long NumberOfAssignedProcesses; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessIdsInList; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ProcessIdList[4]; /* +0x0008 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long nLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long lpSecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bInheritHandle[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _flowspec { unsigned long TokenRate; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TokenBucketSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PeakBandwidth; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Latency; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DelayVariation; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ServiceType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxSduSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MinimumPolicedSize; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE { unsigned long long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE { void *BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x0014 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[8]; /* +0x0054 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ShareDisposition; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Class; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved2; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long IdLowPart; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdHighPart; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Length64; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Length48; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Length40; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Start; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Data[12]; /* +0x0000 8b 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Channel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RequestLine; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Channel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Port; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned char Start[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { /* unsigned char Raw[0]; +0x0000 7d 50 00 00 */ unsigned char Translated[12]; /* +0x0000 7e 50 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::::::: { unsigned long Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Vector; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Affinity; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::::::: { unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MessageCount; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Vector; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Affinity; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICA { long tmHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long tmAscent; /* +0x0004 */ long tmDescent; /* +0x0008 */ long tmInternalLeading; /* +0x000c */ long tmExternalLeading; /* +0x0010 */ long tmAveCharWidth; /* +0x0014 */ long tmMaxCharWidth; /* +0x0018 */ long tmWeight; /* +0x001c */ long tmOverhang; /* +0x0020 */ long tmDigitizedAspectX; /* +0x0024 */ long tmDigitizedAspectY; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char tmFirstChar; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char tmLastChar; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char tmDefaultChar; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char tmBreakChar; /* +0x002f */ unsigned char tmItalic; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char tmUnderlined; /* +0x0031 */ unsigned char tmStruckOut; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned char tmPitchAndFamily; /* +0x0033 */ unsigned char tmCharSet; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ntmFlags; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char ntmSizeEM[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmCellHeight[4]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmAvgWidth[4]; /* +0x0044 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ARM_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { unsigned long BeginAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UnwindData; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Flag[0]; +0x0004 2b 47 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FunctionLength[0]; +0x0004 ae 50 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ret[0]; +0x0004 d9 3c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char H[0]; +0x0004 50 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reg[0]; +0x0004 af 50 00 00 */ /* unsigned char R[0]; +0x0004 a0 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char L[0]; +0x0004 13 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char C[0]; +0x0004 14 15 00 00 */ unsigned char StackAdjust[4]; /* +0x0004 15 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAUH { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 8a 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _ATOM_TABLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfAtoms; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Atoms[4]; /* +0x0004 a2 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_ENTROPY_NT_RESULT { unsigned long maxEntropySources; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char EntropySourceResult[728]; /* +0x0008 f3 50 00 00 */ unsigned char SeedBytesForCng[48]; /* +0x02e0 14 25 00 00 */ }; struct _EISA_MEMORY_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char ConfigurationByte[1]; /* +0x0000 f6 50 00 00 */ unsigned char DataSize; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AddressLowWord; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char AddressHighByte; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MemorySize; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA { unsigned long dwCacheVersion; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszName; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszCachePrefix; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpszVolumeLabel; /* +0x000c */ char *lpszVolumeTitle; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION64 { long ExitStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Pad1[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long PebBaseAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long AffinityMask; /* +0x0010 */ long BasePriority; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Pad2[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Protocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ProtocolMajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ProtocolMinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short ProtocolRevision; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagSIZE { long cx; /* +0x0000 */ long cy; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OCSP_SIGNED_REQUEST_INFO { unsigned char ToBeSigned[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pOptionalSignatureInfo[4]; /* +0x0008 1a 51 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_SET_DEFECT_MGMT_BUFFER { unsigned char Disable; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TIMER_SET_COALESCABLE_TIMER_INFO { unsigned char DueTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TimerApcRoutine[4]; /* +0x0008 28 31 00 00 */ void *TimerContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char WakeContext[4]; /* +0x0010 22 51 00 00 */ unsigned long Period; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TolerableDelay; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char *PreviousState; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char FileSystem[9]; /* +0x0000 27 51 00 00 */ }; struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[4]; /* +0x0004 1d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char LastNextEntry[4]; /* +0x0008 1d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagTOUCH_HIT_TESTING_INPUT { unsigned char pointerId[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char point[8]; /* +0x0004 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char boundingBox[16]; /* +0x000c 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char nonOccludedBoundingBox[16]; /* +0x001c 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char orientation[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RecipientId[20]; /* +0x0004 99 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0018 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptedKey[8]; /* +0x0024 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_SESSION_INFORMATION { unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct msaudio1waveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wSamplesPerBlock; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short wEncodeOptions; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Algorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char PrivateKey[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pAttributes[4]; /* +0x0018 f8 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CONTEXT_SWITCH_INFORMATION { unsigned long ContextSwitches; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FindAny; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FindLast; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FindIdeal; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long IdleAny; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long IdleCurrent; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long IdleLast; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long IdleIdeal; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long PreemptAny; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PreemptCurrent; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PreemptLast; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SwitchToIdle; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _CONTEXT_EX { unsigned char All[8]; /* +0x0000 a2 49 00 00 */ unsigned char Legacy[8]; /* +0x0008 a2 49 00 00 */ unsigned char XState[8]; /* +0x0010 a2 49 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_DEVICE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfDisks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfFloppies; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfCdRoms; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfTapes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfSerialPorts; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberOfParallelPorts; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FLS_DATA { unsigned char Entry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Slots[512]; /* +0x0008 9a 51 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PROVIDER_REFS { unsigned long cProviders; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpProviders[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 51 00 00 */ }; struct _tagPROTOCOLFILTERDATA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pProtocolSink[4]; /* +0x0004 dd 30 00 00 */ unsigned char pProtocol[4]; /* +0x0008 67 24 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[4]; /* +0x000c 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFilterFlags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_HEADER { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short FieldTypeFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char HeaderType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MarkerFlags; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Class[4]; /* +0x0004 b6 51 00 00 */ unsigned long ThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ProcessId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Guid[0]; +0x0018 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long GuidPtr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long KernelTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long UserTime; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long ProcessorTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ClientContext; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { unsigned short bfType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long bfSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short bfReserved1; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short bfReserved2; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long bfOffBits; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW { unsigned char lpDescription[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _ldiv_t { long quot; /* +0x0000 */ long rem; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::Point { unsigned char X[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Y[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan { long long Duration; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::Size { unsigned char Width[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Height[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ }; enum Windows::Foundation::Collections::is_foundation_struct:: { value = 0 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Collections::is_foundation_struct:: { value = 1 }; enum Windows::Foundation::Collections::CollectionChange { Reset = 0, ItemInserted = 1, ItemRemoved = 2, ItemChanged = 3 }; struct Windows::Foundation::DateTime { long long UniversalTime; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct Windows::Foundation::Rect { unsigned char X[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Y[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Width[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Height[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ }; enum Windows::Networking::Sockets::SocketQualityOfService { SocketQualityOfService_Normal = 0, SocketQualityOfService_Audio = 1 }; struct Windows::Networking::Sockets::BandwidthStatistics { unsigned long long OutboundBitsPerSecond; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long InboundBitsPerSecond; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long OutboundInstability; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long InboundInstability; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char OutboundBandwidthPeaked; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char InboundBandwidthPeaked; /* +0x0021 */ }; struct Windows::Networking::Sockets::RoundTripTimeStatistics { unsigned char Variance[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Max[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Min[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Sum[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ }; enum Windows::Networking::Sockets::SocketMessageType { SocketMessageType_Binary = 0, SocketMessageType_Utf8 = 1 }; struct Windows::Web::Internal::NameValueCollection::name_iterator { unsigned char current[4]; /* +0x0000 ee 43 00 00 */ unsigned char started[4]; /* +0x0004 30 00 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Web::Internal::HttpContent::Segment { unsigned char next[4]; /* +0x0000 01 63 00 00 */ unsigned char data[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char length[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Web::Internal::RequestList::Entry { unsigned char next[4]; /* +0x0000 73 63 00 00 */ unsigned char request[4]; /* +0x0004 d2 23 00 00 */ unsigned char context[4]; /* +0x0008 79 63 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Web::Internal::AutoHINTERNET::InternetHandle { void *handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char refCount[4]; /* +0x0004 41 19 00 00 */ unsigned char parent[4]; /* +0x0008 8c 48 00 00 */ }; struct Windows::Web::Internal::HttpHeaderCollection { unsigned char innerCollection[16]; /* +0x0000 9c 62 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_DH_PARAMETER_HEADER { unsigned long cbLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbKeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FileHeader[20]; /* +0x0004 8e 20 00 00 */ unsigned char OptionalHeader[240]; /* +0x0018 40 36 00 00 */ }; struct _WGLSWAP { unsigned char hdc[4]; /* +0x0000 fe 27 00 00 */ unsigned char uiFlags[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _PO_WAKE_SOURCE_HEADER { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 6b 64 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct creative_fastspeechformat_tag { unsigned char ewf[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ }; struct pcmwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wf[14]; /* +0x0000 27 29 00 00 */ unsigned short wBitsPerSample; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _CMC_DATA_INFO { unsigned long cTaggedAttribute; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgTaggedAttribute[4]; /* +0x0004 57 26 00 00 */ unsigned long cTaggedRequest; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgTaggedRequest[4]; /* +0x000c e4 31 00 00 */ unsigned long cTaggedContentInfo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgTaggedContentInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 a3 64 00 00 */ unsigned long cTaggedOtherMsg; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char rgTaggedOtherMsg[4]; /* +0x001c a5 64 00 00 */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_RESOLUTION_BEGINNING { unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0000 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0004 */ void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Root[8]; /* +0x000c 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KnownRoot; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long RootCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CancelResolution; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagWNODE_ALL_DATA { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceCount; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceNameOffsets; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long FixedInstanceSize; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char OffsetInstanceDataAndLength[12]; /* +0x003c d3 64 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORY_COMBINE_INFORMATION { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PagesCombined; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PSINJECTDATA { unsigned long DataBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short InjectionPoint; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short PageNumber; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_PasswordExpiry { unsigned char tsPasswordExpires[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RGNDATA { unsigned char rdh[32]; /* +0x0000 e8 64 00 00 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0020 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszLoggedUrlName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char StartTime[16]; /* +0x0008 e6 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char EndTime[16]; /* +0x0018 e6 1c 00 00 */ char *lpszExtendedInfo; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long CommittedSize; /* +0x0000 */ void *FirstBlock; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_ENTRY:::: { unsigned long Settable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER { unsigned char type[4]; /* +0x0000 2e 65 00 00 */ unsigned char size[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0008 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTFLOODFILL { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ptlStart[8]; /* +0x0008 36 15 00 00 */ unsigned long crColor; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CREDENTIALS { unsigned char lpcwszHostName[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPort; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwScheme; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpcwszUrl[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpcwszRealm[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char fAuthIdentity[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char lpcwszUserName[4]; /* +0x0018 5c 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char lpcwszPassword[-4]; +0x001c 5c 15 00 00 */ void *pAuthIdentityOpaque; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _EVENTLOG_FULL_INFORMATION { unsigned long dwFull; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SignedInfo[28]; /* +0x0004 72 65 00 00 */ unsigned char EnvelopedInfo[32]; /* +0x0020 5c 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_THREAD_CID_PRIORITY_INFORMATION { unsigned char ClientId[8]; /* +0x0000 ac 14 00 00 */ long Priority; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_CREATE_DELETE_KEY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 65 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyPathName[8]; /* +0x0018 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SecurityDescriptorLength; /* +0x0020 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short ClassLength; /* +0x0028 */ void *ClassData; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char SymbolicLink; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _XSAVE_AREA { unsigned char LegacyState[512]; /* +0x0000 12 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char Header[64]; /* +0x0200 ba 51 00 00 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUTDEVICE { unsigned short usUsagePage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short usUsage; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndTarget[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_STRONG_PROPERTIES_INFO { unsigned char CertSignHashCNGAlgPropData[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CertIssuerPubKeyBitLengthPropData[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_IOSTATUSBLOCK_RANGE_INFORMATION { unsigned char *IoStatusBlockRange; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _KEY_WRITE_TIME_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagCONNECTDATA { unsigned char pUnk[4]; /* +0x0000 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCookie; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CLASSIC_EVENT_ID { unsigned char EventGuid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Reserved[7]; /* +0x0011 19 31 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_ITEM { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ unsigned long OffsetInstanceName; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long InstanceIndex; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ItemId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long DataBlockOffset; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SizeDataItem; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char VariableData[4]; /* +0x0044 2d 36 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION { long long FileReference; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0008 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthVolumeId[16]; /* +0x0018 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char BirthObjectId[16]; /* +0x0028 13 25 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DomainId[-32]; +0x0038 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtendedInfo[48]; /* +0x0018 14 25 00 00 */ }; struct _AUTHENTICODE_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fCommercial[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ long long Process; /* +0x0008 */ long long Thread; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ClientId[16]; /* +0x0018 65 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char ImageInformation[64]; /* +0x0028 b2 38 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TRACING_QUERY { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalTraces; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HandleTrace[80]; /* +0x0008 e7 65 00 00 */ }; struct _CPS_URLS { unsigned char pszURL[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pAlgorithm[4]; /* +0x0004 73 26 00 00 */ unsigned char pDigest[4]; /* +0x0008 cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY { unsigned long cValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgValue[4]; /* +0x0004 cc 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char HashedMessage[8]; /* +0x0010 6e 14 00 00 */ char *pszTSAPolicyId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Nonce[8]; /* +0x001c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char fCertReq[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x002c 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sbz1; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Control; /* +0x0002 */ void *Owner; /* +0x0004 */ void *Group; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Sacl[4]; /* +0x000c 7b 22 00 00 */ unsigned char Dacl[4]; /* +0x0010 7b 22 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PROFILE_CONTROL_AREA { unsigned char ProcessorProfileControlArea[4]; /* +0x0000 f6 65 00 00 */ unsigned char Allocate; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA { unsigned char StreamSize[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char cStreamName[592]; /* +0x0008 f9 65 00 00 */ }; struct tagPARAMDATA { unsigned char szName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_WAKE_INFORMATION { unsigned long long NotificationChannel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char WakeCounters[32]; /* +0x0008 1f 66 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_OPEN_SUBKEYS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyArray[12]; /* +0x0004 23 66 00 00 */ }; struct sonarcwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wCompType; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _CRYPT_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO { unsigned char EncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptedPrivateKey[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EV_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRootProgramQualifierFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NameString[2]; /* +0x0002 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_PLATFORM_INFORMATION { unsigned char Role[4]; /* +0x0000 8c 44 00 00 */ unsigned char AoAc; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _USER_MARSHAL_CB { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pStubMsg[4]; /* +0x0004 37 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pReserve[4]; /* +0x0008 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned long Signature; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char CBType[4]; /* +0x0010 3b 66 00 00 */ unsigned char pFormat[4]; /* +0x0014 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pTypeFormat[4]; /* +0x0018 67 21 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_REGISTRY_STORE_CLIENT_GPT_PARA { unsigned char hKeyBase[4]; /* +0x0000 94 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszRegPath[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _EXTENDED_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INFO { unsigned long ExtendedCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_STRICT_HANDLE_CHECK_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RaiseExceptionOnInvalidHandleReference[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HandleExceptionsPermanentlyEnabled[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 ef 21 00 00 */ }; struct tagTTPOLYCURVE { unsigned short wType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short cpfx; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char apfx[8]; /* +0x0004 5a 66 00 00 */ }; struct _SCHANNEL_CRED { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cCreds; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char paCred[4]; /* +0x0008 bd 1c 00 00 */ void *hRootStore; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cMappers; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char aphMappers[4]; /* +0x0014 8b 20 00 00 */ unsigned long cSupportedAlgs; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char palgSupportedAlgs[4]; /* +0x001c 75 04 00 00 */ unsigned long grbitEnabledProtocols; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwMinimumCipherStrength; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwMaximumCipherStrength; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwSessionLifespan; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwCredFormat; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PKCS12_PBE_PARAMS { unsigned char iIterations[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSalt; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION { void *VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION:: { /* unsigned char VirtualAttributes[0]; +0x0000 69 66 00 00 */ unsigned long Long; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TP_POOL_STACK_INFORMATION { unsigned long StackReserve; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StackCommit; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_AuthorityW { unsigned char sAuthorityName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct __NCRYPT_UI_POLICY { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pszCreationTitle[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszFriendlyName[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDescription[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_ClientSpecifiedTarget { unsigned char sTargetName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _LDRP_CSLIST { unsigned char Tail[4]; /* +0x0000 ab 22 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V4_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _NT_TIB32 { unsigned long ExceptionList; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StackBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long StackLimit; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SubSystemTib; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FiberData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ArbitraryUserPointer; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Self; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_RESPONSE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wResponseType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wResponseFlags; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char LastModifiedTime[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMaxAge; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pwszETag[4]; /* +0x0014 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwProxyId; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RESOURCEMANAGER_COMPLETION_INFORMATION { void *IoCompletionPortHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CompletionKey; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TXFS_MODIFY_RM { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMax; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMin; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LogContainerCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long LogGrowthIncrement; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogAutoShrinkPercentage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long Reserved; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short LoggingMode; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _ALPC_SECURITY_ATTR { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char QoS[4]; /* +0x0004 af 66 00 00 */ void *ContextHandle; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_FAULTS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Probability; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxProbability; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PoolTags[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Applications[8]; /* +0x0010 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_INFORMATION { unsigned long ElementCount; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Elements[0]; +0x0004 c7 66 00 00 */ }; struct tagXFORM { unsigned char eM11[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eM12[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eM21[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eM22[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eDx[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char eDy[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _NCRYPT_KEY_BLOB_HEADER { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbAlgName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbKeyData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbKeyName; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0004 */ void *ViewBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ViewSize; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CM_PNP_BIOS_DEVICE_NODE { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Node; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long ProductId; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char DeviceType[3]; /* +0x0007 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned short DeviceAttributes; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_TARGET_RELATION_DATA { void *UserFileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ long Status; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DeviceInstanceLen; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char DeviceInstance[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_Bindings { unsigned long BindingsLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Bindings[4]; /* +0x0004 8d 66 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char CurrentByteOffset[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DEVICE_NAME { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 14 30 00 00 */ unsigned char viewGdiDeviceName[64]; /* +0x0014 e5 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _QualityOfService { unsigned char SendingFlowspec[32]; /* +0x0000 25 49 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceivingFlowspec[32]; /* +0x0020 25 49 00 00 */ unsigned char ProviderSpecific[8]; /* +0x0040 53 24 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_DEVICE_RELATIONS_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Operation[4]; /* +0x0008 aa 46 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lgpl[8]; /* +0x000c 91 47 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRCREATEBRUSHINDIRECT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihBrush; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lb[12]; /* +0x000c cc 20 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_BASIC_UI_RESTRICTIONS { unsigned long UIRestrictionsClass; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagSTYLEBUFA { unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDescription[32]; /* +0x0004 d7 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TrustStatus[8]; /* +0x0004 56 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cElement; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgpElement[4]; /* +0x0010 3e 67 00 00 */ unsigned char pTrustListInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 ca 42 00 00 */ unsigned char fHasRevocationFreshnessTime[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRevocationFreshnessTime; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _FILE_NUMA_NODE_INFORMATION { unsigned short NodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct pvalueA { char *pv_valuename; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pv_valuelen[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ void *pv_value_context; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long pv_type; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MFFOLDDOWN_MATRIX { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cSrcChannels[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cDstChannels[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwChannelMask[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Coeff[256]; /* +0x0010 58 67 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENUMERATOR { unsigned char HashEntry[12]; /* +0x0000 81 49 00 00 */ unsigned char ChainHead[4]; /* +0x000c 4d 33 00 00 */ unsigned long BucketIndex; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _TRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS { void *Head; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HeadLength; /* +0x0004 */ void *Tail; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TailLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CSTRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_CAPABILITIES { void *AppContainerSid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Capabilities[4]; /* +0x0004 b2 24 00 00 */ unsigned long CapabilityCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char Set[0]; +0x0000 74 67 00 00 */ unsigned char Query[36]; /* +0x0000 75 67 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_WINDOW_INFORMATION { unsigned long WindowFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short WindowTitleLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char WindowTitle[2]; /* +0x0006 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION { void *TransactionKey; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TransactionNotification; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char TmVirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ArgumentLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagBITMAPINFO { unsigned char bmiHeader[40]; /* +0x0000 73 23 00 00 */ unsigned char bmiColors[4]; /* +0x0028 80 67 00 00 */ }; struct _MFARGB { unsigned char rgbBlue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbGreen; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char rgbRed; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char rgbAlpha; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_INFO { unsigned long cPermittedSubtree; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgPermittedSubtree[4]; /* +0x0004 b3 67 00 00 */ unsigned long cExcludedSubtree; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgExcludedSubtree[4]; /* +0x000c b3 67 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_PASSWORD_CREDENTIALSA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszUsername; /* +0x0004 */ char *pszPassword; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TXFS_QUERY_RM_INFORMATION { unsigned long BytesRequired; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long TailLsn; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long CurrentLsn; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ArchiveTailLsn; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long LogContainerSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char HighestVirtualClock[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long LogContainerCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMax; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long LogContainerCountMin; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long LogGrowthIncrement; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long LogAutoShrinkPercentage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short LoggingMode; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x004a */ unsigned long RmState; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long long LogCapacity; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long LogFree; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long TopsSize; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long TopsUsed; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long TransactionCount; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long OnePCCount; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long TwoPCCount; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long NumberLogFileFull; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long long OldestTransactionAge; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned char RMName[16]; /* +0x0098 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TmLogPathOffset; /* +0x00a8 */ }; struct _COMMTIMEOUTS { unsigned long ReadIntervalTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SignerId[20]; /* +0x0004 99 14 00 00 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0018 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char HashEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0024 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptedHash[8]; /* +0x0030 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthAttrs[8]; /* +0x0038 c7 20 00 00 */ unsigned char UnauthAttrs[8]; /* +0x0040 c7 20 00 00 */ }; struct IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TOKEN_DEF { unsigned char bAuxType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned long SymbolTableIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[12]; /* +0x0006 a3 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned long ReparseTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ReparseDataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char ReparseGuid[20]; /* +0x0008 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_BACKTRACES_CONTROL { unsigned long ControlCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ControlSize; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ControlData[0]; +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DatabaseCreate[12]; /* +0x0008 fb 67 00 00 */ }; struct tcp_keepalive { unsigned long onoff; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long keepalivetime; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long keepaliveinterval; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagLOGCOLORSPACEA { unsigned long lcsSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long lcsVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long lcsSize; /* +0x0008 */ long lcsCSType; /* +0x000c */ long lcsIntent; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lcsEndpoints[36]; /* +0x0014 df 3c 00 00 */ unsigned long lcsGammaRed; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long lcsGammaGreen; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long lcsGammaBlue; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char lcsFilename[260]; /* +0x0044 46 2f 00 00 */ }; struct __m128i { /* unsigned char m128i_i8[0]; +0x0000 c5 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_i16[0]; +0x0000 c6 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_i32[0]; +0x0000 eb 2b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_i64[0]; +0x0000 c7 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_u8[0]; +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_u16[0]; +0x0000 c8 37 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m128i_u32[0]; +0x0000 c9 37 00 00 */ unsigned char m128i_u64[16]; /* +0x0000 26 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP { void *PrimaryGroup; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CURDIR { unsigned char DosPath[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ void *Handle; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _wireSAFEARR_DISPATCH { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char apDispatch[4]; /* +0x0004 4c 35 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ImpersonationLevel[4]; /* +0x0004 48 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char ContextTrackingMode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char EffectiveOnly; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct tagPELARRAY { long paXCount; /* +0x0000 */ long paYCount; /* +0x0004 */ long paXExt; /* +0x0008 */ long paYExt; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char paRGBs; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned long crc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgbReserved[14]; /* +0x0004 70 68 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0008 */ short Number; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Selection; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char bReserved; /* +0x000f */ short HighNumber; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned char Name[18]; /* +0x0000 75 68 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:: { unsigned long TagIndex; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:::::: { unsigned char Dimension[8]; /* +0x0000 d4 3d 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:::::: { unsigned long PointerToLinenumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PointerToNextFunction; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL:::::: { unsigned short Linenumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION_EX { /* unsigned char Set[0]; +0x0000 8b 68 00 00 */ unsigned char Query[36]; /* +0x0000 8c 68 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ long long ParentFileId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x0014 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _FP_IEEE_VALUE:: { /* unsigned char RoundingMode[0]; +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Inexact[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Underflow[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Overflow[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ZeroDivide[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InvalidOperation[0]; +0x0000 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OperandValid[0]; +0x0000 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Format[0]; +0x0000 10 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Precision[0]; +0x0000 11 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Operation[0]; +0x0000 93 68 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Spare[0]; +0x0000 94 68 00 00 */ unsigned char HardwareException[4]; /* +0x0000 74 20 00 00 */ }; struct _FP_IEEE_VALUE:: { short I16Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short U16Value; /* +0x0000 */ long I32Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long U32Value; /* +0x0000 */ void *StringValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CompareValue; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Fp32Value[0]; +0x0000 97 68 00 00 */ /* unsigned char I64Value[0]; +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char U64Value[0]; +0x0000 71 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Fp64Value[0]; +0x0000 98 68 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Fp80Value[0]; +0x0000 b8 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Fp128Value[16]; /* +0x0000 23 25 00 00 */ }; struct tagCURSORSHAPE { unsigned char xHotSpot[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char yHotSpot[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cx[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cy[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cbWidth[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Planes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char BitsPixel; /* +0x0015 */ }; struct tagI_RpcProxyCallbackInterface { unsigned char IsValidMachineFn[4]; /* +0x0000 ad 40 00 00 */ unsigned char GetClientAddressFn[4]; /* +0x0004 82 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char GetConnectionTimeoutFn[4]; /* +0x0008 0c 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char PerformCalloutFn[4]; /* +0x000c 27 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeCalloutStateFn[4]; /* +0x0010 49 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char GetClientSessionAndResourceUUIDFn[4]; /* +0x0014 a1 68 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxyFilterIfFn[4]; /* +0x0018 a4 68 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProxyUpdatePerfCounterFn[4]; /* +0x001c 95 39 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProxyUpdatePerfCounterBackendServerFn[4]; /* +0x0020 3d 3f 00 00 */ }; struct _tagStartParam { unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pIBindCtx[4]; /* +0x0010 66 26 00 00 */ unsigned char pItf[4]; /* +0x0014 90 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagExtentInfo { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwExtentMode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char sizelProposed[8]; /* +0x0008 de 16 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGA { unsigned long dwServiceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStartType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwErrorControl; /* +0x0008 */ char *lpBinaryPathName; /* +0x000c */ char *lpLoadOrderGroup; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwTagId; /* +0x0014 */ char *lpDependencies; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpServiceStartName; /* +0x001c */ char *lpDisplayName; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _XSAVE_FEATURE { unsigned long FeatureId; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Vendors[0]; +0x0008 d9 68 00 00 */ unsigned long long Unused; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long AllocatedAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ValidAttributes; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _FILE_PROCESS_IDS_USING_FILE_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfProcessIdsInList; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ProcessIdList[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_MONITOR_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short HorizontalScreenSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short VerticalScreenSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short HorizontalResolution; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short VerticalResolution; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short HorizontalDisplayTimeLow; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short HorizontalDisplayTime; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short HorizontalDisplayTimeHigh; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short HorizontalBackPorchLow; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short HorizontalBackPorch; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short HorizontalBackPorchHigh; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned short HorizontalFrontPorchLow; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short HorizontalFrontPorch; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short HorizontalFrontPorchHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short HorizontalSyncLow; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short HorizontalSync; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short HorizontalSyncHigh; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned short VerticalBackPorchLow; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short VerticalBackPorch; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned short VerticalBackPorchHigh; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short VerticalFrontPorchLow; /* +0x002a */ unsigned short VerticalFrontPorch; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short VerticalFrontPorchHigh; /* +0x002e */ unsigned short VerticalSyncLow; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short VerticalSync; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned short VerticalSyncHigh; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _MFCLOCK_PROPERTIES { unsigned long long qwCorrelationRate; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char guidClockId[16]; /* +0x0008 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwClockFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long qwClockFrequency; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwClockTolerance; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwClockJitter; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _SecPkgCred_SupportedAlgs { unsigned long cSupportedAlgs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char palgSupportedAlgs[4]; /* +0x0004 75 04 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NameString[2]; /* +0x0002 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _PORT_DATA_INFORMATION { unsigned long CountDataEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DataEntries[8]; /* +0x0004 f3 68 00 00 */ }; struct tagPOINTF { unsigned char x[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char y[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_HANDLE_ATTR { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ void *Handle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ObjectType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_2600 { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataFormatVersion; /* +0x0004 */ void *Data; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x000c */ void *SectionGlobalData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0014 */ void *SectionBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SectionTotalLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ActivationContext[4]; /* +0x0020 f7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long AssemblyRosterIndex; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO { unsigned long cTriggers; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pTriggers[4]; /* +0x0004 51 24 00 00 */ unsigned char *pReserved; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 c6 42 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Event[0]; +0x0004 45 69 00 00 */ unsigned char Iocp[12]; /* +0x0004 46 69 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_WS_WATCH_INFORMATION { void *FaultingPc; /* +0x0000 */ void *FaultingVa; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _COVERAGE_UNLOADED_MODULE_ENTRY { unsigned char NextEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0010 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long CoverageSectionSize; /* +0x0018 */ void *CoverageSection; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _tagCODEBASEHOLD { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDistUnit[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char szCodeBase[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVersionMS; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwVersionLS; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct AutoPtr { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _RTLP_PROCESS_REFLECTION_CONTEXT { unsigned long ReflectionContextSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReflectionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ReflectionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0008 5d 20 00 00 */ void *ReflectionParameter; /* +0x000c */ void *ReflectedProcessCreatedEvent; /* +0x0010 */ void *ReflectedProcessHandlesDuplicatedEvent; /* +0x0014 */ void *ReflectionStartEvent; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ReflectionInformation[16]; /* +0x001c 32 28 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_URL_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSyncDeltaTime; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cGroup; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *rgcGroupEntry; /* +0x000c */ }; struct pvalueW { unsigned char pv_valuename[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pv_valuelen[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ void *pv_value_context; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long pv_type; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER { unsigned char SyntaxGUID[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SyntaxVersion[4]; /* +0x0010 22 36 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_IMAGE_REG { unsigned char pszImage[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long cInterfaces; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgpInterfaces[4]; /* +0x0008 cd 69 00 00 */ }; struct _ENABLE_TRACE_PARAMETERS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EnableProperty; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SourceId[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableFilterDesc[4]; /* +0x001c 3d 3e 00 00 */ }; struct _NETRESOURCEA { unsigned long dwScope; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDisplayType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUsage; /* +0x000c */ char *lpLocalName; /* +0x0010 */ char *lpRemoteName; /* +0x0014 */ char *lpComment; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpProvider; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagRAWINPUTHEADER { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *hDevice; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char wParam[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 df 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Handler[4]; /* +0x0004 ce 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_FULL_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ClassOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClassLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SubKeys; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxNameLen; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaxClassLen; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Values; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MaxValueNameLen; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MaxValueDataLen; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Class[4]; /* +0x002c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PageSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfPhysicalPages; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long LowestPhysicalPageNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HighestPhysicalPageNumber; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long AllocationGranularity; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MinimumUserModeAddress; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long MaximumUserModeAddress; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ActiveProcessorsAffinityMask; /* +0x0024 */ char NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _FILE_SFIO_VOLUME_INFORMATION { unsigned long MaximumRequestsPerPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MinimumPeriod; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinimumTransferSize; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _HEAP_BLOCK_SETTABLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Settable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short TagIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_ID { unsigned long cCertPolicyElementId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpszCertPolicyElementId[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ }; struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY32 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[8]; /* +0x0000 3f 28 00 00 */ unsigned long __Undefined1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long __Undefined2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long __Undefined3; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NonPagedDebugInfo; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DllBase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EntryPoint; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FullDllName[8]; /* +0x0024 08 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[8]; /* +0x002c 08 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short __Undefined5; /* +0x003a */ unsigned long __Undefined6; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _INTERFACE_INFO { unsigned long iiFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char iiAddress[24]; /* +0x0004 06 6a 00 00 */ unsigned char iiBroadcastAddress[24]; /* +0x001c 06 6a 00 00 */ unsigned char iiNetmask[24]; /* +0x0034 06 6a 00 00 */ }; struct tagWNODE_EVENT_REFERENCE { unsigned char WnodeHeader[48]; /* +0x0000 2c 36 00 00 */ unsigned char TargetGuid[16]; /* +0x0030 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TargetDataBlockSize; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long TargetInstanceIndex; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char TargetInstanceName[4]; /* +0x0044 7a 24 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS_ENTRY { unsigned char TransactionId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TransactionState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0018 */ long long Reserved3; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_PEEK_BUFFER { unsigned long NamedPipeState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReadDataAvailable; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfMessages; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MessageLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0010 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2 { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClassID[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MetaDataSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MetaDataOffset; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_CONFLICT_STRINGS { unsigned long NullDeviceInstance; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceInstanceStrings[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CMC_RESPONSE_INFO { unsigned long cTaggedAttribute; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgTaggedAttribute[4]; /* +0x0004 57 26 00 00 */ unsigned long cTaggedContentInfo; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgTaggedContentInfo[4]; /* +0x000c a3 64 00 00 */ unsigned long cTaggedOtherMsg; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rgTaggedOtherMsg[4]; /* +0x0014 a5 64 00 00 */ }; struct _MUTANT_OWNER_INFORMATION { unsigned char ClientId[8]; /* +0x0000 ac 14 00 00 */ }; struct _COSERVERINFO { unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwszName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pAuthInfo[4]; /* +0x0008 51 6a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x000c */ }; struct g721_adpcmwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short nAuxBlockSize; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER64 { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char VersionDetail[4]; /* +0x0004 6a 6a 00 00 */ unsigned long ProviderVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EndTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x0024 */ /* unsigned char LogInstanceGuid[0]; +0x0028 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StartBuffers; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PointerSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CpuSpeedInMHz; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long long LoggerName; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long LogFileName; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char TimeZone[176]; /* +0x0048 72 40 00 00 */ unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x00f8 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PerfFreq[8]; /* +0x0100 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char StartTime[8]; /* +0x0108 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ReservedFlags; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long BuffersLost; /* +0x0114 */ }; struct _RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE { unsigned char Length[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceId[20]; /* +0x0004 42 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char TransferSyntax[20]; /* +0x0018 42 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[4]; /* +0x002c 65 21 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpointCount[4]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RpcProtseqEndpoint[4]; /* +0x0034 96 27 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char InterpreterInfo[4]; /* +0x003c 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0040 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_LOGOTYPE_DATA { unsigned long cLogotypeImage; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgLogotypeImage[4]; /* +0x0004 a9 24 00 00 */ unsigned long cLogotypeAudio; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgLogotypeAudio[4]; /* +0x000c 78 6a 00 00 */ }; struct _GENERIC_MAPPING { unsigned long GenericRead; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long GenericWrite; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long GenericExecute; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long GenericAll; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagSTATSTG { unsigned char pwcsName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char cbSize[8]; /* +0x0008 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char mtime[8]; /* +0x0010 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ctime[8]; /* +0x0018 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char atime[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long grfMode; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long grfLocksSupported; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0030 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long grfStateBits; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long reserved; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _CTL_USAGE_MATCH { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Usage[8]; /* +0x0004 59 15 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCopyFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfCancel[4]; /* +0x0008 74 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pProgressRoutine[4]; /* +0x000c 8b 35 00 00 */ void *pvCallbackContext; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _FILE_PREFETCH_EX { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ void *Context; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Prefetch[8]; /* +0x0010 5f 40 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_FLUSH_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwExemptSeconds; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExpireTime[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char InterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0000 fe 2a 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PartialResourceList[24]; /* +0x0008 9c 6a 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES { unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Privileges[12]; /* +0x0004 a5 3e 00 00 */ }; struct tagRPCOLEMESSAGE { void *reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dataRepresentation; /* +0x0004 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbBuffer; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long iMethod; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char reserved2[20]; /* +0x0014 ed 6a 00 00 */ unsigned long rpcFlags; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _AUTHENTICODE_TS_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRegPolicySettings; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fCommercial[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _PORT_MESSAGE:::: { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ short DataInfoOffset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _PORT_MESSAGE:::: { short DataLength; /* +0x0000 */ short TotalLength; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION { unsigned long FileSystemAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ long MaximumComponentNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileSystemNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileSystemName[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_GUID_INFO { unsigned long InstanceCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MUICCHEADER { unsigned char ulMaxStringsSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulSizeStrings[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulMaxNumInstalledCultures[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulNumInstalledCultures[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulMaxNumUnverifiedCultures[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ulNumUnverifiedCultures[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_TargetInformation { unsigned long MarshalledTargetInfoLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *MarshalledTargetInfo; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VDM_INSTEMUL_INFO { unsigned long SegmentNotPresent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VdmOpcode0F; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long OpcodeESPrefix; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OpcodeCSPrefix; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long OpcodeSSPrefix; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long OpcodeDSPrefix; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OpcodeFSPrefix; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long OpcodeGSPrefix; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long OpcodeOPER32Prefix; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long OpcodeADDR32Prefix; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long OpcodeINSB; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long OpcodeINSW; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTSB; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTSW; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long OpcodePUSHF; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long OpcodePOPF; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long OpcodeINTnn; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long OpcodeINTO; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long OpcodeIRET; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long OpcodeINBimm; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long OpcodeINWimm; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTBimm; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTWimm; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long OpcodeINB; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long OpcodeINW; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTB; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long OpcodeOUTW; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long OpcodeLOCKPrefix; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long OpcodeREPNEPrefix; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long OpcodeREPPrefix; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long OpcodeHLT; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long OpcodeCLI; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long OpcodeSTI; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long BopCount; /* +0x0084 */ }; struct _CERT_HASHED_URL { unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Hash[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszUrl[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW { unsigned char PackageInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 b7 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long NegotiationState; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct provider_info { unsigned char pi_R0_1val[4]; /* +0x0000 50 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pi_R0_allvals[4]; /* +0x0004 50 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pi_R3_1val[4]; /* +0x0008 50 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pi_R3_allvals[4]; /* +0x000c 50 15 00 00 */ unsigned long pi_flags; /* +0x0010 */ void *pi_key_context; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pSigningCert[4]; /* +0x0008 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x000c 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvHashAuxInfo; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cMsgCert; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char rgpMsgCert[4]; /* +0x0020 bd 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long cMsgCrl; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char rgpMsgCrl[4]; /* +0x0028 56 51 00 00 */ unsigned long cAuthAttr; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char rgAuthAttr[4]; /* +0x0030 74 15 00 00 */ unsigned long cUnauthAttr; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char rgUnauthAttr[4]; /* +0x0038 74 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwInnerContentType; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NegoKeys { unsigned long KeyType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short KeyLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *KeyValue; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long VerifyKeyType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short VerifyKeyLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *VerifyKeyValue; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V4_A { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _NCryptAlgorithmName { unsigned char pszName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwClass; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwAlgOperations; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PATHNAME_BUFFER { unsigned long PathNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_ID { unsigned long dwIdChoice; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char IssuerSerialNumber[0]; +0x0004 d3 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char KeyId[0]; +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char HashId[16]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _GROUP_AFFINITY { unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Group; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved[6]; /* +0x0006 a9 6b 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_SERVER_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char In[0]; +0x0000 ac 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char Out[16]; /* +0x0000 ad 6b 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_SERVER_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned char ThreadBlocked; /* +0x0000 */ void *ConnectedProcessId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ConnectionPortName[8]; /* +0x0008 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_SERVER_INFORMATION:::: { void *ThreadHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO { unsigned char sourceInfo[20]; /* +0x0000 b6 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char targetInfo[48]; /* +0x0014 b7 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0044 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_DPC_BEHAVIOR_INFORMATION { unsigned long Spare; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DpcQueueDepth; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinimumDpcRate; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AdjustDpcThreshold; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long IdealDpcRate; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _CONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwSelectionAnchor[4]; /* +0x0004 8d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char srSelection[8]; /* +0x0008 61 33 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0004 1f 16 00 00 */ void *pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char RecipientPublicKey[12]; /* +0x0018 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RecipientId[20]; /* +0x0024 99 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EISA_DMA_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char ConfigurationByte0[1]; /* +0x0000 de 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char ConfigurationByte1[1]; /* +0x0001 df 6b 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORYSTATUSEX { unsigned long dwLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMemoryLoad; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long ullTotalPhys; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullAvailPhys; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullTotalPageFile; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ullAvailPageFile; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ullTotalVirtual; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ullAvailVirtual; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ullAvailExtendedVirtual; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE { unsigned char TableRoot[4]; /* +0x0000 63 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InsertOrderList[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char OrderedPointer[4]; /* +0x000c 4d 33 00 00 */ unsigned long WhichOrderedElement; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberGenericTableElements; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char CompareRoutine[4]; /* +0x0018 18 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocateRoutine[4]; /* +0x001c 19 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeRoutine[4]; /* +0x0020 94 6a 00 00 */ void *TableContext; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagCHARSETINFO { unsigned char ciCharset[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ciACP[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fs[24]; /* +0x0008 00 2a 00 00 */ }; struct tagPROPSPEC { unsigned long ulKind; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long propid; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpwstr[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _ICONINFOEXA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fIcon[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long xHotspot; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long yHotspot; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char hbmMask[4]; /* +0x0010 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char hbmColor[4]; /* +0x0014 8a 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short wResID; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char szModName[260]; /* +0x001a 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char szResName[262]; /* +0x011e 46 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET { unsigned char MajorFunctionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RetryCount; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short DumpDataSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short NumberOfStrings; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short StringOffset; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short EventCategory; /* +0x0008 */ long ErrorCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long UniqueErrorValue; /* +0x0010 */ long FinalStatus; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long SequenceNumber; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long IoControlCode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char DeviceOffset[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DumpData[8]; /* +0x0028 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAA { unsigned long dwFileAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftCreationTime[8]; /* +0x0004 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[8]; /* +0x000c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0014 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nFileSizeHigh; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long nFileSizeLow; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwReserved0; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char cFileName[260]; /* +0x002c 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char cAlternateFileName[16]; /* +0x0130 91 1f 00 00 */ }; struct __JUMP_BUFFER { unsigned long Ebp; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Ebx; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Edi; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Esi; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Esp; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Eip; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Registration; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TryLevel; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Cookie; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long UnwindFunc; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char UnwindData[24]; /* +0x0028 3a 29 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_AuthzID { unsigned long AuthzIDLength; /* +0x0000 */ char *AuthzID; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DEDUP_QUERY_FILE_HASHES_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long QueryFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HashAlgorithm; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char RangeOffsetInFile[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RangeLength[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOOKASIDE_INFORMATION { unsigned short CurrentDepth; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumDepth; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long TotalAllocates; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AllocateMisses; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TotalFrees; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FreeMisses; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x001c */ }; struct P3PResource { unsigned char pszLocation[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 */ char *pszVerb; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pszP3PHeaderRef[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pszLinkTagRef[4]; /* +0x000c 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pContainer[4]; /* +0x0010 ad 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _MUTANT_BASIC_INFORMATION { long CurrentCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char OwnedByCaller; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AbandonedState; /* +0x0005 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_FILECACHE_INFORMATION { unsigned long CurrentSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PeakSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PageFaultCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MinimumWorkingSet; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MaximumWorkingSet; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CurrentSizeIncludingTransitionInPages; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PeakSizeIncludingTransitionInPages; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TransitionRePurposeCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _MEMORY_FRAME_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char UseDescription[0]; +0x0000 b4 6c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ListDescription[0]; +0x0000 b5 6c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved0[0]; +0x0000 b6 6c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Pinned[0]; +0x0000 b7 6c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 d4 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Priority[0]; +0x0000 b8 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 b9 6c 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRGLSBOUNDEDRECORD { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_AccessToken { void *AccessToken; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _WSANETWORKEVENTS { long lNetworkEvents; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char iErrorCode[40]; /* +0x0004 dc 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_OS2_HEADER { unsigned short ne_magic; /* +0x0000 */ char ne_ver; /* +0x0002 */ char ne_rev; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short ne_enttab; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ne_cbenttab; /* +0x0006 */ long ne_crc; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ne_flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short ne_autodata; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short ne_heap; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short ne_stack; /* +0x0012 */ long ne_csip; /* +0x0014 */ long ne_sssp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short ne_cseg; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short ne_cmod; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short ne_cbnrestab; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short ne_segtab; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned short ne_rsrctab; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short ne_restab; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned short ne_modtab; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short ne_imptab; /* +0x002a */ long ne_nrestab; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short ne_cmovent; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short ne_align; /* +0x0032 */ unsigned short ne_cres; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char ne_exetyp; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned char ne_flagsothers; /* +0x0037 */ unsigned short ne_pretthunks; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short ne_psegrefbytes; /* +0x003a */ unsigned short ne_swaparea; /* +0x003c */ unsigned short ne_expver; /* +0x003e */ }; struct _CRYPT_AES_256_KEY_STATE { unsigned char Key[32]; /* +0x0000 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char IV[16]; /* +0x0020 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptionState[240]; /* +0x0030 e5 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char DecryptionState[240]; /* +0x0120 e5 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char Feedback[16]; /* +0x0210 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_SET_VIRTUALIZATION_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char VirtualTarget[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualStore[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char VirtualSource[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 9e 39 00 00 */ }; struct _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_RUN_LEVEL_INFORMATION { unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RunLevel[4]; /* +0x0004 ea 6c 00 00 */ unsigned long UiAccess; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO { unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char modeInfoIdx[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char outputTechnology[4]; /* +0x0010 ed 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char rotation[4]; /* +0x0014 ee 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char scaling[4]; /* +0x0018 ef 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char refreshRate[8]; /* +0x001c a5 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char scanLineOrdering[4]; /* +0x0024 a7 4f 00 00 */ unsigned char targetAvailable[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char statusFlags[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA_ASSEMBLY_METADATA { void *lpInformation; /* +0x0000 */ void *lpSectionBase; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulSectionLength; /* +0x0008 */ void *lpSectionGlobalDataBase; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ulSectionGlobalDataLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagHANDLETABLE { unsigned char objectHandle[4]; /* +0x0000 fa 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _SCHANNEL_CLIENT_SIGNATURE { unsigned long cbLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aiHash[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long cbHash; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char HashValue[36]; /* +0x000c 27 25 00 00 */ unsigned char CertThumbprint[20]; /* +0x0030 dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION { unsigned long DeviceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct __m256i { /* unsigned char m256i_i8[0]; +0x0000 d7 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_i16[0]; +0x0000 07 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_i32[0]; +0x0000 08 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_i64[0]; +0x0000 09 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_u8[0]; +0x0000 6d 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_u16[0]; +0x0000 46 40 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m256i_u32[0]; +0x0000 0a 6d 00 00 */ unsigned char m256i_u64[32]; /* +0x0000 1f 66 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_INTERFACE_REG { unsigned long dwInterface; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cFunctions; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgpszFunctions[4]; /* +0x000c 6c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32 { unsigned long StartAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EndAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AddressOfIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AddressOfCallBacks; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfZeroFill; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _NT_TIB { unsigned char ExceptionList[4]; /* +0x0000 df 14 00 00 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0004 */ void *StackLimit; /* +0x0008 */ void *SubSystemTib; /* +0x000c */ void *FiberData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0010 */ void *ArbitraryUserPointer; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Self[4]; /* +0x0018 5e 33 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POOL_ENTRY { unsigned char Allocated; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Spare0; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AllocatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Tag[0]; +0x0008 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long TagUlong; /* +0x0008 */ void *ProcessChargedQuota; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0004 2e 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char InitState[0]; +0x0008 2f 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FailSection[0]; +0x0008 30 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExeFormat[0]; +0x0008 31 6d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExeName[0]; +0x0008 32 6d 00 00 */ unsigned char SuccessState[64]; /* +0x0008 33 6d 00 00 */ }; struct _ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR { void *PortContext; /* +0x0000 */ void *MessageContext; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MessageId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CallbackId; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SEC_NEGOTIATION_INFO { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ void *Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DRAWPATRECT { unsigned char ptPosition[8]; /* +0x0000 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ptSize[8]; /* +0x0008 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned short wStyle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wPattern; /* +0x0012 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO { unsigned char infoType[4]; /* +0x0000 64 6d 00 00 */ unsigned char id[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char adapterId[8]; /* +0x0008 4b 1c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char targetMode[0]; +0x0010 15 30 00 00 */ unsigned char sourceMode[48]; /* +0x0010 65 6d 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_DSA_PARAMETER_HEADER_V2 { unsigned long cbLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbKeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char hashAlgorithm[4]; /* +0x000c 99 6d 00 00 */ unsigned char standardVersion[4]; /* +0x0010 9a 6d 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSeedLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long cbGroupSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x001c 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgCredentials_KdcProxySettingsW { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ProxyServerOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ProxyServerLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short ClientTlsCredOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short ClientTlsCredLength; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX { void *Object; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long UniqueProcessId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandleValue; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long GrantedAccess; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short ObjectTypeIndex; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long HandleAttributes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagEMRBITBLT { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ long xDest; /* +0x0018 */ long yDest; /* +0x001c */ long cxDest; /* +0x0020 */ long cyDest; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRop; /* +0x0028 */ long xSrc; /* +0x002c */ long ySrc; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char xformSrc[24]; /* +0x0034 22 14 00 00 */ unsigned long crBkColorSrc; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long iUsageSrc; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long offBmiSrc; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long cbBmiSrc; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long offBitsSrc; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long cbBitsSrc; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct tagOleMenuGroupWidths { unsigned char width[24]; /* +0x0000 a5 6d 00 00 */ }; struct tagCAFLT { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 40 04 00 00 */ }; struct _MUILANGCFGNODE { short LangSpec; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short FallbackTypes; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FallbackSpecs[6]; /* +0x0006 ab 6d 00 00 */ }; struct tagMDINEXTMENU { unsigned char hmenuIn[4]; /* +0x0000 7d 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char hmenuNext[4]; /* +0x0004 7d 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndNext[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_VERIFIER_CANCELLATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long CancelProbability; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CancelThreshold; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CompletionThreshold; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CancellationVerifierDisabled; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AvailableIssues; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Issues[2048]; /* +0x0014 b8 6d 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_CredentialNameW { unsigned long CredentialType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char sCredentialName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS:: { unsigned long Calls; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Clusters; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Hints; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RunsReturned; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long HintsHonored; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HintsClusters; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Cache; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long CacheClusters; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long CacheMiss; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long CacheMissClusters; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS:: { unsigned short Write; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Create; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short SetInfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Flush; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _NTFS_STATISTICS:: { unsigned short Write; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Create; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short SetInfo; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _APPLICATIONLAUNCH_SETTING_VALUE { unsigned char ActivationTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ButtonInstanceID; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _userCLIPFORMAT::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0001 { unsigned long dwValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pwszName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA { unsigned long dwServiceFlags1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags3; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwServiceFlags4; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwProviderFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ProviderId[16]; /* +0x0014 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCatalogEntryId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ProtocolChain[32]; /* +0x0028 26 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char iVersion[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iAddressFamily[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMaxSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iMinSockAddr[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSocketType[4]; /* +0x0058 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x005c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocolMaxOffset[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iNetworkByteOrder[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iSecurityScheme[4]; /* +0x0068 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMessageSize; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long dwProviderReserved; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned char szProtocol[256]; /* +0x0074 f9 6d 00 00 */ }; struct _MEMORY_REGION_INFORMATION { void *AllocationBase; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AllocationProtect; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long RegionType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RegionSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CommitSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _userHMETAFILEPICT { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHMETAFILEPICT::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0005 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 0c 6e 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagCALPSTR { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_SECURITY_QOS_V5_W { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capabilities; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long IdentityTracking; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImpersonationType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdditionalSecurityInfoType; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_NUMA_INFORMATION { unsigned long HighestNodeNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ActiveProcessorsGroupAffinity[0]; +0x0008 41 6e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AvailableMemory[0]; +0x0008 42 6e 00 00 */ unsigned char Pad[256]; /* +0x0008 43 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE64 { unsigned long long BaseAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Sequence; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ImageName[64]; /* +0x001c e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[12]; /* +0x005c 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_NODE_INFORMATION { unsigned char LastWriteTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TitleIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ClassOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ClassLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0018 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PartialDescriptors[16]; /* +0x0008 61 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _MALLOC_FREE_STRUCT { unsigned char pfnAllocate[4]; /* +0x0000 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0004 63 15 00 00 */ }; struct _tagDATAINFO { unsigned long ulTotalSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulavrPacketSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulConnectSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulProcessorSpeed; /* +0x000c */ }; struct ip_mreq { unsigned char imr_multiaddr[4]; /* +0x0000 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char imr_interface[4]; /* +0x0004 96 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_QUERY_AND_REMOVE_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char VetoType[4]; /* +0x000c 5f 21 00 00 */ unsigned char VetoName[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long VetoNameLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT { unsigned long dwElFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char nFileOffset[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ void *hFile; /* +0x0010 */ void *pBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_TAG_INFO { unsigned long NumberOfAllocations; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfFrees; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BytesAllocated; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V2_W { unsigned char TransportCredentials[4]; /* +0x0000 3d 26 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ProxyCredentials[4]; /* +0x0018 3d 26 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct CONFIRMSAFETY { unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnk[4]; /* +0x0010 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION { unsigned long NextEntryOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Action; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x000c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagAspectInfo { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderA { char *sProviderName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ProviderInfoLength; /* +0x0004 */ char *ProviderInfo; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _ENLISTMENT_CRM_INFORMATION { unsigned char CrmTransactionManagerId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CrmResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CrmEnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0020 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD64 { long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long ExceptionRecord; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ExceptionAddress; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long __unusedAlignment; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[120]; /* +0x0020 b8 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _WNF_UPDATE_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char StateName[4]; /* +0x0000 86 15 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeId[4]; /* +0x0004 7e 41 00 00 */ unsigned char StateData[4]; /* +0x0008 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x000c */ void *ExplicitScope; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _SD_QUERY_STATS_INPUT { unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagEMRRESIZEPALETTE { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cEntries; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _FP_128 { unsigned char W[16]; /* +0x0000 87 22 00 00 */ }; struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char Luid[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SID { unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SubAuthorityCount; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char IdentifierAuthority[6]; /* +0x0002 c2 15 00 00 */ unsigned char SubAuthority[4]; /* +0x0008 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST { unsigned short Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sbz; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ObjectType[4]; /* +0x0004 4e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_AND_OPERATION_INFORMATION { unsigned char Attributes[4]; /* +0x0000 60 66 00 00 */ unsigned char Operations[4]; /* +0x0004 08 33 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION { unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtendedInfo[48]; /* +0x0010 14 25 00 00 */ }; struct _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { long Bias; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StandardName[64]; /* +0x0004 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char StandardDate[16]; /* +0x0044 e6 1c 00 00 */ long StandardBias; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char DaylightName[64]; /* +0x0058 e5 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char DaylightDate[16]; /* +0x0098 e6 1c 00 00 */ long DaylightBias; /* +0x00a8 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY95_QUALIFIER1 { unsigned char pszPracticesReference[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ char *pszNoticeIdentifier; /* +0x0004 */ char *pszNSINoticeIdentifier; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cCPSURLs; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rgCPSURLs[4]; /* +0x0010 ed 41 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_MONITOR_INVOCATION { unsigned char On; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Console; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HANDLER { unsigned long ProviderSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Register; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FirmwareTableHandler[4]; /* +0x0008 01 1e 00 00 */ void *DriverObject; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS { unsigned char rgrc[48]; /* +0x0000 58 6f 00 00 */ unsigned char lppos[4]; /* +0x0030 aa 38 00 00 */ }; struct wmaudio2waveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSamplesPerBlock; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short wEncodeOptions; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long dwSuperBlockAlign; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_DESCRIPTOR:: { unsigned long AllAttributes; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RvaBased[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedAttributes[4]; /* +0x0000 19 15 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_MITIGATION_ASLR_POLICY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char EnableStackRandomization[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EnableForceRelocateImages[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EnableHighEntropy[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisallowStrippedImages[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedFlags[4]; /* +0x0000 5b 27 00 00 */ }; struct _QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSA { unsigned long fIsLocked; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpLockOwner; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwLockDuration; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_Sizes { unsigned long cbMaxToken; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbMaxSignature; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbBlockSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbSecurityTrailer; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION { void *Section; /* +0x0000 */ void *MappedBase; /* +0x0004 */ void *ImageBase; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImageSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short LoadOrderIndex; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short InitOrderIndex; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short OffsetToFileName; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char FullPathName[256]; /* +0x001c d1 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRGRADIENTFILL { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rclBounds[16]; /* +0x0008 21 14 00 00 */ unsigned long nVer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long nTri; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ulMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Ver[16]; /* +0x0024 91 6f 00 00 */ }; struct _MT_ARBITRARY_HEADER { unsigned char majortype[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char subtype[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bFixedSizeSamples[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bTemporalCompression[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long lSampleSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char formattype[16]; /* +0x002c 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_DLL_UNLOADED_NOTIFICATION_DATA { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FullDllName[4]; /* +0x0004 05 65 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[4]; /* +0x0008 05 65 00 00 */ void *DllBase; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagTPMPARAMS { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char rcExclude[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagQACONTAINER { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pClientSite[4]; /* +0x0004 1e 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char pAdviseSink[4]; /* +0x0008 c1 6f 00 00 */ unsigned char pPropertyNotifySink[4]; /* +0x000c 86 37 00 00 */ unsigned char pUnkEventSink[4]; /* +0x0010 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAmbientFlags; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long colorFore; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long colorBack; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char pFont[4]; /* +0x0020 f5 6b 00 00 */ unsigned char pUndoMgr[4]; /* +0x0024 52 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAppearance; /* +0x0028 */ long lcid; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char hpal[4]; /* +0x0030 65 28 00 00 */ unsigned char pBindHost[4]; /* +0x0034 e7 34 00 00 */ unsigned char pOleControlSite[4]; /* +0x0038 40 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char pServiceProvider[4]; /* +0x003c ab 4f 00 00 */ }; struct _TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION_OUT { unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0000 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_BLOCK_INFORMATION { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OverheadSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NextBlockInformationOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _APP_CACHE_DOWNLOAD_ENTRY { unsigned char pwszUrl[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwEntryType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_DceInfo { unsigned long AuthzSvc; /* +0x0000 */ void *pPac; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TP_DEBUG_FREE_INFO { unsigned long FreeListSize; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CMC_STATUS_INFO { unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cBodyList; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long *rgdwBodyList; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pwszStatusString[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOtherInfoChoice; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwFailInfo; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pPendInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 f5 45 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_PHYSICAL { unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Request; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY { short NodeTypeCode; /* +0x0000 */ short NameLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NextPrefixTree[4]; /* +0x0004 f0 40 00 00 */ unsigned char Links[12]; /* +0x0008 62 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Prefix[4]; /* +0x0014 2e 1f 00 00 */ }; struct tagFORMATETC { unsigned short cfFormat; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ptd[4]; /* +0x0004 8c 47 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAspect; /* +0x0008 */ long lindex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long tymed; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct sockaddr_in6_w2ksp1 { short sin6_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short sin6_port; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long sin6_flowinfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char sin6_addr[16]; /* +0x0008 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long sin6_scope_id; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PAGEDIR_INFORMATION { /* unsigned char DontUse[0]; +0x0000 d3 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PageDirectoryBase[0]; +0x0000 d4 35 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[8]; /* +0x0000 d5 35 00 00 */ }; struct _ENLISTMENT_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char EnlistmentId[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TransactionId[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ResourceManagerId[16]; /* +0x0020 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_CONTEXT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FrameName[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1:: { /* unsigned char pInt64[0]; +0x0000 47 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pUint64[0]; +0x0000 47 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppString[0]; +0x0000 47 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFqbn[0]; +0x0000 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pOctetString[4]; /* +0x0000 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_ROM_OPTIONAL_HEADER { unsigned short Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long BaseOfData; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BaseOfBss; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long GprMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char CprMask[16]; /* +0x0024 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned long GpValue; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 37 70 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPadding; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned char CopyPhase[4]; /* +0x0000 43 70 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hrFailure[4]; /* +0x0008 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char uliChunkNumber[8]; /* +0x0010 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0018 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0020 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0028 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0030 71 2d 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0010 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0018 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0020 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0028 71 2d 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0010 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0018 71 2d 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char uliChunkNumber[8]; /* +0x0010 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliChunkSize[8]; /* +0x0018 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0020 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0028 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0030 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalBytesTransferred[8]; /* +0x0038 71 2d 00 00 */ }; struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE:::: { unsigned long dwStreamNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *hSourceFile; /* +0x0008 */ void *hDestinationFile; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char uliChunkNumber[8]; /* +0x0010 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliChunkSize[8]; /* +0x0018 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliStreamSize[8]; /* +0x0020 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char uliTotalFileSize[8]; /* +0x0028 71 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_LIST_INFORMATION { unsigned long ZeroPageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FreePageCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ModifiedPageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ModifiedNoWritePageCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BadPageCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char PageCountByPriority[32]; /* +0x0014 52 70 00 00 */ unsigned char RepurposedPagesByPriority[32]; /* +0x0034 52 70 00 00 */ unsigned long ModifiedPageCountPageFile; /* +0x0054 */ }; struct _INPUT_RECORD { unsigned short EventType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES_ENTRY { unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameFlags; /* +0x0008 */ long long FileId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x001c */ long long Reserved3; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0028 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_W { unsigned char TransportCredentials[4]; /* +0x0000 3d 26 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION { unsigned long AceCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AclBytesInUse; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AclBytesFree; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TIMER_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char RemainingTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TimerState; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CERT_CRL_CONTEXT_PAIR { unsigned char pCertContext[4]; /* +0x0000 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pCrlContext[4]; /* +0x0004 73 29 00 00 */ }; struct _REASON_BUFFER { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ResourceFileNameOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ResourceReasonId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long StringCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SubstitutionStringsOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SimpleStringOffset; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwContainer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwQuota; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReserved4; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char fPerUser[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSyncMode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwNumCachePaths; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CachePath[260]; /* +0x001c 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCacheSize; /* +0x0120 */ unsigned char CachePaths[264]; /* +0x001c 7f 70 00 00 */ unsigned long dwNormalUsage; /* +0x0124 */ unsigned long dwExemptUsage; /* +0x0128 */ }; struct _WORKER_FACTORY_BASIC_INFORMATION { unsigned char Timeout[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RetryTimeout[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IdleTimeout[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Paused; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char TimerSet; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char QueuedToExWorker; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char MayCreate; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char CreateInProgress; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char InsertedIntoQueue; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char Shutdown; /* +0x001e */ unsigned long BindingCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ThreadMinimum; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ThreadMaximum; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PendingWorkerCount; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long WaitingWorkerCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long TotalWorkerCount; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ReleaseCount; /* +0x0038 */ long long InfiniteWaitGoal; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char StartRoutine[4]; /* +0x0048 5d 20 00 00 */ void *StartParameter; /* +0x004c */ void *ProcessId; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long StackReserve; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long StackCommit; /* +0x0058 */ long LastThreadCreationStatus; /* +0x005c */ }; struct tagELEMDESC { unsigned char tdesc[8]; /* +0x0000 c9 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char idldesc[0]; +0x0008 37 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char paramdesc[8]; /* +0x0008 9b 70 00 00 */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXA { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *User; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *Domain; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DomainLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char *Password; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long PasswordLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char *PackageList; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PackageListLength; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short OffsetModuleName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _MT_CUSTOM_VIDEO_PRIMARIES { unsigned char fRx[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fRy[4]; /* +0x0004 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fGx[4]; /* +0x0008 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fGy[4]; /* +0x000c 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fBx[4]; /* +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fBy[4]; /* +0x0014 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fWx[4]; /* +0x0018 40 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fWy[4]; /* +0x001c 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_DEVICE_CLAIMS { void *DeviceClaims; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tag_s_RIFFWAVE_inst { unsigned char bUnshiftedNote; /* +0x0000 */ char chFineTune; /* +0x0001 */ char chGain; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bLowNote; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char bHighNote; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bLowVelocity; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bHighVelocity; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _LDT_INFORMATION { unsigned long Start; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char LdtEntries[8]; /* +0x0008 1e 71 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Previous[4]; /* +0x0004 c0 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char Context[4]; /* +0x0008 2c 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _ACCESS_REASONS { unsigned char Data[128]; /* +0x0000 87 39 00 00 */ }; struct _OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwResponderIdChoice; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ByNameResponderId[0]; +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ByKeyResponderId[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ProducedAt[8]; /* +0x0010 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cResponseEntry; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char rgResponseEntry[4]; /* +0x001c d5 3f 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0024 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _CMC_TAGGED_OTHER_MSG { unsigned long dwBodyPartID; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszObjId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Value[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _APP_CACHE_GROUP_INFO { unsigned char pwszManifestUrl[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ftLastAccessTime[12]; /* +0x0004 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long ullSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length64; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment64; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length48; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment48; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length40; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment40; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Priority; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MinBusNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaxBusNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Alignment; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinimumAddress[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MaximumAddress[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long RequestLine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Channel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TransferWidth; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long MinimumChannel; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumChannel; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR:::: { unsigned long MinimumVector; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumVector; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AffinityPolicy[4]; /* +0x0008 04 6a 00 00 */ unsigned char PriorityPolicy[4]; /* +0x000c fe 3f 00 00 */ unsigned long TargetedProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _XSAVE_SUPPORTED_CPU { unsigned char CpuInfo[32]; /* +0x0000 1a 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CpuErrata[0]; +0x0020 69 25 00 00 */ unsigned long long Unused; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct cmsghdr { unsigned long cmsg_len; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char cmsg_level[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cmsg_type[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_PROPERTY_DATA { unsigned char DeviceInstance[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned long PropertyType; /* +0x0008 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct linger { unsigned short l_onoff; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short l_linger; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _HARDWARE_COUNTER { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 25 22 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Index; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _INPUT_RECORD:: { /* unsigned char KeyEvent[0]; +0x0000 4b 72 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MouseEvent[0]; +0x0000 98 3f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WindowBufferSizeEvent[0]; +0x0000 4c 72 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MenuEvent[0]; +0x0000 09 45 00 00 */ unsigned char FocusEvent[16]; /* +0x0000 73 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_LINENUMBER:: { unsigned long SymbolTableIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SecBufferDesc { unsigned long ulVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cBuffers; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pBuffers[4]; /* +0x0008 62 20 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY { unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _REMOTE_PORT_VIEW { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ViewSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *ViewBase; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FSCTL_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION_BUFFER { unsigned short ChecksumAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PSFEATURE_CUSTPAPER { long lOrientation; /* +0x0000 */ long lWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long lHeight; /* +0x0008 */ long lWidthOffset; /* +0x000c */ long lHeightOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagNEWTEXTMETRICEXW { unsigned char ntmTm[76]; /* +0x0000 1c 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char ntmFontSig[24]; /* +0x004c 00 2a 00 00 */ }; struct tagCUSTDATAITEM { unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char varValue[16]; /* +0x0010 e4 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _RGNDATAHEADER { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long iType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long nCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long nRgnSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char rcBound[16]; /* +0x0010 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct _SECURITY_SEED_AND_LENGTH { unsigned char Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Seed; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct tagEMRFORMAT { unsigned long dSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long nVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long offData; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { unsigned long OutputFlags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char ProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AddressSpaceOverride[0]; +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DevOverrideEnabled[0]; +0x0000 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ManifestDetected[0]; +0x0000 85 31 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits1[1]; /* +0x0000 87 72 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits2[1]; /* +0x0001 88 72 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits3[2]; /* +0x0002 c2 3e 00 00 */ void *FileHandle; /* +0x0004 */ void *SectionHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long UserProcessParametersNative; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long UserProcessParametersWow64; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long CurrentParameterFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long PebAddressNative; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PebAddressWow64; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ManifestAddress; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ManifestSize; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { void *IFEOKey; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { void *FileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PS_CREATE_INFO:::: { unsigned long InitFlags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char WriteOutputOnExit[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DetectManifest[0]; +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IFEOSkipDebugger[0]; +0x0000 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IFEODoNotPropagateKeyState[0]; +0x0000 85 31 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits1[1]; /* +0x0000 87 72 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits2[1]; /* +0x0001 88 72 00 00 */ unsigned char ProhibitedImageCharacteristics[2]; /* +0x0002 c2 3e 00 00 */ unsigned long AdditionalFileAccess; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_HEAP_TAG { unsigned long NumberOfAllocations; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumberOfFrees; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BytesAllocated; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short TagIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char TagName[48]; /* +0x0010 97 72 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INFORMATION { unsigned long ProviderSignature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Action[4]; /* +0x0004 9e 72 00 00 */ unsigned long TableID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long TableBufferLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TableBuffer[4]; /* +0x0010 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_GLOBAL_CHANGE_OUTPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ChangeType; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char SdChange[0]; +0x0008 41 2b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SdQueryStats[0]; +0x0008 4b 49 00 00 */ unsigned char SdEnumSds[64]; /* +0x0008 38 6d 00 00 */ }; struct TRANSPORT_SETTING_ID { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_HEADER { unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbKeyData; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ void *Pointer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Information; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _xml_error { unsigned char _nLine[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _pchBuf[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char _cchBuf[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _ich[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _pszFound[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char _pszExpected[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long _reserved1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long _reserved2; /* +0x001c */ }; struct sockaddr_in6_old { short sin6_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short sin6_port; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long sin6_flowinfo; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char sin6_addr[16]; /* +0x0008 26 26 00 00 */ }; struct _RemotableHandle::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0009 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ long hRemote; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION64 { unsigned long long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BasicInfo[48]; /* +0x0008 fe 72 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Flags[0]; +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0038 ff 25 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsWow64Process[0]; +0x0038 00 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProcessDeleting[0]; +0x0038 01 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsCrossSessionCreate[0]; +0x0038 ff 72 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[8]; /* +0x0038 00 73 00 00 */ }; struct _OVERLAPPED { unsigned long Internal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long InternalHigh; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OffsetHigh; /* +0x000c */ void *Pointer; /* +0x0008 */ void *hEvent; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_HID { unsigned long dwVendorId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwProductId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwVersionNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short usUsagePage; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short usUsage; /* +0x000e */ }; struct tagOIFI { unsigned char cb[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMDIApp[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndFrame[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char haccel[4]; /* +0x000c 95 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char cAccelEntries[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct group_source_req { unsigned long gsr_interface; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char gsr_group[128]; /* +0x0008 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned char gsr_source[128]; /* +0x0088 79 24 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_OID { unsigned long cbOID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbOID; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32 { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsClear; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsSet; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LockPrefixTable; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MaximumAllocationSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long VirtualMemoryThreshold; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ProcessHeapFlags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ProcessAffinityMask; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short CSDVersion; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned long EditList; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SecurityCookie; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SEHandlerTable; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long SEHandlerCount; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { unsigned char tzi[172]; /* +0x0000 94 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZoneKeyName[256]; /* +0x00ac e7 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled; /* +0x01ac */ }; struct _QOS_SD_MODE { unsigned char ObjectHdr[8]; /* +0x0000 b5 3f 00 00 */ unsigned long ShapeDiscardMode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _THREAD_UMS_INFORMATION { unsigned char Command[4]; /* +0x0000 2e 73 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletionList[4]; /* +0x0004 25 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char UmsContext[4]; /* +0x0008 4d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_STD_HANDLE_INFO { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char StdHandleState[0]; +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 */ unsigned char PseudoHandleMask[4]; /* +0x0000 31 73 00 00 */ unsigned long StdHandleSubsystemType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOA { char *lpUniversalName; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION { unsigned char IndexNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr<_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *,&ExitLock,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 c6 17 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_CTRL_MAIL_LIST_DECRYPT_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pMailList[4]; /* +0x0008 6f 73 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRecipientIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwKeyChoice; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long hKeyEncryptionKey; /* +0x0014 */ void *pvKeyEncryptionKey; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct tagEMRSETMAPPERFLAGS { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS { unsigned char ACLineStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BatteryFlag; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char BatteryLifePercent; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Reserved1; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long BatteryLifeTime; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BatteryFullLifeTime; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PLUGPLAY_CONTROL_RETRIEVE_DOCK_DATA { unsigned long DeviceInstanceLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DeviceInstance[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_MODE { unsigned char targetVideoSignalInfo[48]; /* +0x0000 87 73 00 00 */ }; struct tagCBT_CREATEWNDA { unsigned char lpcs[4]; /* +0x0000 10 45 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndInsertAfter[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILEMUIINFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFileType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pChecksum[16]; /* +0x000c 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned char pServiceChecksum[16]; /* +0x001c 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLanguageNameOffset; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMainSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMainOffset; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwTypeNameMainOffset; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMUISize; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwTypeIDMUIOffset; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwTypeNameMUIOffset; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char abBuffer[8]; /* +0x0048 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_COUNTERS { unsigned long long ReadOperationCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long WriteOperationCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long OtherOperationCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ReadTransferCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long WriteTransferCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long OtherTransferCount; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _PUBLICKEYSTRUC { unsigned char bType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bVersion; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short reserved; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char aiKeyAlg[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CTL_FIND_USAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SubjectUsage[8]; /* +0x0004 59 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ListIdentifier[8]; /* +0x000c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pSigner[4]; /* +0x0014 6f 22 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_ENUM_SDS_ENTRY { unsigned long Hash; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SecurityId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Offset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Descriptor[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_KEYBOARD { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSubType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwKeyboardMode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfFunctionKeys; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwNumberOfIndicators; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfKeysTotal; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE { unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cFreeText; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgFreeText[4]; /* +0x0008 6c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char FailureInfo[12]; /* +0x000c 6f 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ContentInfo[8]; /* +0x0018 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long long Ptr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _userHPALETTE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _userHPALETTE::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0008 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char hRemote[0]; +0x0000 92 47 00 00 */ long long hInproc64; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 df 62 00 00 */ }; struct _userBITMAP { long bmType; /* +0x0000 */ long bmWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long bmHeight; /* +0x0008 */ long bmWidthBytes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bmPlanes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short bmBitsPixel; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pBuffer[4]; /* +0x0018 4a 14 00 00 */ }; enum UriHelper::KnownScheme { Other = 0, HTTP = 1, HTTPS = 2, WS = 3, WSS = 4, FTP = 5, FTPS = 6 }; struct ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ { unsigned short Sig1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Sig2; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Machine; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ClassID[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long SizeOfData; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MetaDataSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MetaDataOffset; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NumberOfSections; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long PointerToSymbolTable; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long NumberOfSymbols; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION { unsigned char DeleteFile; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_WAIT_FOR_BUFFER { unsigned char Timeout[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeoutSpecified; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Name[2]; /* +0x000e 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_CONTENT_INFO { char *pszObjId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Content[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct HSTRING_HEADER:: { void *Reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved2[20]; /* +0x0000 1a 28 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_TRACING_ENTRY { void *Handle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ClientId[8]; /* +0x0004 ac 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Stacks[64]; /* +0x0010 31 74 00 00 */ }; struct _REQUEST_OPLOCK_OUTPUT_BUFFER { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long OriginalOplockLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NewOplockLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AccessMode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short ShareMode; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _SecPkgCred_SupportedProtocols { unsigned long grbitProtocol; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SE_IMPERSONATION_STATE { void *Token; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CopyOnOpen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char EffectiveOnly; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char Level[4]; /* +0x0008 48 3e 00 00 */ }; struct _currencyfmtA { unsigned char NumDigits[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LeadingZero[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Grouping[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ char *lpDecimalSep; /* +0x000c */ char *lpThousandSep; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char NegativeOrder[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PositiveOrder[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ char *lpCurrencySymbol; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _RIO_BUF { unsigned char BufferId[4]; /* +0x0000 91 24 00 00 */ unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagDRAWITEMSTRUCT { unsigned char CtlType[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CtlID[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemID[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemAction[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char itemState[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwndItem[4]; /* +0x0014 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char hDC[4]; /* +0x0018 fe 27 00 00 */ unsigned char rcItem[16]; /* +0x001c 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned long itemData; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _TypeDescriptor { unsigned char pVFTable[4]; /* +0x0000 6b 21 00 00 */ void *spare; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char name[0]; +0x0008 98 74 00 00 */ }; struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST { unsigned long cAuthInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char aAuthInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 8f 30 00 00 */ }; struct tagGCP_RESULTSW { unsigned long lStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpOutString[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpOrder[4]; /* +0x0008 75 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpDx[4]; /* +0x000c 74 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCaretPos[4]; /* +0x0010 74 04 00 00 */ char *lpClass; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lpGlyphs[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char nGlyphs[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nMaxFit[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_INFO:: { unsigned char hWnd[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Msg[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_INFO:: { void *hIOPort; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesTransferred; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCompletionKey; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpOverlapped[4]; /* +0x000c 95 21 00 00 */ }; struct _RPC_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_INFO:: { unsigned char NotificationRoutine[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 15 00 00 */ void *hThread; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB_V2 { unsigned long dwMagic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hashAlgorithm[4]; /* +0x0008 99 6d 00 00 */ unsigned char standardVersion[4]; /* +0x000c 9a 6d 00 00 */ unsigned long cbSeedLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbGroupSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0018 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1 { unsigned long Name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SEC_CHANNEL_BINDINGS { unsigned long dwInitiatorAddrType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbInitiatorLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwInitiatorOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAcceptorAddrType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbAcceptorLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwAcceptorOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long cbApplicationDataLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwApplicationDataOffset; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagLOGFONTA { long lfHeight; /* +0x0000 */ long lfWidth; /* +0x0004 */ long lfEscapement; /* +0x0008 */ long lfOrientation; /* +0x000c */ long lfWeight; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char lfItalic; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char lfUnderline; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char lfStrikeOut; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char lfCharSet; /* +0x0017 */ unsigned char lfOutPrecision; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char lfClipPrecision; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char lfQuality; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char lfPitchAndFamily; /* +0x001b */ unsigned char lfFaceName[32]; /* +0x001c d7 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_STATE_INFORMATION { unsigned char CrashDumpConfigurationClass[4]; /* +0x0000 11 75 00 00 */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_ADAPTER_NAME { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 14 30 00 00 */ unsigned char adapterDevicePath[256]; /* +0x0014 e7 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION { unsigned long ReadMode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CompletionMode; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _POWER_IDLE_RESILIENCY { unsigned long CoalescingTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IdleResiliencyPeriod; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME { unsigned short Hint; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[2]; /* +0x0002 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _QUOTA_LIMITS_EX { unsigned long PagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolLimit; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinimumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaximumWorkingSetSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PagefileLimit; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char TimeLimit[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long WorkingSetLimit; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Reserved3; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Reserved4; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char CpuRateLimit[4]; /* +0x0034 cb 50 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMREXTSELECTCLIPRGN { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cbRgnData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iMode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char RgnData[4]; /* +0x0010 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_KEYBOARD_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Subtype; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short KeyboardFlags; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION { unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SizeOfBlock; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_ERROR_PORT_TIMEOUTS { unsigned long StartTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CommTimeout; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagSERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgb[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagHW_PROFILE_INFOA { unsigned long dwDockInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szHwProfileGuid[39]; /* +0x0004 b2 75 00 00 */ unsigned char szHwProfileName[81]; /* +0x002b 98 40 00 00 */ }; struct tagEMRSETPALETTEENTRIES { unsigned char emr[8]; /* +0x0000 20 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ihPal; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long iStart; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cEntries; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char aPalEntries[4]; /* +0x0014 7a 32 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION:::: { unsigned long DriveMap; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DriveType[32]; /* +0x0004 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION:::: { void *DirectoryHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO { unsigned long dwRecipientChoice; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char pKeyTrans[0]; +0x0004 fc 29 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pKeyAgree[0]; +0x0004 41 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char pMailList[4]; /* +0x0004 6f 73 00 00 */ }; struct _JOURNAL_TRANSACTION_BOUNDARY_INFORMATION { unsigned char Action[8]; /* +0x0000 65 1c 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TransactionID[16]; /* +0x0018 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EX_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION_REGISTRATION { unsigned char QueryRoutine[4]; /* +0x0000 29 27 00 00 */ unsigned char SetRoutine[4]; /* +0x0004 29 27 00 00 */ }; struct _JOBOBJECT_FREEZE_INFORMATION { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char FreezeOperation[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FilterOperation[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 ef 21 00 00 */ unsigned char Freeze; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved0[3]; /* +0x0005 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned char WakeFilter[8]; /* +0x0008 5e 46 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SYMBOL:: { unsigned char ShortName[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SYMBOL:::: { unsigned long Short; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Long; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CERT_TRUST_LIST_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pCtlEntry[4]; /* +0x0004 aa 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char pCtlContext[4]; /* +0x0008 bb 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _CM_SONIC_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short DataConfigurationRegister; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char EthernetAddress[8]; /* +0x0006 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_ENUM_SDS_INPUT { unsigned long long StartingOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long MaxSDEntriesToReturn; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _PROCESS_HANDLE_SNAPSHOT_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfHandles; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Handles[28]; /* +0x0008 9a 76 00 00 */ }; struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3:: { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3:::: { /* unsigned char LongFunction[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Persistent[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Private[4]; /* +0x0000 ef 21 00 00 */ }; struct _WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD { unsigned char dwSize[4]; /* +0x0000 8d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsClear; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long GlobalFlagsSet; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long LockPrefixTable; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long MaximumAllocationSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long VirtualMemoryThreshold; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long ProcessAffinityMask; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long ProcessHeapFlags; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned short CSDVersion; /* +0x004c */ unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x004e */ unsigned long long EditList; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long SecurityCookie; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long SEHandlerTable; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long SEHandlerCount; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct NTFS_EXTENDED_VOLUME_DATA { unsigned long ByteCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long BytesPerPhysicalSector; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct STARTING_LCN_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char StartingLcn[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct VOLUME_BITMAP_BUFFER { unsigned char StartingLcn[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char BitmapSize[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Buffer[8]; /* +0x0010 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct STARTING_VCN_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char StartingVcn[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct NTFS_FILE_RECORD_OUTPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char FileReferenceNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long FileRecordLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FileRecordBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct FIND_BY_SID_DATA { unsigned long Restart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Sid[12]; /* +0x0004 42 28 00 00 */ }; struct CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA { unsigned long long MaximumSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long AllocationDelta; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA { long long StartUsn; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReasonMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ReturnOnlyOnClose; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long Timeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long BytesToWaitFor; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long UsnJournalID; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct USN_RECORD { unsigned long RecordLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long long FileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ParentFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0010 */ long long Usn; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Reason; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SourceInfo; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long SecurityId; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long FileAttributes; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short FileNameLength; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned short FileNameOffset; /* +0x003a */ unsigned char FileName[4]; /* +0x003c 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct USN_JOURNAL_DATA { unsigned long long UsnJournalID; /* +0x0000 */ long long FirstUsn; /* +0x0008 */ long long NextUsn; /* +0x0010 */ long long LowestValidUsn; /* +0x0018 */ long long MaxUsn; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long MaximumSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long AllocationDelta; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct DELETE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA { unsigned long long UsnJournalID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DeleteFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct MARK_HANDLE_INFO { unsigned long UsnSourceInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CopyNumber; /* +0x0000 */ void *VolumeHandle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandleInfo; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct BULK_SECURITY_TEST_DATA { unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SecurityIds[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct SET_POWER_SETTING_VALUE { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PowerCondition[4]; /* +0x0014 e1 76 00 00 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE { unsigned long Granularity; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Capacity; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct POWER_STATE_NOTIFY_HANDLER { unsigned char Handler[4]; /* +0x0000 e8 76 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLE_TIMES { unsigned long long StartTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Reserved[16]; /* +0x0010 87 22 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_LEGACY_PERFSTATE { unsigned long Frequency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long PercentFrequency; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_PERF_STATE { unsigned long Frequency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Power; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PercentFrequency; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char IncreaseLevel; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char DecreaseLevel; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x000b */ unsigned long IncreaseTime; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DecreaseTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long Control; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long Status; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long HitCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long Reserved3; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_PERF_STATES { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurrentState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxPerfState; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MinPerfState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LowestPerfState; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ThermalConstraint; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char BusyAdjThreshold; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char PolicyType; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x001f */ unsigned long TimerInterval; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long TargetProcessors; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PStateHandler; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long PStateContext; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long TStateHandler; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long TStateContext; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long FeedbackHandler; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char State[64]; /* +0x0050 f1 76 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_PERF_STATES_EX { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxFrequency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurrentState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxPerfState; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MinPerfState; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LowestPerfState; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ThermalConstraint; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char BusyAdjThreshold; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char PolicyType; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x001f */ unsigned long TimerInterval; /* +0x0020 */ void *TargetProcessors; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PStateHandler; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PStateContext; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long TStateHandler; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long TStateContext; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long FeedbackHandler; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long long Reserved2; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char State[64]; /* +0x0048 f1 76 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_STATE_ACCOUNTING { unsigned long IdleTransitions; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FailedTransitions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long InvalidBucketIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long TotalTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char IdleTimeBuckets[24]; /* +0x0018 3a 29 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_ACCOUNTING { unsigned long StateCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalTransitions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ResetCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long StartTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[48]; /* +0x0018 f8 76 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_STATE_ACCOUNTING_EX { unsigned long long TotalTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IdleTransitions; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FailedTransitions; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long InvalidBucketIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MinTimeUs; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MaxTimeUs; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char IdleTimeBuckets[384]; /* +0x0020 fb 76 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_ACCOUNTING_EX { unsigned long StateCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalTransitions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ResetCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long StartTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[416]; /* +0x0018 fe 76 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_PERFSTATE_EVENT { unsigned long State; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Latency; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Speed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Processor; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct PPM_PERFSTATE_DOMAIN_EVENT { unsigned long State; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Latency; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Speed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct PPM_IDLESTATE_EVENT { unsigned long NewState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OldState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct PPM_THERMALCHANGE_EVENT { unsigned long ThermalConstraint; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL { unsigned char Enable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Spare[3]; /* +0x0001 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned long BatteryLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PowerPolicy[12]; /* +0x0008 fb 28 00 00 */ unsigned char MinSystemState[4]; /* +0x0014 c3 1d 00 00 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLESTATE_INFO { unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DemotePercent; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PromotePercent; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char Spare[2]; /* +0x0006 23 1f 00 00 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLESTATE_POLICY { unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_IDLESTATE_POLICY:: { unsigned short AsUSHORT; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char AllowScaling[0]; +0x0000 c3 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Disabled[0]; +0x0000 c4 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[2]; /* +0x0000 11 77 00 00 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_PERFSTATE_POLICY { unsigned long Revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MaxThrottle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MinThrottle; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char BusyAdjThreshold; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Spare; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char Flags[1]; /* +0x0007 14 77 00 00 */ unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long IncreaseTime; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DecreaseTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long IncreasePercent; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DecreasePercent; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct PROCESSOR_PERFSTATE_POLICY:::: { unsigned char AsUCHAR; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char NoDomainAccounting[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IncreasePolicy[0]; +0x0000 17 77 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DecreasePolicy[0]; +0x0000 a5 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0000 86 31 00 00 */ }; struct SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE { unsigned char AcOnLine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BatteryPresent; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Charging; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Discharging; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char Spare1[4]; /* +0x0004 3c 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long MaxCapacity; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long RemainingCapacity; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Rate; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EstimatedTime; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DefaultAlert1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DefaultAlert2; /* +0x001c */ }; struct RTL_ACE_DATA { unsigned char AceType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char InheritFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char AceFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Mask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Sid[4]; /* +0x0008 d4 14 00 00 */ }; struct SHELLHOOKINFO { unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rc[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct POWERBROADCAST_SETTING { unsigned char PowerSetting[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct BSMINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hdesk[4]; /* +0x0004 28 77 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char luid[8]; /* +0x000c 4b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct FLASHWINFO { unsigned char cbSize[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char uCount[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct DLGTEMPLATE { unsigned long style; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwExtendedStyle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short cdit; /* +0x0008 */ short x; /* +0x000a */ short y; /* +0x000c */ short cx; /* +0x000e */ short cy; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct DLGITEMTEMPLATE { unsigned long style; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwExtendedStyle; /* +0x0004 */ short x; /* +0x0008 */ short y; /* +0x000a */ short cx; /* +0x000c */ short cy; /* +0x000e */ unsigned short id; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct MENUITEMTEMPLATEHEADER { unsigned short versionNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short offset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct RPC_STATS_VECTOR { unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Stats[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct RPC_IF_ID_VECTOR { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char IfId[4]; /* +0x0004 38 77 00 00 */ }; struct RPC_CLIENT_INFORMATION1 { unsigned char *UserName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *ComputerName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Privilege; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AuthFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE { unsigned char DispatchTableCount[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[4]; /* +0x0004 3d 77 00 00 */ long Reserved; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct { unsigned char pad[8]; /* +0x0000 55 2d 00 00 */ void *userContext; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct ARRAY_INFO { long Dimension; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long *BufferConformanceMark; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long *BufferVarianceMark; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long *MaxCountArray; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long *OffsetArray; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *ActualCountArray; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _LDOUBLE { unsigned char ld[10]; /* +0x0000 2a 38 00 00 */ }; struct _CRT_DOUBLE { unsigned char x[8]; /* +0x0000 41 00 00 00 */ }; struct _CRT_FLOAT { unsigned char f[4]; /* +0x0000 40 00 00 00 */ }; struct NUMPARSE { unsigned char cDig[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwInFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOutFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char cchUsed[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nBaseShift[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char nPwr10[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct UDATE { unsigned char st[16]; /* +0x0000 e6 1c 00 00 */ unsigned short wDayOfYear; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE:: { unsigned short wValidBitsPerSample; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wSamplesPerBlock; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct __m256d { unsigned char m256d_f64[32]; /* +0x0000 6e 77 00 00 */ }; struct SCOPE_ID { /* unsigned char Zone[0]; +0x0000 71 77 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Level[0]; +0x0000 72 77 00 00 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct QOS_OBJECT_HDR { unsigned long ObjectType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ObjectLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct RCVALL_IF { unsigned char Mode[4]; /* +0x0000 1f 6f 00 00 */ unsigned long Interface; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct INET_PORT_RESERVATION_TOKEN { unsigned long long Token; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct INET_PORT_RESERVATION_INSTANCE { unsigned char Reservation[8]; /* +0x0000 7b 77 00 00 */ unsigned char Token[8]; /* +0x0008 7c 77 00 00 */ }; struct INET_PORT_RESERVATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long AssignmentCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OwningPid; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct WSAPOLLDATA { unsigned char result[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long fds; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char timeout[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char fdArray[0]; +0x000c 81 77 00 00 */ }; struct INTERNET_ASYNC_RESULT { unsigned long dwResult; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct INTERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_SOCKET_INFO { unsigned long Socket; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SourcePort; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DestPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct INTERNET_PROXY_INFO { unsigned long dwAccessType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszProxy[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszProxyBypass[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTIONA { unsigned long dwOption; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTIONA:: { unsigned long dwValue; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszValue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ftValue[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTIONW:: { unsigned long dwValue; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char pszValue[0]; +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ftValue[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION_LISTA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszConnection; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOptionCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwOptionError; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pOptions[4]; /* +0x0010 6e 2b 00 00 */ }; struct INTERNET_CONNECTED_INFO { unsigned long dwConnectedState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct URL_COMPONENTSA { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszScheme; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSchemeLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char nScheme[4]; /* +0x000c 7f 28 00 00 */ char *lpszHostName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwHostNameLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short nPort; /* +0x0018 */ char *lpszUserName; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwUserNameLength; /* +0x0020 */ char *lpszPassword; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwPasswordLength; /* +0x0028 */ char *lpszUrlPath; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwUrlPathLength; /* +0x0030 */ char *lpszExtraInfo; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwExtraInfoLength; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct INTERNET_CERTIFICATE_INFO { unsigned char ftExpiry[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftStart[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszSubjectInfo[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszIssuerInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszProtocolName[4]; /* +0x0018 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszSignatureAlgName[4]; /* +0x001c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char lpszEncryptionAlgName[4]; /* +0x0020 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwKeySize; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct IncomingCookieState { unsigned char cSession[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cPersistent[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cAccepted[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cLeashed[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cDowngraded[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cBlocked[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszLocation[4]; /* +0x0018 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct OutgoingCookieState { unsigned char cSent[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char cSuppressed[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pszLocation[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct InternetCookieHistory { unsigned char fAccepted[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fLeashed[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fDowngraded[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fRejected[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct CookieDecision { unsigned long dwCookieState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fAllowSession[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_ADMIN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Comment[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char EmailAddress[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_MOD_DATE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char DateAndTime[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_TTL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned long Ttl; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct GOPHER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Score[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_SCORE_RANGE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char LowerBound[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char UpperBound[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_SITE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Site[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_ORGANIZATION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Organization[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Location[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_GEOGRAPHICAL_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char DegreesNorth[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MinutesNorth[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char SecondsNorth[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DegreesEast[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MinutesEast[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char SecondsEast[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_TIMEZONE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Zone[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_PROVIDER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Provider[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_ABSTRACT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char ShortAbstract[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char AbstractFile[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_VERONICA_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char TreeWalk[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_ASK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char QuestionType[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char QuestionText[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char Text[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned long CategoryId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AttributeId; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct GOPHER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE:: { /* unsigned char Admin[0]; +0x0000 2f 4f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ModDate[0]; +0x0000 c4 77 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ttl[0]; +0x0000 98 1e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Score[0]; +0x0000 62 38 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ScoreRange[0]; +0x0000 5c 48 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Site[0]; +0x0000 78 36 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Organization[0]; +0x0000 0e 3f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Location[0]; +0x0000 8c 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char GeographicalLocation[0]; +0x0000 41 21 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TimeZone[0]; +0x0000 f8 6f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Provider[0]; +0x0000 2c 2d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Version[0]; +0x0000 a8 6c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Abstract[0]; +0x0000 c5 77 00 00 */ /* unsigned char View[0]; +0x0000 69 49 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Veronica[0]; +0x0000 c6 77 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ask[0]; +0x0000 c7 68 00 00 */ unsigned char Unknown[24]; /* +0x0000 5e 48 00 00 */ }; struct AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT_BUFFER { unsigned long dwStructSize; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszScriptBuffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwScriptBufferSize; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct INTERNET_PREFETCH_STATUS { unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct INTERNET_SECURITY_INFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pCertificate[4]; /* +0x0004 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pcCertChain[4]; /* +0x0008 c7 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char connectionInfo[28]; /* +0x000c a6 46 00 00 */ unsigned char cipherInfo[680]; /* +0x0028 ec 49 00 00 */ unsigned char pcUnverifiedCertChain[4]; /* +0x02d0 c7 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char channelBindingToken[8]; /* +0x02d4 d6 28 00 00 */ }; struct OFFSETINSTANCEDATAANDLENGTH { unsigned long OffsetInstanceData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LengthInstanceData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SC_ACTION { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 d5 77 00 00 */ unsigned long Delay; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY { unsigned long Policy; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _wireBRECORD { unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pRecInfo[4]; /* +0x0008 bb 49 00 00 */ unsigned char *pRecord; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _CRYPT_CONTEXTS { unsigned long cContexts; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgpszContexts[4]; /* +0x0004 6c 15 00 00 */ }; struct tagCABSTRBLOB { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 1d 48 00 00 */ }; struct tagWCRANGE { unsigned char wcLow[2]; /* +0x0000 71 00 00 00 */ unsigned short cGlyphs; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _LDR_VERIFY_IMAGE_INFO { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CallbackInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 55 37 00 00 */ unsigned char SectionInfo[20]; /* +0x0010 3b 78 00 00 */ unsigned short ImageCharacteristics; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagSTATPROPSETSTG { unsigned char fmtid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char clsid[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long grfFlags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char mtime[8]; /* +0x0024 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ctime[8]; /* +0x002c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char atime[8]; /* +0x0034 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOSVersion; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_KeyInfoW { unsigned char sSignatureAlgorithmName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char sEncryptAlgorithmName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long KeySize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SignatureAlgorithm; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long EncryptAlgorithm; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE { unsigned long DeviceId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char VendorId[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST { unsigned long ListSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char InterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0004 fe 2a 00 00 */ unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SlotNumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0010 8b 14 00 00 */ unsigned long AlternativeLists; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char List[40]; /* +0x0020 76 78 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_Target { unsigned long TargetLength; /* +0x0000 */ char *Target; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES64 { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long RootDirectory; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ObjectName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Attributes; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long SecurityQualityOfService; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION_EX { unsigned short NextOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BaseInfo[284]; /* +0x0004 af 38 00 00 */ unsigned long ImageChecksum; /* +0x0120 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0124 */ void *DefaultBase; /* +0x0128 */ }; struct _ALPC_PORT_COMPLETION_LIST_INFORMATION { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ConcurrencyCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AttributeFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _ZONEATTRIBUTES { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDisplayName[520]; /* +0x0004 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char szDescription[400]; /* +0x020c a5 78 00 00 */ unsigned char szIconPath[520]; /* +0x039c 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTemplateMinLevel; /* +0x05a4 */ unsigned long dwTemplateRecommended; /* +0x05a8 */ unsigned long dwTemplateCurrentLevel; /* +0x05ac */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x05b0 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_LOW_PRIORITY_IO_INFORMATION { unsigned long LowPriReadOperations; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LowPriWriteOperations; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long KernelBumpedToNormalOperations; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LowPriPagingReadOperations; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long KernelPagingReadsBumpedToNormal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LowPriPagingWriteOperations; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long KernelPagingWritesBumpedToNormal; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long BoostedIrpCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long BoostedPagingIrpCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BlanketBoostCount; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_NativeNamesW { unsigned char sClientName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char sServerName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_INPUT { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumFileTypeIDs; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char FileTypeID[16]; /* +0x0008 86 27 00 00 */ }; struct timeval { long tv_sec; /* +0x0000 */ long tv_usec; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _LDBL12 { unsigned char ld12[12]; /* +0x0000 a3 1c 00 00 */ }; struct AutoProxyHelperFunctions { unsigned char lpVtbl[4]; /* +0x0000 d2 78 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_REVOCATION_CHAIN_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ void *hChainEngine; /* +0x0004 */ void *hAdditionalStore; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwChainFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwUrlRetrievalTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pftCurrentTime[4]; /* +0x0014 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pftCacheResync[4]; /* +0x0018 03 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long cbMaxUrlRetrievalByteCount; /* +0x001c */ }; struct protoent { char *p_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char p_aliases[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ short p_proto; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct drmwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long ulContentId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char wfxSecure[18]; /* +0x0018 2b 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_Certificates { unsigned long cCertificates; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbCertificateChain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pbCertificateChain; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct POWER_ACTION_POLICY { unsigned char Action[4]; /* +0x0000 5e 44 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long EventCode; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct MENUITEMTEMPLATE { unsigned short mtOption; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short mtID; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char mtString[2]; /* +0x0004 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW { unsigned char LogFileName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char LoggerName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ long long CurrentTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BuffersRead; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ProcessTraceMode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char CurrentEvent[88]; /* +0x0018 11 41 00 00 */ unsigned char LogfileHeader[272]; /* +0x0070 12 41 00 00 */ unsigned char BufferCallback[4]; /* +0x0180 50 2d 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0184 */ unsigned long Filled; /* +0x0188 */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x018c */ /* unsigned char EventCallback[0]; +0x0190 16 41 00 00 */ unsigned char EventRecordCallback[4]; /* +0x0190 1a 41 00 00 */ unsigned long IsKernelTrace; /* +0x0194 */ void *Context; /* +0x0198 */ }; struct tagINTERFACEINFO { unsigned char pUnk[4]; /* +0x0000 90 15 00 00 */ unsigned char iid[16]; /* +0x0004 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wMethod; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _MCI_STATS:: { unsigned short McaCod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MsCod; /* +0x0002 */ /* unsigned char OtherInfo[0]; +0x0004 11 79 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Damage[0]; +0x0004 12 79 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AddressValid[0]; +0x0004 13 79 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MiscValid[0]; +0x0004 14 79 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Enabled[0]; +0x0004 a3 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UnCorrected[0]; +0x0004 15 79 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OverFlow[0]; +0x0004 12 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char Valid[4]; /* +0x0004 74 20 00 00 */ }; struct HTTP_VERSION_INFO { unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_PKCS1_PADDING_INFO { unsigned char pszAlgId[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME_EX { unsigned char BasicFrame[12]; /* +0x0000 5a 30 00 00 */ void *ExtensionIdentifier; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION { unsigned char Type[16]; /* +0x0000 70 16 00 00 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char lpOverlapped[4]; /* +0x0000 95 21 00 00 */ void *hPort; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Key; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char lpOverlapped[4]; /* +0x0000 95 21 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnCompletionProc[4]; /* +0x0004 d8 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char lpOverlapped[4]; /* +0x0000 95 21 00 00 */ }; struct _WSACOMPLETION:::: { unsigned char hWnd[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char uMsg[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char context[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1 { unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0000 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned short ValueType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ValueCount; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct MOVE_FILE_RECORD_DATA { void *FileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SourceFileRecord[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TargetFileRecord[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PS_CPU_QUOTA_SET_INFORMATION { long long SessionHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Weight; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct NTFS_VOLUME_DATA_BUFFER { unsigned char VolumeSerialNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NumberSectors[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TotalClusters[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeClusters[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TotalReserved[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long BytesPerSector; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long BytesPerCluster; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long BytesPerFileRecordSegment; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ClustersPerFileRecordSegment; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char MftValidDataLength[8]; /* +0x0038 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MftStartLcn[8]; /* +0x0040 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Mft2StartLcn[8]; /* +0x0048 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MftZoneStart[8]; /* +0x0050 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MftZoneEnd[8]; /* +0x0058 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_MEMORY_INFORMATION { unsigned long PagedPoolCommitPageCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NonPagedPoolPageCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MdlPageCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CommitPageCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA { unsigned long NumberOfBlocks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Blocks[12]; /* +0x0004 88 79 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_GROUPS { unsigned long GroupCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Groups[8]; /* +0x0004 14 2b 00 00 */ }; struct heaacwaveinfo_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wPayloadType; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short wAudioProfileLevelIndication; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short wStructType; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x001a */ }; struct _CERT_EXTENSIONS { unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0004 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER32 { unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char VersionDetail[4]; /* +0x0004 d3 79 00 00 */ unsigned long ProviderVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EndTime[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TimerResolution; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MaximumFileSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LogFileMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long BuffersWritten; /* +0x0024 */ /* unsigned char LogInstanceGuid[0]; +0x0028 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long StartBuffers; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PointerSize; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long EventsLost; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CpuSpeedInMHz; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char LoggerName[4]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char LogFileName[4]; /* +0x003c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZone[176]; /* +0x0040 72 40 00 00 */ unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x00f0 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PerfFreq[8]; /* +0x00f8 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char StartTime[8]; /* +0x0100 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ReservedFlags; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long BuffersLost; /* +0x010c */ }; struct _ASSEMBLY_STORAGE_MAP_RESOLUTION_CALLBACK_DATA_RESOLUTION_ENDING { void *ResolutionContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyId[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x000c 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptedKey[8]; /* +0x0018 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Date[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pOtherAttr[4]; /* +0x0028 9c 14 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA { /* unsigned char hKeyBase[0]; +0x0000 94 21 00 00 */ void *pvBase; /* +0x0000 */ void *pvSystemStore; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char pszSystemStore[0]; +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pwszSystemStore[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_INFO { char *pszPolicyIdentifier; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cPolicyQualifier; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgPolicyQualifier[4]; /* +0x0008 dd 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_KEY_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMsgEncodingType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long hCryptProv; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct AutoPtr<_RTL_SRWLOCK *,&ReleaseWriterLock,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 23 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszTSAPolicyId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HashAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0008 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char HashedMessage[8]; /* +0x0014 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SerialNumber[8]; /* +0x001c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftTime[8]; /* +0x0024 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char pvAccuracy[4]; /* +0x002c 22 47 00 00 */ unsigned char fOrdering[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Nonce[8]; /* +0x0034 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Tsa[8]; /* +0x003c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0048 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX2 { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short cbHeaderLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbStructureLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UserOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short UserLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DomainOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short DomainLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long PackedCredentialsOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short PackedCredentialsLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long PackageListOffset; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short PackageListLength; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _STREAM_EXTENT_ENTRY:: { unsigned char RetrievalPointers[32]; /* +0x0000 ad 2d 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY { unsigned char PerUserPolicy[29]; /* +0x0000 4c 7a 00 00 */ }; struct tagRemSNB { unsigned long ulCntStr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ulCntChar; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgString[4]; /* +0x0008 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _X509Certificate { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SerialNumber[16]; /* +0x0004 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned char SignatureAlgorithm[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ValidFrom[8]; /* +0x0018 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ValidUntil[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 14 00 00 */ char *pszIssuer; /* +0x0028 */ char *pszSubject; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char pPublicKey[4]; /* +0x0030 63 7a 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 e0 23 00 00 */ }; struct _PROCESS_STACK_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long ReserveSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ZeroBits; /* +0x0004 */ void *StackBase; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SCH_CRED_SECRET_PRIVKEY { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pPrivateKey; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbPrivateKey; /* +0x0008 */ char *pszPassword; /* +0x000c */ }; struct FILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0004 65 44 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FileId[0]; +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectId[16]; /* +0x0008 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagCACLIPDATA { unsigned long cElems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pElems[4]; /* +0x0004 2f 35 00 00 */ }; struct _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 f5 7a 00 00 */ unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0004 f6 7a 00 00 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_PROVIDER_NAME { unsigned char pszProviderName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct tagCOLORADJUSTMENT { unsigned short caSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short caFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short caIlluminantIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short caRedGamma; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short caGreenGamma; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short caBlueGamma; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short caReferenceBlack; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short caReferenceWhite; /* +0x000e */ short caContrast; /* +0x0010 */ short caBrightness; /* +0x0012 */ short caColorfulness; /* +0x0014 */ short caRedGreenTint; /* +0x0016 */ }; struct MFT_ENUM_DATA { unsigned long long StartFileReferenceNumber; /* +0x0000 */ long long LowUsn; /* +0x0008 */ long long HighUsn; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _OBJECT_TYPES_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfTypes; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MENU_EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char dwCommandId[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _DEBUG_EVENT:: { /* unsigned char Exception[0]; +0x0000 8a 40 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CreateThread[0]; +0x0000 80 78 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CreateProcessInfo[0]; +0x0000 75 6b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExitThread[0]; +0x0000 3c 2c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ExitProcess[0]; +0x0000 49 6a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LoadDll[0]; +0x0000 64 4f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UnloadDll[0]; +0x0000 33 7b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DebugString[0]; +0x0000 76 51 00 00 */ unsigned char RipInfo[84]; /* +0x0000 e3 6f 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFO { unsigned short StructureVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StructureSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Protocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ProtocolMajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short ProtocolMinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short ProtocolRevision; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64:: { unsigned long long ForwarderString; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Function; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Ordinal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long AddressOfData; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _CERT_CHAIN_ENGINE_CONFIG { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ void *hRestrictedRoot; /* +0x0004 */ void *hRestrictedTrust; /* +0x0008 */ void *hRestrictedOther; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cAdditionalStore; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char rghAdditionalStore[4]; /* +0x0014 d4 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwUrlRetrievalTimeout; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long MaximumCachedCertificates; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long CycleDetectionModulus; /* +0x0024 */ void *hExclusiveRoot; /* +0x0028 */ void *hExclusiveTrustedPeople; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwExclusiveFlags; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct __m128d { unsigned char m128d_f64[16]; /* +0x0000 5b 7b 00 00 */ }; struct WSASENDMSG { unsigned char lpMsg[4]; /* +0x0000 d5 2a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long *lpNumberOfBytesSent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char lpOverlapped[4]; /* +0x000c 95 21 00 00 */ unsigned char lpCompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0010 d8 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_USER_CLAIMS { void *UserClaims; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_REF_TRACE_INFORMATION { unsigned char TraceEnable; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TracePermanent; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char TraceProcessName[8]; /* +0x0004 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TracePoolTags[8]; /* +0x000c 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _HEAP_INFORMATION_ITEM { unsigned long Level; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char ProcessHeapInformation[0]; +0x0008 d4 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapInformation[0]; +0x0008 b3 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapRegionInformation[0]; +0x0008 1c 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapRangeInformation[0]; +0x0008 b4 45 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapBlockInformation[0]; +0x0008 8e 6a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeapPerfInformation[0]; +0x0008 83 14 00 00 */ unsigned long DynamicStart; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _API_SET_NAMESPACE_ENTRY { unsigned long NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RTL_CALLER_ALLOCATED_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK_FRAME_BASIC { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Format; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Frame[12]; /* +0x0008 75 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _AFPROTOCOLS { unsigned char iAddressFamily[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char iProtocol[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct NTFS_FILE_RECORD_INPUT_BUFFER { unsigned char FileReferenceNumber[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MFRatio { unsigned long Numerator; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Denominator; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SYMBOL_EX:: { unsigned char ShortName[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION:: { unsigned char Reserved[64]; /* +0x0000 62 33 00 00 */ }; struct _FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION:: { unsigned char Reserved[32]; /* +0x0000 52 70 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MajorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MinorVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short NumberOfNamedEntries; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short NumberOfIdEntries; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _s__RTTIBaseClassArray { unsigned char arrayOfBaseClassDescriptors[1]; /* +0x0000 11 7c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSDBG_TRIAGE_DUMP { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BugCheckCode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long BugCheckParam1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BugCheckParam2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BugCheckParam3; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BugCheckParam4; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ProcessHandles; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ThreadHandles; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char Handles[4]; /* +0x0020 d4 14 00 00 */ }; struct NCryptKeyName { unsigned char pszName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pszAlgid[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLegacyKeySpec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SYSTEM_PLATFORM_BINARY_INFORMATION { void *HandoffBuffer; /* +0x0000 */ void *CommandLineBuffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HandoffBufferSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CommandLineBufferSize; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _GDI_NONREMOTE { long fContext; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _GDI_NONREMOTE::__MIDL_IWinTypes_0002 { long hInproc; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hRemote[4]; /* +0x0000 70 7c 00 00 */ }; struct tagCWPSTRUCT { long lParam; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wParam[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char message[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x000c 42 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SD_ENUM_SDS_OUTPUT { unsigned long long NextOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long NumSDEntriesReturned; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long NumSDBytesReturned; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char SDEntry[24]; /* +0x0018 c1 7c 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_IDLE_STATE { unsigned long Latency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Power; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TimeCheck; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PromotePercent; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char DemotePercent; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char StateType; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x000f */ unsigned long StateFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Context; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long IdleHandler; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER_INFO { char *pszPolicyQualifierId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Qualifier[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct LIST_ENTRY64 { unsigned long long Flink; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Blink; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION { unsigned long ThisBaseVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LatestVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ThisMiniVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short FirstMiniVersion; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short LatestMiniVersion; /* +0x000c */ }; struct PPM_WMI_IDLE_STATES_EX { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TargetState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OldState; /* +0x000c */ void *TargetProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[32]; /* +0x0014 e9 7c 00 00 */ }; struct _REMOTE_NAME_INFOA { char *lpUniversalName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpConnectionName; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpRemainingPath; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct XSAVE_CPU_ERRATA { unsigned long NumberOfErrata; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Errata[32]; /* +0x0008 fa 7c 00 00 */ }; struct tagOLEVERB { long lVerb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpszVerbName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long fuFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long grfAttribs; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _SHITEMID { unsigned short cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char abID[1]; /* +0x0002 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ImageArchitectureHeader { /* unsigned char AmaskValue[0]; +0x0000 ff 25 00 00 */ unsigned char AmaskShift[4]; /* +0x0000 19 7d 00 00 */ unsigned long FirstEntryRVA; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _NLA_BLOB:: { unsigned char rawData[1036]; /* +0x0000 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _NLA_BLOB:::::: { unsigned long speed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long state; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char machineName[512]; /* +0x000c c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char sharedAdapterName[512]; /* +0x020c c8 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _NLA_BLOB:::: { unsigned char type[4]; /* +0x0000 51 74 00 00 */ unsigned char internet[4]; /* +0x0004 74 78 00 00 */ }; struct _NLA_BLOB:::: { unsigned char information[1]; /* +0x0000 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _NLA_BLOB:::: { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSpeed; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char adapterName[4]; /* +0x0008 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _NLA_BLOB:: { unsigned char type[4]; /* +0x0000 00 3d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long nextOffset; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _FILE_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOL_INFO_BUFFER { unsigned char DirectoryCount[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FileCount[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned short FsFormatMajVersion; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short FsFormatMinVersion; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char FsFormatName[28]; /* +0x0014 72 35 00 00 */ unsigned char FormatTime[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char LastUpdateTime[8]; /* +0x0038 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CopyrightInfo[68]; /* +0x0040 62 7d 00 00 */ unsigned char AbstractInfo[68]; /* +0x0084 62 7d 00 00 */ unsigned char FormattingImplementationInfo[68]; /* +0x00c8 62 7d 00 00 */ unsigned char LastModifyingImplementationInfo[68]; /* +0x010c 62 7d 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NextFree[4]; /* +0x0000 df 36 00 00 */ }; struct pollfd { unsigned char fd[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ short events; /* +0x0004 */ short revents; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64 { unsigned long long StartAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long EndAddressOfRawData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long AddressOfIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long AddressOfCallBacks; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SizeOfZeroFill; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct AutoPtr<_RTL_SRWLOCK *,&ReleaseReaderLock,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 23 15 00 00 */ }; struct _CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRecipientIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char KeyEncryptionAlgorithm[12]; /* +0x0008 1f 16 00 00 */ unsigned char UserKeyingMaterial[8]; /* +0x0014 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOriginatorChoice; /* +0x001c */ /* unsigned char OriginatorCertId[0]; +0x0020 99 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OriginatorPublicKeyInfo[24]; /* +0x0020 d6 29 00 00 */ unsigned long cKeyAgreeKeyEncryptInfo; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char rgpKeyAgreeKeyEncryptInfo[4]; /* +0x003c c5 7d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _FILE_STANDARD_LINK_INFORMATION { unsigned long NumberOfAccessibleLinks; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TotalNumberOfLinks; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DeletePending; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Directory; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct GOPHER_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { unsigned char ContentType[4]; /* +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Language[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CTL_CONTEXT { unsigned long dwMsgAndCertEncodingType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbCtlEncoded; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbCtlEncoded; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pCtlInfo[4]; /* +0x000c 49 44 00 00 */ void *hCertStore; /* +0x0010 */ void *hCryptMsg; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char *pbCtlContent; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long cbCtlContent; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SignatureSize; /* +0x000c */ void *Signature; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RPC_BINDING_VECTOR { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char BindingH[4]; /* +0x0004 fa 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _BOOT_OPTIONS { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CurrentBootEntryId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NextBootEntryId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char HeadlessRedirection[4]; /* +0x0014 9d 15 00 00 */ }; struct _OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE_ENTRY { unsigned char CertId[36]; /* +0x0000 14 43 00 00 */ unsigned long dwCertStatus; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char pRevokedInfo[4]; /* +0x0028 ab 6c 00 00 */ unsigned char ThisUpdate[8]; /* +0x002c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NextUpdate[8]; /* +0x0034 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long cExtension; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char rgExtension[4]; /* +0x0040 6f 1d 00 00 */ }; struct MOVE_FILE_DATA { void *FileHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StartingVcn[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char StartingLcn[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long ClusterCount; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _SecPkgContext_CredInfo { unsigned char CredClass[4]; /* +0x0000 f1 7c 00 00 */ unsigned long IsPromptingNeeded; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct IMAGE_COR20_HEADER { unsigned long cb; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MajorRuntimeVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short MinorRuntimeVersion; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char MetaData[8]; /* +0x0008 bf 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long EntryPointToken; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long EntryPointRVA; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Resources[8]; /* +0x0018 bf 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char StrongNameSignature[8]; /* +0x0020 bf 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char CodeManagerTable[8]; /* +0x0028 bf 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char VTableFixups[8]; /* +0x0030 bf 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ExportAddressTableJumps[8]; /* +0x0038 bf 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ManagedNativeHeader[8]; /* +0x0040 bf 1e 00 00 */ }; struct __m64 { unsigned long long m64_u64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char m64_f32[0]; +0x0000 1c 7e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_i8[0]; +0x0000 0b 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_i16[0]; +0x0000 a5 16 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_i32[0]; +0x0000 1d 7e 00 00 */ long long m64_i64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char m64_u8[0]; +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char m64_u16[0]; +0x0000 d4 3d 00 00 */ unsigned char m64_u32[8]; /* +0x0000 1e 7e 00 00 */ }; struct servent { char *s_name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char s_aliases[4]; /* +0x0004 ec 21 00 00 */ short s_port; /* +0x0008 */ char *s_proto; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _TOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION { unsigned char SidHash[4]; /* +0x0000 99 51 00 00 */ unsigned char RestrictedSidHash[4]; /* +0x0004 99 51 00 00 */ unsigned char Privileges[4]; /* +0x0008 01 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthenticationId[8]; /* +0x000c 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char TokenType[4]; /* +0x0014 47 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char ImpersonationLevel[4]; /* +0x0018 48 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char MandatoryPolicy[4]; /* +0x001c 69 47 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long AppContainerNumber; /* +0x0024 */ void *PackageSid; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char CapabilitiesHash[4]; /* +0x002c 99 51 00 00 */ }; struct _API_SET_VALUE_ARRAY { unsigned long Count; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Array[16]; /* +0x0004 2a 7e 00 00 */ }; struct _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSA { unsigned long dwResetPeriod; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpRebootMsg; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpCommand; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cActions; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char lpsaActions[4]; /* +0x0010 6e 38 00 00 */ }; struct _COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO { unsigned short CompressionFormatAndEngine; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CompressionUnitShift; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ChunkShift; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char ClusterShift; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short NumberOfChunks; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char CompressedChunkSizes[4]; /* +0x0008 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _SecPkgCred_CipherStrengths { unsigned long dwMinimumCipherStrength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMaximumCipherStrength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION { unsigned char BootTime[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentTime[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeZoneBias[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long TimeZoneId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long BootTimeBias; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long SleepTimeBias; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _CM_EISA_FUNCTION_INFORMATION { unsigned long CompressedId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char IdSlotFlags1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char IdSlotFlags2; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char MinorRevision; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char MajorRevision; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char Selections[26]; /* +0x0008 54 7e 00 00 */ unsigned char FunctionFlags; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char TypeString[80]; /* +0x0023 60 32 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaMemory[63]; /* +0x0073 55 7e 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaIrq[14]; /* +0x00b2 56 7e 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaDma[8]; /* +0x00c0 57 7e 00 00 */ unsigned char EisaPort[60]; /* +0x00c8 58 7e 00 00 */ unsigned char InitializationData[60]; /* +0x0104 59 7e 00 00 */ }; struct _SOCKET_SECURITY_QUERY_TEMPLATE_IPSEC2 { unsigned char SecurityProtocol[8]; /* +0x0000 37 16 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerAddress[128]; /* +0x0008 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned long PeerTokenAccessMask; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long FieldMask; /* +0x0090 */ }; struct _BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB { unsigned long Magic; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BitLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long cbPublicExp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cbModulus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long cbPrime1; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cbPrime2; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct PPM_WMI_IDLE_STATES { unsigned long Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TargetState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OldState; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long long TargetProcessors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char State[32]; /* +0x0018 e9 7c 00 00 */ }; struct _SYSTEM_HOTPATCH_MODULE_QUERY_PARAMETERS { unsigned long QueryFlags; /* +0x0000 */ void *ProcessHandle; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SL_HWID_DEVICE_INFO { unsigned long SizeBytes; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DeviceRemovalPolicy; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char AuthenticationStatus; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Disposition; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned long DeviceNodeLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagMSG { unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char message[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wParam[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ long lParam; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long time; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pt[8]; /* +0x0014 4d 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagCANDIDATELIST { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwSelection; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPageStart; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPageSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char dwOffset[4]; /* +0x0018 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION { unsigned long AclRevision; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct PPM_IDLE_STATE_BUCKET_EX { unsigned long long TotalTimeUs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MinTimeUs; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxTimeUs; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _APP_CACHE_DOWNLOAD_LIST { unsigned long dwEntryCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pEntries[4]; /* +0x0004 25 7f 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OriginalFirstThunk; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ForwarderChain; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Name; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FirstThunk; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PMD { unsigned char mdisp[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pdisp[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char vdisp[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_BUFFER { unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *StaticBuffer; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long StaticSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ReservedForAllocatedSize; /* +0x0010 */ void *ReservedForIMalloc; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RPC_HTTP_TRANSPORT_CREDENTIALS_V3_W { void *TransportCredentials; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuthenticationTarget; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfAuthnSchemes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long *AuthnSchemes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *ServerCertificateSubject; /* +0x0014 */ void *ProxyCredentials; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long NumberOfProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long *ProxyAuthnSchemes; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _CMC_PEND_INFO { unsigned char PendToken[8]; /* +0x0000 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PendTime[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagHARDWAREHOOKSTRUCT { unsigned char hwnd[4]; /* +0x0000 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned char message[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char wParam[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ long lParam; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PSFEATURE_OUTPUT { unsigned char bPageIndependent[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bSetPageDevice[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct KEY_PID_ARRAY { void *PID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char KeyName[8]; /* +0x0004 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_STACK_CONTEXT { unsigned long NumberOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Entry[8]; /* +0x0004 bb 7f 00 00 */ }; struct adpcmwaveformat_tag { unsigned char wfx[18]; /* +0x0000 2b 14 00 00 */ unsigned short wSamplesPerBlock; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned short wNumCoef; /* +0x0014 */ /* unsigned char aCoef[0]; +0x0016 c0 7f 00 00 */ }; struct GOPHER_FIND_DATAA { unsigned char DisplayString[132]; /* +0x0000 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned long GopherType; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long SizeLow; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long SizeHigh; /* +0x008c */ unsigned char LastModificationTime[8]; /* +0x0090 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Locator[656]; /* +0x0098 d5 7f 00 00 */ }; struct PPM_THERMAL_POLICY_EVENT { unsigned char Mode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long Processors; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct INTERNET_AUTH_NOTIFY_DATA { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfnNotify[4]; /* +0x0008 1c 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwContext; /* +0x000c */ }; struct SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES { unsigned char PowerButtonPresent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SleepButtonPresent; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char LidPresent; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char SystemS1; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char SystemS2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SystemS3; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char SystemS4; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char SystemS5; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char HiberFilePresent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FullWake; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char VideoDimPresent; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char ApmPresent; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char UpsPresent; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ThermalControl; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char ProcessorThrottle; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char ProcessorMinThrottle; /* +0x000f */ unsigned char ProcessorMaxThrottle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char FastSystemS4; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char Hiberboot; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char WakeAlarmPresent; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned char AoAc; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DiskSpinDown; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char spare3[8]; /* +0x0016 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemBatteriesPresent; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char BatteriesAreShortTerm; /* +0x001f */ unsigned char BatteryScale[24]; /* +0x0020 ae 80 00 00 */ unsigned char AcOnLineWake[4]; /* +0x0038 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char SoftLidWake[4]; /* +0x003c c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char RtcWake[4]; /* +0x0040 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char MinDeviceWakeState[4]; /* +0x0044 c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char DefaultLowLatencyWake[4]; /* +0x0048 c3 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _EISA_PORT_CONFIGURATION { unsigned char Configuration[1]; /* +0x0000 70 70 00 00 */ unsigned short PortAddress; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct POWER_STATE_HANDLER { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 60 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RtcWake; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Spare[3]; /* +0x0005 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Handler[4]; /* +0x0008 94 73 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x000c */ }; struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME { unsigned char header[20]; /* +0x0000 14 30 00 00 */ unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0014 d6 80 00 00 */ unsigned char outputTechnology[4]; /* +0x0018 ed 6c 00 00 */ unsigned short edidManufactureId; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short edidProductCodeId; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char connectorInstance[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char monitorFriendlyDeviceName[128]; /* +0x0024 cd 27 00 00 */ unsigned char monitorDevicePath[256]; /* +0x00a4 e7 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION:: { unsigned char pAttributeV1[4]; /* +0x0000 8c 29 00 00 */ }; struct _KEY_FLAGS_INFORMATION { unsigned long Wow64Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long KeyFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ControlFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _CM_VIDEO_DEVICE_DATA { unsigned short Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Revision; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long VideoClock; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _wireVARIANT { unsigned long clSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long rpcReserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short vt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wReserved1; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short wReserved2; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wReserved3; /* +0x000e */ long long llVal; /* +0x0010 */ long lVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bVal; /* +0x0010 */ short iVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char fltVal[0]; +0x0010 40 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char dblVal[0]; +0x0010 41 00 00 00 */ short boolVal; /* +0x0010 */ long scode; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char cyVal[0]; +0x0010 27 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char date[0]; +0x0010 41 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char bstrVal[0]; +0x0010 63 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char punkVal[0]; +0x0010 90 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdispVal[0]; +0x0010 31 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char parray[0]; +0x0010 82 7f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char brecVal[0]; +0x0010 f1 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char *pbVal; /* +0x0010 */ short *piVal; /* +0x0010 */ long *plVal; /* +0x0010 */ long long *pllVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char pfltVal[0]; +0x0010 40 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdblVal[0]; +0x0010 41 04 00 00 */ short *pboolVal; /* +0x0010 */ long *pscode; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char pcyVal[0]; +0x0010 28 23 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdate[0]; +0x0010 41 04 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pbstrVal[0]; +0x0010 bd 4e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppunkVal[0]; +0x0010 89 19 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppdispVal[0]; +0x0010 4c 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pparray[0]; +0x0010 0f 81 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pvarVal[0]; +0x0010 7e 31 00 00 */ char cVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short uiVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char intVal[0]; +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char uintVal[0]; +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char decVal[0]; +0x0010 38 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pdecVal[0]; +0x0010 39 28 00 00 */ char *pcVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *puiVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long *pulVal; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long *pullVal; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char pintVal[0]; +0x0010 74 04 00 00 */ unsigned char puintVal[16]; /* +0x0010 75 04 00 00 */ }; struct _TOKEN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1:: { long long *pInt64; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long *pUint64; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char pString[0]; +0x0000 1e 1f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pFqbn[0]; +0x0000 7c 36 00 00 */ unsigned char pOctetString[4]; /* +0x0000 d0 3d 00 00 */ }; struct RPC_IMPORT_CONTEXT_P { void *LookupContext; /* +0x0000 */ void *ProposedHandle; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Bindings[4]; /* +0x0008 38 81 00 00 */ }; struct _GDI_OBJECT::__MIDL_IAdviseSink_0002 { /* unsigned char hBitmap[0]; +0x0000 34 38 00 00 */ /* unsigned char hPalette[0]; +0x0000 1d 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char hGeneric[4]; /* +0x0000 69 15 00 00 */ }; struct _OBJECT_HANDLE_FLAG_INFORMATION { unsigned char Inherit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ProtectFromClose; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct tagMONITORINFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rcMonitor[16]; /* +0x0004 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rcWork[16]; /* +0x0014 2e 16 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagCOMPOSITIONFORM { unsigned long dwStyle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ptCurrentPos[8]; /* +0x0004 4d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char rcArea[16]; /* +0x000c 2e 16 00 00 */ }; struct _RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION:::: { void *IocpHandle; /* +0x0000 */ void *CompletionKey; /* +0x0004 */ void *Overlapped; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION:::: { void *EventHandle; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NotifyReset[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64 { unsigned char InLoadOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0000 1d 26 00 00 */ unsigned char InMemoryOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0010 1d 26 00 00 */ unsigned char InInitializationOrderLinks[16]; /* +0x0020 1d 26 00 00 */ unsigned long long DllBase; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long EntryPoint; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char FullDllName[16]; /* +0x0048 6e 35 00 00 */ unsigned char BaseDllName[16]; /* +0x0058 6e 35 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned short LoadCount; /* +0x006c */ unsigned short TlsIndex; /* +0x006e */ /* unsigned char HashLinks[0]; +0x0070 1d 26 00 00 */ unsigned long long SectionPointer; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long LoadedImports; /* +0x0080 */ }; struct tagRAWINPUT:: { /* unsigned char mouse[0]; +0x0000 1f 35 00 00 */ /* unsigned char keyboard[0]; +0x0000 05 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char hid[24]; /* +0x0000 58 6c 00 00 */ }; struct BITMAPV5HEADER { unsigned long bV5Size; /* +0x0000 */ long bV5Width; /* +0x0004 */ long bV5Height; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short bV5Planes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bV5BitCount; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long bV5Compression; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long bV5SizeImage; /* +0x0014 */ long bV5XPelsPerMeter; /* +0x0018 */ long bV5YPelsPerMeter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long bV5ClrUsed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long bV5ClrImportant; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long bV5RedMask; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long bV5GreenMask; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long bV5BlueMask; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long bV5AlphaMask; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long bV5CSType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char bV5Endpoints[36]; /* +0x003c df 3c 00 00 */ unsigned long bV5GammaRed; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long bV5GammaGreen; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long bV5GammaBlue; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long bV5Intent; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long bV5ProfileData; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long bV5ProfileSize; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long bV5Reserved; /* +0x0078 */ }; struct addrinfoex2W { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addrlen[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_canonname[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addr[4]; /* +0x0018 05 15 00 00 */ void *ai_blob; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ai_bloblen[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_provider[4]; /* +0x0024 4e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[4]; /* +0x0028 0f 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_version[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_fqdn[4]; /* +0x0030 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 */ }; struct INTERNET_CONNECTION_INFO { unsigned char LocalAddress[128]; /* +0x0000 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RemoteAddress[128]; /* +0x0080 79 24 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_SERVER_INFO_ { unsigned char pStubDesc[4]; /* +0x0000 94 35 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[4]; /* +0x0004 44 83 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcString[4]; /* +0x0008 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned char FmtStringOffset[4]; /* +0x000c 69 21 00 00 */ unsigned char ThunkTable[4]; /* +0x0010 3b 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pTransferSyntax[4]; /* +0x0014 b8 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long nCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char pSyntaxInfo[4]; /* +0x001c 69 2a 00 00 */ }; struct RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER { unsigned long ExtentCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char StartingVcn[24]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER:: { unsigned char NextVcn[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Lcn[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct BITMAPV4HEADER { unsigned long bV4Size; /* +0x0000 */ long bV4Width; /* +0x0004 */ long bV4Height; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short bV4Planes; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short bV4BitCount; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long bV4V4Compression; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long bV4SizeImage; /* +0x0014 */ long bV4XPelsPerMeter; /* +0x0018 */ long bV4YPelsPerMeter; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long bV4ClrUsed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long bV4ClrImportant; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long bV4RedMask; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long bV4GreenMask; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long bV4BlueMask; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long bV4AlphaMask; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long bV4CSType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char bV4Endpoints[36]; /* +0x003c df 3c 00 00 */ unsigned long bV4GammaRed; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long bV4GammaGreen; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long bV4GammaBlue; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { char *obj; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct INTERNET_SECURITY_CONNECTION_INFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fSecure[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char connectionInfo[28]; /* +0x0008 a6 46 00 00 */ unsigned char cipherInfo[680]; /* +0x0024 ec 49 00 00 */ }; struct __m256 { unsigned char m256_f32[32]; /* +0x0000 fb 83 00 00 */ }; enum _NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { NdisPhysicalMediumUnspecified = 0, NdisPhysicalMediumWirelessLan = 1, NdisPhysicalMediumCableModem = 2, NdisPhysicalMediumPhoneLine = 3, NdisPhysicalMediumPowerLine = 4, NdisPhysicalMediumDSL = 5, NdisPhysicalMediumFibreChannel = 6, NdisPhysicalMedium1394 = 7, NdisPhysicalMediumWirelessWan = 8, NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 = 9, NdisPhysicalMediumBluetooth = 10, NdisPhysicalMediumInfiniband = 11, NdisPhysicalMediumWiMax = 12, NdisPhysicalMediumUWB = 13, NdisPhysicalMedium802_3 = 14, NdisPhysicalMedium802_5 = 15, NdisPhysicalMediumIrda = 16, NdisPhysicalMediumWiredWAN = 17, NdisPhysicalMediumWiredCoWan = 18, NdisPhysicalMediumOther = 19, NdisPhysicalMediumMax = 20 }; enum TUNNEL_TYPE { TUNNEL_TYPE_NONE = 0, TUNNEL_TYPE_OTHER = 1, TUNNEL_TYPE_DIRECT = 2, TUNNEL_TYPE_6TO4 = 11, TUNNEL_TYPE_ISATAP = 13, TUNNEL_TYPE_TEREDO = 14, TUNNEL_TYPE_IPHTTPS = 15 }; enum _DOT11_PHY_TYPE { dot11_phy_type_unknown = 0, dot11_phy_type_any = 0, dot11_phy_type_fhss = 1, dot11_phy_type_dsss = 2, dot11_phy_type_irbaseband = 3, dot11_phy_type_ofdm = 4, dot11_phy_type_hrdsss = 5, dot11_phy_type_erp = 6, dot11_phy_type_ht = 7, = 32771 }; enum _DNS_IPSEC_ENCRPTION_ALGO { DNS_IPSEC_NO_ENCYPTION = 0, DNS_IPSEC_LOW_ENCYPTION = 1, DNS_IPSEC_MEDIUM_ENCYPTION = 2, DNS_IPSEC_HIGH_ENCYPTION = 3 }; enum DNS_CONFIG_TYPE { DnsConfigPrimaryDomainName_W = 0, DnsConfigPrimaryDomainName_A = 1, DnsConfigPrimaryDomainName_UTF8 = 2, DnsConfigAdapterDomainName_W = 3, DnsConfigAdapterDomainName_A = 4, DnsConfigAdapterDomainName_UTF8 = 5, DnsConfigDnsServerList = 6, DnsConfigSearchList = 7, DnsConfigAdapterInfo = 8, DnsConfigPrimaryHostNameRegistrationEnabled = 9, DnsConfigAdapterHostNameRegistrationEnabled = 10, DnsConfigAddressRegistrationMaxCount = 11, DnsConfigHostName_W = 12, DnsConfigHostName_A = 13, DnsConfigHostName_UTF8 = 14, DnsConfigFullHostName_W = 15, DnsConfigFullHostName_A = 16, DnsConfigFullHostName_UTF8 = 17 }; enum Q2931_IE_TYPE { IE_AALParameters = 0, IE_TrafficDescriptor = 1, IE_BroadbandBearerCapability = 2, IE_BHLI = 3, IE_BLLI = 4, IE_CalledPartyNumber = 5, IE_CalledPartySubaddress = 6, IE_CallingPartyNumber = 7, IE_CallingPartySubaddress = 8, IE_Cause = 9, IE_QOSClass = 10, IE_TransitNetworkSelection = 11 }; enum _WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_NONE_CLOSE_STATUS = 0, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_SUCCESS_CLOSE_STATUS = 1000, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_ENDPOINT_TERMINATED_CLOSE_STATUS = 1001, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CLOSE_STATUS = 1002, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_CLOSE_STATUS = 1003, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE_CLOSE_STATUS = 1004 }; enum _DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATE { dot11_assoc_state_zero = 0, dot11_assoc_state_unauth_unassoc = 1, dot11_assoc_state_auth_unassoc = 2, dot11_assoc_state_auth_assoc = 3 }; enum _NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { NdisFddiStateOff = 1, NdisFddiStateBreak = 2, NdisFddiStateTrace = 3, NdisFddiStateConnect = 4, NdisFddiStateNext = 5, NdisFddiStateSignal = 6, NdisFddiStateJoin = 7, NdisFddiStateVerify = 8, NdisFddiStateActive = 9, NdisFddiStateMaintenance = 10 }; enum _NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { NdisFddiTypeIsolated = 1, NdisFddiTypeLocalA = 2, NdisFddiTypeLocalB = 3, NdisFddiTypeLocalAB = 4, NdisFddiTypeLocalS = 5, NdisFddiTypeWrapA = 6, NdisFddiTypeWrapB = 7, NdisFddiTypeWrapAB = 8, NdisFddiTypeWrapS = 9, NdisFddiTypeCWrapA = 10, NdisFddiTypeCWrapB = 11, NdisFddiTypeCWrapS = 12, NdisFddiTypeThrough = 13 }; enum _NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPE { NET_IF_ACCESS_LOOPBACK = 1, NET_IF_ACCESS_BROADCAST = 2, NET_IF_ACCESS_POINT_TO_POINT = 3, NET_IF_ACCESS_POINT_TO_MULTI_POINT = 4, NET_IF_ACCESS_MAXIMUM = 5 }; enum NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT_ { NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED = 0, NET_ADDRESS_DNS_NAME = 1, NET_ADDRESS_IPV4 = 2, NET_ADDRESS_IPV6 = 3 }; enum tagRASCONNSUBSTATE { RASCSS_None = 0, RASCSS_Dormant = 1, RASCSS_Reconnecting = 2, RASCSS_Reconnected = 8192 }; enum DNS_REGID { RegIdHostName = 0, RegIdDomainName = 1, RegIdDhcpDomainName = 2, RegIdAdapterDomainName = 3, RegIdPrimaryDomainName = 4, RegIdPrimaryDnsSuffix = 5, RegIdAlternateNames = 6, RegIdDnsServers = 7, RegIdSearchList = 8, RegIdQueryAdapterName = 9, RegIdUseNameDevolution = 10, RegIdNameDevolutionLevel = 11, RegIdPrioritizeRecordData = 12, RegIdAllowUnqualifiedQuery = 13, RegIdAppendToMultiLabelName = 14, RegIdScreenBadTlds = 15, RegIdScreenUnreachableServers = 16, RegIdScreenDefaultServers = 17, RegIdDynamicServerQueryOrder = 18, RegIdFilterClusterIp = 19, RegIdWaitForNameErrorOnAll = 20, RegIdUseEdns = 21, RegIdSecureNameResolutionFallback = 22, RegIdEnableDirectAccessForAllNetworks = 23, RegIdDirectAccessQueryOrder = 24, RegIdQueryIpMatching = 25, RegIdUseHostsFile = 26, RegIdAddrConfigControl = 27, RegIdQueryTimeouts = 28, RegIdQuickQueryTimeouts = 29, RegIdQueryDisableSmartResolution = 30, RegIdQueryPreferLocalOverLowerBindingDns = 31, RegIdQueryNetBiosFqdn = 32, RegIdQueryDisableProtocolReordering = 33, RegIdQueryUdpRecvBufferSize = 34, RegIdRegistrationEnabled = 35, RegIdRegisterPrimaryName = 36, RegIdRegisterAdapterName = 37, RegIdRegisterReverseLookup = 38, RegIdRegisterWanAdapters = 39, RegIdRegistrationTtl = 40, RegIdRegistrationRefreshInterval = 41, RegIdRegistrationMaxAddressCount = 42, RegIdUpdateSecurityLevel = 43, RegIdUpdateTopLevelDomains = 44, RegIdDowncaseSpn = 45, RegIdUpdateZoneExcludeFile = 46, RegIdUpdateZoneExclusions = 47, RegIdRegistrationOverwrite = 48, RegIdMaxCacheSize = 49, RegIdMaxCacheTtl = 50, RegIdMaxNegativeCacheTtl = 51, RegIdAdapterTimeoutLimit = 52, RegIdServerPriorityTimeLimit = 53, RegIdMaxCachedSockets = 54, RegIdMulticastEnable = 55, RegIdMulticastListen = 56, RegIdMulticastSend = 57, RegIdMulitcastSendTimeout = 58, RegIdSetupMode = 59, RegIdTestMode = 60, RegIdRemoteResolver = 61, RegIdUseCompartments = 62, RegIdCacheAllCompartments = 63, RegIdUseNewRegistration = 64, RegIdResolverRegistration = 65, RegIdResolverRegistrationOnly = 66, RegIdNewDhcpSrvRegistration = 67, RegIdDirectAccessPreferLocal = 68, RegIdDisableIdnEncoding = 69, RegIdEnableIdnMapping = 70, RegIdDisableAdapterDomainName = 71, RegIdDisableDynamicUpdate = 72, RegIdEnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration = 73, RegIdDisableReverseAddressRegistrations = 74, RegIdDisableWanDynamicUpdate = 75, RegIdEnableWanDynamicUpdateEventLog = 76, RegIdDefaultRegistrationTTL = 77, RegIdDefaultRegistrationRefreshInterval = 78, RegIdMaxNumberOfAddressesToRegister = 79, RegIdDhcpRegisteredDomainName = 80, RegIdDhcpSentUpdateToIp = 81, RegIdDhcpSentPriUpdateToIp = 82, RegIdDhcpRegisteredTtl = 83, RegIdDhcpRegisteredFlags = 84, RegIdDhcpRegisteredSinceBoot = 85, RegIdDhcpDnsServerAddresses = 86, RegIdDhcpDnsServerAddressCount = 87, RegIdDhcpRegisteredAddresses = 88, RegIdDhcpRegisteredAddressCount = 89, RegIdAregHostAddrs = 90, RegIdAregDnsServers = 91, RegIdAregTtl = 92, RegIdAregCompartmentId = 93, RegIdAregFlags = 94, RegIdAregRegisteredStale = 95 }; enum _DOT11_AC_PARAM { dot11_AC_param_BE = 0, dot11_AC_param_BK = 1, dot11_AC_param_VI = 2, dot11_AC_param_VO = 3, dot11_AC_param_max = 4 }; enum ICMP6_TYPE { ICMP6_DST_UNREACH = 1, ICMP6_PACKET_TOO_BIG = 2, ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED = 3, ICMP6_PARAM_PROB = 4, ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST = 128, ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY = 129, ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY = 130, ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT = 131, ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REDUCTION = 132, ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT = 133, ND_ROUTER_ADVERT = 134, ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT = 135, ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT = 136, ND_REDIRECT = 137, ICMP6_V2_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT = 143 }; enum _HostFileEncoding { HostFileEncodingUndetermined = 0, HostFileEncodingAnsi = 1, HostFileEncodingUnicodeLE = 2, HostFileEncodingUnicodeBE = 3, HostFileEncodingUtf8 = 4 }; enum _NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { NdisRingStateOpened = 1, NdisRingStateClosed = 2, NdisRingStateOpening = 3, NdisRingStateClosing = 4, NdisRingStateOpenFailure = 5, NdisRingStateRingFailure = 6 }; enum DNS_FREE_TYPE { DnsFreeFlat = 0, DnsFreeRecordList = 1, DnsFreeParsedMessageFields = 2 }; enum _DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM { DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN = 1, DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_SHARED_KEY = 2, DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_WPA = 3, DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_WPA_PSK = 4, DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_WPA_NONE = 5, DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_RSNA = 6, DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_RSNA_PSK = 7, = 32771 }; enum ICMP4_TYPE { ICMP4_ECHO_REPLY = 0, ICMP4_DST_UNREACH = 3, ICMP4_SOURCE_QUENCH = 4, ICMP4_REDIRECT = 5, ICMP4_ECHO_REQUEST = 8, ICMP4_ROUTER_ADVERT = 9, ICMP4_ROUTER_SOLICIT = 10, ICMP4_TIME_EXCEEDED = 11, ICMP4_PARAM_PROB = 12, ICMP4_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST = 13, ICMP4_TIMESTAMP_REPLY = 14, ICMP4_MASK_REQUEST = 17, ICMP4_MASK_REPLY = 18 }; enum _MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE_RAS_CONNECTION_OBJECT = 1, MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE_MPR_SERVER_OBJECT = 2, MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE_MPR_SERVER_SET_CONFIG_OBJECT = 3, MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE_AUTH_VALIDATION_OBJECT = 4, MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE_UPDATE_CONNECTION_OBJECT = 5, MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE_IF_CUSTOM_CONFIG_OBJECT = 6 }; enum tagRASCONNSTATE { RASCS_OpenPort = 0, RASCS_PortOpened = 1, RASCS_ConnectDevice = 2, RASCS_DeviceConnected = 3, RASCS_AllDevicesConnected = 4, RASCS_Authenticate = 5, RASCS_AuthNotify = 6, RASCS_AuthRetry = 7, RASCS_AuthCallback = 8, RASCS_AuthChangePassword = 9, RASCS_AuthProject = 10, RASCS_AuthLinkSpeed = 11, RASCS_AuthAck = 12, RASCS_ReAuthenticate = 13, RASCS_Authenticated = 14, RASCS_PrepareForCallback = 15, RASCS_WaitForModemReset = 16, RASCS_WaitForCallback = 17, RASCS_Projected = 18, RASCS_StartAuthentication = 19, RASCS_CallbackComplete = 20, RASCS_LogonNetwork = 21, RASCS_SubEntryConnected = 22, RASCS_SubEntryDisconnected = 23, RASCS_ApplySettings = 24, RASCS_Interactive = 4096, RASCS_RetryAuthentication = 4097, RASCS_CallbackSetByCaller = 4098, RASCS_PasswordExpired = 4099, RASCS_InvokeEapUI = 4100, RASCS_Connected = 8192, RASCS_Disconnected = 8193 }; enum _UDP_ENCAP_TYPE { OFFLOAD_IPSEC_UDPESP_ENCAPTYPE_IKE = 0, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_UDPESP_ENCAPTYPE_OTHER = 1 }; enum _NDIS_MEDIUM { NdisMedium802_3 = 0, NdisMedium802_5 = 1, NdisMediumFddi = 2, NdisMediumWan = 3, NdisMediumLocalTalk = 4, NdisMediumDix = 5, NdisMediumArcnetRaw = 6, NdisMediumArcnet878_2 = 7, NdisMediumAtm = 8, NdisMediumWirelessWan = 9, NdisMediumIrda = 10, NdisMediumBpc = 11, NdisMediumCoWan = 12, NdisMedium1394 = 13, NdisMediumInfiniBand = 14, NdisMediumTunnel = 15, NdisMediumNative802_11 = 16, NdisMediumLoopback = 17, NdisMediumWiMAX = 18, NdisMediumIP = 19, NdisMediumMax = 20 }; enum MIB_TCP_STATE { MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSED = 1, MIB_TCP_STATE_LISTEN = 2, MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_SENT = 3, MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_RCVD = 4, MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB = 5, MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT1 = 6, MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT2 = 7, MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT = 8, MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSING = 9, MIB_TCP_STATE_LAST_ACK = 10, MIB_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT = 11, MIB_TCP_STATE_DELETE_TCB = 12 }; enum _NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE { NET_IF_CONNECTION_DEDICATED = 1, NET_IF_CONNECTION_PASSIVE = 2, NET_IF_CONNECTION_DEMAND = 3, NET_IF_CONNECTION_MAXIMUM = 4 }; enum _NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { NdisWanMediumHub = 0, NdisWanMediumX_25 = 1, NdisWanMediumIsdn = 2, NdisWanMediumSerial = 3, NdisWanMediumFrameRelay = 4, NdisWanMediumAtm = 5, NdisWanMediumSonet = 6, NdisWanMediumSW56K = 7, NdisWanMediumPPTP = 8, NdisWanMediumL2TP = 9, NdisWanMediumIrda = 10, NdisWanMediumParallel = 11, NdisWanMediumPppoe = 12, NdisWanMediumSSTP = 13, NdisWanMediumAgileVPN = 14 }; enum _NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { NdisDeviceStateUnspecified = 0, NdisDeviceStateD0 = 1, NdisDeviceStateD1 = 2, NdisDeviceStateD2 = 3, NdisDeviceStateD3 = 4, NdisDeviceStateMaximum = 5 }; enum RASAPIVERSION { RASAPIVERSION_500 = 1, RASAPIVERSION_501 = 2, RASAPIVERSION_600 = 3, RASAPIVERSION_601 = 4 }; enum DNS_NOTIFY_EXTENSION_DLL { DnsHostFileChange = 0, DnsRegistryChange = 1, DnsGroupPolicyChange = 2, DnsLocalNrptChange = 3, DnsAddressChange = 4, DnsResolverShutDown = 5 }; enum _DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_TYPE { dot11_wfd_discover_type_scan_only = 1, dot11_wfd_discover_type_find_only = 2, dot11_wfd_discover_type_auto = 3, = 32771 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen = 0, Ndis802_11AuthModeShared = 1, Ndis802_11AuthModeAutoSwitch = 2, Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA = 3, Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK = 4, Ndis802_11AuthModeWPANone = 5, Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2 = 6, Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK = 7, Ndis802_11AuthModeMax = 8 }; enum _DnsSetCompareResult { DnsSetCompareError = -1, DnsSetCompareIdentical = 0, DnsSetCompareNoOverlap = 1, DnsSetCompareOneSubsetOfTwo = 2, DnsSetCompareTwoSubsetOfOne = 3, DnsSetCompareIntersection = 4 }; enum _OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { OFFLOAD_IPSEC_CONF_NONE = 0, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_CONF_DES = 1, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_CONF_RESERVED = 2, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_CONF_3_DES = 3, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_CONF_MAX = 4 }; enum _INTERNAL_IF_OPER_STATUS { IF_OPER_STATUS_NON_OPERATIONAL = 0, IF_OPER_STATUS_UNREACHABLE = 1, IF_OPER_STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 2, IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTING = 3, IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTED = 4, IF_OPER_STATUS_OPERATIONAL = 5 }; enum _NDIS_PORT_TYPE { NdisPortTypeUndefined = 0, NdisPortTypeBridge = 1, NdisPortTypeRasConnection = 2, NdisPortType8021xSupplicant = 3, NdisPortTypeMax = 4 }; enum SA_AttrTarget { SA_All = -1, SA_Assembly = 1, SA_Class = 4, SA_Constructor = 32, SA_Delegate = 4096, SA_Enum = 16, SA_Event = 512, SA_Field = 256, SA_GenericParameter = 16384, SA_Interface = 1024, SA_Method = 64, SA_Module = 2, SA_Parameter = 2048, SA_Property = 128, SA_ReturnValue = 8192, SA_Struct = 8, = 32770 }; enum _DnsSection { DnsSectionQuestion = 0, DnsSectionAnswer = 1, DnsSectionAuthority = 2, DnsSectionAddtional = 3 }; enum _NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { NdisFddiRingIsolated = 1, NdisFddiRingNonOperational = 2, NdisFddiRingOperational = 3, NdisFddiRingDetect = 4, NdisFddiRingNonOperationalDup = 5, NdisFddiRingOperationalDup = 6, NdisFddiRingDirected = 7, NdisFddiRingTrace = 8 }; enum _OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { AUTHENTICATE = 1, ENCRYPT = 2 }; enum REFCOUNT_SOURCE { QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_RESOLVER_QUERY = 0, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_RESOLVER_QUERY2 = 1, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_INPROC_QUERY = 2, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_USER_CANCEL = 3, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_WIRE = 4, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_NETBIOS = 5, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_NETBIOS_COMPLETE = 6, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_PROCESS_RESULTS = 7, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_DA_FQDN = 8, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_CANCEL_NODE = 9, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_CANCEL_BROADCAST = 10, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_CANCEL = 11, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_CREATE_BLOB = 12, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_BROADCAST = 13, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_NETWORK_LIST = 14, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_NBT_OPEN = 15, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_DIRECT_ACCESS = 16, QUERY_REFCOUNT_SOURCE_DIFFERENTIATE = 17, QUERY_REFCOUNT_NUM_MAX = 18 }; enum _MIB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { MibParameterNotification = 0, MibAddInstance = 1, MibDeleteInstance = 2, MibInitialNotification = 3 }; enum _OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { OFFLOAD_IPSEC_INTEGRITY_NONE = 0, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_INTEGRITY_MD5 = 1, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_INTEGRITY_SHA = 2, OFFLOAD_IPSEC_INTEGRITY_MAX = 3 }; enum TCP_RTO_ALGORITHM { TcpRtoAlgorithmOther = 0, TcpRtoAlgorithmConstant = 1, TcpRtoAlgorithmRsre = 2, TcpRtoAlgorithmVanj = 3, MIB_TCP_RTO_OTHER = 1, MIB_TCP_RTO_CONSTANT = 2, MIB_TCP_RTO_RSRE = 3, MIB_TCP_RTO_VANJ = 4 }; enum _NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { NdisMediaStateConnected = 0, NdisMediaStateDisconnected = 1 }; enum _DnsNameCompareStatus { DnsNameCompareNotEqual = 0, DnsNameCompareEqual = 1, DnsNameCompareLeftParent = 2, DnsNameCompareRightParent = 3, DnsNameCompareInvalid = 4 }; enum _TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS { TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_BASIC = 0 }; enum _DOT11_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT { dot11_diversity_support_unknown = 0, dot11_diversity_support_fixedlist = 1, dot11_diversity_support_notsupported = 2, dot11_diversity_support_dynamic = 3 }; enum _NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { NdisInterruptModerationUnknown = 0, NdisInterruptModerationNotSupported = 1, NdisInterruptModerationEnabled = 2, NdisInterruptModerationDisabled = 3 }; enum _NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPE { NET_IF_DIRECTION_SENDRECEIVE = 0, NET_IF_DIRECTION_SENDONLY = 1, NET_IF_DIRECTION_RECEIVEONLY = 2, NET_IF_DIRECTION_MAXIMUM = 3 }; enum _NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { NdisPortAuthorizationUnknown = 0, NdisPortAuthorized = 1, NdisPortUnauthorized = 2, NdisPortReauthorizing = 3 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { Ndis802_11StatusType_Authentication = 0, Ndis802_11StatusType_MediaStreamMode = 1, Ndis802_11StatusType_PMKID_CandidateList = 2, Ndis802_11StatusTypeMax = 3 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { Ndis802_11RadioStatusOn = 0, Ndis802_11RadioStatusHardwareOff = 1, Ndis802_11RadioStatusSoftwareOff = 2, Ndis802_11RadioStatusHardwareSoftwareOff = 3, Ndis802_11RadioStatusMax = 4 }; enum _NET_IF_OPER_STATUS { NET_IF_OPER_STATUS_UP = 1, NET_IF_OPER_STATUS_DOWN = 2, NET_IF_OPER_STATUS_TESTING = 3, NET_IF_OPER_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 4, NET_IF_OPER_STATUS_DORMANT = 5, NET_IF_OPER_STATUS_NOT_PRESENT = 6, NET_IF_OPER_STATUS_LOWER_LAYER_DOWN = 7 }; enum _NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { NdisHardwareStatusReady = 0, NdisHardwareStatusInitializing = 1, NdisHardwareStatusReset = 2, NdisHardwareStatusClosing = 3, NdisHardwareStatusNotReady = 4 }; enum TCP_ESTATS_TYPE { TcpConnectionEstatsSynOpts = 0, TcpConnectionEstatsData = 1, TcpConnectionEstatsSndCong = 2, TcpConnectionEstatsPath = 3, TcpConnectionEstatsSendBuff = 4, TcpConnectionEstatsRec = 5, TcpConnectionEstatsObsRec = 6, TcpConnectionEstatsBandwidth = 7, TcpConnectionEstatsFineRtt = 8, TcpConnectionEstatsMaximum = 9 }; /* enum tagRASPROJECTION { RASP_Amb = Unavail }; */ enum _WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_SEND_OPERATION = 0, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_RECEIVE_OPERATION = 1, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_OPERATION = 2 }; enum _NET_IF_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE { MediaConnectStateUnknown = 0, MediaConnectStateConnected = 1, MediaConnectStateDisconnected = 2 }; enum _ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE { ROUTER_IF_STATE_UNREACHABLE = 0, ROUTER_IF_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 1, ROUTER_IF_STATE_CONNECTING = 2, ROUTER_IF_STATE_CONNECTED = 3 }; enum _DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_NONE = 0, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP40 = 1, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_TKIP = 2, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_CCMP = 4, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP104 = 5, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_BIP = 6, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WPA_USE_GROUP = 256, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_RSN_USE_GROUP = 256, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP = 257, = 32771 }; enum _DOT11_BSS_TYPE { dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure = 1, dot11_BSS_type_independent = 2, dot11_BSS_type_any = 3 }; enum _DNS_CHARSET { DnsCharSetUnknown = 0, DnsCharSetUnicode = 1, DnsCharSetUtf8 = 2, DnsCharSetAnsi = 3 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { Ndis802_11PowerModeCAM = 0, Ndis802_11PowerModeMAX_PSP = 1, Ndis802_11PowerModeFast_PSP = 2, Ndis802_11PowerModeMax = 3 }; enum _NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS { NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_UP = 1, NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN = 2, NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_TESTING = 3 }; enum _TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL { TcpBoolOptDisabled = 0, TcpBoolOptEnabled = 1, TcpBoolOptUnchanged = -1 }; enum _TCP_TABLE_CLASS { TCP_TABLE_BASIC_LISTENER = 0, TCP_TABLE_BASIC_CONNECTIONS = 1, TCP_TABLE_BASIC_ALL = 2, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_LISTENER = 3, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_CONNECTIONS = 4, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL = 5, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_MODULE_LISTENER = 6, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_MODULE_CONNECTIONS = 7, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_MODULE_ALL = 8 }; enum _CH_DESCRIPTION_TYPE { ch_description_type_logical = 1, ch_description_type_center_frequency = 2, ch_description_type_phy_specific = 3 }; enum _NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { NdisPossibleNetworkChange = 1, NdisDefinitelyNetworkChange = 2, NdisNetworkChangeFromMediaConnect = 3, NdisNetworkChangeMax = 4 }; enum _UDP_TABLE_CLASS { UDP_TABLE_BASIC = 0, UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID = 1, UDP_TABLE_OWNER_MODULE = 2 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { Ndis802_11PrivFilterAcceptAll = 0, Ndis802_11PrivFilter8021xWEP = 1 }; enum _DOT11_POWER_MODE_REASON { dot11_power_mode_reason_no_change = 0, dot11_power_mode_reason_noncompliant_AP = 1, dot11_power_mode_reason_legacy_WFD_device = 2, dot11_power_mode_reason_compliant_AP = 3, dot11_power_mode_reason_compliant_WFD_device = 4, dot11_power_mode_reason_others = 5 }; enum MIB_IPSTATS_FORWARDING { MIB_IP_FORWARDING = 1, MIB_IP_NOT_FORWARDING = 2 }; enum _DOT11_OFFLOAD_TYPE { dot11_offload_type_wep = 1, dot11_offload_type_auth = 2 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { Ndis802_11FH = 0, Ndis802_11DS = 1, Ndis802_11OFDM5 = 2, Ndis802_11OFDM24 = 3, Ndis802_11Automode = 4, Ndis802_11NetworkTypeMax = 5 }; enum TCP_SOFT_ERROR { TcpErrorNone = 0, TcpErrorBelowDataWindow = 1, TcpErrorAboveDataWindow = 2, TcpErrorBelowAckWindow = 3, TcpErrorAboveAckWindow = 4, TcpErrorBelowTsWindow = 5, TcpErrorAboveTsWindow = 6, TcpErrorDataChecksumError = 7, TcpErrorDataLengthError = 8, TcpErrorMaxSoftError = 9 }; enum _RASPROJECTION_INFO_TYPE { PROJECTION_INFO_TYPE_PPP = 1, PROJECTION_INFO_TYPE_IKEv2 = 2 }; enum TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD_STATE { TcpConnectionOffloadStateInHost = 0, TcpConnectionOffloadStateOffloading = 1, TcpConnectionOffloadStateOffloaded = 2, TcpConnectionOffloadStateUploading = 3, TcpConnectionOffloadStateMax = 4 }; enum _RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE { RAS_QUAR_STATE_NORMAL = 0, RAS_QUAR_STATE_QUARANTINE = 1, RAS_QUAR_STATE_PROBATION = 2, RAS_QUAR_STATE_NOT_CAPABLE = 3 }; enum _ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE { ROUTER_IF_TYPE_CLIENT = 0, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_HOME_ROUTER = 1, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER = 2, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED = 3, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL = 4, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK = 5, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_TUNNEL1 = 6, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DIALOUT = 7, ROUTER_IF_TYPE_MAX = 8 }; enum MIB_IPNET_TYPE { MIB_IPNET_TYPE_OTHER = 1, MIB_IPNET_TYPE_INVALID = 2, MIB_IPNET_TYPE_DYNAMIC = 3, MIB_IPNET_TYPE_STATIC = 4 }; enum _DOT11_SCAN_TYPE { dot11_scan_type_active = 1, dot11_scan_type_passive = 2, dot11_scan_type_auto = 3, = 32771 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { Ndis802_11WEPEnabled = 0, Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled = 0, Ndis802_11WEPDisabled = 1, Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled = 1, Ndis802_11WEPKeyAbsent = 2, Ndis802_11Encryption1KeyAbsent = 2, Ndis802_11WEPNotSupported = 3, Ndis802_11EncryptionNotSupported = 3, Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled = 4, Ndis802_11Encryption2KeyAbsent = 5, Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled = 6, Ndis802_11Encryption3KeyAbsent = 7 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { Ndis802_11IBSS = 0, Ndis802_11Infrastructure = 1, Ndis802_11AutoUnknown = 2, Ndis802_11InfrastructureMax = 3 }; enum DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_TYPE { DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_DIRECT = 0, DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = 1, DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_PROXY_NAME = 2, DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 3 }; enum DOT11_DS_INFO { DOT11_DS_CHANGED = 0, DOT11_DS_UNCHANGED = 1, DOT11_DS_UNKNOWN = 2 }; enum _DOT11_TEMP_TYPE { dot11_temp_type_unknown = 0, dot11_temp_type_1 = 1, dot11_temp_type_2 = 2 }; enum _NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { NdisProcessorVendorUnknown = 0, NdisProcessorVendorGenuinIntel = 1, NdisProcessorVendorGenuineIntel = 1, NdisProcessorVendorAuthenticAMD = 2 }; enum _RAS_PORT_CONDITION { RAS_PORT_NON_OPERATIONAL = 0, RAS_PORT_DISCONNECTED = 1, RAS_PORT_CALLING_BACK = 2, RAS_PORT_LISTENING = 3, RAS_PORT_AUTHENTICATING = 4, RAS_PORT_AUTHENTICATED = 5, RAS_PORT_INITIALIZING = 6 }; enum _NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { NdisPauseFunctionsUnsupported = 0, NdisPauseFunctionsSendOnly = 1, NdisPauseFunctionsReceiveOnly = 2, NdisPauseFunctionsSendAndReceive = 3, NdisPauseFunctionsUnknown = 4 }; enum _DOT11_WFD_SCAN_TYPE { dot11_wfd_scan_type_active = 1, dot11_wfd_scan_type_passive = 2, dot11_wfd_scan_type_auto = 3 }; enum _DOT11_KEY_DIRECTION { dot11_key_direction_both = 1, dot11_key_direction_inbound = 2, dot11_key_direction_outbound = 3 }; enum _DOT11_RESET_TYPE { dot11_reset_type_phy = 1, dot11_reset_type_mac = 2, dot11_reset_type_phy_and_mac = 3 }; enum AAL_TYPE { AALTYPE_5 = 5, AALTYPE_USER = 16 }; enum _DNS_NAME_FORMAT { DnsNameDomain = 0, DnsNameDomainLabel = 1, DnsNameHostnameFull = 2, DnsNameHostnameLabel = 3, DnsNameWildcard = 4, DnsNameSrvRecord = 5, DnsNameValidateTld = 6 }; enum _NET_IF_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE { MediaDuplexStateUnknown = 0, MediaDuplexStateHalf = 1, MediaDuplexStateFull = 2 }; enum DOT11_DIRECTION { DOT11_DIR_INBOUND = 1, DOT11_DIR_OUTBOUND = 2, DOT11_DIR_BOTH = 3 }; enum _IF_ACCESS_TYPE { IF_ACCESS_LOOPBACK = 1, IF_ACCESS_BROADCAST = 2, IF_ACCESS_POINT_TO_POINT = 3, IF_ACCESS_POINTTOPOINT = 3, IF_ACCESS_POINT_TO_MULTI_POINT = 4, IF_ACCESS_POINTTOMULTIPOINT = 4 }; enum _WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BINARY_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TYPE = 0, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BINARY_FRAGMENT_BUFFER_TYPE = 1, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TYPE = 2, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_FRAGMENT_BUFFER_TYPE = 3, WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_BUFFER_TYPE = 4 }; enum _DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { DOT11_WPS_PASSWORD_ID_DEFAULT = 0, DOT11_WPS_PASSWORD_ID_USER_SPECIFIED = 1, DOT11_WPS_PASSWORD_ID_MACHINE_SPECIFIED = 2, DOT11_WPS_PASSWORD_ID_REKEY = 3, DOT11_WPS_PASSWORD_ID_PUSHBUTTON = 4, DOT11_WPS_PASSWORD_ID_REGISTRAR_SPECIFIED = 5 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { Ndis802_11MediaStreamOff = 0, Ndis802_11MediaStreamOn = 1 }; enum MIB_IPFORWARD_TYPE { MIB_IPROUTE_TYPE_OTHER = 1, MIB_IPROUTE_TYPE_INVALID = 2, MIB_IPROUTE_TYPE_DIRECT = 3, MIB_IPROUTE_TYPE_INDIRECT = 4 }; enum _DOT11_POWER_MODE { dot11_power_mode_unknown = 0, dot11_power_mode_active = 1, dot11_power_mode_powersave = 2 }; enum _DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD { DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_NULL = 0, DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_DISPLAY = 8, DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_PUSHBUTTON = 128, DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_KEYPAD = 256 }; enum _DNS_DIRECT_ACCESS_QUERY_ORDER { DNS_DIRECT_ACCESS_QUERY_AAAA_ONLY = 0, DNS_DIRECT_ACCESS_QUERY_A_AND_AAAA = 1 }; enum _RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION { RAS_HARDWARE_OPERATIONAL = 0, RAS_HARDWARE_FAILURE = 1 }; enum _DOT11_HOP_ALGO_ADOPTED { dot11_hop_algo_current = 0, dot11_hop_algo_hop_index = 1, dot11_hop_algo_hcc = 2 }; enum _IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE { IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_DISABLED = 0, IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_ENABLED = 1, IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_DEMANDDIAL = 2 }; enum _NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { NdisPortControlStateUnknown = 0, NdisPortControlStateControlled = 1, NdisPortControlStateUncontrolled = 2 }; enum _NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { NdisWanRaw = 0, NdisWanErrorControl = 1, NdisWanReliable = 2 }; enum IF_OPER_STATUS { IfOperStatusUp = 1, IfOperStatusDown = 2, IfOperStatusTesting = 3, IfOperStatusUnknown = 4, IfOperStatusDormant = 5, IfOperStatusNotPresent = 6, IfOperStatusLowerLayerDown = 7 }; enum BROADCAST_STAGE { DNS_BROADCAST_STAGE_NOT_RUNNING = 0, DNS_BROADCAST_STAGE_NONE_COMPLETE = 1, DNS_BROADCAST_STAGE_ONE_COMPLETE = 2, DNS_BROADCAST_STAGE_BOTH_COMPLETE = 3 }; enum _MIB_IF_TABLE_LEVEL { MibIfTableNormal = 0, MibIfTableRaw = 1 }; enum _NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { Ndis802_11ReloadWEPKeys = 0 }; enum _NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE { NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER = 1, NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE_VOLATILE = 2, NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE_NON_VOLATILE = 3 }; enum _DOT11_UPDATE_IE_OP { dot11_update_ie_op_create_replace = 1, dot11_update_ie_op_delete = 2 }; enum _NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { NdisWanHeaderNative = 0, NdisWanHeaderEthernet = 1 }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_MULTICAST_ADDRESS_XP { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 37 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[12]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_INCOMING_ASSOC_REQUEST_RECEIVED_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerMacAddr[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bReAssocReq; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long uAssocReqOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uAssocReqSize; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _PPP_INFO_2 { unsigned char nbf[40]; /* +0x0000 43 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ip[76]; /* +0x0028 44 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ipx[52]; /* +0x0074 45 85 00 00 */ unsigned char at[72]; /* +0x00a8 46 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ccp[20]; /* +0x00f0 47 85 00 00 */ unsigned char lcp[44]; /* +0x0104 48 85 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPNETROW_LH { unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPhysAddrLen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bPhysAddr[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAddr; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0014 4d 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_DIVERSITY_SELECTION_RX { unsigned long uAntennaListIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bDiversitySelectionRX; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_ANTENNA { unsigned long uAntennaListIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bSupportedAntenna; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DOT11_INCOMING_ASSOC_DECISION { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerMacAddr[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bAccept; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short usReasonCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uAssocResponseIEsOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uAssocResponseIEsLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_DEVICE_TYPE { unsigned short CategoryID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short SubCategoryID; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char OUI[4]; /* +0x0004 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_DEVICE_ENTRY { unsigned long uPhyId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PhySpecificInfo[12]; /* +0x0004 5c 85 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11BSSID[8]; /* +0x0010 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11BSSType[4]; /* +0x0018 5d 85 00 00 */ unsigned char TransmitterAddress[8]; /* +0x001c 81 2c 00 00 */ long lRSSI; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uLinkQuality; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short usBeaconPeriod; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long long ullTimestamp; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ullBeaconHostTimestamp; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long ullProbeResponseHostTimestamp; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned short usCapabilityInformation; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long uBeaconIEsOffset; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long uBeaconIEsLength; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long uProbeResponseIEsOffset; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long uProbeResponseIEsLength; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct DOT11_MPDU_MAX_LENGTH_INDICATION { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uPhyId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uMPDUMaxLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECV_SENSITIVITY { unsigned char ucDataRate; /* +0x0000 */ long lRSSIMin; /* +0x0004 */ long lRSSIMax; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DNS_PARSED_RR { char *pchName; /* +0x0000 */ char *pchRR; /* +0x0004 */ char *pchData; /* +0x0008 */ char *pchNextRR; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short Class; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long Ttl; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short DataLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _PPP_IPCP_INFO2 { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[32]; /* +0x0004 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteAddress[32]; /* +0x0024 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwRemoteOptions; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _NDIS_CO_LINK_SPEED { unsigned long Outbound; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Inbound; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DnsGlobals { unsigned long ConfigCookie; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long TimeStamp; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char InResolver[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char IsWin2000[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char IsWorkstation[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char IsServer[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char IsDnsServer[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char IsDomainController[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryAdapterName[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char UseNameDevolution[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long NameDevolutionLevel; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char PrioritizeRecordData[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char AllowUnqualifiedQuery[4]; /* +0x0030 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char AppendToMultiLabelName[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ScreenBadTlds[4]; /* +0x0038 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ScreenUnreachableServers[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ScreenDefaultServers[4]; /* +0x0040 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DynamicServerQueryOrder[4]; /* +0x0044 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char FilterClusterIp[4]; /* +0x0048 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char WaitForNameErrorOnAll[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long UseEdns; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long SecureNameResolutionFallback; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long EnableDirectAccessForAllNetworks; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long DirectAccessQueryOrder; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char QueryIpMatching[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char UseHostsFile[4]; /* +0x0064 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long AddrConfigControl; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char DisableSmartNameResolution[4]; /* +0x006c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PreferLocalOverLowerBindingDns[4]; /* +0x0070 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryNetBiosFqdn[4]; /* +0x0074 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryDisableProtocolReordering[4]; /* +0x0078 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long QueryUdpRecvBufferSize; /* +0x007c */ unsigned char RegistrationEnabled[4]; /* +0x0080 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RegisterPrimaryName[4]; /* +0x0084 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RegisterAdapterName[4]; /* +0x0088 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RegisterReverseLookup[4]; /* +0x008c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RegisterWanAdapters[4]; /* +0x0090 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long RegistrationMaxAddressCount; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long RegistrationTtl; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long RegistrationRefreshInterval; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long UpdateSecurityLevel; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned char UpdateTopLevelDomains[4]; /* +0x00a4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DowncaseSpn[4]; /* +0x00a8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char UpdateZoneExcludeFile[4]; /* +0x00ac 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long RegistrationOverwrite; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned char InNTSetupMode[4]; /* +0x00b4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long DnsTestMode; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned char UseCompartments[4]; /* +0x00bc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CacheAllCompartments[4]; /* +0x00c0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char UseNewRegistration[4]; /* +0x00c4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ResolverRegistration[4]; /* +0x00c8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ResolverRegistrationOnly[4]; /* +0x00cc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NewDhcpSrvRegistration[4]; /* +0x00d0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long DirectAccessPreferLocal; /* +0x00d4 */ unsigned long DisableIdnEncoding; /* +0x00d8 */ unsigned long EnableIdnMapping; /* +0x00dc */ unsigned long MaxCacheSize; /* +0x00e0 */ unsigned long MaxCacheTtl; /* +0x00e4 */ unsigned long MaxNegativeCacheTtl; /* +0x00e8 */ unsigned long AdapterTimeoutLimit; /* +0x00ec */ unsigned long ServerPriorityTimeLimit; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned long MaxCachedSockets; /* +0x00f4 */ unsigned long MulticastListenLevel; /* +0x00f8 */ unsigned long MulticastSendLevel; /* +0x00fc */ unsigned long MulticastSendTimeout; /* +0x0100 */ unsigned char EnableLLMNR[4]; /* +0x0104 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_MFE_STATS_EX_XP { unsigned long dwGroup; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSource; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSrcMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUpStrmNgbr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwInIfIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwInIfProtocol; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwRouteProtocol; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwRouteNetwork; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwRouteMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ulUpTime; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ulExpiryTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulNumOutIf; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ulInPkts; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ulInOctets; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ulPktsDifferentIf; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ulQueueOverflow; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long ulUninitMfe; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long ulNegativeMfe; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long ulInDiscards; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long ulInHdrErrors; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long ulTotalOutPackets; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char rgmiosOutStats[28]; /* +0x0054 7c 85 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_OFFLOAD { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Checksum[32]; /* +0x0004 81 85 00 00 */ unsigned char LsoV1[16]; /* +0x0024 82 85 00 00 */ unsigned char IPsecV1[28]; /* +0x0034 83 85 00 00 */ unsigned char LsoV2[28]; /* +0x0050 84 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x006c */ }; struct _WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_STATUS { unsigned long dwBytesTransferred; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char eBufferType[4]; /* +0x0004 87 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_PER_MSDU_COUNTERS { unsigned long uTransmittedFragmentCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uRetryCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uRTSSuccessCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uRTSFailureCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uACKFailureCount; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPTABLE_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[160]; /* +0x0008 91 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_FQDN_SERVER_LIST { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 97 85 00 00 */ unsigned char isFqdnServer; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char wszFQDNDnsServerName[0]; +0x0006 c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char dnsServerAddr[514]; /* +0x0006 98 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_STOP_AP_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long ulReason; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Offset; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MIB_INVERTEDIFSTACK_TABLE { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[8]; /* +0x0004 a4 85 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADDRESS_PREFIX { unsigned char Prefix[28]; /* +0x0000 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned char PrefixLength; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _DNS_POLICY_CONFIG_INFO_NODE { unsigned long refCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char searchlistEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char enumlist[8]; /* +0x000c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsSecPolicyConfigInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 aa 85 00 00 */ unsigned char pDAPolicyConfigInfo[4]; /* +0x0018 ac 85 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsPolicyStatus[4]; /* +0x001c ae 85 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPolicyType; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short *pwszKeyName; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwKeySize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pGenericPolicyConfigInfo[4]; /* +0x002c b0 85 00 00 */ unsigned char pIdnPolicyConfigInfo[4]; /* +0x0030 b2 85 00 00 */ }; struct _SSTP_CERT_INFO { unsigned char isDefault[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char certBlob[8]; /* +0x0004 6e 14 00 00 */ }; struct _RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO { unsigned long dwIPv4NegotiationError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ipv4Address[4]; /* +0x0004 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv4ServerAddress[4]; /* +0x0008 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv4Options; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwIPv4ServerOptions; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwIPv6NegotiationError; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char bInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0018 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bServerInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0020 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char fBundled[4]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fMultilink[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationData; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwServerAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwServerAuthenticationData; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwServerEapTypeId; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwLcpOptions; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwLcpServerOptions; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwCcpError; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwCcpCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dwCcpServerCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long dwCcpOptions; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long dwCcpServerOptions; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST { long AddressCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short AddressType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Address[6]; /* +0x0006 bc 85 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPADDRROW_W2K { unsigned long dwAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBCastAddr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwReasmSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short unused1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short unused2; /* +0x0016 */ }; struct _RegProperty { unsigned short *pwsName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwDefault; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bPolicy; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bClient; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char bTcpip; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char bCache; /* +0x000b */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_GROUP_JOIN_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char GOOperatingChannel[8]; /* +0x0004 c9 85 00 00 */ unsigned long GOConfigTime; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char bInGroupFormation; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bWaitForWPSReady; /* +0x0011 */ }; struct _DOT11_RSSI_RANGE { unsigned char dot11PhyType[4]; /* +0x0000 d0 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uRSSIMin; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uRSSIMax; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6TABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[52]; /* +0x0004 d4 85 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char Address[512]; +0x0000 c8 1e 00 00 unsigned char Port[12]; +0x0200 d8 85 00 00 }; */ struct NET_ADDRESS_INFO_ { unsigned char Format[4]; /* +0x0000 d7 85 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NamedAddress[0]; +0x0004 da 85 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv4Address[0]; +0x0004 d4 1d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv6Address[0]; +0x0004 b0 28 00 00 */ unsigned char IpAddress[524]; /* +0x0004 04 15 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_GLOBAL_POLICY_CONFIG { unsigned long directAccessState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long fallbackMode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char directAccessQueryOrder[4]; /* +0x0008 dd 85 00 00 */ }; struct _IKEV2_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS2 { unsigned long dwIdleTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNetworkBlackoutTime; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSaLifeTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwSaDataSizeForRenegotiation; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwConfigOptions; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwTotalCertificates; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char certificateNames[4]; /* +0x0018 cc 14 00 00 */ unsigned char machineCertificateName[8]; /* +0x001c 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwEncryptionType; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char customPolicy[4]; /* +0x0028 e1 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_RPC_CACHE_TABLE_ { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 e9 85 00 00 */ unsigned short *Name; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Type1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Type2; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short Type3; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DOT11_PROVISION_DISCOVERY_RESPONSE_SEND_COMPLETE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiverDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct sockaddr_atm { unsigned short satm_family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char satm_number[28]; /* +0x0004 f0 85 00 00 */ unsigned char satm_blli[28]; /* +0x0020 f1 85 00 00 */ unsigned char satm_bhli[16]; /* +0x003c f2 85 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDP6ROW_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned char ucLocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalScopeId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char liCreateTimestamp[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SpecificPortBind[0]; +0x0028 a5 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char dwFlags[8]; /* +0x0028 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char OwningModuleInfo[128]; /* +0x0030 42 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _PPP_PROJECTION_INFO { unsigned long dwIPv4NegotiationError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[32]; /* +0x0004 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteAddress[32]; /* +0x0024 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv4Options; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwIPv4RemoteOptions; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long IPv4SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwIPv6NegotiationError; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char bInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x005c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bRemoteInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0064 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bPrefix[8]; /* +0x006c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPrefixLength; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long long IPv6SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dwLcpError; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationData; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long dwRemoteAuthenticationData; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long dwLcpTerminateReason; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long dwLcpRemoteTerminateReason; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long dwLcpOptions; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long dwLcpRemoteOptions; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long dwRemoteEapTypeId; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long dwCcpError; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long dwCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long dwCcpOptions; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long dwRemoteCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long dwCcpRemoteOptions; /* +0x00bc */ }; struct _DOT11_PROVISION_DISCOVERY_REQUEST_SEND_COMPLETE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiverAddress[6]; /* +0x000a 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x001c */ }; /* struct { unsigned long DW; +0x0000 unsigned char S[4]; +0x0000 01 86 00 00 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char OPT[0]; +0x0000 05 86 00 00 unsigned char Opt[6]; +0x0000 05 86 00 00 }; */ struct _DnsRecordOptA { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 00 86 00 00 */ char *pName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wDataLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x000c 03 86 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtHeader[4]; /* +0x0010 04 86 00 00 */ unsigned short wPayloadSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char Data[8]; /* +0x0018 07 86 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_IRDA_PACKET_INFO { unsigned long ExtraBOFs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MinTurnAroundTime; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DNS_RESOLVER_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_TABLE { unsigned char fpRegisterGpNotifications[4]; /* +0x0000 15 86 00 00 */ unsigned char fpUnRegisterGpNotifications[4]; /* +0x0004 f6 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char fpNotifyExtDll[4]; /* +0x0008 19 86 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6TABLE2 { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[60]; /* +0x0004 1c 86 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_STATUS_INDICATION { unsigned char StatusType[4]; /* +0x0000 21 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_PEER_INFO_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PeerInfo[352]; /* +0x0010 27 86 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_VWIFI_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Combinations[16]; /* +0x0008 2b 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WEP_UPLOAD { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dot11OffloadType[4]; /* +0x0004 10 86 00 00 */ void *hOffload; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uNumOfRWsUsed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char dot11IV48Counters[128]; /* +0x0010 2f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char usDot11RWBitMaps[32]; /* +0x0090 46 40 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_DEFAULT_WEP_OFFLOAD { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ void *hOffloadContext; /* +0x0004 */ void *hOffload; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char dot11OffloadType[4]; /* +0x0010 10 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAlgorithm; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char dot11KeyDirection[4]; /* +0x001c 32 86 00 00 */ unsigned char ucMacAddress[8]; /* +0x0020 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfRWsOnMe; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char dot11IV48Counters[128]; /* +0x002c 2f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char usDot11RWBitMaps[32]; /* +0x00ac 46 40 00 00 */ unsigned short usKeyLength; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned char ucKey[2]; /* +0x00ce 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_MCAST_COUNTER_INFO { unsigned long long InMcastOctets; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long OutMcastOctets; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long InMcastPkts; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long OutMcastPkts; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _DnsDhcpServerRegEntry { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfnDhcpCallBack[4]; /* +0x0008 0b 37 00 00 */ void *pCallBackData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pDnsServers[4]; /* +0x0010 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned short *pszHostName; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Ttl; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char HostAddr[64]; /* +0x0020 98 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsPrintContext { void *pvDummy; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Dummy; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DOT11_SEND_INVITATION_REQUEST_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[7]; /* +0x0005 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uSendTimeout; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char MinimumConfigTimeout[2]; /* +0x0010 3d 86 00 00 */ unsigned char InvitationFlags[1]; /* +0x0012 3e 86 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupBSSID[6]; /* +0x0013 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseGroupBSSID; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char OperatingChannel[5]; /* +0x001a c9 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseSpecifiedOperatingChannel; /* +0x001f */ unsigned char GroupID[44]; /* +0x0020 3f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char bLocalGO; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0054 */ }; struct tagRASCUSTOMSCRIPTEXTENSIONS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnRasSetCommSettings[4]; /* +0x0004 46 86 00 00 */ }; struct _MPR_DEVICE_1 { unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x0000 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x0022 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szLocalPhoneNumber[260]; /* +0x0124 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned short *szAlternates; /* +0x0228 */ }; struct _DOT11_SSID { unsigned long uSSIDLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ucSSID[32]; /* +0x0004 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct RAS_UPDATE_CONNECTION_ { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 50 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char wszLocalEndpointAddress[130]; /* +0x0008 51 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteEndpointAddress[130]; /* +0x008a 51 86 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_PROXYARP { unsigned long dwAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct DNS_TKEY_DATAA { char *pNameAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pAlgorithmPacket; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pKey; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pOtherData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwCreateTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwExpireTime; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short wMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short wError; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short wKeyLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short wOtherLength; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char cAlgNameLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char bPacketPointers[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASPPPIPW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szIpAddress[32]; /* +0x0008 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char szServerIpAddress[32]; /* +0x0028 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwServerOptions; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_CONFIGURATION_TIMEOUT { unsigned char GOTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ClientTimeout; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_ANYCAST_ADDRESS_XP { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 69 86 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[12]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsZoneServerList { unsigned char pZoneName[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerArray[4]; /* +0x0004 6d 86 00 00 */ }; struct _MPR_INTERFACE_0 { unsigned char wszInterfaceName[516]; /* +0x0000 74 86 00 00 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x0204 */ unsigned char fEnabled[4]; /* +0x0208 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwIfType[4]; /* +0x020c 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned char dwConnectionState[4]; /* +0x0210 76 86 00 00 */ unsigned long fUnReachabilityReasons; /* +0x0214 */ unsigned long dwLastError; /* +0x0218 */ }; struct _DOT11_SEND_PROVISION_DISCOVERY_RESPONSE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiverDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ void *RequestContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uSendTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _RegAdapterInfo { unsigned short *pszAdapterDomainName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fQueryAdapterName[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fRegistrationEnabled[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fRegisterAdapterName[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long RegistrationMaxAddressCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MulticastListenLevel; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long MulticastSendLevel; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char fEnableLLMNR[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long TunnelPhysicalInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_GO_INTENT { /* unsigned char TieBreaker[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Intent[1]; /* +0x0000 85 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DNSSEC_POLICY_CONFIG_NODE { unsigned long refCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwDnsSecValidationRequired; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDnsOverIpSec; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwDnsEncryption; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char isIpsecPolicyCreated[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ipsecPolicyKeys[32]; /* +0x0014 88 86 00 00 */ unsigned short *pwszCARestrictions; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwCARestrictionsSize; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct DNS_WINSR_DATAA { unsigned long dwMappingFlag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLookupTimeout; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCacheTimeout; /* +0x0008 */ char *pNameResultDomain; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MIB_UDP6TABLE_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[176]; /* +0x0008 90 86 00 00 */ }; struct _NET_IF_ALIAS_LH { unsigned short ifAliasLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ifAliasOffset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct ip_interface_name_info_w2ksp1 { unsigned long Index; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MediaType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ConnectionType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AccessType; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char DeviceGuid[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceGuid[16]; /* +0x001c 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_MFE_TABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[76]; /* +0x0004 a4 86 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDPROW { unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PrivateRecordFlags { /* unsigned char Section[0]; +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Delete[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CharSet[0]; +0x0000 a9 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cached[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HostsFile[0]; +0x0000 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cluster[0]; +0x0000 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ErrorCode[0]; +0x0000 aa 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Matched[0]; +0x0000 6b 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FreeData[0]; +0x0000 9c 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FreeOwner[0]; +0x0000 9d 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Punycode[0]; +0x0000 6d 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Failover[0]; +0x0000 50 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AddrConfig[0]; +0x0000 ab 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DualAddr[0]; +0x0000 ac 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Dnssec[0]; +0x0000 9f 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipsec[0]; +0x0000 a0 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SecureFallback[0]; +0x0000 13 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TldQuery[0]; +0x0000 14 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AllowAuthRecords[0]; +0x0000 52 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PerInterfaceQuery[0]; +0x0000 53 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 da 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _RAS_PORT_1 { void *hPort; /* +0x0000 */ void *hConnection; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dwHardwareCondition[4]; /* +0x0008 af 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLineSpeed; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwBytesXmited; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwBytesRcved; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwFramesXmited; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwFramesRcved; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwCrcErr; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwTimeoutErr; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwAlignmentErr; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwHardwareOverrunErr; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwFramingErr; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwBufferOverrunErr; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioIn; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioOut; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _L2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS { unsigned long dwNumPorts; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPortFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DOT11_EXTSTA_SEND_CONTEXT { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned short usExemptionActionType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uPhyId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uDelayedSleepValue; /* +0x000c */ void *pvMediaSpecificInfo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uSendFlags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DOT11_OFFLOAD_NETWORK_STATUS_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_WINS_SERVER_ADDRESS_LH { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 c3 86 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[12]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ }; struct _PMKID_CANDIDATE { unsigned char BSSID[8]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DOT11_WME_UPDATE_IE { unsigned long uParamElemMinBeaconIntervals; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uWMEInfoElemOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uWMEInfoElemLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uWMEParamElemOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uWMEParamElemLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ucBuffer[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_AI_REQFI { unsigned short Capabilities; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ListenInterval; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char CurrentAPAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_OFDM_FREQUENCY_LIST { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11SupportedOFDMFrequency[4]; /* +0x0008 d3 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsRendomEntry { char *pDcName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pRecord[4]; /* +0x0004 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerArray[4]; /* +0x0008 6d 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pVerifyArray[4]; /* +0x000c 74 04 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsDebugInfo { unsigned long Flag; /* +0x0000 */ void *hFile; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FileCurrentSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FileWrapCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long FileWrapSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long LastThreadId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long LastSecond; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char fConsole[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char FileName[260]; /* +0x0020 46 2f 00 00 */ }; struct _ResultBlob { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Rcode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ServerAddr[66]; /* +0x0006 98 85 00 00 */ unsigned char pRecords[4]; /* +0x0048 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pMessage[4]; /* +0x004c dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char fHaveResponse[4]; /* +0x0050 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_SEND_BUFF_RW_v0 { unsigned char EnableCollection; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _RAS_USER_0 { unsigned char bfPrivilege; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszPhoneNumber[258]; /* +0x0002 19 42 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Bssid[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct DOT11_PRIVACY_EXEMPTION_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PrivacyExemptionEntries[8]; /* +0x000c f7 86 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASDIALPARAMSW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szEntryName[514]; /* +0x0004 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szPhoneNumber[258]; /* +0x0206 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szCallbackNumber[258]; /* +0x0308 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szUserName[514]; /* +0x040a 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szPassword[514]; /* +0x060c 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDomain[34]; /* +0x080e b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSubEntry; /* +0x0830 */ unsigned long dwCallbackId; /* +0x0834 */ unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0838 */ }; struct _DnsRegistrationBlob { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pRegisterStatus[4]; /* +0x0008 ff 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pszAdapterName[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszHostName[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pszDomainName[4]; /* +0x0014 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pHostAddrs[4]; /* +0x0018 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsServers[4]; /* +0x001c 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned long Ttl; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Flags4; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Flags6; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long CompartmentId; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _MPR_IF_CUSTOMINFOEX0 { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 50 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char customIkev2Config[20]; /* +0x0008 79 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_DEVICE_INFO { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned short ConfigMethods; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char PrimaryDeviceType[8]; /* +0x000c 04 87 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceName[36]; /* +0x0014 05 87 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_BSSID_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char BSSIDs[8]; /* +0x000c 0c 87 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_VWIFI_COMBINATION_V3 { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumInfrastructure; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uNumAdhoc; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uNumSoftAP; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uNumVirtualStation; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uNumWFDGroup; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DOT11_POWER_MGMT_MODE { unsigned char dot11PowerMode[4]; /* +0x0000 13 87 00 00 */ unsigned long uPowerSaveLevel; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short usListenInterval; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short usAID; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char bReceiveDTIMs; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DOT11_RECEIVED_PROVISION_DISCOVERY_REQUEST_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char TransmitterDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char BSSID[6]; /* +0x000a 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x0010 */ void *RequestContext; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_OIF_STATS_LH { unsigned long dwOutIfIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNextHopAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDialContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulTtlTooLow; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ulFragNeeded; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulOutPackets; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ulOutDiscards; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagRASCONNA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hrasconn[4]; /* +0x0004 20 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szEntryName[257]; /* +0x0008 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[17]; /* +0x0109 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[129]; /* +0x011a 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szPhonebook[261]; /* +0x019b 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSubEntry; /* +0x02a0 */ unsigned char guidEntry[16]; /* +0x02a4 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x02b4 */ unsigned char luid[8]; /* +0x02b8 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char guidCorrelationId[16]; /* +0x02c0 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_CAPABILITY { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NoOfPMKIDs; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NoOfAuthEncryptPairsSupported; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char AuthenticationEncryptionSupported[8]; /* +0x0010 25 87 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASADPARAMS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hwndOwner[4]; /* +0x0004 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ long xDlg; /* +0x000c */ long yDlg; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _DOT11_GO_NEGOTIATION_CONFIRMATION_SEND_COMPLETE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct icmpv6_echo_reply_lh { unsigned char Address[28]; /* +0x0000 83 86 00 00 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char RoundTripTime[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PHY_ID_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dot11PhyId[4]; /* +0x000c 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DWORD_LIST_ITEM_ { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 3a 87 00 00 */ unsigned long Value1; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Value2; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_BOUNDARY_TABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[16]; /* +0x0004 47 87 00 00 */ }; struct _RAS_CONNECTION_2 { void *hConnection; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszUserName[516]; /* +0x0004 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char dwInterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0208 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x020c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PppInfo2[304]; /* +0x021c 52 87 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_GATEWAY_ADDRESS_LH { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 56 87 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[12]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASENTRYW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwfOptions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCountryID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwCountryCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char szAreaCode[22]; /* +0x0010 5b 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szLocalPhoneNumber[258]; /* +0x0026 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAlternateOffset; /* +0x0128 */ unsigned char ipaddr[4]; /* +0x012c 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrDns[4]; /* +0x0130 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrDnsAlt[4]; /* +0x0134 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrWins[4]; /* +0x0138 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrWinsAlt[4]; /* +0x013c 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFrameSize; /* +0x0140 */ unsigned long dwfNetProtocols; /* +0x0144 */ unsigned long dwFramingProtocol; /* +0x0148 */ unsigned char szScript[520]; /* +0x014c 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char szAutodialDll[520]; /* +0x0354 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char szAutodialFunc[520]; /* +0x055c 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x0764 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x0786 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25PadType[66]; /* +0x0888 5d 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Address[402]; /* +0x08ca 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Facilities[402]; /* +0x0a5c 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25UserData[402]; /* +0x0bee 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwChannels; /* +0x0d80 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x0d84 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x0d88 */ unsigned long dwSubEntries; /* +0x0d8c */ unsigned long dwDialMode; /* +0x0d90 */ unsigned long dwDialExtraPercent; /* +0x0d94 */ unsigned long dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x0d98 */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraPercent; /* +0x0d9c */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x0da0 */ unsigned long dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; /* +0x0da4 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0da8 */ unsigned long dwEncryptionType; /* +0x0dac */ unsigned long dwCustomAuthKey; /* +0x0db0 */ unsigned char guidId[16]; /* +0x0db4 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char szCustomDialDll[520]; /* +0x0dc4 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVpnStrategy; /* +0x0fcc */ unsigned long dwfOptions2; /* +0x0fd0 */ unsigned long dwfOptions3; /* +0x0fd4 */ unsigned char szDnsSuffix[512]; /* +0x0fd8 c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTcpWindowSize; /* +0x11d8 */ unsigned char szPrerequisitePbk[520]; /* +0x11dc 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char szPrerequisiteEntry[516]; /* +0x13e4 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRedialCount; /* +0x15e8 */ unsigned long dwRedialPause; /* +0x15ec */ unsigned char ipv6addrDns[16]; /* +0x15f0 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6addrDnsAlt[16]; /* +0x1600 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv4InterfaceMetric; /* +0x1610 */ unsigned long dwIPv6InterfaceMetric; /* +0x1614 */ unsigned char ipv6addr[16]; /* +0x1618 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv6PrefixLength; /* +0x1628 */ unsigned long dwNetworkOutageTime; /* +0x162c */ }; struct _RAS_PORT_0 { void *hPort; /* +0x0000 */ void *hConnection; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dwPortCondition[4]; /* +0x0008 61 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTotalNumberOfCalls; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwConnectDuration; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char wszPortName[34]; /* +0x0014 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszMediaName[34]; /* +0x0036 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszDeviceName[258]; /* +0x0058 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char wszDeviceType[34]; /* +0x015a 49 86 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_ENCRYPTION { unsigned char AuthModeSupported[4]; /* +0x0000 64 87 00 00 */ unsigned char EncryptStatusSupported[4]; /* +0x0004 65 87 00 00 */ }; struct tagWINHTTP_CREDS_EX { char *lpszUserName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszPassword; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszRealm; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAuthScheme; /* +0x000c */ char *lpszHostName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPort; /* +0x0014 */ char *lpszUrl; /* +0x0018 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 /* unsigned char IpOptionsSupported[0]; +0x0004 2b 47 00 00 /* unsigned char TcpOptionsSupported[0]; +0x0004 73 87 00 00 /* unsigned char TcpChecksum[0]; +0x0004 66 28 00 00 /* unsigned char UdpChecksum[0]; +0x0004 74 87 00 00 unsigned char IpChecksum[4]; +0x0004 75 87 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 /* unsigned char IpExtensionHeadersSupported[0]; +0x0004 2b 47 00 00 /* unsigned char TcpOptionsSupported[0]; +0x0004 73 87 00 00 /* unsigned char TcpChecksum[0]; +0x0004 66 28 00 00 unsigned char UdpChecksum[4]; +0x0004 74 87 00 00 }; */ struct _NDIS_TCP_IP_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD { unsigned char IPv4Transmit[8]; /* +0x0000 77 87 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv4Receive[8]; /* +0x0008 77 87 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv6Transmit[8]; /* +0x0010 79 87 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv6Receive[8]; /* +0x0018 79 87 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SEND_PROVISION_DISCOVERY_REQUEST_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[7]; /* +0x0005 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uSendTimeout; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char GroupCapability; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char GroupID[44]; /* +0x0014 3f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseGroupID; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct DOT11_ERP_PHY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char bShortPreambleOptionImplemented; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bPBCCOptionImplemented; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char bChannelAgilityPresent; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long uHRCCAModeSupported; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bERPPBCCOptionImplemented; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bDSSSOFDMOptionImplemented; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char bShortSlotTimeOptionImplemented; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _DOT11_SCAN_REQUEST_V2 { unsigned char dot11BSSType[4]; /* +0x0000 5d 85 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11BSSID[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11ScanType[4]; /* +0x000c 82 87 00 00 */ unsigned char bRestrictedScan; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long udot11SSIDsOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uNumOfdot11SSIDs; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char bUseRequestIE; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uRequestIDsOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long uNumOfRequestIDs; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uPhyTypeInfosOffset; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long uNumOfPhyTypeInfos; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char ucBuffer[4]; /* +0x0038 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _QueryBlob { unsigned char RefCount[40]; /* +0x0000 85 87 00 00 */ unsigned char PendingQueryList[8]; /* +0x0028 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char NetworkQueryList[8]; /* +0x0030 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pBroadcastQuery[4]; /* +0x0038 87 87 00 00 */ unsigned char fInitializedBroadcastQueryCS[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char BroadcastQueryCS[24]; /* +0x0040 c5 17 00 00 */ unsigned short *pNameOwner; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned short *pNameOrig; /* +0x005c */ unsigned short *pNameQuery; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x0066 */ unsigned long long Flags; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char fpQueryCompletionCallback[4]; /* +0x0070 8c 87 00 00 */ void *pQueryContext; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned char pQueryResult[4]; /* +0x0078 8e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pQueryCancelContext[4]; /* +0x007c 90 87 00 00 */ unsigned long NotificationsQueued; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long NotificationsReceived; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned char hCallerModule[4]; /* +0x0088 81 16 00 00 */ unsigned char pRpcAsyncState[4]; /* +0x008c 3a 15 00 00 */ unsigned long long *pReturnFlags; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned char ppResultRecords[4]; /* +0x0094 91 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ppMessageResponse[4]; /* +0x0098 92 87 00 00 */ unsigned long PolicyFlags; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long CompartmentId; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long MaxTimeout; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long interfaceIndex; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long NameAttributes; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long QueryCount; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long NameFlags; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned char fAppendedName[4]; /* +0x00bc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pAppendedSuffix[4]; /* +0x00c0 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long AdapterCount; /* +0x00c4 */ unsigned char pDnsPolicyConfigInfo[4]; /* +0x00c8 94 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pDaServerList[4]; /* +0x00cc 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pIpSecPolicyKeys[4]; /* +0x00d0 95 87 00 00 */ unsigned char doEkuCheck[4]; /* +0x00d4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fPerNetworkQuery[4]; /* +0x00d8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fPreferLocalOverLowerBindingDns[4]; /* +0x00dc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fModifiedProtocolOrder[4]; /* +0x00e0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fParallelNetBiosQuery[4]; /* +0x00e4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pNetworkQueryContext[4]; /* +0x00e8 97 87 00 00 */ unsigned long NetworkIndex; /* +0x00ec */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned short Rcode; /* +0x00f4 */ unsigned short Reserved2; /* +0x00f6 */ unsigned long NetFailureStatus; /* +0x00f8 */ unsigned char fCacheNegative[4]; /* +0x00fc 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fNoIpLocal[8]; /* +0x0100 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long ReturnFlags; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long ReturnTimeout; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long BestStatus; /* +0x0114 */ unsigned char fBestCacheNegative[4]; /* +0x0118 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long BestStatusDual; /* +0x011c */ unsigned char fBestCacheNegativeDual[4]; /* +0x0120 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pOriginalNetInfo[4]; /* +0x0124 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pDANetInfo[4]; /* +0x0128 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pGenericNetInfo[4]; /* +0x012c 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned char bCheckedFRN[8]; /* +0x0130 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long BackupFlags; /* +0x0138 */ unsigned long long BackupReturnFlags; /* +0x0140 */ unsigned short wBackupType; /* +0x0148 */ unsigned long BackupNameAttributes; /* +0x014c */ unsigned long BackupTimeout; /* +0x0150 */ unsigned char pBackupRecords[4]; /* +0x0154 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned long BackupStatus; /* +0x0158 */ unsigned long BackupPolicyFlags; /* +0x015c */ unsigned long long BackupFlagsIn; /* +0x0160 */ unsigned long BestQueryStatus; /* +0x0168 */ unsigned long DnsQueryStatus; /* +0x016c */ unsigned long BackupDnsQueryStatus; /* +0x0170 */ unsigned long DnsNetFailureStatus; /* +0x0174 */ unsigned long long DnsReturnFlags; /* +0x0178 */ unsigned char fRestoreDnsStatus[8]; /* +0x0180 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long DnsFlagsIn; /* +0x0188 */ unsigned long DnsNameAttributes; /* +0x0190 */ unsigned char pDnsNetInfo[4]; /* +0x0194 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned char fDnsCacheNegative[4]; /* +0x0198 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long DnsMaxTimeout; /* +0x019c */ unsigned char DnsServerList[4]; /* +0x01a0 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned long QueryState; /* +0x01a4 */ unsigned char fNextQueryRequired[4]; /* +0x01a8 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fUpdateNetworkStatus[4]; /* +0x01ac 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fAddPendingList[4]; /* +0x01b0 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long DnsBestStatus; /* +0x01b4 */ unsigned long DnsBestStatusDual; /* +0x01b8 */ unsigned char pDnsRecordsA[4]; /* +0x01bc 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsRecordsAAAA[8]; /* +0x01c0 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned long long DnsReturnFlagsA; /* +0x01c8 */ unsigned long long DnsReturnFlagsAAAA; /* +0x01d0 */ unsigned long DnsQueryStatusA; /* +0x01d8 */ unsigned long DnsQueryStatusAAAA; /* +0x01dc */ unsigned char pMulticastRecordsA[4]; /* +0x01e0 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pMulticastRecordsAAAA[4]; /* +0x01e4 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned long long MulticastReturnFlagsA; /* +0x01e8 */ unsigned long long MulticastReturnFlagsAAAA; /* +0x01f0 */ long MulticastQueryStatus; /* +0x01f8 */ unsigned long MulticastQueryStatusA; /* +0x01fc */ unsigned long MulticastQueryStatusAAAA; /* +0x0200 */ unsigned long long MulticastReturnFlags; /* +0x0208 */ unsigned char SendBlob[304]; /* +0x0210 9a 87 00 00 */ void *pNetBiosContext; /* +0x0340 */ unsigned char pRecords[4]; /* +0x0344 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pLocalRecords[4]; /* +0x0348 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pNetInfo[4]; /* +0x034c 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerList[4]; /* +0x0350 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pExtraInfo[4]; /* +0x0354 9c 87 00 00 */ void *pReserved; /* +0x0358 */ void *hEvent; /* +0x035c */ unsigned char pfnQueryEntry[4]; /* +0x0360 f6 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnQueryExit[4]; /* +0x0364 f6 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnQueryScreen[4]; /* +0x0368 f6 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnQueryProcessResponse[4]; /* +0x036c 9e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnPolicyDnsServerResolverFunction[4]; /* +0x0370 a0 87 00 00 */ unsigned char fFilterCluster[4]; /* +0x0374 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pRecvMsg[4]; /* +0x0378 dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char Results[96]; /* +0x037c a1 87 00 00 */ unsigned char BestResults[96]; /* +0x03dc a1 87 00 00 */ void *hCompletionEvent; /* +0x043c */ unsigned char BroadcastStage[4]; /* +0x0440 a3 87 00 00 */ long LastPolicyWorstResults; /* +0x0444 */ unsigned char Idn[1556]; /* +0x0448 70 85 00 00 */ unsigned char NameBuffer[516]; /* +0x0a5c c8 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_PHY_TYPES { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11PHYType[4]; /* +0x0008 a8 87 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_CAPABILITY { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uNumOfTXBuffers; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uNumOfRXBuffers; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uOpModeCapability; /* +0x0014 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char HardwareInterface[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 /* unsigned char FilterInterface[0]; +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 /* unsigned char ConnectorPresent[0]; +0x0000 a4 27 00 00 /* unsigned char NotAuthenticated[0]; +0x0000 85 31 00 00 /* unsigned char NotMediaConnected[0]; +0x0000 64 31 00 00 /* unsigned char Paused[0]; +0x0000 a6 27 00 00 /* unsigned char LowPower[0]; +0x0000 a7 27 00 00 unsigned char EndPointInterface[1]; +0x0000 a8 27 00 00 }; */ struct _MIB_IF_ROW2 { unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0000 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char InterfaceGuid[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Alias[514]; /* +0x001c 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char Description[514]; /* +0x021e 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned long PhysicalAddressLength; /* +0x0420 */ unsigned char PhysicalAddress[32]; /* +0x0424 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char PermanentPhysicalAddress[32]; /* +0x0444 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long Mtu; /* +0x0464 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0468 */ unsigned char TunnelType[4]; /* +0x046c b7 87 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaType[4]; /* +0x0470 b8 87 00 00 */ unsigned char PhysicalMediumType[4]; /* +0x0474 b9 87 00 00 */ unsigned char AccessType[4]; /* +0x0478 fa 86 00 00 */ unsigned char DirectionType[4]; /* +0x047c ba 87 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags[4]; /* +0x0480 bc 87 00 00 */ unsigned char OperStatus[4]; /* +0x0484 bd 87 00 00 */ unsigned char AdminStatus[4]; /* +0x0488 be 87 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaConnectState[4]; /* +0x048c bf 87 00 00 */ unsigned char NetworkGuid[16]; /* +0x0490 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectionType[8]; /* +0x04a0 c0 87 00 00 */ unsigned long long TransmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x04a8 */ unsigned long long ReceiveLinkSpeed; /* +0x04b0 */ unsigned long long InOctets; /* +0x04b8 */ unsigned long long InUcastPkts; /* +0x04c0 */ unsigned long long InNUcastPkts; /* +0x04c8 */ unsigned long long InDiscards; /* +0x04d0 */ unsigned long long InErrors; /* +0x04d8 */ unsigned long long InUnknownProtos; /* +0x04e0 */ unsigned long long InUcastOctets; /* +0x04e8 */ unsigned long long InMulticastOctets; /* +0x04f0 */ unsigned long long InBroadcastOctets; /* +0x04f8 */ unsigned long long OutOctets; /* +0x0500 */ unsigned long long OutUcastPkts; /* +0x0508 */ unsigned long long OutNUcastPkts; /* +0x0510 */ unsigned long long OutDiscards; /* +0x0518 */ unsigned long long OutErrors; /* +0x0520 */ unsigned long long OutUcastOctets; /* +0x0528 */ unsigned long long OutMulticastOctets; /* +0x0530 */ unsigned long long OutBroadcastOctets; /* +0x0538 */ unsigned long long OutQLen; /* +0x0540 */ }; struct _TRANSPORT_HEADER_OFFSET { unsigned short ProtocolType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short HeaderOffset; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _IDN_POLICY_CONFIG_NODE { unsigned long refCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwIdnConfig; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MIB_IPADDRTABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[24]; /* +0x0004 cb 87 00 00 */ }; struct _RAS_CONNECTION_1 { void *hConnection; /* +0x0000 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char PppInfo[232]; /* +0x0008 d0 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwBytesXmited; /* +0x00f0 */ unsigned long dwBytesRcved; /* +0x00f4 */ unsigned long dwFramesXmited; /* +0x00f8 */ unsigned long dwFramesRcved; /* +0x00fc */ unsigned long dwCrcErr; /* +0x0100 */ unsigned long dwTimeoutErr; /* +0x0104 */ unsigned long dwAlignmentErr; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned long dwHardwareOverrunErr; /* +0x010c */ unsigned long dwFramingErr; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned long dwBufferOverrunErr; /* +0x0114 */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioIn; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioOut; /* +0x011c */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6TABLE_OWNER_PID { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[56]; /* +0x0004 d3 87 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IFSTATUS { unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAdminStatus; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOperationalStatus; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bMHbeatActive[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bMHbeatAlive[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IdnInfo { unsigned char fNonAsciiOrig; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fNonAsciiSuffix; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char fPunycodeWire; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char fEncoding; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char fMapping; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fNrptMatch; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char fWinsConfigured; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char fNonDomainType; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned long NrptIdnConfig; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pPunycodeOrig[4]; /* +0x000c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pPunycodeSuffix[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char NameBufferOrig[512]; /* +0x0014 c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char NameBufferSuffix[512]; /* +0x0214 c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char NameBufferWire[512]; /* +0x0414 c8 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP { unsigned long Index; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[256]; /* +0x0004 e7 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SUFFIX { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 df 87 00 00 */ unsigned char String[512]; /* +0x0004 c8 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_BANDWIDTH_ROD_v0 { unsigned long long OutboundBandwidth; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long InboundBandwidth; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long OutboundInstability; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long InboundInstability; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char OutboundBandwidthPeaked; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char InboundBandwidthPeaked; /* +0x0021 */ }; struct _DOT11_CURRENT_OFFLOAD_CAPABILITY { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _NDIS_STATISTICS_VALUE { unsigned long Oid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_OFDM_FREQUENCY { unsigned long uCenterFrequency; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DNS_ADAPTER_INFOW { unsigned short *pszAdapterGuidName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pszAdapterDomain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pIpAddrs[4]; /* +0x0008 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsAddrs[4]; /* +0x000c 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECEIVED_GO_NEGOTIATION_CONFIRMATION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _DOT11_IV48_COUNTER { unsigned long uIV32Counter; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short usIV16Counter; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DNS_WIRE_RECORD { unsigned short RecordType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short RecordClass; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long TimeToLive; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short DataLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct tagRASCONNW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char hrasconn[4]; /* +0x0004 20 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szEntryName[514]; /* +0x0008 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x020a 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x022c 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szPhonebook[522]; /* +0x032e 24 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSubEntry; /* +0x0538 */ unsigned char guidEntry[16]; /* +0x053c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x054c */ unsigned char luid[8]; /* +0x0550 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char guidCorrelationId[16]; /* +0x0558 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPROW2 { unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAddr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char dwOffloadState[4]; /* +0x0018 fe 87 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPDESTROW { unsigned long dwForwardDest; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwForwardMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwForwardPolicy; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwForwardNextHop; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwForwardIfIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwForwardType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ForwardType[4]; /* +0x0014 01 88 00 00 */ unsigned long dwForwardProto; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ForwardProto[4]; /* +0x0018 39 4e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwForwardAge; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwForwardNextHopAS; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric1; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric2; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric3; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric4; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric5; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwForwardPreference; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwForwardViewSet; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_OBS_REC_ROD_v0 { unsigned long CurRwinRcvd; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxRwinRcvd; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinRwinRcvd; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char WinScaleRcvd; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _NDIS_OFFLOAD_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv4Checksum; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char TCPIPv4Checksum; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char UDPIPv4Checksum; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char TCPIPv6Checksum; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char UDPIPv6Checksum; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char LsoV1; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char IPsecV1; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char LsoV2IPv4; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char LsoV2IPv6; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TcpConnectionIPv4; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char TcpConnectionIPv6; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _RegSession { unsigned char hPolicy[4]; /* +0x0000 94 21 00 00 */ unsigned char hClient[4]; /* +0x0004 94 21 00 00 */ unsigned char hTcpip[4]; /* +0x0008 94 21 00 00 */ unsigned char hCache[4]; /* +0x000c 94 21 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECEIVED_GO_NEGOTIATION_RESPONSE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ void *ResponseContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_EVENT { unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x0000 0e 88 00 00 */ unsigned char Request[16]; /* +0x0004 10 88 00 00 */ }; struct _GEN_GET_TIME_CAPS { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ClockPrecision; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DOT11_AVAILABLE_FREQUENCY_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char uFrequencyValue[4]; /* +0x000c 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_VWIFI_COMBINATION_V2 { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumInfrastructure; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uNumAdhoc; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uNumSoftAP; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uNumVirtualStation; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagRASSUBENTRYA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwfFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[17]; /* +0x0008 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[129]; /* +0x0019 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szLocalPhoneNumber[130]; /* +0x009a 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAlternateOffset; /* +0x011c */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_KEY { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long KeyIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long KeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char BSSID[12]; /* +0x000c 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long long KeyRSC; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char KeyMaterial[8]; /* +0x0020 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _UpdateBlob { unsigned char pRecords[4]; /* +0x0000 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fUpdateTestMode[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fSaveRecvMsg[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fSavedResults[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ void *hCreds; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pExtraInfo[4]; /* +0x0018 9c 87 00 00 */ void *pReserved; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char pNetInfo[4]; /* +0x0020 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned short *pszZone; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short *pszServerName; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pServerList[4]; /* +0x002c 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pMsgRecv[4]; /* +0x0030 dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char FailedServer[64]; /* +0x0034 98 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Results[72]; /* +0x0074 25 88 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST_EX { unsigned long NumberOfItems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Bssid[120]; /* +0x0004 2d 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_RATE_SET { unsigned long uRateSetLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ucRateSet[128]; /* +0x0004 30 88 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_DATA_RATE_MAPPING_ENTRY { unsigned char ucDataRateIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ucDataRateFlag; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short usDataRateValue; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _NDIS_PORT_AUTHENTICATION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char SendControlState[4]; /* +0x0004 37 88 00 00 */ unsigned char RcvControlState[4]; /* +0x0008 37 88 00 00 */ unsigned char SendAuthorizationState[4]; /* +0x000c 38 88 00 00 */ unsigned char RcvAuthorizationState[4]; /* +0x0010 38 88 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_MULTICASTIPADDRESS_TABLE { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[48]; /* +0x0008 3e 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_CURRENT_OPTIONAL_CAPABILITY { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bDot11CFPollable; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bDot11PCF; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bDot11PCFMPDUTransferToPC; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bStrictlyOrderedServiceClass; /* +0x0007 */ }; struct DOT11_KEY_ALGO_BIP { unsigned char ucIPN[8]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long ulBIPKeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ucBIPKey[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long LastReachable; +0x0000 unsigned long LastUnreachable; +0x0000 }; */ struct _MIB_IPNET_ROW2 { unsigned char Address[28]; /* +0x0000 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0020 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PhysicalAddress[32]; /* +0x0028 6d 1f 00 00 */ unsigned long PhysicalAddressLength; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x004c fb 64 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsRouter[0]; +0x0050 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsUnreachable[0]; +0x0050 a3 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char ReachabilityTime[4]; /* +0x0054 4b 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_OPTIONAL_CAPABILITY { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bDot11PCF; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bDot11PCFMPDUTransferToPC; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bStrictlyOrderedServiceClass; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECV_SENSITIVITY_LIST { /* unsigned char dot11PhyType[0]; +0x0000 d0 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uPhyId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dot11RecvSensitivity[12]; /* +0x000c 55 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumConcurrentGORole; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uNumConcurrentClientRole; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long WPSVersionsSupported; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char bServiceDiscoverySupported; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bClientDiscoverabilitySupported; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char bInfrastructureManagementSupported; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long uMaxSecondaryDeviceTypeListSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DeviceAddress[8]; /* +0x0018 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uInterfaceAddressListCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char pInterfaceAddressList[4]; /* +0x0024 5e 88 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumSupportedCountryOrRegionStrings; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pSupportedCountryOrRegionStrings[4]; /* +0x002c 5f 88 00 00 */ unsigned long uDiscoveryDeviceIDListSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long uGORoleClientTableSize; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct RASIPADDR { unsigned char a; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char b; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char c; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char d; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_TEST { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Type; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char AuthenticationEvent[0]; +0x0008 4c 86 00 00 */ long RssiTrigger; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MIB_ICMP_EX_XPSP1 { unsigned char icmpInStats[1032]; /* +0x0000 f2 86 00 00 */ unsigned char icmpOutStats[1032]; /* +0x0408 f2 86 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6TABLE_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[192]; /* +0x0008 6a 88 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_PM_WAKE_UP_CAPABILITIES { unsigned char MinMagicPacketWakeUp[4]; /* +0x0000 6f 88 00 00 */ unsigned char MinPatternWakeUp[4]; /* +0x0004 6f 88 00 00 */ unsigned char MinLinkChangeWakeUp[4]; /* +0x0008 6f 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_BSS_DESCRIPTION { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dot11BSSID[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11BSSType[4]; /* +0x000c 5d 85 00 00 */ unsigned short usBeaconPeriod; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullTimestamp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short usCapabilityInformation; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long uBufferLength; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ucBuffer[8]; /* +0x0028 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _AUTH_VALIDATION_EX { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 50 86 00 00 */ void *hRasConnection; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char wszUserName[514]; /* +0x0008 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszLogonDomain[34]; /* +0x020a b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long AuthInfoSize; /* +0x022c */ unsigned char AuthInfo[4]; /* +0x0230 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDPTABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[8]; /* +0x0004 88 88 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDPROW_OWNER_PID { unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DOT11_REG_DOMAIN_VALUE { unsigned long uRegDomainsSupportIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uRegDomainsSupportValue; /* +0x0004 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long IpOptionsSupported; +0x0004 unsigned long TcpOptionsSupported; +0x0008 unsigned long TcpChecksum; +0x000c unsigned long UdpChecksum; +0x0010 unsigned long IpChecksum; +0x0014 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long IpExtensionHeadersSupported; +0x0004 unsigned long TcpOptionsSupported; +0x0008 unsigned long TcpChecksum; +0x000c unsigned long UdpChecksum; +0x0010 }; */ struct _NDIS_WMI_TCP_IP_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD { unsigned char IPv4Transmit[24]; /* +0x0000 90 88 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv4Receive[24]; /* +0x0018 90 88 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv6Transmit[20]; /* +0x0030 92 88 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv6Receive[20]; /* +0x0044 92 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsImbeddedExtra { unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pExtraInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 9c 87 00 00 */ }; struct _MPR_DEVICE_0 { unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x0000 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x0022 19 42 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_DATA_RATE_MAPPING_TABLE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uDataRateMappingLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DataRateMappingEntries[504]; /* +0x0008 a0 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_RESET_REQUEST { unsigned char dot11ResetType[4]; /* +0x0000 a3 88 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11MacAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bSetDefaultMIB; /* +0x000a */ }; struct DOT11_PMKID_ENTRY { unsigned char BSSID[6]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char PMKID[18]; /* +0x0006 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long uFlags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _HostentBlob { unsigned char pHostent[4]; /* +0x0000 6c 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char fAllocatedBlob[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fAllocatedBuf[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ char *pBuffer; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AvailLength; /* +0x0014 */ char *pAvailBuffer; /* +0x0018 */ char *pCurrent; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long BytesLeft; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MaxAliasCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MaxAddrCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AliasCount; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long AddrCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char fWroteName[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CharSet[4]; /* +0x0038 a8 88 00 00 */ unsigned char fUnicode[4]; /* +0x003c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IP4_ARRAY { unsigned long AddrCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AddrArray[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPINTERFACE_TABLE { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[168]; /* +0x0008 b4 88 00 00 */ }; struct _PPP_LCP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationData; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRemoteAuthenticationData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwTerminateReason; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwRemoteTerminateReason; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwRemoteOptions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRemoteEapTypeId; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _DOT11_ADDITIONAL_IE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uBeaconIEsOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uBeaconIEsLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uResponseIEsOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uResponseIEsLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _NDIS_IP_OPER_STATE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char IpOperationalStatus[12]; /* +0x0008 bd 88 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_MFE_STATS_TABLE_EX_XP { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[4]; /* +0x0004 c0 88 00 00 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char A[0]; +0x0000 c5 88 00 00 /* unsigned char SOA[0]; +0x0000 c6 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Soa[0]; +0x0000 c6 88 00 00 /* unsigned char PTR[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Ptr[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char NS[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Ns[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char CNAME[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Cname[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char DNAME[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Dname[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char MB[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Mb[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char MD[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Md[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char MF[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Mf[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char MG[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Mg[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char MR[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Mr[0]; +0x0000 c7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char MINFO[0]; +0x0000 c8 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Minfo[0]; +0x0000 c8 88 00 00 /* unsigned char RP[0]; +0x0000 c8 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Rp[0]; +0x0000 c8 88 00 00 /* unsigned char MX[0]; +0x0000 f8 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Mx[0]; +0x0000 f8 87 00 00 /* unsigned char AFSDB[0]; +0x0000 f8 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Afsdb[0]; +0x0000 f8 87 00 00 /* unsigned char RT[0]; +0x0000 f8 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Rt[0]; +0x0000 f8 87 00 00 /* unsigned char HINFO[0]; +0x0000 c9 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Hinfo[0]; +0x0000 c9 88 00 00 /* unsigned char ISDN[0]; +0x0000 c9 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Isdn[0]; +0x0000 c9 88 00 00 /* unsigned char TXT[0]; +0x0000 c9 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Txt[0]; +0x0000 c9 88 00 00 /* unsigned char X25[0]; +0x0000 c9 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Null[0]; +0x0000 ca 88 00 00 /* unsigned char WKS[0]; +0x0000 0a 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Wks[0]; +0x0000 0a 87 00 00 /* unsigned char AAAA[0]; +0x0000 cb 88 00 00 /* unsigned char KEY[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Key[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 /* unsigned char SIG[0]; +0x0000 b8 86 00 00 /* unsigned char Sig[0]; +0x0000 b8 86 00 00 /* unsigned char ATMA[0]; +0x0000 cd 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Atma[0]; +0x0000 cd 88 00 00 /* unsigned char NXT[0]; +0x0000 ce 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Nxt[0]; +0x0000 ce 88 00 00 /* unsigned char SRV[0]; +0x0000 cf 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Srv[0]; +0x0000 cf 88 00 00 /* unsigned char NAPTR[0]; +0x0000 d0 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Naptr[0]; +0x0000 d0 88 00 00 /* unsigned char OPT[0]; +0x0000 05 86 00 00 /* unsigned char Opt[0]; +0x0000 05 86 00 00 /* unsigned char DS[0]; +0x0000 d1 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Ds[0]; +0x0000 d1 88 00 00 /* unsigned char RRSIG[0]; +0x0000 b8 86 00 00 /* unsigned char Rrsig[0]; +0x0000 b8 86 00 00 /* unsigned char NSEC[0]; +0x0000 d2 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Nsec[0]; +0x0000 d2 88 00 00 /* unsigned char DNSKEY[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Dnskey[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 /* unsigned char TKEY[0]; +0x0000 d3 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Tkey[0]; +0x0000 d3 88 00 00 /* unsigned char TSIG[0]; +0x0000 d4 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Tsig[0]; +0x0000 d4 88 00 00 /* unsigned char WINS[0]; +0x0000 d5 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Wins[0]; +0x0000 d5 88 00 00 /* unsigned char WINSR[0]; +0x0000 d6 88 00 00 /* unsigned char WinsR[0]; +0x0000 d6 88 00 00 /* unsigned char NBSTAT[0]; +0x0000 d6 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Nbstat[0]; +0x0000 d6 88 00 00 /* unsigned char DHCID[0]; +0x0000 d7 88 00 00 /* unsigned char NSEC3[0]; +0x0000 d8 88 00 00 /* unsigned char Nsec3[0]; +0x0000 d8 88 00 00 /* unsigned char NSEC3PARAM[0]; +0x0000 d9 88 00 00 unsigned char Nsec3Param[40]; +0x0000 d9 88 00 00 }; */ struct _DnsRecordA { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 00 86 00 00 */ char *pName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wDataLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x000c 03 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTtl; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Data[40]; /* +0x0018 db 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_DSSS_CHANNEL_LIST { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11SupportedDSSSChannel[4]; /* +0x0008 e1 88 00 00 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char S_un_b[0]; +0x0000 e4 88 00 00 /* unsigned char S_un_w[0]; +0x0000 e5 88 00 00 unsigned long S_addr; +0x0000 }; */ struct in_addr { unsigned char S_un[4]; /* +0x0000 e7 88 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASCONNSTATUSA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rasconnstate[4]; /* +0x0004 ab 88 00 00 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[17]; /* +0x000c 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[129]; /* +0x001d 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szPhoneNumber[130]; /* +0x009e 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned char localEndPoint[20]; /* +0x0120 ea 88 00 00 */ unsigned char remoteEndPoint[20]; /* +0x0134 ea 88 00 00 */ unsigned char rasconnsubstate[4]; /* +0x0148 eb 88 00 00 */ }; struct _RpcQueryBlob { unsigned short *pName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ long Status; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pRecords[4]; /* +0x0010 00 86 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_CONNECTION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uStatus; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DnsCacheEnum { unsigned long TotalCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long EnumTagStart; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long EnumTagStop; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long EnumCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EntryArray[16]; /* +0x0010 f6 88 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECEIVED_PROVISION_DISCOVERY_RESPONSE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char TransmitterDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char BSSID[6]; /* +0x000a 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _DNS_CACHE_TABLE_ { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 fc 88 00 00 */ unsigned short *Name; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Type1; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Type2; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short Type3; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_SEND_BUFF_ROD_v0 { unsigned long CurRetxQueue; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxRetxQueue; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurAppWQueue; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaxAppWQueue; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_ANTENNA_LIST { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11SupportedAntenna[8]; /* +0x0008 1b 89 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long MaxOffLoadSize; +0x0004 unsigned long MinSegmentCount; +0x0008 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long MaxOffLoadSize; +0x0004 unsigned long MinSegmentCount; +0x0008 /* unsigned char IpExtensionHeadersSupported[0]; +0x000c 2b 47 00 00 unsigned char TcpOptionsSupported[4]; +0x000c 73 87 00 00 }; */ struct _NDIS_TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD_V2 { unsigned char IPv4[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 89 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv6[16]; /* +0x000c 21 89 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_MFE_STATS { unsigned long dwGroup; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSource; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSrcMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUpStrmNgbr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwInIfIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwInIfProtocol; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwRouteProtocol; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwRouteNetwork; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwRouteMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ulUpTime; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ulExpiryTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulNumOutIf; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ulInPkts; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ulInOctets; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ulPktsDifferentIf; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ulQueueOverflow; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char rgmiosOutStats[28]; /* +0x0040 7c 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DA_POLICY_CONFIG_NODE { unsigned long refCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *lpwszDAServerList; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDAServerListSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char isDaMultisite[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pDaServerList[4]; /* +0x0010 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pBackupDaServerList[4]; /* +0x0014 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char isSorted[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pFQDNServerList[4]; /* +0x001c 97 85 00 00 */ unsigned char isIpsecPolicyCreated[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ipsecPolicyKeys[32]; /* +0x0024 88 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDAOverIpSec; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwDAEncryption; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwProxyType; /* +0x004c */ unsigned short *pDAProxyName; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwDAProxyNameSize; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned short *pwszCARestrictions; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long dwCARestrictionsSize; /* +0x005c */ }; struct _MIB_BEST_IF { unsigned long dwDestAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PPP_INFO_3 { unsigned char nbf[40]; /* +0x0000 43 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ip[76]; /* +0x0028 44 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6[48]; /* +0x0074 39 89 00 00 */ unsigned char ccp[20]; /* +0x00a4 47 85 00 00 */ unsigned char lcp[44]; /* +0x00b8 48 85 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_DATA_RATES_VALUE { unsigned char ucSupportedTxDataRatesValue[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ucSupportedRxDataRatesValue[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPNETTABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[24]; /* +0x0004 52 89 00 00 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_DATA_ROD_v0 { unsigned long long DataBytesOut; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long DataSegsOut; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long DataBytesIn; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long DataSegsIn; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long SegsOut; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long SegsIn; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long SoftErrors; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long SoftErrorReason; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long SndUna; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long SndNxt; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long SndMax; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long ThruBytesAcked; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long RcvNxt; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long ThruBytesReceived; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct DOT11_CIPHER_KEY_MAPPING_KEY_VALUE { unsigned char PeerMacAddr[8]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char AlgorithmId[4]; /* +0x0008 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned char Direction[4]; /* +0x000c 5a 89 00 00 */ unsigned char bDelete; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bStatic; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned short usKeyLength; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char ucKey[4]; /* +0x0014 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PPP_IPCP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[32]; /* +0x0004 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteAddress[32]; /* +0x0024 b2 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_QOS_TX_MEDIUM_TIME { unsigned char dot11PeerAddress[6]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char ucQoSPriority; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long uMediumTimeAdmited; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_CONFIGURATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BeaconPeriod; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ATIMWindow; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DSConfig; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char FHConfig[16]; /* +0x0010 69 89 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_PHY_FREQUENCY_ADOPTED_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long ulPhyId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ulChannel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulFrequency; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_NON_BCAST_SSID_LIST { unsigned long NumberOfItems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Non_Bcast_Ssid[36]; /* +0x0004 78 89 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SEND_GO_NEGOTIATION_RESPONSE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ void *RequestContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uSendTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Status; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char GroupOwnerIntent[1]; /* +0x0015 7b 89 00 00 */ unsigned char MinimumConfigTimeout[2]; /* +0x0016 3d 86 00 00 */ unsigned char IntendedInterfaceAddress[6]; /* +0x0018 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupCapability; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char GroupID[44]; /* +0x0020 3f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseGroupID; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0054 */ }; struct _DnsCredentials { unsigned short *pUserName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pDomain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *pPassword; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO_W2KSP1 { unsigned char AutoconfigEnabled[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char AutoconfigActive[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentDnsServer[4]; /* +0x0008 83 89 00 00 */ unsigned char DnsServerList[40]; /* +0x000c 82 89 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASEAPUSERIDENTITYA { unsigned char szUserName[260]; /* +0x0000 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSizeofEapInfo; /* +0x0104 */ unsigned char pbEapInfo[4]; /* +0x0108 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_WIRE_QUESTION { unsigned short QuestionType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short QuestionClass; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _DnsCacheEntry { unsigned short *pName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pRecords[4]; /* +0x0004 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wPad; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_ASSOCIATION_INFORMATION { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short AvailableRequestFixedIEs; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char RequestFixedIEs[10]; /* +0x0006 93 89 00 00 */ unsigned long RequestIELength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long OffsetRequestIEs; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short AvailableResponseFixedIEs; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ResponseFixedIEs[6]; /* +0x001a a1 85 00 00 */ unsigned long ResponseIELength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long OffsetResponseIEs; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _DnsVerifyTable { unsigned long RecordCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pRecordList[4]; /* +0x0004 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerArray[4]; /* +0x0008 6d 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pVerifyArray[4]; /* +0x000c 74 04 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PMKID_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PMKIDs[28]; /* +0x000c 9b 89 00 00 */ }; struct _PPP_NBFCP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszWksta[36]; /* +0x0004 49 86 00 00 */ }; struct in6_addr { unsigned char u[16]; /* +0x0000 a2 89 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_INTERFACE_INFO { long NumAdapters; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Adapter[260]; /* +0x0004 a6 89 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASENTRYNAMEA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szEntryName[260]; /* +0x0004 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0108 */ unsigned char szPhonebookPath[264]; /* +0x010c ac 89 00 00 */ }; struct _PPP_ATCP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[68]; /* +0x0004 5d 87 00 00 */ }; struct _OFFLOAD_IPSEC_ADD_SA { unsigned long SrcAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SrcMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DestAddr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DestMask; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Protocol; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short SrcPort; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short DestPort; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long SrcTunnelAddr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DestTunnelAddr; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0020 */ short NumSAs; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char SecAssoc[132]; /* +0x0024 b1 89 00 00 */ void *OffloadHandle; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long KeyLen; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned char KeyMat[4]; /* +0x00b0 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MPR_SERVER_1 { unsigned long dwNumPptpPorts; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPptpPortFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwNumL2tpPorts; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwL2tpPortFlags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MIB_IFSTACK_ROW { unsigned long HigherLayerInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long LowerLayerInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 ba 89 00 00 */ unsigned long ComboIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AdapterName[260]; /* +0x0008 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char Description[132]; /* +0x010c bb 89 00 00 */ unsigned char AddressLength[4]; /* +0x0190 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x0194 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Index; /* +0x019c */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x01a0 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char DhcpEnabled[4]; /* +0x01a4 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentIpAddress[4]; /* +0x01a8 83 89 00 00 */ unsigned char IpAddressList[40]; /* +0x01ac 82 89 00 00 */ unsigned char GatewayList[40]; /* +0x01d4 82 89 00 00 */ unsigned char DhcpServer[40]; /* +0x01fc 82 89 00 00 */ unsigned char HaveWins[4]; /* +0x0224 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PrimaryWinsServer[40]; /* +0x0228 82 89 00 00 */ unsigned char SecondaryWinsServer[40]; /* +0x0250 82 89 00 00 */ long LeaseObtained; /* +0x0278 */ long LeaseExpires; /* +0x027c */ }; struct _MPR_SERVER_2 { unsigned long dwNumPptpPorts; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPptpPortFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwNumL2tpPorts; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwL2tpPortFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwNumSstpPorts; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwSstpPortFlags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_SND_CONG_ROS_v0 { unsigned long LimCwnd; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _EnvarDwordInfo { unsigned long Id; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fFound[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_REMOVE_KEY { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long KeyIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char BSSID[8]; /* +0x0008 81 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6ROW_OWNER_PID { unsigned char ucLocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalScopeId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ucRemoteAddr[16]; /* +0x0018 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRemoteScopeId; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _OFFLOAD_IPSEC_ADD_UDPESP_SA { unsigned long SrcAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SrcMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DstAddr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DstMask; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Protocol; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short SrcPort; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short DstPort; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned long SrcTunnelAddr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DstTunnelAddr; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0020 */ short NumSAs; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char SecAssoc[132]; /* +0x0024 b1 89 00 00 */ void *OffloadHandle; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char EncapTypeEntry[8]; /* +0x00ac c8 89 00 00 */ void *EncapTypeEntryOffldHandle; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long KeyLen; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned char KeyMat[4]; /* +0x00bc 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NXT_DATAA { char *pNameNext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wNumTypes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char wTypes[2]; /* +0x0006 a2 1e 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_HOPPING_PATTERN_ENTRY { unsigned long uHoppingPatternIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uRandomTableFieldNumber; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MIB_UDP6ROW_OWNER_PID { unsigned char ucLocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalScopeId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _NDIS_PCI_DEVICE_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceType[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentSpeedAndMode[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentPayloadSize[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxPayloadSize[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxReadRequestSize[4]; /* +0x0014 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentLinkSpeed[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentLinkWidth[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxLinkSpeed[4]; /* +0x0020 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxLinkWidth[4]; /* +0x0024 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char PciExpressVersion[4]; /* +0x0028 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char InterruptType[4]; /* +0x002c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char MaxInterruptMessages[4]; /* +0x0030 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_WMI_ENUM_ADAPTER { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long IfIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char NetLuid[8]; /* +0x0008 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned short DeviceNameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char DeviceName[6]; /* +0x0012 ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_NAME { unsigned long uDeviceNameLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ucDeviceName[32]; /* +0x0004 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_LINK_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaDuplexState[4]; /* +0x0004 52 85 00 00 */ unsigned long long XmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long RcvLinkSpeed; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char PauseFunctions[4]; /* +0x0018 f4 88 00 00 */ unsigned long AutoNegotiationFlags; /* +0x001c */ }; struct tagRASEAPINFO { unsigned long dwSizeofEapInfo; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbEapInfo; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _NDIS_PORT_ARRAY { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfPorts; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long OffsetFirstPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ElementSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Ports[64]; /* +0x0010 f6 89 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PORT_STATE_NOTIFICATION { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerMac[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bOpen; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _DOT11_INCOMING_ASSOC_DECISION_V2 { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerMacAddr[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bAccept; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short usReasonCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uAssocResponseIEsOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uAssocResponseIEsLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char WFDStatus; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagRASIPXW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szIpxAddress[44]; /* +0x0008 03 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _MIBICMPSTATS { unsigned long dwMsgs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwErrors; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDestUnreachs; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwTimeExcds; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwParmProbs; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwSrcQuenchs; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwRedirects; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwEchos; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwEchoReps; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwTimestamps; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwTimestampReps; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwAddrMasks; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwAddrMaskReps; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _NDIS_WLAN_BSSID_EX { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MacAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[2]; /* +0x000a 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Ssid[36]; /* +0x000c 77 89 00 00 */ unsigned long Privacy; /* +0x0030 */ long Rssi; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char NetworkTypeInUse[4]; /* +0x0038 08 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char Configuration[32]; /* +0x003c 9f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char InfrastructureMode[4]; /* +0x005c 09 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char SupportedRates[16]; /* +0x0060 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long IELength; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned char IEs[4]; /* +0x0074 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_NIC_SPECIFIC_EXTENSION { unsigned long uBufferLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalBufferLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ucBuffer[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPSTATS_LH { unsigned long dwRtoAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char RtoAlgorithm[4]; /* +0x0000 10 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRtoMin; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwRtoMax; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwMaxConn; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwActiveOpens; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPassiveOpens; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwAttemptFails; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwEstabResets; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwCurrEstab; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwInSegs; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwOutSegs; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwRetransSegs; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwInErrs; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwOutRsts; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwNumConns; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPTABLE_OWNER_PID { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[24]; /* +0x0004 15 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_QOS_TX_DURATION { unsigned long uNominalMSDUSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uMinPHYRate; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uDuration; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_SECONDARY_DEVICE_TYPE_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SecondaryDeviceTypes[8]; /* +0x000c 1a 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _RASIKEV2_PROJECTION_INFO { unsigned long dwIPv4NegotiationError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ipv4Address[4]; /* +0x0004 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv4ServerAddress[4]; /* +0x0008 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv6NegotiationError; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ipv6Address[16]; /* +0x0010 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6ServerAddress[16]; /* +0x0020 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPrefixLength; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwEncryptionMethod; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long numIPv4ServerAddresses; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char ipv4ServerAddresses[4]; /* +0x0048 97 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long numIPv6ServerAddresses; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char ipv6ServerAddresses[4]; /* +0x0050 6e 72 00 00 */ }; struct _RegUpdateInfo { unsigned short *pszPrimaryDomainName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pmszAlternateNames; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *pszAdapterDomainName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char fRegistrationEnabled[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fRegisterAdapterName[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long RegistrationMaxAddressCount; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_POWER_LEVELS { unsigned long uNumOfSupportedPowerLevels; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char uTxPowerLevelValues[32]; /* +0x0004 52 70 00 00 */ }; struct _NET_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_LH { unsigned long BusNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SlotNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FunctionNumber; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY { unsigned long dwVarId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rgdwVarIndex[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECV_EXTENSION_INFO { unsigned long uVersion; /* +0x0000 */ void *pvReserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11PhyType[4]; /* +0x0008 d0 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uChCenterFrequency; /* +0x000c */ long lRSSI; /* +0x0010 */ long lRSSIMin; /* +0x0014 */ long lRSSIMax; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uRSSI; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char ucPriority; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char ucDataRate; /* +0x0021 */ unsigned char ucPeerMacAddress[6]; /* +0x0022 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExtendedStatus; /* +0x0028 */ void *hWEPOffloadContext; /* +0x002c */ void *hAuthOffloadContext; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short usWEPAppliedMask; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned short usWPAMSDUPriority; /* +0x0036 */ unsigned char dot11LowestIV48Counter[8]; /* +0x0038 2e 86 00 00 */ unsigned short usDot11LeftRWBitMap; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char dot11HighestIV48Counter[8]; /* +0x0044 2e 86 00 00 */ unsigned short usDot11RightRWBitMap; /* +0x004c */ unsigned short usNumberOfMPDUsReceived; /* +0x004e */ unsigned short usNumberOfFragments; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char pNdisPackets[4]; /* +0x0054 fa 6c 00 00 */ }; struct tagWINHTTP_CREDS { char *lpszUserName; /* +0x0000 */ char *lpszPassword; /* +0x0004 */ char *lpszRealm; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAuthScheme; /* +0x000c */ char *lpszHostName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPort; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _MIB_ANYCASTIPADDRESS_ROW { unsigned char Address[32]; /* +0x0000 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0020 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char ScopeId[4]; /* +0x002c bf 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPADDRROW_XP { unsigned long dwAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwBCastAddr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwReasmSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short unused1; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0016 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPROW_OWNER_PID { unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAddr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DNS_HEADER { unsigned short Xid; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char RecursionDesired[0]; +0x0002 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Truncation[0]; +0x0002 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Authoritative[0]; +0x0002 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Opcode[0]; +0x0002 3f 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char IsResponse[1]; /* +0x0002 a8 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ResponseCode[0]; +0x0003 63 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CheckingDisabled[0]; +0x0003 64 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AuthenticatedData[0]; +0x0003 a6 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0003 a7 27 00 00 */ unsigned char RecursionAvailable[1]; /* +0x0003 a8 27 00 00 */ unsigned short QuestionCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short AnswerCount; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short NameServerCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short AdditionalCount; /* +0x000a */ }; struct DNS_MINFO_DATAA { char *pNameMailbox; /* +0x0000 */ char *pNameErrorsMailbox; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_BOUNDARY { unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwGroupAddress; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwGroupMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DOT11_AVAILABLE_CHANNEL_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char uChannelNumber[4]; /* +0x000c 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PPP_IPV6_CP_INFO { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x000c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bRemoteInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0014 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwRemoteOptions; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char bPrefix[8]; /* +0x0024 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPrefixLength; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _Dns_List { void *pFirst; /* +0x0000 */ void *pLast; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DNS_IPSEC_POLICY_KEYS { unsigned char qmPolicyKey[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char mmPolicyKey[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsRecordOptW { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 ef 86 00 00 */ unsigned short *pName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wDataLength; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x000c 03 86 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtHeader[4]; /* +0x0010 04 86 00 00 */ unsigned short wPayloadSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short wReserved; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char Data[8]; /* +0x0018 07 86 00 00 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_REC_ROD_v0 { unsigned long CurRwinSent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxRwinSent; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinRwinSent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LimRwin; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DupAckEpisodes; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DupAcksOut; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long CeRcvd; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long EcnSent; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long EcnNoncesRcvd; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long CurReasmQueue; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long MaxReasmQueue; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long CurAppRQueue; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long MaxAppRQueue; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char WinScaleSent; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _PROJECTION_INFO_4 { unsigned char projectionInfoType; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char PppProjectionInfo[0]; +0x0008 33 89 00 00 */ unsigned char Ikev2ProjectionInfo[200]; /* +0x0008 a6 87 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_DISASSOCIATE_PEER_REQUEST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerMacAddr[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned short usReason; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _MIB_ROUTESTATE { unsigned char bRoutesSetToStack[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6ROW2 { unsigned char LocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0000 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalScopeId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char RemoteAddr[16]; /* +0x0018 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRemoteScopeId; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0030 74 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char dwOffloadState[4]; /* +0x0038 fe 87 00 00 */ }; struct _TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_BASIC_INFO { unsigned short *pModuleName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pModulePath; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _NETWORK_ADDRESS_IPX { unsigned long NetworkAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NodeAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned short Socket; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _DOT11_UPDATE_IE { unsigned char dot11UpdateIEOp[4]; /* +0x0000 7b 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long uBufferLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ucBuffer[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsQueryInfo { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ char *pName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Rcode; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ long Status; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char CharSet[4]; /* +0x0018 a8 88 00 00 */ unsigned char pAnswerRecords[4]; /* +0x001c 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAliasRecords[4]; /* +0x0020 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAdditionalRecords[4]; /* +0x0024 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAuthorityRecords[4]; /* +0x0028 00 86 00 00 */ void *hEvent; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char pExtraInfo[4]; /* +0x0030 9c 87 00 00 */ void *pServerList; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char pServerListIp4[4]; /* +0x0038 7f 8a 00 00 */ void *pMessage; /* +0x003c */ void *pReservedName; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _Ip6Array { unsigned long MaxCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AddrCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AddrArray[16]; /* +0x0008 83 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _MPR_IFTRANSPORT_0 { unsigned long dwTransportId; /* +0x0000 */ void *hIfTransport; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char wszIfTransportName[84]; /* +0x0008 86 8a 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_BHLI { unsigned long HighLayerInfoType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighLayerInfoLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HighLayerInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char InterruptModeration[4]; /* +0x0008 8b 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_RECEIVE_SCALE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short BaseCpuNumber; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long HashInformation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short IndirectionTableSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long IndirectionTableOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short HashSecretKeySize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long HashSecretKeyOffset; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct ip_option_information { unsigned char Ttl; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Tos; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char OptionsSize; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char *OptionsData; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IF_COUNTED_STRING_LH { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char String[514]; /* +0x0002 74 86 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_WAN_PROTOCOL_CAPS { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct ATM_ADDRESS { unsigned long AddressType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumofDigits; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Addr[20]; /* +0x0008 dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE_LIST { unsigned long NumberOfItems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NetworkType[4]; /* +0x0004 a6 8a 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PRIVACY_EXEMPTION { unsigned short usEtherType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short usExemptionActionType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short usExemptionPacketType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _NDIS_STATISTICS_VALUE_EX { unsigned long Oid; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_WLAN_BSSID { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MacAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[2]; /* +0x000a 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char Ssid[36]; /* +0x000c 77 89 00 00 */ unsigned long Privacy; /* +0x0030 */ long Rssi; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char NetworkTypeInUse[4]; /* +0x0038 08 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char Configuration[32]; /* +0x003c 9f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char InfrastructureMode[4]; /* +0x005c 09 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char SupportedRates[8]; /* +0x0060 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_SYN_OPTS_ROS_v0 { unsigned char ActiveOpen; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MssRcvd; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MssSent; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MIB_IPPATH_TABLE { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[136]; /* +0x0008 b4 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _IKEV2_PROJECTION_INFO_4 { unsigned long dwIPv4NegotiationError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[32]; /* +0x0004 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteAddress[36]; /* +0x0024 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long long IPv4SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwIPv6NegotiationError; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char bInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0054 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bRemoteInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x005c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bPrefix[8]; /* +0x0064 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPrefixLength; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long long IPv6SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long dwEmbeddedEAPTypeId; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long dwCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long dwEncryptionMethod; /* +0x008c */ }; struct _WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_ASYNC_RESULT { unsigned char AsyncResult[8]; /* +0x0000 72 88 00 00 */ unsigned char Operation[4]; /* +0x0008 bb 8a 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASDIALPARAMSA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szEntryName[257]; /* +0x0004 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szPhoneNumber[129]; /* +0x0105 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szCallbackNumber[129]; /* +0x0186 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szUserName[257]; /* +0x0207 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szPassword[257]; /* +0x0308 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szDomain[19]; /* +0x0409 c5 37 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSubEntry; /* +0x041c */ unsigned long dwCallbackId; /* +0x0420 */ unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0424 */ }; struct tagRASCREDENTIALSW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szUserName[514]; /* +0x0008 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szPassword[514]; /* +0x020a 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDomain[32]; /* +0x040c b2 2b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_OFFLOAD_CAPABILITY { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uSupportedWEPAlgorithms; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uNumOfReplayWindows; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uMaxWEPKeyMappingLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uSupportedAuthAlgorithms; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uMaxAuthKeyMappingLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _NDIS_TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Encapsulation; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char SupportIPv4[0]; +0x0008 2b 47 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SupportIPv6[0]; +0x0008 73 87 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SupportIPv6ExtensionHeaders[0]; +0x0008 66 28 00 00 */ unsigned char SupportSack[4]; /* +0x0008 74 87 00 00 */ unsigned long TcpConnectionOffloadCapacity; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MPR_IPINIP_INTERFACE_0 { unsigned char wszFriendlyName[516]; /* +0x0000 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0204 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIBICMPINFO { unsigned char icmpInStats[52]; /* +0x0000 27 89 00 00 */ unsigned char icmpOutStats[52]; /* +0x0034 27 89 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_GROUP_START_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char AdvertisedOperatingChannel[6]; /* +0x0004 c9 85 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_INTERFACE_INFORMATION { unsigned char ifOperStatus[4]; /* +0x0000 a1 86 00 00 */ unsigned long ifOperStatusFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MediaConnectState[4]; /* +0x0008 bf 87 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaDuplexState[4]; /* +0x000c 52 85 00 00 */ unsigned long ifMtu; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ifPromiscuousMode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ifDeviceWakeUpEnable; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned long long XmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long RcvLinkSpeed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ifLastChange; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ifCounterDiscontinuityTime; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ifInUnknownProtos; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long ifInDiscards; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long ifInErrors; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long ifHCInOctets; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long ifHCInUcastPkts; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long ifHCInMulticastPkts; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long ifHCInBroadcastPkts; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutOctets; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutUcastPkts; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutMulticastPkts; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutBroadcastPkts; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long long ifOutErrors; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long long ifOutDiscards; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long long ifHCInUcastOctets; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long long ifHCInMulticastOctets; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long long ifHCInBroadcastOctets; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutUcastOctets; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutMulticastOctets; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutBroadcastOctets; /* +0x00c8 */ unsigned char CompartmentId[4]; /* +0x00d0 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long SupportedStatistics; /* +0x00d4 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long AhEspCombined; +0x0004 unsigned long TransportTunnelCombined; +0x0008 unsigned long IPv4Options; +0x000c unsigned long Flags; +0x0010 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char Md5[0]; +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 /* unsigned char Sha_1[0]; +0x0000 73 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Transport[0]; +0x0000 66 28 00 00 /* unsigned char Tunnel[0]; +0x0000 74 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Send[0]; +0x0000 75 87 00 00 unsigned char Receive[4]; +0x0000 9b 2e 00 00 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char Des[0]; +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 73 87 00 00 /* unsigned char TripleDes[0]; +0x0000 66 28 00 00 /* unsigned char NullEsp[0]; +0x0000 74 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Transport[0]; +0x0000 75 87 00 00 /* unsigned char Tunnel[0]; +0x0000 9b 2e 00 00 /* unsigned char Send[0]; +0x0000 6c 28 00 00 unsigned char Receive[4]; +0x0000 e7 8a 00 00 }; */ struct _NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V1 { unsigned char Supported[20]; /* +0x0000 e4 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv4AH[4]; /* +0x0014 e6 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv4ESP[4]; /* +0x0018 e9 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDPROW_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char liCreateTimestamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SpecificPortBind[0]; +0x0018 a5 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char dwFlags[8]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char OwningModuleInfo[128]; /* +0x0020 42 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SCAN_REQUEST { unsigned char dot11BSSType[4]; /* +0x0000 5d 85 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11BSSID[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11SSID[36]; /* +0x000c d0 86 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11ScanType[4]; /* +0x0030 82 87 00 00 */ unsigned char bRestrictedScan; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char bUseRequestIE; /* +0x0035 */ unsigned long uRequestIDsOffset; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long uNumOfRequestIDs; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long uPhyTypesOffset; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long uNumOfPhyTypes; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char ucBuffer[4]; /* +0x0050 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_WMI_OFFLOAD { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Checksum[88]; /* +0x0004 f2 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char LsoV1[20]; /* +0x005c f3 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char IPsecV1[76]; /* +0x0070 f4 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char LsoV2[32]; /* +0x00bc f5 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x00dc */ }; struct _TimedLock { void *hEvent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ThreadId; /* +0x0004 */ long RecursionCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long WaitTime; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _OFFLOAD_IPSEC_DELETE_SA { void *OffloadHandle; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_GLOBAL { unsigned long dwEnable; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct tagRASUPDATECONN { unsigned char version[4]; /* +0x0000 01 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char localEndPoint[20]; /* +0x0010 ea 88 00 00 */ unsigned char remoteEndPoint[20]; /* +0x0024 ea 88 00 00 */ }; struct _SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS { unsigned long dwNumPorts; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPortFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char isUseHttps[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long certAlgorithm; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char sstpCertDetails[12]; /* +0x0010 c1 8a 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PMKID_CANDIDATE_LIST_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uCandidateListSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uCandidateListOffset; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DOT11_PEER_STATISTICS { unsigned long long ullDecryptSuccessCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ullDecryptFailureCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullTxPacketSuccessCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullTxPacketFailureCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ullRxPacketSuccessCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ullRxPacketFailureCount; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char MacAddr[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uStatus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char bReAssocReq; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bReAssocResp; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned long uAssocReqOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uAssocReqSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uAssocRespOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uAssocRespSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long uBeaconOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uBeaconSize; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long uIHVDataOffset; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long uIHVDataSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char AuthAlgo[4]; /* +0x0034 eb 87 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicastCipher[4]; /* +0x0038 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned char MulticastCipher[4]; /* +0x003c 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned long uActivePhyListOffset; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long uActivePhyListSize; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char bFourAddressSupported; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char bPortAuthorized; /* +0x0049 */ unsigned char ucActiveQoSProtocol; /* +0x004a */ unsigned char DSInfo[4]; /* +0x004c 13 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uEncapTableOffset; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long uEncapTableSize; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char MulticastMgmtCipher[4]; /* +0x0058 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned long uAssocComebackTime; /* +0x005c */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_INVITATION_FLAGS { /* unsigned char InvitationType[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[1]; /* +0x0000 85 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_OFFLOAD_NETWORK_LIST_INFO { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long ulFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long FastScanPeriod; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FastScanIterations; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SlowScanPeriod; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char offloadNetworkList[76]; /* +0x0018 19 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDP6TABLE_OWNER_PID { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[28]; /* +0x0004 23 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_REG_DOMAINS_SUPPORT_VALUE { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11RegDomainValue[8]; /* +0x0008 27 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IFSTACK_TABLE { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[8]; /* +0x0004 2b 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_GUID { unsigned char Guid[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Oid; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct tagRASPPPIPV6 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bLocalInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bPeerInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0010 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bLocalCompressionProtocol[2]; /* +0x0018 23 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char bPeerCompressionProtocol[2]; /* +0x001a 23 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _NETWORK_ADDRESS { unsigned short AddressLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short AddressType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Address[2]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_SCOPE { unsigned long dwGroupAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwGroupMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char snNameBuffer[512]; /* +0x0008 c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0208 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_BANDWIDTH_RW_v0 { unsigned char EnableCollectionOutbound[4]; /* +0x0000 fb 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableCollectionInbound[4]; /* +0x0004 fb 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _IF_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_LH { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Address[32]; /* +0x0002 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IF_TABLE2 { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[1352]; /* +0x0008 45 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_PORT { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 4d 8b 00 00 */ void *NdisReserved; /* +0x0004 */ void *MiniportReserved; /* +0x0008 */ void *ProtocolReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char PortCharacteristics[64]; /* +0x0010 f5 89 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_OIF_W2K { unsigned long dwOutIfIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNextHopAddr; /* +0x0004 */ void *pvReserved; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _NDIS_TIMEOUT_DPC_REQUEST_CAPABILITIES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TimeoutArrayLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TimeoutArray[4]; /* +0x000c 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_PTR_DATAA { char *pNameHost; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MIB_IPNETROW_W2K { unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPhysAddrLen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bPhysAddr[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAddr; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _IP_ADDR_STRING { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 83 89 00 00 */ unsigned char IpAddress[16]; /* +0x0004 5c 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char IpMask[16]; /* +0x0014 5c 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long Context; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _MPR_FILTER_0 { unsigned char fEnable[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SEND_INVITATION_RESPONSE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiverDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ void *RequestContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uSendTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Status; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char MinimumConfigTimeout[2]; /* +0x0015 3d 86 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupBSSID[6]; /* +0x0017 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseGroupBSSID; /* +0x001d */ unsigned char OperatingChannel[5]; /* +0x001e c9 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseSpecifiedOperatingChannel; /* +0x0023 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _SearchName { unsigned short *pszName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MPR_CREDENTIALSEX_0 { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *lpbCredentialsInfo; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DOT11_MULTI_DOMAIN_CAPABILITY_ENTRY { unsigned long uMultiDomainCapabilityIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uFirstChannelNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uNumberOfChannels; /* +0x0008 */ long lMaximumTransmitPowerLevel; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DOT11_AP_JOIN_REQUEST { unsigned long uJoinFailureTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char OperationalRateSet[132]; /* +0x0004 75 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uChCenterFrequency; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char dot11BSSDescription[48]; /* +0x0090 76 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECEIVED_GO_NEGOTIATION_REQUEST_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ void *RequestContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _RAS_USER_1 { unsigned char bfPrivilege; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszPhoneNumber[258]; /* +0x0002 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char bfPrivilege2; /* +0x0104 */ }; struct _DOT11_EXTAP_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uScanSSIDListSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uDesiredSSIDListSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uPrivacyExemptionListSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uAssociationTableSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uDefaultKeyTableSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uWEPKeyValueMaxLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char bStrictlyOrderedServiceClassImplemented; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uNumSupportedCountryOrRegionStrings; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char pSupportedCountryOrRegionStrings[4]; /* +0x0024 5f 88 00 00 */ unsigned long uInfraNumSupportedUcastAlgoPairs; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pInfraSupportedUcastAlgoPairs[4]; /* +0x002c 85 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uInfraNumSupportedMcastAlgoPairs; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pInfraSupportedMcastAlgoPairs[4]; /* +0x0034 85 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_IF_TABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[24]; /* +0x0004 8b 8b 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASCREDENTIALSA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szUserName[257]; /* +0x0008 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szPassword[257]; /* +0x0109 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szDomain[18]; /* +0x020a c5 37 00 00 */ }; struct arp_send_reply { unsigned long DestAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SrcAddress; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DOT11_OFDM_PHY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned long uFrequencyBandsSupported; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DNS_SIG_DATAA { unsigned short wTypeCovered; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char chAlgorithm; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char chLabelCount; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long dwOriginalTtl; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwExpiration; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwTimeSigned; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wKeyTag; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wSignatureLength; /* +0x0012 */ char *pNameSigner; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Signature[4]; /* +0x0018 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_MFE_STATS_TABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[92]; /* +0x0004 a5 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_REQUEST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char DiscoverType[4]; /* +0x0004 a8 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char ScanType[4]; /* +0x0008 9a 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long uDiscoverTimeout; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uDeviceIDListOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uNumOfDeviceIDs; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char bForceScanLegacyNetworks; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_LH { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 b2 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char PrefixOrigin[4]; /* +0x0014 b3 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char SuffixOrigin[4]; /* +0x0018 b4 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char DadState[4]; /* +0x001c b5 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidLifetime; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PreferredLifetime; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long LeaseLifetime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char OnLinkPrefixLength; /* +0x002c */ }; struct DOT11_MAC_FRAME_STATISTICS { unsigned long long ullTransmittedFrameCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ullReceivedFrameCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullTransmittedFailureFrameCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullReceivedFailureFrameCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ullWEPExcludedCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ullTKIPLocalMICFailures; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ullTKIPReplays; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ullTKIPICVErrorCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long ullCCMPReplays; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long ullCCMPDecryptErrors; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long ullWEPUndecryptableCount; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long ullWEPICVErrorCount; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long ullDecryptSuccessCount; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long ullDecryptFailureCount; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct RASCTRYINFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCountryID; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwNextCountryID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwCountryCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwCountryNameOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MIB_IPPATH_ROW { unsigned char Source[28]; /* +0x0000 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned char Destination[28]; /* +0x001c 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0038 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char CurrentNextHop[28]; /* +0x0044 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned long PathMtu; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long RttMean; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long RttDeviation; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long LastReachable; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long LastUnreachable; /* +0x006c */ unsigned char IsReachable; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long LinkTransmitSpeed; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long LinkReceiveSpeed; /* +0x0080 */ }; struct _NDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN { unsigned long Priority; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MaskSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PatternOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long PatternSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PatternFlags; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _PPP_PROJECTION_INFO_4 { unsigned long dwIPv4NegotiationError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[32]; /* +0x0004 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteAddress[32]; /* +0x0024 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv4Options; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwIPv4RemoteOptions; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long IPv4SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwIPv6NegotiationError; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char bInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x005c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bRemoteInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0064 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bPrefix[8]; /* +0x006c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPrefixLength; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long long IPv6SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dwLcpError; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationData; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long dwRemoteAuthenticationData; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long dwLcpTerminateReason; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long dwLcpRemoteTerminateReason; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long dwLcpOptions; /* +0x009c */ unsigned long dwLcpRemoteOptions; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long dwEmbeddedEAPTypeId; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long dwRemoteEapTypeId; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned long dwCcpError; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long dwCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long dwCcpOptions; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long dwRemoteCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long dwCcpRemoteOptions; /* +0x00c0 */ }; struct DOT11_PHY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PhyType[4]; /* +0x0004 d0 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bHardwarePhyState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bSoftwarePhyState; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char bCFPollable; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long uMPDUMaxLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TempType[4]; /* +0x0010 c4 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char DiversitySupport[4]; /* +0x0014 9c 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HRDSSSAttributes[0]; +0x0018 8a 85 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OFDMAttributes[0]; +0x0018 a0 89 00 00 */ unsigned char ERPAttributes[12]; /* +0x0018 c5 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumberSupportedPowerLevels; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char TxPowerLevels[32]; /* +0x0028 52 70 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumDataRateMappingEntries; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char DataRateMappingEntries[504]; /* +0x004c a0 88 00 00 */ unsigned char SupportedDataRatesValue[512]; /* +0x0244 c5 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[56]; /* +0x0004 d4 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_MD_CAPABILITY_ENTRY_LIST { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11MDCapabilityEntry[16]; /* +0x0008 df 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_DATA_RATES_VALUE_V2 { unsigned char ucSupportedTxDataRatesValue[255]; /* +0x0000 e3 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char ucSupportedRxDataRatesValue[255]; /* +0x00ff e3 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_QUERY_ASYNC_RPC_CONTEXT { unsigned char rpcAsyncState[68]; /* +0x0000 39 15 00 00 */ void *pQueryContext; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char fpQueryCompletionCallback[4]; /* +0x0048 8c 87 00 00 */ unsigned long interfaceIndex; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long compartmentId; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char fServiceStartedOnDemand[4]; /* +0x0054 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char pQueryResult[4]; /* +0x005c 8e 87 00 00 */ unsigned long long *pFlags; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned short *pQueryName; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned char pQueryCancelContext[4]; /* +0x0068 90 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerList[4]; /* +0x006c 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char hCallerModule[4]; /* +0x0070 81 16 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASDEVSPECIFICINFO { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pbDevSpecificInfo; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_IF_ENTRY { unsigned long dwIfIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwTtl; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwProtocol; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRateLimit; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ulInMcastOctets; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulOutMcastOctets; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _MPR_SERVER_EX { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 50 86 00 00 */ unsigned long fLanOnlyMode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwUpTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwTotalPorts; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPortsInUse; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ConfigParams[100]; /* +0x0018 fc 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPFORWARDROW { unsigned long dwForwardDest; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwForwardMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwForwardPolicy; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwForwardNextHop; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwForwardIfIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwForwardType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ForwardType[4]; /* +0x0014 01 88 00 00 */ unsigned long dwForwardProto; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ForwardProto[4]; /* +0x0018 39 4e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwForwardAge; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwForwardNextHopAS; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric1; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric2; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric3; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric4; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwForwardMetric5; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_OIF_STATS_W2K { unsigned long dwOutIfIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNextHopAddr; /* +0x0004 */ void *pvDialContext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulTtlTooLow; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ulFragNeeded; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulOutPackets; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ulOutDiscards; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _GEN_GET_NETCARD_TIME { unsigned long long ReadTime; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _NDIS_PORT_STATE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaConnectState[4]; /* +0x0004 bf 87 00 00 */ unsigned long long XmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long RcvLinkSpeed; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Direction[4]; /* +0x0018 ba 87 00 00 */ unsigned char SendControlState[4]; /* +0x001c 37 88 00 00 */ unsigned char RcvControlState[4]; /* +0x0020 37 88 00 00 */ unsigned char SendAuthorizationState[4]; /* +0x0024 38 88 00 00 */ unsigned char RcvAuthorizationState[4]; /* +0x0028 38 88 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ }; struct _MIB_UDPTABLE_OWNER_PID { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[12]; /* +0x0004 11 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _MPR_INTERFACE_3 { unsigned char wszInterfaceName[516]; /* +0x0000 74 86 00 00 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x0204 */ unsigned char fEnabled[4]; /* +0x0208 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwIfType[4]; /* +0x020c 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned char dwConnectionState[4]; /* +0x0210 76 86 00 00 */ unsigned long fUnReachabilityReasons; /* +0x0214 */ unsigned long dwLastError; /* +0x0218 */ unsigned long dwfOptions; /* +0x021c */ unsigned char szLocalPhoneNumber[260]; /* +0x0220 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned short *szAlternates; /* +0x0324 */ unsigned long ipaddr; /* +0x0328 */ unsigned long ipaddrDns; /* +0x032c */ unsigned long ipaddrDnsAlt; /* +0x0330 */ unsigned long ipaddrWins; /* +0x0334 */ unsigned long ipaddrWinsAlt; /* +0x0338 */ unsigned long dwfNetProtocols; /* +0x033c */ unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x0340 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x0362 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25PadType[66]; /* +0x0464 5d 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Address[402]; /* +0x04a6 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Facilities[402]; /* +0x0638 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25UserData[402]; /* +0x07ca 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwChannels; /* +0x095c */ unsigned long dwSubEntries; /* +0x0960 */ unsigned long dwDialMode; /* +0x0964 */ unsigned long dwDialExtraPercent; /* +0x0968 */ unsigned long dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x096c */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraPercent; /* +0x0970 */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x0974 */ unsigned long dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; /* +0x0978 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x097c */ unsigned long dwEncryptionType; /* +0x0980 */ unsigned long dwCustomAuthKey; /* +0x0984 */ unsigned long dwCustomAuthDataSize; /* +0x0988 */ unsigned char *lpbCustomAuthData; /* +0x098c */ unsigned char guidId[16]; /* +0x0990 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVpnStrategy; /* +0x09a0 */ unsigned long AddressCount; /* +0x09a4 */ unsigned char ipv6addrDns[16]; /* +0x09a8 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6addrDnsAlt[16]; /* +0x09b8 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6addr[4]; /* +0x09c8 6e 72 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsRecordLibFlags { /* unsigned char Section[0]; +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Delete[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CharSet[0]; +0x0000 a9 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Unused[0]; +0x0000 1d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Matched[0]; +0x0000 6b 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FreeData[0]; +0x0000 9c 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FreeOwner[0]; +0x0000 9d 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 1e 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_GROUP_ID { unsigned char DeviceAddress[8]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char SSID[36]; /* +0x0008 d0 86 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long MaxOffLoadSize; +0x0004 unsigned long MinSegmentCount; +0x0008 unsigned long IpExtensionHeadersSupported; +0x000c unsigned long TcpOptionsSupported; +0x0010 }; */ struct _NDIS_WMI_TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD_V2 { unsigned char IPv4[12]; /* +0x0000 1f 89 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv6[20]; /* +0x000c 2b 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS_XP { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 d8 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[12]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_XP { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IfIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 36 8c 00 00 */ char *AdapterName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char FirstUnicastAddress[4]; /* +0x0010 38 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstAnycastAddress[4]; /* +0x0014 69 86 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstMulticastAddress[4]; /* +0x0018 37 85 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstDnsServerAddress[4]; /* +0x001c d8 8a 00 00 */ unsigned short *DnsSuffix; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short *Description; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short *FriendlyName; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char PhysicalAddress[8]; /* +0x002c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long PhysicalAddressLength; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long Mtu; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long IfType; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char OperStatus[4]; /* +0x0044 bd 87 00 00 */ unsigned long Ipv6IfIndex; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char ZoneIndices[64]; /* +0x004c 62 33 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstPrefix[4]; /* +0x008c 3a 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_COMPLETE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uListOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uListLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _MPR_TRANSPORT_0 { unsigned long dwTransportId; /* +0x0000 */ void *hTransport; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char wszTransportName[84]; /* +0x0008 86 8a 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPSTATS_LH { unsigned long dwForwarding; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Forwarding[4]; /* +0x0000 3d 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDefaultTTL; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwInReceives; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwInHdrErrors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwInAddrErrors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwForwDatagrams; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwInUnknownProtos; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwInDiscards; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwInDelivers; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwOutRequests; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRoutingDiscards; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwOutDiscards; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwOutNoRoutes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwReasmTimeout; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwReasmReqds; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwReasmOks; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwReasmFails; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwFragOks; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwFragFails; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwFragCreates; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwNumIf; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwNumAddr; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dwNumRoutes; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct DNS_TSIG_DATAA { char *pNameAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pAlgorithmPacket; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pSignature; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pOtherData; /* +0x000c */ long long i64CreateTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wFudgeTime; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short wOriginalXid; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short wError; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short wSigLength; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short wOtherLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cAlgNameLength; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char bPacketPointers[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _IKEV2_PROJECTION_INFO { unsigned long dwIPv4NegotiationError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[32]; /* +0x0004 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteAddress[36]; /* +0x0024 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long long IPv4SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwIPv6NegotiationError; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char bInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x0054 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bRemoteInterfaceIdentifier[8]; /* +0x005c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char bPrefix[8]; /* +0x0064 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwPrefixLength; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long long IPv6SubInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long dwCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long dwEncryptionMethod; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct _NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Revision; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagRASAMBA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szNetBiosError[17]; /* +0x0008 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char bLana; /* +0x0019 */ }; struct _MPR_SERVER_0 { unsigned char fLanOnlyMode[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwUpTime; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwTotalPorts; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwPortsInUse; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _NDIS_WMI_METHOD_HEADER { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long PortNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char NetLuid[8]; /* +0x0008 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long long RequestId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Padding[4]; /* +0x001c 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPFORWARD_ROW2 { unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0000 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char DestinationPrefix[32]; /* +0x000c 58 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char NextHop[28]; /* +0x002c 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned char SitePrefixLength; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long ValidLifetime; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long PreferredLifetime; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long Metric; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char Protocol[4]; /* +0x0058 39 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char Loopback; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char AutoconfigureAddress; /* +0x005d */ unsigned char Publish; /* +0x005e */ unsigned char Immortal; /* +0x005f */ unsigned long Age; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char Origin[4]; /* +0x0064 f2 46 00 00 */ }; struct _RAS_CONNECTION_4 { unsigned long dwConnectDuration; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dwInterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0004 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwConnectionFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char wszInterfaceName[514]; /* +0x000c 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszUserName[514]; /* +0x020e 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszLogonDomain[32]; /* +0x0410 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteComputer[36]; /* +0x0430 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0454 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rasQuarState[4]; /* +0x0464 5b 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char probationTime[8]; /* +0x0468 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char connectionStartTime[8]; /* +0x0470 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwBytesXmited; /* +0x0478 */ unsigned long dwBytesRcved; /* +0x047c */ unsigned long dwFramesXmited; /* +0x0480 */ unsigned long dwFramesRcved; /* +0x0484 */ unsigned long dwCrcErr; /* +0x0488 */ unsigned long dwTimeoutErr; /* +0x048c */ unsigned long dwAlignmentErr; /* +0x0490 */ unsigned long dwHardwareOverrunErr; /* +0x0494 */ unsigned long dwFramingErr; /* +0x0498 */ unsigned long dwBufferOverrunErr; /* +0x049c */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioIn; /* +0x04a0 */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioOut; /* +0x04a4 */ unsigned long dwNumSwitchOvers; /* +0x04a8 */ unsigned char wszRemoteEndpointAddress[130]; /* +0x04ac 51 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszLocalEndpointAddress[130]; /* +0x052e 51 86 00 00 */ unsigned char ProjectionInfo[208]; /* +0x05b0 5c 8c 00 00 */ void *hConnection; /* +0x0680 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x0684 */ unsigned long dwDeviceType; /* +0x0688 */ }; struct DOT11_ASSOCIATION_START_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char MacAddr[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char SSID[36]; /* +0x000c d0 86 00 00 */ unsigned long uIHVDataOffset; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long uIHVDataSize; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _MIBICMPSTATS_EX_XPSP1 { unsigned long dwMsgs; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwErrors; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char rgdwTypeCount[1024]; /* +0x0008 6a 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_SSID { unsigned long SsidLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Ssid[32]; /* +0x0004 6d 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_CERT_ROOT_INFO { unsigned short *subjectName; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DOT11_OFFLOAD_NETWORK { unsigned char Ssid[36]; /* +0x0000 d0 86 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicastCipher[4]; /* +0x0024 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthAlgo[4]; /* +0x0028 eb 87 00 00 */ unsigned char Dot11ChannelHints[32]; /* +0x002c 78 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _BasicResults { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Rcode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ServerAddr[64]; /* +0x0008 98 85 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASDIALEXTENSIONS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwfOptions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char hwndParent[4]; /* +0x0008 42 14 00 00 */ unsigned long reserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long reserved1; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char RasEapInfo[8]; /* +0x0014 7d 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char fSkipPppAuth[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char RasDevSpecificInfo[8]; /* +0x0020 72 86 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_WEP { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long KeyIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long KeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char KeyMaterial[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_EXTSTA_CAPABILITY { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uScanSSIDListSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uDesiredBSSIDListSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uDesiredSSIDListSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uExcludedMacAddressListSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uPrivacyExemptionListSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uKeyMappingTableSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uDefaultKeyTableSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uWEPKeyValueMaxLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long uPMKIDCacheSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uMaxNumPerSTADefaultKeyTables; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _DOT11_MAC_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uOpmodeMask; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_FINE_RTT_ROD_v0 { unsigned long RttVar; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxRtt; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinRtt; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SumRtt; /* +0x000c */ }; struct DOT11_ASSOCIATION_PARAMS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char BSSID[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uAssocRequestIEsOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uAssocRequestIEsLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _AddrFamilyInfo { unsigned short Family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short DnsType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long LengthAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long LengthSockaddr; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long OffsetToAddrInSockaddr; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _NDIS_LINK_SPEED { unsigned long long XmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long RcvLinkSpeed; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NDIS_PORT_CHARACTERISTICS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long PortNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x000c 8f 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaConnectState[8]; /* +0x0010 bf 87 00 00 */ unsigned long long XmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long RcvLinkSpeed; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Direction[4]; /* +0x0028 ba 87 00 00 */ unsigned char SendControlState[4]; /* +0x002c 37 88 00 00 */ unsigned char RcvControlState[4]; /* +0x0030 37 88 00 00 */ unsigned char SendAuthorizationState[4]; /* +0x0034 38 88 00 00 */ unsigned char RcvAuthorizationState[8]; /* +0x0038 38 88 00 00 */ }; struct _PPP_IPXCP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char wszAddress[48]; /* +0x0004 92 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_QUERY_CANCEL_CONTEXT { unsigned long QueryState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fInProc[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pRpcContext[0]; +0x0008 d9 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char pInProcQueryBlob[4]; /* +0x0008 87 87 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_KEY_ALGO_TKIP_MIC { unsigned char ucIV48Counter[8]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long ulTKIPKeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ulMICKeyLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ucTKIPMICKeys[4]; /* +0x0010 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char MacAddrs[8]; /* +0x000c 0c 87 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_ASSOCIATION_INFO_EX { unsigned char PeerMacAddress[6]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char BSSID[6]; /* +0x0006 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned short usCapabilityInformation; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short usListenInterval; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char ucPeerSupportedRates[256]; /* +0x0010 e3 8b 00 00 */ unsigned short usAssociationID; /* +0x0110 */ unsigned char dot11AssociationState[4]; /* +0x0114 9d 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11PowerMode[8]; /* +0x0118 13 87 00 00 */ unsigned char liAssociationUpTime[8]; /* +0x0120 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long ullNumOfTxPacketSuccesses; /* +0x0128 */ unsigned long long ullNumOfTxPacketFailures; /* +0x0130 */ unsigned long long ullNumOfRxPacketSuccesses; /* +0x0138 */ unsigned long long ullNumOfRxPacketFailures; /* +0x0140 */ }; struct _DNS_POLICY_CONFIGW { unsigned short *keyName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dnssecIPSECCARestriction[4]; /* +0x0004 a7 8c 00 00 */ unsigned long dnssecValidationRequired; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dnssecQueryIPSECRequired; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dnssecQueryIPSECEncryption; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char directAccessIPSECCARestriction[4]; /* +0x0014 a7 8c 00 00 */ unsigned short *directAccessDNSServers; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long directAccessQueryIPSECRequired; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long directAccessQueryIPSECEncryption; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char directAccessProxyInformation[12]; /* +0x0024 a8 8c 00 00 */ unsigned short *genericDNSServers; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long idnConfig; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dnspolicyConfigType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char next[4]; /* +0x003c 29 88 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UNICASTIPADDRESS_ROW { unsigned char Address[32]; /* +0x0000 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0020 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char PrefixOrigin[4]; /* +0x002c b3 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char SuffixOrigin[4]; /* +0x0030 b4 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidLifetime; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long PreferredLifetime; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char OnLinkPrefixLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char SkipAsSource; /* +0x003d */ unsigned char DadState[4]; /* +0x0040 b5 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char ScopeId[4]; /* +0x0044 bf 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char CreationTimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0048 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IFROW { unsigned char wszName[512]; /* +0x0000 c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIndex; /* +0x0200 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0204 */ unsigned long dwMtu; /* +0x0208 */ unsigned long dwSpeed; /* +0x020c */ unsigned long dwPhysAddrLen; /* +0x0210 */ unsigned char bPhysAddr[8]; /* +0x0214 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAdminStatus; /* +0x021c */ unsigned char dwOperStatus[4]; /* +0x0220 b0 8c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLastChange; /* +0x0224 */ unsigned long dwInOctets; /* +0x0228 */ unsigned long dwInUcastPkts; /* +0x022c */ unsigned long dwInNUcastPkts; /* +0x0230 */ unsigned long dwInDiscards; /* +0x0234 */ unsigned long dwInErrors; /* +0x0238 */ unsigned long dwInUnknownProtos; /* +0x023c */ unsigned long dwOutOctets; /* +0x0240 */ unsigned long dwOutUcastPkts; /* +0x0244 */ unsigned long dwOutNUcastPkts; /* +0x0248 */ unsigned long dwOutDiscards; /* +0x024c */ unsigned long dwOutErrors; /* +0x0250 */ unsigned long dwOutQLen; /* +0x0254 */ unsigned long dwDescrLen; /* +0x0258 */ unsigned char bDescr[256]; /* +0x025c d1 1d 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASPPPIPXA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szIpxAddress[24]; /* +0x0008 b5 8c 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASDEVINFOA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[17]; /* +0x0004 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[131]; /* +0x0015 07 30 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_PNP_CAPABILITIES { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char WakeUpCapabilities[12]; /* +0x0004 bb 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_DEVICE_CAPABILITY_CONFIG { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bServiceDiscoveryEnabled; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bClientDiscoverabilityEnabled; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bConcurrentOperationSupported; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bInfrastructureManagementEnabled; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char bDeviceLimitReached; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bInvitationProcedureEnabled; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned long WPSVersionsEnabled; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PPP_INFO { unsigned char nbf[40]; /* +0x0000 43 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ip[68]; /* +0x0028 c8 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char ipx[52]; /* +0x006c 45 85 00 00 */ unsigned char at[72]; /* +0x00a0 46 85 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPROW_W2K { unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAddr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPROW_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAddr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char liCreateTimestamp[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OwningModuleInfo[128]; /* +0x0020 42 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPSTATS_W2K { unsigned long dwForwarding; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwDefaultTTL; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwInReceives; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwInHdrErrors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwInAddrErrors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwForwDatagrams; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwInUnknownProtos; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwInDiscards; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwInDelivers; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwOutRequests; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwRoutingDiscards; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwOutDiscards; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwOutNoRoutes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwReasmTimeout; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwReasmReqds; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long dwReasmOks; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long dwReasmFails; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long dwFragOks; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long dwFragFails; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long dwFragCreates; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long dwNumIf; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long dwNumAddr; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long dwNumRoutes; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _DOT11_RECV_EXTENSION_INFO_V2 { unsigned long uVersion; /* +0x0000 */ void *pvReserved; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11PhyType[4]; /* +0x0008 d0 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uChCenterFrequency; /* +0x000c */ long lRSSI; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uRSSI; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ucPriority; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ucDataRate; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned char ucPeerMacAddress[6]; /* +0x001a 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long dwExtendedStatus; /* +0x0020 */ void *hWEPOffloadContext; /* +0x0024 */ void *hAuthOffloadContext; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short usWEPAppliedMask; /* +0x002c */ unsigned short usWPAMSDUPriority; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char dot11LowestIV48Counter[8]; /* +0x0030 2e 86 00 00 */ unsigned short usDot11LeftRWBitMap; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char dot11HighestIV48Counter[8]; /* +0x003c 2e 86 00 00 */ unsigned short usDot11RightRWBitMap; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned short usNumberOfMPDUsReceived; /* +0x0046 */ unsigned short usNumberOfFragments; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char pNdisPackets[4]; /* +0x004c fa 6c 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPTABLE2 { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[28]; /* +0x0004 e2 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_CHANNEL { unsigned char CountryRegionString[3]; /* +0x0000 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned char OperatingClass; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char ChannelNumber; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PPP_CCP_INFO { unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRemoteCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRemoteOptions; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _DNS_HEADER_EXT { /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 eb 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char DnssecOk[2]; /* +0x0000 ec 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char chRcode; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char chVersion; /* +0x0003 */ }; struct _DNS_POLICY_CONFIG_STATUS { unsigned long refCount; /* +0x0000 */ long queryError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwErrorTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char isNegativeCacheQueryInProgress[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_INCOMING_ASSOC_STARTED_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerMacAddr[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_CONFIGURATION_FH { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HopPattern; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HopSet; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DwellTime; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DOT11_CURRENT_OPERATION_MODE { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uCurrentOpMode; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DOT11_PHY_TYPE_INFO { unsigned char dot11PhyType[4]; /* +0x0000 d0 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseParameters; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uProbeDelay; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uMinChannelTime; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uMaxChannelTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ChDescriptionType[4]; /* +0x0014 7e 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uChannelListSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ucChannelListBuffer[4]; /* +0x001c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_PMKID { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BSSIDInfoCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char BSSIDInfo[24]; /* +0x0008 0a 8d 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASPPPNBFA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwNetBiosError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szNetBiosError[17]; /* +0x000c 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szWorkstationName[17]; /* +0x001d 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char bLana; /* +0x002e */ }; struct _MPR_INTERFACE_1 { unsigned char wszInterfaceName[516]; /* +0x0000 74 86 00 00 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x0204 */ unsigned char fEnabled[4]; /* +0x0208 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwIfType[4]; /* +0x020c 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned char dwConnectionState[4]; /* +0x0210 76 86 00 00 */ unsigned long fUnReachabilityReasons; /* +0x0214 */ unsigned long dwLastError; /* +0x0218 */ unsigned short *lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction; /* +0x021c */ }; struct _DOT11_STATUS_INDICATION { unsigned long uStatusType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ndisStatus[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct _RegGlobalInfo { unsigned short *pszPrimaryDomainName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pszHostName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fUseNameDevolution[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long NameDevolutionLevel; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short *pszAdapterDomainName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fRegisterAdapterName[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fPolicyRegisterAdapterName[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASPPPNBFW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwNetBiosError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szNetBiosError[34]; /* +0x000c 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szWorkstationName[34]; /* +0x002e 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char bLana; /* +0x0050 */ }; struct _NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_LH { unsigned char ifRcvAddressType[4]; /* +0x0000 26 8d 00 00 */ unsigned short ifRcvAddressLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short ifRcvAddressOffset; /* +0x0006 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Md5; +0x0000 unsigned long Sha_1; +0x0004 unsigned long Transport; +0x0008 unsigned long Tunnel; +0x000c unsigned long Send; +0x0010 unsigned long Receive; +0x0014 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Des; +0x0000 unsigned long Reserved; +0x0004 unsigned long TripleDes; +0x0008 unsigned long NullEsp; +0x000c unsigned long Transport; +0x0010 unsigned long Tunnel; +0x0014 unsigned long Send; +0x0018 unsigned long Receive; +0x001c }; */ struct _NDIS_WMI_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V1 { unsigned char Supported[20]; /* +0x0000 e4 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv4AH[24]; /* +0x0014 2d 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char IPv4ESP[32]; /* +0x002c 2f 8d 00 00 */ }; struct _NetworkQueryBlob { unsigned long RefCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pQueryName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NetworkQueryState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Lock[28]; /* +0x000c c5 17 00 00 */ unsigned long long userQueryFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned short userQueryType; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long originalNameAttributes; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char pEffectiveDnsQueryBlob[4]; /* +0x0038 87 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pEffectiveQueryBlob[4]; /* +0x003c 87 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pEffectiveMulticastQueryBlob[4]; /* +0x0040 87 87 00 00 */ unsigned char fUpdateNetworkInfo[4]; /* +0x0044 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pNetInfo[4]; /* +0x0048 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pFirstQuery[4]; /* +0x004c 87 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pFirstDnsQuery[8]; /* +0x0050 87 87 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_LINK_QUALITY_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uLinkQualityListSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uLinkQualityListOffset; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DOT11_SEND_GO_NEGOTIATION_REQUEST_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long uSendTimeout; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char GroupOwnerIntent[1]; /* +0x0010 7b 89 00 00 */ unsigned char MinimumConfigTimeout[2]; /* +0x0011 3d 86 00 00 */ unsigned char IntendedInterfaceAddress[6]; /* +0x0013 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char GroupCapability; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _OFFLOAD_IPSEC_DELETE_UDPESP_SA { void *OffloadHandle; /* +0x0000 */ void *EncapTypeEntryOffldHandle; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MPR_SERVER_SET_CONFIG_EX { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 50 86 00 00 */ unsigned long setConfigForProtocols; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ConfigParams[100]; /* +0x0008 fc 8b 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_CIPHER_DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uKeyIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AlgorithmId[4]; /* +0x0008 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned char MacAddr[6]; /* +0x000c 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char bDelete; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char bStatic; /* +0x0013 */ unsigned short usKeyLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ucKey[2]; /* +0x0016 4a 14 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long MaxOffLoadSize; +0x0004 unsigned long MinSegmentCount; +0x0008 /* unsigned char TcpOptions[0]; +0x000c 2b 47 00 00 unsigned char IpOptions[4]; +0x000c 73 87 00 00 }; */ struct _NDIS_TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD_V1 { unsigned char IPv4[16]; /* +0x0000 4d 8d 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION { unsigned long version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char proxyInformationType[4]; /* +0x0004 55 8d 00 00 */ unsigned short *proxyName; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6ROW_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned char ucLocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalScopeId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ucRemoteAddr[16]; /* +0x0018 13 25 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRemoteScopeId; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwOwningPid; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char liCreateTimestamp[8]; /* +0x0038 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char OwningModuleInfo[128]; /* +0x0040 42 6e 00 00 */ }; struct _SendBlob { unsigned char pNetInfo[4]; /* +0x0000 99 87 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerList[4]; /* +0x0004 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pSendMsg[4]; /* +0x0008 dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pRecvMsgBuf[4]; /* +0x000c dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned long long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fSaveResponse[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fSaveRecords[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long SendFlags; /* +0x0020 */ long Status; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char precvMsgAlloc[4]; /* +0x0028 dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char precvMsgAlloc2[4]; /* +0x002c dc 86 00 00 */ long UdpStatus; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pOriginalServerList[4]; /* +0x0034 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pUdpMsg[4]; /* +0x0038 dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned long retryCount; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long sendCount; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long validRecvCount; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long retryTimeOut; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long sendTime; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long ignoredRcode; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char pOriginalRecvMsgBuf[4]; /* +0x005c dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char fhaveResponse[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ long timeRoundTrip; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long tcpRetryCount; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char fFreeServerList[4]; /* +0x006c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tcpAddressArray[96]; /* +0x0070 37 86 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x00d0 */ unsigned char pCallback[4]; /* +0x00d4 61 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char Results[88]; /* +0x00d8 dc 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_ICMP { unsigned char stats[104]; /* +0x0000 64 8d 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_TKIPMIC_FAILURE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bDefaultKeyFailure; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uKeyIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char PeerMac[8]; /* +0x000c 81 2c 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_HOPPING_PATTERN_ENTRY_LIST { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11HoppingPatternEntry[8]; /* +0x0008 70 8d 00 00 */ }; struct _QueryInfo { char *pName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wRcode; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ long Status; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MessageLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *pMessage; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char pRecordsAnswer[4]; /* +0x0018 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pRecordsAuthority[4]; /* +0x001c 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pRecordsAdditional[4]; /* +0x0020 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsServerArray[4]; /* +0x0024 7f 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char pMsgSend[4]; /* +0x0028 dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pMsgRecv[4]; /* +0x002c dc 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pNetworkInfo[4]; /* +0x0030 99 87 00 00 */ void *pfnGetIpAddressInfo; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char Socket[4]; /* +0x0038 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long ReturnFlags; /* +0x003c */ long NetFailureStatus; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char CacheNegativeResponse[4]; /* +0x0044 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_MX_DATAA { char *pNameExchange; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wPreference; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Pad; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct DOT11_ENCAP_ENTRY { unsigned short usEtherType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short usEncapType; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _MPRAPI_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS { unsigned char IkeConfigParams[56]; /* +0x0000 83 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char PptpConfigParams[8]; /* +0x0038 79 88 00 00 */ unsigned char L2tpConfigParams[8]; /* +0x0040 84 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char SstpConfigParams[28]; /* +0x0048 02 8d 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_OPER_STATE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char OperationalStatus[4]; /* +0x0004 a1 86 00 00 */ unsigned long OperationalStatusFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct DOT11_IBSS_PARAMS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bJoinOnly; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DNS_QUERY_RESULT_PRIVATE { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ long QueryStatus; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long QueryOptions; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pQueryRecords[4]; /* +0x0010 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char fReturnMessage[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pMessageResponse[8]; /* +0x0018 dc 86 00 00 */ }; struct _OFFLOAD_IPSEC_UDPESP_ENCAPTYPE_ENTRY { unsigned char UdpEncapType[4]; /* +0x0000 9f 8c 00 00 */ unsigned short DstEncapPort; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AlgorithmIds[4]; /* +0x000c 95 8d 00 00 */ }; struct _ROUTER_IKEv2_IF_CUSTOM_CONFIG0 { unsigned long dwSaLifeTime; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSaDataSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char certificateName[8]; /* +0x0008 6e 14 00 00 */ unsigned char customPolicy[4]; /* +0x0010 e1 85 00 00 */ }; struct _IKEV2_CONFIG_PARAMS { unsigned long dwNumPorts; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwPortFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwTunnelConfigParamFlags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TunnelConfigParams[44]; /* +0x000c 68 8c 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPSTATS_W2K { unsigned long dwRtoAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRtoMin; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwRtoMax; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwMaxConn; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwActiveOpens; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwPassiveOpens; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwAttemptFails; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwEstabResets; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwCurrEstab; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwInSegs; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwOutSegs; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwRetransSegs; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwInErrs; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwOutRsts; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwNumConns; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct DOT11_SSID_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SSIDs[36]; /* +0x000c a3 8d 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_AI_RESFI { unsigned short Capabilities; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short StatusCode; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short AssociationId; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_PATH_ROD_v0 { unsigned long FastRetran; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Timeouts; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SubsequentTimeouts; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CurTimeoutCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AbruptTimeouts; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PktsRetrans; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long BytesRetrans; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DupAcksIn; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SacksRcvd; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long SackBlocksRcvd; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long CongSignals; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long PreCongSumCwnd; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long PreCongSumRtt; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long PostCongSumRtt; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long PostCongCountRtt; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long EcnSignals; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long EceRcvd; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long SendStall; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long QuenchRcvd; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long RetranThresh; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long SndDupAckEpisodes; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long SumBytesReordered; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long NonRecovDa; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long NonRecovDaEpisodes; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long AckAfterFr; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long DsackDups; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long SampleRtt; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long SmoothedRtt; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long RttVar; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long MaxRtt; /* +0x0074 */ unsigned long MinRtt; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long SumRtt; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long CountRtt; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long CurRto; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long MaxRto; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long MinRto; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long CurMss; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long MaxMss; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long MinMss; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long SpuriousRtoDetections; /* +0x009c */ }; struct _DOT11_START_REQUEST { unsigned long uStartFailureTimeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char OperationalRateSet[132]; /* +0x0004 75 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uChCenterFrequency; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned char dot11BSSDescription[48]; /* +0x0090 76 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _FLATBUF { unsigned char *pBuffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char *pEnd; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pCurrent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Size[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char BytesLeft[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AlgorithmIds[4]; /* +0x000c b4 8d 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NAPTR_DATAA { unsigned short wOrder; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wPreference; /* +0x0002 */ char *pFlags; /* +0x0004 */ char *pService; /* +0x0008 */ char *pRegularExpression; /* +0x000c */ char *pReplacement; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MPRAPI_ADMIN_DLL_CALLBACKS { unsigned char revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char lpfnMprAdminGetIpAddressForUser[4]; /* +0x0004 be 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnMprAdminReleaseIpAddress[4]; /* +0x0008 7b 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnMprAdminGetIpv6AddressForUser[4]; /* +0x000c 64 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnMprAdminReleaseIpV6AddressForUser[4]; /* +0x0010 97 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRasAdminAcceptNewLink[4]; /* +0x0014 c7 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRasAdminLinkHangupNotification[4]; /* +0x0018 d0 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRasAdminTerminateDll[4]; /* +0x001c c2 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRasAdminAcceptNewConnectionEx[4]; /* +0x0020 7a 85 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRasAdminAcceptEndpointChangeEx[4]; /* +0x0024 7a 85 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRasAdminAcceptReauthenticationEx[4]; /* +0x0028 7a 85 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRasAdminConnectionHangupNotificationEx[4]; /* +0x002c 59 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char lpfnRASValidatePreAuthenticatedConnectionEx[4]; /* +0x0030 70 87 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IfIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 38 87 00 00 */ char *AdapterName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char FirstUnicastAddress[4]; /* +0x0010 b2 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstAnycastAddress[4]; /* +0x0014 69 86 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstMulticastAddress[4]; /* +0x0018 37 85 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstDnsServerAddress[4]; /* +0x001c d8 8a 00 00 */ unsigned short *DnsSuffix; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short *Description; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short *FriendlyName; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char PhysicalAddress[8]; /* +0x002c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long PhysicalAddressLength; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0038 */ /* unsigned char DdnsEnabled[0]; +0x0038 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RegisterAdapterSuffix[0]; +0x0038 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Dhcpv4Enabled[0]; +0x0038 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReceiveOnly[0]; +0x0038 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NoMulticast[0]; +0x0038 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv6OtherStatefulConfig[0]; +0x0038 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NetbiosOverTcpipEnabled[0]; +0x0038 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv4Enabled[0]; +0x0038 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv6Enabled[0]; +0x0038 e8 26 00 00 */ unsigned char Ipv6ManagedAddressConfigurationSupported[4]; /* +0x0038 69 28 00 00 */ unsigned long Mtu; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long IfType; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char OperStatus[4]; /* +0x0044 bd 87 00 00 */ unsigned long Ipv6IfIndex; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char ZoneIndices[64]; /* +0x004c 62 33 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstPrefix[4]; /* +0x008c 3a 8c 00 00 */ unsigned long long TransmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long long ReceiveLinkSpeed; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned char FirstWinsServerAddress[4]; /* +0x00a0 c3 86 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstGatewayAddress[4]; /* +0x00a4 56 87 00 00 */ unsigned long Ipv4Metric; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long Ipv6Metric; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned char Luid[8]; /* +0x00b0 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Dhcpv4Server[8]; /* +0x00b8 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char CompartmentId[4]; /* +0x00c0 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NetworkGuid[16]; /* +0x00c4 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectionType[4]; /* +0x00d4 c0 87 00 00 */ unsigned char TunnelType[4]; /* +0x00d8 b7 87 00 00 */ unsigned char Dhcpv6Server[8]; /* +0x00dc 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char Dhcpv6ClientDuid[132]; /* +0x00e4 c5 8d 00 00 */ unsigned long Dhcpv6ClientDuidLength; /* +0x0168 */ unsigned long Dhcpv6Iaid; /* +0x016c */ unsigned char FirstDnsSuffix[8]; /* +0x0170 df 87 00 00 */ }; struct IP_ADDRESS_STRING { unsigned char String[16]; /* +0x0000 c5 37 00 00 */ }; struct _IPV6_ADDRESS_EX { unsigned short sin6_port; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long sin6_flowinfo; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char sin6_addr[16]; /* +0x0006 c8 37 00 00 */ unsigned long sin6_scope_id; /* +0x0016 */ }; struct _DOT11_POWER_MGMT_MODE_STATUS_INFO { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PowerSaveMode[4]; /* +0x0004 13 87 00 00 */ unsigned long uPowerSaveLevel; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Reason[4]; /* +0x000c d1 8d 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long ipAddr; +0x0000 unsigned char ipV6Addr[16]; +0x0000 82 8a 00 00 }; */ struct _REGISTER_HOST_ENTRY { unsigned char Addr[16]; /* +0x0000 d9 8d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _REGISTER_HOST_STATUS { void *hDoneEvent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwStatus; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MIB_MULTICASTIPADDRESS_ROW { unsigned char Address[28]; /* +0x0000 05 41 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0020 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ScopeId[8]; /* +0x0028 bf 2e 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_ROAMING_START_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char AdhocBSSID[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char AdhocSSID[36]; /* +0x000c d0 86 00 00 */ unsigned long uRoamingReason; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _DOT11_DIVERSITY_SELECTION_RX_LIST { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11DiversitySelectionRx[8]; /* +0x0008 f4 8d 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsAddrArray { unsigned long MaxCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AddrCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Family; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short WordReserved; /* +0x000e */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MatchFlag; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Reserved2; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char AddrArray[64]; /* +0x0020 f7 8d 00 00 */ }; struct _RAS_STATS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwBytesXmited; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwBytesRcved; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwFramesXmited; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwFramesRcved; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwCrcErr; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwTimeoutErr; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwAlignmentErr; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwHardwareOverrunErr; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwFramingErr; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long dwBufferOverrunErr; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioIn; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioOut; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long dwBps; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwConnectDuration; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _NDIS_WMI_EVENT_HEADER { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long IfIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char NetLuid[8]; /* +0x0008 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long long RequestId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PortNumber; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long DeviceNameLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long DeviceNameOffset; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Padding[4]; /* +0x0024 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_LINK_STATE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaConnectState[4]; /* +0x0004 bf 87 00 00 */ unsigned char MediaDuplexState[8]; /* +0x0008 52 85 00 00 */ unsigned long long XmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long RcvLinkSpeed; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char PauseFunctions[4]; /* +0x0020 f4 88 00 00 */ unsigned long AutoNegotiationFlags; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagRASEAPUSERIDENTITYW { unsigned char szUserName[516]; /* +0x0000 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSizeofEapInfo; /* +0x0204 */ unsigned char pbEapInfo[4]; /* +0x0208 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PHY_STATE_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uPhyId; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bHardwarePhyState; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char bSoftwarePhyState; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct _OFFLOAD_ALGO_INFO { unsigned long algoIdentifier; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long algoKeylen; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long algoRounds; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DOT11_VWIFI_COMBINATION { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumInfrastructure; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uNumAdhoc; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uNumSoftAP; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MIB_UDPSTATS { unsigned long dwInDatagrams; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNoPorts; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwInErrors; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwOutDatagrams; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwNumAddrs; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _DOT11_WME_AC_PARAMTERS_LIST { unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dot11WMEACParameters[8]; /* +0x0008 1e 8e 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UNICASTIPADDRESS_TABLE { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[80]; /* +0x0008 26 8e 00 00 */ }; struct _PrivateRecordReserved { unsigned short wClass; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wScopeId; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _HostFileInfo { void *hFile; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszFileName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char fBuildRecords[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pForwardRR[4]; /* +0x000c 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pReverseRR[4]; /* +0x0010 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAliasRR[4]; /* +0x0014 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pNegativeRR[4]; /* +0x0018 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char Encoding[4]; /* +0x001c 9b 88 00 00 */ unsigned short *pAddrString; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short *pHostName; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short *pHostNameToU; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char AliasArray[36]; /* +0x002c 32 8e 00 00 */ unsigned char AliasArrayToU[36]; /* +0x0050 32 8e 00 00 */ unsigned char Addr[64]; /* +0x0074 98 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Buffer[2004]; /* +0x00b4 33 8e 00 00 */ long long BufferSafetyPadding; /* +0x0888 */ unsigned long BytesBuf; /* +0x0890 */ char *pBufBegin; /* +0x0894 */ char *pBufEnd; /* +0x0898 */ char *pLineBegin; /* +0x089c */ char *pLineEnd; /* +0x08a0 */ unsigned char fEof[4]; /* +0x08a4 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char HostLineUnicode[2000]; /* +0x08a8 34 8e 00 00 */ long HostLineUnicodeSafetyPadding; /* +0x1078 */ unsigned char NameUnicode[512]; /* +0x107c c8 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char AliasArrayUnicode[4612]; /* +0x127c 35 8e 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER { unsigned char MessageHead[12]; /* +0x0000 5e 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char MessageBody[1]; /* +0x000c ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPFORWARDNUMBER { unsigned long dwValue; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_VARIABLE_IEs { unsigned char ElementID; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Length; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char data[1]; /* +0x0002 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PHY_FRAME_STATISTICS { unsigned long long ullTransmittedFrameCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ullMulticastTransmittedFrameCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullFailedCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullRetryCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ullMultipleRetryCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ullMaxTXLifetimeExceededCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ullTransmittedFragmentCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ullRTSSuccessCount; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long ullRTSFailureCount; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long ullACKFailureCount; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long ullReceivedFrameCount; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long ullMulticastReceivedFrameCount; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long ullPromiscuousReceivedFrameCount; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long ullMaxRXLifetimeExceededCount; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long ullFrameDuplicateCount; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long ullReceivedFragmentCount; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long ullPromiscuousReceivedFragmentCount; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long ullFCSErrorCount; /* +0x0088 */ }; struct _DnsMessageBuf { unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Socket4[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Socket6[4]; /* +0x000c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NonPreferedSocket[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long RefCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char RemoteAddress[64]; /* +0x0018 98 85 00 00 */ unsigned char LocalAddress[64]; /* +0x0058 98 85 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned char pIpSecPolicyKeys[4]; /* +0x009c 95 87 00 00 */ unsigned char Socket[4]; /* +0x00a0 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long socketFlags; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned char WsaMsg[28]; /* +0x00a8 d4 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char WsaBuff[8]; /* +0x00c4 53 24 00 00 */ void *pContext; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned char pCallback[4]; /* +0x00d0 61 8d 00 00 */ unsigned char overlapped[20]; /* +0x00d4 e3 20 00 00 */ unsigned char overlappedV4[20]; /* +0x00e8 e3 20 00 00 */ unsigned char ControlData[64]; /* +0x00fc 50 8e 00 00 */ unsigned char AddressFamily[4]; /* +0x013c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pTimerInstance[4]; /* +0x0140 50 27 00 00 */ unsigned char ptpIov4[4]; /* +0x0144 df 72 00 00 */ unsigned char ptpIov6[4]; /* +0x0148 df 72 00 00 */ unsigned char ptpIo[4]; /* +0x014c df 72 00 00 */ unsigned char fSqmOutstandingQuery[4]; /* +0x0150 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ptpTimer[4]; /* +0x0154 73 43 00 00 */ unsigned long SendState; /* +0x0158 */ unsigned long RunState; /* +0x015c */ unsigned char MessageLock[24]; /* +0x0160 c5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char fInitMessageLock[4]; /* +0x0178 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fDualSocket[4]; /* +0x017c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fReUseRecv[4]; /* +0x0180 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fCallbackInvoked[4]; /* +0x0184 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char fCancelInvoked[4]; /* +0x0188 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x018c */ char *pBufferEnd; /* +0x0190 */ unsigned char *pCurrent; /* +0x0194 */ unsigned short *pCurrentCountField; /* +0x0198 */ unsigned long tcpPendingState; /* +0x019c */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x01a0 */ unsigned long QueryTime; /* +0x01a4 */ unsigned short wTypeCurrent; /* +0x01a8 */ unsigned short wOffsetCurrent; /* +0x01aa */ unsigned short wQueuingXid; /* +0x01ac */ unsigned long QueuingTime; /* +0x01b0 */ unsigned long ExpireTime; /* +0x01b4 */ unsigned char fTcp; /* +0x01b8 */ unsigned char fMulticast; /* +0x01b9 */ unsigned char fOpt; /* +0x01ba */ unsigned char fSwapped; /* +0x01bb */ unsigned char fMessageComplete; /* +0x01bc */ unsigned char fConvertUnicode; /* +0x01bd */ unsigned char fSocketKeepalive; /* +0x01be */ unsigned char fLastSendOpt; /* +0x01bf */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x01c0 */ char *pchRecv; /* +0x01c4 */ char *pPreOptEnd; /* +0x01c8 */ unsigned short BytesToReceive; /* +0x01cc */ unsigned short MessageLength; /* +0x01ce */ unsigned char MessageHead[12]; /* +0x01d0 5e 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char MessageBody[4]; /* +0x01dc ab 2e 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDP6TABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[24]; /* +0x0004 57 8e 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WPA_TSC { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char dot11OffloadType[4]; /* +0x0004 10 86 00 00 */ void *hOffload; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dot11IV48Counter[8]; /* +0x000c 2e 86 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_PMKID_CANDIDATE_LIST { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NumCandidates; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CandidateList[12]; /* +0x0008 60 8e 00 00 */ }; struct FIXED_INFO_W2KSP1 { unsigned char HostName[132]; /* +0x0000 bb 89 00 00 */ unsigned char DomainName[132]; /* +0x0084 bb 89 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentDnsServer[4]; /* +0x0108 83 89 00 00 */ unsigned char DnsServerList[40]; /* +0x010c 82 89 00 00 */ unsigned char NodeType[4]; /* +0x0134 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ScopeId[260]; /* +0x0138 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableRouting[4]; /* +0x023c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableProxy[4]; /* +0x0240 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableDns[4]; /* +0x0244 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2 { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[104]; /* +0x0008 6d 8e 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_RPC { unsigned long version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long proxyType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *proxyName; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs { unsigned char Timestamp[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned short BeaconInterval; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Capabilities; /* +0x000a */ }; struct DOT11_ASSOCIATION_INFO_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dot11AssocInfo[328]; /* +0x0010 7a 8e 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_DISASSOCIATION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char MacAddr[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uReason; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uIHVDataOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uIHVDataSize; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_GROUP_OWNER_CAPABILITY_CONFIG { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bPersistentGroupEnabled; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bIntraBSSDistributionSupported; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bCrossConnectionSupported; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bPersistentReconnectSupported; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char bGroupFormationEnabled; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uMaximumGroupLimit; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_MFE { unsigned long dwGroup; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSource; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSrcMask; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwUpStrmNgbr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwInIfIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwInIfProtocol; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwRouteProtocol; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwRouteNetwork; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwRouteMask; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ulUpTime; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ulExpiryTime; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulTimeOut; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ulNumOutIf; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long fFlags; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char rgmioOutInfo[16]; /* +0x003c 83 8e 00 00 */ }; struct _MPR_INTERFACE_2 { unsigned char wszInterfaceName[516]; /* +0x0000 74 86 00 00 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x0204 */ unsigned char fEnabled[4]; /* +0x0208 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char dwIfType[4]; /* +0x020c 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned char dwConnectionState[4]; /* +0x0210 76 86 00 00 */ unsigned long fUnReachabilityReasons; /* +0x0214 */ unsigned long dwLastError; /* +0x0218 */ unsigned long dwfOptions; /* +0x021c */ unsigned char szLocalPhoneNumber[260]; /* +0x0220 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned short *szAlternates; /* +0x0324 */ unsigned long ipaddr; /* +0x0328 */ unsigned long ipaddrDns; /* +0x032c */ unsigned long ipaddrDnsAlt; /* +0x0330 */ unsigned long ipaddrWins; /* +0x0334 */ unsigned long ipaddrWinsAlt; /* +0x0338 */ unsigned long dwfNetProtocols; /* +0x033c */ unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x0340 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x0362 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25PadType[66]; /* +0x0464 5d 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Address[402]; /* +0x04a6 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Facilities[402]; /* +0x0638 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25UserData[402]; /* +0x07ca 5e 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwChannels; /* +0x095c */ unsigned long dwSubEntries; /* +0x0960 */ unsigned long dwDialMode; /* +0x0964 */ unsigned long dwDialExtraPercent; /* +0x0968 */ unsigned long dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x096c */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraPercent; /* +0x0970 */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x0974 */ unsigned long dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; /* +0x0978 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x097c */ unsigned long dwEncryptionType; /* +0x0980 */ unsigned long dwCustomAuthKey; /* +0x0984 */ unsigned long dwCustomAuthDataSize; /* +0x0988 */ unsigned char *lpbCustomAuthData; /* +0x098c */ unsigned char guidId[16]; /* +0x0990 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVpnStrategy; /* +0x09a0 */ }; struct _NDIS_RECEIVE_HASH_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HashInformation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short HashSecretKeySize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long HashSecretKeyOffset; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct tagRASTUNNELENDPOINT { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char ipv4[0]; +0x0004 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6[16]; /* +0x0004 26 26 00 00 */ }; struct _ROUTER_CUSTOM_IKEv2_POLICY0 { unsigned long dwIntegrityMethod; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwEncryptionMethod; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCipherTransformConstant; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAuthTransformConstant; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwPfsGroup; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwDhGroup; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _NDIS_RECEIVE_SCALE_CAPABILITIES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long CapabilitiesFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberOfInterruptMessages; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NumberOfReceiveQueues; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DOT11_WEP_OFFLOAD { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ void *hOffloadContext; /* +0x0004 */ void *hOffload; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dot11OffloadType[4]; /* +0x000c 10 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAlgorithm; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bRowIsOutbound; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char bUseDefault; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned long uFlags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ucMacAddress[8]; /* +0x001c 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfRWsOnPeer; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uNumOfRWsOnMe; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char dot11IV48Counters[128]; /* +0x002c 2f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char usDot11RWBitMaps[32]; /* +0x00ac 46 40 00 00 */ unsigned short usKeyLength; /* +0x00cc */ unsigned char ucKey[2]; /* +0x00ce 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_COUNTRY_OR_REGION_STRING_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CountryOrRegionStrings[4]; /* +0x000c a5 8e 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASAMBW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szNetBiosError[34]; /* +0x0008 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char bLana; /* +0x002a */ }; struct _NETWORK_ADDRESS_IP { unsigned short sin_port; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long in_addr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char sin_zero[8]; /* +0x0008 a1 14 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_OPAQUE_INFO { unsigned long dwId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ullAlign; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char rgbyData[8]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_SRV_DATAA { char *pNameTarget; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wPriority; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wWeight; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short wPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Pad; /* +0x000a */ }; struct DOT11_EXTSTA_RECV_CONTEXT { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uReceiveFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uPhyId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uChCenterFrequency; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short usNumberOfMPDUsReceived; /* +0x0010 */ long lRSSI; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ucDataRate; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uSizeMediaSpecificInfo; /* +0x001c */ void *pvMediaSpecificInfo; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ullTimestamp; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct tm { unsigned char tm_sec[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_min[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_hour[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_mday[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_mon[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_year[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_wday[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_yday[4]; /* +0x001c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char tm_isdst[4]; /* +0x0020 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASAUTODIALENTRYW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDialingLocation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szEntry[516]; /* +0x000c 74 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_COUNTERS_ENTRY { unsigned long uTransmittedFragmentCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uMulticastTransmittedFrameCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uFailedCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uRetryCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uMultipleRetryCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uFrameDuplicateCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uRTSSuccessCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uRTSFailureCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uACKFailureCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long uReceivedFragmentCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uMulticastReceivedFrameCount; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long uFCSErrorCount; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long uTransmittedFrameCount; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _MIB_UDP6ROW { unsigned char dwLocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0000 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalScopeId; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DnsAdapter { unsigned short *pszAdapterGuidName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pszAdapterDomain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pSearchList[4]; /* +0x0008 ac 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char pLocalAddrs[4]; /* +0x000c 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsAddrs[4]; /* +0x0010 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TunnelPhysicalInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long IpFlags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long IfType; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long CompartmentId; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long InfoFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long RunFlags; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long Site; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long SiteScopeId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long LinkScopeId; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long DomainType; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long NetworkCategory; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char NetworkSignature[16]; /* +0x0048 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned short *pszAdapterFriendlyName; /* +0x0058 */ }; struct _MIB_IPNET_TABLE2 { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[88]; /* +0x0008 e4 8e 00 00 */ }; struct _DNS_STATS_TABLE_ { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 c9 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char pListItem[4]; /* +0x0004 3a 87 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASSUBENTRYW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwfFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x0008 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x002a 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szLocalPhoneNumber[260]; /* +0x012c 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAlternateOffset; /* +0x0230 */ }; struct _DnsDhcpServerRegEntryEx { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pfnDhcpCallBack[4]; /* +0x0008 0b 37 00 00 */ void *pCallBackData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pDnsServers[4]; /* +0x0010 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned short *pszHostName; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Ttl; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char HostAddr[64]; /* +0x0020 98 85 00 00 */ unsigned char dhcidPrerequisite[4]; /* +0x0060 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwDhcidLength; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned char *pDhcid; /* +0x0068 */ }; struct _RAS_CONNECTION_0 { void *hConnection; /* +0x0000 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwConnectDuration; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dwInterfaceType[4]; /* +0x000c 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwConnectionFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char wszInterfaceName[514]; /* +0x0014 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszUserName[514]; /* +0x0216 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszLogonDomain[32]; /* +0x0418 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteComputer[36]; /* +0x0438 49 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsParseMessage { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CharSet[4]; /* +0x0004 a8 88 00 00 */ unsigned char Header[12]; /* +0x0008 5e 8a 00 00 */ unsigned short QuestionType; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short QuestionClass; /* +0x0016 */ char *pQuestionName; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char pAnswerRecords[4]; /* +0x001c 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAliasRecords[4]; /* +0x0020 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAuthorityRecords[4]; /* +0x0024 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAdditionalRecords[4]; /* +0x0028 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pSigRecords[4]; /* +0x002c 00 86 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WME_AC_PARAMETERS { unsigned char ucAccessCategoryIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ucAIFSN; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char ucECWmin; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ucECWmax; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short usTXOPLimit; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _GENERIC_POLICY_CONFIG_NODE { unsigned long refCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pwszGenericServers; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwGenericServersSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pGenericServerArray[4]; /* +0x000c 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pFqdnServerList[4]; /* +0x0010 97 85 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_AUTH_CIPHER_PAIR { unsigned char AuthAlgoId[4]; /* +0x0000 eb 87 00 00 */ unsigned char CipherAlgoId[4]; /* +0x0004 59 89 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_POWER_MGMT_AUTO_MODE_ENABLED_INFO { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char bEnabled; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO { unsigned long dwAccessType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *lpszProxy; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *lpszProxyBypass; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST { unsigned long NumberOfItems; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Bssid[104]; /* +0x0004 11 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_UDPTABLE_OWNER_MODULE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[160]; /* +0x0008 14 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_XP { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 38 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char PrefixOrigin[4]; /* +0x0014 b3 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char SuffixOrigin[4]; /* +0x0018 b4 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char DadState[4]; /* +0x001c b5 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long ValidLifetime; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long PreferredLifetime; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long LeaseLifetime; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_ORDER_MAP { unsigned long NumAdapters; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AdapterOrder[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct tcp_reserve_port_range { unsigned short UpperRange; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short LowerRange; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct tagRASPPPLCPW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fBundled[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwServerAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwServerAuthenticationData; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwServerEapTypeId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char fMultilink[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTerminateReason; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwServerTerminateReason; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char szReplyMessage[2048]; /* +0x0030 35 8f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0830 */ unsigned long dwServerOptions; /* +0x0834 */ }; struct _RAS_CONNECTION_EX { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 50 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwConnectDuration; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char dwInterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0008 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwConnectionFlags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char wszInterfaceName[514]; /* +0x0010 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszUserName[514]; /* +0x0212 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszLogonDomain[32]; /* +0x0414 b2 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char wszRemoteComputer[36]; /* +0x0434 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0458 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char rasQuarState[4]; /* +0x0468 5b 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char probationTime[8]; /* +0x046c 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned long dwBytesXmited; /* +0x0474 */ unsigned long dwBytesRcved; /* +0x0478 */ unsigned long dwFramesXmited; /* +0x047c */ unsigned long dwFramesRcved; /* +0x0480 */ unsigned long dwCrcErr; /* +0x0484 */ unsigned long dwTimeoutErr; /* +0x0488 */ unsigned long dwAlignmentErr; /* +0x048c */ unsigned long dwHardwareOverrunErr; /* +0x0490 */ unsigned long dwFramingErr; /* +0x0494 */ unsigned long dwBufferOverrunErr; /* +0x0498 */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioIn; /* +0x049c */ unsigned long dwCompressionRatioOut; /* +0x04a0 */ unsigned long dwNumSwitchOvers; /* +0x04a4 */ unsigned char wszRemoteEndpointAddress[130]; /* +0x04a8 51 86 00 00 */ unsigned char wszLocalEndpointAddress[134]; /* +0x052a 51 86 00 00 */ unsigned char ProjectionInfo[200]; /* +0x05b0 38 8f 00 00 */ void *hConnection; /* +0x0678 */ void *hInterface; /* +0x067c */ }; struct _IP_UNIDIRECTIONAL_ADAPTER_ADDRESS { unsigned long NumAdapters; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Address[4]; /* +0x0004 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_IP_OPER_STATUS { unsigned long AddressFamily; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char OperationalStatus[4]; /* +0x0004 a1 86 00 00 */ unsigned long OperationalStatusFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _SearchList { unsigned long NameCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxNameCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CurrentNameIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ReservedPad; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char SearchNameArray[8]; /* +0x0010 46 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_FRAGMENT_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long uOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagRASAUTODIALENTRYA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwDialingLocation; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szEntry[260]; /* +0x000c 06 30 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_IP_OPER_STATUS_INFO { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long NumberofAddressFamiliesReturned; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char IpOperationalStatus[384]; /* +0x000c 56 8f 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_BLLI { unsigned long Layer2Protocol; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Layer2UserSpecifiedProtocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Layer3Protocol; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Layer3UserSpecifiedProtocol; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Layer3IPI; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char SnapID[8]; /* +0x0014 33 2c 00 00 */ }; struct AAL5_PARAMETERS { unsigned long ForwardMaxCPCSSDUSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BackwardMaxCPCSSDUSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Mode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SSCSType; /* +0x0009 */ }; struct AALUSER_PARAMETERS { unsigned long UserDefined; /* +0x0000 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char AAL5Parameters[0]; +0x0000 63 8f 00 00 unsigned char AALUserParameters[12]; +0x0000 64 8f 00 00 }; */ struct AAL_PARAMETERS_IE { unsigned char AALType[4]; /* +0x0000 62 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char AALSpecificParameters[12]; /* +0x0004 66 8f 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_TD { unsigned long PeakCellRate_CLP0; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PeakCellRate_CLP01; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SustainableCellRate_CLP0; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SustainableCellRate_CLP01; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MaxBurstSize_CLP0; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MaxBurstSize_CLP01; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Tagging[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_TRAFFIC_DESCRIPTOR_IE { unsigned char Forward[28]; /* +0x0000 6b 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char Backward[28]; /* +0x001c 6b 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char BestEffort[4]; /* +0x0038 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_BLLI_IE { unsigned long Layer2Protocol; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Layer2Mode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Layer2WindowSize; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned long Layer2UserSpecifiedProtocol; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Layer3Protocol; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Layer3Mode; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Layer3DefaultPacketSize; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char Layer3PacketWindowSize; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long Layer3UserSpecifiedProtocol; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Layer3IPI; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char SnapID[8]; /* +0x001c 33 2c 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_CAUSE_IE { unsigned char Location; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Cause; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char DiagnosticsLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Diagnostics[4]; /* +0x0003 3c 1f 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_QOS_CLASS_IE { unsigned char QOSClassForward; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char QOSClassBackward; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct ATM_TRANSIT_NETWORK_SELECTION_IE { unsigned char TypeOfNetworkId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char NetworkIdPlan; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char NetworkIdLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char NetworkId[1]; /* +0x0003 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_CONNECTION_ID { unsigned long DeviceNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long VPI; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long VCI; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct ATM_PVC_PARAMS { unsigned char PvcConnectionId[12]; /* +0x0000 78 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char PvcQos[72]; /* +0x000c eb 30 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_SOA_DATAA { char *pNamePrimaryServer; /* +0x0000 */ char *pNameAdministrator; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwSerialNo; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRefresh; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRetry; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwExpire; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwDefaultTtl; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct DNS_TXT_DATAA { unsigned long dwStringCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pStringArray[4]; /* +0x0004 7d 8f 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NSEC_DATAA { char *pNextDomainName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wTypeBitMapsLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wPad; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char TypeBitMaps[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_LOC_DATA { unsigned short wVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short wHorPrec; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wVerPrec; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long dwLatitude; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwLongitude; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwAltitude; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct DNS_ADAPTER_INFOA { char *pszAdapterGuidName; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszAdapterDomain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pIpAddrs[4]; /* +0x0008 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pDnsAddrs[4]; /* +0x000c 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct DNS_SEARCH_LISTA { char *pszPrimaryDomainName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SearchNameArray[4]; /* +0x0008 7d 8f 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_SERVER_INFORMATION { unsigned long ipAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Priority; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DNS_ADAPTER_INFORMATION { char *pszAdapterGuidName; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszDomain; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pIPAddresses[4]; /* +0x0008 7f 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char pIPSubnetMasks[4]; /* +0x000c 7f 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long InfoFlags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long cServerCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char aipServers[8]; /* +0x0018 8a 8f 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_SEARCH_INFORMATION { char *pszPrimaryDomainName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cNameCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char aSearchListNames[4]; /* +0x0008 7d 8f 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NETWORK_INFORMATION { unsigned char pSearchInformation[4]; /* +0x0000 34 8f 00 00 */ unsigned long cAdapterCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char aAdapterInfoList[4]; /* +0x0008 8f 8f 00 00 */ }; struct TYPE_NAME_TABLE { char *pszTypeName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DNS_CACHE_ENUM_REQUEST { unsigned long EnumTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaxCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Type; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short *pName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *pNameFilter; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct MIB_MCAST_LIMIT_ROW { unsigned long dwTtl; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwRateLimit; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct REFCOUNT { unsigned long RefCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char IncrementRefCountSource[18]; /* +0x0004 75 68 00 00 */ unsigned char DecrementRefCountSource[18]; /* +0x0016 75 68 00 00 */ }; struct WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS { unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAutoDetectFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char lpszAutoConfigUrl[4]; /* +0x0008 5c 15 00 00 */ void *lpvReserved; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char fAutoLogonIfChallenged[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct WINHTTP_CERTIFICATE_INFO { unsigned char ftExpiry[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ftStart[8]; /* +0x0008 9a 14 00 00 */ unsigned short *lpszSubjectInfo; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short *lpszIssuerInfo; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short *lpszProtocolName; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short *lpszSignatureAlgName; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short *lpszEncryptionAlgName; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long dwKeySize; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct WINHTTP_CONNECTION_INFO { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char LocalAddress[128]; /* +0x0004 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned char RemoteAddress[128]; /* +0x0084 79 24 00 00 */ }; struct WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG { unsigned char fAutoDetect[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned short *lpszAutoConfigUrl; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *lpszProxy; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *lpszProxyBypass; /* +0x000c */ }; struct DNS_FLAG_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long dwFlag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwMask; /* +0x0004 */ char *pszString; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _MIB_INVERTEDIFSTACK_ROW { unsigned long LowerLayerInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HigherLayerInterfaceIndex; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _DnsNetInfo { unsigned char NetworkList[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned short *pszDomainName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *pszHostName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char pSearchList[4]; /* +0x0010 ac 8c 00 00 */ unsigned long CompartmentId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TimeStamp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long InfoFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ReturnFlags; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long AdapterIndex; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long AdapterCount; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long MaxAdapterCount; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long DomainType; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long NetworkCategory; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char NetworkSignature[16]; /* +0x0040 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char AdapterArray[92]; /* +0x0050 a8 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_SUPPORTED_DSSS_CHANNEL { unsigned long uChannel; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DNS_NETWORK_INFOW { unsigned short *pszHostName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short *pszPrimaryDomainName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pSearchList[4]; /* +0x0008 cf 89 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdapterCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char AdapterArray[24]; /* +0x0014 ba 8f 00 00 */ }; struct icmp_echo_reply { unsigned long Address; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Status; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long RoundTripTime; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short DataSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x000e */ void *Data; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Options[8]; /* +0x0014 de 88 00 00 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_PREFIX_XP { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 3a 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x000c 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned long PrefixLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _MIB_IPMCAST_OIF_XP { unsigned long dwOutIfIndex; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwNextHopAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwReserved; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _RAS_PROJECTION_INFO { unsigned char version[4]; /* +0x0000 01 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char type[4]; /* +0x0004 cb 8f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ppp[0]; +0x0008 48 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char ikev2[100]; /* +0x0008 cc 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _OFFLOAD_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION { unsigned char Operation[4]; /* +0x0000 e3 8f 00 00 */ unsigned long SPI; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char IntegrityAlgo[12]; /* +0x0008 e4 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ConfAlgo[12]; /* +0x0014 e4 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0020 e4 85 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASENTRYA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwfOptions; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCountryID; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwCountryCode; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char szAreaCode[11]; /* +0x0010 e7 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char szLocalPhoneNumber[129]; /* +0x001b 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned long dwAlternateOffset; /* +0x009c */ unsigned char ipaddr[4]; /* +0x00a0 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrDns[4]; /* +0x00a4 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrDnsAlt[4]; /* +0x00a8 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrWins[4]; /* +0x00ac 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned char ipaddrWinsAlt[4]; /* +0x00b0 5c 87 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFrameSize; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long dwfNetProtocols; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long dwFramingProtocol; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned char szScript[260]; /* +0x00c0 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char szAutodialDll[260]; /* +0x01c4 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char szAutodialFunc[260]; /* +0x02c8 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[17]; /* +0x03cc 21 87 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[129]; /* +0x03dd 07 30 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25PadType[33]; /* +0x045e e8 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Address[201]; /* +0x047f e9 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25Facilities[201]; /* +0x0548 e9 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char szX25UserData[203]; /* +0x0611 e9 8f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwChannels; /* +0x06dc */ unsigned long dwReserved1; /* +0x06e0 */ unsigned long dwReserved2; /* +0x06e4 */ unsigned long dwSubEntries; /* +0x06e8 */ unsigned long dwDialMode; /* +0x06ec */ unsigned long dwDialExtraPercent; /* +0x06f0 */ unsigned long dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x06f4 */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraPercent; /* +0x06f8 */ unsigned long dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; /* +0x06fc */ unsigned long dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; /* +0x0700 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0704 */ unsigned long dwEncryptionType; /* +0x0708 */ unsigned long dwCustomAuthKey; /* +0x070c */ unsigned char guidId[16]; /* +0x0710 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char szCustomDialDll[260]; /* +0x0720 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVpnStrategy; /* +0x0824 */ unsigned long dwfOptions2; /* +0x0828 */ unsigned long dwfOptions3; /* +0x082c */ unsigned char szDnsSuffix[256]; /* +0x0830 f9 6d 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTcpWindowSize; /* +0x0930 */ unsigned char szPrerequisitePbk[260]; /* +0x0934 46 2f 00 00 */ unsigned char szPrerequisiteEntry[260]; /* +0x0a38 06 30 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRedialCount; /* +0x0b3c */ unsigned long dwRedialPause; /* +0x0b40 */ unsigned char ipv6addrDns[16]; /* +0x0b44 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6addrDnsAlt[16]; /* +0x0b54 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv4InterfaceMetric; /* +0x0b64 */ unsigned long dwIPv6InterfaceMetric; /* +0x0b68 */ unsigned char ipv6addr[16]; /* +0x0b6c 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwIPv6PrefixLength; /* +0x0b7c */ unsigned long dwNetworkOutageTime; /* +0x0b80 */ }; struct DOT11_LINK_QUALITY_ENTRY { unsigned char PeerMacAddr[6]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char ucLinkQuality; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct _MIB_IFTABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[860]; /* +0x0004 f0 8f 00 00 */ }; struct _MPRAPI_OBJECT_HEADER { unsigned char revision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char type; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short size; /* +0x0002 */ }; struct _DOT11_SEND_GO_NEGOTIATION_CONFIRMATION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerDeviceAddress[6]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char DialogToken; /* +0x000a */ void *ResponseContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uSendTimeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Status; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char GroupCapability; /* +0x0015 */ unsigned char GroupID[44]; /* +0x0018 3f 86 00 00 */ unsigned char bUseGroupID; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long uIEsOffset; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long uIEsLength; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _NDIS_WMI_TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Encapsulation; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SupportIPv4; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SupportIPv6; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SupportIPv6ExtensionHeaders; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SupportSack; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long TcpConnectionOffloadCapacity; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ }; struct DOT11_BSSID_CANDIDATE { unsigned char BSSID[8]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _DnsRRSet { unsigned char pFirstRR[4]; /* +0x0000 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pLastRR[4]; /* +0x0004 00 86 00 00 */ }; struct _BSSID_INFO { unsigned char BSSID[6]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char PMKID[16]; /* +0x0006 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASENTRYNAMEW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szEntryName[516]; /* +0x0004 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned long dwFlags; /* +0x0208 */ unsigned char szPhonebookPath[524]; /* +0x020c bd 3e 00 00 */ }; struct NDIS_WMI_OUTPUT_INFO { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SupportedRevision; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x000c */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Encapsulation; +0x0000 unsigned long MaxOffLoadSize; +0x0004 unsigned long MinSegmentCount; +0x0008 unsigned long TcpOptions; +0x000c unsigned long IpOptions; +0x0010 }; */ struct _NDIS_WMI_TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD_V1 { unsigned char IPv4[20]; /* +0x0000 22 90 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_STATISTICS_INFO { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long SupportedStatistics; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long ifInDiscards; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ifInErrors; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ifHCInOctets; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long ifHCInUcastPkts; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long ifHCInMulticastPkts; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ifHCInBroadcastPkts; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutOctets; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutUcastPkts; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutMulticastPkts; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutBroadcastPkts; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long long ifOutErrors; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long long ifOutDiscards; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long long ifHCInUcastOctets; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long long ifHCInMulticastOctets; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long long ifHCInBroadcastOctets; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutUcastOctets; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutMulticastOctets; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long long ifHCOutBroadcastOctets; /* +0x0090 */ }; struct _RAS_CONNECTION_3 { unsigned long dwVersion; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0004 */ void *hConnection; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char wszUserName[516]; /* +0x000c 74 86 00 00 */ unsigned char dwInterfaceType[4]; /* +0x0210 75 86 00 00 */ unsigned char guid[16]; /* +0x0214 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PppInfo3[228]; /* +0x0224 36 90 00 00 */ unsigned char rasQuarState[4]; /* +0x0308 5b 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char timer[8]; /* +0x030c 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_SEARCH_LISTW { unsigned short *pszPrimaryDomainName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SearchNameArray[4]; /* +0x0008 83 26 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_BSS_ENTRY { unsigned long uPhyId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char PhySpecificInfo[12]; /* +0x0004 5c 85 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11BSSID[8]; /* +0x0010 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char dot11BSSType[4]; /* +0x0018 5d 85 00 00 */ long lRSSI; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uLinkQuality; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char bInRegDomain; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned short usBeaconPeriod; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned long long ullTimestamp; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long ullHostTimestamp; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned short usCapabilityInformation; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long uBufferLength; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char ucBuffer[8]; /* +0x0040 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_WFD_ADDITIONAL_IE { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uBeaconIEsOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uBeaconIEsLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uProbeResponseIEsOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uProbeResponseIEsLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uDefaultRequestIEsOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uDefaultRequestIEsLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct ATM_BROADBAND_BEARER_CAPABILITY_IE { unsigned char BearerClass; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TrafficType; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char TimingRequirements; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ClippingSusceptability; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char UserPlaneConnectionConfig; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagRASCOMMSETTINGS { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bParity; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bStop; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char bByteSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char bAlign; /* +0x0007 */ }; struct _DnsResults { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Rcode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ServerAddr[66]; /* +0x0006 98 85 00 00 */ unsigned char pAnswerRecords[4]; /* +0x0048 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAliasRecords[4]; /* +0x004c 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAuthorityRecords[4]; /* +0x0050 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pAdditionalRecords[4]; /* +0x0054 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pSigRecords[4]; /* +0x0058 00 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pMessage[4]; /* +0x005c dc 86 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_PHY_TYPE_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char dot11PhyType[4]; /* +0x000c a8 87 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASPPPCCP { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwServerCompressionAlgorithm; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwServerOptions; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _TCP_ESTATS_SND_CONG_ROD_v0 { unsigned long SndLimTransRwin; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SndLimTimeRwin; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SndLimBytesRwin; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SndLimTransCwnd; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SndLimTimeCwnd; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long SndLimBytesCwnd; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long SndLimTransSnd; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long SndLimTimeSnd; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long SndLimBytesSnd; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long SlowStart; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long CongAvoid; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long OtherReductions; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long CurCwnd; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long MaxSsCwnd; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long MaxCaCwnd; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long CurSsthresh; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long MaxSsthresh; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long MinSsthresh; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _NDIS_802_11_STATISTICS { unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TransmittedFragmentCount[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MulticastTransmittedFrameCount[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FailedCount[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RetryCount[8]; /* +0x0020 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MultipleRetryCount[8]; /* +0x0028 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RTSSuccessCount[8]; /* +0x0030 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char RTSFailureCount[8]; /* +0x0038 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ACKFailureCount[8]; /* +0x0040 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FrameDuplicateCount[8]; /* +0x0048 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceivedFragmentCount[8]; /* +0x0050 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char MulticastReceivedFrameCount[8]; /* +0x0058 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FCSErrorCount[8]; /* +0x0060 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TKIPLocalMICFailures[8]; /* +0x0068 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TKIPICVErrorCount[8]; /* +0x0070 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked[8]; /* +0x0078 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TKIPReplays[8]; /* +0x0080 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CCMPFormatErrors[8]; /* +0x0088 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CCMPReplays[8]; /* +0x0090 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CCMPDecryptErrors[8]; /* +0x0098 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FourWayHandshakeFailures[8]; /* +0x00a0 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char WEPUndecryptableCount[8]; /* +0x00a8 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char WEPICVErrorCount[8]; /* +0x00b0 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DecryptSuccessCount[8]; /* +0x00b8 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char DecryptFailureCount[8]; /* +0x00c0 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct Q2931_IE { unsigned char IEType[4]; /* +0x0000 6c 90 00 00 */ unsigned long IELength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char IE[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASPPPIPA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char szIpAddress[16]; /* +0x0008 c5 37 00 00 */ unsigned char szServerIpAddress[16]; /* +0x0018 c5 37 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwServerOptions; /* +0x002c */ }; struct DOT11_KEY_ALGO_CCMP { unsigned char ucIV48Counter[8]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long ulCCMPKeyLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ucCCMPKey[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_BYTE_ARRAY { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfBytes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfBytes; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ucBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _HostentInitRequest { unsigned char AddrFamily[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AddrCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char fUnicode[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char CharSet[4]; /* +0x0010 a8 88 00 00 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char *pName; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long AliasCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long AliasNameLength; /* +0x0020 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long uHopPattern; +0x0000 unsigned long uHopSet; +0x0004 unsigned long uDwellTime; +0x0008 }; */ struct DOT11_BSS_ENTRY_PHY_SPECIFIC_INFO { unsigned long uChCenterFrequency; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FHSS[12]; /* +0x0000 85 90 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_ANYCASTIPADDRESS_TABLE { unsigned long NumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Table[48]; /* +0x0008 8b 90 00 00 */ }; struct MIB_BOUNDARYROW { unsigned long dwGroupAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwGroupMask; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DOT11_HRDSSS_PHY_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char bShortPreambleOptionImplemented; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bPBCCOptionImplemented; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char bChannelAgilityPresent; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long uHRCCAModeSupported; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _PROJECTION_INFO { unsigned char projectionInfoType; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char PppProjectionInfo[0]; +0x0008 99 90 00 00 */ unsigned char Ikev2ProjectionInfo[192]; /* +0x0008 43 87 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_VALUE_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned long dwValue; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszString; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DOT11_STATISTICS { unsigned char Header[8]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long long ullFourWayHandshakeFailures; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long ullTKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long ullReserved; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char MacUcastCounters[112]; /* +0x0020 e6 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char MacMcastCounters[112]; /* +0x0090 e6 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char PhyCounters[144]; /* +0x0100 a2 90 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_QOS_PARAMS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char ucEnabledQoSProtocolFlags; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct tagRASDEVINFOW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x0004 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x0026 19 42 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPTABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[20]; /* +0x0004 b4 90 00 00 */ }; struct NDIS_CO_DEVICE_PROFILE { unsigned char DeviceDescription[8]; /* +0x0000 0f 8f 00 00 */ unsigned char DevSpecificInfo[8]; /* +0x0008 0f 8f 00 00 */ unsigned long ulTAPISupplementaryPassThru; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ulAddressModes; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ulNumAddresses; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ulBearerModes; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long ulMaxTxRate; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ulMinTxRate; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long ulMaxRxRate; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long ulMinRxRate; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long ulMediaModes; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ulGenerateToneModes; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long ulGenerateToneMaxNumFreq; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long ulGenerateDigitModes; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long ulMonitorToneMaxNumFreq; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long ulMonitorToneMaxNumEntries; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long ulMonitorDigitModes; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long ulGatherDigitsMinTimeout; /* +0x004c */ unsigned long ulGatherDigitsMaxTimeout; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long ulDevCapFlags; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned long ulMaxNumActiveCalls; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long ulAnswerMode; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long ulUUIAcceptSize; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long ulUUIAnswerSize; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long ulUUIMakeCallSize; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned long ulUUIDropSize; /* +0x006c */ unsigned long ulUUISendUserUserInfoSize; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned long ulUUICallInfoSize; /* +0x0074 */ }; struct _DOT11_INCOMING_ASSOC_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char PeerMacAddr[8]; /* +0x0004 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned long uStatus; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ucErrorSource; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char bReAssocReq; /* +0x0011 */ unsigned char bReAssocResp; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned long uAssocReqOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uAssocReqSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uAssocRespOffset; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uAssocRespSize; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char AuthAlgo[4]; /* +0x0024 eb 87 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicastCipher[4]; /* +0x0028 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned char MulticastCipher[4]; /* +0x002c 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned long uActivePhyListOffset; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long uActivePhyListSize; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long uBeaconOffset; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long uBeaconSize; /* +0x003c */ }; struct DOT11_AUTH_CIPHER_PAIR_LIST { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uNumOfEntries; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uTotalNumOfEntries; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AuthCipherPairs[8]; /* +0x000c c8 90 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_IPDESTTABLE { unsigned long dwNumEntries; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char table[64]; /* +0x0004 cd 90 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_EXTSTA_ATTRIBUTES { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uScanSSIDListSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long uDesiredBSSIDListSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long uDesiredSSIDListSize; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long uExcludedMacAddressListSize; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long uPrivacyExemptionListSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long uKeyMappingTableSize; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long uDefaultKeyTableSize; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long uWEPKeyValueMaxLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long uPMKIDCacheSize; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long uMaxNumPerSTADefaultKeyTables; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char bStrictlyOrderedServiceClassImplemented; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char ucSupportedQoSProtocolFlags; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char bSafeModeImplemented; /* +0x002e */ unsigned long uNumSupportedCountryOrRegionStrings; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char pSupportedCountryOrRegionStrings[4]; /* +0x0034 5f 88 00 00 */ unsigned long uInfraNumSupportedUcastAlgoPairs; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char pInfraSupportedUcastAlgoPairs[4]; /* +0x003c 85 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uInfraNumSupportedMcastAlgoPairs; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char pInfraSupportedMcastAlgoPairs[4]; /* +0x0044 85 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uAdhocNumSupportedUcastAlgoPairs; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char pAdhocSupportedUcastAlgoPairs[4]; /* +0x004c 85 8b 00 00 */ unsigned long uAdhocNumSupportedMcastAlgoPairs; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char pAdhocSupportedMcastAlgoPairs[4]; /* +0x0054 85 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char bAutoPowerSaveMode; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long uMaxNetworkOffloadListSize; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char bMFPCapable; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long uInfraNumSupportedMcastMgmtAlgoPairs; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned char pInfraSupportedMcastMgmtAlgoPairs[4]; /* +0x0068 85 8b 00 00 */ }; struct _DOT11_PEER_INFO { unsigned char MacAddress[6]; /* +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned short usCapabilityInformation; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char AuthAlgo[4]; /* +0x0008 eb 87 00 00 */ unsigned char UnicastCipherAlgo[4]; /* +0x000c 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned char MulticastCipherAlgo[4]; /* +0x0010 59 89 00 00 */ unsigned char bWpsEnabled; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short usListenInterval; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char ucSupportedRates[256]; /* +0x0018 e3 8b 00 00 */ unsigned short usAssociationID; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned char AssociationState[4]; /* +0x011c 9d 8c 00 00 */ unsigned char PowerMode[8]; /* +0x0120 13 87 00 00 */ unsigned char liAssociationUpTime[8]; /* +0x0128 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Statistics[48]; /* +0x0130 4e 8e 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_CHANNEL_HINT { unsigned char Dot11PhyType[4]; /* +0x0000 d0 85 00 00 */ unsigned long uChannelNumber; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct DNS_NETWORK_INFOA { char *pszHostName; /* +0x0000 */ char *pszPrimaryDomainName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pSearchList[4]; /* +0x0008 b4 87 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AdapterCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char AdapterArray[24]; /* +0x0014 12 91 00 00 */ }; struct DOT11_MAC_INFO { unsigned long uReserved; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long uNdisPortNumber; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char MacAddr[8]; /* +0x0008 81 2c 00 00 */ }; struct ATM_CALLING_PARTY_NUMBER_IE { unsigned char ATM_Number[28]; /* +0x0000 f0 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Presentation_Indication; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char Screening_Indicator; /* +0x001d */ }; struct _DnsSockaddrResults { unsigned short *pName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pAddrArray[4]; /* +0x0004 38 86 00 00 */ void *pHostent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long AliasCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char AliasArray[32]; /* +0x0014 22 91 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASCONNSTATUSW { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char rasconnstate[4]; /* +0x0004 ab 88 00 00 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char szDeviceType[34]; /* +0x000c 49 86 00 00 */ unsigned char szDeviceName[258]; /* +0x002e 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char szPhoneNumber[260]; /* +0x0130 19 42 00 00 */ unsigned char localEndPoint[20]; /* +0x0234 ea 88 00 00 */ unsigned char remoteEndPoint[20]; /* +0x0248 ea 88 00 00 */ unsigned char rasconnsubstate[4]; /* +0x025c eb 88 00 00 */ }; struct tagRASPPPLCPA { unsigned long dwSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char fBundled[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwError; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwAuthenticationData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwEapTypeId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwServerAuthenticationProtocol; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long dwServerAuthenticationData; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long dwServerEapTypeId; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char fMultilink[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long dwTerminateReason; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long dwServerTerminateReason; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char szReplyMessage[1024]; /* +0x0030 2e 91 00 00 */ unsigned long dwOptions; /* +0x0430 */ unsigned long dwServerOptions; /* +0x0434 */ }; struct DOT11_CONNECTION_START_PARAMETERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 3e 85 00 00 */ unsigned char BSSType[4]; /* +0x0004 5d 85 00 00 */ unsigned char AdhocBSSID[8]; /* +0x0008 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char AdhocSSID[36]; /* +0x0010 d0 86 00 00 */ }; enum SocketOperationBase,Microsoft::WRL::Details::Nil>::OperationState { NoContext = 0, Pending = 1, Idle = 2 }; enum _WA_URI_CODE_PAGE_COMPONENT_NAME { WaUriHostCodePageComponent = 0, WaUriPathCodePageComponent = 1, WaUriExtraInfoCodePageComponent = 2, WaUriCodePageComponentMaximum = 3 }; enum _WEB_AUTH_SCHEME { WebAuthSchemeAutoSelect = 0, WebAuthSchemeBasic = 1, WebAuthSchemeDigest = 2, WebAuthSchemeNtlm = 3, WebAuthSchemeKerberos = 4, WebAuthSchemeNegotiate = 5, WebAuthSchemeCount = 6, WebAuthSchemeMaximum = 32 }; enum _WEB_INFORMATION_TYPE { WebInformationTypeLastCallback = 999, WebHttpRequestInformationTypeGeneratingRequestHeaders = 1000, WebHttpRequestInformationTypeInformationalResponse = 1001, WebInformationTypeStartInternal = 16384, WebHttpRequestInformationTypeRequestHeadersSent = 16384, WebInformationTypeDnsResolvingName = 16385, WebInformationTypeDnsNameResolved = 16386, WebInformationTypeTcpConnecting = 16387, WebInformationTypeTcpConnected = 16388 }; enum _WEB_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE { WebDataChunkFromMemory = 0 }; enum _WEB_SSL_CIPHER_CONFIG { WebSslCipherConfigDefault = 0, WebSslCipherConfigNullCipher = 1 }; struct _WA_TOKEN_ID { unsigned char TokenId[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessToken; /* +0x0008 */ }; enum _WA_CONNECTION_LINKAGE_STATE { WaConnectionLinkageStateInitialized = 0, WaConnectionLinkageStateQueued = 1, WaConnectionLinkageStateDequeued = 2 }; struct _WA_CONNECTION_LINKAGE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ConnMgrLock[4]; /* +0x0004 22 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnMgr[4]; /* +0x0008 57 91 00 00 */ unsigned char DequeueInProgress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0010 5c 91 00 00 */ unsigned char TokenId[12]; /* +0x0014 5d 91 00 00 */ unsigned long long IdleTimeStamp; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char AvailableListEntry[8]; /* +0x0028 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char MainListEntry[8]; /* +0x0030 f0 16 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_CONNECTION_OPTION { WaConnectionOptionReceiveTimeoutState = 0, WaConnectionOptionSslCacheForConnect = 1, WaConnectionOptionSslIgnoreServerCertErrors = 2, WaConnectionOptionSslValidateServerCert = 3, WaConnectionOptionSslVerifyConnectionProperties = 4, WaConnectionOptionSslSecureProtocols = 5, WaConnectionOptionSslCipherConfig = 6, WaConnectionOptionSslServerCertErrors = 7, WaConnectionOptionSslServerCert = 8, WaConnectionOptionSslClientCert = 9, WaConnectionOptionSslRevertToSelfClientCert = 10, WaConnectionOptionSslClientCertIssuerList = 11, WaConnectionOptionSslChannelBindingToken = 12, WaConnectionOptionSslConnectionInfo = 13, WaConnectionOptionTcpAutoTuningRestricted = 14, WaConnectionOptionTcpInterfaceIndex = 15, WaConnectionOptionTcpSocketAddress = 16, WaConnectionOptionTcpSendTimeout = 17, WaConnectionOptionTcpReceiveTimeout = 18, WaConnectionOptionTcpDnsResult = 19, WaConnectionOptionTcpDnsIdnTransformDisabled = 20, WaConnectionOptionTcpDnsInterfaceAffinity = 21 }; enum _WA_CONNECTION_INFORMATION_TYPE { WaConnectionInformationTypeTcpConnecting = 0, WaConnectionInformationTypeTcpConnected = 1, WaConnectionInformationTypeDnsResolving = 2, WaConnectionInformationTypeDnsResolved = 3 }; struct _WEB_DATA_CHUNK { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 6c 91 00 00 */ unsigned char FromMemory[8]; /* +0x0004 6d 91 00 00 */ }; struct _iobuf { char *_ptr; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char _cnt[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ char *_base; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char _flag[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _file[4]; /* +0x0010 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _charbuf[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char _bufsiz[4]; /* +0x0018 74 00 00 00 */ char *_tmpfname; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _DnsAddr { unsigned char MaxSa[64]; /* +0x0000 d7 2d 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_SIG_DATAW { unsigned short wTypeCovered; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char chAlgorithm; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char chLabelCount; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long dwOriginalTtl; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwExpiration; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwTimeSigned; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short wKeyTag; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wSignatureLength; /* +0x0012 */ unsigned char pNameSigner[4]; /* +0x0014 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char Signature[4]; /* +0x0018 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_KEY_DATA { unsigned short wFlags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char chProtocol; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char chAlgorithm; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short wKeyLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wPad; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Key[2]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsRecordFlags { /* unsigned char Section[0]; +0x0000 2b 47 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Delete[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CharSet[0]; +0x0000 a9 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Unused[0]; +0x0000 e7 26 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0000 5e 92 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsRecordW { unsigned char pNext[4]; /* +0x0000 ef 86 00 00 */ unsigned char pName[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short wType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short wDataLength; /* +0x000a */ }; struct _DNS_QUERY_RESULT { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ long QueryStatus; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long QueryOptions; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pQueryRecords[4]; /* +0x0010 ef 86 00 00 */ void *Reserved; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _DNS_QUERY_REQUEST { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char QueryName[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned short QueryType; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long QueryOptions; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char pDnsServerList[4]; /* +0x0018 38 86 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char pQueryCompletionCallback[4]; /* +0x0020 8c 87 00 00 */ void *pQueryContext; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _DNS_QUERY_CANCEL { unsigned char Reserved[32]; /* +0x0000 d7 2d 00 00 */ }; enum StreamSocketServer::State { New = 0, Connecting = 1, Connected = 2, Upgrading = 3, Upgraded = 4, Closed = 5, Error = 6 }; struct _WA_CONNECTION { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CreateFlags; /* +0x0008 */ void *ProtocolConnection; /* +0x000c */ void *SslConnection; /* +0x0010 */ void *TunnelConnection; /* +0x0014 */ void *TcpConnection; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Linkage[56]; /* +0x0020 3a 94 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x0058 4d 14 00 00 */ void *SocketContext; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char ConnectionDestroyCallback[4]; /* +0x006c 63 15 00 00 */ void *ConnectionDestroyCallbackContext; /* +0x0070 */ }; struct _WA_CONNECTION_DISPATCH { unsigned char QuerySize[4]; /* +0x0000 72 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Initialize[4]; /* +0x0004 75 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Terminate[4]; /* +0x0008 78 91 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectRequest[4]; /* +0x000c 7b 91 00 00 */ unsigned char SendRequest[4]; /* +0x0010 7e 91 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiveRequest[4]; /* +0x0014 81 91 00 00 */ unsigned char DisconnectRequest[4]; /* +0x0018 84 91 00 00 */ unsigned char AbortRequest[4]; /* +0x001c 87 91 00 00 */ unsigned char ReinitializeRequest[4]; /* +0x0020 89 91 00 00 */ unsigned char SetOptionRequest[4]; /* +0x0024 8d 91 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryOptionRequest[4]; /* +0x0028 90 91 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupEvent[4]; /* +0x002c 87 91 00 00 */ unsigned char InformationEvent[4]; /* +0x0030 94 91 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_SSL_CRED { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CredProtocols; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char CipherConfig[4]; /* +0x0008 3f 94 00 00 */ unsigned char CertContext[4]; /* +0x000c 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableRevertToSelfClientCertificate; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char CredHandle[8]; /* +0x0014 77 15 00 00 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _WA_SSL_CACHE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FailedProtocols; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char SslCred[4]; /* +0x0008 e8 93 00 00 */ unsigned long IgnoredServerCertErrors; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ServerCert[4]; /* +0x0010 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char CacheLock[4]; /* +0x0014 22 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WEB_DATA_CHUNK:::: { void *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct WebioFacade::UpgradeContext { unsigned char completionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0000 4d 6f 00 00 */ void *completionContext; /* +0x0004 */ void *facadeObject; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct WebioFacade::WebioContext { unsigned char dataChunk[12]; /* +0x0000 70 91 00 00 */ void *completionContext; /* +0x000c */ void *facadeObject; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct TRANSPORT_SETTING { unsigned char SettingId[16]; /* +0x0000 0e 2b 00 00 */ unsigned long *Length; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *Value; /* +0x0014 */ }; enum StreamSocketListenerImpl::State { New = 0, ListenerStarting = 1, Listening = 2, Accepting = 3, Closed = 4, Error = 5 }; struct AutoPtr { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ }; enum SocketNameResolver::State { Idle = 0, GetAddrInfoPending = 1, GetAddrInfoCompleted = 2, DnsQueryPending = 3, DnsQueryCompleted = 4, Canceled = 5 }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char *obj; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DNS_A_DATA { unsigned long IpAddress; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct DNS_SOA_DATAW { unsigned char pNamePrimaryServer[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pNameAdministrator[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned long dwSerialNo; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRefresh; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRetry; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwExpire; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwDefaultTtl; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct DNS_PTR_DATAW { unsigned char pNameHost[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_MINFO_DATAW { unsigned char pNameMailbox[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pNameErrorsMailbox[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_MX_DATAW { unsigned char pNameExchange[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short wPreference; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Pad; /* +0x0006 */ }; struct DNS_TXT_DATAW { unsigned long dwStringCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pStringArray[4]; /* +0x0004 e9 98 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NULL_DATA { unsigned long dwByteCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Data[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_WKS_DATA { unsigned long IpAddress; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char chProtocol; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char BitMask[3]; /* +0x0005 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct IP6_ADDRESS { /* unsigned char IP6Dword[0]; +0x0000 87 22 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IP6Word[0]; +0x0000 c8 37 00 00 */ unsigned char IP6Byte[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_AAAA_DATA { unsigned char Ip6Address[16]; /* +0x0000 82 8a 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_ATMA_DATA { unsigned char AddressType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Address[20]; /* +0x0001 dc 1d 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NXT_DATAW { unsigned char pNameNext[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short wNumTypes; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char wTypes[2]; /* +0x0006 a2 1e 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_SRV_DATAW { unsigned char pNameTarget[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short wPriority; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wWeight; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short wPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short Pad; /* +0x000a */ }; struct DNS_NAPTR_DATAW { unsigned short wOrder; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wPreference; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char pFlags[4]; /* +0x0004 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pService[4]; /* +0x0008 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pRegularExpression[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char pReplacement[4]; /* +0x0010 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_OPT_DATA { unsigned short wDataLength; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short wPad; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Data[2]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_DS_DATA { unsigned short wKeyTag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char chAlgorithm; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char chDigestType; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned short wDigestLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wPad; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Digest[2]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NSEC_DATAW { unsigned char pNextDomainName[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned short wTypeBitMapsLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short wPad; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char TypeBitMaps[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_TKEY_DATAW { unsigned char pNameAlgorithm[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char *pAlgorithmPacket; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pKey; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pOtherData; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwCreateTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long dwExpireTime; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short wMode; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short wError; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short wKeyLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short wOtherLength; /* +0x001e */ unsigned char cAlgNameLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char bPacketPointers[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_TSIG_DATAW { unsigned char pNameAlgorithm[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char *pAlgorithmPacket; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *pSignature; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *pOtherData; /* +0x000c */ long long i64CreateTime; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short wFudgeTime; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short wOriginalXid; /* +0x001a */ unsigned short wError; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short wSigLength; /* +0x001e */ unsigned short wOtherLength; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char cAlgNameLength; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned char bPacketPointers[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_WINS_DATA { unsigned long dwMappingFlag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLookupTimeout; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCacheTimeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long cWinsServerCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char WinsServers[4]; /* +0x0010 47 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_WINSR_DATAW { unsigned long dwMappingFlag; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwLookupTimeout; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwCacheTimeout; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pNameResultDomain[4]; /* +0x000c 71 04 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_DHCID_DATA { unsigned long dwByteCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DHCID[4]; /* +0x0004 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NSEC3_DATA { unsigned char chAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short wIterations; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bSaltLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bHashLength; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned short wTypeBitMapsLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char chData[2]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct DNS_NSEC3PARAM_DATA { unsigned char chAlgorithm; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char bFlags; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short wIterations; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char bSaltLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char bPad[3]; /* +0x0005 18 15 00 00 */ unsigned char pbSalt[2]; /* +0x0008 4a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsRecordW:: { /* unsigned char A[0]; +0x0000 c5 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SOA[0]; +0x0000 af 87 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Soa[0]; +0x0000 af 87 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PTR[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ptr[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NS[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ns[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CNAME[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Cname[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DNAME[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Dname[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MB[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Mb[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MD[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Md[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MF[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Mf[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MG[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Mg[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MR[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Mr[0]; +0x0000 3c 90 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MINFO[0]; +0x0000 33 91 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Minfo[0]; +0x0000 33 91 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RP[0]; +0x0000 33 91 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Rp[0]; +0x0000 33 91 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MX[0]; +0x0000 16 89 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Mx[0]; +0x0000 16 89 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AFSDB[0]; +0x0000 16 89 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Afsdb[0]; +0x0000 16 89 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RT[0]; +0x0000 16 89 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Rt[0]; +0x0000 16 89 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HINFO[0]; +0x0000 4d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Hinfo[0]; +0x0000 4d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ISDN[0]; +0x0000 4d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Isdn[0]; +0x0000 4d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TXT[0]; +0x0000 4d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Txt[0]; +0x0000 4d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char X25[0]; +0x0000 4d 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Null[0]; +0x0000 ca 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WKS[0]; +0x0000 0a 87 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Wks[0]; +0x0000 0a 87 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AAAA[0]; +0x0000 cb 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char KEY[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Key[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SIG[0]; +0x0000 a0 8a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Sig[0]; +0x0000 a0 8a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ATMA[0]; +0x0000 cd 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Atma[0]; +0x0000 cd 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NXT[0]; +0x0000 49 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Nxt[0]; +0x0000 49 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SRV[0]; +0x0000 2a 87 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Srv[0]; +0x0000 2a 87 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NAPTR[0]; +0x0000 66 85 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Naptr[0]; +0x0000 66 85 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OPT[0]; +0x0000 05 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Opt[0]; +0x0000 05 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DS[0]; +0x0000 d1 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ds[0]; +0x0000 d1 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RRSIG[0]; +0x0000 a0 8a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Rrsig[0]; +0x0000 a0 8a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NSEC[0]; +0x0000 dd 8f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Nsec[0]; +0x0000 dd 8f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DNSKEY[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Dnskey[0]; +0x0000 cc 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TKEY[0]; +0x0000 f5 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Tkey[0]; +0x0000 f5 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TSIG[0]; +0x0000 d9 8a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Tsig[0]; +0x0000 d9 8a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WINS[0]; +0x0000 d5 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Wins[0]; +0x0000 d5 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WINSR[0]; +0x0000 d3 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WinsR[0]; +0x0000 d3 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NBSTAT[0]; +0x0000 d3 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Nbstat[0]; +0x0000 d3 8c 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DHCID[0]; +0x0000 d7 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NSEC3[0]; +0x0000 d8 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Nsec3[0]; +0x0000 d8 88 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NSEC3PARAM[0]; +0x0000 d9 88 00 00 */ unsigned char Nsec3Param[40]; /* +0x0000 d9 88 00 00 */ }; struct SocketNameResolver::IoContext { unsigned char overlapped[20]; /* +0x0000 e3 20 00 00 */ unsigned char self[4]; /* +0x0014 13 99 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsAddr:: { unsigned char DnsAddrUserDword[32]; /* +0x0000 52 70 00 00 */ }; struct DnsQueryContext { unsigned char queryRequest[40]; /* +0x0000 18 99 00 00 */ unsigned char queryResult[24]; /* +0x0028 88 87 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 71 04 00 00 */ }; enum _tag_FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE { FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_RPC_EP = 0, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_TEREDO = 1, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_IP_TLS_IN = 2, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_IP_HTTPS_IN = 2, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_IP_TLS_OUT = 3, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_IP_HTTPS_OUT = 3, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_DHCP = 4, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_PLAYTO_DISC = 5, FW_PORT_COLLECTION_TYPE_MAX = 6 }; enum _tag_FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS { FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_INVALID = 0, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_DISABLE = 1, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_PHASE1 = 2, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_DH1 = 3, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_DH2 = 4, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_DH2048 = 5, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_ECDH256 = 6, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_ECDH384 = 7, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_DH24 = 8, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_MAX = 9, FW_PHASE2_CRYPTO_PFS_MAX_V2_10 = 8 }; enum _tag_FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_TYPE { FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_INVALID = 0, FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_AH = 1, FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_ESP = 2, FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_BOTH = 3, FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_AUTH_NO_ENCAP = 4, FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_MAX = 5, FW_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL_MAX_2_1 = 4 }; enum _tag_FW_CRYPTO_HASH_TYPE { FW_CRYPTO_HASH_NONE = 0, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_MD5 = 1, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_SHA1 = 2, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_SHA256 = 3, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_SHA384 = 4, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_AES_GMAC128 = 5, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_AES_GMAC192 = 6, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_AES_GMAC256 = 7, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_MAX = 8, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_AES_GCM128 = 5, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_AES_GCM192 = 6, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_AES_GCM256 = 7, FW_CRYPTO_HASH_MAX_V2_0 = 3 }; enum _tag_FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_NONE = 0, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_DES = 1, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_3DES = 2, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_AES128 = 3, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_AES192 = 4, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_AES256 = 5, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_AES_GCM128 = 6, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_AES_GCM192 = 7, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_AES_GCM256 = 8, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_MAX = 9, FW_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_MAX_V2_0 = 6 }; enum _tag_FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_TYPE { FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_INVALID = 0, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_NONE = 0, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_DH1 = 1, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_DH2 = 2, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECDH256 = 3, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECDH384 = 4, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_DH14 = 5, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_DH24 = 6, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_MAX = 7, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_DH2048 = 5, FW_CRYPTO_KEY_EXCHANGE_MAX_V2_10 = 6 }; enum _tag_FW_AUTH_METHOD { FW_AUTH_METHOD_INVALID = 0, FW_AUTH_METHOD_ANONYMOUS = 1, FW_AUTH_METHOD_MACHINE_KERB = 2, FW_AUTH_METHOD_MACHINE_SHKEY = 3, FW_AUTH_METHOD_MACHINE_NTLM = 4, FW_AUTH_METHOD_MACHINE_CERT = 5, FW_AUTH_METHOD_USER_KERB = 6, FW_AUTH_METHOD_USER_CERT = 7, FW_AUTH_METHOD_USER_NTLM = 8, FW_AUTH_METHOD_MACHINE_RESERVED = 9, FW_AUTH_METHOD_USER_RESERVED = 10, FW_AUTH_METHOD_MAX = 11, FW_AUTH_METHOD_MAX_2_10 = 9 }; enum _FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_VALUES { FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_NONE = 0, FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_NEIGHBOR_DISC = 1, FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_ICMP = 2, FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_ROUTER_DISC = 4, FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_NEIGHBOR_DISC_RFC = 5, FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_DHCP = 8, FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_EXEMPT_MAX = 16 }; /* enum _tag_FW_RULE_STATUS { FW_RULE_STATUS_OK = Unavail }; */ enum _tag_FW_PORT_KEYWORD { FW_PORT_KEYWORD_NONE = 0, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_DYNAMIC_RPC_PORTS = 1, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_RPC_EP = 2, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_TEREDO_PORT = 4, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_IP_TLS_IN = 8, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_IP_HTTPS_IN = 8, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_IP_TLS_OUT = 16, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_IP_HTTPS_OUT = 16, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_DHCP = 32, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_PLAYTO_DISCOVERY = 64, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_MAX = 128, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_MAX_V2_1 = 8, FW_PORT_KEYWORD_MAX_V2_10 = 32 }; enum _tag_FW_PROFILE_TYPE { FW_PROFILE_TYPE_INVALID = 0, FW_PROFILE_TYPE_DOMAIN = 1, FW_PROFILE_TYPE_STANDARD = 2, FW_PROFILE_TYPE_PRIVATE = 2, FW_PROFILE_TYPE_PUBLIC = 4, /* FW_PROFILE_TYPE_ALL = Unavail, */ = 32771 }; struct _NET_LUID_LH { unsigned long long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH { unsigned long long Alignment; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IfIndex; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0008 38 87 00 00 */ char *AdapterName; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char FirstUnicastAddress[4]; /* +0x0010 b2 8b 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstAnycastAddress[4]; /* +0x0014 69 86 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstMulticastAddress[4]; /* +0x0018 37 85 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstDnsServerAddress[4]; /* +0x001c d8 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char DnsSuffix[4]; /* +0x0020 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char Description[4]; /* +0x0024 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char FriendlyName[4]; /* +0x0028 71 04 00 00 */ unsigned char PhysicalAddress[8]; /* +0x002c a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned long PhysicalAddressLength; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0038 */ /* unsigned char DdnsEnabled[0]; +0x0038 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RegisterAdapterSuffix[0]; +0x0038 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Dhcpv4Enabled[0]; +0x0038 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReceiveOnly[0]; +0x0038 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NoMulticast[0]; +0x0038 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv6OtherStatefulConfig[0]; +0x0038 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NetbiosOverTcpipEnabled[0]; +0x0038 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv4Enabled[0]; +0x0038 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Ipv6Enabled[0]; +0x0038 e8 26 00 00 */ unsigned char Ipv6ManagedAddressConfigurationSupported[4]; /* +0x0038 69 28 00 00 */ unsigned long Mtu; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long IfType; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char OperStatus[4]; /* +0x0044 bd 87 00 00 */ unsigned long Ipv6IfIndex; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char ZoneIndices[64]; /* +0x004c 62 33 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstPrefix[4]; /* +0x008c 3a 8c 00 00 */ unsigned long long TransmitLinkSpeed; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long long ReceiveLinkSpeed; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned char FirstWinsServerAddress[4]; /* +0x00a0 c3 86 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstGatewayAddress[4]; /* +0x00a4 56 87 00 00 */ unsigned long Ipv4Metric; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned long Ipv6Metric; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned char Luid[8]; /* +0x00b0 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned char Dhcpv4Server[8]; /* +0x00b8 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char CompartmentId[4]; /* +0x00c0 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NetworkGuid[16]; /* +0x00c4 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectionType[4]; /* +0x00d4 c0 87 00 00 */ unsigned char TunnelType[4]; /* +0x00d8 b7 87 00 00 */ unsigned char Dhcpv6Server[8]; /* +0x00dc 2d 23 00 00 */ unsigned char Dhcpv6ClientDuid[132]; /* +0x00e4 c5 8d 00 00 */ unsigned long Dhcpv6ClientDuidLength; /* +0x0168 */ unsigned long Dhcpv6Iaid; /* +0x016c */ unsigned char FirstDnsSuffix[8]; /* +0x0170 df 87 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr<_WSAMSG *,&Delete<_WSAMSG *>,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 d5 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _NET_LUID_LH:: { /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 dd 9d 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NetLuidIndex[0]; +0x0000 de 9d 00 00 */ unsigned char IfType[8]; /* +0x0000 df 9d 00 00 */ }; enum Windows::Storage::Streams::BUFFER_MARSHAL_TYPE { BUFFER_MARSHAL_FTM = 0, BUFFER_MARSHAL_STANDARD = 1, BUFFER_MARSHAL_CUSTOM = 2 }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned long *obj; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct WinInetContext { unsigned char readOperation[4]; /* +0x0000 91 98 00 00 */ unsigned char writeOperation[4]; /* +0x0004 91 98 00 00 */ unsigned char socketLifeTimeTracker[4]; /* +0x0008 46 17 00 00 */ unsigned char socket[4]; /* +0x000c 8c b0 00 00 */ }; enum WebSocketBase::State { New = 0, Connecting = 1, Connected = 2, Closed = 3, Error = 4 }; enum MessageWebSocketReadOperationServer::State { Idle = 0, Receiving = 1, CloseHandshake = 2, Closed = 3 }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 b0 b0 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 d2 23 00 00 */ }; struct _MIB_TCPROW_LH { unsigned long dwState; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0000 74 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalAddr; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwRemoteAddr; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _MIB_TCP6ROW { unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0000 74 8a 00 00 */ unsigned char LocalAddr[16]; /* +0x0004 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwLocalScopeId; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long dwLocalPort; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char RemoteAddr[16]; /* +0x001c 26 26 00 00 */ unsigned long dwRemoteScopeId; /* +0x002c */ unsigned long dwRemotePort; /* +0x0030 */ }; enum NameResolutionTarget { Unknown = 0, LocalAddress = 1, RemoteAddress = 2, RemoteAddressFromSrvRecord = 3 }; enum _SQM_TYPE { SQM_TYPE_NONE = 0, SQM_TYPE_DWORD = 1, SQM_TYPE_STRING = 2, SQM_TYPE_DWORD64 = 3 }; struct _SQM_STREAM_ENTRY { unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SQM_STREAM_ENTRY_EX { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwType; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SQM_STREAM_ENTRY:: { /* unsigned char pwszVal[0]; +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVal; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _SQM_STREAM_ENTRY_EX:: { /* unsigned char pwszVal[0]; +0x0000 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long dwVal; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long qwVal; /* +0x0000 */ }; enum StreamSocketConnectOperationServer::State { Idle = 0, Started = 1, WSAConnectCompleted = 2, Canceled = 3 }; enum EnqueueOperationResult { NotQueued = 0, QueuedToHead = 1, Queued = 2 }; enum UpgradeToSslOperationImpl::State { Idle = 0, Started = 1, UpgradeOperationCompleted = 2, Canceled = 3 }; struct QueueEntry { unsigned char listEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char operation[4]; /* +0x0008 2e be 00 00 */ }; struct QueueEntry { unsigned char listEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char operation[4]; /* +0x0008 65 c6 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_URI_OBJECT_USAGE { WaUriHttpRequestObjectUsage = 0, WaUriHttpRequestWithoutEscapeObjectUsage = 1, WaUriHttpReferObjectUsage = 2, WaUriCacheObjectUsage = 3, WaUriCookieObjectUsage = 4, WaUriProxyHostObjectUsage = 5, WaUriProxyBypassObjectUsage = 6, WaUriUnitTestObjectUsage = 7, WaUriObjectUsageMaximum = 8 }; enum _WA_URI_SCHEME { WaUriSchemeInvalid = 0, WaUriSchemeHttp = 1, WaUriSchemeHttps = 2, WaUriSchemeFtp = 3, WaUriSchemeFtps = 4, WaUriSchemeFile = 5, WaUriSchemeSocks = 6, WaUriSchemeCookie = 7, WaUriSchemeUnknown = 8, WaUriSchemeNone = 9, WaUriSchemeMaximum = 10 }; struct AutoPtr { void *obj; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct QueueEntry { unsigned char listEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char operation[4]; /* +0x0008 b8 cc 00 00 */ }; enum Windows::Web::Internal::CrudType { CRUD_Retrieve = 0, CRUD_Create = 1, CRUD_Update = 2, CRUD_Delete = 3 }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 b1 b0 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 71 d1 00 00 */ }; struct SyncIoContext { unsigned char operation[4]; /* +0x0000 91 98 00 00 */ unsigned char result[4]; /* +0x0004 08 00 00 00 */ unsigned char bytesRead[4]; /* +0x0008 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ref[12]; /* +0x000c 4e 63 00 00 */ }; struct tagCStdPSFactoryBuffer { unsigned char lpVtbl[4]; /* +0x0000 f7 d2 00 00 */ long RefCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char pProxyFileList[4]; /* +0x0008 fb d2 00 00 */ long Filler1; /* +0x000c */ }; struct tagCInterfaceStubHeader { unsigned char piid[4]; /* +0x0000 9a 19 00 00 */ unsigned char pServerInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 03 d3 00 00 */ unsigned long DispatchTableCount; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char pDispatchTable[4]; /* +0x000c 05 d3 00 00 */ }; struct IRpcProxyBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[4]; /* +0x0000 0a d3 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[4]; /* +0x0004 0d d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[4]; /* +0x0008 0d d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Connect[4]; /* +0x000c 10 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Disconnect[4]; /* +0x0010 12 d3 00 00 */ }; struct IRpcChannelBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[4]; /* +0x0000 17 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[4]; /* +0x0004 19 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[4]; /* +0x0008 19 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char GetBuffer[4]; /* +0x000c 1c d3 00 00 */ unsigned char SendReceive[4]; /* +0x0010 1f d3 00 00 */ unsigned char FreeBuffer[4]; /* +0x0014 22 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char GetDestCtx[4]; /* +0x0018 25 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char IsConnected[4]; /* +0x001c 27 d3 00 00 */ }; struct tagCInterfaceStubVtbl { unsigned char header[16]; /* +0x0000 2a d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Vtbl[40]; /* +0x0010 2b d3 00 00 */ }; struct IUnknownVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[4]; /* +0x0000 32 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[4]; /* +0x0004 34 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[4]; /* +0x0008 34 d3 00 00 */ }; struct tagProxyFileInfo { unsigned char pProxyVtblList[4]; /* +0x0000 3c d3 00 00 */ unsigned char pStubVtblList[4]; /* +0x0004 3e d3 00 00 */ unsigned char pNamesArray[4]; /* +0x0008 40 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char pDelegatedIIDs[4]; /* +0x000c 41 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char pIIDLookupRtn[4]; /* +0x0010 42 d3 00 00 */ unsigned short TableSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short TableVersion; /* +0x0016 */ unsigned char pAsyncIIDLookup[4]; /* +0x0018 41 d3 00 00 */ long Filler2; /* +0x001c */ long Filler3; /* +0x0020 */ long Filler4; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct tagCInterfaceProxyVtbl { unsigned char header[4]; /* +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Vtbl[0]; +0x0004 46 d3 00 00 */ }; struct tagCInterfaceProxyHeader { unsigned char piid[4]; /* +0x0000 9a 19 00 00 */ }; struct IPSFactoryBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[4]; /* +0x0000 4f d3 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[4]; /* +0x0004 52 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[4]; /* +0x0008 52 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateProxy[4]; /* +0x000c 55 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateStub[4]; /* +0x0010 58 d3 00 00 */ }; struct IRpcStubBufferVtbl { unsigned char QueryInterface[4]; /* +0x0000 5d d3 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRef[4]; /* +0x0004 60 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Release[4]; /* +0x0008 60 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Connect[4]; /* +0x000c 63 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Disconnect[4]; /* +0x0010 65 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char Invoke[4]; /* +0x0014 68 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char IsIIDSupported[4]; /* +0x0018 6b d3 00 00 */ unsigned char CountRefs[4]; /* +0x001c 60 d3 00 00 */ unsigned char DebugServerQueryInterface[4]; /* +0x0020 6e d3 00 00 */ unsigned char DebugServerRelease[4]; /* +0x0024 71 d3 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_SERVER_INFO_ { unsigned char pStubDesc[4]; /* +0x0000 94 35 00 00 */ unsigned char DispatchTable[4]; /* +0x0004 8b d3 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcString[4]; /* +0x0008 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned char FmtStringOffset[4]; /* +0x000c 69 21 00 00 */ unsigned char ThunkTable[4]; /* +0x0010 3b 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pTransferSyntax[4]; /* +0x0014 b8 2e 00 00 */ unsigned long nCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char pSyntaxInfo[4]; /* +0x001c 69 2a 00 00 */ }; struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC { void *RpcInterfaceInformation; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char pfnAllocate[4]; /* +0x0004 a0 21 00 00 */ unsigned char pfnFree[4]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned char IMPLICIT_HANDLE_INFO[4]; /* +0x000c 8e d3 00 00 */ unsigned char apfnNdrRundownRoutines[4]; /* +0x0010 32 22 00 00 */ unsigned char aGenericBindingRoutinePairs[4]; /* +0x0014 35 22 00 00 */ unsigned char apfnExprEval[4]; /* +0x0018 3b 22 00 00 */ unsigned char aXmitQuintuple[4]; /* +0x001c 3e 22 00 00 */ unsigned char pFormatTypes[4]; /* +0x0020 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned char fCheckBounds[4]; /* +0x0024 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char pMallocFreeStruct[4]; /* +0x002c 40 22 00 00 */ long MIDLVersion; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char CommFaultOffsets[4]; /* +0x0034 43 22 00 00 */ unsigned char aUserMarshalQuadruple[4]; /* +0x0038 46 22 00 00 */ unsigned char NotifyRoutineTable[4]; /* +0x003c 49 22 00 00 */ unsigned long mFlags; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char CsRoutineTables[4]; /* +0x0044 4c 22 00 00 */ void *ProxyServerInfo; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char pExprInfo[4]; /* +0x004c 4f 22 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[48]; +0x0008 91 d3 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[28]; +0x0008 96 d3 00 00 }; */ struct _windows2Enetworking2Esockets2Einternal_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[512]; /* +0x0002 99 d3 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[32]; +0x0008 9c d3 00 00 }; */ struct _windows2Enetworking2Esockets2Einternal_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[36]; /* +0x0002 a3 d3 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[60]; +0x0008 ac d3 00 00 }; */ struct tagCInterfaceProxyVtbl { unsigned char header[8]; /* +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Vtbl[0]; +0x0008 46 d3 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[16]; +0x0008 03 37 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[68]; +0x0008 bc d3 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[52]; +0x0008 bf d3 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[56]; +0x0008 c2 d3 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[44]; +0x0008 cb d3 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[40]; +0x0008 cf d3 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[64]; +0x0008 31 74 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[36]; +0x0008 bf 3e 00 00 }; */ struct _windows2Enetworking2Esockets_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[3074]; /* +0x0002 e0 d3 00 00 */ }; struct _windows2Enetworking2Esockets_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[760]; /* +0x0002 e3 d3 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char header[8]; +0x0000 45 d3 00 00 unsigned char Vtbl[72]; +0x0008 eb d3 00 00 }; */ struct _windows2Enetworking_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[1238]; /* +0x0002 f0 d3 00 00 */ }; struct _windows2Enetworking_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Format[4208]; /* +0x0002 f4 d3 00 00 */ }; enum _POOL_TYPE { NonPagedPool = 0, NonPagedPoolExecute = 0, PagedPool = 1, NonPagedPoolMustSucceed = 2, DontUseThisType = 3, NonPagedPoolCacheAligned = 4, PagedPoolCacheAligned = 5, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedMustS = 6, MaxPoolType = 7, NonPagedPoolBase = 0, NonPagedPoolBaseMustSucceed = 2, NonPagedPoolBaseCacheAligned = 4, NonPagedPoolBaseCacheAlignedMustS = 6, NonPagedPoolSession = 32, PagedPoolSession = 33, NonPagedPoolMustSucceedSession = 34, DontUseThisTypeSession = 35, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedSession = 36, PagedPoolCacheAlignedSession = 37, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedMustSSession = 38, NonPagedPoolNx = 512, NonPagedPoolNxCacheAligned = 516, NonPagedPoolSessionNx = 544 }; enum _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE { MmNonCached = 0, MmCached = 1, MmWriteCombined = 2, MmHardwareCoherentCached = 3, MmNonCachedUnordered = 4, MmUSWCCached = 5, MmMaximumCacheType = 6 }; enum _NPI_MODULEID_TYPE { MIT_GUID = 1, MIT_IF_LUID = 2 }; enum DL_ADDRESS_TYPE { DlUnicast = 0, DlMulticast = 1, DlBroadcast = 2 }; enum _NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO { TcpIpChecksumNetBufferListInfo = 0, TcpOffloadBytesTransferred = 0, IPsecOffloadV1NetBufferListInfo = 1, IPsecOffloadV2NetBufferListInfo = 1, TcpLargeSendNetBufferListInfo = 2, TcpReceiveNoPush = 2, ClassificationHandleNetBufferListInfo = 3, Ieee8021QNetBufferListInfo = 4, NetBufferListCancelId = 5, MediaSpecificInformation = 6, NetBufferListFrameType = 7, NetBufferListProtocolId = 7, NetBufferListHashValue = 8, NetBufferListHashInfo = 9, WfpNetBufferListInfo = 10, IPsecOffloadV2TunnelNetBufferListInfo = 11, IPsecOffloadV2HeaderNetBufferListInfo = 12, NetBufferListCorrelationId = 13, NetBufferListFilteringInfo = 14, MediaSpecificInformationEx = 15, NblOriginalInterfaceIfIndex = 16, NblReAuthWfpFlowContext = 16, TcpReceiveBytesTransferred = 17, IMReserved = 18, TcpRecvSegCoalesceInfo = 19, RscTcpTimestampDelta = 20, TcpSendOffloadsSupplementalNetBufferListInfo = 20, MaxNetBufferListInfo = 21 }; enum TCP_UPLOAD_REASON { LowActivity = 1, HighDropRate = 2, SmallIO = 3, NoBufferPreposting = 4, NoBufferProposting = 4, ReceivedUrgentData = 5, HighFragmentation = 6, HighOutOfOrderPackets = 7, TimeoutExpiration = 8, InvalidState = 9, UploadRequested = 10, HardwareFailure = 11, MaxUploadReason = 12 }; enum _REG_NOTIFY_CLASS { RegNtDeleteKey = 0, RegNtPreDeleteKey = 0, RegNtSetValueKey = 1, RegNtPreSetValueKey = 1, RegNtDeleteValueKey = 2, RegNtPreDeleteValueKey = 2, RegNtSetInformationKey = 3, RegNtPreSetInformationKey = 3, RegNtRenameKey = 4, RegNtPreRenameKey = 4, RegNtEnumerateKey = 5, RegNtPreEnumerateKey = 5, RegNtEnumerateValueKey = 6, RegNtPreEnumerateValueKey = 6, RegNtQueryKey = 7, RegNtPreQueryKey = 7, RegNtQueryValueKey = 8, RegNtPreQueryValueKey = 8, RegNtQueryMultipleValueKey = 9, RegNtPreQueryMultipleValueKey = 9, RegNtPreCreateKey = 10, RegNtPostCreateKey = 11, RegNtPreOpenKey = 12, RegNtPostOpenKey = 13, RegNtKeyHandleClose = 14, RegNtPreKeyHandleClose = 14, RegNtPostDeleteKey = 15, RegNtPostSetValueKey = 16, RegNtPostDeleteValueKey = 17, RegNtPostSetInformationKey = 18, RegNtPostRenameKey = 19, RegNtPostEnumerateKey = 20, RegNtPostEnumerateValueKey = 21, RegNtPostQueryKey = 22, RegNtPostQueryValueKey = 23, RegNtPostQueryMultipleValueKey = 24, RegNtPostKeyHandleClose = 25, RegNtPreCreateKeyEx = 26, RegNtPostCreateKeyEx = 27, RegNtPreOpenKeyEx = 28, RegNtPostOpenKeyEx = 29, RegNtPreFlushKey = 30, RegNtPostFlushKey = 31, RegNtPreLoadKey = 32, RegNtPostLoadKey = 33, RegNtPreUnLoadKey = 34, RegNtPostUnLoadKey = 35, RegNtPreQueryKeySecurity = 36, RegNtPostQueryKeySecurity = 37, RegNtPreSetKeySecurity = 38, RegNtPostSetKeySecurity = 39, RegNtCallbackObjectContextCleanup = 40, RegNtPreRestoreKey = 41, RegNtPostRestoreKey = 42, RegNtPreSaveKey = 43, RegNtPostSaveKey = 44, RegNtPreReplaceKey = 45, RegNtPostReplaceKey = 46, MaxRegNtNotifyClass = 47 }; enum _MODE { KernelMode = 0, UserMode = 1, MaximumMode = 2 }; struct _INITIAL_PRIVILEGE_SET { unsigned long PrivilegeCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Control; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Privilege[36]; /* +0x0008 3d d4 00 00 */ }; struct _OWNER_ENTRY { unsigned long OwnerThread; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char IoPriorityBoosted[0]; +0x0004 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OwnerReferenced[0]; +0x0004 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char OwnerCount[0]; +0x0004 ef 21 00 00 */ unsigned long TableSize; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT { void *ClientToken; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ImpersonationLevel[4]; /* +0x0004 48 3e 00 00 */ void *PrimaryToken; /* +0x0008 */ void *ProcessAuditId; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST { unsigned char L[72]; /* +0x0000 91 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char Lock__ObsoleteButDoNotDelete[32]; /* +0x0048 92 d4 00 00 */ }; struct _TXN_PARAMETER_BLOCK { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short TxFsContext; /* +0x0002 */ void *TransactionObject; /* +0x0004 */ }; enum _WHEA_ERROR_SEVERITY { WheaErrSevRecoverable = 0, WheaErrSevFatal = 1, WheaErrSevCorrected = 2, WheaErrSevInformational = 3 }; enum _IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION { KeepObject = 1, DeallocateObject = 2, DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters = 3 }; struct _WHEA_PERSISTENCE_INFO { /* unsigned char Signature[0]; +0x0000 9f d4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Length[0]; +0x0000 a0 d4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Identifier[0]; +0x0000 a1 d4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Attributes[0]; +0x0000 a2 d4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DoNotLog[0]; +0x0000 a3 d4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 a4 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long long AsULONGLONG; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _KEVENT { unsigned char Header[16]; /* +0x0000 a7 d4 00 00 */ }; struct _SCATTER_GATHER_ELEMENT { unsigned char Address[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DL_OUI { /* unsigned char Byte[0]; +0x0000 18 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Group[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Local[3]; /* +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 */ }; struct _KDPC { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Importance; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Number[2]; /* +0x0002 c1 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char DpcListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char DeferredRoutine[4]; /* +0x000c b8 d4 00 00 */ void *DeferredContext; /* +0x0010 */ void *SystemArgument1; /* +0x0014 */ void *SystemArgument2; /* +0x0018 */ void *DpcData; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char DeviceListHead[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Lock; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Busy; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _IPV4_HEADER { unsigned char VersionAndHeaderLength; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char HeaderLength[0]; +0x0000 63 31 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[1]; /* +0x0000 87 72 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeOfServiceAndEcnField; /* +0x0001 */ /* unsigned char EcnField[0]; +0x0001 2a 28 00 00 */ unsigned char TypeOfService[1]; /* +0x0001 a1 29 00 00 */ unsigned short TotalLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Identification; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short FlagsAndOffset; /* +0x0006 */ /* unsigned char DontUse1[0]; +0x0006 c5 d4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MoreFragments[0]; +0x0006 c8 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontFragment[0]; +0x0006 c9 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0006 ca 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char DontUse2[2]; /* +0x0006 c6 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeToLive; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Protocol; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned short HeaderChecksum; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char SourceAddress[4]; /* +0x000c 96 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char DestinationAddress[4]; /* +0x0010 96 1e 00 00 */ }; enum _DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { DeviceUsageTypeUndefined = 0, DeviceUsageTypePaging = 1, DeviceUsageTypeHibernation = 2, DeviceUsageTypeDumpFile = 3, DeviceUsageTypeBoot = 4 }; struct _KAPC { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SpareByte0; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char SpareByte1; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned long SpareLong0; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Thread[4]; /* +0x0008 89 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char ApcListEntry[8]; /* +0x000c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0014 cd d4 00 00 */ void *NormalContext; /* +0x0020 */ void *SystemArgument1; /* +0x0024 */ void *SystemArgument2; /* +0x0028 */ char ApcStateIndex; /* +0x002c */ char ApcMode; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char Inserted; /* +0x002e */ }; struct _KSEMAPHORE { unsigned char Header[16]; /* +0x0000 a7 d4 00 00 */ long Limit; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _ERESOURCE { unsigned char SystemResourcesList[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char OwnerTable[4]; /* +0x0008 41 d4 00 00 */ short ActiveCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Flag; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char ReservedLowFlags; /* +0x000e */ unsigned char WaiterPriority; /* +0x000f */ unsigned char SharedWaiters[4]; /* +0x0010 6d d4 00 00 */ unsigned char ExclusiveWaiters[4]; /* +0x0014 d3 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char OwnerEntry[8]; /* +0x0018 40 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long ActiveEntries; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ContentionCount; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long NumberOfSharedWaiters; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long NumberOfExclusiveWaiters; /* +0x002c */ void *Address; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long CreatorBackTraceIndex; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long SpinLock; /* +0x0034 */ }; struct _PPL_LOOKASIDE_LIST { unsigned char List[72]; /* +0x0000 d6 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char BackendList[56]; /* +0x0048 d7 d4 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_SCALABLE_MRSW_LOCK_COUNTER { long Count; /* +0x0000 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char InitialPrivilegeSet[0]; +0x0000 e5 d4 00 00 unsigned char PrivilegeSet[44]; +0x0000 0a 15 00 00 }; */ struct _ACCESS_STATE { unsigned char OperationID[8]; /* +0x0000 4b 1c 00 00 */ unsigned char SecurityEvaluated; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char GenerateAudit; /* +0x0009 */ unsigned char GenerateOnClose; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char PrivilegesAllocated; /* +0x000b */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long RemainingDesiredAccess; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PreviouslyGrantedAccess; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long OriginalDesiredAccess; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char SubjectSecurityContext[16]; /* +0x001c e4 d4 00 00 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x002c */ void *AuxData; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char Privileges[44]; /* +0x0034 e7 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char AuditPrivileges; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char ObjectName[8]; /* +0x0064 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ObjectTypeName[8]; /* +0x006c 32 14 00 00 */ }; enum _WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_DATA_FORMAT { WheaDataFormatIPFSalRecord = 0, WheaDataFormatXPFMCA = 1, WheaDataFormatMemory = 2, WheaDataFormatPCIExpress = 3, WheaDataFormatNMIPort = 4, WheaDataFormatPCIXBus = 5, WheaDataFormatPCIXDevice = 6, WheaDataFormatGeneric = 7, WheaDataFormatMax = 8 }; struct _WPP_SOCKADDR { unsigned char SockAddr[4]; /* +0x0000 aa 37 00 00 */ unsigned short Length; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _MDL { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 56 d4 00 00 */ short Size; /* +0x0004 */ short MdlFlags; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char Process[4]; /* +0x0008 4f d4 00 00 */ void *MappedSystemVa; /* +0x000c */ void *StartVa; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ByteCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ByteOffset; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _NET_BUFFER_LIST { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 ed d4 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FirstNetBuffer[-4]; +0x0004 f6 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char Link[8]; /* +0x0000 dc 36 00 00 */ unsigned char Context[4]; /* +0x0008 f8 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char ParentNetBufferList[4]; /* +0x000c ed d4 00 00 */ void *NdisPoolHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char NdisReserved[8]; /* +0x0018 55 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char ProtocolReserved[16]; /* +0x0020 03 37 00 00 */ unsigned char MiniportReserved[8]; /* +0x0030 55 2d 00 00 */ void *Scratch; /* +0x0038 */ void *SourceHandle; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long NblFlags; /* +0x0040 */ long ChildRefCount; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char Status[4]; /* +0x004c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char NetBufferListInfo[88]; /* +0x0050 f9 d4 00 00 */ }; struct _RTL_MRSW_LOCK { unsigned long ExclusiveLock; /* +0x0000 */ long ReaderCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IO_DRIVER_CREATE_CONTEXT { short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ExtraCreateParameter[4]; /* +0x0004 ff d4 00 00 */ void *DeviceObjectHint; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char TxnParameters[4]; /* +0x000c 01 d5 00 00 */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER_FLAGS { /* unsigned char Recovered[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PreviousError[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Simulated[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 9e 39 00 00 */ unsigned long AsULONG; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE_POOL { /* unsigned char ListHead[0]; +0x0000 dc 36 00 00 */ unsigned char SingleListHead[8]; /* +0x0000 41 1f 00 00 */ unsigned short Depth; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short MaximumDepth; /* +0x000a */ unsigned long TotalAllocates; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long AllocateMisses; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long AllocateHits; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long TotalFrees; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long FreeMisses; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long FreeHits; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x001c 08 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0024 */ /* unsigned char AllocateEx[0]; +0x0028 0b d5 00 00 */ unsigned char Allocate[4]; /* +0x0028 0e d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FreeEx[0]; +0x002c 11 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char Free[4]; /* +0x002c 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0030 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long LastTotalAllocates; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long LastAllocateMisses; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long LastAllocateHits; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char Future[8]; /* +0x0040 9e 1c 00 00 */ }; enum DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE { DeviceTextDescription = 0, DeviceTextLocationInformation = 1 }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_SECTION_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS { /* unsigned char Primary[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ContainmentWarning[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reset[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ThresholdExceeded[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ResourceNotAvailable[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LatentError[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 84 44 00 00 */ unsigned long AsULONG; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FAST_IO_DISPATCH { unsigned long SizeOfFastIoDispatch; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FastIoCheckIfPossible[4]; /* +0x0004 84 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoRead[4]; /* +0x0008 5c d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoWrite[4]; /* +0x000c 5c d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoQueryBasicInfo[4]; /* +0x0010 1a d5 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoQueryStandardInfo[4]; /* +0x0014 4a d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoLock[4]; /* +0x0018 52 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoUnlockSingle[4]; /* +0x001c 1b d5 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoUnlockAll[4]; /* +0x0020 ae d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoUnlockAllByKey[4]; /* +0x0024 87 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoDeviceControl[4]; /* +0x0028 70 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char AcquireFileForNtCreateSection[4]; /* +0x002c 4d d4 00 00 */ unsigned char ReleaseFileForNtCreateSection[4]; /* +0x0030 4d d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoDetachDevice[4]; /* +0x0034 1c d5 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoQueryNetworkOpenInfo[4]; /* +0x0038 dc d4 00 00 */ unsigned char AcquireForModWrite[4]; /* +0x003c e2 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char MdlRead[4]; /* +0x0040 67 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char MdlReadComplete[4]; /* +0x0044 63 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char PrepareMdlWrite[4]; /* +0x0048 67 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char MdlWriteComplete[4]; /* +0x004c 59 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoReadCompressed[4]; /* +0x0050 f2 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoWriteCompressed[4]; /* +0x0054 f2 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char MdlReadCompleteCompressed[4]; /* +0x0058 63 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char MdlWriteCompleteCompressed[4]; /* +0x005c 59 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoQueryOpen[4]; /* +0x0060 1d d5 00 00 */ unsigned char ReleaseForModWrite[4]; /* +0x0064 20 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char AcquireForCcFlush[4]; /* +0x0068 e3 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char ReleaseForCcFlush[4]; /* +0x006c e3 d4 00 00 */ }; struct _DL_EI48 { unsigned char Byte[3]; /* +0x0000 18 15 00 00 */ }; struct _LOOKASIDE_LIST_EX { unsigned char L[72]; /* +0x0000 25 d5 00 00 */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Revision[2]; /* +0x0004 33 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long SignatureEnd; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned short SectionCount; /* +0x000a */ unsigned char Severity[4]; /* +0x000c 34 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char ValidBits[4]; /* +0x0010 35 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Timestamp[8]; /* +0x0018 36 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char PlatformId[16]; /* +0x0020 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char PartitionId[16]; /* +0x0030 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CreatorId[16]; /* +0x0040 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char NotifyType[16]; /* +0x0050 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long RecordId; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0068 37 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char PersistenceInfo[8]; /* +0x006c 38 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[12]; /* +0x0074 a3 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_RECORD { unsigned char Header[128]; /* +0x0000 3d d5 00 00 */ unsigned char SectionDescriptor[72]; /* +0x0080 3e d5 00 00 */ }; struct _DEVOBJ_EXTENSION { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char DeviceObject[4]; /* +0x0004 47 d4 00 00 */ }; struct _SCATTER_GATHER_LIST { unsigned long NumberOfElements; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Elements[0]; +0x0008 47 d5 00 00 */ }; struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS { void *DataSectionObject; /* +0x0000 */ void *SharedCacheMap; /* +0x0004 */ void *ImageSectionObject; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _NAMED_PIPE_CREATE_PARAMETERS { unsigned long NamedPipeType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReadMode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CompletionMode; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long MaximumInstances; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long InboundQuota; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long OutboundQuota; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DefaultTimeout[8]; /* +0x0018 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeoutSpecified; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _MAILSLOT_CREATE_PARAMETERS { unsigned long MailslotQuota; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long MaximumMessageSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ReadTimeout[8]; /* +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeoutSpecified; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_HEADER_VALIDBITS { /* unsigned char PlatformId[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Timestamp[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PartitionId[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 9e 39 00 00 */ unsigned long AsULONG; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_SECTION_DESCRIPTOR_VALIDBITS { /* unsigned char FRUId[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FRUText[0]; +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 a1 29 00 00 */ unsigned char AsUCHAR; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _IO_SECURITY_CONTEXT { unsigned char SecurityQos[4]; /* +0x0000 af 66 00 00 */ unsigned char AccessState[4]; /* +0x0004 76 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long DesiredAccess; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long FullCreateOptions; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _NPI_MODULEID { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0004 5e d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Guid[0]; +0x0008 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char IfLuid[16]; /* +0x0008 4b 1c 00 00 */ }; struct _DISPATCHER_HEADER { unsigned char Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TimerControlFlags; /* +0x0001 */ /* unsigned char Absolute[0]; +0x0001 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Wake[0]; +0x0001 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Coalescable[0]; +0x0001 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char KeepShifting[0]; +0x0001 85 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EncodedTolerableDelay[0]; +0x0001 87 72 00 00 */ unsigned char Abandoned; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Signalling; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char ThreadControlFlags; /* +0x0002 */ /* unsigned char CycleProfiling[0]; +0x0002 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CounterProfiling[0]; +0x0002 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char GroupScheduling[0]; +0x0002 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AffinitySet[0]; +0x0002 85 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0002 87 72 00 00 */ unsigned char Hand; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char TimerMiscFlags; /* +0x0003 */ /* unsigned char Index[0]; +0x0003 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Processor[0]; +0x0003 61 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Inserted[0]; +0x0003 a7 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Expired[0]; +0x0003 62 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char DebugActive; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char DpcActive; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0000 07 19 00 00 */ long SignalState; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char WaitListHead[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct _IPV6_FRAGMENT_HEADER { unsigned char NextHeader; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x0001 */ /* unsigned char DontUse1[0]; +0x0002 56 44 00 00 */ /* unsigned char MoreFragments[0]; +0x0002 cb 3e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReservedBits[0]; +0x0002 69 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DontUse2[0]; +0x0002 6a d5 00 00 */ unsigned short OffsetAndFlags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Id[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _VPB { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short VolumeLabelLength; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char DeviceObject[4]; /* +0x0008 47 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char RealDevice[4]; /* +0x000c 47 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long SerialNumber; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char VolumeLabel[64]; /* +0x0018 e5 1c 00 00 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char MasterIrp[0]; +0x0000 69 d4 00 00 long IrpCount; +0x0000 void *SystemBuffer; +0x0000 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char UserApcRoutine[0]; +0x0000 67 80 00 00 void *IssuingProcess; +0x0000 void *UserApcContext; +0x0004 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char AsynchronousParameters[0]; +0x0000 76 d5 00 00 unsigned char AllocationSize[8]; +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char DeviceQueueEntry[0]; +0x0000 79 d5 00 00 unsigned char DriverContext[16]; +0x0000 03 37 00 00 unsigned char Thread[4]; +0x0010 4b d5 00 00 char *AuxiliaryBuffer; +0x0014 unsigned char ListEntry[8]; +0x0018 f0 16 00 00 /* unsigned char CurrentStackLocation[0]; +0x0020 98 d4 00 00 unsigned long PacketType; +0x0020 unsigned char OriginalFileObject[4]; +0x0024 45 d4 00 00 }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char Overlay[0]; +0x0000 7b d5 00 00 /* unsigned char Apc[0]; +0x0000 7c d5 00 00 void *CompletionKey; +0x0000 }; */ struct _IRP { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char MdlAddress[4]; /* +0x0004 56 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char AssociatedIrp[4]; /* +0x000c 74 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char ThreadListEntry[8]; /* +0x0010 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char IoStatus[8]; /* +0x0018 a8 14 00 00 */ char RequestorMode; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char PendingReturned; /* +0x0021 */ char StackCount; /* +0x0022 */ char CurrentLocation; /* +0x0023 */ unsigned char Cancel; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char CancelIrql; /* +0x0025 */ char ApcEnvironment; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned char AllocationFlags; /* +0x0027 */ unsigned char UserIosb[4]; /* +0x0028 77 29 00 00 */ unsigned char UserEvent[4]; /* +0x002c d3 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char Overlay[8]; /* +0x0030 78 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char CancelRoutine[4]; /* +0x0038 30 d5 00 00 */ void *UserBuffer; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char Tail[48]; /* +0x0040 7e d5 00 00 */ }; enum _MM_PAGE_PRIORITY { LowPagePriority = 0, NormalPagePriority = 16, HighPagePriority = 32 }; enum BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE { BusQueryDeviceID = 0, BusQueryHardwareIDs = 1, BusQueryCompatibleIDs = 2, BusQueryInstanceID = 3, BusQueryDeviceSerialNumber = 4, BusQueryContainerID = 5 }; struct _NET_BUFFER_SHARED_MEMORY { unsigned char NextSharedMemorySegment[4]; /* +0x0000 86 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long SharedMemoryFlags; /* +0x0004 */ void *SharedMemoryHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long SharedMemoryOffset; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SharedMemoryLength; /* +0x0010 */ }; struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM { unsigned char List[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char WorkerRoutine[4]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ void *Parameter; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK { /* unsigned char WaitQueueEntry[0]; +0x0000 79 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char DmaWaitEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberOfChannels; /* +0x0008 */ /* unsigned char SyncCallback[0]; +0x000c 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DmaContext[0]; +0x000c 28 20 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x000c ef 21 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceRoutine[4]; /* +0x0010 c2 d4 00 00 */ void *DeviceContext; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long NumberOfMapRegisters; /* +0x0018 */ void *DeviceObject; /* +0x001c */ void *CurrentIrp; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char BufferChainingDpc[4]; /* +0x0024 b5 d4 00 00 */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_V2 { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Version; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x000c 8d d5 00 00 */ unsigned char ErrorType[4]; /* +0x0010 8e d5 00 00 */ unsigned char ErrorSeverity[4]; /* +0x0014 34 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long ErrorSourceId; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ErrorSourceType[4]; /* +0x001c 8f d5 00 00 */ unsigned char NotifyType[16]; /* +0x0020 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long long Context; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char DataFormat[4]; /* +0x0038 90 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long Reserved1; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long PshedDataOffset; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long PshedDataLength; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _WHEA_TIMESTAMP { /* unsigned char Seconds[0]; +0x0000 93 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Minutes[0]; +0x0000 94 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Hours[0]; +0x0000 95 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Precise[0]; +0x0000 96 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved[0]; +0x0000 97 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Day[0]; +0x0000 98 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Month[0]; +0x0000 99 d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Year[0]; +0x0000 9a d5 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Century[0]; +0x0000 9b d5 00 00 */ unsigned char AsLARGE_INTEGER[8]; /* +0x0000 ab 14 00 00 */ }; struct _NET_BUFFER_LIST_CONTEXT { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 f8 d4 00 00 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short Offset; /* +0x0006 */ /* unsigned char ContextData[0]; +0x0008 2d 36 00 00 */ }; struct _WHEA_REVISION { unsigned char MinorRevision; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MajorRevision; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned short AsUSHORT; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _FILE_OBJECT { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char DeviceObject[4]; /* +0x0004 47 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char Vpb[4]; /* +0x0008 a3 d5 00 00 */ void *FsContext; /* +0x000c */ void *FsContext2; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char SectionObjectPointer[4]; /* +0x0014 4f d5 00 00 */ void *PrivateCacheMap; /* +0x0018 */ long FinalStatus; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char RelatedFileObject[4]; /* +0x0020 45 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char LockOperation; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char DeletePending; /* +0x0025 */ unsigned char ReadAccess; /* +0x0026 */ unsigned char WriteAccess; /* +0x0027 */ unsigned char DeleteAccess; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char SharedRead; /* +0x0029 */ unsigned char SharedWrite; /* +0x002a */ unsigned char SharedDelete; /* +0x002b */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char FileName[8]; /* +0x0030 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentByteOffset[8]; /* +0x0038 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long Waiters; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long Busy; /* +0x0044 */ void *LastLock; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned char Lock[16]; /* +0x004c d2 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char Event[16]; /* +0x005c d2 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletionContext[4]; /* +0x006c a5 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long IrpListLock; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned char IrpList[8]; /* +0x0074 f0 16 00 00 */ void *FileObjectExtension; /* +0x007c */ }; enum _DEVICE_RELATION_TYPE { BusRelations = 0, EjectionRelations = 1, PowerRelations = 2, RemovalRelations = 3, TargetDeviceRelation = 4, SingleBusRelations = 5, TransportRelations = 6 }; struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST { unsigned char L[72]; /* +0x0000 91 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long Lock__ObsoleteButDoNotDelete; /* +0x0048 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char ListEntry[0]; +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 unsigned char Wcb[40]; +0x0000 ac d5 00 00 }; */ struct _DEVICE_OBJECT { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Size; /* +0x0002 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DriverObject[4]; /* +0x0008 8d d4 00 00 */ unsigned char NextDevice[4]; /* +0x000c 47 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char AttachedDevice[4]; /* +0x0010 47 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentIrp[4]; /* +0x0014 69 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char Timer[4]; /* +0x0018 59 d5 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char Vpb[4]; /* +0x0024 a3 d5 00 00 */ void *DeviceExtension; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long DeviceType; /* +0x002c */ char StackSize; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char Queue[40]; /* +0x0034 ae d5 00 00 */ unsigned long AlignmentRequirement; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char DeviceQueue[20]; /* +0x0060 af d5 00 00 */ unsigned char Dpc[32]; /* +0x0074 b4 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long ActiveThreadCount; /* +0x0094 */ void *SecurityDescriptor; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned char DeviceLock[16]; /* +0x009c d2 d4 00 00 */ unsigned short SectorSize; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned short Spare1; /* +0x00ae */ unsigned char DeviceObjectExtension[4]; /* +0x00b0 b1 d5 00 00 */ void *Reserved; /* +0x00b4 */ }; enum _WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_TYPE { WheaErrSrcTypeMCE = 0, WheaErrSrcTypeCMC = 1, WheaErrSrcTypeCPE = 2, WheaErrSrcTypeNMI = 3, WheaErrSrcTypePCIe = 4, WheaErrSrcTypeGeneric = 5, WheaErrSrcTypeINIT = 6, WheaErrSrcTypeBOOT = 7, WheaErrSrcTypeSCIGeneric = 8, WheaErrSrcTypeIPFMCA = 9, WheaErrSrcTypeIPFCMC = 10, WheaErrSrcTypeIPFCPE = 11, WheaErrSrcTypeMax = 12 }; enum _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG { MmFrameBufferCached = 2 }; struct _INTERFACE { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ void *Context; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char InterfaceReference[4]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ unsigned char InterfaceDereference[4]; /* +0x000c 63 15 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char SecurityContext[4]; +0x0000 2e d5 00 00 unsigned long Options; +0x0004 unsigned short FileAttributes; +0x0008 unsigned short ShareAccess; +0x000a unsigned long EaLength; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char SecurityContext[4]; +0x0000 2e d5 00 00 unsigned long Options; +0x0004 unsigned short Reserved; +0x0008 unsigned short ShareAccess; +0x000a unsigned char Parameters[4]; +0x000c 05 d5 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char SecurityContext[4]; +0x0000 2e d5 00 00 unsigned long Options; +0x0004 unsigned short Reserved; +0x0008 unsigned short ShareAccess; +0x000a unsigned char Parameters[4]; +0x000c b0 d4 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 unsigned long Key; +0x0004 unsigned char ByteOffset[8]; +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 unsigned char FileName[4]; +0x0004 1e 1f 00 00 unsigned char FileInformationClass[4]; +0x0008 d5 65 00 00 unsigned long FileIndex; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 unsigned long CompletionFilter; +0x0004 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 unsigned char FileInformationClass[4]; +0x0004 d5 65 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 unsigned char FileInformationClass[4]; +0x0004 d5 65 00 00 unsigned char FileObject[4]; +0x0008 45 d4 00 00 unsigned char ReplaceIfExists; +0x000c unsigned char AdvanceOnly; +0x000d unsigned long ClusterCount; +0x000c void *DeleteHandle; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 void *EaList; +0x0004 unsigned long EaListLength; +0x0008 unsigned long EaIndex; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 unsigned char FsInformationClass[4]; +0x0004 c5 2f 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long OutputBufferLength; +0x0000 unsigned long InputBufferLength; +0x0004 unsigned long FsControlCode; +0x0008 void *Type3InputBuffer; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Length[4]; +0x0000 bc 1d 00 00 unsigned long Key; +0x0004 unsigned char ByteOffset[8]; +0x0008 ab 14 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long OutputBufferLength; +0x0000 unsigned long InputBufferLength; +0x0004 unsigned long IoControlCode; +0x0008 void *Type3InputBuffer; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned long SecurityInformation; +0x0000 unsigned long Length; +0x0004 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long SecurityInformation; +0x0000 void *SecurityDescriptor; +0x0004 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Vpb[4]; +0x0000 a3 d5 00 00 unsigned char DeviceObject[4]; +0x0004 47 d4 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Srb[4]; +0x0000 e0 d5 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long Length; +0x0000 void *StartSid; +0x0004 unsigned char SidList[4]; +0x0008 ca 7f 00 00 unsigned long SidListLength; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Type[4]; +0x0000 e5 d5 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char InterfaceType[4]; +0x0000 9a 19 00 00 unsigned short Size; +0x0004 unsigned short Version; +0x0006 unsigned char Interface[4]; +0x0008 e9 d5 00 00 void *InterfaceSpecificData; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Capabilities[4]; +0x0000 ed d5 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char IoResourceRequirementList[4]; +0x0000 ce 50 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long WhichSpace; +0x0000 void *Buffer; +0x0004 unsigned long Offset; +0x0008 unsigned long Length; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Lock; +0x0000 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char IdType[4]; +0x0000 f6 d5 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char DeviceTextType[4]; +0x0000 f9 d5 00 00 unsigned long LocaleId; +0x0004 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char InPath; +0x0000 unsigned char Reserved[3]; +0x0001 18 15 00 00 unsigned char Type[4]; +0x0004 fc d5 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char PowerState[4]; +0x0000 c3 1d 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char PowerSequence[4]; +0x0000 cc d4 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long SystemContext; +0x0000 unsigned char SystemPowerStateContext[4]; +0x0000 45 2b 00 00 unsigned char Type[4]; +0x0004 0f 6c 00 00 unsigned char State[4]; +0x0008 8e 7f 00 00 unsigned char ShutdownType[4]; +0x000c 5e 44 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char AllocatedResources[4]; +0x0000 34 14 00 00 unsigned char AllocatedResourcesTranslated[4]; +0x0004 34 14 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long ProviderId; +0x0000 void *DataPath; +0x0004 unsigned long BufferSize; +0x0008 void *Buffer; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { void *Argument1; +0x0000 void *Argument2; +0x0004 void *Argument3; +0x0008 void *Argument4; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char Create[0]; +0x0000 bf d5 00 00 /* unsigned char CreatePipe[0]; +0x0000 c1 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char CreateMailslot[0]; +0x0000 c3 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char Read[0]; +0x0000 c5 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char Write[0]; +0x0000 c5 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryDirectory[0]; +0x0000 c7 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char NotifyDirectory[0]; +0x0000 c9 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryFile[0]; +0x0000 cb d5 00 00 /* unsigned char SetFile[0]; +0x0000 cd d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryEa[0]; +0x0000 cf d5 00 00 /* unsigned char SetEa[0]; +0x0000 d0 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryVolume[0]; +0x0000 d2 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char SetVolume[0]; +0x0000 d2 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char FileSystemControl[0]; +0x0000 d4 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char LockControl[0]; +0x0000 d6 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char DeviceIoControl[0]; +0x0000 d8 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QuerySecurity[0]; +0x0000 da d5 00 00 /* unsigned char SetSecurity[0]; +0x0000 dc d5 00 00 /* unsigned char MountVolume[0]; +0x0000 de d5 00 00 /* unsigned char VerifyVolume[0]; +0x0000 de d5 00 00 /* unsigned char Scsi[0]; +0x0000 e2 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryQuota[0]; +0x0000 e4 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char SetQuota[0]; +0x0000 d0 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryDeviceRelations[0]; +0x0000 e7 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryInterface[0]; +0x0000 eb d5 00 00 /* unsigned char DeviceCapabilities[0]; +0x0000 ef d5 00 00 /* unsigned char FilterResourceRequirements[0]; +0x0000 f1 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char ReadWriteConfig[0]; +0x0000 f3 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char SetLock[0]; +0x0000 f5 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryId[0]; +0x0000 f8 d5 00 00 /* unsigned char QueryDeviceText[0]; +0x0000 fb d5 00 00 /* unsigned char UsageNotification[0]; +0x0000 fe d5 00 00 /* unsigned char WaitWake[0]; +0x0000 00 d6 00 00 /* unsigned char PowerSequence[0]; +0x0000 02 d6 00 00 /* unsigned char Power[0]; +0x0000 04 d6 00 00 /* unsigned char StartDevice[0]; +0x0000 06 d6 00 00 /* unsigned char WMI[0]; +0x0000 08 d6 00 00 unsigned char Others[16]; +0x0000 0a d6 00 00 }; */ struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION { unsigned char MajorFunction; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char MinorFunction; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char Flags; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char Control; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char Parameters[16]; /* +0x0004 0c d6 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceObject[4]; /* +0x0014 47 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char FileObject[4]; /* +0x0018 45 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x001c 0d d6 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _PPL_LOOKASIDE_LIST_ARRAY { unsigned long ValidEntryCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Tag; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LookasideTag; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char PoolType[4]; /* +0x0014 08 d5 00 00 */ unsigned short Depth; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char LookasideLists[36]; /* +0x001c 12 d6 00 00 */ }; struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY { unsigned char DeviceListEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long SortKey; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Inserted; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_RECORD_SECTION_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long SectionOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SectionLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Revision[2]; /* +0x0008 33 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char ValidBits[1]; /* +0x000a 17 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved; /* +0x000b */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x000c 18 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char SectionType[16]; /* +0x0010 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char FRUId[16]; /* +0x0020 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char SectionSeverity[4]; /* +0x0030 34 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char FRUText[20]; /* +0x0034 1a 28 00 00 */ }; struct _FAST_MUTEX { unsigned char Count[4]; /* +0x0000 07 19 00 00 */ void *Owner; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long Contention; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Event[16]; /* +0x000c d2 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long OldIrql; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_FLAGS { /* unsigned char PreviousError[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HypervisorError[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Simulated[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PlatformPfaControl[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PlatformDirectedOffline[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved2[0]; +0x0000 84 44 00 00 */ unsigned long AsULONG; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ /* unsigned char DeviceD1[0]; +0x0004 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DeviceD2[0]; +0x0004 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LockSupported[0]; +0x0004 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EjectSupported[0]; +0x0004 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Removable[0]; +0x0004 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DockDevice[0]; +0x0004 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UniqueID[0]; +0x0004 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SilentInstall[0]; +0x0004 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RawDeviceOK[0]; +0x0004 e8 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SurpriseRemovalOK[0]; +0x0004 69 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WakeFromD0[0]; +0x0004 6a 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WakeFromD1[0]; +0x0004 6b 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WakeFromD2[0]; +0x0004 9c 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WakeFromD3[0]; +0x0004 9d 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HardwareDisabled[0]; +0x0004 6d 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NonDynamic[0]; +0x0004 50 2a 00 00 */ /* unsigned char WarmEjectSupported[0]; +0x0004 ab 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char NoDisplayInUI[0]; +0x0004 ac 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Reserved1[0]; +0x0004 9f 2e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved[4]; /* +0x0004 22 d6 00 00 */ unsigned long Address; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long UINumber; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char DeviceState[28]; /* +0x0010 c2 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemWake[4]; /* +0x002c c3 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char DeviceWake[4]; /* +0x0030 c1 1d 00 00 */ unsigned long D1Latency; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long D2Latency; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long D3Latency; /* +0x003c */ }; struct _DL_EUI48 { /* unsigned char Byte[0]; +0x0000 81 2c 00 00 */ unsigned char Oui[3]; /* +0x0000 25 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char Ei48[3]; /* +0x0003 26 d6 00 00 */ }; struct _NDIS_SPIN_LOCK { unsigned long SpinLock; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char OldIrql; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _RTL_SCALABLE_MRSW_LOCK { unsigned long ExclusiveLock; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ReaderArrayMask; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ReaderCount[256]; /* +0x0040 31 d6 00 00 */ }; struct _POWER_SEQUENCE { unsigned long SequenceD1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SequenceD2; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long SequenceD3; /* +0x0008 */ }; enum _WHEA_ERROR_TYPE { WheaErrTypeProcessor = 0, WheaErrTypeMemory = 1, WheaErrTypePCIExpress = 2, WheaErrTypeNMI = 3, WheaErrTypePCIXBus = 4, WheaErrTypePCIXDevice = 5, WheaErrTypeGeneric = 6 }; struct _DRIVER_EXTENSION { unsigned char DriverObject[4]; /* +0x0000 8d d4 00 00 */ unsigned char AddDevice[4]; /* +0x0004 34 d6 00 00 */ unsigned long Count; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ServiceKeyName[8]; /* +0x000c 32 14 00 00 */ }; struct _REFERENCE_OBJECT { /* unsigned char Deleting[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ReferenceCount[0]; +0x0000 3b d6 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Overflow[0]; +0x0000 74 20 00 00 */ long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _LARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char u[0]; +0x0000 40 d6 00 00 */ long long QuadPart; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _NETIO_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CONTEXT { long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Parent[4]; /* +0x0004 ed d4 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0008 1d d6 00 00 */ void *CompletionContext; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DRIVER_OBJECT { short Type; /* +0x0000 */ short Size; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char DeviceObject[4]; /* +0x0004 47 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ void *DriverStart; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long DriverSize; /* +0x0010 */ void *DriverSection; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DriverExtension[4]; /* +0x0018 74 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char DriverName[8]; /* +0x001c 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char HardwareDatabase[4]; /* +0x0024 1e 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char FastIoDispatch[4]; /* +0x0028 6e d5 00 00 */ unsigned char DriverInit[4]; /* +0x002c 90 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char DriverStartIo[4]; /* +0x0030 30 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char DriverUnload[4]; /* +0x0034 df d4 00 00 */ unsigned char MajorFunction[112]; /* +0x0038 45 d6 00 00 */ }; struct _NET_BUFFER { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 f6 d4 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentMdl[4]; /* +0x0004 56 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long CurrentMdlOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long stDataLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char MdlChain[4]; /* +0x0010 56 d4 00 00 */ unsigned long DataOffset; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Link[24]; /* +0x0000 dc 36 00 00 */ unsigned short ChecksumBias; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned short Reserved; /* +0x001a */ void *NdisPoolHandle; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char NdisReserved[8]; /* +0x0020 55 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char ProtocolReserved[24]; /* +0x0028 48 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char MiniportReserved[16]; /* +0x0040 03 37 00 00 */ unsigned char DataPhysicalAddress[8]; /* +0x0050 ab 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SharedMemoryInfo[0]; +0x0058 86 d5 00 00 */ unsigned char ScatterGatherList[8]; /* +0x0058 11 d6 00 00 */ }; struct _NETIO_NET_BUFFER_CONTEXT { unsigned long OriginalDataOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long OriginalDataLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long TruncatedLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ /* unsigned char EcnField[0]; +0x000c 2b 47 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EspTrailerSpaceAllocated[0]; +0x000c 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Converted[0]; +0x000c 5a 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Restored[4]; /* +0x000c 73 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Scratch[8]; /* +0x0010 55 2d 00 00 */ }; enum FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_TYPE_ { FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_ADD_FILTER = 0, FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_DELETE_FILTER = 1, FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_ADD_FILTER_POST_COMMIT = 2, FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_TYPE_MAX = 3 }; enum IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE_ { IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE_MACHINE = 0, IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE_IMPERSONATION = 1, IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE_MAX = 2 }; enum FWP_IP_VERSION_ { FWP_IP_VERSION_V4 = 0, FWP_IP_VERSION_V6 = 1, FWP_IP_VERSION_NONE = 2, FWP_IP_VERSION_MAX = 3 }; enum FWP_DATA_TYPE_ { FWP_EMPTY = 0, FWP_UINT8 = 1, FWP_UINT16 = 2, FWP_UINT32 = 3, FWP_UINT64 = 4, FWP_INT8 = 5, FWP_INT16 = 6, FWP_INT32 = 7, FWP_INT64 = 8, FWP_FLOAT = 9, FWP_DOUBLE = 10, FWP_BYTE_ARRAY16_TYPE = 11, FWP_BYTE_BLOB_TYPE = 12, FWP_SID = 13, FWP_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE = 14, FWP_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE = 15, FWP_TOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION_TYPE = 16, FWP_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE = 17, FWP_BYTE_ARRAY6_TYPE = 18, FWP_SINGLE_DATA_TYPE_MAX = 255, FWP_V4_ADDR_MASK = 256, FWP_V6_ADDR_MASK = 257, FWP_RANGE_TYPE = 258, FWP_DATA_TYPE_MAX = 259 }; enum IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_MD5 = 0, IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_SHA1 = 1, IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_SHA_256 = 2, IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_SHA_384 = 3, IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE_MAX = 4 }; enum FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_ { FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_IKEEXT_MM_FAILURE = 0, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_IKEEXT_QM_FAILURE = 1, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_IKEEXT_EM_FAILURE = 2, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFY_DROP = 3, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_IPSEC_KERNEL_DROP = 4, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_IPSEC_DOSP_DROP = 5, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFY_ALLOW = 6, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_CAPABILITY_DROP = 7, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_CAPABILITY_ALLOW = 8, FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_MAX = 9 }; enum IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_PRESHARED_KEY = 0, IKEEXT_CERTIFICATE = 1, IKEEXT_KERBEROS = 2, IKEEXT_ANONYMOUS = 3, IKEEXT_SSL = 4, IKEEXT_NTLM_V2 = 5, IKEEXT_IPV6_CGA = 6, IKEEXT_CERTIFICATE_ECDSA_P256 = 7, IKEEXT_CERTIFICATE_ECDSA_P384 = 8, IKEEXT_SSL_ECDSA_P256 = 9, IKEEXT_SSL_ECDSA_P384 = 10, IKEEXT_EAP = 11, IKEEXT_RESERVED = 12, IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE_MAX = 13 }; enum FWPS_BUILTIN_LAYERS_ { FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 = 0, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V4_DISCARD = 1, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 = 2, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V6_DISCARD = 3, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 = 4, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V4_DISCARD = 5, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 = 6, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V6_DISCARD = 7, FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V4 = 8, FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V4_DISCARD = 9, FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V6 = 10, FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V6_DISCARD = 11, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 = 12, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4_DISCARD = 13, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 = 14, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6_DISCARD = 15, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 = 16, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4_DISCARD = 17, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 = 18, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6_DISCARD = 19, FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V4 = 20, FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V4_DISCARD = 21, FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V6 = 22, FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V6_DISCARD = 23, FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V4 = 24, FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V4_DISCARD = 25, FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V6 = 26, FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V6_DISCARD = 27, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 = 28, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4_DISCARD = 29, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 = 30, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6_DISCARD = 31, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 = 32, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4_DISCARD = 33, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 = 34, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6_DISCARD = 35, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_V4 = 36, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_V4_DISCARD = 37, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_V6 = 38, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_V6_DISCARD = 39, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V4 = 40, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V4_DISCARD = 41, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V6 = 42, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V6_DISCARD = 43, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V4 = 44, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V4_DISCARD = 45, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V6 = 46, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V6_DISCARD = 47, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V4 = 48, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V4_DISCARD = 49, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V6 = 50, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V6_DISCARD = 51, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V4 = 52, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V4_DISCARD = 53, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V6 = 54, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V6_DISCARD = 55, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_802_3 = 56, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_802_3 = 57, FWPS_LAYER_RESERVED1_V4 = 58, FWPS_LAYER_RESERVED1_V6 = 59, FWPS_LAYER_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V4 = 60, FWPS_LAYER_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V6 = 61, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V4 = 62, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V6 = 63, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V4 = 64, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V6 = 65, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V4 = 66, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V6 = 67, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V4 = 68, FWPS_LAYER_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V6 = 69, FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_PACKET_V4 = 70, FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_PACKET_V6 = 71, FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE = 72, FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE = 73, FWPS_LAYER_INGRESS_VSWITCH_802_3 = 74, FWPS_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_802_3 = 75, FWPS_LAYER_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 = 76, FWPS_LAYER_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 = 77, FWPS_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 = 78, FWPS_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 = 79, FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V4 = 80, FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V6 = 81, FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_V4 = 82, FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_V6 = 83, FWPS_LAYER_IKEEXT_V4 = 84, FWPS_LAYER_IKEEXT_V6 = 85, FWPS_LAYER_RPC_UM = 86, FWPS_LAYER_RPC_EPMAP = 87, FWPS_LAYER_RPC_EP_ADD = 88, FWPS_LAYER_RPC_PROXY_CONN = 89, FWPS_LAYER_RPC_PROXY_IF = 90, FWPS_LAYER_KM_AUTHORIZATION = 91, FWPS_BUILTIN_LAYER_MAX = 92 }; enum FWPM_EVENT_PROVIDER_TYPE_ { FWPM_EVENT_PROVIDER_IKEEXT = 0, FWPM_EVENT_PROVIDER_FILTER_ENGINE = 1, FWPM_EVENT_PROVIDER_IPSEC_KERNEL = 2, FWPM_EVENT_PROVIDER_IPSEC_DOSP = 3, FWPM_EVENT_PROVIDER_APPC_NETWORK_ISOLATION = 4, FWPM_EVENT_PROVIDER_TYPE_MAX = 5 }; enum IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE_ { IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE_DES = 1, IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE_3DES = 2, IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE_AES_128 = 3, IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE_AES_192 = 4, IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE_AES_256 = 5, IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE_MAX = 6 }; enum FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_TYPE_ { FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_MULTICAST_STATE = 0, FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_LOOSE_SOURCE_MAPPING = 1, FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_UNICAST_LIFETIME = 2, FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_MCAST_BCAST_LIFETIME = 3, FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_SECURE_SOCKET_SECURITY_FLAGS = 4, FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_SECURE_SOCKET_AUTHIP_MM_POLICY_KEY = 5, FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_SECURE_SOCKET_AUTHIP_QM_POLICY_KEY = 6, FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_MAX = 7 }; enum IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_CIPHER_DES = 0, IKEEXT_CIPHER_3DES = 1, IKEEXT_CIPHER_AES_128 = 2, IKEEXT_CIPHER_AES_192 = 3, IKEEXT_CIPHER_AES_256 = 4, IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE_MAX = 5 }; enum FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE_ { FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE_PRIVATE = 1, FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE_INTERNAL = 2, FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE_EXTERNAL = 3 }; enum FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE_ { FWPM_IPSEC_KEYING_CONTEXT = 0, FWPM_IPSEC_IKE_QM_TRANSPORT_CONTEXT = 1, FWPM_IPSEC_IKE_QM_TUNNEL_CONTEXT = 2, FWPM_IPSEC_AUTHIP_QM_TRANSPORT_CONTEXT = 3, FWPM_IPSEC_AUTHIP_QM_TUNNEL_CONTEXT = 4, FWPM_IPSEC_IKE_MM_CONTEXT = 5, FWPM_IPSEC_AUTHIP_MM_CONTEXT = 6, FWPM_CLASSIFY_OPTIONS_CONTEXT = 7, FWPM_GENERAL_CONTEXT = 8, FWPM_IPSEC_IKEV2_QM_TUNNEL_CONTEXT = 9, FWPM_IPSEC_IKEV2_MM_CONTEXT = 10, FWPM_IPSEC_DOSP_CONTEXT = 11, FWPM_IPSEC_IKEV2_QM_TRANSPORT_CONTEXT = 12, FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE_MAX = 13 }; enum IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_EXPLICIT_TRUST_LIST = 0, IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_STORE = 1, IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TRUSTED_ROOT_STORE = 2, IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_UNSPECIFIED = 3, IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE_MAX = 4 }; enum FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE_ { FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_FILTER_ADD_TO_INCOMPLETE_LAYER = 0, FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_FILTER_ADD_TO_FILTER_ENGINE_NOT_IN_REQUIRED_POSITION = 1, FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_ENABLED_FOR_INSPECTION = 2, FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_DISABLED_FOR_INSPECTION = 3, FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_FILTER_ENGINE_REORDER = 4, FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_MAX = 5 }; enum IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE_ { IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE_TRANSPORT = 0, IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE_TUNNEL = 1, IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE_MAX = 2 }; enum FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_ { FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_RPC_EPMAP = 0, FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TEREDO = 1, FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_IPHTTPS_IN = 2, FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_IPHTTPS_OUT = 3, FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_MAX = 4 }; enum FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_TYPE0_ { FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_ADD = 0, FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_DELETE = 1, FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_MAX = 2 }; enum IPSEC_AUTH_TYPE_ { IPSEC_AUTH_MD5 = 0, IPSEC_AUTH_SHA_1 = 1, IPSEC_AUTH_SHA_256 = 2, IPSEC_AUTH_AES_128 = 3, IPSEC_AUTH_AES_192 = 4, IPSEC_AUTH_AES_256 = 5, IPSEC_AUTH_MAX = 6 }; enum IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_IMPERSONATION_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_IMPERSONATION_NONE = 0, IKEEXT_IMPERSONATION_SOCKET_PRINCIPAL = 1, IKEEXT_IMPERSONATION_MAX = 2 }; enum FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE_ { FWPM_CHANGE_ADD = 1, FWPM_CHANGE_DELETE = 2, FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE_MAX = 3 }; enum IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL_ { IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL_LOCAL = 0, IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL_PEER = 1, IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL_MAX = 2 }; enum FWPM_FIELD_TYPE_ { FWPM_FIELD_RAW_DATA = 0, FWPM_FIELD_IP_ADDRESS = 1, FWPM_FIELD_FLAGS = 2, FWPM_FIELD_TYPE_MAX = 3 }; enum FWP_NE_FAMILY_ { FWP_AF_INET = 0, FWP_AF_INET6 = 1, FWP_AF_ETHER = 2, FWP_AF_NONE = 3 }; enum FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_TYPE_ { FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_INTERNET_CLIENT = 0, FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_INTERNET_CLIENT_SERVER = 1, FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_INTERNET_PRIVATE_NETWORK = 2 }; enum IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_ { IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_NONE = 0, IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_1 = 1, IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_2 = 2, IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_14 = 3, IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_2048 = 3, IKEEXT_DH_ECP_256 = 4, IKEEXT_DH_ECP_384 = 5, IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_24 = 6, IKEEXT_DH_GROUP_MAX = 7 }; enum IPSEC_PFS_GROUP_ { IPSEC_PFS_NONE = 0, IPSEC_PFS_1 = 1, IPSEC_PFS_2 = 2, IPSEC_PFS_2048 = 3, IPSEC_PFS_ECP_256 = 4, IPSEC_PFS_ECP_384 = 5, IPSEC_PFS_MM = 6, IPSEC_PFS_24 = 7, IPSEC_PFS_MAX = 8 }; enum IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_DNS = 0, IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_UPN = 1, IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_RFC822 = 2, IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_CN = 3, IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_OU = 4, IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_O = 5, IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_DC = 6, IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE_MAX = 7 }; enum IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_ { IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_NONE = 0, IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_SENT_ATTS = 1, IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_SSPI_SENT = 2, IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_AUTH_COMPLETE = 3, IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_FINAL = 4, IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_COMPLETE = 5, IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE_MAX = 6 }; enum FWPS_DISCARD_MODULE0_ { FWPS_DISCARD_MODULE_NETWORK = 0, FWPS_DISCARD_MODULE_TRANSPORT = 1, FWPS_DISCARD_MODULE_GENERAL = 2, FWPS_DISCARD_MODULE_MAX = 3 }; enum IKEEXT_CERT_POLICY_PROTOCOL_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_CERT_POLICY_PROTOCOL_AUTHIP_SELECT = 0, IKEEXT_CERT_POLICY_PROTOCOL_AUTHIP_VALIDATE = 1, IKEEXT_CERT_POLICY_PROTOCOL_IKE_SELECT = 2, IKEEXT_CERT_POLICY_PROTOCOL_IKE_VALIDATE = 3, IKEEXT_CERT_POLICY_PROTOCOL_MAX = 4 }; enum FWPS_GENERAL_DISCARD_REASON_ { FWPS_DISCARD_FIREWALL_POLICY = 0, FWPS_DISCARD_IPSEC = 1, FWPS_GENERAL_DISCARD_REASON_MAX = 2 }; enum FWPM_NET_FAILURE_CAUSE_ { FWPM_NET_FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 0, FWPM_NET_FAILURE_WRONG_COMPARTMENT = 1, FWPM_NET_FAILURE_AUTHIP = 2, FWPM_NET_FAILURE_CAUSE_MAX = 3 }; enum IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_ { IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_NONE = 0, IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_SA_SENT = 1, IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_SSPI_SENT = 2, IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_FINAL = 3, IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_FINAL_SENT = 4, IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_COMPLETE = 5, IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE_MAX = 6 }; enum FWPS_ALE_PORT_STATUS0_ { FWPS_ALE_PORT_STATUS_OPEN = 0, FWPS_ALE_PORT_STATUS_CLOSE = 1, FWPS_ALE_PORT_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 2, FWPS_ALE_PORT_STATUS_MAX = 3 }; enum IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE_ { IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE_MAIN = 0, IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE_EXTENDED = 1, IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE_MAX = 2 }; enum IKEEXT_SA_ROLE_ { IKEEXT_SA_ROLE_INITIATOR = 0, IKEEXT_SA_ROLE_RESPONDER = 1, IKEEXT_SA_ROLE_MAX = 2 }; enum IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_TYPE_ { IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_IKE = 0, IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_AUTHIP = 1, IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_IKEV2 = 2, IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_MAX = 3 }; enum FWP_MATCH_TYPE_ { FWP_MATCH_EQUAL = 0, FWP_MATCH_GREATER = 1, FWP_MATCH_LESS = 2, FWP_MATCH_GREATER_OR_EQUAL = 3, FWP_MATCH_LESS_OR_EQUAL = 4, FWP_MATCH_RANGE = 5, FWP_MATCH_FLAGS_ALL_SET = 6, FWP_MATCH_FLAGS_ANY_SET = 7, FWP_MATCH_FLAGS_NONE_SET = 8, FWP_MATCH_EQUAL_CASE_INSENSITIVE = 9, FWP_MATCH_NOT_EQUAL = 10, FWP_MATCH_TYPE_MAX = 11 }; struct IPSEC_AUTH_TRANSFORM_ID0_ { unsigned char authType[4]; /* +0x0000 a5 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char authConfig; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct FWPS_IPSEC_SPECIFIC_TUPLES0_ { unsigned short localPort; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short remotePort; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char ipProtocol; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct IPSEC_CIPHER_TRANSFORM_ID0_ { unsigned char cipherType[4]; /* +0x0000 aa d6 00 00 */ unsigned char cipherConfig; /* +0x0004 */ }; enum FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE_ { FWP_FILTER_ENUM_FULLY_CONTAINED = 0, FWP_FILTER_ENUM_OVERLAPPING = 1, FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE_MAX = 2 }; struct _ADDRESS_FAMILY_INFORMATION { unsigned short EthernetType; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char HeaderSize; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char AddressBytes; /* +0x0003 */ unsigned char NextHeaderOffset; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char HopLimitOffset; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char SourceAddressOffset; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char DestinationAddressOffset; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned short WfpInboundIpPacketLayerId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short WfpOutboundIpPacketLayerId; /* +0x000a */ unsigned short WfpOutboundTransportLayerId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short WfpRouteAuthorizationLayerId; /* +0x000e */ }; enum FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION_ { FWPM_ENGINE_COLLECT_NET_EVENTS = 0, FWPM_ENGINE_NET_EVENT_MATCH_ANY_KEYWORDS = 1, FWPM_ENGINE_NAME_CACHE = 2, FWPM_ENGINE_MONITOR_IPSEC_CONNECTIONS = 3, FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION_MAX = 4 }; enum FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_EVENT_TYPE0_ { FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_ENTERED_NETIO = 0, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CLONED_BY_NETIO = 1, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CLONED_VIA_WFP_API = 2, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_DUPLICATED_BY_NETIO = 3, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_EXIT_NETIO = 4, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CONTEXT_REMOVED = 5, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NDIS_SEND_COMPLETE = 6, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NDIS_RECV_COMPLETE = 7, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NDIS_802_3_SEND_COMPLETE = 6, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NDIS_802_3_RECV_COMPLETE = 7, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NDIS_NATIVE_SEND_COMPLETE = 8, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NDIS_NATIVE_RECV_COMPLETE = 9 }; struct WFP_NBL_INFO_CONTAINER_ { unsigned char flags[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char injectionCtxt[4]; /* +0x0004 b7 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char taggedContexts[4]; /* +0x0008 b8 d6 00 00 */ void *ipsecCtxt; /* +0x000c */ }; enum FWP_DIRECTION_ { FWP_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND = 0, FWP_DIRECTION_INBOUND = 1, FWP_DIRECTION_MAX = 2 }; enum IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE_ { IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE_NONE = 0, IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE_INITIAL = 1, IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE_FINAL = 2, IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE_COMPLETE = 3, IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE_MAX = 4 }; enum IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE0_ { IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_ADD = 1, IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_DELETE = 2, IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_MAX = 3 }; struct FWPP_NBL_INJECTION_CONTEXT_ { unsigned char nblType[4]; /* +0x0000 c2 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char parentFragmentNblChain[4]; /* +0x0004 ed d4 00 00 */ unsigned char ipVersion[4]; /* +0x0008 6c 72 00 00 */ unsigned char ipv6FirstFragHeader[128]; /* +0x000c 4a 2a 00 00 */ unsigned char *ipv6FirstFragHeaderAlloc; /* +0x008c */ unsigned long ipv6FirstFragHeaderSize; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned char ipv4FirstFragHeader[136]; /* +0x000c dc 1d 00 00 */ unsigned char stackContextInitialized[4]; /* +0x0094 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char deepClone[8]; /* +0x0098 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ipSecContext[96]; /* +0x00a0 c3 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char epochLocalAddress[4]; /* +0x0100 c5 d6 00 00 */ unsigned short epochLocalPort; /* +0x0104 */ unsigned char epochEndpointContext[4]; /* +0x0108 c7 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char injectorInfo[4]; /* +0x010c c9 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char ipsecContextType[4]; /* +0x0110 75 04 00 00 */ unsigned char ipsecContextTypeStorage[4]; /* +0x0114 75 00 00 00 */ long referenceCount; /* +0x0118 */ unsigned char virtualIfTunnelInfo[16]; /* +0x0120 ca d6 00 00 */ }; enum FWPM_SERVICE_STATE_ { FWPM_SERVICE_STOPPED = 0, FWPM_SERVICE_START_PENDING = 1, FWPM_SERVICE_STOP_PENDING = 2, FWPM_SERVICE_RUNNING = 3, FWPM_SERVICE_STATE_MAX = 4 }; struct ALE_IPSEC_CONTEXT_ { void *extensibleContext; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long ipsecInboundFilterId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long lastAcquireTimeStamp; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char preferredInboundSASpi[4]; /* +0x0018 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char preferredInboundTunnelSASpi[4]; /* +0x001c 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned long flags; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char specificTuples[12]; /* +0x0024 cf d6 00 00 */ unsigned long long mmSaId; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long long qmSaId; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char saLookupContext[16]; /* +0x0040 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char peerTokenInformation[4]; /* +0x0050 d0 d6 00 00 */ unsigned char peerInformation[4]; /* +0x0054 d1 d6 00 00 */ unsigned long queryMask; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char ipsecStatus[4]; /* +0x005c 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct FWPP_PACKET_INJECTOR_INFO_ { void *injectionHandle; /* +0x0000 */ void *injectionContext; /* +0x0004 */ }; enum IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE_ { IPSEC_TRANSFORM_AH = 1, IPSEC_TRANSFORM_ESP_AUTH = 2, IPSEC_TRANSFORM_ESP_CIPHER = 3, IPSEC_TRANSFORM_ESP_AUTH_AND_CIPHER = 4, IPSEC_TRANSFORM_ESP_AUTH_FW = 5, IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE_MAX = 6 }; struct IPSEC_VIRTUAL_IF_TUNNEL_INFO0_ { unsigned long long virtualIfTunnelId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long long trafficSelectorId; /* +0x0008 */ }; enum FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_TYPE_ { FWPS_NBL_TYPE_ALLOCATED_BY_WFP = 0, FWPS_NBL_TYPE_CLONED_BY_WFP = 1, FWPS_NBL_TYPE_REFERENCED_BY_WFP = 2, FWPS_NBL_TYPE_MAX = 3 }; enum IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT_ { IPSEC_FAILURE_NONE = 0, IPSEC_FAILURE_ME = 1, IPSEC_FAILURE_PEER = 2, IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT_MAX = 3 }; struct AutoPtr { void *obj; /* +0x0000 */ }; enum Windows::Web::Internal::HttpHeaderParser::Parse::__l2:: { ParsingState_BeforeName = 0, ParsingState_Name = 1, ParsingState_WhitespaceBeforeValue = 2, ParsingState_Value = 3 }; enum Windows::Web::Internal::HttpRequestContext:: { RequestState_NotStarted = 0, RequestState_SendingRequest = 1, RequestState_ReceivingResponse = 2, RequestState_ReceivingContent = 3, RequestState_Completed = 4 }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 cc d8 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 79 63 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 e4 23 00 00 */ }; struct AutoPtr::Entry *,&Delete::Entry *>,0> { unsigned char obj[4]; /* +0x0000 e0 63 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_SSL_RECEIVER_STATE { WaSslRcvStateInitialized = 0, WaSslRcvStateNegotiating = 1, WaSslRcvStateConnected = 2, WaSslRcvStateDisconnected = 3 }; enum _WA_SSL_SENDER_STATE { WaSslSndStateInitialized = 0, WaSslSndStateNegotiating = 1, WaSslSndStateConnected = 2, WaSslSndStateCancelled = 3 }; struct _WEB_DATA_CHUNK { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 6c 91 00 00 */ unsigned char FromMemory[8]; /* +0x0004 a0 d9 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char StreamSizes[20]; +0x0000 1c 2e 00 00 unsigned long DataChunkSize; +0x0014 unsigned long WrappedChunkSize; +0x0018 unsigned long MaxRcvrBufferSize; +0x001c unsigned char IssuerListInfo[8]; +0x0020 b9 7d 00 00 unsigned char ChannelBindingToken[8]; +0x0028 d6 28 00 00 unsigned char ConnectionInfo[28]; +0x0030 a6 46 00 00 unsigned long SecureProtocols; +0x004c unsigned long FailedProtocols; +0x0050 unsigned char CipherConfig[4]; +0x0054 3f 94 00 00 unsigned long IgnoredServerCertErrors; +0x0058 unsigned long ServerCertErrors; +0x005c unsigned char ServerCert[4]; +0x0060 55 15 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long AddressCount; +0x0000 unsigned long ResolveTimeout; +0x0004 unsigned long ConnectTimeout; +0x0008 unsigned char ConnectCompletionRoutine[4]; +0x000c 4d 6f 00 00 void *ConnectCompletionContext; +0x0010 unsigned char ConnectPending; +0x0014 unsigned long ProtocolsConnected; +0x0018 unsigned char Completed; +0x001c }; */ /* struct { /* unsigned char ReceivingData[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 /* unsigned char SuspendingSender[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 /* unsigned char NeedUserBuffer[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 /* unsigned char Cleanup[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 /* unsigned char CloseNotifyReceived[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 unsigned long Value; +0x0000 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char State[4]; +0x0000 a7 d9 00 00 unsigned char RcvrLock[24]; +0x0004 c5 17 00 00 unsigned char RcvRequestQueue[8]; +0x001c f0 16 00 00 unsigned char *PlainDataStart; +0x0024 unsigned long PlainBytes; +0x0028 unsigned char *CipherDataStart; +0x002c unsigned long CipherBytes; +0x0030 unsigned long AvailableBytes; +0x0034 unsigned long MaxSslBlockReceived; +0x0038 unsigned char RcvrChunk[12]; +0x003c 70 91 00 00 unsigned char *RcvrBuffer; +0x0048 unsigned long RcvrBufferSize; +0x004c unsigned long BytesReceived; +0x0050 unsigned char Processing; +0x0054 unsigned char Aborted; +0x0055 unsigned char Flags[4]; +0x0058 a9 d9 00 00 unsigned long Error; +0x005c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char State[4]; +0x0000 ac d9 00 00 unsigned char SndrLock[24]; +0x0004 c5 17 00 00 unsigned char SndRequestQueue[8]; +0x001c f0 16 00 00 unsigned char Sending; +0x0024 }; */ struct _WA_SSL_CONNECTION { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Connection[4]; /* +0x0004 59 91 00 00 */ unsigned char RequestDispatch[4]; /* +0x0008 65 91 00 00 */ unsigned char EventDispatch[4]; /* +0x000c 65 91 00 00 */ unsigned long ConnectCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ServerUri[4]; /* +0x0014 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char NextHopUri[4]; /* +0x0018 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char ValidationUri[4]; /* +0x001c 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char DnsCache[4]; /* +0x0020 61 91 00 00 */ void *ConnectContext; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char SslContextHandle[8]; /* +0x0028 77 15 00 00 */ unsigned char SslCred[4]; /* +0x0030 e8 93 00 00 */ unsigned char ClientCert[4]; /* +0x0034 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableRevertToSelfClientCert; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char EnableClientAuth; /* +0x0039 */ unsigned char SslCache[4]; /* +0x003c 67 91 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiveTimeoutEnabled; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char InternalReceiveTimeoutEnabled; /* +0x0041 */ unsigned char SslChannel[100]; /* +0x0044 a4 d9 00 00 */ unsigned char Negotiation[32]; /* +0x00a8 a6 d9 00 00 */ unsigned char Receiver[96]; /* +0x00c8 ab d9 00 00 */ unsigned char Sender[40]; /* +0x0128 ae d9 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_TW_TIMER { unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Inserted; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ExpirySlot; /* +0x000c */ void *Token; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x0014 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char CallbackRoutine[4]; /* +0x0024 b5 d9 00 00 */ void *CallbackContext; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _WA_SSL_VERIFY_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES { unsigned long SecureProtocols; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CipherConfig[4]; /* +0x0004 3f 94 00 00 */ unsigned char ClientCertificate[4]; /* +0x0008 55 15 00 00 */ unsigned char EnableRevertToSelfClientCertificate; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char EnableClientAuth; /* +0x000d */ unsigned char SslCache[4]; /* +0x0010 67 91 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_SSL_IO_CONTEXT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char SslConn[4]; /* +0x000c be d9 00 00 */ unsigned char OrigDataChunk[4]; /* +0x0010 71 91 00 00 */ unsigned long OrigDataChunkCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char AuxDataChunk[4]; /* +0x0018 71 91 00 00 */ unsigned long AuxDataChunkCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char LocalDataChunk[12]; /* +0x0020 70 91 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletingInline[4]; /* +0x002c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char Disconnect; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned long ConnectCount; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0038 4d 6f 00 00 */ void *CompletionContext; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long CompletionError; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long CompletionInformation; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _WA_SSL_VALIDATE_SERVER_CERT { unsigned long IgnoredServerCertErrors; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SslCache[4]; /* +0x0004 67 91 00 00 */ }; struct _HTTPSPolicyCallbackData { unsigned long cbStruct; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long dwAuthType; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long fdwChecks; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short *pwszServerName; /* +0x000c */ }; enum _WA_URI_HOST_TYPE { WaUriHostInvalid = 0, WaUriHostIpv4 = 1, WaUriHostIpv6 = 2, WaUriHostName = 3, WaUriHostMaximum = 4 }; enum _WA_TCP_CONNECTION_STATE { WaTcpConnectionStateInitialized = 0, WaTcpConnectionStateResolving = 1, WaTcpConnectionStateResolved = 2, WaTcpConnectionStateConnecting = 3, WaTcpConnectionStateConnected = 4, WaTcpConnectionStateDisconnected = 5, WaTcpConnectionStateCleanup = 6 }; /* struct { unsigned long Index; +0x0000 unsigned short Family; +0x0004 unsigned char DnsInterfaceAffinity; +0x0006 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char IoContext[4]; +0x0000 4a da 00 00 unsigned char List[4]; +0x0004 4c da 00 00 unsigned short PortNumber; +0x0008 unsigned char IdnTransformDisabled; +0x000a }; */ /* struct { unsigned char IoContext[4]; +0x0000 4a da 00 00 unsigned char HandleLock[4]; +0x0004 22 15 00 00 unsigned char Handle[4]; +0x0008 75 00 00 00 void *IoPort; +0x000c unsigned char Address[256]; +0x0010 4f da 00 00 }; */ struct _WA_TCP_CONNECTION { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CommonConnection[4]; /* +0x0004 59 91 00 00 */ unsigned char EventDispatch[4]; /* +0x0008 65 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Lock[24]; /* +0x000c c5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiveTimer[60]; /* +0x0024 44 da 00 00 */ unsigned char SendTimer[60]; /* +0x0060 44 da 00 00 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x009c 45 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x00a0 46 da 00 00 */ unsigned long Error; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned char AutoTuningRestricted; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned char Interface[8]; /* +0x00ac 48 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Address[12]; /* +0x00b4 4e da 00 00 */ unsigned char Socket[272]; /* +0x00c0 51 da 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_TP_OVERLAPPED { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Overlapped[20]; /* +0x0004 e3 20 00 00 */ void *Token; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x001c 4d 14 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char QueryInitialized; +0x0000 unsigned char Query[104]; +0x0004 5a da 00 00 unsigned long AddressCount; +0x006c unsigned long ConnectTimeout; +0x0070 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Timer[44]; +0x0000 b1 d9 00 00 unsigned long ConnectTimeout; +0x002c unsigned char CurrentSocketAddress[4]; +0x0030 4a 37 00 00 unsigned long RemainingAddressCount; +0x0034 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Buffer[4]; +0x0000 54 24 00 00 unsigned long BufferCount; +0x0004 }; */ struct _WA_TCP_IO_CONTEXT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Connection[4]; /* +0x0008 57 da 00 00 */ unsigned char TpOverlapped[44]; /* +0x000c 59 da 00 00 */ unsigned char InlineCompletion; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char OverlappedCompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x003c 4d 6f 00 00 */ unsigned char ClientCompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0040 4d 6f 00 00 */ void *ClientCompletionContext; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long ClientError; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long ClientInformation; /* +0x004c */ /* unsigned char Resolve[0]; +0x0050 5c da 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Connect[0]; +0x0050 5e da 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Send[0]; +0x0050 60 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Receive[116]; /* +0x0050 60 da 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_TCP_CONNECTION_FLAGS { /* unsigned char Aborted[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisconnectSent[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DisconnectReceived[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _MIB_IPINTERFACE_ROW { unsigned short Family; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char InterfaceLuid[8]; /* +0x0008 6c 85 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MaxReassemblySize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long long InterfaceIdentifier; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long MinRouterAdvertisementInterval; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long MaxRouterAdvertisementInterval; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char AdvertisingEnabled; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char ForwardingEnabled; /* +0x0029 */ unsigned char WeakHostSend; /* +0x002a */ unsigned char WeakHostReceive; /* +0x002b */ unsigned char UseAutomaticMetric; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char UseNeighborUnreachabilityDetection; /* +0x002d */ unsigned char ManagedAddressConfigurationSupported; /* +0x002e */ unsigned char OtherStatefulConfigurationSupported; /* +0x002f */ unsigned char AdvertiseDefaultRoute; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char RouterDiscoveryBehavior[4]; /* +0x0034 66 da 00 00 */ unsigned long DadTransmits; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long BaseReachableTime; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long RetransmitTime; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned long PathMtuDiscoveryTimeout; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned char LinkLocalAddressBehavior[4]; /* +0x0048 67 da 00 00 */ unsigned long LinkLocalAddressTimeout; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char ZoneIndices[64]; /* +0x0050 62 33 00 00 */ unsigned long SitePrefixLength; /* +0x0090 */ unsigned long Metric; /* +0x0094 */ unsigned long NlMtu; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned char Connected; /* +0x009c */ unsigned char SupportsWakeUpPatterns; /* +0x009d */ unsigned char SupportsNeighborDiscovery; /* +0x009e */ unsigned char SupportsRouterDiscovery; /* +0x009f */ unsigned long ReachableTime; /* +0x00a0 */ unsigned char TransmitOffload[1]; /* +0x00a4 bf 7c 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiveOffload[1]; /* +0x00a5 bf 7c 00 00 */ unsigned char DisableDefaultRoutes; /* +0x00a6 */ }; struct _WA_TCP_IO_TIMER { unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char TimeoutEnabled; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Timer[44]; /* +0x0008 b1 d9 00 00 */ unsigned char TimerRunning; /* +0x0034 */ unsigned long PendingIo; /* +0x0038 */ }; struct _WA_DNS_QUERY { unsigned char DnsCache[4]; /* +0x0000 61 91 00 00 */ unsigned short *HostName; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long HostNameLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x000c 74 da 00 00 */ void *CompletionContext; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Cancelled; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Timer[44]; /* +0x001c b1 d9 00 00 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0048 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long HashCode; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned long Error; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned char Result[4]; /* +0x0058 4c da 00 00 */ void *Token; /* +0x005c */ unsigned char TraceContext[4]; /* +0x0060 6b 21 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0064 */ }; struct _WA_DNS_QUERY_RESULT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Address[4]; /* +0x0008 4a 37 00 00 */ unsigned long AddressCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short *CanonicalName; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CanonicalNameLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned short *Fqdn; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long FqdnLength; /* +0x001c */ }; enum _WAP_URI_COMPONENT_NAME { WapUriComponentScheme = 0, WapUriComponentUserName = 1, WapUriComponentPassword = 2, WapUriComponentHost = 3, WapUriComponentPort = 4, WapUriComponentPath = 5, WapUriComponentQuery = 6, WapUriComponentFragment = 7, WapUriComponentAll = 8, WapUriComponentMaximum = 8, WapUriComponentWithAllMaximum = 9 }; struct _WA_URI_CODE_PAGE_PARAMETERS { /* unsigned char Component[0]; +0x0000 b1 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Host[8]; /* +0x0000 b0 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Path[8]; /* +0x0008 b0 da 00 00 */ unsigned char ExtraInfo[8]; /* +0x0010 b0 da 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_URI_CODE_PAGE_PARAMETER { unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char CodePage[4]; /* +0x0004 75 00 00 00 */ }; struct _WAP_URI_COMPONENTS { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Scheme[12]; /* +0x000c bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char UserName[12]; /* +0x0018 bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char Password[12]; /* +0x0024 bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char Host[12]; /* +0x0030 bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char Port[12]; /* +0x003c bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char Path[12]; /* +0x0048 bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char Query[12]; /* +0x0054 bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char Fragment[12]; /* +0x0060 bd da 00 00 */ /* unsigned char All[-96]; +0x006c bd da 00 00 */ unsigned char Component[108]; /* +0x000c be da 00 00 */ unsigned char IsDefinedFlags[4]; /* +0x0078 b7 da 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePageParameters[24]; /* +0x007c bf da 00 00 */ }; struct _WAP_IRI_COMPONENTS { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Scheme[12]; /* +0x000c b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char UserName[12]; /* +0x0018 b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Password[12]; /* +0x0024 b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Host[12]; /* +0x0030 b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Port[12]; /* +0x003c b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Path[12]; /* +0x0048 b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Query[12]; /* +0x0054 b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Fragment[12]; /* +0x0060 b4 da 00 00 */ /* unsigned char All[-96]; +0x006c b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Component[108]; /* +0x000c c4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char IsDefinedFlags[4]; /* +0x0078 b7 da 00 00 */ }; struct _WAP_IRI_COMPONENT { unsigned short *Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long EncodedFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WAP_URI_COMPONENT { unsigned char *Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long EncodedFlags; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WAP_URI_PORT_INFO { unsigned short PortNumber; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long PortLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _CWAP_URI_SCHEME_INFO { unsigned char SchemeType[4]; /* +0x0000 d3 da 00 00 */ unsigned char SchemeName[4]; /* +0x0004 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned char SchemeNameA[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long SchemeNameLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned short DefaultPortNumber; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _WAP_URI_COMPONENT_NAME_FLAGS { unsigned char Value; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Scheme[0]; +0x0000 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UserName[0]; +0x0000 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Password[0]; +0x0000 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Host[0]; +0x0000 85 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Port[0]; +0x0000 64 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Path[0]; +0x0000 a6 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Query[0]; +0x0000 a7 27 00 00 */ unsigned char Fragment[1]; /* +0x0000 a8 27 00 00 */ }; struct _WAP_URI_HOST_INFO { unsigned char HostType[8]; /* +0x0000 dd da 00 00 */ unsigned char IpAddress[128]; /* +0x0008 79 24 00 00 */ unsigned char NormalizedHostComponent[12]; /* +0x0088 b4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char NormalizedToAsciiComponent[12]; /* +0x0094 b4 da 00 00 */ }; struct _WEB_URI { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0008 22 15 00 00 */ unsigned char TransformedIriList[8]; /* +0x000c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char CreateIriComponents[4]; /* +0x0014 d7 da 00 00 */ unsigned char TransformedUriList[8]; /* +0x0018 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char SchemeInfo[8]; /* +0x0020 e4 da 00 00 */ unsigned char HostInfo[160]; /* +0x0028 e5 da 00 00 */ unsigned char PortInfo[8]; /* +0x00c8 db da 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_TOKEN_INTEGRITY_LEVEL { WaTokenIntegrityLevelInvalid = 0, WaTokenIntegrityLevelLow = 1, WaTokenIntegrityLevelMedHigh = 2 }; enum _PERFINFO_KERNELMEMORY_USAGE_TYPE { PerfInfoMemUsagePfnMetadata = 0, PerfInfoMemUsageMax = 1 }; struct _PERFINFO_GROUPMASK { unsigned char Masks[32]; /* +0x0000 52 70 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_HEADER { unsigned short Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short HeaderType; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short Flags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short EventProperty; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long ThreadId; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ProcessId; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0010 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ProviderId[16]; /* +0x0018 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char EventDescriptor[16]; /* +0x0028 90 40 00 00 */ unsigned long KernelTime; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long UserTime; /* +0x003c */ unsigned long long ProcessorTime; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x0040 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _EVENT_HEADER_EXTENDED_DATA_ITEM { unsigned short Reserved1; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short ExtType; /* +0x0002 */ /* unsigned char Linkage[0]; +0x0004 c3 3e 00 00 */ unsigned char Reserved2[2]; /* +0x0004 02 dc 00 00 */ unsigned short DataSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long long DataPtr; /* +0x0008 */ }; enum _PERFINFO_MM_STAT { PerfInfoMMStatNotUsed = 0, PerfInfoMMStatAggregatePageCombine = 1, PerfInfoMMStatIterationPageCombine = 2, PerfInfoMMStatMax = 3 }; struct _EVENT_RECORD { unsigned char EventHeader[80]; /* +0x0000 07 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char BufferContext[4]; /* +0x0050 88 29 00 00 */ unsigned short ExtendedDataCount; /* +0x0054 */ unsigned short UserDataLength; /* +0x0056 */ unsigned char ExtendedData[4]; /* +0x0058 01 dc 00 00 */ void *UserData; /* +0x005c */ void *UserContext; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct _WA_SYNCHRONOUS_WAIT_BLOCK { unsigned long Error; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Information; /* +0x0004 */ void *EventHandle; /* +0x0008 */ }; /* struct { unsigned long Flags; +0x0000 unsigned char s[4]; +0x0000 2c dc 00 00 }; */ struct _TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON_V3 { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Pool[4]; /* +0x0004 36 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroup[4]; /* +0x0008 c6 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char CleanupGroupCancelCallback[4]; /* +0x000c c8 4e 00 00 */ void *RaceDll; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ActivationContext[4]; /* +0x0014 f7 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char FinalizationCallback[4]; /* +0x0018 cb 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char u[4]; /* +0x001c 2e dc 00 00 */ unsigned char CallbackPriority[4]; /* +0x0020 cd 4e 00 00 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _WA_DNS_COMPLETION_CONTEXT { void *WaitEvent; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Error; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Result[4]; /* +0x0008 4c da 00 00 */ }; /* struct { long Status; +0x0000 unsigned short Rcode; +0x0004 unsigned long ServerIp4; +0x0008 unsigned char ServerIp6[16]; +0x000c 82 8a 00 00 }; */ struct _DnsExtraInfo { unsigned long Version; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Size; /* +0x0004 */ void *pNext; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Id; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Reserved; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char Flat[0]; +0x0014 33 dc 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ResultsV1[0]; +0x0014 35 dc 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ResultsBasic[0]; +0x0014 41 8f 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SaResults[0]; +0x0014 34 8b 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pServerList[0]; +0x0014 38 86 00 00 */ /* unsigned char pServerList4[0]; +0x0014 7f 8a 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _WA_DNS_CACHE_ENTRY { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DnsCache[4]; /* +0x0004 61 91 00 00 */ unsigned char HashElement[4]; /* +0x0008 39 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char HashListEntry[8]; /* +0x000c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned short *HostName; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long HostNameLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long HashCode; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char QueryHead[8]; /* +0x0020 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Error; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Result[4]; /* +0x002c 4c da 00 00 */ unsigned char TimeStamp[8]; /* +0x0030 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x0038 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned long InterfaceIndex; /* +0x0048 */ }; struct _WA_TIMER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Timer[4]; /* +0x0004 73 43 00 00 */ unsigned char Callback[4]; /* +0x0008 63 15 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _DnsBasicResults { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short Rcode; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ServerAddr[66]; /* +0x0006 98 85 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_DNS_CACHE_HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT { unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0000 22 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ListHead[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_DNS_CACHE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char DnsCacheHashTable[1536]; /* +0x0008 49 dc 00 00 */ long long CacheEntryCount; /* +0x0608 */ unsigned char ScavengerTimer[16]; /* +0x0610 4a dc 00 00 */ }; struct addrinfoW { unsigned char ai_flags[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_family[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_socktype[4]; /* +0x0008 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_protocol[4]; /* +0x000c 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_addrlen[4]; /* +0x0010 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short *ai_canonname; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ai_addr[4]; /* +0x0018 05 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ai_next[4]; /* +0x001c b5 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_TP_WORK_ITEM { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Work[4]; /* +0x0004 cc 34 00 00 */ unsigned char Callback[4]; /* +0x0008 95 dc 00 00 */ void *Context; /* +0x000c */ void *Token; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x0014 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char UseActivityId; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _WA_TIMER_WHEEL { long TimerRunning; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CurrentSlot; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Element[12288]; /* +0x0008 b6 dc 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_TIMER_WHEEL_ELEMENT { unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0000 22 15 00 00 */ unsigned char TimerList[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct _ULARGE_INTEGER { unsigned long LowPart; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HighPart; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char u[0]; +0x0000 be dc 00 00 */ unsigned long long QuadPart; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _WA_STRING_A { long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char String[4]; /* +0x0004 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long StringLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; enum _WA_REQUEST_LINKAGE_STATE { WaRequestLinkageStateInitialized = 0, WaRequestLinkageStatePending = 1, WaRequestLinkageStateCancelled = 2 }; struct _WA_REQUEST_LINKAGE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x000c f1 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char Timer[44]; /* +0x0010 b1 d9 00 00 */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char MatchProperties[4]; /* +0x0040 ed dc 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0044 f0 dc 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_ENDPOINT_TYPE { WaEndpointTypeServer = 0, WaEndpointTypeProxy = 1 }; struct _WA_CONNECTION_MANAGER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long long LastUsedTimeStamp; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0010 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Lock[24]; /* +0x0018 c5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char ShuttingDown; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char OwnerEndpoint[4]; /* +0x0034 f7 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char ServerEndpoint[4]; /* +0x0038 f7 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxyEndpoint[4]; /* +0x003c f7 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char PendingRequestList[8]; /* +0x0040 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char AllocatedConnectionList[8]; /* +0x0048 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char AvailableConnectionList[8]; /* +0x0050 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long MaximumConnectionCount; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long CurrentConnectionCount; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long ConnectionFlags; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long ConnectionIdleTimeout; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned char GlobalConnMgr[8]; /* +0x0068 57 91 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_ENDPOINT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long FullHash; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 16 00 00 */ long RefCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long long LastDerefTimestamp; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char EpMgr[4]; /* +0x0020 fb dc 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnMgrListHead[8]; /* +0x0024 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x002c fc dc 00 00 */ unsigned char Scheme[4]; /* +0x0030 d3 da 00 00 */ unsigned char Port[4]; /* +0x0034 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned short *Name; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x003c */ void *ProtocolEndpoint; /* +0x0040 */ }; struct _WA_ENDPOINT_MANAGER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Session[4]; /* +0x0004 00 dd 00 00 */ void *DestroyEvent; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char IsRunning; /* +0x000c */ long RefCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long HashTableSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long HashMask; /* +0x0018 */ long MaxIdleEndpointTimeoutMs; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char TimerCreated; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char IdleEpCollectorTimer[16]; /* +0x0024 4a dc 00 00 */ unsigned char CentralSRWLock[4]; /* +0x0034 22 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EpHashTable[0]; +0x0038 01 dd 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_PROTOCOL_ENDPOINT_DISPATCH { unsigned char QuerySize[4]; /* +0x0000 72 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Initialize[4]; /* +0x0004 46 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char Terminate[4]; /* +0x0008 48 dd 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_HANDLE_TYPE { WaHandleTypeInvalid = 0, WaHandleTypeApi = 1, WaHandleTypeSession = 2, WaHandleTypeHttpRequest = 3, WaHandleTypeProxyResolver = 4, WaHandleTypeCookieEnumeration = 5, WaHandleTypeCacheEntry = 6, WaHandleTypeCacheEntryEnumeration = 7, WaHandleTypeCacheContainerEnumeration = 8, WaHandleTypeProtocol = 9, WaHandleTypeMaximum = 10 }; struct _WA_SESSION { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0008 22 15 00 00 */ unsigned char ApiObject[4]; /* +0x000c 61 dd 00 00 */ unsigned long long UserHandle; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ImpersonateApi; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char EndpointManager[4]; /* +0x001c fb dc 00 00 */ unsigned char CookieJar[4]; /* +0x0020 63 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char DnsCache[4]; /* +0x0024 61 91 00 00 */ void *Token; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char ActivityId[20]; /* +0x002c 4d 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_API_OBJECT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ void *ShutdownEvent; /* +0x0008 */ }; enum _WEB_AUTH_SCHEME_STATE_TYPE { WebAuthSchemeStateEnabled = 0, WebAuthSchemeStateEnabledOverSslOnly = 1, WebAuthSchemeStateDisabled = 2 }; enum _WEB_AUTH_TYPE { WebAuthTypeUserPass = 0, WebAuthTypeAuthIdentity = 1 }; enum _WA_AUTH_AUTO_LOGON { WaAuthAutoLogonNever = 0, WaAuthAutoLogonAlways = 1, WaAuthAutoLogonInternetSafe = 2 }; enum _WEB_AUTH_SPN_TYPE { WebAuthSpnTypeHostName = 0, WebAuthSpnTypeCanonName = 1, WebAuthSpnTypeFqdn = 2, WebAuthSpnTypeCustom = 3 }; enum _WA_AUTH_DIGEST_PARAM { WaAuthDigestRealm = 0, WaAuthDigestStale = 1, WaAuthDigestParamCount = 2 }; enum _WA_AUTH_LASTLEG { WaAuthLastLegNo = 0, WaAuthLastLegMaybe = 1, WaAuthLastLegYes = 2 }; enum _WA_AUTH_BASIC_PARAM { WaAuthBasicRealm = 0, WaAuthBasicParamCount = 1 }; struct _WA_AUTH_SCHEME_PROPERTIES { char *SchemeName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long SchemeNameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *PackageName; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long PackageNameLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long MaxTokenSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Enabled; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_PARSED_PARAMS { unsigned char Present; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Scheme[4]; /* +0x0008 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberKnownParams; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberUnknownParams; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Params[4]; /* +0x0014 87 dd 00 00 */ unsigned long OrderIndex; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _WEB_REMOTE_AUTH_SCHEMES { unsigned char Schemes[128]; /* +0x0000 93 dd 00 00 */ unsigned long SchemeCount; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned char PreferredSchemes[128]; /* +0x0084 93 dd 00 00 */ unsigned long PreferredSchemeCount; /* +0x0104 */ }; enum _WA_AUTH_SSP_PARAM { WaAuthSspBlob = 0, WaAuthSspParamCount = 1 }; /* struct { unsigned char IncludePort; +0x0000 }; */ /* struct { unsigned short *Spn; +0x0000 }; */ struct _WEB_AUTH_SPN_USAGE { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 9d dd 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HostName[0]; +0x0004 9f dd 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CanonName[0]; +0x0004 9f dd 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Fqdn[0]; +0x0004 9f dd 00 00 */ unsigned char Custom[4]; /* +0x0004 a1 dd 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_PARAMS { unsigned char Uri[4]; /* +0x0000 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char RequestUri[4]; /* +0x0004 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Method[4]; /* +0x0008 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char EnabledState[24]; /* +0x000c a7 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char DelegationSupported; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char ServerInfo[4]; /* +0x0028 a8 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char SpnUsage[8]; /* +0x002c a9 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char CodePageParameters[24]; /* +0x0034 bf da 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxySupportSba; /* +0x004c */ unsigned char ServerPersistentAuthPresent; /* +0x004d */ unsigned char ServerPersistentAuthSet; /* +0x004e */ unsigned char DeterministicAuthLegs; /* +0x004f */ unsigned char AutoLogon[4]; /* +0x0050 aa dd 00 00 */ unsigned char CanonicalName[4]; /* +0x0054 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long CanonicalNameLength; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned char Fqdn[4]; /* +0x005c 5c 15 00 00 */ unsigned long FqdnLength; /* +0x0060 */ void *ChannelBindingToken; /* +0x0064 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_CONTEXT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AuthDispatch[4]; /* +0x0004 b1 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthScheme[4]; /* +0x0008 7d dd 00 00 */ unsigned char Credentials[4]; /* +0x000c 8d dd 00 00 */ unsigned char Realm[4]; /* +0x0010 d0 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char CredsSent; /* +0x0014 */ void *SchemeData; /* +0x0018 */ }; /* struct { unsigned short *UserName; +0x0000 unsigned short *Password; +0x0004 }; */ /* struct { void *SecWinntAuthIdentityOpaque; +0x0000 }; */ struct _WEB_AUTH_CREDENTIALS { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 b4 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthScheme[4]; /* +0x0004 7d dd 00 00 */ /* unsigned char UserPass[0]; +0x0008 b6 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthIdentity[8]; /* +0x0008 b8 dd 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_PARAM_VALUE { unsigned char Value[4]; /* +0x0000 67 21 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_CONNECTION_INFO { unsigned char Credentials[4]; /* +0x0000 8d dd 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_DISPATCH { unsigned char Initialize[4]; /* +0x0000 9c dd 00 00 */ unsigned char Terminate[4]; /* +0x0004 c0 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char GenerateHeader[4]; /* +0x0008 c5 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessResponseHeader[4]; /* +0x000c ca dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AcquireCredentials[4]; /* +0x0010 90 dd 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char MajorVersion; +0x0000 unsigned char MinorVersion; +0x0001 }; */ struct _WA_HTTP_SERVER_INFO { unsigned short Server; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char IIS[0]; +0x0002 d3 dd 00 00 */ unsigned short Version; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_DATA { unsigned char SetCredentials[4]; /* +0x0000 97 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthResponseHeader[4]; /* +0x0004 d1 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthContext[4]; /* +0x0008 8b dd 00 00 */ unsigned short *SpnUsed; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WA_CREDENTIALS { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AuthScheme[4]; /* +0x0008 7d dd 00 00 */ unsigned char Realm[4]; /* +0x000c d0 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char CredentialHandle[8]; /* +0x0010 77 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Lock[24]; /* +0x0018 c5 17 00 00 */ void *AuthIdentity; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char ContextHandle[8]; /* +0x0034 77 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_RESPONSE_HEADER { unsigned char *ResponseBuffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ResponseBufferLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char AuthParsedParams[168]; /* +0x0008 da dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AuthParamValues[48]; /* +0x00b0 db dd 00 00 */ unsigned char SupportedSchemes[264]; /* +0x00e0 dc dd 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_SET_CREDENTIALS { unsigned char AuthScheme[4]; /* +0x0000 7d dd 00 00 */ void *AuthIdentity; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Credentials[4]; /* +0x0008 8d dd 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_SSP_CONTEXT { unsigned char SubScheme[4]; /* +0x0000 7d dd 00 00 */ unsigned char *ResponseHeader; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ResponseHeaderSize; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char *RequestHeader; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long RequestHeaderSize; /* +0x0010 */ long SecurityStatus; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char ExpectResponse; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char ContextHandle[8]; /* +0x001c 77 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Nego2; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_PARAM_ATTRIB { unsigned char Name[4]; /* +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned long Length; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char QuotedValue[4]; /* +0x0008 80 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_SCHEME_PARSER { unsigned char ParamParser[4]; /* +0x0000 45 de 00 00 */ unsigned long NumberParams; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ParamAttribs[4]; /* +0x0008 46 de 00 00 */ }; /* struct { char *Scheme; +0x0000 unsigned long SchemeLength; +0x0004 unsigned char AuthScheme[4]; +0x0008 7d dd 00 00 }; */ struct _WA_AUTH_DIGEST_CONTEXT { unsigned char *RequestHeader; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long RequestHeaderSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *ResponseHeader; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ResponseHeaderSize; /* +0x000c */ }; enum _WA_HTTP_HEADER_ID { WaHttpHeaderCacheControl = 0, WaHttpHeaderConnection = 1, WaHttpHeaderDate = 2, WaHttpHeaderKeepAlive = 3, WaHttpHeaderPragma = 4, WaHttpHeaderTrailer = 5, WaHttpHeaderTransferEncoding = 6, WaHttpHeaderUpgrade = 7, WaHttpHeaderVia = 8, WaHttpHeaderWarning = 9, WaHttpHeaderAllow = 10, WaHttpHeaderContentLength = 11, WaHttpHeaderContentType = 12, WaHttpHeaderContentEncoding = 13, WaHttpHeaderContentLanguage = 14, WaHttpHeaderContentLocation = 15, WaHttpHeaderContentMd5 = 16, WaHttpHeaderContentRange = 17, WaHttpHeaderExpires = 18, WaHttpHeaderLastModified = 19, WaHttpHeaderAccept = 20, WaHttpHeaderAcceptCharset = 21, WaHttpHeaderAcceptEncoding = 22, WaHttpHeaderAcceptLanguage = 23, WaHttpHeaderAuthorization = 24, WaHttpHeaderCookie = 25, WaHttpHeaderExpect = 26, WaHttpHeaderFrom = 27, WaHttpHeaderHost = 28, WaHttpHeaderIfMatch = 29, WaHttpHeaderIfModifiedSince = 30, WaHttpHeaderIfNoneMatch = 31, WaHttpHeaderIfRange = 32, WaHttpHeaderIfUnmodifiedSince = 33, WaHttpHeaderMaxForwards = 34, WaHttpHeaderProxyAuthorization = 35, WaHttpHeaderReferer = 36, WaHttpHeaderRange = 37, WaHttpHeaderTe = 38, WaHttpHeaderUserAgent = 39, WaHttpHeaderRequestMaximum = 40, WaHttpHeaderAcceptRanges = 20, WaHttpHeaderAge = 21, WaHttpHeaderAuthenticationInfo = 22, WaHttpHeaderEtag = 23, WaHttpHeaderLocation = 24, WaHttpHeaderP3p = 25, WaHttpHeaderProxyAuthenticate = 26, WaHttpHeaderProxySupport = 27, WaHttpHeaderRetryAfter = 28, WaHttpHeaderServer = 29, WaHttpHeaderSetCookie = 30, WaHttpHeaderVary = 31, WaHttpHeaderWwwAuthenticate = 32, WaHttpHeaderPersistentAuth = 33, WaHttpHeaderResponseMaximum = 34, WaHttpHeaderMaximum = 41 }; struct _WA_HPT_CONNECTION { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CreateFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ConnectCompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0008 4d 6f 00 00 */ void *ConnectCompletionContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ProtocolsConnected; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char CommonConnection[4]; /* +0x0014 59 91 00 00 */ unsigned char RequestDispatch[4]; /* +0x0018 65 91 00 00 */ unsigned char EventDispatch[4]; /* +0x001c 65 91 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_HTTP_CONNECTION_STATE { WaHttpConnectionStateInitialized = 0, WaHttpConnectionStateConnecting = 1, WaHttpConnectionStateConnected = 2, WaHttpConnectionStateDisconnected = 3, WaHttpConnectionStateCleanup = 4 }; /* struct { unsigned char ServerUri[4]; +0x0000 63 91 00 00 unsigned char NextHopUri[4]; +0x0004 63 91 00 00 unsigned char DnsCache[4]; +0x0008 61 91 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char ReceivePending; +0x0000 unsigned char Buffer[4]; +0x0004 64 de 00 00 unsigned char DataChunk[12]; +0x0008 70 91 00 00 }; */ struct _WA_HTTP_CONNECTION { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Lock[24]; /* +0x0004 c5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x001c 67 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectingTunnel; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long ConnectionFlags; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char CommonConnection[4]; /* +0x0028 59 91 00 00 */ unsigned char RequestDispatch[4]; /* +0x002c 65 91 00 00 */ unsigned char SendRequest[4]; /* +0x0030 7e 91 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiveRequest[4]; /* +0x0034 81 91 00 00 */ unsigned long Error; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned char IsSecure; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char IsTunnel; /* +0x003d */ unsigned char DrainSends; /* +0x003e */ unsigned char DisconnectPending; /* +0x003f */ unsigned char PendingRequestList[8]; /* +0x0040 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char InProgressRequestList[8]; /* +0x0048 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectState[12]; /* +0x0050 69 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Receiver[20]; /* +0x005c 6b de 00 00 */ unsigned char ClientAuthUsed; /* +0x0070 */ unsigned char ServerAuth[4]; /* +0x0074 c6 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxyAuth[4]; /* +0x0078 c6 dd 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_HTTP_CONNECTION_LINKAGE_STATE { WaHttpConnectionLinkageNoList = 0, WaHttpConnectionLinkagePending = 1, WaHttpConnectionLinkageInProgress = 2, WaHttpConnectionLinkageCancelled = 3 }; struct _WA_PROXY_SERVER_ENTRY { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Uri[4]; /* +0x000c 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char ProtocolScheme[4]; /* +0x0010 d3 da 00 00 */ unsigned char ConfigType[4]; /* +0x0014 73 de 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_RESPONSE_FLAGS { /* unsigned char Version11[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConnectionClose[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ContentLength[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Chunked[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Multipart[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EofByClose[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProxySupportSessionBasedAuth[0]; +0x0000 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PersistentAuthPresent[0]; +0x0000 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char PersistentAuthSet[0]; +0x0000 e8 26 00 00 */ unsigned char ExceededHeaderSizeLimit[4]; /* +0x0000 69 28 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_TRACKER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char FromHeap; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char InUse; /* +0x0005 */ unsigned char ReleaseBuffer; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned char IsHeaderData; /* +0x0007 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Buffer[4]; /* +0x0010 64 de 00 00 */ unsigned char *Data; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_RESPONSE_KNOWN_HEADER { unsigned char *Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WA_POOL_HEAP_BUFFER { unsigned char Next[4]; /* +0x0000 7d de 00 00 */ unsigned long BytesAvailable; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *FreeBlock; /* +0x0008 */ }; /* struct { unsigned short *List; +0x0000 unsigned short *BypassList; +0x0004 }; */ struct _WEB_PROXY_CONFIG { unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 73 de 00 00 */ unsigned char SpecificProxy[8]; /* +0x0004 81 de 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_REQUEST_FLAGS { unsigned char ConnectionClose[4]; /* +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_PROXY_RESOLVER_CONFIG_FLAGS { WaProxyConfigNotStarted = 1, WaProxyConfigInProgress = 2, WaProxyConfigComplete = 3 }; struct _WA_PROXY_QUERY_RESULT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ProxyList[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentProxy[4]; /* +0x000c 89 de 00 00 */ }; enum _WA_HTTP_PARSED_RESPONSE_STATE { WaHttpParsedResponseStateError = 0, WaHttpParsedResponseStateVersion = 1, WaHttpParsedResponseStateStatusCode = 2, WaHttpParsedResponseStateReasonPhrase = 3, WaHttpParsedResponseStateHeaders = 4, WaHttpParsedResponseStateEntityBody = 5, WaHttpParsedResponseStateTrailers = 6, WaHttpParsedResponseStateDone = 7 }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_REQUEST_HEADERS { unsigned char KnownHeader[320]; /* +0x0000 8f de 00 00 */ unsigned char UnknownHeaderList[8]; /* +0x0140 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0148 90 de 00 00 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char *Buffer; +0x0000 unsigned long BufferLength; +0x0004 unsigned long HeadersLength; +0x0008 }; */ struct _WA_HTTP_INTERNAL_REQUEST { unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0000 93 de 00 00 */ char *OriginalMethodUnknownString; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char OriginalMethod[4]; /* +0x0008 94 de 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentMethod[4]; /* +0x000c 94 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Uri[4]; /* +0x0010 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0014 95 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Headers[332]; /* +0x0018 96 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectHeaders[332]; /* +0x0164 96 de 00 00 */ unsigned long SendRequestFlags; /* +0x02b0 */ unsigned long long ContentLength; /* +0x02b8 */ unsigned long long RemainingContentLength; /* +0x02c0 */ unsigned char RawHeaders[12]; /* +0x02c8 98 de 00 00 */ unsigned char SendInProgress; /* +0x02d4 */ unsigned char SendCompletionInProgress; /* +0x02d5 */ unsigned char PendingEntityList[8]; /* +0x02d8 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char SentEntityList[8]; /* +0x02e0 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long PendingSendCount; /* +0x02e8 */ unsigned char CallbackQueueEntry[32]; /* +0x02ec 99 de 00 00 */ unsigned char CallbackList[12]; /* +0x030c f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_RESPONSE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ParseState[4]; /* +0x0004 9e de 00 00 */ unsigned char RequestMethod[4]; /* +0x0008 94 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x000c 9f de 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0010 95 de 00 00 */ unsigned short StatusCode; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char *ReasonPhrase; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long ReasonPhraseLength; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long KnownHeaderFromHeap; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned char KnownHeader[272]; /* +0x0028 a1 de 00 00 */ unsigned long UnknownHeaderUsage; /* +0x0138 */ unsigned char UnknownHeader[224]; /* +0x013c a3 de 00 00 */ unsigned char UnknownHeaderList[8]; /* +0x021c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long HeadersTotalSize; /* +0x0224 */ unsigned long HeadersSizeLimit; /* +0x0228 */ unsigned char AllowUnsafeHeaderParsing; /* +0x022c */ unsigned char ServerInfo[4]; /* +0x0230 a8 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char IsFirstChunk; /* +0x0234 */ unsigned char IsLastChunk; /* +0x0235 */ unsigned long long RemainingChunkLength; /* +0x0238 */ unsigned char *ChunkData; /* +0x0240 */ unsigned long ChunkDataLength; /* +0x0244 */ unsigned char ReceiveBufferTracker[28]; /* +0x0248 a4 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiveBufferList[12]; /* +0x0264 f0 16 00 00 */ }; enum _WEB_PROXY_CONFIG_TYPE { WebProxyConfigTypeNoProxy = 0, WebProxyConfigTypeSpecificProxy = 1, WebProxyConfigTypeMaximum = 2 }; struct _WA_HTTP_INTERNAL_REQUEST_FLAGS { /* unsigned char RedirectToGet[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char EntityPresent[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SeparateEntity[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char HeadersSent[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Posted[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Sent[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SendComplete[0]; +0x0000 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Completed[0]; +0x0000 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ZeroLengthEntityPost[0]; +0x0000 e8 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DelayConnectionRelease[0]; +0x0000 69 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConnectionReleased[0]; +0x0000 6a 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FinishConnectionRelease[0]; +0x0000 6b 28 00 00 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; struct _WA_POOL_HEAP { unsigned char AllBuffers[4]; /* +0x0000 7d de 00 00 */ unsigned char AvailableBuffers[4]; /* +0x0004 7d de 00 00 */ unsigned char InlinePoolHeapBuffer[12]; /* +0x0008 7c de 00 00 */ unsigned char InlineBuffer[1024]; /* +0x0014 ad de 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_HEADER { unsigned char FromHeap; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char *Name; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *Value; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0018 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH { unsigned char Data[16]; /* +0x0000 cd dd 00 00 */ unsigned char AutoLogonState[4]; /* +0x0010 b2 de 00 00 */ unsigned char SpnUsage[8]; /* +0x0014 a9 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char ServerAuthenticated; /* +0x001c */ }; enum _WEB_AUTH_AUTO_LOGON_STATE { WebAuthAutoLogonStateUserConfig = 0, WebAuthAutoLogonStateAlways = 1, WebAuthAutoLogonStateIntranetOnly = 2, WebAuthAutoLogonStateNever = 3 }; enum _WA_HTTP_REQUEST_STATE { WaHttpRequestStateCleanup = 0, WaHttpRequestStateInitialized = 1, WaHttpRequestStateAwaitingEndpoints = 2, WaHttpRequestStateAwaitingConnection = 3, WaHttpRequestStatePendingSend = 4, WaHttpRequestStateInProgress = 5, WaHttpRequestStateDone = 6 }; struct _WA_HTTP_CONNECTION_LINKAGE { unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0008 be de 00 00 */ unsigned char SendComplete; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ReceiveComplete; /* +0x000d */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_RESPONSE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x0004 c4 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ParsedResponse[624]; /* +0x0008 c5 de 00 00 */ unsigned char PendingReceiveResponse[4]; /* +0x0278 c7 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ReceiveResponseCalled; /* +0x027c */ unsigned char PendingReceiveEntityList[8]; /* +0x0280 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char InProgressReceiveEntityList[8]; /* +0x0288 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long ReceiveInProgress; /* +0x0290 */ unsigned char ReceiveCompletionInProgress; /* +0x0294 */ unsigned char CallbackQueueEntry[32]; /* +0x0298 99 de 00 00 */ unsigned char CallbackList[8]; /* +0x02b8 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long long BytesToReceive; /* +0x02c0 */ unsigned long long BytesBeingReceived; /* +0x02c8 */ }; enum _WA_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD { WaHttpRequestMethodUnknown = 0, WaHttpRequestMethodGet = 1, WaHttpRequestMethodPost = 2, WaHttpRequestMethodConnect = 3, WaHttpRequestMethodOptions = 4, WaHttpRequestMethodHead = 5, WaHttpRequestMethodPut = 6, WaHttpRequestMethodDelete = 7, WaHttpRequestMethodTrace = 8 }; /* struct { unsigned long Limit; +0x0000 unsigned char Uri[4]; +0x0004 63 91 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long TotalSizeLimit; +0x0000 unsigned char AllowUnsafeHeaderParsing; +0x0004 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Redirection[8]; +0x0000 d0 de 00 00 unsigned char ResponseHeaders[8]; +0x0008 d2 de 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long IgnoredServerCertErrors; +0x0000 unsigned long SecureProtocols; +0x0004 unsigned char CipherConfig[4]; +0x0008 3f 94 00 00 unsigned char ClientCertificate[4]; +0x000c 55 15 00 00 unsigned char EnableRevertToSelfClientCertificate; +0x0010 unsigned char EnableClientAuth; +0x0011 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long InterfaceIndex; +0x0000 unsigned char DnsInterfaceAffinity; +0x0004 unsigned char AutoTuningRestricted; +0x0005 unsigned char DnsIdnTransformDisabled; +0x0006 unsigned long ReceiveTimeout; +0x0008 unsigned long SendTimeout; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Server[32]; +0x0000 d9 de 00 00 unsigned char Proxy[32]; +0x0020 d9 de 00 00 unsigned char EnabledState[24]; +0x0040 a7 dd 00 00 unsigned char AuthenticationDisabled; +0x0058 unsigned long RetryLimit; +0x005c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Config[4]; +0x0000 dd de 00 00 unsigned char Resolver[4]; +0x0004 c2 de 00 00 unsigned char Uri[4]; +0x0008 63 91 00 00 unsigned long LastError; +0x000c }; */ /* struct { unsigned char ThirdParty; +0x0000 unsigned char Disabled; +0x0001 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char CodePageParameters[24]; +0x0000 bf da 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned long MaximumConnectionCount; +0x0000 unsigned char GlobalKeepAlivePoolEnabled; +0x0004 unsigned long ConnectTimeout; +0x0008 unsigned long ResolveTimeout; +0x000c unsigned long ConnectRetryCount; +0x0010 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Disconnected; +0x0000 }; */ /* struct { void *Context; +0x0000 unsigned char Disabled; +0x0004 unsigned char Active; +0x0005 unsigned short StatusCode; +0x0006 unsigned long long ContentLength; +0x0008 unsigned long long RequestHandle; +0x0010 unsigned long long StartOffset; +0x0018 unsigned long long DrainOffset; +0x0020 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Enabled; +0x0000 unsigned char Completed; +0x0001 unsigned char Connection[4]; +0x0004 62 de 00 00 }; */ /* struct { unsigned char Routine[4]; +0x0000 ef de 00 00 void *Context; +0x0004 unsigned char InternalEnabled; +0x0008 unsigned long PendingCount; +0x000c }; */ struct _WA_HTTP_REQUEST { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Lock[24]; /* +0x0008 c5 17 00 00 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0020 cc de 00 00 */ unsigned long Error; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned char Cancelled; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long long Handle; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char Session[4]; /* +0x0038 00 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char ServerEndpoint[4]; /* +0x003c f7 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxyEndpoint[4]; /* +0x0040 f7 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char HttpEndpoint[4]; /* +0x0044 f7 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectionManager[4]; /* +0x0048 57 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Connection[4]; /* +0x004c 62 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnectionLinkage[16]; /* +0x0050 b9 de 00 00 */ unsigned char RequestLinkage[72]; /* +0x0060 e9 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char Request[792]; /* +0x00a8 cd de 00 00 */ unsigned char Response[720]; /* +0x03c0 ce de 00 00 */ unsigned char Http[16]; /* +0x0690 d4 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Ssl[20]; /* +0x06a0 d6 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Tcp[16]; /* +0x06b4 d8 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Auth[96]; /* +0x06c4 db de 00 00 */ unsigned char Proxy[16]; /* +0x0724 df de 00 00 */ unsigned char Cookies[4]; /* +0x0734 e1 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Uri[24]; /* +0x0738 e3 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x0750 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnSettings[20]; /* +0x0760 e5 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ConnInfo[4]; /* +0x0774 e7 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Extension[40]; /* +0x0778 e9 de 00 00 */ unsigned char ProtocolUpgrade[8]; /* +0x07a0 eb de 00 00 */ unsigned char Information[16]; /* +0x07a8 f1 de 00 00 */ unsigned char PoolHeap[1048]; /* +0x07b8 f2 de 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_RESPONSE_FLAGS { /* unsigned char HeadersReceived[0]; +0x0000 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char AuthInProgress[0]; +0x0000 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DrainResponse[0]; +0x0000 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ResendRequest[0]; +0x0000 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Completed[0]; +0x0000 73 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char DelayConnectionRelease[0]; +0x0000 9a 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConnectionReleased[0]; +0x0000 67 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FinishConnectionRelease[0]; +0x0000 68 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FinalHeadersReceived[0]; +0x0000 e8 26 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ConnectSuccessful[0]; +0x0000 69 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RedirectResponse[0]; +0x0000 6a 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RedirectProxy[0]; +0x0000 6b 28 00 00 */ /* unsigned char RedirectToGet[0]; +0x0000 9c 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char TimeoutsStarted[0]; +0x0000 9d 2e 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FillInProgress[0]; +0x0000 6d 28 00 00 */ unsigned long Value; /* +0x0000 */ }; /* struct { unsigned char Config[4]; +0x0000 b6 de 00 00 unsigned char Flags[4]; +0x0004 f8 de 00 00 }; */ struct _WA_PROXY_RESOLVER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ProxyConfigObject[4]; /* +0x0008 dd de 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxyConfigList[4]; /* +0x000c b6 de 00 00 */ unsigned long ProxyConfigCount; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char NoProxy[8]; /* +0x0014 fa de 00 00 */ unsigned char SpecificProxy[8]; /* +0x001c fa de 00 00 */ unsigned char RequestUri[4]; /* +0x0024 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned short *HostString; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long HostLength; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char CurrentConfigType[4]; /* +0x0030 73 de 00 00 */ unsigned char CurrentProxyResult[4]; /* +0x0034 a8 de 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_CALLBACK_QUEUE_ENTRY { unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ void *Token; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char ActivityId[16]; /* +0x000c 4d 14 00 00 */ unsigned char InvocationRoutine[4]; /* +0x001c ff de 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_AUTH_PARAMS_CLEANUP { unsigned char DnsQueryResult[4]; /* +0x0000 4c da 00 00 */ void *ChannelBindingToken; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_ENDPOINT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ServerInfo[4]; /* +0x0004 a8 dd 00 00 */ unsigned char ProxySupportsSessionBasedAuthentication; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SslCache[4]; /* +0x000c 67 91 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_REQUEST_SEND_TRACKER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Request[4]; /* +0x0004 9d de 00 00 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0008 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char DataChunk[4]; /* +0x0010 71 91 00 00 */ unsigned long DataChunkCount; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char Completed; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char CallbackQueueEntry[32]; /* +0x001c 99 de 00 00 */ unsigned char IsEntity; /* +0x003c */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0040 4d 6f 00 00 */ void *CompletionContext; /* +0x0044 */ unsigned long CompletionError; /* +0x0048 */ unsigned long CompletionInformation; /* +0x004c */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_REQUEST_HEADER_ITERATOR { unsigned char Collection[4]; /* +0x0000 3f df 00 00 */ unsigned char KnownHeaderId[4]; /* +0x0004 40 df 00 00 */ unsigned char UnknownListEntry[4]; /* +0x0008 4d 33 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_EVENT_CACHE_ENTRY { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char SListEntry[4]; /* +0x0004 41 1f 00 00 */ void *EventHandle; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_REQUEST_EXTRA_HEADERS { unsigned char *ServerAuthHeader; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ServerAuthHeaderLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *ProxyAuthHeader; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ProxyAuthHeaderLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *CookieHeader; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long CookieHeaderLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_RECEIVE_BUFFER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *Data; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned char DisconnectReceived; /* +0x0018 */ }; enum _WEB_HTTP_HEADER_OPERATION { WebHttpHeaderDelete = 0, WebHttpHeaderReplace = 1, WebHttpHeaderAppend = 2 }; struct _WEB_HTTP_HEADER { char *Name; /* +0x0000 */ char *Value; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WEB_HTTP_REQUEST { char *Method; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Uri[4]; /* +0x0004 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0008 95 de 00 00 */ unsigned char Headers[8]; /* +0x000c 84 df 00 00 */ }; struct _WEB_HTTP_HEADERS { unsigned char Header[4]; /* +0x0000 7e df 00 00 */ unsigned long HeaderCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_RESPONSE_RECEIVE_TRACKER { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Request[4]; /* +0x0008 9d de 00 00 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x000c f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char DataChunk[4]; /* +0x0014 71 91 00 00 */ unsigned long DataChunkCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Fill; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long FillDataChunkCount; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long FillBufferLength; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long FillBytesToReceive; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned char Completed; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char CallbackQueueEntry[32]; /* +0x0030 99 de 00 00 */ unsigned long BytesToReceive; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0054 4d 6f 00 00 */ void *CompletionContext; /* +0x0058 */ unsigned long CompletionError; /* +0x005c */ unsigned long CompletionInformation; /* +0x0060 */ }; struct HTTP_DISPATCH_TABLE { unsigned char QueryRequestMethod[4]; /* +0x0000 d5 df 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryRequestHeader[4]; /* +0x0004 d8 df 00 00 */ unsigned char AddRequestHeader[4]; /* +0x0008 db df 00 00 */ unsigned char QueryResponseHeader[4]; /* +0x000c d8 df 00 00 */ unsigned char ReplaceResponseHeader[4]; /* +0x0010 de df 00 00 */ unsigned char DuplicateRequest[4]; /* +0x0014 e1 df 00 00 */ unsigned char SendRequest[4]; /* +0x0018 e4 df 00 00 */ unsigned char ReadData[4]; /* +0x001c e7 df 00 00 */ unsigned char GetSettings[4]; /* +0x0020 ec df 00 00 */ unsigned char CloseRequest[4]; /* +0x0024 63 15 00 00 */ }; enum _WEB_HTTP_REQUEST_OPTION { WebHttpRequestOptionAuthSchemeState = 0, WebHttpRequestOptionDisableAuthentication = 1, WebHttpRequestOptionClientCertificate = 2, WebHttpRequestOptionClientCertificateIssuerList = 3, WebHttpRequestOptionChannelBindingToken = 4, WebHttpRequestOptionIgnoredServerCertErrors = 5, WebHttpRequestOptionSecureProtocols = 6, WebHttpRequestOptionProxyAuthSchemes = 7, WebHttpRequestOptionProxyAuthState = 8, WebHttpRequestOptionProxyAutoLogonState = 9, WebHttpRequestOptionProxyConfig = 10, WebHttpRequestOptionProxyConnectHeaders = 11, WebHttpRequestOptionProxyCreds = 12, WebHttpRequestOptionProxySpnUsage = 13, WebHttpRequestOptionRedirectionLimit = 14, WebHttpRequestOptionSecureProtocolInformation = 15, WebHttpRequestOptionServerAuthSchemes = 16, WebHttpRequestOptionServerAuthState = 17, WebHttpRequestOptionServerAutoLogonState = 18, WebHttpRequestOptionServerCert = 19, WebHttpRequestOptionServerCreds = 20, WebHttpRequestOptionServerSpnUsage = 21, WebHttpRequestOptionSocketAddress = 22, WebHttpRequestOptionThirdPartyCookies = 23, WebHttpRequestOptionPathCodePage = 24, WebHttpRequestOptionExtraInfoCodePage = 25, WebHttpRequestOptionServerCertErrors = 26, WebHttpRequestOptionCookiesEnabled = 27, WebHttpRequestOptionResponseHeadersSizeLimit = 28, WebHttpRequestOptionServerSpnUsed = 29, WebHttpRequestOptionProxySpnUsed = 30, WebHttpRequestOptionConnectTimeout = 31, WebHttpRequestOptionResolveTimeout = 32, WebHttpRequestOptionSendTimeout = 33, WebHttpRequestOptionReceiveTimeout = 34, WebHttpRequestOptionConnectRetryCount = 35, WebHttpRequestOptionUnsafeHeaderParsing = 36, WebHttpRequestOptionSslCipherConfig = 37, WebHttpRequestOptionProtocolUpgrade = 38, WebHttpRequestOptionRevertToSelfClientCertificate = 16384, WebHttpRequestOptionNetworkInterfaceAffinity = 16385, WebHttpRequestOptionTcpAutoTuningRestricted = 16386, WebHttpRequestOptionDnsIdnTransformDisabled = 16387, WebHttpRequestOptionPeerDistExtension = 16388, WebHttpRequestOptionMaximumConnectionCount = 16389, WebHttpRequestOptionGlobalKeepAlivePoolState = 16390, WebHttpRequestOptionConnectionState = 16391, WebHttpRequestOptionExceededResponseHeaderSizeLimit = 16392, WebHttpRequestOptionMultiOption = 16393, WebHttpRequestOptionDnsInterfaceAffinity = 16394, WebHttpRequestOptionTcpInitialRto = 16395 }; /* struct { unsigned long Error; +0x0000 unsigned long BytesReceived; +0x0004 unsigned long long StartOffset; +0x0008 unsigned long long BlockLength; +0x0010 }; */ struct _WA_HTTP_EXTENSION_RECEIVE_CONTEXT { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Request[4]; /* +0x0004 9d de 00 00 */ void *Buffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long BufferLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long Timeout; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char WorkItem[40]; /* +0x0014 91 dc 00 00 */ unsigned char CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x003c 4d 6f 00 00 */ void *CompletionContext; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char CompletionInfo[24]; /* +0x0048 f4 df 00 00 */ }; struct _HTTP_EXT_SETTINGS { unsigned long dwConnectionLimit; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char AsyncRequest[4]; /* +0x0004 74 00 00 00 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char UChar[0]; +0x0000 27 3e 00 00 unsigned char ULongLong[24]; +0x0000 44 40 00 00 }; */ struct _WA_HTTP_HEADER_MAP_ENTRY { unsigned long HeaderLengthUChar; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long HeaderLengthULongLong; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long MinBytesNeeded; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Header[24]; /* +0x0010 20 e0 00 00 */ unsigned char HeaderMask[24]; /* +0x0028 20 e0 00 00 */ unsigned char HeaderId[4]; /* +0x0040 40 df 00 00 */ unsigned long HeaderFlags; /* +0x0044 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_HEADER_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY { unsigned char Index; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char IsValid; /* +0x0001 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_ENTRY { char *String; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long StringLength; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WA_HTTP_PARSED_REQUEST_UNKNOWN_HEADER { unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char *Name; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char *Value; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _WEB_HTTP_REQUEST_MULTI_OPTIONS { unsigned char Options[4]; /* +0x0000 9c e0 00 00 */ unsigned long OptionCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WEB_HTTP_REQUEST_MULTI_OPTION { unsigned char Option[4]; /* +0x0000 9f e0 00 00 */ void *Information; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long InformationLength; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct _WEB_AUTH_SCHEME_STATE { unsigned char Scheme[4]; /* +0x0000 7d dd 00 00 */ unsigned char State[4]; /* +0x0004 a6 dd 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_PROXY_CONFIG { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Config[4]; /* +0x0008 b6 de 00 00 */ unsigned long ConfigCount; /* +0x000c */ }; enum _WEB_COOKIE_VERSION { WebCookieVersion0 = 0, WebCookieVersion1 = 1, WebCookieVersionMaximum = 2 }; struct _WA_COOKIE { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char *Name; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char *Value; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x001c */ unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0020 f6 e0 00 00 */ unsigned char Expires[8]; /* +0x0024 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_JAR_BUCKET { unsigned char LocationHeadsListHead[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long long NextHeadIndex; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Lock[8]; /* +0x0010 22 15 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_LOCATION { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char Uri[4]; /* +0x000c 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char CookiesListHead[8]; /* +0x0010 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long CookieCount; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long long LocationIndex; /* +0x0020 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_FILE_HEADER { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short LocationSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short CookieSize; /* +0x0006 */ unsigned long LocationDataOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long LocationCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long CookieDataOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long VariableDataOffset; /* +0x0014 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_JAR { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ long ReferenceCount; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Buckets[3072]; /* +0x0008 01 e1 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0c08 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_CONTEXT_ADD { char *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0004 */ char *StringBuffer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long StringBufferSize; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_CONTEXT_SIZE { unsigned long RequiredSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CookieCount; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _WA_PARSED_COOKIE { unsigned char Cookie[44]; /* +0x0000 06 e1 00 00 */ unsigned char Uri[4]; /* +0x002c 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned char CreatedUri; /* +0x0030 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_FILTER { char *Name; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char Uri[4]; /* +0x0008 63 91 00 00 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WEB_COOKIE { char *Name; /* +0x0000 */ char *Value; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned short *Iri; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char Version[4]; /* +0x0010 f6 e0 00 00 */ unsigned char Expires[8]; /* +0x0014 9a 14 00 00 */ void *Reserved; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _WA_FILE_COOKIE { unsigned long NameOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long NameLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ValueOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ValueLength; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ReservedOffset; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long ReservedSize; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Expires[8]; /* +0x001c 9a 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char Version[0]; +0x0024 f6 e0 00 00 */ unsigned long UlongVersion; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long Padding; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_LOCATION_HEAD { unsigned long Signature; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ListEntry[8]; /* +0x0004 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned short *MinimizedDomain; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long MinimizedDomainLength; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char LocationsListHead[8]; /* +0x0014 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned long LocationCount; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long long HeadIndex; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long long NextLocationIndex; /* +0x0028 */ }; struct _WA_COOKIE_CONTEXT_HEADER { unsigned char *Buffer; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long BufferSize; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long DataLength; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long CookieCount; /* +0x000c */ }; struct _WA_FILE_COOKIE_LOCATION { unsigned long IriOffset; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long IriLength; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long CookieOffset; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned short CookieCount; /* +0x000c */ unsigned short Padding; /* +0x000e */ }; struct _AUX_SHLD_DATA { unsigned long AuxpPlatformId; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long AuxpMajorVersion; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long AuxpMinorVersion; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char SetSystemFileCacheSizePtr[4]; /* +0x000c 86 e1 00 00 */ unsigned char SetSystemInformationPtr[4]; /* +0x0010 8a e1 00 00 */ unsigned char PrivIsDllSynchronizationHeldPtr[4]; /* +0x0014 8c e1 00 00 */ }; enum PEERDIST_STATUS { PEERDIST_STATUS_DISABLED = 0, PEERDIST_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = 1, PEERDIST_STATUS_AVAILABLE = 2 }; struct peerdist_content_tag_tag { unsigned char Data[16]; /* +0x0000 13 25 00 00 */ }; struct peerdist_status_info_tag { unsigned long cbSize; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char status[4]; /* +0x0004 a4 e1 00 00 */ unsigned long dwMinVer; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long dwMaxVer; /* +0x000c */ }; struct P2PClientHandle { long _RefCount; /* +0x0000 */ void *_PeerDistContentHandle; /* +0x0004 */ void *_PeerDistHandle; /* +0x0008 */ }; struct P2P_OVERLAPPED { unsigned char _CompletionRoutine[4]; /* +0x0000 14 e2 00 00 */ void *_CompletionContext; /* +0x0004 */ void *_ClientCompletionRoutine; /* +0x0008 */ void *_ClientCompletionContext; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char _Overlapped[20]; /* +0x0010 e3 20 00 00 */ unsigned long _Error; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long _BytesTransferred; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long _CompletionKey; /* +0x002c */ }; struct P2P_HASH_REQUEST { unsigned char _entry[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ unsigned char _ClientHandle[4]; /* +0x0008 fb e1 00 00 */ void *_HttpRequest; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char _HttpDispatchTable[4]; /* +0x0010 f2 df 00 00 */ unsigned char _VersionOneModeConfigured[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char *_ReadBuffer; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long _ReadBufferLength; /* +0x001c */ char *_Etag; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned long _EtagLength; /* +0x0024 */ char *_LastModified; /* +0x0028 */ unsigned long _LastModifiedLength; /* +0x002c */ void *_Event; /* +0x0030 */ unsigned char _ContentInfoCompleted[4]; /* +0x0034 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned long long _ContentInfoLength; /* +0x0038 */ long _RefCount; /* +0x0040 */ }; enum CONTENT_ENCODING { CE_IDENTITY = 0, CE_DEFLATE = 1, CE_GZIP = 2, CE_PEERDIST = 3, CE_UNKNOWN = 4 }; enum WPP_DEFINE_BIT_NAMES { WPP_BLOCK_START_CtlGuid = 0, WPP_BIT_IPARRAY = 1, WPP_BIT_INIT = 2, WPP_BIT_REGISTRY = 3, WPP_BIT_SOCKETFLAG = 4, WPP_BIT_WRITE = 5, WPP_BIT_READ = 6, WPP_BIT_RPC = 7, WPP_BIT_RECV = 8, WPP_BIT_SEND = 9, WPP_BIT_TCP = 10, WPP_BIT_TRACE = 11, WPP_BIT_UPDATE = 12, WPP_BIT_FAZ = 13, WPP_BIT_SECURITY = 14, WPP_BIT_QUERY = 15, WPP_BIT_MCAST = 16, WPP_BIT_NETINFO = 17, WPP_BIT_HOSTENT = 18, WPP_BIT_INIT2 = 19, WPP_BIT_NETINFO2 = 20, WPP_BIT_PARSE2 = 21, WPP_BIT_SABLOB = 22, WPP_BIT_AREG = 23, WPP_BIT_CACHE = 24, WPP_BIT_OFF = 25, WPP_BIT_HEAP = 26, WPP_BIT_HEAP2 = 27, WPP_BIT_LOCK = 28, WPP_BIT_HEAPDBG = 29, WPP_BIT_STRING = 30, WPP_BIT_ANY = 31, WPP_BLOCK_END_CtlGuid = 32 }; /* enum { WPP_TRACE_OPTIONS = 43 }; */ enum _WPP_FLAG_LEN_ENUM { WPP_FLAG_LEN = 1 }; enum WPP_CTL_NAMES { WPP_CTL_CtlGuid = 0, WPP_LAST_CTL = 1 }; struct _WPP_TRACE_CONTROL_BLOCK { unsigned char Next[8]; /* +0x0000 7b e2 00 00 */ unsigned long long UmRegistrationHandle; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long long Logger; /* +0x0010 */ /* unsigned char Win2kCb[0]; +0x0010 79 e2 00 00 */ void *Ptr; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char Cb[8]; /* +0x0010 7b e2 00 00 */ unsigned char FlagsLen; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char Level; /* +0x0019 */ unsigned short Options; /* +0x001a */ unsigned char Flags[4]; /* +0x001c 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ControlGuid[8]; /* +0x0020 9a 19 00 00 */ }; struct WPP_PROJECT_CONTROL_BLOCK { /* unsigned char Control[0]; +0x0000 7a e2 00 00 */ unsigned char ReserveSpace[40]; /* +0x0000 7e e2 00 00 */ }; struct _WPP_WIN2K_CONTROL_BLOCK { unsigned long long Logger; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long Flags; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long Level; /* +0x000c */ unsigned char ControlGuid[8]; /* +0x0010 9a 19 00 00 */ }; struct _DnsStatusStringMap { long Status; /* +0x0000 */ char *String; /* +0x0004 */ }; /* enum { WPP_VER_WIN2K_CB_FORWARD_PTR = 1, WPP_VER_WHISTLER_CB_FORWARD_PTR = 2, WPP_VER_LH_CB_FORWARD_PTR = 3 }; */ enum WPP_CTL_NAMES { WPP_CTL_WebIO = 0, WPP_LAST_CTL = 1 }; enum _WPP_FLAG_LEN_ENUM_MAX { WPP_MAX_FLAG_LEN_CHECK = 1 }; enum WPP_DEFINE_BIT_NAMES { WPP_BLOCK_START_WebIO = 0, WPP_BIT_Http = 1, WPP_BIT_Auth = 2, WPP_BIT_Ssl = 3, WPP_BLOCK_END_WebIO = 4 }; struct _WA_HANDLE_TABLE { unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0000 22 15 00 00 */ unsigned char FirstLevelTable[4]; /* +0x0004 51 e3 00 00 */ unsigned long FirstLevelTableUsage; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char FreeList[48]; /* +0x0010 dc 36 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY { /* unsigned char FreeListEntry[0]; +0x0000 41 1f 00 00 */ void *Object; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Lock[4]; /* +0x0004 22 15 00 00 */ unsigned char Handle[8]; /* +0x0008 54 e3 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_HANDLE { unsigned long long Value; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long CyclicType; /* +0x0000 */ /* unsigned char Cyclic[0]; +0x0000 71 77 00 00 */ unsigned char Type[4]; /* +0x0000 72 77 00 00 */ unsigned long Index; /* +0x0004 */ /* unsigned char Processor[0]; +0x0004 0f 15 00 00 */ /* unsigned char FirstIndex[0]; +0x0004 58 e3 00 00 */ unsigned char SecondIndex[4]; /* +0x0004 da 3c 00 00 */ }; struct _WA_CALLBACK_QUEUE { unsigned char ListHead[8]; /* +0x0000 f0 16 00 00 */ }; struct _UNICODE_STRING { unsigned short Length; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned short MaximumLength; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned short *Buffer; /* +0x0004 */ }; struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 { unsigned char u1[4]; /* +0x0000 91 e3 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char Attributes[4]; /* +0x0000 94 e3 00 00 */ unsigned long DllNameRVA; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned long ModuleHandleRVA; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned long ImportAddressTableRVA; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long ImportNameTableRVA; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long BoundImportAddressTableRVA; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long UnloadInformationTableRVA; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* +0x001c */ }; struct _DELAYLOAD_INFO { unsigned long Size; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char DelayloadDescriptor[4]; /* +0x0004 f6 4e 00 00 */ unsigned char ThunkAddress[4]; /* +0x0008 fd 2b 00 00 */ unsigned char TargetDllName[4]; /* +0x000c 2d 16 00 00 */ unsigned char TargetApiDescriptor[8]; /* +0x0010 97 e3 00 00 */ void *TargetModuleBase; /* +0x0018 */ void *Unused; /* +0x001c */ unsigned long LastError; /* +0x0020 */ }; /* struct { /* unsigned char Name[0]; +0x0000 2d 16 00 00 unsigned long Ordinal; +0x0000 }; */ struct _DELAYLOAD_PROC_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned long ImportDescribedByName; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char Description[4]; /* +0x0004 9b e3 00 00 */ }; struct $_TypeDescriptor$_extraBytes_24 { unsigned char pVFTable[4]; /* +0x0000 6b 21 00 00 */ void *spare; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char name[24]; /* +0x0008 02 e3 00 00 */ }; struct _s__CatchableType { unsigned char properties[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pType[4]; /* +0x0004 e0 1e 00 00 */ unsigned char thisDisplacement[12]; /* +0x0008 0b 35 00 00 */ unsigned char sizeOrOffset[4]; /* +0x0014 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char copyFunction[4]; /* +0x0018 c5 e3 00 00 */ }; struct _s__ThrowInfo { unsigned char attributes[4]; /* +0x0000 75 00 00 00 */ unsigned char pmfnUnwind[4]; /* +0x0004 c5 e3 00 00 */ unsigned char pForwardCompat[4]; /* +0x0008 66 1f 00 00 */ unsigned char pCatchableTypeArray[4]; /* +0x000c 43 46 00 00 */ }; struct $_s__CatchableTypeArray$_extraBytes_8 { unsigned char nCatchableTypes[4]; /* +0x0000 74 00 00 00 */ unsigned char arrayOfCatchableTypes[8]; /* +0x0004 ca e3 00 00 */ }; struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER { unsigned char Name[8]; /* +0x0000 a1 14 00 00 */ unsigned char Misc[4]; /* +0x0008 e8 e3 00 00 */ unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfRawData; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned long PointerToRawData; /* +0x0014 */ unsigned long PointerToRelocations; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned long PointerToLinenumbers; /* +0x001c */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations; /* +0x0020 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers; /* +0x0022 */ unsigned long Characteristics; /* +0x0024 */ }; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD { unsigned long ExceptionCode; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned long ExceptionFlags; /* +0x0004 */ unsigned char ExceptionRecord[4]; /* +0x0008 2f 15 00 00 */ void *ExceptionAddress; /* +0x000c */ unsigned long NumberParameters; /* +0x0010 */ unsigned char ExceptionInformation[60]; /* +0x0014 30 15 00 00 */ }; struct FT { unsigned long long ft_scalar; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ft_struct[8]; /* +0x0000 9a 14 00 00 */ }; struct _PEB { unsigned char InheritedAddressSpace; /* +0x0000 */ unsigned char ReadImageFileExecOptions; /* +0x0001 */ unsigned char BeingDebugged; /* +0x0002 */ unsigned char BitField; /* +0x0003 */ /* unsigned char ImageUsesLargePages[0]; +0x0003 a2 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsProtectedProcess[0]; +0x0003 a3 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsLegacyProcess[0]; +0x0003 a4 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char IsImageDynamicallyRelocated[0]; +0x0003 85 31 00 00 */ /* unsigned char SkipPatchingUser32Forwarders[0]; +0x0003 64 31 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareBits[1]; /* +0x0003 86 31 00 00 */ void *Mutant; /* +0x0004 */ void *ImageBaseAddress; /* +0x0008 */ unsigned char Ldr[4]; /* +0x000c 23 28 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessParameters[4]; /* +0x0010 66 2e 00 00 */ void *SubSystemData; /* +0x0014 */ void *ProcessHeap; /* +0x0018 */ unsigned char FastPebLock[4]; /* +0x001c c6 17 00 00 */ void *AtlThunkSListPtr; /* +0x0020 */ void *IFEOKey; /* +0x0024 */ unsigned long CrossProcessFlags; /* +0x0028 */ /* unsigned char ProcessInJob[0]; +0x0028 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessInitializing[0]; +0x0028 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingVEH[0]; +0x0028 29 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingVCH[0]; +0x0028 5a 27 00 00 */ /* unsigned char ProcessUsingFTH[0]; +0x0028 73 27 00 00 */ unsigned char ReservedBits0[4]; /* +0x0028 74 27 00 00 */ void *KernelCallbackTable; /* +0x002c */ void *UserSharedInfoPtr; /* +0x002c */ unsigned char SystemReserved[4]; /* +0x0030 47 14 00 00 */ unsigned long AtlThunkSListPtr32; /* +0x0034 */ void *ApiSetMap; /* +0x0038 */ unsigned long TlsExpansionCounter; /* +0x003c */ void *TlsBitmap; /* +0x0040 */ unsigned char TlsBitmapBits[8]; /* +0x0044 9e 1c 00 00 */ void *ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; /* +0x004c */ void *HotpatchInformation; /* +0x0050 */ unsigned char ReadOnlyStaticServerData[4]; /* +0x0054 d4 14 00 00 */ void *AnsiCodePageData; /* +0x0058 */ void *OemCodePageData; /* +0x005c */ void *UnicodeCaseTableData; /* +0x0060 */ unsigned long NumberOfProcessors; /* +0x0064 */ unsigned long NtGlobalFlag; /* +0x0068 */ unsigned char CriticalSectionTimeout[8]; /* +0x0070 ab 14 00 00 */ unsigned long HeapSegmentReserve; /* +0x0078 */ unsigned long HeapSegmentCommit; /* +0x007c */ unsigned long HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; /* +0x0080 */ unsigned long HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; /* +0x0084 */ unsigned long NumberOfHeaps; /* +0x0088 */ unsigned long MaximumNumberOfHeaps; /* +0x008c */ unsigned char ProcessHeaps[4]; /* +0x0090 d4 14 00 00 */ void *GdiSharedHandleTable; /* +0x0094 */ void *ProcessStarterHelper; /* +0x0098 */ unsigned long GdiDCAttributeList; /* +0x009c */ unsigned char LoaderLock[4]; /* +0x00a0 c6 17 00 00 */ unsigned long OSMajorVersion; /* +0x00a4 */ unsigned long OSMinorVersion; /* +0x00a8 */ unsigned short OSBuildNumber; /* +0x00ac */ unsigned short OSCSDVersion; /* +0x00ae */ unsigned long OSPlatformId; /* +0x00b0 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystem; /* +0x00b4 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystemMajorVersion; /* +0x00b8 */ unsigned long ImageSubsystemMinorVersion; /* +0x00bc */ unsigned long ActiveProcessAffinityMask; /* +0x00c0 */ unsigned char GdiHandleBuffer[136]; /* +0x00c4 06 35 00 00 */ unsigned char PostProcessInitRoutine[4]; /* +0x014c ae 7a 00 00 */ void *TlsExpansionBitmap; /* +0x0150 */ unsigned char TlsExpansionBitmapBits[128]; /* +0x0154 87 39 00 00 */ unsigned long SessionId; /* +0x01d4 */ unsigned char AppCompatFlags[8]; /* +0x01d8 71 2d 00 00 */ unsigned char AppCompatFlagsUser[8]; /* +0x01e0 71 2d 00 00 */ void *pShimData; /* +0x01e8 */ void *AppCompatInfo; /* +0x01ec */ unsigned char CSDVersion[8]; /* +0x01f0 32 14 00 00 */ unsigned char ActivationContextData[4]; /* +0x01f8 22 41 00 00 */ unsigned char ProcessAssemblyStorageMap[4]; /* +0x01fc 24 41 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemDefaultActivationContextData[4]; /* +0x0200 22 41 00 00 */ unsigned char SystemAssemblyStorageMap[4]; /* +0x0204 24 41 00 00 */ unsigned long MinimumStackCommit; /* +0x0208 */ unsigned char FlsCallback[4]; /* +0x020c 26 41 00 00 */ unsigned char FlsListHead[8]; /* +0x0210 f0 16 00 00 */ void *FlsBitmap; /* +0x0218 */ unsigned char FlsBitmapBits[16]; /* +0x021c 87 22 00 00 */ unsigned long FlsHighIndex; /* +0x022c */ void *WerRegistrationData; /* +0x0230 */ void *WerShipAssertPtr; /* +0x0234 */ void *pUnused; /* +0x0238 */ void *pImageHeaderHash; /* +0x023c */ unsigned long TracingFlags; /* +0x0240 */ /* unsigned char HeapTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0240 80 14 00 00 */ /* unsigned char CritSecTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0240 28 20 00 00 */ /* unsigned char LibLoaderTracingEnabled[0]; +0x0240 29 20 00 00 */ unsigned char SpareTracingBits[8]; /* +0x0240 9e 39 00 00 */ unsigned long long CsrServerReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; /* +0x0248 */ }; enum __enative_startup_state { __uninitialized = 0, __initializing = 1, __initialized = 2 };